Yardlines - Jan. 22, 2019

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YARDLINES The Official Electronic Newsgram of Norfolk Naval Shipyard

January 22, 2019

shipyard commander Captain Kai Torkelson deputy commander Captain Daniel Rossler command master chief CMDCM (AW/SW) Michael Reese public affairs officer Terri Davis Editor Kristi Britt public affairs STAFF Michael Brayshaw, April Brown, Floyd Logan, Troy Miller, Curtis Steward, Anna Taylor Interested in submitting information to be featured in the next Yardlines? Email the Public Affairs Office at NSFH_NNSY_ PAO@Navy.mil. YARDLINES is a Department of Defense publication and is authorized for members of the DoD. Contents of Yardlines are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Yardlines is published bi-monthly. Submissions are due on the 4th and 14th of each month. The public affairs staff reserves the right to edit submissions for content and brevity. like us on facebook www.facebook.com/NorfolkNavalShipyard1 follow us on twitter www.twitter.com/NNSYNews watch videos on youtube www.youtube.com/NNSYBroadcast read Service to the fleet and Yardlines online www.issuu.com/nnsy

In the spirit of charitable giving during the holidays, Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s Naval Civilian Managers Association (NCMA) Chapter donated a total of $1,200 to the Portsmouth charities EDMARC Hospice for Children and Oasis Social Ministry. The mission of EDMARC is to ease the trauma of a child’s illness or death, and reduce the disabling effects of pediatric illness, loss, and bereavement on families in the Hampton Roads Area. Oasis Social Ministry is a private, not for profit, charitable corporation providing comprehensive services to the homeless and the less fortunate in Portsmouth, Western Chesapeake and Northern Suffolk. Throughout 2018, NNSY’s NCMA supported 11 separate community events, including efforts restoring a memorial for the local Cradock community, and assisting the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore, St. Mary’s Home, and various Boy and Girl Scout events. This included over $2,500 in charitable donations and more than 380 volunteer hours of community service.


Telephone Scams

Telephone scammers try to trick you out of money or get access to your personal information. Scams may come through phone calls from real people, robocalls, or text messages. The callers often make false promises, such as opportunities to buy products, invest your money, or receive free product trials. They may also offer you money through free grants and lotteries. Some scammers may call with threats of jail or lawsuits if you don’t pay them. Report Telephone Scams Reporting scams to federal agencies helps them collect evidence for lawsuits against people committing these scams. However, federal agencies don’t investigate individual cases of telephone scams. Report telephone scams to the Federal Trade Commission, either online or by phone at 1-877-382-4357. This is the primary government agency that collects scam complaints. Report all robocalls and unwanted telemarketing calls to the Do Not Call Registry. You can register your number @ donotcall.gov Report caller ID spoofing to the Federal Communications Commission either online or by phone at 1-888-225-5322. Also report the scam to your state consumer protection office. Some consumer protection offices help residents resolve consumer problems. For more information on OPSEC Contact The OPSEC Program (Code 1122) at 396-4928 NORFOLK NAVAL SHIPYARD-PORTSMOUTH, VA 23709

January 2019

How to Protect Yourself

Remember these tips to avoid being a victim of a telephone scam: Do • Register your phone number with the National Do Not Call Registry. You may register online or by calling 1-888-382-1222. If you still receive telemarketing calls after registering, there’s a good chance that the calls are scams. • Be wary of callers claiming that you’ve won a prize or vacation package. • Hang up on suspicious phone calls. • Be cautious of caller ID Scammers. ID Scammers can change the phone number that shows up on your caller ID screen. This is called “spoofing.” • Research business opportunities, charities, or travel packages separately from the information the caller has provided. Don’t • Don’t give into pressure to take immediate action. • Don’t say anything if a caller starts the call asking, “Can you hear me?” This is a common tactic for scammers to record you saying “yes.” Scammers record your “yes” response to use as proof that you agreed to a purchase or credit card charge. • Don’t provide your credit card number, bank account information, or other personal information to a caller. • Don’t send money if the caller tells you to wire money or pay with a prepaid debit card.


