narily expensive thing to produce from an anti Indian. environmental sustainability point of view. According to Acee Agoyo of Vision Maker So I think it would be healthy on both an Media, during Kamala’s stint as Attorney individual and societal level for us to move General of California she opposed at least in that direction.” 15 tribal land-into-trust applications. I heard just last week KH was working “Her actions undermined the ability of with KFC, just kidding. What is true is AOC, Indian nations to reclaim lands they lost to being one congresswoman Alexandria theft, fraud, and other negative policies. Ocasio Cortez, is introducing a new bill in Using her position as the state’s top legal Congress known as the “The Climate Equity official, Harris also went up against tribes in Act” which is considered part three of “The two prominent sovereignty cases. Her arguGreen New Deal”. ments put her out of step with legal There you have it a bill conceived by the doctrines that were reaffirmed by the bar passer and the bartender that will save nation’s highest court in a historic decision (The views expressed in this column are not America from that evil known as “beef”. The just last month.” necessarily those of the New Mexico Cattle scary thing is that one hundred years ago Alright, I’m trying hard here to look on Growers’ Association or this publication.) you would have paid a nickel to see these the bright side and come up with some’m confused now brown cow. I’m just two ladies in a carnival act, and now it’s thing nice about Kamala. To her credit, she guessing here, but it seems that the new possible they could be running the country. does appear clean in public settings. I do Democrat vice presidential candidate My first question to Kamala would be realize that not everyone loves cows and Kamala Harris has been secretly hired by just how did a lawyer become an expert on steaks the way I do. Then it dawned on me, the environmental extremist lobby to cattle? How many cattle has Kamala raised who does this silly chick remind me of, none destroy beef intake in America. and just how much beef has she produced? other than Nancy Pelosi the speaker of the “I love cheeseburgers from time to time, What was her environment like prior to United States House of Representatives. I just do,” Ms. Harris said. “But there has to cattle raising and how much did her envi- The resemblance is so close that she might be also what we do in terms of creating ronment change after cattle raising? How even be a clone. incentives that we will eat in a healthy way, painful was this experience and how long To be fair, I did see a recent photo of that will encourage moderation, and that was she hospitalized during this period? Kamala with an alleged farmer in his field we will be educated about the effect of our Am I to drive down the road, see a cow, and she appeared to be listening to him. eating habits on our environment.” and just know I’m going to die from it? For That part is pretty hard to believe, but you This sounds about as un-American as some reason “cancer” in this country can do anything with Photoshop these days. you can get. Since when do you want a self appears to be a much larger problem than The farmer himself looked quite abashed. proclaimed “savior” or former government cattle grazing or is it me? I do realize that What a great photo-op for Kamala, but I employee telling you how to eat? I think it cattle occasionally get in the road and heard that she refused to be photographed is astounding that this ol’ gal thinks so might be a health issue if you are with a cow. After all it would not be dignihighly of herself. driving too fast. fied to be photographed with the bovine Corporate lawyer Andrew Yang is also It appears that there are a host of other enemy that is destroying the earth. running for President on the Democrat issues that Kamala is against besides just Amanda Radke of Beef Magazine wrote ticket and agrees with Ms. Harris. According cattle. There are several reports of her being that, “Harris called for changes to the to Yang, “Certainly, meat is an extraordi- anti fracking, anti gun, anti Catholic, and “Dietary Guidelines of Americans”. Once again she is telling us she is an expert in yet another field. Since we are already in a time of crisis concerning COVID Kamala knows that this is a great time to present herself as the answer to the country’s ills. Scaring people when they are vulnerable is a great way to We make it simple to help you select the coverage that’s right for you today and provide options for gain control. Politicians just love a crisis and the future of your growing operation. Now that’s Smarter Insurance for Agriculture.® will try and create one where there is none. Contact us to schedule an on-site SuperCheck® and ensure you have the coverage you need. Don’t be a sheep, be a cow and let’s moo Monte Anderson Trump right back to the White House. 15 Oak, Clayton, NM 88415 VIEW FROM THE BACKSIDE by Barry Denton
Kamala & The Cow
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