NMS Jan 2010

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19th Annual

Flash! Several h

e bull prosperd cts will sell

Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 10 a.m. AT ROSWELL LIVESTOCK AUCTION ROSWELL, N.M. • 575/622-5580 Cattle may be viewed Friday, Feb. 26, 2010 at Roswell Livestock Auction

This sale offers you some of the highest quality Brangus in the Southwest! The “good doing” kind. BUY DIRECT FROM BRANGUS BREEDERS! NO HIGH-PRICED COMMISSION MEN TO RUN THE PRICE UP!

80 -90 Brangus and Angus Plus Bulls

Gayland Townsend . . . Troy Floyd . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Morrison . . . . . . . . . . Joe Lack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Larry Parker . . . . . . . . . . .

580/443-5777, 575/734-7005, 575/482-3254, 575/267-1016 520/845-2315,

MOB. 580/380-1606 MOB. 575/626-2896 MOB. 575/760-7263 MOB. 520/845-2411

TO RECEIVE A CATALOG CONTACT: Bill Morrison: 575/482-3254 • C: 575/760-7263 To Consign Top Females Contact: Gayland Townsend: 580/443-5777 • C: 580/380-1606

• Most with EPDs • Registered and Commercial • Fertility- , TB-, and Brucellosis-tested • These bulls have been bred and raised under Southwest range conditions. • Most bulls rock-footed • Trich-tested to go anywhere

800-1,000 Females . . . • Registered Open Heifers • Registered Bred Heifers and Bred Cows • Bred Cows and Pairs – 3- to 7-yrs.-old • Bred Heifers – Coming 2-yr.-olds • Open Yearling Heifers

T uc um c ari

49th l Annua

BU LL T E ST SALE Frid ay, M arc h 19, 2010 NMSU NMSU Agricultural Agricultural Science Science C Center enter T uc um c ari, NM

100 100 Yearlin Yearling g An Angus, gus, H Heref erefo ord rd,, C Ch haro arolais, lais, & & An Angus gus P Plus lus Bulls Bulls Sell Sell

R epresen tin g th e in d ustry ’s lead in g sires o rm an c e › fPoerf rage-b ased

tested o n a d iet

Bac ked b y th e m o st c o m plete › perf o rm an c e an d gen etic d ata An gus b ulls verif ied & tested › fAll ree f o r Ath ro gry po sis M ultiplex (AM ) & Neuro path ic H y d ro c eph alus (NH )

M o n th ly P erf o rm an c e U pd ates Availab le at

w w w .ac es.n m su.ed u/c es/b eef / Fo r m o re in f o rm atio n c o n tac t M an n y E n c in ias at (505) 927-7935 o r m en c in ia@n m su.ed u


It starts with the right genetics ... For more information: Contact Proven Genetic Suppliers with the Stamp of Quality Genetics

505/927-7935 JANUARY 2010


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VOL 76, No. 1 / USPS 381-580


Congressional Bill Would “Decimate U.S. Livestock and Poultry Sector”



We’re Paying to Have Environmentalists Sue Us

Write or call: P.O. Box 7127 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87194 505/243-9515 Fax: 505/998-6236 E-mail: chuck@aaalivestock.com


The Worst Scientific Scandal of Our Generation


Animal Welfare and Public Perception


Carbon Trading Fraudsters Pocket $7.3 Billion


Joint Stockmen’s Convention a Big Success

Official publication of:


Privatizing Forests Would End Political Log-rolling

New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association Email: nmcga@nmagriculture.org; 2231 Rio Grande NW, P.O. Box 7517, Albuquerque, NM 87194, 505/247-0584, Fax: 505/842-1766; President, Bert Ancell; Executive Director, Caren Cowan;


What is the Economic Impact of Infertility in Beef Cattle?


The Gelbvieh Edge


New Mexico Wool Growers, Inc. P.O. Box 7520, Albuquerque, NM 87194, 505/247-0584; President, Jim Cooper Executive Director, Caren Cowan

by Callie Gnatkowski-Gibson


N.M. Cattle Growers’ Association President’s Letter




Beef Council Bullhorn


New Mexico’s Old Times and Old Timers




Publisher: Caren Cowan Publisher Emeritus: Chuck Stocks Office Manager: Marguerite Vensel Advertising Reps.: Chris Martinez, Melinda Martinez, Debbie Cisneros Contributing Editors: Glenda Price, Callie Gnatkowski-Gibson, Carol Wilson, William S. Previtti, Julie Carter, Lee Pitts


New Mexico Federal Lands News


To the Point


Jingle Jangle


The Seedstock Guide


by Bert Ancell

by Don Bullis

by Mike Casabonne

by Caren Cowan


The Marketplace


The Real Estate Guide


The Advertisers’ Index

Production Coordinator: Carol Pendleton Graphic Design: Kristy Hinds Martel Editorial Design: Camille Pansewicz

New Mexico Stockman (USPS 381-580) is published monthly by Caren Cowan, 2231 Rio Grande, NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104-2529. Subscription price: 1 year - $19.95 /2 years - $29.95. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to New Mexico Stockman, P.O. Box 7127, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87194. Periodicals Postage paid at Albuquerque, New Mexico and additional mailing offices. Copyright 2008 by New Mexico Stockman. Material may not be used without permission of the publisher. Deadline for editorial and advertising copy, changes and cancellations is the 10th of the month preceding publication. Advertising rates on request.

ON THE COVER . . . Our cover art is “I Should Have Been a Stockbroker” a painting by renowned western artist, A.T. “Tim” Cox. For more information about this and other originals and prints by the artist, please contact him at 891 Rd 4990, Bloomfield, NM 87413 or visit his website: www.timcox.com

www.aaalivestock.com JANUARY 2010










S E R S' A



We, the People


’ve started this letter with three simple words — We, the People. These words have stood the test of time, but some in America have forgotten their true meaning. It is our responsibility to remind them just what these words stand for. Pray for me to abide by these words and try to keep our Association strong and respected in the state and country. I am honored to represent you and hope that I don’t falter in my duties.

We have a few new faces on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. I am looking forward to working with this crew and hope we can throw a loop on all the Association’s concerns and get our brand on them. It will take each and every one of us working together to do this. A problem with wolves in the Southwest is no less or no more a problem as state grazing leases in the Northeast, elk depredation in the Northwest, or the affected TB zone in the Southeast. These problems affect each of us individually and the Association as a whole. For the survival of ranching in New Mexico, we all must work together on every problem. I know I can count on each of you in doing this. As you know, the Legislature convenes the latter part of January and we will be needing help with all the issues. We have a responsibility to the ranching community, and to agriculture as a whole, to let those hombres there, and in Washington, D.C., know that they really need to consider our concerns as they develop policy. So ride a stout horse, we have a big herd of problems to drag to the fire, and everybody will get to rope. In this election year, we may need to cull the herd and try to find some replacements that will help our state and country. Let’s get their attention! Be active on the local, county, state, and national levels. We, the People is still the beginning of the preamble of the Constitution. It is time for some of our legislators to remember this. I think we all need to thank Alisa for all the hard work she has done, and for her dedication to the organization and its members for the last two years. My hat’s off to her. She took the bull by the horns on many problems, and did not weaken in those storms. She stands tall with the many other “great ladies of the range” of New Mexico.

Have a great day,

NMCGA President

Hebrews 10:24 KJV And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works

www.nmagriculture.org NEW MEX I CO CATTLE GR OWERS’ ASSOCI ATI ON OFFI CER S Bert Ancel Bell Ranch President



Rex Wilson Carrizozo President Elect

Jose Varela Lopez Santa Fe Northeast V.P.

Louis Montoya La Plata Northwest V.P.

Ty Bays Silver City Southwest V.P.

Pat Boone Elida Southeast V.P.

Emery Chee Bloomfield V.P. At Large

Troy Sauble Maxwell Sec./Treas.

ROSWELL LIVESTOCK AUCTION, INC. 900 North Garden · P.O. Box 2041 Roswell, New Mexico 88201 505/622-5580 575/622-5580 www.roswelllivestockauction.com CATTLE SALES: MONDAYS HORSE SALES: APRIL, JUNE, SEPTEMBER and DECEMBER BENNY WOOTON RES 575/625-0071, CELL 575/626-4754 SMILEY BENNY WOOTON RES 575/623-2338, CELL 575/626-6253 WOOTON RES. 505/626-4754


RES. 505/626-6253

ROSWELL LIVESTOCK AUCTION RECEIVING STATIONS Producers hauling cattle to Roswell Livestock New Mexico Receiving Stations need to call our toll-free number for a Transportation Permit number before leaving home. The Hauling Permit number 1-800/748-1541 is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. NEW RECEIVING STATION, LORDSBURG, NM 2 Bar Livestock Highway #90 at NM #3 – East side of highway. Receiving cattle for transport 2nd & 4th weekends of each month. Truck leaves Lordsburg at 2:00 p.m. Sunday. Smiley Wooton, 575/622-5580 office, 575/623-2338 home, 575/626-6253 cell. FORT STOCKTON, TX 1816 E. 53rd Lane, Interstate 10 to exit 259A to FM 1053, 5 1/2 miles north of I-10. Turn right on Stone Rd. (receiving station sign) 1-block. Turn left on 53rd Lane – 3/4 miles to red A-frame house and corrals on right. Buster Williams, 432/336-0219, 432-290-2061. Receiving cattle: 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month. Truck leaves at 3:00 p.m. CT. PECOS, TX Hwy. 80 across from Town & Country Motel. NO PRIOR PERMITS REQUIRED. Nacho, 432/445-9676, 432/634-6150, 432/448-6865. Trucks leave Sunday at 4 p.m. CT. VALENTINE, TX 17 miles north of Marfa on Hwy. 90. Red Brown 432/4672682. Pens 432/358-4640. Trucks leave first Sunday at 3:00 p.m. CT. VAN HORN, TX 800 West 2nd, 5 blocks west of Courthouse. Gary or Patty Flowers, 478/335-8080, cell 432/283-7103. Trucks leave 2nd & 3rd Sunday at 3:00 p.m. CT. MORIARTY, NM Two blocks east and one block south of Tillery Chevrolet. Smiley Wooton 575/622-5580 office, 575/623-2338 home, 575/626-6253 mobile. Trucks leave Sunday at 3:00 p.m. MT. SAN ANTONIO, NM River Cattle Co. Nine miles east of San Antonio on U.S. 380. Gary Johnson 575/838-1834. Trucks leave Sunday at 3:00 p.m. MT.

Congressional bill would “decimate U.S. livestock and poultry sector” ore than 20 million acres of cropland in the Corn Belt states would likely be converted to forests under a congressional plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to an Agriculture Department analysis. Such reductions in cropland will not only raise commodity prices for farmers but also increase feed costs for livestock producers and lead to cuts in production of beef, pork and milk, raising retail food prices, the study found. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said that the projected land shifts would be “disruptive to agriculture in some regions of the country” but questioned the accuracy of the projections, which are based on a computer model developed at Texas A&M University. Vilsack said the model’s assumptions may overestimate the amount of forest land likely to be created. The projections are likely to make it more difficult for President Obama to convince farm-state senators on legislation that would create a cap-and-trade system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Under legislation that passed the House this year and is now being considered in the Senate, utilities, refiners and other companies would have to reduce greenhouse gases or else buy offsets, or credits, from landowners who have reduced carbon emissions by planting trees or altering farming methods. According to the USDA analysis, about 59 million acres of land across the nation would be converted to forest by 2050 because of the carbon-offset program. Some 22.5 million acres of that new forest land would be in five Corn Belt states — Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri and Ohio. Some of that land is now in pasture, but 20.6 million acres are now used for growing crops, according to the study. The Department of Agriculture study said another 15.1 million acres of new forests would be created in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin to earn carbon credits. Government economists have said the Texas A&M computer model is the best source for analyzing the agricultural impacts of climate legislation. However, Vilsack said the analysis should be updated to better reflect the legislation being considered in Congress. “In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, I strongly believe that energy and climate legislation should be structured to help farmers profit from new income opportunities and that an outcome that damages agriculture is not anyone’s intent or interest,” Vilsack said. Terry Francl, an economist for the American Farm Bureau Federation, said a cap-and-trade program would harm rural businesses by reducing the number of U.S. farms and pushing crop


continued on page 14



e l t t a C s u g n a r B d n a s u l Angus P Annual Bull Sale in 2010 Feb. 26 – 1:00 p.m. Cattlemen’s Livestock Auction Belen, NM Offering 40 hd. 2-year-old AngusPlus Bulls




Enough Ear, But Not Too Much.

Rick & Maggie Hubbell 575/773-4770

Mark Hubbell 575/773-4567

hubbell@wildblue.net P.O. Box 99, Quemado, NM 87829 JANUARY 2010


Congressional Bill

45 Quality Bred Heifers & 100+ Bulls for Sale 10 Commercial Bred Heifers Selling 14 DNA Tested Bulls March 19, 2010 Tucumcari Bull Test

Lane Grau Wesley Grau 575/760-6336 575/760-7304 www.grauranch.com tlgrau@hotmail.com

Call Now or Come See Us!

HAPPY NEW YEAR from us here in Grady, New Mexico



continued from page 12

and livestock production overseas. “Less seed is sold, less fuel is sold, less fertilizer is sold, less money is lent,” Francl said. “The bottom line is that those who bear the brunt on that are going to be the rural communities.” The forecast reduction in cropland would cut the U.S. corn harvest in 2050 by 22 percent from projected levels. Hog slaughter, in turn, would fall by 23 percent in 2050 and beef slaughter would drop 10 percent, according to the study. The National Grain and Feed Association, which represents grain and feed processors, issued a statement warning that climate legislation “could decimate the U.S. livestock and poultry sector” while shifting crop production overseas.

We’re paying to have environmentalists sue us he federal government spends about the same amount of money funding environmental lawyers as it does to protect endangered species, said a Wyoming lawyer who defends ranchers involved in environmental lawsuits. During the New Mexico Joint Stockmen’s Convention in Albuquerque in December, attorney Karen Budd-Falen said that she had been curious how much money the federal government paid the lawyers who initiated cases against her clients. Her inquiry into this, and other fees paid out by the government, uncovered more than $4.7 billion in taxpayer money that the government paid to environmental law firms between 2003 and 2007. That represents an average of $940 million a year, compared to $922 million spent directly on the 986 endangered and threatened species, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s annual report. According to her research, Budd-Falen found that three environmental groups — Western Watersheds Council, Forest Guardians and the Center for Biological Diversity — filed more than 700 lawsuits against the U.S. government between 2000 and 2009. “That money is not going into programs to protect people, wildlife, plants and animals,” Budd-Falen told the Capital Press, “but to fund more lawsuits.” According to Budd-Falen, environmental groups are eligible for government funds under the Equal Access to Justice


Act, which provides for the award of attorney fees to “prevailing parties” in cases against the government. The firms also are accessing government funds through the Judgment Fund, which is a line-item appropriation in the federal budget used for paying claims against the government. “We tried to track the fees paid to environmental groups in certain federal courts. These guys are charging between $350 and $450 an hour in legal fees.” Budd-Falen said. Budd-Falen found in one 15-monthlong case that Earthjustice Legal Foundation and the Western Environmental Law Center filed for $479,242 in attorneys’ fees. Brian Smith, a spokesman for Earthjustice, has been quoted as saying the foundation counts on those fees because it represents groups free of charge and that if the government had been doing its job under the Bush administration, the foundation wouldn’t be so active. He believes the current Obama administration will reduce the need for environmental lawsuits. However, Budd-Falen doubts the steady stream of lawsuits will stop, or even slow. “Why would you stop filing litigation when you can get that kind of money? They are not filing these suits to try and protect the environment. They are filing these suits to make money.”


Box 266, Clayton, NM 88415 SALE BARN: 575/374-2505 Kenny Dellinger, Mgr., 575/207-7761 Watts Line: 1-800/438-5764


Active buyers on all classes of cattle. Stocker demand within excellent wheat pasture and grass demand. Supporters of vaccination program of your choice. Four active packer buyers, supported by area feedlots on these feeder cattle. Receiving station available. Sheep sale 2nd to last Wednesday every month!



Angus Bulls Charolais registry expands to include one-half blood bulls motion was adopted at the fall Board of Directors meeting to create a separate registry for one-half blood bulls in which either the sire or dam is purebred registered Charolais or both parents are at least one-half blood Charolais. Requirement for registry are as follows: 1) No black cattle will be recorded. 2) Males can be recorded with either a dark or light nose. 3) Males can be recorded if either their sire or dam is purebred registered Charolais or if both their sire and dam are recorded Charolais (one-half blood or higher) 4) Males will not be recorded if they are less than one-half blood Charolais. 5) Separate registry — cannot ever come into the purebred registry, no breeding up. 6) Any progeny out of these males will n stay in the separate registry.


Registered & Commercial Gardiner Angus Ranch Bloodlines:

Reference Sires GAR Predestined GAR Retail Product GAR Yield Grade GAR New Design 50/50 • Direct Delivery to the Ranch • Sight Unseen Guarantee


Kelly Giles Canyon, Texas 806-655-5800 JANUARY 2010


The worst scientific scandal of our generation


he reason why there has been an expression of total shock and dismay over the leaked University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) emails is that the senders and recipients of the mails constitute a cast list of scientific elite. They are the authors of global temperature record that is the most important of the four sets of temperature data on which the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and governments rely — not least for their predictions that the world will warm to catastrophic levels unless trillions of dollars are spent to avert it, says author Christopher Booker. There are three threads in particular in the leaked documents which have sent a shock wave through informed observers

across the world, says Booker: n A series of emails shows how Professor Philip Jones, head of the CRU, and his colleagues have for years been discussing the devious tactics whereby they could avoid releasing their data to outsiders under freedom of information laws; scientists are advised to delete large chunks of data, which, when this is done after receipt of a freedom of information request, is a criminal offence. n Other emails show how the scientists manipulate data through their tortuous computer programs, always to point in only the one desired direction — to lower past temperatures and to “adjust” recent temperatures upwards, in order to convey the impression of an accelerated warming.

n Lastly, the emails demonstrate the ruthless way in which these academics have been determined to silence any expert questioning of the findings they have arrived at by such dubious methods — not just by refusing to disclose their basic data but by discrediting and freezing out any scientific journal which dares to publish their critics’ work. Recently, the former Chancellor Lord (Nigel) Lawson called for a proper independent inquiry into the maze of skullduggery revealed by the CRU leaks. Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with a whitewash of what has become the greatest scientific scandal of our age, say the Booker.

Source: Christopher Booker, “Climate Change: This is the Worst Scientific Scandal of Our Generation,” The Telegraph, November 28, 2009.

The Clovis Livestock Auction READY TO SERVE YOU!

CHARLIE ROGERS 575/762-4422

Marketing Team

RYAN FIGG 575/760-9301

WAYNE DENDY 575/799-4798

STEVE FRISKUP 806/272-5199

RUSTIN ROWLEY 575/356-6246

WAYNE KINMAN 575/760-3173

For weekend hauling permits, Call 505/762-4422 or 505/760-9300 or any market representative.

CLA Horse Sales: l




www.clovislivestockhorsesale.com 575/762-4422

Political careerism the root of growing economic development empire t least 58 separate types of “economic development” entities or programs are currently operating in Michigan, according to the Citizens Research Council of Michigan. The scope of this activity is broad and includes grants; discriminatory tax breaks; direct and indirect subsidies; subsidized loans and loan guarantees; financing authorities; “enterprise zones” and “incubators”; job training programs; and more. Probably a majority of Michigan’s 1,859 local governments participate to some degree, plus most or all state universities and community colleges. At best, these programs do nothing to grow the economy of a city, state, region or country, and in many if not most cases, they are actually counterproductive, says the Mackinac Center. If these programs don’t work, why do lawmakers keep expanding them? There are three reasons. First, there’s a “seen and unseen” problem: n It’s easy to see a particular firm offering to invest and create jobs in one community if the government will only grant it some special favor not available to other firms. n Harder to see are the negative effects of such activity on the rest of the economy, including the additional tax burdens carried by the non-favored firms. Second, while all this activity does nothing for real economic development, it’s a highly effective tool for political development: n Doing the things necessary to foster real economic growth — cutting government spending, lowering taxes, reducing regulations and modernizing labor laws — are hard because they all make politically powerful special interests angry. n Expanding economic development programs lets lawmakers pretend to be “doing something” to help the economy, regardless of whether they really are. Finally, perhaps the most important reason is suggested by the multiplicity of state and local entities empowered to grant favors — political careerism: n The primary goal of members of our current political class is to remain on a government payroll for the rest of their working lives. n When these members of the political class face a choice between serving the people or serving “the system,” they’ll


Smith Land & Cattle Company,


Registered Red Angus

COMING 2 -YEAR-OLD BULLS Range Born & Raised All Grass – No Grain High Altitude • PAP Tested Calving Ease

www.smithredangus.com Home: 719/379-5213 • Mobile: 719/588-1877 P.O. Box 292, Ft. Garland, Colorado 81133

continued on page 18 JANUARY 2010



Which trail are you on?

continued from page 17

almost always choose the latter, because that’s how to attain their real goal: avoiding private sector employment with all its “hard” accountability for actual performance. Source: Jack P. McHugh, “Political Careerism the Root of Growing ‘Economic Development’ Empire,” Mackinac Center, December 8, 2009.

