gave update on NM State CowBelles business. The State District Workshops will most likely be complete in two meetings. The Wrangler will be out on May 1st and will include registration forms for the Mid-Year Meeting. The New Mexico CowBelles will participate in Ag Day at the Isotopes basehank goodness there are still more ball game on May 15. Ranch Days will people who love beef, who envy the happen at the McKeen Ranch near Glenrural life, and who hold us all in very wood on April 26 and 27. Scholarship high esteem than the bias media would Committee volunteers needed to help Pat have us believe! Recently, thanks to an invi- Hunt with getting the information out to tation from Farm Bureau to have a table at students. This is a rewarding endeavor and the Ag Day festivities at Isotopes Park, I was a good way to support the western way of gloriously reminded of that. life in the future. June is Beef Month. There Well supplied by the Beef Council with was discussion on how best to promote it recipes and hot pads for the adults, and in the community. Group formed a Beef coloring books, crayons and rulers for the Promotion Committee to earmark funds for kids, a friend of mine and I had a great time this purpose. Jessica Massengill added that handing out materials, talking with people her Beef Ambassador can assist in these about beef and all the things derived from promotions. There will be a recurring beef that you wouldn’t expect, ranching, annual donation to “Ag in the Classroom.” and, of course CowBelles. We also received To support the wonderful job of imbedding so many gracious words of encouragement, important Ag information into a classroom and so many thank you’s, not just for the presentation. Michelle noted that Carolyn materials, but for coming out to talk with Nelson has done an excellent slide show re: them, and for bringing live animals. It was USFS History and Land Use that is very informative. She also suggested that group a great day! We also met some fellow ranchers, some thank Yvette Harrell for keeping up with the lovely CowBelles from Yucca and Mesilla feral cow issue and voicing her concerns. Valley, and some dedicated 4-H kids. It was Pat announced that New Mexico Gas Co a great pleasure to work with everyone made a donation to Copper CowBelles in from Farm Bureau, including our current support of the positive work accomplished CowBelle of the Year and Social Media guru, in the community. The group appreciate Dalene Hodnett, and our wonderful Wran- them and Lori Nell Reed! A reminder that gler Editor, Katelin Spradley . Thanks to Farm early voting in Grant County begins on May Bureau for giving the New Mexico Cow- 10. Please vote early and in person. The FFA Belles an opportunity to help out. Thank youth who competed at State did very well, you to everyone who brought animals too! earning wins and high placings. Copper’s The kids’ faces still lit up as they told about seeing the animals when they came into the Copper CowBelles participated in park. And thanks to everyone at Isotopes the McKeen Ranch Days. Park who made us feel comfortable and welcome! Let this be the takeaway: people LOVE beef, they LOVE the rural life, and they LOVE us for what we do! We ARE appreciated! Let’s all keep doing what we do, from the heart! – Jacinda Price President, NM CowBelles JINGLE JANGLE
he April meeting of the Copper CowBelles held at noon with VP Michelle Greeman presiding with 11 members present. The usual preliminary protocol opened the meeting, Pledge, Invocation and CowBelle Creed. Michelle
JUNE 2022
congratulations! Meeting adjourned at 1 p.m. Submitted by Carol Crosley Chamiza CowBelles’ May meeting opened by President Jeni Neeley at 12:03 p.m. at Johnny B’s Restaurant in TorC with six members present and began with the Pledge, Innovation and Creed. The minutes and treasurer’s report read and approved. A thank you note from NMCB for the $300 donation made to the Pat Nowlin Scholarship Fund read. Kimmy Molsbee has joined CowBelles as newest member. Welcome Kimmy! Julian Marta, a local ag teacher, contacted Jeni regarding a possible donation from NMCB to help with expenses for the June 24-26 meeting of the NM Agriculture Education Teachers’ Assn. Further discussion tabled until June meeting. Ag Day will be May 6. The NM Beef Council will send a representative to present the Kids ‘n Kows program. The Chamiza Cowbelles will set up booth at 11 a.m. in preparation for the afternoon “adult” attendance. All events held at the local fairgrounds and in the Albert Lyon Event Center. Jeni announced two upcoming events: July 1-3: Southern