Livestock “The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it.”
Digest A
www. aaalivestock . com
Volume 53 • No. 5
Double Crossed B by Lee Pitts
e very afraid of these initials: ATDF. Be very, very afraid. If you thought the IRS, FBI, or the CIA were scary, just wait till you hear about the ATDF. If you are one of those people who cringe at the thought of the feds taking away your guns, wait until they make you put down your branding iron. If you Google the letters ATDF you’ll find stories on something as harmless as the American Tap Dance Foundation, as serious as a drug task force in Appalachia, or as confusing as something called Accelerator Transmutation of Waste. Remember this: every time you read the letters ATDF in the future just replace them in your mind with the letters NAIS. Sound more familiar? That was the individual identification scheme the USDA dreamed up and spent over $120 million trying to cram down our throats until they realized it was a nonstarter and backed off. Or at least that’s what they said they’d do. In reality, the cattle industry has been double crossed once again by the USDA and now they’ve come up with something even more sinister that they call the Animal Disease Traceability Framework, or ATDF, which is nothing more than a clone of the
Riding Herd
“Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.”
old NAIS program. If the feds are able to pull this one over on the beef industry you might as well throw your branding iron away right now. I don’t know what Accelerator Transmutation of Waste means but it sounds like it might be a good description for the “new” animal identification program the USDA has come up with. Or, should we say, the new old program they are trying to revive?
New Saddle, Same Old Horse Derry Brownfield was a rancher and legendary talk radio host, who loved to tweak big government, big business, and their greenie friends on his widely syndicated radio show. I miss Derry and now the American cattle rancher is really going to miss him as we battle the USDA once again over their latest animal identification scheme. Derry helped us win the war over the NAIS but he will not be there to
help this time as the man called “the voice of the heartland” passed away a couple months ago. I just wish he was alive to see how accurate and prophetic his predictions were. You’ll recall that on February 5, 2010, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced that NAIS was seriously flawed and that he was killing it off, once and for all. That was after only 36 percent of ranchers signed up, some of them not so voluntarily. Tens of thousands of ranchers helped kill NAIS by writing letters and showing up at USDA listening sessions. Groups as different as the Amish people and R-CALF celebrated their victory and thought that the USDA had learned its lesson and would now work with them on developing a better identification system. They thought they’d found a friend in Vilsack when he said, “The United States needs a flexible system continued on page two
Economics 2 x 4 x 24 by STEPHEN ANDERSON
here is no mystery to genuine economic prosperity. “All Wealth Comes From The Land.” The annual harvest of livestock, poultry and crops, the edible bounty of the oceans, lakes, and streams; the production of all forests and the oil, natural gas and various minerals extracted from the earth itself. These all represent true wealth and when monetized into a nation’s financial system at stable and fair prices, forms the foundation for a prosperous economy. Just as real wealth is created by the farmer, rancher, logger, miner or fisherman when they produce raw materials; so to is real wealth created by the labor of those who process raw materials into useable consumer products. When the wages paid to labor is fair and just, the economy expands in a sound and stable manner. The third phrase of real wealth in an economy is housing, rents and all the myriad of retail business activity that represents the value added to raw materials. The huge service industry adds no real wealth to the economy; it merely circulates the wealth previously created. One simple mathematical equation provides the answer to economic well being. That is
“Production X Price = the true G.D.P. (Gross Domestic Production.” In short the combination of raw materials produced, labor and manufacturing of these raw materials, plus the transport and retail marketing of all these finished products available to the end user X the price received at each level of commerce, reveals a true picture of real wealth and the national economy.
Remember, “All Wealth Comes From The Land.” And “Production Times Price.” The last economist who understood how the real national economy works was Carl Wilken. He cautioned that each phase of production and price needed to be in harmony and share equally for a nation to thrive. That’s where the term “Parity” comes into being. On par with, or to share equally. A simpler definition is when mother’s apple pie is cut; all six pieces are the same size. We all got our fair share! Unfortunately, the U.S. economic pie has been cut in increasingly disproportionate sized pieces. The trusts and robber barons of the 1800s have accumulated massive wealth on the backs of farmers and slave labor imported from Europe. The resulting boom and bust cycles in continued on page eight
group of well-meaning but overly-sensitive people are trying to rid the world of pain and suffering, starting with hot iron branding. Believe me, there’s no one in the world who wants to get rid of pain more than me, but as I look around there appear to be many people suffering much more pain on a regular basis than the calves we brand. Take professional football players for example. You’ve seen players prostrate on the ground from being hit in parts unmentionable, but is anyone, besides some neglected housewives, trying to rid the world of Monday Night Football? People get hurt skiing but I notice quite a few animal rights protesters on skis in Vail and Aspen. I once saw a businessman playing racquetball on his lunch hour get hit in the glasses with the ball and he had to take the rest of the day off he was in so much pain. The fact is, sports cause all sorts of painful injuries but I don’t hear anyone saying we should do away with professional hockey or women’s basketball. And think of the poor Chicago Cubs fans. Haven’t they suffered enough pain already? I used to be a runner in high school and college and I can tell you that the pain I got in my side was almost unbearable, and leg cramps kept me up many nights, but I don’t hear anyone calling for a ban on jogging. Anyone who has ever lifted weights or done twenty pull-ups or 100 sit-ups know there is a lot of pain involved. Does this therefore mean we should do away with all exercise? I’m sure being hit by another car doesn’t feel good but I notice we aren’t all walking. And from experience I can tell you that eating too many chimichangas or cherries in one sitting can cause extreme pain. Certainly after eating an entire bowl continued on page eight
Livestock Market Digest
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May 15, 2011
Double Crossed that will allow us to find disease, quickly address it and minimize harm to producers.” Vilsack announced that he’d replace NAIS with another program that would be less invasive and that would help overcome some of the mistrust caused by NAIS. At that time Derry Brownfield wrote a prophetic piece that was so good I saved it just to see if he was right, yet again. Here’s part of what Derry had to say back then: “The USDA says it plans to drop the program called the National Animal Identification System (NAIS). I’ve been studying the antics of Washington bureaucrats for 50 years and I know this is just another ploy to give farmers and ranchers a feeling of security, when all the while they are in the process of coming back with a much more draconian plan. The name has been changed and descriptive words have been eliminated and replaced with other objectives, but government continues to push towards turning the control of our livestock industry over to the multinational meat packers. The coyotes howl along the trail but the wagons keep rolling along. The USDA has only put a new saddle on the same old horse. The program is no longer called NAIS, the new name is “ANIMAL DISEASE TRACEABILITY FRAMEWORK.”
Reading Between The Lines
Since 1916, we’ve been here to help New Mexico’s farmers and ranchers with financial tools and services they can rely on. We know that every business is a family business, built on the hopes and hard work of those caring for a legacy. Let us show you how we can help protect what matters most.
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Livestock Market
Livestock Market Digest (ISSN 0024-5208) (USPS NO. 712320) is published monthly except semi-monthly in September by Rainy Day, Inc. at 2231 Rio Grande Blvd. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104. Periodicals Postage Paid at Albuquerque, N.M.
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As Derry pointed out, the original document explaining NAIS consisted of 1,200 pages, while USDA’s new version consists of only seven pages of questions and answers. Or should we say, seven pages of questions the USDA DID NOT answer. For example, when the USDA asked themselves, “How is this different from the old system?” They answered that “the new framework focuses only on animals that move in interstate commerce. So, small producers who raise animals and move them within a State, Tribal Nation, or to local markets, as well as to feed themselves, their families, and their neighbors are not a part of the framework’s scope and focus.” Most everyone seemed to be placated by the USDA’s “Fact Sheet” and so they failed to look any further into the matter. Not Derry Brownfield. “We have been told by government officials that this new approach is going to eliminate any producer that does not have livestock going into interstate commerce,” wrote Derry. “Except for Kansas, Nebraska, and perhaps Colorado, practically all cattle born in the state move across state lines. Missouri for example has one of the largest mother cow herds in the nation — but has no feedlot or slaughter facilities, so about 100 percent of the calves born in Missouri eventually cross state lines.” Naturally, all those animals would have to conform to the Animal Disease Traceability Framework.” How is a rancher, when he is working his calves, supposed to
continued from page one
know if his calves will eventually cross state lines at some point? The fact is, if he doesn’t want to severely restrict the market for his calves, the rancher is going to have to become part of the government’s tracking system. So much for being voluntary!
Tens of thousands of ranchers helped kill NAIS by writing letters and showing up at USDA listening sessions. Here’s where Derry proves most insightful. To understand why the USDA is pushing the “Interstate Commerce Clause” let’s understand a 1942 U.S. Supreme Court decision. Claude Wickard was the Secretary of Ag at that time and Roscoe Filburn was a wheat grower. Under FDR’s NEW DEAL farmers were allowed to sell a certain amount of wheat. Filburn grew more wheat than he was allowed to market in Interstate Commerce, so the wheat produced in excess of his quota he fed to his livestock. Filburn was found guilty of violating the Interstate Commerce Clause because he fed the wheat to his own livestock; wheat that he had produced on his own land. Wickard assessed a penalty against him but Filburn refused to pay. The Supreme Court ruled against Filburn saying: “If he had not fed the wheat to his livestock he would have been forced to purchase wheat for livestock feed, and that wheat would have crossed state lines, therefore he was involved in Interstate Commerce.” Derry concluded, “Based upon these facts, if this new “DISEASE TRACEABILITY” plan goes into effect and a farmer butchers his own calf, he is in violation of the Interstate Commerce Clause. Had he not butchered his own calf, he would have been forced to go to the market and buy beef which had crossed state lines.” Derry predicted over a year ago that “even a local organic farmer, selling produce at a local Farmer’s Market, would be in violation of the Interstate Commerce Clause.”
Misdirection Many ranchers were opposed to the old NAIS plan because they were afraid where their personal information might end up. The USDA tried to assuage those fears by stating that “under the new framework, animal disease traceability information will be held by the States and Tribal Nations, unless a State or Tribal Nation requests that USDA hold their information. USDA will have access to necessary animal disease traceability information only when an animal health event arises.” Needless to say, it is the USDA who will decide when that event arises. continued on page three
“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
May 15, 2011 What should have tipped all of us off that the USDA really had no intent to back away from NAIS was the following statement they made almost a year ago: “U.S. taxpayers have already made a significant investment in USDA’s past animal disease traceability efforts, and it is vitally important that funding for this initiative not go to waste. Producers who registered their locations as part of NAIS and currently use 840 numbers (tags that indicate the animal originated in the United States) may continue to do so. Information collected as part of USDA’s animal disease programs will remain in place to be used as needed for tracebacks and trace forwards during disease situations. The new animal disease traceability framework does not roll back any identification gains made in commodities such as sheep, swine, and poultry.” Make no mistake, just like NAIS, ADTF isn’t about preventing animal diseases or food safety. The USDA continues to let potential mad cow beef come into the U.S. from Canada, and Mexico continues to export to us feeder cattle as well as the tuberculosis that comes with them. Last year 14 percent of the beef eaten in our country was imported but listen to how USDA responded to the following question: “Will international animals imported into the U.S. have to meet individual State or Tribal Nation requirements?” The USDA said, “Since this new approach to animal disease traceability is only just underway, States and Tribal Nations have not yet outlined their animal identification requirements.”
