The Cowboy Math of Mature Cow Size and Calf Revenue Generated by Mark Z. Johnson, Oklahoma State University Extension Beef Cattle Breeding Specialist, CowCalf Corner 26 Fake “Meat” Products Linked to Heart Failure Death, Study Finds by Frank Bergman,
32 Cattle Prices Hold as Global Beef Production Starts to Contract
Source: Rabobank
36 Meat is Essential for Human Health, the Environment and Society, Scientists Declare
Source: Protect The Harvest
40 Rangeland Fire Protections Associations Make a Difference by Heather Smith Thomas
55 Livestock Grazing to Prevent Wildfires
Source: Protect The Harvest
57 New Mexico Livestock Board Outlines Need for Fee Increase
59 Natural Resources Law Center Seeking Executive
60 Solving the Housing Crisis By Selling Government Land by William Perry Pendley, Washington Examiner
63 2024 Directory of New Mexico Agriculture
175 State Wildlife Action Plan for New Mexico Topic of Public Meetings
186 Lawsuit Launched to Protect Endangered Jumping Mouse, Streamside Habitat in New Mexico’s Sacramento Mountains
187 Stephen J. “Tio” Kleberg to Receive National Golden Spur Award on October 5
188 Book Review: Stick Horse Scriptures
188 2024-2025 New Mexico FFA Officers
192 NMSHRA - Zajayda Carl by Julie Carter
194 Joe N. “Buzz” Thorp to Receive Ranching Heritage Association Working Cowboy Award
198 Help Wanted by Jaclyn
• Highest Standards in Quality & Consistency
• Fortified With Essential Nutrients
• High Energy, High Digestibility
• Economical to Feed
• For All Types of Livestock
Grau Ranch bull sired the Grand Champion Carcass steer in San Antonio in the production division with 87 head entered. The calf was a purebred Charolais steer.
Quality Grade: Prime plus Yield Grade: 2.3
Ribeye: 16.5
Fat thickness: .4
Dressing %: 62%
The Calf was fed and entered by Andrew Louis Jones from Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch.
These kinds of calves weigh more and bring more money than the others.
The US Constitution puts only one duty on US citizens. That is to serve jury duty when called.
Among the many rights and privileges the Constitution gives us is the right to VOTE.
Many of us grew up in families where going to the polling place was a tradition for the entire family. Times have changed. There are many options for voting including early voting, absentee voting and election day voting.
Itdoesn’t matter which one you choose — JUST GET YOUR BALLOT in the box .
Here are the important dates for New Mexico: EARLY IN-PERSON VOTING: Tuesday, October 8 through Saturday, November 2 DEADLINE TO REQUEST ABSENTEE BALLOT: Tuesday, October 22 ELECTION DAY, DEADLINE TO RETURN ABSENTEE BALLOT: Tuesday, November 5
It has often been said that every election is the most important one that the United States has ever faced. It felt that way at the time. It is not rocket science to understand the plight of our nation at this time. This IS the most important election we have ever faced. With that in mind, now is the time to get to know candidates. Make sure they support your views. Help the ones that will make a difference in your life, your family and your community. Help can include campaign volunteering and donations. Make sure everyone you know is registered to vote.
by Bronson Corn NMCGA President PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
Bronson Corn President Roswell
Tom Paterson President-Elect Luna
Dave Kenneke NW Vice President Cimarron
Jeff Decker SE Vice President Lovington
Roy Farr SW Vice President Datil
Cliff Copeland NE Vice President Nara Visa
Becky King-Spindle Vice President at Large Moriarty
Shacey Sullivan Secretary/Treasurer Peralta
Loren Patterson Immediate Past President Corona
Randell Major Past President
Is it just me or has this year gone by abnormally fast? It seems like two weeks ago it was January, and now, here we are in the middle of June. When I was younger, people would always tell me that the older you get the faster time goes, and I’m not going to lie I kind of thought they were a little full of it. Boy was I wrong!
It seems like the more we have going on, the faster time goes, which is a good and a bad thing. The good thing about time moving so quickly is that we are able to see progress on tasks that we’re working on, but the bad thing about it is we don’t make time for the things that we should. It’s a fine line to walk between being productive in our tasks, and being productive in our families!
We, as an organization, take on a lot of responsibilities, not just the day-to-day operations, not just taking care of our members, not just on the legal battles, not just on legislative issues that affect our industry, not just private property rights, not just federal lands issues, but we are tasked with trying to juggle all of it on a daily basis. I am very proud of the work that we accomplish each and every day.
Your NMCGA team leans very heavily on God’s influence for the decisions that we are faced with each and every day. It’s for that reason and the fact that we have an extremely strong membership pool as to why we have a prosperous and growing organization, and I’m proud to be a part of it.
Last month there was an article written about the history of the New Mexico Cattle Growers and the Public Lands Council (PLC). It shed a lot of light on what has happened in the past. The past is very relevant, and I appreciate and understand the trepidation behind rejoining the Public Lands Council.
The things that happened in the past were horrible and should never be forgotten. I fully understand the positions of those who were wronged by that organization in the past.
That being said, I do want to express our point of view on why we decided to become members of PLC once again. For several years, the PLC has stepped up and helped us to get meetings in places that we were unable to for one reason or the other. They did these things not just to help New Mexico, but to help all of the states that have issues on their federally allocated lands.
Are we going to agree on every issue every time? Absolutely not. I am not blind to the fact that there are times where we will be completely opposed to what PLC is doing. If we’re not at the table when these decisions are being made, then what voice do we have? I relate it to voting. If you didn’t vote, then you can’t complain to me about how things have happened. We are not a full dues paying member of the PLC. We currently are paying $7,500 per year for our membership. They know if NMCGA members do not see that they are working hard for us that this will more than likely be just a one year membership.
My role as President is to fight for and protect the future of our organization and industry, and we as an organization need all the help we can get to ensure that happens. I encourage you to ask any questions or give any comments about this decision to me, as we are making decisions to give our next generation the best chance at success that we can give them.
Take Care, God Bless You, Pray for Rain, and “Ya’ll Have a Good’en” ▫
Corn, NMCGA President
by Caren Cowan, Publisher
The Chevron Decision
The original decision came in 1984 in Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984). It was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court that set forth the legal test for when U.S. federal courts must defer to a government agency’s interpretation of a law or statute. The decision articulated a doctrine known as “Chevron deference”
Chevron deference consisted of a twopart test that was deferential to government agencies: first, whether Congress has spoken directly to the precise issue at question, and second, “whether the agency’s answer is
based on a permissible construction of the statute”.
The decision involved a legal challenge to a change in the U.S. government’s interpretation of the word “source” in the Clean Air Act of 1963. The Act did not precisely define what constituted a “source” of air pollution.
For 40 years the Chevron decision allowed federal agencies to run roughshod over science and the public, often doing grave injustice to ranchers. From 1997 until around 2010, the ranching industry fought in court to retain their rights to ranch on federal lands in the face of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) and other such laws. There were many cases that were won in the beginning.
However with changes of administrations many of those wins were regulated away. The federal courts didn’t care how much valid science we were able to produce, the agencies received deference and won the day. In one case a judge told us that it was okay for a federal agent to lie as long as they thought they were in pursuit of their duty.
Sadly, the West had only so much that could be spent on litigation when the feds prevailed in nearly every case.
The US Supreme Court reversed Chevron
deference on June 28, 2024 using the APA. Federal agents of all flavors will no longer be able to be the sole determiner of what rules and regulations are supposed to mean and how they apply to individuals.
While conservatives hail this decision as one that will put the government back in its intended role. The courts, not administrative agencies, will have the power to interpret statutes.
They know that the decision itself will not immediately change anything. The decision will be used in future cases to provide more just conclusions on what Congress intended in a specific law.
Legislative bodies more often than not pass laws with little specificity, allowing agencies to determine and implement regulations. Those regulations may go well beyond the intent of the legislation.
Extremists have quickly cried foul claiming that regulations meant to protect the public will simply be overturned leaving great uncertainty in the country. That couldn’t be further from the truth. To use the new Chevron case, new litigation challenging offending regulations must be filed and won for anything to change.
continued on page 14>>
New Mexico Stockman
It is fair to assume that litigation will be forthcoming using Chevron to bring balance back to regulatory authority. The amount of litigation will depend upon the financing available.
Carbon Tax on Agriculture
Denmark will be the first nation in the world to institute a carbon tax on cattle. Dairy farmers are facing an annual tax of 672 krone ($96) per cow for the supposed plant-heating emissions they generate. The new tax is targeted to take place in 2030.
The Danish dairy industry broadly welcomed the agreement and its goals, but it has angered some farmers. Peder Tuborgh, the CEO of Arla Foods, Europe’s largest dairy group, said the agreement was “positive” but that farmers who “genuinely do everything they can to reduce emissions” should not be subjected to a tax.
Climate Change Around the World
Last month we talked about the Netherlands’ move to the right as a result of its climate policies. In June the European Union took a hard right turn presumably for the same reason.
Just days ago England took a hard left. But France is leaning to the right in its elections. In Canada, Trudeau stayed in power but his party fell short of a majority.
Who knows where the US will end up, but remember to exercise your vote!
Global Cooling
According to an article in the Washington Post, fossil fuel burning has been cooling the planet while it was warming. Tiny particles from the combustion of coal, oil and gas can reflect sunlight and spur the formation of clouds, shading the planet from the sun’s rays.
Since the 1980s, those particles have offset between 40 and 80 percent of the
warming caused by greenhouse gases. And now, as society cleans up pollution, that cooling effect is waning.
New regulations have cut the amount of sulfur aerosols from global shipping traffic across the oceans; China, fighting its own air pollution problem, has slashed sulfur pollution dramatically in the last decade. The result is even warmer temperatures.
Fishy News…
It took nearly 11 years, but the US Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) has concluded that two unassuming species of fish found in the Rio Grande basin do not warrant federal protections.
Capping a long and litigated journey in which a federal judge had to cut the agency some slack, the FWS determined that neither the Rio Grande chub nor the Rio Grande sucker meet the Endangered Species Act criteria for listing as threatened or endangered species, according to Greenwire.
(806)888-1062 office
James Henderson • (940) 585-6171, cell
Mary Lou Bradley-Henderson • (940) 585-6471, cell
Minnie Lou Bradley
Dear Citizens of New Mexico and The United States,
Ihave held my tongue and pen as long as I can stand. I fought forest fires in the Black Range during the 1960s and ‘70s. Back then we tried to put them out when they were small, and when you had control and not the fires as they do today. It makes me sick when someone says, “It’s only 10 acres or 40 acres and 0 percent contained.”
I understand why they do it, because if you don’t do something, trees, brush and grass will get so thick it will burn. Many fires were already big, we tried to build a fire line around them. They don’t want to sell the trees for lumber or poles or whatever, they try to discourage grazing anyway they can, i.e. introducing wolves, etc.
Several years ago a retired forest ranger and I were talking and I said, “I see all the forest needs a good herd of goats,” and he said, “I agree but the Washington bureaucrats don’t want that.” I think they’re still doing that.
I saw a picture of Ruidoso and I think back to a few years ago when there was a similar situation in California. A young man that grew up close to us, married a young girl and moved to California and bought a small acreage. He always mowed his grass and kept his place clean while the neighbors said they wanted theirs to look natural.
When the fire struck, the town looked like Ruidoso, but his looked fine. I hear the adage defund the police, I think we should defund the Forest Service, but I guess that’s not possible. I talked to some friends several years ago about getting the Forest Service away from the Department of Agriculture,
but they said, “Harvey, that won’t be a good idea because the Forest Service always gets huge allocations and sometimes the only way we get anything for farmers and ranchers is on the shirttail of the Forest Service Appropriations Bill.”
So I guess we have to sit around and watch property burn up and people die until people start demanding better things from local leaders. If we can return to the ways of the past by grazing, cleaning debris, and cutting fire lines immediately, we can return our forests back to healthy havens our future generations can enjoy.
I hear that part of the fire was on the Mes-
calero Apache land. It had been years since I was over there, but at that time they had been and were still logging the big stuff and cleaning up between the trees and it looked beautiful just like ours should look.
At 88 years old sometimes I can’t do much physically. I just sit around and dream of the way I wish things were, so it is up to you younger generations to try to get something done.
Thank you, – Harvey Chatfield Caballo, NM ▫
Doesn’t it seem like summertime is just as busy as any other times these days?
We keep rolling from one thing to the next without stopping. Or maybe it’s just me. But onward and upward we go!
Last month, we had a very well attended and efficient Mid-year Meeting, brought some new Ambassadors into the fold, awarded some well deserving students some scholarships, and honored our CowBelle Man of the Year. It was great to see old friends and visit, and make some new ones. We also honored our long-time friend to CowBelles, Dina Reitzel, as she prepares to retire from New Mexico Beef Council (NMBC).
needed it. There’s a lot of people who are very grateful for Dina.
We’re not saying goodbye though, it’s just see you later. Dina will still be around, and I am excited to hear about her adventures with her grandkids. I know they will be filled with fun and smiles. Enjoy it all, my dear friend and mentor –you’ve definitely earned it!
Until next month, please continue to pray for rain, pray for relief for those who have endured fires and floods, and be a good neighbor.
– Michelle Greeman NMCB President
Corriente CowBelles met in April with 12 in attendance preparing the annual scholarship fundraiser. The Corriente CowBelles Cowboy Cash Jackpot. Tickets are $100 each good for two people. Dinner will be cooked by Mike and Melody Gaines and held at the Carrizozo Country Club. The Graham Bros Band will be playing. Last ticket Drawn wins grand prize. Need not be present to win. The JINGLE
To simply say thank you isn’t really enough. Dina has been a stalwart supporter of our organization for many years. She’s a true advocate for the beef industry, and in her 30 plus years as Executive Director of NMBC she has rolled with changes, been an innovator, stood her ground when needed, and served as a mentor for many of us — myself included.
I’ve known Dina for many years, and the last few as I have made my way through the ranks of the CowBelles executive board have been incredibly special. She has been a sounding board for our ideas and encouraged us to keep trying new ways to reach our members. Dina made sure we had the help we needed to bring life to new beef lessons for schools and ag days, and provided us with give-aways and handouts for any event we needed. Beyond that, she has lent a hand in countless other ways, not just to CowBelles, but to anyone in our industry that
group able to obtain lodgers tax funding to help with some of the expenses. T-shirts made to advertise, Radio time in July, and word of mouth. For tickets please contact any Corriente CowBelle or call Cheryl Barber at 405-822-5094. The group received six scholarship applications, four seniors and two continuing education applications, as well as two Pat Nowlin Scholarship applications. This was a really good year. Several Corriente CowBelles will assist Canyon CowBelles with AG day on May 2nd in Carrizozo. CowBelles will begin the quilt to raffle soon. Letters will go out to the local ranches for the opportunity to purchase a block for their brand. Submitted by Cheryl Barber, President
Yucca CowBelles and Woolgrowers met in May at CVE in Artesia, with 13 members and one guest in attendance. Erlene Ellett served as Hostess. The ladies enjoyed hearing from two Artesia FFA members Bailey Trujillo and Madison Mancha. Bailey spoke on the FFA Creed and Madison spoke on Lab Grown Meat. The meeting was then called to order by President Joan Kincaid. Ande Marbach led the Pledge of Allegiance and Karen Patterson read the CowBelle Creed. Minutes were read and approved and Trisha Monk gave the Treasurer report. Correspondence was shared. CowBelles Banner for the Fair Booth was voted on. Name Tags were distributed. Lindsey Waldrop reported on the Region VI meeting. There were a lot of vendors, fun activities, and door prizes. About 80 people attended and everyone loved the centerpieces and Joan Kincaid won Yucca’s. Lauren Marbach spoke about Ag Day at Park Jr. High. Kids were very interested in learning and enjoyed the hands-on activities. She mentioned the students were very polite. The Summer joint meeting of Cattle Growers, Wool Growers, Land Council and CowBelles was announced and will be June 4th-6th in Ruidoso at the Ruidoso Convention Center. Grammy’s House items were collected to be donated. Meeting adjourned. Everyone who could met downtown at the Derrick Floor and had a wonderful time looking at all the murals, and then enjoyed lunch together at La Fonda. Respectfully submitted, Tina Kincaid, Secretary
Michelle Greeman (r) and the CowBelles recognized retiring Beef Council Director Dina Reitzel (l) for all her years of service.
The Powderhorn Cattlewomen met at the Fort Sumner Schools cafeteria with Nancy Schade as hostess. We had 10 members in attendance. President Ann led in the prayer, Kelsey McCollum led in the Pledge, Joan Key led in the Creed. Mary McClain read the minutes and they were approved. Carol Thorp gave the treasurer report. Carol sent a check in February to the State for six members and it has not yet been cashed. She will continue to pursue what happened there. Scholarship- had nine applications from De Baca County but none from Guadalupe County. There was discussion about what to do in the future if this happens
again. BBQ- Group will pay one of the janitors $50 to sweep and mop after the barbecue. Kyra will take pictures during the barbecue and send them to the Beef Council. Shane Key has purchased the meat and will bring the meat and receipt on Saturday to the barbecue. It was approximately $765 for 150 pounds of meat. It was decided to pay Shane Key $300 for preparing the meat. Beverly Overton has desserts lined up to serve. Joan Key and Kelsey McCollum will cut and plate the desserts. Sarah Fitgerald has been elected the new chairman of the New Mexico Beef Council. Congratulations Sarah. Meeting Adjourned at 11:25 a.m. A Mexican Stack
lunch was served with brownies and Karen Kelling’s Sweet Pecans for dessert. Mary McClain, Sec.
New Mexico CowBelles: Thank you to all who have submitted their news to Jingle Jangle. As a reminder, please send minutes and/or newsletters to Jingle Jangle, Janet Witte, 1860 Foxboro Ct., Las Cruces, NM 88007 or email: by the 14th of every month. Have a great year! ▫
New Mexico CowBelles
The Man For The Job... Any Job!
A 4-H Agent, Wayne knows lending a hand from working with his 4-Hers, local agricultural education, the legislature and CowBelles. When asked if he could help deplete the napkin inventory, he hit the ground running, selling 30 cases. He delivered many of them and restocked restaurants!
(l to r) Madalynn Lee, Wayne Shocky, & Michelle Greeman.
Mastering the Meat Industry
The Story of Eddie Behrends
The New Mexico Livestock Board proudly introduces Eddie Behrends as the new Meat & Poultry Inspection Program Director. With extensive experience in meat slaughter, fabrication, and processing, alongside a proven track record in teaching and judging various meat products, Behrends promises to be a valuable addition, enriching the Board’s initiatives and ensuring excellence in meat and poultry inspections.
Hailing from Fredericksburg, Texas, Eddie Behrends was raised on a farm and ranch, cultivating a deep appreciation for agriculture from a young age. His upbringing immersed him in the complexities of food production and instilled in him the importance of sustainable farming practices, laying the foundation for his future endeavors in the meat industry.
Behrends journey into meat science
Eddie Behrends NMLB Meat & Poultry Inspection Program Director.
began during his high school years, where his involvement with the Future Farmers of America (FFA) sparked his interest in meat and poultry judging. This early passion led him to pursue higher education at Texas Tech University, where he earned both his
Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in animal science and meat science, respectively.
During his academic tenure, Behrends demonstrated exceptional dedication, excelling academically while actively participating in extracurricular activities. Notably, he was a member of the esteemed 1990 intercollegiate meats judging team and later coached successful teams at Clarendon College and Texas Tech, including a national championship-winning team.
Post-graduation, Behrends transitioned seamlessly into a professional role as the Meat Science Laboratory Manager at Texas Tech. Over seven years in this capacity, he shared his expertise, teaching meat slaughter, fabrication, and processing to aspiring pro-
fessionals. His commitment to mentorship and education was evident, reflecting his deep appreciation for the industry and his desire to foster its growth.
Behrends career trajectory took him across Texas, where he made significant contributions to various facets of the meat industry. From his roles at Hudson Sausage, Dickey’s BBQ, and San Angelo Packing to retail endeavors at HEB food stores, Behrends consistently upheld USDA practices and quality control standards.
Despite his professional success, Behrends remained rooted in education and community engagement, volunteering his time with organizations such as 4-H and FFA. His dedication to passing on his expertise and shaping the next generation of industry professionals underscored his commitment to the industry’s future.
Now, as Behrends embarks on a new chapter with the New Mexico Livestock Board, his wealth of knowledge and experience positions him as a formidable asset. With a steadfast dedication to excellence and a passion for the industry, Eddie Behrends is poised to make a significant impact on meat inspection and regulation in New Mexico.
Did Gasoline Win the European Election?
by Arianna Skibell, Politco
The stunning results from the European election hammered home one reality for leaders on both sides of the Atlantic:
People don’t like you messing with their cars.
The EU’s plan to ban the sale of internal-combustion-engine vehicles by 2035 emerged as a possible casualty of the conservative victories at the polls — a potentially major setback for the bloc’s efforts to reduce climate pollution.
Manfred Weber, whose center-right European People’s Party won the most seats in the European Parliament, wasted no time in calling for a reversal of the ban. Weber already has a friend in France, where farright National Rally party leader Marine Le Pen told French media that consumers should be able to buy any car they want.
This comes on the heels of setbacks large and small for efforts to lessen carbon emissions and other car-related ills in the United States — including the recent equally stunning reversal of a planned $15 toll in Manhattan and the relaxation of the Biden administration’s new fuel-efficiency requirements for gasoline-powered vehicles.
And further rollbacks could lie in wait if American voters elect former President Donald Trump, who has joined European conservatives in a backlash against efforts to transition toward electric cars and trucks.
What’s behind the road rage?
The fate of Europe’s ban on gas cars could come down to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s efforts to secure a second five-year term: Von der Leyen, who introduced the law, may need the backing of the EU’s climate-minded Greens, who still hold potential leverage despite taking a shellacking at the polls.
Not all automakers are pleased by the prospect of reversing the ban. Volvo’s director of EU affairs, Céline Domecq, told POLITICO’s Jordyn Dahl that the policy change would be “terrible news.”
The situation in the U.S. is similarly murky. The Biden administration has never pushed for a flat-out ban on gasoline-fueled cars, though it has used a mixture of tax breaks and pollution limits to encourage a shift away from them. And lately, it has made some concessions to automakers.
In March, it issued strict pollution limits for light-duty vehicles while offering assurances that the rules leave room for plug-in hybrids and other types of cars that run on gasoline. The administration relaxed a proposal that requires traditional SUVs and pickup trucks to get more miles from each gallon of fuel.
And in New York, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul’s last-minute decision to halt the congestion pricing plan threatens to hurt similar efforts across the country. (But it pleased auto dealers, who were throwing her a fundraiser.)
The biggest wild card in the car wars may, of course, be Trump.
He has pledged to roll back President Joe Biden’s landmark climate law and other green policies if he takes back the White House, and he remains steadfast in his support of fossil fuels. But he’s started to say he’s a “big fan” of EVs — a likely nod to his new alliance with Tesla CEO Elon Musk.
The Cowboy Math of Mature Cow Size and Calf
Revenue Generated
by Mark Z. Johnson, Oklahoma State University Extension Beef Cattle Breeding Specialist, Cow-Calf Corner
Irecently attended the 2024 Beef Improvement Federation meetings in Knoxville, TN. Interesting topics covered by an excel-
lent panel of speakers from which I pull some information together for this week’s topic. Did you know?
Ї The U.S. cow herd has been steadily increasing in mature weight for several decades. Excess mature weight of cows has several downsides. The focus of this article is its impact on profitability in commercial cow-calf operations.
Ї For each 100 head of 1,000 pound cows you could run in your cow-calf operation, the same forage base (and feed input cost) would sustain 71 head of 1,400 pound cows.
Ї For each 100 pound increase in mature
weight, cows average approximately 10 more pounds of calf weaning weight produced.
The Cowboy Math
For the sake of this article, some assumptions are necessary, these are:
Ї the 1,000 pound cows will wean calves weighing 450 pounds
Ї a value of $3.00/pound for calf weaning weight
Ї a 90 percent calf crop weaned for both groups of cows
Therefore, the 100 head of 1,000 pound cows will wean 40,500 pounds of calf pay weight with a total value of $121,500. For example: (100 cows x 90% x 450 pounds x $3 per pound)
The 71 head of 1,400 pound cows will wean 64 calves weighing 490 pounds for a total of 31,360 pounds of calf pay weight with a total value of $94,080. (71 cows x 90% rounded up to 64 calves) x 490 (assuming an extra 10 pounds of weaning eight per 100 pounds of mature cow weight) x $3 per pound.
Yes, the Cowboy Math tells us the same forage base and feed cost could result in $27,420 more revenue generated annually. No, the 490 pound (heavier) weaned calves will not be worth as much per pound as the 450 pound calves. Taking that into account would exaggerate the difference in revenue generated to the advantage of the more moderate size cows.
This fall at weaning I encourage producers to weigh your cows and your calves. Those measurements can help to determine if excess mature cow weight is robbing profit potential from your operation. ▫
Grants Awarded to New Mexico Agriculture Organizations
American AgCredit has awarded grants to 23 New Mexico agriculture-related organizations totaling $204,000.
Ї Ag in the Classroom
Ї Ranch Management Camp
Ї 4-H Animal Camp
Ї 4-H Leadership
Ї FFA Leadership
Ї FFA Expo
Ї New Mexico Wool Growers
Ї New Mexico State University Chile Institute
Ї New Mexico State University Hydroponics
Ї New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association Youth Outreach Young Cattlemen
Ї New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association Cattlemen’s College
Ї Centennial FFA
Ї Sierra Soil and Water Conservation
Ї Lincoln County Food Bank
Ї Play Share Foundation
Ї National Center for Frontier Communities
Ї Localogy
Ї Farmington Municipal School
Ї Farm of Song
Ї Dessert Verde Farm
Ї Ramel Family Farms LLC
Ї Bidli Baby Food
Ї Jal Farms
American AgCredit designed the Rural Roots Endowment to provide grants and direct funds to New Mexico agricultural organizations that support the next generation of farmers and ranchers—like FFA, 4-H, junior livestock, and scholarships—as well as ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of New Mexico agriculture, fight hunger in New Mexico, and continue ag education in New Mexico.
“The Rural Roots Endowment is focused on the future—a commitment to supporting farmers, ranchers, and our neighbors who live and work in rural America,” said Dr. Terra V. Winter, Ph.D., president and chief executive officer at the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico—who is partnering with American AgCredit to manage the endowment. “It will support New Mexico agriculture’s success well into the future.”
Fake ‘Meat’ Products Linked to Heart Failure Deaths, Study Finds
by Frank Bergman,
Anew study has revealed that fake “meat” products such as Bill Gates’s labgrown “beef” are linked to cardiovascular diseases and heart failure-related deaths.
The results of the study are a major blow to the narrative that vegetarian and vegan diets help to lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
According to a new UK Biobank study, which analyzed the diets of more than 118,000 participants, scientists found that meat-free “foods” carry a huge risk of heart disease if they are ultra-processed. The study, published in Lancet Regional Health –Europe, notes that this excludes natural produce such as fresh fruit and vegetables. However, ultra-processed products that are plant-derived, insect-based, or lab-grown,
carry an increased risk of heart failure and death. Scientists found that ultra-processed food (UPF) products, such as lab-grown “beef” or insect-based “beetleburgers,” are linked with a 15 percent higher risk of suffering heart attacks and strokes.
The researchers found that these dangers are even present in plant-based UPFs, which have long been hailed as a “healthy” option to meat. The research, which involved experts from Imperial College London, utilized data from more than 118,000 UK citizens.
The participants, aged 40 to 69 years, had their diets assessed over at least two days.
Scientists split food into plant-based products, such as fruit, vegetables, grains, and bread, as well as cakes and candy, and animal-based products such as fish, poultry, red meat, eggs, and dairy. The two groups were then further divided into either ultra-processed food (UPF) or non-ultra-processed.
This data was then linked to hospital and mortality records to obtain information on cardiovascular diseases. People who ate a lot of plant-based ultra-processed foods had a 7 percent greater risk of suffering conditions like blocked heart vessels.
They also had a 15 percent heightened
risk of dying when compared to vegetarians whose diets had fewer UPFs. Upping intake of non-processed vegetarian foods – such as fresh fruit and vegetables – by 10 percent was linked to an 8 percent lower risk of getting heart disease.
Deaths from heart disease fell by a fifth in vegetarians who consumed the least UPFs and 13 percent in cardiovascular disease overall. The scientists noted that UPFs caused a build-up of fatty deposits inside the arteries.
Dr. Eszter Vamos, co-author of the study, from Imperial College London’s School of Public Health, said: “Fresh plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are known to have important health and environmental benefits.
“While ultra-processed foods are often marketed as healthy foods, this large study suggests that plant-based ultra-processed foods do not seem to have protective health effects and are linked to poor health outcomes.”
Food additives and industrial contaminants present in these foods could cause oxidative stress and inflammation, the scientists suggest. They added that nutritional guidelines promoting plant-based diets and cutting down on meat must also promote the importance of avoiding UPFs for good heart health.
Study author Dr. Fernanda Rauber, an expert in preventative medicine from the University of São Paulo in Brazil, said that it’s the first to show that fake “meat” products are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.
“Despite being plant-based, these foods may contribute to risk factors such as dyslipidemia and hypertension due to their composition and processing methods,” she said.
“Food additives and industrial contaminants present in these foods might cause oxidative stress and inflammation, further aggravating the risks.
“Therefore, our results support the shift towards plant-based food choices that consider the degree of processing to improve cardiovascular health outcomes.”
The researchers noted that, while the products may appear to be healthy by claiming to be “meat-free,” plant-based,” or “lab-grown,” the fact that they are ultra-processed makes them a threat to public health.
The study comes amid a growing push for the general public to replace traditional meat and dairy products with fake “foods.” ▫
Janice Atchley, 79, Albuquerque, passed away after a brief illness on May 26, 2024. Janice was born an only child of Bobbie Yell Nelson and Shirley Mabel Exter Nelson on March 26, 1945 in Albuquerque. Janice was adored by family and friends alike, and enjoyed always being involved in any event or gathering. Janice graduated from Valley High School in 1963 and soon thereafter started a family with Donnie Leonard. Aside from raising a family, Janice always kept busy in the workplace. Janice began her life as a career woman at a dress shop and boutique named Mi-Leon Fashions. She then shifted to her passion for jewelry, becoming a fabulous Jewelry Sales Consultant for Harris Jewelers, Beauchamp Jewelers, Diamante Jewelers, and Shelton Jewelers. Janice was an expert in gemstones and metals, and never hesitated to share her knowledge and offer her assistance when asked for jewelry shopping advice by family and friends. Before retiring to focus on family, she worked as the Sponsorship Coordinator for the New Mexico State Fair for several years. Her exceptional salesperson skills and passion
for her work was impactful on each customer and coworker she encountered.
Janice always remained enthusiastically involved in her children’s activities throughout the years including: dance recitals, little league, YAFL, and her favorite, the Elks Club Swim Team. Many of Janice’s long-term bonds were forged with parents and swimmers from the ‘70s and ‘80s that have flourished into the present. Janice also found time to champion various Valley High School Class Reunions through the years, proving one of the many ways Janice devoted herself to gathering her friends and loved ones together.
Janice married the love of her life, Dan Atchley, on March 14, 1982. Her husband Dan became not only her devoted spouse, but also committed travel partner as they visited a vast array of not only diverse climates, but also cultures. Some of their favorite places visited were Europe, India, Hawaii, Alaska, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Janice and Dan enjoyed any and all traveling, although Vallecito Lake, their ranch in Sofia, and various beaches tended to be their favorite destinations.
Bays Cattle Co.
Jany, as her many grandchildren would call her, spent her nights keeping up with her favorite reality television shows: The Voice, American Idol, America’s Got Talent, and more. However, those grandchildren can attest to her love for a good movie, considering her persistence in movie-critiquing and vast knowledge of actors. No matter what her load of plans for one day, Jany could always fit in lunch and shopping with whichever of her loved ones would tag along.
Janice was an avid philanthropist, who loved animals and kids especially. This led to her involvement in the 4-H Youth Development Livestock Program and fundraiser for the NM Junior Livestock Foundation, as well as her position as board member of NDI Kids of New Mexico.
Janice is survived by her husband Dan, 11 children and stepchildren, along with 16 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Her children are Tracy Leonard and Jeanne Crawford, Travis Leonard, Trisha and Frank Troncosa the III, Rob and Dee Atchley, Denni and Mike Cheney, and Kevin and Bobbie Atchley. A celebration of Janice’s life will be held later this summer at Albuquerque Country Club. In lieu of flowers, charitable contributions can be made to any of the named organizations, to be announced at her celebration of life.
Jimmie B. Snipes, 89, Fort Sumner, departed this world on June 15, 2024. Jimmie leaves behind a legacy remembered by family and friends.
He is survived by his children, Deanna Janette Dane (Michael), San Angelo; John Bill Snipes (Valerie), House; Sherri Ann Bays (Ty), Hurley; Nicki Dawn Rogers (Gary), Las Cruces, and Major Joe Ben Snipes (Morgan), Fort Moore; his brother Dennis Snipes (RaDonna), Clovis; his sister-in-law Bertie Snipes, Clovis; his 11 grandchildren, ; and his 5 great-grandchildren. He is also survived by friends and good neighbors.
Visitation was held on Friday, June 21, 2024 at the Chavez Funeral Home, Fort Sumner. A funeral service was held on Saturday, June, 2024 at the House High School. A burial was held on Saturday, June, 2024 at the House Community Cemetery.
The family requests memorial contributions be made to the American Cancer Society or the charity of your choice. American Cancer Society P.O. Box 6704, Hagerstown, MD 21741 or
Editor’s Note: Email
by Lee Pitts
Pets Make the Best People
“Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.” – Colette
Ithink I’m growing allergic to people. I never answer door when the nice folks from Jehova’s Witness come around, I hardly ever pick up the phone because I can barely speak above a whisper, my wife has to fetch my prescription drugs for me because I’m fearful of catching something in the drugstore, I can’t stand being in a crowd (a crowd being three or more people), and as Andy Rooney once observed, “I have more friends than I have time to keep.” I also have the problem that I can’t remember anyone’s name. (I engraved a name badge for my wife.) I wasn’t always a hermit but the COVID
crises changed me. My doctors warned me that if I caught the dreaded disease there was a good chance it would kill me so I avoided people all together. Heck, I wouldn’t even talk to people on the telephone thinking the nasty virus could be carried over telephone or cable wires.
I was always kind of a loner and a recluse anyway who preferred the company of animals and during the two-year COVID crises I relearned something I’ve known all along... pets make the best people.
One of the reasons I like dogs so much is they don’t have cell phones. At least not yet, anyway. Pets don’t invite you to lunch and then spend the entire time staring at their cell phones and then sticking you with the tab. That’s another great thing about pets, like me, they easily get bored with idle conversation. And dogs won’t act like they’re your friend and then try to ransom your computer like one scumbag recently did to me. Maybe a cat might try something like that but never a dog or a duck. Yes, I used to have two pet ducks named Chester and Charley and I miss them terribly. If you can watch a duck or a Berkshire hog go about its daily routine and it doesn’t bring a smile to your face then you are a very hard-hearted person indeed.
Whereas humans have mixed emotions and can love and hate you at the same time, animals can’t do that. They either love you or hate you. Period! And you’ll know right away. They’ll either try to scratch your eyes out or bite your arm off, or they’ll rub up against your leg looking for a gentle pet. That’s why they’re called ‘pets’.
Pets are apolitical too. At one time I figured all dogs were Republicans and all cats were Democrats or Progressives but I changed my mind when I met a Toy Poodle who was obviously a liberal, always looking for a handout and wouldn’t do a bit of work like a Border Collie or a police dog will do. I’m quite sure the Toy Poodle was an animal rightist too. So much for my theory that all dogs are Republicans.
I also like the fact that pets can keep a secret. Even though the canaries and parakeets I’ve owned tweeted or twittered non-stop they never spread nasty rumors. Pets are also very good listeners. You can share your innermost thoughts with them and they don’t charge $500 an hour like a psychiatrist would. I’m carrying around a lot of emotional baggage but I’ve never had to see a shrink for my depression and I attribute that to spending hours and hours on the couch with my pets, not some psycho-doc. Even my turtle, who I rarely see, has been good for my emotional well-being. We’ve stayed close over the years because we’ve stayed apart.
I’ve never once had a pet ask me to borrow money or my weedwhacker. Pets won’t steal you blind, they’re great at fetching things and even if they know you have no intention of leaving anything to them in your will they’ll still be your loyal friend. They’ll take a hard kick to the head trying to help you corral some cows, they’re the best theft deterrent system ever built and will do everything in their power to protect you. Even though we might make pets sleep outside, or we cage or tether them and perhaps even cook and eat them, pets will still be your best friend right up until their final breath. ▫
The Darnells Continue a 131-Year-Old Family Tradition of Raising Good-Doin’ Hereford Cattle Jim, Sue, Jeep, Meghan & Jake Darnell
TEXAS/NEW MEXICO RANCH 5 Paseo De Paz Lane, El Paso, TX 79932 Jim 915-479-5299 Sue 915-549-2534
OKLAHOMA RANCH Woods County, Oklahoma
Cattle Prices Hold as Global Beef Production Starts to Contract
Source: Rabobank
According to a recent Rabobank report, cattle prices are expected to maintain their current levels, despite projections that beef production will begin to contract. Growing demand for climate disclosures is expected to creep into beef supply chains,
presenting both opportunities and risks.
Global beef production on the downswing
As we move into the second half of 2024, Rabobank forecasts a downturn in beef production volumes from major producers. Notably, Europe and the United States are set to experience contractions that will overshadow the production increases anticipated in Australia and Brazil. China is also expected to see a rise in production in Q2, followed by a reduction later in the year.
Cattle market prices are moving at two speeds
According to Angus Gidley-Baird, Senior Animal Protein Analyst for Rabobank, the global cattle market is currently moving at two distinct paces. North American markets are hovering near record highs amid the contraction in local production, while other regions are experiencing more subdued pricing. Europe finds itself in the middle ground, despite a recent uptick in production. These regional disparities are beginning to influence international trade flows, with the US ramping up its import volumes and major Asian markets maintaining steady import levels.
Animal health and disease remain ever-present risks
“We continue to monitor the recent transmission of H5N1 avian influenza to dairy cattle, although no cases have been reported in beef herds, and beef food safety remains uncompromised,” says Gidley-Baird. Meanwhile, Brazil recently declared itself free from foot-and-mouth disease without vaccination. Official recognition by world animal health authorities could significantly enhance Brazil’s trade prospects. Furthermore, the presence of avian influenza in Brazil has the potential to disrupt the poultry industry if an outbreak were to occur, indirectly impacting beef prices and exports.
Climate disclosures edge into beef supply chains
The global push to combat climate change is bringing greenhouse gas emissions into the spotlight, particularly within the food and agribusiness sector. New regulations are emerging that require companies, including those in the beef industry, to disclose supply chain emissions. Although setting emissions reduction targets is not mandated, these regulated reporting requirements aim to provide investors with a clearer picture of climate-related risks.
The beef industry faces a particular challenge with scope 3 emissions, which are substantial, yet difficult to measure. Scope 3 supply chain emissions represent a significant portion food retailers’ greenhouse gas emissions. Under the reporting regulations, large beef companies will be required to navigate the complexities of collecting and reporting accurate emissions data. “At the farm level, carbon calculators and measurement tools will become important to facilitate a bottom-up approach to measurement,” concludes Gidley-Baird. ▫
Iby Barry Denton
Fly That Flag!
n case you have forgotten, or you attend a public school I wanted to remind everyone that Friday June 14, 2024 was officially Flag Day across the country. Flag Day celebrates the history of the United States Flag and is observed because the Second Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes on June 14, 1777.
This is a very historic day as we were not yet a country and there was a price on the head of each member of the Second Continental Congress. The symbolism of the flag is as follows: Red is for valor and bravery, white is for purity and innocence, and blue represents perseverance and justice.
The U.S. Flag Code provides some flag etiquette guidelines for you: The flag may be displayed 24 hours a day when a patriotic effect is desired, and if properly illuminated when it is dark. No other flag or pennant should be above or to the right of the U.S. flag. The flag should never touch anything beneath it such as the ground. It should only
be displayed upside down as a distress signal.
Remember on June 10, 2023 President Biden’s White House displayed the pride flag between two American flags and violated the U.S. Flag Code. There was certainly a flag displayed to the “right” of the American flag in that instance. They caught lots of flack for it and thankfully did not repeat the faux pas this year.
Betsy Ross, an upholsterer in Philadelphia, was chosen to make a flag after she was visited by George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, and her uncle George Ross. Betsy was quite clever and changed their original design just a little. She converted the 6-pointed stars to five points. This was approved by the founding fathers and the first flag was born.
Soon it will be the 4th of July which celebrates our independence from Great Britain following the American Revolutionary War. One of the most interesting 4th of July stories is that of our 2nd President John Adams who was raised on a New England farm; along with Thomas Jefferson our 3rd President who was a dedicated farmer and farm machinery designer; and America’s 5th President James Monroe a plantation owner in North Carolina.
All three men served as President of the United States and all three died on the
Fourth of July. Don’t forget that President Jefferson had been the primary author of the Declaration of Independence at the beginning of the American Revolution.
Adams and Jefferson were bitter opponents serving in opposite political parties. John Adams served one term as President and was defeated by Thomas Jefferson in his run for a second term.
Even though they were great political adversaries they wrote several letters to each other in later years and became friends. Both died on July 4th, 1826. President Adams died first, and President Jefferson died later in the day. James Monroe who had been the 5th President died on July 4th, 1831.
Here we are 248 years later and this American experiment of a free republic is still working. Boy, do we have our ups and downs. As Canadian broadcaster Gordon Sinclair once remarked, “When the Americans have scandals they don’t hide it. They put it right in the front window for everyone to see.”
That is so very true and we always figure out a way to solve the problem. When you get up in the morning and are crawling on the back of a horse, or a tractor, or in a truck remember you owe a debt of gratitude to our founding fathers, and we do that by honoring our flag. ▫
Value of Feed Efficiency Tucumcari Bull Test Sale — Spring 2025
• Assuming these bulls (actual data from 2021 test) were steers in feedlot, grown from 700 -1400 lbs (700# Gain)
• Cost of feed $185/ton, 62% DM, yardage at $0.25/head/day
• Bull will sire 100 calves in lifetime, calf crop is 50% his genetics, 40% Heritability of FE
• Assumes a bull at 80% ratio for FE does not add any value, other bulls compared to him
• This does not include value of keeping females who are more feed efficient
chart just shows the added value of keeping calves through the feedlot out of
Meat is Essential for Human Health, the Environment and Society, Scientists Declare
Source: Protect The Harvest
Over the past few decades, Americans have been besieged, battered and bullied by those whose ideological orientation has kept animal protein (i.e. meat) in the crosshairs of anti-meat rhetoric. In particular, animal rights and environmental extremists have shouted from mountain tops about the alleged adverse impacts of meat consumption to humans, animals, the environment, climate and civilization. Substituting facts, science, and truth with emotions, these groups have force-fed Americans misinformation about every aspect of meat production and consumption. The misinformation has largely gone unchallenged by mainstream news media, liberal politicians, and the public. Farmers and ranchers, a handful of organizations, subject matter experts and some trade media are pushing back to set the
record straight based on facts, science, and truth.
The Dublin Declaration: Setting the Record Straight!
At last, scientists have begun to push back on the falsehoods perpetuated by those who simply don’t want the overwhelming majority of Americans who enjoy meat to have the freedom of choice to do so. Thankfully, an increasing number of scientists and researchers are using facts, science, and truth to counter what has been an onslaught of misinformation from the anti-livestock and anti-meat crowds, whose claims would make Soviet Union-era propagandists proud.
In October 2022, a group of more than 200 science community experts from around the world met in Dublin, Ireland, at the International Summit on the Societal Role of Meat. The evidence presented at, and net outcomes from, the Summit were recently published by Animal Frontiers, which is a “joint venture between several professional animal science societies.”
“The unequivocal conclusion from two days of detailed presentations by scientific experts from Australia, the U.S. and Europe is that the highest standards of science do not justify or support the ‘simplistic and reductionist’ war being waged against meat,”
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stated an article in Beef Central, an Australian industry publication.
The Dublin Declaration is a document resulting from the Summit, created to “give voice to the many scientists around the world who research diligently, honestly and successfully in the various disciplines in order to achieve a balanced view of the future of animal agriculture”.
The Declaration states: “Livestock systems must progress on the basis of the highest scientific standards. They are too precious to society to become the victim of simplification, reductionism or zealotry.” It also specifically warns about the danger of “one-size-fits-all agendas,” and that the drastic reduction in global livestock numbers being pushed by extremist groups will lead to “environmental problems on a large scale.”
The Declaration has been signed by more than 1,000 scientists and experts from around the world.
Evidence Shows the Necessity of Livestock and Meat
At the Summit, Irish Professor Frank O’Mara stated:
“We all understand and get that we need to have a very sustainable system of agriculture. The point we would make is you can’t have a sustainable and properly functioning food system without livestock being part of that, because of the circular process of crop production and animal production. So we certainly need livestock to be part of the food system to feed the 10 billion people we will have on this planet shortly, and do it in a sustainable manner. When there is fog around, the one thing that helps clear the fog is evidence-based information.”
Lifting the Fog: Key Points behind The Dublin Declaration
Ї Humans have been eating meat for many millennia, and raising livestock has been an integral part of the development and modernization of societies around the world.
Ї Livestock is unique in its ability to provide people with food, clothing, power, fertilizer, employment, and income.
Ї In some places, livestock is one of the only things that women can own.
Ї Over a half-billion people around the world are completely dependent on livestock for their livelihoods.
Ї A drastic reduction in total global livestock numbers would
Tres Cinco, Senior Herd Sire still producing at 10 years old. Look for his offspring for sale Spring 2025.
Herd Sire # 6107 Look for his offspring in 2025
Junior Herd Sire Wolfman ( L Bar 0501) Look for his offspring in 2025
2024 Purebred Beefmaster Females were calved out in early May. Look for their Yearling Bull Calves for sale in the Spring of 2025.
disproportionately harm impoverished and developing countries.
Ї Foods produced from livestock have the most abundant and easily absorbable forms of many nutrients. A balanced diet that includes meat, eggs, and dairy products is “advantageous for human beings.”
Ї Livestock are irreplaceable in the overall agriculture cycle, utilizing natural materials that are inedible by humans. This includes both byproducts of crops grown for human consumption and grasses and other forage on lands that are unsuitable for other productive use.
Ї Livestock manure is essential for fertilizing vegetable, fruit, and grain crops, either directly or in the production of specialized fertilizers.
Ї Livestock production creates much more than just consumable products. Properly managed livestock work to sequester carbon, improve soil and watershed health, and aid in bolstering biodiversity.
The Return to Science and Sanity Regarding Livestock
After thousands of years of human evolution and progress, it has only been in the past century that society has become increasingly removed from the reality and vital importance of agriculture overall, and livestock production in particular. That is partly due to advancements in technology that allow today’s farmers and ranchers to produce much more food per capita than a century ago. Further, it has only been in the
most recent decades that the concerted, vicious attacks on animal agriculture have become prominent, primarily in developed nations.
Ireland’s Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Martin Heydon, remarked:
“So much of what we see and read and consume has been boiled down into sound bites that have been very much simplified. It has never been more important to move forward with an accurate and scientific understanding of meat’s role in society. Consumers need to trust their food and where it comes from. And where does that trust from? It comes from science.”
It is highly encouraging to see that the proverbial pendulum seems to be swinging back toward reality in regard to livestock and meat consumption. The Dublin Declaration states that: “Livestock is the millennial-long-proven method to create healthy nutrition and secure livelihoods, a wisdom deeply embedded in cultural values everywhere.”
Protect The Harvest strongly agrees with the Dublin Declaration, which is in total agreement with our efforts to protect and promote a free and fed America. ▫
Gelbvieh and Balancer cattle excel in traits such as growth, stayability, and productivitiy. Using Gelbvieh and Balancer genetics in a planned crossbreeding program can help increase the profitability of an operation. See added profit through greater maternal superiority as well as improved feed efficiency and heavier, faster-gaining feeder cattle.
Rangeland Fire Protection Associations Make a Difference
An Idea that’s Catching on around the West
by Heather Smith Thomas
The first line of fire defense in many rural areas in eastern Oregon and southern Idaho are the Rangeland Fire Protection Associations (RFPAs). These are
groups of volunteers, mainly ranchers and other landowners, who are trained and authorized to respond to fires in their part of the state. The idea for these groups originated in Oregon in the early 1960s when
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ranchers in southern Baker and northern Malheur Counties requested a way to organize, and protect their rangelands from fire.
Allison Rayburn, Rangeland Fire Program Coordinator, Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) Eastern Oregon Area says the State passed legislation in 1963 to allow landowner firefighter cooperatives to form, giving them legal status to work with federal and state agencies. The Ironside RFPA was the first one formed, in 1964.
“There are other ways to create organizations and nonprofit groups to fight fires, but being authorized by state statute allows RFPAs to be incorporated into the fire protection system,” Rayburn says. Oregon was the first to do this, then Idaho followed in 2012, and more recently Nevada.
This concept is gaining ground in other states as well. Elizabeth Foster is CEO of the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau, and is interested in getting RFPAs going in New Mexico. Foster grew up on a cow-calf ranch in Post, Oregon, and joined the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau after 20 years with Arizona Farm Bureau.
“Right before I started my position with New Mexico, the 2022 Calf Canyon-Hermits Peak Fire destroyed many homes and buildings—about 1400 structures. The entire community is still struggling to get back on their feet,” says Foster.
This was the largest and most destructive wildfire in the history of New Mexico, up to that point, burning 341,471 acres. The Hermits Peak fire started April 6 when a controlled burn conducted by the Forest Service escaped its boundaries, with high winds. The Hermits Peak Fire then merged with the Calf Canyon Fire to create a massive blaze that was not contained for nearly three months.
“Even though that fire started on Forest Service property, it eventually affected a lot of rangeland as well. I envision RFPAs as a potential resource that would be helpful, and plan to have a discussion with our county president in July.
“Depending on how many members attend, we may possibly talk again in November about starting some RFPAs. It takes some state legislation, so we would have to go through that process first, to authorize these associations,” says Foster.
“If there is enough interest, we will take it to the legislature. The way New Mexico’s legislature works—next year we will have a 60-day session in which any bills can be introduced. That would be the time to do it,
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because the following year it will only be a 30-day session and will only address things that pertain to the budget.”
She feels there will be interest, and that Farm and Livestock Bureau members would benefit. “We are not sure how many of our members are impacted right now, from the fires near Ruidoso; the fire that started very recently has surpassed Hermit’s Peak as the largest fire in state history.
“My thought is that even if a fire starts on Forest Service land, it may spread to BLM or private property. We had a fire on our ranch in Oregon that started on Forest Service and then moved onto private land. My dad was aware of some of the fires that started from lightning strikes that were put out by local
people because they could get there quicker, before the BLM and Forest Service guys show up. They got there quicker but also know the ways into those areas—the terrain, where the roads are, etc.” says Foster.
“One of my childhood friends and her husband and parents are actively engaged in the Post-Paulina RFPA in Oregon. All three of her daughters ended up being wildland firefighters in the summer when they were in college, and I think a lot of the reason was from the experience they had, growing up,” Foster says.
“Their RFPA elects officers—a president who acts as a team leader, and a secretary-treasurer. They have meetings and plan out their year. They may do a practice controlled burn. For instance my dad did an EQIP program (Environmental Quality
Incentives Program, through the NRCS) and cleared 90 acres of trees to rehab a spring on his place.
“Once it got dry enough that they could do a controlled burn, the RFPA worked on that. My dad provided meals for everyone. Whoever had a practice burn on their place always hosted the group for lunch,” says Foster.
The members pay dues to help offset costs of liability insurance, etc. “If you were a member and there was a fire on your place you didn’t have to pay to have it put out.
“If someone was not a member, the RFPA folks would help put it out, but bill that person. The RFPA is a rangeland version of a rural volunteer fire department—just spread out over a much larger area. In the Post-Paulina RFPA people are spread out
over more than 50 miles. People in Paulina are 55 miles from Prineville, and it would take at least 30 minutes for someone to come from Prineville to the Post area. It was 50 to 75 miles of territory to try to cover,” she says.
In the days before cell phones, members had a phone tree to alert everyone about a fire. “You had a person you called, and they had people they called, so everyone was alerted. Now they have a text group and can send text messages.”
The communication and coordination enables these ranchers to get onto a fire quickly and often have it put out or under control by the time federal firefighters (BLM, Forest Service) can get there.
“I think it’s a great program, but not enough of the rural areas of the West are aware of it. This is why I want to have this
conversation with our members here in New Mexico. It will take some effort to get these associations established, and might take coordination between the New Mexico Cattle Growers and our New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau.
“I see the value in it, and I am hoping our members will see the value; this would just be a matter of getting all the pieces in line. If we have the cattle growers, our bureau and a few of our other ag organizations pushing the legislation through the state, so we can start these RFPAs, it could happen,” she says.
“We had the American Farm Bureau Safety Coordinators here in April and I presented this program at that time. I also have a good relationship with the Idaho Farm Bureau. The end of July we have a western Region Administrators conference and I will
visit with them, also. I don’t know if Washington State’s administrator is familiar with the RFPA program because he only came on board 18 months ago, from Virginia.” The more this concept can spread around the West, the better.
Each RFPA can be set up to accommodate a specific area and the people. “They can be set up by county or by communities. Our ranch in Oregon ended up being in the RFPA that serviced part of our local country. Growing up, we simply referred to it as the upper country; it was that half of the county,” says Foster.
New Mexico would probably pattern RFPAs after some of the ones in Oregon and Idaho but create them to fit the unique aspects of each region. Some small towns have fire departments and some also have a
rural volunteer fire department.
“They might decide to create an RFPA covering two counties together because they are similar or the area of concern is in between established towns that have resources available within their city limits. The RFPAs could help with the areas outside the city limits,” she explains.
“The advantage to having a rural community forming these groups is that if there’s a fire, like a lightning strike that starts a fire on or near your property, you know the best and easiest access routes.
“Your neighbors may also know the best way in, whereas a volunteer firefighter from town, or firefighters from the government agencies, may not know how to get there.” Even if the fire starts on private land, if it is not dealt with quickly, it might grow and spread onto public lands. The RFPA members can often be there quickly and get it put out or have it contained—and keep it small before it gets away—by the time Forest Service or BLM firefighters can get there.
“This is why I want to see if there is interest in our agricultural communities and rural areas of New Mexico. I saw the RFPA as a great resource in the community I grew up in. These folks rely on each other, and agriculture has always been an industry where
people step in and help a neighbor. Some people think that’s rare nowadays but we still continue to help each other. I think we need to have this discussion to see if an RFPA would fit within the needs of our communities,” she says.
“It may not fit every community or every rural part of the state, but may benefit some folks and may be able to stop/prevent large fires in the future. There is opportunity here and I am not sure if our rural communities are aware of this rural fire protection program.” In the areas where RFPAs have been in existence in Oregon and Idaho, they have made a big difference.
“I work for the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau but all of us are in positions to help all of agriculture. I feel it would be a disservice to my members and the communities that we represent at the state level if we didn’t share all the opportunities to protect and improve and offer solutions for problems—and fire has become a more common and bigger problem than it was in the past.”
Fire is a serious threat to property, livestock, homes and human lives “When I’d come home from college we’d visit with the neighbors and talk about various fires and their RFPA. I remember my dad saying they had a fire one night but were able to put it
out, or the following people showed up and helped, etc. That was how it worked.”
She also remembers coming home from town late one night and there was a fire on one side of the highway and another fire on the other side, up in the mountains. “In the dark it was hard to tell how close they were. Everyone in our area was right in the middle of those fires. At that point in time we didn’t have the RFPA yet and had to wait for Forest Service and BLM firefighters to show up,” says Foster.
“I remember staying awake all night wondering if we were going to get a phone call telling us to evacuate. In my mind I was trying to think of what I would grab and take if we had to get out of there in a hurry.
“At daylight we could see that the fire on our side of the highway was farther up in the mountains, but it impacted us—and burned up the summer grazing for many of the ranches around us.”
