Livestock “The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it.” – JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL MAY 15, 2010 •
www. aaalivestock . com
Digest I Volume 52 • No. 5
Second Class Citizens by Lee Pitts ust like a parent who denies he or she has a favorite offspring, our federal government claims not to play favorites. Pardon our skepticism, but there is mounting evidence that not only does Uncle Sam play favorites, he doesn’t even seem to like his western relations very much at all. The feds seem more interested in public spankings than they are in understanding Westerner’s needs and wishes. Now, two of those stepchildren have rebelled and have taken matters into their own hands. First we had the Sagebrush Rebellion which, like a tumbleweed, blew across the landscape without altering it. Then there was the county rights movement which protested the unequal treatment by the feds. While this may have added to our own selfesteem, there are still no important courtroom decisions on the books that address the usurpation of the county’s power by agencies of our federal government. Now we have a mini-Civil War on our hands, only this time it’s between the East and West, not the North and South. This skirmish promises to be even more confrontational than the Sagebrush Rebellion or the County Movement, but that’s what happens when the fed’s actions, or lack of them, get peo-
“Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain Dance.” ple killed. The murder of Rob Krentz, a well-liked rancher, living in our dangerous borderlands, not only highlighted the government’s failed immigration policy, it raises the question, “Can we count on our federal government to do anything right anymore?”
More Equal “Why does the federal government own 65 percent of all the land west of Denver and less than two percent of the land east of Denver?” asks Henry Lamb, a staunch defender of states’ rights. We’ve all heard the numbers. The feds claim ownership of over 98 percent of Alaska and
nearly 90 percent of Nevada. They own 66 percent of Utah, 63 percent of Idaho and Oregon, and 52 percent of California is claimed by the feds. It all adds up to 350 million acres of land in the 11 continental western states. Most of it is ruled over by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), U.S. Department of Forest Fires, otherwise known as the Forest Service, and a plethora of environmental groups in cahoots with the feds to shut down what they call “resource extraction,” but what you and I call our “life.” Yet, the feds own so little of the land in eastern and Midwest states, this despite the fact that
all states were to be admitted to the Union with equal rights and powers. It says so right there in the U.S. Constitution, Article IV Section 3. It’s called the Doctrine Of The Equality Of States, or the “Equal Footing Doctrine” which is supposed to insure that all states were equal in their sovereign power. The 10th Amendment goes even further stating that all powers not explicitly granted to the federal government were retained by the states and the people. “Where, then, is the equality for the states west of the 100th meridian?” asks Henry Lamb. Despite the intentions of our founders and the clear intent of the Equal Footing Doctrine, “the states east of the 100th meridian are vastly “more equal” than the states to the west.”
Refusing To Stand Down Our federal government not only dictates how western land will be used, it also dictates how the law will be enforced. So we have officers of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) confiscating cows while the county sheriffs who were elected by the residents have to stand down. One continued on page two
Double Monuments? by KAREN BUDD-FALEN, Attorney, Cheyenne, Wyo.
n April 16, 2010, the Obama administration held a White House conference as a first step in its plans for the America’s Great Outdoors initiative. While this conference was touted as providing a chance for all viewpoints to be voiced in order to create a comprehensive conservation plan for public lands in the United States, an Interior Department document leaked on February 14, 2010 shows that the Obama Administration is also seeking to limit access and use to over 10 million acres of land in the West, by possibly designating 14 new National Monuments under the Antiquities Act. While the designation of National Monuments is technically supposed to only include the minimum amount of land necessary to preserve America’s “antiquities,” in reality, in recent years these designations have been significantly larger and have had a severe negative impact on the tax base on many West-
Riding Herd
ern communities and counties. But because National Monuments are designated under the Antiquities Act pursuant to an Executive Order by the President, there is not much legal recourse in opposing the designations themselves in federal court. Even without Obama’s proposed designations, currently there are 100 National Monuments across the Nation, located in 27 states. President Teddy Roosevelt established the first National Monument, Devils Tower in Wyoming in 1906. President Bill Clinton created the most National Monuments, 19 plus the expansion of three existing monuments. Only Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush did not create any new monuments under the Antiquities Act. Over 12,091,930 acres are included in these 100 existing Monuments; President Obama’s proposal would add 10,000,000 acres more to that total. The question is what can be done by local continued on page three
Going Global
don’t fly on the airlines any more but when I did I always tried to avoid talking with my fellow sufferers. I tried to do something more constructive, like biting my fingernails, searching the skies for birds or other airplanes, and praying we landed safely. But in this case I couldn’t help but wonder what job the man next to me had that would require so many electronic devices. “What do you do for a living?” I asked. “I’m an offshore broker,” he said. “You launder money!” I said in disbelief, surprised that anyone would admit it. “No. I arrange for businesses to contract with foreign firms for services.” “I’ve read about people like you. You make people lose their jobs in this country.” “We prefer to say that we make our clients aware of the many and varied opportunities offshore and then help them make the strategic decision to outsource.” “Thank goodness you can’t offshore my job.” “Oh, what is it that you do?” “I’m a humor columnist, or at least I like to think I am,” I said, as I shared a copy of one of my books with him. He read a passage or two, obviously not very impressed and replied, “There are some wonderful opportunities in India now to outsource writing.” “I don’t think it would work. You see, I write a lot about cows and I understand that the good folks in India have a different opinion about cattle than we do.” “Yes, I can see where that might be a problem. They aren’t really into eating cows. But India is passé anyway. For outsourcing, China is the new India. I am able to find even cheaper labor in China now than anywhere else on earth. Many of the laborers in China that I contract to American companies are paid less than $2.00 per day.” “That much huh?” I replied. “That’s more than I make. Maybe I should consider offshoring myself to China.” “There are many other benefits to offshoring,” said continued on page six
Livestock Market Digest
Page 2
May 15, 2010
Second Class Citizens
Since 1916, we’ve been here to help New Mexico’s farmers and ranchers with financial tools and services they can rely on. We know that every business is a family business, built on the hopes and hard work of those caring for a legacy. Let us show you how we can help protect what matters most.
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state has had enough of this heavy-handed nonsense from the feds. Arizona has no intention of letting Mexican drug cartels kill any more of its citizens. Disregarding President Obama and political pundits, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer recently signed the toughest border security bill ever adopted by an individual state. She had to do something because her state has become part of a drug war that is deadlier than the ones in Iraq or Afghanistan. Last year twice as many Mexican civilians lost their lives in the drug war than in the Mideast wars. Often times that war spills over into Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas and yet eastern politicians seem to be more concerned about the lives of citizens in Iraq and Afghanistan than they are about the ones in Douglas, Nogales, Tucson, Columbus and Del Rio. Leaders in other states not on the border immediately urged a boycott of Arizona — but their citizen’s aren’t getting killed by illegal immigrants in a drug war. One thing Westerner’s can’t abide is sitting back and doing nothing when our own people start getting killed due to failed federal policy. Westerners may have to put up with deadly wolves, bears and mountain lions, and we are used to having radical eastern environmentalists forced down our throats, but we simply refuse to hide in the house from drug lords and do nothing. When she signed the bill Governor Brewer said, “We in Arizona have been more than patient waiting for Washington to act. But decades of inaction and misguided policy have created a dangerous and unacceptable situation.” The Arizona Cattle Growers’ Association (ACGA) describes that situation: “The U.S./Mexico border in southern Arizona has become a lawless region. Criminals, bandits and an international organized crime units are operating with impunity in the region. Their trades are burglary, home invasion, drug smuggling, human smuggling, murder, extortion and kidnapping rackets. These organized crime units have been terrorizing northern Mexico for 20 years and have been terrorizing southern Arizona for at least 10 years. These entities are extremely violent and dangerous and they have now succeeded in creating terror in southern Arizona as they have in northern Mexico.” Governor Brewer, who has often asked Obama to place troops on the border, said, “The responsibility to ensure that we have an orderly, secure border and not just some imaginary line or a rickety fence belongs to the federal government, and they have failed. We cannot sacrifice our safety to the murderous greed of drug cartels.” Arizona’s new border security law makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally and makes
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it illegal to hire illegal immigrants for day labor or knowingly transport them. Granted, these laws are supposed to already exist, but the feds seem unwilling and unable to enforce them. The part we like best about Arizona’s border security law is that it allows, and seemingly encourages, lawsuits against government agencies that won’t enforce immigration laws. The reaction from the bureaucrats and bleeding hearts was laughable. Immigrant advocates were aghast that a state would do such a thing and argued that Arizona’s new law could violate guarantees of equal protection if selectively enforced against certain ethnic groups. Let me get this right . . . illegal immigrants who are not citizens of this country have the right to equal protection but Rob Krentz did not? Oh, but not to worry, Reverend Al Sharpton made plans to go to Arizona immediately. Talking heads on TV said the law would encourage racial profiling. Oh my! Yes, if there is a U-Haul van full of Latinos sneaking across the border they may be illegal. Imagine that! Attorney General Eric Holder said he was considering “the possibility of a court challenge” to Arizona’s border security law, which just reiterated many U.S. laws. (Is he going to challenge those too?) “I think that law is an unfortunate one,” said Holder. “It is, I fear, subject to potential abuse. And I’m very concerned about the wedge that it could draw between communities that law enforcement is supposed to serve and those of us in law enforcement.” We just wish he was concerned less with that wedge and a little more concerned about the citizens in Phoenix, now known as the kidnapping capital of the U.S., after several extortion-related abductions tied to drugs and human smuggling. According to the Wall Street Journal, “The city has averaged about a kidnapping a day in recent years — some resulting in torture and death. Victims’ legs have been burned with irons, their arms have been tied to the ceiling, their fingers broken with bricks.” President Obama said Arizona’s bill threatened to “undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe.” Faced with an upcoming election Congressmen on both sides of the aisle appeared paralyzed. Afraid to lend their support to Arizona for fear it might turn off Hispanic voters, they seem to have no intention of addressing the subject of serious immigration reform until after the November elections. If then.