Here the USDA is being dishonest and is using misdirection. The USDA knows that states and Indian tribes have no control over imported beef. Another question the USDA asked itself was, “Will animal disease traceability allow USDA to trace down to a package of meat?” Their answer: “USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is the lead Federal agency for animal disease traceability. This type of traceability is focused on animal health and allows for the tracing of an animal’s movements during its life span. Currently, animal disease traceability ends when an animal is slaughtered.” In other words, NO, ADTF will not enable the USDA to trace back a bad package of beef. That’s not their job anyway. The USDA is just trying once again to foist a huge traceback system on cattle ranchers that will do absolutely nothing to prevent disease. The USDA washes its hands and says that responsibility belongs to another federal department. ADTF is USDA’s latest plan to fix something that’s not broken.
Branding Beef, But Not Cattle When Secretary Vilsack announced the demise of NAIS and introduced the ADTF he said, “The details of the new system will be developed in a transparent and collaborative process. USDA will maintain a list of official identification devices, which can be updated or expanded based on the needs of the States and Tribal Nations. There are many official identification options available, such as brand-
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ing, metal tags, RFID, just to name a few.” Please note that Vilsack listed branding as an official identification option. Now the USDA is going back on their word and is proposing to delist the hot-iron brand as an acceptable ID device. According to R-CALF, “The USDA wants to delist the brand as a means of identifying cattle in interstate transportation. This sudden about face for the second time, at least from the cowboys point of view, is a result of anger from the PETA forces within the Obama administration.” In a letter sent to the USDA, R-CALF stated: “The effect of delisting brands from the current list of official identification devices is to reduce, not maximize, flexibility to producers, as it eliminates from official purview one of the longest standing and most effective means of identifying cattle. And worse, delisting brands can be construed as a deliberate, broken promise to producers, as they were led by your agency to believe that brands will be maintained on the list of official identification devices. If USDA were to revoke the brand as an official animal identification device, it likely would trigger an immediate de-emphasis of brands throughout the nation and result in the defunding of State programs that currently oversee brand laws. There is no justification for USDA’s attack on our nation’s oldest, most permanent, and most effective means of identifying the origin of cattle in interstate commerce.”
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continued on page four
Livestock Market Digest
Page 4
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continued from page three
by no more than a half-dozen large agribusiness corporations.”
is doing everything within its power to force this plan upon us in order to be in compliance with the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). We are being told this new plan will be a kinder, gentler state-run program; however we will still have premise registration, although the word PREMISE has been changed to “UNIQUE LOCATION IDENTIFIER.” Different words . . . same program. We can only hope that one of Derry’s last predictions doesn’t come true as well: “Big Agribusiness,” he said, “has taken control of the poultry and egg industry, the pork and milk industries; and if this new and improved DISEASE TRACEABILITY plan becomes law, everything a consumer purchases at the meat and dairy counter will be controlled
Editor’s Note: Derry Brownfield, 79, Centertown, Missouri, passed March 12, 2011. He was born on January 24, 1932, in Boonville, Mo., to George Derry Brownfield and Georgia Stegner Brownfield. Derry grew up during the Depression. He started farming when he was 16 and received the Future Farmers of America State Farmer degree in 1949. Derry attended the College of Agriculture at the University of Missouri where he received B.S. and M.S. degrees. He taught vocational agriculture several years before becoming a marketing specialist with the Missouri Department of Agriculture. He served as Director of the Kansas City Livestock Market Foundation at the Kansas City Stockyard prior to establishing himself in farm broadcasting. In 1972, he and his partner established the Brownfield Network, which served 250 radio stations throughout the Midwest with farm news and market information. In 1994, he started his own syndicated radio talk show, and was one of the most popular radio talk show hosts in America. The Derry Brownfield Show, “The Common Sense Coalition,” could be heard on radio stations across the nation, along with a large audience of shortwave and Internet listeners. Survivors include his wife Verni Dine (Gross); one daughter; three sons and five grandchildren.
Double Crossed According to R-CALF, “USDA’s entire effort to implement a new form of animal identification system is driven, not by a genuine desire to prevent and control livestock disease outbreaks, but rather, by a desire to conform to international trade standards. This is to keep us in compliance with the OIE. The United States is no longer in charge of its own policies, rather we are obliged to follow directives of the World Trade Organization, the Food & Agricultural Organization, the World Health Organization, including the Codex Alimentarius and the International Plant Protection Convention. These are all agencies of the United Nations.” Which brings us back to something the late Derry Brownfield said a year ago: “Our government
Wal-Mart: Our shoppers are ‘running out of money’ from CNNMONEY
al-Mart’s core shoppers are running out of money much faster than a year ago due to rising gasoline prices, and the retail giant is worried, CEO Mike Duke said recently. “We’re seeing core consumers under a lot of pressure,” Duke said at an event in New York. “There’s no doubt that rising fuel prices are having an impact.” Wal-Mart shoppers, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck, typically shop in bulk at the beginning of the month when their paychecks come in. Lately, they’re “running out of money” at a faster clip, he said. “Purchases are really dropping off by the end
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of the month even more than last year,” Duke said. “This end-of-month [purchases] cycle is growing to be a concern.” Wal-Mart (WMT, Fortune 500), which averages 140 million shoppers weekly to its stores in the United States, is considered a barometer of the health of the consumer and the economy. To that end, Duke said he’s not seeing signs of a recovery yet. With food prices rising, Duke said Wal-Mart is charging customers more for some fresh groceries while reducing prices on other merchandise such as electronics. Wal-Mart has struggled with seven straight quarters of sales declines in its stores. continued on page seven
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May 15, 2011
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tomer. Each tank is custom designed for its particular application utilizing premium resins without fillers. The Mur-Tex company began its operations in 1962 with an entry into the marine industry by introducing to the market the first Mur-Tex speed boat. After manufacturing some 600 boats in the 1960's, Mr. Murphy decided to diversify into the newly forming fiberglass tank market. As Mur-Tex forged away at product development and marketing of its fiberglass tanks, the company enjoyed a reputation as a pioneer and quality manufacturer of composite vessels. Now, some 40 years since its first fiberglass tank, Mur-Tex remains an industry leader. Mur-Tex has been consulted by and continues to work with the NRCS for development and requirements for fiberglass stock tanks. We are well versed in working with the farmer and rancher helping them meet their needs and requirements. Our delivery staff is knowledgeable and will gladly assist you with each installation. Paramount to its very existence, Mur-Tex adheres to its most cherished policy, adopted some forty-seven years ago, to give individual attention to each customer's job
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“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
May 15, 2011
My Cowboy Heroes by JIM OLSON
Don Kimble hile doing an internet search of Don Kimble, you’ll get several hits where he has been interviewed and quoted with regards to the secure border issue of southeastern Arizona. He is an authority on the subject and people far and wide have asked his opinion. Long before he became famous for that however, Don was a well known rodeo cowboy and before that, he was known a top ranch hand. In the 1950s, Don attended a one-room school house at Apache, AZ. He has now been a member of that school board since 1984. Today, much the same as it’s always been, the oneroom school is a place for local ranch kids of San Bernardino and San Simon Valleys to start their education. At the time of this writing, there are nine kids (grades 1 thru 8) a teacher, teacher’s aide, and three school board members making up the entire faculty, administration, student body and board. You might say Apache, AZ, located 40 miles northeast of Douglas, is little more than a wide spot in the road. There are a couple dozen widely scattered ranches and about as many families to match in this secluded, remote area along the New Mexico, Arizona line. However, an interesting side note from the area is there are numerous National Finals
Rodeo (NFR) qualifications credited to the folk calling this ranch country home. Kimble, Darnell, Glenn, and Snure are some of the names who not only ranch here, but have competed at “the Show;” this is the story of Don Kimble, a man who qualified for the NFR while holding down a full time teaching job, was a college rodeo coach and was ranching at the same time! The Kimble family migrated to Arizona in 1919 from Oklahoma and Texas. The women of the family claim they came because it was good ranch country; the men joke the other reason is because prohibition was in effect at the time and Agua Prieta, Mexico (just across the border) had whiskey available in large quantities . . . and it was legal. Don Kimble lives today in the house he was born in on the ranch; he is the third generation of Kimble to ranch there. The remote, scenic place straddles the New Mexico, Arizona state line between Lordsburg, NM and Douglas, AZ. Don is proud of his heritage and points out one of his great uncles fought at the Alamo while the family was still Texans. Kimble County, Texas, is named for the uncle. As a kid, Don learned the art of ranching from his grandfather and father. He learned to ride and rope doctoring cattle for screw worms after branding season.
Don says they used to ride all day roping and doctoring those screw worm cattle. “I was probably 12 when I started roping range cattle.” About then is when Don also became his own cattleman. “I started building my herd of cattle when I was 12, running them on the family ranch. By the time I went to college, my herd had grown enough that I leased a ranch of my own. I’ve been in the cattle business my whole life.” Don attended high school at Douglas and then went to Cochise Community College (also in Douglas) for two years before completing his education at the University of Arizona, Tucson. While in college, he maintained good enough grades to be listed in the Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Don, by then an avid roper, won the West Coast region of intercollegiate rodeo in the team roping event all four years he attended college. He competed as both a header and heeler, along with bull dogging and calf roping. After graduating with Bachelor of Science degrees in Animal Science and AG Education, Don worked around Tucson, putting on ropings and doing construction for a couple of years. Then he became very ill with valley fever, losing a lung as a result. Don moved back to Douglas after the ordeal, taking a job teaching agriculture and as rodeo coach at Cochise Community College. Don was a busy man between running his cattle operation and taking care of his duties at the college, but that didn’t stop him from
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continued on page six
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The Market of Markets . . . W E E K L Y MONDAYS
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FRIDAYS 9:45 am . . Pigs 11:00 am . . Butcher
Cows Calves 12:30 pm . . Goats followed by sheep, horses and second round of butcher cows 12:00 pm . . Baby
Livestock Market Digest
Page 6
May 15, 2011
Complete Working Facilities for Cattle and Bison HEAVY, RUGGED CONSTRUCTION — BUILT TO LAST!