After an RFPA is formed, the ranchers have the authority and ability to work on these fires as first responders and can then coordinate with the agencies to work together to contain the larger ones. ▫
9:00 a.m. Wool Show Fleece Arrival Begins
5:00 p.m. Wool Show Fleece In Place
8:00 a.m. Jr.Rabbit/Cavy Show Arrival Begins
9:00 a.m. Wool Show - JLP
9:30 a.m. Sheep to Shawl - JLP
**Demonstrations take place daily from 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m. Milking Demonstrations, JLP
1:00 p.m. Navajo Sheep Show followed by the Open Sheep & AOP Shows - JLP
7:00 p.m. Jr.Rabbit/Cavy Show In Place
8:00 a.m. Jr. Rabbit/Cavy ShowRabbit/Poultry Building
8:00 a.m. Open Angus, AOB & Hereford Cattle Arrival Begins
8:00 a.m. Agriculture Public Speaking Contest - APAC Building***
6:00 p.m. Jr. Market Lamb & Jr. Wether Dams - Weights Due Online
8:00 a.m. Jr. Market Hog Classification & ShowSwine Barn
8:00 a.m. Replacement Dairy -Check In: ONLY between 8 - 5
9:00 a.m. Classify/Check in Jr. Market Beef/Market Heifers - JLP
9:30 a.m. Sheep to Shawl - JLP
**Demonstrations take place daily from 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m. Brangus Move-In Beef Barn
10:00 a.m. Milking Demonstrations - JLP
11:00 a.m. Jr. Market Beef/Market Heifer Weights Due
1:00 p.m. Open Angus Cattle Show – Beef Barn
2:00 p.m. Open AO B Cattle Show - Beef Barn
3:00 p.m. New Mexico’s Premier Lamb Show – JLP
3:00 p.m. Open Hereford Cattle Show – Beef Barn
4:00 p.m. Breeding Heifer - Check In Due Online, AOB/Commercial Heifer - Weights Due Online
5:00 p.m. Replacement Dairy must be in place -Check In: ONLY between 8 - 5
8:00 a.m. Open Rabbit Arrival Begins
9:00 a.m.
Jr. Wether Dam Show - JLP
9:30 a.m. Sheep to Shawl - JLP
**Demonstrations take place daily from 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
Jr. Market Lamb Show - JLP
10:00 a.m. Milking Demonstrations - JLP
1:00 p.m. Jr. Replacement Dairy Heifer Show - Beef Barn
3:00 p.m. National Brangus Cattle in Place
3:00 p.m.
Calf Scramble Meeting - TBD
*Schedule & Rules are Subject to Change*
7:00 p.m. Open Rabbits must be in Place
8:00 a.m. Open Rabbit ShowRabbit/Poultry Building
9:00 a.m. Jr. Market Steer/Market Heifer Show - JLP
10:00 a.m. Open/Jr. Dairy Cattle Show – Beef Barn
9:30 a.m. Sheep to Shawl - JLP
**Demonstrations take place daily from 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m. Milking Demonstrations - JLP
2:00 p.m. Jr. Breeding Heifer Show – JLP (Following the Market Steer/Heifer show)
7:00 p.m. Calf ScrambleTingley Coliseum
9:30 a.m. Sheep to Shawl - JLP
**Demonstrations take place daily from 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m. Regional Brangus Jr. Breeding Heifer Show – JLP
10:00 a.m. Milking Demonstrations - JLP
1:00 p.m. Livestock Judging Contest – Beef Barn
7:00 p.m. Parade of ChampionsTingley Coliseum
9:00 a.m. National Brangus Open Show – JLP
9:30 a.m. Sheep to Shawl - JLP
**Demonstrations take place daily from 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m. Milking Demos - JLP
11:00 a.m. Jr. Livestock Sale Registration opens - Horse Arena
12:00 p.m. Open Poultry Arrival Begins
12:00 p.m. Texas Longhorns Move in - Beef Barn
1:00 p.m. Jr. Livestock Sale –Horse Arena
5:00 p.m. Texas Longhorns must be In Place
7:00 p.m. Open Poultry must be in Place
8:00 a.m. Open Poultry Show –Rabbit/Poultry Building
9:00 a.m. Jr. Dairy Goat Show/ Showmanship - JLP Open Jr. Dairy Goat Show, Youth Sr. Dairy Goat Show, Open Sr. Dairy Goat Show all to follow
9:00 a.m. 4-H Cooking Challenge – Youth Hall
9:00 a.m. Table Top Serama Chicken Show – Poultry Building
9:30 a.m. Sheep to Shawl - JLP
**Demonstrations take place daily from 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m. Milking Demonstrations - JLP
10:00 a.m. 4-H Dog Show - JLP
10:00 a.m. Texas Longhorn Open & Junior Show – Beef Barn
9:30 a.m. Sheep to Shawl - JLP
**Demonstrations take place daily from 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. Milking Demonstrations - JLP
1:00 p.m. Rooster Crowing Contest – Rabbit/Poultry Building
* JLP = Junior Livestock Pavilion
by Frank Dubois
Cattle Trespass
Let’s head up to northern New Mexico and visit the Valles Caldera Natural Preserve.
About 1.2 million years ago a volcanic eruption created a 14-mile wide circle-shaped depression in the earth, which became referred to as the Valles Caldera. The area been through quite a few phases, but most recently it has gone from private ownership, to federal ownership managed by a trust, to now being under control of the National Park Service.
That wasn’t enough for the enviros and now they want to have less grazing on the Forest Service allotments abutting the
national preserve. How do they go about this? File a lawsuit.
Three different outfits – WildEarth Guardians, Western Watershed Project, and Caldera Action - have filed suit against the Forest Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for violating the Endangered Species Act.
The suit says the preserve is home to several threatened and endangered species, including the Mexican Spotted Owl, Jemez Mountain salamander, and New Mexico meadow jumping mouse. The complaint says, “Historic livestock overgrazing degraded these species’ habitats, and only since the National Park Service assumed responsibility for the area and curtailed livestock use have these species returned to the preserve.” They also claim that each summer, “hundreds of cattle from the National Forest unlawfully trespass onto the Preserve, causing severe resource damage and harming these protected species and their habitats.”
Continuing, it claims the U.S. Forest Service “has long been aware of the ongoing livestock trespass and its substantial impacts on both the Preserve and the listed species and their habitats.” Further, it says the Forest Service, “has never consulted with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding these well-known effects of its grazing program as required by the ESA.” It also chastises the Forest Service because it has not, “taken adequate measures to prevent this recurring and foreseeable livestock trespass.”
Can you guess their proposed remedy? Sure you can, but here it is officially from the suit:
“…this Court (1) declare that the Forest Service and FWS have violated the ESA…(2) declare that the Forest Service has further violated the ESA by causing unlawful take of threatened and endangered species, failing to ensure that its actions do not jeopardize such species, and failing to take necessary steps to conserve such species; (3) vacate any existing AOIs for the Allotments; (4) enjoin the Forest Service from authorizing grazing on the Allotments until the agency fully complies with the ESA.”
We are probably heading for a situation like they have in the Gila National Forest. Livestock grazing has been completely eliminated in the Gila Wilderness. And according to research by John Fowler at NMSU the allotments which abut the wilderness have received larger cuts in their permits than all the other allotments in the Gila. That could very well be the model they are attempting
Beefmaster cattle do more with less. Studies show Beefmasters to be the most efficient and they convert feed well. They are also reproductively and maternally superior, producing marketable calves that can help the industry become more sustainable overall.
by Don Bullis, New Mexico Author
Many old-time western movies featured conflicts between good guys, i.e., sheriffs, marshals, rangers and the like, and outlaw gangs: rustlers, bank, train, stagecoach robbers and killers and rapists along the way. But how many such gangs were there in the real life of late 19th century New Mexico? Actually, there were quite a few of them. Some of them were made up of only three or four men while some were larger. Most of them, but not all, came to a
Gangs of Thieves Roamed New Mexico
bad end. Here is a list of some New Mexico gangs in the years after the Civil war.
The Horrell brothers were among the earliest. All seven of them—Sam, Bill, John, James, Ben, Merritt and Tom—were born in Alabama but moved to Texas in 1867 where they settled near Lampasas. They promptly took up cattle rustling as a way of life, and by the early 1870s they moved on to New Mexico where they occupied a ranch near Hondo on the Rio Ruidoso. They had a herd
made up of other ranchers’ cattle, and soon enough Ben Horrell was killed by the Lincoln town marshal, Juan Martinez. In retaliation, the other brothers shot up a wedding dance and killed four men and wounded one woman, all of them Hispanic. Local law was inept and the Horrells escaped to Texas after they killed several additional Hispanic farmers. Texas didn’t want them, either. By 1878, all of them but one were dead. Only Sam, the eldest, lived to old age.
to impose on the Valles Caldera National Preserve and surrounding areas.
One has to ask. If these lands are so precious and under great threat, why doesn’t the government build the fence? The annual budget for the Park Service is $4.3 billion. You know there is plenty money there to build a fence.
Fed trespass
It is more apparent every day that the short term modus operandi of the enviros and their ilk will be to utilize the president’s authority to designate national monuments. It appears there is a list for those designations to occur prior to the election, and additional areas to occur after the election, especially if Biden is not re-elected. There is also the possibility that an omnibus public lands bill is pushed this fall. In that case, the president and the enviros could use that second list as leverage to get the omnibus passed. Support the omnibus bill or I will designate this number of monuments in your district.
One example of this process playing out can be seen in the attempt to designate a Dolores River Canyonlands National Monument. Enviros there want the president to designate 400,000 acres (625 square miles) of river and land as a national monument. However, in this case, there is an alternative proposal.
Colorado’s two senators have introduced S. 636, the Dolores River National Conservation Area and Special Manage-
ment Area Act. This bill would place protective designations on 68 thousand acres. The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources has held hearings, and after three amendments were adopted the bill has been favorably reported for the consideration of the entire Senate.
Let’s compare the two modes of governing here.
On the one hand you have legislation where everyone can see the text. Hearings have been held, debate has occurred, amendments adopted and a Senate committee has voted in an open and democratic process.
On the other, the enviros did not get what they wanted, so they have turned to the autocratic process. Public hearings are held, but what are they commenting on? What does the grazing language say? We don’t know. What about the language on roads, right-of-ways, or hunting? We don’t know, and won’t know until the president has issued his proclamation.
In the first instance, the public can be fully involved in crafting and passing legislation. In the second, enviros and the White House, working completely in the dark and out of public view, will write the language to control your future.
Until next time, be a nuisance to the devil and don’t forget to check that cinch.
Frank DuBois was the NM Secretary of Agriculture from 1988 to 2003, is the author of a blog: The Westerner ( and is the founder of The DuBois Rodeo Scholarship and The DuBois Western Heritage Foundation ▫
The Lincoln County war produced a couple of noteworthy criminal gangs. John Kinney (1847-1919) participated in the war and afterwards gathered a gang which stole cattle all over southern New Mexico. Their thievery was so egregious that one newspaper reported that they were “running off oxen of farmers in the Mesilla Valley so they cannot plow and the country is a wasteland.” Major Albert Jennings Fountain (1838-1896) was charged with capturing the rustlers, which he did by 1883. Kinney himself was sentenced to seven years in prison, of which he served three. He ran a feed lot in Prescott, Arizona after his release, and remained respectable. He died of Bright’s disease. He was never prosecuted for any of the murders he is alleged to have committed.
John Selman (1839-1896) was a member of Kinney’s gang before he and his brother, Tom—often called Tom Cat—started their own bunch. They were rustlers, rapists and killers and were called the “Raslers.” The origin of that name is not known although some think it was derived from “Rustlers.” Selman fled to Mexico rather than face justice in New Mexico. When he returned to El Paso some years later, he became a lawman. It was he who killed famous killer John Wesley Hardin in 1895. He was himself killed by another lawman, George Scarborough, a year later.
The Kit Joy gang, four strong, is only known to have committed a single crime; the robbery of a train near Gage, New Mexico in November 1883. They were not particularly good at it and managed to kill the train’s engineer before they fled. They were soon arrested and jailed at Silver City only to escape in March 1884. The posse that pursued them was in no mood to tolerate such behavior. When the dust settled, three
continued on page 51 >>
Celebrating Dina Chacón-Reitzel
Honoring 35 Years of Dedication to the New Mexico Beef Industry
Long-time Executive Director of the New Mexico Beef Council (NMBC), Dina Chacón-Reitzel, recently announced her retirement after 35 years of devoted service to the NMBC.
During a joint luncheon at the New Mexico Cattlegrowers’ Association Mid-Year Meeting, the New Mexico CowBelles (NMCB) honored Dina for her unwavering dedication and service to the beef industry. Michelle Greeman, President of NMCB, presented Dina with a beautifully engraved wooden serving tray as a token of appreciation for NMBC’s commitment to partnering with the CowBelles on Beef Education Programs over the years.
Beef Quality Assurance
Certification Training Offered at NM Indian Livestock Days
The New Mexico Beef Council was well represented at NM Indian Livestock Days, May 15-17 at the Route 66 Hotel & Casino which attracted 175+ attendees. In addition to sponsoring a break, the NMBC was one of 18 vendors. NMBC Secretary, Marjorie Lantana and NMBC BQA Specialist, Sonja Jo Serna distributed beef educational materials covering topics as diverse as the Beef Checkoff, Environmental Sustainability, recipes and antibiotic use in cattle.
John Wenzel, DVM, NM State University, provided Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Certification training to all attendees, followed by testing for those wanting to pursue BQA Certification. The NMBC’s presence at NM Indian Livestock Days provided valuable assistance and resources for producers. Several in attendance were certified in Farmington during last year’s conference and took the opportunity to learn more about accessing online resources through the National BQA Learning Center. Certified producers also qualified for continuing education credits toward their NM BQA Certification.
America has spoken-- and they’re ready for beef to hit their grills this season. With endless preparation methods (indirect, direct or smoking) and grill preferences, there’s a delicious recipe for everyone to enjoy at your summer barbeque.
Together our inclusive guide will help your master outdoor cooking and wow your guests! Beef’s versatility, our doneness and cooking tips, and recipes will make your backyard cookout a success.
So, fire up the grill, and together, let’s make summer sizzle with beef!
The New Mexico BQA Certification program has been supported by Beef Checkoff funds since its inception. The program is coordinated by NM State University to provide training and continuing education opportunities for beef ranchers and farmers.
NMBC’s Marjorie Lantana examines the weight of a drone as Casey Spackman, NMSU’s Extension Range Specialist, explains its features, with NMSU student Heather Abeyta-Check observing.
New Mexico Beef Council & ProStart
Celebrating Another Successful Year
The New Mexico Beef Council (NMBC) has wrapped up another successful year in partnership with ProStart, a high school culinary program sponsored by the New Mexico Restaurant Association. The NMBC provides beef education programs and learning resources to the culinary instructors and students throughout the school year. Classroom education includes teaching the students about preparing and merchandising beef and how beef is sustainably produced.
In addition to the training, the NMBC has established a Beef Grant Program that provides a reimbursement of $1,000 per school for beef purchases used for culinary instruction purposes. New Mexico schools apply in the Fall and are required to submit beef instruction curriculum, along with receipts for the beef purchases at the end of the school year. The beef is used for classroom teaching and student culinary competitions between NM schools and at the national competition held in Washington, DC.
Thirty-one New Mexico schools applied for the grant in the 2023-24 school year, totaling nearly $15,000 in grants awarded by the end of the school year. “The culinary teachers are wildly appreciative of the beef grant program enabling them to offer hands-on beef cooking experiences for their students,” said Patty Waid, NMBC Education Specialist.
Travis Torres, Farmington High School, Culinary Teacher said, “The recurring theme was that students went into the unit intimidated of steak and beef prep, but found they needed more time and effort to prepare a potato!”
Culinary Teacher, Amanda Holguin of Gadsden High School said, “As a second-time user of the grant, I am thrilled to witness the continued impact it has had on our culinary program and students’ educational experiences. The support provided through this grant has enabled us to expand and enhance our kitchen curriculum, offering students valuable opportunities for hands-on learning and skill development. The grant-funded activities have been met with enthusiasm and positivity from students, who have expressed appreciation for the engaging and interactive learning experiences provided. They have demonstrated a genuine passion for cooking and a willingness to explore new ingredients and techniques which is a testament to the success of the grant-funded initiatives. Furthermore, the grant has strengthened our school’s culinary program and positioned it as a leader in culinary education within the community.The resources and support provided through the grant have allowed us to offer high-quality culinary instruction and innovative learning opportunities that prepare students for future success in the culinary industry or related fields. Overall, as a second-time user of this grant, I am grateful for the opportunity to continue enriching our students’ educational experiences through hands-on culinary learning and exploration. The positive feedback and outcomes resulting from the grant-funded activities reaffirm the value and importance of investing in culinary education and empowering students to pursue their culinary passions.”
Jessica McGee, Culinary Teacher at Santa Fe High School, stated that “Students don’t often have beef at home because it is costly, but it is often the meat that is most requested. It is nice to be able to offer cooking experiences for them that they may not otherwise have. Thanks so much for your support in these units! Beef recipes really are the ones the students love the best!”
With precision and teamwork, ProStart students from Volcano Vista (Fig. 1 & 2) and Maxwell High School (Fig. 3 & 4), kick off their culinary adventure by prepping a chuck roast to prepare “Braised Beef & Mushrooms.”
of them were dead: one shot to death and two others lynched. Only Joy escaped. He was captured in November 1884. He was shot in the leg by a posse member and the wound was so severe that his leg was amputated. Sentenced to life in prison, he was pardoned in 1896. He died in 1936.
Vicente Silva (1845-1893) operated the Imperial saloon in Las Vegas, New Mexico. By the late 1880s, he was the boss of a large gang of robbers and rustlers called La Sociedad de Bandidos de Nuevo Mexico (the Society of Bandits of New Mexico) while he kept up his respectable appearance. For several years the gang pillaged almost at will. They made the mistake of stealing cattle from rancher José Esquibel who took grave exception to the thievery. Esquibel and his son found their cattle and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Silva. Silva fled but the warrant was the beginning of the end for him. The gang turned against member Patricio Maes whom they accused of betrayal and hanged him from the bridge in Las Vegas. Then Silva murdered his brother-in-law for some imagined treachery and finally he killed his own wife for the same reason. Gang member Antonio Valdez shot Silva in the head and killed him in May of 1893.
Bronco Bill Walters, Red Pipkin, and Kid Johnson robbed a train near Belen in 1898 and got away with about $50,000. Much of it was in silver dollars and thus the stolen money was too heavy for them to carry, and they were obliged to bury some of it. They managed to kill two sheriff’s deputies and a posse man as the fled west. They were tracked to eastern Arizona where Kid Johnson was killed in a gunfight with lawmen and though severely wounded, Walters was arrested. He served nearly twenty years in prison and was never able to find his buried loot. He died when he fell off a windmill near Deming. Pipkin escaped the gunfight in Arizona and later went to prison on an unrelated charge. Later he became a security guard and reserve deputy sheriff near Gallup before he committed suicide in 1937.
The last entry on this list is the so-called High Fives Gang. The name is said to have been derived from a card game popular at the time. The group had a changing membership as they managed to make a nuisance of themselves in southern New Mexico. They were generally unsuccessful as thieves in attempting to rob banks, stagecoaches, and trains. But on November 6, 1897, they hit it big. Only four members of the gang remained
alive: George Musgrave, his brother, Vin, Bob Christian and Sid Moore. They stopped a train near Grants, New Mexico, and managed to make off with $90,000 in the single largest haul taken in a 19th century train robbery. Three of the robbers were never captured. Many historians believe they made it to Mexico where they disappeared from recorded history. George Musgrave wasn’t charged with the robbery but was arrested for an unrelated murder and acquitted in 1907. He his known to have been in South America by 1912 and he died in 1947.
As a footnote: Robert Leroy Parker, AKA Butch Cassidy, and members of his Wild
Bunch hid out at the WS Ranch near Alma, New Mexico, in the late 1890s. Cassidy is not know to have committed a crime while in the territory, but some members of his gang— Sam Ketchum, Elza Lay, and Harvey Logan—robbed a train near Folsom, New Mexico, on July 11, 1899. In the gunfight that followed, Ketchum was wounded and captured and soon died in the territorial prison; Sheriff Ed Farr of Colorado and cowboy/ posse man Henry Love were also killed.
All in all, gang membership wasn’t a profitable avocation. We’ll consider a few other gangs in a future column. ▫
We Know Agriculture...
Please call Colten Grau to arrange a visit. He’s working hard for our ag community and he’s eager to go to work for you!
Give us a chance to compete for your land and operating loans!
900 North Garden · P.O. Box 2041
Roswell, New Mexico 88201
BENNY WOOTON CELL 575-626-4754
Producers hauling cattle to Roswell Livestock New Mexico Receiving Stations need to call our toll-free number for a Transportation Permit number before leaving home. The Hauling Permit number 1-800-748-1541 is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Trucks are available 7 days a week / 24 hours a day
Roswell livestock Auction Receiving stAtions
ATTENTION RECEIVNG STATION CUSTOMERS, To be able to schedule trucking, all cattle need to be permitted by 1:00 p.m.
20 Bar Livestock Highway #90 at NM #3 – East side of highway. Receiving cattle for transport 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month. Smiley Wooton, 575-622-5580 office, 575-626-6253 cell.
Jason Heritage is now receiving cattle every Sunday. For information to unload contact Jason Heritage 575-840-9544 or Smiley Wooton 575-626-6253. Receiving cattle every Sunday.
800 West 2nd, 5 blocks west of Courthouse. Bob Kinford, 432-284-1553. Receiving cattle 1st & 3rd Sundays.
Two blocks east and one block south of Tillery Chevrolet. Smiley Wooton 575-622-5580 office, 575-626-6253 mobile. Receiving cattle every Sunday
River Cattle Co. Nine miles east of San Antonio on U.S. 380. Receiving cattle for transport 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month. Smiley Wooton 575-626-6253.
108 W. Afton Road, La Mesa, NM 88044. Receiving Cattle 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month. Call in advance for details & consignments. Smiley Wooton 575-626-6253 or Genea Caldwell 575-543-5736
by Frank Fuhrig,
Australian exports of beef to the United States have soared in the last 12 months, hitting 31,294 tons in May.
Compared to the same month a year ago, that sum is 74 percent higher, according to global supply analyst Tim Jackson of Meat & Livestock Australia, a checkoff group for the country’s red meat producers.
“Australian exports to the US have been consistently high this year,” he said.
Australian farmers have also gained beef market share in Japan and South Korea largely at the expense of U.S. exporters, Jackson said.
Australia’s global beef exports last month were up 9 percent from April and 25 percent from May 2023, hitting 113,923 tons — the highest level in more than four years. “US declines in production are now having a noticeable impact on export flows,” Jackson said.
He noted that near-record highs in Brazilian beef production were eating into Australia’s exports to China.
Similar to beef, record Australian exports of lamb and goat were led by gains in the U.S. market, which remains the largest destination for both meats from Down Under.
Meanwhile, U.S. pork exports to Australia have soared in the last year, regaining market share that was previously lost to the European Union, a result of spillovers from wide swings in Chinese demand due to African Swine Fever (ASF). ▫
Western Governors Elect New Leadership
To close out the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Western Governors’ Association (WGA), Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon handed over the reins as Chair of the Association to New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and announced the election of Utah Governor Spencer Cox as WGA’s new Vice Chair.
As Chair, Governor Lujan Grisham said that her WGA Chair initiative will focus on housing.
“Too many working-class families lack access to housing that meets their needs, and it diminishes quality of life and threatens our vibrant economic growth,” said Governor Lujan Grisham. “We are laser focused on removing obstacles, reducing development costs, and putting new resources and public land in play to deliver this badly needed housing.”
Governor Cox, who is currently wrapping up a Chair initiative at the National Governors Association entitled Disagree Better, said he is eager to continue highlighting the importance of bipartisanship alongside Governor Lujan Grisham.
“I’m excited to join Governor Lujan Grisham as Vice Chair of the Western Governors’ Association,” said Governor Spencer Cox. “Governors engage in practical politics, and I look forward to working on solutions with my fellow governors on the challenges we face in the West.”
by Jim Olson
Springfield Armory’s “Trapdoor Rifles”
History, Evolution and Production
At the end of the War Between the States, the U.S. Government had over one million single-shot, muzzle-loading .58 caliber muskets of the Springfield variety. While many of these were still serviceable, wartime experience had shown that muzzle-loaders were becoming obsolete. Loading them was difficult, and repeated firing made them even harder to load. Soldiers frequently failed to load them properly in the heat of battle, causing the weapon to malfunction. By this time, most European armies had already adopted breech loading arms due to these defects. After the war, the U.S. faced the possibility of conflict with France, which had installed a puppet government in Mexico while the U.S. was distracted by the Civil War. Many Americans believed war would be necessary to dislodge the French-backed Emperor Maximilian. However, a postwar administration was still reluctant to scrap large numbers of usable weapons and initiate a costly replacement program, so the Ordnance Department was directed to convert the existing muzzle-loaders to a breech-loading arm.
The Allin Conversion
The system selected for conversion was a relatively simple one developed by Erskine S. Allin, the Master Armorer of Springfield Armory. This conversion consisted of removing the top portion of the rear of the barrel and replacing it with a hinged breech block, soon nicknamed the “Trapdoor.” Five thousand Model 1865 conversions were produced utilizing the older muskets and retaining their .58 caliber. This basic “Trapdoor” design lasted more than 25 years, with some modifications along the way.
The .58 caliber was considered too large
for a cartridge weapon, so in 1866, the rifle was redesigned and converted to .50 caliber, and the new cartridge was center-fire instead of rim-fire. The Model 1866 made its battle debut on July 31, 1867, in the famous “Wagon Box Fight” near Fort Phil Kearney in the Wyoming Territory. Here, 28 soldiers and four civilians under the command of Major Powell held off repeated attacks by Chief Red Cloud’s vastly superior force, demonstrating the value of these new breech-loaders.
In 1868 and again in 1870, under the influence of Major J.G. Benton, the new commanding officer of Springfield Armory, further improvements were made. The caliber remained at .50, but new barrels were made, rather than relining the old muzzle-loader barrels. Surplus Civil War parts continued to be used on the remainder of the weapon however. The Model 1870 was similar to the 1868, except for a few minor modifications such as a shortened receiver and a changed rear sight. In 1869, a cadet version was also introduced.
Model 1873 “Trapdoor” Rifle
Major changes took place in 1873, based on the recommendations of the Ordnance Board under Brig. Gen. A.H. Terry. The resulting Model 1873 saw the caliber reduced and Springfield Armory produced the entire
weapon from new parts. The new cartridge adopted was the .45-70, meaning it was a .45 caliber backed by 70 grains of black powder (the bullet weighed in at 405 grains). As with most other 19th-century Springfield arms, the Model 1873 was produced in three variations: a rifle (overall length 52 inches) for foot soldiers; a carbine (41 inches) for mounted troops; and a “cadet rifle” (49 inches) for use by cadets.
Continuing Evolution: Models 1879 and 1884
Continuing gradual improvements in the basic trapdoor design led to new model designations in 1879 and 1884. Because of changes, as well as later repairs and modifications, it is often difficult to find two trapdoors exactly alike, even though the operating mechanism remained essentially the same. The Model 1884 was also designed to handle the newer .45-70 (500 grain cartridge)—the same as used in the Gatling Gun. This heavier bullet provided for more complete combustion of powder in the barrel and packed a little more wallop.
The Final Model: 1888
The final model of the famous “.45-70 Trapdoor” series, was the Model 1888. It had a distinguishing feature of a combination
cleaning rod and bayonet. What appears to be a ramrod is actually a cleaning rod which will pull out and snap into place to form a pencil-thin bayonet. All of the earlier models were designed for a more conventional, detachable triangular socket style bayonet.
Serial Number Ranges and Production Figures (all models 18731893)
The production figures below reveal the output of Springfield Armory’s “Trapdoor” rifles. These figures are organized by yearly production numbers and serial number ranges (they were first serialized in 1873):
1873: Production commenced with 1,950 units (serial numbers up to 1,950).
1874: Units produced were 33,268 (ending with serial number 35,218).
1875: Units produced were 25,107 (ending with serial number 60,325).
1876: Production figures were 13,888 units (ending with serial number 74,213).
1877: Units produced were only 2,512 (ending with serial number 76,725).
1878: Production increased to 23,670 units (ending with serial number 100,395).
1879: Production was 18,878 units (ending with serial number 119,273).
1880: Units produced were 25,246 (ending
with serial number 144,519).
1881: Production figures were 20,377 units (ending with serial number 164,896).
1882: Units produced were up to 28,919 (ending with serial number 193,815).
1883: Production figures again increased to 34,756 units (ending with serial number 228,571).
1884: Units produced were up to 35,305 (ending with serial number 263,876).
1885: The most prolific year ever with 42,178 units (ending with serial number 306,054).
1886: Units produced were 40,721 (ending with serial number 346,775).
1887: Production figures were 40,870 units (ending with serial number 387,645).
1888: Units produced were 41,124 (ending with serial number 428,769).
1889: Production was 41,525 units (ending with serial number 470,294).
1890: Units produced were 32,246 (ending with serial number 502,540).
1891: Production figures were 31,140 units (ending with serial number 533,681).
1892: Units produced were 24,441 (ending with serial number 558,122).
1893: Units produced were only 9,760 (ending with serial number 567,882).
The End of an Era
The Springfield Model 1873 “Trapdoor” had been the standard issue long arm of all U.S. Cavalry units from 1874 to 1896. The end of the era came in 1892, with the U.S. Government adopting a bolt-action repeating rifle known as the Krag-Jorgensen which gradually replaced the old “Trapdoor” rifles. Many units however, carried their old .45-70s into the Spanish-American War of 1898, marking this the last time they saw official action.
Role in History
The Springfield “Trapdoor” rifle, despite being largely outdated in both propellant and loading system even before the government adopted them, remain highly desirable in collector circles to this day. Their unique loading system, numerous varieties, and aesthetically pleasing, yet simple components, make them a cherished part of U.S. Military history. Somewhere around 600,000 units were produced during the second half of the 19th century, serving the army well during a colorful (and often controversial) period of American history, spanning from just after the Civil War through the closing of the Frontier era. ▫
Livestock Grazing to Prevent Wildfires
Source: Protect The Harvest
In recent years, wildfires devastated rural land across the United States. From California to the Texas Panhandle, the adverse impact has been significant. Those who have researched remedies have proposed a simple fix to reduce wildfire risk: grazing. More specifically, they have identified targeted livestock grazing to reduce the amount of flammable organic material on pastureland.
Over time, many studies have been pro duced that recommend a variety of options to reduce the amount and severity of wild fires. They include prescribed burns, chemical treatments, and mechanical treat ments, according to a USDA article on targeted grazing. Each option has downsides. According to the same USDA article, these methods can be costly and hard to maintain.
Livestock grazing is a sustainable, cost-ef fective, and proven tool to both lower the risk of wildfires and reduce the impact when they do occur. Livestock grazing accomplishes these goals by slowing the spread of the flames and controlling the temperature of the fire due to reduced organic fuel, accord ing to an article from “Studies Demonstrate How Cattle Grazing Reduces Wildfire Risk”. Simply, livestock graze down annual and perennial grasses, promoting new growth and reducing dead underbrush, which acts as fuel for rangeland fires.
Lowering Risk and Reducing Impact
In the United States, livestock grazing, specifically by cattle, is critical to mitigating the increasing numbers of wildfires. A study titled “Cattle Grazing Reduces Fuel and Leads to More Manageable Fire Behavior” shared that without cattle grazing, there would be “hundreds or possibly thousands” of additional pounds per acre of fuel on rangelands, which could ultimately result in larger and more devastating fires.
There is a fairly simple solution to this problem according to the same article:
“A strategic grazing program would target
grazing on certain areas on the landscape. It should consider maintaining fuel breaks, controlling shrub encroachment, employing grazing near the wildland-urban interface, proximity to urban centers, annual weather patterns, potential sources of ignition, and the realities of grazing operations.”
One example of the magnitude of difference livestock grazing can make is found in a UC Berkeley study, which found beef cattle consumed 11.6 billion pounds of fire fuel in 2017. The study is titled: “Benefits of Cattle Grazing for Reducing Fire Fuels and Hazard”.
The strategic use of cattle grazing could, and should, meet both fire reduction goals while promoting native ecology and environments. Pertaining to wildfires, livestock grazing reduces fire fuels and fuel continuity while, at the same time, preventing the invasion of non-native shrubs into grasslands.
Currently, Davies and his team are working toward the ability to apply their research on a large scale.
“We are hoping to work with more landscape ecologists, looking at how it applies across the landscape,” Davies said to the Capital Press, “That would include investigating, long-term, how rangeland plant communities respond to fire whether they are grazed or not, and deriving a grazing approach to suit a location’s unique fire risk – deciding how much to graze and in which season for example.”
Creating Fuel Breaks in the Great Basin
While research continues on the benefits of cattle grazing, results from the Great Basin prove the concept is beneficial. Cattle grazing in the Great Basin is used to create fuel breaks on public rangeland according to
article. Cattle were turned onto carefully planned fuel breaks in the spring of 2017 in Elko, Nevada. Boise, Idaho soon followed in 2018. Cattle were contained using both traditional fencing around the designated area and corridor fencing.
During this time, ranchers carefully monitored the level of grazing cattle did on the fuel breaks. Once required grazing specifications were met, cattle were removed and placed on alternative grazing allotments. In total, cattle spent roughly a month on each fuel break. This varied depending on the size and layout of the allotment.
The project was declared a success in 2020, when an Elko, Nevada, fuel break helped slow the spread and decrease the intensity of the Boulder Creek Fire. The fuel break allowed firefighters to hold the fire in a road at the center of the fuel break. Also in 2020, the same fuel break helped firefighters contain a fire at 54 acres. In 2021, the fuel break helped reduce potential damage by the Welch Fire. This fire, which started in cheatgrass, was rapidly spreading before it reached the fuel break. At the fuel break, firefighters were able to contain the fire at 42 acres when its intensity dropped.
Currently, there is proposed legislation to make livestock grazing a common practice to reduce the amount and impact of wildfires. Primary sponsor Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) is working toward this goal with a newly proposed bill, H.R. 7666, titled the Utilizing Grazing for Wildfire Risk Reduction Act.
“Utilizing livestock for fire fuel management is common sense,” said LaMalfa, chairman of the House of Agriculture Subcommittee on Forestry, in a press release. “It’s an important tool that unfortunately isn’t being utilized enough. In California, we’ve seen firsthand what happens when we can’t use every authority available to prevent wildfires.”
The bill aims to make it easier for ranchers with permits to graze on public lands to work with the U.S. Forest Service to utilize their livestock to minimize fire risks. Current legislation makes it extremely difficult for ranchers to become involved in livestock grazing wildfire reduction, according to a Farm Progress report titled “Bill Would Use Grazing to Curb Wildfires”. In fact, it can take upwards of 10 years to obtain a federal grazing permit, according to the article.
During this time, highly flammable cheat grass grows and spreads rapidly in fields, unable to be eaten down by livestock and increasing the severity and likelihood of future wildfires.
H.R. 7666 will implement a five-part strategy to achieve its goal of using livestock as a wildfire risk reduction strategy. According to the United States Congress, the steps are as follows:
“(1) Completion of reviews (as required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)) to allow permitted grazing on vacant grazing allotments during instances of drought, wildfire or other natural disasters that disrupt grazing on allotments already permitted; (2) use of targeted grazing; (3) increase use of temporary permits to promote targeted fuels reduction and (4) increased use of grazing as a post-fire recovery and restoration strategy, where appropriate; and (5) use all applicable authorities under the law.”
The bill was introduced on March 13, 2024, and was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and the Committee on Natural Resources, where it awaits action. ▫
JANUARY — Wildlife; Gelbvieh; Joint Stockmen’s Convention Results
FEBRUARY — Beefmasters; Texas Longhorns
MARCH — Limousin; Santa Gertrudis
APRIL — Dairy
MAY — News of the Day
JUNE Sheepman of the Year
JULY — Directory of Agriculture
AUGUST — The Horse Industry
SEPTEMBER — Charolais; Fairs Across the Southwest
OCTOBER — Hereford; New Mexico State Fair Results
NOVEMBER — Cattleman of the Year; Angus; Brangus; Red Angus; Joint Stockmen’s Convention Preview
DECEMBER — Bull Buyers Guide
If you would like to see your breed featured, let us know – To Reserve Your Advertising Space, Contact Chris — chris@aaalivestock. com 505.243.9515 ext. 28 For Real Estate Advertising –
Plan advertisingyourfor the coming year!
Animal Disease
Crisis Prep, U.S. Ag Policy & More at WIA Summit
The 2024 Women in Agribusiness (WIA) Summit will tackle the critical ag news making headlines – animal disease, ag’s role in decarbonization, meeting global protein demand and more – at its 13th annual Summit in Denver, September 24 through 26.
Relevant to the trending discussions and due diligence in preparedness from producers across the country seeking to contain the recent spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1, the WIA Summit will present a dynamic session on the ongoing efforts to fortify producers and regional ag economies against these crises to ensure a resilient food supply. Leading this discussion will be Tommy Bass of Montana State University, who has decades of experience in environmental management, emergency management, and local and niche supply chain performance, all focused on animal agriculture.
In keeping with animal ag, the event will delve into the demand trends, trade implications, and notable impacts in the U.S. animal protein industry. Bridging that discussion will be those on sustainability – for building out programs and keeping current with sustainability regulations – with speakers Nicole Ayache of the National Milk Producers Federation and Samantha Buchalter of The Russell Group, respectively.
Communicating in and through crisis situations will also be addressed and presented by key PR and media experts in ag – Sarah Hatch of Wells Fargo, Michele Murray of Ketchum and Cassidy Walter of Successful Farming. These pros will speak to fostering relationships between journalists and agribusinesses, preserving corporate reputation and amplifying PR impact.
More than 800 attendees are expected to attend this year’s WIA Summit to gain knowledge, network growth and memorable experiences during the three-day event. Interspersed with female agribusiness professionals from across the sector – from finance, marketing, risk management and more, and including executive and middle management and those new to ag – the Summit is known for its unparalleled networking and spot-on content and workshops, enhanced by engaging special activities.
New Mexico Livestock Board Outlines Need for Fee Increase
In a presentation at the 2024 Mid-Year Convention, the New Mexico Livestock Board (NMLB) laid out the need for fee increases.
Although NMLB has utilized its resources to continue to build on this platform to meet the traceability needs of New Mexico, there has not been a fee increase since 2002, according to the presentation.
The increasing differential between the cost of the continued upgrades for the traceability inspection program and the fees that are charged, have resulted in the NMLB becoming more reliant on State General funds to close
the gap between expenses and revenues. General funds cannot be relied on as a stable revenue source.
The statutory cap limits have all been met and the NMLB has no way to increase fees without a statutory change. Current statute allows for an increase in fees of no more than $.1O per year for all livestock except sheep and goats. Sheep and goats are limited to $.04 per year.
No new fees were proposed. The NMLB plans on future discussions on the need for an increase and whether to raise them in statute..
them, and mention that you saw their
Deanna Dickinson McCall
Fourth of July Pie
In the last century the 4th of July was the most celebrated holiday in the USA, it outshone even Christmas. Parades, huge picnics, bands playing, games, and wonderful food was celebrated everywhere. Nowadays, parades and rodeos often take center stage for the 4th. We still need to celebrate our country; it is far better than any in the world despite the changes we all see and strongly dislike. We are One Nation Under God, and religious freedom is something to truly give thanks for. Seeing our flag flying high, saluting it, and singing one of our patriotic songs still brings a lump to my throat and makes my eyes water.
Most folks have great memories of the 4th of July. It was a time of friends and family, barefoot kids, barbeques, and fireworks on a summer evening after the work is done for the day. It is often a time of getting together with other folks or it may just be your family. Growing up it sometimes meant cousins coming to the ranch from hundreds of miles away, fishing in the creeks or ponds, cowboy croquet in the meadow trying to avoid cow pies and gopher mounds, kids playing all day while the older folks sat in the shade sharing stories while the wonderful smell of cooking meat filled the air. Kids jumped and ran with sparklers and firecrackers were shot off in safe areas. Sometimes a late branding or works might be held, depending on condi-
tions. Those evenings were still spent relaxing, visiting and with a celebration of our country after a hot and hard day of work.
At those 4th of July barbeques pies were plentiful, everything from fresh fruit to cream pies. There’s the old saying, “As American as apple pie”. Pies have long been an American favorite and come in so many forms, from sweet to savory. My husband always says he only likes two kinds of pie, hot and cold. That echoes many ranch guys, most of them love pie. Lemon meringue and blackberry were always at our family’s celebration, along with others.
I found the basic recipe for this pie several years ago. I made some changes to make it into a larger size and feed more folks. The kids all love it, and will love to help decorate it, turning the top into a flag. One teenager who was artistic even made it appear it was flying in a breeze.
Ingredients for crust:
3 cups finely ground graham cracker crumbs
3/4 cup white sugar
3/4 cup unsalted butter, melted 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (Optional)
Directions: Place crumbs into 13 x 9-inch dish and use a fork to mix the sugar and cinnamon in Pour the melted butter over and mix thoroughly
Press the mixture down firmly and refrigerate until set
Ingredients for filling:
2 (8 oz) packages of cream cheese softened to room temperature
2 cans of sweetened condensed milk
2/3 cup of lemon juice or lime juice
2 tsps vanilla extract
1 can cherry pie filling
1 can blueberry pie filling
In large mixer bowl beat the cream cheese until soft and fluffy
Gradually add in the sweetened condensed milk until smooth
Stir in the juice and vanilla
Pour into the chilled crust and refrigerate at least 4 hours
When ready to serve use the fruit fillings to make a flag pattern. Use the red for the stripes and the blue for the corner stars. Place any leftover filling in bowls so folks can add more toppings if desired.
Strawberry maybe substituted for the cherry and blackberry for the blueberry
Natural Resources Law Center Seeking Executive
The Executive Director of the Natural Resource Users Law and Policy Center (NRULPC) engages Arizona Natural Resource Users, landowners and stakeholders, faculty and staff with Arizona Cooperative Extension, the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences (CALES), and the James E Rogers College of Law, to set priorities for the NRULPC. The NRULPC supplies Tribes, private landowners, public lands managers, and natural resource users with critical information and technical assistance when they face complex legal environments.
The Executive Director, with the guidance of the Advisory Board, sets the Center’s agenda based on the needs of natural resource users in Arizona and the western U.S., including ranchers, farmers, and others whose business involves the use of natural resources. The Executive Director collaborates with stakeholders inside and outside the university to design and implement a consultative structure that ensures regular feedback and input and prepares quarterly reports to the advisory board and stakeholders.
The Director continues ongoing engagement with development teams in natural resource users organizations and state legislators. The Director is responsible for developing and implementing a fundraising plan to ensure the NRULPC is self-sustaining.
The Executive Director coordinates and attends in-person meetings, conferences, and workshops around the state of Arizona and the western U.S. with stakeholders from the mining, ranching, farming, and forestry businesses communities as well as law/policy meetings agencies, including, but not limited to: Farm Bureau, Family Farm Alliance, Agribusiness and Water Council, Arizona Cotton Growers Association, the Arizona Cattle Growers Association, and other local, regional and national groups as considered proper.
Required Qualifications:
Ї Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D., J.D., and/or equivalent training and experience in fields closely related to natural resource management, law, and policy.
Ї Evidence of strong leadership, organizational, and communication skills.
Ї A track record of work with groups and individuals, public and private entities, and producers.
Ї A track record of effective and persuasive verbal and written communication and to be an effective collaborator.
Ї Knowledge of Arizona and Western U.S. agriculture and natural resource management, law, and policy.
Ї Knowledge of Arizona and Western U.S. agriculture and natural resource business communities.
Ї Ability and interest to effectively contribute to interdisciplinary teams.
Ї A track record of securing extramural funding to support applied research and Extension programs.
Preferred Qualifications:
Ї Demonstrated skills and experience in:
• Training students (i.e., the next generation of natural resource science professionals, lawyers, agency heads, politicians, and judges) to critically evaluate complex natural resource law and policy matters using a hands-on approach to learning.
• Providing access to legal and technical support for individuals and businesses involved in natural resource management that may not have access due to economic, cultural, and/or social constructs.
• Combining science-based knowledge of natural resource management, law and policy, and economic analyses to promote responsible stewardship of natural resources.
Ї Experience working with both state and federal Government elected officials.
Ї Experience working with State and Federal Land Management agencies
For more information on the position and how to apply visit here: requisition/19649?c=arizona
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Solve the Housing Crisis By Selling Government Land
by William Perry Pendley, Washington Examiner
It surprises most people outside the American West to learn that fully one-third of the nation’s land mass is owned by the federal government. It is much more than that in some states: over 80 percent of Nevada is federally owned as is over 60 percent of Alaska, Idaho, and Utah. Even in Western states where federal landownership is 50 percent or less, federal lands may comprise 70 percent, 80 percent, and 90 percent of rural counties.
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Setting aside the lengthy and complex constitutional, statutory, and historical process that got us to this point and whether, on a grand scale, we should change that ownership pattern, one question worthy of concern given current events is whether, on a case-by-case basis, we should dispose of or sell any of that federal land? Specifically at issue are the 245 million acres of land — 10 percent of the nation’s land — overseen by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) from within the Department of the Interior.
Thus, not subject to discussion are the national parks or “pleasuring-ground[s] for the benefit and enjoyment of the people” (80 million acres), congressionally designed wilderness areas “where man himself is a visitor who does not remain” (112 million acres), and national monuments established by Congress or by presidential edict that protect and preserve “archeological sites, historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest” (19 million acres).
Although the US Forest Service (USFS) in the Department of Agriculture manages 193 million acres compared to the BLM’s 245 million acres, its lands were set aside specifically, early on via presidential decree and then designated by Congress as national forests to promote water resources, for timber harvesting, and, later, recreation. Since 1960, Forest Service lands have been managed by federal law for “multiple use and sustained yield,” as have BLM lands, which include mining, grazing, oil and gas, and recreation, among others.
It is worth noting that the Biden administration has ended “multiple use” of most BLM lands in favor of preservation, which has drawn lawsuits from Western attorneys general.
Unlike USFS land, BLM lands comprise a hodgepodge of remainder land that was not designated specifically by Congress, not transferred through federal land acquisition statutes, such as the Homestead Act and General Mining Act of 1872, and thus left over when Congress ended the land disposal era with passage of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act.
One example of such BLM lands is the checkerboard tracts intermingled with private land across southern Wyoming, the subject of public access litigation argued at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit in Denver, Colorado, last May.
Like those largely inaccessible tracts in Wyoming, the BLM is saddled with millions of acres of land that are isolated, difficult to access, expensive to manage, and not supportive of the purpose for which they were acquired or retained. Congress recognized that fact in 1976 when it passed FLPMA, also known as the BLM Organic Act. Thus, during its land-use management process, the BLM may identify such tracts if they “serve important public objectives, including but not limited to, expansion of communities and economic development” for sale at fair market value.
A planned sale of more than 2,500 acres must be submitted to Congress, which may veto the proposal. Yet another federal law permits the BLM to sell qualified tracts from the land-use planning process but allows retention of the proceeds of those sales to acquire nonfederal lands, “specifically inholdings, lands adjacent to federal lands that contain exceptional resources, and areas adjacent to inaccessible lands that are open to recreation.”
Surprisingly, in late February, Representative Ryan Zinke (R-MT), secretary of the interior under former President Donald Trump, introduced bipartisan legislation to restrict the federal government’s authority to dispose of its lands, “Public lands must remain public, and the federal government has a responsibility to manage and ensure access to those lands.” Because his bill is limited to tracts larger than 300 acres that are “publicly accessible via road, trail, easement or waterway,” and includes a dozen exclusions, how it will affect the BLM’s existing land disposal authority is unknown.
Days after Zinke’s announcement, Governor Joe Lombardo (R-NV) struck the opposite tone with a letter to President Joe Biden demanding the Biden administration “release” federal land to permit more housing development in a state where 85 percent of the land is owned by the federal government.
Ninety percent of Clark County, home to Las Vegas and nearly three-quarters of Nevada’s residents, is owned by the federal government, almost all by the BLM.
The hardship such a lopsided federal/ private landowners pattern imposed on Nevada has long been recognized. In 1980, the Santini-Burton Act authorized disposal of vast acreage in Clark County to permit Las Vegas to grow, the proceeds from which was used for land conservation projects. That program was expanded greatly with enactment in 1998 of the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act.
Over two and a half decades, SNPLMA generated over $4 billion in revenue for conservation and public service projects and permitted privately owned land to sustain homes, schools, and businesses. Nonetheless, logjams remain.
Hence, Lombardo demanded Biden slash “bureaucratic red tape” to address the housing crisis that is facing Nevada, its local communities, and residents. “The federal process for privatizing land for development is too slow, too complex, and contributes to higher costs for Nevada families seeking homeownership.” As bad as the Biden housing crisis is nationwide, as “Bidenomics” prices young people out of homeownership, how much worse must it be in Nevada where almost no private land is available to the public?
Last year, Trump recognized the situation with his call for 10 “freedom cities” on undeveloped federal land: “These freedom cities will reopen the frontier, reignite American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of young people and other people, all hardworking families, a new shot at homeownership and in fact, the American dream.”
That certainly must be music to the ears of Lombardo, Nevadans, and other Westerners who find their way to a better future impeded unnecessarily by vast swaths of federal land largely unused, unnecessary, and exorbitantly expensive to maintain. Moreover, I don’t think Zinke will object. After all, his bill recognizes the success of the Nevada land sale laws and exempts them from his ban on federal land sales.
Mr. Pendley, a Wyoming attorney and Coloradobased, public-interest lawyer for three decades with victories at the Supreme Court of the United States, served in the Reagan administration and led the Bureau of Land Management for former President Donald Trump. ▫
USDA Mounts First-Ever Trade Mission for Tribal Products As Meat Grants Advance
by Frank Fuhrig,
AU.S. delegation was in Canada this week in the first-ever trade mission focused on cultivating export markets for products from tribal and native Hawaiian businesses.
The trade mission follows USDA announcement in early June of $42.5 million in grants under the Indigenous Animals Harvesting and Meat Processing Grant Program. Since the grants were issued, tribes have announced detailed plans for projects to boost meat processing.
Alexis Taylor, USDA under secretary for
trade and foreign agricultural affairs, held meetings this week in Vancouver, where she called the trade mission a “turning point” for tribes. She was accompanied by 14 tribal agribusinesses, agricultural leaders from 13 Native Nations, Intertribal Agriculture Council Board President Harlan Beaulieu and state officials from Maine, Minnesota, North Carolina and Oregon.
“This historic trade mission showcasing products from tribal and native Hawaiian producers is long overdue, and Canada couldn’t be a better host country,” Taylor said. “Indigenous nations on both sides of the border share strong historical connections to their lands, trading networks and agricultural practices.”
USDA is seeking “the restoration of vital trading networks” for indigenous communities’ agricultural resources, with the potential to boost incomes, she said,
The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of Pablo, Mont., received a federal grant worth $7.7 million to build a bison, elk
J-C Angus Ranch
45th Anniversary sale at the ranch on 3/15/25, selling 60 Yearling Bulls
and deer processing facility on the Flathead Indian Reservation with a capacity of up to 25 animals weekly. Tribal officials announced this week that site design is beginning immediately on a 3,000-squarefoot plant in Ronan, Mont., the Lake County Leader reported.
Work could take up to two years to complete on the 3-acre building site for the plant, part of a 31-acre tribal parcel annexed last year into the municipality. The facility is to be USDA certified with a workforce that could eventually reach 15.
Michael Dolson, chairman of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, said the group is “pleased by the significant award of this USDA grant to construct a tribal meat processing facility as part of the CSKT portfolio of services to our community.” He said it would benefit both tribal cattle producers while enhancing the group’s food sovereignty.
Tribes in Nebraska and Washington state that also received grants have already announced moves toward launching projects utilizing their USDA meat processing grants. ▫
USDA Moves to Gain Better Understanding of Forest and Grazing Conservation Practices
This summer, the Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS), a joint project between USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), will be mailed to 43,000 forest and grazing landowners and managers across the nation.
The CPAMS gathers information to understand why people choose to use different conservation practices, and whether they continue to use practices over time. The data will help improve voluntary conservation programs. NASS will mail an invitation to respond early online at starting June 24.
NASS will mail questionnaires on July 8 with the option for survey recipients to respond online, by mail, or fax. If NASS does not receive completed questionnaires by July 28, they may reach out to schedule interviews. A data highlights publication is scheduled for October 2024 and will be published at
Four different conservation categories are researched through CPAMS overall: crop practices, confined livestock practices, grazing practices and forestry practices. This year, NASS will survey grazing practices and forestry practices. Crop practices and confined livestock practices were surveyed in 2022.
The grazing sample respondents are randomly selected from NASS records of operations that meet the grazing land criteria. The forestry sample respondents are determined by the USDA Forest Service area frame determination of wood or forest landowners.
“By responding to CPAMS, you can help shape the future of conservation, agriculture, and forestry,” said NASS Administrator Joseph L. Parsons. “With better data to help us understand how conservation fits into existing agriculture and forest management operations, program resources can be focused on where they will be most effective. I encourage everyone who receives a CPAMS questionnaire to respond.”
Previous CPAMS data are available on the Highlights page of the NASS website. For more information, visit For help with the CPAMS questionnaire, call 888-424-7828. ▫
2024 Directory Listings
The Numbers
Livestock Production
N.M. Pecan Production 2021-23
N.M. Acres Harvested, Yield per Acre, Production,Value of Production – 2023
N.M. Production 2020-2023
■ Homes, Mobile Homes
■ Scheduled Equipment, Hay, Cattle, Horses
■ Autos, Pickups, RVs, Motorcycles, Boats, Jet Skis, Four Wheelers
■ Personal/Commercial Liability, Umbrellas, Bonds
■ Corporate & Personal Ranches, and more!
New Mexico State University
Monica Torres, Interim President, 575-646-2035
College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences, aces .nmsu .edu
P.O Box 30003, MSC 3AE, Las Cruces, NM 88003
Rolando A . Flores, Dean & Chief Admin . Officer, 575-646-3748
Academic Programs, Donald E . Conner, Assoc Dean & Director, 575-646-1807
Agricultural Experiment Station, Jay Lillywhite, Assoc Dean & Director, 575-646-5321
Students can major in Animal or Rangeland Resources and are provided with the very best of “hands on” academic instruction by our faculty. Fully equipped labs allow students access to cutting-edge research in: LIVESTOCKNUTRITION / GENETICS / PHYSIOLOGY / ENDOCRINOLOGY / MEATSCIENCE / WOOL / TOXICOLOGY / WATERSHED & RANGELANDECOLOGY / WEED & BRUSHCONTROL / PLANTSYSTEMATICS / GRAZINGMANAGEMENT
The Department also offers pre-veterinary studies –our graduates have a high acceptance rate into veterinary medicine programs. We offer graduate degrees at the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy levels. The M.S. or Ph.D. in Animal Science can emphasize nutrition or physiology, and offers a Ph.D. in Range Science to study range management, range ecology and watershed management.
• The Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center (The College Ranch) –64,000 acre ranch just outside of Las Cruces
• The Corona Range & Livestock Research Center – 28,000 acre ranch & facilities in Corona, NM
• Student organizations, including a Block & Bridle Club, Pre-Vet Club, Range Club, Horsemen’s Association, Therapeutic Riding Club, & Judging Teams
• Clayton Research Center hosts research on shipping protocols, particularly evaluating the health and performance of newly received cattle, and nutrition and management from feedlot to slaughter
The New Mexico Livestock Board
Belinda Garland, Executive Director
Shawn Davis, Deputy Director
Samantha Uhrig, DVM, State Veterinarian
Eddie Behrends, Meat Program Director Vacant, CFO
Stephanie Lujan, HR Manager/Administrator
Chris Machin, Legal Counsel
Curt Henderson, CIO
Julie Gauman, Admin Programs Manager
Livestock Inspectors
Barry Allen, ROM
575-840-5374, Melrose
Dist 5 James Williams, Sup 575-840-5375
Dist 5 Renee Brock
575-840-5372, Roswell
Dist 5 Gloria Rodriguez
575-840-5371, Roswell
Dist 5 Al Wyatt
575-252-3182, Roswell
Dist 11 Lance Bliss
575-200-5367, Artesia
Dist 12 Cindy Reynolds
575-749-0973, Tatum
Dist 12 Cody Salas
575-520-2328, Hobbs
Dist 13 Steven Howard, Sup
505-235-4875, Clovis
Dist 13 Roger Sink
575-607-5070, Portales
Dist 13 Clinton Hayden
505-301-0995, Clovis
Dist 13 Harley Thornton
575-799-0357, Rogers
Dist 13 Tyson Henry
575-218-5410, Clovis
Dist 13 Sheldon Milton
575-760-0876, Portales
Matthew K. Romero, ROM
575-643-6805, Buena Vista
Dist 1 Darby Makloski
575-643-9285, Grenville
Dist 1 Denym Taylor
575-643-6808, Cimarron
Dist 2 Keith Coble
575-207-5474, Clayton
Dist 2 Johnny Gilbert
575-207-5305, Des Moines
Dist 3 Shaun McCauley
575-207-5306, Tucumcari
Dist 3 John Earle
505-203-8986, Nara Visa
Dist 15 Heath Lee
575-512-5326, Ft Sumner
Dist 15 Walter Jones
575-799-3549, Santa Rosa
Dist 18 Jose Miera, Sup .
