YARDLINES The Official Electronic Newsgram of Norfolk Naval Shipyard
January 12, 2018
shipyard commander Captain Scott Brown deputy commander Captain Daniel Rossler command master chief CMDCM (AW/SW) Michael Reese public affairs officer Terri Davis Editor Kristi Britt public affairs STAFF Michael Brayshaw, April Brown, Floyd Logan, Troy Miller, Curtis Steward, Anna Taylor Interested in submitting information to be featured in the next Yardlines? Email the Public Affairs Office at NSFH_NNSY_ PAO@Navy.mil. YARDLINES is a Department of Defense publication and is authorized for members of the DoD. Contents of Yardlines are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Yardlines is published bi-monthly. Submissions are due on the 4th and 14th of each month. The public affairs staff reserves the right to edit submissions for content and brevity. like us on facebook www.facebook.com/NorfolkNavalShipyard1 follow us on twitter www.twitter.com/NNSYNews watch videos on youtube www.youtube.com/NNSYBroadcast read Service to the fleet online www.issuu.com/nnsy
So you’ve packed up the tree, you’ve taken down the lights . . . but here’s Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s Naval Civilian Managers Association (NCMA) to keep you in the holiday spirit! The shipyard’s NCMA chapter recently donated $500 apiece to EDMARC Hospice for Children and Oasis Social Ministry, both located in Portsmouth. The mission of EDMARC Hospice for Children is to ease the trauma of a child’s illness or death, and to reduce the disabling effects of pediatric illness, loss, and bereavement on families in the Hampton Roads Area. Oasis Social Ministry is a private, nonprofit, charitable corporation providing comprehensive services to the homeless and the less fortunate in Portsmouth, Western Chesapeake and Northern Suffolk. “These gifts represent the compassion and charity of our 239 NCMA members and America’s Shipyard, who consider it both a privilege and honor to support our local communities,” said NCMA Chapter President Bill Welch.
flthro corner Informal Lunch and Learns - In an effort to provide NNSY employees information and education on beneficial Human Resources topics, FLTHRO will host informal “Lunch and Learn” training sessions throughout 2018. Bring your lunch, we’ll provide the education! All NNSY employees are welcome and encouraged to attend these informal sessions. FLTHRO has seating for 33 employees, and attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis. Jan. 17 - Workers Compensation - Work Related Injuries Feb. 21 - Alternative Dispute Resolution - Conflict Management March 21 - Resume Writing April 18 - Navigating USAJobs May 16 - Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) June 20 - Reasonable Accomodations - Disabilities July 18 - Workers Compensation - Work Related Injuries Aug. 15 - Resume Writing Sept. 19 - Navigating USAJobs
All courses and events are located at Bldg. 15, McKeever Street, 2nd Floor in the Training Center, Room 223. Participants are encouraged to use the shuttle service as parking at FLTHRO is limited. All participants must sign into the front desk prior to attending the session. If you have questions you may contact Germaine Harris at (757) 396-2100. You must RSVP via email to FLTHRO_Training@ navy.mil to reserve a seat. You will receive a confirmation of enrollment from this office.
Please join us TODAY, Jan. 12 at 11 a.m. in the Bldg. 1500 Command Briefing Room for the shipyard’s annual ceremony honoring the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. hosted by the Diversity and Inclusion Office. Anthony Fuller, supervisor of the Civil, Probate and Deeds Division of the Norfolk Circuit Court Clerk’s Office, will be the guest speaker. NNSY Operations Officer Capt. Dianna Wolfson will deliver the welcoming remarks. We hope to see you there!
Your technology is listening! If you choose to use these devices, you shouldn’t expect 100% privacy. If not for their ability to listen, these things would become nothing more than doorstoppers and paperweights.
But there are things you can do to limit the risk of unintended consequences. Here are just a few examples:
are you the next shipyard spotlight? Do you know someone who you think deserves to be recognized in an upcoming edition of Service to the Fleet magazine? The Public Affairs Office is looking for nominations for the Shipyard Spotlight segment. Send in your nominations to NFSH_NNSY_PAO@navy.mil.
happy new year from america’s shipyard
For more information on OPSEC, contact Ernest Fentress OPSEC Program Manager (Code 1122) at 396-9410, NORFOLK NAVAL SHIPYARD-PORTSMOUTH, VA 23709
Not currently using your Echo? Mute it! The mute/unmute button is right on top of the device. The “always listening” microphone will shut off until you’re ready to turn it back on.
Don’t connect sensitive accounts to Echo.
Erase old recordings. If you use an Echo, then surely you have an Amazon account. If you go on Amazon’s website and look under “manage my device” there’s a handy dashboard where you can delete individual queries or clear the entire search history.
Tighten those Google settings. If you use Google Home, you’re already aware of the search giant’s appetite for data collection. But Google does offer tools to tighten things up. Like the Echo, Home has a mute button and a settings page online, where you can grant or take away various permissions.
