NMS December 2010

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l a u n n A l l u 0 2 B s u g n a r ell B th

e w s o e l R a S e l a . m m e . a F 0 1 & t a , 2011

, 6 2 y r a u r b e F , y a d r Satu 80 -90 Brangus and Angus Plus Bulls • Most with EPDs • Registered and Commercial • Fertility- , TB-, and Brucellosis-tested • These bulls have been bred and raised under Southwest range conditions. • Most bulls rock-footed • Trich-tested to go anywhere

800-1,000 Females . . .

AT ROSWELL LIVESTOCK AUCTION ROSWELL, N.M. • 575/622-5580 Cattle may be viewed Friday, Feb. 25, 2011 at Roswell Livestock Auction This sale offers you some of the highest quality Brangus in the Southwest! The “good doing” kind. BUY DIRECT FROM BRANGUS BREEDERS! NO HIGH-PRICED COMMISSION MEN TO RUN THE PRICE UP!

• Registered Open Heifers • Registered Bred Heifers and Bred Cows • Bred Cows and Pairs – 3- to 7-yrs.-old • Bred Heifers – Coming 2-yr.-olds • Open Yearling Heifers

FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Gayland Townsend . . . 580/443-5777, MOB. 580/380-1606 Troy Floyd . . . . . . . . . . . . 575/734-7005, MOB. 575/626-2896 Bill Morrison . . . . . . . . . . 575/482-3254, MOB. 575/760-7263 Joe Lack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575/267-1016 Larry Parker . . . . . . . . . . . 520/845-2315, MOB. 520/845-2411 TO RECEIVE A CATALOG CONTACT: Bill Morrison: 575/482-3254 • C: 575/760-7263 To Consign Top Females Contact: Gayland Townsend: 580/443-5777 • C: 580/380-1606 4




TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HETEROSIS WITH A PROVEN BULL PROGRAM THREE WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR PROFITS For over 32 years you’ve known us for our outstanding Hereford cattle. We have also been producing top quality Angus and Charolais cattle for over 10 years. All of our breeding programs are built on the top genetics in their respective breeds. We provide proven crossbreeding components that will add pounds to your calves and work in your environment. For maternal traits, beef quality, muscle and durability, we have the options. We use these cattle in our own commercial program and finish them in the feedlot. We know what they will do for you.

Proven Crossbreeding Components New Mexico’s Largest 1 Iron Seedstock Producer!


Selling: 100 Angus Bulls Other sires include UpWard, Thunder, GridIron, TC Rito 696, & X Factor


Selling: 100 Charolais Bulls s Other sires include Oakie Dokie, LT Easy Pro 3151, LT Mighty Blend 6297, LT Bravo Star 5151, & Western Edge


Bill King • 505-220-9909 Tom & Becky Spindle 505 321-8808 • 505 832-0926

P.O. Box 564 • Stanley, NM 87056 Located 40 miles east of Albuquerque.


Selling: 150 Hereford Bulls Other sires include Harland Too, C Maui Jim, C Pure Gold 4215, & CL1 Domino 6136S DECEMBER 2010


Best B in the h West

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VOL 76, No. 12

USPS 381-580


FEATURES NEW MEXICO STOCKMAN Write or call: P.O. Box 7127 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87194 Fax: 505/998-6236 505/243-9515 E-mail: caren@aaalivestock.com Official publication of: n

New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association Email: nmcga@nmagriculture.org; 2231 Rio Grande NW, P.O. Box 7517, Albuquerque, NM 87194, 505/247-0584, Fax: 505/842-1766; President, Bert Ancell; Executive Director, Caren Cowan; n

New Mexico Wool Growers, Inc. P.O. Box 7520, Albuquerque, NM 87194, 505/247-0584; President, Jim Cooper Executive Director, Caren Cowan

EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING Publisher: Caren Cowan Publisher Emeritus: Chuck Stocks Office Manager: Marguerite Vensel Advertising Reps.: Chris Martinez, Melinda Martinez, Debbie Cisneros Contributing Editors: Glenda Price, Callie Gnatkowski-Gibson, Carol Wilson, William S. Previtti, Julie Carter, Lee Pitts Photographer: Dee Bridgers

PRODUCTION Production Coordinator: Carol Pendleton Editorial & Graphic Design: Kristy Hinds Graphic Design: Becky Smith

ADVERTISING SALES General: Chris Martinez at 505/243-9515, ext. 28 or chris@aaalivestock.com Real Estate: Debra Cisneros at 505/243-9515, ext. 30 or debbie@aaalivestock.com

New Mexico Stockman (USPS 381-580) is published monthly by Caren Cowan, 2231 Rio Grande, NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104-2529. Subscription price: 1 year - $19.95 /2 years - $29.95. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to New Mexico Stockman, P.O. Box 7127, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87194. Periodicals Postage paid at Albuquerque, New Mexico and additional mailing offices. Copyright 2008 by New Mexico Stockman. Material may not be used without permission of the publisher. Deadline for editorial and advertising copy, changes and cancellations is the 10th of the month preceding publication. Advertising rates on request.

15 28 34 36 38 49 52 75 87

Bull Buyers Guide The Truth Emerges: Environmentalism Trumps National Security by Stephen L. Wilmeth Tips for Evaluating Fertility in Bulls by Heather Thomas-Smith Selecting a Maternal Sire by Heather Thomas-Smith Coccidiosis in Weanlings & Yearlings by Heather Thomas-Smith Want Pounds of Beef? Want Brahman. by Caren Cowan National Western Livestock Show Veterans, Ranchers Working Together to Help Returning Soldiers by Callie Gnatkowski-Gibson Chisholm Honored by Wool Growers by Callie Gnatkowski-Gibson

DEPARTMENTS 10 12 32 42 56 61 65 66 70 71 76 78 90 94 96 100

N.M. Cattle Growers’ Association President’s Letter by Bert Ancell News Update N.M. Old Times & Old Timers by Don Bullis Seedstock Guide To The Point by Caren Cowan N.M. CowBelles Jingle Jangle N.M. Livestock Board N.M. Federal Lands Council News by Mike Casabonne Estrays N.M. Beef Council Bullhorn Market Place Real Estate Guide Scatterin’ The Drive by Curtis Fort In Memoriam Coming Events Advertisers Index

ON THE COVER . . . Dino Cornay’s newest edition titled Peaceful Evenin’. “Ranchers and cowboys take great pride in their lifestyle. They are in their element when they are horseback. My goal is to convey the contentment of a man headed home after working cattle and riding through beautiful country”, says Dino. This is perhaps the first ever fully pencil artwork to adorn the NMS cover. For more information, contact: Dino Cornay Art, 100 Busey Street, P.O. Box 488, Folsom, NM, 88419. 575.278.3867 www.dinocornayart.com



www.aaalivestock.com DECEMBER 2010









S W E R S' A S

b y Bert Ancell


“How many observe Christ’s birthday! How few his precepts! O! ‘tis easier to keep holidays than commandments.” — Benjamin Franklin

Howdy Folks,


wish all a very Merry Christmas season. I want to thank all the staff, sponsors, speakers, donors, and attendees for another successful annual Stockmen’s Convention. I hope everyone went away with a revitalized spirit of determination for success in our families, industry, state, and nation.

We still need to keep a watchful vigilance over the happenings of our government. With a lame duck attitude in both state and national arenas, there is no telling what might slip under the radar. Our state departments, boards, and commissions are trying to make changes before the new regime takes over. The Cap and Trade regulations should not have been approved since the national government hasn’t moved on it. The NM Wildlife Federation is trying its best, in my opinion, to sway the NM Game Commission in actions that would take private property rights away from ranchers in New Mexico. If you can be present at the Game Commission meeting December 9 in Clovis, it would be appreciated. I feel comfortable knowing Brian Moore is on Governor-elect Martinez’ transition team. I know Brian is doing a good job and will advise the Martinez-Sanchez team to the best of his ability. His understanding of the legislature and the contacts he has there is a huge asset. I hope we all in the agricultural community can make an impact in the Martinez era. I know we will be bombarded with issues on tax, water, eminent domain, insurance, renewable energy, depredation, animal protection, and whatever else that may come down the pike at legislature this year. As always, we need bill readers, people who can attend the legislature, and any other type of support one can give in this sixty-day session. Any help would be appreciated. Again, I wish you the merriest of Christmases. Everyone in the United States, whatever their beliefs may be, should be thankful to our forefathers. It was their wisdom, and a belief in Jesus, that formed this nation. “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”– Patrick Henry

May God Bless Us All,

“But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,whose confidence is in him.” Jeremiah 17:7 NLT

www.nmagriculture.org NEW MEX I CO CATTL E GR OWER S’ ASSOCI ATI ON OFFI CER S Bert Ancell Bell Ranch President


Rex Wilson Carrizozo President Elect


Jose Varela Lopez Santa Fe Northeast V.P.

Louis Montoya La Plata Northwest V.P.

Ty Bays Silver City Southwest V.P.

Pat Boone Elida Southeast V.P.

Emery Chee Bloomfield V.P. At Large

Troy Sauble Maxwell Sec./Treas.





900 North Garden · P.O. Box 2041 Roswell, New Mexico 88201 505/622-5580 575/622-5580 www.roswelllivestockauction.com CATTLE SALES: MONDAYS HORSE SALES: APRIL, JUNE, SEPTEMBER and DECEMBER BENNY WOOTON RES 575/625-0071, CELL 575/626-4754 SMILEY BENNY WOOTON RES 575/623-2338, CELL 575/626-6253 WOOTON RES. 505/626-4754

SMILEY RES. Live 505/626-6253 Producers haulingWOOTON cattle to Roswell stock New Mexico Receiving Stations need to call our toll-free number for a Transportation Permit number before leaving home. The Hauling Permit number 1-800/748-1541 is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Trucks are available 7 days a week / 24 hours a day

LORDSBURG, NM 20 Bar Livestock Highway #90 at NM #3 – East side of highway. Receiving cattle for transport 2nd & 4th weekends of each month. Truck leaves Lordsburg at 2:00 p.m. Sunday. Smiley Wooton, 575/622-5580 office, 575/623-2338 home, 575/626-6253 cell. FORT STOCKTON, TX 1816 E. 53rd Lane, Interstate 10 to exit 259A to FM 1053, 5 1/2 miles north of I-10. Turn right on Stone Rd. (receiving station sign) 1-block. Turn left on 53rd Lane – 3/4 miles to red A-frame house and corrals on right. Buster Williams, 432/336-0219, 432-290-2061. Receiving cattle: 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month. Truck leaves at 3:00 p.m. CT. PECOS, TX Hwy. 80 across from Town & Country Motel. NO PRIOR PERMITS REQUIRED. Nacho, 432/664-8942, 432/4480129, 432/448-6865. Trucks leave Sunday at 4 p.m. CT. VALENTINE, TX 17 miles north of Marfa on Hwy. 90. Red Brown 432/4672682. Pens: 432/358-4640, cell: 432/386-2700. Trucks leave first Sunday at 3:00 p.m. CT. VAN HORN, TX 800 West 2nd, 5 blocks west of Courthouse. Pancho Romero, 432/207-0324, or Pete Ojeda, 432/284-1971. Trucks leave 2nd & 3rd Sunday at 3:00 p.m. CT. MORIARTY, NM Two blocks east and one block south of Tillery Chevrolet. Smiley Wooton 575/622-5580 office, 575/623-2338 home, 575/626-6253 mobile. Trucks leave Sunday at 3:00 p.m. MT. SAN ANTONIO, NM River Cattle Co. Nine miles east of San Antonio on U.S. 380. Gary Johnson 575/838-1834. Trucks leave Sunday at 3:00 p.m. MT. NEW RECEIVING STATION, T or C, NM Old Greer Pens – I-24 to Exit #75 – Williamsburg – Go east to City Building – Turn right to corrals. Truck leaves at 2:00 pm Sunday. Matt Johnson, 575/740-4507 or Jeff Richter, 575/740-1684.

New Mexico Department of Agriculture’s Director/ Secretary Announces Retirement r. Miley Gonzalez announced he will retire December 31, 2010. He has served as director/secretary for New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA) for nearly eight years and has more than four decades of service to the agricultural industry. “It has been an honor and privilege to serve the agricultural industry in our state and work with a dedicated staff in the department. Our efforts were guided by a strategic direction established by a variety of stakeholders; and any accomplishments can be credited to those individuals both in the department and in the industry who understood the priorities for agriculture,” said Dr. Gonzalez. “I want to thank Miley Gonzalez for his many years of service to the people of New Mexico, particularly the invaluable role he played in my administration,” Governor Bill Richardson said. “Secretary Gonzalez has always been a powerful advocate for not only maintaining New Mexico’s rich agricultural traditions but also expanding the reach of our homegrown products and goods across the world.” The director of NMDA serves as the secretary of agriculture on the Governor’s Cabinet, but the position is filled by the Board of Regents at New Mexico State University (NMSU) and reports to the board and university president. “Dr. Miley Gonzalez has been a valuable member of our team representing NMSU at national organizations, building important partnerships throughout the state, and working tirelessly to support the needs of the agricultural industry. We are proud to have the secretary for the New Mexico Department of Agriculture on our land-grant campus and wish Miley all the best in his retirement,” said Dr. Barbara Couture, NMSU President. Since 1991, Dr. Gonzalez has also served as the head of NMSU’s Department of Agriculture and Extension Education; associate dean and deputy director of the Cooperative Extension Service for the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, associate dean and director of Academic Programs; associate dean and director for NMSU’s Agricultural Experiment Station, and interim vice provost for Research. He was also the undersecretary for Research, Education, and Economics for the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC. “Dr. Gonzalez has served the agricultural industry in New


continued on page 13





in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.

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Since 1914


Mexico and NMSU with distinction. He has provided great leadership both nationally and internationally. It has been a great privilege to have worked with him at NMDA and at the College of Agriculture and Home Economics at NMSU,” said Tom Bagwell, NMDA deputy director. Dr. Gonzalez earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in agricultural education from the University of Arizona and received his doctorate from Pennsylvania State University. In addition to working at NMSU, he also worked at other land-grant universities including University of Arizona, Pennsylvania State, and Iowa State. Furthermore, Dr. Gonzalez directed international educational projects in more than fifteen countries. Dr. Gonzalez has been recognized with many awards during this tenure including the 2008 Governor’s Distinguished Service Award and named as a member of the Top 100 Most Influential Hispanics by the National Hispanic Business Magazine in 1999. “My professional career supporting the agricultural industry has spanned nearly forty-two years. I will continue to be engaged from my farm in Arizona, recruiting and training a new crop of professionals — my grandkids,” Dr. Gonzalez added. n




Miley Gonzalez, PhD, New Mexico Secretary of Agriculture 2002 - 2010


S W E R S' A S

The New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association has been here representing you


Call, email or fax us, or join on the web Become a Member Today!

NEW MEXICO CATTLE GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION PO Box 7517, Albuquerque, NM 87194 • 2231 Rio Grande Blvd. NW Ph. 505/247-0584 • Fax: 505/842-1766 nmcga@nmagriculture.org • www.nmagriculture.org DECEMBER 2010



Clovis: 1-800-357-3545



Belen: 1-800-722-4769

Las Cruces: 575-644-2229


Bull Buyers

These progressive seedstock producers invite you to view their bull offering for 2011. Please refer to their advertising messages in this issue and call them early for best selection. NAME OF PRODUCER


ALL BREEDS Ash Marketing Service . . . . . . . . . .77 Coba Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Crystalyx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Elgin Breeding Service . . . . . . . . . .43 Four States Ag Expo . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Genex/Candy Trujillo . . . . . . . . . . .47 LG Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 NMSU Animal & Ranges Sciences / Tim Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25



No-Bull Enterprises LLC . . . . . . . . .28 Robertson Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Westlake Cattle Growers, LLC . . . . .27

ANGUS 2 Bar Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 3M’s Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 American Angus Association . . . . . .38 Bradley 3 Ranch LTD . . . . . . . . . . .44

Brennand Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Bull Run Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 C Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Canon Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Conniff Cattle Co LLC . . . . . . . .17, 44 George Curtis, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Dry Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Express UU Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . .102 Hales Angus Farms . . . . . . . . . .35, 45 Hartzog Angus Ranch . . . . . . . .20, 44 Hubbell Ranch . . . . . . . . . .24, 42, 47 Kail Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 King Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Klein Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29, 42 La Gloria Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Laflin Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31, 43 Manford Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 49 Mead Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Miller Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 NMSU Animal Range Sciences / Milt Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Porter Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Three Mile Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Seven Generations Have Been Raising Cattle

CORNERSTONE A & Angus N Hereford Bulls & Heifers For C Sale at Private Treaty H



Leslie and Glenda Armstrong 575/355-2803



• CL 1 DOMINO 6123S 1ET

Kevin and Renee Grant 575/355-6621 616 Pecan Dr. Ft. Sumner, NM 88119




LaMoyne and Opal Peters Josh and Tanya Bequette

E-mail: Cornerstone@plateautel.net


We are looking forward to great calves from these three new herd sires.



Ephesians 2:20




Bull Buyers



Top of the Valle Bull Sale . . . . . . . . .89 Tri-State Angus Ranches . . . . .21, 76 U Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Flying W Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 49 Manford Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 49 NMSU Animal Range Sciences / Milt Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Pratt Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32, 49 Williams Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .50

BRANGUS Best in the West Brangus Sale . . . . . . . .6

BARZONA F & F Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Raymond Boykin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

BEEFMASTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beefmaster Breeders United . . . . . .11 Casey Beefmasters . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 CJ Beefmasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Cooper Beefmasters . . . . . . . . .33, 42

Carter Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . .27, 43 Hubbell Ranch . . . . . . . . . .24, 42, 47 Montaña del Oso Ranch . . . . . . . . .45 NMSU Animal Range Sciences / Milt Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Parker Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 RAMRO, LLC / R J CATTLE CO . . . . .7 Robbs Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Roswell Brangus Bull & Female Sale 4 Skaarer Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Southwest Brangus Breeders Co-op 103

BRAUNVIEH Freeman Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

CHAROLAIS C Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Grau Charolais . . . . . . . . . . . .43, 100 King Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Milligan Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 RAMRO, LLC / R J CATTLE CO . . . . .7 Tucumcari Bull Test Sale . . . . . . . . .89

CORRIENTE Cates Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Gosney Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Huston Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46

DURHAM RED Conniff Cattle Co. LLC . . . . . . .17, 44

F1s Manford Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 49 Pratt Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32, 49


outhern tar Ranch


n a c i r e m A s l l u B s u g n a r B d Re for Sale Michael H. & Claudia Sander msander94@yahoo.com

2702 S. Westgate

Weslaco, Texas 78596

956/968-9650 • Office 956/968-4528 16


American Galloway Breeders Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 45

GELBVIEH Pratt Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32, 49

HEREFORD B & H Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Bar J Bar Herefords . . . . . . . . .47, 97 Barth Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 C & M Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Clark Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Coleman Herefords . . . . . . . . .26, 42 Cornerstone Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Cox Ranch Herefords . . . . . . . . . . .47 Coyote Ridge Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . .47 D & S Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . .45 Decker Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Henard Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Hereford Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 King Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Manford Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 49 Mountain View Ranch . . . . . . . . . . .38

Nine Cross Hereford Ranch . . . . . .31 OXO Hereford Ranches . . . . . . . . . .42 Pratt Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32, 49 Tom Robb & Sons . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Top of the Valle Bull Sale . . . . . . . . .89 Tucumcari Bull Test Sale . . . . . . . . .89 USA Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

LIMOUSIN Apache Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . .47 Conniff Cattle Co LLC . . . . . . . .17, 44 Craig Limousin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Greer & Winston . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Keeton Limousin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Running Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . .43



LONGHORN Goemmer Land & Livestock . . .36, 44 Running Arrow Farm LLC . . . . . . . . . .


in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.

CONNIFF CATTLE CO. LLC LAS CRUCES & RINCON, NM JOHN & LAURA CONNIFF • 575/525-1411 • Cell. 575/644-2900 CFXF@aol.com • www.leveldale.com

Angus, Limousin, Shorthorns

Dan Paxton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

LIMFLEX Conniff Cattle Co LLC . . . . . . . .17, 44 Greer & Winston . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26


Calving Ease - Excellent Disposition


www.mcginleyredangus.com DECEMBER 2010



Bull Buyers



SALERS Brown Farms Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Clark Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36


GCC Griswold Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . .19

SANTA GERTRUDIS RED ANGUS McGinley Red Angus . . . . . . . .17, 43 Ken Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Rod Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Santa Rita Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Smith Land & Cattle Co, LLC . . . . .41 Wedel Red Angus . . . . . . . . . . .19, 42

Klein Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29, 42 Santa Gertrudis Breeders International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

SIM ANGUS Campbell Simmentals . . . . . . . . . .43

580/837-5415 hank@ptsi.net

SIMMENTAL RED BRANGUS Rod Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Southern Star Ranch . . . . . . . .16, 42

ROMAGNOLA Kail Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

Campbell Simmentals . . . . . . . . . .43 GCC Griswold Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . .19 St. Vrain Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . .44

TARENTAISE D Squared Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

THREE MILE HILL RANCH “Our cattle not only make dollars — they make cents”

• Registered Black Angus • Working Cow Dogs ~ Border Collie x Australian Kelpie • Registered Quarter Horses

ANNUAL YEARLING ANGUS BULL SALE APRIL 12, 2011 at 1:00 P.M. Cash and Kanzas Massey P.O. Box 335, Animas, NM 88020 575/544-7998 • 575/494-2678 masseybunch@hotmail.com




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Joint Venture To Open Small Meat Processing Plant In N.M. by RITA JANE GABBETT / MEATINGPLACE.COM joint venture between Blue Mountain Meats of Monticello, Utah, and the Navajo Nation’s Ramah Chapter in western New Mexico plans to open a small lamb and mutton processing plant and distribution center near Gallup, N.M. The joint venture, Ramah Navajo Foods, expects to process meat products from 2,000 animals annually and will initially employ 12 people, Blue Mountain Meats President Scott Frost told Meatingplace. He said animals will be slaughtered at the Blue Mountain plant in Monticello, then trucked (about 180 miles) to the new


806/825-2711 806/225-7230

plant for further processing. The project is being supported by the New Mexico Economic Development Department, USDA and the city of Gallup, N.M. Frost estimated the cost of the plant at about $500,000. Land has been purchased for the plant about three miles from Gallup. Ramah Navajo Foods plans to begin building the processing plant by next spring, according Frost. Initially, the plant will focus on fresh lamb and mutton products for foodservice, including Navajo Nation entities. The distribution center will purchase and distribn ute canned goods.




make this magazine possible. Please patronize them, and mention that you saw their ad in...


THANK YOU TO OUR BUYERS IN THE 2010 SEASON CATTLE AVAILABLE NOW INCLUDE: • 50 Registered Angus Heifers Bred to Calving Ease Bulls out of Top Bloodlines • 50 Coming 2-Year-Old Registered Angus Bulls Fully Tested & Ready To Work • Yearling Bulls Available March 2011

UPCOMING SALES: • “Ready For Work” Bull Sale at Belen - March 14, 2011 • 50th Annual Tucumcari Bull Test – March 2011



Mother of our senior herd sire, SAV New Foundation TSAR. Another son, SAV Adaptor 2213, is leased to Genex Bull Stud. New Foundation’s sons and daughters are among our sale offering this year.

“Consistent Angus Quality Since 1965”

Bulls & heifers – Private Treaty Raised in Rough Country (4,500-7,500 ft.) To Be Used in Rough Country!

AKC/ASCA Australian Shepherd Puppies

Aussie stud TSAR Daddy’s Mimbres Abraham (AKA Abe)

+ Out of Working Stock + Great Ranch Hands + Loyal Pets

PUPPIES AVAILABLE All Year – All Colors • Our puppies come from two of the greatest working dog lines in the country


Tri-State Angus Ranches Sam Jenkins & Kandy Lopez P.O. Box 4, Faywood, NM 88034 USA 575/536-9500 (ranch) or 575/493-9192 (cell) • tristateangus@aol.com DECEMBER 2010



American Galloway Breeders Association GALLOWAY CATTLE SHOW AT THE NWSS Cattle begin arriving January 15 Show date: January 17 – 3pm

Galloway Cattle Provide:


Maintain the English Cattle Carcass Traits. Get High Yielding Well Marbled Carcass w/Minimal Back Fat High Resistance /Immunity to Brisket Disease

There will be a Very Nice Selection of Galloway Cattle Present, Health Tested and Ready for Purchase.

Feed Efficient Moderate Mature Size Absence of Genetic Disease Low Birth Weights— Easy Calving Docile Disposition Unsurpassed Foraging Ability Double Hair Coat Cuts Feed Costs by 25%

Do you want Cattle that look like this? Choices of colors like these?

Makes great Club Calves & Shed in the Summer Heat

Come See What Galloway Can Do For Your Bottom Line

www.AmericanGalloway.com 517-627-2310 AGBA@midrivers.com DECEMBER 2010

Take delivery after the show. Gather info to take home. Make your plans to attend 2011 NWSS Galloway Show

Put Your Cattle Herd Back To Work


While we do not hold a sale, Private Treaty Purchases will be available.

Students Receive CEV Multimedia’s Jerry Franklin Scholarship EV Multimedia, Ltd. selected its first recipients of the Jerry Franklin “Pursuit of Excellence” Scholarship, in memory of the long-time New Mexico agricultural education instructor and former CEV curriculum sales consultant. Two outstanding New Mexico high school seniors who displayed remarkable achievements in both extra-curricular activities and in their high school agriculture program will each receive the scholarship for the 2011 – 2012 school year to support their respective college. The recipients were chosen by Gordon W. Davis, founder and chairman of CEV Multimedia, and Eddie Puckett, retired Texas agriculture instructor and current curriculum sales consultant for CEV Multimedia. The scholarships were presented at the Eastern New Mexico State Fair Market Lamb Show in Roswell, NM, in honor of Franklin, who was very fond of the fair. Franklin, the well-known, retired agriculture instructor remains a highly respected figure among the New Mexico agriculture circle. One of his greatest passions was seeing students excel. Franklin was also heavily involved in showing market lambs and/or goats, which was a requirement for students applying for the scholarship. The recipients who received the Jerry Franklin “Pursuit of Excellence” Scholarship are: Morgan Pinnell, Texico High School in Texico, NM – Morgan is a standout student, basketball player, volleyball player, and has a substantial background in FFA. She currently serves as the FFA District IV Treasurer and Chapter Vise President. She is a State FFA Degree Recipient, and a member of the state winning Poultry Evaluation CDE in 2010. She looks forward to applying her FFA experiences in her future endeavors. Chase Thompson, San Jon High School in San Jon, NM – Chase’s involvement in FFA has taught him important life lessons that he says have prepared him for his future college career. He was the State Sheep Proficiency Winner in 2010, the Star State Greenhand in Agribusiness in 2009, and has won several impressive awards for his market lamb projects. Chase strives to live up to the FFA Motto, “Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve,” which he says has inspired him n throughout his high school career.


Franklin Scholarship Winners: Eddie Puckett (c) presented Chase Thompson (l) and Morgan Pinnell (r) with the first CEV Multimedia, Ltd. Jerry Franklin “Pursuit of Excellence” Scholarships.

REAL WORLD BULLS FOR SALE! Thick-Butted & Long-Bodied with Excellent, Balanced EPDs! Sired by: UPS Domino 5216 and JA L1 Domino 3590N

Give us a call today!



e l t t a C s u g n a r B d n a s u l Angus P In 2011 Our Annual Sale February 25 at 1:00 p.m. CATTLEMENS LIVESTOCK AUCTIO N Belen, NM 25 2-Year-Old AngusPlus Bulls 15 Yearling AngusPlus Bulls Yearling Heifers




Enough Ear, But Not Too Much.

