Yardlines - April 6, 2018

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YARDLINES The Official Electronic Newsgram of Norfolk Naval Shipyard

april 6, 2018

shipyard commander Captain Scott Brown deputy commander Captain Daniel Rossler command master chief CMDCM (AW/SW) Michael Reese public affairs officer Terri Davis Editor Kristi Britt public affairs STAFF Michael Brayshaw, April Brown, Floyd Logan, Troy Miller, Curtis Steward, Anna Taylor Interested in submitting information to be featured in the next Yardlines? Email the Public Affairs Office at NSFH_NNSY_ PAO@Navy.mil. YARDLINES is a Department of Defense publication and is authorized for members of the DoD. Contents of Yardlines are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Yardlines is published bi-monthly. Submissions are due on the 4th and 14th of each month. The public affairs staff reserves the right to edit submissions for content and brevity. like us on facebook www.facebook.com/NorfolkNavalShipyard1 follow us on twitter www.twitter.com/NNSYNews watch videos on youtube www.youtube.com/NNSYBroadcast read Service to the fleet online www.issuu.com/nnsy

Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s (NNSY) Naval Civilian Managers Association Chapter has named Code 269’s Kris Burch the Workforce Warrior for the first quarter of 2018! Burch was honored for his superior work with the shipyard’s Cleanliness Community of Practice (CoP). Within his first year at the shipyard, Burch was named lead Code 260 engineer for the CoP, coordinating input from divisions throughout NNSY’s Engineering and Planning Department. Working with cleanliness mechanics and supervisors, Burch designed an array of disposable stainless steel mirrors for inspecting small components, an innovative practice adopted by other shipyards. He also researched and coordinated a vendor visit to the shipyard to demonstrate a steam cleaning device to save time and effort in cleaning system components, with the shipyard ultimately purchasing two of the devices for Codes 930 and 960. According to his nomination letter, Burch’s “willingness to not only actively participate in meetings, but lead complex improvement efforts shows his passion for improving performance at NNSY. Kris is one of those rare individuals who exhibit exemplary initiative, such that he will skillfully complete assignments without fail.” Candidates for the NCMA Workforce Warrior Award are nominated by their leadership or peers, and chosen based on outstanding service to NNSY and demonstration of effort above and beyond normal and usual duties. (Photo by Shayne Hensley, NNSY Photographer)

NNSY SUBSAFE and Fly-By-Wire Auditors

On April 10, 1963, the USS THRESHER was lost at sea taking the lives of 129 sailors and civilians. The months that followed the loss of USS THRESHER would have a profound impact on our country’s submarine community. In a little over six months, on Dec. 20, after an extensive evaluation and testimony before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy during the 88th congress the Submarine Safety (SUBSAFE) program requirements were established. Included in the testimony and program inception was the following: “No matter what we do on paper, without quality assurance and the means of achieving it, the program would fall on its face. Pressure and vigilance must be eternal, performance can never be taken for granted, the assumption must be made that no one will always perform to the required standards. Our success depends on using our materials and techniques to the limits of their inherent capabilities. The standards of lesser days and materials aren’t good enough. …To insure the adequacy of the application of the quality assurance program in shipyards a system of audits has been established consisting of functional audits covering seven major areas of quality control.” Admiral Curtze

CONGRATS! Congratulations to those who participated in the Basketball Intramural Championship Tournament March 12 at the Callaghan Gym. And a special congrats to the champion team Get Buckets for their win. Team Captain Axel Cullars Jr. put together a team with representatives of different shops and codes throughout Norfolk Naval Shipyard (including Shop 56, Shop 71, and Code 105). The overall record was 21-4 and the championship game score was 92-66. Way to go! (Pictured: Top row from left to right - Marcel Chesson, Axel Cullars Jr., Robert Strickland, John Keeling Jr., Anthony Witherspoon; Bottom row from left to right - Reginald Smith Jr., DaSean Webster; Not pictured Miran Harris, Trey and Paul Nicholson)

