Portfolio 2

Page 1


N. Navaneethakrishnan Academic | Professional

Curriculum Vitae N. Navaneethakrishnan

E : nsnk.pv@gmail.com

M : +91-8375089818

W : http://nsnkpv.wix.com/frmd


+ Army Public School, New Delhi (1996 - 1998)

+ Western Academy of Beijing, Beijing (1998 - 2001)

+ Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Trivandrum (2001 - 2005)

+ Dayanand Public School, Shimla (2005 - 2008)

+ School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi (2008 - 2013) - B.Arch

Work Experience

+ IC&A (Ini Chatterjee and Associates), Goa (Feb 2012 - June 2012), Intern

+ Abaxial Architects Pvt. Ltd. (Aug 2013 - Mar 2015), Junior Architect

+ Firki Studio (May 2015 - Nov 2015), Architect

+ Freelance (Nov 2015 - ), Architectural Photography


+ AutoCAD

+ SketchUp

+ Photoshop

+ InDesign

+ Illustrator

+ Architectural Modeling

+ Hobbies - Art, Sketching, Caricatures, Dry Media Sketching, Comics

Contents Academic

+ War Museum, Thesis (Sem X)

+ Karol Bagh, Urban Design (Sem IX)

+ Architectural Competitions, Seminar (Sem IX)

+ Inclusive Housing (Sem VII)

+ Other Work (Sem I - Sem VI)


Abaxial Architects

+ WTC Service Offices

+ Ashoka University

+ Akosha


Firki Studio

+ Portfolio Development

+ Captain Common Sense

Architectural Photography

+ Anand Aptay and Jhabvala

+ Amit Khanna Design Associates


+ S.T.U.P.D.


+ Arts and Graphics Work

+ Photography

Hi, Welcome to my new and updated portfolio. this one contains far less academic work than my previous one which was made just after college, and more of my professional work and hobbies. I have chosen to show my hobbies as I think they reflect on the kind of work I have been leaning towards recently. Old Portfolio (click for link)

Academic Aug 2008 - May 2013

I have attempted to present all my work in a

b) I am a big fan of all comic books from

For the readers' ease I have kept all my

comic book format because:

Tintin, Asterix, Spiderman, Batman, Maus,

comments and explanations of the projects

Persepolis and Amar Chitra Katha.

inside the black bordered boxes like these

a) I find it easier to use a sequential series

while actual text from the work is presented

of boxes o convey my own train of thought

c) On the off chance, my work fails to

outside. The same is not true for images.

while doing that particular piece of work.

impress the reader, at least it looks

I assume no one will read, but am still

different and perhaps will leave some sort

writing for my own pleasure.

of impression in their head.

In the Academic section we shall see

If you don't understand anything about the


some of the senior year projects such as

project even with the new and upgraded

Thank you for bearing with me till here

Thesis, Urban Design, Seminars and Group

description boxes, its still probably my

(hopefully) and please enjoy the show.

Housing in detail (as much details as 2 A4s

fault. Simply recomposing badly done work

can provide). This is followed by a page of

and adding funny boxes with sarcastic

two older projects I like personally and

statements in comic sans (career suicide)

wanted to show but you can ignore at your

can only compensate so much.


Yes. Thats it. Turn Over. Bye.

War Museum Thesis - Semester X, SPA

Shouldn't Rajpath really be called Janpath;

Being a representation of Imperial Rule on

be flanked on its four corners by large public

the major axis of the national capital should

India, the major axis of New Delhi was called

institutions. This thesis proposes to start from

be named after the proper to reflect its

‘The King’s Way’ and the minor axis, ‘The

Lutyens’ idea and extend it along the Rajpath

status as a democracy.

Queen’s Way’. After Independence, they

of today.

were re-christened as Rajpath and Janpath respectively, to reflect the young democracy

This would create a large open lawn, bound on

it represented.

both sides by buildings that the common man may come and enjoy; this involvement of the

However there is a contradiction in the names

‘Jan’ of India rendering Rajpath into Janpath

today. Shouldn’t the largest democracy in

as it ideally should be.

To make it truly democratic, the thesis

the world name its ‘grand monumental axis’ to

proposed to create a Museum District along

reflect its status as a democracy?