Animal rights vs. research: OSU halts anthrax study orried about stepped up activity by militant animal-rights groups, administrators at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater abruptly cancelled an anthrax vaccine study that would have killed dozens of baboons. “There are regrettably some violent acts committed by animal-rights groups, and the president felt we should take our breath here and not do this project just yet,” OSU vice-president of research, Stephen McKeever, told the journal Nature. The “ResearchSaves” campaign stresses that animal studies have helped find better treatments for breast cancer, heart disease and a wide range of other ailments — including diseases that threaten animal health. Videos from the campaign are available here. The campaign is sponsored by the Foundation for Biomedical Research and the National Association for Biomedical Research. In Oklahoma, the project, funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and led by Shinichiro Kurosawa of Boston University School of Medicine, had been approved by the OSU animal-care committee in September and was awaiting review by the biosafety committee when OSU President Burns Hargis vetoed it, calling the study “controversial,” Nature reported. Kurosawa had hoped to use the OSU animal facility because it has the required level of biosafety containment for anthrax. Along with collaborators, he had planned to investigate the biochemical pathways that lead to death following anthrax infection, and to test an anthrax vaccine. Scientists who conduct animal research in California found firebombs on their doorsteps and received threatening phone calls and emails last year, the Los Angeles Times reported. And animal-rights activists have infiltrated labs at the University of Utah this year and at the Oregon National Primate Research Center two years ago, n according to the Salt Lake Tribune.


e participate in the Tucumcari Bull Test and Sale in March. (Google for test info) We will also sell 15 bulls in the Ready For Work Sale at Belen in March. Or, you are welcome to visit us at home and see our private treaty offering.







LIFETIME FEED BUNKS 26" 5/16 Wall Steel Pipe 20' Long, 27" Wide, 20" Tall, 13" Deep, Smooth Edges, 8" Pipe Legs, 900 Lbs., Without End Caps Bunks without end caps can be overlapped with no welding, for continuous bunk line feeding.



Yukon, OK • 1-405/350-8555 We also sell large O.D. pipe for Pond Dams and Culverts 8" thru 36" www.lifetimefeedbunks.com


The most reliable water tank you can buy. Can’t be destroyed by the bull or Mother Nature. Environmentally Safe. Lifetime Guarantee. 6-FOOT TANK 8-FOOT TANK 12-FOOT TANK

• • • • • • •


800/359-2208 505/884-3550 3428 PAN AMERICAN FRWY. NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87107



Animal welfare and public perception Public wants animal husbandry, not industrialized ag, says CSU professor by KINDRA GORDON ddressing animal welfare issues, Colorado State University’s Bernard Rollin gave a candid presentation to attendees at the Twenty-first Range Beef Cow Symposium in Casper, Wyo. Rollin, who is a distinguished professor of philosophy, animal sciences and a university bioethicist, introduced himself as a “friend of the beef industry for the last 25 years,” and said, “I understand the beef industry.” But, he added, “A friend is someone who tells you what you need to hear — not what you want to hear.” To that point Rollin told beef producers in attendance that as the public’s focus on animal welfare issues intensifies the beef industry will need to adapt. Specifically, he said, “Your industry has got to get rid of hot-iron branding, dehorning without anesthesia and castration without anesthesia.” Rollin did compliment ranchers for their livestock care efforts. “The public wants animal husbandry, and you practice animal husbandry,” he said. “You practice it in spades.” “Cow-calf is exactly what the public wants,” he added. “You are still animal husbandry that did not sell out to industry. There is a difference between what you — the beef industry — do and what other livestock industries do.” To that Rollin pointed out, “You are not the poultry industry or the swine industry, and that’s your saving grace.” Beef must market itself as producing an ethical, humane, sustainable product, Rollin said. “There’s nothing more humane than Western ranching.” Rollin concluded by noting that animal welfare does identify many legitimate concerns. Industries must address the issues (such as hot-iron branding) that are not acceptable, he said. “Deal with it in a way you can manage. If you handle this properly you can make it an opportunity, not a threat. You’ve got to change the way you think, because if you don’t you’ll have management by referendum.”



The sixth A Joint Venture of the N.M. Angus Assn. and the N.M. Hereford Assn.




E X P E C T I N G ———

# 150 BULLS 115 ANGUS • 35 HEREFORD Cattle available for viewing, Friday, March 5, 2010

# PLUS, a nice selection

of Reg. & Comm. Heifers Registered heifers eligible for each breeds’ Jr. Futurity Show at the 2010 N.M. State Fair! FOR CATALOG PLEASE CALL A MEMBER OF THE SALE COMMITTEE: Randy White, 505/856-0056 • Renee Grant, 575/355-6621 Howard McCall, 505/296-3434 • John Heckendorn, 505/379-8212 NEW MEXICO ANGUS ASSOC. Francis Johnston, Sec., 575/397-3039

60 Bulls Sell • April 10, 2010 at the farm

These Bulls Sell April 10 Cattle Viewing: 10:00 a.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m.

Visit our website at www.reddocfarm.com for bull sale catalog & hotel accommodations

RDF Bronco 7-72

RDF Generator 6-447

RDF Lindo 1-4

RDF Jefe 4-125

RDF Laureles 149/03

RDF Kingsville 371/03

Carbon trading fraudsters pocket $7.3 billion in Europe arbon trading fraudsters may have accounted for up to 90 percent of all market activity in some European countries, with criminals pocketing an estimated $7.3 billion, mainly in Britain, France, Spain, Denmark and Holland, according to Europol, the European law enforcement agency. The revelation caused embarrassment for European Union (EU) negotiators at the Copenhagen climate change summit recently, where they had been pushing for an expansion of their system across the globe to penalize heavy emitters of carbon dioxide: n Suspicions about an unprecedented level of carbon crime over the last 18


months have led investigators to believe criminals are using “missing trader” techniques to buy up carbon credits elsewhere in Europe where there is a cheaper rate of value added tax (VAT). n Then they sell on the credits in the United Kingdom, charging the domestic rate, and pocket the difference; this has been commonplace among trading of very mobile commodities across European borders, such as phones, computer chips and cigarettes. n British investigators made seven arrests earlier this year over a suspected $62 million VAT scam. Europol said it had reason to believe the sophisticated techniques developed

in the carbon market could soon migrate to the gas and electricity sectors. Figures from New Energy Finance show the value of the global market falling from $38 billion in the second quarter to $30 billion in the three months to the end of September after several countries cracked down, with volumes falling from 2.1 billion tons to 1.7 billion tons. Europol has now set up a special unit to “identify and disrupt the organized criminal structures behind these fraud schemes.” Source: Rowena Mason, “Copenhagen climate summit: Carbon trading fraudsters in Europe pocket $7.3bn,” Telegraph, December 10, 2009.



HV 338 ALLIANCE 6084 CED+I0, BW+2.4, WW+56, YW+95 MILK+21 Sire of the 2009 Tucumcari Bull Test ADG Winner at 5.67 lbs. Daily

PAR BENCHMARK P22 CED +7, BW 2.9, WW +45, YW +67 MILK +16

Art & RoseAnn Porter 575/535-2196 porterangus@gilanet.com Box 32, Mule Creek, NM 88051 JANUARY 2010


Dairy Producers of New Mexico

S E R S' A

Joint Stockmen’s Convention Draws Big Crow to Albuquerque, December 3-6, 2009





























espite blizzard conditions in parts of the state, stockmen from far and wide migrated to Albuquerque to attend the 2009 version of the Joint Stockmen’s Convention. Always a highlight event of the year for all segements of the livestock industry, this year’s convention, held for the first time at the Mariott Pyramid Hotel, was one of the best ever. We’re betting the folks went home with a renewed sense of optimism and comittment. The Stockman camera caught much of the action at this year’s convention in photos and we share these with you on the following pages:


A. Wesley Grau was named Cattleman of the Year. Grau family members gathered for the award presentation. B. Mike Casabonne and Tommy Eppers presented Lewis Derrick with the coveted Bud’s Contract Award. C. NMCGA president, Alisa Ogden, presented Kelly Leslie of Tatum, with the Inspector of the Year Award. D. Jeff Witte accepted the Ayudando Siempre Alli Award from Alisa Ogden and Caren Cowan. E. Yetta Bidegain was named CowBelle of the Year. F. Lisa Ogden and Bill King presented the first Bruce & Alice King Memorial Service Award to New Mexico Stockman publisher emeritus, Chuck Stocks. G. Mae Lopez received the industry’s appreciation for her 50 years service as New Mexico Stockman business manager from Alisa Ogden. H. Owaissa Heimann received a quilt as a token of appreciation for her 21 year service as CowBelles’ treasurer. I. The Clavel family gathered to watch Jody receive the coveted Beef Backer Award from the New Mexico Beef Council. J. Jody Clavel spoke about his long history and experiences with the beef checkoff. K. Outgoing New Mexico Cattle Growers’ president Alisa Ogden welcomed Bert Ancell to the office. L. Linda Rundell, State BLM Director, spoke to the group during the Family Luncheon. M. Farm Credit of New Mexico’s Joe Clavel and Al Porter presented Alisa with a $2,500 donation to the Cattle Growers’ litigation fund. N. Steve Warshawer spoke about the Beef Improvement Initiative. O. Collin Woodall of the NCBA Washington office, spoke on current issues. P. Kevin T Dhuyvetter, KSU economist talked about the low cost producer. Q. Ross Wilson, Texas Cattle Feeders executive v.p. , spoke about the NCBA governance task force recommendations. R. Farm Credit of New Mexico president, Al Porter welcomes everyone to the Family Luncheon, sponsored by Farm Credit. S. Karen BuddFalen told delegates that environmental groups are begin paid billions by the government to sue the government. T. Pete and Sarah Gnatkowski. U. Tom Rutherford and Dennis Roche. V. Bill Previtti and Merilee Dannemann. W. Perennial beauties Elnabeth Grau and Becky Christmas. V














State Land Commissioner candidates Bob Cornelius, Sandy Jones and Matt Rush.

Land Commissioner candidates Mike Anaya and Ray Powell.

Showmanship champion Shelby Crane received her buckle from Lisa and Boe Lopez.

Purina Scholarship winner Danni Woodward with Gary Creighton and Boe Lopez.

Jim Lyssy and Boe Lopez presented Erin Crumbley with the Allied Industries scholarship.

Belynn Sharp accepted the YCC scholarship from Boe Lopez.


Christoper McClure and Duke Sundt.

Paty Burns and Barbara Jackson.

Bill Merhege discussed plans for alternate energy on BLM lands.

Haylie and Lacey Bidegain, Heidi Humphries and Erica Valdez.

Tim O’Neill and Neil Odom.

Phil Harvey and Jim Jackson discuss Jim’s announcement that he will be a candidate for State Land Commissioner.


special thanks to Bill King of Stanley, N.M., for serving on the board of directors of the American Hereford Association (AHA), the last year as president. His tenure accomplished many things, concentrating on documenting the feed efficiency, fertility, heterosis, and economic qualities of the breed. Bill’s efforts have left the breed and the Association in a much stronger position. “Bill knows what is happening in all aspects of the industry, and he has brought a calming leadership presence to the AHA Board that has instilled confidence in all of us who have had a chance to work with him,” says Craig Huffhines, AHA executive vice president. “His experience has brought a sound industry business sense to the AHA Board.”

New Mexico Angus & Hereford Bull Sale March 6, 2010 • Roswell, NM !!




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Shane Faulkner, Joel Alderete, Bob Ricklefs and Jim Jackson.

Jim Brueggen and Rex Wilson.

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Larry Domoinguez, Steve Swift and Gary Creighton.

Good, Show Quality CHIaNGUS BUllS Heavy Boned, Stout Docile Yearlings ready For Service $1500/choice Please call: Charles Burk Panhandle, Texas 806/681-8891

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REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS Top Genetics High Altitude Ranch Raised Rock Footed “IGENITY” Profile. Individually genomic enhanced EPDs, along with the American Angus Association database, we now offer comprehensive genomic results for multiple economically important traits:

Bebo Lee and Bill King.

Stirling Spencer, Pattilu and Jimmy Bason and Carey Spencer.

Marbling Docility Heifer Pregnancy Tenderness Ribeya Area Avg. Daily Gain (ADG) Stayability Percent Choice Fat Thickness Feed Efficiency Maternal Calving Ease Yield Grade Carcass Weight Yearling Weight Easy-going Rancher Friendly

Weaned BULL & HEIFER Calves Available Now

BVD Free Herd. DNA parentage verified by MMI Genomics.


Re. Paul Bandy, Joe Delk and Catherine Curry Bandy.

Sunny Nixon and Bill Humphries.

Born & Raised in the USA JANUARY 2010



S E R S' A









Dairy Producers of New Mexico






Joint Stockmen’s 2009

Welda and Jim Grider.

Leon & Joyce Nance celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the convention with friends Diane and Joe Delk.

Bill and Mae Lopez with friend Bob Homer.

Frank Rice and Jerry Witte.

Kacy and Kayla Drummond with Chris Allison.

Rusty and Emma Frost with Troy and Bryce Stone.

Sharon Neiderman and Ben Davis.

Myles Culbertson visits with Larry Foster.

Bert Ancell took office as New Mexico Cattle Growers president. Tweeti and Linn Blancett with Felicia Thal.



Rex Wilson assumed office as NMCGA president-elect.

Tye Bays was re-elected NMCGA Southwestern vice-president.

Troy Sauble, NMCGA secretary/ treasurer.




bullhorn Jody Clavel: Beef Backer 2009


to the drought of the 1950’s, to the start of the ploughing and grass planting that became the soil bank, he remained true to his calling.

The 2009 Beef Backer Award goes to Jody Clavel for his longtime contributions to the industry.

“It’s been a lifetime of work trying to get the land back to where it would produce,” he says. And his work has paid off. Today the Twin Creek Ranch is in the fifth generation, and he and Patsy are proud of their 21 grandchildren who live all the way from Tempe to Dallas to Alaska to Raton.

he Beef Backer Award is presented annually by the New Mexico Beef Council for outstanding efforts that result in the advancement of the New Mexico beef industry through education, promotion and research.

The first chairman of the New Mexico Beef Council, Jody is one of our outstanding founding fathers. As Patsy, his beloved wife of 65 years says, “He put lots of miles on his car, he made lots of speeches and he went to a lot of meetings.” At these meetings, he tirelessly promoted the new idea of the checkoff and the state beef council to his fellow producers. But long before his travels all over New Mexico to build a “united voice, speaking before some pretty hostile audiences,” his meetings with legislators, and before his travels to Chicago as chairman of the Farm Bureau’s Beef Committee, where he learned about efforts in other states, before he witnessed the founding of the Meat Export Federation, and before all the work he voluntarily undertook that eventually led to the formation of the Beef Council, Jody was a hardworking rancher.

Jody Clavel accepts 2009 Beef Backer Award.

NMBC Vice-chairman Cliff Copeland presents Jody Clavel and wife Patsy with the 2009 Beef Backer Award.

It’s no exaggeration to say Jody has seen it all. From the terrible sandstorms of the dustbowl days of the 1930’s to the government slaughter of cattle that couldn’t make it in 1934, to his father’s death when Jody was only 17, to his service during World War II, Three generations of the Clavel family.

The New Mexico Beef Council held its first meeting in November, 1979. Jody served on the NMBC from 1979 to 1984. “The Beef Council is doing a good job,” he says, “but we’ve got to keep on doing it, do it every day. It’s been established that the checkoff is of benefit. It’s a good deal, a fair deal. It’s the survival of the livestock industry. The promotion of beef has got to be the main thing, to show people that it’s a good product, it’s safe and we need the support to see that it stays that way. We’d be lost in more ways than one without the checkoff. I appreciate all the people who are keeping it going. I’m tickled. I have great satisfaction in the fact that the Beef Council has grown and performed very, very well and has accomplished the goals in regard to the beef industry and cattle producers.” Congratulations, Jody, and thank you for your dedicated efforts. We are a much better community and a stronger industry thanks to your generosity and hard work. We are indeed privileged to have your talents and your caring for our community. JANUARY 2010


NMBC Shows Strong Presence at 2009 Joint Stockmen’s Convention


he New Mexico Beef Council was out in force at this year’s Joint Stockmen’s Convention in Albuquerque. Following the NMBC directors’ meeting, former directors Manuel Salazar and Margie McKeen were honored with special

NMBC Executive Director Dina ChaconReitzel and Chairman Tom Spindle present former NMBC Vice-chairman Manuel Salazar National Geographic print in thanks for his service.

NMBC Chairman Tom Spindle honors Margie McKeen for her years of service as New Mexico Beef Board Representative.

presentations. The NMBC sponsored both the Welcome Reception and speaker Dr. Mandy Carr, Executive Director for Research and Group Leader for Safety, Nutrition & Product Enhancement research programs at National Cattlemen’s

Molly Smith, Program Coordinator, College of Agriculture and Home Economics at the NMSU Agricultural Science Center at Clovis.

Beef Association, where she leads the NCBA Safety Strategy Team. In addition, Checkoff pioneer and first Chairman of the NMBC, Jody Clavel, received the 2009 Beef Backer Award at the Saturday Awards lunch.

NMBC Executive Director Dina ChaconReitzel and NMBC Director Art Schaap and wife Renee enjoy the NMBC-sponsored Welcome Reception.

Dr. Mandy Carr, NCBA speaker sponsored by NMBC.

Dr. Clay Mathis, Professor and Livestock Specialist, Extension Animal Sciences & Natural Resources, NMSU addresses NMBC meeting.

Lana Slaten, new President of American National Cattlewomen, with former ANCW President, Fita Witte.

Southwest Beef Symposium

S NM Beef Board Representative Wesley NMBC Director Jim Grau chats with Bob Burnett. Rex Wilson.


outhwest Beef Symposium will be held in Tucumcari on January 20-21, 2010. If you are planning on attending, please mail your registration form and fee to Clay Mathis. You can find information on the Southwest Beef Symposium webpage at http://aces.nmsu.edu/ces/swbeef.

A special room rate at the Tucumcari Hampton Inn for SWBS attendees is $81+ tax if you let them know you are an attendee. Contact the Tucumcari Hampton Inn to make your reservation at 575/461-1111.

2009-2010 DIRECTORS — CHAIRMAN, Tom Spindle, Producer; VICE-CHAIRMAN, Cliff Copeland, Purebred Producer; SECRETARY, Jim Bob Burnett. NMBC DIRECTORS: Andres Aragon, Cow-Calf Producer; Darrell Brown, Cow-Calf Producer; Chad Davis, Producer; Bill Porter, Feeder; Joe Clavel, Producer; Art Schaap, Fluid Milk Producer.

EX-OFFICIO’S: Jane Frost, Producer, Federation of State Beef Council Director; Margie McKeen, Producer, Beef Board Director; Wesley Grau, Producer, Beef Board Director; Bill Porter, Feeder, USMEF Director.

For more information contact: New Mexico Beef Council Dina C. Reitzel – Executive Director 1209 Mountain Rd. Pl. NE, Suite C, Albuquerque, NM 87110 505/841-9407 • 505/841-9409 fax • www.nmbeef.com



“BEEF’S BEST KEPT SECRET” The Beef Industry Needs a Genetic Overhaul CARCASS QUALITY & CUTOUT VALUES HAVE DECLINED TO THE LOWEST LEVEL IN THE HISTORY OF THE INDUSTRY f cow-calf producers wish to survive in today’s troubled market they must reduce their broad, ever-expanding genetic gene pools to a much smaller more highly concentrated level.


Back in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, Dr. J. Lush, a world renowned Iowa State University geneticist stated that the hybrid vigor that results in crossing two lines of pureblood would be shortlived. He stated that the gene traits for consistency would noticeably DECREASE in the third generation. He continued by saying that if the CROSS BREEDING continued many of the other essential gene traits would continue to DECREASE in each of the following generations. A few decades later a number of so called “experts” in the beef industry (many of whom had never owned a cow or paid a feed bill) ignored Dr. Lush’s proven genetic theories. They proceeded to introduce, “with big hype” the idea that “bigger was better” and crossbreeding would solved some marketing problems and increase net results. This hype continues to this day. The results of continuous crossbreeding over the past 30 years has produced a much larger cow size, the calf crops do not look alike, do not perform the same and do not cut out the same. Meat packers are now informing us that only 16% to 22% make the Choice grade. Recall that a few years back the standards to make Choice were low-

ered. With the old standards, the bulk of today’s Choice grade would be called Select. All of this brings up a serious question. If EPDs were to be the complete remedy for herd and breed improvement, why has the overall carcass quality declined to the lowest level in the history of the beef industry? We are now hearing that a million dollar grant has been awarded three meat scientists to discover why the carcass quality has declined to such a low level. This question can be easily answered with one word: GENETICS. The gene pool in continuous crossbreeding programs becomes far to broad. This results in producing a multitude of different gene trait combinations. Thus, consistency, predictability and uniformity do not appear in each new generation. This wide variation increases with each new generation as the gene pool is broadened. With PURE, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED GENETICS, this variation does not exist.

CY are the key to enjoying profitability. The smallest number of days from birth to slaughter usually determines the net return. If your cowherd exceeds 1300 pounds, the calf crop does not look alike, does not perform the same and does not cut out the same. You should return to the proven genetic theories of Basic Genetics 101. With this in mind, we suggest that you view our website: www.irishblacks.com or call Maurice Boney, 970/587-2252 or Guy Gould, 970/483-5184.