Smoking Policy Reminder Smoking is only authorized in designated smoking areas. Employees must be physically inside the designated smoking area when smoking. Smoking near a DSA or while walking toward a DSA is prohibited. The policy considers e-cigarettes to be similar to tobacco products and therefore, they shall be treated the same as regular cigarettes. Smoking is specifically prohibited in all nondesignated smoking areas, including but not limited to: - Offices, lobbies, restrooms, break areas - Walkways, crosswalks, and paths - Stairways, building entries/exits, loading docks - While in transit from one location to another (on the way to your car, from building to building, etc.) - Shuttle stops

Where smokeless tobacco use is permitted, tobacco spit shall be held in containers with sealing lids to prevent odor and accidental spills. Tobacco spit and residue shall be disposed of in a sanitary manner which prevents public exposure. Military, civilian, and contract personnel found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate administrative discipline. Please contact the Base Support Office for a full list of designated smoking areas. For more information, please see NAVSUPPACTNNSYINST 5100.3 on WebCentral.

As true today as it was in 1963, auditing is a critical tenet of the SUBSAFE program Compliance Verification fundamental. In order to execute the required NAVSEA SUBSAFE and Fly-By-Wire certification and functional audits, NAVSEA requires qualified auditors from NNSY. To become a certified NAVSEA SUBSAFE Auditor requires: supervisor recommendation, three years of SUBSAFE experience, completion of NAVSEA SUBSAFE certification auditor training, completion of two Internal SUBSAFE Certification Audits (SSCAs) as a trainee with a positive team leader evaluation, and two NAVSEA SSCAs as a trainee with a positive team leader evaluation. There are similarly rigorous requirements for becoming a Fly-By-Wire certified auditor. The following NNSY NAVSEA Certified auditors have completed more than 30 NAVSEA audits in support of the program as certified auditors. Name


Auditing Since

SUBSAFE Certification Audits

Functional Audits

FBW Certification Audits

Mike Aragones

Code 244B





John Finefield

Code 200S





Eric Karkane

Code 200S





Greg Seidenstricker

Code 265





Geoff Stahre

Code 136





David Strobel

Code 200S





Brian Williamson

Code 136





Since 2016 the following NNSY employees qualified as NAVSEA SUBSAFE Certified Auditors: SUBSAFE: David Angles (Code 133), Amanda Bugg (Code 265), Chris Clark (Code 138) and Kenneth Watson (Code 136.1). In 2017, NNSY Auditors supported 28 NAVSEA Audits (SSCA, Functional and FBW) providing a total of 55 auditors. NNSY has 20 NAVSEA Certified SUBSAFE Certification Auditors, 24 NAVSEA Functional Auditors and 1 NAVSEA Certified FBW Certification Auditor. The SUBSAFE program office extends a sincere thank you to these NNSY employees who have shown a willingness to step out and take their craft on the road in support of NNSY and NAVSEA’s SUBSAFE and Fly-By-Wire audit efforts. If you are interested in a challenging but highly effective method to increase your Knowledge, Skills and Abilities in support of the SUBSAFE and Fly-By-Wire programs at NNSY discuss with your supervisor and consider becoming a certified auditor. The point of contact in Code 200S for any questions is Dave Strobel, Deputy SUBSAFE Program Director.

flthro corner Informal Lunch and Learns - In an effort to provide NNSY employees information and education on beneficial Human Resources topics, FLTHRO will host informal “Lunch and Learn” training sessions throughout 2018. Bring your lunch, we’ll provide the education! All NNSY employees are welcome and encouraged to attend these informal sessions. FLTHRO has seating for 33 employees, and attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis. April 18 - Navigating USAJobs May 16 - Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) June 20 - Reasonable Accomodations - Disabilities July 18 - Workers Compensation - Work Related Injuries Aug. 15 - Resume Writing Sept. 19 - Navigating USAJobs The Department of the Navy (DON) Certified Mediator Training Tier I and II: Jul. 30-Aug. 2, Tier III Refresher: Sep. 17-18 Application deadline Apr. 27 Call 396-2218 for information. All courses and events are located at Bldg. 15, McKeever Street, 2nd Floor in the Training Center, Room 223. Participants are encouraged to use the shuttle service as parking at FLTHRO is limited. All participants must sign into the front desk prior to attending the session. If you have questions you may contact Germaine Harris at (757) 396-2100. You must RSVP via email to FLTHRO_ Training@navy.mil to reserve a seat. You will receive a confirmation of enrollment from this office.