The Museum

Shouldn’t Rajpath be really called

In order to create an experience of a continued


story line, the galleries have been arranged

the current Rajpath to bring in more people to the central greens.

linearly with one gallery leading to the next. To In Sir Edwin Lutyens’ vision, the crossing

efficiently use this length in the square form

between King’s Way and Queen’s Way was to

of the site, the length of the gallery has been

The site selected is two plots closest to

wrapped around the edges of the site in the

of the previous spiral using the same method.

the India Gate hexagon along Rajpath; the

form of an upward spiral using the ‘walls’ that

This not only doubles the length of gallery

Vice President's bungalow and an empty plot

connect the ‘towers‘ of the ‘fort‘.

space available, it also brings the visitor back

To detail how such a museum could work in such a configuration, A War Museum was proposed to honour and recognise the sacrifices of the soldiers who protect our nation.

As an extension of the museum, there needed also to be a new War Memorial. Independent India has yet to create a memorial for its fallen soldiers. The India Gate is a memorial for the Anglo-Afghan Wars of the early 20th century.

nearby. As the entire area will have to be

into the entrance lobby without once crossing

rezoned, this was an assumption taken to

This however leads to the visitor being

the people going up the other spiral, thus

support the thesis.

stranded on the highest level leaving him/her

maintaining the linearity of the storytelling.

to use only vertical circulation to return to the ground level. To avoid this issue, A second downward spiral has been wound on the inside

The square plot of the Vice President's bungalow is used as the primary exhibition wing containing the bulk of the built up area. Admin, Library and Auditorium functions are split to the triangular empty plot adjacent.

Both the sites are connected to each other, nearby sites as well as the central greens by way of ramps and underpasses; thus connecting the courtyard of the Exhibition Building with the area around it.

The main entry is from the central greens, leading into the up and down spiral of the Exhibition Building. A reading room connects both the blocks at an upper level. The library, Admin and Audi open away from the central greens.

The spiral up and down the Exhibition building is made of ramps, making it easy to move heavy military equipment for the exhibits. The light gradient also allows for a seamless movement through the history of warfare.

Issues: 1. The Thesis had too many facets that needed to be resolved in the given time. 2. The UD of the proposed Museum District is incomplete. 3. The design on the Museum itself needs further study and learning. 4. Design language is underdeveloped.

Karol Bagh Urban Design - Semester IX, SPA - with Ankit S., Kabilan S. and Nikit D.

Key Points - The two major outer roads, Gaffar Market and their respective characters. The grid layout of the area. The Ridge forest as a major feature. The growth of the area in response to the Metro station and the traffic it brings.

Evolution - The design process involved several stages of sticking to the grid and then breaking it, only to reform it and break it again. This repetitive breaking and reforming led to a final urban volume responsive to all our observations about the site.

Final Design - The final design was an attempt to ease the flow of people from the metro station to the neighborhood more easily through green areas while maximising the zoning potential of the site while retaining some of the original urban experience.

Abstract: Veni Vidi Vici (seminar title)

Architectural Competitions Seminar - Semester IX, SPA - with Ankit S., Kabilan S. and Nikit D.

Architecture is a slow profession; buildings may take a few months to several years to be realised after they are conceptualised. Thus it takes time for a new architectural idea to be accepted as part of the mainstream. Competitions have helped catalyse change in architecture as they provided a competitive space similar to the consumer market, where only the best survive. Thus, architectural competitions have become an integral part of our profession as they have challenged architects to push the boundaries of their imaginations and yet manage to generate designs that can be realised.

A research seminar (click for link) conducted every year at SPA, our topic was

This paper aims at exploring architectural competitions, the problems that surround them and how

architectural competitions as game changers

they have been heralds for change throughout architectural history.

- Veni Vidi Vici --------------------------------------------------------------------------We believed competitions have played a vital

Excerpt : (an example of how two Competitions helped cause a major shift in design thinking)

par as catalysts for major ideological shifts in architecture and design.

Paradigm Shift 2: Modernism to Post-modernism By the 1970’s, , modernism had reduced to creating formalism for formalism’s sake. Thus it lost

Despite the many problems faced by

steam towards the 70s with the large scale urban housings of that time being criticised for

competitors and organisers alike, we found

being too idealistic and unsuccessful. The demolition of the Pruitt-Igoe housing complex in St.

that the benefits of holding competitions

Louis, Missouri was, according to Charles Jencks, “the day on which modern architecture died”.

far outweigh the reasons not to.

The reconstruction of several economies after the war years, larger optimism in society, and advancements in technology precipitated by the wars allowed for the return of more expressionism

We attempted to prove this by comparing it

in architecture.

with the phenomenon of paradigm shifts in science and technology.