Rick & Maggie Hubbell 575/773-4770 24


Mark Hubbell 575/773-4567

hubbell@wildblue.net P.O. Box 99, Quemado, NM 87829 DECEMBER 2010


NM Beef Ambassador Competes at National apid City, South Dakota was the site of the 2010-2011 National Beef Ambassador Program (NBAP) competition October 1-3, 2010. Kyra Grant, an NMSU student and Fort Sumner native, represented New Mexico as she competed with 17 other senior level contestants from throughout the nation. Contest categories included “consumer promotion”, “issues response”, “media interview”, and an interview with judge’s regarding the contestant’s “youth presentation portfolio”. Kyra especially shined in the consumer promotion and issues response categories, receiving a first place plaque for her response to a beef industry issue! Because of her top national placing, Kyra has been asked by the NBAP Program Manager to work with the five 2010-2011 NBAP team members to write and respond to blogs on the NBAP website. Eight junior beef ambassador contests, ages 12-16, also joined the NBAP for the first time to compete in two categories —


The Need for Formalized Business Plans

a five to eight minute prepared speech and an interview with the contest judges. Once the junior contestants completed their contest requirements they were allowed to observe the senior contestants as they competed in the consumer promotion and media interview categories. This will give them a huge advantage when competing again as a junior or when moving on to the senior level. The NM Beef Ambassador is looking forward to the future possibility of acquiring sponsorship for both the senior and junior contestant at next year’s NBAP contest in Ohio! As Kyra continues to serve her term as NM Beef Ambassador, she will be available to speak to CowBelle locals, to assist at beef industry and CowBelle events, and to promote the contest to other youth who may be interested in the NMBAP contest next June. For more information about next year’s contest, contact NM Beef Ambassador Program Chair, Shelly Porter, n at 575/445-8071 or 575/447-7447.

by JOHN ALAN COHAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW fter about 30 years handling tax audits, appeals and U.S. Tax Court cases, it seems to me that the IRS is taking a more aggressive approach against people in various industries — including livestock and horse activities. If you are audited by the IRS and you have a history of losses with little or no profits, the following advice pertains to you. At an initial interview with the IRS you likely will be asked the following questions, based on protocol followed by agents under IRS Audit Technique Guide governing audits for cattle and horse activities. Of particular importance are questions concerning whether you have a formal business plan. On that point, the revenue agent will ask the following: Do you have a written business plan? How was this business plan


continued on page 41

FOR SALE The Department of Animal & Range Sciences is part of the College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences

,1. ,+ #!*-1/ !+(*!) &!#()(0(%/ ',1/% Students can major in Animal or Rangeland Resources and are provided with the very best of “hands on” academic instruction by our faculty. Fully equipped labs allow students access to cutting-edge research in: LIVESTOCK NUTRITION / GENETICS / PHYSIOLOGY / ENDOCRINOLOGY / MEAT SCIENCE / WOOL / TOXICOLOGY / WATERSHED & RANGELAND ECOLOGY / WEED & BRUSH CONTROL / PLANT SYSTEMATICS / GRAZING MANAGEMENT

The Department also offers preveterinary studies – our graduates have a high acceptance rate into veterinary medicine programs. We offer graduate degrees at the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy levels. The M.S. or Ph.D. in Animal Science can emphasize nutrition or physiology, and offers a Ph.D. in Range Science to study range management, range ecology and watershed management.

The Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center (The College Ranch) – 64,000 acre ranch just outside of Las Cruces The Corona Range & Livestock Research Center – 28,000 acre ranch & facilities in Corona, NM Student organizations, including a Block & Bridle Club, Pre-Vet Club, Range Club, Horsemen’s Association, Therapeutic Riding Club, & Judging Teams

. ,'+ !*-"%)) 2 . (* ,// 2 '00- !#%/ +*/1 %$1 !#!$%*(#/ !+./


ack 5 Bl 3 to

Angus Plu sH eif er s

2&3 Stripers

Bred to Registered Black Angus, low birth weight bulls. Raised in steep, rocky country. These are top quality un-fed heifers Dry Creek Ranch Glenwood, NM 575/539-2615 (Fax & Phone) DECEMBER 2010


Beef Sales Help Insulate Colorado Agriculture Revenue Up $350 Million Last Year Over 2004 Total by PATRICK MALONE / PUEBLO CHIEFTAIN olorado’s diverse agricultural economy — led by its strong position in the beef market — has been relatively insulated from the economic downturn. “We’re somewhat recession-resistant,” John Stulp, the state’s agriculture commissioner, told the Colorado State Legislature Joint Budget Committee in mid November. He said while manufacturers can scale back production to maintain their bottom lines, farmers persist to till the soil and feed livestock.


“That’s just part of the ethic of agriculture, whether you’re taking care of a field or a mother cow,” Stulp said. But that doesn’t mean the agricultural landscape in Colorado isn’t undergoing changes. Stulp said contemporary developments continue to shape the challenges and opportunities facing farmers and ranchers. Overwhelmingly (37 of 88), farmers surveyed by the Colorado Department of Agriculture identified water as their foremost concern. Environmental policy fin-

ished a distant second, with 10 farmers citing it as their top worry. Farm economics (input costs and prices received for their wares) and increased regulation (including taxes and fees) also rated highly. Despite the gripes on the survey about regulation, Stulp said farmers and ranchers haven’t given the department of agriculture any direction about which the state could eliminate to improve their lot. “I have yet to have any bona fide suggestions,” he said, because most originate from industry or consumer suggestions. He cited the drastic decline in beef consumptions that trailed a BSE scare in 2004 — when the state’s beef exports topped out around $100 million compared with about $450 million last year — as an example of how healthy regulation keeps Colorado’s continued on page 27


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# "% ! .5 & (&/8.1, *&5* '7// 6-&6 &))5 ,4296- 0&6*41&/ 3.,0*16 &1) /2&)5 2+ *:* &33*&/ * 5.4*5 623 5215 &1) 27656&1).1, )&7,-6*45 <5 )&0 9&5 & 623 (29 5-* 9&5 & &0 2+ .56.1(6.21 &1) -&) & 3*4+*(6 7))*4 .5 56.// 8*4: &6-/*6.( &1) 5271) &6 (/25* 62 :*&45 2+ &,* 91*) 9.6- *)4*66. &1(-*5 2+ / .)2 &/.+241.& !*0*1 .5 &8&./&'/* 6-427,- *.6-*4 291*4 24 ((*/*4&6*) *1*6.(5 !

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Jim Greer or Dave Winston 575/536-3730 • 575/534-7678 575/536-3636 • 575/644-3066 P.O. Box 700, Mimbres, NM 88049

Beef Sales

continued from page 26

agricultural produce appealing by assuring good quality. It’s the advantage the state holds over Australia (despite its geographic advantage) in competition for the Asian beef market. That’s an area where Colorado’s agriculture industry has concentrated its efforts because a huge projected payday is possible. Other opportunities identified by farmers surveyed included generating renewable energy on agricultural land, capitalizing on consumers’ growing affinity for locally grown foods — including hops for

Increasingly less land is available for agricultural uses because more is being devoured by development the state’s burgeoning brewing industry. Stulp said Colorado is the nation’s foremost beer-producing state thanks to largescale breweries and the growing presence of craft-brewing entrepreneurs. He said farmers are just beginning to tap into that market, and hops are becoming an emerging crop in the state. Increasingly less land is available for agricultural uses because more is being devoured by development, and while the most recent census figures show Colorado has 5,000 more farms than it did a decade ago, Stulp attributed the phenomenon more to changes in the federal definition of a farm than to a true emergence of more agricultural activity. In the census conducted this year, any agricultural enterprise that generated at least $1,000 qualified as a farm, when in past census reports acreage and the presence of a residence were qualifiers. He said the reality is the average age of farmers in Colorado went from 55 10 years ago to 57 during the latest census, suggesting that there isn’t a new generation venturing into agriculture like the explosion in numbers might suggest. Furthermore, Stulp said, the mid-size farm is disappearing while large and small operations are becoming more prevalent. Farmers also are challenged by rising

pesticide costs driven by state-imposed taxes, and they are at the mercy of the prices they are paid for their products so it’s difficult to adjust to economic changes. But overall, Stulp was optimistic that agriculture in Colorado will adjust to

embrace its new opportunities and overcome its challenges. “Probably the single best means for economic recovery in this country is agriculture,” remarked JBC member Sen.elect Kent Lamber, R-Colorado Springs. n


POPPY CANYON RANCH ales Bulls & Fem to Consigned 3rd Annual t” Wes “Best in the ed Register le” Sa Brangus Bull 11 20 , 12 Feb Marana, AZ

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USDA–NHTC and Age/Source Verification available through IMI Global.



The Truth Emerges: Environmentalism Trumps National Security by STEPHEN L. WILMETH epeated attempts have been made to locate the word environment in the Constitution of the United States . . . Long before Rob Krentz’ murder became the marker that introduced the nation to the Bootheel of New Mexico, the rural community of the New Mexico border land knew the influence of the environmental community had grown much stronger than any influence they could maintain. In dealings with the federal land agencies, the environmental agenda had become the elephant in the room. That elephant had often been silent, but, its presence, just like any elephant’s presence in a closed room, was distinct and undeniable. The Krentz murder was the dreaded eventuality that sparked an expanded debate that had all the features of pent up outrage. Finally, there was a degree of


national inquiry into the problems the border citizens had been facing for years. The responses were so predictable that a featured story should have been an assessment of the obligatory glad handing and demonstrative anger that elected officials set in motion. Arizona Senator John McCain took an abrupt turn away from unfettered immigration. Southeastern Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) rushed to Apache, Arizona and conducted a public forum to get input. New Mexico District 2 Representative Harry Teague (D-NM) fired off a letter announcing he was going to secure more funding. New Mexico Senators Jeff Bingaman (DNM) and Tom Udall (D-NM) called for expediting construction of Forward Operating Bases (FOB) so the Border Patrol could be closer to the border in order to reduce the concern of cross border violence. Fast forward to the last few weeks of 2010, and an updated assessment of all the Congressional gnashing of teeth reveals exactly what most locals expected would happen . . . a lot of words, but certainly nothing regarding the promised FOB.


Cattle & Horse Sale

New Mexico State Unive Angus, rsity Bra and Bra ngus, hma cattle n

April 30, 2011 • Cattle derived from Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center and Corona Range and Livestock Research Center. • Calving ease and fertility considered our most economically relevant traits. Selection based on performance data, EPDs, DNA, and whole herd reporting for maternal traits.

TO LEARN MORE ABOUT LIVESTOCK PROGRAMS AT NMSU VISIT THESE WEBSITES, SEND US AN EMAIL: anrsknox@nmsu.edu, or give the Department of Animal & Range Sciences a call: 575/646 2515




Those in the Bootheel who must live by their wits and attend to their duties, responsibilities, and investments, though, view the midterm elections with a degree of hope. Can newly elected Steve Pearce (R-NM) join with heartland Congressional leaders and awaken border state leadership to the realities of the drug war, the First Mexican Revolution of the 21st Century? Can Congress finally start separating their actions from those of hyper liberal special interest groups who have been complicit in the outgrowth of the danger on the border? There is border citizen hope, but it is couched in distrust of politicians and the historical failures to secure the border. The place to start is with the FOB. Let that discussion begin with the pronouncement to the world that the United States Border Patrol evaluated a number of possibilities including sites at seven miles, 10.5 miles, and 20 miles from the border. The ownership of those particular alternatives was federal, private, and private, respectively. As any common sense security expert would have guessed, the current preference for the location is . . . the site continued on page 29

Breeding cattle for rangeland beef production to accomplish teaching and research missions of New Mexico’s Land Grant University.


The Heartland Mandate




http://www.aces.nmsu.edu/ academics/anrs



Truth Emerges

continued from page 28

furthest away from the border! If this is the site selected, the FOB will be nestled in the bottom of a canyon and the only clear view from a distance would be that from Animas Mountain. Animas Mountain is private land that lies behind locked gates to the east. The idea for the FOB to project a physical reminder to illegals not to enter the United States would be discarded. Its location cannot be seen from any county roads, but that may be exactly the plan by the political power base in the area. The Bootheel Project

The seven mile location is a 40-acre parcel of land already owned by the federal government. It has nearby electricity and it commands a sweeping view of the border to the south. Its location projects its presence to the horizons and it would become a constant reminder to all illegals that they are being watched, and they will be hunted down and removed from sovereign American territory if they try to cross the border. Its location with a full view of the border and the ability to be seen by the modern world, however, is exactly what

prompts the elephant to stir and start to flex. The Gray/ Diamond A Ranch, the dominating feature of the area, and the Malpai Borderland Group, a collection of local ranchers, have created a union dedicated to the long term preservation of the ecological integrity of the area. To anybody who stands in the immensity of the Bootheel with its physical features of breathtaking proportions, few could disagree with this intent. But, there is gnawing and growing concern that the long term agenda may not be all that supportive of traditional ranching values that make up the social fabric of the land. Even participants within the Malpai group are having second thoughts of the real agenda and the dilemma in which they may find themselves. At the heart of the Malpai movement are conservation easements that the members have signed for what was represented to them as long term protection measures for the land. Payments were made to the ranchers for the permanent pledge to give up any right to adjust the course of the future management and development of those lands. The conservation easements which are now in place disallow any obtru-

sive reminders of mankind. Mankind, at least the environmentally challenged among the ranks, is not welcome. Who holds title to the conservation easements and what does a simple life estate promise have to do with long-term agendas? The life of a single rancher is but a blip on the horizon of a long term plan. The real players in the Malpai movement center on the Nature Conservancy and the current owner of the Gray Ranch. In both cases, the spectre of a foreboding, powerful force is much larger than the stewards who have created the historical character of those lands. To Rewilding

Every indication seems to be that the larger open borders, Rewilding Project is the real agenda. When the Nature Conservancy originally purchased the Gray, there were no Forest Service allotments in the transaction. The Gray was a superb cattle ranch dominated by private ownership. It was also an island in a sea of checker boarded landscape with federal, state and private land. Today, the Gray controls four of the six continued on page 30



Red Brangus

Purebred Santa Gertrudis

FOR SALE: Registered and Commercial Bulls Heifers

SHORT SHEATH BULLS FOR SALE • Very muscular • Fast gaining • Short sheathed • Dark red solid color • 3/8 Brahman, 5/8 Shorthorn • Excellent cross breeding bulls • Polled or Horned • Low birthweights • Excellent feed conversion

Rod Hille

FAYE L. KLEIN, Owner • 575/390-8560 2-1/2 mi. W. of Hobbs, N.M., on Hwy. 62-180

575/894-7983 Ranch HC 32, Box 79 Truth or Consequences, NM 87901

SINCE 1958




Truth Emerges

continued from page 29

historical grazing allotments on the south end of the New Mexico extension of the Coronado National Forest against the Mexican border. These four allotments remain unstocked raising the concern that the real plan is to retire these allotments that have historically contributed to the existence of many ranch families, enhanced health of these ranching units, and the well being of the local economy. The Forest Service is fully involved in the process. In fact, the latest NEPA required that the stocking rate of the allotments be dropped nearly 30 percent. The Gray Ranch did not contest the results. This would lead all who know what is going on to recognize that the Forest Service is once again systematically destocking wilderness, only this time it is de facto wilderness and the powerful elephant that is pulling the bus is the newest owner of the majority of the forest allotments. The Arizona Class Human and Drug Smuggling Corridors (ACHDSC)

At a recent meeting of key participants in the FOB discussion, a Border Patrol representative admitted that environmental

concerns have made it necessary to back away from the best strategic location for that facility. But, wait . . . if it is a wildlife concern, shouldn’t the same wildlife be a concern 13 miles north in the same ecosystem? If it is a flood plain issue, shouldn’t the same concern exist 13 miles north in the bottom of a canyon, and why is the Border Patrol elevating itself into a position of first determining what is best for the environment. Their mission must be to secure the border and contribute to the safety of the American people. The agenda is becoming too difficult to hide from public scrutiny, and, in the Bootheel, it is not just the federal land agencies that are complicit in creating national security dangers on the border. This time the Border Patrol must be added to the list. In work done in New Mexico in opposition to S.1689, The Organ Mountains – Desert Peaks Wilderness Act, it was learned that Arizona Class Human and Drug Smuggling Corridors (ACHDSC) are an outgrowth of conditions that included the following: The corridors have wilderness/de facto wilderness safe havens. They have east /west highway access

north and south of the corridors. They have rugged and complex north/south mountain and drainage orientation which provides channels of movement. They are almost entirely or heavily dominated by federal land agency management. The concentration of American private property rights at risk is limited as is the presence of resident American habitation. All corridors have high, strategically located points of observation. What the Bootheel model of ACHDSC teaches is that characteristic #4 must be modified. In the Bootheel of New Mexico, the presence of a private property environmental enterprise and a constrained Border Patrol are as dangerous to national security as any governmental land agency when the environmental enterprise alters the unencumbered activity of the Border Patrol! This phenomenon becomes a proxy for all the conditions of designated Wilderness in terms of access limitations. As such, it is de facto wilderness. In fact, in the Bootheel up until recent days, the statutory author-

continued on page 31





5DQFK (67






-2,1 86


MILLER ~Angus~




Dink & Mitzi Miller 575/478-2398 (H) 575/760-9048 (C) 174 N.M. 236 Floyd, NM 88118 USA

Truth Emerges

continued from page 30

ity of Border Patrol to access any private property, at any time, and under any conditions within 25 miles of the border has not occurred. Much of the border, from just west of San Luis Pass in New Mexico to the Arizona line, has been locked and the Border Patrol has not aggressively challenged those locked gates. The limited access ties directly to the San Bernardino Wildlife Refuge where Border Patrol continues to have the same conditional access existing on the day Rob Krentz was murdered. That day, the murderer escaped back through the refuge into Mexico. By conditions set forth by USFWS Regional Director, Benjamin Tuggle, the Border Patrol would not have been allowed mechanical entry even if they had known the exact location of the murderer. The Bootheel ACHDSC

The only ACHDSC outside of Arizona exists in the New Mexico Bootheel. It is a smuggling corridor that has the potential of being as dangerous as any of the Arizona corridors. That is why the FOB being discussed is so important. That is also why it is so perplexing that the Border Patrol seems too often to acquiesce to the prefer-

ences of the environmental community. The question must be asked, “What is driving the decisions? If it stems from arraying environmental priorities over those of national security, it runs the risk of exposing America to ever expanding dangers from the drug war and the consequences of an uncontrolled border. It will also continue to accelerate the degradation of the very resources that the environmental agenda pledges to protect. Whatever the forces are that have supported the expansion of wilderness safe havens and contributed to the smuggling corridors that have decimated natural resources along the border, one thing has clearly emerged. The rules of engagement for national security are softened and dampened when the environmental agenda is present. Thus, Americans are left with no alternative but to believe that environmentalism trumps national security. At this point, Rob Krentz’ death remains a tragedy of the worst imagined proportions. His government hopes the memories of this travesty simply fade away. The collective actions of his government have not changed at all since that fateful day in March of 2010. His government has demonstrated its real priority on

the border, and it isn’t the constitutional mandate to make sure that the border is secure in order to protect the lives of those for which it was written . . . men like Rob Krentz. Stephen L. Wilmeth is a rancher in southern New Mexico. He respects leaders like CBP El Paso Sector Chief Randy Hill and Tucson Sector Chief Victor Manjarrez and the difficulty they face. Given the authority and the backing of the federal bureaucracy, these men and their Patrol force can gain control of America’s southern border. If Congress fails to give them the tools, support, and full authority to operate, or if the Administration and Congressional leadership waiver on a united national security priority, no sector leadership can prevail in its mission to secure the border.

Did you forget to send in your ad? Remember, the Directory comes around again in 2011!


ANNUAL SALE Friday, March 4th, 2011

The Oldest Angus Herd in the Country R.D. LAFLIN 14075 Carnaham Creek Rd., Olsburg, KS 66520 Cell. 785/587-5852 • 785/468-3571

Brown Farms Inc

Black - Red BULLS and HEIFERS FOR SALE Louis Brown 575/576-2207 • 575/403-8765 626 Route 66, Bard, NM 88411 God Owns Th e Cattle of a Th ousand Hills




New Mexico’s Old Times and Old Timers

A Cowboys Christmas Prayer

by DO N BULLIS . . . Don Bullis is the author of ten books on New Mexico. Go to www.DonBullis.biz for more info

A Christmas Card from Don Bullis — (Squire Omar Barker [1894-1985] was New Mexico’s own cowboy poet. He was born in a log cabin in Sapello Canyon, east of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. He spent his youth herding cattle and hunting in the mountains of northern New Mexico. He served in the military during World War I and he graduated from New Mexico Highlands University [then called New Mexico Normal University] in 1924. He became a full-time writer in 1925 and in his career he wrote more than 1,200 articles, 2,500 poems and 1,500 stories. His most famous poem is “A Cowboy’s Christmas Prayer” I hope this poem means as much to my readers as it means to me. I would only add the hope that our young people who are obliged to be away from home defending our country during this holiday season will soon return safely. I would also like to thank those of my readers who have taken the time to e-mail, write or telephone me over the past year, and those who have stopped by to visit when I was giving a talk. Hearing from you makes writing this column worthwhile.)

by S. OMAR BARKER ain’t much good at prayin’, and You may not know me, Lord — I ain’t much seen in churches where they preach Thy Holy Word, But you may have observed me out here on the lonely plains, A-lookin’ after cattle, feelin’ thankful when it rains, Admirin’ Thy great handiwork, the miracle of grass, Aware of Thy kind spirit in the way it comes to pass That hired men on horseback and the livestock we tend Can look up at the stars at night and know we’ve got a friend. So here’s ol’ Christmas comin’ on, remindin’ us again Of Him whose coming brought good will into the hearts of men. A cowboy ain’t no preacher, Lord, but if You’ll hear my prayer, I’ll ask as good as we have got for all men everywhere. Don’t let no hearts be bitter, Lord. Don’t let no child be cold. Make easy beds for them that’s sick and them that’s weak and old. Let kindness bless the trail we ride, no matter what we’re after, And sorter keep us on Your side, in tears as well as laughter. I’ve seen ol’ cows a-starvin, and it ain’t no happy sight: Please don’t leave no one hungry, Lord, on thy good Christmas night — No man, no child, no woman, and no critter on four feet — I’ll aim to do my best to help You find ‘em chuck to eat. I’m just a sinful cowpoke, Lord—ain’t got no business prayin’ — But still I hope You’ll ketch a word or two of what I’m sayin’: We speak of Merry Christmas, Lord —I reckon you’ll agree There ain’t no Merry Christmas for nobody that ain’t free. So one thing more I’ll ask You, Lord: Just help us what you can To save some seeds of freedom for the future sons of man.


Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to All!

PARKER BRANGUS Registered & Commercial

Reg i s ter ed CORRIENT E BUL LS Excel len t f o r Fir s t Cal f Hei f ers

Producers of Quality & Performance -Tested Brahman Bulls & Heifers 30 ./ .% 2'$ (-$ 0!-&31 3++1 !0$ .-1(&-$# 2. 2'$ .15$++ !+$

“Beef-type American Gray Brahmans, Herefords, Gelbvieh and F-1s.” Available at All Times Loren & Joanne Pratt 44996 W. Papago Road Maricopa, AZ 85139

520/568-2811 32



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575/ 6 66- 236 0 w w w . c at esr an ch .c o m

China Hungry For U.S. Alfalfa by RICK MOONEY / EDITOR, EHAY WEEKLY rowing demand for high-quality feedstuffs by China’s burgeoning dairy industry has the potential to translate into a major boom for U.S. alfalfa exporting firms. Chinese imports of U.S. alfalfa, currently the only hay product permitted to enter China from the U.S., soared from less than 2,000 metric tons in 2007 to 76,000 metric tons in 2009, according to a recent market development report from USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). Between 2008 and 2009, the dollar value of those export sales quadrupled, going from $4.4 million to $18.4 million. “It’s pretty incredible when you think about it,” says John Szczepanski, executive director of the National Hay Association’s Export Processors Council. “Just a few years ago, we were basically sending nothing to China.” What’s more, the recent sales spurt may be just the tip of the iceberg. In the first six months of 2010, China had already imported 95,000 metric tons of alfalfa,


nearly all of it from the U.S., the FAS report notes. If Chinese imports continued at that pace, U.S. alfalfa exports for the entire year would top out at around 180,000 tons. That would make China an export market comparable in size to South Korea, traditionally one of the biggest importers of U.S. hay. The growing reputation of the U.S. as a reliable supplier of high-quality forages among Chinese dairy farmers has been a key factor behind the sales increases. There is a domestic alfalfa production industry in northern China. But while that hay is often favorably priced compared to alfalfa coming in from the U.S., the quality can be variable. “There’s a greater understanding on the part of Chinese dairy producers about the value that good forages play in their rations,” says Szczepanski. “Now we’re starting to see a kind of ‘me-too’ factor at work. As milk production improves on Chinese dairies that are feeding high-quality U.S. hay, neighboring dairies that are

buying lower-quality, domestically produced hay see the benefits of U.S. alfalfa. They want in on the action.” While there is potential for even more growth in sales of U.S. alfalfa to China, there are also several potential hurdles, according to FAS. The Chinese dairy industry suffered a major setback in 2008 when milk products were found to be contaminated with melamine. At the height of the ensuing scandal, dairy product consumption in China dropped off by 15 percent. “While the (Chinese) dairy industry is much more vigilant than in the past,” note FAS report authors, “new food safety scandals could further erode consumer confidence in the safety of Chinese dairy products. Should consumption decline again, raw milk prices would drop, and some dairies would likely be unwilling to continue importing alfalfa.” They add that developments in the U.S. dairy industry will also play a role in the pace at which the Chinese import U.S. hay. “Price sensitivity is the largest threat to long-term import growth. It is possible that a strong recovery in the U.S. dairy market, with a consequent rise in (forage) prices, could price-out many Chinese dairy n farmers.”

F&F CATTLE CO. Producers of quality foundation BARZONA cattle for over 38 years. REGISTERED BULLS AND HEIFERS AVAILABLE. MIKE FITZGERALD 575/673-2346 130 Fitzgerald Lane, Mosquero, NM 87733 ffcattleco@plateautel.net



Recipient of the American Brahman Breeders Assn. Maternal Merit Cow and Sire Designation Award

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2011 Bull Sale Tues., March 22 Estancia, NM www.manzanoangus.com

Bill & Lisa Gardner 505/384-5424 505/705-2856 34


Tips for Evaluating Fertility in Bulls by HEATHER SMITH THOMAS hape and circumference of a bull’s scrotum/testes can be an indication of fertility. Size can be measured, and the stockman needs to make sure the bull’s testes are of adequate size for optimum sperm production. Shape is also important. The bull must be able to easily raise or lower the testicles for temperature regulation. They should hang down, well away from the body, especially on a hot day. There should be an obvious neck at the top, with testicles hanging down large and pear-shaped. A bull with a straight-sided or Vshaped scrotum may not be as fertile as a bull with more normal shape. A straight-sided scrotum may be an indication of too much fat around and above the testicles, which can hinder temperature regulation and make the bull less fertile. Also be wary of selecting bulls with odd-shaped testicles such as one smaller than the other. Scabby, thickened skin on the lower part of the backside of the scrotum may be a sign of earlier frostbite, which can cause temporary or permanent infertility. When evaluating a bull’s scrotum, do it on a warm day when the cremaster muscle (that raises and lowers the testicles, for optimum temperature control) is relaxed and the testicles are hanging down. They will be much easier to see, evaluate, or measure. Circumference is easily measured, and bulls measured at a year of age should have scrotal circumference of at least 32 centimeters and preferably 34 to 36. There is a significant correlation between scrotal circumference and sperm cell volume, and percentage of


normal sperm cells. It’s usually best to choose a bull with average or above circumference, rather than settling for the acceptable minimum. Bulls with small testes not only have lower sperm production but may also have incomplete testicle development or testicular degeneration. Bulls with circumference of 29 centimeters or less may produce no sperm at all. Bulls with smaller than average testicles may be fertile for a year or two and then become less fertile or even sterile. There’s more abnormal sperm in their semen, possibly due to early degeneration. Regarding scrotal circumference, keep in mind that there are breed differences, with certain breeds having larger (and some having smaller) average circumference than other breeds. Some, like the traditional Salers cattle, had smaller circumference but longer testicles, and high fertility — since the added length probably increased the total mass enough to make up for the smaller circumference. Some research was done on trying to measure/evaluate length as well as circumference, but this is a much harder characteristic to accurately measure. Some breeds with small testicles, such as Limousin, tend to be lower in fertility than the average of certain other breeds. When evaluating any individual bull, take breed differences into account, but also be wary of using any bull with scrotal circumference less than 34 centimeters (as a yearling). Bulls with a yearling circumference of less than 32 centimeters should n never be used for breeding.