You will note that in just two generations you can be selling your calf crops at the higher carcass quality values that the industry enjoyed 30 years ago. During the past 25 years, 75% of the people who are using our concentrated blood have never paid us a visit. They continue to tell us that they wish they had discovered our concentrated genetics many years earlier. Some of our bull customers have mentioned that, since they joined our breeding program, their banker is much easier to Keep in mind that the gene traits for deal with! early MATURITY and CONSISTENWe consider R2W-3 to be one of our top donor cows. In herd improvement, we, like the 23 Irish breeders that visited us, believe that 75% of the herd improvement is contributed by the female line. R2W-3 has had 2 bulls and 2 heifers sired by 3 different herd sires with an average ultra sound score at 11 months of age = B.F. .14, IMF 4.38, REA 13.97. The first bull calf out of the heifer calf that is nursing R2W-3 scored B.F. .168, IMF 4.35, REA 13.16. Note consistency transmitted by highly concentrated genetics. JANUARY 2010


Group Says ABC News Should Worry Less About Its Anchors & More About Its Integrity BC News should focus less on the retirement of Charlie Gibson and his replacement by Diane Sawyer and more on integrity, says the National Center for Public Policy Research, which just completed an advertising review of ABC’s nightly World News. The multi-month review, using data collected by executive director David Almasi and analyzed by policy analyst Matt Patterson, was conducted after ABC allowed President Obama to pitch his health care proposal in a special edition of ABC’s Primetime hosted by Gibson and Sawyer in June. Obama was given additional airtime to pitch his health care agenda that evening on Nightline. That night, ABC News refused to allow the conservative group Conservatives for Patients Rights to purchase paid advertising to put forth an alternative perspective. In the 98 days of ABC World News advertising logged by Almasi and analyzed by Patterson, the broadcast featured 1,102 commercials, 597 of which were placed by member companies of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) trade association, representing 54.17 percent of total commercials aired.


60 PAP LLS TESTED BBaUlance Style• mance Perfor

PhRMA very aggressively supports President Obama’s health care agenda. “It’s clear that World News relies on the members of PhRMA to sponsor it,” said Almasi. “Ford and Proctor and Gamble are reliable sponsors, but the overwhelming amount of paid ads were for drugs pushed by the members of this very powerful and very political trade association. Ad after ad on World News comes from members of the drug lobby group PhRMA. It’s almost laughable how many ads they run each day. If they were to stop, it would seem doubtful the broadcasts could continue.” Says Patterson, “ABC News seems to have a significant financial stake in the success of ObamaCare. Should we be surprised that they hand over an hour to Obama to promote his plan, while shutting out opposing views?” “There was not one day in which the members of PhRMA were not major advertisers on World News,” continued Almasi. “It’s hard to believe that the producers of the program don’t have this on their minds when they are selecting the issues they cover. CBS burned off the series Swingtown two summers ago because the network found advertisers weren’t interested.

NBC cancelled Southland before the second season even aired because of concerns the show would be unacceptable to advertisers. The concerns of advertisers do drive content. With so many PhRMA members sponsoring World News, it would be hard not to think that people at the network are always mindful of who is paying their bills. PhRMA makes no bones about its support for ObamaCare, and PhRMA’s member companies appear to be the lifeblood of ABC’s flagship World News program.” Patterson recalls that White House Communications Director Anita Dunn attacked the legitimacy of Fox News in October and White House Senior Advisor David Axelrod said of Fox’s news programming, “it’s really not news.” Patterson notes that the White House has shown no similar concern for objectivity at ABC: “ABC appears willing to turn over large chunks of its news programming to a politician, if that politician is backed by companies representing more than half of their advertisements. And for the president, it seems it’s OK for a news organization to support a point of view — so long as it’s his.” Download more at www.nationalcenter.org/NPA595. html.

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Questions plague efforts to grow wind power use


nterest in wind power production seems to be on the rise, but a verdict on the long-term viability of wind as an energy source has yet to be reached, and no hope is in sight for the scores of birds and bats meeting grisly fates among the turning turbine blades, says Cheryl K. Chumley, a Virginia-based journalist who specializes in land-use issues. Consider: n At the Altamont, California wind farm, an estimated 22,000 birds, including some 400 golden eagles, have collided with wind turbines or been electrocuted by power lines there, according to the Sierra Club’s Sierra magazine. n In Lake Township, Michigan, officials are considering banning wind turbines within township boundaries, saying they disrupt the idyllic countryside and put wildlife at risk, according to a report by The Detroit News. “[Industry officials] say the bird and bat problem has been solved,” says Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow specializing in energy and environment for the National Center for Policy Analysis. But that’s not true; they’ve just made bigger turbines that turn slower. So they’re still whacking birds, just not as many.” In addition to bird and bat deaths, plenty of other issues fuel widespread concern about wind power production. Wisconsin Independent Citizens Opposing Windturbine Sites (WINDCOWS), a grassroots group formed to fight the development of 49 windmills that would span three townships, decries a lot more than aesthetics. The WINDCOWS Web site protests excessive wind turbine noise, flickering lights, toxic fluid leaks from generators, and well and groundwater contamination resulting from grading during construction and operation of the windmills.

Source: Cheryl K. Chumley, “Questions Plague Efforts to Grow Wind Power Use,” Heartland Institute, January 1, 2008.

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Privatizing forests would end political logrolling money grab was a result of good ole conince 1908, the United States For- hands on some of the logging money. n A four-year renewal of the law, passed gressional logrolling: est Service has paid 25 percent of n New Mexico’s two senators served as its gross receipts to the states for last year, authorizes an additional $1.6 bilspending on roads and schools in lion for the program through 2011 and chairman and ranking Republican on the the counties where national forests are shifts substantial sums to states where the Senate committee that rewrote the timlocated. In the Pacific Northwest, receipts spotted owl never flew. ber payments formula. n New Mexico’s increase under started to decline in the late 1980s due to lower timber sales as a result the new formula was 692 percent. of efforts to protect the spotted owl. Bingaman defended the Democratic New Mexico In 1993, Congress responded with changes. “Frankly we had to Senator Jeff Bingaman bluntly broaden the program in order to get additional “spotted owl payments” to the affected states. A 2000 law admitted that the money grab the support to go ahead and do a spread these payments to all reauthorization, and that’s exactly was a result of good ole national forests, but the bulk conwhat we did,” he said in an intertinued to go to the Pacific Northview. congressional logrolling. west. A Cato essay on the U.S. Forest When the law was reauthorized Service notes that a reform step n While money initially was based on last year, members of Congress used it as would be to revive federalism by eliminatan opportunity to grab money for their historic logging levels, now any state with ing federal forest subsidies to the states states, says the Cato Institute. According federal forests — even those with no his- and turning portions of the national to the Associated Press: tory of logging — is eligible for millions in forests over to the states. Other activities n The federal largess initially focused could be privatized. Some experts have Forest Service dollars. n Doling out all that taxpayer money is proposed full privatization of the national on a handful of Western states, with Oregon alone receiving nearly $2 billion. based less on logging losses than on the forests. n Spending of that magnitude, powerful reality of political clout. Source: Tad DeHaven, “Timber Payments and Democratic New Mexico Senator Jeff Logrolling,” though, sparked a new timber war — this Cato Institute, December 8, 2009. one among politicians eager to get their Bingaman bluntly admitted that the



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Fed payrolls explode during the recession he number of federal workers earning six-figure salaries has exploded during the recession, according to a USA TODAY analysis of federal salary data. Federal employees making salaries of $100,000 or more jumped from 14 percent to 19 percent of civil servants during the recession’s first 18 months — before overtime pay and bonuses are counted. Federal workers are enjoying an extraordinary boom time — in pay and hiring — during a recession that has cost 7.3 million jobs in the private sector. The highest-paid federal employees are doing best of all on salary increases, says


Korean demand for U.S. beef stengthens eekly statistics for U.S. beef exported to South Korea show a steady rebound of sales, with the pace in late November reaching the second-highest level for all of 2009 and the highest level since February. Although the velocity of beef consumption remains below that of the pre-BSE period, there are clear signs of gains in U.S. beef distribution and usage by the foodservice sector. That sector accounted for an estimated 65 percent of U.S. beef consumption in 2003. Particularly encouraging is growing usage by small- to medium-size independent barbecue and rib soup establishments, whose collective potential demand for U.S. beef is considered the largest among all sectors. Elly Sung, U.S. Meat Export Federation assistant marketing manager for Korea, says, several months ago, restaurants were reticent to use U.S. beef because of requirements which obligate them to display the country of origin. He says, these concerns are abating. Large U.S. beef stocks have clouded domestic wholesale marketplace psychology. However, USMEF estimates these stocks may have shrunk by about 25 percent in the past two months. Local traders point out that as U.S. beef usage increases, the ratio of stocks to annual consumption, has declined to more normal levels.


USA TODAY: n Defense Department civilian employees earning $150,000 or more increased from 1,868 in December 2007 to 10,100 in June 2009, the most recent figure available. n When the recession started, the Transportation Department had only one person earning a salary of $170,000 or more; 18 months later, 1,690 employees had salaries above $170,000. The trend to six-figure salaries is occurring throughout the federal government,

in agencies big and small, high-tech and low-tech. The primary cause: substantial pay raises and new salary rules. The growth in six-figure salaries has pushed the average federal worker’s pay to $71,206, compared with $40,331 in the private sector. “There’s no way to justify this to the American people. It’s ridiculous,” says Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), a first-term lawmaker who is on the House’s federal workforce subcommittee. Source: Dennis Cauchon, “For feds, more get 6-figure salaries,” USA Today, December 10, 2009.

Weaver Ranch Annual Production Sale MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2010 12:30 p.m. at the Ranch N. of Ft. Collins, CO • 125 Coming 2-yr.-old Reg. Black Angus bulls • 100 Bred Commercial Heifers


— Mytty In Focus — Weavers Math 92-18-342 — Weavers Sleep Easy 5176 Over 49 years of breeding for PERFORMANCE, EASY CALVING AND DESIRABLE CARCASS TRAITS ADRIAN & SUSAN WEAVER • 970/568-3898 3000 West Co. Rd. 70 • Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 Visitors are always welcome. Cattle may be seen at any time!



What is the economic impact of infertility in beef cattle? eef producers need cows to become economic liability to producers. detection usually occurs about 30 to 90 Beef females fail to become pregnant days after the end of the breeding season. pregnant, deliver healthy calves, and wean productive calves to make for numerous reasons, such as ane- Pregnancy diagnosis affords producers an their operations viable. The failure of strous/prepuberty (cows and heifers that opportunity to cull cows that are not pregbreeding females to become pregnant do not start their estrous cycles during the nant. However, in an effort to maintain a directly impacts the economic viability of breeding season), disease, or sub-optimal steady population of brood cows, removing every beef operation, yet few producers management. In addition, cows may also these cows from the herd may reduce a prorealize how infertility impacts their ducer’s flexibility to cull other cows individual operations. that may fail to produce thrifty calves, Infertile beef cows and heifers can or that should otherwise be culled for For the 65.5 percent of beef fall into three primary groups: 1) more legitimate production characproducers who do not use pregnancy cows that fail to become pregnant teristics such as poor genetics, temdiagnosis in their operations, the first perament, structural concerns, and during the breeding season (usually 60 to 120 days); 2) cows that become opportunity that they have to determine poor health. Previous reports indicate which cows are not pregnant is after that approximately 4.5 percent of the pregnant but fail to calve; and 3) cows that become pregnant late in cow herd is culled annually because the subsequent calving season. the breeding season. Infertility that they fail to become pregnant! leads to the failure of a cow or heifer For the 65.5 percent of beef producto calve during the subsequent calving become pregnant but fail to calve because ers who do not use pregnancy diagnosis in season results in the single largest eco- they lose their pregnancy at some stage of their operations, the first opportunity that nomic loss to beef producers, because no gestation due to a disease or trauma event. they have to determine which cows are not economic return will be realized from Either way, the economic impacts of cows pregnant is after the subsequent calving those cows for at least one additional year failing to calve is profound. season. At that point, producers may (unless producers have multiple breeding Approximately 34.5 percent of all U.S. decide to either retain the cows that failed seasons or a split breeding season). Cows beef producers utilize pregnancy detection to calve, or cull those cows prior to the that fail to become pregnant during the as a management method to determine next breeding season. Either way, there is a breeding season do not give producers an whether cows are pregnant and use the tool continued on page 39 opportunity to market a calf, becoming an to make culling decisions. Pregnancy


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significant cost to the producer for maintaining those cows for a full year without producing a calf. With no calf sale, costs of supplemented feed, pasture, and other expenses directly decrease the lifetime profitability of open cows. Often overlooked or neglected facets of infertility are the cows that become pregnant but fail to calve or calve later in the calving season. When cows are diagnosed as pregnant, but fail to calve or calve late in the calving season, they have a negative impact on the return a producer may realize from the sale of calves. For instance, infertility during the early stages of the breeding season that resolves with time can manifest itself in the form of reduced calf weight. As an example, calves gain between 1.5 and 2 pounds per day while suckling their dam. A calf conceived on the first day of the calving season has the opportunity to gain 90 to 120 more pounds than a calf born 60 days into the breeding season. Reducing infertility will ensure that more females calve toward the beginning of the calving season. Producers can calculate the impact of fertility on their own operations, by simply calculating the revenue generated by exposed cows in the herd. Using recent data (CattleFax, 2008) the following example demonstrates the cost of infertility on a typical Florida operation. Example: Calf price for 500 weight feeder calves is $1.00/lb; percentage of pregnant cows is 85 percent; and, weaning weights average 500 pounds. Therefore, the following calculation may be used (assuming that there is little or no difference in the maintenance costs of a pregnant or nonpregnant cow): Value of weaned calf per exposed cow if 100 perccent cows are pregnant = 500 lbs x 100% x $1.00/lb = $500 per cow Value of weaned calf per exposed cow when 85 percent cows are pregnant = 500 lbs x 85% x $1.00/lb = $425 per cow Loss due to failure to become pregnant during the breeding season = $500 - $425 = $75 Thus, this case demonstrates that infertility costs the producer $75 per exposed cow (or $5 per exposed cow for every 1 percent decrease in pregnancy rate). In addition, there are additional costs associated with calf mortality after calving and latecalving cows that also decrease the overall revenue per exposed cow. Obviously producers cannot overcome all infertility, but understanding the costs associated with infertility may ensure that changes occur to enhance the factors responsible for improving fertility and reduce the negative

influences on fertility. Management related factors are: 1) nutritional management to ensure that postpartum anestrus or prepuberty can be overcome; 2) selection of fertile animals among breeds and within breeds; 3) use of crossbreeding for hybrid vigor; 4) selection and handling of animals in ways that reduce stress; 5) use of reproductive management tools such as estrous synchronization and artificial insemination to alter the calving distribution; 6) following a stringent vaccination program to reduce the incidence of disease; 7) use of bulls that have passed a breeding soundness

exam and are capable of breeding all of the cows in a pasture or herd. Environmental factors are: 1) heat stress that reduces conception and pregnancy rates; 2) overly extensive beef operations that limit the implementation of sound management procedures; and, 3) excessive rain and mud that reduce fertility. The cost of infertility to the entire U.S. cattle industry, with a cow population of 42.5 million cows, likely reduces revenue in excess of $1.06 billion. Source: G. Cliff Lamb, Carl Dahlen, and Mary Maddox, University of Florida.



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Cow-calf producers have been on the defensive


ow-calf producers, like most in the cattle industry, have been on the defensive for the past three years. First buffeted by unprecedented high feed and other input costs in 2007 and early 2008, profitability remained weak as cattle prices collapsed under the weight of the recession and poor beef demand this past year. Poor profitability stalled out the fledgling cow herd expansion that began in 2005 and by 2007 the cow herd was declining. That sets up the situation in late 2009. Beef production is decreasing and projected to continue decreasing for a couple more years. Several macroeconomic indicators suggest that the worst of the recession is behind us and that we should see recovery that leads to improved beef demand in the next few months. The timing is, of course, uncertain. The macroeconomic signals are a mixed bag right now. The stock market has made a significant recovery from the low in early 2009. GDP growth was positive in the third quarter is likely to show growth, albeit modest growth, in 2010. However, unemployment is still rising and likely has not peaked yet. Consumer spending remains limited as consumers work to repair their balance sheets. Recovery of beef demand depends on consumers having the finan-

cial ability to purchase more beef, along with other things. The good news is that beef demand is fundamentally sound. Consumers still want to purchase and eat beef and they will as soon as they can afford to. That will lead to higher prices and the incentive for the beef industry to expand production when it occurs. This scenario is likely to kick in sometime in 2010 and could be relatively strong in the last part of the year. However, because of the current herd inventory situation, the beef industry has limited ability to expand very quickly. The initial stages of expansion will pull even more heifers out of feedlots and further squeeze beef production. The beef herd expands or contracts on a more or less annual basis due to the seasonality of forage production. It is unlikely that the recovery described above will be in place and obvious enough for the beef industry as a whole to begin much expansion in 2010. However, individual producers may well want to think about how to be positioned for beef market opportunities in the next year without necessarily committing to an aggressive expansion until the macro picture clears a bit better. What does this have to do with basketball? Basketball is full of transitions from

defense to offensive and vice versa. The key to transitioning into offense is anticipating it and how you play out the final stages of the defensive phase. This is similar to the situation for cow-calf producers. Cattle industry expansion begins with cow herd expansion and cow-calf producers have an opportunity now to think about positioning themselves to be ahead of the game when it comes time to be on the offense. Decisions to expand in 2010 or at least building the flexibility to begin expansion mostly need to be made in the first few months of the year before summer grazing. This might involve returning cow numbers to normal if they are currently low or it might involve saving a few more heifers to set up herd growth in the next 12-18 months or it might involve producing replacement heifers that may get to be in strong demand in late 2010 or in 2011. Producers should think about how they can be prepared for a more aggressive production plan and what signals will trigger them to act ahead of the pack and perhaps a full year ahead of the industry in capitalizing on beef market opportunities that could break out quite dramatically when they happen. Source: Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University.

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The Mobility Agenda here are three things government can do to reduce inequality in America, say Brookings Institution scholars Ron Haskins and Isabel Sawhill, in their new book, Creating an Opportunity Society. Improve public education: n Expand pre-school programs, implement national achievement standards and establish more “paternalistic” charter schools. n Provide low-income and minority pupils with better college-prep services.


The secret to escaping poverty is no secret at all. Encourage work: n Enlarge the size and scope of the Child Tax Credit, increase child-care funding and bolster job-training programs. n Building on the successful Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and experiment with “EITC-type wage supplements” for workers who either don’t have children or don’t have custody of their children. Strengthen families: n Address a longstanding social crisis: the surge in non-marital births; in 2007, nearly 40 percent of all United States births were outside of marriage, up from 34 percent. n Last year, according to the Census Bureau, only 40 percent of African-American children lived with two parents, compared with 78 percent of non-Hispanic white children. The secret to escaping poverty is no secret at all, say Haskins and Sawhill. Those who finish high school, work full time and marry before having children are virtually guaranteed a place in the middle class. Only about 2 percent of this group ends up in poverty. All told, Haskins and Sawhill estimate that the combined price tag for their smorgasbord of policies would be just north of $20.5 billion. Not so long ago, that was considered a lot of money; but not in today’s Washington, with its megabailouts, $787 billion stimulus packages, and trillion-dollar health-care legislation, says the National Review. Source: Duncan Currie, “The Mobility Agenda,” National Review, December 7, 2009.

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Argentina could be forced to import beef rgentina, a nation that prides itself on having more cattle than people, may soon be forced to import beef to keep its meat-loving citizens happy at the dinner table. Intense government efforts to keep meat affordable through taxes, export restrictions and price controls have enabled Argentines to eat record amounts of beef this year, but the short-term bonanza has come at a very steep cost. With little or no profit left in meat, ranchers are selling out, slaughtering even the female cows needed to maintain their herds. President Cristina Fernandez, who famously dismissed soy as a “weed,” has said her government must protect consumers at a time when booming soy production has taken over 32 million acres (13 million hectares) of grassland once used for ranching. Her government also has paid huge subsidies for massive feedlot operations where previously grass-fed cattle are fattened on corn and grain. But it still takes three years from the


moment a calf is born for a cut of beef to reach the supermarket, where the price — set weekly by government bureaucrats — is roughly two dollars per pound (half kilo), less than the going rate for a pizza that takes minutes to make. Those low prices have Argentines, already some of the world’s biggest beef consumers, practically gorging on steaks. By August of this year, Argentines devoured more than the average body weight in beef — nearly 165 pounds (73.9 kilos), the most in 15 years, according to the Chamber of Commerce of the Argentine Meat Industry. Most Argentines stubbornly reject the idea of replacing beef with chicken, pork or other meats. Despite rich South Atlantic fisheries, seafood is rarely seen on dinner tables, and vegetarians are generally seen as culturally suspect. A typical “parillada,” or mixed grill, includes ribs, steaks, sausages and even intestines. Argentina’s meat industry slaughtered about 11 million head of cattle during the first eight months of this year, more than any similar period in the past two decades.


“It would be great news were it not for the fact that 50 percent of the cattle slaughtered were female,” said Miguel Schiariti, the chamber’s president. “By 2011, the shortage will be evident and it will be impossible to continue without importing beef,” added Hugo Biolcati, president of the Argentine Rural Society, which called on its 10,000 members — mostly large property owners involved in ranching and farming — to join a recent anti-government protest in the capital. “Agriculture Minister Julian Dominguez welcomed the rally after meeting briefly with Biolcati and other farm leaders Wednesday, saying “it’s very good that they express themselves.” The weather hasn’t helped: Argentina has suffered the worst drought in 70 years in about a third of its farmbelt, forcing some ranchers to sell off cattle with barely enough meat on their bones to slaughter. All this adds up to a bleak future for meat lovers: Once beef production fails to meet demand, either prices will rise signifcontinued on page 43


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icantly or fixed-price meat will suffer widespread shortages, and Argentines will either have to consume less or import their beef. “At this rate we're going to end up having to import beef from our neighbors," said Angel Girardi, president of the Argentine Association of Beef Producers. “Their meat will be sub-par in quality and much more expensive.”

