YARDLINES The Official Electronic Newsgram of Norfolk Naval Shipyard
march 9, 2018
shipyard commander Captain Scott Brown deputy commander Captain Daniel Rossler command master chief CMDCM (AW/SW) Michael Reese public affairs officer Terri Davis Editor Kristi Britt public affairs STAFF Michael Brayshaw, April Brown, Floyd Logan, Troy Miller, Curtis Steward, Anna Taylor Interested in submitting information to be featured in the next Yardlines? Email the Public Affairs Office at NSFH_NNSY_ PAO@Navy.mil. YARDLINES is a Department of Defense publication and is authorized for members of the DoD. Contents of Yardlines are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Yardlines is published bi-monthly. Submissions are due on the 4th and 14th of each month. The public affairs staff reserves the right to edit submissions for content and brevity. like us on facebook www.facebook.com/NorfolkNavalShipyard1 follow us on twitter www.twitter.com/NNSYNews watch videos on youtube www.youtube.com/NNSYBroadcast read Service to the fleet online www.issuu.com/nnsy
For the second year in a row, Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s Command Evaluation and Review Office (Code 100CE) won the NAVSEA Inspector General Professional Excellence Award for a multiperson office, which recognizes exemplary leadership, innovation and professional development. Shipyard Commander Capt. Scott Brown presented the award to Code 100CE Director Jay Jones and the Code 100CE staff during a ceremony last week. The Code 100CE team members, photographed last year after winning NAVSEA’s inaugural award, are dedicated professionals committed to preserving the efficiency and integrity of NNSY operations.
flthro corner
congrats nov. 2017 safety flag winner Congratulations to NNSY’s Paint/Blast Shop (Shop 71) , winner of the November 2017 Safety Flag! Shipyard Commander Captain Scott Brown and Safety, Health and Environmental leadership presented the flag to the shop Jan. 31 in Building 1499. The shop had no lost workday cases and one first-aid injury for the month. Shop 71’s strong initiatives in ensuring work safety include improved training and demonstration of proper work techniques; sharing of lessons learned from previous injuries; and new safety equipment helping to prevent repetitive stress injuries. Michael VanRaam and JaLauna Anderson were both presented with certificates of appreciation for their efforts in contributing to a safer workplace. (Photo by Luke Beasley, Shipyard Photographer)
Informal Lunch and Learns - In an effort to provide NNSY employees information and education on beneficial Human Resources topics, FLTHRO will host informal “Lunch and Learn” training sessions throughout 2018. Bring your lunch, we’ll provide the education! All NNSY employees are welcome and encouraged to attend these informal sessions. FLTHRO has seating for 33 employees, and attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis. March 21 - Resume Writing April 18 - Navigating USAJobs May 16 - Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) June 20 - Reasonable Accomodations - Disabilities July 18 - Workers Compensation - Work Related Injuries Aug. 15 - Resume Writing Sept. 19 - Navigating USAJobs The Department of the Navy (DON) Certified Mediator Training Tier I and II: Jul. 30-Aug. 2, Tier III Refresher: Sep. 17-18 Application deadline Apr. 27 Call 396-2218 for information. All courses and events are located at Bldg. 15, McKeever Street, 2nd Floor in the Training Center, Room 223. Participants are encouraged to use the shuttle service as parking at FLTHRO is limited. All participants must sign into the front desk prior to attending the session. If you have questions you may contact Germaine Harris at (757) 396-2100. You must RSVP via email to FLTHRO_Training@navy.mil to reserve a seat. You will receive a confirmation of enrollment from this office.
