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Stockman Award Recognizes Three Young Ladies at NJAS
Annual contest recognizes all-around winners from three contests.
by Karen Hiltbrand, Angus Communications
The announcer’s voice boomed through the arena and met every set of more than 800 years with anticipation. Tapping feet, sweaty hands and pounding hearts filled the arena as junior Angus members anticipated their names being called for the Angus Stockman Award. Three of those anxious hearts belonged to exhibitors Molly Hansen of North Dakota, Lauren Wolter of Illinois, and Lynae Bowman of North Carolina. They were soon to be honored as the 2021 National Junior Angus Show Stockman Contest winners in their respective divisions at the 2021 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS) in Grand Island, Nebraska.
This year Molly Hansen won Junior
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Stockman, Lauren Wolter took home the Intermediate Stockman title and Lynae Bowman was named the Senior Stockman at the 2021 NJAS hosted in Grand Island, Nebraska. The path to success requires grit, preparation and goal setting. These practices are well known by the three winners of the 2021 National Junior Angus Show Stockman Contest.
Both Wolter and Hansen have won the Stockman Award previously. As a junior, Wolter won the Stockman contest and was thrilled to be named as the intermediate winner this year.
Wolter said she vividly remembers winning her very own National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) padfolio at her first NJAS. Shortly after winning her padfolio, those pages became the script outlining the goals Wolter was then and still is determined to achieve. Of the many goals she has checked off, this year she was able to check off her second title as the Intermediate Stockman Contest winner.
The Stockman Award was created in 2017 to recognize juniors who were all-around successful in contests outside of the ring. The Overall Angus Stockman Award recognized three juniors who topped the Judging Contest, Quiz Bowl Written Exam and Skill-a-thon.
“I set the goal initially that the Stockman contest was something I wanted to win,” said Wolter. “I just love that this is a contest I can train for and push myself and work at.”
The Stockman Award aims to encourage youth of all ages to expand their knowledge in all aspects of the cattle industry. This, coupled with goals of the National Junior Angus Association, to encourage both personal and professional growth of junior members while developing the future of the Angus breed, makes it a sought-after award.
“When I set a goal, you are not going to get in my way — I’m going to do it, and make it my mission to achieve it,” Wolter said.
This is the type of young people the NJAA is passionate about developing — individuals like Hansen, Wolter and Bowman. For more information on the contest and other NJAA opportunities, visit NJAA.info. ▫