Pacelle Going After Missouri Farm Bureau by JULIE HARKER/ BROWNFIELDAGNEWS.COM fter the narrow passage of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)-backed dog breeding measure in Missouri, Proposition B, HSUS President Wayne Pacelle published an “open letter” on his blog criticizing the Missouri Farm Bureau’s campaign against the measure. “This agreement should not provide a liscense for gross misrepresentations of fact. And that’s exactly what the Missouri Farm Bureau was responsible for during this campaign.” Pacelle complained to Brownfield that


the Missouri Farm Bureau falsely claimed that existing state regulations on dog breeding are sufficient, that the HSUS wants to eliminate pet ownership, and, that HSUS wants to end animal agriculture. Missouri Farm Bureau Public Affairs Director Estill Fretwell calls Pacelle’s complaints a publicity stunt. “If you look at their agenda this is simply the first step of HSUS and Mr. Pacelle to try to regulate animal agriculture in the state. It’s his spin on what he wants to try to put out, but again this is just a tactic on his part to get publicity.” Most troubling, says Pacelle, are the claims from agriculture groups that HSUS spends less than one-percent of its funds on pet care. “If these are are honorable people at the Missouri Farm Bureau they will cease

and desist making false statements. HSUS is the largest animal care provider in the United States. No other group cares for more animals than HSUS.” Fretwell says it’s a well known tactic of Pacelle to demonize ag groups. He says Missouri Farm Bureau stands up for and defends legitimate farmers and dog breeders who treat their animals humanely. “Mr. Pacelle (and HSUS) has an agenda as we have seen in other states to go far beyond that and try to regulate animal agriculture in a way we have problems with.” Fretwell says the Missouri Farm Bureau hopes lawmakers take a look at what changes can be made to Proposition B to protect the state’s legitimate dog breeders from going out of business under n the measure’s strict requirements.



Selecting a Maternal Sire by HEATHER SMITH THOMAS here are several important factors that should be considered when selecting a bull to sire replacement females. The bull makes a lasting contribution to the herd (good or bad), since the quickest way to change the genetics of a herd is through sire selection. You want that contribution to be beneficial to your purposes, moving your heifers in the best direction to meet the goals of your breeding program. Seedstock producers are finding that maternal qualities are as important to most of their bull buyers as weaning and yearling weight, and some of these maternal qualities cannot be measured with EPDs. EPDs do not measure some of the most important traits you


need to evaluate when selecting breeding stock — things like conformation, disposition, udder shape and teat size, for instance. Mark and Della Ehlke raise purebred Herefords near Townsend Montana, along with a small herd of purebred Angus to raise crossbred replacement heifers for their commercial herd. “Selecting a bull is a two-fold situation for us,” says Mark. “Any bull that we bred ourselves is an easy selection process; we simply look at past production on that cow family.” Their operation has a lot of history behind any bull that they raise. “If we buy a bull from someone else’s herd, we try to do as much research as possible, using the internet and checking

BULL SALE April 13, 2011 LaJunta Livestock, LaJunta, Colorado

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production records on the cow and grand-dam, etc. I want to see the animals, also. Over the course of time, we’ve narrowed down to a couple of cow families that we really like. We have purchased sons and grandsons, etc. from those cow families,” he says. These bloodlines have worked very well for their breeding program. “There may be a generation or two of something else in there, so it’s not quite line breeding, but we do like to use proven cow families,” says Ehlke. When looking at the dam of a potential sire, in some ways it can be easier to evaluate her critically if she’s an older cow rather than a two or three year old. Then you get a better idea about how her udder, feet and legs, etc. hold up. “It’s good to also review all the data you can get your hands on, including EPDs, actual carcass, etc. but keep in mind that all of these are just tools. We don’t recommend that someone go out and select for a single trait. Everything needs to be weighed and balanced. Keep it middle of the road. Milk is definitely something that I select against. You have to be careful, with some of the family lines, that you don’t bring in too much additional milk. You have to match this with your resources,” he explains. Some people have selected for so much milk that the cows cannot keep their body condition — putting too much energy into milk production — and they don’t rebreed on time in a real world environment. “This brings it’s own set of problems. Longevity is important. You don’t want poor udder attachments or the udder will go downhill rapidly,” he says. Even if a cow raises a good calf, if she can’t breed back on time, or her udder goes bad, she won’t last very long in your herd. Some cows can milk well and still have a good udder in their old age, while others will sag and the udder becomes a problem. “Once that happens, there’s never any improvement. If you start out with a bad udder, it’s never going to get any better. You need better-than-average udders to start with. Udder attachment, teat length, etc. are very important in our selection process. We udder score all our cattle at calving time every year, and cull the ones that don’t measure up,” says Ehlke. Calving time is the best time to assess udders, because with some cows the teats will shrink up again after the calf has continued on page 37



Maternal Sire

continued from page 36

suckled for a few weeks and the udder may look pretty good, and you forget how big and ballooned the teats can get, until the next calving season. “I just don’t want to be milking cows or having to assist a calf in getting on a teat. That’s not what my goal was, in raising beef cows.” Disposition is also a very important part of the mix. It may not be as crucial if a steer is a little flighty, but you certainly don’t want heifers that are hard to manage, if they will be staying in your herd or going to someone else’s herd as replacements. You want cows that are easy to handle. “We feel there is a hereditary factor in disposition and temperament,” he says. It’s partly heritable and partly the

way they are handled, but some animals are just a lot easier to train for ease of handling than others. “We notice this, especially in our black cattle. With years of work, they are not much different in their ease of handling than our Hereford cattle, but we are very strict about how they are handled,” says Ehlke. A person can easily ruin them if they are handled wrong. “That’s the thing about a black cow. She’s not going to let you make very many mistakes, like the Hereford will. The Herefords are more forgiving,” he says. Careful selection, and good handling, are all part of the process for developing a herd of nice cattle. Some individuals don’t train as readily as others. “I see there is some research data coming out now in regard to disposition, and

the profitability of quiet cattle. People are finally realizing that there’s a definite benefit to having quiet cattle. This is very good for those of us who have Hereford cattle. Most of them are more mellow, to start with, than Angus, for instance,” he says. When selecting a sire, Ehlke says that the bull also has to fit the bill in looks. “Phenotype is important, and these animals have to be correct. We like females with a lot of ribcage and capacity. It’s a complicated selection process, to put it all together.” Most breeders have a picture in the back of their minds, regarding what the ideal female should look like. There may not be an ideal cow, but some cattle come a lot closer than others. Then continued on page 88




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Coccidiosis in Weanlings and Yearlings

according to Ray Kaplan DVM, PhD (veterinary parasitolgist at University of Georgia), is good management, preventing situations in which contamination can build up to infective levels.


The Disease

occidiosis is a disease that exists wherever there are cattle. After calves reach six months of age they have all been exposed, though only two percent to five percent will have shown symptoms. The best defense against coccidiosis,

Coccidiosis can cause diarrhea and weight loss, along with lowered resistance to other diseases. Calves may have blood in the manure, anemia and emaciation. In an outbreak, most animals in a group become infected, but usually only a few show symptoms. In a serious outbreak, up to 80 percent of the group may develop clinical illness. Among those showing symptoms, mortality rate can be as high as 10 to 15 percent unless calves are treated in early stages. In calves that don’t show symptoms, subclinical infection may reduce weight gains until the intestine is fully healed. Mortality rates can be high in calves with no previous exposure if suddenly introduced to a high level of infection, as when calves are put into contaminated weaning pens or shipped to feed yards. Many outbreaks occur during the first 30 days calves are in feedlot or weaning areas, especially if wet conditions stimulate development of oocysts that are shed in manure. Coccidia enter a susceptible animal with contaminated feed or water, when grazing wet contaminated pasture, or licking a dirty hair coat. The parasites multiply in the gut tissues, destroying the gut lining and releasing thousands of oocysts which then pass out with the manure to further contaminate soil, feed, water, bedding, etc. and begin the cycle again. Coccidiosis often shows up in calves during times of stress, says Dr. Kaplan, such as at weaning or shipping, or when young animals are grouped in small feeding areas. The disease can also occur in winter after prolonged weather stress or during weather changes. Infection is common wherever cattle are fed hay on the ground and there is fecal contamination of feed. Outbreaks can occur in calves on pasture where cattle gather at water sources, hay feeding areas, mineral boxes, etc. The source of contamination is always the manure of infected or carrier animals. Ingestion of sporulated oocysts results in infection, but large numbers must be taken in before signs of coccidiosis appear. This can happen with continual reinfection and build-up of contamination in the environment, as when calves are confined and crowded. Overcrowding of cattle on irrigated pasture, in feeding areas, or around water sources during drought can


Mountain View Ranch Heifers and Bulls For Sale Year Round Grace & Michael Wystrach 520/456-9052 HC1 Box 788 Elgin, Arizona 85611



result in serious infections. Calves brought to feeding areas from range conditions may carry only a few oocysts, which build up to large numbers in the lots, especially if conditions are moist. Signs of coccidiosis usually appear about a month after the calves are confined. Symptoms and Treatment

Rupture of cells in the intestinal lining during the coccidia’s swift multiplication results in diarrhea — often bloody. Fever may occur in early stages, but the first sign of illness is usually sudden onset of severe diarrhea, with foul-smelling watery feces (often brown) containing blood or mucus. The calf’s rear end, hind legs and tail are covered with loose feces. The manure contains millions of oocysts, which remain on the ground to infect other calves. After the coccidia have quit multiplying and the intestinal lining heals, manure firms up again, but this may take awhile if the calf is constantly being reinfected. “In the absense of reinfection, with only one cycle, the disease is self-limiting and runs its course, but the main problem is reinfection, and this is what usually happens since the calf is in a contaminated environment. There are parasites at several stages of their life cycle within that calf until the process has gone on long enough that the immune system begins to build some resistance,” says Kaplan. Even though damage to the gut is already done by the time you see diarrhea, it can still be worthwhile to treat a sick calf, he says. In most cases the disease is an ongoing process, since all the coccidia are not developed and multiplying at the same time. “You start out with a small number of coccidia in the environment, then as they build up more calves get sick and start shedding oocysts, and these are being constantly ingested. So you have coccidia in the gut in different stages of development,” he says. “Some of the damage is already done, but hopefully immunity will begin developing. You should still treat the animal because of possible secondary infection, and also to limit contamination the calf is putting into the environment.” A common sign of coccidiosis is straining excessively to pass a bowel movement, due to irritation of the large intestine and rectum from parasite damage. The calf may strain after passing the watery feces, or without passing anything. In severe cases the rectum may prolapse; it may be continued on page 39


continued from page 38

necessary to apply anesthetic ointment to the rectum to reduce the pain and straining, or take stitches across the opening to prevent prolapse. If a calf prolapses, the rectum should be washed with warm water and mild disinfectant and pushed back in, and the opening stitched. Once a calf has prolapsed, he will continue to do so, even if the rectum is put back, unless stitched. Two or three stitches of umbilical tape anchored in the skin around the rectum will be adequate, leaving room to pass feces through the stitches. The stitches can be removed after the calf recovers. If the calf has lost a lot of blood he’ll be anemic. Mucous membranes will be pale

and he may be weak and staggering. Supportive treatment with fluids by stomach tube or I.V. may be needed to combat dehydration and prevent death. Most calves go off feed for awhile or eat poorly. Some take a long time to fully recover, with low feed consumption and stunted growth. In mild cases there may be some diarrhea and reduced weight gain, but no blood in the manure. Subclinical cases may have no diarrhea, just poor growth. Diarrhea may persist for as long as it takes for the intestinal lining to heal. During this time the calf is unable to absorb fluids and nutrients and loses weight. Hair coat may become rough, the calf may be dull, and without good care and supportive treatment he may become susceptible to diseases such as pneumonia. Some cases of acute coccidiosis affect the brain; the calves develop nervous signs

(muscle tremor, incoordination, convulsions) and have a high mortality rate in spite of good treatment. Affected calves may die within 24 hours after onset of bloody scours and nervous signs, or linger several days in a coma. Preventative Management in Weanlings

Sometimes a calf born during dry weather and away from contaminated feeding areas won’t encounter coccidia and won’t build immunity — later breaking with coccidiosis in the fall when exposed to more contaminated conditions. Calves that picked up a few oocysts in the spring may not have had enough infection to break with the disease themselves but may still serve as a source for other calves weancontinued on page 40

Bull Run R


N Has

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Registered Black & Red Angus & Commercial Cattle Our Champion NM Angus bull at the 2010 NM State Fair. S u p r e me Gr a nd Ch a mp i o n Bu ll at the Arizona State Fair 2010.

Bulls, Heifers & Club Calves for Sale Year Round Calving Ease, Growth, Carcass & Maternal Genetics SIRES INCLUDE: TC Stockman, Bon View New Design, Aztec Tazer, TC Freedom, SAR High Flyer 308, & Sankeys Lazer blood lines.

Call or stop by and take a look at what we have to offer. Our Champion NM Angus female at the 2010 NM State Fair.

Carl & Lora Whitney

575/772-5171 Our Champion NM Angus bull at the 2009 NM State Fair.

P.O. Box 544 Datil, NM 87821 One mile south of Datil on Hwy 12 DECEMBER 2010



How To Manage An Outbreak of Coccidiosis

1 2 3 4

Isolate sick animals away from the group, for intensive care and to prevent massive contamination of the area. Reduce stocking rate in affected pen or pasture.

Put feed and water high enough off the ground to avoid fecal contamination.

Start all calves in the group on coccidiostats to protect them — to break the life cycle of the parasite so it can’t reproduce and spread infection, stopping it before it multiplies and creates massive gut damage.



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Cattle of the Future will have ... Moderate Size, Less Fat, Built in Tenderness, Feedlot Performance

That’s Tarentaise


continued from page 39

ing time, or on winter pasture if they are all thrown together as stockers, or over-wintered as a group of replacement heifers. Coccidiosis is often a problem in weaning pens or in stockers on winter grazing, especially if pens are crowded, pastures over-stocked, or hay is fed — which groups the calves. Dr. Buddy Farries (extension veterinarian, Texas A & M) says changeable weather and stress of storms may hinder a calf’s immune system to where he can’t fight off effects of coccidiosis in a contaminated area when warmer moist weather enables oocysts to become infective. Calves stay healthier at weaning if treated for coccidiosis, along with usual vaccinations. Dr. Joe Diedrickson (who works with the manufacturer of Deccox) says there’s less sickness, respiratory problems, and death loss in groups of calves that are treated with a coccidiostatic drug before weaning. “They are healthier and gain better and have a chance to develop better response to vaccinations,” he says. He recommends using Deccox for a few weeks before weaning, giving the drug in creep feed. “If a rancher can hold those calves 45 to 60 days on Deccox and carry them through the stress period — vaccinating, worming, second dose of vaccine, etc. — you won’t see any clinical coccidiosis.” This disease is very stress related. The first 30 days after weaning can be very stressful, as evidenced by lower feed consumption. Dr. Dave Hutcheson (Texas A & M) did feed consumption studies at Amarillo several years ago and showed that calves coming into feedlots only consume about .5 percent to 1.5 percent of their body weight (dry matter intake) the first week, 1.5 to 2.5 percent the second week, and 2.5 to 3.5 percent in the next two weeks, taking almost four weeks to come up to full feed. This is the time they need maximum protection from coccidiosis with some type of drug treatment in feed or water. Most people don’t use a coccidiostatic drug unless there’s a problem they can see, or just use it for a couple months at weaning. Yet all calves are affected to some degree by coccidia. Dr. Diedrickson helped with a study in New Mexico some years back, in which 1,300 weaned calves were put in a feeding trial at weaning. The two ranches involved were in the Texas Ranch to Rail program, following calves through to slaughter and carcass performance. They used the Vac-45 program — the calves were given two series of vaccinacontinued on page 41




continued from page 40

tions and held 45 days after weaning for a preconditioning period before being put into the feedlot. Vaccinations were given two weeks before weaning (with a booster at weaning time) or at weaning (with a booster two weeks later). The two ranches in this trial had never given calves any medication in their supplemental feed at weaning time. Dr. Diedrickson said that in this test, 650 calves got Deccox in their supplement (fed daily as cubes) while 650 did not. They were held in large grass pastures for 45 days (Nov. 1 through Dec. 15) before being shipped to the feedlot. He said weather was ideal for weaning that year. “Day and night temperatures never varied much from 50 to 60 degrees, perfectly dry, with no rain. The pastures were large, with 20 to 30 acres per animal. Under these conditions you wouldn’t think to see any coccidiosis.” There was very little sickness in any of the calves. “The 650 that got no medication in their supplement had no clinical signs of coccidiosis, and only three had to be treated for respiratory problems,” he said. “But at the end of the test, when the calves were weighed, there was an 8-pound average difference in the two groups. It only cost $1 per calf for the Deccox for those 45 days, and even though that fall the calves only brought 54 cents, this was still a good return — a 3.5 to 1 return on that investment. And this was a year you wouldn’t expect to need any medication. The two ranchers had originally agreed to run the trial for five years, but said this one year was enough to convince them. If it worked so well in a year like this, with no stress problems or signs of sickness, on a bad year it would have really made a big difference.” Coccidiosis is clinical or subclinical, depending on whether there is visible evidence of disease, such as bloody or loose manure. The biggest problem in groups of weaned calves, stockers or feeders is subclinical. A calf may have coccidiosis and lowered feed efficiency without the stockman being aware there is a problem. Subclinical coccidiosis reduces performance, and also makes cattle more vulnerable to other problems such as respiratory disease, especially when stressed. Most subclinical cases are of short duration. The digestive tract is upset, interfering with food absorption, for two or three weeks. After that the calf builds immunity and throws off the infection, but still continues to be a carrier, shedding a few

oocysts in manure for life. Even clinical coccidiosis can be hard to diagnose. Mild cases may go undetected, and cattle can be affected in ways you don’t expect. Some ranchers don’t think coccidiosis can occur in good weather, or affect calves coming from open range conditions but these commonly held beliefs are untrue. There is also misunderstanding about how to treat the disease. Clinical signs subside when the multiplication stage is past, and many treatments are credited with curing the diarrhea without taking this into account. Drugs in common use for treatment have little effect on late stages of the coccidia (and damage to the intestinal tract is already done) but they can help a calf that’s being continually reinfected, according to Dr. Kaplan, since the drugs inhibit newly ingested coccidia and shorten the course of what otherwise would be a long illness. The most effective coccidiosis program is preventative treatment, before clinical signs appear. Most drugs used to control the disease (coccidiostats) have a depressant effect on early first stages of the protozoa, and keep them from multiplying. n

Business Plan

continued from page 25

prepared? When was this business plan formalized into writing? (At the commencement of the activity or for the purpose of the examination?) Who assisted with the preparation of the business plan? Does the business plan cover all years of the activity’s history as well as forecasting into future years? Does the business plan allow for any contingencies due to unforeseen circumstances? How does the business plan determine gross receipts for each year? Is the gross receipts computation reasonable? How were the expenses determined or estimated for use in the forecast? What justifies the reasonableness of the forecasted expenses? During what specific year does the economic forecast show the activity will turn around and become profitable? What events and circumstances will cause the activity to be profitable in that particular year? If the business plan does not present any form of an economic forecast, when do you foresee the activity becoming profitable? What specific event will have occurred to enable this turnaround? Why continued on page 42

Smith Land & Cattle Company,


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Business Plan

have you not abandoned the activity in light of the history of losses? If this activity should never be likely to generate a net profit, would you abandon the activity? In addition, the agent will want to know if you relied upon any experts or advisers prior to entering the venture, and to cite instances where you have chosen to implement your advisers’ recommendations. Also, the agent will want to know how the advisers’ recommendations impacted the performance of the activity, and for you to describe any instances when you have chosen not to heed the advice and why. If you are already undergoing an audit, it is too late to implement a business plan for the current audit. The IRS wants to see business records that are maintained in the ordinary course of your activity, not those that you might decide to prepare once you have been notified that you are being audited. The major red flags that indicate an unbusinesslike business plan are: (1) failure to utilize an expert in preparing the plan; (2) failure to have any economic forecast; (3) failure to forecast when the activity will become profitable; and (4) unreasonable computation of gross receipts. Whom should you engage to prepare a business plan and financial projections for a cattle or horse activity? It is important to have the plan prepared by someone familiar with the industry, and for cost projections to be realistic. Be aware that there are Internet services offering to prepare plans, and these are generally not a good choice. The reason why the IRS is auditing more cattle and horse farms is that often taxpayers incur losses that they utilize to offset sizable income from other sources, and this provides an obvious tax benefit. And the IRS is looking to raise revenue so as to help the Federal deficit. The best way to help withstand IRS scrutiny, in case you are unlucky enough to be audited, is to take a pro-active approach beforehand. John Alan Cohan is a lawyer who has worked in the livestock, horse and farming industries since l98l. He serves clients in all 50 states, and can be reached at: 3l0/278-0203 or by e-mail at JohnAlanCohan @aol.com. The website: www.JohnAlanCohan.com.




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Piñon, NM 575/682-2747


Purebred Santa Gertrudis SHORT SHEATH BULLS FOR SALE 2


FAYE L. KLEIN • 575/390-8560 mi. W. of Hobbs, NM on Hwy. 62-180

SINCE 1958


Tom Robb &Sons




719/456-1149 34125 RD. 20, MCCLAVE, CO robbherefords@rural-com.com

COOPER Beefm asters


in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515. 42


continued from page 41



High Altitude & High Performance Bulls, Cows & Heifers for Sale by Private Treaty

OXO Hereford Ranches RIDGWAY, COLO. Mark Owings, Manager 970/626-5239

MOKENA, ILL. Linda, John and Janelle Swiercinsky 708/479-5270

oxoranches@yahoo.com www.oxoherefordranches.com

George Curtis Inc.

SantaBreeders Gertrudis International

Two-year-old Bulls Proven Genetics, Range Ready

JOE FREUND 303/840-1850 (H) 303/341-9311

~ Registered Angus Cattle ~

P.O. Box 1257 Kingsville, Texas 78364 361/592-9357 • 361/592-8572, fax Red & Tender By Design www.santagertrudis.ws

- We sell over 250 head annually

Running Creek Ranch

JOEY FREUND 303/841-7901

Good cow herds + performance bulls = pounds = dollars!

Elizabeth, Colorado 80107

PAT KELLEY 303/840-1848

Call: BLAKE CURTIS, Clovis, NM 575/762-4759 or 575/763-3302


Charolais Bulls



Bulls & Females

Yearling Bulls for Sale Private Treaty Solid Performance • Good Disposition Easy Fleshing • Sound Conformation

MARSHALL McGINLEY 575/526-9470 • Las Cruces, NM


SCOTT AND BRITTA MILLIGAN CELL: 806/683-6435 HOME: 806/267-0302 millcattle@amaonline.com www.milligancattlecompany.com



ANNUAL SALE Friday, March 4th, 2011

The Oldest Angus Herd in the Country R.D. LAFLIN 14075 Carnaham Creek Rd., Olsburg, KS 66520 Cell. 785/587-5852 • 785/468-3571







Box 68, Elgin, TX 78621 512/285-2019 or 285-2712 Fax 512/285-9673 www.elginbreeding.com

• Semen collection • Custom breeding service • Semen storage & shipping • Breeding supplies • Semen sales catalog • Embryo services for N.M.



Box 696 Capitan, NM 88316 575/354-2929 Fax 575/354-2942 W.H. Cardwell, DVM Quality Control Brad Cardwell President Brenda Cardwell Vice-President Hillary Voelker Manager, EBS




806/497-6368 • 806/497-6361

ED & FRANCES JOHNSTON Box 152, Monument, NM 88265 Ed Johnston 575/397-3039 575/390-5781 Kyle Johnston 575/392-8921


Route 1 · Grady, New Mexico 88120 Breeding Performance Charolais Since 1965


QUALITY PERFORMANCE BULLS & FEMALES Wesley Grau 575/357-8265 • C. 575/760-7304 Lane Grau 575/357-2811 • C. 575/760-6336


Charolais & Angus Bulls

TREY WOOD 806/789-7312 CLARK WOOD 806/828-6249 • 806/786-2078

THE BRAND THAT REPRESENTS QUALITY REG. BLACK BRANGUS BULLS & FEMALES Thatcher, Arizona H: 928-348-8918 • bjcmd@cableone.net




Ran c h

Seedstock Plus High Altitude Bull Sale

Ranch Raised BVD Free Herd

April 2, 2011 So. Colorado Livestock Auction — Monte Vista, CO — 2005-06 SEEDSTOCK PRODUCER OF THE YEAR

Reg. Angus – High Altitude,

Parentage Verified MMI Genomics “IGENITY” Profile - Individually Genomic Enhanced EPDs BORN RAISED USA Bull & Heifer Calves Available

ROBERT, CHRIS & KATIE CAMPBELL 5690 CR 321, Ignacio, CO 81137 970/563-9070 • 970/749-9708

David & Norma Piñon, NM 88344 • 575/687-2185 DECEMBER 2010




Please call us at 505/243-9515 to list your herd here

St.Vrain Simmentals

Raymond Boykin, Jr. BREEDER SINCE 1986

BARZONA: EASY-KEEPING CATTLE THAT GRADE Montgomery, AL Ph: 334/395-5949 • Cell: 334/430-0563 etheldozierboykin@yahoo.com

Coming Soon To a pasture near you

Gary & Tina Bogott 303/517-6112 CELL. Home: 303/702-9729 P.O. Box 622, Niwot, CO 80544 tbogott2@aol.com The Herd With Proven Performance

1-877/2-BAR-ANG 1-806/344-7444 Hereford, Texas STEVE KNOLL JOHN THAMES WWW.2BARANGUS.COM

Bradley 3 Ranch Ltd. www.bradley3ranch.com

Ranch-Raised ANGUS Bulls for Ranchers Since 1955

Annual Bull Sale Feb. 12, 2011 at the Ranch NE of Estelline, TX M.L. Bradley, 806/888-1062 Fax: 806/888-1010 • Cell: 940/585-6471



REGISTERED Black Angus Bulls & Heifers FOR SALE JAY & PAMELA SEALEY 2100 CR L, Clovis, NM · Box 17, Graford, TX 575/985-2675 or 575/760-6076 3ms@plateautel.net


LIMOUSIN RANCH Bulls AND Bred Heifers, Private Treaty Roy, Trudy & Ashley Hartzog – Owners 806/825-2711 • 806/225-7230 Raul Tellez Las Cruces, NM 575/646-4929

Farwell, Texas

David Walker Tucumcari, NM 575/403-7916


Raised On Grass — Not A Feed Bucket Virgin Two-Year-Old Bulls Herd Sires Available www.CaseyBeefmasters.com Watt, Jr. 325/668-1373 Watt50@sbcglobal.net Watt: 325/762-2605



Breeders since 1971 of Top Quality, High-Altitude Registered Limousin Cattle.

R.L. Robbs 520/384-3654 4995 Arzberger Rd. Willcox, AZ 85643 robbs.brangus@powerc.net


Registered Bulls Polled Reds & Blacks CONNIFF CATTLE CO., LLC Las Cruces & Rincon, NM John & Laura Conniff 575/644-2900 • Cell. 575/644-2900 www.leveldale.com

For Sale Year-Round BLACK BULLS • BLACK HEIFERS Polled • Horned • Red • Black A.I. Sired from Select Bulls JOEL CRAIG 970/259-0650

14908 Hwy. 550 S. Durango, CO 81301


LAND & LIVESTOCK AQHA QUARTER HORSES WITH COW SENSE & AGILITY • Broodmares & Saddle Horses • Started 2-Year-Olds • Registered Longhorns • Roping Cattle • Cattle Bred Working Stock Dogs – Border Collies, Kelpies & McNabs www.goemmerlandlivestock.com 575/849-1072 • 575/710-9074 A SIXTH GENERATION FAMILY OWNED RANCHING OPERATION WITH A 120-YEAR OLD HISTORY


# % #% & "" & & #"



• Feed efficient • Moderate Framed • Resistant/ Immune to Brisket Disease • Highly Maternal • Low BWT High Yielding, Choice Carcasses with Minimal Backfat

You Don't Have To Be The Biggest To Be The Best

The American Galloway Breeders Association

517-627-2310 • AGBA@midrivers.com


#* $( ( ) " &'% ! " '

Rick, Chase & Bridger Skaarer

TIM & LYNN EDWARDS 575/534-5040 Silver City, N.M

Bulls & Heifers FOR SALE AT THE FARM

Cañones Route P.O. Abiquiu, N.M. 87510 MANUEL SALAZAR P.O. Box 867 Española, N.M. 87532


Get your . cowherd working for you again

Cell: 520/820-5210 Willcox, Arizona

Phone: 575/638-5434

Registered Polled Herefords

Find a breeder near you at



BEEFMASTERS R.D. and PEGGY CAMPBELL P.O. Box 269 • 1535 West 250 South Wellington, UT 84542

435/637-3746 Cell 435/636-5797



16th Annual Bull & Heifer Sale Canyon, Texas #'& !#"

() ")#" % * * % * * % " '% ! $ "% ##$ * (((

% " '% #!