The Law Of The Land Another Western state has had just about all they can stand continued on page three
“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
May 15, 2010
Second Class Citizens of our federal government. You’ll recall that on his way out the door President Clinton thumbed his nose at the West and locked up one of the biggest coal reserves in our country when he christened the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. We guess already owning two thirds of Utah wasn’t enough for the feds. And there are rumors that they want to lock up even more using something called The Antiquities Act. Whereas the citizens in Arizona are mad at the federal government for their inaction, those in Utah are angry because the feds are way too active in stealing their land. That’s why Utah Governor Gary Herbert authorized the use of eminent domain to take some of the U.S. government’s most valuable parcels away from them and put them back into productivity. It’s the first time we’ve ever heard of a state invoking the Takings Clause against the federal government. This wasn’t just some rebel Governor doing this. Both houses of the Utah legislature voted for bills supporting the Governor’s actions and they seem to be itching for a fight in the U.S. Supreme Court in order to alter the present balance of power between states and the federal government. Once again, another state is trying to invoke the law of the land, the Equal Footing Doctrine, and is finding their own federal government in stubborn opposition. Supposedly every new state that enters into the United States is entitled to the same rights as the original 13 states. Some legalists argue that the Constitution does not require that states be admitted on an “equal footing” with the original states but even if that’s not the case Congress has included in every statehood act allowing states into the Union an equality clause that ensures that all states becoming part of the U.S. do so “on an equal footing with the original States in all respects whatever.” The Supreme Court often refers to this equal footing doctrine in adjudicating cases so they would seem to be aware of it, but in reading several of their decisions regarding state’s rights it’s obvious the Justices made political decisions, not legal ones. And make no mistake, they were political decisions. Why else do you think people worry over the ratio of liberals to conservatives on the court or how many justices Obama will get to name during his reign? Justice is supposed to be blind and not belong to any political party, but that’s clearly not the case when it comes to states’ rights. The fly in the ointment for Utah is the terms to which most western states had to agree in order to join the Union. Basically they were forced to relinquish all claims to ownership of federal land as a prerequisite to joining
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the United States. Midwestern and eastern states DID NOT have to make the same promise. James Madison put it best when he said, “The Western States neither would nor ought to submit to a union which degraded them from an equal rank with the other States.” But that’s what the feds appear to be telling us. Who knows if Utah’s actions will be successful, and not everyone in Utah is behind the effort to reclaim their land using the law of eminent domain. According to a Deseret News/KSL-TV poll, Dan Jones & Associates found that 48 percent of Utah residents oppose the idea, while 47 percent favor it. Republicans were more in favor of the law by 57 percent, to 23 percent for Democrats, while 40 percent of independent voters supported the new law. Utah legislators vowed to spend up to $3 million over three years to take on the federal government over this issue. The $3 million will come from school funds, which seems logical because the fed’s land grabs have cost the state untold millions in property taxes which could have been spent on education. A Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Double Monuments? counties and communities to protect their economies, environment and citizens when more and more land is “saved” from the people who care about the land. There is a serious misconception by elite bureaucrats and radical environmental groups that those who live on the land are destroying the land. Being a bureaucrat in Washington, D.C. does not make them an expert in land management; just as someone belonging to a radical environmental group that claims to care about the planet, does not make their loud claims valid. Who better understands the neighborhood than the people who live there — whether that neighborhood is a city block in Chicago, a farm in Iowa or a ranch in New Mexico. Local opinion and knowledge should not be discounted just because there are more people on your block in New York than on mine in Wyoming. If rhetoric wins over common sense and more land is “saved” from the people who live there, there are ways for local governments to protect their tax base and economic stability — namely through active participation in the federal decision-making processes. Specifically, statutes like the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”), the Federal Lands Policy and Management Act (“FLPMA”), and the National Forest Management Act (“NFMA”) require that the federal government proactively seek the input of local governments before the federal agency can make substantive decisions.
representative said it was inappropriate to use school children’s money to fight a battle with no guaranteed outcome. Legal scholars suggest that even if states do get the power to take federal land by eminent domain it could be a case of land ping pong as the federal government could just use its own eminent domain authority to take the land right back. Interestingly, when the Mormons settled in what is now Utah in 1847 they did so after having left the United States as a result of severe persecution they’d endured in the east. They eventually joined the Union as a state because they didn’t want to be a territory anymore and be governed by what they called, “unsympathetic carpetbag appointees” sent from Washington, D.C. Now, 160 years later, they find that much of their land is being governed by “unsympathetic carpetbag appointees” from Washington, D.C. Although we greatly admire and support the leaders and citizens of Arizona and Utah for their courage in taking these two distinct actions, we suspect the feds will somehow prevail in the end, as they seem to always do. When that happens Westerners will once again be reminded that in their own country they are, indeed, second class citizens.
Page 3
Equipment For Sale 25 KW CUMMINS DIESEL GENERATOR, Onan Genset, 3-phase, recently reconditioned, new battery, includes fuel tank. Located in Camp Verde, Ariz. Need to pick up.
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Active buyers on all classes of cattle. Stocker demand within excellent wheat pasture and grass demand. Supporters of vaccination program of your choice. Four active packer buyers, supported by area feedlots on these feeder cattle. Receiving station available. Sheep Sale 2nd to last Wednesday every month!
continued from page one
Additionally, regulations governing the U.S. Forest Service (“USFS”), the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”), and the Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWS”) require that the federal agencies, at a minimum, notify and additionally coordinate with local governments to develop federal land use plans. These statutes allow local governments to take an active role in influencing federal decisions, should the local government decide to accept that role. Consider the following statutory requirements: The NEPA mandates that the federal government consider the “environmental impacts” of all federal decisions. If there is an environmental impact, the federal government also has to consider the economic, local tax base and social impacts of the decision as well. Local governments can influence these deliberations as active participants, by developing alternatives to the federal decision, preparing or reviewing economic or environmental studies and forcing federal agencies to substantively respond to local plans and policies. The question is whether the local government is willing to enforce its rights under federal law and regulation. As another example, U.S. Forest Service (“USFS”) regulations specifically invite local governments to participate in and to influence regional and forestwide land use plans including plans for management of National Monuments. The regulations require, at a minimum, continued on page four
Lane Grau Wesley Grau 575/760-6336 575/760-7304 •
Livestock Market Digest
Page 4
May 15, 2010
to resolve any inconsistencies between the federal and local land use plans while providing early continued from page three involvement of the local governments in the federal decision-making process, again including National participation by local governments in the develop- Monument management. Thus, the BLM is required to give advance ment of the federal land use plan and the USFS’s selection of a preferred alternative. Additionally, notice of any preparation, amendment or revision the USFS is required to review, and coordinate of a resource management plan to the state and with, the regional and local planning efforts of local governments, in order to ensure the earliest possible coordination with state and local governments. them. The BLM regulations The review must include also require consistency consideration of the explicit Federal agencies between the federal and local objectives in the local land are required to land use plans, so long as the use plans and policies, an local government timely notiassessment of the interrelatcoordinate with fies the BLM of any such ed impacts of these plans and local governments, inconsistencies. Once the policies, a determination of BLM is notified of any how each USFS plan should but local governments inconsistencies between the deal with any impacts on the federal and local land use must be willing to local land use, and consideraplans, the agency must contion of alternatives should be active participants sider alternatives to alleviate there be conflicts between the problem. the federal plans and the in that process. The importance of federal local land use policies and land use and resource manplans. Finally, the affect of the final federal land use plan must be monitored agement plans cannot be overlooked — these plans to evaluate the effects of local land use plans on govern all federal decision making, including deciNational Forest lands, and vice versa. These coor- sions regarding uses on federal lands. By local govdination regulations ensure that the local environ- ernments taking an active role in federal decision mental and economic needs are being met, even making processes, which may include having a local land use plan in place, local governments will through federal land use decisions. Federal law also provides opportunities for local be able to influence federal decision making governments to participate in, and to influence processes. Federal agencies are required to coordiBLM land use policies, plans and programs. The nate with local governments, but local governBLM regulations require the agency to be kept ments must be willing to be active participants in apprised of all state and local land management that process. Will the Great American Outdoor plans, to ensure that appropriate consideration is Initiative and almost doubling the amount of land given to these local land use plans in the develop- in National Monuments be “saved” from the ment of federal resource management plans. Addi- American public or managed, with local input, tionally the BLM must take all practical measures “for” the American public?
Double Monuments
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f the weather report predicts a 90 percent chance of rain, you might not cut hay today. When the cattle market falls $10 in a few weeks but a trusted adviser says it is due to bounce back, you may wait a few more weeks to sell. You like to take action based on a predicted outcome. In a sense, everything you do involves some kind of prediction about how it will shape your future. At least, that’s true of any deliberate action. If you want something that exists only in the future, it’s up to you to make it happen. Motives should include profit as a way to finance the vision. These ideas are pretty much universal, but let’s consider your cowherd. Across the country, cattle are getting better based on trends in daily gain, efficiency and quality grades. For decades, the improvements were uneven, giving up beef quality for better performance on the ranch or feedlot. But buyers don’t want the same kind of calves that topped the market in your grandfather’s
day, because consumer demand has gradually influenced the beef industry. Cattle are getting better now in a more balanced way because many of them are managed by producers who have a better future in mind. They see a time when cattle make money at every step and produce the beef that consumers want most, stimulating more purchases of high-quality beef. It took a long time to turn, but the 30-year slide in quality grade began a dramatic rebound late in this decade, thanks largely to genetic advances and strategic applications of technology. The main reason it took so long is because most producers still undermanage their cattle, or leave them to coast through the annual rituals of calving, breeding and weaning with too little deliberate guidance. Tools are easily accessible today from cattle publications, ads, computers, public universities, breed websites and seedstock suppliers. Expected progeny differences (EPDs) still top the list for cattle selection. You can’t move your cowherd toward a better future without making genetic decisions, and EPDs provide the structure for accurate predictions. These expected differences in performance and carcass quality of an animal’s sons or daughters are compared to a “zero base” in foundation stock or a standard data year. Inter-breed comparisons can be tricky, but USDA’s Meat Animal Research Center publishes annual adjustment tables for some EPDs by breed.
Commercial cows generally do not have known EPDs, but sire selection affects half the genetics of your calves, and you can choose replacement females based partly on their sire EPDs. Recordkeeping can tell you what is needed to complement the maternal base when you look for bulls to buy or use through artificial insemination. Indeed, records on past progeny performance across all relevant traits are building blocks for effective EPD use. It’s important to look at the accuracy number for each EPD, too. If it is relatively low (<.40), then the value for that trait could change significantly as more data come in. The more predictable sires have EPD accuracies greater than .70. Blending progeny carcass data with individual ultrasound numbers, combination selection indices and DNA markers are more recent advances in genetic selection tools. Health and nutrition have made great strides in the last few decades as well, especially the documented studies on the advantages of effective coordination. Beef quality has proven to be a lifetime event for cattle, so a rising plane of nutrition with as little stress as possible helps in planning for a predictable outcome. Animal identification and recordkeeping allow you to track how well your program succeeds in meeting its objectives, your expectations. Even the most accurate predictions are imperfect, but the process of information feedback helps you increase predictability and profit.