National Distributor for Tru-Test Scales INFORMATION OR BROCHURES:
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following his roping passion on the side. In the 1970s, Don was a tough competitor on the Turquoise Circuit of professional rodeo, winning the circuit a couple times. In 1978, he narrowly missed qualifying for the NFR after going to only about fifty rodeos in his spare time, so in ‘79 he set a goal of getting there. While holding down a full-time position at Cochise College and managing his own ranching operation, Don qualified for the NFR in the team roping event as planned. He did this going to only about sixty rodeos throughout the year, while most of the other top fifteen qualifiers went to closer to a hundred rodeos. Don repeated this amazing feat in 1980. An interesting thing about the ‘79 & ‘80 seasons most rodeo
Books by Jim Olson and other fine western authors . . .
continued from page five
competitors wouldn’t be able to claim is this: Since Don had a teaching job and ranch income; he decided that he would put any check he won roping over $1,000 into savings. He cashed smaller checks, living and rodeoing on that and his job’s income. At the end of the season, he had managed to put away $50,000 (quite a lot of money back then)! He has left that account alone through the present, still having the “rodeo” money stashed away . . . just incase. Other highlights from 1979 include winning Denver, CO which was the biggest one-rodeo check in team roping history at that time. Don and partner, Kent Winterton were on the front page of the Pro Rodeo Sports News for that. At the NFR in ‘79, the team won or placed in each of the first five rounds (a pretty amazing feat considering the competition) and they finished 5th in the world as a team. A humorous rodeo story which is laughed about in certain circles to this day involves the 4th of July run one summer. Don, partner
Western Legacy Alliance Research Spurs Congressional Action on Exposing Taxpayer Funded Lawsuit Racket of Radical Environmentalists I am/our organization is committed to protecting the open spaces, private property, private businesses and ensuring the responsible use of public lands. Please list me/my organization as a member of the Western Legacy Alliance. I have included my membership dues and my $____________ additional contribution. Individual Membership $25
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LP —
continued on page seven
Baxter BLACK
Stop by or call! We have John Wayne Memorabilia, western art and numerous other items! LOCATED ON PART OF THE OL’ RED RIVER RANCH! 40070 W. HWY. 84, STANFIELD, AZ 85172
Kent, Doyle Gellerman and Walt Woodard threw in together and chartered an airplane to make as many rodeos as possible during “Cowboy Christmas.” One morning the two teams roped at Prescott, AZ and then on to West Jordan, Utah that night, then back to Prescott the following day for their second steer. Kent invited his wife and three small daughters along for the turn around trip as they had family at West Jordan and there was room in the plane. Immediately after take off, Walt kicked off his boots, reclining for the trip. Next to him sat one of the little girls, who was beginning to get air sick. Shortly after getting airborne, the little girl couldn’t handle it any longer and vomited; the most convenient place she could find happened to be Walt’s boots, sitting on the floor next to her. While Don, Kent and Doyle were laughing so hard their sides hurt, Walt kept repeating in disbelief, “She puked in my boots!” It was all in good fun. After two NFR qualifications, Don settled down to roping most-
Consolation To my aching friend, hanks for writing about your mother. I empathize with your need to let the air out before you blow your top. It’s the reversal of roles. Now you are the parent, the responsible one. She is the one unable to do her part. You have a particularly crushing affliction to deal with. Alzheimer’s. It is a slow poison. It stretches the heartstrings until the one you care for becomes a stranger. To watch her disintegrate daily is painful. But she needs you now more than ever. You are bearing the weight of all you mean to each other by yourself. Sadness is a heavy load, but I can assure you that the agony will pass. Millions of us have been down that same trail with loved ones, be it Alzheimer’s, cancer, dementia or old age. The emotional cost of chronic debilitating disease is like rust on a battleship. It leaves you more vulnerable to sinking spells. I still have them. My own sweet mother, a young widow who raised four boys, outlived two husbands, survived several major health problems, and did it all with grace and faith and endurance, died last year at the age of 91. She lived with us her last five years. When we, like you right now, are in the position of caring for those we love, we watch them
change into someone we don’t know. We grit our teeth and forge on; giving pills, cleaning sheets, cooking meals, doing dishes, driving to the doctor, making sure we don’t miss Wheel of Fortune, and often sleeping beside them to keep them safe from themselves through the night. We steel our emotions, concentrate on the mundane and perform the duties required to get them through the day. It can be frustrating, exhausting and heart-wrenching. But when the end finally comes, these weary, aching, sometimes unkind feelings, that have taken their toll on our compassion, will disappear overnight. Take comfort in knowing that the difficult person you have been caring for, is not the same person that will live on in your heart. I have the solace of knowing that when my mother walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, she feared no evil. She told me many times. I believed her. She is with God. She has taken her place in the Heavens now. She prefers the planets; Venus, Jupiter, Saturn. She moves around so that I can almost always find her when I look up at the night sky. And I talk to her and I miss her but I’m no longer sad. She beams down on me full of life, and it is her smile and bright eyes that I remember. I’ve got her back.
May 15, 2011
Don Kimble ly at the Turquoise Circuit events and the larger pro rodeos which he could get to. He remained a tough competitor at the circuit level for years to come. Summertime was a favorite of Don’s as he could get away from his job and go to prestigious rodeos such as his all time favorite, Salinas, CA. While he’s never won Salinas, Don says he always roped well there and managed to pull several large checks from the rodeo. Don’s only regret rodeoing is he had a chance to head at the NFR, while back in college, for a heeling partner of his who had made the finals (remember, then the top 15 team ropers, regardless of heading or heeling status, made the finals and invited their partners if said partner wasn’t also in the top 15). Don wound up declining the offer to rope at the finals because he was worried about his grades suffering with missing two weeks of school. “Looking back now, I wish I would have accepted the invitation and roped. I believe I could’ve kept my grades up and then I’d join the elite group of team ropers who have roped at the NFR both as a header and a heeler,” says Don. In 1988, Don’s dad, Ralph, became sick with cancer so Don took over duties at the family ranch, quit teaching college and slowed down on the rodeo trail as well. The last professional rodeo he entered was Salinas in 1995, since then he has remained a
“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
continued from page six
tough jackpot roper and PRCA gold card member placing regularly up through the present. Don’s father died in 1991 and he has been a full time rancher since. It took a couple of years, but Don bought his uncle’s portion of the ranch and at present is the majority owner of the original Kimble ranch along with his mother as a partner. He has owned or leased several ranches throughout the years, but his main operation is now centered on the old home place, which as I mentioned before has been continuously ranched by his family since 1919 (the days of Pancho Villa). While Villa raided along the border region back then, the ranchers felt little or no fear of the Mexican bandit (or revolutionary depending on how you look at it). Today however, bandits are a real issue in the border area of southern Arizona and New Mexico. One of Don’s closest friends, Rob Krentz, was murdered on his own ranch in March, 2010 and the killing has been linked to the issues of the area. Don says this is one of the toughest issues facing his part of the country today. Oth-
er struggles include the higher cost of overhead compared to lower returns from cattle sales. At the Kimble ranch, they leave their bulls out year-long in this fairly mild climate. As a result, there is always work to do and calves to brand. The ranch usually ships about 400 calves both spring and fall. They raise predominately Black Angus type cattle. The headquarters sits above the San Bernardino Valley near the entrance to Skeleton Canyon and the scenery is breathtaking. The ranch home was built in 1890 and was originally part of the historic San Simon Cattle Company. Before that, Cochise and Geronimo roamed these lands. Good rancher, good cowhand, roper, a man of his word, are all phrases used in describing Don Kimble. While he has no kids of his own, Don is also respected for his attributes toward youngsters. College professor, school board member, father figure to countless young folk, mentor and friend; he gives over and above where the young are concerned. A friend of Don’s summed it up this way, “Don is a man of his word, a man of integrity, a man of complete trust and this is something I really admire about him.”
Page 7
irish blacks Polled Purebred Cattle
MAURICE W. BONEY, Founder of the Breed 1971 25377 WCR 17, Johnstown, CO 80534 970/587-2252
A SHOCKER! = MARBLING IN THE ROUND! At the 3/4 level there is no difference in the cut out of one carcass as to another carcass. Extremely high marbling and tenderness. Only 0.15 inches of back fat. The largest REA at 11 months in the beef industry and dressing out at 65% to 65%. See “THE BLINDFOLD TEST” in the testimonials ( by a former USDA meat inspector that has spent 31 years in the meat business.100 HIGH PERFORMANCE BULLS FOR SALE also top BRED FEMALES, embryos and semen.
STAN FURY • 575/760-6711 Home: 575/456-8453 Broadview, N.M. 88112 Web: Email:
HIGHWAY GUARDRAIL CORRALS ✔ Last a lifetime ✔ No maintenance ✔ Go up fast ✔ Attractive ✔ Provide excellent windbreak protection ✔ Pipe & other construction materials available
San Angelo Packing Co., Inc.
Wal-Mart continued from page four
Addressing that challenge, Duke said the company made mistakes by shrinking product variety and not being more aggressive on prices compared to its competitors. “What’s made Wal-Mart great over the decades is ‘every day low prices’ and our [product] assortment,” he said. “We got away from it.” Now, with its strategy of low prices all the time back in place, Duke said making Wal-Mart a “one-stop shopping stop” is a critical response to dealing with the rising price of fuel. Americans don’t have the luxury of driving all over town to do their shopping. Other than competing on prices and products, Duke said Wal-Mart is focused on leveraging technology — especially social networking — more aggressively to drive sales. “Social networking is much more a part of the purchasing decision,” he said. “Consumers are communicating with each other on Facebook about how they spend their money and what they’re buying.” Elsewhere, Duke said WalMart is exploring a number of e-commerce initiatives to grow the business such as testing an online groceries delivery business in San Jose.
1809 NORTH BELL ST., SAN ANGELO, TX 76903 P.O. BOX 1469, SAN ANGELO, TX 76902
Livestock Market Digest
Page 8
Economics 2x4x24 the national economy resulted in congress making the most disastrous economic decision in history; the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, being neither federal nor having any reserves, this was in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution that clearly mandates only Congress have the authority to coin money and establish its value. The Federal Reserve is privately owned, creates money (debt) out of thin air and charges interest to citizens, business and government alike. In the few short years 1913 to 1929 the Fed proved they could create the boom but were unwilling to prevent the bust. As exwealthy businessmen jumped out the windows and the dark ages settled across the United States there were clear lessons to be learned. Like “no bird ever flew so high it didn’t have to come down for a drink of water.” In other words, you can’t continually create wealth out of Debt; without a crash back to earth with the resultant monetary crisis.