Quality Registered Romagnola and Angus Bulls & Replacement Females Disposition and Birth Weight a given. STOP BY – SEEING IS BELIEVING! R.M. Kail, Owner 307/367-3058

Raul Munoz, Manager 575/461-1120

P.O. Box 981 • Conchas, NM 88416 State Hwy. 104-3 miles north, mile marker 66 DECEMBER 2010




in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.

FARMERS/ RANCHERS You can help the ALBUQUERQUE CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’S HOME with food for needy children ... HERE’S HOW: Deliver animals w/broken legs, cull bulls, extra steers, heifers, or pigs to your local processor

ACCH WILL PAY FOR PROCESSING Call Dave Jenkins 505-604-7985 Get a tax benefit, too!

The Breeding Season is Right Around the Corner – PLAN EARLY! Let us help you design a successful synchronized, AI program for your heifers and mature cows. Custom AI breeding services Semen available from the industry’s top AI sires Complete inventory of all synchronization and AI supplies AI breeding boxes for sale AI training available Reproductive ultrasound for early-pregnancy diagnosis Complete program discounts available (i.e. semen, supplies, preg-check, and labor) Age and source verification

We Focus on the Details Because it’s the Little Things that Make the Difference! Hayley and Manny Encinias 575/374-3393 • 505/927-7935 lggenetics@hotmail.com NMBVM Licensed AI & PD Technician






F1 & Montana influenced Angus Cattle UPCOMING SALE: FEBRUARY 2011 GARY MANFORD 505/508-2399 cell 505/215-7323

Grant Mitchell • 505/466-3021

Weanlings, Yearlings & Riding Horses www.singletonranches.com

Apache Creek Limousin Ranch Registered Limousin Tom & Barbara Sanders 928/687-1863 155 Sanders Dr., Duncan, AZ 85534

* Ranch Raised * Easy Calving * Gentle Disposition ORDER QUALITY BEEF! Go to www.santaritaranching.com for Information About Our Business & Our Grass Fed, Locally Grown Beef! Andrew & Micaela McGibbon 8200 E. Box Canyon Rd., Green Valley, AZ 85614 • 520/ 393-1722 • az_beef@yahoo.com

CO R R I E N T E C AT T L E HEIFER BULLS Registered Bulls & Bred Cows Huston Ranch Cuervo, NM 575/472-5021 505/425-5021

“Genetics Designed for Short-Grass Country” 2011 Bull Offering Yearlings & Two-Year Olds A.I. Sires Represented: OCC Homer 650H OCC Legend 616L DUFF New Edition 6108 DUFF Encore 702 DUFF Body Builder 763

Registered and Commercial Angus Heifers AI-bred to OCC Homer 650H and Manzano Rainmaker T07 Dr. Manny & Hayley Encinias Clayton, New Mexico 575/374-3393 or 505/927-7935 lagloriacattleco@hotmail.com www.lagloriacattleco.com Hablamos Español



Michael & Connie Perez 575/633-2938 575/403-7970 901 Quay Rd. 96 Nara Visa, NM 88430

Rick and Maggie Hubbell Mark Hubbell

Quemado, NM hubbell@wildblue.net

Since 1893 • Se Hable Español

BULLS & HEIFERS – PRIVATE TREATY TEXAS / N.M. RANCH: 5 Paseo de Paz Ln., El Paso, TX 79932 H: 915/877-2535 • O: 915/532-2442 • C: 915/479-5299 OKLA. RANCH: Woods County, OK • barjbarherefords@aol.com



WINSTON, NEW MEXICO Russell and Trudy Freeman


Red Angus Cattle For Sale Red Angus Angus Plus



• Weaned & Open Heifers • Low Birth Weight Bulls


Michael H. & Claudia Sander

American Red Brangus Bulls for Sale 2702 S. Westgate



outhern tar Ranch


work: 928/688-2602 evenings: 928/688-2753

Weslaco, Texas 78596

956/968-9650 • Office 956/968-4528 msander94@yahoo.com

Jersey Bulls For Sale Dan Paxton • 575/749-2171 1752 S. Roosevelt Rd. 9 Portales, NM 88130 ——— EASY CALVING ———


Visitors Always Welcome KEN and SUZANNE Home 719/783-9324 COLEMAN Fax 719/783-2211 1271 County Rd. 115 colemanherefords@hughes.net Westcliffe, CO 81252-9611 www.colemanherefords.com


Bar J Bar

Bulls and Heifers 575/773-4770


C &M Herefords

Please call us at 505/243-9515 to list your herd here


Bulls & Females

All Polled Blacks and Reds


806/866-9440, 806/866-9049 llkt@door.net • WOLFFORTH, TX

Coyote Ridge Ranch

CANDY TRUJILLO Capitan, N.M. 575/354-2682 1-800/333-9007, ext. 6712 Herefords

Total Performance Based on a Strong Foundation of Working Mothers

18300 Weld County Rd. 43, LaSalle, CO 80645 Jane Evans Cornelius • 970/284-6878 Hampton & Kay Cornelius • 970/284-0927 www.coyoteridgeherefords.com




2011 Directory



his mega-annual edition graphically shows the strength and vitality of agriculture in the Southwest. Never in the 75-year history of New Mexico Stockman has a single issue stirred so much interest, provided so much information or demonstrated the diversity of agriculture in the Southwest. It has become the Agriculture Almanac of

of New Mexico


New Mexico and surrounding states, providing a wealth of information you always wanted to know but never knew who to ask. You, your neighbors and associates will use and re-use it year-round! our free listing in the Directory does a couple of things: first, it serves as a “phone book” where your friends and neighbors, who are


Free Listing Form. Clip and mail today.

New Mexico Stockman P.O. Box 7127, Albuquerque, N.M. 87194 TELEPHONE: 505/243-9515 • FAX: 505/998-6236 caren@aaalivestock.com www.aaalivestock.com

The Directory will appear for 12 full months on our website, www.aaalivestock.com



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forever forgetting where they laid your phone number or business card, can look up your free listing. Secondly, it shows, the strengthin-numbers of the southwestern agricultural community for all to see. There is power in numbers, and the Directory powerfully displays the dimensions of agricultural involvement in our region.


















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Products & Services


Want Pounds of Beef?

WANT BRAHMAN. by CAREN COWAN he beauty of most anything is in the eye of the beholder. When it comes to Brahman cattle, the beauty isn’t only in the eye, it is in the pounds of beef produced, it is in the longevity, climate tolerance and hybrid vigor the breed produces with virtually any other breed that tips the scale. As the first beef breed developed in the United States, the American Brahman has played a key role not only in crossbreeding programs throughout the nation and beyond, but it has become a common thread among other American breeds developed in the last century. American Brahman influence in the beef industry is felt world-wide, and their genetics are sought by cattlemen in every continent. Originating from a nucleus of approximately 266 bulls and 22 females of several Bos indicus (cattle of India) types imported into the United States between 1854 and 1926, the Brahman breed has achieved acceptance. Bos indicus cattle have been serving man for thousands of years. Through natural selection these cattle have the ability to survive and thrive where others have failed. In their expansion, Brahman have improved beef production in every country in which they have been introduced, as they are mated to existing native cattle. While some 30 defined breeds or types of Bos indicus cattle have been identified in India, only a few of these breeds were selected to develop the American Brahman. The first importation of Indian cattle of any notoriety came in 1854, when Richard Barrow, St. Francisville, Louisiana, was presented with two bulls by the government of Great Britain, for his services in teaching cotton and sugar cane produc-


continued on page 50

Recipient of the American Brahman Breeders Assn. Maternal Merit Cow and Sire Designation Award

muscle + structure + maternal excellence + performance traits = great value

Producers of Quality & Performance -Tested Brahman Bulls & Heifers “Beef-type American Gray Brahmans, Herefords, Gelbvieh and F-1s.” Available at All Times Loren & Joanne Pratt 44996 W. Papago Road Maricopa, AZ 85139

Steve & Belinda Wilkins P.O. Box 1107 s Ozona, TX 76943 O: 325/392-3491 s R: 325/392-2554


HERE IS THE BLACK AND THE WHITE OF IT This Herd Sire producing cow came from Hopson, Montana. This bull, a full brother to Houston Champions, came from Hungerford, Texas.

WE MAKE THE LONG HAUL SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO All you have to do to get genetics like this is show up to our sales!

F1 Sale - Spring 2011 - Willcox, AZ Brahman X Hereford • Brahman X Angus MANFORD CATTLE • GARY MANFORD, 505/508-2399 CELL 505/215-7323 DECEMBER 2010


Want Pounds of Beef? continued from page 49

tion to British officials establishing these crops in the deltas of India. Their offspring, known as Barrow grade Cattle, would achieve recognition and their fame would soon spread around the globe. Later importations would see cattle brought from Brazil, where large numbers of these Indian cattle could be found. The American Brahman Breeders Association (ABBA) was organized in 1924. J.W. Sartwelle of Houston was the first recording secretary of the Association and it was he who proposed the word “Brahman”

(“braymer” to some) and so it was adopted as the name of the new beef breed. With strict selection, the breed has been recognized for its exceptional hardiness and physical stamina, its ability to profitably produce on marginal lands, to live twice as long as normally expected, with unequaled performance in weight per day of age. As consumers shift to lean meat and lower calorie diets, Brahmans are perfectly positioned to fill the demand for a beef product which efficiently converts feed into highquality beef, while producing a high yielding carcass. Some of the first Brahman cattle to come into the Southwest were brought in

(l to r) Dora Thomas, Milton Thomas, a New Mexico State University, and Joe Butt (at halter) with NMSU Garrett Manso 7057, the leading contender for the 2010 American Brahman Breeders Association Premier Show Bull of the Year, at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. (Photo by Show Champions)



Re gi ste re d Brah m an s marywcc@msn.com 16543 West Victory St. • Goodyear, AZ 85338

CEL. 602/809-5167

623/932-0809 50


1948 by William R. Cowan (Uncle Bill), who ranched in the Bootheel of New Mexico and the adjacent Cochise County, Arizona. Even among the family, the bigeared gray, humpy cattle were regarded with a little awe and a good measure of skepticism. Uncle Bill’s vision would earn him the reputation of a world renowned cattleman and horseman as he bred his funny looking bulls to the Hereford cows that inhabited the landscape of the region to produce the going doing tiger-striped F1 females that soon ranged across the West. It was he who enjoyed the last laugh as his calves soon began to outweigh everything in the country. New Mexico State University (NMSU) began to work with the advantage of Angus crossed with Brahman in 1966 with a

Brangus herd in the arid and rugged desert and high desert country of the southwest United States and the northwest of Mexico. In search of improvement, the University added a registered Angus herd in 1982 and registered Brahman herd in 1998. The core of that Brahman herd remains a bull NMSU purchased from Pratt Farms in Maricopa, Arizona and raised by Loren Pratt that goes back to Cowan breeding called “Cloverdale” (Mr 6X Sunland 874) according to Milton Thomas PhD, professor of beef cattle physiology and genetics and current the Gerald Thomas Chair for the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES). Yearlong appointment affords Thomas the ability to participate in additional teaching, research and extension projects. Of particular pride to the University and its beef cattle program is NMSU Garrett Manso 7057, the 2010 American Brahman Breeders Association Premier Show Bull of the Year. He will receive the award in February 2011 at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. The titles the bull has claimed include 11 Grand Championships, seven Reserve Grand Championships, 19 Division Championships and six Reserve Division Championships. He received more points than all other Brahman bulls in this competition in the last decade (2000 to 2010). The study and research programs he was a part of while at NMSU are significant for livestock production across the state and the West. Undergraduate students helped raise the bull, and graduate students studying reproductive physiology also had the opportunity to work with the animal. “There is value in being able to go out and work with the animals. The students get a hands-on learning experience when working with the animals on campus. It’s what makes us Aggies,” Thomas said. “Of the $3 billion New Mexico generates in agricultural commodities a year, 75 percent is from the cattle and sheep industries, making the research and work done with cattle at NMSU important for the state.” The massive show bull is an excellent specimen of the breed and the NMSU program, but his size doesn’t lend him to the Southwest environment. Thus he was sold, as the highest-selling yearling Brahman bull in the history of marketing Brahman bulls at NMSU. The bull is now owned continued on page 51

Want Pounds of Beef? continued from page 50

by Mike and Janet Partin of the Heart Bar Ranch in Montalba, Texas. His semen is now being marketed across North, Central, and South America and Australia, says Thomas. The Brahman breed continues to be known for the strengths it was based on – strong maternal characteristics, hybrid vigor and female longevity, but in today’s beef industry, the sheer pounds of production are of note. While some over time have discounted the value of the breed because of ear and hump, producers of eared cattle have worked hard to make them better, just as those breeding continental cattle have, according to Thomas. “With the least number of cattle in the U.S. in nearly the past half century,” Thomas pointed out, “the industry needs pounds of beef and that’s what Brahman will give them.” It was admiration of the Brahman breed in his native Texas that led David and Mary Williams, Goodyear, Arizona to begin raising Brahman cattle in 1970. Both had ranching and cattle raising in their background and wanted a breed they could build a business and a life on. The couple started with a commercial Brahman herd, but it didn’t take long for them to move into registered Brahman and begin selling them to their friends and neighbors across the West. Although David passed away in 2001, Mary has con-

tinued the operation which is now nearing its 40th anniversary. Mary takes great pride in the gentle disposition of the Williams Cattle Company Brahmans and it is a trait that she breeds for. The heat tolerance is another of the breed qualities that she and her bull and heifer customers count on. “But these cattle can adapt to the cold as well,” Mary noted, “which is something most people don’t realize. Their hair is short, but they can grow a down under that keeps them warm when needed.” The Williams registered herd is not large, but the quality of the cattle is continually improving. They have a strong and steady market of return buyers with a lot of each calf crop spoken for before they even hit the ground, she says. Brahman cattle wearing the Williams brand can be found through New Mexico, Arizona and California as well as the entire country of Mexico. The herd is based on the Manso bloodline and was built from Brahman cattle originating in the Southwest and adapted to the dry and rugged climate. Williams’ Brahman have been marketed through the showring, but Mary doesn’t have a string at this time. That doesn’t keep her from attending all the shows and lending a hand to her Brahman “family.” She is on the Board of Directors of the Arizona National Livestock Show and stay involved with other industry organizations including the ABBA and the Arizona Cattle Growers’ n Association.

Richard McDonald Leader Institute Announced o honor Richard McDonald’s legacy of leadership, a new program has been established. The Richard McDonald Leadership Institute,administered by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, will provide leadership training for cattle industry organizations throughout the country. McDonald passed away Oct. 29 at the age of 66. McDonald spent 32 years with the Texas Cattle Feeders’ Association (TCFA), initially joining TCFA in 1974 and ultimately being appointed as CEO in 1988. He retired from TCFA in 2006 after a distinguished career of service to the cattle industry. McDonald was actively involved in planning the program, and at his recommendation, the Institute will include a comprehensive curriculum covering volunteer and staff leadership for cattle associations. Funding for the Institute will be provided by individuals and corporations and may be sent to: The Richard McDonald Leadership Institute, in care of The Amarillo Area Foundation, 801 S. Fillmore St., Suite 700, Amarillo, n Texas 79101.


PERKY COWGIRL PRESS Presents an exciting new Christmas story A full color 32 page hardbound book available online at www.perkycowgirl.com or contact us at: 719/859-1731

Spend Christmas Eve with a young cowgirl, Elizabeth, on the Miller ranch in the 1920s to discover how, in the midst of everyday chores, good ‘ole cowboy humor and the ranch animals remind her of the true meaning of Christmas! Written, Illustrated, Printed, & Bound in the U.S.A. DECEMBER 2010


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1:00 PM — Hand Spinning Wool Judging, Stadium Hall (Level 1) FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 2011 8:00 AM — 4-H/FFA Horse Judging Contest, Coliseum 10:30 AM — NWSS Quarter Horse Show-Trail, Stadium Arena 4:00 PM — NWSS Quarter Horse Performance, Events Center SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 2011 7:30 AM — National Gelbvieh Junior Heifer Show, Stadium Arena 8:00 AM — 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Contest, Coliseum 8:00 AM — 4-H/FFA Meats Judging Contest - CSU, Ft. Collins, CO 8:00 AM — Colorado Rocky Mtn. Fiddle Championships, Beef Palace 8:00 AM — National South Devon Show, Stadium Arena 8:00 AM — Quarter Horse Performance Classes, Events Center 10:00 AM — Backstage with a Rodeo Clown, Activity Pavillion 10:00 AM — Gelbvieh/Gelbvieh Balancer Futurity, Stadium Arena 11:00 AM — Backstage with a Rodeo Clown, Activity Pavillion 1:00 PM — Limousin Sale Cattle Parade, Stadium Arena 2:00 PM — Llama/Alpaca Show, Stadium Arena 2:00 PM — PRCA ProRodeo Featuring Pike’s Peak Rangerettes, Coliseum 4:30 PM — Mile High Select Quarter Horse and Paint Horse Sale Preview, Events Center 5:00 PM — Mile High Select Quarter Horse and Paint Horse Sale, Events Center 5:30 PM — An Evening with Llamas/Alpacas, Stadium Arena 6:00 PM — National Limousin Sale, Beef Palace 7:30 PM — US Bank Mexican Rodeo Extravaganza Presented by Qwest & Entravision – featuring Jerry Diaz, Mexican Bullfighters, Mariachis, Coliseum SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 2011 7:00 AM — 4-H/FFA Livestock & Meat Judging Contest Awards Breakfast, National Western Club 7:00 AM — CMSA Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Events Center 8:00 AM — National Gelbvieh & Balancer Pen Show, Livestock Center Arena 8:00 AM — National Limousin Junior Heifer/Lim-Flex Show, Stadium Arena 8:00 AM — Quarter Horse Performance Classes, Events Center 9:00 AM — Colorado Rocky Mountain Fiddle Championships, Beef Palace 10:00 AM — Backstage with a Rodeo Clown, Activity Pavillion

10:00 AM — Mass, Coliseum 11:00 AM — Backstage with a Rodeo Clown, Activity Pavillion 11:00 AM — Catch-A-Calf Show, Photo Session & Awards Presented by Cross Country Pipeline Stadium Arena, 11:00 AM — National Red Angus Pen Show, Stockyards Arena 1:00 PM — National Gelbvieh Sale, Livestock Center Arena 2:00 PM — $15,000 Dodge Invitational Freestyle Reining, Events Center 2:00 PM — Llama/Alpaca Show, Stadium Arena 2:30 PM — US Bank Mexican Rodeo Extravaganza Presented by Qwest & Entravision – featuring Jerry Diaz, Mexican Bullfighters, Mariachis, Coliseum 4:00 PM — Red Angus Mile High Classic Sale, Livestock Center Arena, Livestock 4:30 PM — CMSA Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Events Center 7:00 PM — PRCA ProRodeo – featuring Miss Rodeo Colorado Coronation, Westernaires, Coliseum

11:00 AM — School Tours – Backstage with a Rodeo Clown Grades 1-3, Activity Pavillion 11:00 AM — School Tours-Fabulous Farm Animals Grades 4-6, Beef Palace 6:30 PM — DMCC Goat Roping, Stadium Arena 7:30 PM — PBR Bull Riding Denver ChuteOut-Team Penning Finals, Coliseum WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2011 7:00 AM — Paint Performance Classes, Events Center 8:00 AM — Angus Bull Sale Show, Stadium Arena 9:00 AM — Boer Goat Show, Stadium Hall (Level 1)

9:00 AM — Braunvieh Sale, Stockyards Arena 10:00 AM — National Tarentaise Show, Stadium Arena 10:00 AM — School Tours – Fabulous Farm Animals Grades 4-6, Beef Palace 10:00 AM — School Tours: Backstage with a Rodeo Clown Grades 1-3, Activity Pavillion 11:00 AM — Angus Bull Show, Stadium Arena 11:00 AM — School Tours – Fabulous Farm Animals Grades 4-6, Beef Palace 11:00 AM — School Tours: Backstage with a Rodeo Clown Grades 1-3, Activity Pavillion continued on page 54

MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 2011 8:00 AM — National Gelbvieh & Balancer Show, Stadium Arena 8:00 AM — National Red Angus Jr./Open Show, Stadium Arena 9:00 AM — Limousin & Lim Flex Carload & Pen Show, Livestock Center Arena 10:00 AM — School Tours – Backstage with a Rodeo Clown Grades 1-3, Activity Pavillion 10:00 AM — School Tours-Fabulous Farm Animals Grades 4-6, Beef Palace 11:00 AM — School Tours – Backstage with a Rodeo Clown Grades 1-3, Activity Pavillion 11:00 AM — School Tours-Fabulous Farm Animals Grades 4-6, Beef Palace 12:00 PM — Paint Performance Classes Events Center 2:00 PM — Red Angus Junior Stockgrowers’ Contest, Stockyards Arena 6:00 PM — Angus Social, Stockyards Arena 7:30 PM — PBR Denver Chute Out, Coliseum TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2011 7:00 AM — Paint Performance & Halter Classes, Events Center 8:00 AM — National Limousin MOE & LimFlex Show, Stadium Arena 8:00 AM — Sheep Shearing Contest, Stadium Hall (Level 1) 9:00 AM — National Limousin MOE & LimFlex Show, Stadium Arena 10:00 AM — School Tours – Backstage with a Rodeo Clown Grades 1-3, Activity Pavillion 10:00 AM — School Tours – Fabulous Farm Animals Grades 4-6, Beef Palace DECEMBER 2010


6:00 PM — Hereford Herdsman Party, Stockyards Arena 6:00 PM — Mutton Bustin’, Stadium Arena 7:30 PM — PBR Bull Riding Denver ChuteOut Finals, Coliseum

NWSS Schedule continued from page 53

12:00 PM — AQHA Ranch Horse Classic – Ranch Trail, Ranch Riding Phases, Coliseum 1:00 PM — Braunvieh Show, Livestock Center Arena 5:00 PM — Angus Bull Sale, Beef Palace 5:00 PM — Junior Market Goat Showmanship Stadium Hall (Level 1)

THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2011 8:00 AM — AQHA Ranch Horse ClassicRanch Cutting, Coliseum 8:00 AM — Junior Angus Heifer Show, Stadium Arena 8:00 AM — National Hereford Bull Show,



Stadium Arena 9:00 AM — Junior Market Goat Show, Stadium Hall (Level 1) 10:00 AM — School Tours – Fabulous Farm Animals Grades 4-6, Beef Palace 10:00 AM — School Tours: Backstage with a Rodeo Clown Grades 1-3, Activity Pavillion 11:00 AM — School Tours – Fabulous Farm Animals Grades 4-6, Beef Palace 11:00 AM — School Tours: Backstage with a Rodeo Clown Grades 1-3, Activity Pavillion 1:00 PM — Denver National MaineAnjou/MaineTainer Sale Bull Evaluation, Stockyards Arena 1:00 PM — National Junior Hereford Show, Stadium Arena 2:00 PM — Angus Denim & Diamonds Sale Cattle Display, Expo Hall (Level 1) 2:00 PM — Junior Market Goat Championship, Stadium Hall (Level 1) 5:00 PM — Angus Denim & Diamonds Sale, Beef Palace continued on page 55

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NWSS Schedule continued from page 54

6:00 PM — Dog Agility Games, Stadium Arena 6:00 PM — Red Meat Club Dinner – By Invitation Only, National Western Club, Special Events 6:30 PM — AQHA Ranch Horse ClassicRanch Horse & Conformation Phases, Awards Presentation & Cowboy Mounted Shooting Demonstration, Events Center 7:00 PM — PRCA ProRodeo – featuring Westernaires, Mutton Bustin’, Citizen of the West Award, Coliseum 7:00 PM — Trowbridge Family & Friends Sale, Livestock Center Arena FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 2011 7:00 AM — Hunter/Jumper Classes, Events Center 7:30 AM — Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest, Coliseum 8:00 AM — Angus ROV Female Show, Stadium Arena 8:00 AM — Hereford Pen of Heifers Show, Livestock Center Arena 9:00 AM — Collegiate Wool Judging Contest – Adams County Fairgrounds 9:00 AM — Herd Sire Display Opens, Stockyards 10:00 AM — Denver National MaineAnjou/MaineTainer Pen Show, Stockyards Arena 10:00 AM — Hereford Pen/Carload Bull Show, Livestock Center Arena 10:00 AM — School Tours – Fabulous Farm Animals Grades 4-6, Beef Palace 10:00 AM — School Tours: Backstage with a Rodeo Clown Grades 1-3, Activity Pavillion 11:00 AM — School Tours – Fabulous Farm Animals Grades 4-6, Beef Palace 11:00 AM — School Tours: Backstage with a Rodeo Clown Grades 1-3, Activity Pavillion, 2:00 PM — PRCA ProRodeo, Coliseum 2:30 PM — Colorado Angus Association Foundation Female Sale, Livestock Center Arena 4:00 PM — Hereford Sale Cattle Display, Expo Hall (Level 1) 6:00 PM — Mutton Bustin’ 101, Stadium Arena 6:00 PM — National Hereford Sale, Beef Palace 7:30 PM — $10,000 National Western Gamblers Choice Open Jumper Stake, Events Center 7:30 PM — PRCA ProRodeo – featuring El Jebel Shriners and US Industry Leader of the Year Award, Coliseum SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 2011 7:00 AM — Hunters, Jumpers & Equitation, Events Center 7:30 AM — Collegiate Carload Judging Contest, Stockyards Arena

8:00 AM — Angus ROV Pen/Carload Show, Livestock Center Arena 8:00 AM — National Hereford Female Show, Stadium Arena 9:00 AM — Herd Sire Display Opens, Stockyards 10:00 AM — Backstage with a Rodeo Clown, Activity Pavillion 11:00 AM — Backstage with a Rodeo Clown, Activity Pavillion 11:00 AM — National Charolais Pen Show,

Stockyards Arena 11:00 AM — PRCA ProRodeo – featuring Cross Country Pipline Catch-A-Calf Contest, Westernaires, Mutton Bustin’ Coliseum 1:00 PM — National Shorthorn Pen Show, Stockyards Arena

For a complete listing of all events through January 23, 2011, please visit www.nationalwestern.com/schedule/

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Yukon, OK • 1-405/350-8555 We also sell large O.D. pipe for Pond Dams and Culverts 8" thru 36" www.lifetimefeedbunks.com DECEMBER 2010





Io the Point



The Metal Of The Man


S W E R S' A S

by Caren Cowan, Exec. Director, New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Assn.

s is often pointed out, I have been blessed by the many, many people I have come in contact with during my life and tenure in the livestock industry. Not every encounter is a pleasant one, but it is the rare occasion that I haven’t come away with at least a learning experience and more often, a friend for eternity. Such was the case with Richard McDonald, PhD., the former president of the Texas Cattle Feeders Association (TCFA). In the structure of the TCFA, the president is the chief executive officer and the elected leader of the membership (not volunteer) is the chairman of the board. So, Richard and I had similar jobs, although the scale of our positions may have been different. Although we try hard for the beef industry as a whole to be on the same page




on issues, because of the way cattle make their way from the pasture to the retailer, the relationship between the various segments of the industry can sometimes be antagonistic. The stockers and feeders make more by buying calves from the cow/calf producer for less. In turn the packer makes more money by buying fed cattle for less. Finally, the retailer makes the most money when he/she buys from the packer at the cheapest price possible and sells to the consumer at the highest price possible. At the bottom end of the chain, cow/calf producers often get — or at least feel like they are getting — the shortest end of the stick. Thus Richard and I often found ourselves on opposite sides of issues. As you might imagine, with the votes TCFA holds in the National Cattlemen’s Beef Associa-

tion (NCBA), Richard was on the winning side — even Greg Moore told him they ought to let us win at least once in awhile. But Richard was always the perfect gentleman and mentor. I hope that sometimes both of us came away with a better understanding of our members’ views — I know I did. On the issues that the New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association (NMCGA) did agree with TCFA on, I like to think we made a good team. I know I saw the look of delight in his eye more than once as I turned to see how TCFA was voting. I know that the impact Richard had on lives around the region, nation and the world was tremendous. On October 29 we lost Richard at the really young age of 66 to the most couracontinued on page 57

Point continued from page 56

geous battle with cancer I have ever seen. Diagnosed with cancer in multiple areas on October 28, 2009, Richard’s prognosis was grim at best in the beginning. As someone with his attention to detail would, he immediately began to make plans for the inevitable — but he also began a battle with a vengeance that allowed him, his family and friends to spend whatever time he had left at the highest quality of life. Our “The Ranchers” group (more on this subject sometime in the future) was privileged to spend most of a day with Richard in late August, picking his brain on how best we can work to ensure the future of our industry, our food supply and

the family values that keep our nation great. It wasn’t long before the word was that things for Richard were on the decline. Undaunted, Richard, his bride Sharon, and his friends and colleagues planned for a special luncheon during the TCFA annual meeting the end of October. When the possibilities of that dimmed, I was honored to receive an invitation to a reception in Richard’s honor at the TCFA in mid October. With a hospitalization the day before the gathering, it seemed that that might not even be possible. But on the appointed day, the word was to come on to Amarillo. It was not without some concern about the mission I was on that I jumped in the car and headed East. Arriving toward the end of the party, I was pleased and relieved

to see Richard McDonald just as he had always been holding court with the many, many people who gathered. I heard one cattle feeder quip that the receiving line was akin to seeking an audience with the Pope. I didn’t know until later in the evening that Richard left the reception to go directly back to the hospital. I have learned the hard lesson over time that we rarely get to say thank you and good bye to the special people in our lives. I am grateful that on this occasion I was. Always a realist, when I thanked Richard for his mentoring and friendship, he smiled wryly and reminded me that it wasn’t always fun. Courage on other fronts

It wasn’t long before I was reminded that there is no corner on courage within

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Point continued from page 57

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the male of the species or the state of Texas. In early November I was able to get to Tucson and visit my childhood friend and fellow CowBelle Susie Krentz. The depth of the tragedies Susie and her family have endured in the past six months is unimaginable. In late March her husband Rob, along with his dog, were gunned down in their own pasture near the Mexican border in Cochise County, Arizona. The months since then have allowed little time for the grieving that is necessary to even try to survive such a horror. But Susie and her children, Andy, Frank and Kyle, along with the rest of the family, have endured with grace and dignity. Those who wanted to honor the Krentz family and make sure that no one ever forgets who Rob was, and what happened to him, ranged literally from coast to coast, with everyone from the National Rifle Association and Fox News’ Glen Beck taking Susie to a national stage to the Arizona Cattle Growers’ Association (ACGA) and 2010 Cochise County Fair honoring the family on the home front. During that Fair in late September Susie and an elderly friend were run down by an alleged drunk driver as they left Saturday evening Mass. Taking the brunt of the blow, Susie’s injuries were from head to toe, massive and enough to have ended a lesser person. Six weeks after the injury when I saw her, Susie is nothing short of amazing. Full recovery and rehabilitation will take more time, but in a neck brace and pelvic halo, she was making her own way from the bed to the wheelchair and worried about stressing her family. In mid November the halo was removed and within minutes Susie was walking. She has high hopes of being home in the very near future. She credits her life and amazing recovery to the multitude of people across the nation who have lifted her up in their prayers, called, sent flowers, visited, and made donations and whatever else they could think of. Susie asks that you keep her in your prayers and she enjoys the calls, card and visits. We look forward to the day she can join us at meetings again. The ACGA has set up the Sue Krentz Recovery Fund at Wells Fargo Banks. Contributions can be made at any Wells Fargo to account # 5206283169.

continued on page 59



Point continued from page 58

Then there are those . . .

