Yardlines - June 28, 2018

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YARDLINES The Official Electronic Newsgram of Norfolk Naval Shipyard

June 28, 2018

shipyard commander Captain Scott Brown deputy commander Captain Daniel Rossler command master chief CMDCM (AW/SW) Michael Reese public affairs officer Terri Davis Editor Kristi Britt public affairs STAFF Michael Brayshaw, April Brown, Floyd Logan, Troy Miller, Curtis Steward, Anna Taylor Interested in submitting information to be featured in the next Yardlines? Email the Public Affairs Office at NSFH_NNSY_ PAO@Navy.mil. YARDLINES is a Department of Defense publication and is authorized for members of the DoD. Contents of Yardlines are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Yardlines is published bi-monthly. Submissions are due on the 4th and 14th of each month. The public affairs staff reserves the right to edit submissions for content and brevity.

Change of command Capt. Kai O. Torkelson will relieve Capt. Scott M. Brown as Commander, Norfolk Naval Shipyard June 29 in a Change of Command Ceremony in Bldg. 163 beginning at 10 a.m. All shipyard employees are invited and encouraged to attend. Farewell Capt. Brown and thank you for your leadership at America’s Shipyard. Good luck in your future endeavors. Welcome aboard Capt. Torkelson, we look forward to working with you.

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Welcome aboard to some of our newest employees at Norfolk Naval Shipyard! (Photos by Shelby West, Shipyard Photographer)

nnsy memorial Day events The Veteran Employee Readiness Group (VET-ERG) and their families joined the Portsmouth Chapter of the Navy Wives Club of America at the Portsmouth Naval Hospital Cemetery May 24 to place flags on the graves of the fallen. The VET-ERG also led the Memorial Day Fall-In for Colors May 25. The team, along with the NNSY Chapter of the Naval Civilian Managers Association, provided wreaths dedicated to those who have passed on. In addition, the NNSY VET-ERG crafted a symbolic Battlefield Cross out of the personal affairs of veterans of the shipyard. And finally, the US Army Training and Doctrine Command Band provided their services with a bugler who played “Taps.� The festivities concluded with the 134th Portsmouth Memorial Day Parade May 28, with shipyard Sailors, members and friends of the VET-ERG, and the USS Alabama float taking part in the parade. (Photos by Shayne Hensley, Shipyard Photographer)

Interested in more information regarding the VET-ERG? Contact Tasha Beverly at 967-2598, Rick Nelson at 396-0570, or Doug DeLong at 396-2075. The VET-ERG meets the second Thursday of each month in Room M-1 (unless otherwise specified) from 8 to 9 a.m. Membership is open to all shipyard employees.

reminder regarding unofficial foreign travel

Are you planning a personal vacation to a foreign country? If so, have you notified your Department Security Coordinator prior to booking? As a government employee with a security clearance we are trusted agents, with such status there are places where travel is prohibited or may need special permissions. Please ensure you research any travel restrictions prior to booking your trip! As a friendly reminder, travel to prohibited locations or not obtaining the applicable permissions for such travel could negatively impact your clearance eligibility. For questions in regards to foreign travel please contact your Department Security Coordinator or the Code 1120 Foreign Travel Coordinator @ 396-3716.

congrats april safety flag winner Congratulations to Shop 99 of Code 990 Temporary Services, winner of the April 2018 Safety Flag! The shop had zero injuries or lost workdays for the month. Interactive safety briefs, effective swarming and studying of safety mishaps, and having two dedicated safety advocates all contributed to Shop 99 winning this award. Code 990 currently has an unbroken streak of winning all of Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s 2018 Safety Flags so far, with Shop 89 being awarded the flags for January, February, and March. Shipyard Commander Captain Scott Brown presented the flag to shop members at Bldg. 298 May 31. (Photo by Tony Anderson, Shipyard Photographer)

june is national safety month! always remember safety first on and off the job.

flthro corner Informal Lunch and Learns - In an effort to provide NNSY employees information and education on beneficial Human Resources topics, FLTHRO will host informal “Lunch and Learn” training sessions throughout 2018. Bring your lunch, we’ll provide the education! All NNSY employees are welcome and encouraged to attend these informal sessions. FLTHRO has seating for 33 employees, and attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis. July 18 - Workers Compensation - Work Related Injuries Aug. 15 - Resume Writing Sept. 19 - Navigating USAJobs The Department of the Navy (DON) Certified Mediator Training Tier I and II: Jul. 30-Aug. 2 Tier III Refresher: Sep. 17-18 Application deadline Apr. 27 Call 396-2218 for information. All courses and events are located at Bldg. 15, McKeever Street, 2nd Floor in the Training Center, Room 223. Participants are encouraged to use the shuttle service as parking at FLTHRO is limited. All participants must sign into the front desk prior to attending the session. If you have questions you may contact Germaine Harris at (757) 396-2100. You must RSVP via email to FLTHRO_ Training@navy.mil to reserve a seat. You will receive a confirmation of enrollment from this office.