irish blacks Polled Purebred Cattle
continued from page one
Another economic lesson that should have been learned is “You can’t starve milk out of a cow.” First the Federal Reserve expanded the money supply with debt paper and then they contracted the money supply and caused the crash. True wealth comes from the land; not from the bowels of the Fed printing presses. F.D.R.’s Secretary of Agriculture, Henry Wallace, immediately violated the most basic economic equation; Production X Price = G.D.P. He declared surplus production was responsible for low prices and initiated the slaughter of piglets, chicks, calves and further deepened the depression. No Production X No Price = No Economy. F.D.R. then tried Keynesian economics i.e. a chicken in every pot. Although many benefits accrued like roads, bridges, conservation, T.V.A., R.E.A., schools and courthouses; the efforts were continued on page twelve
MAURICE W. BONEY, Founder of the Breed 1971 25377 WCR 17, Johnstown, CO 80534 970/587-2252
May 15, 2011
our federal agencies are seeking comment on a set of proposed voluntary principals to guide food companies in marketing their products to children in an effort to combat childhood obesity. The Federal Trade Commission, FDA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and USDA posited the principals as they work together to improve the nutritional quality of foods marketed to kids aged 2 to 17 years. The principals are designed to encourage “stronger and more meaningful self-regulation” by food makers and to help parents in providing more healthful foods to their children, the agencies said in a joint news release. One in three children is overweight or obese, and the rates are even higher among some racial and ethnic groups, they said. “To their credit, some of the leading companies are already reformulating products and rethinking marketing strategies to promote healthier foods to
kids. But we all have more work to do before we can tip the scales to a healthier generation of children,” FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz said. “This proposal encourages all food marketers to expand voluntary efforts to reduce kids’ waistlines.” The proposal sets out two basic nutrition principles for foods marketed to children. Advertising and marketing should encourage children to choose from food groups including vegetables, fruit, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk products, fish, extra-lean meat and poultry, eggs, nuts or seeds, and beans. In addition, the saturated fat, trans fat, added sugars, and sodium in foods marketed to
Riding Herd of cherries I was in no condition to get up and run to my momma like the calves I’ve seen do a thousand times after they were branded. I was too busy writhing on the ground. If we are serious about ridding the world of pain the place I’d start is the dentist’s office. On the morning of an important
COOKIE CUTTER CATTLE If you desire to have every bull, every cow and every calf looking alike you should view ( and click on “Cookie Cutter Cattle”. 100 HIGH PERFORMANCE BULLS FOR SALE, coming two year olds. They all look alike. Some people find it difficult in distinguishing one bull from another bull. We feed very little grain and more on roughage than the bulk of other beef breeds. We also have top producing BRED FEMALES FOR SALE. This is an opportunity for one to establish a carbon copy of the foundation herd. This can also be accomplished by embryos.
FALL MARKETING EDITION “Digest 25” Top 10 Reasons To Advertise Deadline is August 1, 2011 . . . Reserve your space today, for placement and free directory listing — a $ 40 value with display ad. This issue will appear on the for 12 full months
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PACOFEEDYARD,LTD. Commercial Cattle Feeders
PACIFIC LIVESTOCK AUCTION WEDNESDAY: Cattle Sale at 12:30 p.m. SATURDAY: Horse Tack, Pigs, Goats, Cattle at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Livestock Auction • 5025 W. Pecos Rd., Chandler, AZ 85226 Owners: STEVE & FRED LUECK • 480/839-2938 Auctioneers: DAN KNUTH, PAUL RAMIREZ, GARY DALE
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children should be limited to minimize the negative impact on children’s health and weight. The federal agencies’ working group proposes that industry meet the proposed nutritional principles and marketing criteria by 2016. For sodium, the proposal includes interim targets for 2016 and final targets for 2021. The FTC has posted a request for comments on the proposed principles to its website. Interested parties will have 45 days to comment, including a half-day forum May 24 in Washington, D.C. to accept comments in person. Public comments will be considered by the agencies before the final report is submitted to Congress. continued from page one
bull sale I woke up with a throbbing toothache and got in to see the dentist immediately. He had to pull a wisdom tooth and explained he could either give me a mild sedative and I’d experience “minor” pain, but I could work the bull sale that day, or he could put me all the way out but I’d be done for the day. I chose the mild sedative but the tooth proved to be a bit tougher to get out than the dentist originally thought. I can remember thinking that perhaps I should have chosen to be put all the way out as I saw the silhouette of what appeared to be a two-pound sledge hammer in the light above my eyes. When he hit that cold chisel to split my tooth my wife said you could hear my scream outside in the car where she was waiting for me. I think anyone who has ever had a root canal would agree that in order to rid the world of pain we should get rid of dentists first. Maybe we should just get rid of all doctors. I’ve had my share of operations and procedures but the two most memorable were an ERCP where they shoved a camera up my nose, wound it over the bridge before turning it downward to go exploring in my pancreas. I’d rather pound a nail through the palm of my hand than do that again. And has anyone ever had a sigmoidoscopy? They pump air up your rear-end so they can see things better. I had one done 10 years ago and I’m still cross-eyed from pain. I’ve never given birth but from what I’ve seen on TV and heard from some very tough women, I think I’d much rather be branded like a calf. Are we therefore to do away with childbirth because it causes pain? Granted, if we did so, in one generation there’d be no more human pain and suffering in the world. Of course, even without us branding them, the animals would still feel pain occasionally, but at least the animal rightists wouldn’t be a pain in the sigmoidoscopy region to the rest of us any more.
“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
May 15, 2011
Who IS On First? by CAREN COWAN
s we prepared the May issue of the Digest, it created time to ponder what has and has not happened since the same issue last year. Brady McCombs with the Arizona Daily Star provided the best summary of the investigation that has surrounded the murder of Rob Krentz in March 2010, allegedly by an illegal alien. Unfortunately the political situation along the Mexican border isn’t so nearly clear, or neat and tidy to summarize. My desk is littered with stories about the border. There is the piece out of the April 22 issue of the Public Lands News reporting on the Obama Administration’s testimony before US House Subcommittees Joint Hearing on Border Security. The Committee on Natural Resources joined with Oversight & Government Reform Committee to Review Environmental Regulations and Policies Hindering Border Security Capabilities in mid April. There are the assertions of Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever to Fox that the feds have a “no-apprehension” policy. Then there is an April 2011 article entitled “Border Patrol Report Shocks Many Americans” by Jim Kouri that came up in a quick web search using the title from the Public Lands News. The Government Accounting Office (GAO) has released yet another scathing report indicating that environmental concerns continue to take precedence over law enforcement and public safety concerns, according to the Law Enforcement Examiner and writer Kouri. GOA-11-573T, released in mid April, summarized two previous reports, GAO-11-38, released in October 2010 and GAO-11-117 released in November 2010. According to the latest report, GAO-11-573T, 40 percent of Southwest border lands are managed by the Departments of the Interior (DOI) and Agriculture (USDA), and coordination and cooperation between the Border Patrol and land management agencies is critical to ensure national security. When operating on federal lands, the Border Patrol must comply with the requirements of several federal land management laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Wilderness Act, and Endangered Species Act (ESA). The Border Patrol agents must obtain permission or a permit from federal land management agencies before agents can undertake operations, such as maintaining roads and installing surveillance equipment, on federal lands. To fulfill these requirements, the Border Patrol generally coordinates with land management agencies through national and local interagency agreements.
The most comprehensive agreement is a 2006 Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) between the Departments of Homeland Security (DHS), USDA, and DOI that is intended to guide Border Patrol activities on federal lands. It is worth noting that it is the MOU that has created all the controversy with folks on the ground in the Southwest. AND the same document that Kim Thorsen, deputy assistant secretary of DOI for Law Enforcement, hung her hat on before joint House committees stating that it guides the interaction between DOI and DHS on
access to public lands on the border (both Mexico and Canada). The Border Patrol’s access to some federal lands along the southwestern border has been limited because of certain land management laws, according to 17 of 26 (over half) of the patrol agents-in-charge that GAO analysts interviewed. For example, these patrol agents-in-charge reported that implementation of these laws had resulted in delays and restrictions in their patrolling and monitoring operations. Specifically, 14 patrol agents-incharge reported that they had been unable to obtain a permit or permission to access certain areas in a timely manner because of the time it takes for land man-
Page 9
FIVE STATE Box 266, Clayton, NM 88415 SALE BARN: 505/374-2505 Kenny Dellinger, Manager, 575/207-7761 Watts Line: 1-800/438-5764
Active buyers on all classes of cattle. Stocker demand within excellent wheat pasture and grass demand. Supporters of vaccination program of your choice. Four active packer buyers, supported by area feedlots on these feeder cattle. Receiving station available. Sheep Sale 2nd to last Wednesday every month!
continued on page ten
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Livestock Market Digest
Page 10
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Who IS on First continued from page nine
agers to conduct required environmental and historic property assessments. The 2006 MOU directs the agencies to cooperate and complete, in an expedited manner, all compliance required by applicable federal laws, but such cooperation has not always occurred, says Kouri. In another example, when Border Patrol requested permission to move surveillance equipment, it took the land manager more than four months to conduct the required historic property assessment and grant permission, but by then illegal traffic had shifted to other areas. Despite two congressional reports documenting the obstacles Border Patrol officers face in these dangerous areas, little has been done to remedy the situation and improve security. An overwhelming majority of Border Patrol agents told congressional investigators that “land management laws” continue to limit their access to federal lands along the treacherous southwestern border, Kouri wrote. Information sharing and communication among the agencies have increased in recent years, but critical gaps remain in implementing interagency agreements. Agencies established forums and liaisons to exchange information; however, in the Tucson sector, agencies did not coordinate to ensure that federal land law enforcement officials had access to threat information and compatible secure radio communications for daily operations, he continued.
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What Kouri and the Public Lands News agree upon is that the situation is so dire that a group of lawmakers have introduced legislation to prohibit any federal agency from using environmental regulations to hinder the Border Patrol from securing an area along the border. The measure would essentially ensure that the Border Patrol, not federal land managers, have operational control of the nation’s borders, stated Kouri. HR 1505 guarantees DHS access to public lands along the border and would waive some 30 federal laws if DHS sought access to the border for security purposes. The law includes the ESA, the Wilderness Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act, and more. I then think back to the recent visits of Janet Napolitano, DHS Secretary, to El Paso where she has repeatedly proclaimed that the border with Mexico is safer than it ever has been. If only her words would make it so. If it weren’t so sad it would be laughable. During one of her visits a funeral was being held for a missionary who had just been killed, and the thousands of murders in Juarez have not even slowed down. It is true that apprehension numbers are down, but Sheriff Dever has a plausible explanation for that. That explanation, like the GAO report, is supported by statements from active and retired Border Patrol agents and law enforcement officers from across the country. “By assigning agents to different tasks, locations, etc., the apprehensions can be increased or decreased dramatically,” wrote Dan McCaskill Jr., a retired Border Patrol agent who worked in the Anti-Smuggling Unit. This email was one of more than 100 messages Dever says he received.
Brown Farms Inc.
SINCE 1968
Made of Solid Brass For more information on our electric dehorners and other livestock branding equipment, please write, call or visit our website listed below.
This super cold brander, when applied to an animal, turns the hair white or colorless in the design of the brand, making it easily read from any distance. Numbers available in 1" thru 6" size. Most custom designs available.
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May 15, 2011
Rancho Espuela Cattle Co.