505-203-9267, Holman
Dist 18 Tim Martinez
505-617-5417, Las Vegas
Dist 18 Iliana Muniz
575-643-6162, Las Vegas
Dist 19 Cassidy Studdard
575-643-6815, Roy
Special Investigators
Dennis Alarid, 505-231-8741, Abiquiu
Michele Ingram, 575-799-2670, Clovis
Ashley Martinez, 505-895-2966, Rowe
Alexandra Eckhoff DVM, Field Veterinarian
Kregg Evetts DVM, Field Veterinarian
Caleb Rivera, Brand Department
Mary Ann Marquez, Accounting
Marcella Torres, Accounting
Jerry Miller, Admin . Assistant
Mildred Rivera, Admin . Assistant
Kelli Garcia, Vet Contractor
Margaret Rivera, Veterinary Admin Assistant
Bobby Hernandez, Information Technology
Tracey Kitts, Fleet Manager
Andres Torres, IPRA/Outreach Coordinator
Justin Gray, ROM
505-301-3391, Cedarvale
Dist 6 Andrew Sanchez
505-681-1405, Farmington
Dist 6 Kelsey Begay 505-330-4962, Crownpoint
Dist 8 Benjamin Gonzales, Sup 505-927-2490, Lindrith
Dist 8 Beth Mitchell
575-595-5151, Edgewood
Dist 8 Raquel White
505-977-9592, Edgewood
Dist 8 Cody Mathews
505-796-2849, Belen
Dist 9 Tommy Gallegos 505-358-8433, Tierra Amarilla
Dist 9 Hunter Earl 505-607-1316, Santa Fe
Dist 23 Byron Murphy
505-362-3923, Crownpoint
Dist 24 Ruben Baca
575-377-5748, Ranchos De Taos
Dist 26 Vacant
Dist 28 Brandie Overton
575-643-6806, Corona
Troy Patterson, ROM
505-250-5956, Capitan
Dist 4 Skylar Davis, Sup 575-551-1782, Cloudcroft
Dist 7 Jessica Dominguez 505-859-6552, Deming
Dist 7 Amanda Reno 505-304-4229, Las Cruces
Dist 10 Amanda McComb 575-652-1429, Mesquite
Dist 14 Chris Lucero 505-508-8782, Lemitar
Dist 16 Warren Walter 505-362-0652, Animas
Dist 17 Patrick Weisdorfer 575-590-4183, Silver City
Dist 20 Jacob Heron 575-642-3993, Carrizozo
Dist 21 David Trujillo 575-639-3663, Arrey
Dist 22 Paul Summers 575-590-0683, Magdalena
New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau
2220 N Telshor | Las Cruces, New Mexico 88011 | Phone: (575) 532-4700
SAN JUAN ..................... Gary Hathorn 505-320-5056
NOVEMBER — Cattleman of the Year; Joint Stockmen’s Convention Preview; Angus, Brangus, Red Angus
DECEMBER — Bull Buyers Guide
to see your breed featured email To Reserve Advertising Space email or call Chris at 505.243.9515, ext. 2
Thanks to ALL Our Sponsors!
Thanks to these sponsors who made the 2024 Mid Year possible
AgTrust Farm Credit
American AgCredit
CKP Insurance
Depot Farm & Ranch Agency
Lyssy & Eckel Feeds
Welcome Reception
AgTrust Farm Credit
Awards Dinner
Agri-Plan Insurance
Corteva Agriscience
NMWGI Awards Dinner
American AgCredit
First American Bank
Day at the Races
National Ranching
Heritage Center
Monday Lunch
Clovis Livestock Auction
Culbertson-Whatley Ranch
Dexter Livestock Commission
Major Ranch Realty
Manzano Angus
Tuesday Lunch
American AgCredit
Major Ranch Realty
Suther Feeds- Southwest
Manzano Angus
Williams Ranch Supply
Depot Farm & Ranch Agency
AIM Internship Program
Agri-Plan Insurance
AgTrust Farm Credit
American AgCredit
Nutrition Plus
Copper Bit
Waypath Employee Benefits
Point Rider
CKP Insurance
Lyssy & Eckel Feeds
Elanco Animal Health
Hargrove Ranch Insurance
Hudson Livestock Supplements, Inc.
Trail Boss
AgRisk Advisors
Agri-Plan Insurance
AgTrust Farm Credit
Albuquerque Pawn Shop
American AgCredit
Bill King Ranch
Citizens Bank of Clovis
Corteva Agriscience
Eagle Guest Ranch
Express Scale Services
Gallagher NA – Animal Management
Hooser Ranch/Longinaker Photography
Insurance Services of New Mexico
Jill Wilson Agency
McKenzie Land & Livestock
Merck Animal Health
Mossy Oak Properties Enchanted Land
Mountain States Contruction Inc.
Multimin USA
New Mexico Livestock Board
New Mexico Stockman
NMSU Animal & Range Sciences
Nutrition Plus
Protect Agriculture Now
R & R Scales
Specialized Crop Insurance
Southwest Border Food Protection & Emergency Preparedness Center
½ Corriente, ½ Angus Bred Heifers & Young Pairs Solid Black Matt • 806/292-1035 Steve • 806/292-1039
Lockney, Texas • Claude, Texas Columbus, New Mexico
• Aermotor Windmills & Parts
• Sun Pump & Grundfos Solar Pumps
• Photovoltaic Panels and Trackers
• Webtrol Pumps & Water Systems
• Water Tanks & Septic Systems
• Complete Line of Plumbing Supplies
• Fencing Supplies
• 12VDC Stock Tank Bubbler De-Icers
• Structural Pipe & Steel
• Poly, PVC & Galvanized Pipe
• Welding Supplies and Gas
• Portable Corral Panels & Gates
• Stock Tank Floats & Valves
• NRCS NSF Approved Poly Storage Tanks
• Rubber Tire Troughs
Coalition Of Arizona/New Mexico Counties For Stable Economic Growth
“Working together for responsible management.”
PRESIDENT WOODY CLINE, Supervisor/Director, Gila County, 1400 East Ash Street , Globe, AZ 85501, County Phone: (928) 474-7101, Cell (928) 951-1510, Office E-mail:
VICE PRESIDENT, LOUIS DERRICK, Director, Eddy County, P.O. Box 441, Artesia, NM 88211, 101 W. Greene St., Carlsbad, NM 88220, County Phone: (575) 887-9511 - Fax: (575) 234-1061, Home Phone, (575) 703-8427, Cell Phone: (575) 365-6927, Personal E-mail:
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT, DEAN JACKSON, Commissioner/Director, Lea County, 100 North Main, Suite 4, Lovington, NM 88260, County Phone, (575) 396-8602, Cell Phone, (575) 441-6031, Office E-Mail,
TRAVIS DAY, COMMISSIONER/DIRECTOR, Sierra County, 855 Van Patten, T or C, NM 87901, Business Phone: (575) 894-6215 - Fax: (575) 894-9548, Cell Phone: (575) 740-2290, E-mail:,
HAYDN FORWARD, COMMISSIONER / DIRECTOR, Catron County, P.O. Box 507, Reserve, NM 87830, County Phone: (575) 887-9511 - Fax: (575) 887-1039, Home Phone: (575) 539-2039, Work Cell, (575) 519-0404, Personal E-mail:
RAY MARTINEZ, COUNTY COMMISSIONER/DIRECTOR, Socorro County, P.O. Box I, Socorro NM 87801, County Phone (575) 835-0589, Cell Phone, (575) 418-7261, Work E-Mail,
NELSON DAVIS, COUNTY SUPERVISOR/DIRECTOR, Apache County, 75 West Cleveland; P.O. Box 428 Saint Johns, AZ 85936, County Phone: (928) 337-7608, Cell Phone: (928) 245-2400, E-Mail,
KIM CHESSER, DIRECTOR, Chaves County/ Past President, 399 Chesser Road, Roswell, NM 88203, P.O. Box 1817, Roswell, NM 88201, County Phone: (575) 624-6600 - Fax: (575) 624-6631, Home Phone: (575) 347-2668, Cell Phone: (575) 626-0580, Business Phone: (575) 626-0580, E-mail:,
JASON WHITING, SUPERVISOR/DIRECTOR, Navajo County, P.O. Box 668, Holbrook, AZ 86025, County Phone: (928) 524-4053 Fax (928) 524-4239, Cell Phone: Office E-mail:
KELLEY PETERSON, COMMISSIONER/DIRECTOR, Hidalgo County, 305 Pyramid Street, Lordsburg, NM 88045, County Phone: (575) 542-9428 Fax: (575) 542-3414, Personal
GARRY MOORE, DIRECTOR MCKINLEY COUNTY, P.O. Box 1330, Thoreau, NM 87323, P.O. Box 70, Gallup, NM 87305, County Phone: (505) 863-1400- Fax: (505) 863-6362, Cell Phone: (505) 209-1851, Business E-mail: Garry.Moore@
PEGGY JUDD, DIRECTOR, COCHISE COUNTY, 1415 Melody Lane, Building G, Bisbee, AZ 85603, County Phone: (520) 432-0200, Home Phone, (520) 507-1880, Cell Phone, (520) 366-2826, Work Email,
VICKIE MARQUARDT, COUNTY COMMISSIONER/DIRECTOR, Otero County, 1101 New York Avenue, Alamogordo, NM 88310, Cell Phone, (575) 430-4961, County Phone: (575) 437-7427, Personal E-mail:
PAUL R. DAVID, COUNTY SUPERVISOR/DIRECTOR, Graham County, 921 Thatcher Blvd, Safford, AZ 85546, County Phone, (928) 428-3250, Home Phone: (928)-428-6152, Cell Phone, (928) 651-6506, E-Mail,
TINA DIXON, COUNTY COMMISSIONER/DIRECTOR, Roosevelt County, 109 West 1st Street, Portales, NM 88130, County Phone: 575-356-5307, Cell Phone, 575-607-6157, County E-mail,
CHRIS BRICE, COUNTY MANAGER/DIRECTOR, Luna County, Colette Chandler, County Commissioner/Director, 700 S. Silver Ave., Deming, NM 88030, County Phone, 575543-6561, Colette Chandler Cell, 575-494-0744, County E-mail,,
TOM KLUMKER, OUTFITTER DIRECTOR, Home Phone: (575) 539-2517, Fax: (575) 539-2518, Personal E-mail:
RICHARD SEARLE, ARIZONA LIVESTOCK DIRECTOR, P.O. Box 796, Pearce, AZ 85625, Home Phone: (520) 826-1472 Fax: (520) 826-1483, Cell Phone: (520) 508-2201, Office E-mail:
ANITA HAND, NEW MEXICO FARMING DIRECTOR, (NM Farm & Livestock, Bureau), P.O. Box 20004, Las Cruces, NM 88004, Cell Phone, (505) 321-1349, Personal E-mail:,
HOWARD HUTCHINSON, COALITION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/ MEDIA LIAISON, TECHNICAL WRITER, P.O. Box 40, Glenwood, NM 88039, , Business Phone: (505) 3799243, Cell Phone: (505) 379-9243, E-mail:, Website:
Paul David, Graham County
Woody Cline, Gila County
Peggy Judd, Cochise County
Jason Whiting, Navajo County
Nelson Davis, Apache County
Haydn Forward, Catron County
Dean Jackson, Lea County
Travis Day, Sierra County
Louis Derrick, Eddy County
Colette Chandler, Luna County
Kelly Peterson, Hidalgo County
Kim Chesser , Chaves County
Garry Moore, McKinley County
Vicky Marquardt, Otero County
Tina Dixon, Roosevelt County
Ray Martinez, Socorro County
Caren Cowan, New Mexico Livestock Director
Tom Klumker, Outfitter Director
Anita Hand, New Mexico Farming Director Small Business Director
Richard Searle, Arizona Livestock Director
Gestation Tables
Gestation Timetable for Livestock
. 14
. 24
. 11
Feb . 21
March 14
March 24
April 3 April 13 April 23
May 3
Aug 15
Aug 25
Sept 5
Sept 15
Sept 25
Oct . 5 Oct 15 Oct 25
Nov . 5 Nov 15 Nov 25
Dec 5 Dec 15
Dec 15
May 14
May 24
June 3
June 14
June 24
July 4
July 14
July 24
Aug 3
Aug 14
Aug 24
Sept . 3
Sept 13
Sept 25
Oct 3
26 May 6 May 16 May 27
June 6 June 16 June 24 July 14
24 Aug 4 Aug 14 Aug 24
. 24
4 Dec 14
25 Jan . 4 Jan 14 Jan 24 Feb 3 Feb 13 Feb 24 March 6 March 16
March 28
April 8
April 18
June 4 June 14
June 24
July 4
July 14
July 24
Aug 1
Aug 21
Sept 1
Sept 11
Sept 21 Oct 1 Oct 11
21 Jan 1 Jan . 11 Jan . 21 Feb 1 Feb 11 Feb 21
March 3
March 13
Mach 23
April 3
April 13
April 23
May 13
May 23
Dec 6
Dec 16
Dec 26
Jan . 6
Jan 16 Jan 26
Feb 3
Feb 23
March 6
March 16
March 26
April 5
April 15 May 6
May 16 May 26
June 5
June 15 June 25 July 6
July 16 July 26
Aug . 6
Aug 16
Aug 26
Sept 5
Sept 15
Sept 25
Oct 6
Oct 16
Oct 26
Nov 5
Nov 15
Nov 25
Heat & Gestation Periods in Days
The Numbers
Even within each species there is a difference in gestation periods . Generally early-developing and early-maturing breeds have a shorter period of gestation than later developing breeds .
Pat Boone, Elida, Vice
Bob McCrea, Roswell, Secretary
Becky King, Stanley, Treasurer
New Mexico’s Rank among States, 2023
Rank in Agriculture: New Mexico's Rank among States, 2023
(1,000 tons)
(1,000 bales)
(1,000 tons)
1 480 lb. bales. 2 Utilized production, in shell. 3 Inventory January 1, 2024 for cattle and sheep; December 1, 2023 for hogs. 4 Cows and heifers that have calved. 5 Less than 1000 head. 6 Pig crop for the marketing Year December 1, 2022-November 30, 2023.
1 480 lb. bales. 2 Utilized production, in shell. 3 Inventory January 1, 2024 for cattle and sheep; December 1, 2023 for hogs. 4 Cows and heifers that have calved. 5 Less than 1000 head. 6 Pig crop for the marketing Year December 1, 2022-November 30, 2023.
Ag Lending
AgTrust Farm Credit, 800-530-1252 www. Financing for: farms and ranches, livestock, equipment, operating capital, agribusiness and rural homes.
AgTrust Farm Credit, Warren Russell, 575-647-4430, 575-647-2675, 1310 Picacho Hills Drive, Suite 1, Las Cruces, NM, 88007,, www. Financing for: farms and ranches, livestock, equipment, operating capital, agribusiness and rural homes.
Agrow Credit Corporation, Michael Marcks, 512-892-8999, 512-892-8991, 2579 Western Trails Blvd, Ste. 210, Austin, TX, 78745,, www. From the land and deep roots under your feet, to the livestock and equipment vital to your livelihood, Agrow finances it. Simplify & begin putting your finances to work for you with Agrow.
American Heritage Bank , Colten Grau, 575-762-2800, 575-769-1476, 3300 N Prince St., Clovis, NM, 88101, cgrau@,, American Heritage Bank is celebrating 20 years in the business of supporting our local communities through safe and sound banking practices. We specialize in Commercial and Ag Lending needs.
Crossfirst Bank , Ag Lending, Financial, Jordan Ward, 575-374-8301, 575-286-0438, 575-374-8309, 22 Maple St, P.O. Box 488, Clayton, NM, 88415, jordan.ward@,, CrossFirst Bank delivers robust mobile & digital banking solutions with a level of service that can only be described as extraordinary. A USDA FSA Preferred Lender & experienced ag lending team.
Equitable AgriFinance, Brad Cottrell, 806-677-2920, 806-670-5828, P.O. Box 8305, Amarillo, TX, 79114, bcottrell@, com, Specializing In AG Real Estate Financing Since 1912.
Farmers & Stockmens Bank , Larry Fluhman, 575-374-8301, P.O. Box 488, Clayton, NM, 88415, customerservice@,, Agricultural lending for more than 80 years bank services.
First American Bank , 575-746-8044, 303 W. Main, Atesia, NM, 88210, www.firstamb. net, Operating lines of credit, equipment and livestock loans, loan to purchase farms and ranches- FSA professional lender.
James Polk Stone Community Bank , Kenneth Berry, 575-622-7621, 1901 N. Main, Roswell, NM, 88201, kenneth.berry@, Financial services.
USDA Farm Service Agency , Lynn Muncy, 575-622-8745, 300 North Pennsylvania Ave, Roswell, NM, 88201, lynn.muncy@,, USDA Farm Service Agency.
AI/Embryo/ Semen/ Seedstock
007 Charolais, Cody White, 580-450-7572, 405-812-2824, 3955 County Street 2840, Rush Springs, OK, 73082, 007charolais@, 007 Charolais Registered Bulls & Females for Sale Private Treaty.
ABS Breeder, Susan Honeywell, 575-3742162, 82 Six R Road, Des Moines, NM, 88418, Angus, Black Angus Bull For saleAI rep for ABS.
B & H Herefords, Phil Harvey Jr., 575-5249316, 575-644-6925, P.O. Box 40, Mesilla, NM, 88046,,, Hereford, Bulls, females and semen for sale. Cow herd located in Piñon, NM.
Bill King Ranch, Bill King, Tom Spindle, 505-220-9909, 505-321-8808, PO Box 2670, Moriarty, NM, 87035, bspin123@aol. com,, Quality Hereford, Polled Hereford, Charolais and Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale private treaty year round. We also sell alfalfa and silage.
Birdwell Ranch, James Birdwell or Joel Birdwell, 580-695-2352, 405-368-1058, 16950 NE Wolf Rd, P.O. Box 521, Fletcher , OK, 73541,, Birdwell Ranch supplier of performance high quality bulls
Bradley 3 Ranch, Mary Bradley, 940-5856471, 806-888-1062, 806-888-1010, 15591 County Road K, Memphis, TX, 79245,, www.brad, Your supplier of the finest Angus and Charolais bulls for the commercial cattleman, since 1958. We offer complete data on each bull, with first breeding season guarantee, you will love our bulls.
Casey Beefmasters, Watt Casey Jr., 325-668-1373, 325-668-1373, POB 2469, Albany, TX, 76430, Watt50@sbcglobal. net,, Casey Beefmasters-1948. Ranch raised gentle, tough, fertile cattle. The SIX ESSENTIALS defined by Tom Lasater Founder of the Beefmaster breed guide us. 25-30 day breeding season closed herd 1967!
Circle H Headquarters, LLC, C Scanlon Daniels DVM, 806-333-2829, 806-2447851, POB 1150, 3216 US Hwy 54 East, Dalhart, TX, 79022, scanlon@circleH. info, Pregnancy ELISA Testing, BVD PI Testing, NIR Feed & Forage Testing
Colorado Genetics Inc., Darrel L. DeGrofft, DVM, 970-203-9357, 970-222-1793, 970-203-9367, 5441 Boeing Drive, #1A, Loveland, CO, 80538,,, Angus, Beefmaster, Charolais, Hereford, Limousin/Lim Flex/Brahmousin, Maine Anjou, Polled Herefords, Red Angus, Shorthorn, Simmental/Simbrah, Livestock Embryo Transfer, A.I. Services, Reproduction Consultation, Ultra Sound, Import and Export.
Del Rio Land and Cattle Co., Matt Herrington/ Jim Layton, 928-322-4684, 150 W Discovery Park Blvd, Safford, AZ, 85546, Big Bend Trailers, GR Flatbeds, Tires, Pearson Squeeze Chutes, Fencing, pipe and sucker rod, solar/submersible pumps, storage tanks, drinkers, diaphragm floats, Mix 30, SweetPro supplements, and more.
Fast Herefords, John Fast, 580-6517497, RR 3 Box 180, Guymon, OK, 73945,, www.
We produce stout made, sound structured Hereford bulls with good dispositions that are developed on range from a low input cowherd with an emphasis on fertility and longevity.
Grau Charolais Ranch, Lane Grau, 575-7606336, 575-760-4510, 1680 CR 37, Grady, NM, 88120,, Quality Charolais Bulls and female seedstock. Linebred for superior hybrid-vigor. Only continuously performance tested Charolais herd in region! RFI testing and Gain. Also Red Angus and Angus cross.
H-V Ranch, Brad B. Harris, 575-631-1108, 575-398-6123, PO Box 995, Tatum, NM, 88267,, PO Box 995, H-V Ranch is offering some of the finest ~Black Angus Cattle~ We put the Proven, Northern Montana Angus Genetics to work across the Southwest ...Come take a look...Call Mr. Brad Harris at (575)631-1108
Hat Six Cattle Company , M.D. Hobbs, 575-483-0123, 575-447-3887, 575-4830123, 170 Spear Road, P.O. Box 697, Springer, NM, 87747,,, Angus, Brangus, F1s, Red Angus, Red Brangus, Broad service organization, working throughout the intermountain west.
Herrington Cattle LLC, Matt Herrington, 928-322-5841, 6252 E Hwy 70, Safford, AZ, 85546,, ABS Representative for southwestern NM and southeastern AZ. Semen sales, AI supplies, complete AI service, and estrus synchronization. Call to set up an AI program for your replacement heifers.
Isa Beefmasters, Lorenzo Lasater, 325-6569126, 325-949-9941, 325-947-8113, 3419 Knickerbocker Rd, San Angelo, TX, 76904,, www.
J-C Angus Ranch, John or Cathy Heckendorn, 505-832-9364, 505-379-8212, 75 A Pueblo Rd N, Moriarty, NM, 87035, info@,, Angus, Registered Angus cattle. Bred for calving ease, performance, fertility, and feed efficiency. AI sires: 10X, Resistol, Cash, Discovery.
K2 Red Angus, Kim Cullen Goertz, 307-3312917, 2 S. Geortz Road, Wheatland, WY, 82201,,, Functional, Fertile, Efficient Red Angus cattle. Bull Sale every February. Commercial Female Sale every November. PAP Testing our bulls for over 25 years. Range-raised and ranch-ready cattle.
Keeton Limousin Ranch, Leonard Keeton, 806-777-0230, 806-786-7428, 10510 County Road 1100, Wolfforth, TX, 79382,, www.keetonlimousinranch. com We supply registered Limousin breeding bulls and females, as well as fall born crossbred. We also supply fall born crossbred show steers which are marketed on SC Online sales in early March or April.
La Gloria Cattle Company , Manny and Corina Encinias, 505-927-7935, 575-5712600, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035,, www., Angus, Maine Anjou, Registered and commercial Angus, MaineAnjou, and Chianina Cattle. Two-year old & Yearling Bulls, Spring & Fall Show Steers and Heifers, Embryos and Semen.
Lazy JB Angus LLC, Kathi Creamer, 970-596-0045, 970-596-2092, 17270 6450 Rd., Montrose, CO, 81403, kathi@lazyjb. com,, Jeff, Kathi, Brandon & Britney - Semen Available on herd sires, Private Treaty Heifer & Steer Sales - Online Show Heifer Sale, Oct.7, 2024 - Annual Bull Sale, March, 2025. Visitors are always welcome!
LG Genetics, Dr. Manny Encinias, 505-9277935, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035,, www., Custom Estrus Synchronization, Artificial Insemination, Embryo Transfer, and Ultrasound Pregnancy Diagnosis. Training for artificial insemination, and ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis.
Lone Mountain Cattle Company , Robert Estrin, 310-622-1040, 1818 AB NM 14, Golden, NM, 87047, info@, www., Full blood Wagyu Cattle.
Ray Ranch, George H. Ray III, 575-4852559, 575-485-5599, 575-485-2559, 1483 Wagon Mound Highway, Roy, NM, 87743,, Corriente.
Repro-Scan, Dr. Manny Encinias, Ph.D., 505-927-7935, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035,,, Sales and on-site training for portable ultrasound systems used for pregnancy diagnosis.
Rocking A Cattle Co./Professional Performance Hooftrimmers, Robert Allemand, 806-663-2279, 806-4634513, P.O. Box 20773, Amarillo, TX, 79114,, www., Beef Cattle Services over 20 years experience including hoof trimming, Sale Prep, A.I. Services mobile chute and serving New Mexico, Texas and Colorado.and surrounding states.
Running Creek Ranch, Joey Freund, 303-475-6062, 303-840-1850, 303-840-1849, 45400 CR 21, Elizabeth, CO, 80107,,, Limousin/Lim Flex/Brahmousin, Largest breeder of registered, performance Limousin in the US. Docile, Maternal, Moderate-Frame, Trait-Leading EPD’s, Polled and current feedlot / carcass data available.
Salazar Ranches, Miguel Salazar, 505-9290334, 505-747-8858, P.O. Box 2847, Espanola, NM, 87532, salazar_ranches@, Angus, Hereford, Registered and commercial bulls, replacement heifers, raised in high altitude; NMBVM Certified in pregancy/diagnosis and A.I.
Sires Member Cooperative, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Road, Columbus, OH, 43228, Stuart Schooley, Clovis NM 575-626-5983;Dan Curtin, Elida NM 928-368-3634; Terry Gowin, Jr, Marana AZ 520-449-5776; www,; Your reproductive solutions partner.
Sire-Source, Patrick Pachta, 505-4000312, P.O. Box 121, Encino , NM, 88321,, siresource. com, Sire-Source is a site designed to market bulls for all seed stock breeders in one location. Ability to narrow your search by selecting the EPD’s interested in. Video and pictures available.
Spindle Show Steers, Tom Spindle, 505-3218808, PO Box 2884, Moriarty, NM, 87035,, Show steers and heifers for sale private treaty.
Steve Jenson, Steve Jenson, 575-773-4721, P.O. Box 217, Quemado, NM, 87829, Pregnancy Diagnostic Technician.
ST Genetics, Manny Encinias, 505-927-7935, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035,,, NM sales representative providing semen sales, synchronization & AI services. Need more bulls/steers? More heifers? You pick the breed and the gender with ST’s high fertility SexedUltra 4M sexed-semen
Valley View Charolais Ranch, Buddy Westphal, 800-867-2855, 406-270-0222, 44601 Valley View Rd, Polson, MT, 59860,, vvcrbulls. com, Charolais, 185 Two Year Old Polled Charolais Bulls will sell March 25, 2017 at the ranch in Polson, MT– 50 miles north of Missoula MT. Heifers for sale private treaty. Call about semen and other Herd Sires.
Wandering Trail Cattle Co., JD Vernon, 830-407-9274, 102 Cedar Trail Court, Fort Davis, TX, 79734,, Angus, Beefmaster, Brangus, Corriente, Hereford, Limousin/Lim Flex/Brahmousin, Red Angus, Red Brangus, Santa Gertrudis, Over 35 years experience in all facets of cattle and equipment business. Delivered to your doorstep. Ranch Camp.
Yucca Veterinary Medical Center, Florian Sanchez, DVM, 505-864-6001, 505-8646430, 1837 Camion del Llano, Belen, NM, 87002,, www., Santa Gertrudis, Yucca Veterinary Medical Center.
Adobe Palace Performance Center, Rose Reams, 575-648-8200, 602-6 86-2054, 6479 Hwy 380 West, Carrizozo, NM, 88301,, NA,
Barry Denton Photography , Barry Denton, 928-442-3290, 5425 N. Tonto Road, Skull Valley, AZ, 86338, barrydentonphoto@,
Beal’s Cowboy Buckles, Richard Beal, 505-466-4504, 7 Avenida Vista Grande B7, #269, Santa Fe, NM, 87508, richard@, www., Western Quality Historic Cowboy Belt Buckles. Great unique gift for that special cowboy or cowgirl! Over 350 items to choose from. Free Shipping.
Canvas Covers, Carol King, 806-654-1777, 102 Idaho, Ruidoso Downs, NM, 88346,, Canvas Product Curtis Fort Bronzes of the West, Curtis or Carol Fort, 575-398-6423, 575-3999974, 575-398-6423, PO Box 797, Tatum, NM, 88267,, www., Curtis Fort is an award winning sculptor who still retains his roots in Lea County, NM, raising a few cattle and sculpting. He travels to galleries and art shows to display his work.
Eagle Creek Enterprises, Tim Cox, 505-632-8080, 891 Rd. 4990, Bloomfield, NM, 87413,, Western art - original paintings, prints, posters, calendars, check books, & personal checks, labels & limited edition prints. History & GHOST Tours of Old Town Albuquerque, Old Town Julie Brown, 505-246-8687, 303 Romero St NW, Plaza Don Luis - N120, Albuquerque, NM, 87104,, www., Abq’s oldest & most famous GHOST Tour - since 2001! Great, old-fashioned, story telling entertainment. History, Legends & Lore Tours Daily. Ghost Tours NIGHTLY. 5 Stars!
Home on the Range Quiliting , Carol Gutierrez, 575-687-3415 , home, 575-6268546, cell; 5 Mule Canyon Rd, Mayhill, New Mexico 88339. custom and E2E quilting Kristy Cummings Photography , Kristy Cummings, 575-640-8473, HC 30 Box 16, Cuchillo, NM, 87901, kristyrae95@yahoo. com, Working ranch photos, rodeo photos, senior photos, family photos, weddings and more.
Monsoon Silver, Kris Arnold, 800-3823393, P.O. Box 609, Whitman , NM, 85361,, Trophy Belt Buckles. Nick Layman Media, Nick Layman, 505-550-3869, Albuquerque, NM, 87121,,, Providing photo and video for your agriculture, ranch, and association needs. Over 15 years of experience in photo and video work. We have worked w/many blue collar businesses in NM.
Pamela Gilbreth Watkins Fine Art and Writing Services, Pamela Gilbreth Watkins, 325-572-3478, 325-725-8729, P.O. Box 879, Buffalo Gap, TX, 79508,, www., We offer fine art services. drawings, paintings, and sculptures to your specifications. Professional photography and customized writing for promotional and documentary purposes also available.
Peck’s Fine Jewelry and Repair, David Wood, 505-720-9513, 505-720-9513, 2501 San Pedro Dr NE, Ste 111A, Albuquerque, NM, 87110,, none, Silver Buckle Repairs. Wedding ring service. We also repair these: Watches, gold, platinum, & silver jewelry. Watch battery replacements. We buy scrap gold jewelry. Excellent YELP reviews!
R.L. York Custom Leather Work , R.L. York, 575-354-2863, P.O. Box 805, Capitan, NM, 88316,, Custom leather work.
Shear Perfection Ranch, Lyn Brown, 505-325-2837, 505-486-5564, PO Box 468, 382 Road 1191, La Plata, NM, 87418,, www. Breed Conservation projects for California. Red Sheep, Barbados Blackbelly & Tunis. Handspun yarns, fiber, knit & crochet items. We will handspin your fibers. Ranch website design also offered.
Tibbs Custom Saddles , LD Tibbs, 575-6187783, 699 Shenandoah Dr, Fort Sumner, NM, 88119,, Custom saddles and leather products, complete repairs to saddles and tack, custom purses , travel bags, belts, wallets, padfolios, and more
Tim Cox Fine Art, Suzie Cox, 505-6328080, 891 Road 4990, Bloomfield, NM, 87413,,, Western art; originals, limited edition prints, canvases, and Giclées, and yearly calendars.
Zia Cowtoon Co., Wheeler Hughes, 210-4648432, 210-464-8433, 1716 S. Second, Tucumcari, NM, 88411, ziacowtoons@,, We offer advertising & promotional calendars & cards for your business or ranch. Wheeler Slim Hughes is a 5th generation New Mexican, member of the CCI & illustrator for Working Ranch magazine.
* Federal Land may include: BLM, BOR, DOA, DOD, DOE, FWS, NPS & OFA lands. State Lands may include: SG&F, & SP lands. Latest data at
Associations/ Organizations
American Angus Association, Radale Tiner, 979-492-2663, 3707 Marielene Circle, College Ststion, TX, 77845, rtiner@,, Regional Manager for the American Angus Association serving Texas & New Mexico.
American Brahman Breeders Assocation, Armelinda Ibbarra,979-485-552 87, Fax 979-485-2281 , PO Box 3249, Bryan, Teaxas 77805; 1920 W Villa Maria Rd, Bryan, Texas 77807. abba@, Brahmans for Crossbrreeding
American Galloway Breeders Assocation, Office, 970-405-5784, 2417 Holly Lane, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1V 0M7, ME, 0,, www., Galloway genetics are ideal for today’s low input market demands
American Gelbvieh Association,Megan Slater, 303-465-2333, 1001 S. 70th Street, Lincoln, NE 68510,,, Gelbvieh/Balancers, The American Gelbvieh Association is a beef cattle breed association dedicated to recording, promoting and improving Gelbvieh-influenced cattle.
American Salers Association, Sherry Doubet, 303-770-9292, 303-770-9302, 19590 E. Main Street, Suite 104, Parker, CO, 80138,, www., Salers, Become a member and register your salers cattle.
American Sheep Industry Assn, 303-7713500, 9785 Maroon Circle, Ste 360, Englewood, CO, 88012.
American Shorthorn Association, Montie D. Soules, Executuve / CEO, 816-599-7777, 816-599-7782, 7607 NW Prairie View Road, Kansas City, MO, 64151, msoules@, Shorthorn, Register and Provide Performance data for Shorthorn Cattle and Shorthorn influenced Cattle.
Angel Fire Chamber of Commerce, 575-377-6353, 3407 Mountain View Blvd, Angel fire, NM, 87710, info@angelfire. org,, Promoting business in Angel Fire NM.
Barzona Breeders Association of America, Alecia Heinz, 641-745-9170, 604 Cedar, St Adair, IA, 50002, info@barzona. com,
Beefmaster Breeders United , Addison Coburn, 210-732-3132, 210-732-7711, P.O. Box 3790, Bryan, TX, 77805, acoburn@, https://beefmasters. org/, Beefmasters are versatile, maternal and sustainable. You can crossbreed your Beefmasters for more advantages. Read Dr. Lance Bauer’s article covering Planned Crossbreeding Systems on Beefmasters. org.
Bootheel Heritage Association, Judy Keeler, 575-548-2520, P.O. Box 307, Animas, NM, 88020, mkeeler@valleywb. net, Working to preserve the heritage of the Bootheel of New Mexico. Specializing in The Wildlands Project, endangered species and the history of the area.
Cattlegrowers Foundation Inc, 505-2632015, P.O. Box 7035, Albuquerque, NM, 87194, cattlegrowersfoundationinc@ Caren Cowan, President.,, laying the groundwork for the future of ranching.
Cattle Baron Restaurants, John, 505-6222467, 1113 North Main, Roswell, NM, 88203,, Steak and Seafood restaurants in Roswell, Portales, Hobbs, Ruidoso, Las Cruses, Lubbock, El Paso, Midland, TX.
Cimarron Chamber of Commerce, Candee Rinde, 575-376-2417, 575-376-2417, 104 N. Linclon Ave, P.O. Box 604, Cimarron, NM, 87714,, www., The history of Cimarron, New Mexico is rich and interesting, and visitors still enjoy it today. Check out our website at to learn more about this great little village.
Clovis/Curry Chamber of Commerce, Chase Gentry, 575-763-3435, 105 E Grand Ave, Clovis, NM, 88101, Promotion information and economic development.
Colfax Soil & Water Conservation District, Patricia K Kossler, 575-445-9571, 245 Park Ave ste206, Raton, NM, 87740,, info service.
Dairy Farmers of America, Walter Bradley, 575-763-4528, 575-782-9384, 917B Norris Street, Clovis, NM, 88101,, Dairy producers co-operative.
DairyMAX, 800-332-4790, 2214 Paddock Way Drive Sute 600, Grand Prarie, TX, 75050,, Generic Dairy Promotion service, including nutritional education, school food consultation and industrial relations.
Dairy Producers of New Mexico, Beverly Idsinga Exec Director, 575-622-1646, 800-217-2697, P.O. Box 6299/5106 S Main St, Roswell, NM, 88202, www.nmdairy. org, A grass root agricultural organization for New Mexico and West Texas dairy producers. The purpose of DPNM is to sustain and enhance the existing dairy industry in the southwest.
Dolan & Asssociates, Daniel Dolan, 505-269-2056, 505-883-1266, 505-8887509, 3167 San Mateo NE Unit 110, Albuquerque, NM, 87110, drd@lobo. net, Legal and consulting environmental services related to water right, endangered species consultation, Oil & Gas, groundwater, NMED actions or complaints, solar, family trusts, firearms issues.
Eastern New Mexico State Fair, 575-6239411, P.O.Box 824, P.O.Box 824, Roswell, NM, 88202,, Eastern New Mexico State Fair Oct.3-8.
Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell, 575-624-7337, P.O. Box 6000, Roswell, NM, 88202, Training/education for automotive, aviation, electronics/computer Technology, drafting and design, industrial engineering, safety, pilot training, fire safety and welding.
El Rito Lobato West Cattle Association, Donald Martinez/Josh Archuleta, 575-581-9144, P.O. Box 814, El Rito, NM, 87530,, Offering high altitude ranch raised calves for fall marketing.
National Animal Interest Alliance, 503-761-8962, 503-227-8450, PO Box 66579, Portland, OR, 97290-6579,,
New Mexico Agriculture in the Classroom, 575-532-4714, 575-799-1373, 2220 N Telshor Blvd, Las Cruces, NM, 88011,, www.nmaitc. org, The purpose of NMAITC is to educate the general public, with an emphasis on K-12 students and educators, about the importance of agriculture.We offer free classroom presentations and workshops.
New Mexico Beef Council, Dina ChacónReitzel, 505-841-9407, 1209 Mountain Rd. Pl NE, C, Albuquerque, NM, 87110, NM, The New Mexico Beef Council works to protect and increase demand for Beef and Beef products in NM through consumer marketing programs, to enhance profit opportunities for Beef producers in New Mexico.
Population 3,857
Land Area 6,898 square miles
Rainfall median, 14 .6’’
Average First Freeze Date September 24
Average Last Freeze Date June 8 Elevation 6,879 ft
* Federal Land may include: BLM, BOR, DOA, DOD, DOE, FWS, NPS & OFA lands. State Lands may include: SG&F, & SP lands. Latest data at
New Mexico Business Coalition, 505-8364223, P.O. Box 95735, Albuquerque, NM, 87199,, The NMBC is a true grass roots operation that will educate individual voters about the candidate and issues in their district and motivate them to take that knowledge to the polls and vote.
New Mexico Cattle Growers Association, 505-247-0584, 809 First St., Moriarty, NM 87035; PO Box 850, Moriarty, NM 87035. Serving ranching families and their supporters in New Mexico and 19 other states.
New Mexico Chile Association, Travis Day,, 575-894-6215, . Representing the signature crop of New Mexico.
New Mexico Council of Outfitters and Guides, Kerrie Romero, 505-440-5258, 51 Bogan Rd, Stanley, NM, 87056, info@,, Serving the Professional Hunting/Fishing Industry since 1978.
New Mexico CowBelles, www., Sustain the integrity of the New Mexico Beef Industry through consumer awareness, education, and promotion while respecting the past, living in the present, and looking towards the future.
New Mexico Federal Lands Council,Ty Bays, President, 575-590-7587, 3417 Avenida Charada NW, Albuquerque NM 87107, newmexicofederallandscouncil@, Representing federal and state trust lands users.
New Mexico Horse Breeders Association, 505-262-0224, Uptown Stn., P.O. Box 36869, Albuquerque, NM, 87176, www., The New Mexico Bred Program is the best State-Bred program in the world.
New Mexico Horse Council, Danette McGuire Exec. Sec., 505-345-8959, P.O. Box 10206, Albuquerque, NM, 87184,, www.nmhorsecouncil. org, Dedicated to uniting the horse industry in NM through education and public outreach.
New Mexico Livestock Board, Belinda Garland, Executive Director, 505-8416161, 2105 Osuna Rd NE Building South,, Albuquerque, NM, 87113, www.nmlbonline. com, NM Brand Registration, Livestock Movement regulation, Livestock Disease Prevention.
New Mexico Oil & Gas Association, 505-982-2568, 505-660-4207, 505-9861094, P. O. Box 1864, Santa Fe, NM, 87504,,
Cattlemens Livestock
New Mexico Quarter Horse Assn, Toni Miller, 505-401-8664, P.O. Box 11, Peralta, NM, 87042,,, NM affiliate of AQHA, offering show, futurities, activity of horses of all breeds.
New Mexico Wool Growers Inc, 505-2470584, 505-842-1766, 809 First St., Moriarty, NM 87035; PO Box 850, Moriarty, NM 87035., Trade organization for New Mexico Sheep Industry.
NM Paint Horse Club, Marilyn Novat, President,, www., NM State affiliate of the American Paint Horse Association sponsoring horse shows offering traditional horse show classes for all levels of riders plus cutting, working cowhorse and Ranch classes.
NM Palomino Exhibitors Association, Ron Morris, President, 505-417-6167, PO Box 908, Belen, NM, 87002, lhrramorris@,, NM State affiliate of the Palomino Horse Breeders of America. Horse shows and awards program for members showing Palomino and Palomino Bred horses in NM. All levels of riders welcomed.
Otero CowBelles, Education Ch. Debi W. Rupe, 575-434-0208, 575-443-4103, 800 Laborcita Canyon Road, La Luz, NM, 88337-9308,, We Tell the BEEF Story from Pasture to Plate. Protect Agriculture Now (PAN), P.O. Box 1204, Elephant Butte NM 87935. Our mission is to educate people about government’s overreach in our daily lives using private property, land use, federal designations, & endangered species regulations.
Reserve Chamber of Commerce, 575-5336116, P.O.Box 415, Reserve, NM, 87830,, www.gilanet. com/reservecc, Promoting economic development in Catron County.
Rio Arriba Farm & Livestock Bureau, Aileen Prada Martinez, 575-581-9144, P.O. Box 814, El Rito, NM, 87530,, Your county voice for agriculture. A grassroots organization assisting farmers and ranchers at county, state and national levels.
Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 361-592-9357, P.O. Box 1257, Kingsville, TX, 78364,,, SGBI is the official association of the Santa Gertrudis breed, offering registration services, performance and genetic evaluation, education, marketing and promotion support and member services. Adolfo Sanchez, President
Texas Hereford Association, 817-8313161, 817-821-3544, 817-831-3162, 4609 Airport Freeway, Fort Worth, TX, 76117,,, Hereford - Reg. & Comm. Hereford cattle. Hereford breed promotion and service to purebred and commercial cattle operations.
USDA/APHIS/Wildlife Services, Jon Grant, State Director, 505-3462640, 8441 Washington St NE ste C, Albuquerque, NM, 87113, alan.may@aphis., USDA wildlife service.
USDA Farm Services, Jonas Moya, State Director, 505-761-4900, 100 Sun Ave, Albuquerque, NM, 87109, USDA Farm services agency.
Budd-Falen Law Office, LCC, Frank Falen, Karen Budd-Falen, Sarah Falen, 307-6325105, 307-637-3891, 300 E. 18th Street, Cheyenne, WY, 82003, frank@buddfalen. com,, Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Red Angus, Attorneys for the West. Preserving western culture by protecting landowner rights.
Clark, Grubesic & Jones LLC, Michael Jones, 505-820-1825, 432 Galisteo St., Santa Fe , NM, 87501, Attorneys at law.
Domenici Law Firm PC, Pete Domenici Jr., 505-883-6250, 320 Gold Ave. SW, Suite 1000, Albuquerque, NM, 87102,, Law firm specializing in land, water, public land, mineral and enviromental law.
Watson Smith Law Firm, Josh Smith, 575-528-0500, 575-526-9094, 1100 S. Main St., Ste. 21, Las Cruces, NM, NM, 88005,, www., Watson Smith Law Firm.
Charles F Dickerson Inc., Charles F Dickerson, 575-644-7445, 575-5261106, 575-526-0880, 3920 W Picacho Ave, Las Cruces, NM, 88007, charles@, Charles F. Dickerson, Inc, International Auctioneers.
Clift Land Brokers, George Clift, 806-3559856, 806-674-8979, 806-358-3481, 3430 I-40 West, Amarillo, TX, 79102,,, Recognized by Land Report as one of America’s Best Brokerages 4 years in a row, specializing in farm/ranch, and commercial real estate. 7 offices, 21 agents and licensed in TX, OK, KS, CO, NE, & NM.
Clovis Livestock Auction, Charlie Rogers, 575-762-4422, 504 S. Hull, Clovis, NM, 88101,, Comm. cattle, Comm. horses, serving all your buying and selling needs.
Dexter Livestock Commission, 274 East Darby Road, Dexter, NM 88230, 575-624COWS, www,dexterlivestockcommission. com; Sale 11:00 a.m. Every Tuesday, Accepting all classes of Beef Cows & Bulls, Calves & Yearlings, No Feed Charges for Cattle Delivered on Tuesday.
Five States Livestock Auction,, 575-3742505, P.O. Box 266, 54 Lake Hwy., Clayton, NM, 88415, Comm. cattle, sheep, and horses.
J and J Auctioneers, Joe/Jennie Boulware, 575-485-2508, 575-447-2509, 575-4852500, 46 Boulware Rd, Roy, NM, 87743,, jandjauction. com, “J&J Auctioneers is a full-service auction company serving New Mexico and southern Colorado since 1996. We conduct live and online auctions of real estate, and agricultural equipment and other assets.
Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment Sales, Alvin Kaddatz, 254-582-3000, 254-337-1189, 535 HCR 4223, Hillsboro, TX, 76645, akaddatz@, https://kaddatzequipment. com/, New and Used Farm Equipment, Salvage Tractors and Implements, New & Used Tractor Parts & Farm Equipment Parts, Farm Equipment Auctions, and Farm Equipment Appraisals and Machinery Appraisals.
McCall Auction Services, Howard McCall, 505-296-0979, 1524 Eubank NE, Suite 6, Albuquerue, NM, 87112, h4mccall@gmail. com, Auction services for real estate, farm and ranch brokers, registered cattle sales management.
Roswell Livestock Auction, Benny/Smiley Wooton, 575-622-5580, 900 Garden, Roswell, NM, 88202,, Cattle & horse; livestock auction, livestock trucking, Roswell Brangus Bull sale last Sat in Feb.
Sire-Source, Patrick Pachta, 505-4000312, P.O. Box 121, Encino , NM, 88321,, siresource. com, Sire-Source is a site designed to market bulls for all seed stock breeders in one location. Ability to narrow your search by selecting the EPD’s interested in. Video and pictures available.
Southwest Livestock Auction, Dennis Chavez, 505-865-4600, P.O. Box 700, Los Lunas, NM, 87031,, Sale every Saturday at 12 noon – selling cattle, horses, sheep, and goats.
Western Trading Post, Jim Olson, 520-4267702, 403 N. Florence St, Casa Grande, AZ, 85122, Cowboy & Indian memorabilia, Collectables, Southwestern Antiques. We buy, sell, trade and pawn.
Willcox Livestock Auction, Sonny Shores, 520-384-2206, 520-507-2134, 1020 N. Haskell Ave., P.O. Box 1117, Willcox, AZ, 85644,, Sale every Thursday 11AM, view online at, visit the website for special sales throughout the year.
6666 Ranch Brand Beef, 800-423-2362,,, The exclusive online retailer of USDA Certified or Very Tender Beef.
Big Circle Beef, Laura Jean Schneider, 406-425-3411, P.O. Box 7699, Ruidoso, NM, 88355,,, Angus, Brangus, Hereford, Red Angus, Big Circle Beef sells grass-fed beef that is raised solely on New Mexico Rangelands and native forage. Bulk orders available.
Box Farms, Box Irrigation & Box Beef, Phillip Box, 575-576-2780, 575-403-7358, 2993 Quay Road 61, Tucumcari, NM, 88401,, none, We raise and sell beef direct to customers. We sell and service insurance. We sell PVC irrigation pipe and supplies.,
Circle B Ranch, Paul Madrid, 505-250-4456, 505-259-4823, PO Box 306, Bernaillo, NM, 87004,, Angus and Irish black cattle, .
Population 26,689 Land Area 3,986 square miles Rainfall median, 10 .0’’
Average First Freeze Date October 12
Average Last Freeze Date May 7 Elevation 6,160 ft
County Seat Grants Total Federal Land 844,720 acres
Indian Land 906,006 acres
Deeded Land 967,025 acres
Inland Water 1,437 acres
Irrigated Land surface: 6,300 acres; ground: 500 acres; surface & ground: 2,260 acres County Extension Agent 505-287-9266
JANUARY 1, 2024
Danley Ranch, Justin Danley , 575-4300848, 1404 w3 rd, Tularosa , NM, 88352,, Ranch raised Beef Sold by the whole or half. No hormones antibiotics or feed additives on the hanging weight plus processing corn finished (575)430-0848
JX Ranch Natural Beef, Mimi Sidwell, 575-403-6904, 575-403-6904, 6237 Hwy 209, Tucumcari, NM, 88401,, www., Raise and directmarket all-natural grass-fed & grassfinished dry-aged beef. Beef Packs, retail cuts and custom cut quarter, half and whole beef with free delivery to areas in NM.
Lazy 5 Mill Iron Cattle Co. LLC. , Johnny Salas, 505-270-3954, 6 Serrania Dr, Edgewood , NM, 87015, Jsalas@, Registered Hereford and Charolais cattle. Free range, grass fed, all natural premium beef for sale. Available in whole or half configurations. A healthy choice for your beef needs.
Nelson’s Meats/Nelson’s Spear T Ranch, Larry Nelson, 505-836-3330, 929 Old Coors Rd SW, Albuquerque, NM, 87121,, Comm. cattle-we sell all natural beef sides and quarters.
New Mexico Beef, Nick Maestas, 575-4277078, 575-512-7150, 505-466-5878, 1016 Cerito Road, Anton Chico, NM, 87711, goodmeat@ New Mexico premium beef
Pino Creek Ranch, Martin Honegger, 575-641-5282, 6316 NM Highway 104, Newkirk, NM, 88431,,, Natural grass-fed Black Angus, BQA certified Red Doc Farm, Emilio Sanchez, Manager, 505-507-7781, 703 S. Christopher Rd., Belen, NM, 87002, ronda@reddocfarm. com, Registered Santa Gertrudis Cattle, USDA Ins pected Beef, Beans, Corn, Alfalfa and Hay, ag products 505-508-7771 Elia Sanchez,
WhiteBarn Hay and Cattle Co., Jason Barnard, 520-507-3332, 224 W Whetten Ln, Portal , AZ, 85632,,, Serving Ranches selling hay of all kinds, Suther’s Mineral and feed products, Feedyard for both growing and finishing, Heifer development, and selling American Wagyu Beef
Zenitram Ranch, Donald Martinez Jr. 575-581-9144, 505-927-1838, PO Box 814, El Rito, NM, 87530,, Commercial high altitude raised South Devon crossed calves for sale. Breeding stock and calves for meat. Processing and delivery is available.
Wolf Springs Ranch, Anthony L Benson, 575-770-8198, PO Box 2848, Taos, NM 87571,, Grass Fed Beef
Beef Packers
Caviness Beef Packers, Steve Caviness, 806-357-2443, 806-357-2333, 3255 West Hwy 60, Hereford, TX, 79045,, Harvesting cows and bulls since 1962.
Nelson’s Meats/Nelson’s Spear T Ranch, Larry Nelson, 505-836-3330, 929 Old Coors Rd SW, Albuquerque, NM, 87121,, Comm. cattle-we sell all natural beef sides and quarters
Aero Tech, Ted Stallings, Cameron Stallings, 575-763-4300, 575-515-1189, 5333 E 21st St, Clovis, NM, 88101, www.aerotechteam. com, Aerial Rangeland Spraying, Surveys & Charter by Fixed Wing & Helicopter.
American Water Surveyors, Gerald Burden, 877-734-7661, 817-210-4225, 4500 Mercantile Plaza Blvd., Suite 300, Fort Worth, TX, 76137, info@wefindwater. com,, American Water Surveyors uses seismic technology to determine depth & yield prior to drilling. Don’t Drill a Dry Well! Call Us Before You Drill! 877-734-7661. Serving ranchers since 2007. BBB A+ Rating.
AquaKnow, Debra Burden, 877-734-7661, 817-210-4225, 4500 Mercantile Plaza Blvd., Suite 300, Fort Worth, TX, 76137,,, AquaKnow provides water quality testing & analytical services for residential & commercial customers. We provide the collection bottles, you collect & ship the water samples, results are emailed.
Bartz Spencer Solar & Water Well Service, Kendal Wilson, 575-799-8142, P.O. Box 1055, 12517 US Hwy 54, Carrizozo, NM, 88301, wi, “Water Well Service and Supply. Pumps, Tanks, Troughs, Pipe, Fittings, Power Source. Complete Solar Power Systems; Residential, Commercial, Industrial Statewide service and installation”
Blackrange Enterprises LLC, Paul & Anita Petersen, 575-743-5202, 575-740-0348, 575-743-0512, P.O. Box 160, Winston, NM, 87943, blackrange160@gmail. com, Contractor- Livestock Pipeline Installation, Water Systems, Dirt Work Transportation- Heavy Equipment, Supplies, Pipe, etc. Contract Prescribed Fire- Prescribed Fire planning and implementation.
Brushmasters, LLC, Coby Bartram, 575-2023885, 2631 San Andres Drive, Las Cruces, NM, 88007,, Mastication of trees & understory, elimination of invasive plant species, hunting access lanes, utility easement clearing, wildlife habitat restoration, pasture & levee right-of-way maintenance
Compass West Outfitters, Chris guikema, 505-801-7500, Piñon, NM, 88344, info@, www., Wildlife management for profit.
Greenwood Tech Support Services, Randall S. Greenwood, 575-5336937, P.O.Box 26, Aragon, NM, 87820,, www., GTSS provides affordable, quality GIS mapping for efficient management of large landholdings. For Ranch managers, Waterright holders, Realtors, and Homeowners. Please visit our website.
Guadalupe Mountain Fencing , Clint Hughes, 575-361-3216, 575-706-2750, 2023 Hepler Road, Carlsbad, NM, 88220,, GMF builds, installs and repairs all types of fence incl., but not limited to, farm & ranch and oil field fences. We travel all of NM and west TX. We also offer top of the line Arrow Cattle equipment.
JY Livestock Gathering LLC, Jolyn Young, 775-346-0241, 775-385-9354, 5853 Solias Road, Fallon, NV, 89406, Mrsjolynyoung@, Www.JYlivestockgathering. com, Specializing in gathering and removing the most difficult to locate cattle, horses, burros, etc. Based out of Fallon, NV and serving all Western states.
KBS (Ken Babcock Sales Inc.), Jeff Weirich, 800-544-6530, 785-741-0193, 785-544-7777, 601 S 23rd Street, Hiawatha, KS, 66434,,, KBS offers agricultural and commercial construction services. Brands offered include Brock® grain and feed bins, metal-frame Butler® buildings, IntelliFarms™ and Tri-State Grain Conditioning™.
Kinetic Improvement, Inc., Patrick W. Pickett, 505-298-8842, 505-298-7742, P.O. Box 16103, Albuquerque, NM, 871911603,,, Kinetic Improvement Inc.: Mechanical Equipment Services & Products - see Our Ad - Call (505) 298-8842, email us at info@ or look us up on the web at
Langford Tractor Work , Archie Langford, 575-623-1407, 3400 W Brasher, Roswell, NM, 88203,, Road Grading.
MD Barnmaster NM, Laura Johnson, 505-681-3713, P.O. Box 1199, Capitan, NM, 88316,, www., MD Barnmaster modular construction materials and metal building components for kick-proof, chew-proof, low maintenance and zero fire spread rated barns and buildings. Serving all of NM.
Nick Layman Media, Nick Layman, 505-550-3869, Albuquerque, NM, 87121,,, Providing photo and video for your agriculture, ranch, and association needs. Over 15 years of experience in photo and video work. We have worked with many blue collar businesses in New Mexico.
Northeastern Enterprises Plumbing Heating and Septic, Larry Lopez, 575-483-5075, 575-447-0321, 1 Model Farm Road P.O. Box 543, Springer, NM, 87747,
Overdrive Fencing , Cali Haberman, 701-2693820, 103 Main Street, Marion, ND, 58466,, 103 Main Street, Overdrive Fencing comes equipped with the latest technologies in fencing. Barbed wire, high tinsel, corral work and much more.
Rio Services, Grady Gardner, 575-650-2176, 6536 McNutt Rd., Anthony, NM, 88029,, Site Work & Utilities.
ROC Inc., Robert Otero, 505-565-1117, P.O. Box 385, Los Lunas, NM, 87031, rocincnm@, Excavation / trenching; directional boring.
Taylor Ranch, Jim or Wanda Taylor, 575-267-2819, 575-740-1115, HC 32 Box 45, Truth or Consequences, NM, 87901,, steel products & metal roofing
3h Squaw Peak Ranch LLC, Bob Hendon, 817-683-3983, 575-854-3562, PO Box 1280, Magdalena, NM, 87825, hendonbob@, Angus Replacement heifers, black baldy replacement heifers, Registered Quarter Horses.Guided elk, mule deer, and antelope hunts. Trophy hunts
Lacy’s Mini Aussies & Corgies, Sandra Lacy, 575-808-9010, PO Box 522, Capitan, NM, 88316,, “Raised in a active home, Parents health tested
Killian Ranch Australian Shepherds, Mark Killian, 480-250-8410, 4741 E. Southern Ave., Mesa, AZ, 85206,, www., Working dogs that have beauty, brains & stamina.