tuition assistance walk-in schedule

The deadline for submitting a Tuition Assistance (TA) request for the summer 2019 enrollment is March 25. Requests received will be processed on a first-in, first-out basis. The TA Program Office is implementing a walk-in schedule with the following hours: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thurday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. and 12 to 1:30 p.m. For questions or assistance regarding the TA program, please contact Courtney Watkins (if your last name starts with an A-M) at 396-0557 or Camilla Smith (if your last name starts with an N-Z) at 396-0516.

ncma scholarship opportunity

The Norfolk Naval Shipyard Chapter of the Naval Civilian Managers Association has opened up its scholarship opportunity for 2019. Applications are available now on the NNSY NCMA Webcentral page: https://webcentral. nnsy.navy.mil/sites/Associations/NCMA/default.aspx Scholarships must be completed and returned to John Satcher no later than April 19, 2019. For more information, please contact Scholarship Committee Chair John Satcher at 757-284-8749.

flthro corner Informal Lunch and Learns - In an effort to provide NNSY employees information and education on beneficial Human Resources topics, FLTHRO will host informal “Lunch and Learn” training sessions throughout the next year. Bring your lunch, we’ll provide the education! All NNSY employees are welcome and encouraged to attend these informal sessions. FLTHRO has seating for 33 employees, and attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis. Jan. 31, 2019 - Writing a Position Description - 9 to 11 a.m. - Geared Towards Supervisors/Managers Feb. 6, 2019 - Resume Writing - 11:20 a.m. to Noon - Open to All Employees Mar. 13, 2019 - Reasonable Accomodations - 11:20 a.m. to Noon - Open to All Employees Apr. 18, 2019 - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) - 11:20 a.m. to Noon - Open to All Employees May 15, 2019 - Resume Writing - 11:20 a.m. to Noon - Open to All Employees May 30, 2019 - Writing a Position Description - 9 to 11 a.m. - Geared Towards Supervisors/Managers June 11, 2019 - Navigating USAJobs - 11:20 a.m. to Noon - Open to All Employees July 25, 2019 - Resume Writing - 11:20 a.m. to Noon - Open to All Employees Aug. 15, 2019 - Writing a Position Description - 9 to 11 a.m. - Geared Towards Supervisors/Managers Sep. 12, 2019 - Navigating USAJobs - 11:20 a.m. to Noon - Open to All Employees

All courses and events are located at Bldg. 15, McKeever Street, 2nd Floor in the Training Center, Room 223. Participants are encouraged to use the shuttle service as parking at FLTHRO is limited. All participants must sign into the front desk prior to attending the session. If you have questions you may contact Germaine Harris at 396-2100. You must RSVP via email to FLTHRO_ Training@navy.mil to reserve a seat. You will receive a confirmation of enrollment from this office.

Code 361 Safety fair

Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s Code 361 conducted a safety fair focusing on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) Dec. 12 in Bldg. 163. Along with on-site safety equipment demonstrations, the Technology and Innovation Community of Practice showcased the latest developments in safety technology. (Photos by Shayne Hensley, Shipyard Photographer)

reminder: Think smart. think safety first.

SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR SHIPYARD EMPLOYEE DEPENDENTS Scholarship opportunities are available to employee dependents of Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) for the upcoming 2019 academic year. The NNSY chapter of the National Association of Superintendents (NAS) is offering multiple $500 scholarships to deserving students who apply. The scholarships are funded by personal funds contributed by the association members and are intended to recognize outstanding dependent students of shipyard Military and Civilian employees. Applicants are evaluated based on their academic achievements, extracurricular personal and service activities and a short personal narrative, with appropriate consideration given to special circumstances of need. Applications require sponsorship from a member of the NAS. A list of members can be found in the outlook distribution list titled NNSY_Superintendents Assn. Sponsors can provide a copy of the current year application. The Superintendents Association (NAS) will be competitively awarding eight $500 scholarships this year: four to dependent students of employees of NNSY at large and four to dependent students of Superintendent Association Members. Selectees will be presented an NAS Scholarship Certificate and a $500.00 check to be used for any legitimate educational expense of the student. Applications must be hand delivered (Mike Zydron or Faultine (Tina) Rodgers (396-4390), faxed (396-4080), or emailed (faultine.rodgers@navy.mil) electronically no later than April 12. Selected scholarship recipients will be notified no later than May 17. Criteria for eligibility for an NSA scholarship: a. Sons and daughters, wherever residing, and other dependents of a person who has been an active NNSY Employee for at least the last two consecutive years are eligible. Shipyard employees who are not NSA members should obtain sponsorship from an active NSA member for their dependent application. b. Applicants must be enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) at an accredited college, university, or graduate school for the upcoming fall term and provide proof of same. c. Previous recipients of a Superintendents Scholarship are permitted to apply and compete each year they are eligible.

congrats shop 64, october safety flag winner!

Congratulations to Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s (NNSY) Wood/Fabric Shop (x. 64), winner of the October 2018 Safety Flag! NNSY Production Resources Officer Captain Jip Mosman presented this award to the shop in Building 369 Dec. 17. “This shop continues to shine along with all of Code 970 in promoting safety on the waterfront,” said Code 106 Assessment Improvement Coordinator Tracy Mills. “Shop 64 is being recognized for overall improvements in safety performance and is continuing to drive down injuries through management and employee involvement.” Individual certificates of appreciation were presented to Dustin Scott and Ronnie Pascua for their efforts in contributing to a safer workplace. (Photos by Shelby West, NNSY Photographer)

NCMA Volunteers at OASis Sixteen NNSY Chapter of the Naval Civilian Managers Association (NCMA-NNSY) family members volunteered their time to cook and serve lunch for the homeless and less fortunate in the local community Jan. 5. Members prepared and served spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and desserts to 66 members of the local community. Oasis Social Ministry is a private, not for profit, charitable corporation, whose mission is to provide comprehensive services to the homeless and the less fortunate in Portsmouth, Western Chesapeake and Northern Suffolk. (Photos provided by NCMA).

upcoming events

January 22, Bldg. 1500 Command Briefing Room, 7 to 8 a.m. --The American Indian Heritage Employee Resource Group (AI-ERG) will host its monthly meeting. Everyone is invited to attend. Time is allowed with supervisor approval. --For more information, contact Camille Brownell-Sorenson at 396-9709.

January 24, Bldg. 31 1st Floor, 9 a.m. --The Technology and Innovation Community of Practice invites anyone who is interested in NNSY’s innovation efforts to attend its next meeting. --Meetings are held every Thursday before pay day. --Please contact Kim Brashears at 396-5755 for more information.

January 29, Bldg. 30, 10:30 a.m. --A ribbon cutting will be held at Bldg. 30 to celebrate its completed renovation.

January 30, Shipyard-Wide, 7:20 to 11:20 a.m. --Norfolk Naval Shipyard will participate in a shipyard-wide workforce development pause. Contact your supervisor for more information.


February 7, Bldg. 31 1st Floor, 9 a.m. --The Technology and Innovation Community of Practice invites anyone who is interested in NNSY’s innovation efforts to attend its next meeting. --Meetings are held every Thursday before pay day. --Please contact Kim Brashears at 396-5755 for more information.

The EARN Store is open. Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7 to 8 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. in Bldg. 15. Call 396-8159 for more information.

February 9, Scope Arena, 7 p.m. --Join us for NNSY Night at the Admirals Game. --Discounted $17 tickets are available online at https://fevo.me/2QVkt8m.