To maintain meat supplies, the government has applied not only a 15 percent export tax, but other rules such as a requirement that butcher freezers allocate 60 percent of their cuts for domestic distribution. At roughly 55 million head, cattle still outnumber the 49 million humans in Argentina, but that will flip in 2011 if current trends continue, according to beef industry consultant Victor Tonelli. Argentina is expected to have 3 million fewer calves next year — cattle that would have produced 600,000 tons of meat at slaughter. The agricultural economy is already being hit hard, and that will likely mean less revenue for the government. Even with steep taxes, beef exports totaled 4.4 million tons in 2008, worth $1.5 billion. This year’s numbers aren’t in yet, but the chamber expects a steep decline in 2010. To maintain meat supplies, the government has applied not only a 15 percent export tax, but other rules such as a requirement that butcher freezers allocate 60 percent of their cuts for domestic distribution. The Fernandez administration has repeatedly modified these rules to adapt to market pressures, and the changing landscape has made it difficult for producers to make long-term investments in herds. Juan Carlos Tolosa, president of the Yaguare Corporation, one of Argentina’s 700 butcher freezers, said the number of cows going to slaughter is already declining: His company slaughters only 3,500 cattle a week now, down from 5,000 a few years ago. “The government must reduce its limits on exports, and not in dribs and drabs,” n Tolosa said.

BABOQUIVARI CATTLE COMPANY CLASSY, PREDOMINATLEY ANGUS REPLACEMENT HEIFERS 1st Calf, 2-year-olds, bred to top Balancer (AngusGelbvieh) Bulls. 90 head to calve January-March and 90 head to calve April-May, 2010. Thrifty, range-born and raised, 900 lb. plus, rock-footed, high-desert, mountain females that will produce superior feeder-stocker cattle or future replacement cows for years to come. LOCATED 12 MILES NORTH OF WILLCOX, ARIZONA CALL KARL RONSTADT, 520/731-3045 P.O. Box 27566, Tucson, AZ 85726



Enough, but not too much RESEARCH SHOWS A BEEF QUALITY BENEFIT TO MODEST USE OF DISTILLERS GRAIN BYPRODUCTS decade ago, distillers grains were not common feedstuffs. Today they’re routinely included in cattle finishing diets, at levels that can boost beef quality grades. Chris Calkins, University of Nebraska meat scientist, says when “wet distillers grains plus solubles” (WDGS) are fed at moderate levels, marbling scores increase. “It tends to be a quadratic effect. If you do not feed any distillers grains, you get a given level of marbling,” he says. “As [WDGS] in the diet increases, we see an increase in marbling score up until about 30 percent to 40 percent; beyond that the benefits to marbling tend to disappear.” At national animal science meetings last summer, Calkins presented a metaanalysis of studies that looked at WDGS feed effects. Larry Corah and Mark McCully of Certified Angus Beef LCC (CAB) cited that presentation in a recent research review of factors responsible for a spike in beef quality grades. Through July 2009, 60.1 percent of cattle in the nation’s




harvest mix were grading USDA Choice, a 7.5-percentage-point leap in just two years. An abrupt departure from the 30-year decline in grades, the recent turnaround may be partly explained by judicious use of WDGS. “Marbling increases, but if you get the levels too high it starts to trail off,” Calkins says. The data he presented showed a marbling score of 518 for animals fed no WDGS. The score increased 14 to 15 points, up to 533, for animals fed WDGS at 20 percent to 30 percent on a dry-matter (DM) basis. “That seems to support earlier findings that at inclusions above that 30 percent to 40 percent, distillers can actually hurt quality grade,” says Corah. “Fortunately a large majority of feedlots are using the byproducts at a fairly low rate.” A 2007 survey estimated most feedlots used WDGS at 16.5 percent of diets, but that has likely jumped in recent years due to availability.

Calkins says the marbling score increase is probably related to fat content of the feedstuffs. “When you make ethanol from corn you’ve basically driven off about two-thirds of the components,” he says, noting that both ethanol and CO² are produced from the starch that comprises two-thirds of corn grain. “So everything else is concentrated by about three-fold. That includes the fat content.” This higher-fat diet promotes marbling development. Theoretically, it can increase external fat as well, but Calkins says that’s a fairly small shift. “I don’t think there’s a big worry for producers in terms of cutability issues with using wet distillers grains,” he says. WDGS also seems to increase DM intake, especially in starter rations. One Nebraska study shows nearly a 30 percent increase. “It’s a highly effective feedstuff in terms continued on page 45

of increasing average daily gain and dry matter intake,” Calkins says. From a meat quality standpoint, the only drawback to feeding WDGS seems to be the increase in polyunsaturated fats. They can cause discoloration and off-flavor more quickly than other fats when exposed to oxygen.

“I don’t think there’s a big worry for producers in terms of cutability issues with using wet distillers grains.” “That’s dose-dependent,” he notes. “In other words, the more distillers we feed, the bigger issue it can become.” Feeding WDGS at 20 percent to 30 percent should pose fewer challenges for retail beef than those higher percentages. However, at any level the problems can be easily managed by supplementing diets with vitamin E, Calkins adds. Although the WDGS effect on marbling score seems slight, Corah estimates it accounts for around 5 percentage points of the grade increase. That’s based on applying the shift to packing data, where many cattle grades sit on the line between Choice and Select or low- and premium Choice. “That’s going to increase the proportion of cattle that could conceivably qualify for the Certified Angus Beef ® brand,” Calkins says. “When you draw a specific line in marbling, that 15-point shift can be pretty meaningful.” To read “Quality Grade: What is driving the recent upswing?” in its entirety, visit http://www.cabpartners.com/news/researc n h/index.php.

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Accurate EPDs reduce risk increase confidence DNA TECHNOLOGY CAN HELP INCREASE THE ACCURACY OF EPDS ince the late 1970s, expected prog- animal’s true EPD is much closer to its decisions about that animal with more eny differences (EPDs) have current value — meaning less risk and confidence.” changed the way beef producers more confidence in the animal’s true The genomic-enhanced EPDs from make selection and mating deci- potential for the given trait,” Dr. Kevin Angus Genetics Inc.® (AGI) are powered sions. Dr. Matt Spangler, assistant profes- DeHaan, technical services director at by the first breed-specific DNA profile that sor and beef genetics extension specialist, IGENITY®, says. is exclusively available from IGENITY. Dr. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, says DeHaan says these genomicthe introduction of EPDs empowered enhanced EPDs help producers eval“With a higher-accuracy EPD, producers to make better decisions, uate young cattle in a way that was producers can have more confidence previously impossible. leading to faster genetic progress. that a young animal’s true EPD is “EPDs allow commercial and seed“With this information in hand, stock producers to focus on the producers can make more confident much closer to its current value — genetic component of sire selection, meaning less risk and more confidence herd sire and replacement heifer which is the most important,” he says. selection decisions, which is espein the animal’s true potential cially important when we consider “The use of EPDs has resulted in for the given trait.” these animals represent the future tremendous genetic change — pargenetic direction, and success, of a ticularly regarding growth and carcass traits.” He adds that the good news is Angus herd,” Dr. DeHaan says. EPDs are a combination of information breeders now have the option of gaining Genomic-enhanced, and therefore, from various sources such as individual and supplying their customers with higher-accuracy EPDs, can benefit both performance, pedigree and progeny data. higher-accuracy EPDs in the form of seedstock and commercial producers, Dr. Each EPD comes with an associated accu- genomic-enhanced EPDs. Dr. Spangler Spangler says. racy, which helps measure the reliability of says adding DNA information to the Angus “It is very important for all producers to the EPD. Dr. Spangler says though EPDs National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) is a step start understanding the potential benefit are an important factor to consider when in the right direction for producers evalu- of the inclusion of DNA information in evaluating young animals, producers ating young cattle. EPDs,” he says. “It comes down to mitigatshould remember that these accuracies “DNA technology has the potential to ing risk and picking animals that truly are are typically very low on young animals. supply us with information early in the superior at a younger age.” “The accuracies associated with EPDs animal’s life that can help increase the For more information about IGENITY, increase as more information becomes accuracy of its EPDs,” he says. “If the EPD producers should contact their IGENITY available,” he says. “The first EPD calcula- accuracies are increased on a young ani- sales representative, call 877/443-6489 or n tions for a young animal are an estimate mal, producers have the ability to make visit the IGENITY Web site. based on its parents’ pedigree index values and possibly some of its own performance data. For this reason, the accuracies are low until an animal has recorded progeny data, which may never happen in a comirst-calf heifers typically are the ground. The result, Selk says, often is a mercial setting.” toughest females on the ranch to lack of feed intake and lowered body Low-accuracy EPDs present a chalget rebred, says Oklahoma State condition, resulting in delayed return lenge for producers evaluating young University Extension cattle reproduction to heat cycles and a later calf crop or seedstock. Dr. Spangler says, traditionally, specialist Glenn Selk. These young smaller calf crop the following year. there is essentially no difference in the females, he says, are being asked to conSelk also notes that the oldest cows accuracies of young sires, which means in the herd — those 10 years of age and tinue to grow, produce milk, repair the two bulls could have different EPDs, but older — have declining dental soundreproductive tract and have enough due to the low accuracies, the difference ness that makes it difficult for them to stored body energy to return to heat may not be significant. cycles in a short time frame. In addition, maintain feed intake and body condi“For example, if one bull has a weaning their mouths are going through the tion. If pasture availability will allow, it weight EPD of 44 and another has a weaning transition from baby teeth to adult teeth. makes sense to sort very young cows weight EPD of 48, but both have an accuracy Two-year-old cows are, on average, with the very old cows and provide of 0.30, we cannot say that one of these bulls about 20 percent smaller than their them with a better opportunity to comis any different than the other,” he says. full-grown herdmates, he says. If these pete for the feed supplies. By doing so, In addition to helping assess the true young cows are pastured with the the rancher can improve the rebreeddifference between animals, higher-accularger, mature cows in the herd, they ing percentages in the young cows and racy EPDs mean the window of possible very likely will be pushed aside when keep the very old cows from becoming change for the respective traits decrease. supplements are fed in a bunk or on the too thin before culling time. “With a higher-accuracy EPD, producers can have more confidence that a young


Separate youngest and oldest females





The Good Old Days are now ife expectancy for Americans has never been longer, food has never been cheaper, and the U.S. economy has never been more energy efficient than today. These are just a few of many long-term trends that demonstrate that the “good old days” are now, and life for the average American keeps getting better and better all the time, says Mark J. Perry, a professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan-Flint. According to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control: n Life expectancy for Americans reached an all-time high of nearly 78 years (77.9) in 2007 (most recent data available), the age-adjusted death rate dropped to a new all-time low, and life expectancy for black males reached a new record of 70 years. n Compared to the life expectancy in 1929 of only 57.1 years, the average American today can expect to live almost 21 years longer. According to the United States Department of Agriculture: n Food expenditures by families and individuals (both at home and at restaurants) as a share of disposable personal income reached an all-time record low of 9.6 percent in 2008. n Spending on food as a share of income was twice that high in the 1950s (average of 19.3 percent), and almost three times as high in the early 1930s. According to data from the Energy Information Administration: n The energy consumption required (measured in thousands of British thermal units) to produce a real dollar of output (Gross Domestic Product) fell to an all-time record low of 8.52 in 2008. n Compared to 1970 when it took 18 Btus to produce a real dollar of GDP, today’s economy is more than twice as energy-efficient.


Source: Mark J. Perry, “Long-term Lifestyle Trends Prove Positive,” The American, December 3, 2009.



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n the coming weeks, Congress will once again take up debate on the dreaded estate tax (also known as the “death tax”). The death tax expires for one year, beginning on January 1, 2010, before coming back in full force on January 1, 2011. The death tax is a drag on America’s family-owned businesses, destroys jobs, and lowers wages while raising little revenue. As such, Congress should repeal the estate tax once and for all to remove an unfair burden from the backs of American family-owned businesses and their workers, says Curtis S. Dubay, a Senior Analyst with the Heritage Foundation. A recent study found that a full repeal of the death tax would create 1.5 million jobs. This is half the number of jobs President Obama claimed the $800 billion stimulus package would create — at onefifth the price, notes Dubay. Additional benefits from full repeal of the estate tax include: n Increasing small business capital by over $1.6 trillion. n Increasing the probability of hiring by 8.6 percent. n Increasing payrolls by 2.6 percent. n Expanding investment by 3 percent. n Slashing the current jobless rate by 0.9 percent. The death tax also impedes economic growth because it stands opposed to the principles of virtue, thrift, and savings that made America the strongest nation on earth. For those Americans who think that their estates may one day pay federal death taxes, the death tax increases their incentive to consume their wealth today rather than invest and make more money in the future. Instead of putting their money in the hands of entrepreneurs or investing more in their own economic endeavors, Americans get the unmistakable message to consume it now, says Dubay. It is time for Congress to kill the death tax once and for all. Doing so would lift a tremendous weight off the shoulders of America’s family-owned businesses, create jobs for out-of-work Americans, and help the ailing economy, says Dubay.


Source: Curtis S. Dubay, “Estate Tax a Killer for Family-Owned Businesses and Their Workers,” Heritage Foundation, WebMemo No. 2703, November 19, 2009.

Climate change cientists at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have admitted throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of impending global warming are based, says the Times. The data were gathered from weather stations around the world and then adjusted to take account of variables in the way they were collected. The revised figures were kept, but the originals — stored on paper and magnetic tape — were dumped to save space when the UEA’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) moved to a new building, says the Times: n It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years. n The CRU was forced to reveal the loss following requests for the data under Freedom of Information legislation. n The admission follows the leaking of a thousand private emails sent and received by Professor Phil Jones, the CRU’s director; in them he discusses thwarting climate skeptics seeking access to such data. n The lost material was used to build the databases that show how the world has


American leadership and Asian partnerships n the midst of a downturn, it’s easy to lose perspective. It feels at the moment like America’s position in the world is slipping and Asia is taking our place. On a longer view, that turns out to be only half-right: Asia is rising, but America is not falling, says the Heritage Foundation. With sound policies, the United States will be by far the world’s most important economy for a long time. One of those sound policies is strengthening our ties with Asia, says Heritage: n Asia has dynamism going for it, with the world’s fastest-growing countries heavily concentrated there. n As the global leader, the United States should ensure it continues to play a helpful and crucial role in that growth and that we benefit from it. n The first steps are to ratify the free trade agreement with South Korea and


data destroyed warmed by 0.8C over the past 157 years. Dr. Jones and his colleagues say this temperature rise is “unequivocally” linked to greenhouse gas emissions generated by

The admission follows the leaking of a thousand private emails sent and received by Professor Phil Jones, the CRU’s director; in them he discusses thwarting climate skeptics seeking access to such data. humans. Their findings are one of the main pieces of evidence used by the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which says global warming is a threat to humanity. The CRU is the world’s leading center for reconstructing past climate and temperatures. Climate change skeptics have long been keen to examine exactly how its data were compiled. “That is now impossible,” says the Times.

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Source: Jonathan Leake, “Climate Change Data Dumped,” The Times, November 29, 2009.

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move forward with the Transpacific Partnership. It bears noting that the true counterpart to Asia’s rise is not America’s decline, but Europe’s, says Heritage: n A big economic role for government has served Europe very poorly and the EU can be seen as an attempt to keep Europe relevant despite bad policy. n Our economic relations across the Pacific are an important element of our foreign policy, but getting things right on the home front still comes first. n For those who care about American leadership, that means less government intrusion in the economy, not more. “Asia” is a region with a population of over 4 billion, compared to America’s 300 million. With the shares of the global economy about the same, the average person in the U.S. is much, much richer than the average person in Asia, says Heritage. Source: Derek Scissors, “World GDP: A Story of American Leadership and Asian Partnerships,” Heritage Foundation, Nov. 25, 2009.

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New Mexico’s Old Times and Old Timers

Irvin Frazier’s Misfortune hen the Mexican Revolution began in 1910, many North Americans went south to fight on the side of the rebels under Francisco I. Madero. Among them were brothers John and Reynold Greer and their friend Irvin Frazier*. The three of them participated in the March 1911 battle at Casas Grandes in northern Chihuahua during which rebel forces were defeated by Federal troops. In the course of the fighting, John Greer received serious bullet wounds to his head and body and was left behind on the battlefield as the rebels retreated. Irvin Frazier rode to his aid. Firing his rifle until it was empty, Frazier was able to hold off advancing soldiers long enough to get Greer on to his horse, and the two rode to safety. They soon crossed


By DO N BULLIS Don can be reached at don.bullis@att.net. His website is www.DonBullis.biz. His newest book, New Mexico: A Biographical Dictionary, is available from leading bookstores, or directly from the publisher, Rio Grande Books, at info@nmsantos.com

the border into the United States and Frazier remained with Greer in a mountain cabin until the wounded man recovered from his wounds. Greer promised Frazier that he would repay the favor, with his own life if necessary. In November of the same year, John Greer was given an opportunity to make good on his pledge. Irvin Frazier, using the name John Gates, was arrested for burglary and held in the Luna County, New Mexico, jail at



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Deming. He got word to his friend, John Greer, that he needed help in escaping. On the night of November 7, 1911, a masked man climbed over the wall at the jail and held Sheriff Dwight B. Stephens and two deputies at gunpoint as he stole their guns and freed Frazier. A third man, also masked, waited with three horses outside the wall. They all made it safely away from the jail. Sheriff Stephens and a posse made of deputies Tom Hall, A. L. Smithers, Johnnie James and W. C. Simpson took up pursuit. The chase took eight days during which the outlaws were able to provision themselves by robbing ranch houses along the way. Finally, late on the afternoon of November 18, the posse caught up with the outlaws at an adobe house on the VXT ranch in the Black Mountains of Socorro County. As the posse surrounded the house, the outlaws mounted their horses and rode out, single file, as if to meet the officers. Suddenly, at a distance of fifty or so yards, they stopped and quickly dismounted, drawing guns as they did so, as if in a military maneuver. Then they opened fire, shooting both deputies Hall and Smithers. Smithers fell dead in his tracks, shot through the body, and Hall was able to empty his Winchester rifle before he, too, fell mortally wounded from a bullet in the head. The killers remounted and attempted to flee. Sheriff Stephens who had taken a position on the opposite side of the house, hurried into the fight. He shot John Greer as bullets hit all around him, and both Reynold Greer and Irvin Frazier again jumped from their horses and fled into an arroyo on foot, firing as they went. Deputy Simpson arrived on the scene and opened fire on Frazier with some success, and, though wounded, the outlaw made good his escape, as did Reynold Greer. John Greer, 19, died at the scene of the fight. Sheriff Stephens and what remained of his posse abandoned the chase and took the three bodies to the railroad at Engle, 85 miles to the east. A few weeks later, a man using the name John Gates, hungry and desperate, attempted to pawn a pistol in El Paso, Texas. Engraved on the butt of the weapon was the name of the man from whom Luna County Sheriff Dwight Stephens had continued on page 51



acquired it. Gates was shortly arrested and identified as Irvin Frazier. He was promptly returned to Socorro where he was tried for the murders of Tom Hall and A. L. Smithers, convicted and sentenced to hang. During his time in the state penitentiary awaiting execution, he was able to smuggle out a letter to Reynold Greer in which he detailed the best way for Reynold to rescue him as he was being transferred from Santa Fe to the gallows in Socorro. His suggestion was that Greer board the train in Albuquerque and set up a trap at La Joya. Officers learned of the letter and took appropriate measures, but no effort was made to deliver Frazier. Reynold Greer was never captured. Captain Fred Fornoff of the New Mexico Mounted Police, Socorro County Sheriff Emil James, Eddy County Sheriff Miles Cicero Stewart and 15 or so additional deputies, armed with rifles and shotguns, transferred Frazier and another killer, Francisco Grando, from Santa Fe to Socorro in the early morning hours of April 25, 1913. Along the way, Frazier told Sheriff Stewart that he hadn’t killed either of the Luna County deputies. He said both officers were down before he ever fired a shot. The condemned men were taken to the courthouse and held there briefly before they were removed to a gallows which amounted to a trapdoor placed in the floor of a second story room in the jail. Frazier asked for a drink of whiskey. Fornoff refused. The young outlaw’s final words were, “Get that noose tight, boys. Have as little pain to this as possible.” At exactly 5:42 a.m., the trapdoor dropped open and Frazier came to the end of his rope. A doctor declared him dead 12 minutes later. He was 26 years old. The Deming Headlight eulogized deputies Hall and Smithers in this way: Thos. H. Hall and E. L. Smithers [sic], as truly heroes as ever went forth in the defense of law and justice have died a martyr’s death. A home in Deming is desolate. A wife and mother’s heart is bleeding at every pore. Five orphan children, four manly sons and a noble daughter are bowed in grief and go forth into the world to battle without the counsel, and strong protecting arm of a father. Sheriff Dwight Stephens was himself killed by jail escapees in February of 1916. *One source shows Frazier’s first name as “Ivory”. Most news accounts of the day show it as Irvin. Albuquerque Morning Journal, November 20, 1911, April 25, 26, 1913 Associated Press, April 25, 1913 Deming Headlight, November 24, 1911 West Gilbreath, Death on the Gallows, High-Lonesome Books

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A species in need of saving or a tool for land control? by SUE KRENTZ, Douglas, Ariz., and JUDY KEELER, Animas, N.M. n February 18, 2009 biologists conducting a bear and mountain lion study in southern Arizona were excited when Macho B, a jaguar who had been repeatedly photographed over a 13-year period, was found in one of their traps. Their excitement soon gave way to dismay, however, after he was fitted with a tracking collar and released back into the wild. Estimated to be about 15 years old, biologists had to make the sad decision to euthanize Macho B when the animal began to show signs of weakening after his release. After his unfortunate demise, protests were staged, many articles were written and another lawsuit was filed by the Center for Biological Diversity (Center). Many articles, it appeared, were contrived to cast aspersion on the activities of the Arizona/New Mexico Jaguar Conservation Team (Team) and its integrity. Unfortunately most the information used by the media was based on opinions shared by the Center and its handful constituents. Macho B’s death was a disappointment to everyone, but to say the Team “failed to include all stakeholders (non-agency scientists, conservation groups, landowners); failed to make progress on many of its goals; and failed to improve conservation of jaguars” is disingenuous at best. In an effort to involve all affected stakeholders, the Jaguar Conservation Team was organized March 1997. It was meant to be a truly revolutionary concept designed to involve everyone in the development of a strategy to protect the jaguars that might continue to wander into the borderlands from Mexico. Many agencies and special interest groups were invited to the table by the Arizona Game & Fish Department (AGDF) including: the U.S. Fish & Wildlife (FWS); the New Mexico Game & Fish (NMDGF); the Bureau of Land Management (BLM); the U.S. Forest Service (USFS); the National Park Service (NPS); the Arizona and New Mexico State Land Departments; several counties, as well as an assortment of conservation and trade organizations and ranchers in the borderland area.