The 2018 Defense Equal Opportunity Climate Survey (DEOCS) is well underway. Please complete your survey today!! If you have not heard anything about it, ask your supervisor! The clock is ticking. Survey ends April 20! For more information regarding DEOCS, please contact your department DEOCS POC or Valerie Scott at 396-8086.

Nelson Visits Marine Corps Trials

Command Indoc Lead Rick Nelson was invited to Camp Lejeune the week of March 19 through 23 for the Eighth Annual Marine Corps Trials where he shared his experiences with Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s Wounded Warriors as well as assisted with transititioning Marines at the games applying for jobs in Navy shipyards and discussing apprenticeship opportunties. Nelson accepted a certificate of appreciation for Norfolk Naval Shipyard in honor of exemplary performance while serving wounded, ill, and injured marines, veterans, allies, and their families. In addition, Nelson presented a shipyard coin and 250 pin to General Robert Blake Neller, the 37th Commandant of the Marine Corps. “It was so very humbling and impactful to see those wounded Marines compete their hardest against each other, yet cheer each other on,” said Nelson. “From full contact basketball to the silent concentration of the shooting competition there was remarkable comradery. I am so reinvigorated and recharged and ready for my next challenge!”

important safety reminder Safety is a top priority at Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY). Our goal is “Nobody Gets Hurt Today.” In a busy shipyard, there are many areas where motor vehicles, heavy equipment, bikes, and pedestrians may share the same pathway. Be aware of your surroundings; it only takes a blink of an eye and it could be too late. Bicycles must follow the same road rules motor vehicles follow. Traffic laws, including speed limits, stop signs, crosswalks and traffic direction must be followed by cyclists to ensure safe cooperation on the roadways. Bicycles should also drive on the same side of the road as the traffic going in the direction they are traveling. Sidewalks are not for bicycles! Proper safety equipment, including helmets and reflectors, must be used. The speed limit at NNSY is 20 mph unless otherwise posted. Please remember to drive slowly, stop at stop signs, and follow all posted traffic regulations. Do not drive the wrong way down one-way streets. Driving onboard NNSY is a privilege. You are allowed twelve points against your record. Should you exceed this amount, you can be suspended from driving on base for a year. ***Do not text or talk on your cell phone while driving or walking.*** Federal employees are prohibited from engaging in text messaging when driving a government vehicle, or when driving personally owned vehicle while on official Government business; or when using electronic equipment supplied by the Government while driving. If you need to make a call or respond to a text, wait until you are safely parked.

***Drivers must yield to pedestrians who are already in the crosswalk.*** Pedestrians are reminded to use crosswalks and to look twice before entering the road way. Never assume a driver sees you. Do not enter a crosswalk until you know a vehicle is yielding to you. Pedestrians can avoid possible injury by following these basic guidelines: - Use crosswalks, paths, or sidewalks, where available. - Cross at corners, intersections, and lighted areas. - When sidewalks are unavailable, pedestrians must walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible. - Pedestrians must obey traffic signals and/or traffic officers. - Before crossing, stop at the curb, edge of the road, or corner. Look both ways. Then, if it’s clear, begin crossing. - Watch for on-coming vehicles. Don’t ever assume the driver sees you. - Try to make eye contact with drivers. As a pedestrian you need to make smart choices so you can go home to your loved ones every day. If you have questions, concerns or feedback about pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle safety at NNSY, please email the Base Support Officer at NNSYBase-Support-Officer@navy.mil.

