3 minute read
Cattlemens Livestock
from NMS March 23
cantly change the way we currently implement the section 10 program or expand the reach of species protections,” Schuldheisz added. “To the extent the revisions relate to the documents required to support a permit application, they clarify the requirements for those documents but do not impose additional requirements that would result in significantly increased costs to small entities.”
When asked how the proposed rule change would benefit threatened or endangered species, Schuldheisz gave reference to the Interior’s press release earlier Wednesday, which stated: “ESA section 10 permits have long been used to encourage candidate conservation agreements with assurances and safe harbor agreements, which are voluntary landowner agreements designed to benefit candidates or listed species, respectively.
“They have also been used to permit the take of listed species incidental to private development activities. ESA Section 10 permits allow for a variety of activities, some of which can benefit endangered species through innovation.”
But contrary to the Interior’s point, the
Pepper Beef Steaks with ChileCilantro Butter
35 Minutes
4 Servings
8 Ingredients
4 3/4 inch thick Sirloin Tip Center Steaks
1/3 cup country Dijon-style mustard
2 tablespoons peppercorns
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1/4 cup butter
1 tablespoon fresh cilantro
1 teaspoon garlic
2 anaheim peppers
Preparation: Step 1
Combine mustard, peppercorns and cumin in small bowl. Remove and reserve 1/2 for brushing. Spread remaining mustard mixture on both sides of beef Sirloin Tip Center Steaks. Cover and marinate in refrigerator 1 hour.
Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) claims the new rule combines two policies into one that “fails to require permanent conservation measures and allows participants to back out of the agreement at any point.”
“This lackluster rule is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic,” said Stephanie Kurose, a senior policy specialist for the CBD, in a statement. “The Service missed a huge opportunity to make meaningful progress to recover our most vulnerable animals and plants. With time running out, we can’t afford more of the status quo.”
The CBD explained that the proposed rule fails to include “strong monitoring and accountability requirements,” which would help FWS determine when species have been harmed at a greater level than authorized or have experienced a significant species-level population decline. Additionally, the Center claimed such changes wouldn’t limit the time it takes to develop these plans, which often take more than a decade due to insufficient resources.
Even so, Schuldheisz explained that by making the clarifications the agency did,
Step 2
Combine butter, cilantro and garlic in small bowl. Set aside.
Step 3
Place steaks and peppers on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered, 8 to 9 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill 8 to 11 minutes) until steaks are medium rare (145°F) doneness and peppers are blackened, turning occasionally and brushing steaks with reserved mustard mixture during the last 4 minutes. (Do not overcook.)
Step 4
Remove blackened peppers; cover and let stand 5 minutes. Remove skin, stems and seeds. Chop peppers and stir 1/2 into butter mixture. Top each steak with 1 teaspoon butter mixture. Sprinkle with remaining chopped peppers. Serve with remaining butter.
Nutrition information per serving: 278 Calories; 9 Calories from fat; 1g Total Fat ) 108 mg Cholesterol; 581 mg Sodium; 9 g Total Carbohydrate; 37 g Protein; 5.5 mg Iron; 5 mg NE Niacin; 0.6 mg Vitamin B6; 3.7 mcg Vitamin B12; 9.2 mg Zinc. This recipe is an excellent source of Protein, Iron, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Zinc.
FWS would improve the implementation of its conservation programs under the Endangered Species Act and increase its voluntary participation.
In explaining the difference between the agency’s take permits, for example, Schuldheisz wrote, “An enhancement of survival permits authorizing the take of covered species, above the baseline condition, when the primary purpose of the associated conservation agreement is to implement beneficial actions that address threats to the covered species, establish new wild populations, or otherwise benefit the covered species.”

In contrast, Schuldheisz explained incidental take permits authorize take that is incidental to otherwise lawful activities, such as resource extraction, commercial and residential development and energy development.
“The conservation actions in the associated conservation plan minimize and mitigate the impacts of the authorized take,” Schuldheisz wrote.
FWS’s announcement comes a day after a magistrate judge sided with the agency’s decision to permit a gas and oil company to cause “take” on threatened polar bears and Pacific walruses in northern Alaska.