3 minute read
View From the Backside
from NMS March 22
by Barry Denton
Do You Ever Wonder?
Presently, Canadian Truckers are becoming American heroes and heroes to all freedom loving people. It seems they drove their rigs to the capitol city of Ottawa and parked them downtown to protest the ridiculous government-imposed mask mandates.
They have been there for almost two weeks and there has been no violence other than the police brutalizing a few residents that support the truckers. The truckers, unlike Black Lives Matter protests have not damaged any property. They hid out the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family and it turns out that there was nothing to hide from.
The Canadian government was in total disarray because they couldn’t figure out who’s jurisdiction the truckers fell under. Yesterday, the Canadian Prime Minister came out from hiding in his broom closet and told the truckers to go home.
Meanwhile, many of the Canadian provinces got rid of their mask restrictions as they are trying to get rid of the trucker’s blockade. The elitist Prime Minister looks like a bigger fool the more time goes by, and he makes no effort to negotiate with the truckers.
It would seem to me that if you are a true “leader”, then you would try negotiating with constituents that are upset but are not causing any violence. One thing about it, truckers can cause a multitude of problems when they are not moving.
This is a great example of why government should be free of nepotism. I think the Clintons and Bushes were the American examples of that.
We all know according to the climate change experts that methane gases produce heat and global warming. Remember last February, Texas suffered its blackouts during successive ice storms and up to a half million people had no power for several days.
Texas is one of the leading cattle producing states with a population of 4,865,000 cattle. You would think that with all the science available that the cattle would have kept Texas warm.
Just think if they had put up temporary pens under all those T. Boone Pickens windmills they have there. Then if they drove the nearly five million cattle under there? Why they would have never even iced up according to climate change experts.
Funny thing, but even Europe with all their extreme climate change madness decided the windmills weren’t enough last year and went back to natural gas. Besides that, they started opening some of their abandoned coal mines. Imagine that, they decided they would rather be warm than fight global warming.
I met some folks that are vegan because they think they are helping the environment. I don’t care if you think that, and I welcome your right to be wrong about such matters.
However, which environment are you talking about? Think about this. The world is so complex and full of intelligent design so how many beings are displaced when a farmer drops his plow in the ground?
Stop and think of all the bugs, worms, and microorganisms that inhabit that ground. They all have their own little environment in the ground and you vegans are fine with destroying it to get a plant to grow. Just because bugs and grubs aren’t pretty then you environmental vegans don’t mind killing them?
Consider what John Dutton said on Yellowstone about environmentalists, “You kill everything on the ground and under it!”
I think you so called environmental vegans ought to go out and start petting worms so that you don’t want to kill them. Is there a difference between killing a cow or a worm?
I’m happy that people like to eat their vegetables as that helps every vegetable farmer that I know. Alas, the environmental vegans never think of the carnage their food is causing. ▫