May 15, 2010
“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
Page 5
A Taxpayer-Funded War Against Ranchers There is a war between ranchers and environmentalists in the West — and the environmentalists are funded by the taxpayers. by CALLIE GNATKOWSKI-GIBSON, a PJM Exclusive,
here is a war going on in the West. It has nothing to do with guns and bullets. It’s an environmental war, declared by eco-activists against farmers and ranchers who work the land. It’s not covered by the mainstream media. But environmental groups boast that their aim is to run ranchers off their land, put them out of business, and bar beef and other food from our tables. And the environmentalists get taxpayers to pay them for their attempts at destruction. The tools they use are the Endangered Species Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and other acts, along with a small army of lawyers who find bureaucratic loopholes to bankrupt farmers and ranchers. While ranchers struggle to pay attorneys to represent their interests in these lawsuits, environmental groups are getting paid by taxpayers. Even though the activists don’t win all of these cases, they are reimbursed for their attorneys’ fees through the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA). The abuse of EAJA, where environmental groups collect up to $650 per hour for frivolous lawsuits, was covered recently by Pajamas Media. “Essentially, these environmental groups are being paid to sue the federal government,” said Wyoming attorney Karen Budd-Falen. “They file hundreds of lawsuits, and rather than fight the suits, the government often settles the case, agreeing to pay attorneys fees in the settlement.” Here are some of their cases. Wyoming sheepman Carl Larson and his family continue the operation founded by his grandfather 100 years ago. The operation is made up of private and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land, which the family pays to use and maintain. Because of the land ownership in their area, the BLM land is critical to the operation. When the activist group the Western Watersheds Project (WWP) filed a lawsuit that would have stopped grazing on the grazing allotment, based not on proof of damage to the land but on procedural issues with the permit, the family was forced to intervene. “Losing this permit would have been devastating to our family and our livelihood,” Larson said. “We intervened because WWP had requested a stay of any grazing on the allotment until all litigation was completed, which would have effectively put our family ranch out of business.” The WWP could not show any proof that the Larsons’ use of their land was causing any damage, so after several months the request for a stay on grazing was
denied. The litigation is ongoing, and some problems were found with the BLM’s permit renewal procedures. “We have absolutely no control over the BLM’s processes, but have to live with the consequences and had to spend $35,000 to keep our ranch,” Larson said. “There is no way to get that money back from the WWP, even though for the short term, we beat them.” In addition to the cost of the litigation, the Larsons have invested a lot of money over the years in improvements to the allotment including fences, water developments, and bridges. “If the allotment were closed, it would be a major taking of private property rights and my family would lose its business,” Larson said. Jordan Valley, Oregon, rancher Rand Collins was also forced to intervene in a lawsuit filed by the WWP that would have eliminated the family business that has been in the family for 46 years. In 1997, the group sued the BLM to eliminate grazing on 68 grazing allotments, including Collins’ allotment. “All of these allotments, like mine, have been grazed by livestock for over 100 years. Like the Louse Canyon Community allotment for me, the use of these allotments is necessary for the continued existence of our ranchers and way of life,” Collins said. The WWP lawsuit claimed that the BLM had not completed the necessary paperwork under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for permit renewal, and requested that livestock be removed until that paperwork was complete. While the court agreed that the BLM had violated NEPA, livestock were not removed, but the case is ongoing. “WWP’s website boasts that it wants to eliminate my livelihood and family, but because it cannot challenge me directly, WWP and other groups find errors in the bureaucratic process as a backdoor way to harm my legitimate use of the land I have loved for 46 years,” Collins said. “So many times, these cases are not filed on anything substantive, but on paperwork and missed deadlines,” Budd-Falen explained. “It’s all on paper — nothing in the lawsuit even impacts the environment.” Ranchers like Tim Lequerica, based in Oregon’s Owyhee River Valley, were assured that their historic operations would be protected when Congress gave the river near Lequerica’s home its Wild and Scenic designation in 1984. That was put to the test, however, by litigation filed in 1998 by the WWP and the activist Oregon Natural Desert Association (ONDA), which joined WWP challenging the BLM’s management plan for the wild and scenic river.
The litigation claimed that cattle should not be able to get water from the river and requested that grazing be stayed or eliminated pending the outcome of the litigation. The river was the ranchers’ only source of water. Ranchers intervened, arguing that they would keep cattle from drinking from the river if they were provided alternative water locations. “Our issue was not whether we had to use the Owyhee River, we just wanted a source of water for our thirsty livestock,” Lequerica said. “Our argument was that if the court would allow us to install water pipelines and tanks on dry BLM lands, we would be happy to keep cattle from drinking in the river as the environmentalists wanted. The environmentalists wanted no water at all, which would mean our cattle would go thirsty.” The ranchers spent $42,000 to participate in the litigation, and in the end, the court granted the ranchers’ requests. The ranchers were able to put in new pipelines and tanks to provide water for both livestock and wildlife. “However, because the BLM failed to jump through some procedural hoops with regard to the written wild and scenic river management plan, the federal government voluntarily agreed to pay ONDA and WWP $128,000 in attorney fees and costs. Thus, my money paid for every part of the litigation,” Lequerica said. “I paid my personal attorneys to represent me; my tax dollars paid the federal government and their attorneys who failed to do all the paperwork correctly; and my tax dollars paid the ONDA and WWP to sue the federal government.” Millions have been spent on the reintroduction of Mexican grey wolves into southwestern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona, which started in 1998 as the result of environmental activist groups suing the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS). Today, very few wolves have survived in the wild, area wildlife is sparse, and livestock depredation is putting ranchers out of business. Since 2000, Gene and Ginger Whetten, of the Adobe Ranch in far southwestern New Mexico, have been living with dead and missing livestock, lost profits, and litigation caused by the wolves, and there’s no end in sight. In 2007, the Whettens had nine wolves living right below the house, killing cattle every night. They estimate that they lost $100,000. “This year, we’ve found nine or ten dead calves, and pieces of 14 more. That doesn’t include those that you never see, that you just know are gone because a cow comes in with a tight bag,” Ginger Whetten said. “It’s been a big financial continued on page eight
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Livestock Market Digest
Page 6
Beef demand and prices may set record this summer by GARY TRUITT, Hoosier Ag Today
attle prices are on the rise; and, soon, retail beef prices may be, too. Retailers have reduced their margins to keep beef prices low so far this
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year. While retail beef prices were down 10 cents per pound in the first quarter, retail margins dropped by 20 cents per pound. That can’t continue for long, says Purdue Ag Economist Chris Hurt. He and others are forecasting higher beef prices this summer, “Beef prices could hit record highs this spring and summer, eclipsing the third quarter of 2008 when the average retail beef price hit a record $4.46 per pound.” American Farm Bureau livestock economist John Anderson says, “The outlook for meat prices is, from a livestock producer perspective, more positive than it’s been in a long time. We are expecting fairly high livestock prices and that would translate to higher prices at the meat counter. A lot of people are saying that we may see record meat prices in summer of 2010.” Livestock producers went through some very tough economic times in 2009; and, as a result, reduced the number of animals they were raising. Now supplies are down and prices are going up. “Typically what we see is that supplies of meat get tight and processors and retailers sort of ratchet
up their prices in response to the fact that their product costs are going up, and they’re looking for that point where consumers say: ‘You know, that’s too high.’ It remains to be seen where that point is, but that’s kind of what we’re going to be looking for this summer,” said Anderson. In fact, U.S. beef production is down 1 percent so far this year as somewhat higher slaughter rates have been more than offset by lower cattle weights. In addition, U.S. and international consumers are competing for reduced meat supplies as they feel more confident about the global economy.
Riding Herd continued from page one
my fellow traveler. “Overseas workers don’t receive extra benefits like pensions and insurance.” “It seems we have a lot in common,” I said sadly. “What other advantages would there be if I were to offshore the writing of my column?” “It will reduce the costs associated with staff turnover. Do you
May 15, 2010 In the first two months of 2010, U.S. beef exports were up 24 percent while beef imports were down 23 percent, resulting in a 5 percent reduction in U.S. per capita beef supplies. Hurt predicted retail beef prices will remain strong throughout the year, but will peak this spring when supplies are the lowest. The mainstream media is already howling about record high beef prices, but Anderson says consumers can find good beef bargains is they shop around, “Retailers use meat to feature sales in a lot of cases. So to just say that prices are high really masks the fact that within those high prices there will be a lot of featuring
going on from week to week from retailers. So, shoppers who really want to look for a bargain can usually find something that’s cheap, at least cheap relative to other things that are in the meat counter. So shop around, see what’s being featured, and fire the grill up.” Finished cattle prices are also expected to be at their yearly highs this spring. Summer prices are expected to be in the low-tomid $90s per hundredweight. Hurt forecast that, in 2010, finished cattle prices may average about $93, dramatically above the $83 of 2009. Prospects for 2011 should remain strong as well, perhaps moving close to $95 for the year.
have staffing issues?” “No, not really. But then I don’t have a staff either.” “Well, then you should consider offshoring simply for the risk benefits. For example, what if you die? The column and revenue stream would die with you, whereas if your column was written by a team of writers in China your heirs could keep cashing checks and your column could go on without anyone knowing that you are dead.”
“Yes, I'm sure my wife could see the many advantages in that scenario. But how would I communicate with my ghost writers in China.” “Oh, that’s not a problem. We have call centers to answer your phone calls.” “Yeah, I’ve seen how well those work.” “Then perhaps communicating with your writers via e-mail would be best.” “But what about the possibility of other writers stealing my column out in cyberspace?” “My dear new friend, I don’t mean to be rude and I’ve only read a little of your work but I really must say that I just don’t see any danger of that happening?” “That’s probably true,” I admitted. “But still, I think I would be concerned about losing something in the translation. What about grammar, punctuation and maintaining the quality of my present work?” “Yes, I see your point and the transition might be disruptive, but I really don’t think your readers would object to the vast improvement in quality.”
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“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
Page 7
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The Border Gap in Understanding eople who live in Chicago, Washington, D.C. or San Francisco inner cities lock their doors at night. They are careful where they travel within the city. They all have friends who have been mugged, had homes burglarized, cars stolen or lives taken. They travel the city in crowds like schools of fish. Their safety, like all prey, is in numbers; the odds that someone else will be eaten instead of them. In rural communities, small towns, and isolated ranch houses we do not think of ourselves as prey. During the election, candidate Obama made a very telling comment about bitter, small towns, clinging to their guns and religion.” He is from the big city prey mentality. He comes from a place that believes that if we take guns away from ordinary citizens, they will somehow be safer. His comment was interpreted as a slam against small town America, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt. He simply doesn’t have any way to relate to those who believe each person is responsible to take care of himself. The Mexican border, once a cultural bridge, is now a war
zone inhabited by killers, smugglers, and drug dealers as bad as any town in Afghanistan. Rural people who live along this poisonous border live with the daily possibility of death and destruction. Thousands of Mexicans have been killed in the drug wars already. The situation, which has been worsening, culminated last month with the murder of a rancher by a suspected drug smuggler on his way back to Mexico. He lived in my county along the border. He was known to the neighbors and many Mexican illegals as a generous man. His ranch has been well traveled by illegals for years. His luck ran out. All of us, his neighbors, are saddened but reminded of just how fragile normal life has become where many have put down their roots. If the President thinks the community is bitter, he just might be right. They are on the front lines in a war to supply recreational drug users their daily toke or weekly snort. The smugglers are doing quite well. I hear of no shortages from celebrities and potheads. And, in truth, I would guess most ranch-
ers are ambivalent about dope smokers and drug users. Unfortunately they are trying to ranch on the battlefield where the selfrighteous, self-centered stoners, snorters, smokers, shooters and suppliers are fighting The Law. . . . bitter, small towns, clinging to guns and religion. You can see in this Arizona rural community why we cling to our guns. We don’t have police cars patrolling our neighborhoods. The nearest neighbor could be ten or twelve miles away and the criminals pass like ghosts in the night. We use our guns because we are not prey, we take responsibility for our own lives and livelihood. The President’s unfortunate denigration of religion as a source of strength is something he probably wishes he could take back. His past church membership speaks for his faith. Suffice it to say when we turn to God for help it is because He has proven to be more reliable than the stream of politicians’ promises that continue to pour over us like dirty water sluicing down the drain. And nobody seems to have a clue.