medical emergencies at nnsy

Reporting medical emergencies or fires by telephone:

(1) Call 396-3333 or 911 to contact the regional dispatch center (RDC). (2) Report as clearly as possible the location of the emergency as “Norfolk Naval Shipyard,” the nature of the emergency, the name and number of the building, floor, geographic location (i.e. Norfolk Naval Shipyard), type of emergency, area, street, pier, ship, dry dock or other means of location identification. (3) After receiving the initial information, the RDC may put you on hold to dispatch emergency equipment. Do not hang up until the dispatcher acknowledges receipt of all pertinent information. (4) After completing the call, send someone to direct arriving emergency response personnel to the location of the medical emergency or fire. Additionally, please evaluate your emergency action plans so you know where to meet the first responders and what additional actions may be necessary in the event of an emergency (muster points, etc.).

is your emergency contact information updated? In the event of an emergency, it is easy to forget important information,even if you’ve had it memorized for years. You may also be unable to communicate with first responders following an accident. That is why it is crucial for shipyard employees to keep accurate emergency contact information on file and up-to-date. There are a few different places employees should maintain their emergency contact information. The first place is the shipyard’s personnel office (Code 1102). To update your information with the shipyard personnel office, please fill out this form on WebCentral. You can fax the form to 3964722 (Bldg. 163) or 396-8071 (Bldg. 15). You can also deliver it in person to the Waterfront Personnel Office in Bldg. 163 or to Code 1102.2 in Bldg. 15 on the 1st floor. Another place employees must update their contact information is with the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System. NFAAS is a standardized method for the Navy to account, assess, manage and monitor personnel and their families affected and/ or scattered by emergencies. All Navy military and civilians are required to complete a semi-annual update/verification of personal information in NFAAS. You should also periodically make sure your contact information is accurate in MyBiz. Click OK on the DOD Notice and Consent Banner and sign in with your CAC. Accept the privacy act statement. On the next screen you will see a section titled “Key Services.” There is an option to update your contact information, including your emergency points of contact.

Another popular way to keep emergency contact information available is to keep it stored in your phone. First responders will frequently check smart phones for emergency contacts or to see if a patient has any known allergies or medical conditions. If you have an iPhone, you can add emergency contact information and medical notes that are accessible to anyone from your lock screen. Open the Apple Health app, which is installed on all iOS devices running iOS 8 and later. Tap on “Medical ID” in the bottom right corner. Tap “Create Medical ID.” At the top, make sure “Show When Locked” is turned on. Fill in all the relevant information, and don’t forget to add at least one person as your emergency contact. Hit “Done” to save.

scholarship opportunities for shipyard employee dependents Scholarship opportunities are available to employee dependents of Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) for the upcoming 2018-2019 academic year. The NNSY chapter of the National Association of Superintendents (NAS) is offering multiple $500 scholarships to deserving students who apply. The scholarships are funded by personal funds contributed by the association members and are intended to recognize outstanding dependent students of shipyard military and civilian employees. Applicants are evaluated based on their academic achievements, extracurricular personal and service activities and a short personal narrative, with appropriate consideration given to special circumstances of need. Applications require sponsorship from a member of the NAS. A list of members can be found in the outlook distribution list titled NNSY_Superintendents Assn. Sponsors can provide a copy of the current year application. The Superintendents Association (NAS) will be competitively awarding eight $500 scholarships this year: four to dependent students of employees of NNSY at large and four to dependent students of superintendent association members. Selectees will be presented an NAS Scholarship Certificate and a $500.00 check to be used for any legitimate educational expense of the student. Applications must be hand delivered (Mike Zydron or Kendra Burghard (396-4390), faxed (396-4080), or emailed (kendra.burghard@navy.mil) electronically no later than April 13. Selected scholarship recipients will be notified no later than May 18. Criteria for eligibility for an NAS scholarship: • Sons and daughters, wherever residing, and other dependents of a person who has been an active NNSY employee for at least the last two consecutive years are eligible. Shipyard employees who are not NAS members should obtain sponsorship from an active NAS member for their dependent application. • Applicants must be enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) at an accredited college, university, or graduate school for the upcoming fall term and provide proof of same. • Previous recipients of a superintendents scholarship are permitted to apply and compete each year they are eligible.