Moose Creek Mini Aussies, Gail Berndt, 573-289-1400, Box 723, Ruidoso Downs, NM, 88346, moosecreekminis@gmail. com, “Health guaranteed mini and toy Australian Shepherds since 1986.” Located near Ruidoso, NM 573-289-1400,
Rafter Spear Kangal, Laura Scheneberger, 575-740-4661. Turkish Livestock Guardian Dogs
Adobe Palace Performance Center, Rose Reams, 575-648-8200, 602-686-2054, 6479 Hwy 380 West, Carrizozo, NM, 88301,, NA,
Bill King Ranch, Bill King ,Tom Spindle, 505-220-9909, 505-321-8808, PO Box 2670, Moriarty, NM, 87035, bspin123@aol. com,, Quality Hereford, Polled Hereford, Charolais and Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale private treaty year round. We also sell alfalfa and silage.
Budd-Falen Law Office, LCC, Karen Budd-Falen, Frank Falen, Sarah Falen, 307-632-5105, 307-637-3891, 300 E. 18th Street, Cheyenne, WY, 82003, karen@,,. Attorneys for the West. Preserving western culture by protecting landowner rights.
Cattlegrowers Foundation Inc, 505-2632015, P.O. Box 7035, Albuquerque, NM, 87194, cattlegrowersfoundationinc@ Caren Cowan, President.,, laying the groundwork for the future of ranching.
C2 Consulting , Dr. Manny Encinias, 505-9277935, 575-571-2600, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035, c2consulting7@,, Experienced bilingual consultants focused on improving profitability of beef operations through development of site-specific nutrition, genetic, marketing, and employee training programs.
Chaves-Otero-Lincoln CountyFarm Service Agency , Lynn Muncy, CED, 575-622-8745, 300 North Pennsylvania Ave, Roswell, NM, 88201, lynn.muncy@, Chaves County Farm Service Agency
Corriente CowBelles, Ashley Ivins, 575-8087325, P.O. Box 793, Capitan, NM, 88316,, Promoting the beef industry through education and service in Lincoln County.
Cow Sense Herd Management Software, Tim Davis, 800-584-0040, 402-323-6969, 402-323-6968, 245 South 84th Street, Suite 218, Lincoln, NE, 68510-2600, info@, https://midwestmicro. us/, As the proven leader in cowherd management software, our NEW revolutionary solutions fit any commercial or seed-stock operation. Download a FREE Trial from: https://midwestmicro. us/free_trial_download, .
DairyMAX, 800-332-4790, 2214 Paddock Way Drive Sute 600, Grand Prarie, TX, 75050,, Generic Dairy Promotion service, including nutritional education, school food consultation and industrial relations.
DuBois Rodeo Scholarships, Frank DuBois, 575-523-4151, P.O. Box 999, Mesquite, NM, 88048,, Using rodeo to educate and develop the future of agriculture.
Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell, Ms. Myers, 575-624-7337, P.O. Box 6000, Roswell, NM, 88202, Training/education for automotive, aviation, electronics/ computer Technology, drafting and design, industrial engineering, safety, pilot training, fire safety and welding.
History & GHOST Tours of Old Town Albuquerque, Old Town Julie Brown, 505-246-8687, 303 Romero St NW, Plaza Don Luis - N120, Albuquerque, NM, 87104,, www., Abq’s oldest & most famous GHOST Tour - since 2001! Great, old-fashioned, story telling entertainment. History, Legends & Lore Tours Daily. Ghost Tours NIGHTLY. 5 Stars!
LG Genetics, Dr. Manny Encinias, 505-9277935, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035,, www., Custom Estrus Synchronization, Artificial Insemination, Embryo Transfer, and Ultrasound Pregnancy Diagnosis. Training for artificial insemination, and ultrasound pregnancy diagnomonfettesis.
Livestock Market Digest, 505-243-9515,, caren.cowan1@ PO Box 7458, Albuquerque, NM. 87194, Lee Pitts: NEWS A WITH A VIEW and a whole lot more!
New Mexico Agricultural Leadership Program, Tina Wilson, 575-646-6691, 575-646-4082, PO Box 30003, MSC 3501, Las Cruces, NM, 88003-8003,,, Developing knowledgeable, multicultural leaders in New Mexico’s agriculture, food, and natural resource industries – delivered through eight seminars including D.C. and an international experience
New Mexico Ag in the Classroom, 575-532-4714, 575-799-1373, 2220 N Telshor Blvd, Las Cruces, NM, 88011,,, The purpose of NMAITC is to educate the general public, with an emphasis on K-12 students and educators, about the importance of agriculture.We offer free classroom presentations and workshops.
New Mexico Beef Council, Dina ChacónReitzel, 505-841-9407, 1209 Mountain Rd. Pl NE, C, Albuquerque, NM, 87110, nm, The New Mexico Beef Council works to protect and increase demand for Beef and Beef products in NM through consumer marketing programs, to enhance profit opportunities for Beef producers in New Mexico.
New Mexico Chile Association, Travis Day, 575-894-6215,, . Representing the signature crop of New Mexico.
New Mexico CowBelles, , www., Sustain the integrity of the New Mexico Beef Industry through consumer awareness, education, and promotion while respecting the past, living in the present, and looking towards the future.
New Mexico Horse Council, Danette McGuire Exec. Sec., 505-345-8959, P.O. Box 10206, Albuquerque, NM, 87184,, www.nmhorsecouncil. org, Dedicated to uniting the horse industry in NM through education and public outreach.
New Mexico State University , Glenn Duff, 575-646-1242, Box 30003, Dept 3-1, Las Cruces, NM, 88003, asicence@nmsu. edu, Registered and commercial Angus, Brangus and Brahman cattle; commercial Suffock, registered Quarter Horses.
NMSU Animal & Range Sciences, Dr. Shanna Ivey, 575-646-2515, aces.nmsu. edu/academics/anrs, Las Cruces , NM.
New Mexico Stockman, 505-243-9515,, PO Box 7127, Albuquerque, NM, 87194. THE VOICE on Western Lifestyle and issues
NMSU Corona Range and Livestock Research Center, Shad Cox, 575-7993569, 575-849-1015, 575-849-1021, P.O. Box 392, 739 University Road, Corona, NM, 88318,, Corona.nmsu. edu, Calving ease Angus Bulls, Commercial Crossbred calves, Commercial Rambouillet and SAMM crossbred rams, ewes, and lambs, crossbred show wethers, doelings and guard dogs. Conference facilities.
Protect Agriculture Now (PAN) , P.O. Box 1204, Elephant Butte NM 87935. Our Mission is to educate people about govenments overreach in our daily lives using private property, land use, federal designations, & endangered species regulations.
Otero CowBelles, Education Ch. Debi W. Rupe, 575-434-0208, 575-443-4103, 800 Laborcita Canyon Road, La Luz, NM, 88337-9308,, We Tell the BEEF Story from Pasture to Plate. Range & Ranch Management Services , Christopher D. Allison , 575-644-2460, 575-526-6178, 500 Cline Rd , Mesilla Park , NM, 88047, Range and Ranch Management Services.
Rio Arriba Cooperative Extension Service, Donald Martinez, 505-6854523, 505-927-1838, 505-685-4624, HCR 77 Box 9, Rural Event Center, Abiquiu, NM, 87510,, Your county Ag representative regardless of size of operation. Providing agricultural education to all interested.
Rio Arriba Farm & Livestock Bureau, Aileen Prada Martinez, 575-581-9144, P.O. Box 814, El Rito, NM, 87530,, Your county voice for agriculture. A grassroots organization assisting farmers and ranchers at county, state and national levels.
Rockin Horse Riding Academy , Melodee Smith, 575-373-3737, 1625 So. Main St, Las Cruses, NM, 88005,, Riding Academy for underprivileged children supported by Horses & Heros and Azlyn’s stable for hope.
Senator Pat Woods, Pat Woods, 575-7608594, 575-357-8594, 4000 CR M, Broadview, NM, 88112, pat.woods@, NM State Senator if I can help you please get in touch.
Turley Forge Blacksmithing School, Frank Turley, 505-471-8608, 919-A Chicoma Vista, Santa Fe, NM, 87507,, Provide blacksmithing classes.
USDA Farm Service Agency , Lynn Muncy, 575-622-8745, 300 North Pennsylvania Ave, Roswell, NM, 88201, lynn.muncy@,, USDA Farm Service Agency.
University of Arizona, Colin Kaltenbach, 520-292-2254, 14721 N Alamo Canyon Dr, Oro Valley, AZ, 85755, kltnbch@ag.arizona. edu, Quality education.
Zeigler Geologic Consulting , LLC, Kate Zeigler, 575-207-7826, 505-263-5448, 13170 Central Ave. SE, Suite B-137, Albuquerque, NM, 87123, zeiglergeo@,, Zeigler Geologic Consulting provides groundwater resource management for ranches and farms in eastern NM. We work with your range and crop planning to provide data for water quality and quantity.
Zia Trust, Inc., John Attwood - Trust Officer, 505-881-3338, 505-881-3338, 505-8750302, 6301 Indian School Rd NE, Suite 800, Albuquerque, NM, 87110, jattwood@, Zia Trust, a New Mexico trust company, serves the estate planning needs of ranchers and farmers in New Mexico. This includes Financial POA, Trustee and Personal Representative.
ADM Animal Nutrition, Mona Klein, 806-282-8429, 3650 Deere Dr, Hereford, TX, 79045, mona.klein@adm. com, Meet nutritional needs of your production animal! MoorMan’s® Range Minerals and Mintrate®, innovation of AMPT™ and AminoGain®. ADM offers value with quality products for all species.
Adolfo V. Sanchez MD, Adolfo Sanchez, 505-864-7781, 703 Christopher Rd, Belen, NM, 87002,, Santa Gertrudis and Shorthorn cattle, alfalfa and grass hay, family physician.
Alta Vista Ranch, Doug or Oliver Soukup, 915-479-2994, 5407 Rio Penasco Rd- US Hwy 82, Mayhill, NM, 88339, Comm. Red and Black Angus, baled round bales, hunting and fishing.
Animal Health Express, 800-533-8115, 520-888-0294, 800-437-9898, 3301 N Freeway Rd, Tucson, AZ, 85705,,, Located in Tucson, AZ a UPS ground service package is 1-3 days to the entire west. With 5, 000+ products we offer a wide variety of supplies.
Bar Guitar Feed Co. , Gary Mendiola, 575-291-5339, 29267 US Highway 70, PO Box 69, Picacho, NM, 88343, mendiola@, SE NM dealer of Westway Feed Products & New Generation SmartLic protein and mineral tubs for livestockplastic and bio-degradable. We deliver to your ranch. Save time and money with us.
Irrigated Land surface: 6,140 acres; ground: 7,080 acres
Bays Cattle Co., Ty Bays, 575-590-7587, 575-537-3275, P.O. Box 2982, Silver City, NM, 88062,, Registered Angus Bulls and Commercial Hereford Bulls. Weaned crossbred calves. Mix 30 Liquid Feed.
Bill King Ranch, Bill King, Tom Spindle, 505-220-9909, 505-321-8808, PO Box 2670, Moriarty, NM, 87035, bspin123@aol. com,, Quality Hereford, Polled Hereford, Charolais and Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale private treaty year round. We also sell alfalfa and silage.
Bruce Brown Transport, Bruce Brown, 575-772-5766, P.O. Box 302, Datil, NM, 87821, Feed sale and delivery. Livestock transport.
Bryan Farm LLC, Jack Bryan, 505-8321112, 41 Kind Rd, Stanley, NM, 87056,, Reg. warmbloods and warmblood crosses; alfalfa, orchard grass; tractors, implements, farm equipment; service shop.
Burnett Ranch Feeds LLC, Jim Bob Burnett, 575-365-8291, 7255 Roswell Highway, Artesia, NM, 88210, burnettjimbob@,, Complete line of feeds bulk and sack.
Burrows Ent. LLC, Royal Burrows, 970-3533769, 2024 East 8th Street, Greeley, CO, 80631,, www., Manufacturer of the Roto Grind Tub Grinders & Grain Grinders for all Beef & Dairy feeding applications.,
Cache La Poudre Feeds LLC, Ron Treiber, 970-482-5092, 970-227-7867, 970-4825092, 1724 North Overland Trail, Fort Collins, CO, 80521,,
Central Life Sciences, Michael Hampton, 817-487-5138, 800-347-8272, 401 Westmeadow Dr., Cleburne, TX, 76033,, www.Altosidigr. com &, Central Life Sciences offers effective fly control programs and solutions to help keep your cattle healthy and productive.
Circle S Feed Store, Wally Menuey, 575-8858369, 800-386-1235, 2907 South Canal, Carlsbad, NM, 88220, www.circlesfeed. com, Animal Feed, Health Products & Supplies.
Cloer Hay Farm, Carol Cloer, 505-320-6286, 337 CR 5500, Bloomfield, NM, 87413,, Quality Alfalfa 70 lb. Bales. We deliver.
Cowtown Feed & Livestock , Dudley Byerley, 505-722-6913, 505-870-2535, #14 Hamilton Rd US Hwy 491, Gallup, NM, 87305,, Buyer and seller of all classes of livestock, wool and mohair.
Creighton’s Town and Country , Leslie Creighton, 575-356-3665, 575-356-2435, 1625 S. Ave. D, Portales, NM, 88130,,, Providing quality feed and supplies with an emphasis on customer service for your farm and ranch for over 20 years! Call us today!
Crisden Investments LLC, C.E. Sanchez, 505-287-2074, P.O. Box 992, Grants, NM, 87020,, Hay crops : office and warehouse storage. Crockett Farms, Will Crockett, 575-7035970, PO Box 125, Hope, NM, 88250, will@, www.crockett-ranch. com, Alfalfa and Triticale hay.
Curtis & Curtis, Blake or Tye Curtis, 575-7624759, 4500 N. Prince, Clovis, NM, 88101, Seed sales, small grain, alfalfa, sorghums, forages, irrigated and native grasses.
Del Rio Land and Cattle Co., Matt Herrington/ Jim Layton, 928-322-4684, 150 W Discovery Park Blvd, Safford, AZ, 85546, Big Bend Trailers, GR Flatbeds, Tires, Pearson Squeeze Chutes, Fencing, pipe and sucker rod, solar/submersible pumps, storage tanks, drinkers, diaphragm floats, Mix 30, SweetPro supplements, and more.
Delk Feed Company , Joe Delk, 575-6443082, Residence: 353 No Problem Dr, Las Cruces, NM, Warehouse: Barker Produce Inc., 7750 Frontage Road, Las Cruces, NM, 88007,, www., Wholesale Distributor ADM Animal Nutrition. MoorMan’s Range Mineral & Protein Supplements, Forage First Equine Feeds, ShowTec Show Feeds, Lyssy & Eckel Feeds, Charles Eckel, 830-484-3314, 111 E. Westmeyer Street, Poth, TX, 78147, charles@lefeeds. com,, Lyssy & Eckel established in 1945 utilizes the top ingredients and formulations to maximize your herd’s genetic potential. Specializing in Cattle, Wildlife, Sheep and Goat and Custom Rations.
Lyssy & Eckel Feeds, Ronnie Eckel, 575-622-3260, 905 White Mill Road, Roswell, NM, 88203, Charles@lefeeds. com Lyssy & Eckel established in 1945 utilizes the top ingredients and formulations to maximize your herd’s genetic potential. Specializing in Cattle, Wildlife, Sheep and Goat and Custom Rations.
F & F Cattle Company , Michael S. Fitzgerald, 575-673-2346, 130 Fitzgerald Lane, Mosquero, NM, NM, 87733,, Commercial cattle, AQHA registered horses, winter wheat, hay.
Farmway Feed Mills, John Octerbeck, 505-425-6775, P.O. Box 390, Las Vegas, NM, 87701, Complete line of livestock and poultry feeds.
He Bar Hay , Megan Albrecht, 575-9932998, 575-654-2210, 7530 Keeler Road NW , Deming, NM 88030, moodyranch@ He Bar Hay located in Deming NM selling Alfalfa, Beardless Wheat, Purina Products, Protein Tubs, Loose mineral, and Redmond Salt. Open every Friday 9-6 and Saturday 8-4 all other days by appointment
Hi-Pro Feeds, 800-447-7620, hiprofeeds. com.
Hudson Livestock
Incorporated, 800-750-9608, 325-659-3992, 8150 Thompson Road, Miles, TX, 76861,, www., Molasses in the tub.
J3 Cattle Company , Joshua & Katie Ramsey, 575-921-3895, 575-921-5990, P.O. Box 26, Alamgordo, NM, 88311, joshuaramsey24@,, Shorthorn and Maine influenced cattle, show steers and heifers; Contact us with questions on show feeds.
Irrigated Land ground: 9,370 acres; surface & ground: 86,660 acres
County Extension Agent 575-525-6649
* Federal Land may include: BLM, BOR, DOA, DOD, DOE, FWS, NPS & OFA lands. State Lands may include: SG&F, & SP lands. Latest data at
The Department of Animal & Range Sciences is part of the College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences
Four on-campus animal facilities house: BEEF CATTLE HORSES/SWINE SHEEP
Students can major in Animal or Rangeland Resources and are provided with the very best of “hands on” academic instruction by our faculty. Fully equipped labs allow students access to cutting-edge research in: livestock nutrition / genetics / physiology / endocrinology / meat science / wool / toxicology / watershed & rangeland ecology / weed & brush control / plant systematics / grazing management
The Department also offers pre-veterinary studies – our graduates have a high acceptance rate into veterinary medicine programs. We offer graduate degrees at the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy levels. The M.S. or Ph.D. in Animal Science can emphasize nutrition or physiology, and offers a Ph.D. in Range Science to study range management, range ecology and watershed management.
Dr. Shanna Ivey – 575/646-2515 / Dr. John Campbell – 575/646-6180 /
• The Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center (The College Ranch) –64,000 acre ranch just outside of Las Cruces
• The Corona Range & Livestock Research Center – 28,000 acre ranch & facilities in Corona, NM
• Student organizations, including a Block & Bridle Club, Pre-Vet Club, Range Club, Horsemen’s Association, Therapeutic Riding Club, & Judging Teams
• Clayton Research Center hosts research on shipping protocols, particularly evaluating the health and performance of newly received cattle, and nutrition and management from feedlot to slaughter
L&K Farm, Christopher Carrasco, 505-8659378, 1111 Don Pasqual Rd. NW, Los Lunas, NM, 87031, Reg. Black Angus, alfalfa, irrigated pasture.
Menefee Farms LLC, Dwight, Seth, Tad, 575-616-1077, 575-635-8542, 446 W. Pearson Rd., Lake Arthur, NM, 88253,, Alfalfa Hay in 4x4 or small bales, also Beardless Wheat Hay. Crossbred Calves.. Pecans, Corn, Cotton, and Triticale.
New Mexico Salt & Minerals Corp, Wesley Watts, 575-361-3658, 575-8878892, PO Box 2262, Carlsbad, NM, 88220,, Call on us for all of your salt needs. bulk salt,bag salt, blocked salt. We carry irregular blocks.
Nutrition Plus, Dan Puckett, 806-290-4089, PO Box 971, Canyon, TX, 79015, d.pucket@, Livestock mineral and supplements
NWR Cattle Management Services, Manny Encinias, 505-927-7935, 575-571-2600, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035, manny@,, Profitable solutions for cattle producers that decrease expenses & increase performance- low-cost, high quality complete feed and supplementation programs, AI/ET/Ultrasound Services & Training
Old Mill Farm and Ranch Supply , Corky Morrison or Amy Chavez, 505-8655432, 19763 New Mexico 314, Belen, NM, 87002,, https://, Come see us or give us a call for all your livestock needs.
Onate Feed Co., LLC, Dan Shue, 505-8770410, 505-975-8396, 505-877-0419, 8000 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87105,, Livestock Feed Manufacturer: Cattle, Horses, Poultry, Swine, and companion animals.
One Stop Feed Inc., Lovita Hale, 575-7623997, 400 S Hull, Clovis, NM, 88101.
Point of Rocks Ranch, Faye Gaines, 575-485-2473, HC 60 Box 27, Springer, NM, 87747,, Pasture & Grass-Santa Fe Trail preservation.
Purina Animal Nutrition,Stephen Swift,, Feeds for all types of livestock, wildlife, exotics, small animal, and pets.
Rafter F Farm & Ranch, Felipe Sanchez, 505-250-0265, P.O. Box 398, Jarales, NM, 87023, Quality barn-stored alfalfa hay and registered black Angus bulls.
Rancho Las Lagunas, Alfredo J. Roybal, 505-455-7211, 505-470-5630, 19-A Rancho Las Lagunas, Santa Fe, NM, 87506,, Comm. Hereford & Black Baldy Replacement Heifers, Alfalfa & Alfalfa/grass Mix Hay in small square bales.
Red Doc Farm, Emilio Sanchez, Manager, 505-507-7781, 703 S. Christopher Rd., Belen, NM, 87002, ronda@reddocfarm. com, Registered Santa Gertrudis Cattle, USDA Inspected Beef, Beans, Corn, Alfalfa and Hay, ag products 505-508-7771 Elia Sanchez,
Mrs. Richard T. Ritter, CPA, Linda Ritter, 575-838-2209, P.O. Box 1558, Socorro, NM, 87801,, Comm. Angus cross; hay production; certified public accountant.
Riomax/Rio Nutrition, Manny Encinias, 505-927-7935, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035, manny@,, Want to increase profitability? Feed more of what your cattle need, feed less total supplement, get more out of your grass, with a guaranteed consumption-even in drought. A proven nutrition solution!
Romero Feed Store, Pat Romero, 505-2457990, P.O. Box 1264, Las Vegas, NM, 87701, Dealer of Acco feeds, animals and poultry feeds.
Saddle Butte Ag Inc., Kate Hartnell, 541-928-0102, PO Box 50, Shedd, OR, 97377, Forage seed to improve you soil health, plant health and animal health. Visit
Salt Pointe LLC, Wesley Watts, 575-3613658, P.O. Box 2262, Carlsbad, NM, 88221,, Bulk feed mix salt, bagged feed mix salt, and blocks available. White, sulfur, trace mineral, iodized and di-cal blocks available. Contact Wesley Watts at 575-361-3658 for pricing and delivery.
SarTec Corporation, Bret Hobbs, 806-2398728, 9403 Quincy Ave, Lubbock, TX, 79424,, SarTec. com. Industry leading yucca extract feed additives!
Sci-Agra, Inc., Gary Wilson, 602-319-2538, 22902 W. Watkins St, Buckeye, AZ, 85326,, Sweet-Pro is a complete supplement package including prebiotics for cattle & horses; a digestive aid for improving condition overall health & feed efficiency. Sci-Agra, Inc. is dstributor for Arizona and New Mexico
Snake Ranch, LLC, Steve Sichler, 575-8382839, 505-440-8444, P.O. Box 66, San Antonio, NM, 87832, Producing 4x4 bales and small bales of alfalfa hay, oat hay, and wheat hay as well as NM varieties of chile, and other produce.
Stallard Hay Sales, Brody Stallard, 575-512-5252, 575-760-1899, 269 Cottonwood Dr., Fort Sumner, NM, 88119,, Specializing in a variety of horse quality hay and some cattle feed including straight alfalfa, alfalfa/grass mix, equine grass mix hay, alfalfa/oat mix, triticale, and hegari. cxs
Westway Feed Products, Cherami Viator, 800-800-7517, 2001 Timberloch PL, The Woodlands, TX, 77380. Cheramie.Viator@, www.westwayfeed. com/, The global supplier of agriculturalbased liquid solutions, including feed, with the resources, service, technical support and collaborative culture.
WhiteBarn Hay and Cattle Co., Jason Barnard, 520-507-3332, 224 W Whetten Ln, Portal , AZ, 85632,,, Serving Ranches selling hay of all kinds, Suther’s Mineral and feed products, Feedyard for both growing and finishing, Heifer development, and selling American Wagyu Beef
Williams Ranch Supply , 505-238-5646, 575-773-4112, 56 Candelaria S, Quemado, NM, 87829, Certified Dealer with Purina, Suther Feed, MooreMans Show Feed, Mesa Feeds , Lakin Pellets, AC Nutrition, Chaffhaye Alfalfa & Hubbard feeds! Authorized dealer for Arrowquip chutes.
Bar-G Feedyard, Kevin Bunch, 806-357-2241, P.O. Box 1797, Hereford, TX, 79045. www., Custom cattle feeding at its finest.
Population 60,347
Land Area 4,180 square miles Rainfall median, 11 .9’’
Average First Freeze Date November 5
Average Last Freeze Date April 2 Elevation 3,120 ft
* Federal Land may include: BLM, BOR, DOA, DOD, DOE, FWS, NPS & OFA lands. State Lands may include: SG&F, & SP lands. Latest data at
Hanen Automatic Cattle and Livestock Feeders, Steven Meyer, 800-774-7900, 2320 Zinga Drive, Reedsburg, WI, 53959,, Hanen Automatic Cattle and Livestock Feeders provide the correct levels of nutrition to your cattle and livestock, up to 6 feedings per day. Solar Powered or 120 Volt Programmable Options.
Producers Livestock Marketing Association, Danny Major, 928-925-3710, P.O. Box 5128, Chino Valley, AZ, 86323. Tucumcari Feed Yard,, 575-461-9732, 505-652-0195, P.O. Box 912, Tucumcari, NM, 88401, tucumcarifeedyard@hotmail. com, Feedyard.
WhiteBarn Hay and Cattle Co., Jason Barnard, 520-507-3332, 224 W Whetten Ln, Portal , AZ, 85632,,, Serving Ranches selling hay of all kinds, Suther’s Mineral and feed products, Feedyard for both growing and finishing, Heifer development, and selling American Wagyu Beef
American Heritage Bank , Colten Grau, 575-762-2800, 575-769-1476, 3300 N Prince St., Clovis, NM, 88101, cgrau@,, American Heritage Bank is celebrating 20 years in the business of supporting our local communities through safe and sound banking practices. We specialize in Commercial and Ag Lending needs.
Bank of the Southwest, Jason Garcia, 575-894-7171, P.O. Box 872, T or C, NM, 87901, Full service bank, short- and long-term financing.
Bank of the Southwest, John Naylor, 575-625-1122, 226 North Main, Roswell, NM, 88201,, Full service Bank short or long term.
C2 Consulting , Dr. Manny Encinias, 505-9277935, 575-571-2600, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035, c2consulting7@,, Experienced bilingual consultants focused on improving profitability of beef operations through development of site-specific nutrition, genetic, marketing, and employee training programs.
Chaves-Otero-Lincoln CountyFarm Service Agency , Lynn Muncy, CED, 575-622-8745, 300 North Pennsylvania Ave, Roswell, NM, 88201, lynn.muncy@, Chaves County Farm Service Agency
Citizens Bank of Clovis, 575-769-1911, 421 Pile St, Clovis, NM, 88101, www., Consumer & agricultural lending, checking, saving, CD’s, retirement accounts, internet banking.
Cow Sense Herd Management Software, Tim Davis, 800-584-0040, 402-323-6969, 402-323-6968, 245 South 84th Street, Suite 218, Lincoln, NE, 68510-2600, info@, https://midwestmicro. us/, As the proven leader in cowherd management software, our NEW revolutionary solutions fit any commercial or seed-stock operation. Download a FREE Trial from: https://midwestmicro. us/free_trial_download,.
Crossfirst Bank , Ag Lending, Financial, Jordan Ward, 575-374-8301, 575-286-0438, 575-374-8309, 22 Maple St, P.O. Box 488, Clayton, NM, 88415, jordan.ward@,, CrossFirst Bank delivers robust mobile & digital banking solutions with a level of service that can only be described as extraordinary. A USDA FSA Preferred Lender & experienced ag lending team.
Farm Bureau Financial Services, Dennis Reid, 575-762-4729, 575-762-7432, 575-762-1774, 1516 N Thornton, Clovis, NM, 88101,
Farm Bureau Financial Services, Kevin Branum, 505-876-0580, 200 N. First St., Ste B, Grants, NM, 87020, kevin.branum@, Smarter Insurance for Agriculture, #1 ag insurer in our territory.
Farm Bureau Financial Services, Larry G. Marshall, 575-734-5415, 575-6231020, 575-734-5310, P.O. Box 399, Dexter, NM, 88230, As the #1 ag insurer in our territory, we offer comprehensive coverage that helps protect your farm/ranch, machinery, livestock and so much more. Schedule a SuperCheck today!
Farm Bureau Financial Services, Monte Anderson, 575-374-8933, 97 Santa Fe Drive #7, Clayton, NM, 88415,, Insurance for reg. & Comm. cattle, sheep, swine: also home, life, ranch, auto & business.
Farm Bureau Financial Services, Sharon R. Luna Agent, 575-894-0060, 575-7402230, 575-894-0054, 405 N Date St, Ste 7, Truth or Consequences , NM, 87901,, sharonluna.
Farm Bureau Insurance Agency - John Garcia, Natalie Archuleta, 575-483-2706, 575-483-1017, 575-483-1017, P.O. Box 278, 407 Maxwell, Springer, NM, 87747, John., I’m here to make insurance simple for you. I’m committed to helping you prepare for the future and protect what matters most. Let me help you through all stages of your life.
Farmers & Stockmens Bank , 575-3748301, 575-278-2861, 22 Maple Street, P.O. Box 488, Clayton, NM, 88415, www.
* Federal Land may include: BLM, BOR, DOA, DOD, DOE, FWS, NPS & OFA lands. State Lands may include: SG&F, & SP lands. Latest data at
Producing southwestern Angus cattle that “Fit the Bill”
• Performance in the feedlot and on the range.
• Raising quality Registered Angus cattle since 1991.
• Bulls available private treaty or at the Annual Black Angus “Ready for Work” Bull Sale, March 2025 - Belen, NM
g r a n t county
First American Bank , 575-746-8044, 303 W. Main, Artesia, NM, 88210, www.firstamb. net, Operating lines of credit, equipment and livestock loans, loan to purchase farms and ranches- FSA professional lender.
Tamara G. Hurt CPAPC, 575-546-7557, 575-546-3953, PO Box 2049, 216 S. Gold Ave, Deming, NM, 88031, tamara@hurtcpe. com Serving all your financial, tax and succession planning needs,
James Polk Stone Community Bank , Kenneth Berry, 575-622-7621, 1901 N. Main, Roswell, NM, 88201, kenneth.berry@, Financial services.
Landmark Title Inc., Jay Neff, 575-7633904, 575-763-6610, 117 E. 4th St., Clovis, NM, 88101, landmark@plateautel.ent,, Real Estate closings, Title Insurance, 1031 Exchanges.
New Mexico Bank & Trust, 505-8308328, 505-830-8338, 3002 Louisiana NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87110, mmartin@nmb-t. com, Financial needs.
Principal Financial, Robert Barnard, 575-373-3737, 1625 So. Main St #1, Las Cruces, NM, 88005,, Financial services and business continuation planning.
Mrs. Richard T. Ritter CPA, Linda Ritter, 575-838-2209, P.O. Box 1558, Socorro, NM, 87801,, Angus, Comm. Angus cross; hay production; certified public accountant.
Umbrage & Umbrage CPAs, Don Umbrage, 505-255-9551, 2620 San Mateo Blvd, Suite B, Albuquerque, NM, 87106,, Accounting, Record Keeping, income tax prep, estate planning, computer consulting.
Wellborn & Company CPA, Westly Wellborn, 505-843-7801, 505-7669049, 4001 Indian School Rd NE Ste 150, Albuquerque, NM, 87110, westly@,, Provides accounting and tax services to New Mexico’s agricultural producers Zia Trust, Inc., John Attwood - Trust Officer, 505-881-3338, 505-881-3338, 505-8750302, 6301 Indian School Rd NE, Suite 800, Albuquerque, NM, 87110, jattwood@, Zia Trust, a New Mexico trust company, serves the estate planning needs of ranchers and farmers in New Mexico. This includes Financial POA, Trustee and Personal Representative.
3h Squaw Peak Ranch LLC, Bob Hendon, 817-683-3983, 575-854-3562, PO Box 1280, Magdalena, NM, 87825, hendonbob@, Angus Replacement heifers, black baldy replacement heifers, Registered Quarter Horses.Guided elk, mule deer , and antelope hunts.Trophy hunts.
6666 Ranch, Joe Leathers, 806-596-4457, 806-596-4424, 806-596-4550, 1102 Dash for Cash Road, P.O. Box 130, Guthrie, TX, 79236,, Horses with a History; Brands with a Background.
American Breeders Service, Susan Hunnewell, 575-374-2162, 82 Six R Road, Des Moines, NM, 88418, Reg. Black Angus; Reg. Quarter Horses, son of Shining Spark. Armstrong Equine Services, Josh Armstrong , 575-312-2291, 175 Esslinger Road, La Mesa, NM, 88044, josh@, ArmstrongEquine. com , Fine Reined Horses,
Bell Ranch,, 575-868-2207, 181 Bell Ranch Drive, Bell Ranch, NM, 88431., Comm. Red Bell composites reg. horses, reg. good ranch-type horses.
Birdwell Ranch, James Birdwell or Joel Birdwell, 580-695-2352, 405-368-1058, 16950 NE Wolf Rd, P.O. Box 521, Fletcher , OK, 73541,, Birdwell Ranch supplier of performance high quality bulls.
Brahaim Hindi & Sons, Inc., Jamil Hindi, 575-799-4395, 505-228-1566, HC 34 Box 115, Duran, NM, 88301, Commercial Black Angus, Commercial Rambouillet and Karakiel Sheep, Reg Arabian Horses. Calves, lambs and wool.
Cowtown Feed & Livestock , Dudley Byerley, 505-722-6913, 505-870-2535, #14 Hamilton Rd US Hwy 491, Gallup, NM, 87305,, Buyer and seller of all classes of livestock, wool and mohair.
Hendon S O Ranch, Bob Hendon, 817-6833983, P.O. Box 1280, Magdalena, NM, 87825,, The SO Ranch was established in 1888. We Offer trophy elk, deer, and antelope hunts. We raise Registered Quarter horses with emphasis on Duel Pep, Metallic Cat, Freckles Playboy, Smart Little Lena.
High Nogal Ranch & Triple Creek Ranch, Joe David Yates, 512-567-3036, Box 965, Llano, TX, 78643,, Comm. cow calf & yearlings; Reg. ranch horses; real estate sales and aquisitions. Hisel Ranch, Glen Hisel, 575-274-6250, 1990 San Patricio Rd, Elida, NM, 88116, Comm. cattle & Horses.
Population 4,268
Land Area 2,999 square miles
Rainfall median, 13 .6’’
Average First Freeze Date October 25
Average Last Freeze Date April 17
Elevation 4,620 ft
County Seat Santa Rosa
Total Federal Land 63,555 acres
State Land 160,347 acres
Indian Land 0 acres
Deeded Land 1,716,641 acres
Inland Water 800 acres
Irrigated Land surface: 3,730 acres; ground: 450 acres
County Extension Agent 575-472-3652
JANUARY 1, 2024
Cattle & Calves 19,000 Sheep & Lambs 1,800
* Federal Land may include: BLM, BOR, DOA, DOD, DOE, FWS, NPS & OFA lands. State Lands may include: SG&F, & SP lands. Latest data at
JFW Horses, Scott Wright, 505-804-1034, 63 Don Luis Rd., Tome, NM, 87060, training, breeding and farrier horses.
JG Livestock Co., Shane or Sherry Goemmer, RR 1, Nowata, OK 74048, sgfly@hotmail. com, Comm. Angus cross cattle; ranch and performance horses - foundation bloodlines; Peppy San, Docs J Jay.
JO Bar QH LLC, Erica Valdez, 575-202-9547, PO Box 373, Animas, NM, erica.r.valdez@, Raising / Breeding registered American Quarter Horses, Specializing in cow bred horses for arena and ranch use.
Last Go Round Foundation Paint and Quarter Horses, PJ Crockett , 575-5127225, PO Box 132, Hope, NM, 88250, pj@, Old school Foundation Paint and Quarter Horses; studs for breeding, colts & fillies available. Red Angus cattle.
Lefebre Horsemanship, Horses, Corey Lefebre, 505-427-0893, 970-759-7025, 48 Road 2391, Aztec, NM, 87410, lexie., Lefebre Horsemanship on Facebook, We specialize in ranch versatility, western performance, and all around colt starting with multiple years experience training and in the PRCA, NCHA, and more. 24/7 video system & free feed grass hay., LIS Cattle Company , H.A.Speedy & Leanne Hutcheson, 575-849-1122, POB 116, Corona, NM, 88318, Buy, sell, trade all types and classes of livestock
Mesa Vista Stud, Truman Smith DVM, 575-445-3912, 1600 South 2nd st, Raton, NM, 87740,, Reg. Thoroughbreds race horses, breeding, foaling, year round mare care, sales prep.
New Mexico Horse Breeders Association, 505-262-0224, Uptown Stn., P.O. Box 36869, Albuquerque, NM, 87176, www., The New Mexico Bred Program is the best State-Bred program in the world.
New Mexico Horse Council, Danette McGuire Exec. Sec., 505-345-8959, P.O. Box 10206, Albuquerque, NM, 87184,, www.nmhorsecouncil. org, Dedicated to uniting the horse industry in NM through education and public outreach.
New Mexico Horses Equine Business & Travel Directory , Cat Parks, 505-9199495, 81 Ranch Road, Lamy, NM, 87540,,, New Mexico Horses Digital Magazine is a annual state-wide equine business and travel directory featuring articles, trail maps, and advertisements.
NM Paint Horse Club,Marilyn Novat, President,, www., NM State affiliate of the American Paint Horse Association sponsoring horse shows offering traditional horse show classes for all levels of riders plus cutting, working cowhorse and Ranch classes.
NM Palomino Exhibitors Association, Ron Morris, President, 505-417-6167, PO Box 908, Belen, NM, 87002, lhrramorris@,, NM State affiliate of the Palomino Horse Breeders of America. Horse shows and awards program for members showing Palomino and Palomino Bred horses in NM. All levels of riders welcomed.
New Mexico Quarter Horse Assn., Toni Miller, 505-401-8664, P.O. Box 11, Peralta, NM, 87042, tonijeamiller@comcast. net NM affiliate of AQHA, offering show, futurities, activity of horses of all breeds.
New Mexico State University , Glenn Duff, 575-646-1242, Box 30003, Dept 3-1, Las Cruces, NM, 88003, asicence@nmsu. edu, Registered and commercial Angus, Brangus and Brahman cattle; commercial Suffock, registered Quarter Horses.
Parsons Ranch 7K/8K EL., Bernard and Ann Parsons, 719-868-2291, 719-859-8888, 17655 State HY 12, Weston, CO, 81091,, N/A, Parsons Ranch (7K-8K Elevation) - AQH’s Size/ Sense, Big Game Hunting, Patterson Cattle Co., Loren Patterson , 575-937-5458, PO Box 291, Corona , NM, 88318,, “Commercial Angus and F1 Black Baldies Replacement Heifers and Yearlings “
R.A. Morris Quarter Horses & Paints, Ron Morris, 505-417-6167, PO Box 908, Belen, NM, 87002, lhrramorris@juno. com,, Training, lessons, horses for sale. American Stock Horse Assoc. and American Buckskin Registry carded judge. AQHA and APHA Professional Horseman.
Range & Ranch Management Services, Christopher D. Allison, 575-644-2460, 575-526-6178, 500 Cline Rd., Mesilla Park, NM, 88047,, Range and Ranch Management ServicesChristopher D Allison, PhD.
Ray Ranch, George H. Ray III, 575-4852559, 575-485-5599, 575-485-2559, 1483 Wagon Mound Highway, Roy, NM, 87743,
Rio Hondo Land & Cattle Co, 575-6534617, Box 2, Picacho, NM, 88343, Comm. Brangus & Horses.
Rockin Horse Riding Academy , Melodee Smith, 575-373-3737, 1625 So. Main St, Las Cruses, NM, 88005,, Riding Academy for underprivileged children supported by Horses & Heros and Azlyn’s stable for hope.
Singleton Ranches, Grant Mitchell, 505-466-3021, 505-490-1415, 505-4661208, 90 San Cristobal Ranch Road, Lamy, NM, 87540,, Commercial cattle and registered AQHA horses. 2012 AQHA Best of the Remuda award winner.
Slash RS Ranch, Sam or Susan Ray, 575-7734170, hc. 32 box 238, quemado, NM, 87829,, slashrsranch. com, Reg. Angus bulls, paint horses and ASCA. Working Pups for sale.
Stallard Farm & Ranch LLC, Brody Stallard, 575-512-5252, 575-760-1899, 269 Cottonwood Dr, Fort Sumner, NM, 88119, Hay for sale catering to the small bale user, but will have some big bales. Horse quality alfalfa, alfalfa/equine grass mix, hegari, & some beardless wheat. Mostly roping horses.
Steve Meador, Steve Meador, 505-577-7527, 35 Meador Lane, Santa Fe, NM, 87508, Reg. Quarter Horses, breeding.
T4 Cattle Company LLC, Phil and Scott Bidegain, 575-868-2475, 575-403-7553, 5859 Quay Rd. BK, Tucumcari, NM, 88401, Hereford and black baldy cattle, American Quarterhorses.
Tibbs Custom Saddles , LD Tibbs, 575-6187783, 699 Shenandoah Dr, Fort Sumner, NM, 88119,, Custom saddles and leather products, complete repairs to saddles and tack, custom purses , travel bags, belts, wallets, padfolios, and more
The Trinity Ranch, Cat Parks, 505-9199495, 81 Ranch Road, Lamy, NM, 87540,, High end equine boarding facility and horse motel.
Tim Cox Fine Art, Suzie Cox, 505-6328080, 891 Road 4990, Bloomfield, NM, 87413,,, Western art; originals, limited edition prints, canvases, and Giclées, and yearly calendars.
Williams Ranch Supply , 505-238-5646, 575-773-4112, 56 Candelaria S, Quemado, NM, 87829, Certified Dealer with Purina, Suther Feed, MooreMans Show Feed, Mesa Feeds , Lakin Pellets, AC Nutrition, Chaffhaye Alfalfa & Hubbard feeds! Authorized dealer for Arrowquip chutes.
Assurity Life Insurance Company , New York Office, 800-869-0355, 888-2552060, P.O. Box 82533, Lincoln, NE, 68501,, www., Life insurance.
Box Farms, Box Irrigation & Box Beef, Phillip Box, 575-576-2780, 575-403-7358, 2993 Quay Road 61, Tucumcari, NM, 88401,, none, We raise and sell beef direct to customers. We sell and service insurance. We sell PVC irrigation pipe and supplies.,
Cauthorn & Griffin Ranch Insurance, T. Cy Griffin or Guy Cauthorn, 325-226-0432, 512-658-0134, 217 E Main St, Sonora, TX, 76950,, www.,
Chaves-Otero-Lincoln CountyFarm Service Agency , Lynn Muncy, CED, 575-622-8745, 300 North Pennsylvania Ave, Roswell, NM, 88201, lynn.muncy@, Chaves County Farm Service Agency
Chisholm Co. Inc, Connie Cowan, 602-4212255,, We really understand drought insurance from the rancher perspective.
Eastern Plains Insurance, Tom Dannelley, 575-359-1227, 800-748-2825, 700 S Ave, Portales, NM, 88130.
Farm Bureau Financial Service, Evelyn Bond, 505-327-3373, 2910 E. Bloomfield Hwy., Farmington, NM, 87401, Insurance.
Farm Bureau Financial Services, Dennis Reid, 575-762-4729, 575-762-7432, 575-762-1774, 1516 N Thornton, Clovis, NM, 88101,, Insurance and Investments.
Farm Bureau Financial Services, Kevin Branum, 505-876-0580, 200 N. First St., Ste B, Grants, NM, 87020, kevin.branum@, Smarter Insurance for Agriculture, #1 ag insurer in our territory.
Farm Bureau Financial Services, Larry G. Marshall, 575-734-5415, 575-6231020, 575-734-5310, P.O. Box 399, Dexter, NM, 88230, As the #1 ag insurer in our territory, we offer comprehensive coverage that helps protect your farm/ranch, machinery, livestock and so much more. Schedule a SuperCheck today!
Farm Bureau Financial Services, Sharon R. Luna Agent, 575-894-0060, 575-7402230, 575-894-0054, 405 N Date St, Ste 7, Truth or Consequences , NM, 87901,, sharonluna.
Farm Bureau Insurance Agency - John Garcia, Natalie Archuleta, 575-483-2706, 575-483-1017, 575-483-1017, P.O. Box 278, 407 Maxwell, Springer, NM, 87747, John., I’m here to make insurance simple for you. I’m committed to helping you prepare for the future and protect what matters most. Let me help you through all stages of your life.
Insurance Services of New Mexico, Jim Lyssy, 575-355-2436, 800-505-9392, P.O Box 49, Ft Sumner, NM, 88119, jlyssy@,, New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association property and casualty insurer.
Justice Insurance Group, Alicia Sanchez, 505-463-1993, ,, www., Providing a full line of comprehensive insurance products.
Landmark Title, LLC, Jay Neff, 575-7633904, 575-799-6632, 575-763-6610, 117 E. 4th St., Clovis, NM, 88101, jneff@,, Title Insurance, Real Estate Closings, 1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges.
Matlock & Associates, Bill Phinzy or Tommy Eppers, 806-759-5154, 575-4207431, 206 N Austin Ave, Lamesa, TX, 79331,
Nick Wiegel Agency , Nick Wiegel, 575-7628373, 575-762-8362, 501 Commerce Way Suite 5, Clovis, NM, 88101, kpadilla@, Nick Wiegel Allstate Agency.
Robert L. Homer & Associates, Bob Homer, 505-828-9690, 505-828-9617, 5600 Wyoming Blvd NE ste 150A, Albuquerque, NM, 87109, rhomer@, Financial planning, Life and health insurance.
Swickard Agency Inc, Nicole McWilliams, 575-624-1379, 400 N Pennsylvania ste 600, Roswell, NM, 88201, nicolemcwilliams77@, Health insurance, individual and group.
Tucumcari General Insurance, C.J. Wiegel, 575-461-2623, P.O Box 1304, 214 S. Second St, Tucumcari, NM, 88401, cjwiegel@gmail. com, Ag insurance services.
USDA Farm Service Agency , Lynn Muncy, 575-622-8745, 300 North Pennsylvania Ave, Roswell, NM, 88201, lynn.muncy@,, USDA Farm Service Agency.
Williams Insurance, Todd, 575-7692855, 1101 N. Norris, Clovis, NM, 88101,,, Insuring crop, hail, farm & ranch, agribusiness, energy.
Williams Insurance, Todd, 806-470-6820, 5805 64th St., Lubbock, TX, 79424,, Insuring crop, hail, farm & ranch, agribusiness, energy
Zia Trust, Inc., John Attwood - Trust Officer, 505-881-3338, 505-881-3338, 505-8750302, 6301 Indian School Rd NE, Suite 800, Albuquerque, NM, 87110, jattwood@, Zia Trust, a New Mexico trust company, serves the estate planning needs of ranchers and farmers in New Mexico. This includes Financial POA, Trustee and Personal Representative.
3C Cattle Feeders, Clyde, Casey & Bear Runyan, 580-384-3493, 580-618-1254, POB 144, Mill Creek, OK, 74856, facebook. com/3C-Cattle-Feeders, Toolboxes Available on All Feeders.
ADM Animal Nutrition, Mona Klein, 806-282-8429, 3650 Deere Dr, Hereford, TX, 79045, mona.klein@adm. com, Meet nutritional needs of your production animal! MoorMan’s® Range Minerals and Mintrate®, innovation of AMPT™ and AminoGain®. ADM offers value with quality products for all species.
Advantage Welding Services, Dan Reyes, 505-866-1074, 602-469-1646, 1239 Sunflower Ave, Belen, NM, 87002, Corral & Branding Pens, Custom Gates, Heavy Equipment Repair, Metal Ranch Signs, CNC Plasma Cutting, Custom Carports & Barns, Fabrication –Large or Small.
B & R Construction, Robbie, 505-8321400, 505-350-0767, 505-832-1441, 3215 NM-333, Moriarty, NM, 87035, brnm94@
Bartz Spencer Solar & Water Well Service, Kendal Wilson, 575-799-8142, P.O. Box 1055, 12517 US Hwy 54, Carrizozo, NM, 88301, wi, “Water Well Service and Supply. Pumps, Tanks, Troughs, Pipe, Fittings, Power Source. Complete Solar Power Systems; Residential, Commercial, Industrial Statewide service and installation”
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc.,, Cattle First! Trusted brand name biologicals, pharmaceuticals, parasiticides and nutritional supplements: Triangle, Pyramid, Express, LongRange, Exprinex, Ivomec, Zactran, Bio-Mycin & much more.,
Burrows Ent. LLC, Royal Burrows, 970-3533769, 2024 East 8th Street, Greeley, CO, 80631,, www., Manufacturer of the Roto Grind Tub Grinders & Grain Grinders for all Beef & Dairy feeding applications.,
Cache La Poudre Feeds LLC, Ron Treiber, 970-482-5092, 970-227-7867, 970-4825092, 1724 North Overland Trail, Fort Collins, CO, 80521,,
Hanen Automatic Cattle and Livestock Feeders, Steven Meyer, 800-774-7900, 2320 Zinga Drive, Reedsburg, WI, 53959,, Hanen Automatic Cattle and Livestock Feeders provide the correct levels of nutrition to your cattle and livestock, up to 6 feedings per day. Solar Powered or 120 Volt Programmable Options.
Hatsoff Inc., Randy & Perri Jennings, 1-800779-1137, P.O. Box 888, House, NM, 88121,, www.hatsoff. com, Manufacturer of the Hat Retainer: Retain & re-stretch your fine headgear. Offering wholesale & retail sales.
Hutchison Western, Buck Hutchison, 303-287-2826, 303-287-2826, 7460 Hwy 85, Adams City, CO, 80022, ghutchison@,, Manufacturer and Distributor - Hutchison HW Brand and Hutchison HW Brand Heavy Duty Brown Livestock & Equine Equipment.
International Stock Food Corp., Neil Woods, 303-880-9427, 6420 W 110th Place, Westminster, CO, 80020, neil@,, Silo Guard is a completely innovative product that improves the quality of your silage by eliminating oxygen, thus minimizing mold and yeast growth.
Jones Manufacturing Co., Rod Giese, 402-528-3861, 1486 12th Road, P.O. Box 38, Beemer, NE, 68716, mightygiant@,,
The Mighty Giant tub grinder is a durable, high capacity tub grinder designed to grind any type of forage or grain.
Kiva Lighting and Metal Fab, Chad McCollam, 800-275-5482, 505-3429044, 505-342-9021, 312 Industrial Ave, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, chad@, www.kivalighting. com. Certified NM True manufacturer of Southwestern and Western style decorative lighting. Customize your lighting with your corporate logo or ranch brand. New Mexico made since 1993.
L & H Branding Irons, 800-437-8068, 410 6th St. SE, Mandan, ND, 58554, www., We’ve got your brand.
Lyssy & Eckel Feeds, Charles Eckel, 830-484-3314, 111 E. Westmeyer Street, Poth, TX, 78147, charles@lefeeds. com Lyssy & Eckel established in 1945 utilizes the top ingredients and formulations to maximize your herd’s genetic potential. Specializing in Cattle, Wildlife, Sheep and Goat and Custom Rations.
Lyssy & Eckel Feeds, Ronnie Eckel, 575-622-3260, 905 White Mill Road, Roswell, NM, 88203, Charles@lefeeds. com Lyssy & Eckel established in 1945 utilizes the top ingredients and formulations to maximize your herd’s genetic potential. Specializing in Cattle, Wildlife, Sheep and Goat and Custom Rations.
Maloy Mobile Storage Inc., Mary Beth Maloy, 505-344-6123, 505-344-6123, 505-344-3351, 535 Comanche Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, marybeth@, www.maloystorage. com, Sell and rent portable storage/ storage containers. Custom modifications available to meet all your storage needs.
Manchester Mfg. Co., Talotta Kloefkorn, 580-694-2292, 1647 Main Street, PO Box 36, Manchester, OK, 73758, kloefkorn@,, Force Feed Feederchains and grain raddles for combines, front mount boom systems for wicking or spraying.,
MD Barnmaster NM, Laura Johnson, 505-681-3713, P.O. Box 1199, Capitan, NM, 88316,, www., MD Barnmaster modular construction materials and metal building components for kick-proof, chew-proof, low maintenance and zero fire spread rated barns and buildings. Serving all of NM.
Onate Feed Co., LLC, Dan Shue, 505-8770410, 505-975-8396, 505-877-0419, 8000 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87105,, Livestock Feed Manufacturer: Cattle, Horses, Poultry, Swine, and companion animals.
Peck’s Fine Jewelry and Repair, David Wood, 505-720-9513, 505-720-9513, 2501 San Pedro Dr NE, Ste 111A, Albuquerque, NM, 87110,, none, Silver Buckle Repairs. Wedding ring service. We also repair these: Watches, gold, platinum, & silver jewelry. Watch battery replacements. We buy scrap gold jewelry. Excellent YELP reviews!!.
R.L. Cox Co, Ellen Goodson, 505-242-4980, 2819 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, Leather goods, sheep skin, & fur.
Red Brand, Dain Rakestraw, 800-447-6444, 7000 S W Adams St, Peoria, IL, 61641, ,, Red Brand makes wire fence products 100% made in the USA from start to finish. Our wire fence products have been the trusted choice of property owners, farmers, and ranchers since 1889.
Rusty’s Weigh Scales & Service Inc, Joe Jackson, 806-747-2912, 800-666-2802, 806-741-1445, 408 North Interstate 27, Lubbock, TX, 79403, joejackson@,, Scales of all types and sizes. Industrial and Agricultural, weigh grams to tons. We provide service and repair to all types of scales. New and used scales available. Mettler Toledo Premier Distributor. Steel Structures Unlimited, 505-424-7025,, Steel Buildings: Commerical & Agriculture, barns, shops, farm equipment storage, quality and service first, 25 years in business, all steel building engineer certified for state of New Mexico
Southwestern Scale Co. Inc., Mark Murdza, 602-243-3951, 602-558-0453, 602-243-0435, 2535 W. Broadway, Phoenix, AZ, 85041, scaleinfo@swscale. com,, Scale calibration, certification and repair. Multi-animal scale supplier – mobile, portable, traditional. The most comprehensive, full service weighing solutions company in the regional southwest.
Swihart’s LLC, Roger Swihart, 785-754-3513, 7240 County Road AA, Quinter, KS, 67752,, www.swihart-sales. com, Spray those pesky flies!!! Spray Innovation sprayers are low volume, low pressure using air as the carrier. Swiharts offer PTO and self contained motor models. Also handle Feeder Wagons!
The Old Pine Box , Lynn Ann, 505-2869410, P.O. Box 511, Edgewood, NM, 87015, Handcrafted Solid Wood Coffins Caskets and Urns. Simple. Unique. Natural. Proudly made in NM.
Tibbs Custom Saddles , LD Tibbs, 575-6187783, 699 Shenandoah Dr, Fort Sumner, NM, 88119,, Custom saddles and leather products, complete repairs to saddles and tack, custom purses , travel bags, belts, wallets, padfolios, and more
Two Hens
Sewing and Embroidery
, Ashley Ivins, 575-808-7325, P.O. Box 793, Capitan, NM, 88316,, Quality embroidery work with your ranch logo or brand. We specialize in jackets and caps customized for you.
WW Fiberglass Tank Co., Todd Little, 806-669-1128, 806-669-1129, 100 N. Price Rd, Pampa, TX, 79066, todd@wwtank. com,, Fiberglass Stock Tanks, Liquid Feed, Fertilizer, Fuel and Potable Water Storage Tanks
Zia Cowtoon Co., Wheeler Hughes, 210-4648432, 210-464-8433, 1716 S. Second, Tucumcari, NM, 88411, ziacowtoons@,, We offer advertising & promotional calendars & cards for your business or ranch. Wheeler Slim Hughes is a 5th generation New Mexican, member of the CCI & illustrator for Working Ranch magazine.
Cattlegrowers Foundation Inc, 505-2632015, P.O. Box 7035, Albuquerque, NM, 87194, cattlegrowersfoundationinc@ Caren Cowan, President.,, laying the groundwork for the future of ranching.
Cimarron Chamber of Commerce, Candee Rinde, 575-376-2417, 575-376-2417, 104 N. Linclon Ave, P.O. Box 604, Cimarron, NM, 87714,, www., The history of Cimarron, New Mexico is rich and interesting, and visitors still enjoy it today. Check out our website at to learn more about this great little village.
Horses For Heroes Cowboy Up!, Rick Iannucci, 505-474-5425, P.O. Box 1882, Santa Fe, NM, 87504, info@, horsesforheroes. org, Service post 9/11 veterans and home for Horses For Heroes.
New Mexico 4-H Youth Development Foundation, State 4-H Office, 575-6463026, MSC 3AE, Las Cruces, NM, 88003,, www.aces., Developing tomorrow’s agricultural leaders.
New Mexico Agriculture in the Classroom, 575-532-4714, 575-799-1373, 2220 N Telshor Blvd, Las Cruces, NM, 88011,, www.nmaitc. org, The purpose of NMAITC is to educate the general public, with an emphasis on K-12 students and educators, about the importance of agriculture.We offer free classroom presentations and workshops.