4-H. The Latest Battleground Over Animal Care by GARY TRUITT, Hoosier AG Today
he 4-H program is one of the best youth leadership development organizations in the world. Now I admit I am biased, being a 4-H leader and having two of my children go through the program. So I guess that is why my green clover turned red when I learned that the National 4-H organization had climbed in bed with one of the most radical and insidious animal rights organizations in the country. Furthermore, when this issue came to light and the farm community expressed outrage, the National leadership refused to back down. This continued association has allowed the Humane Society of the United States to use the name and reputation of 4-H to advance its radical agenda. Despite demands from local and state 4-H leaders, the national organization has turned a deaf ear to the interests and concerns of agriculture. During the National 4-H Congress in Washington recently, a breakout session was held on animal care. That is not unusual, but the sponsoring organization certainly was. HSUS and American agriculture are locked in a pitched battle on the local, state, and national levels over the future of animal agriculture. So, to have them involved with an organization like 4-H, with deep roots in farming, does not smell right. At the end of the session, the 25 youth that participated in the workshop were provided with resource material that included HSUS propaganda. The 35-page HSUS Mission Humane Action Guide, which encourages youth to set up animal protection clubs and devotes pages
to researching animal issues, “making your voice heard,” and raising funds. If you throw a party, the material suggests showing videos from the HSUS Web site and serving vegan refreshments. And just about every page plugs information available on the HSUS Web site. “You’ll also learn about lobbying, one of the most effective ways of making change for animals,” says the guide’s message from CEO Wayne Pacelle. When word of this event began to leak out in the ag media, the reaction was quick and virulent. Instead of admitting they had made a seriously bad mistake, the National 4-H organization defended their association with HSUS, “The workshop was approved by the planning committee because the proposal aligned with the goals of the 4-H conference and did not present any indication of anti-animal agriculture views or positions.” Leaders on the state and local levels took strong exception with the position of the national office. OSU Extension Director Keith Smith issued a statement April 2 saying Ohio’s 4-H program was “very distressed that this happened at a national 4-H event,” and that the Ohio 4-H organization had expressed that dismay to the 4-H National Headquarters and USDA-NIFA, “The primary concern about this distribution is that HSUS is well known for its anti-animal agriculture views and positions, and 4-H has a long tradition of providing education in the animal sciences, which includes the dimension of positive animal welfare.” Individuals blasted the National continued on page eight
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May 15, 2010
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Livestock Market Digest
Page 8
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Taxpayer-funded War hit for us and an even bigger one for some of our neighbors who only run 50-100 head of cattle. When the wolves get in on them, it just wipes them out. It is heartbreaking to watch as they lose their livelihoods and way of life.” Working and spending time together as a family brought the Whettens to the remote ranch, but much of that has been lost to the constant stress of the wolves. “The wolves are on our minds and on our property all the time. It’s not what we wanted for our family.” To protect citizens like the Whettens, and others who feared for the safety of their families, Catron County, New Mexico, adopted an ordinance designed to give its citizens relief from wolves living in their front yards. “The federal government did not take any legal action against the county for the ordinance, and we felt we had a sworn duty to protect the health and safety of our citizens,” said Catron County Commission Chairman Ed Wehrheim. “The ordinance stated that if a wolf was harassing a person, the county would protect that person as allowed by the Endangered Species Act (ESA).” In 2007, the radical activist group WildEarth Guardians (WEG) sued Catron County in federal district court claiming that the county ordinance violated the ESA. In the end, the court ruled in the county’s favor on all counts, and specifically held that the ordinance as written was lawful. Catron County spent over $100,000 in attorneys’ fees defending its ordinance. “Even though the suit was brought under the ESA, we cannot recover that money from the WildEarth Guardians,” Wehrheim said. “In contrast, they and other groups have filed countless suits against the government about the wolves, and are able to get their attorneys’ fees repaid.” In another suit, the Western Watersheds Project (WWP) sued the FWS in 2001 to list slickspot peppergrass under the ESA. The FWS ultimately decided against listing the species as threatened or endangered, but agreed to pay the WWP $26,663 to reimburse their attorneys’ fees. After this decision, a number of ranchers in the Mountain Home, Idaho, area, including Charlie Lyons and Ted Hoffman, came together with the state of Idaho to create a Candidate Conservation Agreement (CCA), which was approved by the FWS under the ESA. The agreement, which was signed by many ranchers, included specific, on-the-ground actions ranchers and landowners agreed to take to protect the species. According to a 2009 report, the slickspot peppergrass had the highest recorded population numbers. “We believe these population counts show the actions in the CCA were working and making a difference,” Lyons and Hoffman said.
May 15, 2010 continued from page five
In 2004, the WWP sued again to force a listing under the ESA, the court agreed, and the species was listed. In 2007, the FWS withdrew that decision, based on the protection given by the CCA. The WWP sued again, and won. Following that decision, the governor of Idaho filed a suit contesting the latest listing, and that litigation is ongoing. Due to the litigation, the CCA is useless and the faith and hard work that the landowners and permittees put into management for the plant is down the drain. No one can show that this plant is any better protected by some legal federal paper designation than it was by true on-theground management, Lyons and Hoffman said. Ranchers have spent $30,000 in litigation, plus time and effort developing the CCA, on this issue. The environmental group WWP has received a total of $238,163 in taxpayer money in settlement agreements on this species. “WWP’s objective is to run ranchers off the land in the spring,” Lyons and Hoffman said. “If they are successful in their efforts, it would mean a death sentence to the slickspot peppergrass and ruination of our ranches.” Southwestern New Mexico rancher, farmer, and Catron County Commissioner Hugh B. McKeen has been battling environmental activist groups and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) for years, just to keep the family operation, established by his grandfather in 1904, in business. Today, the family’s farmland is at risk of being washed away because of a lack of forest health work, and the family is ten years into a lawsuit against the USFS regarding punitive cuts to his grazing allotment. Because the endangered loach minnow has been found in the San Francisco River, the McKeens are no longer allowed to use equipment to maintain the river and its channel. The river is now aimed directly at the McKeens’ private land irrigated
field, and the USFS is requiring a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis and Corps of Engineers permit before work can be done in the river. “They just don’t care,” McKeen said. “Part of my land has been destroyed — the floodplain is gone, so now the river is aimed right at my field.” The problems with their grazing permit also involve the loach minnow. The activist groups the Center for Biological Diversity and the Forest Guardians (now known as WildEarth Guardians) filed a suit claiming that the USFS had not considered the impacts of grazing on two fish and a bird species and requesting that all livestock be removed from 42 allotments until the consultation process was completed. Ranchers intervened, spending about $100,000. In the end, the court ruled that extra work would only be required on allotments where the fish are actually found. “Even though our attorneys stopped the groups from eliminating all grazing and then won most of the case on the merits, the federal agreement voluntarily agreed to pay the two groups $300,000 in tax dollars,” McKeen said. The fish species were found on the McKeen’s allotment and private land, so the USFS built a fence to keep his cattle out of the river. Maintaining a fence along the river is difficult, and when the fence is down the cattle get in the river. In punishment, the USFS has cut the family’s grazing permit for 25 percent. The McKeens suit against the agency has been ongoing for ten years. “Even if we win the suit, all I get are my cattle numbers back, no restitution, no compensation for lost income, nothing,” McKeen said. “They cut my numbers by 25 percent, reducing our income by 25 percent. No business can sustain that.” Callie Gnatkowski Gibson lives with her husband and daughter in Los Lunas, N.M. She writes for agricultural organizations and publications. Prior to that, Callie worked for Senator Pete Domenici, the New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association and the New Mexico Wool Growers’, Inc. She was raised on a sheep and cattle ranch in central New Mexico, and remains active in the family operation.
4-H Battleground
continued from page seven
4-H Facebook fan page with even stronger statements. One poster called it an “irresponsible decision.” What makes the attempt by HSUS to use 4-H, and the National organization’s apparent willingness to be used, even more despicable is that 4-H livestock programs are the best example of humane animal care there is. 4-Hers in the livestock programs are models of good animal husbandry. If you want to see animal care at its best, visit your county fair this summer and spend a few minutes in the barns and talk with the 4-Hers
about their animals and how they care for them. To allow this radical, antiagriculture organization — which spends less than 1 percent of its funds on caring for animals — influence our youth is unconscionable. Local 4-H leaders, state officials, and every 4-H parent, should demand more accountability by the national organization. They should also demand current leadership be replaced. Clearly national leadership has forgotten the part of the 4-H pledge that talks about pledging your “head to clearer thinking.”
“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
May 15, 2010
Page 9
BVD Virus Acute and Persistent Infection Diagnosis by JOHN C. WENZEL, DVM, Extension Veterinarian, NMSU, Las Cruces, N.M.
Overview ovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is an important pathogen of cattle because of the negative economic impact it can have on cow/ calf, stocker and feeder cattle. BVDV can impact production due to reduced fertility, abortions, stillborns, poor growth rates, respiratory disease, immunosupression, diarrhea and death. Results of a 2005 Feedlot trial showed a PI prevalence of 0.3 percent on arrival, 2.6 percent in chronics and 2.5 percent in deads. Risk of initial treatment for respiratory disease was 43 percent greater in cattle exposed to a PI animal compared with those not exposed to a PI animal. Overall, 15.9 percent of initial respiratory tract disease events were attributable to exposure to a PI animal.1 Developing immunity against the BVD virus is a complex issue requiring a control program designed for each specific operation. It will be necessary to consult your local veterinarian for assistance in developing a BVDV control program for your operation. Having a basic understanding of how BVD infections take place will help you understand how a diagnostic laboratory can assist in deciding what level of control is needed on your operation.