March madness congrats Dec. 2017 safety flag winner Congratulations to NNSY’s Pipefitter Shop (Shop 56), winner of the December 2017 Safety Flag! Shipyard Commander Captain Scott Brown and Safety, Health and Environmental leadership presented the flag to the shop Feb. 2 in Building 163. The shop had no lost workday cases and one first-aid injury for the month. Shop 56 leadership has emphasized expanding its safety team, working to mitigate any on-the-job hazards, and encouraging innovations that enhance safety. At the event, Paul Foster was presented with a certificate of appreciation for his efforts in contributing to a safer workplace. Foster created a device for Code 960’s gasket cutting machine that dampens sound and prevents eye injury. (Photo by Luke Beasley, Shipyard Photographer)
The beginning of spring marks the beginning of March Madness. Remember - federal ethics rules prohibit gambling on government property or while on duty. Also remember, that expending time monitoring and/or managing a gambling pool could constitute a misuse of government time and resources. The confidence of the public in its government is influenced not only by the manner in which employees serve the public, but also in the way they conduct themselves in the eye of the public. All service members should maintain a high standard of honesty, integrity, impartiality, and conduct in the proper performance of the government business. DoD employees should refrain from any activities that would demean the public confidence in the department. Please direct all questions or comments to your ethics counselors, Code 107 at 396-8625.
scholarship opportunities for shipyard employee dependents Scholarship opportunities are available to employee dependents of Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) for the upcoming 2018-2019 academic year. The NNSY chapter of the National Association of Superintendents (NAS) is offering multiple $500 scholarships to deserving students who apply. The scholarships are funded by personal funds contributed by the association members and are intended to recognize outstanding dependent students of shipyard military and civilian employees. Applicants are evaluated based on their academic achievements, extracurricular personal and service activities and a short personal narrative, with appropriate consideration given to special circumstances of need. Applications require sponsorship from a member of the NAS. A list of members can be found in the outlook distribution list titled NNSY_Superintendents Assn. Sponsors can provide a copy of the current year application. The Superintendents Association (NAS) will be competitively awarding eight $500 scholarships this year: four to dependent students of employees of NNSY at large and four to dependent students of superintendent association members. Selectees will be presented an NAS Scholarship Certificate and a $500.00 check to be used for any legitimate educational expense of the student. Applications must be hand delivered (Mike Zydron or Kendra Burghard (396-4390), faxed (396-4080), or emailed (kendra.burghard@navy.mil) electronically no later than April 13. Selected scholarship recipients will be notified no later than May 18. Criteria for eligibility for an NAS scholarship: • Sons and daughters, wherever residing, and other dependents of a person who has been an active NNSY employee for at least the last two consecutive years are eligible. Shipyard employees who are not NAS members should obtain sponsorship from an active NAS member for their dependent application. • Applicants must be enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) at an accredited college, university, or graduate school for the upcoming fall term and provide proof of same. • Previous recipients of a superintendents scholarship are permitted to apply and compete each year they are eligible.
Beware of this new PayPal scam What would you do if you received an email saying you’re being billed hundreds of dollars for an item that you never ordered? If you get an email from PayPal, eBay, Amazon or your bank about a purchase you didn’t make, it’s easy to panic and click the first link you see. DO NOT CLICK! The email will probably imply that if you don’t cancel the transaction, someone will be getting an expensive new toy on your dime and probably have a link that reads something like; ‘click here, and login to PayPal if this was not your order’. DO NOT CLICK! Instead, log into the company the way you normally would and see if there was any unusual activity. Also, be sure and inspect the email carefully. More than likely you’ll find a strange return address and a URL with silly lettering that was certainly not from PayPal. If you have found yourself in this situation or one close to it, please be sure and change all your passwords immediately.
THINK. PROTECT. OPSEC. For more information on OPSEC, contact Ernest Fentress, OPSEC Program Manager (Code 1122) at 396-9410 NORFOLK NAVAL SHIPYARD-PORTSMOUTH, VA 23709
Last year, NNSY sounded the Sheltering in Place alarm and activated Giant Voice three times for tornado warnings. In 2017, 25 confirmed tornados touched down in Virginia leaving a trail of damage and destruction. Don’t wait until the warning is sounded to figure out how to keep your loved ones, coworkers, friends and neighbors safe. Stay informed, make a plan, build a kit. The 2018 Statewide Tornado Drill will take place on Tornado Preparedness Day, Tues. March 20 at 9:45 a.m. NNSY will use the statewide tornado drill as an opportunity to prepare employees for tornado emergencies and to test warning systems. All commands, codes and departments should take the opportunity to participate, conduct training, and exercise Emergency Action Plans (EAPs).