February 12, Bldg. 1500 2nd Floor Code 800 Conference Room, 2 to 3 p.m. --The NNSY Disability Awareness Committee Employee Resource Group (DAC-ERG) will host its monthly meeting. Everyone is invited to attend. Time is allowed with supervisor approval. --For more information, contact Daniel Freeh at 396-7126.

February 13, Bldg. 1500 Command Briefing Room, 1 p.m. --DONCEAP will be hosting the Dealing with Challenging Interactions presentation. Life continually presents us with interpersonal challenges. This presentation suggests ways to deal with different behavioral styles. --Everyone is invited to attend. Time is allowed with supervisor approval.

February 14, Bldg. M-1 Conference Room, 8 to 9 a.m. --The NNSY Veteran Employee Readiness Group (VET-ERG) will host its monthly meeting. Everyone is invited to attend. Time is allowed with supervisor approval. --For more information, contact Tasha Beverly at 396-0557.

Pass and ID: NNSY Pass & ID hours are Monday Friday 0630 - 1500. Call 396-2393, 396-7260, or 396-5076 for more information. Parking: If your car is not registered and you do not have your parking placard visible, you WILL be towed! Make sure you register your vehicle at the Pass and ID Office. CEAP: Civilian Employee Assistance Program (CEAP) is available 24/7. The free service provides work and life benefits as well as support for a variety of issues to include childcare, finances, eldercare, identity theft, legal services, alcohol and substance abuse, and much more. Services are confidential for employees and family members; call 844-366-2327 or visit www.donceap.foh.psc.gov.

Got a story idea for service to the fleet or yardlines? Send a detailed email of your story suggestion or shipyard spotlight nominee to the Public Affairs Office and it could be featured in future additions.

OSHA WORKER RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES As a worker, you have the right to: • • • • • • • •

• • • •

Request an OSHA inspection for workplace hazards, violations of OSHA standards, or violations of the OSH act Have an authorized employee representative accompany the OSHA compliance officer on the workplace inspection Confer informally and privately with OSHA compliance officer Be notified by your employer of any citations issued for alleged violations of standards at the workplace, and of your employer's requests for variances or for changes in the abatement period Contest the abatement time set in any citation issued to your employer by OSHA File a complaint with OSHA if you believe you have been dismissed, demoted or otherwise discriminated against for exercising your rights under OSHA Ask OSHA about any tests performed in your workplace, the results of inspections, and any decision to take action on a complaint Receive information from your employer about hazards and safety measures applicable to the workplace, OSHA standards relevant to your job and the record of accidents and illnesses in the workplace Ask that the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health evaluate and provide information on the substances used in your workplace Refuse to work in an imminent danger situation, under certain conditions Submit written information or comment to OSHA on the issuance, revision or modification of an OSHA standard and to request a public hearing Observe the monitoring or measuring of toxic substances in the workplace if you are exposed, and to have access to any records of your exposure

As a worker, you have the responsibility to: • • • • •

Read the OSHA poster in your workplace (posted on official bulletin boards) Comply with all the OSHA standards, with all requirements of your state-approved plan (if any), and with your employer's safety and health rules Report any hazards immediately to your supervisor (or use the SDR/EHR program) Report to your supervisor any job-related illnesses or injuries Cooperate fully with the OSHA compliance officer who inspects your workplace


File a complaint with OSHA within 30 days (by phone, online or by mail) if you have been retaliated against for using your right.


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All work-related fatalities should be reported within eight hours, and all inpatient hospitalizations, amputations and losses of an eye within 24 hours.


All of NNSY's safety metrics are available on WebCentral at webcentral.nnsy.navy.mil/ departments/C106/c106.2/sitepages/Shop%20 Project%20Metrics.aspx



Code 106 is NNSY’s local OSHA representative. You can call 396-7231 regarding your OSHA rights and responsibilities. You also have the right to contact the OSHA office directly by calling 1-800-321-OSHA or visiting www.OSHA.gov/html/RAmap.html

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