BVD Infection There are two distinct species of BVD virus, BVDV 1 and
BVDV 2 along with two distinct biotypes, Cytopathic and Noncytopathic. There are also two types of infection, acute and persistent, along with five clinical forms of acute disease (acute BVDV infection, severe acute BVDV infection, hemorrhagic BVDV infection, acute BVDV infection- respiratory tract disease and acute BVDV infectionimmunosupression).2 The clinical signs seen with an acute infection depends on the BVDV species, biotype and strain along with immune status of the exposed animal and the presence of secondary pathogens. Many infections are mild and subclinical. Exposure of a pregnant cow can result in abortions, stillbirths, birth defects and persistently infected (PI) calves. Persistently infected calves can range from fairly normal to weak poor-doing calves that die shortly after birth. These calves are a source of viral exposure to all cattle they contact for the remainder of their lives. PI cattle shed virus at a much higher rate than acutely infected animals and are a greater risk to native cattle than natural infections. Persistent infections can result from two types of exposure — being born to a persistently infected dam or a dam exposed to BVDV between day 40 and 125 of pregnancy. If a cow is exposed to BVDV and becomes viremic during this time of gestation, the virus can cross the placenta and expose the fetus. The fetal immune system is forming during this time and the calf may then
recognize the virus as self and the calf will then shed the virus the rest of its life. These PI calves are a great danger to any cattle they contact. Identifying and removing PI cattle and the continued vaccination to prevent fetal infection are the most important components of effective control measures.3 Control programs will need to include the use of modified live vaccines, annual vaccination of cowherd, BVDV testing and care when purchasing bulls and replacement females.
Laboratory Diagnosis of BVD Infection4 Tests for live virus: Virus isolation (VI) detects replicating virus and has long been considered the gold standard for detection of BVDV. VI can be done from whole blood, white blood cells, nasal swabs and tissues, in particular spleen, thymus and other tissues associated with the immune system. VI isolation from sera of neonatal calves may not work well because maternal antibodies transferred to the calf via the ingestion of colostrum can prevent the isolation of virus. Samples should be stored on ice or frozen until tested. Heating and drying of tissues will have a negative impact on detection by VI. Both persistent and acute infections can be detected using VI. The drawbacks are that VI is time consuming, relatively expensive and requires significant technical expertise and reagents free of BVDV and antibodies against BVDV.
Tests based on the detection of viral genomic material Diagnostic tests based on the detection of genomic material include in situ hybridization, conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and real time PCR (RT-PCR). PCR reactions that use differential primers can be used to determine the species of the infecting BVDV. Alternatively the product of the PCR reaction can be sequenced and compared to laboratory refer-
################## # # Hundreds of Windmill # # # Owners Cannot Be Wrong # # Replace your steel pipe with our heavy- # wall PVC plastic pipe. Forget about rust # and deterioration that goes with steel # # pipe. Lightweight and easy to handle. # our heavy-duty plastic collars, a # # With plastic pipe installation is maintenance # free. All our previous customers who # put plastic pipe in their windmills # # have continue to brag about it. Available for # immediate shipment in 2", 2-1 ⁄ 2˝", and # # 3" sizes. Urethane Check Valves and # Working Barrels, Perma Cups, no leak # # Urethane Check Balls and Urethane Rod # Guides. Lifetime Tank Coatings for steel # concrete tanks, stops all leaks, pre- # # and rust forever. Write or call for our # vents Ranchers Catalog. Serving Farm and # # Ranch since 1950. We ship same day # # # order is received. # VIRDEN PERMA-BILT CO. # # 2821 Mays • Box 7160 LMD # # Amarillo, Texas 79114-7160 # 806/352-2761 # # # # ##################
continued on page ten
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Livestock Market Digest
Page 10
BVD Virus Diagnosis ence strains to determine species. The PCR based tests are sensitive, fast and commercial kits, which provide standardized protocols and all reagents are now available. Samples include whole blood, white blood cells, nasal swabs, lymphoid tissues and skin biopsies. Samples should be stored on ice or frozen until tested. Heating and drying of tissues will have a negative impact on detection. These tests require a fair degree of technical expertise and there may be significant differences in the reliability of both test protocols and technical expertise between laboratories. Test runs should include positive and negative control and it is preferable that internal standards are run for each sample to determine that reactions are running correctly. Internal standards for PCR amplification can be a target sequence that can be found it both negative and positive samples. This is because some samples from the field contain agents that inhibit the PCR reaction. If you do not include an
Seed for Cattlemen and Ranchers • Grass Seed Available • Distributor of Teff Seeds • We ship! • The seed grows rapidly and makes excellent horse hay
continued from page nine
CALL ANYTIME 541/545-6649
TABLE 1 (From: Ridpath, JF NADC/USDA 2009) Test
Detection Target
Meaning of Positive test
Sample type
internal standard you do not know whether a sample is negative for BVDV or if the sample is positive but did not amplify because there were inhibitors present.
Virus Isolation (VI)*
Live virus
Virus present, animal could be acutely or persistently infected
Tissue, whole blood, lymphocytes, serum, nasal swab
Immunohistochemistry (IHC)*
Viral protein
Virus present. Will detect persistently infected animals. Positive tests of acutely infected animals have been reported.
Tissue, skin biopsy (ear notch)
Tests based on the detection of viral proteins
Antigen Capture ELISA (ACE)*
Viral protein
Virus present. Will detect persistently infected animals. Positive tests of acutely infected animals have been reported.
Whole blood, lymphocytes, skin biopsy (ear notch)
Conventional PCR*
Viral genetic material
Virus present. Will detect persistently infected animals. Positive tests of acutely infected animals have been reported.
Tissue, milk, whole blood, serum, skin biopsy (ear notch)
Real Time PCR*
Viral genetic material
Virus present. Will detect persistently infected animals. Positive tests of acutely infected animals have been reported.
Tissue, milk, whole blood, serum, skin biopsy (ear notch)
Serum neutralization(SN) Antibodies against BVDV
Animal has been exposed to BVDV. Cannot differentiate between vaccinated and naturally infected
BVDV antibody ELISA
Animal has been exposed to BVDV. Cannot differentiate between vaccinated and naturally infected
Diagnostic tests based on the detection of viral associated proteins include immunohistochemistry (IHC) and ELISA based tests. Monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies are used for detection in these tests. IHC can be performed on fixed or frozen tissue. IHC allows the diagnostician to determine if there is association between virus and any lesions observed. IHC is not affected by passive antibodies and so it is a reliable method for testing neonatal calves. The best results for IHC are achieved when these tests are performed and interpreted by an experienced pathologist. Mishandling of tissues after collection can affect detection by IHC. Commercial kits for ELISA detection are available and results using these kits tend to be quite reproducible between labs. These tests are sensitive, fast and require the least amount of technical expertise of the available tests for BVDV. Samples include whole blood, white blood cells, nasal swabs, lymphoid tissues and skin biopsies. Detection of BVDV in skin biopsies is not affected by passive antibodies, which makes this a reliable test for use in neonatal animals (Table 1).
Applying diagnostic results
Hankins Seed C O M P A N Y
May 15, 2010
Producers will need to contact their local veterinarian for help in interpreting BVDV test results. The type of test and interpreting results will depend on each situation. If you are test-
Antibodies against BVDV
*Persistent infection confirmed by second positive test on samples collected 3 weeks after first sample collection
Increased number of open cows at preg check Pull blood for SN Titer All Negative titers
Positive titer present Determine exposure source Do IHC or VI on cows If all negative then transient exposure Begin BVDV prevention program
Whether you prefer the cool clean water provided by the MiraFount, the large capacity of the BIGspring, or the versatility of the Lil’spring Miraco delivers all three with the unconditional 5 year guarantee.
Do IHC on calves at branding
If positive- may be PI cow Further testing needed to determine if PI (IHC, PCR, ACE)
Miraco gives you more choices.
Begin BVDV control and prevention program
If positive then test dam If dam is positive – repeat tests – if positive then PI (IHC, ACE, PCR)
If all negative titers then was transient exposure If dam is Negative – repeat test on calf – if pos then PI – if neg was transient
ing during clinical disease such as pregnancy loss, then you may apply more than one test, such as SN, IHC or VI. If you are testing as a baseline to find out if BVDV is present, then you may elect serum neutralization on cows or IHC on calves. One Example — Increased number of open cows at pregnancy check.
P.O. Box 686 • Grinnell, IA 50112 • Phone: 1-641-236-5822 • Toll-Free: 1-800-541-7866 •
Pull blood for SN titers. If positive titers are present, you need to determine if exposure is transient or from a PI animal. To determine if a PI animal is present, ear notch calves at branding and test dams of positive calves. If you have PI cattle, remove all PIs and start disease prevention program. If all tests are negative then this was a transient exposure. Start a BVDV control and prevention program that includes multiple modified live BVDV vaccinations on replacement females, annual vaccination of entire cowherd, purchasing PI tested seedstock, and limit exposure to transient cattle (such as stockers, yearlings or purchased
cattle). Refer to the figure abovefor this example.
Summary Diagnosis of acute infection is based on clinical signs, lesions and presence of virus. Laboratory assistance is necessary to confirm a diagnosis of acute BVD infection. Diagnosis of PI cattle is based on laboratory testing. A second positive test is usually required to confirm a diagnosis of persistent infection. Laboratory diagnosis of BVDV infections is necessary for several reasons as differentiating between an acute infection and a persistent infection is of the utmost importance. If a persistently infected animal is detected on your operation, it will be necessary to determine if the PI animal was born to a PI dam or if exposure occurred during fetal gestation. This will require repeated testing and may require more than one method of laboratory diagnosis. Consult your local veterinarian for assistance in diagnosis and testing for BVDV and developing a control program for your operation.