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After the first organizational meeting, very few of the conservation representatives continued to participate on a regular basis. They chose, instead, to attend only when major decisions were being considered. When the jaguar was listed as endangered in the United States, July 22, 1997, little was known about their biology, population trends, distribution, abundance, demographics or genetics in the Western Hemisphere, much less in the U.S. Central to Team’s effort was the need to understand jaguar behavior and habitat requirements in the U.S. Everyone agreed the most current information and best available science were needed to develop an achievable jaguar conservation strategy. In October of 1997 a voluntary Jaguar Scientific Advisory Group (JAGSAG) was enlisted to help. The JAGSAG’s responsibility was to offer their scientific expertise to critically review all draft reports and documents generated by the Team. The wildlife biologists that accepted this assignment were all well-known for their jaguar research. The data and reports they generated helped determine the course the Team would take to conserve the jaguars. A great deal of information was also generated by the wildlife biologists working in Mexico. What We’ve Learned

Fossil records indicate jaguars have lived in North America since the midPleistocene Era, about 1.5 million years ago. Known as the Holoarctic jaguar, these animals ranged as far north as Washington, Nebraska, and Maryland. However this species was larger in size, with longer legs and more likely better adapted to the open country of that period than the jaguars that have evolved today. According to several wildlife biologists, “for at least the last century the jaguar has been a regular, albeit infrequent, visitor to a small area of the borderlands region.” They surmised that “if there had been a resident breeding population of jaguars in the U.S. in the recent past, it was probably a very small population, short-lived, and not viable.”

After studying big cats for more than two decades, Dr. Alan Rabinowitz, Director of Science & Exploration, Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx Zoo, New York, a leading jaguar authority and SAGJAG member, believes prey availability and abundance is the overwhelming determinant to where a big cat can reside. Without prey, “an area cannot be jaguar habitat, or at the very least habitat where jaguars can live for any length of time”.

Dr. Rabinowitz, concluded there “was no area in the Southwestern United States that was critical for the survival of the jaguar.” After reviewing available data and examining the borderlands region for jaguar habitat, Dr. Rabinowitz, concluded there “was no area in the Southwestern United States that was critical for the survival of the jaguar.” This was “not by chance since the more open, dry habitats of the Southwest are marginal for the jaguar in terms of water, cover and prey density.” Another limiting factor for jaguars in the Southwest is water availability. Unlike mountain lions, jaguars are known for their love of water and require a year round water source in order to reside in an area. They must have at least seasonal water sources to use an area even part of the time. Unfortunately, the borderlands area is not known for its year-round water supply. The Team also learned there were three (3) different jaguar populations surviving in Mexico. The nearest core population to the borderlands is found at the confluence of three rivers in Mexico, approximately 135 miles south of Douglas, Arizona. It is believed this population is in the most imminent danger and struggling to survive due to lack of prey, and killings. All three populations have been exploited to some degree. On an international level, many protection measures are being initiated by conservation organizations and wildlife agencies in Mexico, Central and South America to protect jaguars and conserve their habitat in these nations. Although each nation works independent of the other, they share their information. Since these nations are sovereign, the




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continued on page 54 JANUARY 2010



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continued from page 53

Team never felt it was their place to impose conservation strategy developed for the U.S. on their sister nations. Jaguar Efforts in the U.S.

One of the highest research priorities in the U.S. was to capture and radio-collar a jaguar wandering up from Mexico. It was hoped, by collaring a jaguar, detailed information could be collected on its habitat use and movement patterns. This decision did not come without controversy but was supported by most of the Team members and driven by using currently accepted scientific collaring protocol. In addition to collecting information and data on jaguars, the Education Subcommittee, in an effort to reach out to the public, developed an educational kit that met the standards and guidelines of many disciplines, the national standardized AIMS requirements and in compliance with Arizona Standards for education. These kits are currently available for teachers to use in their classrooms. They include prepared lesson plans, represent some of the most current educational pedagogy of curriculum and assessment design through Understanding by Design, performance based assessment and problem-based learning. A network of Team members was also developed so students and teachers could contact an agency per-

son, rancher, land owner, or conservation organization for the most up to date information on jaguars. The Subcommittee also compiled over 4,000 documents on jaguar history in the United States, Mexico, Central and South America. Additionally, both Arizona and New Mexico passed legislation to comply with the FWS’s ruling that the primary threat to jaguars was illegal killing. Both bills were supported by the state wildlife agencies and the ranching community. In an effort to protect jaguar habitat in Mexico, the FWS provided a matching grant in the amount of $147,334.25 in 2008 to the Northern Jaguar Project to help purchase a 35,000-acre ranch in Mexico. Countless volunteer man-hours went into developing these conservation measures. A few radical conservation organizations, however, appear to have another strategy. It looks like their goal is to force the FWS to declare critical habitat for the jaguar. Once critical habitat is mandated via the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the FWS must appoint a recovery team. Their job will be to develop a formal recovery plan for the few jaguars ranging into the U.S. However, once critical habitat is declared it will have to include all the areas presently occupied by jaguars; including Mexico, Central and South America. Following the critical habitat designation and

Why a jaguar reintroduction program won’t benefit jaguars oth ladies are dedicated members of the Jaguar Conservation Team. Ultimately the radical conservation groups’ desire is to have a captive breeding project and reintroduction program developed. The Jaguar Scientific Advisory Group gave the following reasons why a reintroduction plan would not benefit jaguars: n Reintroduction would be expensive and inferior to studying the existing populations; n Homing behavior suggested translocation of jaguars would cause the animal to return to their original home ranges; n The rate of loss associated with homing behavior would be unacceptable for jaguars; n Capturing and moving animals would only further deplete the existing jaguar populations; n It would not be in the best interest of the jaguar.


The Jaguar Scientific Advisory Group gave the following reasons why a captive breeding program, as recommended by the Sierra Institute, was not in the best interest of the jaguar: n It would be expensive in time, space and money; n Tends to erode genetics and learned behavior traits; n Captive bred animals raised in contact with humans are more likely to engage in human and livestock encounters than wild-caught animals (Beldon and McCown, 1996); n If such traits were passed from mother jaguar to young, it would not produce a climate sensitive to jaguar conservation; n The released captive-born jaguars would not likely live long enough to produce data on habitat use, and/or the data might not reflect the actual needs of wild jaguars.

the appointment of a recovery team, a recovery plan will have to be developed. A federal recovery plan typically results in rules and regulations being promulgated by the recovery team. This leads to a regulatory framework that forces compliance upon the people that live and work in these areas. Top-down decision-making and unfunded mandates quickly following.

The agenda behind the lawsuits, protests and media coverage is a plan called the Wildlands Project, or Wildlands Network as it is now named. These lawsuits are not meant to protect jaguars, wolves, polar bears, bats or any other “endangered” species. The animals are just the surrogates to implement the “plan.”

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The threats, extreme ultimatums and lawsuits only accomplish a few things: They generate federal enforcement measures that will do nothing to protect jaguars or their habitat; perpetuate litigation that benefits only a few conservation organizations; and continue to frustrate and perhaps even eliminate the small, rural communities that must live under these regulatory guidelines. No more hidden agendas! In an effort to be transparent, let’s lay all our cards on the table. The agenda behind the lawsuits, protests and media coverage is a plan called the Wildlands Project, or Wildlands Network as it is now named. These lawsuits are not meant to protect jaguars, wolves, polar bears, bats or any other “endangered” species. The animals are just the surrogates to implement the “plan.” The ESA is their tool and the citizen’s lawsuit provision is the means by which these radical organizations continue to hammer the economies of the small, rural communities that must live under their “Rewilding” scheme.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following described estray animals have been taken under the provisions of Chapter 77, Article 13 of New Mexico Statutes Annotated 1978, and sold for the benefit of the owners of said estrays as provided by law. The proceeds will be subject to claims and proof of ownership as provided by law. New Mexico Livestock Board · Myles Culbertson, Director · Albuquerque, N.M.


Editor’s Notes: Sue Krentz and her husband Rob ranch in the Chiricahua Mountains of Southeast Arizona. The family has ranched in Arizona for over 100 years. Judy Keeler and her husband Murray ranch in the Peloncillo Mountains in southwest New Mexico. The family has ranched in New Mexico for over 100 years. JANUARY 2010








Io the Point

The Roll Call Is Complete


S W E R S' A S

by Caren Cowan, Exec. Director, New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Assn.

he grazing industry in New Mexico and the entire West suffered the end of an era in early December. Bob Jones joined Charlie Lee, Tom Lineberry, Dick Manning and Bud Eppers in that great up yonder. The collective knowledge of these five gentlemen and cattlemen could fill libraries. Those of us left behind have no choice but to cowboy-up and fill their boots. In my time, it was Bob and Dick who were the great orators of the group. I will admit that at times the lectures became tedious, but I cannot think of a time that I didn’t learn something from them.


As we stood at the base of the mountain to lay Bob and his brother, Fritz, who passed the same day, G.B. Oliver noted that Bob never backed up and he never stepped aside. One of my favorite memories of Bob hits on that point. Several years ago we were at a juncture on the endangered Aplomado Falcon. Frank Bond and the Peregrine Fund wanted to develop an experimental, nonessential population, which is allowed under Section 10J of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), of the birds. Admittedly that process had been tried with the Mexican Wolf and we are still living with that catastrophe. But the situation with the Falcon was unique. We had a Director of the New Mexico Department of Game & Fish (NMDGF) who understood and appreciated the roll the rancher plays in the stewardship of the land and wildlife. We had a Regional Director of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) with the same philosophy. We had a friendly conservation group that we could work with, and we knew that the then Forest Guardians were filing in court for the designation of critical habitat. It really didn’t seem to me that we would be backing up or even stepping aside to work toward a 10J with the willing parties. At the very least the issue should be put before the potentially impacted ranchers. To that end, the New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association (NMCGA) facilitated meetings in Las Cruces and Carlsbad that were collectively attended by nearly 100 ranchers. The issue was also addressed at NMCGA meetings, as well as, the New Mexico Federal Lands Council (NMFLC). At the 56


NMFLC meeting I was asked to give a detailed explanation of the entire plan for the Falcon. As I stood at the front of the room speaking for what seemed like a long time, Bob Jones sat in the front row with his arms crossed and appeared to snooze. At the end of my presentation, Bob raised his head, asked me two questions that I had already addressed. He then stood up, walked forward, kissed me on the cheek, said he still thought I was wrong and walked out the door. He did not, however, actively oppose the designation. The end of the story is that the Aplomado Falcon is being released under the 10J experimental, non-essential designation. The Forest Guardians did file suit to make the FWS declare critical habitat. They lost in Federal District Court and have now appealed the case to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. NMCGA has filed an amicus brief in support of the FWS. It is worth noting that it clearly was not my shining skills or knowledge that led to the joint effort that resulted in a positive outcome, at least so far, for everyone involved. It was the willingness of like-minded people working together for a common goal and common sense. A House Divided

It is unfailingly interesting to watch the dynamics of the beef cattle industry in the West and particularly New Mexico. Over more than the past decade the issue of state membership has been one that has been challenging for NMCGA and other states as well. I have always considered New Mexico blessed that we haven’t ended up with two state organizations as several

other states have. But, the discussion has not been without cost to NMCGA and the issues that we fight to address. NMCGA has long been affiliated with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) or its’ predecessor organizations. When R-CALF first surfaced in the late 1990’s, initially to address international commodity dumping issues with Canada, New Mexico and the U.S. were facing an onslaught of fed cattle from another foreign country — Australia. The scheme was to sail the calves from Australia, where they would be “naturalized” and imported into the U.S. as Mexican cattle. Needless to say the economic consequences could have been devastating, not to mention the animal and human health and security concerns. NMCGA and the New Mexico Livestock joined with other U.S. and Mexican border states to halt the importation. We were successful, at least in keeping the live cattle from crossing the border at Santa Teresa. The beef may have come across later in boxes. At any rate, while we were feeling great from a joint effort with our brethren south of the border and to the east and west, we learn that R-CALF — without talking to anyone in the southwestern U.S. — had included Mexico in its’ antidumping suit against Canada. Talk about an international incident! However over time R-CALF began to address other issues that had resonance with NMCGA members and New Mexicans. Eventually a member moved that the Association join R-CALF as an affiliate. There were enough members who agreed that NMCGA became a part of R-CALF. There were promises that more folks would join NMCGA if this happened. Not so much. As the differences between the policies of R-CALF and NCBA became more strident, so did the opinions among NMCGA members. Eventually there was a move to continued on page 58

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To the Point . . .

continued from page 56

eliminate NMCGA membership in NCBA. That happened and there was a promise of more new NMCGA members. Not only were those members not forthcoming, but NCBA supporters dropped their members or substantially reduced their dues payments. The following year the NCBA members mustered their votes for NMCGA to rejoin NCBA. After that, we lost even more members — those who supported R-CALF and some of the NCBAer’s who had dropped didn’t come back. It is worth noting that there were two members who had reduced their dues with the drop, but ramped them back up when NMCGA rejoined NCBA. The membership issue laid dormant for several years, with NMCGA paying dues to both NCBA and R-CALF. Then RCALF had a division of its own a few years ago, with many of its initial founders splitting off to form the U.S. Cattlemen’s Association (USA). It was only a matter of time before the national membership question arose again. To further complicate the issue, NCBA has been considering massive governance restructuring that is due to be



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voted upon at the 2010 Convention in San Antonio, Texas. In anticipation of the national membership discussion, immediate Past President Alisa Ogden invited representatives from all three organizations to present the benefits of membership to the NMCGA at the 2009 Joint Stockmen’s Convention. R-CALF sent its’ executive director, Bill Bullard, while NCBA sent government affairs staffer Colin Woodall, and Kimberly Stone, Capitan, represented the USA as a member of its board of directors. Given that no matter what NMCGA has done in this national membership arena, we lose members, I dreaded the discussion. The membership panel came off well, and as expected the issue arose during the Board of Directors and then annual membership meeting the following day. After some impassioned discussion, the NMCGA voted to retain its membership in NCBA, drop its’ membership in R-CALF and join USA. It is way too early to see what impact that these decisions will have on NMCGA membership numbers, which have been on the increase. However there was an interesting family dynamic that occurred during the vote that gives me hope that

NMCGA can continue the tradition of the past of having lively discussions at the meetings, then all joining together to dance and have a good time at the banquet. As the R-CALF vote was taken, I looked up and one member of a couple voted to stay in R-CALF, while the spouse voted to drop. It should be noted that this couple does hold two (2) voting memberships. It is also noted that they did go to the banquet together and appeared to have a good time. I hope that we can divide the house, have a fair vote and all keep marching in the same direction! Heritage

As I think about all the tradition and heritage, that despite all the adversity we face, is alive and well in the Southwest, I would be remiss in not noting that The Cowbelles, the original Cowbelles group that started in the living room of my own 4 Bars Ranch in 1939 celebrated their 70th anniversary this past October. Congratulations to that great group of ladies, cowboys, cooks, nursemaids and all of the other things that the strong women who choose to live on ranches choose to do! There have been many who have cho-

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To the Point . . .

continued from page 58

sen to become “cattlewomen” rather than Cowbelles. That is disappointing to me at a personal level, but more importantly it is sad that rather than embracing heritage and tradition as well as utilizing a tremendous marketing tool, they have chosen a different route. Thankfully New Mexico and Arizona still knows what a Cowbelle is! Sins and Taxes

As the State of New Mexico faces perhaps its’ worst financial crisis ever Governor Bill Richardson put together a Budget Balancing Work Group. I had the honor of representing NMCGA on this group — that does not mean that I can be blamed for any tax increases that may come out of the upcoming Legislature! As the Group worked through its five meetings across the state, the media and the public didn’t seem to understand what our charge was. The Group was only allowed to look at income the state — taxes. The Group was not asked for any proposals or ideas. There were no votes or recommendations from the Group. Instead we were presented with a set of

about 35 proposals that had been developed by the Taxation and Revenue Department. We were provided the proposal, its’ effects and the pros and cons from the view of Tax and Rev. The group was then allowed to provide additional pros and/or cons to each proposal. There were few groups that got by without some sort of proposal that would increase taxes from food to cigarettes to oil and gas to mining to gross receipts to personal income tax and more. The one thing that was crystal clear is that nobody wants to be taxed any more. Some members of the public were quite emphatic about that during the public comment portion of the meetings. Every industry or segment that might be taxed voiced their concerns as well. There were a couple of things that struck me by the entire process. First there is a clear motivation of many to dictate human behavior through taxation. Liquor is bad for you and the community as a whole, so let’s tax it more. Cigarettes are bad for you, so let’s tax it more. I was fairly calm about the whole thing until they go to Dr. Pepper. In lieu of a proposal to repeal the repeal of the food tax exemption, one group suggested that soda pop

— even diet — and candy be taxed. That presented problems, because much to my surprise, you can purchase soda and candy with food stamps — so that those who use food stamps could simply use them to buy these items at no tax and cash to buy food with no tax. Just as serious as behavior modification via taxes was that some of the options would have a disproportionate impact on rural residents versus urban. People just don’t think beyond their own self interest — even when having open space and a food supply IS in their own best interest. At any rate, take a deep seat and a faraway look as we head into this Legislature. Please be prepared to read bills, make phone calls as well as a few trips to Santa n Fe — in your own self interest.