New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranches, 505-881-3363, P.O. Box 9, 6209 Hendris Rd NE, Boys Ranch, NM, 87002-5000, Adoption, foster placement for youth and residential care for boys and girls.
New Mexico CowBelles,, www., Sustain the integrity of the New Mexico Beef Industry through consumer awareness, education, and promotion while respecting the past, living in the present, and looking towards the future.
New Mexico FFA Foundation, 575-6463026, 575-646-4285, P.O. Box 30003, MSC FFA, NMSU, Las Cruces, NM, 88003,,, Building a bright future for agriculture in New Mexico.
Protect Agriculture Now (PAN), P.O. Box 1204, Elephant Butte NM 87935. Our Mission is to educate people about government’s overreach in our daily lives using private property, land use, federal designations, & endangered species regulations.
Rio Arriba Cooperative Extension Service, Donald Martinez, 505-6854523, 505-927-1838, 505-685-4624, HCR 77 Box 9, Rural Event Center, Abiquiu, NM, 87510,, Your county Ag representative regardless of size of operation. Providing agricultural education to all interested.
San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, Lauren Sides, 210-225-5851, P.O. Box 200230, San Antonio, TX, 78220, lauren@,,.The San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo takes place February 8-25, 2018. There truly is something for everyone with world-class entertainment, livestock and horse shows, a carnival, shopping and much more!
The Ranches, 505-881-3363, 6209 Hendrix Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87110,,, Rekindling hope in today’s youthl; New Mexico Boys Ranch & New Mexico Girls Ranch.
Wilkinson Gelbvieh Ranch, Bill Wilkinson, 719-680-0462, 719-6800451, 23115 County Road 111.3 , Model, CO, 81059,, www., Wilkinson Gelbvieh Ranch is a family owned and operated cattle ranch, located in Model, Colorado. They raise Gelbvieh and Balancer cattle, selling 50 bulls each spring, as well as heifers.
Zia Cross Ministries, Wheeler Hughes, 210-464-8432, 210-464-8433, 1716 S. Second St., Tucumcari, NM, 88411,, www., Zia Cross Ministries is dedicated to building disciples & reaching rural people & communities with the Gospel. We do this through discipleship events, Bible studies, community fellowship & outreach.
OutFitters & Guides
Alta Vista Ranch, Doug or Oliver Soukup, 915-479-2994, 5407 Rio Penasco Rd- US Hwy 82, Mayhill, NM, 88339, Comm. Red and Black Angus, baled round bales, hunting and fishing.
Beaverhead Outfitters, Jack or Kaye Diamond, 575-772-5795, 575-772-5517, HC 30 Box 446 Burnt Cabin, WInston, NM, 87943,,, We offer hunts for elk, deer, antelope, oryx, bighorn sheep, ibex, turkey and predators on over 3 million acres of public and private land in southwest New Mexico.
Compass West Outfitters, Chris Guikema, 505-801-7500, Piñon, NM, Piñon, NM, 88344, info@compasswestoutfitters. com,, Wildlife management for profit.
Express UU Bar Ranch, 575-376-2035, 1115 Hwy 21, Cimarron, NM, 87714, Angus, Red Angus, Angus bull, Red Angus-Bull conditioned for this environment – Reg. horses, professional cutting horses, training and sales, alfalfa hay, grass pasture for summer yearling, big game hunts & fishing.
Hendon S O Ranch, Bob Hendon, 817-6833983, P.O. Box 1280, Magdalena, NM, 87825,, The S O Ranch was established in 1888. We Offer trophy elk, deer, and antelope hunts. We raise Registered Quarter horses with emphasis on Duel Pep, Metallic Cat, Freckles Playboy, Smart Little Lena.
High Nogal Ranch & Triple Creek Ranch, Joe David Yates, 512-567-3036, P.O. Box 965, Llano, TX, 78643, jdyates@hotmail. com, Comm. cow calf & yearling; reg. ranch horses; real estate sales & acquisitions; elk hunts.
JFW Ranch Consulting LLC, Kelly Welles, 505-294-7861, 10600 Eagle Rock Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87110, jfwrc@, Private and public Big Game Consulting.
Ridgeline Outfitters, LLC, Dan Reyes, 602-469-1646, 1239 Sunflower Ave, Belen, NM, 87002, Seeking landowners permits & hunting rights for big game through New Mexico. We offer top dollar for quality properties. Licensed & Insured.
New Mexico Council of Outfitters and Guides, Kerrie Romero, 505-440-5258, 51 Bogan Rd, Stanley, NM, 87056, info@,, Serving the Professional Hunting/Fishing Industry since 1978.
Zenitram Ranch, Donald Martinez Jr. 575-581-9144, 505-927-1838, PO Box 814, El Rito, NM, 87530, Commercial high altitude raised South Devon crossed calves for sale. Breeding stock and calves for meat. Processing and delivery is available.
Hat Six Cattle Company , M.D. Hobbs, 575-483-0123, 575-447-3887, 575-4830123, 170 Spear Road, P.O. Box 697, Springer, NM, 87747, Hatsix1@gmail. com,, Broad service organization, working throughout the intermountain west.
L/S Cattle Co.Livestock Sales, 575-8491122, PO Box 116, Corona, NM, 88318, Buy, sell, trade all types & breeds of livestock.
Move Cattle LLC, Marketing, Amanda Mayfield, 575-534-7707, PO Box 9031, Playas, NM, 88009, movecattle1@, Marketing Represetnative for Superior Livestock Auction.
Producers Livestock Marketing Association, Danny Major, 928-925-3710, P.O. Box 5128, Chino Valley, AZ, 86323. Roswell Wool, 575-622-3360, 575-622-3161, 212 E 4th, Roswell, NM, 88202, Wool commission and shearing supplies order buying for classes of sheep.
Sire-Source, Patrick Pachta, 505-4000312, P.O. Box 121, Encino , NM, 88321,, siresource. com, Sire-Source is a site designed to market bulls for all seed stock breeders in one location. Ability to narrow your search by selecting the EPD’s interested in. Video and pictures available.
Ty Jones Cattle Co, Ty Jones, 806-6763288, P.O. Box 8190, Amarillo, TX, 79114,, Serving all your order buying needs
Ranch Equip./ Supplies
3C Cattle Feeders, Clyde, Casey & Bear Runyan, 580-384-3493, 580-618-1254, POB 144, Mill Creek, OK, 74856, facebook. com/3C-Cattle-Feeders, Toolboxes Available on All Feeders.
4 Rivers Equipment, 505-884-2900, 2301 Candlelaria Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87107,,, John Deere Agriculture, residential, commercial, and Turf care dealer.
Acosta Equipment, Inc., Jesus Acosta, 575-835-3961, 155 NW Frontage Rd, Scan Acacia, NM, 87831, acostaequipmentinc@, Commercial Angus Cattle. Authorized Stihl Dealer, Rental Services, Welding Supplies. Tire sales and service., Advantage Welding Services, Dan Reyes, 505-866-1074, 602-469-1646, 1239 Sunflower Ave, Belen, NM, 87002, Corral & Branding Pens, Custom Gates, Heavy Equipment Repair, Metal Ranch Signs, CNC Plasma Cutting, Custom Carports & Barns, Fabrication Large or Small.
Animal Health Express, Tim & Barbara Jackson, 800-533-8115, 520-888-0294, 800-437-9898, 3301 N Freeway Rd, Tucson, AZ, 85705,, www., Equine, livestock and pet supplies.
Bale Buddy Manufacturing Inc., John Sparks, 580-868-3330, 580-856-3637, P.O. Box 237, Hennepin, OK, 73444, www., Hay Balers.
Bartz Spencer Solar & Water Well Service, Kendal Wilson, 575-7998142, P.O. Box 1055, 12517 US HWY 54, CARRIZOZO, NM, NM, 88301, wilsonk@, “Water Well Service and Supply. Pumps, Tanks, Troughs, Pipe, Fittings, Power Source. Complete Solar Power Systems; Residential, Commercial, Industrial Statewide service and installation”
Big Bend Trailers/Rancho Espuela Akaushi, Jim & Kelie Dyer, 432-426-3435, 432-426-3336, 17257 State Hwy 166, Fort Davis, TX, 79734,,, Trailers and Limousin cattle.
Box Farms, Box Irrigation & Box Beef, Phillip Box, 575-576-2780, 575-403-7358, 2993 Quay Road 61, Tucumcari, NM, 88401,, none, We raise and sell beef direct to customers. We sell and service insurance. We sell PVC irrigation pipe and supplies.,
Brushmasters, LLC, Coby Bartram, 575-2023885, 2631 San Andres Drive, Las Cruces, NM, 88007,, Mastication of trees & understory, elimination of invasive plant species, hunting access lanes, utility easement clearing, wildlife habitat restoration, pasture & levee right-of-way maintenance
Burns Do It Center, James Burns, 575-9351111, 2400 N Prince, Clovis, NM, 88101,, Fencing, water tanks and equipment.
Catron Pipe, Jerry McPhaul, 575-772-2603, Box 2Y, Pie Town, NM, 87827, Corral Panels portable.
Circle S Feed Store, Wally Menuey, 575-8858369, 800-386-1235, 2907 South Canal, Carlsbad, NM, 88220, www.circlesfeed. com, Animal Feed, Health Products & Supplies.
Cody & Becky Harwell Ranch, Cody or Becky, 575-687-3791, 813 Piñon Dunken Hwy, Piñon, NM, 88344, codybecky@pvtn. net, Comm. cattle, well repair, Becky real estate agent with Louis Oliver broker.
Codys’ Water Well Service, Cody Harwell, 575-703-5775, 1610 W Fairground Rd, Artesia, NM, 88210, codybecky@pvtn. net, Water Well Service company; pump and supply sales, and Solar Water Well Projects.
Cow Sense Herd Management Software, Tim Davis, 800-584-0040, 402-323-6969, 402-323-6968, 245 South 84th Street, Suite 218, Lincoln, NE, 68510-2600, info@, https://midwestmicro. us/, As the proven leader in cowherd management software, our NEW revolutionary solutions fit any commercial or seed-stock operation. Download a FREE Trial from: https://midwestmicro. us/free_trial_download, .
Creighton’s Town and Country , Leslie Creighton, 575-356-3665, 575-356-2435, 1625 S. Ave. D, Portales, NM, 88130,,, Providing quality feed and supplies with an emphasis on customer service for your farm and ranch for over 20 years! Call us today!
Dan’s Boots & Saddles, Larry, 505-3452220, 6903 4th St NW, Albuquerque, NM, 87107,, www., Feed, animal health products, livestock equipment, Western and English tack, Western wear, boots. Del Rio Land and Cattle Co., Matt Herrington/ Jim Layton, 928-322-4684, 150 W Discovery Park Blvd, Safford, AZ, 85546, Big Bend Trailers, GR Flatbeds, Tires, Pearson Squeeze Chutes, Fencing, pipe and sucker rod, solar/submersible pumps, storage tanks, drinkers, diaphragm floats, Mix 30, SweetPro supplements, and more.
Desert Scales & Weighing Equipment, Desert Scales, 602-258-5272, 800-4898354, 602-275-7582, 1702 W Linden Street, Phoenix, AZ, 85007, www.desertscales. com.
Elbrock Ranch, Tricia Elbrock, 575-548-2429, 575-548-2270, P.O. Box 25, 100 Elbrock Ranch Rd, Animas, NM, 88020, elbrock@, Commercial Beefmasters, 4-H & FFA show lambs, well and drilling services.
Express Scale Services, Steve Keith, 806-655-3033, P.O. Box 748, Canyon, TX, 79015, Sales/Service all types of Scales.
Gallup Lumber & Supply , Gallup Lumber, 505-863-4475, 800-559-4475, 505-8633344, 1724 S Second Street, Gallup, NM, 87301,
Golden Equiment, Craig Hill, 505-3457811, 721 Candelaria NE, Abuquerque, NM, 87107,, Construction and ag equipment sales, parts and service.
Guadalupe Mountain Fencing , Clint Hughes, 575-361-3216, 575-706-2750, 2023 Hepler Road, Carlsbad, NM, 88220,, GMF builds, installs and repairs all types of fence incl., but not limited to, farm & ranch and oil field fences. We travel all of NM and west TX. We also offer top of the line Arrow Cattle equipment.
Hatsoff Inc., Randy & Perri Jennings, 1-800779-1137, P.O. Box 888, House, NM, 88121,, www.hatsoff. com, Manufacturer of the Hat Retainer: Retain & re-stretch your fine headgear. Offering wholesale & retail sales.
Hutchison Western, Buck Hutchison, 303-287-2826, 303-287-2826, 7460 Hwy 85, Adams City, CO, 80022, ghutchison@,, Manufacturer and Distributor - Hutchison HW Brand and Hutchison HW Brand Heavy Duty Brown Livestock & Equine Equipment.
Inosol Castrator, 800-847-2533, 760-3379244, 1774 Citrus Lane, El Centro, CA, 92243,, bands for castration.
International Stock Food Corp., Neil Woods, 303-880-9427, 6420 W 110th Place, Westminster, CO, 80020, neil@,, Silo Guard is a completely innovative product that improves the quality of your silage by eliminating oxygen, thus minimizing mold and yeast growth.
Ironhorse Pipe & Steel, 575-355-2277, US 60/84 East, Ft. Sumner, NM, 88119, You name it, we’ve got it.
Average First Freeze Date October 2
Average Last Freeze Date May 8 Elevation 6,465 ft .
County Seat Gallup Total Federal Land 455,609 acres State Land 187,374 acres Indian Land 2,160,803 acres Deeded Land 687,734 acres
Inland Water 4,500 acres
Irrigated Land surface: 6,240; ground: 200 acres
County Extension Agent 505-863-3432
* Federal Land may include: BLM, BOR, DOA, DOD, DOE, FWS, NPS & OFA lands. State Lands may include: SG&F, & SP lands. Latest data at
Classic Stanchion Adjustable safety yokes allowing operators to remove the yokes providing the animal with a straight drop-down stanchion. Specifications include 270 weight, 116” widest point, 81’ overall height. Mounting hole width 31-1/2”. Nose tong included. 1783
Classic Calf Table For calves up to 450 lbs. Scissor type manual stanchion. Includes daily cleat. Seven drop-side pipes. Quick release pin. 3 settings for tip angle of table. 1869
c k i n l e y
Chute Trailer A heavy-duty winch and cable lifts the chute into a transport position where it is secured with four pins. Not for highway use. 1777. Rims included. Tires not included.
XL Manual Chute w/ RH Side Exit 26836A
J and J Auctioneers, Joe/Jennie Boulware, 575-485-2508, 575-447-2509, 575-4852500, 46 Boulware Rd, Roy, NM, 87743,, jandjauction. com, “J&J Auctioneers is a full-service auction company serving New Mexico and southern Colorado since 1996. We conduct live and online auctions of real estate, and agricultural equipment and other assets.
Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment Sales, Alvin Kaddatz, 254-582-3000, 254-337-1189, 535 HCR 4223, Hillsboro, TX, 76645, akaddatz@, https://kaddatzequipment. com/, New and Used Farm Equipment, Salvage Tractors and Implements, New & Used Tractor Parts & Farm Equipment Parts, Farm Equipment Auctions, and Farm Equipment Appraisals and Machinery Appraisals.
KBS (Ken Babcock Sales, Inc.), Jeff Weirich, 800-544-6530, 785-741-0193, 785-544-7777, 601 S 23rd Street, Hiawatha, KS, 66434,,, KBS offers agricultural and commercial construction services. Brands offered include Brock® grain and feed bins, metal-frame Butler® buildings, IntelliFarms™ and Tri-State Grain Conditioning™.
Key’s Drilling & Pump Service, Gary Key, 575-623-6537, 1012 E. 2nd st, Roswell, NM, 88201, Well drilling and water well pumps; windmills and supplies. In business since 1975.
Koll Trailers, Ronnie Koll, 505-873-8400, 1001Prosperity SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87105,, Sales of horse, livestock, utility & cargo TrailersFilson livestock equipment.
L & H Branding Irons, 800-437-8068, 410 6th St. SE, Mandan, ND, 58554, www., We’ve got your brand.
La Gloria Cattle Company , Manny and Corina Encinias, 505-927-7935, 575-5712600, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035,, www., Registered and commercial Angus, Maine-Anjou, and Chianina Cattle. Two-year old & Yearling Bulls, Spring & Fall Show Steers and Heifers, Embryos and Semen.
Langford Tractor Work , Archie Langford, 575-623-1407, 3400 W Brasher, Roswell, NM, 88203,, Road Grading.
Lyssy & Eckel Feeds, Charles Eckel, 830-484-3314, 111 E. Westmeyer Street, Poth, TX, 78147, charles@lefeeds. com, Lyssy & Eckel established in 1945 utilizes the top ingredients and formulations to maximize your herd’s genetic potential. Specializing in Cattle, Wildlife, Sheep and Goat and Custom Rations.
Lyssy & Eckel Feeds, Ronnie Eckel, 575-622-3260, 905 White Mill Road, Roswell, NM, 88203, Charles@lefeeds. com,, Lyssy & Eckel established in 1945 utilizes the top ingredients and formulations to maximize your herd’s genetic potential. Specializing in Cattle, Wildlife, Sheep and Goat and Custom Rations.
LG Genetics, Dr. Manny Encinias, 505-9277935, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035,, www., Custom Estrus Synchronization, Artificial Insemination, Embryo Transfer, and Ultrasound Pregnancy Diagnosis. Training for artificial insemination, and ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis.
M5 Custom Leather, Daniel Matyniak, 575-649-3279, 4080 Rocky Acres Trail, Las Cruces, NM, 88007, matyniakdaniel@, Hand crafted cowhide chinks for sale. Built for the ranch or the show ring. $300 and shipping is included. Call Daniel at 575-649-3279 for more info.
McSpadden Ford, Erick McSpadden, 575-542-3551, 412 E Motel Dr, Lordsburg, NM, 88045. Office, 800-278-1897, 601 N. Broad Street, Globe, AZ, 85501. Come see us for all your purchasing and service needs
MD Barnmaster NM, Laura Johnson, 505-681-3713, P.O. Box 1199, Capitan, NM, 88316,, www., MD Barnmaster modular construction materials and metal building components for kick-proof, chew-proof, low maintenance and zero fire spread rated barns and buildings. Serving all of NM.
Mesa Tractor, 505-344-1631, 3826 4th st NW, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, jed@,, Kubota tractors-Stihl products-Walker products-sale parts for all.
Metal Depot, Jose Magana, 800-677-2524, 8316 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87105,, suppliers of metal ranch products.
Monfette Construction Co., 575-682-2308, 800-603-8272, P.O. Box 747, Cloudcroft, NM, 88317, Drinking water storage tanks: 100 - 11,000 gallons in stock.
Old Mill Farm and Ranch Supply , Corky Morrison or Amy Chavez, 505-8655432, 19763 New Mexico 314, Belen, NM, 87002,, https://, Come see us or give us a call for all your livestock needs.
Rubber Mat Sales: Trailer Mats, Horse Stall Mats, Interlocking Kits available, Recycled Rubber Runners, Kennel Mats, Work Station Comfort Mats, Auto & Truck Floor Mats, Truck Bed Mats.
Overdrive Fencing , Cali haberman, 701-2693820, 103 Main Street, Marion, ND, 58466,, 103 Main Street, Overdrive Fencing comes equipped with the latest technologies in fencing. Barbed wire, high tinsel, corral work and much more. xs
Phase-A-Matic, Mike Jones, General Mgr, 800-962-6976, 661-947-8485, 661-947-8764, 39360 3rd St. East, Suite 301, Palmdale, CA, 93550,,, Ru 3-phase equipment from single-phase power.
Pinnacle Solar Power, LLC, Mark Daley , 480-544-0477, 4211 E Camino St , Mesa , AZ, 85205, pinnaclesolarpower@gmail. com,, Ranchers and Farmers looking for a lasting solution to all your water needs, Pinnacle Solar Power STAINLESS STEEL PUMPS are tried and tested in the hot dry southwest desert. Go SOLAR!!!
PolyTank & Polydome, Dan, 800-328-7659, 62824 250th Street, Litchfield, MN, 55355,,, Calf housing, bulk bins, portable milk masters, and many other farm products.
Power Ford, 505-766-6600, 1101 Montano NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, powerfordnm. com, Your Ford dealer for sales and service.
Punchy Ranch Supplies, John Stallard, 575-512-5252, 575-760-1899, 26230 US Highway 60-84 East, Fort Sumner, NM, 88119,,, Livestock Trailers –We are the Punchy Trailer dealer for NM & CO. We make a heck of a trailer the way YOU want it for a reasonable price and stand behind our product. Give us a shot.
R.L. Cox Co, Ellen Goodson, 505-242-4980, 2819 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, Leather goods, sheep skin, & fur.
Red Brand, Dain Rakestraw, 800-447-6444, 7000 S W Adams St, Peoria, IL, 61641, ,, Red Brand makes wire fence products 100% made in the USA from start to finish. Our wire fence products have been the trusted choice of property owners, farmers, and ranchers since 1889.
Repro-Scan, Dr. Manny Encinias, Ph.D., 505-927-7935, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035,,, Sales and on-site training for portable ultrasound systems used for pregnancy diagnosis.
Rio Grande Scales & Equipment, Michael Niendorf, 505-227-7318, P.O Box 10435, Albuquerque, NM, 87184, scaleman@, Specializing in mechanical scales, servicing all makes and models, mechanical and electric.
Rocking A Cattle Co., Robert Allemand, 806-663-2279, P.O. Box 20773, Amarillo, TX, 79114,,, Professional Hoof Trimming for beef cattle and performance cattle. We serve the southwest, Texas and surrounding areas. We are not dairy trimmers. Call or Text Robert for info. (806)663-2279
Roeder Implement Inc., Alfred Roeder, 785-336-6103, 785-336-0115, P.O. Box 228, 781 120th Road, Seneca, KS, 66538,, www.roederimp. com, Selling and buying New Holland bale wagons.
Roswell Wool, 575-622-3360, 575-622-3161, 212 E 4th, Roswell, NM, 88202, Wool commission and shearing supplies order buying for classes of sheep.
Sandia Trailer Sales, 505-281-9860, in Edgewood N of I-40, 3 mile west of Edgewood on rt66., Edgewood, NM, 87015, Full line of steel & aluminum horse trailers, horse stock, heavy to light duty flatbeds and cargo trailers. Service shop works on RV’s and everthing else that is steel or aluminum fabrication.
Skynex Global Drones, Frank Smit, 888-575-9639, 401 Congress Avenue, Austin, TX, 78701, mail@,, skynexindustrialdrones. com/agricultural-drones-for-sale/ Southwestern Scale Co. Inc., Mark Murdza, 602-243-3951, 602-558-0453, 602-243-0435, 2535 W. Broadway, Phoenix, AZ, 85041, scaleinfo@swscale. com,, Scale calibration, certification and repair. Multi-animal scale supplier – mobile, portable, traditional. The most comprehensive, full service weighing solutions company in the regional southwest.
Stallard Farm & Ranch LLC, Brody Stallard, 575-512-5252, 575-760-1899, 269 Cottonwood Dr, Fort Sumner, NM, 88119, Hay for sale catering to the small bale user, but will have some big bales. Horse quality alfalfa, alfalfa/equine grass mix, hegari, & some beardless wheat. Mostly roping horses.
Steel Structures Unlimited, Steel Buildings, 505-424-7025,, www., Steel Buildings: Commerical & Agriculture, barns, shops, farm equipment storage, quality and service first, 25 years in business all steel building engineer certified for state of New Mexico.
Steve’s 4 Wheel Drive, Steve, 575-7463072, 575-703-2006, 11032 Lovington Hwy, Artesia, NM, 88210, Specialists in parts and service for 4x4 vehicles, trailer parts and repair, B&W hitches; alfalfa hay.
Stockmen’s Feed Bunk , Mark Schumacher, Manager, Kevin Burns, Sales, 806-2495602, 806-249-6223, 3226 U.S. Highway 54 East, Dalhart, TX, 79022, sfbdalhart@, stockmensfeedandtrailers. com, Feed, farm & ranch supplies, dairy services, equipment, accessories, installation and repairs.
Swihart’s LLC, Roger Swihart, 785-754-3513, 7240 County Road AA, Quinter, KS, 67752,, www.swihart-sales. com, Spray those pesky flies!!! Spray Innovation sprayers are low volume, low pressure using air as the carrier. Swiharts offer PTO and self contained motor models. Also handle Feeder Wagons!
T & S Trip Hopper Feeders, Jim Taylor, 940-342-2005, P.O. Box 336, Jermyn, TX, 76495,, Hopper automatic cattle feeders, call for a dealership near you.
T & T Trailers Sales, Todd & Callie Gibson, 505-864-8899, 19480 Hwy 314, Belen NM 87002. Horse, Stock, Equipments & Utility Trailers, parts, sales, service
T & T Trailers Sales, Jon Satriana, 575-3825400, 5435 Del Rey Blvd., Las Cruces, NM, 88012, Trailer sales, truck bed sales and installation, B&W hitches, trailers maintenance and repair, parts and PolyLast flooring.
TechniTrack , John Sparks IV, 602-989 -8817, 5403 S. Bell Dr., Chandler, AZ, 85249,, Animal monitoring software, ear tags, field service, livestock consulting, computer hardware, website development.
Tire Water Troughs, The Tire Welder, 505-884-3550, 800-359-2208, 505-8841480, 3428 Pan American Frwy NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, www.tirewelder. com, Tire water troughs, 6’, 8’ 12’ sizes, weatherproof, rustproof, bulletproof, theft-proof.
Two Hens Sewing and Embroidery , Ashley Ivins, 575-808-7325, P.O. Box 793, Capitan, NM, 88316,, Quality embroidery work with your ranch logo or brand. We specialize in jackets and caps customized for you.
United Fiberglass Inc., The Man on Duty, 800-487-4834, 806-335-2352, S FM 1258, Amarillo, TX, 79118, Stock tanks, fresh water storage tanks, feed & fertilizer tanks, potable water tanks.
Vigils Saddle Shop, Mr. Vigil, 505-898-1489, 8008 Rio Grande Blvd., Albuquerque, NM, 87114, Saddle and tack maker, and repair.
Virden Perma-Bilt Company , Jenny Virden, 806-352-2761, 2821 Mays St., Amarillo, TX, 79109,, Tank and roof coatings for concrete, steel galvanized and mobile tanks.
Walker Trailer Sales, Manuel Gonzalez, 575-770-0201, 1320 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos, NM, 87571,, Full line of trailers, stock trailers, horse trailers, dump trailers, flatbed trailers, etc.
Wandering Trail Cattle Co., JD Vernon, 830-407-9274, 102 Cedar Trail Court, Fort Davis, TX, 79734,, Over 35 years experience in all facets of cattle and equipment business. Delivered to your doorstep. Ranch Camp.
Williams Ranch Supply , 505-238-5646, 575-773-4112, 56 Candelaria S, Quemado, NM, 87829, Certified Dealer with Purina, Suther Feed, MooreMans Show Feed, Mesa Feeds , Lakin Pellets, AC Nutrition, Chaffhaye Alfalfa & Hubbard feeds! Authorized dealer for Arrowquip chutes.
Williams Windmill, Matt Williams, 575-8351630, Exit 156, Frontage Road East, Lemitar, NM, 87823, williamswindmill@,, Full service for all your well and watering needs. Solar, submersible, and windmill., WW Paul Scales, Bo Sanders, Sales Mgr., 800-657-6062, 580-439-8802, 580-4398803, Hwy 81 South, Stockyards, Duncan, OK, 73533,,, We can help you meet your livestock weighing needs.
Yavapai Bottle Gas, The Man on Duty, 877-928-8885, 928-776-9007, 2150 N. Concord Dr. #B, Dewey, AZ, 86327, dc@,, Start with the best. Stay with the best.
Real Estate
Ag Lands Southwest, Tamra Kelly, 928-8309127, P.O. Box 409, Prescott, AZ, 86302,, www.aglandssw. com, Ag Lands Southwest is a ranch and farm real estate agency serving AZ and NM representing buyers and sellers of cattle ranches, guest ranches, hunting ranches, farm land and rural investment properties.
AgriLand Advisors, Real Estate, Colin S. McVaugh, ARA, 575-649-0788, P.O. Box 3203, Mesilla Park, NM, 88047,, www., Providing Valuation and Consulting Services throughout the Southwest.
American Heritage Bank , Colten Grau, 575-762-2800, 575-769-1476, 3300 N Prince St., Clovis, NM, 88101, cgrau@,, American Heritage Bank is celebrating 20 years in the business of supporting our local communities through safe and sound banking practices. We specialize in Commercial and Ag Lending needs.
American West Ranches, Homes & Land LLC, Stacie Ewing, 575-779-6317, 575-3773382, P.O. Box 73, Eagle Nest, NM, 8771 8,, www.,
Bar M Real Estate LLC, Scott McNally, 575-622-5867, 575-420-1237, P.O. Box 428, Roswell, NM, 88202, sammmcnally@msn. com, Over thirty years experience in the sale and appraisal of farm and ranch real estate. Licensed NM Real Estate Broker and Licensed NM General Certified Appraiser. Call and lets visit. Angus Cattle. Beaverhead Outdoors, John Diamond, 877-557-2624, 7 Mustang Road, Elephant Butte NM 87935 , beaverheadoutdoors. com , New Mexico Ranches & Hunting Properties
Big Mesa Realty , Paul Stout, 575-456-2000, 3879 State Rd 209, Clovis, NM, 88112,, www.bigmesarealty. com, Real Estate- Commercial-RanchResidental.
Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty , James Sammons III, 214-701-1970, 2913 Fairmount Street, Suite 200, Dallas , TX, 75201,,
Brownfield Ranch & Farm Properties, Keith Brownfield, 575-522-3698,, 141 Roadrunner Pkwy #141, Las Cruces, NM, 88011,
Living History on the T4
JIm Bob Burnett, JIm Bob Burnett, 575-3658291, 205 East Cottonwood Rd, Lake Arthur, NM, 88253, burnettjimbob@, Michelet Homestead Realty AG Networks for all your farm and ranch needs.
Campo Bonito, LLC., David P. Dean, 432-4263779, 432-634-0441, P.O. Box 1077, Ft. Davis, TX, 79734, www.availableranches. com.
Capital Realty , Howard McCall, 505-2963434, 1524 Eubank, Suite 5, Albuquerque, NM, 87112,
Capitan Realty , Stacy Turney, 575-653-4365, 575-808-0144, P.O. Box 885, Capitan, NM, 88316,, www., Real estate in New Mexico.
Caprock Real Estate Services Inc., Larry D. Preuit, 575-760-2775, 575-6443518, 230 West Hadley, Las Cruces, NM, 88995,, www., Ranch property in New Mexico.
Chas. S. Middleton and Son, LLC, , Sam Middleton, 806-763-5331, 5016 122nd Street, Lubbock, TX, 79424, sam@,, 1
Chas. S. Middleton & Son, Jim Welles, 505-967-6562, 505-717-1784, 10600 Eagle Rock Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87122,, www., Representing NM Production and Recreation Ranches listed for sale by Chas. S. Middleton and Son, Lubbock, Texas.
Chas. S. Middleton & Son, Dwain Nunez, 505-263-7868,,, Representing NM Production and Recreation Ranches listed for sale by Chas. S. Middleton and Son, Lubbock, Texas.
Chip Cole Real Estate, Chip Cole, 325-6553555, 14 E. Beauregard Ave., Ste. 201, San Angelo, TX, 76903-5831, Real Estate Broker.
From left: Tenli, Kiptyn & Addison Bidegain
Clift Land Brokers, George Clift, 806-3559856, 806-674-8979, 806-358-3481, 905 S. Fillmore St., Ste 102, Amarillo, TX, 79101,, www., Specializing in farm and ranch real estate in NM, TX, OK, KS, CO, and NE. Named one of America’s Best Brokerages six years in a row.
Cody & Becky Harwell Ranch, Cody or Becky, 575-687-3791, 813 Piñon Dunken Hwy, Piñon, NM, 88344, codybecky@pvtn. net, Comm. cattle, well repair, : Becky real estate agent with Louis Oliver broker.
Coldwell Bankers Legacy , Michelle Ellis, 505-792-7646, 505-382-7504, 10320 Cottonwoodpark NW, Albuquerque, NM, 87114,, www., Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide.
Dean Newberry & Associates Inc, Dean Newberry, 806-364-4042, 806-346-2081, 806-360-4350, P O B ox 966, 108 E. Third St., Hereford, TX, 79045,, Farm, Ranch, CRP Land, Dairy Locations
ERA Sellers & Buyers, Jeanene Hall, 505-507-3065, 505-296-1500, 3530 Wyoming Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87111,, Real Estate.
Eslabon Properties, Richard Bretz, 806-674-7211, 806-681-5342, 905 S. Filmore St., Suite 102, Amarillo, TX, 79101,, www., Specializing in commercial agricultural properties in the high plains region with the bulk of our business being commercial feedyard operations. Licensed in TX, NM, OK, KS, CO, and NE.
Greenwood Tech Support Services, Randall S. Greenwood, 575-5336937, P.O.Box 26, Aragon, NM, 87820,, www., GTSS provides affordable, quality GIS mapping for efficient management of large landholdings. For Ranch managers, Waterright holders, Realtors, and Homeowners. Please visit our website.
Harwell and Associates Real Estate, Becky Harwell, 575-748-1036, 575-7484722, 502 W Texas Ave Suite D, Artesia, NM, 88210, beckyharwell@netscape. net,, Real Estate Brokerage Services, Always taking new Listing Statewide; residential, commercial or agricultural! Call Today, Becky @575-748-1036.
Headquarters West, LTD, Sam Hubbell , 520-609-2546, OO box 1039, Sonoita , AZ, 85637, samhubbell@headquarterswest. com, Headquarters, Double bar r ranch , .
JFW Ranch Consulting , Jim Welles, 505-967-6562, 10600 Eagle Rock Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87122, JFWRC@ Farm and Ranch Real Estate Sales, Appraisal, and Consulting Services. Over 35 years of NM Real Estate Experience in conjunction with Chas. S. Middleton and Son and Farm Credit System.
Ken Ahler Real Estate Co., Ken Ahler, 505-989-7573, 575-490-0220, 300 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM, 87501, kahler@,, Real Estate in the Santa Fe area.
Kern Land Inc., Dave Kern, 575-760-0161, 1304 Pile, Clovis, NM, 88101, dkern@, Ag real estate services in New Mexico for over 30 years.
Kirby Harper, Ranch Broker and Appraiser, 432-386-2066 or 972-923-2979,
Landmark Title, Inc., Jay Neff, 575-763-3904, 575-799-6632, 575-763-6610, 117 E. 4th St., Clovis, NM, 88101, jneff@landmarkclovis. com,, Title Insurance, Real Estate Closings, 1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges.
Long Realty Sonita/Patagonia, Carol L. Ford, 520-604-0162, P.O. Box 331, Sonoita, AZ, 85637,,
Lois Oliver Real Estate Inc, Murnie Cauhape, 575-703-8796, murnie@ , www.
Major Ranch Realty , Randell Major, 575-838-3016, 575-854-2150, 505-8542150, P.O. Box 244, 585 La Hinca Rd., Magdalena, NM, 87825, rmajor@, www.majorranches. com, Specializing in marketing New Mexico Ranches, Farms, Rural, Recreation, and Horse Properties.
Michelet Homestead Realty , Cherri Michelet Snyder, 575-626-1913, 575-623-8440, 575-623-8442, 920 East Second Street, Roswell, NM, 88201,, Serving the Pecos Valley for 40 years
Monte Verde Realty , Stan Harrell, 800-368-0753, 575-377-2344, 3415 Mountain View Blvd #1, Angel Fire, NM, 87710,, Real Estate- ranch/acreage sales.
Mossy Oak Properties NM Ranch & Luxury , LLC, Stacy Turney, 575-3361316, 575-808-0144, 575-808-8738, 2825 Sudderth Drive, Suite F, Ruidoso, NM, 88345, STurney@MossyOakProperties. com, Do not run previous listing.
New Mexico Home Ranch Realty , Jodie Chism, 575-361-0494, 575-981-2427, 575-981-2496, 130 Cougar Rd, Carlsbad, NM, 88220,, www. New Mexico HomeRanch Realty specializes in selling ranches, farms, and other property in New Mexico. We are a family owned business with first hand working knowledge of the ranching industry.
New Mexico Land, A. C. Taylor, 505-2394044, 505-890-3131, 4313 Corrales Road, Box 1822, Corrales, NM, 87048, actaylor@, New Mexico Land
New Mexico Property Group, Richard Randals, 575-461-4426, 575-461-8422, 615 West Rt 66, Tucumcari, NM, 88401,, www., We sell New Mexico ranches.
O’Neill Land, LLC., Tim O’Neill, 575-3762341, 575-447-2340, 456 E 9th St, Suite B, Cimarron, NM, 87714, land@swranches. com,, Timothy John O’Neill, 575-376-2341, cell 575-447-2340,, website www. Licensed since 1998 selling New Mexico, specifically North East., .
Pioneer Realty , Coletta Ray, 575-799-9600, 575-935-9680, 575-935-9680, 1304 Pile St, Clovis, NM, 88101, coletta@plateautel. net,, 320 acres of grassland north of Llano Estacado, Clovis, NM 88101
Plaza Realty , C. Earl Greer, Broker, 575-744-5140, 800-744-5140, P.O. Box 985, Elephant Butte, NM, 87935, ceg@, www.plazarealtynm. com, Serving all of New Mexico border to border, farm and ranch specialists.
R.C. Cline Land Co. Inc., Richard C. Cline, Jr., 806-353-5200, 806-676-2064, 806-3532521, 3014 W. 26th, Suite 5000, Amarillo, TX, 79109,, Real Estate Brokers For Texas, New Mexico & Oklahoma.
Ranchline Taylor & Taylor Realtors, Paul Taylor, 575-622-1490, 575-420-5585, 720 E College Blvd, Roswell, NM, 88201, paul@,, Real Estate Brokerage.
TOTAL CROP ACRES PRODUCTION Hay, Alfalfa 13,000 21,400 tons Hay, Other 6,000 12,000 tons
* Federal Land may include: BLM, BOR, DOA, DOD, DOE, FWS, NPS & OFA lands. State Lands may include: SG&F, & SP lands. Latest data at
a r r i b a
Reserve Realty , Nina Atwood, 575-533-6211, 575-313-2808, P.O. Box 488, Reserve, NM, 87830,, Reserve Realty- Darrel Allred Broker. Roswell Escrow Service, 575-622-3513, 204 W 2nd st, Roswell, NM, 88201, info@, established in1983, locally owned full service escrow company. we can service any stream of payment from real estate to promissary notes, to rental agreements. We also facilitate 1031 exchanges.
Rowley Land Company , Inc., Kurt Rowley, 575-742-0954, 575-760-5830, 201 Commerce Way, Suite 201-A, Clovis, NM, 88101, Real Estate Broker and General Certified Appraiser. Licensed in New Mexico and Texas.
Scott Land Company , Ben G. Scott, Broker, 806-647-4375, 800-933-9698, 1301 Front Street, Dimmit, TX, 79027, scottland@, www.scottlandcompany. com, Farm & ranch real estate in New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma.
Sidwell Farm and Ranch Realty LLC, Tom Sidwell, 575-403-6903, 6237 State Highway 209, Tucumcari, NM, 88401, tom@sidwellfarmandranch. com,, Helping farmers and ranchers sell their properties as well as assisting buyers in finding the type of property they are looking for. If you have a farm or ranch for sale, give me a call.
Southern New Mexico Realty , Rusty or Kelli Shelton, 575-257-1111, 575-937-8056, 575-449-3230, 2722 Sudderth Dr., Suite B, Ruidoso, NM, 88345, rustynkelli@gmail. com, Specializing in Mountain Homes, Land, and Commercial Sales. Friendly Brokerage to assist Buyers and Sellers with all your Real Estate needs! Come visit our office next to Starbucks in Ruidoso, NM.
Stallard Real Estate Services, Real Estate, Kim Stallard, 575-799-5799, 575-355-4454, 26230 US Highway 60-84 East, Fort Sumner, NM, 88119,, RanchesEtc. com, Farm, ranch, residential and even commercial properties. I have over 24 years experience and love my job. Let me work for you!
New Mexico’s OLDEST Livestock Organization is Proud to Salute Sheep to Shawl, Past, Present & Future!
Representing the interests of the sheep industry for over 110 years ... at the Roundhouse, on Capitol Hill and everywhere between.
Dues 3¢ per pound of Sheared Wool – Minimum $50
New Mexico Wool Growers, Inc. POB 2822, Moriarty, NM 87035 505.247.0584 • 505.842.1766 (fax) Follow us on the web at
Terrell Land & Livestock Co., Tye Terrell, 575-447-6041, P.O. Box 3188, Los Lunas, NM, 87031,, Real estate brokerage; ranch mapping. Trans Pecos Real Estate, Inc., Kirby Harper, 972-923-2979, 432-386-2066, 972-9232994, 120 Pecan Valley Lane, Waxahachie, TX, 75165,, Kirby Harper Ranch Broker and Appraiser Trans Pecos Real Estate, Inc. TX and NM Real Estate Broker TX, NM, CO Real Estate Appraiser Ranches, Farms, Feedyards, and Dairies 972-923-2979 or 432-386-2066.
United Countrty/ Arizona Life Homes and Land 520-403-3903 ,, Rick Frank, Designated Broker
United Country Real Estate, Mike Gustin, 505-264-3769, 18 Wrangler Ed RD, Stanley, NM, 87056,, United Country Farm Home Realty, United Country Ranch Properties, REALTREE United Country Hunting Properties.
United Country|New Mexico HomeRanch Realty , Jodie Chism, 575-361-0494, 575-981-2427, 702 N Canyon, Carlsbad, NM, 88220, unitedcountry@newmexicoho, Specializing in farms and ranches, 1031 properties, and many other types of exceptional and highly sought after ranches. We have working knowledge of BLM, State, and Forest Service Ranches in NM. Ag Brokers, Ltd., Tom Horton, 806-206-6431, 806-322-5302, 4000 SW 34th, Ave, Suite A, Amarillo, TX, 79109,, www.
United Country / Stockmen’s Realty , Nancy A. Belt, Broker, 520-455-0633, 520-221-0807, P.O. Box 191, Sonita, AZ, 85637,, Specializing in working cattle ranches, horse properties and farms.
Vista Nueva Inc. Real Estate, (575) 760-0734, (575) 356-5616,, 7776 NM 206, Portales, NM 88130. Selling farms and ranches in New Mexico.
Verde Realty , Laura Riley 505-330-3984, Ashley White 505-360-9819. Ranch sales
West Wood Realty , 505-792-3713, 3613 NMSR 528 NW Ste H, Albuquerque, NM, 87114, h aworth@wwrealty.comm, Specializing in Farm and Ranch Sales and Commercial real estate.
Z Summer s Ranch, Hoz, 575-773-4746, HC 32 Box 402, Quemado, NM, 87829,, Lease grass to other ranchers.
Zia Real Estate, 575-258-8656, Keli Cox 575-937-4616, Nick Cortese, 855-3552855, 1410 E Sumner Ave, 3818, P.O. Box 447, Ft. Sumner, NM, 88119, nick@,, NM license #16149, Farm and Ranch Sales.
Erike Perry , 575-937-5390; Joyce Roulston, 575-686-8782; Nik Cortese, 575-760-3818; Dixie Joe Brown, 575-937-1049; www.
Arizona High School Rodeo Association, State Secretary Linda Compton, 520-5602387,
Casper Baca Rodeo Company , Gallup NM, 505-240-0736, Watch for the annual Renegade Rodeo Tour
National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association, Jim Dewey Brown, Commissioner, 2033 Walla Walla Ave., Walla Walla WA 99362, 509-529-4402
New Mexico High School Rodeo Association, Kelsy Abel, President, 575-390-3305,
Rodeo Sport Tours, Frank Etter, 830-8323045, P O Box 54306, Hurst, TX, 76054,, Rodeo@, National Finals Rodeo Tour Packages
Turquoise Circuit Pro Rodeo, 711 East Hill Avenue, Gallup NM 87301,
Cooper Brothers, Jim 575-653-4180, Punk 575-687-3445, Southeast, NM. Fine Wool `Sheep and cattle
Cordova’s Professional Sheep Shearing , Anthony Cordova, 505-681-8060, 505-870-0341, 52 Padilla Rd, Belen, NM, 87002,, 3rd generation sheep shearer. Large or small flocks, angora goats and hoof trimming.
Corn Ranches/Herefords, Mike Corn, 575-622-3360, 575-420-3630, 575-6223161, 212 E 4th, Roswell, NM, 88201,, We offer sound rock footed Hereford Bulls that are genetically bred to fit the aggressive cattlemen.
Cowtown Feed & Livestock , Dudley Byerley, 505-722-6913, 505-870-2535, #14 Hamilton Rd US Hwy 491, Gallup, NM, 87305,, Buyer and seller of all classes of livestock, wool and mohair.
Elbrock Ranch, Tricia Elbrock, 575-548-2429, 575-548-2270, P.O. Box 25, 100 Elbrock Ranch Rd, Animas, NM, 88020, elbrock@, Commercial Beefmasters, 4-H & FFA show lambs, well and drilling services.
Jay’s Navajo Lamb & Wool, Jay Begay, 928-637-3552, P.O. Box 725, Hotevilla, AZ, 86030,, facebook. com/jaysnavajosheep, Champion NavajoChurro Sheep and Angora Goats.
New Mexico State University , Glenn Duff, 575-646-1242, Box 30003, Dept 3-1, Las Cruces, NM, 88003, asicence@nmsu. edu, Registered and commercial Angus, Brangus and Brahman cattle; commercial Suffock, registered Quarter Horses.
New Mexico State University , Ray Hamilton, 806-200-1175, Las Cruces , NM.
New Mexico Wool Growers Inc, 505-2470584, 505-842-1766, 809 First St., Moriarty, NM 87035; PO Box 850, Moriarty, NM 87035., Trade organization for New Mexico Sheep Industry.
NMSU Corona Range & Livestock Research Center, Shad Cox, 575-7993569, 575-849-1015, 575-849-1021, P.O. Box 392, 739 University Road, Corona, NM, 88318,, Corona.nmsu. edu, Calving ease Angus Bulls, Commercial Crossbred calves, Commercial Rambouillet and SAMM crossbred rams, ewes, and lambs, crossbred show wethers, doelings and guard dogs. Conference facilities.
Porter Farms, Randy Porter or Marienne H. Porter, 575-478-8871, 575-835-0082, 235 El Camino Real NW, PO Box 685, Socorro, NM, 87801, White Face and White Face Cross Sheep,
Roswell Wool, 575-622-3360, 575-622-3161, 212 E 4th, Roswell, NM, 88202, Wool commission and shearing supplies order buying for classes of sheep.
Sachse Show Lambs, James Sachse, 575-644-4074, 3125 Dona Ana Rd., Las Cruces, NM, 88007, sachse00@comcast. net, Black-faced breeding sheep, club lambs and crossbred lambs.
Shear Perfection Ranch, Lyn Brown, 505-325-2837, 505-486-5564, PO Box 468, 382 Road 1191, La Plata, NM, 87418,, www. Breed Conservation projects for California. Red Sheep, Barbados Blackbelly & Tunis. Handspun yarns, fiber, knit & crochet items. We will handspin your fibers. Ranch website design also offered.
Tierra Encantada Borregas, Jose Cano, 575-749-0102, 505-286-6349, 139 Square H Rd, Edgewood, NM, 87015, josecano53@
Victor Perez Ranch, LeRoy or Mercedes Cravens, 575-584-2932, P.O. Box 152, Encino, NM, 88321, Comm. cattle and sheep. Mature sheep, lambs, bucks; Hereford-Angus cross yearlings.
Williams Ranch Supply , 505-238-5646, 575-773-4112, 56 Candelaria S, Quemado, NM, 87829,,, Certified Dealer with Purina, Suther Feed, MooreMans Show Feed, Mesa Feeds , Lakin Pellets, AC Nutrition, Chaffhaye Alfalfa & Hubbard feeds! Authorized dealer for Arrowquip chutes.
Zenitram Ranch, Donald Martinez Jr. 575-581-9144, 5 05-927-1838, PO Box 814, El Rito, NM, 87530,
Commercial high altitude raised South Devon crossed calves for sale. Breeding stock and calves for meat. Processing and delivery is available.
Solar/ Electric/ Windmill
Aermotor Windmill Company , 325-6514951, 4277 Dank Hanks Lane, San Angelo, TX, 76904,
Bartz Spencer Solar & Water Well Service, Kendal Wilson, 575-7998142, P.O. Box 1055, 12517 US HWY 54, CARRIZOZO, NM, NM, 88301, wilsonk@, “Water Well Service and Supply. Pumps, Tanks, Troughs, Pipe, Fittings, Power Source. Complete Solar Power Systems; Residential, Commercial, Industrial Statewide service and installation” New Mexico Water & Electric, 575-895-3306, 39th Street, Hillsboro, NM, 88042,
Pinnacle Solar Power, LLC, Mark Daley , 480-544-0477, 4211 E Camino St , Mesa , AZ, 85205, pinnaclesolarpower@gmail. com,, Ranchers and Farmers looking for a lasting solution to all your water needs, Pinnacle Solar Power STAINLESS STEEL PUMPS are tried and tested in the hot dry southwest desert. Go SOLAR!!!
Williams Windmill, Matt Williams, 575-8351630, Exit 156, Frontage Road East, Lemitar, NM, 87823, williamswindmill@,, Full service for all your well and watering needs. Solar, submersible, and windmill.,
3C Cattle Feeders, Clyde, Casey & Bear Runyan, 580-384-3493, 580-618-1254, POB 144, Mill Creek, OK, 74856, facebook. com/3C-Cattle-Feeders, Toolboxes Available on All Feeders.
Acosta Equipment, Inc., Jesus Acosta, 575-835-3961, 155 NW Frontage Rd, Scan Acacia, NM, 87831, acostaequipmentinc@, Commercial Angus Cattle. Authorized Stihl Dealer, Rental Services, Welding Supplies. Tire sales and service., Adolfo V. Sanchez MD, Adolfo Sanchez, 505-864-7781, 703 Christopher Rd, Belen, NM, 87002,, Santa Gertrudis and Shorthorn cattle, alfalfa and grass hay, family physician.
Aero Tech, Ted Stallings, Cameron Stallings, 575-763-4300, 575-515-1189, 5333 E 21st St, Clovis, NM, 88101, www.aerotechteam. com, Aerial Rangeland Spraying, Surveys & Charter by Fixed Wing & Helicopter.
AquaKnow, Debra Burden, 877-734-7661, 817-210-4225, 4500 Mercantile Plaza Blvd., Suite 300, Fort Worth, TX, 76137,,, AquaKnow provides water quality testing & analytical services for residential & commercial customers. We provide the collection bottles, you collect & ship the water samples, results are emailed.
Arrow L Custom Coffins, Pierre Peppin, 575-278-3400, 575-447-5900, NM, Available in Pine or Red Oak with various linings; your brand and delivery upon request.
Beal’s Cowboy Buckles, Richard Beal, 505-466-4504, 3201 Zafaron Dr, Ste C-572, Santa Fe, NM, 87507, richard@, www., Western Quality Historic Cowboy Belt Buckles. Great unique gift for that special cowboy or cowgirl! Over 350 items to choose from. Free Shipping.
Big Circle Beef, Laura Jean Schneider, 406-425-3411, P.O. Box 7699, Ruidoso, NM, 88355,, www., Big Circle Beef sells grassfed beef that is raised solely on New Mexico Rangelands and native forage. Bulk orders available.
Box Farms, Box Irrigation & Box Beef, Phillip Box, 575-576-2780, 575-403-7358, 2993 Quay Road 61, Tucumcari, NM, 88401,, none, We raise and sell beef direct to customers. We sell and service insurance. We sell PVC irrigation pipe and supplies.,
Cattle Baron Restaurants, John, 505-6222467, 1113 North Main, Roswell, NM, 88203,, Steak and Seafood restaurants in Roswell, Portales, Hobbs, Ruidoso, Las Cruses, Lubbock, El Paso, Midland, TX.
Cloer Hay Farm, Carol Cloer, 505-320-6286, 337 CR 5500, Bloomfield, NM, 87413,, Quality Alfalfa 70 lb. Bales. We deliver.
Conquistador Dental, Roland Sanchez III DDS, 505-864-7000, 704 S. Christopher Rd, Belen, NM, 87002, www., You can trust your smile with us.
Conron & Woods Architects, Roy L. Woods, 505-983-6948, 1222 Luisa St., Ste A, Santa Fe, NM, 87505, office@, Architectagricultural and residential.
Creighton’s Town and Country , Leslie Creighton, 575-356-3665, 575-356-2435, 1625 S. Ave. D, Portales, NM, 88130,,, Providing quality feed and supplies with an emphasis on customer service for your farm and ranch for over 20 years! Call us today!
Curtis & Curtis, Blake or Tye Curtis, 575-7624759, 4500 N. Prince, Clovis, NM, 88101, Seed sales, small grain, alfalfa, sorghums, forages, irrigated and native grasses.
Express Scale Services, Steve Keith, 806-655-3033, P.O. Box 748, Canyon, TX, 79015, Sales/Service all types of Scales.
Inn of the Mountain Gods, Front Desk, 800-545-9011, 287 Carrizo Canyon Road, Mescalero, NM, NM, 88340,,, High mountain resort near Ruidoso, New Mexico.
International Stock Food Corp., Neil Woods, 303-880-9427, 6420 W 110th Place, Westminster, CO, 80020, neil@,, Silo Guard is a completely innovative product that improves the quality of your silage by eliminating oxygen, thus minimizing mold and yeast growth.
John Burns Lumber & Hardware, 575-4453657, 1283 S. 2nd, Raton, NM, 87740, www., Since 1888, 128 years, four generations.
John Burns Lumber & Hardware, 575-4611241, 612 E. Rt. 66 Blvd, Tucumcari, NM, 88401,, Since 1888, 128 years, four generations.
John Burns Lumber & Hardware, 575-7692528, 2400 N. Prince, Clovis, NM, 88101,, Since 1888, 128 years, four generations.
John Burns Lumber & Hardware, 806-362-4808, 300 N. 2nd, Texline, TX, 79087,, Since 1888, 128 years, four generations.
Population 26,434
Land Area 4,767 square miles
Rainfall median, 15”
Average First Freeze Date October 8
Average Last Freeze Date May 13 Elevation 6,857 ft
County Seat Las Vegas
Total Federal Land 703,240 acres
State Land 195,570 acres
Indian Land 0 acres
Deeded Land 2,441,020 acres
Inland Water 16,500 acres
Irrigated Land surface: 13,370 acres; ground: 150 acres County Extension Agent 505-454-1497
* Federal Land may include: BLM, BOR, DOA, DOD, DOE, FWS, NPS & OFA lands. State Lands may include: SG&F, & SP lands. Latest data at
s a n
Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment Sales, Alvin Kaddatz, 254-582-3000, 254-337-1189, 535 HCR 4223, Hillsboro, TX, 76645, akaddatz@, https://kaddatzequipment. com/, New and Used Farm Equipment, Salvage Tractors and Implements, New & Used Tractor Parts & Farm Equipment Parts, Farm Equipment Auctions, and Farm Equipment Appraisals and Machinery Appraisals.
Kinetic Improvement, Inc., Patrick W. Pickett, 505-298-8842, 505-298-7742, P.O. Box 16103, Albuquerque, NM, 871911603,, Kinetic Improvement, Inc.: Mechanical Equipment Services & Products. Call (505) 298-8842, email us at info@kineticimprovement. com or look us up on the web at www.
Last Chance Food Shack , Ed Ethridge, 505-847-5092, 108 West Main Street, Corner of Highway 60 and West Main Street, Mountainair, NM, 87036,, www., Mountainair’s Drink Stop! EspressoLattes - Frappes - Smoothies - Italian Sodas & More. If Subway and Starbucks had a baby, it would be Last Chance! Fresh food - made to order. Support small biz!
Maloy Mobile Storage Inc., Mary Beth Maloy, 505-344-6123, 505-344-6123, 505-344-3351, 535 Comanche Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, marybeth@, www.maloystorage. com, Sell and rent portable storage/ storage containers. Custom modifications available to meet all your storage needs.
Manchester Mfg. Co., Talotta Kloefkorn, 580-694-2292, 1647 Main Street, PO Box 36, Manchester, OK, 73758, kloefkorn@,, Force Feed Feederchains and grain raddles for combines, front mount boom systems for wicking or spraying., McSpadden Ford, Erick McSpadden, 575-542-3551, 412 E Motel Dr, Lordsburg, NM, 88045. Office, 800-278-1897, 601 N. Broad Street, Globe, AZ, 85501. Come see us for all your purchasing and service needs
Melton Ranch, Pat Melton, 505-617-0777, 57 Melton Ranch Rd., Las Vegas, NM, 87701, Comm. cattle; pasture yearlings for the five-month growing season on 11, 000+ acres.