May 15, 2010
“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
Page 11
Ranchers take envirofreaks to woodshed by CARY BLAKE, Farm Press Editorial Staff
estern Farm Press Editor Harry Cline’s commentary, “Whackedout envirofreaks offer bizarre solution to save other life” (Feb. 20, 2010), shed light on the ridiculous antics of the Center for Biological Diversity, a Tucson, Ariz.-based environmental group. Cline wrote about CBD offering free condoms to protect more superior animal species by reducing the second-class human population. This group’s lawsuit-happy actions to protect good fish bait include lawsuits where questionable wins force taxpayers to pad the group’s financial war chest. CBD 2.11.10 Press Release: With 3,000 volunteers operating in all 50 states, the Center for Biological Diversity will distribute 100,000 free Endangered Species
Condoms beginning on Valentine’s Day and has launched an educational Web site,, chronicling the devastating impact of human overpopulation on endangered species. Additional free condoms will be distributed through the site, and five people will win a lifetime condom supply. “Human overpopulation is destroying wildlife habitat at an unprecedented rate,” said Randy Serraglio, a conservation advocate leading the Center’s overpopulation campaign. Over the last decade Pima County ranchers Jim and Sue Chilton were wrongly attacked by the CBD. The group sued the U.S. Forest Service to end the Chilton’s grazing allotment. The group claimed the area was a habitat for the Sonora chub and the lesser long-nosed bat, and that the Chiltons mismanaged
the land. The CBD took pictures of bare ground on the Chilton’s allotment, alleging poor management and posted the photos on the CBD’s Web site. Jim Chilton says the photos were actually of a small camping spot for deer hunters. Several feet away healthy range grass stood 20 inches tall. When Chilton saw a CBD news release in his local newspaper with even more allegations, the Chiltons decided enough was enough. “These people do not like production agriculture,” Chilton told me. “I laid awake at night over all this. I said I’m not a wimp. I’m a cowboy; it’s time to cowboy up. I’m taking them on.” The Chiltons filed a $100,000 defamation and libel lawsuit against the CBD. The U.S. Forest Service then conducted sur-
veys on soil quality, riparian areas and grasses on the allotment. A world-renowned range scientist climbed every mountain on the ranch and found the Chiltons to be exemplary rangeland stewards and among the best ranchers in the Southwest. The Chiltons pursued jury trials against the CBD. Over a three-week period, jurors heard testimony from many experts. They voted 10-0 and 9-1 in favor of the Chiltons. In addition to the $100,000 award, the court awarded the Chiltons $500,000 in punitive damages. The CBD then filed an appeal with the Arizona District Court of Appeals. The court sided 3-0 with the Chiltons. CBD went to the Arizona Supreme Court. It refused to hear the case. The CBD pondered taking the issue to the U.S. Supreme Court. Then the most bizarre
Why is Ken Salazar hiding memo on new monuments, wilderness areas? by MARK TAPSCOTT, Editorial Page Editor, Washington Examiner
ecretary of the Interior Ken Salazar was asked in a February 26, 2010, letter from Western Caucus Chairman Rep. Rob Bishop, R-UT, and other representatives from western states for the missing pages from a leaked government memo that “contained detailed information about the administration’s plans to designate as many as 14 new national monuments and lock up as much as 13 million acres in states throughout the West.” Bishop and his colleagues asked Salazar to provide the missing pages by March 26, or a month after their letter went to the Interior chief. More than two months later and Bishop has received exactly nothing from Salazar in response to the February 26 request. Joining Bishop in making the request of Salazar were Rep. Doc Hastings, R-WA, the ranking GOP member of the House Natural Resources Committee, and 14 other members of the Western Caucus. The congressmen have seven pages from the memo, including pages 15 – 21, which list the 14 potential new monuments and costs associated with the project, but the members have no way of knowing what else was in the memo or how many pages it totalled. “Since the President and his Cabinet have routinely stated that transparency is among the administration’s highest priorities, fulfilling this document request should have been no problem. In fact, the president has gone so far as to call transparency the ‘touchstone’ of his presidency. With the DOI’s latest failure to complete this document request, I would hardly say Secretary Salazar is living up to
the president’s standards,” said Bishop. “The DOI must be forthcoming with the information we have requested, and if there is nothing to hide as they claim, then why the delay? Sadly, this is what we have come to expect from the DOI, and frankly, the American
people deserve better.” Salazar was asked about the leaked memo during a recent Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing and responded only by saying “there’s no hidden agenda on the part of my department.” That elicited the obvious
response from Bishop, who now asks “if there is no hidden agenda then why do these documents, which are public information, remain under lock and key? Unfortunately for Secretary Salazar, this is where the rubber meets the road, and once again, his rhetoric fails to match reality.”
twist occurred. The CBD said it would drop the highest court challenge if Chilton paid the envirofreaks $35,000 to go away. Western Farm Press cannot print Jim Chilton’s response. These settlement deals are common, but seldom reported. In the end, the Chiltons collected the $600,000. The ranching family paid out more in legal fees than it collected, but it was worth it, according to Jim, “They lied about a cowboy. By God, it was the best expenditure I’ve ever made.” Justice is sweet, and the woodshed is still a good place for an attitude adjustment. SOURCE: blake-column-ranchers-envirofreakswoodshed-0406/
################## # # # ATTENTION! # # New Type Sucker # # Rod For Windmills # # # Available in 7/16", 5/8" and # # 3/4" OD sizes — 20 ft. long # Virden Perma-Bilt Windmill Manufac- # # turing of Amarillo now has revolution- # new URETHANE SUCKER ROD # # ary COUPLERS for fiberglass and wood # sucker rod! These male and female # # screw-together urethane couplers do # # double duty as rod guides also! No # corrosion on coupler! No more # # more flop in pipe or pipe wear! Special Intro# ductory Price, $3.87 per ft. for sucker # # rod with Virden’s Urethane Coupler # # Guide! Call or send for our free catalog. # # Serving Farm and Ranch since 1950. # # VIRDEN PERMA-BILT CO. # # 2821 Mays Ave. • Box 7160 LMD # Amarillo, Texas 79114-7160 # # 806/352-2761 # # # # ##################
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Livestock Market Digest
Page 12
May 15, 2010
Pew’s statement on Congressional hearing on antibiotic resistance PEW CHARITABLE TRUSTS NEWS
aura Rogers, project director of the Pew Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming, issued the following statement recently, commenting on a hearing of the U.S. House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health, where representatives of the Obama administration are expected to present testimony regarding the need to protect
Americans from the growing problem of antibiotic resistance: “We applaud Chairman Frank Pallone for convening today’s hearing on the growing problem of antibiotic resistance. We urge the subcommittee to focus on where and how improper use of antibiotics is occurring and what can be done to prevent this practice. With 70 percent of all antibiotics sold in the United States being given to healthy food animals, we trust that
today’s hearing will address the role that industrial farming plays in this problem. “The Deputy Commissioner of the FDA, Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, testified before Congress in July that routine use of antibiotics for growth promotion and feed efficiency should be phased out as part of a public health approach to address antibiotic resistance. Almost a year later, we are still waiting for FDA and other appropriate federal agencies to articu-
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late concrete, effective actions to eliminate routine use of antibiotics in industrial farming. “We hope that today’s hearing will initiate more action from the U.S. government in response to the crisis of antibiotic resistance. As recommended by the American Medical Association, the American Public Health Association, the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the American Academy of Pediatrics and some 350 other organizations, Congress and the Administration should take steps immedi-
ately to phase out the routine use of antibiotics in food animal production. It is imperative that Congress pass the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA, H.R. 1549, S.619). This important legislation would withdraw the routine use of seven classes of antibiotics vitally important to human health from food animal production unless animals or herds are sick or unless drug companies can prove that their use does not harm human health.” “It is time to take action to protect the health of the American people.”
PETA Crushes Its Own Credibility from CONSUMERFREEDOM.COM
he New York Daily News reported in mid April that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), always on the lookout for a media stunt, delivered a letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture demanding the government refuse to renew the exhibitor license of the Ringling Bros. circus. Looks like the media whiz-kids at PETA screwed this one up, though. The same newspaper reports today in a follow up article that the USDA already renewed Ringling’s permit — last week. Oops. This attempted offensive strategy is just the latest from animal rights groups like PETA and the so-called “Humane Society” of the United States (HSUS) against the circus. Like most groups pursuing an animals-first, people-last ideology, they want to shut the circus down entirely and “liberate” the elephants. But do their campaigns deserve to be taken seriously? Ringling notes that the USDA has already inspected its circus five times this year. So
much for PETA’s accusation of animal “abuse.” And a cadre of animal rights groups including the Fund for Animals (now part of HSUS) pursued a federal lawsuit against the circus operator for almost a decade. How’d that turn out? A federal judge dismissed the lawsuit in December, writing that the animal-rights plaintiffs had a collective pay-to-play arrangement with a key witness in the case. That witness’s testimony was so full of holes that the judge actually used the word “demolished” to describe his credibility. Now these circushaters are facing a federal lawsuit for their scheme. And it was filed under the mobster-oriented Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) law. Today, PETA is left calling for the USDA to revoke Ringling’s permit and wiping the egg-substitute off its face. Our guess is the USDA isn’t going to throw PETA a bone (or a peanut, for that matter). Maybe they — and the organized racket going after the circus — should just hang it up. Before they get trampled in the court of public opinion, that is.
EPA, USDA to help livestock producers capture methane gas by RITA JANE GABBETT,
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SDA and the Environmental Protection Agency announced the agencies will provide up to $3.9 million over the next five years to help farms recover and use biogas. The collaboration will expand technical assistance efforts, improve technical standards and guidance to construct and evaluate biogas recovery systems, expand outreach to livestock producers and assist them with pre-feasibility studies. The agreement expands the work of the AgSTAR program, a joint EPA-USDA effort that helps livestock producers reduce methane emissions from their operations. Biogas is composed primarily of methane, a greenhouse gas the agencies said is 20 times more potent than carbon diox-
ide. Biogas emitted from manure management systems called digesters can be collected and used to produce electricity, heat or hot water. About 150 on-farm manure digesters are now operating at U.S. livestock facilities. In addition, EPA estimates there are about 8,000 farms across the United States that are good candidates for capturing and using biogas. If all 8,000 farms implemented biogas systems, the agencies said methane emissions would be reduced by more than 34 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent a year, roughly equal to the annual emissions from 6.5 million passenger vehicles. In addition, these projects could generate more than 1,500 megawatts of renewable energy.
“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
May 15, 2010
Page 13
Real Estate
Sell More Bulls!
To list your herd here, please contact Debbie Cisneros: 505/332-3675, or email:
All Breeds
High-Quality Brangus Breeding Stock Available ALEX DEES • 760/572-5261 • Cell. 928/920-3800
Jeff Schmidt Performance-Tested 509/488-2158 Bulls, Spring & Fall
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PAT KELLEY 303/840-1848
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Mountain High Horse Ranch Dispersal Sale
Santa Gertrudis Cattle Polled and Horned HERD ESTABLISHED 1953
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The Lasater Ranch, Matheson, CO 80830 719/541-BULL (2855) • (F) 719/541-2888 •
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Call Tim Lockhart, 970/204-4302 or Brent Bond 719/588-1282 Catalogs Upon Request
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Santa Gertrudis Breeders International Red & Tender By Design
P.O. Box 1257 Kingsville, Texas 78364 361/592-9357 361/592-8572 fax
LIMOUSIN Come by anytime and see our herd. R.L. Robbs 520/384-3654 4995 Arzberger Rd. Willcox, AZ 85643
and Equities
Seven Mile
Priced at $3,500,000, obo, for this turnkey operation. If serious, call for terms. Would like to do a 1031 exchange. Motivated Seller B.W.P. 970/878-4331 evenings or leave message
• 1,139 Acres total • 715 Acres under pivots or wheel lines • Produces 3000 ton alfalfa hay a year • Nice house, +3 bedroom trailer house, +2 bedroom bunk house • Excellent set of corrals • Excellent water rights • Cuts 3 to 4 crops high quality alfalfa hay a year • Heated Shop, + large machine shed, + storage & outbuildings • 30,000 bushel grain storage • Complete set of good farming equipment (except baler) • Some goose hunting in the winter.