Who bit the hands that feed them. One might think that people who make their living in the food industry — agriculture’s end product — just might understand the challenges of the industry; the struggle American agriculture is going through just to stay in business; and threat dependence on a foreign food supply our nation is facing. Not so much, at least for the restaurateur and grocer sitting on the New Mexico Workers’ Compensation Advisory Council (NMWCAC). There has been a running war between a “non profit” group called the New Mexico Center on Law & Poverty and the ag industry over the agricultural exemption in New Mexico’s workers’ compensation law. As I understand it, when the state’s workers’ comp laws were overhauled in about 1990, one of the components of the new law was the NMWCAC, which was to review proposed changes to the law and make recommendations to the Legislature. The Council is appointed by the governor and requires equal representation by business and labor. In this setting, labor equals union. In theory, no new legislation

regarding workers’ comp was to be introduced without the endorsement of the Council. Despite this “gentlemen’s agreement,” in 2007 a measure was introduced to eliminate the ag exemption. Although agriculture was able to hold the line, someone thought it was a good idea to have a task force look at the issue. That task force was instituted via a memorial and was to include the ag industry as well as representatives of ag laborers. The problem with that picture was that while ag had producers on the task force who hire, pay and care for workers, the workers’ representatives were all attorneys. With all due respect to the great attorneys who represent our industry, I am not sure all lawyers out there have their same pure motives. After many meetings, it was no surprise that the task force was unable to come to agreement. In 2009 the NMWCAC chose not to make a recommendation to the Legislature, yet the Law & Poverty attorneys took a bill forward. Again, agriculture was able to hold the line. In July of that same year, Law & Poverty filed a suit against the Workers’ Compensation Administration in State District Court on two counts. The Court has dismissed one count and the Attorney General’s office is defending the second count.

So as we head into the 2011 Legislature, we are at it again. We learned at a NMWCAC meeting that the New Mexico Business & Labor Coalition (a selfappointed group to advise the Advisory Council) has determined that ALL exemptions to worker’s comp, including agriculture, realtors and domestic labor should be eliminated — without one iota of discussion with any of the involved industry. Their theory appears to be that if big business must pay workers’ comp, then everyone should. With two proposals before the NMWCAC at their November meeting, the group took up the Law & Poverty measure first. In what was a complete waste of time for the industry, numerous agricultural producers drove from all corners of the state to plead their case — before a group who had already made up its mind. The Law & Poverty people were able to provide an array of numbers on the cost of workers’ comp for the various sectors of ag — without providing all of them. One ag producer who does have workers’ comp was told that his place of business was so unsafe that he probably shouldn’t even be in business. continued on page 60

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Point continued from page <None>

In a unanimous vote based on the premise that ALL workers should have workers’ comp, the Council endorsed the Law & Poverty proposal. Then they promptly tabled the proposal for realtors and domestic labor waiting for more information. What happened to the ALL the workers thing? Long story short, we are going to need you and the people you employ to come to the Legislature in January and February for one more round on this issue that could put agriculture in New Mexico out of business. Ranchers who are currently paying workers’ comp are paying from 20 to 30 percent of their payroll in workers’ comp. I bet the most profitable restaurant and grocery store couldn’t afford that kind of regulatory increase. These people are so causal about hitting production agriculture because they KNOW that the price they pay for their food CANNOT go up to cover the increase in cost — at the bottom of the change agricultural producers must take what they can get for their commodities when they are ready for harvest. They also



KNOW that the government plays a big role in price fixing for agricultural commodities, keeping costs lower at the retail level. If you want to KNOW where not to eat and not to buy groceries, let me know. We need to support those who will support us — and avoid those who don’t. Another Tax Increase

On the same day the Council hammered agriculture, the unemployment division announced that by February that system will be broke, meaning that unemployment taxes are going to have to increase or benefits will have to be cut. What do you think might happen there? These are just a couple of reasons that we are going to need all the help we can get for the 2011 Legislature. It appears that the body and the Administration will take a more conservative turn come the first of the year, but that also means that there needs to be a ton of education done. If you cannot make the trip to Santa Fe, there are still lots of jobs you can do from home. Just let us know what you can and want to do to help! Best wishes and prayers for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year! n

jinglejangle Muchisimas Gracias, Cowbelles!


y year as 2010 New Mexico CowBelles’ President has come to an end. When it began I said, “Now I’ll have something worthwhile to write in my obituary in the New Mexico Stockman.” Curt reminded me that I don’t get to write my own obituary. This year has taught me that there are a lot of things I don’t get to do on my own. The important work New Mexico CowBelles do for the cattle industry is a group effort. It takes the input of all 774 of us. But that work blesses us with new friends and new memories that are ours to keep until whoeverit-is writes our obituaries. I am thrilled to join the ranks of NMCB Past Presidents — although probably not as thrilled as Curt who is ready to take over the rather large block of my time that will be freed up. But guess what? My association with New Mexico CowBelles has armed me with a BQA, an MBA, contacts all over New Mexico and other states through American National CattleWomen — so I’m primed and ready to carry on the good fight. I bought a bumper sticker that says, “If God hadn’t intended for us to eat animals, he wouldn’t have made them out of meat.” That obviously did not come from the Holy Bible but Genesis 1:26 did. Share it with everyone who sends $19/month to HSUS. I recommend my experience as an NMCB state officer to every one of you. Go for it! You aren’t too old or too young to serve the New Mexico cattle industry as a New Mexico CowBelles’ officer, district representative or committee chair. I’ve travelled the state with both ends of the spectrum and have great respect for both. I defy anyone to beat Owaissa through an airport in high heels, pulling a heavy suitcase in a perfectly pulled together outfit without breaking a sweat. I’m also amazed by the young mothers I’ve served with who have had the courage to send their kids to family for a few days so they could lend their creativity, expertise and energy to

New Mexico CowBelles. We can all make a difference. We all have talents to share. And we all have a duty to our industry to keep it viable for our children and grandchildren. Ranching is a family affair that I am fortunate to have been involved in since I met Curt in alphabetical order in Horticulture 100 at NMSU. I’d like to thank him for putting up without me this year and thank my New Mexico CowBelle family for putting up with me. I’d like to wish Linda Lee, our incoming NMCB President, a productive year ahead and give Collegiate CattleWomen a little advice. If you want to have a happy life — take horticulture. Carnivores Unite! – Karen Kelling Past President, New Mexico CowBelles

UPCOMING EVENTS Dec. 25 — Eat Prime Rib for Christmas Day Jan. 18 — 2011 New Mexico Legislative Session Begins Jan. 31-Feb. 3 — ANCW Annual Convention, Denver Feb. 2-5 — Cattle Industry Annual Convention, Denver The Chuckwagon CowBelles met in November at Estancia with 20 members, two junior members, one adorable miniature member, and two guests present with President Toni Barrow presiding. Laura Bittner, Valencia County Extension’s Home Economist, gave a talk on her work in the Women’s Recovery Academy in Los continued on page 63

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Jingle Jangle

November 20, 2010 in El Paso, Texas. Toni announced the Region VI meeting in Albuquerque is set for April 27-29, 2011, and called for help with assembling goodie bags for the conference. Dues are due: $35 for local, and $75 with an ANCW membership. Please give miles and hours to Babbi. Toni called for program ideas for 2011. Toni took photos of some Chuckwagon “calves” for the contest during the annual meeting. We’ll see who wins . . . Meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m. Submitted by Babbi Baker Lariat CowBelles had their membership meeting November with 15 members and five guests present. The 5 States Roundup budget was discussed as was a message from Karen Kelling, NMCB President in the New Mexico CowBelles Wrangler. Annual membership is up for renewal. The dues are $27 which covers local and state dues. The 2011 Vice President will be Shea Arnett and Secretary will be Georgia Kimsey. Lariat officers will be the hostesses for the Christmas Party. The meeting will be held on December 8, at the Rabbit Ears Café. There will be a $15 limit gift exchange. Kathryn Malcolm-Callis gave an informative program on the American National Cattle Women. ANCW was

continued from page 61

Lunas, a rehabilitation program for convicted felons. There was discussion about the December Christmas meeting at Margaret McKinley’s Belen home. It was decided to send care packages to Beck Baker’s Army platoon. In typical Chuckwagon graciousness, $170 of personal money was given to Babbi to cover the cost of shipping. Toni will bring a Chuckwagon note for all to sign. The goodies brought to the Christmas meeting will be boxed up and shipped out that very day, and receipts for postage will be presented at the January meeting. Toni called for sign-ups to help during the Estancia Christmas Fair on December 11, and also mentioned two officer positions in NMCB that are open. Babbi Baker agreed to seek the Vice-President’s office during the annual meeting. There was discussion about the questionnaire in the Wrangler and about the 2011 District Workshops. Fita Witte will donate a door prize for the annual meeting. There was discussion about the $25 registration fee for the annual meeting breakfast. It was decided to pay Toni’s ANCW dues. Fita mentioned the Fort Bliss Beef Battalion on

started in 1939 in Arizona. CowBelles was officially instituted in 1952. She discussed the structure of ANCW and CowBelles, industry partners, associated programs, dues, the Beef Cook-Off and the regional meetings. Owaissa Heimann presented information on the CowBelle locals and New Mexico regions. Owida Franz gave a presentation “Boning Up on Bone Health.” She discussed osteoporosis, causes of bone loss, prevention, and risk factors. Handouts were distributed on articles from BEEF magazine, Leadership and Solutions from Your NCBA, and NCBA. Respectfully submitted, Marianne Rose Reporter, Lariat CowBelles November Minutes of the Grant County Copper CowBelles’. The meeting was opened by President Kim Clark at noon. Kathy D. shared the program for the Eagle Court of Honor of Robert Pack, who adopted the highway sign project as his Eagle Scout project. She also recommended reading an article published in the NM Stockman noting the importance of farming and ranching as careers, without which there would be fewer other careers that are considered more important. Pat continued on page 64

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Gallin as R.

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os R Pec

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White Rock

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Cleveland Mora



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Angel Fire

Ranchos de Taos


Vadito Dixon Chamisal Penasco Ojo Sarco






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Eagle Nest


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La Jara



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El Rito

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Jingle Jangle

continued from page 63

H. distributed copies of a survey from the NM CowBelle Wrangler and also recommended membership in the National Cattlewomen – $35. It was decided to renew the Associate Membership ($100) with ANCW to receive the newsletter. Kim received a request from the NMCB President to provide 150 gift bags for the Region VI ANCW meeting in April. It was decided to send 150 of new bumper stickers and order more. A request was received from Rosella Escobedo for beef to feed students in the Sewing Club at Harrison Schmidt during a sleepover on Dec. 10 and the group decided to send a $20 certificate for beef. Denim & Pearls Fundraiser was successful. Discussion regarding improvements for next year’s event included: establishing a clean-up committee; more minimum bids on auction items; all donations of food to be on disposable ware, and maybe catering the event. Bring more ideas to the July D & P planning meeting. Guest Presentation: Andrea Sauer from the Grant County Food Policy Council. In an easy-to-understand manner, she explained the need for this council – establishing a 13-person advisory committee to

make recommendations to the Grant County Commissioners regarding ranching and agriculture – to address land use protection, grants to bring back meat processing to this area and, in general, further the farming and ranching industry in the county. New slate of officers for the 2011 year were sworn in and installed: President, Pat Hunt 1st VP, Lori Nell Reed 2nd VP, Neline Dominguez Treasurer, Bev Medford Secretary and Newsletter Editor, Wanda McInnis Winner of the 2010 President’s Award was Judy Billings. Kim Clark was thanked by Lori Nell R. for her twoyears of service as President. Reminder about Dues – members will be sent reminders about membership renewal by Judy B. December Social luncheon will be held Dec. 14 at Eat Your Heart Out. Menu will include Beef Wellington for $12. Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. Submitted by Sally Raphael, outgoing Secretary. Powderhorn CowBelles met north of Ft. Sumner in November. There were 14 members and one guest present. It was decided to withhold scholarship monies until after second semester had started and recipients were once again enrolled in college. It was decided that our Ole Fort Sumner Days would include a celebration for the New Mexico Centennial. Further

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plans will be made later. All members were encouraged to pay $35 in addition to the local $20 to cover the ANCW dues. The Beef Ambassador will visit our club in December. She will be available on Fridays after January to work in schools. She usually goes to the 3-4 grade classes. Sandy McKenna gave the report on the State Fair. Because of rain the state police shut down the fair and all people had to leave by 6:00 p.m. Sandy McKenna has new booklets and questionnaires she acquired from the Beef Council which we will try to pass out to schools. Karen Kelling announced that the annual meeting for CowBelles will be held in Albuquerque on December 3 and 4. The board meeting and general meeting will be held on Friday from 1:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. She urged all members to attend this and support Sandy McKenna for the President-Elect position. The breakfast meeting will be on Saturday, December 4 at 7:00 a.m. and it will include awards, installation of officers, and talks by Linda Lee, new CowBelle President, Lana Slaten, ANCW President and Kyra Grant, state beef ambassador. It was decided to give Karen Kelling $100 toward meat ther-

continued on page 68

Fence-Out Law Protects Livestock, Property s urban areas expand, and traditionally rural areas of New Mexico begin to see growing populations and housing developments, conflicts between new and existing residents seem inevitable. Fencing and livestock trespass are at the root of many of these problems, but the responsibilities of all parties are clearly defined in New Mexico’s fence-out law. “The roots of the fence-out law in New Mexico and other western states go back to the settlement of the West,” according to Andrea Buzzard of the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office. “New Mexico’s fenceout law is a common feature of several Western states, and has been described by New Mexico’s courts as “the common law of the West.” “The common law of England imposed a duty on the owner of livestock to fence cattle in, and no duty was placed on the adjoining landowner to fence them out. But from the period when Western grazing lands first passed into private ownership, Western cattle states generally rejected the common law, holding that livestock roaming at large committed no trespass when they strayed on unenclosed land. “Exceptions have been recognized in case law for trespassing that is the result of willful action on the part of the livestock owner. “By law, New Mexico is and always has been a fence-out state,” said Myles Culbertson, Director of the New Mexico Live-


Williams Windmill, Inc. New Mexico Ranch Items and Service Specialist Since 1976 New Mexico Distributor for Aermotor Windmills 575/835-1630 • Fax: 575/838-4536 Lemitar, N.M. • williamswindmill@live.com

stock Board (NMLB). “A property owner has a responsibility to himself to protect his own property by fencing out whatever may damage or trespass on property.” The current law, which hasn’t changed much over the years, still serves the industry well. “It’s not unreasonable for a property owner to be expected to fence and protect his own property rather than expecting someone else to do it for him,” Culbertson noted. “There is no reason the law is not still sufficient.” Fencing responsibilities may not always lie with individual landowners. In most cases, fencing is required for state roads and highways, and communities and municipalities have some responsibility, as well. Railroads must also fence off their right-of-ways. The law may not necessarily relieve livestock owners of certain responsibilities if an animal is hit by a vehicle, however, every case is different. The official role of the NMLB in these cases is fairly limited, since the agency’s authority only extends to the identification of livestock and determining ownership when trespassing livestock are impounded by a property owner. The agency does not mediate disputes or oversee fencing. “We try to help when we can because it’s a good thing to do, but our jurisdiction and

authority is fairly limited,” Culbertson said. In many cases, the problem is not the lack of a fence, but fences being cut and/or gates being left open by someone other than the rancher. “The larger problem we face is the lack of respect of property. People just don’t understand the importance of a fence, and how it benefits everyone,” he said. Fencing disputes between neighboring ranchers are usually resolved pretty easily. Most of the time the problem lies between urban growth and urban agriculture. When all parties take some role, problems can be resolved more easily, Culbertson noted. Ranchers need to be diligent about keeping track of their livestock, landowners need to maintain good fences, and municipalities need to recognize their responsibilities for enforcing laws, especially as they relate to destroying fences or trespassing on private property since fences are often cut to gain access to private property. “When the rancher is doing all he can, and the municipality is doing all it can, usually there are few problems.” “It is also important for the public to also understand the economic importance of livestock to their owners. Livestock owners don’t want their livestock out running on the golf course, or in someone’s n yard, they want them at home.”


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LARRY TINDELL P.O. Box 387 • Clovis, NM 88101 575/762-2500 RONNIE TINDELL P.O. Box 100 • Rincon, NM 87940 575/267-5000







Lands News he November elections brought a tidal wave of change to the US House, Senate and numerous Governor’s offices and statehouses around the country. In New Mexico the legislature remains controlled by Democrats but the Governor’s office will be occupied by Republican Susana Martinez. Steve Pearce will return to Washington to represent the 2nd Congressional dis-


trict. Congressman Pearce has always supported federal land ranching and was the only member of our congressional delegation to hold hearings on the failed Mexican wolf reintroduction and the misery it has caused western New Mexico rural residents. The election was a rejection of the policies of the Obama administration and its allies in congress. Voters tried to send the

message that they want less government, less wasteful spending and common sense solutions to problems, not more restrictive regulations. If that message is heard it should be good for federal land grazing. Administration environmental policies especially support of cap and trade legislation were among those rejected by voters. Of course Obama’s EPA is still planning to circumvent the legislative process and

. . . s e l l e B w o C o New M exi c TTLE INDUSTRY! CA O IC EX M EW N E TH S RT PROUDLY SUPPO To find the CowBelle chapter nearest you, please contact PAT JONES, 505/963-2314.


Joel Alderette, 2010 CowBelle Man of the Year 66


Federal Lands continued from page 66

implement regulations on CO2 emissions that will have the same effect. Incredibly the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board announced the approval of plans to institute a similar program on the state level here. New Mexico would be part of a regional effort with regulations to take effect in 2012. Of course the science supporting the hysterical claims that man-caused climate change is about to wreck the planet has been exposed as junk and the plans to reduce emissions won’t impact CO2 levels anyway. What they will do is depress our economy and job markets by increasing electricity and fuel costs. We will have to depend on legislators in Santa Fe and Washington to use the appropriations process and whatever other tools they have to stop these boondoggles or at least minimize their negative impacts. On more federal land specific issues, Senator Bingaman is reportedly attempting to ram another Omnibus Lands Bill through the lame duck session of congress that is going on as this is written. That legislation will have numerous proposals for federal land acquisition and special landuse designations and will probably include his Dona Ana County wilderness bill. Passage of this bill would be disastrous for Doña Ana county ranchers but the border security risks it will create will impact all of us. Some news reports refer to the violence in Mexico as our “third war”. Steve Wilmeth has written a recent article that details concerns of former Border Patrol officers with the Bingaman bill and their opposition to it. He also exposes how the Interior Department extorted over $50 million from the Border Patrol budget to “mitigate” damages from border enforcement action in wildlife refuges and wilderness areas.

Forcing legislation with such far-reaching impacts and negative consequences through congress with little or no debate in a lame duck session is not an honest way to legislate federal land policy. That kind of disregard for debate and discussion of legislation is what led to many incumbents losing their seats in this last election. The lame duck session should be reserved for necessary business like approving the budget and renewing tax cuts not pet project legislation to appease environmental special interest groups. In addition to the threat of legislation imposing new restrictions on federal land use, the Interior Department is still working toward National Monument designations or other regulatory means to accomplish the same goals. Despite promises of openness and transparency, every so often documents or other evidence surface to show that somewhere in the Department plans are being made for more land grabs. The new majority in the House has promised oversight hearings on executive


branch activities to expose hidden agendas and agency shenanigans. This Interior Department should not be ignored when it comes time to schedule those hearings. Environmentalists have filed suit against Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to force a ruling on the listing of the Mexican wolf as a separate species. The WildEarth Guardians filed the suit in late October in Phoenix to force Salazar to rule on a petition they and other groups filed in 2009 to require the separate listing. The Center for Biological Diversity filed a Notice of Intent to sue the US Fish and Wildlife Service in Washington over the same issue. And our governor has forced his Game Commission to ratify his ban on all trapping in the Gila supposedly to protect wolves. Wolves continue to devastate wildlife populations in Montana and Idaho. Two elk hunters were stalked by a wolf pack in Montana while trying to load their elk and pack continued on page 68



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Active buyers on all classes of cattle. Stocker demand within excellent wheat pasture and grass demand. Supporters of vaccination program of your choice. Four active packer buyers, supported by area feedlots on these feeder cattle. Receiving station available. Sheep sale 2nd to last Wednesday every month!



Federal Lands continued from page 67

it out of a wilderness area. They believe they would have been killed if they hadn’t shot one of the wolves. The Fish and Wildlife Service is still investigating, presumably to decide whether or not to bring charges for killing the endangered wolf. Even though wolf populations exceed reintroduction goals, lawsuits have kept them listed so these hunters could face civil and criminal penalties for defending themselves. Environmental groups keep suing and collecting. There are two sources of funds the government uses to pay legal fees to plaintiffs, the Judgment Fund and the Equal Access to Justice Act. Karen BuddFalen has found data that shows from 2003-2007 the Judgment Fund paid out $4.7 billion. Not all of that went to environmental groups but a big chunk of it did. This fund is not capped and the Justice Department doesn’t even keep records on how many cases it has defended let alone how much they have paid or who they paid it to. That is unbelievable. If we ran our businesses that way we would be sued and have to pay our own legal bills. New Mexico’s Secretary of Agriculture Miley Gonzales has announced his retire-

ment at the end of the year. The New Mexico Department of Agriculture is administered as a part of New Mexico State University and unlike other cabinet level departments; the position is filled by the Board of Regents of NMSU. NMDA has always been a big help to New Mexico ranchers including those of us who operate on federal lands. Thanks to Secretary Gonzales for his service to the industry. Charley McCarty lives in Reserve and has dealt with Forest Service personnel for most of his life in one way or another. He has written a book about his experiences titled Trouble in a Green Pickup. From that title you can probably guess what his perspective on Forest Service management is. Charley’s stories show why people often see trouble coming in one of those green pickups. He will be at the Joint Stockmen’s Convention and his book is available on Amazon.com This issue of the Stockman will arrive during the holidays. Christmas is a time for us to remember why we celebrate the season and give thanks for our many blessings. There are still a lot of young people overseas fighting to keep the rest of us safe so we can enjoy our freedoms here at home. Let’s pray for their safe return. n Merry Christmas and may God bless.

