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New Mexico CowBelles Jingle Jangle
Can you believe we’re into the 2nd quarter of the year already?!?! Before we get too far into 2020, we want to let you know about some of the additions we have made to the Cowbelles organization.
Associate Membership is available to anyone with a business that would like to join on the business/associate level. Dues start at $25 and each level increase gives your business more exposure to our followers. What we’ve added this year, that we’ve never had before, is an online business directory and ad space in our published Wrangler, CowBelles website, and also on our State CowBelles facebook page.
We’ve never offered this before and we’re hoping it’s a positive addition for our members and their business sponsors. Did you know that we have a large number of members that have their own businesses here in New Mexico? We are members of the local Chambers, we pay our NM taxes, and we employ members of our communities.
Available at Ranch: Coming 2s, Yearling Bulls
You could say we’re vested here! We have embroiderers, quilters, soap makers, several graphic designers, screenprinters, several clothing store owners, ag marketers, hair salons, teachers, leather workers, accountants, and silversmiths in our membership.
We even have some members that really do get paid as day-work hands. If you are a CowBelle member and you’d like your personal business to be listed in the business directory, you can also enroll your business as an associate member. When we say “Let’s support each other in the ag industry”, we are putting our money where our mouth is. We have a couple of community projects that we’ll be asking for your help with... HINT: If you can cook and not burn the house down, we’ll be looking for you to help us with some videos. To get an associate membership package sent by mail or email, please send request to our Associate membership co-chair, Connie Mckinley, at conniejo12123@aol.com . Keep tuning in to our facebook page, we’re posting plenty of ag/beef facts for you to help us flood the internet with!
Until next month, Charity Ann Saulsberry NM CowBelles State President
P e d d l i n g B u l l s i n N e w M e x i c o
Villanueva •
Call Bob, Kay or Mike Anderson A Lazy 6 Angus at Blanco Canyon, HCR 72, Box 10, Ribera, NM 87560 Headquarters: 575/421-1809 Cells: 505/690-1191 • 505/660-2909 Email alazy6ranch@yahoo.com for catalog The Grant County Copper CowBelles met January 21. President Pat Hunt conducted the meeting with opening rituals recited. Guest Ty Bays was present to discuss the upcoming April Cowboy Cash Party; Copper will participate and help to organize. There was discussion about this year’s committees such as scholarships and marketing. Emphasis placed on funding to students pursuing careers in trades needed in rural areas and the marketing committee will develop several beef promotion giveaways. One of the local high school Home Economic teachers has requested in-class instruction about beef and ranching and a committee formed for that effort. A budget and audit committee will review the books as soon as possible due to the change in Treasurer. The Grant County Cattlegrowers is planning a meeting next month and group decided to present the new President with a “We love USA Beef” apron along with a check for the county fair steer purchase project this fall. The steer is processed and the meat is distributed to local Home Ec teachers free of charge for use in the classrooms. Submitted by Pat Hunt
Cactus CowBelles met February 3 at the Lister building in Lovington for their regular meeting with opening rituals recited. The treasurer’s report and secretary’s report were read and approved. Doris read thank you notes received since December meeting. Secretary Rhonda Ussery offered to make fundraising quilt for the Lea County Fair raffle and all members present voted and approved. Attending members voted to have the local pay for the meat and raffle gifts for attendees at the District IV meeting March 18. Crystal Goff procured the Masonic Lodge for District IV meeting with a donation to be made to the lodge for use. Crystal brought new laminated posters and banners of beef cuts and beef information, and samples of beef handouts to be provided at the District IV workshop courtesy of Patty Waid of the New Mexico Beef Council. Work and food signup sheets were handed out again for District IV workshop. The monthly meeting for March was set for the fourth to finalize the preparations for the District IV meeting. Meeting adjourned with 10 members visiting and having lunch at the Lazy 6 restaurant. Respectfully submitted, Gail Goff, president
Mesilla Valley CowBelles met February 12 at Mateo’s with five members present. District workshops discussed along with
potential elementary Ag Day dates. Mary Esther will discuss dates with school. Upcoming Rotunda Dinner to be attended by Janet and Fita. Dona Ana County Ag Days for elementary schools scheduled for April 28-29. From the January’s virtual meeting: Dues – still need from some members’. Ag Fest is Tuesday, February 4 and the Rotunda dinner is February 18. District Workshop (MVC will host in 2021) schedule is: District IV - Cactus – Lovington (Wednesday, March 18, 2020; District I Workshop - Crown –Corona (Friday, March 20, 2020); District III Workshop – Sacaton- Datil (Saturday, March 21, 2020); District II Workshop - Silver Spur - Raton (Friday, March 27, 2020). NMCB Mid-Year is scheduled for June 7-9, 2020 in Ruidoso, NM, Upcoming events include Man of the Year nominations (March 15) and Pat Nowlin Scholarship (April 15). Please be thinking of nominations for these two events. Submitted by Janet Witte