JOEY FREUND 303/841-7901
TIM & REE REICH 605/892-4366 • CELL: 605/580-2393 Belle Fourche, South Dakota
Bell Key Angus A few Choice Bulls Available at Private Treaty.
JOE FREUND 303/840-1850 (H) 303/341-9311
To place your listings here, please call Debbie Cisneros at 505/332-3675, or email!
PRIVATE TREATY ANYTIME All Cattlemen do not have the same seedstock needs. We have realized this and have a good selection of functional Braford Bulls for sale. Horned and Polled cattle are available. Our percentages are tailored to meet the needs of the commercial cattleman who need more ear with a 3/4 Brahman bull or just a little ear with a 3/16 Brahman bull. We currently have a good selection of Yearling and Two-Year-Old Bulls Available. 325/226-2317 Cell (Anytime) • MARATHON ,TX
Crane Creek Ranch: Tehama County, 556 acres. Two small homes, winter range. West of Red Bluff. Priced at $975,000. Wilson Ranch: Modoc County, 487 acres, house, barn, summer range. Surprise Valley, Calif. Priced at $950,000. Willow Springs Ranch: Shasta County, 1,470 acres, barn, two homes, Cottonwood Creek frontage. Make offer. Pasture Ranch: Modoc County, 427 acres, nice home, 400 acres irrigated. 2.5 miles Pit River frontage, priced at $1,600,000. Fisher Ranch: Modoc County, 2,808 acres, 465 irrigated, USFS and BLM permits, older nice home, 200 cows included. Priced at 2,999,000. Hooker Creek Ranch: Tehama County, 1,023 acres, winter range, large ponds, recreation, electric, well, septic, telephone. Priced at $1,095,000.
19855 S. Main St. P.O. Box 1020 Cottonwood, CA 96022 Office: 530/347-9455 Fax: 530/347-4640
Rubicon Ranch: Tehama County, 2,082 acres, Hunting Ranch, pigs, deer, quail dove. Ponds and creek. Priced at $1,350,000. Spring Meadow Ranch: Shasta County, 160 acres, water rights, 50 acres irrigated, large home, swimming pool, barn, shop. Priced at $699,000. Trinity River Ranch: Trinity County, 117 acres, 5,000 ft. Trinity River frontage, excellent trout fishing. Priced at $665,000. Kelley Ranch: Modoc County, 658 acres, 156 acres irrigated, three houses, barn, shop. Priced at $900,000 Paskenta Ranch: Tehama County, 487 acres, house, corrals, barns. Approx. 200 acres, class one soil. New well, nursery-orchard. Priced at $1,795,000 Horse Ranch: Tehama County. 26+ acres, 14 acres irrigated, house, corrals, 120x200 covered arena. 140 ft. cutting arena, 16-stall barn, Cottonwood Creek frontage. Priced at $1,350,000
Livestock Market Digest
Page 14
May 15, 2010
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1002 Koenigheim, San Angelo, TX 76903 • •
Office 575/835-1422 Cell 505/440-8297 Los Lunas 505/865-5500
WAHOO RANCH: Approximately 41,376 acres: 12,000 deeded, 6,984 BLM, 912 state, 40 uncontrolled and 21,440 forest. Beautiful cattle ranch located on the east slope of the Black Range Mountains north of Winston, N.M., on State Road 52. Three hours from either Albuquerque or El Paso.The ranch is bounded on the east by the Alamosa Creek Valley and on the west by the Wahoo Mountains ranging in elevation from 6,000' to 8,796'. There are 3 houses/cabins, 2 sets of working corrals (1 with scales) and numerous shops and outbuildings. It is very well watered with many wells, springs, dirt tanks and pipelines. The topography and vegetation is a combination of grass covered hills (primarily gramma grasses), with many cedar, piñon and live oak covered canyons as well as the forested Wahoo Mountains. There are plentiful elk and deer as well as antelope, turkey, bear, mountain lion and javelina (46 elk tags in 2009). Absolutely one of the nicest combination cattle/hunting ranches to be found in the Southwest. Price reduced to $7,500,000. SAN JUAN RANCH: Located 10 miles south of Deming off Hwy. 11 (Columbus Hwy.) approximately 26,964 total acres consisting of ±3,964 deeded, ±3,800 state lease, ±14,360 BLM and ±4,840 Uncontrolled. The allotment is for 216 head (AUYL). There are ± 278 acres of ground water irrigation rights (not currently being farmed) as well as 9 solar powered stock wells and metal storage tanks and approx. 6½ miles pipeline. The ranch begins on the north end at the beautiful Mahoney Park high up in the Florida mountains and runs 5½ miles down the mountains to their south end. It continues another 7½ miles south across their foothills and onto the flats. The ranch has a very diverse landscape with plentiful wildlife including quail, dove, rabbits, deer and ibex. Lots of potential and a good buy at $1,200,000. 46-ACRE FARM LOCATED IN SAN MIGUEL – Full EBID irrigation and supplemental well. Bounded by Highway 28 on the east, County Road B-041 on the south and County Road B-010 on the west. Priced at $14,000/acre – $644,000. 212-ACRE FARM BETWEEN LAS CRUCES, N.M. AND EL PASO, TX: Hwy. 28 frontage with 132 acres irrigated, 80 acres sandhills, full EBID (surface water) plus a supplemental irrigation well, cement ditches and large equipment warehouse. Reasonably priced at $2,000,000. 50.47-ACRE FARM: Located on Afton Road south of La Mesa, N.M. Paved road frontage, full EBID (surface water) plus a supplemental irrigation well with cement ditches. Priced at $14,500/acre - $731,815. BEAUTIFUL 143.81-ACRE NORTH VALLEY FARM: located in Las Cruces, N.M. next to the Rio Grande River. Great views of the Organ Mountains. Cement ditches, 2 irrigation wells & EBID. 2 older houses and shed sold “as is”. Priced at $13,212/acre - $1,900,000. Will consider dividing. OTHER FARMS FOR SALE: In Doña Ana County. All located near Las Cruces, N.M. 8, 11, & 27.5 acres. $15,000/acre to $17,000/acre. All have EBID (surface water rights from the Rio Grande River) and several have supplemental irrigation wells. If you are interested in farm land in Doña Ana County, give me a call.
318 W. Amador Ave. • Las Cruces, N.M. 88005 (O) 575/647-5041 • (C) 575/644-0776 •
AGRILANDS Real Estate Vale, Oregon • 541/473-3100 •
“America’s Favorite Livestock Newspaper”
May 15, 2010
Arizona National Livestock Show Awards $22,000 in Scholarships he ANLS Scholarship Committee recently awarded $22,000 in scholarships for the fall 2010 semester. The Arizona National Livestock Show Scholarship Program began in 1991 by awarding $13,500 to eleven students in that year. Over 19 years later the Arizona National Livestock Show has now awarded 593 students totaling $593,909. The scholarship selection process has gone from annual to semi-annual and currently awards over $30,000 annually. Scholarship recipients will be honored at the 63rd Arizona National Livestock Show Dedication, Dec. 28, 2010 at the Arizona State Fairgrounds.
The fall 2010 Scholarship recipients are: Houston Engleke, Texas A&M University, Agriculture Leadership, Flagstaff Corey Fitzgerald, Arizona State University, Construction Management, Tempe Katie Goodwin, New Mexico State University, Biology, Lake Havasu LaChelle Hunt, Scottsdale Community College, Motion Picture/TV Production, Buckeye Kassandra Kinney, Colorado State University, Animal Science/Ag Business, Tolleson John C McDonald, Central Arizona College, Animal Sci-
ence/Ag Business, Willcox Krista McNaughton, Arizona State University, Economics/Accounting, Tucson Ben Menges, Clarendon College, Agriculture Resource, Safford Korinne Molever, Northern Arizona University, Applied Mathmatics, Scottsdale Margret Molever, University of Arizona, Animal Science, Scottsdale Jessica Nielson, Arizona State University, Agribusiness Management, Tempe Racheal Redman, Arizona State University, Agribusiness, Waddell Avery Williams, Arizona State University, Biochemistry & Anthropology, Glendale Hunter Williams, Arizona State University, Aero Tech Management, Gilbert
Page 15
Lauren Wilson, University of Arkansas, Animal Science, Safford Hannah Woehlecke, U. of Arizona, Agribusiness, Red Rock Kayla Woehlecke, Northern Arizona University, Elementary Education, Red Rock Amanda Zamudio, University of Arizona, Animal Science, Elfrida Scholarships are available to students attending an accredited university or college for the current academic year. Other requirements include: High School graduation; completion of at least 12 semester hours before applying; currently taking at least 12 credit hours; a minimum grade point average of 2.5 (A = 4); and prior participation in the Arizona National Livestock Show as an exhibitor, vol-
Real Estate Guide TEXAS and OKLAHOMA FARMS and RANCHES • 503 Ac. So. Navarro Co., Texas. It’s got it all. $1,950/ac. • 632-acre CATTLE and HUNTING, N.E. Texas ranch, elaborate home, one-mile highway frontage. OWNER FINANCE at $2,200/ac. • 274 acres in the shadow of Dallas. Secluded lakes, trees, excellent grass. Hunting and fishing, dream home sites. $3,850/ac. • 126 ac. jewel on Red River, Tex. – Nice river frontage, irrigation well, excellent soils for crops, nursery stock, cattle grazing, you name it! $3,250/ac.
• 1,700-acre classic N.E. Texas cattle and hunting ranch. $2,750/ac. Some mineral production. • Texas Jewel, 7,000 ac. – 1,000 per ac., run cow to 10 ac. • 126 ac. – Red River Co., Tex. Home, barns, pipe fence. $225,000.
