Use All the Tools for Profitable Bull Selection by John Ford
enetic evaluations, and the Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) they generate, provide cattlemen the information needed to improve herd genetics and overall cattle performance. Genetic trend tables, available on breed association websites, verify the fact that beef operations utilizing today’s selection tools have improved overall animal productivity and profitability. All beef industry members should appreciate the tremendous commitment made by seedstock operations to devote resources, collect data, participate in feed efficiency trials, utilize DNA technology, review statistical analysis, and sort countless pages of information in order to breed better cattle. After all, it is the identification and use of genetically superior sires that is the fastest approach to herd improvement and ultimately bottom-line profitability. During my tenure as Santa Gertrudis Breeders International Executive Director, I quickly learned time spent with members of the commercial sector of the beef industry was time well spent. Visits provided insight into the challenges of ranching in demanding environments. Additionally, it validated the fact that commercial cattlemen place great value on performance datasets and utilize the information provided in the decision-making process. Timely visits also reminded me that those of us involved with the production of purebred cattle should not allow ourselves to become so immersed in genetic evaluations and statistical methodologies that we lose sight of the sound animal selection practices that have served the beef industry well for so many years. There is no doubt, EPDs and other datasets are valuable selection tools, but we should also remember visual and phenotypic evaluation of bulls remains important. For a bull to have any value to a beef producer, he must be reproductively sound. The only objective method for evaluating bull fertility is a breeding soundness examination (BSE). For this reason, it is critical that any bull purchased should have passed a BSE in the past 30-60 days. A BSE should be performed by a licensed veterinarian or trained professional and should comprise an assessment of scrotal circumference,
MARCH 2021
sperm concentration, motility, and morcollection, are committed to phology. In addition, the bull’s physical measuring as many economically ability to breed based on a physical examrelevant traits as possible, and readily ination of the reproductive organs and share all results. Use the EPDs general health are appraised. generated from this data collection While structural soundness of feet and process to select bulls based on traits legs is included in the BSE, producers that are profitable for your operation. should also make their own evaluation of a bull’s skeletal structure before making a ЇЇ Require a Breeding Soundness purchase. Structural soundness is vital, Examination. A BSE assess a bull’s and a great deal of emphasis must be reliability and capability as a placed on sound conformation of the feet breeding animal. and legs. To be an efficient breeder, a bull must be structurally sound. During the act ЇЇ Place pressure on structural of covering a female the full weight of the soundness. Bulls need to be sound bull is carried on the hind legs and feet. and function in the pasture, therefore, Clearly, any unsoundness in this region will good feet and legs, a strong libido, severely interfere with breeding ability. and docility are a must. Bottom line, bulls lacking structural integrity have higher rates of breakdowns Most importantly, find a seedstock proresulting in decreased reproductive perfor- ducer you trust. Reputable seedstock mance and longevity. producers want to develop a long-term Another area in which producers might business relationship with their bull buyers. use visual evaluation in predicting a sire’s The best seedstock operations are those value is in the area of docility. Bulls with committed to the lasting success of their overly aggressive, nervous, or flighty dispo- bull buying customers. sitions create management problems for producers and should be avoided, addition- John Ford served as Executive Director of Santa ally several studies have been conducted Gertrudis Breeders International 2010-2020. linking docility to other profitable traits. During his tenure, the association was the first to implement a genetic evaluation utilizing single-step These studies indicate there are connec- methodology and the first Bos indicus influenced tions between stress and its effect on traits breed to offer Genomic EPDs. Ford currently works like fer tilit y, feed ef f iciency and with Red Doc Farm, Belen, New Mexico assisting with the management and use of the operation’s carcass merit. With spring bull buying season around performance data. the corner, what selection strategies ensure that genetically superior animals can be identified and purchased?
Seek purebred breeders that understand the value of data
Santa Gertrudis Bull