The Centre Georges Pompidou In December 1970, President Georges Pompidou of France proposed the project for the Centre Georges Pompidou in part to fulfill his ambition to gain architectural immortality for his contribution to the city of Paris. To avoid the limitations of prevalent thinking on arts centres, a team was set up to produce a brief for an international competition, which received 681 entries in total. (A.D. Profiles, 1977) The architects envisioned a museum which would break the wall of suspicion between the general public and modern art, responding to its growing democratic nature. Only half of the site was used, while the other half was left as a square in order to enhance the urban function of the entire district giving it “all manner of activities not specifically stated in the programme.” Other entries followed the age - old principle of a fixed floor layout and formal museum/art gallery setting in a public space. The winning idea, to create a single large space with changeable floor plates designed to create volumes as required, captured the imagination of the jury. The Sydney Opera House The Sydney Opera house stands out as a chronological anomaly amongst Neo-Expressionist designs as it is one of the earliest postwar structures to have a truly expressive design. The competition was initiated by J.J. Cahill (the prime minister of New South Wales), in September 1955. The jury had 233 designs to choose from; all of them line drawings as requested. The most influential member of the jury was Eero Saarinen. Perhaps because it coincided with his own approach to architecture, Utzon’s initially rejected design caught Saarinen’s eye. The winning design had been submitted by the Danish architect Jorn Utzon. (Murray, 2003) A quick glance at a few other competition entries shows that the winning entry was a clear deviation from the formality and the simplicity of the other designs, which were very modernist in their setting. Had any of these designs been built, the iconic status the Opera House commands today may not have been achieved.

Inclusive Housing Housing - Semester VII, SPA - with Shobitha J.

Our concept for housing involved three major points. One was that to achieve inclusiveness we had to increase the number of times people crossed each other. This would only happen if we maximise public space, which we achieved by taking advantage of the then rule that voids of

three stories and higher were free from FAR. Thus we made a series of criss crossing streets at every three stories that would act as both circulation, greens and play areas easily accessible from all floors.

Other Work Studio Work - Semester I to VI, SPA

Bhopal (click for link) - A study trip to document the historic Gohar Mahal - Iqbal maidan precinct in Bhopal, followed by a suggested intervention to revitalise the area which has fallen into disuse over the past couple of years. The suggested intervention was an art gallery connecting the above two entities of the precinct.

House Design - A third sem project focused on introducing the basics of house design, where our focus was to maximise the climatic comfort of the occupants in the sweltering heat of Delhi/Faridabad. A large site allowed for lots of play in imagining different kinds of landscapes and groves.

Hi again, Im back to try and explain the next part of the portfolio even though I could have just left the page blank and avoided this all together. Its not as if you would read this anyway. Fair warning, because this is the work section, there might be bigger words and more coring sentences.

Professional Aug 2013 - Present

And that requires thinking.

Yes. Thinking.


Ah yes,

After leaving Firki I chanced upon a

Freelancing gave me ample time to think

My professional work mainly shows two

photography project suggested by my

about and formulate the story for my

major projects from my time at Abaxial

professor for whom I had been covering

ultimate dream project - a comic book

Architects Pvt. Ltd. (click for link) and one

(his) DesignXDesign events for two years.

series. Set in future space yet drawing

smaller one. This is followed by my work at

storytelling inspirations from Indian

Firki Studio where I added more graphic

This was an opportunity to work by myself

contexts I hope and expect that my coming

and illustrative works to my portfolio. I have

and try and create work disciplines for

professional decisions will ultimately allow

yet to handle a project where im involved in

myself and I jumped at the chance. I

me to realise this dream.

the civil aspects of design and have largely

was able to hone my previous hobby of

ended up doing interior work. This is a gap in

photography into a more marketable skill as

my experience I hope to fill soon.

an architectural photographer.

Sigh. Alright see you later.

WTC 1 - Office for WTC Noida. These were used as main offices for WTC while

WTC Service Offices

the actual building is currently under construction. The finish of the office had to be elegant and clean to match WTC standards and had to flexible to accommodate their various

at : Abaxial Architects Pvt. Ltd. - interior design for two offices

activities and programmes.