The February meeting of the Chamiza CowBelles called to order by President Jeni Neely with twelve members and nine guests present. Of the nine, two became new CowBelle members: Iwilta Lacy and Kandes Goss. Welcome ladies! Jeni read the Creed and Prayer and all recited the Pledge. Minutes from the previous meeting and the treasurer’s report were approved as presented. Potential sale item details for Chamiza CowBelles will be given next meeting. Cathy passed around a quilt pattern; all liked; she will proceed in making the quilt as another fund-raiser. The Jackpot Steer and Heifer Show was a success and will probably be held again next January. Sales at the booth were minimal. Jeni will have a date for Ag Day at next meeting. Raffle tickets are ready for anyone interested in early sales. The local Rotary Club is requesting a donation for the meth awareness program to be presented to fifth graders. It was decided to make the donation of $100; the group’s name will be printed on T-shirts given to each student, listed as a sponsor on Facebook and listed in the Sentinel. Jodell brought a stack of Valentine cards from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church as a thank you to the CowBelles for their generous donations each month. The NM CowBelle Wrangler publication was just recently emailed and listed the dates and locations of upcoming March district meetings. Local’s district, (District I) will be in
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Corona. However, the district meeting closest (District III) will be in Datil (Changed from Magdalena). Members may attend any of the district workshops. A guest from Chuckwagon CowBelles, Phyllis Hawley, was the winner of the door prize---free lunch. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 pm followed with a presentation by Bernice Ende, aka Lady Long Rider. Bernice, raised on a dairy farm in Minnesota, wound up living in Montana. Taught ballet in a barn during winters, went through a divorce, developed alopecia (a condition which caused her to lose all her hair), and at age 50 decided to borrow a horse and ride from Montana to Albuquerque to visit a sister. This was the first long ride for her, a long ride being 1000 miles or more by horseback. Since then, she has made many “long rides” including from coast to coast. She has written a book by that same name (Lady Long Rider) and has a documentary coming out in April. The group enjoyed listening to Bernice and many wish they could do what she’s doing. Thank you, Bernice, for your entertaining presence at the meeting! Submitted Cathy Pierce
Powderhorn Cattlewomen met Feb 13 at the First Baptist Church, as the road to Joan’s house was too wet to travel! All of the attendees received wet snow and are so thankful! Several members were present and had a wonderful pre-valentine lunch with valentine decorations. Brenda Copeland, president, opened meeting with invocation, pledge and creed. Minutes and treasurers’ report were given. Group held a short meeting with discussion of future events that were in the wrangler. Sandy McKenna and Kari Henry distributed the membership books. Thank you Kari and Sandy. Sandy also gave a brief report on future meetings and programs for 2020. Guest, Rhonda Gutierrez, Bosque Redondo warden, presented a program on the sheep to skein program being offered at the museum. It was very informative. Next meeting will be at Karen Kellings home in Quervo. Joan Key, secretary
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The January meeting of the Chuckwagon CowBelles, called to order by President Pro Tem Lyn Greene. Opening rituals recited. Shirley Townsend, Sue Hughes, Caren Cowen and Erica Garcia, State Beef Ambassador were the guests making 22 present. Welcome Shirley as a new CowBelle member! There was no
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formal meeting in December. A BIG Thanks to Sue and Tommie for a fun filled afternoon Christmas Party! Treasurer’s report presented. Three new members welcomed. Today’s bucket fund is $102.00. A thank you from Nancy Phelps for adding to the goody bags at Annual meeting. A thank you from Mimi Sidwell for donating to the silent auction. Red Kingston thanked group for flying flag at the Mountainair Rodeo. Welda Grider was elected to serve as President; Jean Stone is Vice President; Treasurer is Tommie Abers; Secretary position remains vacant. There will be officer training at District Workshop for the local officers. Bernice Ende, Lady Long Rider, will present a program at the Belen Library on March 12th at 1:30pm. She calls her talk “Insights” What I Have learned from 30,000 miles of Equestrian Travel. The group to pay funds to keep banner up at the Mountainair Rodeo grounds. Sue Hawkins needs donations of vintage jean jackets. Report on NMCB Annual Meeting and Board Meeting – those attending. Casey Spradley is State CowBelle of the Year. www.newmexicocowbelles.org
This issue will appear on the internet for 12 full months after publication.
