Pay Up Suckers! (The views expressed in this column are not necessarily the views of the New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association or this publication.)
cannot say that watching the “State Of The Union Address” impressed me much. I felt like they should have turned the teleprompters around and let us read it and it might have been understandable, to say the least. I was impressed that the President could actually stand up for 65 minutes straight. Of course, he did have the podium to hang on to. The other thing that confuses me is it Joe or Jill that is the President?
I hope everyone is enjoying the new fuel prices and double digit inflation. See, now that COVID has subsided the Progressives have found a new way to control your life. Remember in, “Let’s Go Brandon’s” campaign speeches he promised that he would not raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000 per year. What he didn’t tell you was he would more than double the fuel price causing the cost of all goods to skyrocket. Control, control, control! Stop and think about this. On his first day in office, Slow Joe did four things to create this mess. Number 1 is he eliminated fossil fuel subsidies. Number 2 he tripled regulations on the fossil fuel industry. Number 3 with Executive Order #14057 he determined that the United States has to be carbon neutral by 2050. Number 4 he quit extending any federal oil leases. Just think, with the stroke of a pen Slow Joe could ease the fuel prices permanently.
We met up with Brock Toler with Back Forty Bison and asked him a few questions about his opinion on the effectiveness of the Lewis Cattle Oilers. Brock is the ranch mana er for Back Forty Bison near Dadeville, MO. Brock was skeptical, at first, on the durability of the Oilers. qBison are notorious for tearin thin s up....flippin thin s over....To bison, everythin ’s a toy! To this date, they haven’t tipped one over! The durability has really been surprisin ”. The bi est thin that Brock loves about the Oiler is the efficiency.
“In the bison industry, the oiler pays for itself in one year” -Brock Toler, Back Forty Bison "They are so efficient! With the fact that they are not gravity fed, I’m not losing a bunch of product on the ground! The pump administers only the amount that needs to be put out on the animal! With the Lewis Cattle Oiler, there is no waste. I can fill up the 8 gallon tank, on the Oiler, and it will last all summer long with the bison scratching on it ALL the time!”
Now that Russia has invaded Ukraine and the US finally quit buying Russian oil, Slow Joe is blaming Russia for the high fuel prices. Any normal person would be getting the Keystone pipeline and American oil production back up to normal, but not Joe or Jill. Even Elon Musk the owner of Tesla, the world’s largest electric vehicle manufacturer, has called for increased US oil production and the reopening of nuclear plants in Europe. He stated, “That extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.” The next thing Mr. Musk did was call out Vladimir Putin, “I hereby challenge Vladimir Putin to single combat. Stakes are Ukraine.” To me, I can’t figure out why the leaders of these countries can’t fight it out instead of having a war that harms people that have nothing to do with politics. It’s never the people that start wars, it is governments that enjoy watching people suffer. Stop and think about it. History teaches us that war does nothing but cause pain and suffering. I can see no reason for any future war. Yes, there will always be “bad guys” that we made need to eliminate, but let’s keep it to eliminating them. Something else to think about is that three percent of our energy in the US comes from solar and five percent comes from wind. That leaves 92 percent coming from fossil fuels which we have an abundance of. Ask any energy engineer what the prospects are of running an industrialized nation on wind energy. They will laugh at you as it is an impossibility at this stage. My gosh, just do the math at what it takes to power one small business with three-phase electricity. How many windmills do you think that will take? Whoever wants to see one? Has anyone considered that the charging stations for electric cars are powered by fossil fuels? The entire climate change hoax is so insulting to intelligent people. Stop and look around at the world that we live in. Our world is so full of intelligent design that we cannot comprehend 90 percent of it. For example, look at how complex your eye is, or a plant, or an animal, or a season, etc. These politicians and their paid scientists think they have the solution for saving the world. They cannot even save themselves. This climate change hoax is only to control the masses. If you continually put your faith in the gloom and doom of politicians then we don’t have much hope. Stop and think for yourself.
APRIL 2022