Detail of groove in partition

Clear Glass 8mm

Nosing Detail

Clear Glass 8mm Openable from Side

Back-lit Image

View of groove in partition


1'-6" 1'-3" 2'-9" 6"

1'-6" 1'-3" 1'-3" 8"


Space for Pamphlets


Drg. No: Scale:

Dealt: Display 3

19-08-2013 Checked:

1" Thk. Partition Board finished with Veneer/Laminate As/ Spec

Acrylic Sheet with 9" dia. Circle cut in the center

Acrylic Sheet with 9" dia. Circle cut in the center

Map of Spire Projects

Map of Spire Projects

Horizontal Members : 1'1" Long 412" Wide 1" Thk.

Horizontal Members : 1'1" Long 412" Wide 1" Thk.

Text on Spire Projects pasted on Acrylic Sheet

Text on Spire Projects pasted on Acrylic Sheet

Partition Side : Vertical Members 6" Wide 1" Thk. 8'6" High

Partition Side : Vertical Members 6" Wide 1" Thk. 8'6" High

Space for Pamphlets for Housing

Space for Pamphlets for Housing

Description of type of pamphlet

Description of type of pamphlet

1" Thk. Partition Board finished with Veneer/Laminate As/ Spec

1" Thk. Partition Board finished with Veneer/Laminate As/ Spec Drg.

Space for Vertical Housing Model

Space for Vertical Housing Model


Display 3

Abaxial Architects Pvt. Ltd. No. 8. Pocket 1, Jasola, New Delhi-25 p: 011-40525333





19-08-2013 Checked:



19-08-2013 Checked:

Abaxial Architects Pvt. Ltd. Abaxial Architects Pvt. Ltd. No. 8. Pocket 1, Jasola, New Delhi-25No. 8. Pocket 1, Jasola, New Delhi-25 p: 011-40525333 p: 011-40525333

View of Display 3 Scale : 1" - 1'0"

View of Display 3 Scale : 1" - 1'0"


Drg. No:




Drg. Title:

Drg. No:


Partition Side : Title: Vertical Members 6" Wide 1" Thk. 8'6" High





DESCRIPTION Space for vertical Pamphlets

1" Thk. Partition Board finished with Veneer/Laminate As/ Spec


Wooden Batons 112" Thk



Groove 212"x21 2" Chrome Finish Wooden Frame 2"x2"1 2

Clear Glass 10 mm


1" 11" 21" 11" 22 2 2 2

1 2"

Wooden Batons 11 2" Thk

Partition Side : Vertical Members 6" Wide 1" Thk. 8'6" High

Text on Spire Projects pasted on Acrylic Sheet


Space for Pamphlets

Space for brochures

3" 3"

Space for vertical Pamphlets

Acrylic Sheet with 9" dia. Circle cut in the center

the discrepancies need to be brought to the 4. Any discrepancies need to be brought4.toAny notice of the architect prior to commencement notice of the architect prior to commencement of work at site. of work at site. vary 5. The dimensions in the drawings may 5. The dimensions in the drawings may vary slightly subject to site conditions slightly subject to site conditions


Display 2

Acrylic Sheet with 9" dia. Circle cut in the center


Board 4" High


1" Thk. Partition Board finished with Veneer/Laminate As/ Spec


1" Thk. Partition Board finished with Veneer/Laminate As/ Spec

Display 3



Trough for Planter

Clear Glass 10mm Thk.

1" 22


Graphic on Spire Projects


Clear Glass 8mm


Back-Lit Image

Text on Spire Projects pasted on Acrylic Sheet




Display 3

Space for brochures



Space for Vertical Model

Text on Mainstream Green


Display 2

1" Thk. Partition Board finished with Veneer/Laminate As/Spec

Space for Chrome Finish Vertical Modelinside Groove

3" 3"

Board 2" Thk. 9" High


Space for Pamphlets


Plastic Trough

pasted on Acrylic

1" Thk. Partition Board finished with Wooden Batons Veneer/Laminate As/Spec 11 2" Thk



Aluminium Lining As/ Spec.

White Lacquered Glass

Clear Glass 8mm Openable from Side

Awards Graphic on Spire Edge

Spire Edge


Groove 212"X21 2" in Chrome


4. Any discrepancies need to be brought to the notice ofon the architect prior to commencement Text SpireatProjects of work site.

dimensions in the drawings may vary 5. The Sheet slightly subject to site conditions


Wooden Batons 112" Thk

Clear Glass 10mm Thk.