On Samsung phones, open your Contacts app. First, update your own profile with relevant medical information. On the main contacts screen, look for “Groups” in the upper right hand corner. There should be a group labeled “ICE - Emergency Contacts.” Add the desired contacts to this group and hit “Save.” On other Android phones, search in your phone’s settings menu for “lock screen message” and enter your emergency contact information.

Stay connected with NNSY!

think smart. think opsec Geotagging - A new function of many computing devices - including smart phones, some digital cameras, and even portable game systems (in some cases) - is the ability to track your location to near GPS precision. While this feature is for “location services”, which can be fun or useful, they also present risk. In particular, many devices add location data to photos by default called, “Geotagging,” the data becomes part of the image file and goes whenever the image goes. By uploading or sending such images to the internet, you may have provided an adversary with critical information. Consider This • Sites like Flickr and Google Maps are public. An adversary can search by location to see who takes photos there and research the users. • Pictures taken at sensitive locations can lead adversaries directly to supply depots, command centers, or our troops. Pictures taken from home (often found in the same user’s profile) can also paint a target on our friends and family.

DAC ERG presents Generational Differences Lunch and Learns at NNSY The Silent Generation, the Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials. So what’s the big deal? Does when we were born really make a difference? Inquiring minds would like to know. Are you one of these minds? Diversity makes for a more effective workforce. This includes the diversity that comes from being born in different generations. But what are these differences and how can we leverage them to further the shipyard’s mission? Come join us at a Lunch and Learn in April to find out. The DAC ERG and the Veteran’s ERG are holding a casual Lunch and Learn meeting in the following locations: • Bldg. 1500, Command Briefing Room, April 18 at 11:20 a.m. • Bldg. 171, Second Floor, Code 930 Conference Room, April 20 at 11:20 a.m.

We will be holding a panel discussion made up of individuals from the following generations: • Silent Generation born between 1928 - 1945 (14% of the US population) • Baby Boomers born between 1946 - 1964 (33% of the US population) • Generation X born between 1965 - 1979 (28% of the US population) • Generation Y (Millennials) born between 1980 - 2001 (22% of the US population) Please join us for this informal question and answer session. There have been tremendous amounts of cultural change in the past 50 years. NNSY has made strides to overcome obstacles allowing access where there was none. Improved safety, training, and leadership just to name a few. Ask the panel questions that matter to you.

Earth Day is a time to celebrate our beautiful planet. One way to observe the occasion is through artwork! NNSY’s Environmental Office (Code 106) is hosting an Earth Day Poster Contest open to children (age 4 to 17) of shipyard employees. Is your child an artist in the making? The winning artwork will be used as the poster for the shipyard’s 2019 Earth Day celebration. *Posters should illustrate the importance of conserving energy and water, recycling, improving air quality, and protecting the environment. *Please submit artwork on an 8.5’’ x 11’’ sheet of paper. *Please legibly print your name, age, parent (who works at the shipyard), and phone number on the back of the entry. *Acceptable media are watercolors, ink, crayon, collages, pencils, oils, acrylics, and computergenerated art. *Only the NNSY employee’s child submitting the artwork can perform work on the entry. *All artwork must be original. *All artwork must be accompanied by a disclosure statement.