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Happy New Year! he Annual Meeting of the New Mexico CowBelles at the Marriott Pyramid North in Albuquerque was well attended, productive and a lot of fun. Thank you New Mexico Cattle Growers’ for providing the meeting rooms, Chuckwagon CowBelles for hostessing and Powderhorn CowBelles for the installation ceremony. I extend a humble thanks to all New Mexico CowBelles for the privilege of wearing the president’s pin in 2010 and salute Kathryn MalcolmCallis for a job well done in 2009. Yetta Bidegain was selected 2009 CowBelle of the Year and the presence of her family accounted for her big smile as she received her plaque. Owaissa Heimann was honored for her 20 plus years of service with a reception and quilt with blocks from all our locals. Owaissa is not stepping down completely as she is the new Associate Membership Chair. We welcomed Joan Key and Kimberly Stone as brand spanking new state officers and cheered on Lyn Greene and Linda Lee as they agreed to devote another year to New Mexico CowBelles. Our special guest was Lana Slaten, ANCW President-Elect from Cullman, Alabama. Lana’s installation will be later this month in San Antonio at the ANCW Annual Meeting, January 26-28. January is the month for goal setting. As you plan your programs for the coming months, please remember to encourage your members to get their New Mexico Beef Quality Assurance certificates and their Masters of Beef Advocacy. We are the volunteer public relations arm of the New Mexico beef cattle industry and we need to have facts on the tips of our tongues — all the time — not just at the State Fair. You never know who might ask you a question. Here is a question for us to ask, “Would you like to be a CowBelle?” Sometimes, all you have to do is ask. My wish for the future of the cattle business is that all of our various segments realize that we are an allied industry and that every segment needs to prosper for any segment to prosper. Our industry includes cow/calf producers, cattle truck drivers, sale barns, video auctions, stocker operators, feeders, processors, animal health companies, commodities brokers, Land Grant Univer-




sities — okay — even Farm Credit Services and whoever else had a booth at the trade show at the Joint Stockman’s Convention. It’s kind of like when our family takes our annual Christmas card picture. The patriarch (Curt) gets all our kids and grandkids together and makes them get on a horse. Then we take pictures of the family groups and manipulate them into a lineup with the magic of Photo Shop. We don’t have enough horses for everybody so some of the horses appear several times. The young horses don’t like all the commotion. Neither does the matriarch (me). All the horses know that the older I get the more afraid I am to get on. One year I got to stand in front of a horse and hold the newest grandbaby. It looked like I was carrying a feed sack. The little kids fight over the pony. The big horses won’t tolerate the pony anywhere near so we have squealing horses, squealing kids and squealing mothers. Sometimes the dog sneaks into more than one picture so it looks like we’ve cloned a Border Collie. But somehow we manage to get it all together. We put our differences aside and present a united front. Everybody smiles. The lineup looks awesome. I don’t think PETA, HSUS or any other wolves in sheep’s clothing would have the guts to take us on. It’s fine to squabble amongst ourselves and jockey for a bigger piece of the cattle industry pie as long as we know when to link arms around the pie to protect it from our mutual enemies. Carnivores Unite! January 19-February 18: New Mexico Legislative Session, Santa Fe January 26-28: ANCW Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX — Karen Kelling, President New Mexico CowBelles •••••• yra Tepper’s gracious home in Elephant Butte was the location of the Chamiza Cowbelle’s November meeting. President Gloria Petersen called the meeting to order, and the secretary and treasurer’s reports followed. Old business concerned thank you’s from Gloria for the hard work of several committees. Jodelle


Downs, Tommie Aber, Ellie Nordgren and Myra Tepper were involved in selling raffle tickets at Elephant Butte Days. It was also suggested that Cowbelles consider a float for next year’s event. Thanks were extended to the set-up committee for the Sierra County Fair — the booth was recognized with First Prize honors. Vice President Tommie Aber extended her thanks in a report sent to the meeting for all the diligent selling of raffle tickets by the Cowbelle members. Of 4,000 tickets, 3,800 were sold, allowing the Cowbelles to again meet our goal for our scholarship fund. Ellie Nordgren gave an in-depth report on the progress of the newly formed Cancer Support group which is moving forward towards its goal as a nonprofit organization. The retiring officers have completed a two-year term. The new officers will be Ellie Nordgren, President; Ivy Cranmer, First Vice President; Jodelle Downs, Second Vice President; Robbie Montgomery, Secretary, and Sammy Johnson, Treasurer. The December 3rd meeting will be a Christmas get-together at Jodelle Down’s residence, starting at 11:00. Members are asked to bring either an appetizer or a dessert. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50. Submitted by Helen Langham he Frisco Cowbelles meeting was held November 16, 2009. with 14 members present. President Margie McKeen called the meeting to order, followed with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Cathy Murphy and everyone reading the Cowbelle Creed. Outgoing Secretary Jennie Johnson read the minutes of the last meeting. Two corrections were made and minutes were approved. Treasurer, Frankie Webb gave a report and stated that dues are now due. Margie handed out “Give Thanks” cards from her ranch; giving thanks for the abundance of food brought to us by America’s farmers and ranchers. On the back of the card is written, “During the holidays, please take time to give thanks for our nation’s abundant food supply.” I am just one of the many U.S. farmers and ranchers who are proud to raise wholesome, healthy food. The average American


continued on page 61

farmer feeds about 144 people. More than 97 percent of U.S. beef cattle farms and ranches are family run. Visit www.explorebeef.org . A discussion on supporting a “Cowboy Christmas stocking was approved. Donnah McKeen has made an unusual stocking that will be donated and stuffed with “good stuff” to be delivered by Margie, Dec. 2. Basket for the turkey bingo will also be donated. Frankie Webb will be in charge of getting the basket full for the donation. Our Christmas party will be Dec. 12. Debbie Laney is in charge. A reminder of the presentation Dec. 8 on “Species in Crisis” will be held at the Community Center in Glenwood. All should try to attend. The meeting was adjourned and Martha Stewart furnished the wonderful refreshments. Respectfully submitted by Martha Dutton

ariat CowBelles held their December Christmas Party on Wednesday, December 9, at the Rabbit Ears Café. There were 12 members present. Flowers were given to Yetta Bidegain, New Mexico CowBelle of the Year and a gift certificate was given to John King, New Mexico CowBelle Man of the Year. A thank you card was received from the Biffle family for the memorial made to the Pat Nowlin Scholarship fund in Hattie Biffle’s name. A sympathy card will be sent to the Gilbert family on the death of Don Gilbert. Owaissa Heimann has retired after 20 years as Treasurer of New Mexico CowBelles. She was given a quilt with squares made from all of the locals, a picture from Cattlegrowers, and an etched glass vase with roses from Lariats. Lariats received a plaque award for most volunteer hours from the New Mex-


ico CowBelles. Installation of Lariat officers was held. The new slate of officers are: Owaissa Heimann, President; Suzanne Bennefield, Vice President; Sharon King, Secretary; Candra Acuna, Treasurer; Owida Franz, Parliamentarian; and Marianne Rose, Reporter and Historian. The next regular meeting of the Lariat CowBelles will be Wednesday, January 13, at the Rabbit Ears Café. Respectfully submitted, Marianne Rose Reporter, Lariat CowBelles ew Mexico CowBelles: Thank you to all who have submitted their news to “Jingle Jangle.” Please send minutes and/or newsletters by the 15th of each month to Jingle Jangle, Janet Witte, 1860 Foxboro Ct., Las Cruces, NM 88007, or email: n janetwitte@msn.com.


Thank you for your generous support of the 2009 Joint Stockmen’s Convention.

Trade Show Reception Sponsor New Mexico Beef Council, Albuquerque, NM

Ayudando Siempre Alli Award Sponsor Farmway Feed Mills, Las Vegas, NM

Cattlemen’s College Sponsor Pfizer Animal Health, Clovis, NM

Children’s Lounge Sponsor New Mexico Stockman, Caren Cowan, Albuquerque, N.M.

Family Luncheon Sponsor (Friday) Farm Credit of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM Stockmen’s Luncheon Sponsor (Saturday) Hi-Pro Feeds, Friona, TX Walco International, Westlake, TX Awards Banquet Sponsor Council for Biotechnology Information / BIO, Washington, D.C. Cattlemen of the Year Sponsor Wells Fargo Banks of New Mexico, Carrizozo, NM Cowboy Christmas Party Dee Bridgers, Rio Rancho, NM NMCGA Board of Directors Breakfast Sponsor Ag New Mexico, FCS ACA, Clovis, NM Purina Mills Scholarship Sponsor Purina Mills, Portales, NM Program Sponsor New Mexico Stockman, Caren Cowan, Albuquerque, NM

Livestock Inspector of the Year Sponsor USDA APHIS Wildlife Services Western Region Private Property Rights Sponsors (Gold) Ag New Mexico, FCS ACA Alisa Ogden CS Ranch Monsanto Wildlife Sponsor (Silver) Viagen Wesley & Elnabeth Grau General Session Sponsors Ag New Mexico, FCS ACA Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Dairy Farmers of America, Inc. COMMITTEE SPONSORS Cross Cultural Committee Syngenta Federal & Trust Lands Committee Hat Ranch, Inc.

Legislative Committee Ag New Mexico, FCS, ACA Membership Committee Clayton Ranch Market Natural Resources Committee Chase Ranch Private Property Committee Williams Windmill, Inc. Promotion & Marketing Committee Nutrition Plus Research & Improvement Committee Intervet, Inc. Theft & Health Committee New Mexico Livestock Board Wildlife Committee R.L. Cox Fur & Hide Co. Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Committee Ag New Mexico, FCS, ACA HOSPITALITY SUITE SPONSORS Dow Agro Sciences Crop Production Services Gold Standard Labs-IDEXX Labs Intervet/ Schering-Plough Animal Health Letcher, Golden & Associates, Inc. Pfizer Animal Health





Dairy Producers of New Mexico


We Couldn’t Have Done it Without You! L AN DS C

Pro Conn, LLC Robert L. Homer and Assoc., LLC Wells Fargo Banks of New Mexico Williams Windmill, Inc. COFFEE BREAK SPONSORS AC Nutrition Ag New Mexico, FCS ACA Alan P. Morel, P.A. Animal Health Express Inc. Bell Ranch Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Crop Production Services Gold Standard Labs–IDEXX Labs Horse and Hound Feed and Supply Insurance Services of New Mexico Intervet/ Schering-Plough Animal Health Leavitt Group Southwest, Inc. and Nationwide Agribusiness O’Neill Agricultural / Land LLC Pro Conn Robert L. Homer and Assoc., LLC The Quivira Coalition USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Wells Fargo Banks of New Mexico Williams Windmill, Inc. Thanks also to our many Trade Show exhibitors!



Gelbvieh and Balancer cows at Bar T Bar Ranch in northern Arizona: “They are a unique breed, it’s hard to beat the fertility, marketability and growth of Gelbvieh and Gelbvieh cross cattle.

Producers of Quality & Performance -Tested Brahman Bulls & Heifers “Beef-type American Gray Brahmans, Herefords, Gelbvieh and F-1s.” Available at All Times Loren & Joanne Pratt 44996 W. Papago Road Maricopa, AZ 85139


“THIS IS NO BULL” Virden Perma-Bilt Company Engineering Department is now offering 1-7/8" x 24" windmill cylinder barrels, with caps, at 1/4 the price they are selling for now! These barrels and caps are made from thick heavy wall PVC and then lined with 1/4" of urethane. These barrels are as good as any brass barrel on the market! The urethane lining assures long life and true check strokes. Our 17/8" x 24" barrel sells for $54.80 plus $9.30 postage. It connects right to your 2" pipe (steel or PVC). These urethane lined barrels are doing a wonderful job right now! Send for information. VIRDEN PERMA-BILT CO. 2821 Mays St. • P.O. Box 7160 NMS Amarillo, TX 79114-7160 • 806/352-2761 www.virdenproducts.com Serving Farm and Ranch Since 1950

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Reds • Blacks • Balancers® FEMALES PRIVATE TREATY

“POT OF GOLD” BULL SALE Friday, February 26, 2010 62




and milking ability in their cattle, Gelbvieh genetics may be the answer. Developed in Germany, Gelbvieh cattle first came to the U.S. in the early 1970s. Gelbvieh and Balancer genetics are proving to be very effective for Southwestern cattle producers looking for options in today’s ever-tightening economy.



Bob and Judy Prosser have raised Gelbvieh and Gelbvieh cross cattle on the Bar T Bar Ranch in northern Arizona for over 25 years. The Prossers run registered Gelbvieh, Angus and Balancers, a Gelbvieh/ Angus composite breed, as well as commercial Gelbvieh/Angus cross cattle. Data on the breed’s fertility and growth from the Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) first interested them in the breed, Bob said. “We had tried a number of different crosses on our Hereford cattle. After looking at that data, and our own results, we were sold.” “When Bob and I moved back, Herefords were running on the ranch,” Judy agreed. “We had good results crossbreeding with Charolais, but decided we needed to look for something a little different — not quite so big, a little more docile, a little more maternal. We tried Gelbvieh, and really liked the cattle. The Hereford/Gelbvieh cross worked well, but we eventually phased out the Herefords.”

When Judy’s father, Ernest Chilson, decided to retire, Bob and Judy came back to the ranch with a handful of their own cattle. “Over time, we set about to breed up the percentage of Gelbvieh in the existing cattle herd,” she noted. “We got to where we had a lot of half-blood Gelbvieh, then through artificial insemination bred up to purebred status. Finally, we decided that a little Angus would make the cattle just a little better.” Balancers combine the best of both breeds, Judy said, the carcass quality of Angus and the milk, fertility and disposition of Gelbvieh. “We are very selective about the Angus we use, and make sure they complement our Gelbvieh genetics,” she explained. “We focus on low birthweights, marbling and carcass qualities, because if the Gelbvieh do have a flaw it is on marbling.” The Prossers run their cattle between continued on page 63

Winslow and Flagstaff, wintering the cattle on State Trust and private land in the high desert near Winslow. In the summer, they move the cattle to a U.S. Forest Service (USFS) grazing allotment near Flagstaff, which is rougher, higher country. “Our summer country is hilly, rocky country, there’s a rock on every square foot,” Judy pointed out. “The cattle have to be sound. If they have any structural issues, they just don’t make it.” Bob and Judy market their registered red and black Balancer, Gelbvieh and Angus bulls by private treaty. Commercial producers across the Southwest and into Mexico make up the majority of their bull customers. The Prossers sell females as bred heifers, some they raise themselves and some are bought back from bull customers, Bob explained. “We have a big customer base for low birthweight cattle, especially low birthweight bulls,” Judy said. “Ours aren’t the highest performing Gelbvieh but they work well for us and for our customers. We select middle of the road, optimum type cattle.” On the commercial side, they sell calves to Caprock Feeders. “We have sold calves to Caprock for the last ten years and are involved in their added value program,” Bob said. “Caprock tracks calves’ growth

and feed efficiency, and collects carcass data. The top ten percent receive an additional check, and I don’t think there has been a year that we haven’t been in that top 25 percent.” The Prossers also market calves through Country Natural Beef, founded by Doc and Connie Hatfield in Oregon. The marketing cooperative has members across the country, and harvests 60,000 head of cattle a year, he said. “It is a unique bunch of people. They have an honest dedication to providing a quality product to the public and do it in a manner that has sustained over time. All of the other natural beef programs I’ve seen have been bought out by the big corporations, but Country Natural Beef has stood the test of time.” You just can’t go wrong with Gelbvieh, Bob said. “We chose the breed based on profitability, on facts and figures from our own ranch. We use those same processes when we select and raise bulls to sell. They are a unique breed, it’s hard to beat the fertility, marketability and growth of Gelbvieh and Gelbvieh cross cattle. They increase the milk production in your cattle without decreasing fertility. The Prossers place a big emphasis on stewardship of the land, and have approached it in a very unique and suc-



BULL SALE Available March 1, 2010

cessful way. In 1993, they and the Metzler family, neighbors on the Flying M Ranch, founded a collaborative land management group called the Diablo Trust. The group includes members from agencies like the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Arizona Game & Fish Department, academic representatives and the environmental community. “Anyone who is interested is welcome to come and participate,” Judy said. The group developed the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the ranches’ grazing permits, and just finished a fire plan, which includes rangeland fire as a management tool. “It will be the first grassland burn in the Coconino National Forest in almost 60 years. It’s a slow process, but at the end of the day we have all of those groups on the same page to propose an action, which is a pretty big accomplishment,” Bob noted. In 2006, the Trust received a Regional Environmental Stewardship Award from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and the USFS National Rangeland Management Award. It is also active in other community activities. “Our goal is to acquaint as many people as possible with continued on page 64


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The Gelbvieh Edge

continued from page 63

public lands ranching, and to remind them where their food comes from,” Judy explained. Both Bob and Judy’s families have been part of the agriculture industry for generations. Judy’s grandfathers were both ranchers in Arizona, and today’s Bar T Bar is part of country they once owned. Bob grew up in Colorado, where his father imported the first Limousin cattle into the United States. “We’re both ranch people and proud of it,” Judy said. Bob and Judy’s two sons, Warren and Spencer, grew up on the ranch. They both graduated from Colorado State University and got married last year, and are off doing their own thing, Judy said. International Appeal

Performance was also the deciding factor for Ray Rodriguez, PhD, who runs Gelbvieh and Balancer cattle on two ranches in northern Sonora, Mexico. “Gelbvieh is one of the few continental breeds that has managed to excel in fertility, milk and meat,” Ray said. “Most breeds lack one or the other, to keep all three traits together is very hard to do.” A Puerto Rico native, Ray received his doctorate in animal genetics from the University of Florida at Gainesville. His career in managing large, corporate ranches brought him to Arizona. In 1982, he retired and started his own cattle import/export business, which brought him into contact with Gelbviehs. “I bought bulls to send to Mexico, including some Gelbviehs. At the end of the season, I took the remaining bulls to my ranch and used them on my own cattle, and was very impressed with the results,” he explained. Ray and his partner Manuel Molina Elias run purebred Gelbvieh, Balancer and Fleckvieh Simmentals on the Cieneguita Ranch across the border south of Sierra Vista, Arizona, named for the headwaters of the San Pedro River which are partly on the ranch. Juan (Chapo) Varela and Ray run a breeding up to Balancer program, using bulls from La Cieneguita, at El Valle Ranch, just south of the Gray Ranch in southwest New Mexico. Rodriguez and Manuel Molina are working to get recognition for the Balancer breed in Mexico. “We are working with the Mexican Gelbvieh Association to be able to register the cattle, and are making good progress. The cattle are very well accepted, we just don’t have recognition of Balancers as a breed, just yet.” 64


Bar T Bar herdsire, Monsoon: “The cattle have to be sound.”

Rodriguez and his partners focus on producing quality bulls and females for commercial producers in Mexico, since intact breeding animals cannot be imported into the United States due to animal health concerns. The majority of customers use Gelbvieh and Balancer bulls on their crossbred cattle to increase fertility, moderate frame size and add color, Ray said. “Over time, the cattle in Northern Mexico have become too large for the country. The Gelbvieh influence gives producers a way to increase the fertility which has been lost due to frame size. Our bulls have proven to be very popular in improving the things that the cattle were lacking,” he explained. “Now, we are building a nucleus of other breeders in northern Mexico who are breeding bulls for their own customers.” The commercial calves, and purebreds that aren’t sold for breeding, are exported to the United States as steers and spayed heifers. “We send calves to Red Rock Feeding in Arizona every year, and work closely with them as our calves move through the process. The feedlot has been very happy with the performance and carcass data. This year, because of the drought, we sold our calves in October, about a month earlier than usual. We were able to get ten cents more than the average price at the border because the buyer knew what he was getting.” Gelbvieh genetics have added a year of productivity to his females, Ray said. Because of tough range conditions, he had always bred heifers to have their first calves as coming three year olds. Three years ago, he bred 30 heifers as yearlings. All calved unassisted, and 75 percent bred back. “In the past four years, we have started breeding yearling heifers successfully, which we were never able to do in the past. Fertility is one of the breed’s biggest

strengths, Ray noted. “Their fertility in range conditions is the best we have seen. Something else we have noticed is that they will breed with a lower body condition score. We have had years that the cattle don’t look good at all in May, but when we palpate in November, we have excellent fertility.” The credit for the breed’s unique makeup goes to its developers. “We have to thank the Germans for most of our success. Rather than single trait selection, they selected for three traits — milk, fertility and meat — on an index with all three traits weighted by different factors,” he explained. “In most cases, when you select for one trait, you lose another. Using index selection, they were able to improve all three traits in the cattle simultaneously.” Ray likes Bar T Bar bulls because they are raised in an environment similar to his. “I’ve been importing American cattle into Mexico since 1973. With other breeds, our main problem was the bulls would just melt under range conditions. We would have to buy enough bulls to rotate them on and off of the range to maintain their condition.” Gelbvieh and Balancers are a different story, he said. “We bring them home, turn them out and they stay out. They live on the range like the cows, we never have to bring them back in. Newer generations have taken to the country even better and have increased the do ability of the cattle.” “The steer calves do well as feeders, yet their sisters make really good cows for our environment which is a claim very few breeds can make. With Gelbvieh and Balancers, we have females that we can be proud of and that do well in Sonara’s range conditions. If you look at the combination of moderate size and fertility, plus their ability to breed back at a lower body condition score, that is what is selling them in the northern Mexico environment.” n



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Lands News

ver the years there have been a few individuals leading the fight for grazing rights on federal lands. Bob Jones was one of those. Bob was active in the New Mexico Cattle Growers and the New Mexico Federal Lands Council. The last several years he devoted much of his time to his responsibilities as President of the Paragon Foundation promoting the cause of freedom and independence. Along with Bud Eppers, Charlie Lee and Dick Manning, Bob was one of the original few who showed the rest of us how to stand up for our rights to graze livestock and continue our way of life. Bob passed away December 10 at the age of 80. It is hard to imagine not having Bob there for his advice and perspective on how to deal with the problems we face every day in maintaining grazing. He believed ranching and our custom and culture were things that should be preserved and defended against those who want to take them from us. His passing will leave a big empty place for the rest of us to try to fill. Our sympathies go to his family.