Upcoming blood drive:
NNSY will be hosting its next Armed Services Blood Drives on the following dates in front of Bldg. 1500 from 8 a.m. to noon. Feb. 14, April 17, June 20, Aug. 22, Oct. 24 Visit militaryblood.dod.mil to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are preferred.
congrats oct. 2017 safety flag winner Congratulations to NNSY’s Wood/Fabric Shop (Shop 64), winner of the October 2017 Safety Flag! During the month, the shop had zero injuries or lost workdays. Shipyard Commander Captain Scott Brown presented the flag to the shop December 13 in Building 369. The shop has increased its safety surveillances, purchased special gloves for handling scaffolding, and increased partnerships with NNSY’s Rapid Prototype Lab to produce innovative and safer tooling. Individual certificates of appreciation were presented to Jason Howard, Susan Epperson and Glenn Branchaud for their efforts in contributing to a safer workplace.
winter safety tips GET A SUPPLY KIT: Make sure you have an updated emergency supply kit that includes a 3-day supply of non-perishable food and water (one gallon per person per day), battery-powered radio with extra-batteries, and a first-aid kit. It’s wise to multiple supply kits, with one inside your home, and one within your vehicle. MAKE A PLAN: Take the necessary steps to prepare your family for an emergency. Establish meeting places, designate emergency contacts, record medical information, and don’t forget to plan for your pets too. STAY INFORMED: It’s important to have the most up-to-date information on winter storm watches and warnings and road conditions. Check into our Facebook page, Twitter page, and other means of communication for the most up-to-date information on the storm and how it will affect the workforce. Also listen to the local media for information and instructions from emergency officials. Pay attention to any changed traffic patterns due to the storm which could affect your commute. Call 511 or visit www.511Virginia. org. And visit the National Weather Service to follow along with the storm watch. ReadyVirginia.gov has a free app for Smartphones which provides emergency planning and instant notification of weather hazards for those interested. Remember to look out for one-another and be safe as you travel and as you work. Be on the look out for more information as it becomes available.
Bring your VPP passport books to complete numbers 36 and 40b! Please contact Karen Blanton at 3969506 for additional information.
upcoming events • NNSY will celebrate the life and accomplishments of Martin Luther King, Jr. Jan. 12 at 11 a.m. in the Bldg. 1500 Command Briefing Room. Everyone is invited to attend. • The First Quarter Big Rocks Ceremony will be held Jan. 23 at 10 a.m. in Bldg. 163 High Bay. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Got a story idea for service to the fleet or yardlines? Send a detailed email of your story suggestion or shipyard spotlight nominee to the Public Affairs Office and it could be featured in future additions.
Personnel in Need of Leave As of Jan. 11 Baggett, Nicole - Admin Support Assistant Bond, Nathan W. - Fabric Worker Apprentice Chappell, Barbara - Apprentice Program Coordinator Chenoweth, Christina Apprentice Woodcrafter Clayton, John - Supervisory Engineering Technician Cowan, Michael - A/C Equipment Mechanic Early, Latisha - Tech Librarian Emerson, Ashlee - Physical Science Technician Fitchett III, Hartwell J. Boilermaker Supv. Freeh, Daniel - Engineering Technician Gurganus, James - Pipefitter Hatch, Frieda - Rigger Leader Hill, Michael A. - Sheetmetal Worker James, Patrice - Financial Technician Jarman, James - Rigger Kee, Cal - Production Controller Kelly, Christopher - Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic Linsmier, David - Nuclear Engineer Mehrtens, Mathew - Nuclear Inspector Nickerson, William - A/C & R Mechanic Nierman, Amanda - Financial Management Analyst Odom, Jimmy D. - Electrician Leader Pastrana, Steven - Admin Support Assistant Phillips, Alan M. - Nuclear Engineer
Pope, Joy - Health Physicist Royael, Christopher Engineering Technician Vazquez, Crystal - Physical Science Technician Warren Jr., john W. - Welder White, James E. - Welder Williams, Kathy - Supply Management Specialist To donate leave to Patrice James or Amanda Nierman, contact Shelley Pierce at 396-2338. To donate leave to Latisha Early, contact Karen Cook at 396-8857. To donate leave to Diana Miller, contact Lee Harris at 396-8832. To donate leave to Cal Kee or Matthew Mehrtens, contact Marian Tilliman at 396-4159. To donate leave to Alan Phillips or Frieda Hatch, contact Patricia Phillips at 396-9420. To donate leave to Daniel Freeh, David Linsmier, Christopher Royael, or Kathy Williams, contact Janice Downey at 3969923. To donate leave to Joy Pope or Crystal Vazquez, contact Sherrill Tripp at 396-0943. To donate leave to all other personnel, contact Kim Bazemore or Shanique Sumner at 396-7422.
welcome aboard to our newest nnsy employees!
(Photo by Shayne Hensley, Shipyard Photographer)