Jim & Kelie Dyer 432/426-3435 17257 State Hwy 166 Ft. Davis, TX 79734
James & Jan Dyer 432/426-3336 Box 1009 Ft. Davis, TX 79734
BIG BEND Ft. Davis
“RANCH TUFF AT A FAIR PRICE” 17257 State Hwy 166, Ft. Davis, TX 79734
JIM DYER • 432/426-3435
- Black - Red BULLS & HEIFERS FOR SALE Louis Brown 575/576-2207 • 575/403-8765 626 Route 66, Bard, NM 88411
L-H BRANDING IRONS P.O. Box 639 • Mandan, ND 58554 • 800/437-8068
McCaskill went on to describe how, he said, apprehension numbers were regularly manipulated to achieve various budget, equipment or manpower goals. In response to request for comment on the these allegations, DHS offered the same statement from Jeffery Self, commander of the U.S. Customs & Border Protection Joint Field Command, that was provided to earlier in April: “As the commander for border enforcement operations in Arizona, I can confirm that the claim that Border Patrol supervisors have been instructed to underreport or manipulate our statistics is unequivocally false. I took an oath that I take very seriously and I find it insulting that anyone, especially a fellow law enforcement officer, would imply that we would put the protection of the American public and security of our nation’s borders in danger just for a numbers game. Our mission does not waiver based on political climate and it never will. To suggest that we are ambiguous in enforcing our laws belittles the work of more than 6,000 CBP employees in Arizona who dedicate their lives to protect our borders every day.” Many have felt that the tourist destinations in Mexico were safe, but now there are reports of beheadings in places like Acapulco. An entire bus load of people has disappeared, and Mexico is now warning Americans about riding buses. A simple visit to the Internet will yield more horror stories about deaths in Mexico and along the border than anyone would ever care to know about. As the destruction of Arizona ranches by illegals along the border continues, those who live in fear of more federal designations along the New Mexico border continue to battle with the US Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) on how the Border Patrol can access federally designated properties. The bill to create a new Wilderness in Doña Ana County died in the last Congress, but it will surely be reintroduced. Due in large part to pressure from those who will learn from the past to protect themselves in the future, the southern border of the proposed Wilderness has been moved several miles back from the Mexican border. That is some consolation, but does not provide the safety and security that most Americans demand. When you live along the border you well know that all an illegal has to do is get to I-10 and they are home free. Immediately following the Krentz murder, New Mexico’s congressional delegation promised New Mexicans a forward operating base (FOB) for the Board Patrol. Now some believe that the ideal location for the FOB has been sold by the New Mexico State Land Office to the largest landowner in the region forcing the FOB to a much less desirable location for those who live in the area. The primary one continued on page eleven
“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
May 15, 2011 under consideration makes little sense to the people it is first supposed to serve in terms of view shed. The Krentz family and some of their neighbors continue to fight to keep the border security issue in the forefront. They have worked on federal and state legislation. They are working with members of Congress and other federal entities to shed light on what is really happening on the ground. They are writing stories about the injustices that have been perpetrated on good people like Roger Barnett (see April 2011 New Mexico Stockman). Like all the rest of us, all Roger ever wanted to do is make a living off the land. Because he chose to protect that right, in a non-violent fashion, he is being stripped of his rights. All indications are that there is collusion from his home town all the way to Washington, D.C. That’s the landscape from one point of view. As the rugged individualists that ranchers are, some have chosen to partner with “conservation” groups and the government in an effort to protect their livelihood, their land and their custom and culture. Others have chosen to go it alone taking on each issue head to head. It is not for any of us to judge which path is the correct one — it is the responsibility of all us to fight for the right to make those choices. There are those Border Patrol agents and bureaucrats who will swear to anyone who will listen that they have all the access they need to protect the border and Americans who live and work along it. My good friend Benjamin Tuggle, PhD., FWS Regional Director, looks me in the eye and tells me that he is doing whatever is necessary to protect my friends and family and all Americans. I do not doubt him. There are those who are willing to accept the words of the Border Patrol in the same fashion. Further complicating the picture is the real fact that groups like the Center For Biological
Diversity (CBD) is suing the Border Patrol over endangered species issues. And, it doesn’t appear that these cases are being thrown out of court as frivolous. But somewhere in here there is a real disconnect. How can half of the Border Patrol agentsin-charge say that the system isn’t working? How can the DHS Secretary testify before Congress AND come into our own backyards and tell us how safe things are in the face of ongoing atrocities and literally hundreds of murders every week? How can we feel secure that federal lands along the border are safe when there are signs in southwestern Arizona warning Americans that they are not safe traveling into federal lands there? No one would like to believe more than me that Rob Krentz’ murder was an isolated incident that could never happen again. But that is not and never was true. For well over a decade — and perhaps many decades — the die was cast and it was only a matter of when, not if, the worst would happen. It has been more than 12 months, but rather than coming together to find solutions to protect one and all, it seems that those most directly affected are pulling apart, staking their own “high ground,” trying to be THE one with THE right solution. It is difficult to see how the federal government can claim that an MOU written in 2006 is the answer — when quite clearly that isn’t so. While I believe Dr. Tuggle is doing everything possible to protect my friends who are now his friends, that is not what the government papers say. I certainly don’t have any answers. I know that groups continue to come together in attempt to see all the points of view and that needs to continue. But I also know that for life to even begin to approach anything considered normal prior to March 27, 2010, we need to be able to see and believe that Americans are being protected along the Mexican border — and have the papers to prove it.
per pair plus $2.50 shipping
per pair plus $2.50 shipping
asy to change stirrup lengths quickly and easy to install — won’t slip or stick. Made of stainless steel and heat-treated aluminum. Sleeves covered with leather. Order either improved, regular or four-post buckles. Also, new all-metal buckle in 3", 2-1/2" and 2" widths.
BLEVINS MFG. CO., INC. 615 Ferguson Rd., Wheatland, WY 82201
A SOURCE FOR PROVEN SUPERIOR RED ANGUS GENETICS To list your herd here, contact Debbie Cisneros: 720/242-8032 Direct Line, 505/243-9515, x30 N.M. or
14298 N. Atkins Rd., Lodi, CA 95240
All Breeds
Washington’s Oldest Source of Herefords
“SINCE 1938” Selling Range Bulls in Volume (Top Replacement Heifers)
PerformanceTested Bulls SPRING AND FALL Jeff Schmidt
CLAY SCHUSTER 509/773-5089 Home 541/980-7464 Cell
Irish Blacks
Santa Gertrudis Breeders International
Polled Purebred Cattle
Bell Key Angus Dennis Boehlke 208/467-2747 Cell. 208/989-1612
A few Choice Bulls Available at Private Treaty. NAMPA, IDAHO
CECIL PHILLIPS • 209/274-4338 5500 BUENA VISTA RD. • IONE, CA 95640
w w w. i r i s h b l a c k s . c o m
Spring & Yearlings For Sale At Snyder Livestock
THE KEY TO PROFIT = Early Maturity & Consistency — WE ALSO HAVE—
Executive Director, John Ford
• 100% High Preformance Bulls For Sale • BRED FEMALES FOR SALE, PLUS EMBRYOS and SEMEN Maurice Boney • 970/587-2252 FOUNDER OF BREED 25377 WCR 17 • Johnstone, CO 80534
Red & Tender By Design
Sell More Bulls! BRANGUS
R.L. Robbs
To list your herd here, email DEBBIE CISNEROS at Or, call New Mexico office: 505/243-9515, ext. 30 Colorado office: 720/242-8032 (direct line)
520/384-3654 4995 Arzberger Rd. Willcox, Arizona 85643
BRETT & KAY 406/476-3214 1690 6TH LN., DUTTON, MT 59433
Running Creek Ranch 2-year-old Bulls Proven Genetics, Range Ready WE SELL OVER 250 HEAD ANNUALLY. JOE FREUND 303/840-1850 (H), 303/341-9311 JOEY FREUND, 303/841-7901 PAT KELLEY, 303/840-1848 E LI Z A BE TH , C OLOR A D O 80107
P.O. Box 1257 Kingsville, Texas 78364 361/592-9357 361/592-8572 fax
ew four-post tongue for 3" buckle. Makes buckle stronger and sturdier. One-piece tongue is also off-set to let the Blevins stirrup leather go through more smoothly. Stirrup The 2-1/2" width has one-piece off-set Buckles 4-post tongue with only two posts.
levins new all metal stirrup buckle in 3" and 2-1/2" widths. The 3" and 2-1/2" widths have the posts set horizontally and fit standard holes while the 2" width has the posts set vertically. Made of stainless steel and heat-treated aluminum, the same as our leather-covered buckles.
Page 11
Call: 979/245-5100 Fax 979/244-4383 5473 FM 457, Bay City, Texas 77414
Livestock Market Digest
Page 12
May 15, 2011
The Best of the Bunch
FROM THE PHOTO of his hand-tooled cover to the very last story, Lee’s newest book, A Handmade Life, is pure Pitts. In the tradition of Dirt Roads and God’s Country, Lee’s latest will entertain and inspire. Destined to be a classic. ORDER FORM
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Auction Schools COME TRAIN WITH THE CHAMPIONS. Join the financially rewarding world of auctioneering. World Wide College of Auctioneering. Free catalog. 1-800/423-5242, BE AN AUCTIONEER – Missouri Auction School, world’s largest since 1905. Free CD and catalog. Call toll-free 1-800/8351955, ext. 5. LEARN AUCTIONEERING for the 2000s! Nashville Auction School “Free Catalog” 800/543-7061,, 112 W. Lauderdale St., Tullahoma, TN 37388.
Equipment Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment Sales
To place your Digest Classified ad here, contact Debbie Cisneros at; New Mexico office: 505/243-9515, ext. 30; or Colorado office: 720/242-8032 (direct line)
Feed Supplements
New and used tractors, equipment, parts and salvage yard.
Livestock Haulers
DANE STUHAAN (CA) 559/688-7695 • Cell (NE): 559/731-7695
LIVESTOCK HAULING California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho & Nebraska • 254/582-3000
POWDER RIVER LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT. Best prices with delivery available. CONLIN SUPPLY CO. INC., Oakdale, CA. 209/847-8977. NEW HOLLAND pull type bale wagons: 1033, 104 bales, $5,100; 1034, 104 bales, unloads both ways, $4,400; 1044, 120 bales, $3,700; 1063, 160 bales, $10,800; 1010, 56 bales, $1,200. Also have self propelled wagons. Delivery available. 785/ 336-6103,
Sci-Agri, Inc.
Stock Dogs
CHOLLA LIVESTOCK, LLC Gary Wilson Arizona & New Mexico 602/319-2538 928/422-4172
Motor Models Available
New Pilupabpilees Ava
" $
"# ! %" "(
WE OFFER A COMPLETE LINE OF LOW VOLUME MIST BLOWERS. Excellent for spraying, cattle, livestock, vegetables, vineyards, orchards, nurseries, mosquites, etc.