MJ Cattle Co, Matt or Jodie Chism, 575-9812516, 575-361-0494, 182 Klondike Gap Rd, Carlsbad, NM, 88220, chismjodie@gmail. com
We specialize in rock footed, high altitude ranch raised calves. BQA certified. Hunting and Real Estate.
Old Mill Farm and Ranch Supply , Corky Morrison or Amy Chavez, 505-8655432, 19763 New Mexico 314, Belen, NM, 87002,, https://, Come see us or give us a call for all your livestock needs.
Onate Feed Co., LLC, Dan Shue, 505-8770410, 505-975-8396, 505-877-0419, 8000 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87105,, Livestock Feed Manufacturer: Cattle, Horses, Poultry, Swine, and companion animals.
Oregon Rubber Mat, Sheryl J., 503-6575395, 9117 S.E. Saint Helens St, Clackamas, OR, 97015, Rubber Mat Sales: Trailer Mats, Horse Stall Mats, Interlocking Kits available, Recycled Rubber Runners, Kennel Mats, Work Station Comfort Mats, Auto & Truck Floor Mats, Truck Bed Mats.
Peck’s Fine Jewelry and Repair, David Wood, 505-720-9513, 505-720-9513, 2501 San Pedro Dr NE, Ste 111A, Albuquerque, NM, 87110,, none, Silver Buckle Repairs. Wedding ring service. We also repair these: Watches, gold, platinum, & silver jewelry. Watch battery replacements. We buy scrap gold jewelry. Excellent YELP reviews.
Phase-A-Matic, Mike Jones, General Mgr, 800-962-6976, 661-947-8485, 661-947-8764, 39360 3rd St. East, Suite 301, Palmdale, CA, 93550,,, Ru 3-phase equipment from single-phase power.
Pinnacle Solar Power, LLC, Mark Daley , 480-544-0477, 4211 E Camino St , Mesa , AZ, 85205, pinnaclesolarpower@gmail. com,, Ranchers and Farmers looking for a lasting solution to all your water needs, Pinnacle Solar Power STAINLESS STEEL PUMPS are tried and tested in the hot dry southwest desert. Go SOLAR!!!
Red Brand, Dain Rakestraw, 800-447-6444, 7000 S W Adams St, Peoria, IL, 61641, ,, Red Brand makes wire fence products 100% made in the USA from start to finish. Our wire fence products have been the trusted choice of property owners, farmers, and ranchers since 1889.
Salt Pointe LLC, Wesley Watts, 575-3613658, P.O. Box 2262, Carlsbad, NM, 88221, Mixed-blocks available at a reduced price; bagged and bulk salt also available. Located in southeastern New Mexico. We can deliver anywhere in truckload quantities. Call Wes at 575-361-3658.
Shear Perfection Ranch, Lyn Brown, 505-325-2837, 505-592-7057, PO BOX 468, 382 County Road 1191, LA PLATA, NM, 87418,, www., Breeding stock: CA Red Sheep, Tunis & Barbados Blackbelly & a breed of our own creation, American Ladybug Sheep. Fiber arts, handspun yarns, knit/crochet items. Ask about our website services.
Southwestern Scale Co. Inc., Mark Murdza, 602-243-3951, 602-558-0453, 602-243-0435, 2535 W. Broadway, Phoenix, AZ, 85041, scaleinfo@swscale. com,, Scale calibration, certification and repair. Multi-animal scale supplier – mobile, portable, traditional. The most comprehensive, full service weighing solutions company in the regional southwest.
Swihart’s LLC, Roger Swihart, 785-754-3513, 7240 County Road AA, Quinter, KS, 67752,, www.swihart-sales. com, Spray those pesky flies!!! Spray Innovation sprayers are low volume, low pressure using air as the carrier. Swiharts offer PTO and self contained motor models. Also handle Feeder Wagons!
Taylor Ranch, Jim or Wanda Taylor, 575-267-2819, 575-740-1115, HC 32 Box 45, Truth or Consequences, NM, 87901,, steel products & metal roofing
Zia Cowtoon Co., Wheeler Hughes, 210-4648432, 210-464-8433, 1716 S. Second, Tucumcari, NM, 88411, ziacowtoons@,, We offer advertising & promotional calendars & cards for your business or ranch. Wheeler Slim Hughes is a 5th generation New Mexican, member of the CCI & illustrator for Working Ranch magazine.
Population 158,275
Land Area 3,717 square miles
Rainfall median, 13 .1”
Average First Freeze Date October 20
Average Last Freeze Date May 1
Elevation 6,250 ft
County Seat Bernalillo
Total Federal Land 1,001,904 acres
State Land 81,702 acres
Indian Land 820,485 acres
Deeded Land 472,793 acres
Inland Water 1,900 acres
Irrigated Land surface: 16,410 acres; ground: 80 acres; surface and ground: 780 acres
County Extension Agent 505-867-2582
* Federal Land may include: BLM, BOR, DOA, DOD, DOE, FWS, NPS & OFA lands. State Lands may include: SG&F, & SP lands. Latest data at
Aero Tech Inc., Ted or Cameron Stallings, 575-763-4300, 575-763-3400, 5333 21st, Clovis, NM, 88101, aerotech@plateautel. net,, We operate with a fleet of GPS-guided aircraft manned by a highly-skilled team of seasoned pilots.
Big Bend Trailers/Rancho Espuela / Akaushi, Jim & Kelie Dyer, 432-426-3435, 432-426-3336, 17257 State Hwy 166, Fort Davis, TX, 79734,,, Trailers and Limousin cattle.
Blackrange Enterprises LLC, Paul & Anita Petersen, 575-743-5202, 575-740-0348, 575-743-0512, P.O. Box 160, Winston, NM, 87943, blackrange160@gmail. com, Contractor- Livestock Pipeline Installation, Water Systems, Dirt Work Transportation- Heavy Equipment, Supplies, Pipe, etc. Contract Prescribed Fire- Prescribed Fire planning and implementation.
Brad Francis Sports Center, Dina Kotovsky, 505-259-6215, 7210 Lomas Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87110, Kotovsky@, Agricultural Partner Recognition.
Bruce Brown Transport, Bruce Brown, 575-772-5766, P.O. Box 302, Datil, NM, 87821, Feed sale and delivery. Livestock transport.
Holiday Travel Trailer Sales, Andrew S Aragon, 505-294-8280, 11810 Central Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87123, hl101@aol. com, Travel Trailers – new/used. RV parts and service.
KMB Helicopters , Kurt Mastopietro, 480-694-5500, 2425 N Greenfield Road, Mesa , AZ, 85215.
McSpadden Ford, Erick McSpadden, 575-542-3551, 412 E Motel Dr, Lordsburg, NM, 88045. Office, 800-278-1897, 601 N. Broad Street, Globe, AZ, 85501. Come see us for all your purchasing and service needs
Animal Health Express, Tim and Barbara Jackson, 800-533-8115, 520-888-0294, 800-437-9898, 3301 N Freeway Rd, Tucson, AZ, 85705,,, Located in Tucson, AZ a UPS ground service package is 1-3 days to the entire west. With 5, 000+ products we offer a wide variety of supplies.
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc.,, Cattle First! Trusted brand name biologicals, pharmaceuticals, parasiticides and nutritional supplements: Triangle, Pyramid, Express, LongRange, Exprinex, Ivomec, Zactran, Bio-Mycin & much more.,
Circle H Headquarters LLC, Scanlon Daniels, Angela Daniels, 806-244-7851, 806-333-2829, P.O. Box 1150, 3216 U.S. Hwy 54 East, Dalhart, TX, 79022, www., ELISA, BVD, NIR Testing.
Creighton’s Town and Country , Leslie Creighton, 575-356-3665, 575-356-2435, 1625 S. Ave. D, Portales, NM, 88130,,, Providing quality feed and supplies with an emphasis on customer service for your farm and ranch for over 20 years! Call us today!
Old Mill Farm and Ranch Supply , Ranch Equipment/Supplies, Veterinarians/ Supplies, Corky Morrison or Amy Chavez, 505-865-5432, 19763 New Mexico 314, Belen, NM, 87002,,, Come see us or give us a call for all your livestock needs.
Repro-Scan, Dr. Manny Encinias, Ph.D., 505-927-7935, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035,,, Sales and on-site training for portable ultrasound systems used for pregnancy diagnosis.
SarTec Corporation, Bret Hobbs, 806-2398728, 9403 Quincy Ave, Lubbock, TX, 79424, bret.hobbs@sartec.coam, SarTec. com. Industry leading yucca extract feed additives!
Tucumcari Animal Hospital, Jean P. Corey DVM, 575-461-3900, P.O. Box 1204, Tucumcari, NM, 88401, Veterinarian, mixed practice, small animal boarding.
Veterinarian’s Outlet Of New Mexico, Matt Cunningham, 575-625-1469, 44 E Martin, Roswell, NM, 88203, vonm@, Cattle health products, milk quality services, dairy cleaners and sanitizers.
Yucca Veterinary Medical Center, Florian Sanchez, DVM, 505-864-6001, 505-8646430, 1837 Camino del Llano, , Belen, NM, 87002,, www., Yucca Veterinary Medical Center.
Other Services
A Modern Site, Edward Black, 575-3422737, P.O Box 700 , Bayard, NM, 88023,, amodernsite. com, A Modern Site specializes in custom web design, digital marketing, and digital consulting, helping businesses elevate their online presence and achieve digital success.
Aermotor Windmill Company , 325-6514951, 4277 Dank Hanks Lane, San Angelo, TX, 76904,
AgriClear, Carrie Lewis Huenink, 970-2316956, 5775 W 29th Street Unit 103, Greeley, CO, 80634, carrie.huenink@,, AgriClear is a web-based platform that connects North American Cattle Producers. Marketers can now securely list, transact, and be assured of payment from their computer, phone, or tablet.
Adobe Palace Performance Center, Rose Reams, 575-648-8200, 602-686-2054, 6479 Hwy 380 West, Carrizozo, NM, 88301,, NA,
Alta Vista Ranch, Doug or Oliver Soukup, 915-479-2994, 5407 Rio Penasco Rd- US Hwy 82, Mayhill, NM, 88339, Comm. Red and Black Angus, baled round bales, hunting and fishing.
American Angus Association, Radale Tiner, 816-383-5100, 979-492-2663, 3707 Marielene, College Station, TX, 77845,,, At the American Angus Association a team of skilled Regional Managers can guide your operation towards success.
American Water Surveyors, Gerald Burden, 877-734-7661, 817-210-4225, 4500 Mercantile Plaza Blvd., Suite 300, Fort Worth, TX, 76137, info@wefindwater. com,, American Water Surveyors uses seismic technology to determine depth & yield prior to drilling. Don’t Drill a Dry Well! Call Us Before You Drill! 877-734-7661 Serving ranchers since 2007. BBB A+ Rating.
AquaKnow, Debra Burden, 877-734-7661, 817-210-4225, 4500 Mercantile Plaza Blvd., Suite 300, Fort Worth, TX, 76137,,, AquaKnow provides water quality testing & analytical services for residential & commercial customers. We provide the collection bottles, you collect & ship the water samples, results are emailed.
AWIS Weather Services, Tim Risner, 334-826-2149, 1735 E University #101, Auburn, AL, 36830,,, AWIS Weather Services offers forecasts, observations, and historical weather data on a client needed basis and format. Call AWIS for any of your weather needs.
Bar 3M Maine-Anjou, Royce Poncho Maple, 575-625-2843, 3306 Woodbine Way, Roswell, NM, 88203, Reg. Maine-Anjou and club calves.
Bar A Ranch, Charles Sullivan, 575-772-5619, 575-740-1962, HC 30 Box 248, Winston, NM, 87943, Registered Charolais Bulls and Heifers for Sale.
Bar Guitar Growers, Gary Mendiola, 575-653-4140, 575-291-5339, P.O. Box 69, Picacho, NM, 88343, mendiola@pvtn. net, Specializing in large tree sales and landscape construction.
Bar LB Limousins, Frank Belcher, 575-7734810, HC 32 Box 220, Quemado, NM, 87829, Reg. Limousin.
Barry Denton Photography , 928-4423290,, Skull Valley, AZ,
Beaverhead Ranch, Jack or Kaye Diamond, 575-772-5677, HC 30 Box 446, Winston, NM, 87943, info@beaverheadoutfitters. com, Commercial yearlings – professional hunting.
BluePrint Media, Lisa Bard, 970-498-9306, 970-222-7422, P.O. Box 427, Timnath, CO, 80547,,, BluePrint is a full service media company servicing the cattle industry. We specialize in outsourced publishing, promotion and marketing, including ad campaigns, sale catalogs and inbound marketing. Brushmasters, LLC, Coby Bartram, 575-202-3885, 2631 San Andres Drive, Las Cruces, NM, 88007, bartramcoby@gmail. com, Mastication of trees &understory, elimination of invasive plant species, hunting access lanes, utility easement clearing, wildlife habitat restoration, pasture & levee right-of-way maintenance.
Cameron Creek Show Calves, Leslie Pugmire, 575-538-1700, 575-534-4952, 37 Acorn Drive, Silver City, NM, 88061,, Club Steers and Club Heifers,
Cattle Baron Restaurants, John, 505-6222467, 1113 North Main, Roswell, NM, 88203,, Steak and Seafood restaurants in Roswell, Portales, Hobbs, Ruidoso, Las Cruses, Lubbock, El Paso, Midland, TX.
Cattlegrowers Foundation Inc, 505-2632015, P.O. Box 7035, Albuquerque, NM, 87194, cattlegrowersfoundationinc@ Caren Cowan, President.,, laying the groundwork for the future of ranching.
Budd-Falen Law Office, LCC, Frank Falen, Karen Budd-Falen, Sarah Falen, 307-6325105, 307-637-3891, 300 E. 18th Street, Cheyenne, WY, 82003, frank@buddfalen. com,, Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Red Angus, Attorneys for the West. Preserving western culture by protecting landowner rights.
Cimarron Chamber of Commerce, Candee Rinde, 575-376-2417, 575-376-2417, 104 N. Linclon Ave, P.O. Box 604, Cimarron, NM, 87714,, www., The history of Cimarron, New Mexico is rich and interesting, and visitors still enjoy it today. Check out our website at to learn more about this great little village.
Coker Ranch, Carol Coker, 575-772-5788, Box 2, Datil, NM, 87821, Commercial Black Baldy.
Cooper Brothers, Jim 575-653-4180, Punk 575-687-3445, Southeast, NM,
Davis & Sons Hatting Co., 505-264-0206,,
Diamond Arrow Ranch LLC, Larry, Zita, or Boe Lopez, 575-483-2335, 505-469-9055, 1040 Highway 56, P.O. Box 674, Springer, NM, 87747, diamondarrowranch@yahoo. com. Registered and commercial Black Angus.
Domenici Law Firm PC, Pete Domenici Jr., 505-883-6250, 320 Gold Ave. SW, Suite 1000, Albuquerque, NM, 87102,, Law firm specializing in land, water, public land, mineral and enviromental law.
Doug Hall Family Registered Herefords, Douglas Hall, 970-985-2938, 970-9852938, 1634 M. Road, Fruita, CO, 81521,, Have registered Polled Hereford Bulls for sale at UBIA sale and at private treaty, and Heifers.
Doña Ana Soil & Water Conservation District, Joe Delk, Chairman, 575-5228775, 760 Stern Dr., Ste. 118, Las Cruces, NM, 88005,, Standing up for Agriculture in Dona Ana County.
Gion Registered Black Angus, Claude Gion, 505-861-1437, 505-220-0549, 73 Padilla Road, Belen, NM, 87002, gion., Registered Black Angus.
Greenwood Tech Support Services, Randall S. Greenwood, 575-5336937, P.O.Box 26, Aragon, NM, 87820,, www., GTSS provides affordable, quality GIS mapping for efficient management of large landholdings. For Ranch managers, Waterright holders, Realtors, and Homeowners. Please visit our website.
Hat Ranch Inc., Don L. (Bebo) & Madalynn Lee,, 575-963-2505, P.O. Box 149, Alamogordo, NM, 88310, ranchhouse52@ Commercial crossbred cattle.
Hatsoff Inc., Randy & Perri Jennings, 1-800779-1137, P.O. Box 888, House, NM, 88121,, www.hatsoff. com, Manufacturer of the Hat Retainer: Retain & re-stretch your fine headgear. Offering wholesale & retail sales.
High Nogal Ranch & Triple Creek Ranch, Joe David Yates, 512-567-3036, P.O. Box 965, Llano, TX, 78643, jdyates@hotmail. com, Comm. cow calf & yearling; reg. ranch horses; real estate sales & acquisitions; elk hunts.
History & Ghost Tours of Old Town, Julia Brown, 505-246-8687, 303 Romero St. NW, Plaza don Luis N120, Albuquerque, NM, 87104,, We KNOW Old Town! History Tours held DAILY. Ghost Tour held NIGHTLY at 8pm. Albuquerque’s ORIGINAL Ghost Walk since 2001.
Holiday Travel Trailers Sales Inc., Andy Aragon, 505-294-8280, 505-5738280, 505-294-0177, 11810 Central SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87123, hl101@aol. com,, We sell and service new and late model used Airstream travel trailers. We also sell and service new Forest River Salem and Sonoma brand travel trailers. We also have a good selection of used units.
Hotel Eklund Restaurant, Jannett Barras, 575-374-2551, 15 Main St, Clayton, NM, 88415,, info@, Restaurant & Bar. Great Steaks.
Innovative Solar Systems, 828-215-9064, 1095 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, NC, 28803,, Finding environmental solutions by utilizing the power of solar farms
Jardin de Dios Farms, Mike Clark, 936-5441771, 8695 FM 2022 N, Grapeland, TX, 75844,
Population 11,502
Land Area 4,219 square miles Rainfall median, 8 .3”
Average First Freeze Date November 4
Average Last Freeze Date April 7 Elevation 4,190 ft .
County Seat Truth or Consequences Total Federal Land 1,669,646 acres State Land 359,799 acres
* Federal Land may include: BLM, BOR, DOA, DOD, DOE, FWS, NPS & OFA lands. State Lands may include: SG&F, & SP lands. Latest data at
J and J Auctioneers, Joe/Jennie Boulware, 575-485-2508, 575-447-2509, 575-4852500, 46 Boulware Rd, Roy, NM, 87743,, jandjauction. com, “J&J Auctioneers is a full-service auction company serving New Mexico and southern Colorado since 1996. We conduct live and online auctions of real estate, and agricultural equipment and other assets.
Johnson Mesa Angus, Patrick or Landon Berry or Boe Lopez , 575-779-6612, 505-469-9055, P.O. Box 721 Raton, NM 87740, P.O. Box 674 Springer, NM 87747, Springer, NM, 87747,
JX Ranch Natural Beef, Mimi Sidwell, 575-403-6904, 575-403-6904, 6237 Hwy 209, Tucumcari, NM, 88401,, www., Raise and directmarket all-natural grass-fed & grassfinished dry-aged beef. Beef Packs, retail cuts and custom cut quarter, half and whole beef with free delivery to areas in NM.
Keeton Limousin Ranch, Leonard Keeton, 806-777-0230, 806-786-7428, 10510 County Road 1100, Wolfforth, TX, 79382, www.keetonlimousinranch. com We supply registered Limousin breeding bulls and females, as well as fall born crossbred. We also supply fall born crossbred show steers which are marketed on SC Online sales in early March or April.
Killian Ranch Australian Shepards, Mark Killian, 480-250-8410, 4741 E. Southern Ave., Mesa, AZ, 85206, Markwkillian@,, Working dogs what have beauty, brains & stamina.
Kinetic Improvement Inc, Patrick W. Pickett, 505-298-8842, Box 16103, Albuquerque, NM, 87191, info@, Improve with Kenetics.
King Family Cattle Co, Garland King, 575-360-0295, 37273 Hwy 64/87, Capulin, NM, 88414,, Comm. Herefords-Border Collie started dog & pups.
Kristy Cummings Photography , Kristy Cummings, 575-640-8473, HC 30 Box 16, Cuchillo, NM, 87901, kristyrae95@yahoo. com, Working ranch photos, rodeo photos, senior photos, family photos, weddings and more.
Last Chance Food Shack , Ed Ethridge, 505-847-5092, 108 West Main Street, Corner of Highway 60 and West Main Street, Mountainair, NM, 87036,, www., Mountainair’s Drink Stop! EspressoLattes - Frappes - Smoothies - Italian Sodas & More. If Subway and Starbucks had a baby, it would be Last Chance! Fresh food - made to order. Support small biz!
Lazy Bell Land & Cattle, E. G. Abernathy, 575-762-0214, 1401 Eastridge, Clovis, NM, 88101,, Santa GertXAngus cattle.
Lazy J T Cattle Co., Jimbo & Trisha Williams, 505-238-4656, 575-773-4115, 87829,, Commercial Black Angus.
M&J Cattle, Jose R Maestas, 505-929-1359, 505-753-7873, P.O. Box 1024, Espanola, NM, 87532,, Seed stock producer registered Red Angus bulls and heifers.
Malloy Mobile Storage, Mary Beth Malloy, 505-344-6123, 525 Commanche NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, marybeth@, Sell and rent storage containers.
Manzano Angus, Bill Gardner, 505-3845424, 505-705-2856, 502 CR B107, Estancia, NM, 87016, manzanoangus@,, Registered Angus Seedstock, Annual Bull Sale - Third Tuesday in March, Maternally Efficient, Practical Size and Milk, Efficient Growth.
Matt Rush Corporate Speaker, mattrush. com, Levelland, TX.
McKenzie Land and Livestock , Kenneth McKenzie, 575-760-3260, 575-472-5766, HC 61 Box 57, Encino, NM, 88321, We are a multi-generation family business that specializes in cow/calf production for registered and commercial Angus. We also have an annual Registered Angus Bull Sale.
New Mexico Water & Electric, 575-8953306, 39th Street, Hillsboro, NM, 88042,
NM 33 Consulting, LLC, Janet PorterCarrejo, 505-238-8700, 575-533-6318, 238 Jewett Road, PO Box 711, Reserve, NM, 87830, Local Government Consultation, Assisting local governments through staff shortages, public meetings, temporary administrative positions filled, construction project management etc., Experienced.
NMSU Sandoval County Extension, Steve M. Lucero, 505-867-2582, P.O. Box 400, Bernalillo, NM, 87004, sandoval@, Cooperative Extension Services agriculture and livestock.
NWR Cattle Management Services, Manny Encinias, 505-927-7935, 575-571-2600, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035, manny@,, Profitable solutions for cattle producers that decrease expenses & increase performance- low-cost, high quality complete feed and supplementation programs, AI/ET/Ultrasound Services & Training.
Old Mill Farm and Ranch Supply , Ranch Equipment/Supplies, Veterinarians/ Supplies, Corky Morrison or Amy Chavez, 505-865-5432, 19763 New Mexico 314, Belen, NM, 87002,,, Come see us or give us a call for all your livestock needs.
Ortiz Farms, Herman or Annie Ortiz, 575-2675420, 575-644-7436, P.O. Box 306, Derry, NM, 87933, Comm. cattle; alfalfa hay.
Outfront Cattle Service, Dennis Adams, 979-229-4472, 979-693-1301, P.O. Box 10590, College Station, TX, 77842,, outfrontcattle. com, Professional Charolais Sale Management Service We can help you buy or sell Charolais Cattle! Since 1962.
Petersen Memorial Ranch Rodeo & Dutch Oven Cook-Off, Sara Marta, Anita Petersen, 575-322-6733, 575-7435202, See website for directions, Winston, NM, 87943,, www. First weekend in August annually, All proceeds benefit the Adam Petersen Memorial Fund
Pinnacle Solar Power, LLC, Mark Daley , 480-544-0477, 4211 E Camino St , Mesa , AZ, 85205, pinnaclesolarpower@gmail. com,, Ranchers and Farmers looking for a lasting solution to all your water needs, Pinnacle Solar Power STAINLESS STEEL PUMPS are tried and tested in the hot dry southwest desert. Go SOLAR!
Pino Creek Ranch, Martin Honegger, 575-641-5282, 6316 NM Highway 104, Newkirk, NM, 88431,,, Natural grass-fed Black Angus, BQA certified.
Porter Farms, Randy Porter, 575-835-0882, 575-418-8871, P.O. Box 685, Socorro, NM, 87801, Club Lambs Sales-RambouilletHampshire -Suffoclk and fine wool crosses.
R.E.D. Ranch, Howard Hutchinson, 505-3799243, 62 Wild Horse Road, Glenwood, NM, 88039,, Small vegetable and fruit production and eggs.
Elevation 4,585 ft
County Seat Socorro
2,262,731 acres
State Land 551,042 acres
Deeded Land 1,290,251 acres
Inland Water 14,500 acres
Irrigated Land surface: 3,330 acres; ground: 1,310 acres
County Extension Agent 575-835-0610
Range & Ranch Management Services , Christopher D. Allison , 575-644-2460, 575-526-6178, 500 Cline Rd , Mesilla Park , NM, 88047, Range and Ranch Management Services.
Mrs. Richard T. Ritter CPA, Linda Ritter, 575-838-2209, P.O. Box 1558, Socorro, NM, 87801,, Angus, Comm. Angus cross; hay production; certified public accountant.
Rocking A Cattle Co., Robert Allemand, 806-663-2279, P.O. Box 20773, Amarillo, TX, 79114,,, Professional Hoof Trimming for beef cattle and performance cattle. We serve the southwest, Texas and surrounding areas. We are not dairy trimmers. Call or Text Robert for info. (806)663-2279
Rocking A Cattle Co./Professional Performance Hooftrimmers, Robert Allemand, 806-663-2279, 806-4634513, P.O. Box 20773, Amarillo, TX, 79114,, www., Beef Cattle Services over 20 years experience including hoof trimming, Sale Prep, A.I. Services mobile chute and serving New Mexico, Texas and Colorado.and surrounding states.
Rush Cattle Co., Bill Rush, 575-273-4313, 1174 S. Roosevelt Rd. 29, Rogers, NM, 88132, Comm. Cattle
Rush Cattle Co., Matt Rush, 575-7607874, 2011 Rice Dr., Levelland, TX, 79336,, Comm. cattle and motivational speaker.
RJK Equipment, Ty Foster, 575-571-4120, 4581 W. Picacho Ave., Las Cruces, NM, 88007, www. At RKJ Equipment we understand the unique demands of modern agriculture. That’s why we proudly offer a wider range of reliable, highquality equipment to meet your specific needs.
San Augustine Ranch, Mark Cox, 575-6785750, 575-589-1818, 575-589-0397, P.O.Box 205, 1515 Aguirre Spring Road, Organ, NM, 88052,, Commercial ranch raised calves and registered Herefords raised in partnership with B & H Herefords.
Senator Pat Woods, Pat Woods, 575-7608594, 575-357-8594, 4000 CR M, Broadview, NM, 88112, pat.woods@, NM State Senator if I can help you please get in touch with me.
Torres Research & Consulting Services, Suzanne Smith, 575-835-8090, 505-2749231, 33 Tribal Road 28, Bosque Farms, NM, 87068,, www., We provide assistance in all areas of water resource management including water rights research and filings with the State, water planning and mapping services.
Triple Bar P, Chuck Parnell, 928-485-2638, P.O. Box 363, Pima, AZ, 85543, cparnell@, Apples.
Turley Forge Blacksmithing School, Frank Turley, 505-471-8608, 919-A Chicoma Vista, Santa Fe, NM, 87507,, Provide blacksmithing classes.
U Bar Ranch, David Ogilvie, 575-535-2975, 575-574-4860, 575-535-2975, P.O. Box 10, Gila, NM, 88038,
Upper Hondo Soil & Water
Conservation District, Laura Johnson, 575-354-2220, 575-354-2515, P.O. Box 900, Capitan, NM, 88316, upperhondo@, www.upperhondoswcd. org. We offer technical assistance and cost share opportunities to landowners within our district for conservation practices. Lincoln County, NM
Victor Perez Ranch, LeRoy or Mercedes Cravens, 575-584-2932, P.O. Box 152, Encino, NM, 88321, Comm. cattle and sheep. Mature sheep, lambs, bucks; Hereford-Angus cross yearlings.
Watson Smith Law Firm, Josh Smith, 575-528-0500, 575-526-9094, 1100 S. Main St., Ste. 21, Las Cruces, NM, NM, 88005,, www., Watson Smith Law Firm.
Western Tank & Trailer, 575-5265946, 7000 N. Valley Dr., www., Las Cruces, NM,
Wilkinson Gelbvieh Ranch, Bill Wilkinson, 719-680-0462, 719-680-0451, 23115 County Road 111.3 , Model, CO, 81059, www. Wilkinson Gelbvieh Ranch is a family owned and operated cattle ranch, located in Model, Colorado. They raise Gelbvieh and Balancer cattle, selling 50 bulls each spring, as well as heifers.
Yocum Cattle Company , Donald W Yocum, 575-626-7102, 1200 Dona Ana Rd, Roswell, NM, 88201,, Angus seed stock. Breed leading genetics. Bulls For Sale annually. Females for sale. Let us know what you want to improve in your herd and we’ll match genetics to maximize your results.
Zeigler Geologic Consulting, LLC, Kate Zeigler, 575-207-7826, 505-263-5448, 13170 Central Ave. SE, Suite B-137, Albuquerque, NM, 87123, zeiglergeo@gmail. com,, Zeigler Geologic Consulting provides groundwater resource management for ranches and farms in eastern NM. We work with your range and crop planning to provide data for water quality and quantity.
#8 & Lazy GL Slash, Gilbert Louis Jr, 505-285-5173, 505-326-4616, 817 Santa Marina, Grants, NM, 87020, glouis1051@, Angus, Santa Gertrudis, Reg. Santa Gertrudis and Black Angus.
2 Bar Angus, Steve & Laura Knoll, 877-2227264, 806-344-7444, 4020 US Hwy 385, Hereford, TX, 79045, sknoll@amaonline. com,, Angus, Angus Bulls, Females, Semen, & Embryos. Coming soon to a pasture near you.
3h Squaw Peak Ranch LLC, Bob Hendon, 817-683-3983, 575-854-3562, PO Box 1280, Magdalena, NM, 87825, hendonbob@, Angus Replacement heifers, black baldy replacement heifers, Registered Quarter Horses. Guided elk, mule deer, and antelope hunts.Trophy hunts
4G Mountain Angus, Patrick Gomez, Edward Gomez, M.D., Beth Gomez, 915-490-1817, 915-801-9597, Angel Fire, NM, 87701,,, Raised at 7500 ft. Near Angel Fire NM.
5 Bar Angus Ranch, Stacy Gray or Aric Gerber, 970-629-2468, 83654 W Hwy 40, Craig, CO, 81625, stacy5bar1@gmail. com, Registered Angus Bulls and Heifers available. 25+ Years of PAP testing.
6666 Ranch, Joe Leathers, 806-596-4457, 806-596-4424, 806-596-4550, 1102 Dash for Cash Road, P.O. Box 130, Guthrie, TX, 79236,, Angus, Horses with a History; Brands with a Background.
A Lazy 6 Angus, Bob or Kay Anderson, 575-421-1809, 505-690-1191, Blanco Canyon, HCR 72, Box 10, Ribera, NM, 87560,, Angus, They are worth more if they have Black Angus influence.
ABS Breeder, Susan Honeywell, 575-3742162, 82 Six R Road, Des Moines, NM, 88418, Angus, Black Angus Bull For saleAI rep for ABS.
Acosta Equipment, Inc., Jesus Acosta, 575-835-3961, 155 NW Frontage Rd, Scan Acacia, NM, 87831, acostaequipmentinc@, Commercial Angus Cattle. Authorized Stihl Dealer, Rental Services, Welding Supplies. Tire sales and service., Alta Vista Ranch, Doug or Oliver Soukup, 915-479-2994, 5407 Rio Penasco Rd- US Hwy 82, Mayhill, NM, 88339, Angus, Comm. Red and Black Angus, baled round bales, hunting and fishing.
American Angus Association, Radale Tiner, 979-492-2663, 3707 Marielene Circle, College Ststion, TX, 77845, rtiner@,, Regional Manager for the American Angus Association serving Texas & New Mexico.
American Breeders Service, Susan Hunnewell, 575-374-2162, 82 Six R Road, Des Moines, NM, 88418, Angus, Reg. Black Angus; Reg. Quarter Horses, son of Shining Spark.
Bar Guitar Feed Co. , Gary Mendiola, 575-291-5339, 29267 US Highway 70, PO Box 69, Picacho, NM, 88343, mendiola@, SE NM dealer of Westway Feed Products & New Generation SmartLic protein and mineral tubs for livestockplastic and bio-degradable. We deliver to your ranch. Save time and money with us.
Bar M Real Estate LLC, Scott McNally, 575-622-5867, 575-420-1237, P.O. Box 428, Roswell, NM, 88202, sammmcnally@msn. com, Angus, Over thirty years experience in the sale and appraisal of farm and ranch real estate. Licensed NM Real Estate Broker and Licensed NM General Certified Appraiser. Call and lets visit. Angus Cattle.
Big Circle Beef, Laura Jean Schneider, 406-425-3411, P.O. Box 7699, Ruidoso, NM, 88355,,, Angus, Brangus, Hereford, Red Angus, Big Circle Beef sells grass-fed beef that is raised solely on New Mexico Rangelands and native forage. Bulk orders available.
Birdwell Ranch, James Birdwell or Joel Birdwell, 580-695-2352, 405-368-1058, 16950 NE Wolf Rd, P.O. Box 521, Fletcher , OK, 73541,, Birdwell Ranch supplier of performance high quality bulls.
Bill King Ranch, Bill King, Tom Spindle, 505-220-9909, 505-321-8808, PO Box 2670, Moriarty, NM, 87035, bspin123@aol. com,, Quality Hereford, Polled Hereford, Charolais and Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale private treaty year round. We also sell alfalfa and silage.
Bow K Ranch, Dave and Dawn Bowman, 970-323-6833, 970-275-9216, 55784 Holly Road, Olathe, CO, 81425, dave@,, 80 head of registered, high-altitude Gelbvieh, Balancer, & Angus: 40 yrs. A.I. Breeding, emphasis on calving-ease, moderate size, carcass. Females for sale. Bulls sell in Pot of Gold Bull Sale.
Bradley 3 Ranch, Mary Bradley, 940-5856471, 806-888-1062, 806-888-1010, 15591 County Road K, Memphis, TX, 79245,, www.brad, Your supplier of the finest Angus and Charolais bulls for the commercial cattleman, since 1958. We offer complete data on each bull, with first breeding season guarantee, you will love our bulls.
Brahaim Hindi & Sons, Inc., Jamil Hindi, 575-799-4395, 505-228-1566, HC 34 Box 115, Duran, NM, 88301, Commercial Black Angus, Commercial Rambouillet and Karakiel Sheep, Reg Arabian Horses. Calves, lambs and wool.
Brennand Ranch, Norma Brennand, 575-687-2185, 159 Chinaberry Rd, Pinon, NM, 88344,, Registered Black Angus, Budd-Falen Law Office, LCC, Frank Falen, Karen Budd-Falen, Sarah Falen, 307-6325105, 307-637-3891, 300 E. 18th Street, Cheyenne, WY, 82003, frank@buddfalen. com,, Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Red Angus, Attorneys for the West. Preserving western culture by protecting landowner rights.
Cameron Creek Show Calves, Leslie Pugmire, 575-538-1700, 575-534-4952, 37 Acorn Drive, Silver City, NM, 88061,, Club Steers and Club Heifers,
Candy Ray Trujillo’s Black Angus, Candy Trujillo, 575-354-2682, P.O. Box 25, Capitan, NM, 88316, Angus, Registered Black Angus.
Carrasco Ranches, Greg Carrasco, 575-6495268, 2600 Apodaca Road, Las Cruces, NM, 88005, Slash3CRanch@gmail. com, Angus, Registered and commercial Angus cattle bred for Southwest range conditions.
Caster Land & Cattle, W.D. or Cassie Caster, 505-847-0532, HC 75, Box 82, Mountainair, NM, 87036, Angus, Comm. Angus cross stocker calves.
C Bar Ranch, Trey Wood, Clark Wood, 806-828-7-9619, P.O. Box 36, Caballo, NM, 87931, Angus, Charolais, Comm. Black Angus & Charolais Bulls. Comm. Horses.
* Federal Land may include: BLM, BOR, DOA, DOD, DOE, FWS, NPS & OFA lands. State Lands may include: SG&F, & SP lands. Latest data at
We believe that customers, large and small, should receive the highest quality service available. Our buyers and sellers are our biggest asset and we are dedicated to serving your needs. Our top priority is to get you the best possible price for your cattle. In operation since the 1950s and sold to the current owners who held their first sale in January 1990, Kenny Dellinger has managed the sale barn and served the community since that first sale more than 25 years ago.
We are an active supporter of local 4H clubs and several other student activities. Not only do we contribute to the youth but also to the local economy as 90% of the supplies and services are contracted.
Colorado Genetics Inc., Darrel L. DeGrofft, DVM, 970-203-9357, 970-222-1793, 970-203-9367, 5441 Boeing Drive, #1A, Loveland, CO, 80538,,, Angus, Beefmaster, Charolais, Hereford, Limousin/Lim Flex/Brahmousin, Maine Anjou, Polled Herefords, Red Angus, Shorthorn, Simmental/Simbrah, Livestock Embryo Transfer, A.I. Services, Reproduction Consultation, Ultra Sound, Import and Export.
Conniff Cattle Co., LLC, John Conniff, 575-644-2900, 1500 Snow Road, Las Cruces, NM 88005, NM, 88005, john@, ConniffCattle, LLC, Selling Registered Black Angus and Shorthorn Cattle.
Creighton’s Town and Country , Leslie Creighton, 575-356-3665, 575-356-2435, 1625 S. Ave. D, Portales, NM, 88130,,, Providing quality feed and supplies with an emphasis on customer service for your farm and ranch for over 20 years! Call us today!
Farm & Ranch LTD, Larry Benton, 575-6873328, Russell Gap Box 1, Piñon, NM, 88334, Angus, Reg. Angus: rock footed, making their own way- not fed up.
Field Ranch Land & Cattle, LLC,, James Nance, Manager, 575-854-2805, P.O. Box 5457, Alamo, NM, 87825, Quality Black Angus Cattle,
Flying W Diamond Ranch, 575-354-0770, 575-644-6396, 385 Martin Ranch Road, Capitan, NM, 88316, edtinsley@thg-llc. com,
Gallacher Land & Cattle, Co., William Gray Gallacher, 575-799-0388, 575-648-2416, 2113 Gallacher Road, Carrizozo, NM, 88301,
STEVE & GINGER OLSON (806) 676-3556
Culbertson-Whatley Ranch, Joe Culbertson, 575-633-2851, 542 Culberston, Amistad, NM, 88410, Angus, Hereford, Commercial Hereford and AngusHereford crosses.
Diamond Arrow Ranch LLC, Larry, Zita, or Boe Lopez, 575-483-2335, 505-469-9055, 1040 Highway 56, P.O. Box 674, Springer, NM, 87747, diamondarrowranch@yahoo. com. Registered and commercial Black Angus.
Diamond Seven Angus, Larry or Jennifer Webb, 575-403-9910, HCR Box 16, Newkirk, NM, 88431,, www., E. Perez & Sons, Dillon Perez, 575-799-5922, P.O. Box 133, Encino, NM, 88321, Angus, Hereford, Comm. Beef Black Angus & Hereford.
Elizabeth Cattle, Brian Dropps, 575-5177194, P.O. Box 583, Reserve, NM, 87830,, Angus Producer.
Estancia Valley Beef Company , Jeff Herndon, 505-470-5353, 505-859-0229, 33 Valle Lindo Dr. Peralta, NM, 87042, All natural grass fed beef.
Express UU Bar Ranch, 575-376-2035, 1115 Hwy 21, Cimarron, NM, 87714, Angus, Red Angus, Angus bull, Red Angus-Bull conditioned for this environment – Reg. horses, professional cutting horses, training and sales, alfalfa hay, grass pasture for summer yearling, big game hunts & fishing.
George Curtis Inc, Dan Ray or Blake Curtis, 575-762-4759, 4500 N. Prince, Clovis, NM, 88101,, Angus, Reg. Angus.
Gion Registered Black Angus, Claude Gion, 505-861-1437, 505-220-0549, 73 Padilla Road, Belen, NM, 87002, gion., Angus, Registered Black Angus.
H-V Ranch, Brad B. Harris, 575-631-1108, 575-398-6123, PO Box 995, Tatum, NM, 88267,, PO Box 995, H-V Ranch is offering some of the finest ~Black Angus Cattle~ We put the Proven, Northern Montana Angus Genetics to work across the Southwest... Come take a look..Call Mr. Brad Harris at (575)631-1108
He Bar Hay , Megan Albrecht, 575-9932998, 575-654-2210, 7530 Keeler Road NW, Deming, NM 88030, moodyranch@, He Bar Hay located in Deming NM selling Alfalfa, Beardless Wheat, Purina Products, Protein Tubs, Loose mineral, and Redmond Salt. Open every Friday 9-6 and Saturday 8-4 all other days by appointment
Hales Angus Farm, Rick Hales, 806-6791919, 1022 Cimarron, Canyon, TX, 79015,, Angus, Angus Bulls & Dry land wheat.
Halfway House Ranch/Wire Lake Livestock , Joe & Sandra Barraza, 575-626-5910, HC 66 Box 42, Yeso, NM, 88136,, Angus, Comm. Black Angus and Black Angus Cross.
Hartzog Angus Cattle, Roy or Trudy Hartzog, 806-825-2711, 806-225-7230, P.O. Box 102, Bovina, TX, 79009
Water MORE Hay!
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Hat Six Cattle Company , M.D. Hobbs, 575-483-0123, 575-447-3887, 575-4830123, 170 Spear Road, P.O. Box 697, Springer, NM, 87747,,, Angus, Brangus, F1s, Red Angus, Red Brangus, Broad service organization, working throughout the intermountain west.
Heartstone Angus, LLC, C.R. (Dick) Evans, 575-313-4028, 575-313-6813, 314 C Bar Ranch Rd., Silver City, NM, 88061,,,www., Registered Angus bulls raised under range conditions in the Burro Mountains. Highly feed efficient, rock-footed, will travel.
J-C Angus Ranch, John or Cathy Heckendorn, 505-832-9364, 505-379-8212, 75 A Pueblo Rd N, Moriarty, NM, 87035, info@,, Angus, Registered Angus cattle. Bred for calving ease, performance, fertility, and feed efficiency. AI sires: 10X, Resistol, Cash, Discovery.
JG Livestock Co., Shane or Sherry Goemmer, RR 1, Nowata, OK 74048, sgfly@hotmail. com, Comm. Angus cross cattle; ranch and performance horses - foundation bloodlines; Peppy San, Docs J Jay.
JO Bar Ranch LLC, Commercial Angus / Angus X, Bobby & Erica Valdez, 575-2029547, PO Box 373, Animas, NM, 88020,, Commercial Angus Cow/Calf Operation in Hidalgo Co.
Jim Bob Cattle, Jim Bob Burnett, 575-3658291, 205 East Cottonwood Rd, Lake Arthur, NM, 88253,, Angus, Hereford, Registered Herefords & Black Angus.
Johnson Mesa Angus, Patrick or Landon Berry or Boe Lopez , 575-779-6612, 505-469-9055, P.O. Box 721 Raton, NM 87740, P.O. Box 674 Springer, NM 87747, Springer, NM, 87747,
JT Land and Cattle, LLC, Jim Thorpe, 575-868-4686, 608 NM Highway 129, HC 67 Box 14, Newkirk, NM, 88431,, Commercial Black Angus; source and age verified; gentle replacement females.
Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment Sales, Alvin Kaddatz, 254-582-3000, 254-337-1189, 535 HCR 4223, Hillsboro, TX, 76645, akaddatz@,, New and Used Farm Equipment, Salvage Tractors and Implements, New & Used Tractor Parts & Farm Equipment Parts, Farm Equipment Auctions, and Farm Equipment Appraisals and Machinery Appraisals.
L&K Farm, Christopher Carrasco, 505-8659378, 1111 Don Pasqual Rd. NW, Los Lunas, NM, 87031, Angus, Reg. Black Angus, alfalfa, irrigated pasture.
L-X Angus Ranch, Pat Carver, 575-622-5355, 5500 West Pine Lodge Rd, Roswell, NM, 88201,, Angus, Reg. & Comm. Angus replacement heifers & bulls from registered herd.
La Gloria Cattle Company , Manny and Corina Encinias, 505-927-7935, 575-5712600, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035,, www., Angus, Maine Anjou, Registered and commercial Angus, MaineAnjou, and Chianina Cattle. Two-year old & Yearling Bulls, Spring & Fall Show Steers and Heifers, Embryos and Semen.
Lazy JB Angus LLC, Kathi Creamer, 970-596-0045, 970-596-2092, 17270 6450 Rd., Montrose, CO, 81403, kathi@lazyjb. com,, Jeff, Kathi, Brandon & Britney - Semen Available on herd sires, Private Treaty Heifer & Steer Sales - Online Show Heifer Sale, Oct.7, 2024 - Annual Bull Sale, March, 2025. Visitors are always welcome!
Landmark Title Inc., Jay Neff, 575-7633904, 575-763-6610, 117 E. 4th St., Clovis, NM, 88101, landmark@plateautel.ent,, Angus, Real Estate closings, Title Insurance, 1031 Exchanges.
Lazy Bell Land and Cattle, E.G. Abernathy, 575-762-0214, 1401 Eastridge Drive, Clovis, NM, 88101,, Santa Gertrudis/Angus cross cattle.
Lazy J T Cattle Co., Jimbo & Trisha Williams, 505-238-4656, 575-773-4115, lazyjtcattle@, Angus, Commercial Black Angus.
Lazy S Ranch Willcox , LLC, Susan WilsonSanders. Ed McClure, 520-403-8510, 520-306-1574, 13250 Ash Creek Rd, Willcox, AZ, 85643, drsue@dakotacom. net, Service-Age Bulls at Private Treaty and Sales in Marana, Prescott & Willcox AZ, & Belen NM.
Lust Angus, Tim and Dru Lust, 806-831-6777, 806-438-3127, 2946 IH 27, Abernathy, TX, 79311, Registered and commercial Angus bulls and females.
M-Hat Angus, Brian Martinez, 505-2039488, 505-440-9424, 252 Armijo Road, Belen, NM, 87002,, We are a seed stock producer of quality Angus cattle bred and raised to strive in the conditions of the arid southwest.
Manzano Angus Ranches, Bill Gardner or Cole Gardner, 505-705-2855, 575-9105952, 502 County Road B107, Estancia, NM 87016-8027, Estancia, NM, 87016,, www., Angus, Registered Angus Seedstock, Annual Bull SaleMarch, Maternally Efficient, Practical Size and Milk, Efficient Growth, McCall Land & Cattle Co., Howard McCall, 505-296-3434, 1524 Eubank NM, Ste. 5, Albuquerque, NM, 87112, h4mccall@gmail. com, Angus, Reg. Black Angus.
McKenzie Land and Livestock , Kenneth McKenzie, 575-760-3260, 575-472-5766, HC 61 Box 57, Encino, NM, 88321, We are a multi-generation family business that specializes in cow/calf production for registered and commercial Angus. We also have an annual Registered Angus Bull Sale.
Menefee Farms LLC, Dwight, Seth, Tad, 575-616-1077, 575-635-8542, 446 W. Pearson Rd., Lake Arthur, NM, 88253,, Angus, Alfalfa Hay in 4x4 or small bales, also Beardless Wheat Hay. Crossbred Calves. Pecans, Corn, Cotton, and Triticale.
New Mexico State University , Glenn Duff, 575-646-1242, Box 30003, Dept 3-1, Las Cruces, NM, 88003, asicence@nmsu. edu, Angus, Brangus, Registered and commercial Angus, Brangus and Brahman cattle; commercial Suffock, registered Quarter Horses.
NM Cattle Company LLC, Scott McNally, 575-622-5867, 575-420-1237, P.O. Box 428, Roswell, NM, 88202, sammmcnally@msn. com, Angus, Commercial red and black Angus cattle.
NMSU Corona Range & Livestock Research Center, Shad Cox, 575-7993569, 575-849-1015, 575-849-1021, P.O. Box 392, 739 University Road, Corona, NM, 88318,, Corona.nmsu. edu, Calving ease Angus Bulls, Commercial Crossbred calves, Commercial Rambouillet and SAMM crossbred rams, ewes, and lambs, crossbred show wethers, doelings and guard dogs. Conference facilities.
Nunn Ranches, Jo Bill or Lauren Nunn, 575-546-3156, 11770 Steeple A Rd. NE, Deming, NM, 88030, Angus, Commercial Angus stockers and feeders.
NWR Cattle Management Services, Manny Encinias, 505-927-7935, 575-571-2600, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035, manny@,, Profitable solutions for cattle producers that decrease expenses & increase performance- low-cost, high quality complete feed and supplementation programs, AI/ET/Ultrasound Services & Training.
P Bar A Angus Cattle, Mark or Percy Larranaga, 505-850-6684, 505-2700753, 12408 Loyola Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87112,,, Registered Angus bulls and heifers available select times of the year. Please contact us with your questions, needs, as well as genetics on hand.
Patterson Cattle Co., Jim Patterson, 575-423-3243, 933 Camino Gran Quivira, Bingham, NM, 87832, Angus, Comm. Angus & Angus cross calves.
Patterson Cattle Co., Loren Patterson , 575-937-5458, PO Box 291, Corona , NM, 88318,, “Commercial Angus and F1 Black Baldies Replacement Heifers and Yearlings “
Pino Creek Ranch, Martin Honegger, 575-641-5282, 6316 NM Highway 104, Newkirk, NM, 88431,,, Natural grass-fed Black Angus, BQA certified.
WhiteBarn Hay and Cattle Co., Jason Barnard, 520-507-3332, 224 W Whetten Ln, Portal , AZ, 85632,,, Serving Ranches selling hay of all kinds, Suther’s Mineral and feed products, Feedyard for both growing and finishing, Heifer development, and selling American Wagyu Beef.
Pot of Gold Bull Sale, Dave Bowman, 970-323-6833, 970-275-9216, 55784 Holly Road, Olathe, CO 81425, davedawn@,, 34th annual bull sale, Montrose, CO selling top quality registered yearlings. PAP, Trich, fertility, & PI-BVD tested. Gelbvieh & Balancer. Reds & Blacks. Sale last Friday in February.
Rafter F Farm & Ranch, Felipe Sanchez, 505-250-0265, P.O. Box 398, Jarales, NM, 87023, Angus, Quality barn-stored alfalfa hay and registered black Angus bulls.
Rancho Alegre, Reymundo Maestas, 505-589-2170, 500-877-1279, 505-8776797, 3912 Isleta Blvd.SW, Albuq, NM, 87105,, 3912 Isleta Blvd.SW, Black Angus Cattle, Range & Ranch Management Services , Christopher D. Allison , 575-644-2460, 575-526-6178, 500 Cline Rd , Mesilla Park , NM, 88047, Range and Ranch Management Services. Ranney Ranch LP, Melvin W. Johnson, 575-849-8141, P.O. Box 376, Corona, NM, 88318, Angus, Commercial Angus, stocker heifers and bulls, grassfed beef.
Reverse Rocking R Ranch, Trent Earl, 719-557-9915, 358 Laguna Madre Rd., Maxwell, NM, 87728, reverse-rocking-r-ranch.html, Angus, Purebred Angus bulls and females.
Mrs. Richard T. Ritter CPA, Linda Ritter, 575-838-2209, P.O. Box 1558, Socorro, NM, 87801,, Angus, Comm. Angus cross; hay production; certified public accountant.
Rocking A Cattle Co./Professional Performance Hooftrimmers, Robert Allemand, 806-663-2279, 806-4634513, P.O. Box 20773, Amarillo, TX, 79114,, www., Beef Cattle Services over 20 years experience including hoof trimming, Sale Prep, A.I. Services mobile chute and serving New Mexico, Texas and Colorado.and surrounding states.
Rocking R Ranch, Randell Major, 575-8383016, 575-854-2150, 577-854-2150, P.O. Box 244, Magdalena, NM, 87825, rmajor@, www.majorranches. com, Cross bred Charolais calves for sale
Commercial Black Baldy operation offering bulls and replacement heifers of high quality, raised on a rough country ranch.
Ross & Shelley Carter Cattle, Ross or Shelley Carter, 575-447-2196, 575-2077553, 71 Cottonwood Rd, Clayton, NM, 88415, Angus, cow calf operation.
Salazar Ranches, Miguel Salazar, 505-9290334, 505-747-8858, P.O. Box 2847, Espanola, NM, 87532, salazar_ranches@, Angus, Hereford, Registered and commercial bulls, replacement heifers, raised in high altitude; NMBVM Certified in pregancy/diagnosis and AI.
Salt Creek Farm & Ranch, P.O. Box 1793, Roswell, NM, 88202, Angus, Comm. Black Angus & alfalfa hay.
Senator Pat Woods, Pat Woods, 575-7608594, 575-357-8594, 4000 CR M, Broadview, NM, 88112, pat.woods@, NM State Senator if I can help you please get in touch.
Singleton Ranches, Grant Mitchell, 505-466-3021, 505-490-1415, 505-4661208, 90 San Cristobal Ranch Road, Lamy, NM, 87540,, Angus, Brangus, Hereford, Red Angus, Commercial cattle and registered AQHA horses. 2012 AQHA Best of the Remuda award winner.
Select Sires Member Cooperative, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Road, Columbus, OH, 43228, Stuart Schooley, Clovis NM 575-626-5983;Dan Curtin, Elida NM 928-368-3634; Terry Gowin, Jr, Marana AZ 520-449-5776; www,; Your reproductive solutions partners
Slash Ranch, Megan Richardson, 575-7725740, 575-772-5735, 505-212-0118, HC 30 Box 476, Winston, NM, 87943, megan@,, Angus, Brangus, Corriente, Slash Ranch raises quality hormone free grass fed beef. We are buyers of calves for our mountain growing season beginning March and running thru November.
Slash RS Ranch, Sam or Susan Ray, 575-7734170, hc. 32 box 238, Quemado, NM, 87829,, slashrsranch. com, Angus, Reg. Angus bulls, paint horses and ASCA. Working Pups for sale.
Spindle Show Steers, Tom Spindle, 505-3218808, PO Box 2884, Moriarty, NM, 87035,, Show steers and heifers for sale private treaty.
Spring Creeks Cattle Co., Bob Mitchell, 608-553-0971, 608-553-8070, 48715 Hilldale Rd., Wauzeka, WI, 53826,, Breeding the Feeding Kind Purebred Seedstock.
Spur Ranch Cattle Co. LLC, Tom Paterson, 832-640-1152, 713-653-7815, P.O. Box 95, Luna, NM, 87824, tpaterson@srcattle. com, We offer ranch-raised calves for sale in May and October. Steers average 525. Heifers average 500. Calves are from registered bulls on commercial cows. All calves are fully vaccinated.
T4 Cattle Company LLC, Phil and Scott Bidegain, 575-868-2475, 575-403-7553, 5859 Quay Rd. BK, Tucumcari, NM, 88401, Hereford and black baldy cattle, American Quarter Horses.
Thompson Angus Ranch, Angus, Ernest Thompson, 575-423-3313, 505-8187284, HC 66 Box 613, Mountainair, NM, 87036,,, New Mexico Ranch raised Black Angus Bulls and Heifers
T L Cattle Co., Colt or Lane Grau, 575-7606336, 575-760-4510, 1680 CR 37, Grady, NM, 88120-9633,, Quality RED Angus, Black Angus and Maine composite bulls and females. Also Quality CHAROLAIS. Cattle for sale year round.
U Bar Ranch, David Ogilvie, 575-535-2975, 575-574-4860, 575-535-2975, P.O. Box 10, Gila, NM, 88038,, Angus.
Wandering Trail Cattle Co., JD Vernon, 830-407-9274, 102 Cedar Trail Court, Fort Davis, TX, 79734,, Angus, Beefmaster, Brangus, Corriente, Hereford, Limousin/Lim Flex/Brahmousin, Red Angus, Red Brangus, Santa Gertrudis, Over 35 years experience in all facets of cattle and equipment business. Delivered to your doorstep. Ranch Camp. Weaver Ranch, Adrian or Susan Weaver, 970-568-3898, 3000 West Co. Rd 70, Ft Collins, CO, 80524, weaverranchj@aol. com, Angus, Registered Angus bull and heifers, PAP tested.
Whatley Longhorns, James Lynn Whatley, 505-269-8199, 575-542-9725, 17 Brown Ranch Rd, Redrock, NM, 88055, We provide gentle, halter broke Texas Longhorn show quality seed stock. Along with our herd sires, we AI to all time classic Longhorn bulls. We also provide grain finished Texas Longhorn beef.
Yocum Cattle Company , Donald W Yocum, 575-626-7102, 1200 Dona Ana Rd, Roswell, NM, 88201,, Angus seed stock. Breed leading genetics. Bulls For Sale annually. Females for sale. Let us know what you want to improve in your herd and we’ll match genetics to maximize your results.
