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Today P Tangmo would like to take everyone to meet Tomtam... Lets go, lets follow P Tangmo ............... 1
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‚Õâμ—«‡√“‰¡à¡’øíπ „®°Á π—Ë π—πË ‡æ√“–Õ“¬
Tomtam is sad because he doesnût have any tooth. He is afraid to talk to people because he is shy. 2
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°‘πÕ“À“√‰¡à§àÕ¬‰¥â ∑”¬—߉߰—π‡≈à“¥’
His parents are so worried because Tomtam cannot eat anything. Tomtam is getting thinner and thinner. What are we going to do? 3
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¥Ÿ «¬„ À≈“¬À≈“° ’ ·μà‰¡à¡’øíπ„À⇧’Ȭ«
There are colorful and beautiful fruits over there. He wants to taste those fruits, but he doesnût have any tooth to chew. 4
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Àπâ“À¡Õߧ≈È”¥Ÿ∫¥Ÿ ‡∫’¬È « ¢ÕÕ¬à“߇¥’¬«‰¥â‰À¡‡Õ¬
He looks at his shadow in the water. His face doesnût look good. The only thing he wishes for at this time is to have teeth. 5
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Õ¬Ÿμà √ßÀπâ“·≈⫇Õ◊ÕÈ π‡Õଠπ‘Ë߇∂‘¥‡Õ㬮ßøíß©—π
Suddenly, a beautiful angel appears in front of him. Stop crying and listen to me, she says. 6
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ÀπŸμÕâ ߙ૬¥Ÿ·≈¡—π °‘π∑ÿ°«—πº—°º≈‰¡â
If you have teeth, you have to take good care of them. You have to brush your teeth every day, in the morning, and at night. 7
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«à“®–∑”‡™àππ—Èπ‰´√â μãÕ¡·μ㡉¥âøπí «¬ß“¡
Tomtam quickly promises that he will do what she said. The angel uses her magic to make Tomtamûs wish come true. 8
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μ—«‡√“¡’øíπ¢“«Õ√à“¡ ‰¡à§√—πË §√â“¡‡¡◊ÕË ¬‘¡È ·≈
Tomtam is so please that he has beautiful teeth. He is very happy, and is not afraid to smile anymore . 9
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™«π·ª√ßøíπ°—∫æàÕ·¡à øí𠫬·πय़πà“√—°
Every morning, he asks his parents to brush teeth together. Brushing teeth is fun. His beautiful teeth make him cuter than before. 10
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∑’Ë√—°…“®–°‘πº—° μãÕ¡·μã¡™—°®–μ‘¥„®
He does not forget his promise to eat vegetables regularly. Fruits are also delicious. Tomtam begins to like them. 11
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æàÕ·¡à Õπ —Ëß«à“‰«â · π ÿ¢„®À≈—∫Õ‘Ë¡π“π
Every day before bed time, his parents remind him to brush the teeth. Brushing teeth makes him happy and sleep well all night long. 12
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He is surrounded by his friends. They are delighted. Everyone is talking about his healthy good teeth. He smiles happily ever after. 13
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P Tangmo hopes that..... You will eat fruits and veggies, and brush teeth every day, for your charming healthy teeth and beautiful smile. Everyone will think that you are cute! Bye bye... 14
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