There has been no further action on the Doña Ana County wilderness bill. Congress is tied up with bigger issues at the end of the year. There is still plenty of time and a real need for Senator Bingaman to hold a field hearing on this bill in Doña Ana County. It is fundamentally wrong to pass legislation with such sweeping impacts to the local area without giving those most affected by wilderness designation the chance to explain what the impacts will be. Senator Bingaman has always been at least willing to listen to the concerns of both sides of an issue. He needs to do that with this one, too. The big Copenhagen climate change conference was held in mid-December amid continuing revelations in the “Climategate” scandal that exposed the politicization of the global warming/climate change debate in the scientific community. At this writing, the conference is still in progress but it’s not likely there will be any major new initiatives produced there. Most of the proponents of massive regulation and taxation in the name of reducing emissions are on the defensive with the mounting evidence that researchers suppressed and manipulated data to make the case for drastic government action to save the planet. In fact it seems that more dissenting scientific information comes to light every day. Still our own US Environmental Protection Agency has unveiled its plans to use regulation to “protect” us from carbon emissions. Before the Climategate scandal erupted the EPA issued an “endangerment finding” which was basically a declaration 66


that production of carbon dioxide was endangering the public, therefore they were justified in regulating it. It was also a way to push congress into cap and trade legislation to try to control the effects of EPA’s regulation. So far the scandal has done little to slow the EPA’s progress but it has helped dampen enthusiasm for cap and trade even further. Australia was in the process of passing legislation establishing a carbon trading scheme before Climategate. It looked like they were going to get it done but at the last minute the conservative party dumped its leader who had agreed to support it and voted it down. Much of the rest of the world was depending on the US to adopt some kind of carbon trading scheme before they jumped on the bandwagon. It’s not likely that any effort like cap and trade would have much impact on CO² levels without major third world countries like China and India participating but as long as the U.S. stays out of it, even the most prejudiced carbon trading advocates have a hard time making the case. The real casualty in the Climategate scandal is scientific credibility. With the importance of government and foundation grants to research funding, it is not surprising that scientists are influenced by the money involved but they were supposed to be above that. We have always maintained that science supports wellmanaged grazing. We can demonstrate the results with monitoring data. In most cases the other side doesn’t even claim to have any scientific data to support their


opinions that grazing is bad. They just depend on emotional appeals to the public’s desires for beautiful scenery and wildlife. There are some similarities to the debate. The anti-grazing folks don’t have any better argument than the global warming nuts. As a matter of fact, a lot of the anti-grazing folks are also global warming nuts. It’s something to keep in mind when we argue our case. The Wayne Hage family was awarded $4.22 million in compensation by Judge Loren Smith in a takings case over their taking of his ability to use the water rights and improvements on his BLM and Forest Service grazing allotments. After dragging the case out for years until both Wayne and his wife had passed away the government still appealed the ruling. In denying the appeal the judge tacked on another $150,000 to the award. As Frank Dubois commented on his blog, the feds will do everything they can to prevent this case from setting a precedent. Wolves continue to wreak havoc on ranchers in western New Mexico and eastern Arizona; and everywhere else that they have been introduced for that matter. The US Fish and Wildlife Service is initiating another round of meetings to find out what they can do to keep the program going. In the meantime ranchers continue to suffer predation losses. Tod Stevenson of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish says his agency and the state “want to make sure Catron County and its ranchers can survive on the landscape.” It’s hard to believe that when they allow wolves to continue killing livestock putting people out of business. Lewis Derrick received the Bud’s Contract award at the Joint Stockmen’s Convention in early December. Tommy Eppers was there to present the award to Lewis on behalf of the New Mexico Federal Lands Council. Lewis lives near Artesia and ranches northeast of there. Lewis has been involved in federal land grazing issues for many years. He helped Bud lobby in Santa Fe and has served on numerous boards continued on page 67

and commissions. He is currently chairman of the Eddy County Commission. The other commissioners look to him for guidance on land use and water rights issues. He was one of the members of the Prairie Chicken Working Group established by the BLM to work out a solution to the prairie chicken population problem and keep the chicken off the endangered list.

Tod Stevenson of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish says his agency and the state “want to make sure Catron County and its ranchers can survive on the landscape.” It’s hard to believe that when they allow wolves to continue killing livestock putting people out of business. Not many of us have the patience and perseverance to stay after an issue like the prairie chicken but Lewis does. That plus his ability to read and understand regulatory and legislative proposals have earned him respect among agency officials and legislators. Congratulations to Lewis on a well-deserved award. A lot of the state had snow in early December. For some places, that is the most winter moisture in several years. The forecasters tell us we are not through with winter yet. The El Niño episode responsible for increased chances for moisture in the Southwest is supposed to continue through the end of March. Winter weather can be hard to deal with but if we don’t have winter moisture, we usually don’t have spring green-up either. Let’s pray that the winter is not too severe and that the Good Lord blesses us all with an early spring and lots of green pastures. I know n Bob Jones would appreciate that.




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Was Hansen, like his CRU counterpart Michael Mann, trying to “hide the decline” in temperatures?

n NASA was caught with its therAdministration had registered 63 local hat’s become known as “Climategate” may be about to mometers down when James Hansen, snowfall records and 115 lowest-ever explode on this side of the head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for temperatures for the month, and pond as well. Chris Horner, a senior Space Studies, announced that 1998 ranked it as only the 70th-warmest fellow at the Competitive Enterprise was the country’s hottest year on October in 114 years. n Scores of temperature Institute, has threatened a lawsuit against NASA if by year-end records from Russia and else“These guys (NASA) are quite the agency doesn’t honor his where were not based on that clearly determined not to reveal their October’s readings at all; figures Freedom of Information (FOI) internal discussions about this.” requests for information on how from the previous month had and why its climate numbers simply been carried over and have been consistently adjusted for record, with 2006 the third hottest. repeated two months running. n NASA and Goddard were forced to errors. Was Hansen, like his CRU counter“I assume that what is there is highly correct the record in 2007 to show that part Michael Mann, trying to “hide the damaging,” says Horner, who suspects, 1934, decades before the advent of the SUV, decline” in temperatures, asks IBD? Hansen has said in the past that based on the public record, the same was in fact the warmest; in fact, the new type of data fudging, manipulation and numbers showed that four of the country’s “heads of major fossil-fuel companies who spread disinformation about global suppression that has occurred at 10 warmest years were in the 1930s. n Hansen, who began the climate warming should be tried for high crimes Britain’s East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU). “These guys (NASA) are scare some two decades ago, was caught against humanity and nature.” What quite clearly determined not to reveal fudging the numbers again in declaring penalties would he recommend for himOctober 2008 the warmest on record. self and his CRU colleagues, asks IBD? their internal discussions about this.” n This despite the fact that the They may have good reason, says National Oceanic and Atmospheric Source: Editorial, “NASA-Gate,” IBD, Dec. 7, 2009. Investor’s Business Daily (IBD):

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Vernon Knoch, Broker 530/233-1993 • Fax: 530/233-5193

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WAHOO RANCH –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– :.,?0/ 8470> >:@?3 :1 08492 :11 BD :7@8-@> BD ,;;=:C48,?07D ?:?,7 ,.=0> .:9>4>?492 :1 /00/0/ >?,?0 70,>0 ! ,9/ (9.:9?=:770/ '30 ,77:?809? 4> 1:= 30,/ (+ '30=0 ,=0 ,.=0> :1 2=:@9/ B,?0= 4==42,?4:9 =423?> 9:? .@==09?7D -0492 1,=80/ ,> B077 ,> >:7,= ;:B0=0/ >?:.6 B077> ,9/ 80?,7 >?:=,20 ?,96> ,9/ ,;;=:C J 8470> ;4;07490 '30 =,9.3 -0249> :9 ?30 9:=?3 09/ ,? ?30 -0,@?41@7 !,3:90D $,=6 3423 @; 49 ?30 7:=4/, 8:@9?,49> ,9/ =@9> J 8470> /:B9 ?30 8:@9?,49> ?: ?304= >:@?3 09/ ? .:9?49@0> ,9:?30= J 8470> >:@?3 ,.=:>> ?304= 1::?3477> ,9/ :9?: ?30 17,?> '30 =,9.3 3,> , A0=D /4A0=>0 7,9/>.,;0 B4?3 ;709?41@7 B47/7410 49.7@/492 <@,47 /:A0 =,--4?> /00= ,9/ 4-0C #" # # $& # REDROCK CANYON RANCH –

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BETWEEN LAS CRUCES, NM AND EL PASO, TX – BD 1=:9?,20 B4?3 ,.=0> 4==42,?0/ >@=1,.0 B,?0= ;7@> >@;;70809?,7 4==42,?4:9 B077> .0809? /4?.30> ,9/ 7,=20 0<@4;809? B,=03:@>0 *477 >077 " & ! #


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• Dairy Facility Loans 201 Innsdale Terrace Clovis, New Mexico 88101 OFFICE: 575/762-8608 TOLL FREE: 888/868-2331

Bottari Realty www.bottarirealty.com

This should be a great investment property ideal for a 1031 exchange! Deeded sheep base in Elko Co: 10,960 deeded acres plus a 29 percent public BLM permit in the mountains just northeast of Elko. Fifty percent of the mineral rights included. Good summer spring and summer range for sheep or cattle. Annual lease income, plus inexpensive ag taxes. Price: $1,425,800. Dawley Creek Ranch - located in one of the most beautiful ranching valleys of the West: Ruby Valley: Set at the foot of the majestic Ruby Mountains with approx. 1100 acres of lush meadows and good private pasture. This ranch has approx. 6000 deeded acres. Approx. 700 acres are currently being cut for meadow hay plus two 110 acre piviots with alfalfa/orchard grass hay. This ranch runs approx. 500 pair plus heifers and bulls year long and around 30 head of horses. No water fights in this case as the water doesn’t run off the ranch but rather fills a snow water lake called Franklin Lake. This ranch has been a target for conservation easements. Priced at $4,500,000. And contingent upon being able to complete a 1031 exchange into another acceptable property. Waddy Creek Ranch: located in a remote Nevada ranching valley called Charleston which sits at the foot of the Jarbidge Wilderness which is part of the Humboldt National Forest. The ranch is bounded on two sides by forest. There is no power in the valley but there is land line phone. Two creeks provide irrigation water for approx. 138 acres of historic meadow. This property has Quaken aspen groves and is quite beautiful. Access is on a county road. There is a BLM grazing permit attached to the ranch for 71 head. Price: $500,000. Terms considered. Indian Creek Ranch: White Pine County, Nevada. This is a great property for a hunter as it is surrounded by public lands and has plentiful mule deer, antelope and elk. There is a large spring arising on high ground that could provide pressure for hydro power, or gravity flow domestic or irrigation water. This is an old historic ranch base and can provide summer pasture for cattle or horses and includes approx. 200 acres in three separate parcels. Piñon pine and Utah juniper plus some cottonwood, willows and Quaken aspen. Very scenic. Approx. ½ mile off county maintained road. Price: $425,000. OFFICE: 775/752-3040 RESIDENCE: 775/752-3809 FAX: 775/752-3021 E-MAIL: paul@ bottarirealty.com

PAUL D. BOTTARI, BROKER Out West Realty Network Affiliate

NEW LISTING: LA PALOMA RANCH –10 miles SW of Carlsbad NM. 604 head BLM ranch has a mixture of flats and hills. Good road access but still a horseback ranch. 54 sections of state, BLM and private. Projected water sales for next year of $100K+. Priced at an affordable $3150 au. Good headquarters, scales and covered working chute. Ideal for the family with school age children and competition exhibitors. CROOKED CREEK RANCH – Well maintained 585 BLM permitted SE NM ranch. A working ranch with good headquarters, improvements. Located 25 miles SW of Hope, NM. Well watered with lots of storage. Good improvements. Four BR home, roping arena, and large barns. Part of ranch has controlled access for hunting and could be developed as another source of income. Affordably priced at $3333 a cow unit. Co-listed with Dave Kern, Kern Land, Inc., Clovis NM. New Mexico HomeR anch Realty Joe Cox, Qualifying Broker 575/981-2427 – office www.nmhomeranch.com • jjcox@pvtn.net

LOOKING TO SELL YOUR FARM, RANCH, OR RURAL HOME? Call me today. As a fellow farm owner and operator, I understand the unique challenges faced by agriculture and am here to help you in meeting your goals, whether buying or selling. PAUL STOUT, QUALIFYING BROKER 3352 State Road 209, Broadview, NM 88112 O: 575/357-2060 • C: 575/760-5461 • F: 575/357-2050 paul@firstalternativerealty.com www.firstalternativerealty.com JANUARY 2010



Ag Services, Inc.


Third Mesa Ranch — New to the market is 12,760 deeded acres. Located north of the Sawtooth Mountains nearby Pie Town, New Mexico. A scenic ranch adjoining the Cibola National Forest along a 14 mile boundary. A tidy headquarters with residence, hunters quarters, authentic historic Hogan, game processing facilities and good stock pens. Beautiful scenic tree cloaked mesas, canyons, and creek bottom provides excellent habitat for elk, deer, bear, and lion. This area is noted for its trophy class bull elk. 29 landowners elk permits for 2009. Additional adjoining deeded acreage can be assembled. $490 deeded acre.

New Mexico / West Texas Ranches Campo Bonito, LLC RANCH SALES P.O. Box 1077 • Ft. Davis, Texas 79734

N E E D RA N CH L E A S E S a nd P A S T U R E F OR 2 0 1 0

DAVID P. DEAN Ranch: 432/426-3779 • Mob.: 432/634-0441 www.availableranches.com

Western New Mexico Mountains — Balanced with an abundance of wildlife, monster Bull Elk, captivating beauty, rich productive range sites, quality improvements and space to roam. 47,000± acres overlooking the Plains of San Augustine and surrounding the 9,000 ft. Luera Mountain Peak! Located south of Datil, remote, yet easily accessiblee – PRICE REDUCED – $6,500,000! Pecos Valley Hay Farm — A significant and productive sprinkler irrigated hay farm at Roswell, New Mexico. 469 total acres with 418.76 water right acres. Turnkey with all farm equipment! $2,000,000. Singer Lake Ranch ~ This is a no frills cattle ranch ~ 45 miles west of Artesia, NM. Approximately 6,700 NM State Lease Acres and 240 deeded. Strong grass rangeland with wide draws, canyon lands, limestone hill country, and new electric power ~ 2 good wells and cow camp with barn. Paved access is off U.S. Highway 82. $607,000. Los Chaparrales Ranch — Nourished by the Mimbres River is a 1,789 acre desert oasis of sycamores, cottonwoods, and water. This environment is a refuge for wildlife and ideal for the western horse and cattle. This pretty little ranch has 1,389 deeded acres, water rights, a beautiful location and heavenly views. The neighborhood is sparsely populated, yet the amenities of nearby Silver City and Deming, are easily accessed. $1,800,000. Eagle Canyon Ranch — Located within the scenic productive hill country 40 miles west of Artesia, New Mexico, which is one of the region’s most prolific small town communities. This 15,465 acre expanse is an ideal cattle grazing operation. It has good water development, pipe shipping pens, and excellent access off paved roads. Abundant wildlife: mule deer, Barbary sheep, and quail. $1,350,000.


Joe Stubblefield & Associates 13830 Western St., Amarillo, TX 806/622-3482 • cell 806/674-2062 Drew Perez Assocs. Nara Visa, NM • 806/392-1788


DVDs and Brochures available upon request by contacting:

503 acre So. Navarro Co., Texas. It’s got it all. $2,000/acre. 632 acre CATTLE and HUNTING, N.E. Texas ranch, elaborate home, one-mile highway frontage. OWNER FINANCE at $2,000/acre. 274 acres in the shadow of Dallas. Secluded lakes, trees, excellent grass. Hunting and fishing, dream home sites. $3,850/acre. 126 acre jewel on Red River Texas – Nice river frontage, irrigation well, excellent soils for crops, nursery stock, cattle grazing, you name it. $3,450/acre. 1,700 acre classic N.E. Texas cattle and hunting ranch. $2,500/acre. Some mineral production.

Keith L. Schrimsher Phone/Fax: 575/622-2343

Joe Priest Real Estate


1205 N. Hwy 175, Seagoville, TX 75159

972/287-4548 • 214/676-6973 1-800/671-4548 www.joepriest.com • joepriestre@earthlink.com




1031FEC – PAY NO TAX When Selling/Exchanging Real Estate, Equipment & Livestock VIEW EXCHANGE/INVESTMENT PROPERTIES AT: www.1031FEC.com • 800/333-0801

We may not be the biggest, the fanciest or the oldest but we are reliable & have the tools. RICHARD RANDALS – QUALIFYING BROKER • TOM SIDWELL – ASSOCIATE BROKER GEORGE (DOC) EVETTS, MD – ASSOCIATE BROKER O: 575/461-4426 • C: 575/403-7138 • F: 575/461-8422 • TF: 866/681.3505

Ranch and Recreational Property

richard@newmexicopg.com • www.newmexicopg.com • 615 West Rt. 66, Tucumcari, NM 88401

A.C. TAYLOR 505/792-7646 www.nmland.com


LEGACY 505/898-2700

Ranch Sales & Appraisals Ranchers Serving Ranchers TX & NM LEE, LEE & PUCKITT ASSOCIATES INC.

Bar M Real Estate

Office: 325/655-6989 • Cell: 915/491-9053 1002 Koenigheim, San Angelo, TX 76903 • www.llptexasranchland.com email: llp@wcc.net

SCOTT MCNALLY, BROKER Specializing in sales and appraisals of rural properties P.O. Box 428 • Roswell, NM 88202 Phone: 575/622-5867 Mobile: 575/420-1237 Web Site: www.ranchesnm.com email: sammmcnally@msn.com

Commercial Income Properties Where Vision Becomes Reality


Big Sky Management, Inc. has helped dozens of land owners transition from production agriculture to commercial property ownership through IRC 1031 Exchanges. Our experience and resources help clients successfully navigate the red tape and complete the exchange within the given time constraints. Let us help your vision become reality.

ROY ROSE • Managing Broker • (406) 222-0005 • roy@bigskymanagement.com


866/676-3276 • www.ag-management.com

418 Acres in Yuma County, Arizona Controlled Under a State Agricultural Lease. AND Turn Key 1788.5 Acre Farm & Ranch Combo – Plus Equipment

Scott and L co.

1301 Front St., Dimmitt, TX 79027 Ben G. Scott, Krystal M. Nelson–Brokers 1-800/933-9698 day/night www.scottlandcompany.com

Ranch & Farm Real Estate

This ad is just a small sample of the properties that we currently have for sale. Please check our website and give us a call! We need your listings both large & small: all types of ag properties (ESPECIALLY CRP).

EASTERN N.M. – Approx. 30 sections, mostly deeded, some BLM & State, employee housing & two sets of steel pens, county maintained, all weather road. Your cows will think they are in Florida! HEART OF THE PLAINS – 8 section ranch with new set of pens, concrete bunks, truck/cattle scale and commodity barn, mobile home, watered by subs, mill and pipeline, on pavement, an hour from Lubbock.

Laura Riley 505/330-3984 Justin Knight 505/490-3455 Specializing in Farm and Ranch Appraisals

’S ! O C Y I T X I E N M U T W R NE O P P O D N T LA



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io n t 0 a m 0 r o f 9 n , I 24 and & Ranches for More 3391

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7 0 5 8 8 1-8

ico Ranch y New Mex ales, LLC S Offered b




Hoff’s Scotch Cap ReMax Farm & Ranch Realty Service 1610 Branding Iron Drive, Spearfish, SD 57783 • 605/722-2174 doug@scotchcap.com • www.scotchcap.com


SELLING WEST TEXAS FOR 29 YEARS! — PETROLEUM BUILDING — 14 E. Beauregard Ave., Suite 201 San Angelo, Texas 76903-5831 Ofc.: 325/655-3555

Semen Service

PAUL McGILLIARD Murney Associate Realtors Cell: 417/839-5096 • 800/743-0336 Springfield, MO 65804 WWW.PAULMCGILLIARD.MURNEY.COM



Nancy A. Belt, Broker Cell 520-221-0807 Tom Hardesty 520-909-0233 Rye Hart 928-965-9547 Tobe Haught 505-264-3368 Office 520-455-0633 COMMITTED TO ALWAYS WORKING HARD FOR YOU! Fax 520-455-0733 RANCHES / FARMS Turkey Creek, AZ – 2837 acres deeded, nice HQ, small state lease, 724 acre feet of water rights, great development potential. $6,000,000. **NEW** 250 to 400 Plus Head Cattle Ranch Sheldon, AZ – 1,450 deeded acres, +/-30 sections BLM, 150 +acres irrigated farm land. Nice HQ including two rock homes, good set of steel shipping & horse corrals, 30’ x 20’ barn, 9 livestock & domestic wells & 4 irrigation wells. There is deeded access to the ranch off of a paved highway & power to the headquarters. $1,950,000, Terms. Young, AZ 72 Acre Farm – Under the Mogollon Rim, a must see, w/small town charm, mountain views. 1,000 gpm well, home, 1800’s museum, 2 bedroom cabin, shop, & barn. Excellent for horse farm, bed & breakfast, land or water development. +/-62 acres & well for $1,700,000; home & other improvements. $424,500, Seller Financing. 325 Ac Farm, Kansas Settlement, AZ – This working farm has 2-120 acre Zimmatic Pivots, a nice site built home, large workshop & hay barn, a doublewide & singlewide mobile home. 5 irrigation wells, 2 domestic wells. The property is fenced & cross fenced. Great set-up for pasturing cattle. $1,250,000, Terms Desired. **NEW** 235 Head Ranch, Safford, AZ – 16 sections State, 20 sections BLM & 16 sections of USFS. 40 deeded acres w/a nice 3 BR, 2 bath home built in 2007, corrals, electric power & a well at HQ. Paved access. Elevation ranges from 3,500 to 7,265 feet. $1,050,000. This ranch adjoins the 56 head

ranch that we have listed, combine them to form a nearly 300 head outfit. **NEW** 56 Head Ranch, Safford, AZ – A ranch w/an upside! 640 deeded acres with a BLM allotment. Surveyed into 40 acre parcels & has established legal access off of a paved hwy. Run cattle & develop the deeded. This is a ranch that will pay for itself! Adjoins 235 head ranch listed above. $699,000. Benson, AZ, 79 Acre Farm – Situated in the beautiful San Pedro Valley along the San Pedro River. +/-50 acres under irrigation. Includes a 2 ⁄ 3 interest in a 1000 gpm irrigation well. Great for cattle, horses & homesites. $850,000.

dirt tanks, +/-20 springs. 10 acres of deeded in Sheldon, AZ. $400,000 – Seller Financing. Santa Teresa Mtns, Fort Thomas AZ – 200 deeded acres, 17 head BLM allotment, private retreat, two wells. This property is very remote & extremely scenic w/a beautiful canyon lined w/sycamores, cottonwoods & beautiful rock formations. $300,000 – Seller Financing. 68 Head Cattle Ranch, Tombstone, AZ – BLM, State grazing leases & 160 acres deeded land w/spectacular views. Close to town, great access. Combination grass & browse ranch. $250,000 – Great Terms Available.