Barzona Breeders Association of America, Alecia Heinz, 641-745-9170, 604 Cedar, St Adair, IA, 50002, info@barzona. com,,
F&F Cattle Co., Mike Fitzgerald, 575-6732346, 130 Fitzgerald Lane, Mosquero, NM, 87733, Producers of quality foundation Barzona cattle since 1975. Coming 2 purebred bulls available in the spring.
Beefmaster Breeders United, Addison Coburn 210-732-3132, 210-732-7711, P.O. Box 3790, Bryan, TX, 77805, acoburn@,, Beefmasters are versatile, maternal and sustainable. You can crossbreed your Beefmasters for more advantages. Read Dr. Lance Bauer’s article covering Planned Crossbreeding Systems on Beefmasters. org
Casey Beefmasters, Watt Casey Jr., 325-668-1373, 325-668-1373, POB 2469, Albany, TX, 76430, Watt50@sbcglobal. net,, Casey Beefmasters-1948. Ranch raised gentle, tough, fertile cattle. The SIX ESSENTIALS defined by Tom Lasater Founder of the Beefmaster breed guide us. 25-30 day breeding season closed herd 1967!
Foundation Beefmasters, Alex Lasater, 719-541-2855, 210-872-1117, P.O. Box 38, Matheson, CO, 80830, alexlasater@yahoo. com,
He Bar Hay , Megan Albrecht, 575-9932998, 575-654-2210, 7530 Keeler Road NW, Deming, NM 88030, moodyranch@, He Bar Hay located in Deming NM selling Alfalfa, Beardless Wheat, Purina Products, Protein Tubs, Loose mineral, and Redmond Salt. Open every Friday 9-6 and Saturday 8-4 all other days by appointment.
Hamblin Farms Inc., Ellis A. Hamblin, 505-325-2032, 1421 Hwy 170, La Plate, NM, 87418,, Beefmaster, Reg. Beefmaster; alfalfa hay.
Isa Beefmasters, Lorenzo Lasater, 325-6569126, 325-949-9941, 325-947-8113, 3419 Knickerbocker Rd, San Angelo, TX, 76904,, www.
Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment Sales, Alvin Kaddatz, 254-582-3000, 254-337-1189, 535 HCR 4223, Hillsboro, TX, 76645, akaddatz@, https://kaddatzequipment. com/, New and Used Farm Equipment, Salvage Tractors and Implements, New & Used Tractor Parts & Farm Equipment Parts, Farm Equipment Auctions, and Farm Equipment Appraisals and Machinery Appraisals.
Major Beefmasters, Danny Major, Owner/ Manager, P.O. Box 5128, Chino Valley A 86323, 928-925-3710
NWR Cattle Management Services, Manny Encinias, 505-927-7935, 575-571-2600, 141 Feather Trail, Moriarty, NM, 87035, manny@,, Profitable solutions for cattle producers that decrease expenses & increase performance- low-cost, high quality complete feed and supplementation programs, AI/ET/Ultrasound Services & Training.
Pratt Farms, Loren Pratt, 520-568-2811, 529-568-2811, 44996 W. Papago Road, Maricopa, AZ, 85139,, F1s, Gelbvieh/Balancers, Finest selection of Brahman Bulls, Gelbvieh Bulls and F1 heifers available.
Williams Cattle Company , Mary, 623-9320809, 602-809-5167, 16543 West Victory St, Goodyear, AZ, 85338, marywcc@, Brahman, Nice selection of registered Brahman bull and heifer calves. Exceptional bloodlines, stocky, lots of bone and natural muscling, beefy gentle grays.
Bar Guitar Feed Co. , Gary Mendiola, 575-291-5339, 29267 US Highway 70, PO Box 69, Picacho, NM, 88343, mendiola@, SE NM dealer of Westway Feed Products & New Generation SmartLic protein and mineral tubs for livestockplastic and bio-degradable. We deliver to your ranch. Save time and money with us.
Bobby & Robby Brangus, Bobby Victor, 575-760-4154, 2153 S RRP, Portales, NM, 88130, Brangus, Brangus Cattle.
Carter Brangus, Bryce Carter, 928-651-5120, 2440 S. Reay Lane, Thatcher, AZ, 85552,, www.carterbrangus. com, Brangus, Registered Black Brangus Cattle.
Ernest R. Torrez, Ernie Torrez, 505-2490284, P. O. Box 4, La Jara, NM 87027,, New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association.
Floyd Brangus, Troy Floyd, 575-734-7005, P.O. Box 133, Roswell, NM, 88201, Brangus, Reg. and Comm. Brangus Bulls and females.
J and J Auctioneers, Joe/Jennie Boulware, 575-485-2508, 575-447-2509, 575-4852500, 46 Boulware Rd, Roy, NM, 87743,, jandjauction. com, “J&J Auctioneers is a full-service auction company serving New Mexico and southern Colorado since 1996. We conduct live and online auctions of real estate, and agricultural equipment and other assets.
Lazy S Ranch Willcox , LLC, Susan WilsonSanders. Ed McClure, 520-403-8510, 520-306-1574, 13250 Ash Creek Rd, Willcox, AZ, 85643, drsue@dakotacom. net, Service-Age Bulls at Private Treaty and Sales in Marana, Prescott & Willcox AZ, & Belen NM
LNZ Cattle Company , Todd Lindsay, 575-743-0461, 575-740-1002, HC 30 Box 21, Cuchillo, NM, 87901, lnz_rodeo@hotmail. com, Registered Brangus Cattle and Sport Cattle.
Open A Ranch, Glaze Sacre Jr., 575-6270998, P.O. Box 2162, Roswell, NM, 88202,, Brangus, Comm. Black Brangus.
Parker Brangus, Larry or Elaine Parker, 520-845-2411, 520-508-3505, P.O. Box 146, San Simon, AZ, 85632, parker_brangus@
Rio Hondo Land & Cattle Co, 575-6534617, Box 2, Picacho, NM, 88343, Brangus, Comm. Brangus & Horses.
RJ Cattle Co / Ramro LLC, Stacey, 361-3188638, 2975 Lazy Lane, Houston, TX, 77019, Brangus, Charolais, All bulls fertility and Trich tested.
ROD Ranch, Rod Hille, 575-894-7983, HC 32, Box 79, Truth or Consequences, NM, 87901,, Brangus, Reg. & Comm. Red Brangus.
Rogers Ranch, Taran Rogers, 575-418-8889, 575-838-7197, P.O. Box 769, Magdalena , NM, 87825, Commercial Black Baldy operation offering bulls and replacement heifers of high quality, raised on a rough country ranch.
Select Sires Member Cooperative, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Road, Columbus, OH, 43228, Stuart Schooley, Clovis NM 575-626-5983;Dan Curtin, Elida NM 928-368-3634; Terry Gowin, Jr, Marana AZ 520-449-5776; www,; Your reproductive solutions partners Skaarer Brangus, Chase or Justine Skaarer, 520-260-3283, 9797 E. Shamrock Lane, Pearce, AZ, 85625.
Tierra Madre Enterprises, Richard, 520-483-7271, p.o. box 29397, Shreveport, LA, 71149,, Brangus.
007 Charolais, Cody White, 580-450-7572, 405-812-2824, 3955 County Street 2840, Rush Springs, OK, 73082, 007charolais@, 007 Charolais Registered Bulls & Females for Sale Private Treaty.
Bar A Ranch, Charles Sullivan, 575-772-5619, 575-740-1962, 301 Sullivan Ranch Road, Winston, NM, 87943, csbararanch@gmail. com, Registered Charolais Bulls & Heifers for Sale.
Bar Guitar Feed Co. , Feed, Angus, Brangus, Charolais, Gary Mendiola, 575-291-5339, 29267 US Highway 70, PO Box 69, Picacho, NM, 88343,, SE NM dealer of Westway Feed Products & New Generation SmartLic protein and mineral tubs for livestock - plastic and bio-degradable. We deliver to your ranch. Save time and money with us.
Bill King Ranch, Bill King, Tom Spindle, 505-220-9909, 505-321-8808, PO Box 2670, Moriarty, NM, 87035, bspin123@aol. com,, Quality Hereford, Polled Hereford, Charolais and Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale private treaty year round. We also sell alfalfa and silage.
Bradley 3 Ranch,, Mary Bradley, 940-5856471, 806-888-1062, 806-888-1010, 15591 County Road K, Memphis, TX, 79245,, www.brad, Your supplier of the finest Angus and Charolais bulls for the commercial cattleman, since 1958. We offer complete data on each bull, with first breeding season guarantee, you will love our bulls.
C Bar Ranch, Trey Wood, Clark Wood, 806-828-6249, 806-786-2078, Salton, TX, 79364, Charolais & Angus Bulls.
Cutter Cattle Company Inc., Dudley Goetz/ Cindy Goetz, 575-740-0789, 575-740-2198, HC 32, Box 12C, Truth or Consequences, NM, 87901,, Charolais, Red Angus, Desert cattle bred to Charolais bulls and Red Angus bulls. We sell hearty crossbred calves spring and fall.
Ernest R. Torrez, Ernie Torrez, 505-2490284, P. O. Box 4, La Jara, NM 87027,, New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association.
Grau Charolais Ranch, Lane Grau, 575-7606336, 575-760-4510, 1680 CR 37, Grady, NM, 88120,, Quality Charolais Bulls and female seedstock. Linebred for superior hybrid-vigor. Only continuously performance tested Charolais herd in region! RFI testing and Gain. Also Red Angus and Angus cross.
Jobe Charolais, Ronald G. Jobe, 575-4613851, POB 1212, Tucumcari, NM, 88401, Registered and commercial Charolais bulls & heifers for sale, reasonable prices
Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment Sales, Alvin Kaddatz, 254-582-3000, 254-337-1189, 535 HCR 4223, Hillsboro, TX, 76645, akaddatz@, https://kaddatzequipment. com/, New and Used Farm Equipment, Salvage Tractors and Implements, New & Used Tractor Parts & Farm Equipment Parts, Farm Equipment Auctions, and Farm Equipment Appraisals and Machinery Appraisals.
King Charolais, Bill King, 505-220-9909, 505-832-4448, P.O. Box 2670, Moriarty, NM, 87035, Charolais, Reg. Charolais.
L/S Cattle Company , H.A (Speedy) and Leanne Hutcheson, 575-849-1122, Box 116, Corona, NM, 88318-0116, Buy, Sell, Trade all classes and breeds of livestock.
Lazy 5 Mill Iron Cattle Co. LLC. , Johnny Salas, 505-270-3954, 6 Serrania Dr, Edgewood , NM, 87015, Jsalas@, Registered Hereford and Charolais cattle. Free range, grass fed, all natural premium beef for sale. Available in whole or half configurations. A healthy choice for your beef needs.
Outfront Cattle Service, Dennis Adams, 979-229-4472, 979-693-1301, P.O. Box 10590, College Station, TX, 77842,, outfrontcattle. com, Charolais, Professional Charolais Sale Management Service. We can help you buy or sell Charolais Cattle! Since 1962.
Pino Creek Ranch, Martin Honegger, 575-641-5282, 6316 NM Highway 104, Newkirk, NM, 88431,,, Natural grass-fed Black Angus, BQA certified
Rocking A Cattle Co./Professional Performance Hooftrimmers, Robert Allemand, 806-663-2279, 806-4634513, P.O. Box 20773, Amarillo, TX, 79114,, www., Beef Cattle Services over 20 years experience including hoof trimming, Sale Prep, A.I. Services mobile chute and serving New Mexico, Texas and Colorado.and surrounding states.
Rocking R Ranch, Randell Major, 575-8383016, 575-854-2150, 577-854-2150, P.O. Box 244, Magdalena, NM, 87825, rmajor@, www.majorranches. com, Cross bred Charolais calves for sale.
Runft Charolais, Myron Runft, 785-527 -5047, 1460 Penn Rd., Bellview, KS, 66935,, www.runftcharolais. com, Charolais, Registered Charolais. Select Sires Member Cooperative, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Road, Columbus, OH, 43228, Stuart Schooley, Clovis NM 575-626-5983;Dan Curtin, Elida NM 928-368-3634; Terry Gowin, Jr, Marana AZ 520-449-5776; www,; Your reproductive solutions partners Shallow Creek Farms, Heidi Adams, 575-815-8909, 6074 Quay Road AK, Tucumcari, NM, 88401,, Boer Goats.
Spindle Show Steers, Tom Spindle, 505-3218808, PO Box 2884, Moriarty, NM, 87035,, Show steers and heifers for sale private treaty.
in Colfax County visit Cimarron and the Aztec Mill Museum
the Rayado”
United Country|New Mexico HomeRanch Realty , Jodie Chism, 575-361-0494, 575-981-2427, 702 N Canyon, Carlsbad, NM, 88220, unitedcountry@newmexicoho Specializing in farms and ranches, 1031 properties, and many other types of exceptional and highly sought after ranches. We have working knowledge of BLM, State, and Forest Service Ranches in NM.
Valley View Charolais Ranch, Buddy Westphal, 406-270-0222, 44601 Valley View Rd, Polson, MT, 59860, buddy@,, For 57 years we have sold 200 Two-Year-Old bulls sold Annually. Our 57th Annual Charolais Bull Sale March 25th. 2025. Heifers at private treaty.
Estancia Valley Beef Company , Jeff Herndon, 505-470-5353, 505-859-0229, 33 Valle Lindo Dr. Peralta, NM, 87042, All natural grass fed beef.
He Bar Hay , Megan Albrecht, 575-9932998, 575-654-2210, 7530 Keeler Road NW, Deming, NM 88030, moodyranch@, He Bar Hay located in Deming NM selling Alfalfa, Beardless Wheat, Purina Products, Protein Tubs, Loose mineral, and Redmond Salt. Open every Friday 9-6 and Saturday 8-4 all other days by appointment.
L/S Cattle Company , H.A (Speedy) and Leanne Hutcheson, 575-849-1122, Box 116, Corona, NM, 88318-0116, Buy, Sell, Trade all classes and breeds of livestock.
Range & Ranch Manag ement Services, Christopher D. Allison, 575-644-2460, 575-526-6178, 500 Cline Rd., Mesilla Park, NM, 88047,, Corriente, Range and Ranch Management Services - Christopher D Allison, PhD.
Ray Ranch, George H. Ray III, 575-4852559, 575-485-5599, 575-485-2559, 1483 Wagon Mound Highway, Roy, NM, 87743,, Corriente.
Torres Research & Consulting Services, Suzanne Smith, 575-835-8090, 505-2749231, 33 Tribal Road 28, Bosque Farms, NM, 87068,, www., Corriente, We provide assistance in all areas of water resource management including water rights research and filings with the State, water planning and mapping services.
Del Rio Land and Cattle Co., Matt Herrington/ Jim Layton, 928-322-4684, 150 W Discovery Park Blvd, Safford, AZ, 85546, Big Bend Trailers, GR Flatbeds, Tires, Pearson Squeeze Chutes, Fencing, pipe and sucker rod, solar/submersible pumps, storage tanks, drinkers, diaphragm floats, Mix 30, SweetPro supplements, and more.
Moellers Cross M Ranch, Rebecca Moeller, 575-835-2216, 575-418-8813, 575-8352216, P.O. Box 747, Socorro, NM, 87801,, Angus/ Longhorn Cross F1 heifers, steer calves, heifer bulls. Ranch location: I-25@Exit 263, NW Frontage Road, San Acacia, Patterson Cattle Co., Loren Patterson , 575-937-5458, PO Box 291, Corona , NM, 88318,, “Commercial Angus and F1 Black Baldies Replacement Heifers and Yearlings “
Pratt Farms, Loren Pratt, 520-568-2811, 529-568-2811, 44996 W. Papago Road, Maricopa, AZ, 85139,, F1s, Gelbvieh/Balancers, Finest selection of Brahman Bulls, Gelbvieh Bulls and F1 heifers available.
Spur Ranch Cattle Co. LLC, Tom Paterson, 832-640-1152, 713-653-7815, P.O. Box 95, Luna, NM, 87824, tpaterson@srcattle. com, We offer ranch-raised calves for sale in May and October. Steers average 525. Heifers average 500. Calves are from registered bulls on commercial cows. All calves are fully vaccinated.
American Gelbvieh Association,Megan Slater, 303-465-2333, 1001 S. 70th Street, Lincoln, NE 68510,,, Gelbvieh/Balancers, The American Gelbvieh Association is a beef cattle breed association dedicated to recording, promoting and improving Gelbvieh-influenced cattle.
Bartz Spencer Solar & Water Well Service, Kendal Wilson, 575-7998142, P.O. Box 1055, 12517 US HWY 54, CARRIZOZO, NM, NM, 88301, wilsonk@, “Water Well Service and Supply. Pumps, Tanks, Troughs, Pipe, Fittings, Power Source. Complete Solar Power Systems; Residential, Commercial, Industrial Statewide service and installation”
Bow K Ranch, Dave and Dawn Bowman, 970-323-6833, 970-275-9216, 55784 Holly Road, Olathe, CO, 81425, dave@,, 80 head of registered, high-altitude Gelbvieh, Balancer, & Angus: 40 yrs. A.I. Breeding, emphasis on calving-ease, moderate size, carcass. Females for sale. Bulls sell in Pot of Gold Bull Sale.
GGLP/Diamond G Ranch, Chris Gutierrez, 505-290-7763, P.O. Box 575, San Fidel, NM, 87049,, Gelbvieh/ Balancers, Hereford, Hereford and Gelbvieh Balancers.
Wilkinson Gelbvieh Ranch, Bill Wilkinson, 719-680-0462, 719-6800451, 23115 County Road 111.3 , Model, CO, 81059,, www., Wilkinson Gelbvieh Ranch is a family owned and operated cattle ranch, located in Model, Colorado. They raise Gelbvieh and Balancer cattle, selling 50 bulls each spring, as well as heifers.
B&H Herefords, Phil Harvey Jr/Jim Bob Burnett, 575-644-6925, 575-365-8291, 205 E. Cottonwood Rd, Lake Arthur, NM, 88253,,, Hereford, Reg. Hereford bulls, females and semen for sale.
Bar J Bar Hereford Ranch, Jim Darnell, 915-877-2535, 915-479-5299, 5 Paseo de Paz Lane, El Paso, TX, 79932,, Hereford, El Paso and NM Ranch - 5 Paseo de Paz, El Paso, TX. Oklahoma Ranch -located in Freedom, Woods County, OK. 915-4795299 or 915-549-2534.
Box Farms, Box Irrigation & Box Beef, Phillip Box, 575-576-2780, 575-403-7358, 2993 Quay Road 61, Tucumcari, NM, 88401,, none, We raise and sell beef direct to customers. We sell and service insurance. We sell PVC irrigation pipe and supplies.,
Bill King Ranch, Bill King, Tom Spindle, 505-220-9909, 505-321-8808, PO Box 2670, Moriarty, NM, 87035, bspin123@aol. com,, Quality Hereford, Polled Hereford, Charolais and Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale private treaty year round. We also sell alfalfa and silage.
Cattleman’s Livestock Commission Company , Curtis Lockhart, 806-2495505, P.O. Box 58, Dalhart, TX, 79022,, www., Hereford, Cattle sale every Thursday at 10am, Hereford livestock auction & diary sale every Tuesday at 2pm in Hereford, TX.
Clavel Ranch, Joe Clavel, 575-485-2591, HC 73 Box 181, Roy, NM, 87743, Hereford, Reg./ Comm. Hereford.
Coleman Herefords, Ken & Suzanne Coleman, 719-783-9324, 1271 County Rd. 115, Westcliffe, CO, 81252-9611, www., Hereford, Line One Breeding.
Cooper Brothers, Cooper Brothers, 575-6534440, Arabela Rt., Tinnie, NM, 88005, Hereford, Reg. & Comm. Hereford Cattle, comm. fine-wool sheep.
Copeland & Sons Herefords, LLC, Cliff Copeland, 575-403-8123, 580-336-8284, 4383 Nara Visa Hwy, Nara Visa, NM, 88430,,
Corn Herefords / Corn Ranches, Mike Corn, 575-420-3630, 212 E 4th St, Roswell, NM, 88201, Progressive Hereford cattle with high maternal traits, great spread between birth wt and weaning/yearling wts along with extra pigment!
Creighton’s Town and Country , Leslie Creighton, 575-356-3665, 575-356-2435, 1625 S. Ave. D, Portales, NM, 88130,,, Providing quality feed and supplies with an emphasis on customer service for your farm and ranch for over 20 years! Call us today!
Decker Herefords, 505-330-3179, 28 County Rd. 1332, La Plata, NM, 87415,, Hereford, Reg. Hereford Bulls.
Doherty Ranches, Jim, Tanky, Ben Doherty, 575-278-2654, 575-278-2191, Box 384, Folsom, NM, 88419, Hereford, Red Angus, Reg. & Comm. herefords and Red Angus cattle. Private treaty sales bulls, bred heifers, high quality grass hay.
Farr Cattle Company , Roy Farr, 575-8386325, P.O. Box 1000, Datil, NM, 87821,, Hereford, Comm. Herefords & Black Baldy.
Fast Herefords, John Fast, 580-6517497, RR 3 Box 180, Guymon, OK, 73945,, www., We produce stout made, sound structured Hereford bulls with good dispositions that are developed on range from a low input cowherd with an emphasis on fertility and longevity.
He Bar Hay , Megan Albrecht, 575-9932998, 575-654-2210, 7530 Keeler Road NW, Deming, NM 88030, moodyranch@, He Bar Hay located in Deming NM selling Alfalfa, Beardless Wheat, Purina Products, Protein Tubs, Loose mineral, and Redmond Salt. Open every Friday 9-6 and Saturday 8-4 all other days by appointment.
Hooper Cattle Co, Steve & Debbie Hooper, 575-773-4535, HC 32 Box 405 Red Hill Rt, Quemado, NM, 87829, www., Registered Herefords & Black Angus.
J. Doherty & Sons Cattle Co, J. Doherty, 575-278-2654, Box 460, Folsom, NM, 87747, Hereford, Comm. & Reg. Herefords bulls and show steers for sale private treaty. Comm. red baldies, bred females in the fall.
King Family Cattle Co, Garland King, 575-360-0295, 37273 Hwy 64/87, Capulin, NM, 88414,, Hereford, Comm. Herefords-Border Collie started dog & pups.
King Family Cattle Co, John B King, 575-278-2051, 37273 Hwy 64/87, Capulin, NM, 88414,, Hereford, Comm. Herefords.
King Herefords, Tommy & Becky Spindle, 505-321-8808, P.O. Box 2884, Moriarty, NM, 87035, Hereford, Reg. Herefords.
L/S Cattle Company , H.A (Speedy) and Leanne Hutcheson, 575-849-1122, Box 116, Corona, NM, 88318-0116, Buy, Sell, Trade all classes and breeds of livestock.
Massey Hereford Ranch, Sam Massey, 432-940-7720, P.O. Box 691, Stephenville, TX, 76401,,, Ranches at Stephenville and Wickett, TX. Top quality registered Hereford and Polled Hereford bulls, cows& heifers. Working range cattle and show prospects.
ML Cattle, MIke Bragg, 806-333-4486, 806-249-5367, 1923 Shawnee Trail, Dalhart, TX, 79022, mlcattle@mlcattle. com,, Hereford, Hereford bulls and replacement heifers.
Perez Cattle Company , Michael, Kyle & Drew Perez, 575-403-7970, 575-4037971, 9767 Quay Road O, Nara Visa, NM, 88430,, www., Hereford, Purebred and commercial Herefords for the pasture or the showring.
Philmont Scout Ranch, Dave Kennecke, 575-376-2281, 17 Deer Run Rd, Cimarron, NM, 87714, Hereford, Simmental/Simbrah, Comm. hereford/simmental cattle, Quarter Horses, alfalfa hay and Buffalo.
Rancho de Santa Barbara, Randy Sahd, 575-587-2486, 575-587-2211, P.O. Box 67, Penasco, NM, 87553, Hereford, Reg. Herefords.
Rancho Las Lagunas, Alfredo J. Roybal, 505-455-7211, 505-470-5630, 19-A Rancho Las Lagunas, Santa Fe, NM, 87506,, Hereford, Com Hereford & Black Baldy Replacement Heifers, Alfalfa & Alfalfa/grass Mix Hay in small square bales.
Rocking A Cattle Co./Professional Performance Hooftrimmers, Robert Allemand, 806-663-2279, 806-4634513, P.O. Box 20773, Amarillo, TX, 79114,, www., Beef Cattle Services over 20 years experience including hoof trimming, Sale Prep, A.I. Services mobile chute and serving New Mexico, Texas and Colorado.and surrounding states.
San Augustine Ranch, Mark Cox, 575-6785750, 575-589-1818, 575-589-0397, P.O.Box 205, 1515 Aguirre Spring Road, Organ, NM, 88052, sanaugustineranch@, sanhoopera ugustineranch. com. Commercial ranch raised calves and registered Herefords raised in partnership with B & H Herefords.
Select Sires Member Cooperative, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Road, Columbus, OH, 43228, Stuart Schooley, Clovis NM 575-626-5983;Dan Curtin, Elida NM 928-368-3634; Terry Gowin, Jr, Marana AZ 520-449-5776; www,; Your reproductive solutions partners
Spindle Show Steers, Tom Spindle, 505-3218808, PO Box 2884, Moriarty, NM, 87035,, Show steers and heifers for sale private treaty.
T4 Cattle Company LLC, Phil and Scott Bidegain, 575-868-2475, 575-403-7553, 5859 Quay Rd. BK, Tucumcari, NM, 88401, Hereford and black baldy cattle, American Quarterhorses.
Texas Hereford Association, 817-8313161, 817-821-3544, 817-831-3162, 4609 Airport Freeway, Fort Worth, TX, 76117,,, Hereford - Reg. & Comm. Hereford cattle. Hereford breed promotion and service to purebred and commercial cattle operations.
Whatley Longhorns , James Lynn Whatley, 505-269-8199, 575-542-9725, 17 Brown Ranch Rd, Redrock, NM, 88055, We provide gentle, halter broke Texas Longhorn show quality seed stock. Along with our herd sires, we AI to all time classic Longhorn bulls, We also provide grain finished Texas Longhorn beef.
W.O. Culbertson & Sons Inc. dba Culbertson - Whatley Ranch, Vivian Culbertson , 575-633-2852, 542 Culbertson Rd., Amistad , NM, 88410,, , West Star Hereford Ranch, Sheldon Wilson, 575-451-7469, 580-651-6000, Dry Cimarron Hwy, Fulsom, NM, 88419, Hereford, selling registered bulls and bred yearling heifers; cattle for sale year round.
Apache Creek Limousin Ranch, Tom & Barbara Sanders, 928-687-1863, 155 Sanders Dr., Duncan, AZ, 85534, Limousin/ Lim Flex/Brahmousin, Registered Limousin.
Bar LB Limousins, Frank Belcher, 575-7734810, HC 32 Box 220, Quemado, NM, 87829, Limousin/Lim Flex/Brahmousin, Reg. Limousin.
Big Bend Trailers/Rancho Espuela Akaushi, Jim & Kelie Dyer, 432-426-3435, 432-426-3336, 17257 State Hwy 166, Fort Davis, TX, 79734,,, Limousin/Lim Flex/Brahmousin, Trailers and Limousin cattle.
Clark Show Cattle, Charlie and Nida Clark, 505-832-4216, P.O. Box 14, Moriarty, NM, 87035, Limousin/Lim Flex/Brahmousin, Maine Anjou, Shorthorn, Limousin, Shorthorn, Main and crossbread, show cattle for 4-H and FFA.
Keeton Ranch LLC, Limousin/Lim Flex/ Brahmousin, Leornard or Lyle Keeton, 806-777-0230, 806-786-7428, 10510 County Road 1100, Wolfforth, TX, 79382,,, We supply black polled Limousin bulls and females as well as crossbred fall born show steer prospects.
Lazy 5 Mill Iron Cattle Co. LLC, Johnny Salas, 505-270-3954, 6 Serrania Dr, Edgewood , NM, 87015, Jsalas@, Registered Hereford and Charolais cattle. Free range, grass fed, all natural premium beef for sale. Available in whole or half configurations. A healthy choice for your beef needs.
McCall Land & Cattle Co., Howard McCall, 505-296-3434, 1524 Eubank NE, Suite 7, Albuquerque, NM, 87112, h4mccall@gmail. com, Limousin/Lim Flex/Brahmousin, Maine Anjou, Limousin, Maine Anjou, swine, pumpkins and alfalfa.
Running Creek Ranch, Joey Freund, 303-475-6062, 303-840-1850, 303-840-1849, 45400 CR 21, Elizabeth, CO, 80107,,, Limousin/Lim Flex/Brahmousin, Largest breeder of registered, performance Limousin in the US. Docile, Maternal, Moderate-Frame, Trait-Leading EPD’s, Polled and current feedlot / carcass data available.
Spring Creeks Cattle Co., Bob Mitchell, 608-553-0971, 608-553-8070, 48715 Hilldale Rd., Wauzeka, WI, 53826,, Breeding the Feeding Kind Purebred Seedstock.
A&K Land and Cattle Corp., Jeanette Kelley, 575-703-5198, P.O. Box 1419, Hope, NM, 88250,, Angus, Longhorns, Commercial Longhorn Angus cross cattle. Bar G Bar Buffalo Longhorn Ranch, Ron and Jan Gentry, 505-864-1220, 1910 Hwy. 304, Belen, NM, 87002, Longhorns, Reg. Longhorn.
Bodacious Longhorns LLC, D’Ann Brown, 713-301-0028, P.O. Box 715, Edgewood, NM, 87015,, Longhorns, Reg. Texas Longhorn cattle. BredTexas Longhorn cattle for sale; bulls for your first year heifers available for sale or lease.
Brewer Land & Cattle Co. llc, Dustin Brewer, 505-660-3061, 277 Western rd., Stanley, NM, 87056, Dustinandcandi@, Registered Texas Longhorn cattle for sale. Offering bulls for lease, replacement heifers, and yard art. We artificially breed to some of the best bulls in the breed.
Principal Financial, Robert Barnard, 575-373-3737, 1625 So. Main St #1, Las Cruces, NM, 88005, robert@4barcompany. com, Longhorns, Financial services and business continuation planning.
Rancho Magdalena, Lee Scholes, 575-8543091, P.O. Box 1112, Magdalena, NM, 87825,, Longhorns, Reg. Texas Longhorn; overnights, boarding; bed and breakfast.
Taylor Ranch, Jim or Wand a Taylor, 575-267-2819, 575-740-1115, HC 32 Box 45, Truth or Consequences, NM, 87901,, Longhorns, steel products & metal roofing.
Whatley Longhorns , James Lynn Whatley, 505-269-8199, 575-542-9725, 17 Brown Ranch Rd, Redrock, NM, 88055, We provide gentle, halter broke Texas Longhorn show quality seed stock. Along with our herd sires, we AI to all time classic Longhorn bulls. We also provide grain finished Texas Longhorn beef.
Bar 3M Maine-Anjou, Royce Poncho Maple, 575-625-2843, 3306 Woodbine Way, Roswell, NM, 88203, Maine Anjou, Reg. Maine-Anjou and club calves.
Cameron Creek Show Calves, Leslie Pugmire, 575-538-1700, 575-534-4952, 37 Acorn Drive, Silver City, NM, 88061,, Club Steers and Club Heifers,
Grau Charolais Ranch, Lane Grau, 575-7606336, 575-760-4510, 1680 CR 37, Grady, NM, 88120,, Quality Charolais Bulls and female seedstock. Linebred for superior hybrid-vigor. Only continuously performance tested Charolais herd in region! RFI testing and Gain. Also Red Angus and Angus cross. Hopkins Cattle, Hank or KeliKay Hopkins, 575-740-3938, 575-740-2467, HC 31 Box 182, Williamsburg, NM, 87942, hkck94@, Maine Anjou, Offering Maine influenced club calves and registered Brahman cattle.
J3 Cattle Company , Joshua & Katie Ramsey, 575-921-3895, 575-921-5990, P.O. Box 26, Alamgordo, NM, 88311, joshuaramsey24@,, Maine Anjou, Shorthorn, Shorthorn and Maine influenced cattle, show steers and heifers; Contact us with questions on show feeds.
Lazy JB Angus LLC, Kathi Creamer, 970-596-0045, 970-596-2092, 17270 6450 Rd., Montrose, CO, 81403, kathi@lazyjb. com,, Jeff, Kathi, Brandon & Britney - Semen Available on herd sires, Private Treaty Heifer & Steer Sales - Online Show Heifer Sale, Oct.7, 2024 - Annual Bull Sale, March, 2025. Visitors are always welcome!
Spindle Show Steers, Tom Spindle, 505-3218808, PO Box 2884, Moriarty, NM, 87035,, Show steers and heifers for sale private treaty.
TS Show Steers, Truman Smith DVM, 575-445-3912, Box 237, Raton, NM, 87740,, Maine Anjou, Comm. Maine-Anjou cross, Shorthorn cross, Angus cross.
TV Cattle, Steve & Dara Vaughan, 580-4262239, Hc 1, Box 8, Boise City, OK, 73933, Maine Anjou, The Southwest’s best source for Maine-Anjou genetics, bull, heifers, show steers.
Vagabond Cattle Co, Aubrey or Robin Dunn, 575-653-4910, P.O. Box 1047, Roswell, NM, 88202,, Maine Anjou, Reg. & Comm. cattle; MaineAnjou bulls and replacement heifers; also corriente roping steers.
Bill King Ranch, Bill King, Tom Spindle, 505-220-9909, 505-321-8808, PO Box 2670, Moriarty, NM, 87035, bspin123@aol. com,, Quality Hereford, Polled Hereford, Charolais and Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale private treaty year round. We also sell alfalfa and silage.
Birdwell Ranch, James Birdwell or Joel Birdwell, 580-695-2352, 405-368-1058, 16950 NE Wolf Rd, P.O. Box 521, Fletcher , OK, 73541,, Birdwell Ranch supplier of performance high quality bulls.
Doug Hall Family Registered Herefords, Douglas Hall, 970-985-2938, 970-9852938, 1634 M. Road, Fruita, CO, 81521,, Have registered Polled Hereford Bulls for sale at UBIA sale and at private treaty, and Heifers.
Massey Hereford Ranch, Sam Massey, 432-940-7720, P.O. Box 691, Stephenville, TX, 76401,,, Ranches at Stephenville and Wickett, TX. Top quality registered Hereford and Polled Hereford bulls, cows& heifers. Working range cattle and show prospects.
Phil Allen & Son Polled Herefords, Shannon Allen, 435-624-3285, 1151 North Main, Antimony, UT, 84712, sjallen@, Polled Herefords, We have raised and sold registered Polled Hereford breeding stock since 1948. One of the oldest and largest Polled Hereford herds in the west. Selling bulls and replacement heifers.
Spindle Show Steers, Tom Spindle, 505-3218808, PO Box 2884, Moriarty, NM, 87035,, Show steers and heifers for sale private treaty.
Tom Robb & Sons, Tom Robb, 719-4561149, 34125 Rd. 20, McClave, CO, 81057,, Polled Herefords, Registered Polled Herefords.
United Country|New Mexico HomeRanch Realty , Jodie Chism, 575-361-0494, 575-981-2427, 702 N Canyon, Carlsbad, NM, 88220, unitedcountry@newmexicoho Specializing in farms and ranches, 1031 properties, and many other types of exceptional and highly sought after ranches. We have working knowledge of BLM, State, and Forest Service Ranches in NM.
USA Ranch, Manuel Salazar, 575-638-5434, P.O. Box 867, Espanola, NM, 87532, Polled Herefords, Registered and commercial cattle, bulls and for sale at the farm.
Alta Vista Ranch, Doug or Oliver Soukup, 915-479-2994, 5407 Rio Penasco Rd- US Hwy 82, Mayhill, NM, 88339, Comm. Red and Black Angus, baled round bales, hunting and fishing.
Bartz Spencer Solar & Water Well Service , Kendal Wilson, 575-799-8142, P.O. Box 1055, 12517 US Hwy 54, Carrizozo, NM, 88301,, “Water Well Service and Supply. Pumps, Tanks, Troughs, Pipe, Fittings, Power Source. Complete Solar Power Systems; Residential, Commercial, Industrial Statewide service and installation”
Crockett Ranch , Will & P J Crockett , 575-703-5970, 575-512-7225, PO Box 125, Hope, NM, 88250,, Crockett Ranch Registered & Commercial Red Angus Cattle, bulls and females available.
Del Rio Land and Cattle Co., Matt Herrington/ Jim Layton, 928-322-4684, 150 W Discovery Park Blvd, Safford, AZ, 85546, Big Bend Trailers, GR Flatbeds, Tires, Pearson Squeeze Chutes, Fencing, pipe and sucker rod, solar/submersible pumps, storage tanks, drinkers, diaphragm floats, Mix 30, SweetPro supplements, and more.
Grau Charolais Ranch, Lane Grau, 575-7606336, 575-760-4510, 1680 CR 37, Grady, NM, 88120,, Quality Charolais Bulls and female seedstock. Linebred for superior hybrid-vigor. Only continuously performance tested Charolais herd in region! RFI testing and Gain. Also Red Angus and Angus cross.
K2 Red Angus, Kim Cullen Goertz, 307-3312917, 2 S. Geortz Road, Wheatland, WY, 82201,,, Functional, Fertile, Efficient Red Angus cattle. Bull Sale every February. Commercial Female Sale every November. PAP Testing our bulls for over 25 years. Range-raised and ranch- ready cattle.
Last Go Round Foundation Paint and Quarter Horses , P J Crockett , 575-5127225, PO Box 132, Hope, NM, 88250, pj@, Old school Foundation Paint and Quarter Horses; studs for breeding, colts & fillies available. Red Angus cattle.
Lazy D Ranch, 575-318-4086, 2022 N. Turner, Hobbs, NM, 88240, Red Angus, Producing winners in the show ring or the field. 303-770-9292 303-770-9292
Lazy Way Ranch, Wayne & Anita Reams, 575-441-4488, 1550 Knowles Road, Lovington, NM, 88260, wareams@msn. com, Red Angus, Registered Red Angus bulls, yearlings & bred heifers.
M&J Cattle, Jose R Maestas, 505-929-1359, 505-753-7873, P.O. Box 1024, Espanola, NM, 87532,, Red Angus, Seed stock producer registered Red Angus bulls and heifers.
Manzano Angus Ranches, Bill Gardner or Cole Gardner, 505-705-2855, 575-9105952, 502 County Road B107, Estancia, NM 87016-8027, Estancia, NM, 87016,, www., Angus, Registered Angus Seedstock, Annual Bull SaleMarch, Maternally Efficient, Practical Size and Milk, Efficient Growth, Parsons Ranch 7K/8K EL., Bernard and Ann Parsons, 719-868-2291, 719-859-8888, 17655 State HY 12, Weston, CO, 81091,, N/A, Parsons Ranch (7K-8K Elevation) - AQH’s Size/ Sense, Big Game Hunting, Phil Allen & Son Polled Herefords, Shannon Allen, 435-624-3285, 1151 North Main, Antimony, UT, 84712, sjallen@, We have raised and sold registered Polled Hereford breeding stock since 1948. One of the oldest and largest Polled Hereford herds in the west. Selling bulls and replacement heifers. Rocking A Cattle Co./Professional Performance Hooftrimmers, Robert Allemand, 806-663-2279, 806-4634513, P.O. Box 20773, Amarillo, TX, 79114,, www., Beef Cattle Services over 20 years experience including hoof trimming, Sale Prep, A.I. Services mobile chute and serving New Mexico, Texas and Colorado.and surrounding states.
Santa Rita Ranch, Andrew & Micaela McGibbon, 520-393-1722, 8200 Box Canyon Rd, Green Valley, AZ, 85614,, Red Angus, Red Angus Bulls.
Southern Star Ranch, Michael & Claudia Sander, 956-968-9650, 956-968-4528, 1807 Forest Land, Weslaco, TX, 78596,, Red Angus, Registered Red Angus.
Spring Creeks Cattle Co., Bob Mitchell, 608-553-0971, 608-553-8070, 48715 Hilldale Rd., Wauzeka, WI, 53826,, Breeding the Feeding Kind Purebred Seedstock
T/J Ranch, Pat Jenks, 575-547-2601, Box 80, Luna, NM, 87824, lunarenegade75@gmail. com, Red Angus, Red Angus cross.
ROD Ranch Red Brangus, Rod Hille, 575-894-7983 ranch, 575-740-1068 cell, HC 32, Box 79, Truth or Consequences NM 87901. For Sale: Registered & Commercial Bulls & Heifers
American Salers Association, Sherry Doubet, 303-770-9292, 303-770-9302, 19590 E. Main Street, Suite 104 Parker, CO, 80138,, www., Salers, Become a member and register your salers cattle.
Elizabeth Cattle, Brian Dropps, 575-5177194, P.O. Box 583, Reserve, NM, 87830,, Elizabeth Cattle, Brian Dropps, P.O. Box 583, Reserve, NM 87830, 575-517-7194. Black Angus Producer.,
Adolfo V. Sanchez MD, Adolfo Sanchez, 505-864-7781, 703 Christopher Rd, Belen, NM, 87002,, Santa Gertrudis, Shorthorn, cattle, alfalfa and grass hay, family physician.
L & K Cattle Co, LLC, George Klein, 214-7382046, 575-391-0841, 6800 W Carlsbad Hwy, PO Box 1503, Hobbs, NM, 88241-1503,, L & K Cattle Co, LLC,
Lazy Bell Land and Cattle, E G Abernathy, 575-762-0214, 1401 Eastridge Drive, Clovis, NM, 88101,, Santa Gertrudis/Angus cross cattle.
Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment Sales, Alvin Kaddatz, 254-582-3000, 254-337-1189, 535 HCR 4223, Hillsboro, TX, 76645, akaddatz@, https://kaddatzequipment. com/, New and Used Farm Equipment, Salvage Tractors and Implements, New & Used Tractor Parts & Farm Equipment Parts, Farm Equipment Auctions, and Farm Equipment Appraisals and Machinery Appraisals.
O/X Ranch, Stacey Montano, 505-429-0067, P.O. Box 396, Las Vegas, NM, 87701, Santa Gertrudis, Reg. & Comm. Santa Gertrudis.
Red Doc Farm, Emilio Sanchez, Manager, 505-507-7781, 703 S. Christopher Rd., Belen, NM, 87002, ronda@reddocfarm. com, Registered Santa Gertrudis Cattle, USDA Inspected Beef, Beans, Corn, Alfalfa and Hay, ag products 505-508-7771 Elia Sanchez, Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 361-592-9357, P.O. Box 1257, Kingsville, TX, 78364,,, SGBI is the official association of the Santa Gertrudis breed, offering registration services, performance and genetic evaluation, education, marketing and promotion support and member services. Adolfo Sanchez, President
Yucca Veterinary Medical Center, Florian Sanchez, DVM, 505-864-6001, 505-8646430, 1837 Camino del Llano, Belen, NM, 87002,, www., Santa Gertrudis, Yucca Veterinary Medical Center.
American Shorthorn Association, Montie D. Soules, Executuve / CEO, 816-599-7777, 816-599-7782, 7607 NW Prairie View Road, Kansas City, MO, 64151, msoules@, Shorthorn, Register and Provide Performance data for Shorthorn Cattle and Shorthorn influenced Cattle. Cameron Creek Show Calves, Leslie Pugmire, 575-538-1700, 575-534-4952, 37 Acorn Drive, Silver City, NM, 88061,, Club Steers and Club Heifers,
Conniff Cattle Co., LLC , John Conniff, 575-644-2900, 1500 Snow Road, Las Cruces, NM 88005, NM, 88005, john@, ConniffCattle, LLC, Selling Registered Black Angus and Shorthorn Cattle.
Red Doc Farm, Emilio Sanchez, Manager, 505-507-7781, 703 S. Christopher Rd., Belen, NM, 87002, ronda@reddocfarm. com, Registered Santa Gertrudis Cattle, USDA Inspected Beef, Beans, Corn, Alfalfa and Hay, ag products 505-508-7771 Elia Sanchez,
Campbell Simmentals, Robert or Chris Campbell, 970-563-9070, 970-7499708, 5690 CR 321, Ignacio, CO, 81137, Simmental/Simbrah, Black Simmentals & Simangus.
Lazy JB Angus LLC, Kathi Creamer, 970-596-0045, 970-596-2092, 17270 6450 Rd., Montrose, CO, 81403, kathi@lazyjb. com,, Jeff, Kathi, Brandon & Britney - Semen Available on herd sires, Private Treaty Heifer & Steer Sales - Online Show Heifer Sale, Oct.7, 2024 - Annual Bull Sale, March, 2025. Visitors are always welcome!
Select Sires Member Cooperative, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Road, Columbus, OH, 43228, Stuart Schooley, Clovis NM 575-626-5983;Dan Curtin, Elida NM 928-368-3634; Terry Gowin, Jr, Marana AZ 520-449-5776; www,; Your reproductive solutions partners
St. Vrain Simmentals, Gary Bogott, 303-517-6113, 12748 Weld Co. Rd. 1, Longmont, CO, 80504, tbogott2@aol. com, Simmental/Simbrah, Registered Simmentals, red and black.
Williams Ranch Supply , 505-238-5646, 575-773-4112, 56 Candelaria S, Quemado, NM, 87829, Certified Dealer with Purina, Suther Feed, MooreMans Show Feed, Mesa Feeds , Lakin Pellets, AC Nutrition, Chaffhaye Alfalfa & Hubbard feeds! Authorized dealer for Arrowquip chutes.
2 C Slash Ranch, Calder and Candy Ezzell, 575-625-0550, P.O. Box 2125, Roswell, NM, 88202,, Reg. and commercial cattle.
Bar A Ranch , Charles Sullivan, 575-7725619, 301 Sullivan Ranch Rd., Winston, NM, 87943,, Charolais Bulls & Heifers for sale., Beaverhead Ranch, Jack or Kaye Diamond, 575-772-5677, HC 30 Box 446, Winston, NM, 87943, info@beaverheadoutfitters. com, Commercial yearlings – professional hunting.
Bell Ranch, 575-868-2207, 181 Bell Ranch Drive, Bell Ranch, NM, 88431, .Comm. Red Bell composites reg. horses, reg. good ranch ranch-type horses.
Bow K Ranch, Dave and Dawn Bowman, 970-323-6833, 970-323-6833, 55784
85 head of registered, high-altitude Gelbvieh, Balancer, & Angus: 39 yrs. A.I. Breeding, emphasis on calving-ease, moderate size, carcass. Females for sale. Bulls sell in Pot of Gold Bull Sale.
Cameron Creek Show Calves, Leslie Pugmire, 575-538-1700, 575-534-4952, 37 Acorn Drive, Silver City, NM, 88061,, Club Steers and Club Heifers.
Circle B Ranch, Paul Madrid, 505-250-4456, 505-259-4823, PO Box 306, Bernaillo, NM, 87004,, Angus and Irish black cattle, .
Clearview Ranch LLC, RW or Lisa Hampton, 575-770-7073, HRC 61 Box 5, Miami, NM, 87729, Comm. cattle and Horses.
Cody & Becky Harwell Ranch, Cody or Becky, 575-687-3791, 813 Piñon Dunken Hwy, Piñon, NM, 88344, codybecky@pvtn. net, Comm. cattle, well repair. Becky real estate agent with Louis Oliver broker.
Coker Ranch, Carol Coker, 575-772-5788, Box 2, Datil, NM, 87821, Commercial Black Baldy.
Cowtown Feed & Livestock , Dudley Byerley, 505-722-6913, 505-870-2535, #14 Hamilton Rd US Hwy 491, Gallup, NM, 87305,, Buyer and seller of all classes of livestock, wool and mohair.
Danley Ranch, Justin Danley , 575-4300848, 1404 w3 rd, Tularosa, NM, 88352,, Ranch raised Beef Sold by the whole or half. No hormones antibiotics or feed additives $4.00 per pound on the hanging weight plus processing corn finished (575)430-0848
Dos Rios Ranch, Joe H. Knowles MD, 575-483-5957, HCR 60 Box 6, Springer, NM, 87747, Reg. Salorn and Texas Longhorns.
Elizabeth Cattle, Brian Dropps, 575-5177194, P.O. Box 583, Reserve, NM, 87830,, Angus Producer.
El Rito Lobato West Cattle Association, Donald Martinez/Josh Archuleta, 575-581-9144, P.O. Box 814, El Rito, NM, 87530,, Offering high altitude ranch raised calves for fall marketing.
F & F Cattle Company , Michael S. Fitzgerald, 575-673-2346, 130 Fitzgerald Lane, Mosquero, NM, NM, 87733,, Commercial cattle, AQHA registered horses, winter wheat, hay.
Figure 4 Cattle Company , Gary Volk, 970-835-3944, P.O. Box 149 , Eckert, CO, 81418,, www.
Flying W Diamond Ranch, 575-354-0770, 575-644-6396, 385 Martin Ranch Road, Capitan, NM, 88316, edtinsley@thg-llc. com,
High Nogal Ranch & Triple Creek Ranch, Joe David Yates, 512-567-3036, Box 965, Llano, TX, 78643,, Comm. cow calf & yearlings; Reg. ranch horses; real estate sales and aquisitions.
Hugh B McKeen Ranch, Hugh B. McKeen, 575-539-2733, HC 61 Box 175, Glenwood, NM, 88039,, Comm. cattle; beautiful park area suitable for weddings, parties, reunions, tennis court and swimming pond.
John Sparks 602-989-8817 Agents Wanted
Keeton Limousin Ranch, Leonard Keeton, 806-777-0230, 806-786-7428, 10510 County Road 1100, Wolfforth, TX, 79382,, www.keetonlimousinranch. com, We supply registered Limousin breeding bulls and females. as well as fall born crossbred We also supply fall born crossbred show steers which are marketed on SC Online sales in early March or April.
Kinetic Improvement Inc, Patrick W. Pickett, 505-298-8842, Box 16103, Albuquerque, NM, 87191, info@ Improve with Kenetics.
Lazy Bell Land and Cattle, E G Abernathy, 575-762-0214, 1401 Eastridge Drive, Clovis, NM, 88101,, Santa Gertrudis/Angus cross cattle.
Lowry Show Calves, Trey Lowry, 575-6446820, 2551 Calle Del Norte, Las Cruces, NM, 88005,
Lust Angus, Tim and Dru Lust, 806-831-6777, 806-438-3127, 2946 IH 27, Abernathy, TX, 79311, Registered and commercial Angus bulls and females.
Manzano Angus Ranches, Bill Gardner or Cole Gardner, 505-705-2855, 575-9105952, 502 County Road B107, Estancia, NM 87016-8027, Estancia, NM, 87016,, www., Angus, Registered Angus Seedstock, Annual Bull SaleMarch, Maternally Efficient, Practical Size and Milk, Efficient Growth,
Melton Ranch, Pat Melton, 505-617-0777, 57 Melton Ranch Rd., Las Vegas, NM, 87701, Comm. cattle; pasture yearlings for the five-month growing season on 11, 000+ acres.
MJ Cattle Co, Matt or Jodie Chism, 575-9812516, 575-361-0494, 182 Klondike Gap Rd, Carlsbad, NM, 88220, chismjodie@gmail. com . We specialize in rock footed, high altitude ranch raised calves. BQA certified. Hunting and Real Estate.
Nelson’s Meats/Nelson’s Spear T Ranch, Larry Nelson, 505-836-3330, 929 Old Coors Rd SW, Albuquerque, NM, 87121,, Comm. cattle-we sell all natural beef sides and quarters.
Parsons Ranch 7K/8K EL., Bernard and Ann Parsons, 719-868-2291, 719-859-8888, 17655 State HY 12, Weston, CO, 81091,, N/A, Parsons Ranch (7K-8K Elevation) - AQH’s Size/ Sense, Big Game Hunting,
Pot of Gold Bull Sale, Dave Bowman, 970-323-6833, 970-275-9216, 55784 Holly Road, Olathe, CO 81425, davedawn@,, 34th annual bull sale, Montrose, CO selling top quality registered yearlings. PAP, Trich, fertility, & PI-BVD tested. Gelbvieh & Balancer. Reds & Blacks. Sale last Friday in February.
Rio Arriba Farm & Livestock Bureau, Aileen Prada Martinez, 575-581-9144, P.O. Box 814, El Rito, NM, 87530,, Your county voice for agriculture. A grassroots organization assisting farmers and ranchers at county, state and national levels.
Rocking A Cattle Co., Robert Allemand, 806-663-2279, P.O. Box 20773, Amarillo, TX, 79114,,, Professional Hoof Trimming for beef cattle and performance cattle. We serve the southwest, Texas and surrounding areas. We are not dairy trimmers. Call or Text Robert for info. (806)663-2279
Rocking R Ranch, Randell Major, 575-8383016, 575-854-2150, 577-854-2150, P.O. Box 244, Magdalena, NM, 87825, rmajor@, www.majorranches. com, Cross bred Charolais calves for sale
Sire-Source, Patrick Pachta, 505-4000312, P.O. Box 121, Encino , NM, 88321,, siresource. com, Sire-Source is a site designed to market bulls for all seed stock breeders in one location. Ability to narrow your search by selecting the EPD’s interested in. Video and pictures available.
Spur Lake Cattle Company , Nelson Shirley, 575-547-2818, P.O. Box 277, Springerville, AZ, 85928, Comm. cattle.
Spur Ranch Cattle Co. LLC, Tom Paterson, 832-640-1152, 713-653-7815, P.O. Box 95, Luna, NM, 87824, tpaterson@srcattle. com, We offer ranch-raised calves for sale in May and October. Steers average 525. Heifers average 500. Calves are from registered bulls on commercial cows. All calves are fully vaccinated.
Thompson Ranch, Ernest Thompson, 575-423-3313, 505-818-7284, HC 66 Box 613 , Mountainair, NM, 87036, thompson., thompsonranch. net, Thompson Ranch Black Angus Bulls & Heifers Registered & Commercial ,
Valley View Charolais Ranch, Buddy Westphal, 406-270-0222, 44601 Valley View Rd, Polson, MT, 59860, buddy@,, For 57 years we have sold 200 Two-Year-Old bulls sold Annually. Our 57th Annual Charolais Bull Sale March 25th. 2025. Heifers at private treaty.
Z Summers Ranch, Hoz, 575-773-4746, HC 32 Box 402, Quemado, NM, 87829,, Lease grass to other ranchers.
Zenitram Ranch, Donald Martinez Jr. 575-581-9144, 505-927-1838, PO Box 814, El Rito, NM, 87530,, Commercial high altitude raised South Devon crossed calves for sale. Breeding stock and calves for meat. Processing and delivery is available.
Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment Sales
Lex Jaramillo’s
Jaramillo's” on Craigslist under Farm & Garden
B Highway 47, Bosque Farms, NM 87068
½ Corriente, ½ Angus bulls. All Solid Black Virgins
½ Corriente, ½ Angus Bred Heifers & Young Pairs Solid Black
Matt • 806/292-1035
Steve • 806/292-1039
Lockney, Texas • Claude, Texas Columbus, New Mexico
Box 2 Picacho, NM 88343 575/653-4617
55784 Holly Road Olathe, CO 81425 970-323-6833
More pounds, more profit.
Charolais genetics deliver more pounds at weaning, with added red-meat yield and conversion. Contact your AICA fieldman for assistance in finding Charolais bulls, females, and to learn about CharAdvantage feeder calf marketing premiums. Visit to learn more.
State Wildlife Action Plan for New Mexico Topic of Public Meetings
The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish is holding two public meetings to discuss the 10-year review and revision of the State Wildlife Action Plan for New Mexico (SWAP). The SWAP revision process was initiated in May 2023 and presented at the State Game Commission meeting on Aug. 25, 2023. The final revision is due to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by Oct. 1, 2025.
The SWAP identifies Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN), their habitats, threats, and conservation actions that can be taken to mitigate these threats and benefit SGCN. Part of the revision process is to review and update the SGCN list to reflect the latest scientific information. The draft SGCN list and slides to be presented during the public meetings will be posted on the Department’s website and available for review by June 28, 2024.
The two hybrid public meetings will open with a 30-minute presentation on the SWAP review and revision process and progress made to date. The remainder of the meetings will be open for public comment from both in-person and virtual audiences.
To gather public comments, two hybrid public meetings have been scheduled for the following dates and locations:
Ї July 29, 2024: Albuquerque, 6-7:30 p.m. 7816 Alamo Rd. NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Ї July 30, 2024: Las Cruces, 6-7:30 p.m. 2715 E. Northrise Dr., Las Cruces, New Mexico
Comments on the SWAP revision process can be provided by email, dgf-SWAP@dgf., or in person at one of the meetings listed above.
These topics will also be discussed at State Game Commission meetings on Aug. 9, 2024, and in spring and summer 2025.
To attend either meeting via Zoom, please register at one of the below links:
For the Albuquerque meeting:
Click here to register: webinar/register/WN_iyZ6YjH-TVmfEo5WxuvjCA#/registration
For the Las Cruces meeting: Click here to register.
