3 minute read
New Mexico Foundation Supports Agricultural Youth, Future Leaders
from NMS March 22
The New Mexico Junior Livestock Foundation (NMJLF) is gearing up for its 11th Annual Benefit Roping, set for April 30, 2022, at the Belen Horsemen’s Arena. Entries open at 8:30 and the #12.5 slide roping will start at 9:30, followed by the #10.5 trailer roping. Ropers will pick one partner and draw two for the $150/roper entry fee. In addition to cash prizes, winners of both ropings will receive Red Bluff Buckles, and the high-point roper in the #10.5 roping will win a trailer.
Made up of volunteers from across New Mexico, the NMJLF, which was originally established in 1989 to promote and increase participation in the New Mexico State Fair’s Junior Livestock Sale, raises money to support agricultural youth in many different arenas.
The NMJLF supports the junior livestock auctions at the Southern New Mexico State Fair, the Eastern New Mexico State Fair and New Mexico State Fair. “4-H and FFA kids put an incredible amount of time and effort into their livestock projects, and we want to encourage and reward their hard work,” said Dr. Mike McCallister, D.V.M, NMJLF President. “By participating in and buying animals at these sales, we can help make sure that the kids that make the sale get a little better return on their investment; and give them all a little more incentive for the next year’s competitions.”
Each year, the Foundation also awards several college scholarships to high school seniors who are members of 4-H and/or FFA. The number and amount of awards varies from year to year depending on funds, but it’s a great opportunity for kids to fund their higher education. The deadline to apply for this year’s scholarship is April 1, 2022, and the application can be found online at www.nmjlf.org. In addition, the NMJLF provides the jackets for New Mexico’s state 4-H and FFA officers each year.
The past two years, the NMJLF also helped ensure that youth were able to exhibit their 4-H and FFA livestock projects when shows and venues were restricted because of the pandemic.

GUARDS JERYL PRIDDY 325/754-4300 Cell: 325/977-0769
“These young people are the future of agriculture, and the future leaders of our state,” McCallister noted. “We want to see them thrive, we want to see them succeed.”
Fundraisers like the roping, the annual Evening out West Cash Party which is being planned for the summer, and the Shoot for the Future of Ag Shotgun Shoot set this year for November 5 at Tinnin Hunt Club in Bosque, allow the NMJLF to carry out their activities. “We truly appreciate everyone who contributes to and participates in our fundraisers, none of this would happen without you,” McCallister said. “If you haven’t attended one of our events yet, come join us! It’s always a great time for a great cause.” For more information on the Foundation, please visit www.nmjlf.org. Contact Todd Gibson (505) 977-2250 with questions about the roping. ▫
2022 National Junior Santa Gertrudis Show
Planning is underway for the 2022 National Junior Santa Gertrudis Show (NJSGS), June 19-24 in Texarkana, Ark.
The annual NJSGS is the highlight event for National Junior Santa Gertrudis Association (NJSGA) families. More than 1,000 junior members, their families and sponsors attend NJSGS each year where youth showmen exhibit more than 600 head of cattle. In addition to the cattle show, junior members compete in a variety of leadership contests during the week-long event that promotes personal development and agricultural excellence. Juniors also have opportunities to compete for scholarships as well as NJSGA leadership positions.
More information, including a schedule and registration information, will arrive in future issues of Santa Gertrudis USA, but mark your calendars and save the date.
For more information, contact Suzanne Fulton at 940/368-7630 or esterry@hotmail. com ▫