Rainbow Valley, AZ, 300 Head Cattle Ranch – Excellent desert ranch owned & operated by the same family for 40 years. Well improved w/BLM & State grazing leases. HQ on State Land, well watered. $850,000 Price Reduced to $650,000.

Dragoon, AZ, 50+/- Head Cattle Ranch – 21 head state AZ grazing lease & 1960+/acres adverse grazing. 10 deeded acres w/water & power nearby. $225,000.

Wickenburg, AZ – 216 Head Cattle Ranch. Scenic, lush high desert vegetation. 103 deeded acres, State, BLM & 3,100 acres private lease. Well watered w/tanks, springs & wells. Abundant feed, numerous corrals & great steel shipping pens. $850,000.

Benson, AZ, 20 Acre Quality Horse Facility – Castlebrook barn, nice home, arena, round pen & much more. $695,000.

Near Cotton City, NM – 680 acre farm w/315 acres of water rights, +/-4 sections of BLM. Run +/-300 head. Irrigated by 12" pipe w/alfalfa valves. 3 irrigation wells water at 150' & 2 domestic wells. Nice home, barn & corrals. Great buy! $755,000. Greenlee County, AZ, 139 Head Ranch – Year long USFS permit w/two room line camp, barn & corrals at HQ. This is a remote horseback ranch w/limited vehicular access, 8



Dragoon, AZ, 5 Acre Horse Property – 3927 sq. ft. home remodeled w/new kitchen cabinets & flooring, 4-stall hay/horse barn, two turnouts. $250,000 – Additional acreage available & grazing possibility for a few head of cattle. Willcox, AZ, +/-9 Acres w/Roping Arena – 3BR/2BA Shultz manufactured home with many upgrades, 170’x300’ roping arena, nice 4-stall horse barn with tack room & hay storage, second barn, new well, a very private and nice location on Circle I Road. $230,000.

Thinking of Buying or Selling? Call! ‘Cause we’ll get ‘er done! www.stockmensrealty.com



BECKY HARWELL Associate Broker Mobile: 575/748-4722 • beckyharwell@netscape.net

Wonderful 12 acre parcel with beautiful 2688 sq. ft. home, fully landscaped, 40x50 shop with 14' roll up door, 6 stall horse barn with tack room and wash bay, steer roping arena with calf roping alley, room for barrel racing, 12x24 covered calf pen. Wonderful property near Moriarty LOIS OLIVER — don’t miss out. 575/748-9735 More acreage available. R E A L

E S T A T E ,

I N C .




Brokers in New Mexico, Texas & Colorado. Ranches and Farms are our Specialty. 575/763-3851 MARVIN C. HUGULEY






duces 260 GPM, concrete water distribution system, just 6 miles North West of Willcox in Stewart District, great location with all utilities and nice views ¾ mile from paved road. $240,000 w/owner financing. Additional acreage available.

100 Acres:

New 30’X60’x17’, concrete-floored, open front, sheet metal barn, very high producing irrigation well (tested over 2,000 GPM) new pump and electric motor in place, domestic well with submersible pump and pressure system, electric, phone & new septic system ready for your new home. Abundance of water ready to put in to farming. $275,000.

640 AC + 600 AC State Lease in livestock grazing. This property lies along Birch Road, a main paved road that connects Hwy. 191 and Kansas Settlement Road, the 2 main southern routes, in Sulfur Springs Valley. $1,120,000 2,240 Acres, 10 wells, all videoed showing water depths and condition of wells. Paved road to corner of property, on Bell Ranch Road. 2 miles North of Hwy 181. In a farming area with Pat Hills as backdrop. Well located for development property or re-development as farm and/or dairy. Has annual government crop payments and can be leased out for grazing to keep taxes to a minimum. $5,600,000.

TENNEY’s 4U Land & Real Estate J.L. (JIM) TENNEY, BROKER 4520 West Airport Rd., Willcox, AZ 85643 (Cochise Country) Office 520/384-2834 • Cell 520/906-7335 • Fax 520/384-6396 • jimassist@vtc.net Our family trains roping and barrel horses, so the cattle we have are Corriente Cattle we use for training our horses. My primary business is brokering real estate.

Vista Nueva, Inc. Has Joined Forces with United Country — Now There is A Big Difference Among Real Estate Firms


Selling your Property


154 ACRES, BARN, ARENA, IN PORTALES — $550,000 OWNER/AGENT 19 ACRES, 10,000 SQ. FT. SHOP, HORSE STALLS, HOUSE. OWNER/AGENT — $250,000 MILLER RANCH IN HAGERMAN Don’t be satisfied with only local advertising exposure. Get nationwide advertising coverage with UNITED COUNTRY/VISTA NUEVA, INC.

Qualifying Broker – Charles Bennett OFFICE 575/356-5616 • HOME 575/356-5616 708 South Avenue C, Portales, NM 88130 www.vista-nueva.com

NEW MEXICO RANCHES FOR SALE – 20,099 total acres, 348 AUYL BLM grazing permit. 80 miles southwest of Carlsbad, NM, in the Brokeoff Mountains. – 12,369 deeded acres, 300± AUYL, scenic vistas with hunting. Located on the north slopes of the Capitan Mountains in southeastern New Mexico. – 8,038 total acres, 200± AUYL owner controlled, excellent turf with good grass cover. Forty-five miles northwest of Roswell, NM. – 28,576 total acres, 2,200± deeded, desert ranch 25 miles west of Jal, NM, on NM State Highway 128. BLM rating at 370 AUYL.

Bar M Real Estate

www.ranchesnm.com JANUARY 2010



41 Acres: Irrigation well with new Submersible pumping system that pro-


Wild West Properties, L.L.C.

House, New Mexico 160 acres, 126.5 acres under center pivot with 48 acres in 1st year alfalfa. T and L sprinkler. Water source is from a rechargeable stream. $1,185 / acre. House, New Mexico 2200 sq ft home on 10 acres. Needs work. Located south of House, NM. $65,000 Clovis, N.M. 620 S Reid, Need a Home for your horse? Don’t miss this one. 1+ acre with super nice barn featuring tack room, indoor wash rack w/ hot water and bathroom. All city utilities, lots of pipe fencing, 5 covered runs and large shed row. Business opportunity for horse boarding. Call Brett 575-760-3654 575-763-5055 Portales, NM 1007 acres on HWY 467 and Oasis State Park Road. 640 acres state lease. 327 acres deeded. 5 pastures, 2 traps, 2 wells, 2 sets of pens. Call Brett Johnson 575760-3654 or 575-763-5055 $295,000

BRETT JOHNSON – 575/763-5055 • 575/762-5611 brett@505resources.com • www.505realtors.com Office 575/763-5055 • Cell 575/760-3654 • Fax 575/769-9177 3008 N. Prince St., Clovis, NM 88101

“Making a difference to the land and the people” I Springer, N.M.: 275 acres with 90 water shares on the French Tract overlooking Springer Lake. 2003, 3-bed./2-bath Oakwood MH with city water tap. 1/3 under irrigation and the rest in pasture. Breathtaking views of the mesas and mtns. Ideal for the horsemen with a clean property ready to build your own horse facility. $300,000. I Gladstone, N.M.: 800 ac., ¼ mile North of store on Hwy. 56. On county road with water and utilities. Excellent grass production with 360' open views of the prairie, volcanoes and Ute Creek. Will sell from 140 ac. and up at $500/ac. Total price for the 800 acres is at $400,000. I French Track, N.M.: 400 ac., Off of I-25 exit 419 onto Hwy. 58 near Russell’s truck stop. The farm has a 3 bed, one bath home with long loafing sheds, water tap and 160 water shares. Dry land is sub-irrigated and has a high carrying capacity per animal unit. Being next to this busy intersection creates a great opportunity for extra income possibilities. $440,000. I Raton, N.M.: 616 acres on the historical landmark Kiowa Mesa, 30 miles SE on Hwy. 193. Beautiful mesa country with awesome views of the surrounding valley, volcano Mtns., and mesas. Excellent habitat for the Mule deer, antelope and grass for livestock. Cabin with windmill water. Great small recreational ranch... $525,000. I Raton, N.M.: 920 acres 45 miles SE on Hwy. 193, next to the historical Palo Blanco Mtn. Church, with tree covered mesas, live creek, large natural lake bed and lots of wildlife. Water well, power and abuts Hwy. 193. Very scenic ranch. $690,000.

Norman “Punch” Hennigan, Qualifying Broker Toll Free 877/704-4077 • O: 575/445-4077 • Cell 575/447-7758 116 S. 2nd, Raton, NM • www.kiowaland.com • sales@kiowaland.com



The Golden Rule isn’t just a rule; it’s a way of Life.

Give me a call or see our website for the following properties:

Extraordinary 39,000 Deeded Acre Hunting Ranch 474 Acre Hunting Paradise near Luna, NM (under contract) 66 Acre MRGCD irrigated farm south of Veguita, NM 145 Head Cattle Ranch near Magdalena, NM 2,800 Acre Cattle Ranch near Quemado, NM (pending offer)

) 3 *""$ !

14 Acre MRGCD irrigated farm near Las Nutrias, NM 190 Acre Irrigated Horse Ranch near Ruidoso, NM 500 Head Cattle Ranch near Trinidad, CO. 3,200 Acre Ranch near Marquez, NM

** $'


9,400 Acre Ranch next to Capitan, NM

0 '$"$3$)# " 2


' 0,0!-,0! *(

./ )!/ 45 111 1$' 1!./+-*+!-/$!. *(


Real Estate

~ Southern Oregon ~ Farm/Ranch ~ Rural ~ Timber Recreational Properties


2024.62 acres, views, expansive meadows, 5 dwellings, estimated 8 million BF timber, old water rights for 225 acres. ...... $7,000,000. Multiple tax lots, large acreage for grazing and multiple recreational opportunities on 3196.75 acres. Spring on the property. Great hunting opportunities! ............................................................ $4,000,000. Big Butte Creek Frontage and historic farm house on 157 acres. Ideal horse property. 10 irrigated acres plus usable grazing. Adjacent to BLM property. Abundant wildlife. ................................. $775,000. Two residence set up. 45.44 acres with irrigation. Spectacular setting. Insulated and cooled show barn and sale ring facilities. Multiple livestock pens. Well drained soils for hay or pasture. ....... $949,000. A self contained ranch of 328 acres. Scenic creek front property on the flanks of the cascade mountain range. Currently running 65 cows. Water rights dated 1865 for 100 acres of pasture. Two existing homes. An indoor arena 100 x 50, 2 feed barns, one wtih covered working cattle equipment. ....................................................... $1,500,000.

Our Business Plan is simple...


Join our winning team in 2010! Along with cooperators Brian & Andi Bauck and Steve & Cindi Maier of C Bar Ranch

March 2, 2010 Production Sale!

125 Red Angus Bulls 175 Commercial Open Heifers

Contact us for your catalog today!


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Financing also available for: Country Homes, Recreational Property, Farms and Ranches and Agribusiness Loans Clovis: 1-800-357-3545 Belen: 1-800-722-4769 Las Cruces: 1-575-644-2229 Roswell: 1-866-789-2378

www.agnewmexico.com Part of the Farm Credit System





A Lazy 6 Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . 69, 82 ADM / Joe Delk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Ag New Mexico FCS, ACA . . . . . . . . . . 81 Ag Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 American Angus Association . . . . . . . . . 53 American Brahman Breeders Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Apex Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Arizona Ranch Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . 79 Ash Marketing Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 B

Ken Babcock Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Baboquivari Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Bar G Feedyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Bar M Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77, 79 Tommy Barnes Auctioneer . . . . . . . . . . 73 Bar T Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Bar W Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Big Sky Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 BJM Sales & Service, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Blevins Mfg. Co. Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Border Tank Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Bottari Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Bow K Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Bradley 3 Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 71 Brennand Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Charles Burk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 C

Registered Fall & Yearling Bulls Available Bred Cattle & Replacement Heifer Calves for Sale

C Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Canon Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 69 Cargill Animal Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Carter Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Casey Beefmasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Cattle Guards/Priddy Construction . . . . 50 Cattlemen’s Livestock Auction, Inc . . . . 43 Cattleman’s Livestock Commission . . . . 47 Caviness Packing Co., Inc . . . . . . . . . . 58 Cimmaron English Shepherds . . . . . . . . 73 Clovis Livestock Markets . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Coba Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Coldwell Banker / A.C. Taylor . . . . . . . 77 Chip Cole Ranch Broker . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Conniff Cattle Co., LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Cox Ranch Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 CPE Feeds Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 CPI Pipe & Steel, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 George Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 D

Happy New Year

Villanueva •

Pick Your Bulls Early and We'll Care For Them at Cost Until You Pick Them Up in the Spring PAP Tested, High Altitud Bulls Availab e le

BLOODLINES: Mytty In Focus, KG Spirit, Emulation, Future Direction, Twin Valley Precision, Objective, Bextor & XR Expand

Call Bob, Kay, or Mike Anderson A Lazy 6 Angus at Blanco Canyon, HCR 72, Box 10, Ribera, NM 87560 Headquarters: 575/421-1809 Cells: 505/690-1191 • 505/660-2909 • 505/429-6846

“They are worth more if they have Black Angus influence.”



D2 Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Dan Paxton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 David Dean / Campo Bonita LLC . . . . . 76 Dan Delaney Real Estate, Inc . . . . . . . . 74 Desert Scales & Weighing Equipment . . 72 Domenici Law Firm, PC . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 E

Elgin Breeding Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Estrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 F

Fallon-Cortese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Farm Credit of New Mexico . . . . . . . . . . 8 Farmway Feed Mill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 FBFS / Larry Marshall . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 First Alternative Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Five State Livestock Auction . . . . . . . . . 15 Flying W Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 69


Giant Rubber Water Tanks . . . . . . . 55 Gila County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Gila Monster Tuff Tanks . . . . . . . . . 50 Grau Charolais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Tom Growney Equipment, Inc . . . 5, 72 H

Hales Angus Farm . . . . . . . . . . 26, 71 Harrison Quarter Horses . . . . . . . . . 73 Hartzog Angus Cattle . . . . . . . . 18, 52 Henard Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Hoff’s Scotch Cap Re/Max Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Semen Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Hollis Cotton Oil Co . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Hubbell Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 69 Hudson Livestock Supplements . . . . 86 Huguley & Co Land Sales . . . . . . . . 78 Huston Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Hutchinson Western . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 I

Irish Blacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Isa Cattle Co., Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 J

JaCin Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Jaxon Bilt Hat Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Johnson Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71



Manford Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Manzano Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 McGinley Red Angus . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Merrick’s Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Mesa Feed Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Mesa Tractor, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 72 Messner Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Michelet Homestead Realty . . . . . . . 75 Chas. S. Middleton & Son . . . . . . . . 78 Montana del Oro Ranch . . . . . . . . . 48 Mur Tex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 73 Murney Association / Paul McGilliard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Red Doc Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 D.J. Reveal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59, 73 Riley & Knight Appraisal, LLC . . . . . 77 Rim Fire Stock Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Rob-Bilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Robertson Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Roswell Brangus Bull & Female Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Roswell Livestock Auction Co . . . . . 12 Running Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . 71


New Mexico Ag Expo . . . . . . . . . . . 84 New Mexico Angus/ Hereford Bull & Heifer Sale . . . . . 21 New Mexico Beef Council . . . . . . . . 31 New Mexico Cattle Growers’ President’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 New Mexico Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 New Mexico Hereford Association . . 28 New Mexico Home Ranch Realty . . 75 New Mexico Property Group . . . . . . 77 New Mexico Purina Dealers . . . . . . 88 New Mexico Ranch Sales, LLC . . . . 77 No Bull Enterprises, LLC . . . . . . . . . 51



Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Kahn Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 72 Kail Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 King Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Kiowa Land & Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Klein Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 KMB Helicopters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Lois Oliver Real Estate / Becky Harwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Oregon Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . 80


L & H Mfg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 La Gloria Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Lazy JB Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Lee, Lee & Puckitt / Kevin Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 LG Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70




Pacific Livestock Auction . . . . . . . . . 54 Paco Feed Yard, LTD . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Phase-A-Matic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Phillips Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Lee Pitts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Porter Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Pot of Gold Gelbvieh Association . . . 65 Pratt Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 70 Premium Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Joe Priest Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . 76

1031 Financial Exchange Corp. . . . 77 Tenney’s 4U Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 The Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Tire Water Troughs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Tri State Angus Ranches . . . . . . 71, 73 Triad Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Tucumcari Bull Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 U

U Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 United Country Vista Nueva, Inc . . . 79 USA Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71



Santa Gertrudis Breeders International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Santa Rita Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Schrimsher Ranch Real Estate . . . . 76 Scott Land Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Scythe & Spade Companies . . . . . . 77 Singleton Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Skaarer Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Smith Land & Cattle Co., LLC . . . . 17 Southwest Brangus Breeders Coop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Stockmen’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Joe Stubblefield & Associates . . . . . 76 Sunset Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Southwest Brangus Association– Best in the West Sale . . . . . . . . . . 6

Virden Perma-Bilt Co. . . . . . . . . . . 48 W

Weaver Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Wedel Red Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Weichert Realtors / 505 Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Westlake Cattle Growers, LLC . . . . . 49 Westway Feed Products, Inc . . . . . . 40 Wild West Properties . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Williams Windmill, Inc . . . . . . . 41, 73 WW-Paul Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Y

R.L. York Custom Leather . . . . . . . . 72

We wish you a ear! Y w e N s u o r e p s o Pr – The Staf f at man New Mexico Stock



18th Annual

Feb. 23-24, 2010



O Low moisture, high energy, pure sugarcane molasses supplements O No fillers or binders; just 100% nutrition O Energy, Protein, Vitamins and Minerals all in one convenient package O Supplement cattle for .20 to .30 cents per head per day O Increased forage utilization O No Waste Roswell Livestock & Farm Supply Roswell, NM Hub Taylor 575/622-9164

Hungry Critters Feed & Supply LLC Hobbs, NM Kevin Parish 575/492-1111

DD’s Animal Nutrition & Supply Artesia, NM Don Spearman 575/746-2370

Mimbres Valley Feeds Deming, NM Kyle Reid 575/544-8131

Chical Haystack Bosque Farms, NM Anthony Lucero 505/869-3500 One Stop Feed Store Clovis, NM 88101 Lovita Frusher 575/562-3997

Western Mercantile Albuquerque, NM Greg Artz 505/877-1504 Additional Locations: Tijeras, NM Los Lunas, NM Socorro, NM Las Cruces, NM

Ronnie Hudson • 800-750-9608 • 325-659-3992 • rwhud@aol.com • www.hudsonlivestock.com New Mexico Sales Rep • Tom Underwood • 830/534-2142

GAYLAND & PATTI TOWNSEND HOME: 580/443-5777 CELL: 580/380-1606

STEVE & JACKIE TOWNSEND HOME: 580/443-5749 CELL: 580/380-1968

P.O. BOX 278 MILBURN, OK 73450

We are consigning to the

Roswell Brangus Sale

February 27, 2010



This will be the 19th year for the Roswell Brangus Bull & Female Sale!


— Consigning — 8 Angus Plus Bulls 12 Registered Bulls 5 Purebred Bulls 15 Bred Angus Plus Heifers 15 Bred Brangus Heifers 15 Super Baldy Bred Heifers

As always, there will be some outstanding Herd Sires and some good Registered Females, but 90% of the bulls and females will be intended for the commercial cowman at a price they can afford.


Troy Floyd P.O. Box 133 Roswell, NM 88201 Phone: 575/734-7005

Lack-Morrison Brangus JOE PAUL & ROSIE LACK P.O. Box 274, Hatch, NM 87937 Phone: 575/267-1016 • Fax: 575/267-1234 BILL MORRISON 411 CR 10, Clovis, NM 88101 Phone: 575/769-7263 Email: bvmorrison@yucca.net

Parker Brangus LARRY PARKER San Simon, AZ 85632 Days: 520/845-2411 Eves.: 520/845-2315

Townsend Brangus GAYLAND and PATTI TOWNSEND P.O. Box 278 Milburn, Oklahoma 73450 Home: 580/443-5777 Cell: 580/380-1606

Bruhn Enterprises, +$ * -*&# -0%* Circle S Feed Store, -(. " ((4 #*0#4 Cortese Feed & Supply, +-/ 0)*#*+3 +-/#.# Cowboy’s Corner Feed & Supply, +1&*$/+* 4*# *'.

Creighton’s Town & Country, +-/ (#. -( *" -#&$%/+*

Roswell Livestock & Farm Supply, +.2#(( 0 - 4(+-

Maid Rite Feeds, &((!+3 &((4 %+),.+*

Steve Swift, !!+0*/ * $#+-/ (#.

Horse n Hound Feed n Supply . -0!#. 0-/&. -#&$%/+* Old Mill Farm & Ranch #(#* +-'4 +--&.+*

Gary Creighton //(# ,#!& (&./ +-/ (#.

Bradley 3 Ranch, Ltd., has been in the Registered Angus business for over fifty years. Time tested and rancher approved the Bradley program focuses on raising bulls that can survive in rough country. Cows that live in tough country, need to spend their time foraging and not waiting by the road for the cake truck. With Purina’s Sup-R-Lix, our cows spend their time covering their country and maintaining better body condition at less cost. Their calves are growing out better and the cows breed up is improved. At Bradley 3 Ranch, our cows live in tough country but their performance doesn’t have to suffer because of it.

Bradley 3 Ranch Ltd. www.bradley3ranch.com Office: 806/888-1062 Cell: 940/585-6471 Cell: 940/585-6171

170+ An Bulls Segus ll Feb. 13 , 2010 at the R an c Estellineh N E of , TX R

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