Stay connected with NNSY!
The Wide Area Alert Network (WAAN), also known as AtHoc, will be used to notify all hands the morning of the exercise. At approximately 9:45 a.m., the National Weather Service will send a test tornado warning over NOAA Weather Radios. This test signal will sound a tone alert, show a test message or flash to indicate a message, simulating what people would hear or see during an actual tornado warning. Local radio stations, TV stations and cable outlets will also broadcast the test message via the Emergency Alert System. The Emergency Operation Center (EOC) will activate and sound emergency alerts via the shipyard’s Sheltering in Place alarm and Giant Voice. Personnel who are out in the open should seek shelter in a hardened facility, not in temporary trailers. Personnel in trailers should have hardened shelters in close proximity to their facility identified in their EAPs and should seek shelter there immediately. To view the EAP for your building or location, ask your supervisor or call EOC Manager Will Amaya at 396-9381. If you have questions about the statewide tornado drill at NNSY, please contact Emergency Management Officer Steve Murley at 396-9491.
Pass and ID: NNSY Pass & ID hours are Monday Friday 0630 - 1500. Call 396-2393, 396-7260, or 396-5076 for more information.
March is Women’s History Month. Learn more at http://www.
March 11, Spring Forward for Daylight Savings Time --Don’t forget to move your clocks up one hour for Daylight Savings Time March 11.
April 6, Bldg. 1500 Lawn, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. --Join us for the Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month moment of silence and flag planting ceremony.
April 17, Bldg. 1500 Lobby, 8 a.m. to noon --NNSY will be hosting an Armed Services Blood Drive --Visit militaryblood.dod.mil to schedule an appointment. --Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are preferred. --Bring your VPP passport books to complete numbers 36 and 40b! --Please contact Jeyzel Rossi at 396-9530 for additional information.
April 19, Bldg. 1500 Lawn, 11:20 a.m. --In observance of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, join us for a Teal and Denim spirit day group photo
April 26, Bldg. 1500 Lawn, 10 a.m. to noon --Code 106.3 Environmental Department will be hosting its annual Earth Day event in support of environmental awareness and stewardship. --For more information, contact Nicole Iutzi at 396-0599
Parking: If your car is not registered and you do not have your parking placard visible, you WILL be towed! Make sure you register your vehicle at the Pass and ID Office. CEAP: Civilian Employee Assistance Program (CEAP) is available 24/7. The free service provides work and life benefits as well as support for a variety of issues to include childcare, finances, eldercare, identity theft, legal services, alcohol and substance abuse, and much more. Services are confidential for employees and family members; call 844-366-2327 or visit www.donceap.foh.psc.gov. Awards: The EARN Store is open. Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7 to 8 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. in Bldg. 1500, 1st floor. Call 396-8159 for more information. Got a story idea for service to the fleet or yardlines? Send a detailed email of your story suggestion or shipyard spotlight nominee to the Public Affairs Office and it could be featured in future additions.
upcoming events
• April 27, Strike Zone Bowling Alley, Noon to 3 p.m. --The Third Annual Teal Bowling Tournament in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. --The price is $12 per person which includes a combo meal (cheeseburger, hot dog, or chicken tenders) and three hours of bowling with shoe rental. --For more information, contact 396-1798. • May 25, Bldg. 1500 Flag Pole, 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. --NNSY Veteran Employee Readiness Group will host a Memorial Day Fall-In for Colors. --Please contact Tasha Beverly at 396-0557 for more information. •
June 20, Bldg. 1500 Lobby, 8 a.m. to noon --NNSY will be hosting anArmed Services Blood Drive --Visit militaryblood.dod.mil to schedule an appointment. --Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are preferred. --Bring your VPP passport books to complete numbers 36 and 40b! --Please contact Jeyzel Rossi at 396-9530 for additional information.
March 14, 2018
Corned Beef, Boiled Red Potato, Buttered Cabbage, & Cornbread
SPECIAL Corned Beef Hash, 3 Eggs, & 3 Pancakes
Reuben, 1/2 Cup of Potato Salad, & 20 oz. Drink