Graphic: to be read and not scaled 2. Drawing Map with locations to Projects be read in conjunction with relevant 3. Drawing of Spire structural/services/ inside the circle detail drawings


Space for Pamphlets

NOTES 3mm. Acrylic Sheet are in feet and inches unless 1. All dimensions with 9" dia. Circle indicated otherwise cut in the center


Text on Spire Projects pasted on Acrylic Sheet

2. Drawing to be read and not scaled 2. Drawing to be read and not scaled 3. Drawing to be read in conjunction with Drawing to be read in conjunction with relevant 3.relevant structural/services/ detail drawings structural/services/ detail drawings

Space for Models


Space for Models 3mm. Acrylic Sheet with 9" dia. Circle cut in the center Graphic: Map with locations of Spire Projects inside the circle

NOTES NOTES unless 1. All dimensions are in feet and inches1. All dimensions are in feet and inches unless indicated otherwise indicated otherwise




WTC 2 - Service Offices.

The finish of this office had to be slightly less clinical and more homely feel as the

These offices were to be rented to

clients would spend far more time here than

professionals that are part for the WTC

the previous office.

network. The configurations of the small offices had to be able to cater to various

A heavily wooden feel for the common areas

types of clients that they expected would

is contrasted by plain and simple feel in the

use them.


Ashoka University at : Abaxial Architects Pvt. Ltd. - interior design for several blocks

A premier university for the liberal arts

of seeing the final designed product rise

with an exemplary academic council and

before our eyes every week.

great faculty, this was an interior project but at a different scale and with a different

Also acted as a great learning experience


interacting with the large multidisciplinary team, from laboredness, engineers,

We were constantly on the clock to provide

consultants, vendors, other designers and

drawings and that gave us the opportunity

the clients.

SOF Foundation School at : Abaxial Architects Pvt. Ltd. - incomplete design for expansion

The Social Outreach Foundation is an NGO

was an intermittent one with lots of time to

which were explored to miimise the time for

committed to providing primary education to

explore and research on low cost methods


underprivileged children.

of providing a comfortable space for the

The project was to add a few classrooms

students to study away from the heat of

However, the project is in hiatus due to the


low budget and lack of contractors willing to

and a teachers' room to the already existing

take up the project.

structure being used by the school.

Design solutions ranged from folded plate

The school schedule meant that the project

roofs, to MS structures to RCC vaults, all of

Portfolio Development at : Firki Studio - developing language for their portfolio

One of the major tasks at Firki Studio was to develop a style for presenting their work. Most of their work was not a presentation condition and hence the idea was to develop a format that could allow the material to be presented with minimal touch ups required. The final solution was to use the three elements of pictures, text panels and white space panels in a comic book format to tell a linear story explaining the project as well as to affect a more book type formal layout. This allowed for easy addition of new information or rearranging as the information comes as discreet and separate units.

Captain Common Sense at : Firki Studio with Vasanth P. - commercial comic book illustration

A quick 2 night project to develop a comic book for an film student in Europe as part of a birthday gift. From the large and extensive script we took out one passage and converted into an 8 page comic.

Anand Aptay and Jhabvala Freelance Photography Documentation - exhibition with Dhruv K.

A freelance photography project to

today. Prof. Jhabvala is widely credited with

were made into an pictorial exhibition with

document the works of Anand Aptay and

building SPA into what it is today.

the help of my friend Dhruv Kumar to

Jhabvala, commissioned by Mrs. Renana

coincide with the first annual Cyrus Jhabvala

Jhabvala daughter of architect Cyrus

From out of 200-300 project a few were

Memorial Lecture that took place at India

Jhabvala and guided by Prof. IM Chishti.

selected, hunted down, permission taken and

International Centre, New Delhi on the 20th

documented via photographs.

of February 2016.

AAJ was one of the earliest practices in Delhi and very influential and forgotten

Ramana Kendra Primarily a prayer hall with administrative and residential functions for the Ramana Ashram in New Delhi. A significant departure from AAJ's typical style, the hall brings on great amounts of natural light and is spectacularly framed by the towers of the block behind it.

Kurukshetra University A large university located in Kurukshetra, Haryana, the entire core of the current campus is filled with a multitude of differently planned and styled blocks for different departments. While they all have their own character, there is an underlying language that comes through.

The photographs and the archival drawings

Kirori Mal College One of the older colleges of Delhi University, this campus is a break from the regular rectilinear and squarish forms eschewed by AAJ. While primarily still functional, the many different elements added to the form staves off monotony.