DOUBLE BAR R RANCH, NOGALES, AZ — 110 deeded, w/12,224 NF Grazing land, runs 380 yearlong, Great improvements, high rain area. Priced at $3,500,000
TYLER RANCH/FARM — York Az, 544 deeded with 173 irrigated, along with 14,000 state and Blm lease land. 300 head mother cows yearlong. Priced @$2,300,000
JANUARY — Wildlife; Gelbvieh; Joint Stockmen’s Convention Results
FEBRUARY — Beefmasters; Texas Longhorns
MARCH — Limousin; Santa Gertrudis
APRIL — Dairy
MAY — News of the Day
JUNE Sheepman of the Year
JULY — Directory of Agriculture
AUGUST — The Horse Industry
SEPTEMBER — Charolais; Fairs Across the Southwest
OCTOBER — Hereford; New Mexico State Fair Results
NOVEMBER — Cattleman of the Year; Angus; Brangus; Red Angus; Joint Stockmen’s Convention Preview
DECEMBER — Bull Buyers Guide
I have many qualified Buyers looking for Ranches. Give me a call If you are looking to Buy or Sell a Ranch or Farm in Southwestern NM or Southern AZ give us a call ... Sam Hubbell, Qualifying Broker 520-609-2546 Plan advertisingyourfor the coming year!
Buyers are looking for a ranch. If you have a ranch to sell, give me a call.
Lifetime rancher who is familiar with federal land management policies
Tom Sidwell, Qualifying Broker 6237 State Highway 209, Tucumcari, NM 88401 • 575-403-6903 •
(PRICE REDUCED) The Sand Camp Ranch is a quality desert ranch with an excellent grass cover and above average improvements. Located in southern Chaves County east of the productive Pecos River Valley. The ranch is comprised of 2,380 +/- deeded acres, 6,074 NM State Lease Acres, 23,653 Federal BLM Lease Acres and 480 acres Uncontrolled, 32,107 +/- total acres (50.17 Sections). Grazing Capacity set by a Section 3 BLM grazing permit at 405 Animal Units Yearlong. The ranch is watered by five primary wells and an extensive pipeline system. This ranch is ready to go, no deferred maintenance. Price: $3,672,000. This one of the better ranches in the area. It is nicely improved and well-watered. You won’t find anything comparable for the price. Call or email for a brochure and an appointment to come take a look.
740 ± Acres of unimproved native grassland located four miles west of Roswell in the Six Mile Hill area with frontage along U.S. Highway 70/380. This parcel is fenced on three sides and adjoins 120 acres of additional land that may be purchased. Great investment. $600 per acre.
Block Ranch
49,194± Total Acres | $41,559,900 | Lincoln County, New Mexico
The Block Ranch contains 48,894± deeded acres and is located in an area of Southeastern New Mexico that is highly recognized for having outstanding livestock grazing throughout the more open native grass portions of the country, with wooded areas offering excellent wildlife habitat. The current owner has spent considerable money updating water infrastructure, eradicating invading brush, and has recently built a beautiful owner’s home on the property. The terrain of the Block Ranch consists of a combination of rolling piñon/juniper country with scattered ponderosa pines and live oak trees, transitioning to open grama grass prairies. Rolling and hilly, very productive open pastureland is generally found in northern pastures on the ranch. The open grazing areas generally have a solid turf of very palatable native grasses, such as grama, western wheat, along with some side oats and bluestem varieties. The southern portion of the ranch generally becomes a bit more rocky, more broken, and steeper with a moderate to sometimes dense canopy of juniper and piñon. Overall, it is estimated that approximately 80% of the ranch is described as open prime livestock grazing areas and the other 20% is rolling hillsides, interspersed with wide valleys, open meadows, and very productive sub-irrigated vega bottomlands.
The Block Ranch is very well-improved. The owner’s home is located on an elevated hillside overlooking the wide vega bottom. This home has a large open porch area with outstanding views of the mountains to the south. The original main headquarters, which are located on the southwest side of the property, consist of a well-kept ranch manager’s home, along with a large, detached garage, a good bunkhouse, horse barn, shop, storage barns, airplane hangar, and horse pens.
The ranch is exceptionally well watered and has a tremendous and somewhat unique feature in the amazing Macho Spring, which flows an average of approximately 170 gallons per minute of clear, cool, spring fed quality water. In total, there are an estimated 55± miles of waterlines used to transport water throughout major portions of the property with most of these waterlines being directly tied to Macho Spring. $850 per deeded acre.
100 Ranch
55,439± Total Acres | $11,900,000 | Socorro and Lincoln Counties, New Mexico
The 100 Ranch is a 55,439.22± acre ranch offering cattle production opportunities as well as big game hunting. Big game on the ranch includes trophy bull elk, trophy mule deer, trophy antelope, oryx, and mountain lion. The acreage is comprised of 15,941 deeded acres more or less, 9,208.22 NM State Lease Land, and 30,290 BLM acres. This working ranch is currently permitted by the BLM for 1,183 animal units and 17 horses. Headquarter improvements include four mobile homes, one site-built residence, a barn, shop, scales, working and range corrals, hay barn, and airplane hangar. The ranch is fenced and cross-fenced for proper grazing management. The terrain is characterized by rolling piñon-juniper hills, canyons and the Chupadera Mesa. There are outstanding views of Sierra Blanca and the Jicarilla Mountains. The ranch is adequately watered by an extensive pipeline system providing water to storage tanks for livestock/wildlife drinkers. There are 6 water wells on the ranch with submersible pumps, both solar and electric, 52 drinkers, and 38 dirt tanks. This ranch is currently stocked with 860± cows and calves and 60± bulls. The ranch also supports a rather good size herd of resident elk. Trophy bulls in the upper age class of 7+ frequent the ranch from the nearby Oscura Mountains (WSMR) during the rut. The largest bull harvested so far was estimated at 425 green B&C.
L6 Cattle Ranch
This well improved, working cattle ranch is located between Corona and Vaughn in the heart of New Mexico’s best wind corridor. Eleven operating wind towers are located on the property, generating substantial long-term no-risk cash flow. A copy of the wind lease is available upon execution of a confidentiality agreement.
The L6 Cattle Ranch has historically been operated as a cow/calf ranching unit. The ranch is well watered and well improved with an attractive owner’s home, horse barn, covered arena, additional outbuildings, and pipe working pens. The topography is gently rolling and sloping with scattered juniper outcrops.
This operating cattle ranch is realistically priced at $1,170 per acre, which includes all wind generation revenue.
*SOLD* 472+/- Acre Organic Apple Orchard offered in 5 Tracts
Tract 1 – 158+/- Acre with approximately 131 ac of trees, 24,075+/- s.f. of apple processing facilities, cold storage, retail center, two homes, & wells.
Tract 3 – 6 6+/- Acre with approximately 59 acre of trees, and new well.
Tract 4 – 145 +/- Acre, with approximately 125 acre of trees, mfg home, and well.
Tract 5 – 100+/- Acre, with approximately 96 acre of trees and well.
Auction to be held April 4, 2024, Online and live. Don’t miss the opportunity to own all or part of this great property. Contact Paul Ramirez for auction details and Harry Owens for property details.
*NEW* Farm - Apache Grove, AZ – 335+/- total acres along the scenic Gila River. 120+/acres of decreed water rights. Pivot and pastures planted in Bermuda. Owner runs 150 head. One bedroom apartment over garage/office, 30’ x 150’steel barn, plus smaller steel barn, shop/feed room/ tack room, excellent corrals, with squeeze chute, calf table and scale. Must see! $2.5M
*SOLD*1883.45+/- Acres, McNeal, AZ – Frontier Roads. Good access, 2 registered wells, dirt tanks, fully fenced. Current owner runs 80+/- head seasonally $941,725 Reduced to $847,552 Call Paul Ramirez 520-241-3333.
150+/- Acre Farm, Willcox, AZ – 120 Acre full circle pivot with two wells. Ideal location for hay, pecans, pistachios, wine grape cultivation or other crops. Good water, productive soil. Convenient access to I-10.
*PENDING* 305+/- Acres of Land on Ash Creek Pearce, AZ –Excellent potential for agricultural development, qualifies for organic farming, cleared of Mesquites in 2010, good prospect for pecans, wine grapes, corn, cotton, hay. FAA approved landing strip, two domestic wells, fenced and cross fenced. Ask about the solar options available with this property. $457,000
*SOLD* 98+/- Deeded Acre Farm, Bonita, AZ – Great farm in a picture-perfect setting! Two small pivots with 35 acres of water rights. 3 BR, 2 BA Shultz mfg home; 3-sided hay/machine shed, 1,560+/- s.f. shop, hay shed, Connex box, nice set of guardrail and steel corrals with crowding tub, squeeze and scale. 250 gpm irrigation
well with 20 HP motor and 13,500+/- gallons of storage. Runs about 40 head of cattle. $750,000
*SOLD* 200-300 Head Cattle Ranch, Marana, AZ – 112.8 +/- Deeded ac; 150+/- ac of pasture, 3,700+/- ac of sublease, 14 +/- ac of farm fields, HQ on State Land. 2nd mfg home on deeded. 2 sets of good steel pipe corrals $1.9M
*SOLD * ONLIN E AUCTION , Pearce, AZ - Four offerings located in the grasslands at the foot of the beautiful Dragoon Mountains. Sold prior to Auction Lot 1 featured stunning, custom 3 BD, 2 BA territorial style home on 5.5 +/-. Sold Prior to Auction Lots 3, and 4 included 3 vacant, 1+ acre land parcels for a total of 3+/- acres each. Sold at Auction Lot 2 – 3- 1+/- acre lots for a total of 3+/- acres.
We need listings on all types of ag properties large or small!
■ UNION CO., NM – Just out of Clayton, NM, 2 sections +/located on pvmt. complete with two large circles containing 398.4 ac. +/- & 452.94 ac. +/- irrigated by pivot sprinklers w/five irrigation wells & accompanying irr. equipment, on pvmt. together w/a lease of 800 ac. +/- of Kiowa National Grassland.
■ UNION CO., NM – Just out of Clayton, a large feedyard w/ four circles irrigated by ¼ mile sprinklers, six irr. wells and accompanying irr. equipment just across the hwy. from the two sections w/the grass lease. The two sections w/the grass lease & the feedyard w/four adjoining quarters can be purchased together or separately.
■ 2,720 ACRE IRR. FARM located in the eastern part of north eastern New Mexico w/pivot sprinklers, irrigation wells, a virtually new 5 strand barb wire fence w/swinging gates, w/part of the property being on pvmt.. Lays in two tracts of 1,120 ac. +/- in one at $1,600/ac. and 1,600 ac. +/- in the other at $1,000.00/ ac. which can be purchased together or separately.
■ HEART OF CATTLE COUNTRY – Clayton, NM area – 8,858.63+/Deeded, 1,003.34+/- Leased purchased acres, 160+/- ac. State Lease, watered by a large spring, numerous wells & pipeline w/a large income stream from CO2 production, new grasslands CRP program, wind lease & possibility of carbon sequestering income in addition to income from livestock production & hunting.
0.14+/- Acre Building Lot, Maricopa, AZ – A great opportunity to own a corner lot in the desirable community of Tortosa. Ideal for a small builder or buyer wishing to build their dream custom home. One of only two lots available in the area, the other lot is adjoining this one. Utilities to the lot, back block wall in place.
■ CLAYTON, NM – 9 ac. +/- located on pvmt. behind a large convenience store on which has been partially begun infrastructure for an RV park. This property will also lend itself well as a large development such as new or existing businesses expanding their company.
■ CONSIDER TRADE FOR HOME IN THE AMARIILO, TEXAS AREA – Clayton, NM area – 80 acres deeded w/large, nice mobile home in good condition, secluded yet accessible in Harding Co., NM.
■ VAUGHAN RIVER RANCH – 11,628.76 ac. +/- deeded - a scenic, live water ranch on the Pecos River south of Ft. Sumner, New Mexico. Excellent example of a southwestern cattle ranch with wildlife to boot all within minutes of the convenience of town. Call us to take a look!
■ KB RANCH - Kenney Co., TX – KB Ranch is a low fenced 802 +/- acre property that is surrounded by large ranches. The ranch has abundant whitetail and is also populated with turkey, dove, quail, hogs and varmint species. Axis are in the area and have been occasionally seen. The ranch lies approximately 9 miles south of Bracketville on TX 131 and is accessed by all weather Standart Road.
■ COLFAX COUNTY NM GETAWAY – 1,482.90 ac.+/- grassland (1,193.59 ac. +/- Deeded, 289.31 ac. State Lease), great location near all types of mountain recreation.
■ ANGUS, NM – 250 +/- acres with over a 1/2 mile of NM 48 frontage. Elevations from 6,800 to 7,200 feet. Two springs along a creek. Ideal for future development or build your own getaway home.
■ PRICE REDUCED! CHOICE 320 ac.+/- irrigated farm, w/pivot sprinklers, irrigation wells & an older home which would be liveable or could be moved. Located on pvmt. in prime farming area of Castro Co., TX.
■ CASTRO CO., TX – 3 farms with good water, owner will sell and cash lease back: 1,319 ac. +/-, 2 half mile pivots; 1,715 ac. +/-, drip irrigated; 1,440 ac. +/-, drip irrigated.
■ CLAYTON, NM. – 44 acres located approx.. 2 miles south of Clayton, NM on Hwy 87 on the East side of the highway. This property has about ½ mile of highway frontage and would be great for residential housing, commercial development or addtl. RV development (adjoins the 16.75 ac. RV park).
REDUCED! ! Double U Ranch in Tombstone, Arizona – The historic Double U Ranch located at the foothills of the scenic Dragoon Mountains near Tombstone, Arizona in Cochise County. The Double U Ranch consists of 6,315 contiguous acres of deeded land and a 2,320 acre Arizona State Land grazing lease. With incredibly beautiful views and vistas, this working cattle ranch has excellent feed, plentiful water and gentle terrain with good fences, roads and range improvements. The Double U is easy to manage resulting in a profitable operation on one of the largest contiguous deeded land parcels in the state of Arizona. Exterior fences are locked, limiting access and protecting the livestock operation while creating excellent mule deer and white tail deer habitat unspoiled by public impacts. In addition to other small game species, remarkably all three types of quail, (Gambel, Mearnes and Scaled) are plentiful on the ranch. Offered at $9.2 million, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to own a working cattle ranch on one of the largest remaining contiguous acres of private land in the rapidly growing State of Arizona.
SOLD! – FX Ranch in Dewey, Arizona – With a carrying capacity of 250 CYL, the FX offers an opportunity to raise quality cattle close to all amenities and near the desirable communities of Prescott and Sedona. The headquarters parcel consists of over 12 acres with a beautiful log home, a managers house, a barn and corrals. Located south of Dewey-Humboldt on Highway 69 the headquarters is approximately 20 miles from downtown Prescott and 40 miles from Sedona. The headquarters enjoys a four season, mild climate at 4500 feet in elevation. Cattle and brand included. $2,690,000
! RK Ranch in Prescott, Arizona – The RK Ranch is a smaller working cattle ranch located approximately 25 miles north of Prescott, Arizona. The ranch is currently carrying 25 CYL. The RK Ranch encompasses approximately +/-6,736 total grazing acres supporting up to 45 CYL. With 110 deeded acres surrounded by USFS this little ranch is truly a gem of a gentleman’s ranch. Equipment and cattle included. $2,200,000
out our website!
! Randall Ranch in Ash Fork, Arizona – This well watered, working cattle ranch includes 85.88 deeded, non-contiguous acres, 5,749 leased acres from the State of Arizona and 12,000 acres of adverse grazing. The current owner operates a cow-calf operation. The ranch historically runs 250 mother cows producing high quality Angus calves with weaning weights between 500 to 550 pounds. Cattle available!
!Broken Horn D Ranch in Prescott, Arizona – The Broken Horn D Ranch provides a unique turnkey opportunity to own a remarkable cattle ranch/ beef business property nestled in the picturesque Williamson Valley, Arizona. This distinctive offering is the perfect balance between seclusion and accessibility. With 77 acres of deeded land including 50 acres irrigated pasture, state and private leases this ranch runs 130-180 cattle. Equipment and cattle included.
! Triangle C Ranch in Reserve, New Mexico – This working cattle ranch is located east of Reserve, New Mexico in prime grazing lands. Carrying 625 CYL the ranch is located in gentle, rolling grasslands consisting of 2,320 +/- deeded acres, a private lease and a 25,055 acre BLM grazing allotment. Many improvements including two homes, bunk house, hangar, air strip, large shops and working facilities. $4,895,000
SOLD! Cottonwood Springs Ranch in Red Rock, New Mexico – The Cottonwood Springs is a beautiful, high desert working cattle ranch located approximately 28 miles north of Lordsburg, New Mexico in Grant County. With a carrying capacity of +/-250 CYL, the ranch is well improved with two homes, shop, corrals, interior and exterior fences, working cattle facilities and exceptional water improvements.
SOLD! Partridge Creek Ranch in Ash Fork, Arizona– 85,000+\- acres of strong grazing allowing for 800 animal units year round. 420 acres of deeded land, 480 Arizona state lease, remainder secured by deeded grazing rights. $4,200,000
Keli Cox • 575-937-4616
Nick Cortese • 575-760-3818
Kelly Sparks • 575-760-9214
Rye Richardson • 575-430-0777
Jymmy Kay Cox • 512-921-8877
Donda Richardson • 575-937-1056
Jackie Higgins • 806-787-5814
Jenna Lawrence• 575-937-8849
Dixie Brown • 575-937-1049
9300 N Knowles Rd.
Hobbs, NM
This incredible farm and ranch property is a unique gem with custom updates and luxurious amenities. This customupdated home includes a kitchen with granite countertops, a large island, double ovens, a gas cooktop, custom cabinetry with its open floor concept, and custom cabinetry and lighting throughout the house. And if this wasn’t enough, there’s also a newly renovated apartment for your family or guests to enjoy! This farm and ranch property is convenient and practical, with multiple barns and outbuildings. You’ll also have access to an irrigation pivot system, approximately 47.8 acres of water rights, and around 13.5 acres of pecan trees. Don’t miss this once-in-alifetime opportunity to own a truly remarkable property!
Ashley White (505) 360- 9819
Located Southeast of Las Vegas and Northwest of Santa Rosa and joins the Pecos River. A small-medium sized Ranch that is in good condition and can be operated as a cow-calf operation or a yearling operation or a combination. It contains 7,483 (ALL) Deeded Acres or 11.69 Sections. Water is provided by four Wells and a pipeline water system with storage tank and many livestock water troughs. Fences are in good to new condition. The country varies from almost level to shallow mesas and to a major canyon which forms some natural boundary in the Northwestern part of the Ranch. The Northern Boundary is the center of the Pecos River for about 2.5 miles; which is fenced off so no grazing along the River is available. There has been a lot of Juniper and Pinon Trees pushed. The soils include sandy clay loams, clay soils and gravelly-rocky along the mesas. Building Improvements include a log home in good condition, a older corrugated barn and shop, corrals with a small scale and a brand new pro-panel-metal barn/airplane hanger with concrete floors. This Ranch provides lots of scenic views, both on the Ranch and the surrounding views of area mesas and Mountains. Santa Fe and Albuquerque are about 1.5 hours away.
MIAMI 80+/- ACRES, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with water shares, roping arena, steel barn with shop. Other historic barns, Pipe corrals. Far enough off road to be private. 2350 SHW 21, Miami NM 87729
MIAMI DREAM, 14.70 +/deeded acres. Approx 1,583 sq ft 2 bedroom 1 bath home. Real country living with barn wood siding, porches, recent remodel for remote workspace. Irrigation and horse facilities, 57 Wampler St., Miami, NM $370,000
BAR LAZY 7 RANCH, Colfax County, Moreno Valley 594.38 +/- deeded acres, accessed off blacktop between Eagle Nest and Angel Fire. Historic headquarters. Currently used as summer grazing, pond and trees
accessed off county road on rear of property as well. Presented “ASIS” New Survey, $4,000,000
SPRINGER VIEW, 29.70 +/deeded acres. Large house being remodeled, shop, trees, old irrigation pond. All back off highway with great southern aspect. 311 Hwy 56, Colfax County. $209,000 $205,000
MAXWELL FARM, 140+/- deeded acres with 103.75 +/- irrigable acres of Class A water shares. Property has a domestic water meter also utilized for livestock. Currently a flood irrigation system but would suit installing a pivot. Property is bounded on the south with SHW 505 and the west with Rufuge Rd, on the east with the Maxwell Wildlife Refuge. $320,000
5016 122nd STREET LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79424 • 806-763-5331
Sam Middleton 817-304-0504 • Charlie Middleton 806-786-0313
Jim Welles 505-967-6562 • Dwain Nunez 505-263-7868
James Sammons III
Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas, Oklahoma & Missouri Broker 214.701.1970
■ BERRENDA CREEK RANCH — 231 AYL, 51± section cattle ranch — Hillsboro, NM. 32,870± total acres, 120± deeded acres, 23,646± acres of BLM, 9104± acres of NM state land, 12 wells, 9 dirt tanks, 1 spring, 3 pastures, 165,000 gallons of water storage. Priced at $1,432,200
L■ SMITH RANCH — 19.28± section cattle ranch plus 335± acre farm located in Road Forks, N.M. The ranch has 12,343± total acres, 3721± deeded, 2400± acres of NM state land, 6222± acres of BLM, 154 AYL headquarters has mnfctrd homes, shed row barns (equipment/commodity storage), corrals, cattle chute. The north farm has 163± acres (149 +/- is fallow), the south farm has 173± acres, seller retains a “life estate”. Ranch has been in the same family since 1905. Priced at $2,300,000
3/24 !
2/24 by
■ CAPROCK MOUNTAIN/VAN METER RANCHES Lordsburg, NM 546 AYL cowcalf operation consists of two adjoining BLM allotments totaling 75 +/- Sections 48,178 +/Total acres 3,445 +/- deeded acres 34,452 +/acres of BLM, 10,281 +/- acres of state land the carrying capacity is 546 AYL plus 5 horses w/ two separate headquarters w/barns & corrals, facilities included, silencer cattle chute, scales, semi-load chute & multiple pens with feed bunks, 40’ x 60’ barn plus a commodity barn 9 wells; 5 electric submersibles, 3 solar wells, one windmill, one spring & 12 dirt tanks, 100,000 gallons of water storage 26 miles of pipeline that connects to each well 12 pastures & 5 traps, 5 sets of working corrals strategically placed on the ranches. Black Angus & black baldy running age cows, Angus bulls, bred replacement heifers & equipment was negotiated. Sale Price Undisclosed.
ucky to live in the mountains ... then you’re lucky enough!! This incredible property in the Jemez Mountains with Custom Cabin and TWO bonus cabins will have most everything on your MUST HAVE List!
The main house has 1868 sq feet of lovely living space with an open-concept great room that showcases beautiful flagstone floors, natural log walls, knotty-pine ceilings and a wall of windows that invite the breathtaking views of the Jemez Mountains indoors. The spacious primary suite offers a walk-in closet and a luxurious master bath complete with a soaking tub and separate shower. Upstairs, a versatile loft can serve as a home office, reading nook, or additional bedroom. The well-appointed kitchen and laundry room/storage area ensures convenience and functionality. A 157 sq ft. bonus room adjacent to the kitchen provides flexibility as a bedroom or pantry. Every nook and cranny of this cabin is appropriately used for ample storage top to bottom and is meticulously maintained.
Situated on 3.08 acres encompassing two lots, there is plenty of room to spread out. The two additional cabins provide generously sized studio workspaces and a versatile guest house. Whether you’re looking for short-term vacation rentals, extended stays, or rustic retreats for hunting or fishing excursions, these cabins offer endless potential. For storage & hobbies, the 16X20 garage provides ample space.
The property borders Santa Fe National Forest making it your BIG BACK YARD! Enjoy the Hot Springs, Valles Caldera, Hiking, Skiing, Mountain Biking; the accessibility to outdoor recreation is endless! A true outdoor 4 season adventure to create many years of lifetime memories. Only 45 minutes to Los Alamos, 1.5 hours to Albuquerque and 1.25 hours to Santa Fe. Call Misty Stacy with Jemez Homes and Land at (575) 829-3758 for more information. $1,000,000.00
■ 3,057 irrigated acres
■ 2,771 grassland acres
■ 188 acres of dry land
■ 21 irrigation wells producing and estimated 9,300 gpm
■ 21 pivot sprinklers
■ 4 gas wells; 1 is used to supply gas for the 21 irrigation wells.
■ feed yard with 1,800 feet of concrete bunks
■ 250'x80' shop, 2 nice homes
■ This farm offers huge potential savings from the gas wells to run irrigation
■ Price: $16,000,000
Bill E. Newman Real Estate, LLC Cruikshank Realty, Inc.
Bill Newman Gene Cruikshank, ALC 806-676-8599 719-336-7802
Lawsuit Launched
to Protect Endangered Jumping Mouse
Streamside Habitat in New Mexico’s Sacramento Mountains
The Center for Biological Diversity(CBD) filed a formal notice on May 31, 2024 of its intent to sue the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) for failing to protect riparian areas and meadows in New Mexico’s Sacramento Mountains from cattle. The areas are critical habitat for the endangered New Mexico meadow jumping mouse and Mexican spotted owl.
“The jumping mouse and these spotted owls will only survive if the meadows and streams they rely on in the Sacramento Mountains are healthy, but cattle are wreaking havoc here,” said Robin Silver, co-founder of the CBD. “Federal officials have a yearslong pattern of failing to control destructive cattle grazing. It’s immoral and illegal for the Forest Service to neglect its responsibility to protect this critical habitat, and that failure will cause a local extinction.”
The Sacramento Mountains, a sky island rising a mile above the vast deserts of southern New Mexico, are home to the highest density of Mexican spotted owls in the country because of an abundance of large, old conifer trees. Protection of the owl’s preferred old-growth forest habitat is essential for its recovery, as is the protection of streams that sustain New Mexico meadow jumping mice.
Specializing in agricultural properties since 1997
Kurt Rowley, Qualifying Broker/Owner
Call us today if you’re looking to buy or sell a farm, ranch or dairy in New Mexico or West Texas 201 Commerce Way Suite 201-A, Clovis, NM 88101
Tel: 575-742-0954 • Email: On the web:
The notice lists multiple ways that the USFS and the FWS are violating the Endangered Species Act. Most recently, the agencies concluded in a biological opinion that allowing cattle to graze in the jumping mouse and Mexican spotted owl habitat in the Lincoln National Forest would not harm the mouse while leaving 42 percent of the designated critical habitat unprotected on the Sacramento Allotment and 74 percent unprotected on the adjoining Agua Chiquita Allotment.
The agencies are failing to keep the cattle from trampling riparian areas and devouring grasses that the dwindling numbers of jumping mice need to survive. The Center previously took legal actions to protect these areas in 2019 and 2021.
The New Mexico meadow jumping mouse was listed as endangered in 2014, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service protected nearly 14,000 acres of critical habitat for the species in 2016.. ▫
Stephen J. “Tio” Kleberg to Receive National Golden Spur Award on October 5
Stephen J. “Tio” Kleberg of Kingsville, Texas, has been selected as the 2024 National Golden Spur recipient for his contributions to the ranching and livestock industries. Kleberg will receive the National Golden Spur Award at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center in Lubbock, Texas, during the annual National Golden Spur Award Honors on Saturday, October 5.
“The National Golden Spur Award is the most prestigious national honor given by the ranching and livestock industries to one person,” explained Jim Bret Campbell, executive director of the Ranching Heritage Association and National Ranching Heritage Center. “As the 46th recipient, Tio Kleberg continues the tradition of excellence that characterizes National Golden Spur Award honorees.”
Presentation of the National Golden Spur Award is a joint annual recognition given by six of the leading state and national ranching and livestock organizations: the American Quarter Horse Association, National Cattlemen’s Foundation, Ranching Heritage Association, Texas Cattle Feeders Association, Texas Farm Bureau, and Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association.
Kleberg served as the vice president of agricultural operations for the legendary King Ranch from 1971-1998. He then served on the board of directors of King Ranch, Inc. from 1998 until 2021. During his more than 50 years of service to King Ranch, Kleberg revitalized the American Quarter Horse breeding program, contributed to the development of the Santa Cruz breed of cattle and implemented sweeping wildlife conservation efforts.
“As the manager of the livestock operations at the family’s King Ranch Properties in South Texas, Tio made a tremendous contribution to the Quarter Horse breed by introducing the services of Buster Welch and the stallions Mr. San Peppy and Peppy San Badger to the extremely talented band of King Ranch mares,” said Red Steagall, the 2018 recipient of the National Golden Spur Award. “The King Ranch horses took control of the equine industry for several years. Those bloodlines continue to influence the Quarter Horse breed today.”
In addition to his contributions to the
success of King Ranch, Kleberg tirelessly served the ranching and livestock industries. A longtime director of the American Quarter Horse Association, Kleberg served as one of the youngest AQHA presidents in 1985. He was inducted into the AQHA Hall of Fame in 1997. Kleberg was also a director for the National Cutting Horse Association and the Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association.
Kleberg’s commitment to wildlife conservation is legendary, having served on the boards of the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute and the East Foundation. Kleberg has been recognized by his peers with multiple awards, including being recognized with the Texas Tech University distinguished alumni award, and by both the Texas House and Senate with resolutions recognizing his contributions to Texas agriculture. Kleberg received an honorary doctorate from Texas A&M University-Kingsville. He was honored with the Phi Delta Theta fraternity Legion of Honor award in 2015.
“Tio was a cowboy first and then became a cowman, a horseman and, ultimately, the leader of the agribusiness operations for King Ranch, where he became the face of King Ranch throughout his tenure,” said Jay Evans, who worked for Kleberg at King Ranch and now manages Bridwell Ranches. “I can best describe his character and values by pulling from the cowboy/western culture code, which is summarized as strong faith, honesty, fairness, loyalty, hospitality, a deep respect for the land and its animals and a rock-solid work ethic and being a man of his word.”
“Tio, by his own words, always wanted to be a cowboy,” said Steve Stevens of Houston, Texas. “He represents the fifth generation to have lived and worked on King Ranch. Following graduation from Texas Tech University and service as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army, Tio was heavily involved in the management of all operations of King Ranch, including serving as a member of the board of directors. He has been successful in achieving his goal of working on the ranch to service in the board room.”
Sponsorship packages for the National Golden Spur Award Honors, including table
sponsorships, are currently available. Individual tickets for the National Golden Spur Award Honors will go on sale to the public August 8. For event details, visit ▫
Tio and Janell Kleberg - Maria Langmore
by Maureen T. McGinn
Stick Horse Scriptures BOOK
This book is a fresh perspective to the vital teachings of the Ten Commandments through the use of a “Stick Horse.” It is a tremendous “hands on” tool for bedtime stories, road trips and Sunday school classes.
The colorful book is designed to be used by parents, grandparents or any adult who cares about children and wants to pass on these timeless truths.
About the Author: Maureen T. McGinn has loved, and worked with children for over 40 years. She worked as a children’s Pastor for 10 years, through vacation bible schools, backyard bible clubs and all variety of venues. She shares the significant truths of God’s word in creative way in order to convey God’s truths to children early in their lives.
Hardcover books are $22.95 / Soft cover is $13.95
Books may be ordered by calling Maureen at 575.420.7554 or emailing her at ▫
2024-2025 New Mexico FFA State Officer Team
The New Mexico FFA Association is proud to present the newly elected State Officer Team. These seven individuals were elected at the 96th Annual NMFFA State Convention which took place May 28th through the 31st in Las Cruces, NM.
After going through the nominating committee interview process, they then
campaigned among their respective districts. At the seventh general session of State Convention, they were elected, and they will spend the next year serving NMFFA, advocating for agriculture, and traveling the state in their blue jackets. We cannot wait to see what these impressive individuals will accomplish! ▫
The 2024-25 NMFFA State Officers (left to right)
RJ Garay - Hatch FFA – District VI
Sakari Frazier – Shiprock FFA – District I
Mikayla Klinger – Tucumcari FFA - District II
Isabella Sugg – Capitan FFA - District III
by Maureen T. McGinn
This book is a fresh perspective to the vital teachings of the Ten Commandments through the use of a “Stick Horse.” It is a tremendous “hands on” tool for bedtime stories, road trips and Sunday school classes.
The colorful book is designed to be used by parents, grandparents or any adult who cares about children and wants to pass on these timeless truths.
Maureen T. McGinn has loved, and worked with children for over 40 years. She worked as a children’s Pastor for 10 years, through vacation bible schools, backyard bible clubs and all variety of venues. She shares the significant truths of God’s word in a creative way in order to convey God’s truths to children early in their lives.
Hardcover books are $22.95 / Soft cover is $13.95 Books may be ordered by calling Maureen at 575.420.7554 or emailing her at
Jayda Goodson – Texico FFA - District IV
Alison Ackland – Carlsbad FFA - District V
Victoria Lopez – Mesilla Valley Christian FFAState President
NMHSRA and NMJHSRA Year-End Results
State finals finished up at the end of May with every contestant giving their best effort. The rodeo road just keeps going as those who made finals head out at the end of June for Junior High, and mid-July for the High School contestants. For those who didn’t get a qualification, the summer run is as full as your schedule will allow and I know every contestant is working to improve their skillset. Have a great summer and be safe!
Best of luck to all the New Mexico contestants headed to the National Junior High and High School Rodeo Association finals! We are proud of all of your efforts!
Bull Riding
Gonzales, Noah Montoya, Dacian
Thompson, Slade
Meador, Jordan
Saddle Bronc
Miranda, Kaden
Faulkner, Monte
Osborn, Hardy
Chase, Jack
Steer Wrestling
Tsosie Tydon
Stone Eleck
Ketcham Pike
Martinez Laramie
Reined Cow Horse
Powell Ellie
Kinser Addison
Valdez Danli
Riley Brie
Girls Cutting
Roberts Caydence
Valdez Danli
Kinser Addison
Carl Zajayda
Boys Cutting
Carson Chris
Pole Bending
Sherburne Cacie
Biebelle Clair
Fair Hayslee
Mirabal Jorianne
Light Rifle
Cline Zoey
Ybarra Riley
Tixier Addison
Mack Rody
Helmer Lane
Whitson Ace
Anaya Justin
White Tate
Cline Ike
Calf Roping
McKinley Braxton
Mathis Dawson
Price Stoney
Scribner Reno
Girls Breakaway
Roberts Caydence
Kinser Addison
Trujillo Wacey
Lightfoot Kassidy
Girls Goat Tying
Trujillo Wacey
Tsosie Tyra
Boutwell Baye
Ybarra Riley
Barrel Racing
Barela Harlee
Biebelle Clair
Kinser Addison
Packouz Ava
Team Roping
Gonzalez Lyvan
Hatley Cason 110.5
Sullivan Dax 96.5
Varela Irvin 96.5
Boutwell Brock 87
Martinez Laramie 87
Dennis Walker 69
Gonzales Treyden 69
Barrel Racing
Biebelle Amy
Parra Morgan
Packouz Audrey
Lightfoot Kassidy
Washburn Eli
Boys Champion
Laramie Martinez
Boys Reserve
Champion Ike Cline
Girls Champion
Addison Kinser
Girls Reserve
Caydence Roberts
Rookie All-Around
Boys Champion
Kyon Hatley
Boys Reserve
Kaden Miranda
Girls Champion
Clair Biebelle
Girls Reserve
Champion Hayslee Fair
Pole Bending Robinson
Hazle Magdalena
Biebelle Amy
Cylee Jo
Boys Goat Tying
Gonzales Tyan
Trujillo Reed Griggs Rayce
Wheeler Hayden
Boys Breakaway
Gonzales Tyan 138
Wheeler Hayden
Cortese Joe
Griggs Rayce
Ribbon Roping
Gonzales Tyan/ Roberts Cylee Jo
Sherburne Kayden/ Thompson Shanley
Cain Macklee/ Price Haize
Trujillo Teagan/ Wheeler Hayden
Team Roping
Cortese Joe/ Gonzales Tyan
Siow Casey/ Wheeler Hayden
Griggs Rayce/ Price Haize
Cramblet Kynlee/ Phillips Logan
Rodeo Roundup
Tie Down Calf
Price Haize
Sherburne Kayden
Saulsberry Trip
Phillips Logan
Steer Bareback
West Tate
Roberts Catch
Bull Riding
Aragon Phillip
Valenzuela Lane
Roberts Catch
Jackson Daniel
Steer Saddle
Bronc Riding
West Tate
Jackson Daniel
Roberts Catch
Bisetti Brody
Girls Goat Tying
Trujillo Teagan
Chavez Eva
Trujillo Paige
Biebelle Amy
Girls Breakaway
Cramblet Kynlee
Hazle Magdalena
Tuchscherer Isabel
Henard Kolbi
Chute Dogging
Saulsberry Trip
Sherburne Kayden
Trujillo Reed
Phillips Logan
Light Rifle
Cain Macklee
Mack Riggs
Shiver Barrett
Trujillo Reed
Girls Champion
Magdalena Hazle
Girls Reserve
Macklee Cain
Boys Champion
Tyan Gonzales
Boys Reserve
Hayden Wheeler
Rookie All-Around
Girls Champion
Acuna Kenzie
Girls Reserve
Tuchscherer Isabel
Boys Champion
Roberts Catch
Boys Reserve
Acuna Graden
Winners pictured from l to r (Page 190)
Amy Biebelle
Cadence Roberts
Channing Robinson
Chris Carson
Ellie Powell
HS Light Rifle Zoey Cline
Haize Price
JH Light Rifle
Macklee Cain
Kaden Miranda
Kynlee Cramblet
Lyvan Gonzalez and Cason Hatley
Hayden West
Noah Gonzales
Phillip Aragon
Tate West SB
Winners pictured from l to r (Page 191)
Tate West
Teagan Trujillo
Tyan Gonzales and Cylee Roberts
Tyan Gonzales
/Joe Cortese
Tyan Gonzales
Wacey Trujillo
All Photos by Julie Carter
See page 189 for these winners indentified!
NMHSRA – Zajayda Carl
by Julie Carter
They call her “Z” because it’s easier to say. She’s a tall, beautiful presence in and out of the arena, handy with a horse and a rope and has a large future ahead of her. She’s closed some doors, opened some others on her way to the next phase of her life.
Zajayda Carl, 18, Bosque Farms, New Mexico, home schooled through high school graduation while also taking classes at Central New Mexico Community College, preparing for the transition to the next level of education. Her goals are bigger yet with New Mexico State University on her radar for undergrad and then ultimately veterinarian school, “probably in Texas” she says. She is the oldest of four, with a sister and two brothers, and has been riding and rodeoing for as long as she can remember. She was exclusive to barrels and poles until her dad made an executive decision for her to become a roper only and bought her a heading horse. It was 2020 and when Covid hit, with more time on her hands, she added breakaway
roping to her team roping. In a family of ropers, Zajayda had not ever really even picked up a rope, but took it on “for something to do.”
“It was challenging and that’s what kept me doing it,” she said. “It didn’t come easy. It took a whole lot more work than all those speed events I’d been doing my whole life.”
Her little sorrel mare, Annie, that she bought out of a kill pen didn’t like barrels, so she began breakaway roping on her. “She liked that a lot more,” Zajayda said. “She had been started as a Cutter. She’s a High Brow Cat bred horse but had some lameness issues. Bought her for $1200 and my dad started some corrective shoeing so I could rope on her.”
Zajayda took her practiced roping skills to some jackpots in the South Valley of Albuquerque and officially “cracked out.” She’s generally a header on her 18-year-old gelding Cash but has played around
with heeling and often ropes with her brother Zane. Ace Whitson was her roping partner at the New Mexico High School rodeos. She began breakaway roping as a freshman but didn’t start team roping until her Junior year.
Adding Cutting to her High School Rodeo events last year came somewhat unexpectedly for Zajayda. “I was shagging cattle at a rodeo on Annie. She would want to cut them while I was working them, and I realized how much fun it could be. A friend of the family offered her a cutting horse that had been a world champion. Booger, 13, became her main ride and this summer is taking Zajayda to the High School National Finals in that event, qualified in 4th place in the New Mexico year end standings.
Zajayda’s favorite part of rodeo is the competitiveness. “I really like the challenge,” she explained. “And I like the opportunity of meeting new people. I love the rodeo family.”
Her future will be not too far away from family for college but in the meantime, she’s rodeoing, working several jobs to pay entry fees and add to her college fund. ▫
(top) Zajada at a cutting competition. (above) Zajada enjoying her horses.
Joe N. “Buzz” Thorp to Receive Ranching Heritage Association Working Cowboy Award
Joe N. “Buzz” Thorp, a cowboy who has worked on ranches from Tennessee to Montana and New Mexico to Texas, will be the sixth recipient of the Ranching Heritage Association (RHA) Working Cowboy Award presented during the annual National Golden Spur Award Honors on Saturday, October 5, at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center in Lubbock, Texas.
“The RHA Working Cowboy Award is designed to recognize an outstanding individual who makes his living primarily horseback, caring for livestock on a daily basis,” said Jim Bret Campbell, executive director of the Ranching Heritage Association and the National Ranching Heritage Center. “Buzz Thorp represents all of the facets of the working cowboy award. He is a
cowboy’s cowboy, a teacher and a true representative of our cow-country values.”
The Ranching Heritage Association, a nationwide non-profit membership organization supporting historical preservation and educational efforts through the National Ranching Heritage Center, presents the prestigious recognition on an annual basis. The award honors a working cowboy skilled in all aspects of ranch work and respected by the ranch crew and ranching community.
“Our Board of Directors believes it’s important to recognize those folks who brave all kinds of weather and conditions to ensure that work on a ranch gets done,” Campbell said, noting that award nominations for Thorp described him as a multi-talented working cowboy who has served for decades as a role model for younger cowboys in trade and character.
“More than a cowboy, Buzz is a cowman and a steward,” stated
Rob A. Brown, who grew up working with Buzz on the R.A. Brown Ranch. “He is a horseman and a conservationist with expertise in so many areas that this letter could be filled merely listing them out. In my view, at the most fundamental sense, Buzz is a teacher.”
Thorp worked for his father, B.F. Thorp, in Throckmorton County in Texas while growing up. He also cowboyed for his uncles and cousins during that time. He worked for the Muleshoe Cattle Company while attending Texas Tech University, where he graduated with a degree in animal husbandry in 1954.
At age 21, Thorp managed Ridglea Angus Farms in Dickson, Tennessee, before returning to Throckmorton where he worked for the R.A. Brown, McClusky and Birdwell ranches. He also ran his own cows and trained horses. In 1974, Thorp became the cow boss at Spanish Creek Ranch in Gallatin Gateway, Montana. From there, he moved to manage yearlings on Jones Ranch at Wagon Mound, New Mexico. Thorp managed the McKee Ranch in Galisteo, New Mexico, before returning to Texas to manage ranches in Palo Pinto, Throckmorton and Baylor counties, including the Wagon Creek Spade
Joe N. “Buzz” Thorpe
Cowboys Association heeling world champion.
“As his grandson, childhood stories were often told about his days working cattle and training horses,” Wesley said. “He’s [had an influence] on many great ranches such as Haythorn, Swenson and Browns. He is an all-around hand and one great cowboy. The impact he has had on my team roping career is one that will last forever.”
“In addition to his technical skills, Buzz is also an outstanding leader and mentor,” said Kelli Brown of the R.A. Brown Ranch. “He is always willing to share his knowledge and expertise with others, whether they are seaRanch outfit. Thorp managed that division of the Spade Ranches for 10 out of the 12 years he worked there.
soned ranch hands or newcomers to the industry. His patience and dedication make him an asset to any neighbors and friends. I am thankful that he has mentored numerous generations of our Brown family, including my husband and sons.”
Recognized as an outstanding stockman, horseman and teacher, at age 91, Thorp continues to be in demand to day-work on neighboring ranches, including the R.A. Brown Ranch. A notable horse trainer, Thorp has trained horses that have gone on to successful careers on ranches and in the arena, including for his grandson, Wesley Thorp, who is a two-time Professional Rodeo
Thorp’s lifetime of cowboying accomplishments will be honored at the National Golden Spur Award Honors on October 5. Sponsorship packages for the National Golden Spur Award Honors, including table sponsorships, are currently available. Individual tickets for the National Golden Spur Award Honors will go on sale to the public August 8. For event details visit
Buzz Thorp, recipient of the 2024 RHA Working Cowboy Award, has mastered almost every facet of cowboy life. The Working Cowboy Award is given annually by the Ranching Heritage Association, a nationwide non-profit organization supporting the programs of the National Ranching Heritage Center in Lubbock. Photo by Kelli Brown.
MARCH — Limousin; Santa Gertrudis
APRIL — Dairy MAY — News of the Day
JUNE — Sheepman of the Year
JULY — Directory of Agriculture
AUGUST — The Horse Industry SEPTEMBER — Charolais; Fairs Across the Southwest
OCTOBER — Hereford; New Mexico State Fair Results NOVEMBER — Cattleman of the Year;
Stockmen’s Convention Preview; Angus, Brangus, Red Angus
DECEMBER — Bull Buyers Guide
Help Wanted
by Jaclyn Parrish
American ranchers are struggling to find and retain labor.
It’s a challenge that has grown exponentially in recent years.
Canadian rancher John Haley, who operates the Haley Ranch is one of many cattle raisers struggling to find employees to meet the needs of his diverse operation.
Despite living on the ranch and being very active in the day-to-day, Haley is the market president at Happy State Bank. He needs two full-time employees to help manage the workload across the multi-family operation.
Between his father, uncle, and cousin, the Haley family has a footprint across Hemphill, Gray and Wheeler counties. The ranches operates a cow-calf herd and stock bred cattle alongside a farming operation of wheat and other forages for grazing.
The operation was known for many years as the Shaller Ranch and has deep roots in the Texas Panhandle dating back to 1887. Until recently, the ranches employed two long-term ranch hands who Haley describes much like family.
“Growing up, myself and my cousin, we both were somewhat raised by our ranch hands,” he said. “They both worked for over 25 years for us on the ranch in Gray County and one worked here in Hemphill County where we shared a lot of work back and forth.”
The ranch hands, who were brothers themselves, retired less than ten years ago. John spent the next years trying to find a permanent replacement to fill the roles.
“Since they retired, we’ve had a few employees that had worked for five or six
years,” said John.
“One gentleman was older, and he had the job figured out, but it was a second job post-retirement, and it was more than maybe what he wanted to do.”
Challenges didn’t stop there.
The operation’s diversity of work can be a deterrent for those employees who truly want to ‘cowboy’. He points to examples, including the installation and continual management of a poly pipe water manifold system as well as an ongoing fight against invasive species across the rangeland.
“We constantly spray brush on our place,” he said, noting to the need to be diligent. “I’ve seen places that if you don’t keep the integrity in the ranch, you’ll pay for it long term.”
The operation’s wheat fields also require much attention. As John candidly describes, asking someone to drive a tractor with a cowboy hat does not always go over well.
“I have to hire accordingly because if I hire somebody that just wants to cowboy, he’s going to be very upset,” he said. “We do a lot of things horseback and we still rope and drag everything, but there’s a lot to truly upkeeping the ranch when you have a large asset out there that needs to be maintained.”
When faced with limited options, John and his family, like many across America, turned to the H-2A visa program.
Understanding guest worker programs
The guest worker program was a concept first developed to address labor shortages in agriculture when farmers and ranchers were deployed to fight in World War I, World War II and the Korean War.
While the modern-day H-2A program has been refined over the years, it continues to help fill a gap for labor on farms and ranches. Today, the program allows employ-
TN Visa Program
With limitations to the H-2A program, ranchers may find solutions through other guest worker visa programs. This includes the TN visa program that facilitates the temporary entry of highly-skilled foreign workers from Canada and Mexico.
The TN visa program was established under the North American Free Trade Agreement and continued under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. Unlike the H-2A visa program, a TN visa recipient can stay for up to three years in the U.S. and renew their visa indefinitely with adequate employment.
The TN visa program has advantages over the H-2A program. Farms or ranches seeking TN visa workers need not demonstrate they were unable to find a suitable U.S. worker to fill the vacant position. In addition, the appli-
ers to bring agricultural workers to the U.S. to fill temporary or seasonal jobs from more than 90 qualifying countries.
Todd Miller is the owner and founder of Head Honchos, a San Antonio-based company that helps farmers and ranchers navigate guest worker programs like the H-2A visa program. When someone first
cation is relatively quick and straightforward compared to the H-2A application and has flexibility allowing for multiple entries into the U.S. Spouses and children under the age of 21 are also eligible for entry with the primary TN visa holder.
However, the program is limited to specific professionals and often requires workers hold at minimum a bachelor’s degree and have professional experience in the industry in which they work. The NAFTA Advisor Manual lists agriculturist, animal scientists, animal breeder, nutritionist, soil scientists and veterinarians as qualified professions.
The TN visa program application process differs from Canada to Mexico and can provide limited assurances prior to a worker’s arrival to the U.S. Canadians need only present the application and required documentation to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer at the designated port of entry while Mexican visa applicants must apply through a U.S. embassy or consulate and partake in an immigration interview prior to being granted a visa. ▫
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approaches Miller, he makes sure they understand the program’s basic principles.
This includes complying with the terms of the visa. Famously, the H2-A program permits guest workers to remain in the U.S. for up to one year but requires the visa holder to return to their home country for a consecutive 90-day period at the conclusion of a contract.
In addition, there are prevailing wages. The Department of Labor establishes these wages to ensure that H-2A workers are paid the same wages as domestic workers within the contract state, preventing employers from misusing the H-2A program to access lower wages. This aims to preserve the market for domestic workers seeking the same job.
As of January 2024, the prevailing wage in Texas is $15.55, a rate Miller says ranchers need to understand going into an contract.
“Employers must agree to pay guest workers this wage at a minimum of 35 hours each week,” said Miller. “But there is no maximum.”
Other requirements include providing workers’ compensation to all H-2A workers as well as housing that complies with regulations. In addition, employers must cover transportation to and from the workers hometown at the start and conclusion of the contract.
“If it’s Mexico, it’s typically going to be a bus to Texas or a chartered van,” he says. “If it’s from South Africa, El Salvador, or Guatemala, it’s going to be a plane ticket over the ocean.”
Miller says ranchers exploring the program must also understand that they could be called upon for an audit that ensures compliance to rules and regulations in addition to mandatory inspections before guest workers arrive.
“You really just have to understand that this is a bureaucratic process,” Miller said. “We try to take away the fear and the stress of it by helping with the bureaucracy, the paperwork, the appointments and everything that goes into it.”
In other words, Miller is in the business of compliance.
“We give our clients a six-page bullet point compliance list. If you can check yes to all those, then you are probably 95 percent in the clear.”
This is good, because non-compliance is serious for farmers and ranchers, who, if found in violation, can face hefty fines.
address shortcomings.
In an interim report submitted to the committee November 2023, findings from a survey exploring the labor shortage among the agricultural workforce found that respondents felt domestic labor was inadequate.
“Today, domestic workers have become specialized in other workforces and have left the farming community, making it difficult to find local workers interested in field work,” said one respondent.
“When farms are remote, their chances to recruit good employees domestically greatly decreases,” reported another.
If data is any indication of these opinions, it seems to track, especially in Texas.
The government requires employers to demonstrate there are not domestic workers willing or able to fill these H2-A positions. Thus, employers promote each position through official job boards for unemployed Americans and even continue to recruit and accept eligible referrals for U.S. workers beyond the date of hire for a guest worker.
Yet, these jobs remain vacant.
In 2022, across the United States, over 371,000 H-2A positions were certified by the Department of Labor, a steep increase from the 48,000 certified positions in 2005. Texas ranked among the top 10 states utilizing the H-2A program in 2022.
“The truth is there’s very little protection for the rancher,” said Miller. “I mean, he really is putting a lot on the line, and the government is quick to make sure that the workers are taken care of and puts their thumb on the rancher and makes him toe the line.”
However, despite the strict nature of the program, Miller says that ranchers can be afforded some security within their contract by being diligent in specifying the expectations and responsibilities in the job description including rules for behavior and conduct.
“No drinking, smoking, drugs, and you’ve got to be on time,” he offers as guidelines ranchers could put into place. “We make sure that we insulate the farmer as best we can.”
Addressing the shortcomings
The popularity of the H-2A visa program is shedding light on a growing crisis in agriculture related to labor.
In June 2023, the House Committee on Agriculture established a bipartisan Agricultural Working Group to better understand the challenges in today’s agricultural workforce and to recommend policy changes to
Despite the popularity, sectors of agriculture including the cattle industry have complaints about the H-2A visa program. Namely, the program’s failure to account for the non-seasonal needs of the industries like the livestock sector.
This March, members of the Agricultural Labor Working Group, issued a final report with policy recommendations.
The report featured 15 policies that were adopted with unanimous support.
Notable policies that could benefit the cattle industry included a recommendation to allow for year-round access to the H-2A program and the need to simplify the application and compliance process.
H-2A program in action
In 2023, the Haley Ranch worked to bring two guest workers to the U.S. through the H-2A visa program. However, after facing challenges in one application, they received just one guest worker, Jacques.
In the coming weeks, Jacques would familiarize himself with the various nuances of the Haley Ranch, learning where pastures were located and where equipment and sup-
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plies were stored. He would refine his skills on horseback and learn signs of sick cattle needing doctored. It was similar to onboarding any new employee, apart from more oddities, like assimilating Jacque to life on an American ranch.
“My dad brought him home from his flight and said, well, there’s your house, door’s open,” said John. “He kind of looked at my dad questioningly and said, where’s the compound?”
The safety and security in the U.S. was a stark difference from that of South Africa.
“He’s like, well, where’s the fence? My dad’s like, there’s no fence.”
However, John’s hopeful the time put in can pay off. He points to the attitude of workers like Jacques.
“We just don’t know where they are coming from as far as the society in South Africa and the insecurity they have and with their families. I think a large driver of why we have great people coming over to help us is truly due to America and its safety and the ability to just live your life without fear.”
Jacques returned in 2024 to the Haley Ranch after spending the required 90 days back in South Africa.
“This second year has been a breeze in comparison to the first, even though we had the fire that kind of threw a major ripple in it,” said John.
The Haley Ranch was a victim of the Smokehouse Creek wildfire in March, where they lost 18,000 acres of grassland, 58 miles of fence, 40 calves, a herd bull, and five saddle horses, including one of Jacque’s favorite he had become close to in the year prior.
“He said his first love in Texas has gone on, so he took that pretty hard,” said John.
Today, Jacque operates very independently.
“We allow him to have that autonomy to create his own schedule,” said John. “We leave him a list that I want to get done from ranch maintenance side to cattle work, and he handles it.”
John and his family are happy with the decision.
“I think it seems daunting at first to just dive off in it, but once you get the ball rolling, I think it moves quickly,” he said. “In my experience, when they step out the door, you’re absolutely getting what you paid for.”
YOUR Ranch Raised Kids Book! The production of the Ranch Raised Kids books is well on its way. There are so many great photos and stories that we have added 16 pages to the publication. There is still time to donate to this project!
A Lazy 6 Angus Ranch137, 171
A Modern Site 198
Aero Tech, Inc. 26
Ag Lands Southwest 183
AgTrust Farm Credit 11
American Brahman Breeders
Association 171
American Gelbvieh
Association 38, 172
American Heritage Bank / Colten Grau 51
American International
Charolais 172
American Salers Association164
Animal Health Express 192
Armstrong Equine
Services 169
B & H Herefords 19, 170
B&R Construction 169
Bar A Ranch 174
Bar G Feedyard 85
Bar J Bar Herefords 31, 170
Bar M Real Estate 178, 185
Bays Cattle Company 28
Beaverhead Outdoors 179
Beefmaster Breeders
Bill E. Newman Real Estate 186
Bill King Ranch
BJM Sales & Service Inc.
. . . 8
83, 169
Caviness Packing Co., Inc . 210
Chas S. Middleton & Son . . . . . . 180, 181, 185
Chavez Canyon Ranch . . 168
Chip Cole Ranch Real Estate178
CJ Beefmasters
155, 172
Denton Photography . . . 202
Desert Scales & Weighing Equipment
Diamond Seven
Domenici Law Firm, PC
. . 73, 169
128, 174
168, 187
Black Angus “Ready For Work” Bull Sale
Clark Anvil Ranch
Border Tank Resources . . . 73
Bow K Ranch
. 171
Bradley 3 Ranch, Ltd. . 14, 174
Brinks Brangus / Westall Ranch
29, 175
Brownfield Ranch & Farm
C Bar Ranch
Candy Ray Trujillo’s
Black Angus
Carter Brangus
Carter’s Custom Cuts
60, 170
157, 174
Casey Beefmasters . . 155, 170
Foundation 203
Cattlemen’s Livestock
Auction 94
Cauthorn & Griffin Insurance21
Clavel Herefords
Clovis Livestock Auction
Coleman Herefords
Conniff Cattle Co., LLC
Copeland & Sons Herefords, LLC
Cornerstone Ranch.
42, 43
Cox Ranch Herefords 143, 170
Coyote Ridge Ranch . . 60, 173
Creighton’s Town & Country
CrossFirst Bank
CS Cattle Co.
Culbertson - Whatley Ranch
Dairy Farmers of America 200
Decker Herefords 135
Eagle Creek Enterprises / Tim Cox
Eastern Plains Insurance
Elbrock Ranch
. 75
Evans Beefmasters . . 155, 174
Express Scales Services . . . 20 F & F Cattle Company