Western Legacy Alliance Research Spurs Congressional Action on Exposing Taxpayer Funded Lawsuit Racket of Radical Environmentalists Thank you for your support. I am/our organization is committed to protecting the open spaces, private property, private businesses and ensuring the responsible use of public lands. Please list me/my organization as a member of the Western Legacy Alliance. I have included my membership dues and my $____________ additional contribution. Individual Membership – $25 Association Membership – $500 Corporate Membership – $1,000 Other – $______________ Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City: __________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _________ Phone: _________________________ Fax: __________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Receipt of Contribution to Western Legacy Alliance The Western Legacy Alliance thanks you for your contribution! Amount: $ __________________________________ Cash: ________________ Check#: _______________





Jingle Jangle

continued from page 64

mometers for gifts at the state convention. After lunch, Michael Kull, President of the Board of Directors of the New Mexico Boys and Girls Ranches gave us an informative talk and told us that CowBelles had helped to keep the Boys Ranch open in the early days of its history. Respectively Submitted, Carolyn Bedford The Berrendo CowBelles held their October meeting with seven members present and President Betty Solt presiding. The collection of dues was addressed. Also the Nomination Committee offered the following slate for officers in 2011: President – Betty Solt, Vice President – Joyce Darrough, Secretary – Genora Canon, Treasurer – Carmen Barbe. Fay Harral handed out bumper stickers given to her by the AQ Alpha-Omega Printing, Inc. of Roswell, NM that read: “Support American Ranchers — Ask for BORN USA RAISED Beef. This company makes the stickers and hands them out free. After some discussion it was agreed for the Local to give one of the bumper stickers to each of our Associate Members along with their certificate as a gift and to make the AQ Alpha-Omega Printing a free Associate Membership. Genora Canon gave a report on the 5States meeting held in Clayton, NM. The annual Christmas Party will be at Chews West on Dec., 11, 2010. It will be a noon meeting and husbands are encouraged to come. There will be an ornament exchange. The NMCB Annual meeting will be in Albuquerque December 2-5, 2010. It was decided to allow Joyce Darrough to buy Christmas plants as door prizes. Submitted by Genora Canon. New Mexico CowBelles: Thank you to all who have submitted their news to “Jingle Jangle.” Please send minutes and/or newsletters to: Jingle Jangle, Janet Witte, 1860 Foxboro Ct., Las Cruces, NM 88007 or email: janetwitte@msn.com n

Will Water Rights be on the Legislature’s Agenda? by KATE GALBRAITH / THE TEXAS TRIBUNE


WESLEY & FAMILY Thanks For Your Friendship & Your Business

he next Texas legislative session, during the few minutes not taken up with the budget, redistricting and immigration, an old stand-by of an issue could creep onto the agenda: water. Observers say legislative proposals on groundwater rights are probable, given that Texas is just wrapping up a controversial process for planning the allocation of water from aquifers, while environmentalists will be pushing more measures for water conservation. The discussions will be amplified because the Texas Water Development Board, which finances water and wastewater infrastructure projects around the state, is up for review by the Sunset Advisory Commission, as is the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, which regulates water pollution. Water “should be an important issue in this next session,” says Russell Johnson, a water law expert with the McGinnis, Lochridge & Kilgore law firm who has done work for the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers’ Association and the Texas Wildlife Association on groundwaterrelated matters. However, he adds, “whether it will be or not in light of all the other things that are happening this legislative session is an open question.” Last session, one of few notable waterrelated bills to pass was was a conservation bill carried by state Rep. Allan Ritter, DNederland, that tightened water-efficiency requirements for toilets sold in Texas, as well as for faucets or shower heads. (The only other state to enact similar requirements for toilets is California.) The biggest water issue before the Legislature is likely to be balancing the longterm health of Texas’ aquifers with property rights. The state has just completed an intensive planning process, established by the Legislature in 2005, in which local authorities decide how much they will allow their aquifers to be depleted in 50 years (the resultant numbers are called the “desired future conditions” of the aquifers). The Texas Water Development Board is processing these aquifer-deple-


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Adobe Walls Nutrition™ 806/467-1987

I greatly appreciate and am deeply humbled by all of you, my friends and family, who have supported and worked with me throughout my life. In Christ, V Wesley Grau

continued on page 76 DECEMBER 2010


TCFA Names Officers, Board he Texas Cattle Feeders Association (TCFA), during its 2010 Annual Convention in Oklahoma City, named its officers and directors for the coming year. Bo Kizziar of Amarillo is chairman of the board; Jim Peters of Quemado is chair-


man-elect; and Walt Olson of Turpin is vice chairman. Cattle feeders elected to one-year terms on the board of directors are Sammy Brown of Friona, Dave DeLaney of Kingsville, Robby Kirkland of Vega, Bo Kizziar of Amarillo, Pete Scarmardo of Caldwelland Dale Smith of Amarillo. Directors chosen for two-year terms are Kevin Buse of Hereford, Chris Hitch of Guymon, Jim Peters of Quemado, Pat

Dairy Group Will No Longer Pay Members To Slaughter Cows

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following described estray animals have been taken under the provisions of Chapter 77, Article 13 of New Mexico Statutes Annotated 1978, and sold for the benefit of the owners of said estrays as provided by law. The proceeds will be subject to claims and proof of ownership as provided by law. New Mexico Livestock Board · Myles Culbertson, Director · Albuquerque, N.M.


December 8, 2010


embers of Cooperatives Working Together (CWT), the dairy farmer-funded self-help program, voted in late October to focus exclusively on building export markets and no longer fund herd retirement programs. CWT conducted its 10th and final herd retirement this past summer through which it paid farmers to slaughter 34,442 cows. “The decision to drop the herd retirement program, but to maintain the basic structure of CWT with an exclusive focus on helping sell U.S.-made dairy products in foreign markets, allows CWT to continue making positive contributions to dairy farmers’ bottom lines,” said Jerry Kozak, President and CEO of that National Milk Producers Federation, which administers CWT. The decision was voted on at the NMPF annual meeting in Nevada. A presentation there by Scott Brown of the University of Missouri showed that for every one dollar spent assisting CWT member cooperatives in making export sales; U.S. dairy farmers received $15.53 in additional revenue. CWT’s export activity in 2010 has returned 18 cents per hundredweight, according to Brown’s n analysis.




Schwab of Bovina, Mike Thoren of Greeleyand Monty Wheeler of Pampa. Elected to three-year terms as directors are Ed Attebury of Amarillo, Kevin Bunch of Hereford, Jim Lovell of Canyon, Rex McCloy of Morse, Walt Olson of Turpin and Dal Reid of Amarillo. Also serving on the TCFA Board are the Association’s two immediate past chairmen: Monte Cluck of Boerne and Mike n Engler of Amarillo.



bullhorn Colfax County Kids ‘n Kows Big Success


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(Above) Raton schoolchildren are an enthusiastic audience at Kids ‘n Kows.

Kathryn Callis of Clayton instructs elementary school students on the cow’s many uses in everyday life.

David McSherry DECEMBER 2010


USMEF continued from page 71

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Beef Info Goes Digital


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2009-2010 DIRECTORS — CHAIRMAN, Cliff Copeland, Purebred Producer. VICE-CHAIRMAN, Joe Clavel, Cow-Calf Producer; SECRETARY, Jim Bob Burnett, Cow-Calf Producer. NMBC DIRECTORS: Andres Aragon, Cow-Calf Producer; Darrell Brown, Cow-Calf Producer; David McSherry, Feeder; Tom Spindle, Feeder; Bernarr Treat, Cow-Calf Producer; Art Schaap, Fluid Milk Producer.

EX-OFFICIOS: Jane Frost, Producer, Federation of State Beef Council Director; Tammy Ogilvie, Producer, Beef Board Director; Wesley Grau, Producer, Beef Board Director.

For more information contact: New Mexico Beef Council, Dina Chacon Reitzel – Executive Director 1209 Mountain Rd. Pl. NE, Suite C, Albuquerque, NM 87110 505/841-9407 • 505/841-9409 fax • www.nmbeef.com



We Offer Group & Individual Plans to Our Current Members & Members-to-be. Blue Cross Blue Shield New Mexico, Lovelace, Presbyterian Health Plan, New Mexico Health Insurance Alliance, New Mexico Medical Insurance Pool, United Health Care and more. Deductibles available from $100—$10,000. Medicare Supplements for Seniors. Medicare Part D Prescription Coverage.





Legal Notice

If You Are a Native American Who Tried to Get a Farm Loan or Loan Servicing from the USDA, You Could Receive Benefits from a $760 Million Class Action Settlement. A class action Settlement with the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA�) has been reached. The lawsuit claimed the USDA discriminated against Native Americans who applied for or tried to apply for farm loans or loan servicing. The USDA denies it did anything wrong. Am I included? The Class includes all Native American farmers and ranchers who: s &ARMED OR RANCHED OR ATTEMPTED TO FARM OR RANCH between January 1, 1981 and November 24, 1999; s 4RIED TO GET A FARM LOAN OR LOAN SERVICING FROM THE USDA during that period; and s #OMPLAINED ABOUT DISCRIMINATION TO THE 53$! either on their own or through a representative during the time period. You are not eligible for this Settlement if you filed a claim, or intend to file a claim, in another USDA discrimination case like Pigford I or Pigford II (Black farmers), Garcia (Hispanic farmers) or Love (Women farmers). Because of a law passed by Congress, you are also not eligible for this Settlement if you either: s %XPERIENCED DISCRIMINATION ONLY BETWEEN *ANUARY 1 and November 23, 1997; or s #OMPLAINED OF DISCRIMINATION ONLY BETWEEN *ULY 1 and November 23, 1997. What does the Settlement provide? The $760 million Settlement will pay cash to Class Members for valid claims as well as attorneys’ fees (between 4% and 8%, subject to Court approval) and awards. The Settlement includes up to $80 million in USDA loan forgiveness for Class Members who qualify. The USDA will pay an additional $20 million to implement the Settlement and will make some changes to their farm loan programs. Any money LEFT AFTER ALL PAYMENTS AND EXPENSES HAVE BEEN MADE will be donated to one or more organizations that help Native American farmers and ranchers.

For More Information: 74


What can I get from the Settlement? The amount of money you will receive will depend on whether you file a claim under Track A or Track B. It will also depend on the total number of claims that are filed and approved. Track A – You can get a payment up to $50,000 for your discrimination claim plus an additional 25% PAID TO THE )23 TO REDUCE ANY INCOME TAX YOU MAY owe. Track B – You can get the amount of your actual damages up to $250,000. Track B requires more proof than Track A. USDA Loan Forgiveness – Under both Track A and Track B you can get forgiveness on part or all of your eligible USDA farm loans plus an additional PAID TO THE )23 TO REDUCE ANY INCOME TAX YOU may owe. How do I get benefits? You will need to file a claim by December 24, 2011 to get benefits. After the Court approves the Settlement, meetings will be held across the country to help Class Members file claims. You can register for a Claims Package at the website or by calling the toll-free number. What are my other rights? s )F YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR RIGHT TO SUE THE 53$! about the claims in this Settlement, you must EXCLUDE YOURSELF BY February 28, 2011. Unless YOU EXCLUDE YOURSELF YOU WILL BE BOUND BY THE terms of this Settlement. s )F YOU STAY IN THE 3ETTLEMENT YOU CAN OBJECT TO OR comment on it by February 28, 2011. The Court will hold a hearing on April 28, 2011 to consider whether to approve the Settlement and the attorneys’ fees. The Court has appointed attorneys to represent the Class. You or your own lawyer may ask to appear and speak at the hearing at your own EXPENSE


www.IndianFarmClass.com DECEMBER 2010


Veterans, Ranchers Working Together to Help Returning Soldiers orses for Heroes – Cowboy UP!, a Santa Fe-based program to help veterans returning from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan by using horses and horseback riding, is bringing New Mexico ranchers and veterans together. Free to veterans and active military, returning soldiers learn to care for and ride horses, then learn other ranch tasks, including working cattle, and eventually assist with work at participating ranches. Program founder Rick Iannucci, former Green Beret and retired U.S. Marshal and now a rancher himself set up the initiative based on similarities between military and ranching cultures that he felt could help his fellow veterans. “The values of the ranching community are almost an overlay of military values,” he said. “The no-nonsense attitude and work ethic are exactly the kind of atmosphere our veterans are used to. It’s something you just don’t get hanging at the mall or working at any many other jobs.” Veterans suffering from both post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or physical combat injuries from service in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan (OEF) are welcomed into the program but there are participants who have seen combat in Bosnia and Somalia too. “I saw a big need – soldiers are coming home in droves, and there are few outlets to help them,” Rick said. “We take regular people, send them over to Iraq and Afghanistan and train them how to fight. Then, we bring them home, sometimes without even a thank you, and expect them to turn it off and reintegrate automatically. It’s not happening.” Today’s veterans see an average of 1,500 days of combat, going directly into combat when they land on the ground. In comparison, soldiers serving in World War II saw an average of 120 days of combat, and Vietnam Veterans saw an average of 240 - 260 days of combat. Horses for Heroes – Cowboy UP! helps meet some of those returning soldiers’ needs, giving them an opportunity to spend time with others who have had similar experiences. “Our veterans come back from the military, where everything is mission oriented, into the civilian world. They


miss having a mission, and they miss the camaraderie of their military brothers,” he explained. “When they come to us, they get a new mission. As soon as they start learning we have them start teaching too, because as you teach someone what you’ve just learned, it reinforces the lesson.” “We basically show them how to apply their military background and training to something new, while most people are telling them to suppress their military skills,” he continued. “I help them relate those skills to what we are trying to do Contact Horses for Heroes, a program for our combat warwith the horses and the catriors, at 505/798-2535 or email info@horsesforheroes.org tle.” Rick says he started working on the idea for this program in Bucholz, U.S.M.C./Ret. who received his 2007. Initially, he did therapeutic riding wild rag in October. Bucholz served in Iraq work with one soldier suffering from as a Machine Gunner with the 2nd Battalsevere PTSD. “When we saw the transfor- ion 1st Marines, and was struck in the mation in this man, and how working with head and severely wounded by enemy the horses and coming out with us for sniper fire receiving the Purple Heart and spring branding and such benefitted him, a Navy - Marine Commendation Medal. He returned home in 2005, and suffers from we knew we wanted to do more.” Rick also partnered with Pete Com- severe PTSD in addition to brain trauma. stock, Commander of the New Mexico Mil- After completing the program, he was itary order of the Purple Heart establish- offered a position with the San Cristobal ing the Warrior Mentor Program. Ranch. “We train to standard, not to time. It is Through this program, returning veterans are paired with combat veterans from the a completely self-paced program, and same service and generally the same MOS doesn’t matter how long it takes for a vet(Military Occupational Specialty), to the eran to make it through those twelve objectives,” Rick said. “Sterling rocketed benefit of both, he said. The Cowboy UP! program consists of through the program in less than a year. twelve objectives, which include specific Some others just come out and groom the tasks and skills taking them from basic horses and enjoy cowboy coffee and conhorsemanship to working cattle horse- versation around the fire, and that’s okay, back. Graduates receive a purple wild rag, too.” Quantifying participation in the prowhich symbolizes their partnership with the Military Order of the Purple Heart as gram is difficult because it is relaxed and well as being very practical on cold frosty self-paced, but Rick said dozens of veterans mornings. Horses for Heroes – Cowboy have taken part. “We have some who come UP! is the only program of this type a few times, and some who get very nationally that is endorsed by the Military involved. Right now, we probably have a dozen participants at various stages – from Order of the Purple Heart. “There are various horse therapy pro- the guy who comes out every day to the grams around the United States but we are guy who comes once a month.” “We are very proud of all our guys,” he the only ones doing what we are doing,” he noted. “It’s a different focus – we do help continued. “When we have new veterans participants bond with horses but take it to coming out for the first time, a number of the next level if they want to. It is all up to our current participants are always there because they want to help their brothers.” them, the sky’s the limit.” Horses for Heroes – Cowboy UP! is Rick says that the program focuses on what is possible, rather than what is probable, and that attitude is evident in the continued on page 81 program’s first graduate, Sterling DECEMBER 2010


Water Rights

continued from page 69

tion numbers and will soon send back to local authorities calculations on how much water per year they can draw down, given their 50-year outlooks. But some groups are unhappy about the planning process and may well urge legislation amending it. In particular, water marketers — entities seeking to gather groundwater rights and sell water in bulk to thirsty municipalities — say their property rights have been abridged, because their potential use of the aquifers was not taken into account in the 50-year plans. Existing legislation “does not provide for a dispute resolution process,” says Joel Katz, a manager of End-Op, a water-marketing firm that wants to sell water to the fast-growing Interstate 35 and Highway 130 corridors. End-Op is currently battling the Lost Pines groundwater conservation district around Bastrop for the right to do so. (Johnson also represents EndOp’s interests.) The Sunset Advisory Commission’s report on the Water Development Board, released this month, seems to agree that a remedy is needed. As it stands, the groundwater planning process “does not provide for a complete administrative process that ensures the basic elements of due process,” the report states. Currently, Katz says, the only option for filing an objection is the relatively mild step of complaining to the Water Development Board, which can then ask local authorities to reconsider their plans. Legislation on other aspects of the groundwater-planning process could also be forthcoming. A group called the Texas Water Conservation Association has been working to bring together a range of water interests — cities, river authorities, industry consultants — to reach consensus on desired improvements to the groundwater management process. Several areas of agreement have been reached, according to Dean Robbins, the group’s assistant general manager — including, for example, how information about the process gets published. The Sunset Commission staff report also calls for better coordination among various authorities involved in the groundwater-planning process. And other possible groundwater-related legislation hinges on the long-awaited outcome of Edwards Aquifer Authority v. Day, currently pending at the Texas Supreme Court, which will weigh the balance continued on page 95



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Rivalé Ranch Realty LLC Raymond Rivalé Broker / Qualif ying Broker BARNEY RANCH West of Clayton, ~3010D, ~680 NMSL, in the canyons. Very scenic, good water with a variety of big game. $650/acre, taxes ~$.055 SEDAN ~320D exceptionally good native grassland with excellent water and potential irrigation water available. $900/acre, taxes ~$2.12/acre. KIOWA MESA ~616D nestled in the beautiful volcanic outflows of northeast NM with excellent deer hunting, and small cabin. $525,000 Many more ranches available in Northeast New Mexico we can show you. We would appreciate a call if you are looking to buy a ranch. Raymond is excited to invite Kenny Zamora from Las Vegas, 505/469-4388, as Associate Broker. Give him a call for listings or sales.

BRIAN BOOHER 915/859-6843 • El Paso, Texas CELL. 915/539-7781 78


P. O. Box 217, Des Moines, NM 88418 rivale@bacavalley.com • 575/207-7484


LARGO CANYON RANCH RIO ARRIBA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO Approximately 453 deeded acres with ranch house, outbuildings, corrals and other improvements; everything required for a working cattle ranch. Thirty-four sections of BLM Lands under Grazing Permit “Superior Mesa Allotment #5115”. 3148 Permitted AUMs/2185 Active AUMs from November 15 to June 15. Current cost $1.35/AUM. Three sections of State of NM Lands under Ag Lease. Current rents approx $1,000 per year. $680,000 firm. Owner may carry. Includes assignment of BLM Permit and State Lease; includes water rights; includes free propane. Contact GOSNEY RANCHES



P.O. Box 145 Cimarron, NM 87714 575/376-2341 Fax: 575/376-2347 land@swranches.com


Cimarron River Property, reduced to $359,000 – 10.91 +/- deeded acres, 2,700 +/- sq. ft. home. West edge of town w/water frontage on the Cimarron River, some water rights and a private lake. This is the end of the road w/awesome views of the mountains in a quiet peaceful village. Cimarron, Colfax County, NM. Foreman Property, reduced to $415,000 – 559.10 +/- deeded acres, Private 2,000 +/- sq. ft. home. Custom rock work. Horse barn, two-car garage, two hay barns, 5 pastures. Excellent spring gravitational feed-to-trough, house on city water system less than 5 years old, septic system brought up to code. 0.8 mile driveway, mature cottonwood trees, very private, 4 miles east of Springer, Colfax County, NM. Canadian River Ranch, reduced to $299,000 – 39.088 +/- deeded acres, w/0.3 miles of the Canadian River going through the property. Excellent partially remodeled home, workshop on concrete slab, roping arena. Exceptional improvements at this price, located 6 miles east of Springer, Colfax County, NM. Great horse property, easy access off pavement. Miami Lookout, $395,000 – 80.00 +/- deeded acres in Miami, NM Approximately 60ft X 60ft metal building, utilities buried, water and septic in place. All back off highway up the mesa on private driveway, affording majestic views. Currently owner parks 5th wheel during summer months. Utilities could accommodate a 3 bedroom home. Has trees and irrigation shares. Colfax County, Miami, NM. Spear Road Ranch, $700,000 – 160 +/- deeded acres, w/exceptional three bedroom 3 bath home, approx 2,200 sq ft. Adjacent office, 3 car garage and workshop, one round pen, 150 ft X 300 ft arena. Convenient to I25, fantastic views of mountains and the plains. Second manufactured home on site. Water shares and three water meters. Approximately 5 miles NE of Springer, NM.

Excel lent Horse P rop ert y! Brick 3/2 home on 2.2 acres with a 30x40 barn and corrals. Large 16x20 sun room, and covered patio. Small town's best! Call Daryl Loewen at 575-799-8898.


BRETT JOHNSON – 575/763-5055 • 575/762-5611 brett@505resources.com • www.505realtors.com Office 575/763-5055 • Cell 575/760-3654 • Fax 575/769-9177 3008 N. Prince St., Clovis, NM 88101





Con Englehorn Shawn Wood Kyle Conway 602-258-1647

Fred Baker Ed Grose Sam Hubbell Gail Woodard 520-455-5834

Cottonwood Andy Groseta Paul Groseta 928-634-8110

St. Johns Traegen Knight 928-524-3740

Tucson Walter Lane Jack Davenport Barry Weissenborn Trey Champie Shane Conaway 520-792-2652

Miami Mountain View – $697,000 - 80 +/- deeded acres, located 1 mile east of Miami, NM. Property has nice home, steel building with shop and barn, 150' by 230' roping arena with return alley, 80 shares of irrigation rights, irrigation pond,good hay pastures and awesome views of the mountains. Also other useful outbuildings and highway frontage onto SHW21.

Providing Appraisal, Brokerage And Other Rural Real Estate Services


For listings & other details visit our website:

“Offers computer-generated color custom mapping service on digital USGS base maps. Hang a map in your office that looks like your ranch, w/water lines, pastures and roads etc. Put your ranch on one piece of paper.”

www.headquarterswest.com DECEMBER 2010



TEXAS & OKLA. FARMS & RANCHES • Magnificent 90 Hunting – Cattle/Horse Ranch 50 miles E. of Dallas, 35 miles W. of Tyler, White pipe fence along FM Hwy. 3,700 sq. ft. elaborate home, flowing waterway, lake. Has it all.


• 532-acre CATTLE & HUNTING, NE TX ranch, elaborate home, one-mile highway frontage. OWNER FINANCE at $2,150/ac.






To place your Real Estate advertising please contact Debbie Cisneros at 505/243-9515 ext. 30 or email: debbie@aaalivestock.com

• 274 acres in the shadow of Dallas. Secluded lakes, trees, excellent grass. Hunting & fishing, dream home sites. $3,850/ac. • 1,700-acre classic NE TX cattle & hunting ranch. $2,750/ac. Some mineral production. • Texas Jewel, 7,000 ac. – 1,000 per ac., run cow to 10 ac. • 256 Acre Texas Jewel – Deep sandy soil, high-rolling hills, scattered good quality trees, & excellent improved grasses. Water line on 2 sides rd., frontage on 2 sides, fenced into 5 pastures, 5 spring fed tanks and lakes, deer, hogs & ducks. Near Tyler & Athens. Price $1,920,000. • 146 horse, hunting cattle ranch N. of Clarksville, TX. Red River Co. nice brick home, 2 barns, pipe fences, good deer, hogs, ducks, hunting priced at $395,000. • 535 ac. Limestone, Fallas, & Robertson counties, fronts on Hwy. 14 and has rail frontage water line, to ranch, fenced into 5 pastures, 2 sets, cattle pens, loamy soil, good quality trees, hogs, & deer hunting. Priced at $2,300 per ac.

Joe Priest Real Estate 1205 N. Hwy 175, Seagoville, TX 75159

972/287-4548 • 214/676-6973 /1-800/671-4548 www.joepriest.com • joepriestre@earthlink.com

Bottari Realty www.bottarirealty.com

NEVADA RANCHES & FARMS Waddy Creek Ranch: Located in a remote Nevada Ranching Valley called Charleston which sits at the foot of the Jarbidge Wilderness which is part of the Humboldt National Forest. The ranch is bounded on two sides by forest. There is no power in the Valley but there is land-line phone. Two creeks provide irrigation water for approx. 138 acres of historic meadow. This property has Quaking Aspen groves and is quite beautiful. Access is on a county road. There is a BLM grazing permit attached to the ranch for 71 head. Price reduced: $400,000. Home Ranch in O'Neil Basin: Beautiful ranch with two creeks and adjoining BLM permits in Northeastern Elko County. This ranch consists of approx. 887 deeded acres with around 500 acres irrigated. Good improvements with larger two story ranch house, a cookhouse with two bedrooms, and a bunkhouse with three bedrooms. Nice horse barn, a calving barn, corrals and scales. Price: $1,675,000. Mason Mountain Ranch: Great summer ranch with 3700 deeded acres plus small BLM permit. Located approx. 75 miles North of Elko. Runs approx. 300 pair for the summer. Approx. 89 acres of meadows irrigated with water stored in reservoir/fishing hole which also acts as Red Band Trout Hatchery. Home and outbuildings for a good cow camp. Phone but no power. Price: $1,575,000.

PAUL D. BOTTARI, BROKER OFFICE: 775/752-3040 RESIDENCE: 775/752-3809 • FAX: 775/752-3021 E-MAIL: paul@bottarirealty.com



B ea u tif u l H or se Pr o pe r ty! The best of both worlds, country living in town! An all brick home sitting on 2.2 acres with a 30x40 barn and corrals for any livestock hobbies. Located on the quiet NE side of Melrose. A large sunroom and covered patio enhance this home. Many upgrades such as the heat pump, new windows,


roof, and new floors. You'll love to call this home! Call Daryl Lowen today! Cell 575-799-8898 or Ofc 575-762-5611.

BRETT JOHNSON – 575/763-5055 • 575/762-5611 brett@505resources.com • www.505realtors.com Office 575/763-5055 • Cell 575/760-3654 • Fax 575/769-9177 3008 N. Prince St., Clovis, NM 88101


Veterans, Ranchers continued from page 75

staffed and operated by volunteers, most of whom are also veterans as well as cowboys or accomplished horseman. “Several of our staff who help instruct and support this effort were veterans that remember coming home from Vietnam and being greeted by protesters. It was a terrible time to be a service member, and we were often treated very poorly by the public,” he explained. “At the ranch, we do all we can to welcome new veterans and to let them know they are coming home.” None of this would have been possible without the support of the ranching community, Rick said, and he is blessed and thankful for program partners including Mike Hobbs, Express UU Bar Ranch, Cimarron; Steve Price, Bonanza Creek Ranch, Santa Fe; Henry McKinley, Staple Cross Ranch, Santa Fe; Bob Frost, Caprock Creek Ranch, San Jon; Grant and Connie Jo Mitchell, San Cristobal Ranch, Santa Fe; and the New Mexico Cattle Growers Association. New program participants are referred through the New Mexico Military Order of the Purple Heart, different groups and units of the Veterans Administration Hospital , the U.S. Army’s Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) for combat wounded soldiers just coming off of active duty and the New Mexico Workforce Solutions Veterans department. Occasionally, a veteran who has heard about the program through other channels also seeks them out, he noted. Another important aspect is the program’s close relationship with the Turquoise Trail Wranglers 4-H Club, which Rick and his fiancée, Nancy DeSantis, a primary Cowboy UP! instructor and cofounder, also founded and used as a model for Horses for Heroes – Cowboy UP! “Our two groups are more like a family – all of my veterans show up to help out with the kids’ events, like the ranch rodeo we put on every October. The veterans want to give back, and to help out, and spending time together is good for the kids and the veterans.” Future plans include construction of a bunkhouse at the ranch and additional corrals for program horses. Horses for Heroes – Cowboy UP! receives no funding from any government or any other source so they will hold their first benefit dinner December 9 at Vanessie’s Restaurant in Santa Fe. To help support or learn more about the program, visit their website at www.horsesforheroes.org or call Rick at n 505/670-2059.

Laura Riley 505/330-3984 Justin Knight 505/490-3455 Specializing in Farm and Ranch Appraisals

Nancy A. Belt, Broker Cell 520-221-0807 Tom Hardesty 520-909-0233 Rye Hart 928-965-9547 Tobe Haught 505-264-3368 Office 520-455-0633 Fax 520-455-0733 COMMITTED TO ALWAYS WORKING HARD FOR YOU! RANCHES / FARMS Young, AZ 72 Acre Farm – Under the Mogollon Rim, a must see, w/small town charm, mountain views. 1,000 gpm well, home, 1800s museum, 2 BR cabin, shop, & barn. Excellent for horse farm, bed & breakfast, land or water development. +/- 62 acres & well for $1,700,000; home & other improvements. $424,500, Seller Financing. 250–400+ Head Cattle Ranch Sheldon, AZ – 1,450 deeded acres, +/-30 sections BLM, 150+ acres irrigated farm land. Nice HQ incltwo rock homes, good set of steel shipping & horse corrals, 30' x 20' barn, 9 livestock & domestic wells & 4 irrigation wells. There is deeded access to the ranch off of a paved highway & power to the headquarters. $1,500,000, Terms. 320 Ac Farm, Kansas Settlement, AZ – This working farm has 2–120 acre Zimmatic Pivots, a nice site built home, large workshop & hay barn. 5 irrigation wells, 2 domestic wells. The property is fenced & cross fenced. Great set-up for pasturing cattle. $1,250,000, Terms Desired. Wickenburg, AZ – 216 Head Cattle Ranch. Scenic, lush high desert vegetation. 103 deeded acres, State, BLM & 3,100 acres private lease. Well watered w/tanks, springs & wells. Abundant feed, numerous corrals & great steel shipping pens. $850,000. *NEW* +/- 85 Head Cattle Ranch Bisbee/ McNeal, AZ – AZ & private grazing leases HQ on 966 acres of private land including log home, bunk house, corrals, hay barn, well, arena, tack house & storage sheds. $600,000. Purchase HQ on 244 acres & leases for $500,000.