Springdales School A perfect example of AAJ's rectilinear design language and highly functional layout. While the layout has been squeezed by the awkward site, the building ultimately succeeds in maintaining a formal composure with just the right amount of play required of a school.

Amit Khanna Design Associates Freelance Photography Documentation

C56, NOIDA A 3 bedroom house with as many windows as there are walls. The large openings allow for plentiful natural diffused light to enter and illuminate the interior. The inside spaces are spartan yet elegant going with the simplistic theme of the house.

Kailash Colony A multistoreyed residential building with apartments on each floor for different occupants. The apartment takes advantage of the existing neighbour's courtyard to maximum advantage with many balconies and terraces overlooking it.

Hi again again, Here is the final part of the portfolio, the most fun and the least professionally relevant, the hobbies section. Please do not take to heart the bad jokes and self deprecation and my assumption that you would actually read all of this. If you have, thank you, it means a lot.

Hobbies Aug 2013 - Present

First we start with S.T.U.P.D. (click for link)

Then there is NOW a kind of diary entry

We then go to two pages of doodles and

a cheap quality newsletter in every sense of

about a month or two leading up to the

sketches that I have done over the years

the word. Cheap in print quality and content.

events that led me to apply for an online

and I am proud of.

The idea was that by reducing standards, we

course on comic books and graphic novels.

could explore the most bizarre humour that

The course was far more fun than I had

I have vaguely attempted to explain or self

people usually have. It lasted two printed

imagined and reignited my love for comics

analyse what sort of images i like to make

editions and went on hiatus for a good 6

and similar media.

and how i try to do them.

years. Now recently I have tried to restart it online with an indeterminate release structure.

Lastly we have photographs that I have


clicked on various travels I have been blessed enough to have made all over India.

Again thank you for bearing with me and

Photography as deepened my understanding

allowing me to write in such a familiar tone.

of colour and composition and its importance

You made it. Congratulations.

in everything from art to life. Photography is like meditation where I can switch my

Hopefully this exercise has served its

active brain off and let y eyes wander

purpose and we shall meet soon.

and record. Hopefully doing something productive in the process.


Navaneeth Out.

S.T.U.P.D. short lived college newsletter

S.T.U.P.D. (click for link) A low cost newsletter I attempted to start in college. Its aim was to collect whatever random sketches, doodles, write-ups, photos, thoughts etc, the everyday SPA student made or had. To make acquisition of work easier, the standard was set absurdly low and even contained a bad joke corner to serve as a gauge for how silly the premise was. Each issue was to start with a major news story of the month parodying events around us, The first issue was a single A4 sold at print cost ie. Rs. 1. The second and last issue was two A4s at Rs. 2. Exchangeable for cafeteria coupons.

NOW final submission for online course on comic books and graphic novels

NOW (click for link) -

ending in an attempt do a sort of twilight zone-esque twist.

In late October 2014 I enrolled in an online course with the University of Colorado on

This was to me largely an exercise in

Comic Books and Graphic Novels. The final

framing and then using those frames to

submission was to be a comic of our own. I

create a rhythm to the story that I could

chose to detail out the events of the two

repeat and bend to see if that affected how

months leading up to the very submission,

readers read it.

Arts and Graphics various doodles, artworks, posters and sketches throughout the years

Shown here are several doodles and sketches I have done independent of any college submissions or commercial work. I enjoy drawing things on the edge of reality and fantasy where something is never just right. It should bend away as you start to understand it and even question whether

there is anything there at all. On occasion I like to draw a very interesting image that I saw or captured or remembered. But as I draw it, it subtly changes and becomes a different animal. The inability to match what is in my head to the drawing is both frustrating and

fascinating at the same time. I also like working with themes, doing a few doodles that somehow share some sort of common weirdness. I prefer working with dry media such as markers and pencils and stick to black and

white with perhaps shades of gray but very rarely colour. Black and white to me is like reading where the words help you conjure up an image that becomes the story. Black and white allows the viewer to add whatever colour suits them or see it just as black and white.

This however creates a problem by requiring lots of detail and texture to capture the eye. The alternate to this is to use enlarged areas of a single black or a single white. The heavy contrast seems to adjust for the lack of colour.

Photography various photos taken over the years during travels all over India. (click for link)

N. Navaneethakrishnan E : nsnk.pv@gmail.com M : +91-8375089818 W : http://nsnkpv.wix.com/ frmd Old Portfolio : (click for link)

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