Swihart Sales Co. 800/864-4595 or 785/754-3513 7240 County Rd. AA Quinter, KS 67752
%" # $ #' ("&#$ %"
doomed to economic failure. The infusion of fractional reserve, fiat, and debt based money into the economy was the equivalent to tying an anchor onto a swimmer. There was no production and the price was interest bearing debt from the Fed. The economic lie of the century, and still taught in our Universities, was that the 1929 crash was precipitated by high tariffs. The clearly recorded truth is higher tariffs weren’t enacted until March of 1930 at the behest of big business. It wasn’t until WWII that the depression was broken. Here again history clearly reveals economic truisms. Two southern congressmen, who understood real economics, sponsored the Glass-Steagull legislation of Parity for all raw agricultural products at a minimum of 90 percent and maximum of 110 percent. Farmers were encouraged to all out production to feed the troops and our allies as well. Manufacturing geared up for all out war and domestic production. With both raw materials and labor monetized into the economy at parity prices the wisdom of the Glass-Steagull became readily apparent. They understood that all wealth comes from the land and production times price equals G.D.P. Glass-Steagull also wrote the legislation that for 60 years prevented Wall Street and the multinational Bankers from repeating the ’29 crash. It took Bill Clinton and a republican congress to whittle away all these depression era safeguards and in 2008 we once again harvested the rewards of unfettered capitalism. I call it the “Senator Phil Graham Legacy.” Wall Street replaced “Production X Price” with derivatives and a global casino of home mortgages. The Chicago Board of Trade replaced “All Wealth Comes From The Land” with shorts, longs, spreads, pushes and pulls. A snotty nosed cocaine sniffing trader with no land, no production, no labor or investment could make more income with a high speed computer, trading cattle and corn that didn’t even exist, except on paper, then the genuine farmerrancher producer will in a lifetime. How does this benefit the economy? It don’t, but there’s no dearth of defenders of this fake economic activity. They can be likened to lice sucking the
irish blacks Polled Purebred Cattle
continued from page eight
lifeblood out of an old roan cow. Our nation’s history is replete with economic truths and economic lies. Henry Ford and his friend Thomas Edison were some of the first modern day industrialists who understood prosperity economics. Ford called his staff together and ordered them to research and determine the necessary wage level for his employees to support a family and to also afford to own and drive a Ford automobile. Henry Ford’s dictate ushered in the first living wage and a hundred years of Ford Motor Company popularity and prosperity. Voluntarily raising wages for labor also earned Ford the enmity and hatred of his peers in big business; who had routinely believed in slave like labor. In Carl Wilken’s day, he calculated that a dollar paid for raw materials circulated seven times within a community, creating an overall prosperity. That is no longer true today. With the advent of Wal-Mart and all the other big-box stores; cash registers are locked down once every 24 hours and the money is wire transferred out of your community and out of your states as well. Look around you and view the obvious as rural America shrivels and dies. Of all the U.S. economy, agriculture has borne the burden of more government deceit and exploitation by big business than any other segment of the economy. The $14 Trillion federal debt is stark reminder that the producers of real, new wealth, have been cheated of a fair price and consequently the money necessary to run our economy has been borrowed. It’s now Debt Plus Interest!
Remember, Production X Price = G.D.P.! What then does agriculture have in common with labor? Think about it, it’s easy. Unemployment checks for labor, no production. Manufacturing jobs, with an assist from government, have been sent offshore to what big business likes best, slave labor. No price! In agriculture we received our checks, too. The old Soil Bank program, set asides, direct pay and the 30 million acres C.R.P. No production! The Grain Cartel, Packing Monopoly and C.B.O.T. have kept prices artificially low throughout history.
No Price! Meanwhile we are a net continued on page fourteen
MAURICE W. BONEY, Founder of the Breed 1971 25377 WCR 17, Johnstown, CO 80534 970/587-2252
THE KEY TO PROFIT = EARLY MATURITY & CONSISTENCY We are the only breed of the major beef breeds that transmits all of gene traits rated at the highest level. All of the recorded purebred animals of the breed trace back to the first imported purebred Friesian bull and five of his daughters. Our gene pool is very small and highly concentrated transmitting extreme dominance when out crossed with other breeds. 100 HIGH PERFORMANCE BULLS FOR SALE, coming two year olds. For the past 25 years we have been selling one two-year-old bull per 70 to 75 females to be bred. We also have BRED FEMALES FOR SALE, PLUS EMBRYOS and SEMEN
“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
May 15, 2011
Nation’s Largest Anaerobic Dairy Digester Underway in Idaho Private energy company finances fuels project that will generate enough renewable energy to power 3,500 homes onstruction has begun on the nation’s largest digester project to turn dairy biomass into renewable energy, according the AgPower Group, LLC, a national developer of biomass renewable energy projects. The four megawatt plant is located at the Double A Dairy near Jerome, Idaho. “Double A is proud to be involved in this project that will utilize the latest technology in waste management resulting in the generation of power for our community with a byproduct that can be recycled by the dairy,” said Donnie Aardema, a partner in the Double A Dairy. The Double A project will be the largest dairy farm anaerobic digester project in the United States, processing solids and liquids daily from the dairy’s operations. The facility will generate enough electricity on a continuous basis to provide the energy needs of approximately 3,500 average-sized homes. The power will be sold to Idaho Power under a long-term purchase agreement. “The Double A Dairy anaerobic digester is one of the 73 GHD systems installed (or in the process of being installed) nationally and will be the 10th anaerobic digestion project completed by the Andgar Corporation in the Northwest,” noted Todd Kunzman, Andgar Corporation, a partner in the project. “This project demonstrates the growing trend to use thirdparty private equity together with bank financing to build anaerobic digesters on dairy farms,” said Jerry Bingold, Director, Renewable Energy, Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy,
which helped to facilitate the project. “Not only does private sector investment take the financial burden of building these projects off dairy farmers, but it provides a positive economic return for both the private investors and the dairy farmers.” “This is an example of a new business solution that is good for farmers and good for the environment,” said Bob Naerebout, Executive Director, Idaho Dairymen’s Association. “The Idaho Dairymen’s Association was glad to assist in this important project for the Idaho dairy industry. AgPower has secured a major financing commitment that will facilitate the development of several more projects within the next year. Most of the new projects will be located in the central valley of California, the nations’ largest dairy production state. “We greatly appreciate the support for our digester project, especially from the Aardema brothers at Double A Dairy and the dairy
industry,” commented Bob Joblin, a partner in AgPower Group. “The U. S. agricultural community — especially the dairy industry — has a huge potential to provide renewable energy for America on a consistent basis, every hour of every day and night.” “AgSTAR congratulates Double A Dairy and Ag Power Group for developing valueadded sustainable products and improving the quality of life for those in the local area, all while producing renewable energy from an otherwise wasted resource,” said Chris Voell, National Program Manager for the EPA’s AgSTAR Program, Climate Change Division. The project will be operational the first quarter of 2012 and will be operated on an on going basis by Andgar Corporation. AgPower Jerome is a partnership of Londonbased Camco International, Ltd., a global developer of clean energy projects, and AgPower America, LLC, U.S.-based developers of biomass-to-renewable energy projects.
FSIS announces final rule for interstate meat and poultry shipment by RITA JANE GABBETT,
SDA’s Food Safety & Inspection Service announced a final rule in mid April that will broaden the market for smaller stateinspected plants. By participating in this voluntary cooperative interstate shipment program, select establishments will have the option to ship meat and poultry products, bearing an official USDA mark of inspection, across state lines. In participating states, state-inspected establishments selected to take part in this program will be required to comply with all federal standards under the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) and the Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA). These establishments will receive inspection services from state inspection personnel that have been trained in the requirements of the FMIA and PPIA. The final rule can be located in the Federal Register.
Bryan Neubert Nov. 4-6, 2011 Horsemanship Clinic HOSTED BY: River Basin Ranch ★ Benson, Arizona Reservations required. Limited space is available!
Horsemanship and Cow Working will be offered. Bryan is the closest one will come to working with the late Ray Hunt. If you have never ridden with Bryan, get started now with one of his layed back clinics and leave with a wealth of knowledge.
Visit his website to learn more: Contact: JJ Kartchner 520/548-7921 or email:
Page 13
Real Estate G U I D E REALTORS: To place your ad in the Real Estate Guide for the Livestock Market Digest, please contact: DEBBIE CISNEROS, Advertising Rep., at 505/243-9515, ext. 30; Colorado direct line, 720/242-8032, day/eves.;; Deadline is the 15th of each month.
Ben G. Scott, Krystal M. Nelson, Brokers 1301 Front St., Dimmitt, TX 79027 • 1-800/933-9698 day/night
—— TEXAS AND NEW MEXICO —— This ad is just a small sample of the properties that we currently have for sale. Please check our website: and give us a call! We need your listings both large and small, all types of ag properties (ESPECIALLY RANCHES).
LEA CO., N.M.: 1,400 cow dairy on 136 acres, side-by-side double 20 parlor, beautiful 5 bedroom/4 bath home, on pvmt. HALE CO. COTTON, CORN, ALFALFA, CATTLE HAVEN: 1,489.76± acres, 12 irr. wells (three new), nine sprinklers (three new and five recon. in 2008, one new in 2010), large two-story home completely remodeled in 2010, one set of cattle pens, strong water. AMARILLO, TX: 4 MILES NORTH OF LOOP 335, development potential (wind energy, comm., res.) 4,872.8± ac. of beautiful ranch country, pvmt. on four sides. Deer, quail and dove. 50% MINERALS!
New Mexico Ranches For Sale MOATS RANCH – 20,000 ± total acres, 12,025 deeded. 400 ± AUYL. Thirty miles north of Roswell, N.M. along and on both sides of U.S. Highway 285. Good pasture design and water distribution. Adequate improvements to include pens with scales. This ranch offers deeded control with good access. PRICE REDUCED – 5,700 ± total acres. Section 3 BLM grazing permit for 164 AUYL. Three wells with pipeline system. Rested all summer, excellent grass. All improvements are less than three years old to include 3 bedroom residence, shop, tack room and feed barn. Price reduced to $4,850.00 per A.U. Best buy around.
Bar M
Contact: SCOTT MCNALLY, Qualifying Broker, C: 575/420-1237
P. O . BO X 4 2 8 • RO S WE L L , N . M. 8 8 2 0 2 •
FOR SALE IRRIGATED FARM NEAR SEDAN, N.M. 960 total acres, 770 irrigated acres, brick home, large barns, grain bins, etc. Good livestock operation. Favorable financing and terms available to qualified buyers. CALL JORDAN OR NICK FOR MORE INFORMATION.
Farmers & Stockmens Bank P.O. Box 431, Clayton, N.M. 88415 • 575/374-8301
Livestock Market Digest
Page 14
Missouri Land Sales
See all my listings at:
■ Horse Training / Boarding Facility: New, state-of-the-art, 220x60 horse facility with 20 stalls, back to back, offset with bull pen at end of the barn.Two large pipe outside paddocks. 3-4 BR, 3 BA, 2,000+ sq. ft. home. All on 18+ acres. Just 5 miles north of I-44 Bois D’Arc exit. MLS #1017424. Call Paul for your private showing. Cell: 417/839-5096 ■ 675 Ac. Grass Runway, Land your own plane: Major Price Reduction. 3 BR, 2 BA 1-800/743-0336 home down 1 mi. private land. New 40x42 shop, 40x60 livestock barn, over 450 ac. in MURNEY ASSOC., REALTORS grass. (Owner runs over 150 cow/calves, 2 springs, 20 ponds, 2 lakes, consisting of 3.5 & 2 ac. Both stocked with fish. Excellent fencing. A must farm to see. MLS #1010371 SPRINGFIELD, MO 65804 ■ 483 Ac., Hunter Mania: Nature at her best. Don’t miss out on this one. Live water (two creeks). 70+ acres open in bottom hayfields and upland grazing. Lots of timber (marketable and young) for the best hunting and fishing (Table Rock, Taney Como and Bull Shoals Lake) Really cute 3-bd., 1-ba stone home. Secluded yes, but easy access to ForsythBranson, Ozark and Springfield. Property joins Nat’l. Forest. MLS#908571
KEVIN C. REED RANCH SALES & APPRAISALS Office: 325/655-6989 Cell: 915/491-9053 Email:
Ranchers Serving Ranchers Texas and New Mexico
1002 Koenigheim San Angelo, TX 76903
New Mexico: 461-ac. farm just east of Deming. Very clean and well maintained turnkey operation. Texas: 7,670 ac. east of El Paso. Quality mule deer and exceptional quail. Texas: 7,360 ac. Brewster Co. Remote hunting ranch with beautiful vistas.