Call Chris Martinez: 505/243-9515, ext. 28 to reserve your space! www.aaalivestock.com • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
2020 Handbook pages available. Program: Caren Cowan: Pre Legislative Session Report (30 day session) Next meeting; be there early because to set up at the Extension Office. Announcements: Next Meeting, February 11, Valencia CES Office (Los Lunas), Ken Hays, Honey & Apple Farm. Restaurant meal (TBA); District I Workshop will be hosted by Crown in Corona Friday, March 20. Submitted by Lyn Greene
President Rachel January 23 called the Silver Spurs CowBelle meeting to order with 10 members present to post their hours. Thank you notes received from Catherine Callis and Nancy Phelps for the Russian tea and decorations provided for the NMCB; and a card from Brad Christmas, 2019 Man of the Year. Sending cards to Jackie Shaw and Jessie Lopez. Minutes to be sent to Janet Witte every month. Ada Marie gave the membership report with 46 members and 5 junior members. The minutes, read, correction made and approved. Treasurer’s report given and filed. Income from napkins, license plates and Beef for Hunger; expenses of dues, Pat Nowlin scholarship, and State Convention. Tweeti and Debbie will report from the legislature. Tweeti is Dist.II rep. Linda Davis will continue to report from the legislature also. Rachel encouraged all to read Caren Cowan’s articles in the Stockman to be informed of the issues facing the cattle industry. Christmas Bazaar, November 7, 2020 was discussed extensively with homemade donuts and more craft items for sale. The District II meeting will be Friday, March 27. The Holiday Inn Express is currently undergoing remodeling of the meeting room scheduled to be available, if it isn’t K-Bobs has a room available. K Bob’s will cater the meal or serve in their facility. A theme for the meeting discussed; IN bank and Shirley Hooper, Representative, are sponsors of this event and will cover the costs of the decorations. Further details of the meetings discussed and duties dispersed among members. Registration fee of $25 per person. Reminder group agreed to donate $150 to Bean Day in Wagon Mound and $150 for the Colfax County Fair. Yucky Worms: Cody Cummings of NMFLB attended in October when he encouraged classroom visits to inform of the necessity of agriculture in their lives. Janey was able to go into Shana Burton’s first grade class in Springer. The students were reasonably aware of the source of their food and clothing. Janey had a great day and thanks Cody for sharing the lesson plan and kit with all. Meeting adjourned. Scholarship Committee met immediately following meeting to review the scholarship application and decided to require only one essay instead of two. Point system changed value of the one essay and changed points on school activities and clubs from 5 to 10. Committee members will take the applications to the Wagon Mound, Springer, Cimarron, Maxwell, and Raton Schools with requirement to be submitted to by April 15th. Submitted by Janey Wood
A slight correction... Last month’s Jingle carried some incorrect information regarding The CowBelles and their 80th Anniversary Celebration held in the Cowbelle Hall in Douglas, Arizona on October 19, 2019. The CowBelles in Douglas were the first ever chapter of CowBelles and was started in 1939. It was headed up by my grandmother Mattie Cowan. My maternal grandmother was in attendance, as well as my mother at the ripe old age of 2. The New Mexico Stockman regrets the error in publishing. Thank you.
New Mexico CowBelles: Thank you to all who have submitted their news to Jingle Jangle. Please send minutes and/or newsletters to Jingle Jangle, Janet Witte, 1860 Foxboro Ct., Las Cruces, NM 88007 or email: janetwitte@msn.com by the 14th of every month.
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JCS 1321 MARK DOMINO 9679 AHA 44041762 • Horned lJS mark domino 1321 x BR Copper 124Y CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G CW REA MRB $CHB +4.6 +3.3 +55 +101 +1.5 +28 +56 +69 +.46 +.41 +114
JCS SPARTAN 9632 AHA 44036222 • Horned uPS 3310 Spartan 60008 x JCS Cool Kat 0268 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G CW REA MRB $CHB –3.2 +4.2 +58 +95 +1.3 +17 +46 +64 +.53 +.07 +99
JCS SPARTAN 9542 AHA 44035493 • Horned uPS 3310 Spartan 60008 x langfords 2205 eT CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G CW REA MRB $CHB +11.2 +0.3 +51 +81 +1.1 +22 +47 +58 +.32 +.19 +85
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JCS AC RESISTOL 9600 AHA P44035557 • Polled mCKY lucchese 6481 eT x JCS 88X domino 3460 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G CW REA MRB $CHB +2.4 +2.9 +53 +85 +1.3 +26 +53 +66 +.45 +.03 +98
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