*REDUCED* Rainbow Valley, AZ, 300 Head Cattle Ranch – Excellent desert ranch owned & operated by the same family for 40 years. Well improved w/BLM & State grazing leases. HQ on State land, well watered. $650,000. $550,000

33 Head Ranch, Grant County, NM – 640+/Acres, w/1800 acres BLM & 320 acres State of NM lease. $250,000 Terms

*REDUCED* Greenlee County, AZ, 139 Head Ranch – Year long USFS permit w/two room line camp, barn & corrals at HQ. Remote horseback ranch w/limited vehicular access. 10 acres of deeded in Sheldon, AZ. $275,000.

*REDUCED* 157 Acres Deming, NM. Fenced w/a nice pipe entry, close to town, paved access, mtn. views, power. Owner will split & carry! $160,000.

Santa Teresa Mtns, Fort Thomas AZ – 200 acre Plus 17 head BLM allotment, private retreat, two wells. Very remote & extremely scenic w/sycamores, cottonwoods & beautiful rock formations. $300,000 – Terms

NEW MEXICO PROPERTIES Listed Cooperatively with Action Realty, Cliff, NM, Dale Spurgeon, Broker 310 H ead Cattle Ranch, Virden, NM – 4500+/- deeded acres, BLM, NM & AZ State Lease. HQ – 3 BR, 2 BA, MH, w/power & corrals. Well watered, 12 wells, 10 dirt tanks, 10 springs. 7 sets of working corrals. $1,700,000. Terms *NEW* 112 Head Mountain Ranch, Collins Park, NM – This gorgeous ranch is now the total package w/a new log cabin completed in 2009 w/a new well & storage, septic, & solar package; finished tack/bunk house; & excellent set of working corrals, USFS YL permit & 115 deeded acres w/tall pines & meadows. Includes equipment $725,000. Terms

*REDUCED* Deming, NM – Charming country home on 80 acres w/barn & well. Development potential. $350,000. Terms.

HORSE PROPERTIES San Pedro River north of Benson, AZ – 250 acre Professional Horse Breeding Facility –55 acres of irrigated pasture, 900 gpm well. 2 homes; barn w/office, apt., tack room, feed room, & storage area; 12 stall barn; 7 stall mare motel; lab/vet room; lighted riding arena; insulated workshop; & hay storage area. $2.4M. Terms Available. Benson, AZ 10 Ac Hacienda, – Charming and energy efficient strawbale home, great workingcow/horse facility, round pen, arena, tack house, stalls. $379,000. Willcox, AZ, +/-9 Acres w/Roping Arena – 3BR/2BA Shultz mfg. home w/many upgrades, roping arena, nice 4-stall horse barn w/tack room & hay storage, second barn, new well, a very private & nice location $210,000. Benson, AZ 10 AC Mini farm – Home, barn, chicken pens, organic growing beds $175,000. Willcox, AZ 40 Acres – Great views in every direction, power to the property, $85,000.

Thinking of Buying or Selling? Call! ‘Cause we’ll get ‘er done!




Did you forget to send in your ad? Remember, the Directory comes around again in 2011!

FARMS, RANCHES, DAIRIES, HORSE & COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES — Satisfied Customers Are My Best Advertisement —

PAUL McGILLIARD Murney Associate Realtors Cell: 417/839-5096 • 800/743-0336 Springfield, MO 65804



20 South Main, Lamar, CO 81052 Phone: 719/336-7802 Fax: 719/336-7001

- SINCE 1962-


Brokers in New Mexico, Texas & Colorado. Ranches and Farms are our Specialty. 575/763-3851

FARM & RANCH SOUTH CENTRAL KANSAS RANCH – 7,256.98 (+/-) Deeded acres – some of Kansas’ finest grassland located approximately 16 miles south of Meade, Kansas. 3½ miles of live water from Crooked Creek, sandhill and flat terrain, CRP, 2 sets of improvements, great 4 and 5 wire fencing. Can be operated as a cow/calf or yearling operation. WILDLIFE – BobWhite Quail, Blue-Tail Quail, Turkey, and Deer. DRYLAND FARM, PROWERS COUNTY, COLORADO – 640 Acres located northeast of Lamar, Colorado.







FARMLAND, BACA COUNTY, COLORADO – 1,280 Acres located 8 miles east of Two Butte’s, Colorado. For more information please contact

Gene Cruikshank or Larry Huddleston gene@cruikshankrealty.com / larry@cruikshankrealty.com www.cruikshankrealty.com



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To place your Real Estate advertising please contact Debbie Cisneros at 505/243-9515 ext. 30 or email: debbie@aaalivestock.com

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Joe Stubblefield & Associates 13830 Western St., Amarillo, TX 806/622-3482 • cell 806/674-2062



," 2(1$

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Call Max Kiehne — 505-321-6078

Drew Perez Assocs. Nara Visa, NM • 806/392-1788

Border/Mt. Riley Ranch, Columbus, New Mexico

Ag Services, Inc. EMAIL:


• Real Estate Loans, $500,000 to $50 Million • Agricultural Equipment Leasing • Very Competitive Rates • Dairy Facility Loans 201 Innsdale Terrace Clovis, New Mexico 88101 OFFICE: 575/762-8608 TOLL FREE: 888/868-2331

1,379 Deeded acres, 18,080 acres of State Lease, 127,624 acres of BLM lease, 147,083 Total Acres (229.8 sections). Ranch is divided into 8 pastures & several traps. Capacity: 1,100 Cows Year Long $2,420,000 Looking to buy or sell your Land, Ranch, Water Rights or Rural Property? We Know New Mexico! Visit us at www.centerfirerealestate.com Call Max Kiehne at 505-865-7800 or 505-321-6078 DECEMBER 2010




WAHOO RANCH – Approximately 40,976 acres: +/- 11,600 deeded, 6,984 BLM, 912 state, 40 uncontrolled and 21,440 forest. Beautiful cattle ranch located on the east slope of the Black Range Mountains north of Winston, NM, on State Road 52. Three hours from either Albuquerque or El Paso.The ranch is bounded on the east by the Alamosa Creek Valley and on the west by the Wahoo Mountains ranging in elevation from 6,000' to 8,796'. There are 3 houses/cabins, 2 sets of working corrals (1 with scales) and numerous shops and outbuildings. It is very well watered with many wells, springs, dirt tanks and pipelines. The topography and vegetation is a combination of grass covered hills (primarily gramma grasses), with many cedar, piñon and live oak covered canyons as well as the forested Wahoo Mountains. There are plentiful elk and deer as well as antelope, turkey, bear, mountain lion and javelina (46 elk tags in 2009). Absolutely one of the nicest combination cattle/hunting ranches to be found in the SW. Price reduced to $5,500,000.

SAN JUAN RANCH – Located 10 miles south of Deming off Hwy. 11 (Columbus Hwy) approximately 26,484 total acres consisting of +/3484 deeded, +/- 3800 state lease, +/- 14,360 BLM and +/-4840 Uncontrolled. The allotment is for 216 head (AUYL). 9 solar-powered stock wells and metal storage tanks and approx. 6½ miles pipeline. The ranch begins on the north end at the beautiful Mahoney Park high up in the Florida mountains and runs 5½ miles down the mountains to their south end. It continues another 7½ miles south across their foothills and onto the flats. The ranch has a very diverse landscape with plentiful wildlife including quail, dove, rabbits, deer and ibex. Lots of potential & a good buy at $1,000,000.

46 ACRE FARM LOCATED IN SAN MIGUEL – Full EBID irrigation and supplemental well. Bounded by Highway 28 on the east, County Road B-041 on the south and County Road B-010 on the west. Priced at $14,000/acre – $644,000. CONTRACT PENDING.


Scott Land co.

1301 Front Street Dimmitt, TX 79027 Ben G. Scott/ Krystal M. Nelson–Brokers

1-800/933-9698 day/night www.scottlandcompany.com

Ranch & Farm Real Estate

This ad is just a small sample of the properties that we currently have for sale. Please check our website and give us a call! We need your listings both large and small, all types of ag properties (Especially Ranches).

HARTLEY/MOORE COUNTY LINE – corn, wheat, cotton, cattle with all the perks, 992 acres, sprinkler irrigated with some improved pasture, large brick home, large set of state-of-the-art steel working pens with concrete feed bunks and covered working area, on pavement. House, shop & horse barn on 2 acres may be bought separately. LONE WOLF RANCH - EASTERN, NM – approx. 30 sections mostly deeded some BLM & State, employee housing & two sets of steel pens, county maintained, all weather road. Mild climate year round.

212 ACRE FARM BETWEEN LAS CRUCES, NM AND EL PASO, TX – Hwy. 28 frontage with 132 acres irrigated, 80 acres sandhills, full EBID (surface water) plus a supplemental irrigation well, cement ditches and large equipment warehouse. Priced at $1,868,000.

50.47 ACRE FARM - Located on Afton Road south of La Mesa, NM. Paved road frontage, full EBID (surface water) plus a supplemental irrigation well with cement ditches. Priced at $13,000/acre ($660,400). +/-37 ACRE FARM - WEST


ANTHONY, NM. Located 20 min-

utes from Sunland Park Race Track on Haasville Road (paved) just north of Gadsden High School and west of Highway 28. EBID, irrigation well and cement ditches. Beautiful farm with many possibilities. Call for aerial and location maps. Sign on property. Priced at $13,900/acre ($514,300).

OTHER FARMS FOR SALE – In Doña Ana County. All located near Las Cruces, NM. 8, 11, & 27.5 acres. $15,000/acre to $17,000/acre. All have EBID (surface water rights from the Rio Grande River) and several have supplemental irrigation wells. If you are interested in farm land in Doña Ana County, give me a call.



DAN DELANEY REAL ESTATE, LLC 318 W. Amador Avenue Las Cruces, NM 88005 (O) 575/647-5041 (C) 575/644-0776 nmlandman@zianet.com www.zianet.com/nmlandman

RANCH SALES P.O. Box 1077 Ft. Davis, Texas 79734


DAVID P. DEAN Ranch: 432/426-3779 Mobile: 432/634-0441 www.availableranches.com



and Equities


R.G. DAVIS, BROKER s CELL: 530/949-1985



11,725 acres, all deeded. 970 acres irrigated, flood & 4 pivots. Alfalfa, grain. grass. BLM permits, 500 cows, organic hay. Lots of potential for more farm ground. Priced at $5,375,000.









To place your Real Estate advertising please contact Debbie Cisneros at 505/243-9515 ext. 30 or email: debbie@aaalivestock.com

Tehama County, Cottonwood, CA 1,850 acres, winter range. Large barn, 1 bedroom apt., horse stalls, tie stalls, tack room, shop. Deluxe 400x200 ft. roping arena. All new fences & steel corrals. Hunting & fishing. Priced at $2,200,000.

THE RANCH FINDER presents ...

Escondida Land & Cattle Co.

Tehama County, Cottonwood, CA

A great ranch located in the foothills of the Capitan Mountain of Lincoln County, NM, near Arabela, just eight miles above the Hondo Valley from Tinnie. 45 miles west of Roswell, and 25 miles east of Ruidoso, Escondida Ranch consists of 9931 deeded acres plus 6551 US Forest Service Lease w/an additional 490 NM State Lease acres, 27 being sections of rolling foothills and open valleys of grama grass pastures at an altitude of 5000 ft. A four-season cattle ranch w/an established grazing capacity of 500 animal units or 750 yearlings on a six-month grazing rotation system. This grazing program is also tied in w/130 acres of water rights applied to sprinkler irrigated grass pastures, w/irrigation wells capable of pumping up to a 900 gallon-perminute at less than a 100 foot depth. Escondida Ranch is improved w/a full service modern headquarters complex w/new barns, corrals and shipping pens w/scales. This area of Lincoln County is noted for its big game habitat and the ranch is annually issued eleven elk permits along w/topline mule-deer, black bear, mountain lion and barbary sheep hunting, and lots of turkey. A turn-key offering – everything goes.

556 acres, winter range, two small houses, corrals, chute, small barn. Good hunting & fishing. Price reduced – $775,000.

Tehama County, Cottonwood, CA 80 acres, winter range and a custom built apprx. 3000 sq. ft. beautiful home. Large barn, tack room, shop, roping arena, round-pen – a real crown jewel. Many amenities. A roper’s dream. Priced at $1,400,000. 19855 S. Main St. s P.O. Box 1020 Cottonwood, CA 96022 Office: 530/347-9455 s Fax: 530/347-4640 homeranchr@sbcglobal.net

The Ranch Finder – Ronald H. Mayer P. O. Box 2391, Roswell, NM 88202 575/623-5658 • www.ranchfinder.com

ZAPATA WASH RANCH: A great little starter ranch. Good access. 1 electric well, 2 pastures & mostly browse feed conditions. 2+ acres along the highway would make an excellent home site. Views of the San Pedro River Valley. This ranch may be a candidate for FSA. Call Scott Thacker at 520/444-7069 ASKING $99,000 KENDRICK MOUNTAIN ALLOTMENT: Beautiful Ranch outside Flagstaff. 75 head summer permit. Call Troy Cooke at 928/5320055. ASKING $125,000 HARQUAHALA RANCH: A nice little desert ranch. Owner/Agent Call Scott Thacker at 520/444-7069 Asking $159,000

ANTELOPE CREEK RANCH: A nice ranch in Yavapai County. Call Scott Thacker at 520/444-7069 or Katie Leibold at 602/3190370. PRICE REDUCED! $160,000 LITTLE BOQUILLAS RANCH: Ranch has been rested for many years and reflects strong feed production. A lot of good fencing. Ranch needs water development and corrals. Motivated seller. Make a cash offer or offer an owner carry back with large down. Call Scott Thacker at 520/444-7069. ASKING $175,000 A-1 RANCH: Working cattle ranch in Flagstaff. Summer grazing permit. 175 hd from June 1st to October 31st. 10 Deeded acres. Forest and State Leases. Call Troy

Cooke at 928/532-0055. ASKING $275,000 IMMIGRANT SPRINGS RANCH: Beautiful Ranch in Sanders. 2 houses, huge barn, springs, well, 1320 deeded acres, 660 State Lease 54 hd year round. OWNER MAY CARRY! Call Troy Cooke at 928/532-0055. ASKING $989,000 ANTELOPE RANCH: A beautiful working cattle ranch with over 8 secs. of deeded land. Excellent access year round to HQ. HQ is a large historic ranch house. Manager’s house, 2 adobe barns, & a shop. Working corrals are welded steel, large pens, heavy squeeze chute, tub, scale, semi & truck trailer loading alleys. Owner/Agent. Call Scott Thacker at 520/444-7069. ASKING $2,975,000



1-800-328-7659 Website: www.polydome.com email: Dan@polydome.com

Call for the Dealer Nearest You 86


Colorado Dairy Service 970-593-9704 Loveland, CO Bucke’s Feed 530-865-4427 Orland, CA

Western Polydome 800-822-5837 Monroe, WA Greenfield Park Dairy 505-276-8659 Portales, NM

Dairy Partners 800-256-4875 Sulphur Springs, TX Zoderow Dairy 785-386-4475 Seldon, KS DECEMBER 2010


Chisholm Honored by Wool Growers by CALLIE GNATKOWSKI-GIBSON “Best cotton candy” “The fair will never be the same” “We miss you” “Nooo! We come every year just for you guys!” hese were just some of the comments written by disappointed fair-goers on the sign hanging on the closed concession stand in the Dairy Barn at the 2010 New Mexico State Fair that for many years housed the Sheepherder’s Café. Proprietor Alex Chisholm and his crew retired at the end of the 2009 New Mexico State Fair, after 30 years of serving a variety of lamb dishes that always included lamb burgers and huge cotton candy to the public. At the recent Joint Stockmen’s Convention, the New Mexico Wool Growers, Inc. (NMWGI) presented Chisholm with the Amigo Award in recognition of his contributions to the sheep and lamb industry.


Alex Chisholm and his crew spent 30 years pleasing State Fair attendees with lamb burgers and other tasty lamb treats.

State Fair Manager Bill Humphries in 1980. I told him what I wanted to do — promote agriculture and sell lamb,” Chisholm explained. “He said it sounded like a good idea but that there just wasn’t room at the fair the coming year. I had brought a thermos of my grandmother’s lamb stew with me, and gave him a bowl. After he tried the stew, he said, “We’ll find a place for you.” The Sheepherder’s Café operated out of

Chisholm estimates that on average, the Sheeperder’s Café sold 600 pounds of lamb during each year’s seventeen-day state fair. “Alex has introduced more people in this state to lamb than anyone I can think of,” said Ancho rancher Pete Gnatkowski. “He spent all of those years at the State Fair, serving lamb stew, lamb burgers and other dishes. As a result, many people tried lamb that never would have otherwise been exposed to our product.”” Chisholm estimates that on average, the Sheeperder’s Café sold 600 pounds of lamb during each year’s seventeen-day state fair, for a total of at least 18,000 pounds of lamb sold during their 30-year tenure. “The first few years, it wasn’t that much, but in our heyday, we would go through at around 1,000 pounds each year.” Chisholm, who grew up following the racetrack circuit in New Mexico and Arizona, said he got the idea to sell lamb out of a sheep wagon during a season spent herding sheep in Wyoming after college. After importing a wagon from northern Utah and renovating it to include a kitchen and electricity, Chisholm took his idea to

that sheep wagon for several years, and eventually moved out of the wagon and into two different concession stands. He said he chose lamb because he always liked lamb, and liked that it was a healthy meat. “The economics of the sheep industry dictate that the meat is healthier. You don’t have to worry about producers pumping animals full of hormones or slaughtering unhealthy animals — it’s just not worth it for that producer. Plus, I just like the flavor of lamb better.” “I have a lot of memories of going up to the back side of the sheep wagon to order food, and especially looked forward to the days Alex made lamb stew,” said Pat Melendrez, Las Vegas. “We sure missed them this year, It just didn’t feel right without them at the fair.” The majority of the lamb for the concession came directly from the slaughterhouse, Mountain Meadow’s Lamb Corporation, which was eventually bought out by Superior. Meat was then processed at

different U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified shops in town. For the first couple of years, Chisholm also used some lamb raised by New Mexico producers which was processed by the last USDA slaughterhouse in Albuquerque. Before the slaughterhouse provided difcontinued on page 88


r many Thanks for you g the sheep years supportin Mexico! industry in New




Chisholm continued from page 87

ferent cuts of meat, Chisholm cut carcasses for many years. Because ground lamb was not available for purchase in the early years, he ground the lamb for the lamb burgers for several years. This led him to develop a ground lamb product, marketed under the Sheepherder's Café label — the first USDA-approved label for a ground lamb product — at Safeway and Price Club. “New Mexico producers always wanted to know why I wasn’t selling New Mexico lamb, but for years there wasn’t a USDAcertified slaughterhouse in the state. When there was, the price of the product just wasn’t competitive,” Chisholm said. The final two years, however, he purchased his lamb from Heritage Meats, a slaughterhouse in Mountainair that buys and processes lamb grown in-state, and was finally able to sell New Mexico product at the fair. The fun and adrenaline rush of the fair is what kept them coming back year after year, he noted. “It was fun because it was so intense — seventeen days of being right on the edge of chaos but still keeping things together. We all loved being there, loved the experience, and loved the people.”

“We always looked forward to seeing the 4-H and FFA kids, the first week of the fair was always the most fun,” he continued. “The kids were hugely polite, and it was fun to watch them grow up from year to year. It was a combination of the kids, the rush of the crowd, just a lot of things that we really enjoyed.” And it wasn’t just Chisholm who enjoyed the experience, his crew members returned year after year, sometimes from out of state, to help out. “It was never about the money. There are easier ways to make money, but not many more fun ways to make money. It took a certain kind of person to work there. You had to have endurance and the kind of mind that could constantly make small transactions quickly.” “When I first met Alex, I was impressed with his attitude. He was eager, energetic and enthusiastic about his business,” said Jim Sachse, Las Cruces. “He was always very fair with his customers. The Sheepherder’s Café was one of the most reasonably priced places at the fair, and certainly the best place on the fairgrounds to eat.” “Alex is just a hard working, honest, sincere kind of guy,” agreed Dan Liesner, Las Cruces. “One thing that impressed me was that he was always looking for solu-

tions to problems, for how to make things work, and was never critical. It was disappointing to a lot of people when he wasn’t at the fair this year.” For three years, the Sheepherder’s Café sponsored an essay contest on natural resources issues to encourage high school students to develop ideas and further their education. In addition to the State Fair concession, Chisholm operated a restaurant, also called the Sheepherder’s Café for ten years, from fall 1983 to fall 1993 in the university area of Albuquerque, where the fare included lamb and other dishes. He attended law school as a result of a dispute concerning his son’s health care, and has developed a successful business and contract law career. He also operates a construction business, Chisholm Construction, which is managed by his partner of twenty years, Carolyn Murphy. He has one son, John. “Alex had the conviction that lamb was a good product, and made that into a successful venture that was a great benefit to our industry,” concluded Gnatkowski. “He has been a good friend to our family, and a good friend to and ambassador for the n sheep and wool industry.”

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Spring Wagon by CURTIS FORT

This month, I thought we would change horses and drift South from Vermejo . . . off the “rim” to the Pablo Montoya Grant . . . “The Bells.” worked there every summer while going to school at NMSU. While at Cruces, I day-worked and saw lots of desert range . . . Corralitos, Armendaris, and others . . . but it was always great to load my bed and saddle to head for the spring wagon at “The Bells.” Over the years, several friends made the works with me . . . Marvin & Ernest Gard, Joe Cadle, David Bilbrey . . . to name a few. We got there around the 25th of May, put our beds and war sacks in the bunkhouse, and our saddles on the long rack at the barn. The next morning 120 saddle horses splashed across La Cinta Creek into the corral. Leo would rope out eight to ten horses per man and we’d spend the next two or three days shoeing our mounts, loading the wagon and enjoying the great meals at the cookhouse which were prepared by Lana, Leo’s wife. When the horses were shod and the “witch knots” were out of their tails, we’d work out of headquarters. There were several smaller pastures in the breaks around headquarters . . . the South Flat, Creek, Lane and others. In these pastures were the registered herds. We’d hold-up a herd outside, so they’d pair-up, then the roper would ease into ‘em and look at the cows’ horn-brands. He’d roll a “Hoolihan,” then drag a calf over to the flankers. A tattoo was put in the calf’s ear to reflect its breeding. Then he was vaccinated and branded with the “Bell” brand. I’ve mentioned in previous stories, a horse named Rocket, who was in my string the first year I was there. The first time I rode Rocket, I knew as I saddled him, that something was up because of the way the full-time punchers glanced at each other. He was no problem to saddle. I led him out, tightened the cinch, pulled his head around and twisted the oxbow. I eased my




foot in and stepped aboard. I couldn’t feel a hump so I made a circle in the big corral and waited. Everyone followed Leo out the gate and down the lane. He went a couple hundred yards and hit a lope. That’s when Rocket swelled up. I reached up and stuck him in both shoulders and got the same reaction as throwing a can of gas on a campfire . . . Wham! In two jumps, I went over his head, and all the way to the end of those eight-foot reins! Besides being embarrassed, I had the air knocked out of me. I stepped aboard and we hit a lope. I never had any more problems with him, but I think that’s the last time I stung one in the shoulders! A couple of miles later as we dropped off a rim in to the Sabinosa Pasture, Dan Crowley trotted up beside me. With a slight grin, he said, “Don’t let that bother you, ol’ Rocket has done us all that way.” He sure made me feel better. To this day, Dan is still one my “heroes.” He’s worked for big outfits from Arizona to Canada and broke horses for the Parker outfit in Hawaii. Dan and his wife, Terry, now have a herd of their own in northern Arizona. The wagon works on “The Bells,” spring and fall, were done right! An army truck was remodeled with an entire kitchen . . . water tanks, racks for “T” poles, fly and four-wheel drive. Other than that, “The Bells” was still about rope corrals and everything “western,” the way it’s been since Goodnight and Loving headed for Ft. Sumner. As a kid, I’d heard my dad and others mention “out with the wagon.” It makes sense to take the cowboys, wagon, horses, grub and beds and then work the whole outfit . . . all “a-horseback,” no pickups and trailers. We made camp in the Zorro Pasture. At daylight, horses were roped-out and Leo would scatter a drive. Then the roundup would come in and be held outside the corrals. Horses were changed, the herd worked, dry cows and any shippers were cut out and thrown in the holding trap. “The Bells” let every puncher cut the herd and drag in-turn . . .

not just the boss. To be asked to cut the herd was a big deal. As a kid, we held “the cut” off from all the action, but at “The Bells” you worked the herd, so you really started to pay more attention. Then we’d pen the herd, jig over to the rope corral and hobble our mounts. It was time for some good grub at the wagon! Then coffee, a smoke and it was back to the corrals to brand. We’d spray ‘em, hold ‘em to pair-up and drift ‘em back to the range that they came from. Then we’d change horses and Leo would send three men back to pick up the day herd from our last camp. The day herd consisted of the “dry’s” and “bad-eyes” that were cut from each roundup. As we worked the ranch, the day herd grew and we finally threw them into the West Bronc Pasture to be shipped. A horse wrangler stayed with the remuda all day, grazing them and driving them to water, then penning them in rope corrals two or three times per day so fresh horses could be caught. Before supper he’d pen them and Leo would rope out night horses for two punchers. These two cowboys would drive the remuda to the trap, then hobble their horses in the corral. The next morning they got up extra early and penned the remuda when everyone was pulling on their boots. We’d eat breakfast, and the Boss would rope-out horses as each puncher called a name. “Give me Tiger, Timberline, Apache, Rim Rock,” etc. As soon as three or four had gotten their mounts saddled, the cowboys that had wrangled that morning would unsaddle and catch fresh horses, also. There was always a horse or two saddled at “The Bells” . . . 24-7. The year that Marvin and David went with me, David was quizzing me about what to do, etc. I told him not to worry, just to keep his eye on Leo and when he moves, move right behind him. David was raised as a cowboy so he savvied ranch horses and cattle. He was just nervous about his first trip to a big outfit. We’d

been out ten or twelve days and were camped at the Seco corrals. That Seco Pasture was great, eighty sections . . . and the eastern third of it was a big rim with canyons. The Seco Creek went down the middle of it and fed into the La Cinta in the lower half. We’d camp three or four days at the Seco, then move south to Cow Pass corrals and work the lower half. Leo roped out mounts and hit a hightrot to the northwest corner. It was real cloudy and threatening rain. We made the drive and threw the roundup together at the corrals. As we cut the “dry’s,” it began a steady shower. We penned ‘em and hobbled our mounts near the rope-corral. Under the fly we had hot coffee, fried spuds, beefsteak, and biscuits. It sure hit the spot! The rain was real steady, so some punchers rolled out a bed and started a poker game. Leo and I were sitting off to one side and he leaned over and whispered, “Let’s you and I get the horses. The cow works are over for today.” The horse wrangler was involved in the poker game along with David and a few others. We eased out to where our horses were humped up in the rain, slipped the hobbles, and hit a high trot towards the remuda. They were barely visible, a half-mile away in a steady

rain. When we were about halfway there, our mounts jumped forward as something from behind us was closing in fast. We were pulling on their heads as the “booger” flew by. Well, it was David riding Sleepy . . . with that yellow Fresh Horses At Round Top Camp: June, 1969. Left to Right: slicker sticking Fred Romero, David Bilbrey, Johnny Ellis, Marvin Gard, Curtis straight out Fort, Bob Arbuckle. behind him from their speed! As they passed us in a herd turned and penned them in the rope blur, David was yelling, “Whoa, Sleepy, corral . . . with David and Sleepy in the Whoa!” I guess he’d looked up from his middle. That night after supper, the rain poker game, saw the Boss going to work, quit. We had a good fire to stand by as we and mounted like a Pony Express man in drank coffee, had a smoke and dried out. the rain. The faster Sleepy went, the more By the firelight we could see David, with that slicker popped! I can’t describe how his pocket knife out, trimming the bottom fast one-hundred horses can pull out when half off of that slicker. they see a “spook” coming at them. It For Good Reading! reminded me of that scary tale I read as a Dakota Cowboy by Ike Blasingam kid . . . “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” It Bob Sharp’s Cattle Country by was a horse race for miles, but we got that n Robert L. Sharp