code 700 innovation expo Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) hosted an Innovation Expo June 6 in Bldg. 268. The expo, which was coordinated by the Lifting and Handling Department (Code 700), was designed to showcase the various innovations being used across the four public shipyards. Representatives from Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Portsmouth Naval Shipyard attended the expo, along with NNSY’s Technology and Innovation Lab, Occupational Safety and Health Department, Process Improvement division, and more. 3-D printing technology, ergonomic improvements, and new equipment designs were among the many inventions, advancements and process improvements on display. (Photos by Luke Beasley, Shipyard Photographer)

all hands emails

All-hands emails are sent by the Public Affairs Office to Norfolk Naval Shipyard Sailors, civilians, and tenant command employees. The purpose of all-hands emails is to notify the workforce of emergencies, base closures, traffic, construction, exercises, and other urgent, time-sensitive information that cannot be held for publication in one of the Public Affairs Office’s regularly-scheduled products. APPROPRIATE CONTENT FOR ALL-HANDS EMAIL NOTIFICATION: • Emergency alerts • Inclement weather • Gate closures • Facility/road closures • Messages sent on behalf of the Shipyard Commander • Big Rocks and All Hands ceremonies

“This Week at NNSY” is sent out early Monday morning to inform the workforce of events, which are open to all hands, taking place that week. Deadline to include events in this document is 1600, Thursday. CONTENT APPROPRIATE FOR “THIS WEEK AT NNSY” MONDAY MORNING EMAIL: • Wins of the week • Special events (Earth Day, spirit days, etc.) • Fall-In for Colors • Monthly observance information • Lunch and learns, training, special seminars (FLTHRO, ERGs, etc.) • Blood drives • EARN Store deadlines • Employee Resource Groups events

• Safety fairs

• Shipyard associations/groups events

• Safety bulletins and reminders (pedestrian and traffic safety, etc.)

• DEOCS deadlines

• Radiography notifications

• CMWR/MWR events/meal specials/etc. Please keep these requirements in mind when submitting information to the Public Affairs Office for distribution. Content for all-hands emails and “This Week at NNSY” can be submitted via email to nfsh_nnsy_pao@navy.mil.

• Combined Federal Campaign • “This Week at NNSY” • Service to the Fleet publication • Yardlines publication

register your vehicles

While Department of Defense (DoD) decals are not required for permitting personal vehicles into Norfolk Naval Shipyard, all vehicles used on the installation are required to be registered with the Pass and I.D. Office. If you are using a new vehicle, have recently become employed at NNSY, or are military personnel who transferred here, you should register your vehicle at the Pass and I.D. Office as soon as possible. This is a Department of the Navy (DON) policy to properly register vehicles if driven on installations. Vehicles that are not registered are subject to towing. For more information, please see NAVSUPPACNNSYINST 5560.21, pg. 2 and pg. 11, or COMNAVREGMIDLANTINST 5530.14.

for more information, see page 10 of Yardlines

Pass and ID: NNSY Pass & ID hours are Monday Friday 0630 - 1500. Call 396-2393, 396-7260, or 396-5076 for more information. Parking: If your car is not registered and you do not have your parking placard visible, you WILL be towed! Make sure you register your vehicle at the Pass and ID Office. CEAP: Civilian Employee Assistance Program (CEAP) is available 24/7. The free service provides work and life benefits as well as support for a variety of issues to include childcare, finances, eldercare, identity theft, legal services, alcohol and substance abuse, and much more. Services are confidential for employees and family members; call 844-366-2327 or visit www.donceap.foh.psc.gov. Awards: The EARN Store is open. Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7 to 8 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. in Bldg. 15. Call 396-8159 for more information.

Got a story idea for service to the fleet or yardlines? Send a detailed email of your story suggestion or shipyard spotlight nominee to the Public Affairs Office and it could be featured in future additions.

upcoming events

June is LGBT Pride Month. June is Men’s Health Month. Learn more here. June is National Safety Month. Learn more here. •

June 28, Bldg. 1500 Command Briefing Room, 11:20 a.m. to noon --The Disability Awareness Committee Employee Resource Group (DAC-ERG) will be hosting a lunch and learn entitled “Dealing with Conflict.” --Everyone is invited to attend. --For more information, contact Daniel Freeh at 393-7126 or Valerie Scott at 396-8086.

June 28, Bldg. M-1 Conference Room, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. --The Hispanic Employee Resource Group (HERG) meets the fourth Thursday of every month. --Everyone is invited to attend. --For more information, contact Rudy Sandoval at 396-5414 or Valerie Scott at 396-8086.

June 29, Bldg. 163 High Bay, 10 a.m. --Capt. Kai Torkelson will relieve Capt. Scott Brown as NNSY’s Shipyard Commander at the Change of Command Ceremony. --Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.

July 10, Bldg. 1500, 2nd Floor, Code 800 Conference Room, 2 to 3 p.m. --The Disability Awareness Committee Employee Resource Group (DAC-ERG) meets the second Tuesday of every month. --Everyone is invited to attend. --For more information, contact Daniel Freeh at 393-7126 or Valerie Scott at 396-8086.

July 12, Bldg. M-1 Conference Room, 8 to 9 a.m. --The Veteran Employee Readiness Group (VET-ERG) meets the second Thursday of every month. --Everyone is invited to attend. --For more information, contact Tasha Beverly at 967-2598 or Rick Nelson at 396-0570.

July 12, Bldg. 510 R1, 2nd Floor, Room 21, 2 to 3 p.m. --The Federal Women’s Program (FWP) meets the second Thursday of every month. --Everyone is invited to attend. --For more information, contact Aiya Williams at 393-7028 or Chessie Bray at 393-7028.

August 22, Bldg. 1500 Lobby, 8 a.m. to noon --NNSY will be hosting an Armed Services Blood Drive. --Walk-ins are welcome! --Bring your VPP passport books to complete numbers 36 and 40b! --Please contact 396-9530 for additional information.

September 11, Bldg. 1500 Flag Pole, 8 a.m. --The Chiefs Mess will host a September 11th Memorial Fall-In for Colors. --Everyone is invited to attend. --More information coming soon.

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