• If many photos are available from the same user or a collection of related users (several people in the same military unit, for example), the adversary may be able to determine patterns of your activities. What to do Be aware. Now that you know about this capability, think twice before taking and sending photos. You can test Geotagging capability by taking a photo and checking properties in Windows Vista or higher. Some photo editors and several custom programs allow for the viewing and manipulation of location data as well. Evaluate the need. Do you have a specific point or purpose to tagging photos? If not, it’s far simplier to disable the feature instead of trying to remember to “clean the photos later.” Instructions for doing so can be easily found by searching the model of your phone with the keywords “disable” or “geo tag”. For more information on OPSEC, contact Donny Hawkins, OPSEC Program Manager at 396-9410. Drop off or mail to:

Attn: Nicole Iutzi

Norfolk Naval Shipyard Code 106

Building M22 Portsmouth, VA 23709-1035

The deadline to submit posters is April 20, 2018. Questions should be submitted to Nicole Iutzi at 396-0599 or to Carolyn Russell at 396-3702. Featured: Designs from last year’s contest, including the winning design “Mother Earth” by Paris Fieldings; guidelines and disclosure statement.

Pass and ID: NNSY Pass & ID hours are Monday Friday 0630 - 1500. Call 396-2393, 396-7260, or 396-5076 for more information. Parking: If your car is not registered and you do not have your parking placard visible, you WILL be towed! Make sure you register your vehicle at the Pass and ID Office. CEAP: Civilian Employee Assistance Program (CEAP) is available 24/7. The free service provides work and life benefits as well as support for a variety of issues to include childcare, finances, eldercare, identity theft, legal services, alcohol and substance abuse, and much more. Services are confidential for employees and family members; call 844-366-2327 or visit www.donceap.foh.psc.gov. Awards: The EARN Store is open. Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7 to 8 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. in Bldg. 1500, 1st floor. Call 396-8159 for more information. Got a story idea for service to the fleet or yardlines? Send a detailed email of your story suggestion or shipyard spotlight nominee to the Public Affairs Office and it could be featured in future additions.

upcoming events April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month; learn more here. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month; learn more here. •

April 17, Bldg. 1500 Lobby, 8 a.m. to noon --NNSY will be hosting an Armed Services Blood Drive. --Walk-ins are welcome! --Bring your VPP passport books to complete numbers 36 and 40b! --Please contact Jeyzel Rossi at 396-9530 for additional information.

April 18, Bldg. 1500 Command Briefing Room, 11:20 a.m. --The DAC ERG and VET ERG will be hosting a lunch and learn Q and A session regarding generational differences. --Everyone is invited to attend.

April 19, Bldg. 1500 Lawn, 11:20 a.m. --In observance of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, join us for a Teal and Denim spirit day group photo.

April 20, Bldg. 171, 2nd Floor, Code 930 Conference Room, 11:20 a.m. --The DAC ERG and VET ERG will be hosting a lunch and learn Q and A session regarding generational differences. --Everyone is invited to attend.

April 26, Bldg. 1500 Lawn, 10 a.m. to noon --Code 106.3 Environmental Department will be hosting its annual Earth Day event in support of environmental awareness and stewardship. --For more information, contact Nicole Iutzi at 396-0599.

• April 27, Strike Zone Bowling Alley, Noon to 3 p.m. --The Third Annual Teal Bowling Tournament will be held in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. --The price is $12 per person which includes a combo meal (cheeseburger, hot dog, or chicken tenders) and three hours of bowling with shoe rental. --For more information, contact 396-1798.




Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM) is recognized in April by both civilian and military communities. The Department of Defense observes SAAPM by focusing on creating the appropriate culture to eliminate sexual assault. The 2018 SAAPM Theme is, “Protecting Our People Protects Our Mission.” Since 2012, the Department’s annual reports on sexual assault in the military have reported regular declines in the prevalence rates of sexual assault among the force. We can do more to build a culture that will not tolerate sexual assault. Don’t miss these events at NNSY in honor of SAAPM:

APRIL 6 • 0730 TO 0830 • BLDG. 1500 Moment of silence and planting of white flags for survivors of sexual assault APRIL 11 • 1400 • BLDG. 1500 COMMAND BRIEFING ROOM Pure Praxis returns to NNSY APRIL 19 Teal & Denim Day APRIL 27 • 1200 • STRIKE ZONE BOWLING CENTER Third Annual Teal Bowling Tournament

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