BOOK REVIEWS The Proud Bull: A Tale of Catching Wild Cattle . . . With a Twist! By Jim Olson O Slash O, 2009 134 pages Review by Don Bullis his is a tale within a tale. Four young Texas cowboys, working on a ranch in central New Mexico — three hundred sections extending from the Rio Grande to “the mountains on the far east side up above the valley” — test their cowboying mettle against a gnarly old bull in modern times. Along the way they learn a number of valuable lessons. Readers are lead to believe that these are experienced ranch hands so this is no litany of dude misfortunes on the cactus covered New Mexico range. That does not mean, though, that they really knew what they were doing when it came to limiting the freedom of the old bull. They soon learned, for instance, that the big bovine was not in the least intimidated by the pickup truck they drove. The mighty mammal stood in the road as if daring the vehicle to try and pass. Then they learned that a single tranquilizer dart had no effect whatever upon the behavior of el toro, nor did two darts, or even three. In fact it became clear that three jolts of joy juice only made the bull mad; mad enough that he charged the truck with a vengeance. Darts four and five also left the bull unbothered and his on-rush continued. “The bull now had more darts planted into him,” readers are told, “than any other bovine in the history of the tranquilize and tie down method of wild cattle catching.” The cowboys were obliged to retreat, as the bull pursued them. The remainder of the book recounts the further adventures of the four cowboys as the chase goes on, and on. This is a fun book and should be a quick and easy read for ranch folks as well as


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those who have never enjoyed the smell of a manure pile. The ending will please the latter group, but I fear that those who have spent some time on the range will have heard different versions of the story before. The book might have benefited by the services of a proofreader. Misplaced punctionation does not, however, take the fun out of the book. And, readers will not find sex, mayhem or bad language on these pages. Author Jim Olson was raised on a ranch on the high plains of Eastern New Mexico. In addition to his duties as a ranch hand and equipment operator, he became a proficient calf roper and competed at the PRCA level. He continues to enjoy team roping with his family and participates in several events per year. His first book was My Cowboy Heroes Volume I. He is a member of Western Writers of America. He is also the owner of Arizona and New Mexico Ranch Real Estate. He is a regular contributor to the New Mexico Stockman and resides near Stanfield, Arizona. This and other Olson works can be purchased at: www.mycowboyheroes.com/

Cow Country Cooking – Recipes and Tales from Northern Arizona’s Historic Ranches by Kathy McCraine Toppan Printing, 2010 192 pages Review by Lee Pitts rescott, Arizona is cowboy country. Some of the largest ranches in the United States are within a day’s circle on the back of a horse. And Prescott claims to be home to the world’s oldest rodeo. We know, other places also make that claim but let’s just say that since 1888 they’ve been putting on a rodeo in this town. Match that. Kathy McCraine was born in Texas, but after about 50 years the Arizona folks have stopped holding that against her. Her folks moved to Walnut Grove, Arizona, where Kathy was ranch-raised. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Arizona in Journalism and Art and has spent her professional career putting her education to good use. You’ve probably seen her writing, photography and/or artwork if you read Western Horseman, Range, Arizona Highways, Thunderbird Magazine, or American Cowboy. If you haven’t seen her byline in any of those places perhaps you’ve read one of her


three successful cookbooks, (soon to be four) including Camouflage Cuisine, which has been in print for 26 years. Having such traditional and historic ranches in the neighborhood like the O RO, the Diamond A, and Babbitt Ranches inspired Kathy to put together a cookbook featuring recipes and stories used in the bunkhouse, out in cow camps and around the chuck wagon. Without meaning to offend any other writers, let us just say that Kathy’s latest book, Cow Country Cooking, is about the best we’ve ever laid eyes on. Needless to say, these aren’t recipes that start out, “Open a can of Campbell’s mushroom soup.” This is the food of real ranch cooks, not celebrity chefs. “Northern Arizona cowboys,” says Kathy, “have a distinctive style that sets them apart from those in other states, and even southern Arizona. Ranch cooks, however, come in a variety of models. Meat, beans, and potatoes are the staples here, but with such an influx of people from all areas of the country and the world, you’ll find endless ethnic variety, even sophistication, in our ranch cooking. Over the decades many cultures have migrated here. Our neighbors to the south in Sonora brought a style of Mexican cooking that differs from that of Texas or California. The Basque people of France and Spain, who came here to herd sheep in the nineteenth century, brought their own rustic cooking style. Greeks, Germans, and Italians have also added their influence to the rich fusion of ranch cooking. “Many of the cooks I visited at ranch houses, wagons and cow camps were kind enough to write down their recipes. In other cases, I had to sit down and watch them cook, or pry a somewhat rough account of ingredients and cooking directions from them. Then I went home and cooked the dish, figuring out how to duplicate what I had just tasted.” Cow Country Cookbook features two dozen beautiful watercolor paintings by Texas artist, Mark Kohler, and a veritable feast of witty stories and sayings from some top hands on northern Arizona ranches that are as tasty as the recipes. For example, Joe St. Clair, the Diamond A cook said, “When I was growing up things were tough. It was potatoes one day and peelings the next.” And my personal favorite from Wayne Word, the O RO ranch manager: “Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.” That’s what Kathy’s latest offering is, a great big heaping helping of the West that

goes down easy and will leave you begging for seconds. The cookbook is $30 plus $4 shipping and handling ($1.25 for each additional book). Send check or money order to Kathy McCraine, 7765 Williamson Valley Rd., Prescott, AZ 86305. E-mail info@kathymccraine.com

Trouble in a Green Pickup by Charlie McCarty Dorrance Publishing Co, Inc., 2010 Review by Jeamie Burris-Awalt / Silver City Daily Press harlie McCarty titled his book Trouble in a Green Pickup for a reason. The book has come to life by the shared efforts of the McCarty couple and their family. Charlie wrote the stories down on paper and his wife, Thelma, typed. Their family is helping with promotion. It has not been easy for McCarty to get his book published, but he is serious about getting his story told. The setting for the book is western New Mexico with Charlie McCarty being born in February 1940. The book begins by sharing experiences of ranch life, which


generations of the McCarty family has faced. He has lived his life in the general area as many of his ancestors did. When reading the book it becomes apparent that McCarty is an American and proud of it. He has the courage and the backbone required to survive in living in rural New Mexico. McCarty knows first-hand the situations cattlemen experience concerning droughts, floods, cold winters and the people who can affect the business because he has lived that life. He shares accounts of family ranches adn businesses being controlled and ruined by federal government interference. Charlie and Thelma are business owners and have seen many changes over the years in their hometown of Reserve. The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) has affected not only McCarty, but also the lives of his family and countless others in New Mexico. He sheds light on the practices used by the USFS over the past 100 years and the situations created for those involved. The books is worth reading to get the viewpoint and the feelings that many oldtimers in rural New Mexico carry toward the USFS. Copies can be purchased on n Amazon.com.



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Memoriam John L. “Jack” Huning, 81, Los Lunas, passed away on October 21, 2010. He is survived by his three children, Tyler, Eilene, and Nancy. Jack was born in Albuquerque on November 29, 1928, spent much of his childhood in Los Lunas and earned a B.A. in Animal Husbandry from Colorado State University. Jack took over operations of the livestock part of the family business where he received numerous awards from organizations ranging from NM Cattle Growers’ Association to N.A.I.O.P. (a commercial real estate development association) and the P.C.A. (Production Credit Association) where he served as chairman and on the board of directors for many years. Jack was a member of the Cattlegrowers Foundation, Inc. at the time of his passing. Luther Broaddus III, 78, Magdalena, passed away on October 14, 2010 at his home. Luther was born on May 9, 1932 in Berryville, Virginia. He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1954 and then founded

Specialized Agriculutral Publications. He is survived by his wife, Toni; his daughters, Lucia Hartwell (husband, George); Laura Jean Roman; Linda Lou Broaddus; sons, Harry Lee (wife, Carol); Frank (wife, Rita); Parker (wife, Charis); and Daniel; and Toni’s daughters, Jerri Rush (husband, David); and Martha Woodward (husband, Bill); 13 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; five sisters; three brothers; and many nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. Luther first came to NM to speak, by invitation, to the Public Lands Council at Cattle Grower’s Convention. He determined to buy a New Mexico ranch, which he did. Luther was a member of the First Baptist Church of Magdalena, NM Cattle Growers, NM Farm Bureau, and NRA. He was a former writer for the New Mexico Stockman magazine, and the Mountain Mail Newspaper. Luther also was a former chairman of the Livestock Committee of Catron County and assisted with the publication of the Catron County, (NM) Com-

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prehensive Land Use Plan. From 1990 to 1995 Luther served on the board of directors of the AZ-NM Coalition Counties. George S. Sisneros, 92, Arabela, passed away in his home on October 13, 2010 following a long illness. Born May 21, 1918 in Roswell to George S. Sisneros and Pablita Fresquez, George was raised on their sheep ranch in Arabela by his mother and stepfather (“Dad”), Leopoldo Pacheco. A 1938 graduate of Roswell High and of the 1940 NMMI Jr. College, he enlisted in the Army in 1941, completing his service in 1945 as a S/Sgt in the 604th FA Bn., 10th Mountain Division. He was awarded a Bronze Star in the Italian campaign, World War II. George was a past president of the Penasco Valley Telephone Co-operative, of the board at Otero County Electric Cooperative, and of the Roswell Evening Optimist Club. He was a member of the New Mexico Wool Growers and a Knight of Columbus, and a former chairman of the Lincoln County Republican Party. Survivors include his wife, Rosemary; three daughters, Martha Meisinger, Houston; Rebecca Joyce, Houston; Christie Anne Houghton, Oklahoma City and four sons, George Jr., Hondo, Texas; Frank, Arabela; Ray, Temple, Texas; and Brian, Queen Creek, Arizona; as well as numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and friends. Jack W. Merritt, 97, Roswell, passed away November 18, 2010. Jack was born January 21, 1913 in Tokeo, Texas to James and Ella Jane Merritt. Jack is survived by a sister, Mary Cloe Jackson of San Antonio, Texas, nephew Ronnie Merritt (wife, Beverly) and a host of family and friends who will miss him greatly. Jack served his country in the Army in World War II. He was a pioneer and rancher in the Piñon area. He was a member of the Cattle Growers, Wool Growers’, and The Church of Christ. Jack was a master of many trades (trapping, hunting, stockman, builder, welder, horseman). He was a strong supporter of our community. He had a deep love for his family. Marshall Lewis Kinkead, 89, Junction, Texas, passed away at his home on November 9, 2010 with his family at his side. Born in Lucille, New Mexico on August 25, 1921, he was the son of James continued on page 95



In Memorium

continued from page 94

and Nell Kinkead, descendants of pioneer families that homesteaded near the cap rock and Montoya Valley. Lewis was a natural athlete, was the tennis champion in high school and was an avid golfer. He participated in all rodeo events but his real love was roping, making National Finals in Steer Roping for a number of years. Lewis served in World War II and had mentioned that his hobby was rodeo, and when his recruiter heard this, assigned him to radio school. He married Letty Jo Massey, in 1943 in Santa Fe. They made their home south of Montoya and gradually acquired their ranch after many years of hard work. They retired in 2002 and moved to Junction to be closer to family. To Lewis, being a cowboy was a way of life, not a hobby, and he carried himself this way in his stature and demeanor. Survivors include his wife, Letty Jo; two daughters, Linda Johnston (husband, Tom), Junction; Donna Patterson, Normangee, Texas; three grandsons; nine great grandchildren; a sister, Dorothy Farmer; a brother, Jimmy Kinkead and many nieces and nephews. Mary Beth Truby, 76, Largo Canyon, died on November 3, 2010 in Farmington. Born on May 15, 1934 in Bellville, Illinois, to Victor and Paula (Reeves) Byers, Beth attended Catholic schools in Belleville and Albuquerque as well as Los Lunas High. She married Harold Truby in 1952. Beth was a self-employed rancher. In addition to her livestock, Beth loved her pets and provided the area stop for coffee, tea and cookies. She is survived by her daughters Barbara, Jenny and Cathy Bonds (husband, Vernon); son David and many nieces and n nephews.

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Water Rights

continued from page 76

between landowners’ rights to water beneath their land and the authority of groundwater authorities to regulate it. Besides groundwater planning, conservationists will also be putting forward proposals next session. Among them: remedying municipal water-conservation reporting requirements, which currently do not adhere to a common standard, thus making it hard for the state to judge the success of conservation efforts. State Sen. Florence Shapiro, R-Plano, has already filed a bill on on the subject, and the Sunset report recommends making this change. Another bill would require most water utilities to audit their water losses (from leaky pipelines or other glitches) each year, as opposed to the current requirement of every five years. A bill to do this was pushed last session by state Rep. Tara Rios-Ybarra, D-Padre Island. But it “got lost in muddle,” says Carole Baker, the Texas-based chairwoman of the national Alliance for Water Efficiency (Rios-Ybarra was beaten in the March primary). Legislation to encourage rainwater harvesting was also introduced last session by Rep. Doug Miller, R-New Braunfels, and defeated state Rep. Patrick Rose, D-Dripping Springs; rainwater’s backers could try again. Then there is Sunset. Unlike other agencies subject to Sunset review, the Texas Water Development Board will not be automatically abolished if Sunset legislation is not passed. But the Sunset process will increase scrutiny of the agency, which, as the report notes, is “not accustomed to being square in the eye of

Horses Pigs Goats PACIFIC Sheep Calves Cows LIVESTOCK Bulls Horses Pigs AUCTION Goats Sheep Calves Cows Bulls Horses All types of cattle sold Goats on Wednesday; Pigs Sheep horses, pigs, sheep, Calves Bulls goatsCows and calves on Saturday. Horses Pigs Goats 480/839-2938 Sheep Steve Calves Lueck, FredCows Lueck, Jr. Call Anytime to Visit About Your Cattle Bulls Horses Goats 5025 W. PECOS • CHANDLER, AZ 85228

controversy” but is currently in the crossfire of concerns about its groundwaterplanning process. The Water Development Board also badly needs something else from the Legislature to keep it going: up to $6 billion in bond-issuance authority, money that will go toward projects like fixing sewer systems or keeping tap water safe, as well as assisting small rural water utilities. The board generally has to request the money (not its only source of funding, but its largest) every few years, and current bond money “may be exhausted as soon as the end of fiscal year 2011,” according to the Sunset report. Any bonding authority must also be approved by voters and will presumably be on the ballot next November. But getting bonding authority approval is “going to be semi-controversial,” says Ken Kramer, the Texas director of the Sierra Club. The reason is that, unlike past bond issues, the Water Development Board is requesting up to $6 billion in permanent, or “evergreen” authority — meaning that, unlike in the past, it will not need to keep going back to the voters unless truly vast sums are needed. “That is something that many of us have a problem with because it takes away one layer of accountability,” Kramer says. The environmental community, he says, is “probably going to be in opposition to the evergreen n provision.”



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Calendar of

EVENTS December 2010 2 – 5 / Joint Stockmen’s Convention, Albuquerque, NM 6 / Jacobsen Ranch Salers Production Sale, Western Livestock Auction, Great Falls, MT

9 / New Mexico State Game Commission Meeting, Clovis, NM 15 / Ad copy deadline for January New Mexico Stockman 30 / Grass to Grid Customer Appreciation Female Sale, Beaver, OK

January 2011 1 / Ad copy deadline for January Livestock Market Digest 6 - 22 / Nat’l Western Stock Show, Denver, CO 14 - Feb 5 / Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo 15 / Ad copy deadline for February New Mexico Stockman

15-17 / American Galloway Breeders’ Assn. Cattle Show at the NWSS, Denver, CO 18 - 19 / Southwest Beef Symposium, Amarillo, TX 20 - 23 / American Sheep Industry Assn. Convention, Reno, NV 25-29 / Red Bluff All Breeds Bull & Gelding Sale, CA

February 2011 1 / Ad copy deadline for February Livestock Market Digest 2 - 5 / National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Convention, Denver, CO 12 / Bradley 3 Ranch Annual Bull Sale, Estelline, TX 12 / Best in the West Brangus Sale, Marana, AZ 15 / Ad copy deadline for March New Mexico Stockman 21 / Weaver Ranch Annual Sale, Ft. Collins, CO 25 / 20th Annual Pot of Gold Bull Sale, Olathe, CO 26 / 20th Annual Roswell Brangus Bull & Female Sale, Roswell NM

March 2011 1 / Ad copy deadline for March Livestock Market Digest 5 / Ad copy deadline for March Livestock Market Digest 12 / Laflin Ranch Angus Bull & Female Sale, Ohsburg, KS 15 / Ad copy deadline for April New Mexico Stockman 16 / Wagonhammer Ranches Production Sale, Albion, NE 18 / 50th Annual Tucumcari Bull Test Sale, Tucumcari, NM 18 - 19 / Cattlemen’s Weekend / Prescott Livestock Auction, Prescott, AZ 19 / Four States Ag Expo 3rd Annual All Breeds Bull & Heifer Sale, Cortez, CO 20 / 16th Annual Bull & Heifer Sale, Hales Angus Farm, Canyon, TX

April 2011 1 / Ad copy deadline for April Livestock Market Digest 2 / 27th Annual DeBruycker Charolais Sale, Dutton MT 10 / Redd Ranches High Altitude Bull Sale, Paradox, CO 15 / Ad copy deadline for May New Mexico Stockman 28 - 30 / New Mexico Women’s Ag Leadership Conference, American National Cattlewomen’s Region VI Meeting, Albuquerque, NM Beckton Stock Farm Annual Production n Sale, Sheridan, WY 96




Li DOminO 0700

I 97





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our friends and family will remember you each month when they open their mailbox and find their monthly New Mexico Stockman Magazine containing all the news that is news in the livestock industry in the Southwest.


1 yr. subscription / $19.95 2 yr. subscription / $29.95 Subscribe on the web at: www.aaalivestock.com, call 505.243.9515 and ask for Marguerite, or mail your check to: POB 7127, Albuquerque, NM 87194 For that middle-of-the-month livestock news fix, subscribe to the Livestock Market Digest.

Same rates / can be obtained in the same place.


BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS & A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! — The staff at the New Mexico Stockman Magazine & the Livestock Market Digest! 98






American Angus Association . . . . . .38 Albuquerque Christian Children’s Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 ADM / Joe Delk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Adobe Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 American Galloway Breeders Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 45 Ag New Mexico FCS, ACA . . . . . . .14 Ag Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Ken Ahler Real Estate . . . . . . . . . .83 Apache Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . .47 Arizona Ranch Real Estate . . . . . . .85 Ash Marketing Service . . . . . . . . . .77 B

DNA for quality grade, tenderness & feed efficiency www.grauranch.com

Lane Grau Wesley Grau 575/760-6336 575/760-7304

Bulls, Heifers & Bred Heifers Available

Merry Christmas From Us Here In Grady, New Mexico

B & H Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Ken Babcock Sales . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Bar G Feedyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Bar J Bar Herefords . . . . . . . . .47, 97 Bar M Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Tommy Barnes Auctioneer . . . . . . .77 Barth Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Beefmaster Breeders United . . . . . .11 Best in the West Brangus Sale . . . . .6 BJM Sales & Service, Inc. . . . . . . . .77 Border Tank Resources . . . . . . . . .78 Bottari Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Raymond Boykin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Bradley 3 Ranch LTD . . . . . . . . . .44 Brennand Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Brighton Feed & Saddlery . . . . . . .54 Brown Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Bull Run Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 C

C&M Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 C Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Campbell Simmentals . . . . . . . . . .43 Canon Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Carter Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . .27, 43 Casey Beefmasters . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Cates Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Cattleman’s Livestock Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Caviness Packing Co., Inc. . . . . . . .60 Centerfire Real Estate . . . . . . . . . .83 CJ Beefmasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Clark Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Clovis Livestock Markets . . . . . . . .57 Coba Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Chip Cole Ranch Broker . . . . . . . . .82 Coleman Herefords . . . . . . . . .26, 47 Conniff Cattle Co., LLC . . . . . .17, 44 Cooper Beefmasters . . . . .15, 33, 42 Cox Ranch Herefords . . . . . . . . . . .47 Coyote Ridge Ranch . . . . . . . . . . .47 CPE Feeds Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 CPI Pipe & Steel, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .55 Craig Limousin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Cruikshank Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Crystalyx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 George Curtis, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 D




D & S Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . .45 D Squared Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 David Dean / Campo Bonita, LLC .84 Decker Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Dan Delaney Real Estate, Inc . . . . .84

Desert Scales & Weighing Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Domenici Law Firm . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Dry Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 E

Elgin Breeding Service . . . . . . . . . .43 Express UU Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . .102 F

F & F Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Fallon-Cortese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Farm Credit of New Mexico . . . . . . .8 Farmway Feed Mill . . . . . . . . . . . .63 FBFS / Monte Anderson . . . . . . . . .67 FBFS / Larry Marshall . . . . . . . . . .92 Five State Livestock Auction . . . . . .67 Flying W Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 49 Four States Ag Expo . . . . . . . . . . .14 Freeman Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Fury Farms Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13



J & J Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 JaCin Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Joe’s Boot Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 K

Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Eq .76 Kail Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Keepseagle v. USDA . . . . . . . . . . .74 Keeton Limousin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 King Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Klein Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29, 42 L

L & H Mfg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Laflin Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31, 43 La Gloria Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Lee, Lee & Puckitt / Kevin Reed . .78 LG Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46



GCC Griswold Cattle . . . . . . . . . . .19 Genex/Candy Trujillo . . . . . . . . . . .47 Giant Rubber Water Tanks . . . . . . .52 Gnatkowski Family . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Goemmer Land & Livestock . . .36, 44 Gosney Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Grau Charolais . . . . . . . . . . .43, 100 Wesley Grau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Greer & Winston . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Tom Growney Equipment, Inc. . .3, 76

Manford Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . .47, 49 Manzano Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Marana Stockyards & Livestock Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 McGinley Red Angus . . . . . . . .17, 43 Mead Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Merrick’s, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Mesa Feed Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Mesa Tractor, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .52, 77 Michelet Homestead Realty . . . . . .82 Chas S. Middleton & Son . . . . . . . .84 Miller Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Milligan Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Monfette Construction Co. . . . . . . .77 Montano del Oso Ranch . . . . . . . . .45 Mountain View Ranch . . . . . . . . . .38 Murney Associates / Paul McGilliard 82 Mur-Tex Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77


Hales Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 45 Harrison Quarter Horses . . . . . . . . .76 Hartzog Angus Ranch . . . . . . .20, 44 Headquarters West, Ltd. . . . . . . . .79 Henard Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Hereford Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Hi-Pro Feeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 Home Ranch Real Properties & Equity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Hubbell Ranch . . . . . . . . .24, 42, 47 Hudson Livestock Supplements . . . .2 Hugley Co. Land Sales . . . . . . . . . .82 Huston Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Hutchison Western . . . . . . . . . . . .101


National Western Stock Show . . . . .53 New Mexico Cattle Growers Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 New Mexico CowBelles . . . . . . . . .66

New Mexico Property Group . . . . . .78 N.M. Purina Dealers . . . . . . . . . .104 NMSU Animal & Ranges Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25, 28 New Mexico Wool Growers, Inc. . . .87 Nine Cross Hereford Ranch . . . . . .31 No-Bull Enterprises LLC . . . . . . . . .28 O

O’Neil Land, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 OXO Hereford Ranches . . . . . . . . .42 P

Pacific Livestock Auction . . . . . . . .95 Paco Feed Yard LTD . . . . . . . . . . .64 Pancho Villa / Ben Williams, Jr. . . .56 Parker Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Dan Paxton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Perky Cowgirl Press . . . . . . . . . . .51 Phillips Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 PolyDome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 Porter Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Pratt Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32, 49 Cattle Guards/Priddy Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Joe Priest Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . .80

Santa Rita Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Sci-Agra Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .77, 96 Scott Land Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Singleton Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Skaarer Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Smith Land & Cattle Co, LLC . . . . .41 Suzanne Smith Company . . . . . . . .64 Southern Star Ranch . . . . . . . .16, 47 Southwest Ag, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Southwest Brangus Breeders Co-op . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Stockmen’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Joe Stubblefield & Associates . . . . .83 Brand / Elaine Stevenson . . . . . . . .77 Swihart Sales Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 T

3 Mile Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 3Ms Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Top of the Valle Bull Sale . . . . . . . .89 Tri-State Angus Ranches . . . . .21, 76 Tucumcari Bull Test Sale . . . . . . . .89 2 Bar Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 U

U Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 USA Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45



Ramro, LLC / R.J. Cattle Co. . . . . . .7 The Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 D.J. Reveal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54, 76 Ken Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Riley & Knight Appraisal, LLC . . . .81 Rivale Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Robertson Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Robbs Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Tom Robb & Sons . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Rod Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Roswell Brangus Bull & Female Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Roswell Livestock Auction Co. . . . .12 Running Arrow Farm . . . . . . . . . . .26 Running Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . .43

Brand / Richard Van de Valde . . . .78 Virden Perma-Bilt . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 W

Wedel Red Angus . . . . . . . . . .19, 42 Weichert Realtors / 505 Group 79, 80 Williams Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Williams Windmill, Inc. . . .61, 65, 76 Western Heritage Bank . . . . . . . . .94 Western Legacy Alliance . . . . . . . . .68 Westlake Cattle Growers, LLC . . . .27 WW-Paul Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Y

R. L. York Custom Leather . . . . . .51


St. Vrain Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . .44 Santa Gertrudis Breeders Int’l . . . .43


Zinpro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55



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20th Anniversary

ROSWELL BRANGUS SALE Join us for the Celebration

. .

. .

• Thanks to J. R. Lovato for purchasing our top bred heifer.

• Thanks to Brown Brothers for again purchasing our champion bull. Watch for their consignments of outstanding heifers – they are always good! • Thanks to Bobby Victor for purchasing our open heifers. He will be consigning some top quality heifers to the sale this year.

SLEEP EASY 027S — Owned with Justin and Mikayla Ware,

• Thanks to Tyler Allen of Cotulla, TX, & Haylee Bidegain of San Simon, AZ, for purchasing show heifers sired by Sleep Easy. Good Luck!

Bovina, TX and Traci Middleton, Puryear, TN — Semen Available —


If you can’t attend the sale in person, bid live onr 48 te DVAuction — Regisle at sa hours before the dvauction.com


Joe Paul & Rosie Lack • P.O. Box 274, Hatch, NM 87937 • Phone: 575/267-1016 • Fax: 575/267-1234 Bill Morrison • 411 CR 10, Clovis, NM 88101 • 575/760-7263 • bvmorrison@yucca.net CONTACT THESE SOUTHWEST BRANGUS BREEDERS FOR BRANGUS BULLS AND FEMALES

Troy Floyd P.O. Box 133 Roswell, NM 88201 Phone: 575/734-7005



Lack-Morrison Brangus JOE PAUL & ROSIE LACK P.O. Box 274, Hatch, NM 87937 Phone: 575/267-1016 • Fax: 575/267-1234 BILL MORRISON 411 CR 10, Clovis, NM 88101 Phone: 575/760-7263 Email: bvmorrison@yucca.net lackmorrisonbrangus.com

Parker Brangus LARRY PARKER San Simon, AZ 85632 Days: 520/845-2411 Evenings: 520/845-2315 Larry’s Cell: 520/508-3505 Diane’s Cell: 520/403-1967 Email: jddiane@vtc.net

Townsend Brangus GAYLAND and PATTI TOWNSEND P.O. Box 278 Milburn, Oklahoma 73450 Home: 580/443-5777 Cell: 580/380-1606



Why W hyy Feed Feeeeed 3385,1 385,1$ 1$ Q Quality uualit ity ty B Beef eeef M Minerals? ineralss? Because BBe eccaauusse of o what whhaatt happens w hhaappppeens ns ifi you oou don’t! don’t!

Why are more Ranchers using sing

Balanced B alanced M Mineral inerral N Nutrit utttrittion tion Consist Consisten ste tent nt Consumpti Consumpttion on Weatther Resist W sta tantt &RQY YH HQLHQFH ‡ 12 :$67( HQLH

Purina Wind & Rain M Mineral ineral Tubs? “More of my cattle will eat mineral on the new tub compa ared to any other bag or block mineral!

Contact these Purina Dealers to discuss your needs . . . BRUHN B RUHN ENTE ENTERPRISES NTERPRISES RPR S S



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