Joe Priest Real Estate 1205 N. Hwy 175, Seagoville, TX 75159
972/287-4548 • 214/676-6973 1-800/671-4548
SIX NEW MEXICO RANCHES #1: Just outside of Santa Fe, fantastic views, 4,717 deeded acres and 640 acres of state lease. #2: 50 miles north of Roswell, 22,959 acres total with 73% deeded, runs 400-450 AUs. Solid operation for cows or yearlings. #3: Southern New Mexico. 1,400 AUs with 23,520 acres deeded, 46,966 acres state and 41,326 acres BLM. 111,812 total acres equals 175 sections. Extremely low operating expenses and big calves! #4: 4,516 acres deeded and 80 acres state, runs 90-100 AUs. Can be enlarged up to 35 sections. #5: 2,301 acres deeded and 467 acres state. Runs 55-60 AUs. #4 and #5 join each other and can be combined or purchased separately. Located to southern Harding County of northeastern New Mexico. No improvements except fences, wells and dirt tanks. #6: 296 AUs, 50 miles southwest of Albuquerque. Over 50 sections, 32,000 acres with 1,000 acres deeded land. Elk, deer and antelope. Ranch has been rested; it’s in good condition
PREMIER RANCH FOR SALE 12,000 acres, Terrell County, Texas. Southwest of Sheffield, southeast of Fort Stockton. Excellent hunting ranch, mainly deer (whitetail and mule) and turkey. New hunter’s lodge and walk-in freezer. Surface rights only; no minerals. Principals only. $400/acre, cash. • 432/683-0990 • 432/349-8448 5 Acres – Log home. Price Decrease: 3,800 sq. ft. log home, 6 br, 4 BA on 6 acres m/l. 35 x 68 bunkhouse/classroom heated and 1 BA. 1/2 mile from Gasconade River and Wetstone Creek. Many possibilities for this property. Mountain Grove schools. Asking $170,000. MLS#814022 483 Acres, Hunter Mania: Nature at his best. Dont miss out on this one. Live water (two creeks). 70+ acres open in bottom hayfields and upland grazing. Lots of timber (marketable and young) for the best hunting and fishing (Table Rock, Taney Como and Bull Shoals Lake) Really cute 3-bd., 1-ba stone home. Secluded yes, but easy access to ForsythBranson, Ozark and Springfield. Property joins National Forest. MLS#908571 90 Acres: Just north of Phillipsburg off I-44. 80 percent open, pond and a well. Build your dream home and enjoy. MLS#910997 See all my listings at:
TErrell Land & Livestock Company
Cell: 417/839-5096 • 1-800/743-0336
P.O. Box 3188 • Los Lunas, N.M. 87031 • 575/447-6041
LOOKING TO SELL YOUR FARM, RANCH, OR RURAL HOME? Call me today. As a fellow farm owner and operator, I understand the unique challenges faced by agriculture and am here to help you in meeting your goals, whether buying or selling. PAUL STOUT, QUALIFYING BROKER 3352 State Road 209, Broadview, NM 88112 O: 575/357-2060 • C: 575/760-5461 F: 575/357-2050
I have been advertising with the Livestock Market Digest for over 20 years. I continue ls, because I get return cal nt me est inv and a great on my advertising dollars. Prices are reasonable. Debbie Cisneros is very personable. She goes out of her way to help me with my advertising needs — more than any other ad rep. — Thank you — PAUL McGILLIARD
Brokers in New Mexico, Texas & Colorado. Ranches & Farms Are Our Specialty.
P.O. Box 1316, Clovis, NM 88102
COOK RANCH – SANTA FE COUNTY, N.M.: 2,520 acre m/l, all deeded ranch 40 miles south of Santa Fe and 45 miles east of Albuquerque. Good balance of open and cedar country. 50 A.U. year-round, or 120 yearlings for summer. A well-watered ranch with windmill and submersible pump. PVC pipeline to drinkers. Great variety of New Mexico native grasses. A great location. $1,300,000. SANTA TERECITA RANCH – SOCORRO COUNTY, NM: 495 deeded acre m/l, in Datil area. A very highly improved ranch with both cattle and horse facilities. All-steel pipe, new construction, state-of-the-art 8-stall horse and stud barn. Office and public restrooms. Lighted all-steel rodeo arena built to P.R.C.A. specifications. Large steel barn for storage, tack, and shop. All-steel cattle working facilities with large and small chutes. Nice adobe home, and much more. This ranch has abundant underground water with 220 acre water rights. Two fully equipped irrigation wells supply two pivot sprinklers. Each well supplies a sprinkler. Qualified and interested – call for brochure.
unteer, or employee. Scholarships are funded through donations to the show with help from the Arizona Horse Lovers Foundation. Application deadlines are October 15 for the spring and March 15 for fall scholarships. Applications are available online at For more information, visit, or call the Arizona National office at 602/258-8568.
Eliminating Weeds Could Put More Cows On Pasture from THECATTLESITE NEWS DESK
weed calculator developed by an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist tells ranchers the number of additional cows they could raise if they eliminated one or two widespread exotic invasive weeds. An ARS researcher has developed a calculator that helps ranchers figure out how many more cattle they could raise per acre if they replace exotic invasive weeds like spotted knapweed (shown here) with forages. Rangeland ecologist Matt Rinella at the ARS Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory in Miles City, Mont., created a computer model that predicts weed impacts on forage production. Data for developing the model came from 30 weed researchers working throughout the western United States. In addition to developing the calculator so that ranchers can calculate what weeds are costing them on any given site, Rinella used the data to estimate what weeds are costing ranchers in a 17-state region. He calculated that if leafy spurge were eliminated, ranchers in that entire region could graze up to 200,000 or more cows a year and save tens of millions of dollars. Spotted knapweed is another exotic invasive weed whose elimination would greatly increase the number of cows ranches could support, and the calculator also predicts its impacts. All the rancher needs is a datasheet, a clipboard, a pencil, a yard stick, and homemade sampling frames of any size, rectangular or circular. Ranchers can download datasheets for recording weeds. They tally weeds in each frame, grouping them by their heights. The necessary data can be gathered in about 30 minutes. When the numbers are entered into the calculator, the ranchers learn how many pounds of weed they are producing per acre and how many more cattle they could raise per acre if those pounds of weeds were replaced by forage plants. It is important to quickly spray or hand-pull small weed infestations before they expand. But with large weed infestations, the calculator reflects a fundamental principle of integrated pest management: It is only worth controlling a pest if the profits from doing so outweigh the costs.
Livestock Market Digest
Page 16 ################## # # # THIS IS NO BULL # # Virden Perma-Bilt Engineering # is now offering 1-7/8” # # Department x 24” windmill cylinder barrels, with # caps, at 1/4 the price they are # # selling for now! These barrels and # # caps are made from thick, heavy # PVC and then lined with 1/4” # # wall of urethane. These barrels are as # good as any on the market! The # # urethane lining assures long life # # and true-check strokes. Our 1-7/8” # 24” barrel sells for $48.80 plus # x$6.75 postage. It connects right to # # your 2” pipe (steel or PVC). These # # urethane lined barrels are doing a # # wonderful job right now. Send for # # # information. # “Serving Farm & Ranch since 1950.” # # VIRDEN PERMA-BILT CO. # # 2821 Mays • Box 7160 LMD # Texas 79114-7160 # # Amarillo, 806/352-2761 # # # # ##################
Santa Gertrudis Five-Star Registered Private Treaty Alfalfa For Sale Gilbert Louis Jr. 505/285-5173 817 SANTA MARINA GRANTS, NEW MEXICO 87020 ACOMITA LAKE, NEW MEXICO
May 15, 2010
Group Praises Call For Wall Street Accountability n a formal letter to the Chair, R-CALF USA praised the Senate Agriculture Committee for proposed legislation titled “The Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act of 2010,” which is scheduled for markup. For several years now, the R-CALF USA Marketing Committee has been working with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Congress and other groups to work toward meaningful reform to U.S. cattle futures markets. “We think this legislation is a significant step in the right direction to restore the principal purpose of the commodities futures market, which is to provide price discovery and reduce price risk for physical hedgers,” said R-CALF USA Marketing Committee Chair Dennis Thornsberry. “The reason this particular legislation holds promise is that it strengthens derivatives market oversight, transparency and stability, which should prohibit abusive and disruptive practices. It also authorizes aggregate position limits across all markets.” R-CALF USA specifically seeks reform of the cattle futures market to restore its original purpose of affording U.S. cattle producers a useful marketing tool void of distortion and manipulation by certain speculators and other dominant market participants. Independent U.S. cattle producers sell their cattle into one of the most highly concentrated marketing structures in the U.S. economy — one that has exceeded levels generally considered to elicit non-competitive behavior and adverse economic performance. Today, the four largest U.S. beef packers purchase and slaughter over 85 percent of all slaughter-ready U.S. steers and heifers. Inherent to this high level of market concentration is substantial disparity between the economic power of the hundreds of thousands of disaggregated U.S. cattle producers (i.e., cattle sellers) and the economic power wielded by very few beef packers (i.e., cattle buyers).
“As a result of this significant economic disparity, cattle producers — some of whom use futures markets to offset price risk — are vulnerable to any market distortions caused by beef packers that may not only participate in the futures market as physical hedgers, but as significant speculators as well,” wrote R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard. “The cattle futures market is susceptible to downward price movements — in contradiction of supply/demand fundamentals, when beef packers, who may hold a physical hedging position in the market, also engage in substantial speculative short selling of the market. The effect of the beef packers’ speculative short selling is to lower not only the futures market price, but also the cash spot market price, which is intrinsically tied to the futures market. “The number of cattle operations in the U.S. has been reduced by an alarming 40 percent since 1980, and cattle producers, by nature, operate on slim margins and so are highly susceptible to even small changes in cattle prices,” he said. Specifically, R-CALF USA argues, this legislation should: 1) specifically authorize the CFTC to make it unlawful for dominant beef packers to engage in speculative short selling of the market to effectively drive down both futures prices and cash cattle prices; 2) ensure that the live cattle futures market is dominated by physical hedgers, which can be accomplished by imposing aggregate speculative position limits across all markets, as imposing such aggregate speculative position limits across all markets would also curb the commodity indexing strategies of large institutional investors, whose strategies severely distort futures market price discovery. “It also would be important that speculative position limits be established by physical hedgers in the cattle futures market, and additionally, we believe the CFTC should be directed to restore daily market price limits
T-Bone -B n Ranch -Bone Ran anch
Mount ain High Horse Dispersal June 5, 2010
to levels that minimize market volatility and reform the practice of allowing cash settlements on futures contracts in lieu of actual delivery of the commodity, a practice that effectively lowers the cattle futures price on the day of contract expiration,” Bullard pointed out. In March, the Commodity Markets Oversight Coalition — of which R-CALF USA is one of 83 members — wrote to the Senate Agriculture Committee to commend leaders’ efforts to write new legislation that would reform the U.S. derivatives markets and urged that such proposed legislation include the following reforms: ■ Mandatory exchange trading for standardized derivatives contracts to ensure adequate transparency and federal oversight, and to reduce systemic risk. ■ Mandatory clearing requirements for all other contracts that are not being utilized by bona-fide commercial hedging interests to manage risks, but rather by swap dealers, banks, or other purely financial market participants. ■ A narrow end-user exemption to clearing and collateral requirements that will allow bona-fide non-financial hedgers continued flexibility and choice in hedging products; however this exemption should be written so as to avoid any new “loophole” for truly non-physical market participants. ■ Additional authorities to the CFTC to establish speculative limits on all markets and in the aggregate across all markets; and to access activity on foreign boards of trade that allow U.S. access or that trade derivatives on commodities destined for U.S. delivery. ■ New enforcement authorities to the CFTC so regulators may prosecute “reckless” manipulation in the same manner as its sister-agency, the SEC. ■ Additional financial and personnel resources should also be afforded federal regulators in order to implement and enforce new mandates and authorities.
Antonito, CO
Selling over Ranch S elling ove r 200 Ran ch h Rock R ock It Lifetime Performance Pts 267 Heading, Superior in Heading g, Healing and Steer Stopping
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