New Mexico Ranches for Sale Davis Gila Farm ~ Located in the heart of the Gila River Basin at Gila, N.M. Nestled at the confluence of the Gila River and Bear Creek is a very private end of the road irrigated stock farm and wildlife sanctuary. 100 acres with 84 water right acres, improved pastures, stock pens, and equipment shed all neat and tidy. $1,375,000! Stockton Ranch ~ Located north of Deming in the high desert is a solid 400 animal unit cattle ranch with a 350 animal unit BLM grazing allotment. Great improvements developed for function and service; steel pens, excellent water distribution and a comfortable territorial adobe residence. $2,000,000. MJM Ranch ~ 169 animal unit BLM ranch located near Roswell. 1,525 deeded acres, remodeled residence, new shop and cake bins, powder river cattle system. RO system for the entire ranch. You need to see this one. $800,000 Los Chaparrales Ranch ~ This river ranch located along the lower reach of the Mimbres north of Deming has the river’s most pristine river bosque complemented with beautiful views of Cook Peak and nearby mountains. 1,389 deeded acres includes water rights, old adobe residence and horse pens. Price reduced $1,500,000. Lea County Ranch ~ located north of Jal is the Matkins Ranch and room for 150 mother cows. This is a no frills ranch in the mist of the oil patch but a proven producer of 700 lb. calves, and oil field surface fees. 1,840 deeded with 11,800 acres lease. $700,000. Zia Mesa Farm ~ North of Ft. Sumner is 162 acres with 122 water rights. Nice, neat and tidy farm with center pivot sprinkler, Enclosed Morgan barn – a 1,900 sq. ft. Griffin home. $400,000. State Lease Ranch ~ Nothing fancy, just a simple cattle ranch with 7,733 lease acres. Excellent water distribution, stock pens, and three pastures. Easily accessed off highway north of Deming. $55/acre!
Economics continued from page twelve
importer of beef, fruit, honey, vegetables, clothing, electronics, and a myriad of all classes of manufactured goods. Free trade is rapidly destroying our nation’s ability to create real new wealth. Government programs, gambling on the Wall Street casinos or washing one another’s socks creates nothing. No Production, No Price equals no economy, no jobs; a depression. Why is economics so difficult to understand? President Jimmy Carter was blamed for the economic crash that created disaster in the 1980s. Simply not true! Paul Volker, chairman of the Federal Reserve, pushed interest rates from 8 percent to 21 percent. That’s extortion; so business and agriculture alike stopped expanding. No Production! The cartel’s used this as an excuse to depress prices on all raw materials. No Price! An economics crash and farmers, ranchers, and small business began an exodus from rural America. Was Volker and the Fed held accountable, no way? In fact Volker is one of President Obama’s chief economic advisors. We never learn. Despite all the naysayers, $125 fat cattle, $8 corn and $108 oil are all good for the economy. High production of all raw materials sold at outstanding prices monetize real wealth into the system. So you say interest rates are low; what’s wrong with our economy today? First and foremost is the debacle of Free Trade. The labor of millions of able bodied, working age people is a natural resource and needs to be used in an expeditious manner. The free trading of manufacturing jobs out of the U.S. to Third World
May 15, 2011 slave labor is a direct blow to the heart of our economy. Having 915 percent of our potential labor force produce nothing is insane and obvious to everyone except the politicians dependent on corporate financing of their next election. No Production. No Price. No G.D.P. The second problem is Government; bloated beyond control. Since government produces no real wealth it should be minimal in our society. Granted, changes in technology, finances and Global interactions require some new role for government; it should be mainly as protections for the public as specified in the constitution; rather than police state or global tyrant. Wall Street: Although producing no wealth, Wall Street was once useful in directing and facilitating the ebb and flow of capital into useful entities of production of all commodities throughout the U.S. Wall Street •
continued on page sixteen
Stockholders share in success with distribution of $6.16 million dollars arm Credit of New Mexico, ACA, announced the distribution of $6.16 million dollars paid to their stockholders as part of the Farm Credit of New Mexico’s Patronage Distribution Program. The cash was to be distributed on or before March 31, 2011 and is based on each stockholder’s average loan value during 2010. This cash distribution will also lower the borrowing cost for stockholders by approximately .50 percent. In addition, the earnings not distributed in cash, will be allocated to stockholders through the issuance of nonqualified written notices of allocation. These allocated earnings, are added to Farm Credit of New Mexico’s surplus account and may provide a future basis for a distribution of excess capital. Al Porter, Farm Credit of New Mexico’s President/CEO stated, “As a cooperative we are proud to be able to share profits with our stockholders. Our Board of Directors and staff thank our stockholders for their loyalty and support.”
Farm Credit of New Mexico services the state out of five offices and is the largest single provider of agricultural credit in New Mexico. With over 90 years of experience and loan officers who understand your agricultural business, they stand ready to provide all your credit needs. Farm Credit of New Mexico is unique in that it is a cooperative and its customers/ stockholders elect the Board of Directors, which governs the company.
NEVADA RANCHES and FARMS Z Bar Ranch, Clover Valley Ranch: One of those ranches at the foot of the Mountains that everyone would love to own is now available. This ranch consists of 2,833 deeded acres of which approx. 650 acres are irrigated. Creek water to run one pivot and several wheel-lines plus flood water. An irrigation well supplies another pivot and a 50-acre grain field. The ranch has good improvements including 3 homes, two shops, two calving barns, and corrals with hydraulic chute. Price: $3,200,000. Tent Mountain Ranch, Starr Valley, Nevada: 3,435 deeded acres at the foot of the majestic East Humboldt Range the Northern extension of the Ruby Mountains. Several perennial Streams flow through the ranch and wildlife are an daily part of the scenery. The owners run a Guest Ranch and Guide service out of the ranch. There are multiple fenced pastures for grazing all with free water. Improvements are good with a large home approx. 5,000. sq.ft, plus a second modular home and Mountain Cabin. Barn with water, hay barn, and other storage. Access onto paved road. Price: $4,500,000. Waddy Creek Ranch: Located in a remote valley, two creeks provide water for approx. 138 acres of historic meadow. This property has quaking aspen groves and is quite beautiful. Access is on a County Road. There is a BLM grazing permit attached to the ranch for 71 head. Price: Reduced to $400,000. Indian Creek Ranch: White Pine County, Nevada. This is a great property for a hunter as it is surrounded by Public lands and has
KEITH L. SCHRIMSHER • O: 575/622-2343 • C: 575/520-1989
has abandoned that role in favor of casino style gambling on derivatives and totally unproductive speculation. Chicago Board of Trade and the Federal Reserve both have more capability to assault our right to property and its value than any other entities in our entire economic system. With printing press debt money the Fed destroys our savings and investments alike. The C.B.O.T. has hijacked our production, buying, selling and manipulating the value of commodities they neither own nor even exists. In the Global economy of today billionaires are created on paper with a click of a computer keyboard while those who produce real wealth are reduced to pauperism. The public’s brains are marinated in economic propaganda. They have forgotten “All Wealth
Out West Realty Network Affiliate
plentiful mule deer, antelope and elk. There is a large spring arising on high ground that could provide pressure for hydro-power, or gravity flow domestic or irrigation water. Approx. 200 acres in three separate parcels. Piñon pine and Utah juniper plus some Cottonwood, willows and quaking aspen. Very scenic. Approx. ½ mile off county-maintained road. Price $395,000. Mason Mountain Ranch: Great summer ranch with 3,700 deeded acres plus small BLM permit. Located approx. 75 miles north of Elko. Runs approx. 89 acres of meadow irrigated with water stored in reservoir/fishing hole which also acts as Red Band Trout Hatchery. Home and outbuildings for a good cow camp. Phone but no power. Price: $1,595,000. Steptoe Valley Farm: Nice alfalfa and grass hay farm in beautiful country! Approx. 1,000 acres with around 700 acres of water rights. Six wells pump water to five center pivots and a field flooded or ready for wheel-line hookup. Nice manufactured home for a residence. $3,000,000. Elko Co. Spring Sheep Range: This should be a great investment property ideal for a 1031 Exchange! Deeded Sheep Base in Elko Co.: 10,705 deeded acres plus a 29 percent public BLM permit in the mountains just northeast of Elko. Fifty percent of the mineral rights included. Good summer spring and summer range for sheep or cattle. Annual lease income, plus inexpensive Ag taxes. Price: $1,391,650.
Bottari Realty
PAUL D. BOTTARI, BROKER • • Ofc.: 775/752-3040 • Res: 775/752-3809 • Fax: 775/752-3021
May 15, 2011
“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
Page 15
Real Estate Guide
“EAGER SELLERS” Capulin Ranch, Separ, N.M.: 21,640 acres total, 7,785 deeded acres and 13,835 leased acres. 350 auyl operation has 8 pastures, 2 traps, 10 wells and drinkers, forage is in excellent condition. Good populations of mule deer, antelope, big cats, javalina and quail. HQ home is southwest style with pool. Also find a 2 bedroom Guest home, an equipment garage, 2 rail cars, working pens and digital scales all in working order. Priced at $4,000,000 La Cueva Ranch, Las Vegas, N.M.: 3,519 deeded acres on Apache Mesa 20 minutes from Las Vegas, N.M. Caves, rimrock views, canyons, grassy mesa tops and tall pines. Smaller parcels available too. Wild west views. Priced at $$1,779,107 Trigg Ranch Parcels, Las Vegas, N.M.: 720 acre and 360 acre pastures located on Apache Mesa at $612,000 and $216,000 respectively. 180 acre parcel located on Hwy 84 has stunning views, several building sites on this parcel. Go to for more info.
P BAR RANCH: Rates at 1,350 AU’s including 900 mother cows outside year round – WINTER RANGE – 11,750 deeded acres plus BLM, 300 irrigated – background lot for calves – 3 homes – good improvements – CAN SPLIT – $6,000,000. LYMAN RANCH: Rated at approximately 225 hd. year long – MEADOW RANCH – 850± deeded with 670± irrigated – FREE WATER – several interior pastures for easy management of cattle – over 1-1/2 MILE RIVER THRU RANCH – would make great stocker operation for about 800 hd. – modest improvements including great shipping facilities and scales – asking $1,530,000 Rae at 208/761-9553. LINSON CREEK: 400/500 HD. WINTER (11/5 – 5/1) with less than 1/2-ton on normal years – 1,938 deeded plus BLM – great stock water – UPLAND GAME BIRDS, MULE DEER, ELK, FISHING – Washington/ Payette Counties, ID – modest improvements – $1,475,000 with SELLER FINANCE. LANDRETH: Malheur County, OR – 780 deeded acres with 180± irrigated – 1/2-MILE RIVER – quality improvements – upland game birds, water fowl, mule deer, bass ponds – PRICE REDUCED – $980,000. FARM/FEEDLOT: 500± deeded acres with 280 irrigated row crop – CAFO at 850-1,000 hd. – good improvements – great stocker and/or dairy hfrs. – $1,580,000. QUARTER CIRCLE DIAMOND: Gilliam County, OR – 6,148 deeded acres with 1,078 dry farm – in addition running 125 mother cows year long – includes 40% interest in potential power generation – siting for 17 TURBINES – mule deer, elk, chukar, quail – $1,750,000 Rae at 208/761-9553 Jack at 541/473-3100.
Ken Ahler Real Estate Co., Inc. 1435 S. St. Francis Drive, Suite 210 • Santa Fe, N.M. 87505 O: 505/989-7573 • Toll Free: 888/989-7573 • M: 505/490-0220 E-mail:
Chas. S. Middleton and Son Vale, Oregon • 541/473-3100 •
1507 13th ST. • LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79401
(806) 763-5331
Place your Real Estate ad in the 2011 FME (Including the DIGEST 25)
✴ Special Real Estate section ✴ Full-color, high-gloss magazine with internet visibility ✴ Appears on the internet for 12 full months after publication ✴ www.aaalivestock is the top-ranking website in the Yahoo and MSN search engines
TEXAS & OKLA. FARMS & RANCHES • Magnificent 90 Hunting – Cattle/Horse Ranch 50 miles E. of Dallas, 35 miles W. of Tyler, White pipe fence along FM Hwy. 3,700 sq. ft. elaborate home, flowing waterway, lake. Has it all. • 532-acre CATTLE & HUNTING, NE TX ranch, elaborate home, one-mile highway frontage. OWNER FINANCE at $2,150/ac. • 274 acres in the shadow of Dallas. Secluded lakes, trees, excellent grass. Hunting & fishing, dream home sites. $3,850/ac. • 1,700-acre classic NE TX cattle & hunting ranch. $2,750/ac. Some mineral production. • Texas Jewel, 7,000 ac. – 1,000 per ac., run cow to 10 ac. • 256 Acre Texas Jewel – Deep sandy soil, highrolling hills, scattered good quality trees, & excellent improved grasses. Water line on 2 sides rd., frontage on 2 sides, fenced into 5 pastures, 5 spring fed tanks and lakes, deer, hogs & ducks. Near Tyler & Athens. Price $1,920,000. • 146 horse, hunting cattle ranch N. of Clarksville, TX. Red River Co. nice brick home, 2 barns, pipe fences, good deer, hogs, ducks, hunting priced at $395,000. • 535 ac. Limestone, Fallas, & Robertson counties, fronts on Hwy. 14 and has rail frontage water line, to ranch, fenced into 5 pastures, 2 sets, cattle pens, loamy soil, good quality trees, hogs, & deer hunting. Priced at $2,300 per ac.
Joe Priest Real Estate
WAHOO RANCH: Approximately 40,976 acres: ± 11,600 deeded, 6,984 BLM, 912 state, 40 uncontrolled and 21,440 forest. Beautiful cattle ranch located on the east slope of the Black Range Mountains north of Winston, N.M., on State Road 52. Three hours from either Albuquerque or El Paso.The ranch is bounded on the east by the Alamosa Creek Valley and on the west by the Wahoo Mountains ranging in elevation from 6,000' to 8,796'. There are 3 houses/2 cabins, 2 sets of working corrals (1 with scales) and numerous shops and outbuildings. It is very well watered with many wells, springs, dirt tanks and pipelines. The topography and vegetation is a combination of grass covered hills (primarily gramma grasses), with many cedar, piñon and live oak covered canyons as well as the forested Wahoo Mountains. There are plentiful elk and deer as well as antelope, turkey, bear, mountain lion and javelina (47 elk tags in 2010). Absolutely one of the nicest combination cattle/hunting ranches to be found in the Southwest. Price reduced to $5,500,000.
MAHONEY PARK: Just 10 miles southeast of Deming, N.M. The property consists of approx. 800 acres Deeded, 560 acres State Lease, and 900 acres BLM. This historic property is located high up in the Florida Mountains and features a park like setting, covered in deep grasses with plentiful oak and juniper covered canyons. The cattle allotment would be approx. 30 head (AUYL). Wildlife includes deer, ibex, javalina, quail and dove. This rare jewel would make a great little ranch with views and a home site second to none. Priced at $600,000. SAN JUAN RANCH: Located 15 miles south of Deming, N.M. east of Highway 11 (Columbus Highway) on CR-11. Approximately 24,064 acres consisting of approximately 2684 acres Deeded, 3240 State Lease, 13,460 BLM, and 4,680 uncontrolled. The cattle allotment would be approx. 183 head (AUYL). There are 6 solar powered stock wells with metal storage tanks and approximately 6-1/2 miles pipeline. The ranch has a very diverse landscape consisting of high mountain peaks, deep juniper & oak covered canyons, mountain foothills and desert grasslands. There is plentiful wildlife including deer, ibex, javalina, quail and dove. A truly great buy at $600,000. 212 ACRE FARM BETWEEN LAS CRUCES, N.M. AND EL PASO, TEXAS: Hwy. 28 frontage with 132 acres irrigated, 80 acres sandhills, full EBID (surface water) plus a supplemental irrigation well, cement ditches and large equipment warehouse. Priced at $1,696,000. 50.47-ACRE FARM: Located on Afton Road south of La Mesa, NM. Paved road frontage, full EBID (surface water) plus a supplemental irrigation well with cement ditches. Priced at $609,600. OTHER FARMS FOR SALE: In Doña Ana County. All located near Las Cruces, N.M. 8, 11, and 27.5 acres. $15,000/acre to $17,000/acre. All have EBID (surface water rights from the Rio Grande River) and several have supplemental irrigation wells. If you are interested in farm land in Doña Ana County, or ranches in Southwest New Mexico, give me a call.
1205 N. Hwy 175, Seagoville, TX 75159
972/287-4548 • 214/676-6973 1-800/671-4548
318 W. Amador Ave. Las Cruces, N.M. 88005 (O) 575/647-5041 (C) 575/644-0776
Livestock Market Digest
Page 16
May 15, 2011
Alaska congressman refuses award from HSUS laskan Congressman Don Young refused an award from The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the Humane Society Legislative Fund that would have honored his work for ani-
irish blacks Polled Purebred Cattle
mals in 2010. While capitalizing on the good work of local humane societies that shelter, spay, and neuter animals, the HSUS does not own, operate, or directly control a single animal shelter in our country, despite a
MAURICE W. BONEY, Founder of the Breed 1971 25377 WCR 17, Johnstown, CO 80534 970/587-2252
CARCASS QUALITY GRADE We have proven that in just two TWO GENERATIONS (3/4 level) any cow-calf producer, regardless of the breed, or breeds, of females he is running, can be CONSISTENTLY selling his calf crop at the higher carcass values (Choice and Prime) that were prevalent 40 years ago. View ( 1OO HIGH PERFORMANCE BULLS FOR SALE, coming two year olds. We feed very little grain and more on roughage than the bulk of the other breeds. We also have BRED FEMALES FOR SALE, this is an opportunity for one to establish a carbon copy of the foundation herd of the breed. This can also be accomplished by embryos.
budget of well over $100 million. “HSUS are hypocrites, plain and simple, and I will not join them by accepting this award,” said Rep. Young. “Local animal shelters and humane societies do excellent work by caring for neglected and homeless animals, and through their spaying and neutering programs. This organization, however, has absolutely nothing to do with animal welfare. “Instead they prey on the emotions of big-hearted Americans. They flash images of abused animals on our television screens to raise money that will eventually go to pay their salaries and pensions, not to helping better the lives of these animals. They run anti-hunting and anti-
trapping campaigns and are of the same cloth as PETA and other extremist organizations. “I can only guess that I was to receive this award due to my support of the Wildlife Without Borders program, which develops wildlife management and conser-
vation efforts to maintain global species diversity. That program is true conservation; what this group wants is preservation. To accept this award would be supporting their manipulative ways and misguided agenda, and I want no part of that.”
Saudi Arabia to invest in Mexico’s Agriculture Published in MEXICO’S ECONOMY
audi businessmen want to invest in the agriculture and fisheries in Mexico, and promote trade and scientific exchange, said the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries
Kathy Winkler Capturing the Spirit
and Food (SAGARPA). In a meeting with the country’s ambassador in Mexico, Saudi Arabia’s Alassiri Abdulfatah Mohammad Hussein, who met with the head of the SAGARPA agency, Francisco Mayorga, said the two nations are interested in sharing knowledge and strengthen trade relations and mutual friendship. The main products exported to Saudi Arabia are honey, fruits, vegetables, confectionery, chickpeas, juice, pepper and coffee. Meanwhile he added, foods such as chicken, sugar and boneless beef could represent an opportunity for Mexico in the market of the Arabian Peninsula. The meeting was also attended by the general coordinator of International Affairs, SAGARPA, Kenneth Smith, who noted that the National Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock (INIFAP), an agency of the department, could be part of scientific and technological exchange. With a population exceeding 24 million, the economic engine of Saudi Arabia is oil. It is estimated that the country has 20 percent of world reserves, while in 2008 exports totaled $329 billion and imports $107 billion.
Economics continued from page fourteen
Easy to Love • 22x28
I’ll Be Seeing You • 24x36
Rhapsody in Blue • 22x28
Original and Commissioned Paintings Limited Edition, Signed and Numbered Giclees Long Ago and Far Away • 16x10
Note Cards, Standard and Custom Matted Reproductions of Originals
Strollin’ • 16x20
For more information: Sentimental Journey • 22x28
Comes From The Land” and “Production X Price = G.D.P.” Look at the evidence. ■ $14 trillion Federal debt; ■ Trillions more of Social Security and Medicare liabilities that are unfunded; ■ Rampant unemployment; ■ Multi trillion-dollar accumulated Free Trade deficit; ■ Slave labor produced imports; ■ 500 new billionaires; ■ 68 million new malnourished; ■ Dying rural communities. Add your own example to the list. We can’t argue with ignorance but the truth speaks for itself. All Real Wealth Comes From The Land. Production X Price = G.D.P. and monetized into the system at fair values creates prosperity. Unfortunately, Socialism and Criminal Capitalism have merged as one entity in the new math economics, where they have expanded debt at rates 2 x 4 x 24 times, all with disastrous results.