April 2014

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April 2014

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F lorida T rail R iders


4 14




finished second in A Open

Editor’s Beat Gifts of summer


wasn’t sure what to write about for this month’s column until a package arrived in the mail containing a custom jersey with my racing number and last name printed on the back, along with a few stickers, a koozie and a “Welcome to Team Wanker” letter. Thanks, guys! It’s the little things in life that mean the most...


In Every Issue

Advertising Index Editor’s Beat Who to contact Where to ride FTR Officials/Officers Rider Reps. Chaplain’s Corner Membership Form Race flyers Competition Schedule

Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 27 Page 30 Page 31

his month, in addition to interviewing high school senior and #848 in Open B, Steve Loomis Jr. about his plans for college and goals for the season, I moved from Orlando over to Cape Canaveral where I was introduced to the riding area known as “Canaveral Groves” - a large mudding spot for offroad trucks and buggies but where I’ve been putting around for the past few weeks trying to strengthen my ankle. It was a little sketchy riding there the first time as I’m scared of the law running me off but we actually ran into a few policemen and after they ran my license plate, they moved on looking for DUIs. Plus, I’m sure my full face helmet, goggles, riding boots and dirt bike gear was the least of their worries.


especially want to thank everyone who submitted content for this month’s magazine. It’s been tough covering the races these last few months from the sidelines but now that I’m almost fully recovered, I’m looking forward to a long hot summer of everything dirt bikes and I hope everyone takes the chance to ride the FTR Benefit Enduro on May 4 in Seville, Fla. I’m hoping it’s the first race for me since January... crossing my fingers. My new jersey thanks to Team Email me at editor@ Wanker! floridatrailriders.org - JS

florida trail riders

Area Directors



by county:

Area #1: Dexter Leadbeater, 4140 Yorkshire Drive, Chipley, FL 32428, tmcr@att.net (850) 773-2138 Counties: Out-of-State, Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Bay, Jackson, Calhoun, Gulf, Gadsden, Liberty, Franklin, Leon, Wakulla, Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, Lafayette, Dixie

Area #9: Drew Cole 7027 108th Ave. E. Parrish, FL 34219 coledre@gmail.com (770) 888-1985 Counties: Manatee, Sarasota, Hardee, DeSoto, Highlands





7 8

Area #2: Gary Wyatt, 841 Cousintown Road 9 10 Interlachen, FL 32148, wyattg1@windstream.net (386) 684-2698 Counties: Hamilton, Suwannee, Columbia, Baker, Area #10: 12 Union, Bradford, Nassau, Duval, Clay, Putnam, St. Luis Rodriguez 11 Johns 1902 SW Agnes St. Port St Lucie, FL 34953 Area #3: Brad Gustafson, 1464 NW 106th St. (772) 871-6385, luisabx@hotmail.com 13 Gainesville, FL 32606, bradg47FL@gmail.com Counties: Okeechobee, (352) 316-4611 St. Lucie, Martin Counties: Gilchrist, Alachua, Levy, Marion, Citrus, Sumter, Lake Area #11: Kurt Lucas, 8301 Bahamas Road, Ft. Myers, FL Area #4: Joe Carrasquillo, 4570 Barnacle Drive 33157, floridadirtbike@gmail.com, (786) 385-7771 Port Orange, FL 32127, fdjoec@aol.com Counties: Charlotte, Glades, Lee, (386) 295-8428 Hendry, Collier Counties: Flagler, Volusia Area #12: Area #5: Jerry Curtis , 905 Pine Hollow Place Frank Campbell, 701 Florida Mango Road Brandon, FL 33510, jcurtis@4tbs.net West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (813) 661-8818 flawoods35@yahoo.com, (561) 689-8578 Counties: Hernando, Pasco. Pinellas, West Counties: Palm Beach Hillsborough Area #13: Area #6: Jack Terrell Jim Agate, 4523 Madison St. 180 Sunrise Hill Lane, Auburndale, FL 33023 Hollywood, FL 33021, agatej@bellsouth.net jackterrell@tambabay.rr.com (954) 562-2500 (863) 984-9294 Counties: Broward, Dade, Monroe Counties: East Hillsborough, Polk Area #7: Bill Jenkins, Jr. 13519 Lacebark Pine Road. Orlando, FL 32832 ford3233@aol.com, (407) 282-6056 Counties: Seminole, Orange, Osceola Area #8: Sam Boydstun, 1410 Gleneagles Way. Rockledge, FL 32955 woodsracer@cfl.rr.com, (321) 433-0619 Counties: Brevard, Indian River

Who to

to contact in


Kevin Moyer photo

florida trail riders

official Club


1. A pollo M otorcycle C lub : Jim Rollyson - Cocoa, FL (321) 917-6845 oldjimdandy@bellsouth.net www.apollomotorcycleclub.com 2. A zalea C ity M otorcycle C lub : Gary Wyatt - Interlachen, FL (386) 684-2698 wyattg1@windstream.net


Where to ride

3. Big Scrub Trail Riders: John Hawkins - Tavares, FL (352) 516-6903 jamohawkins@embarqmail.com www.bigscrub.org 4. C entral F lorida T rail R iders : Keith Finnerty - Altamonte Springs, FL (407) 774-9090 keith@keithfinnerty.com 5. C olumbia E nduro R iders : Ricky Dennis - Columbia, SC (803) 786-0051 mastercraft@bellsouth.net 6. D aytona D irt R iders : Randy Griffin - New Smyrna Beach, FL (386) 423-4302 harescram755x@aol.com daytonadirtriders.com 7. F amily R iders , I nc .: Johnny Thomas - Hanahan, SC (843) 553-1463 familyriderssc@bellsouth.net 8. G reenville E nduro R iders A ssociation : Duane Wellington - Laurens, SC (864) 908-6109, lcwell@prtcnet.com 9. O ld S chool D irt R iders : Brett Williams - Sarasota, FL (941) 232-9036 slickwilliams@aol.com 10. P alm B each T rack & T rail : Randy Rash - Ft. Lauderdale, FL (954) 931-5709 motodadfla19@aol.com

13 3




4 19


Out of State:

5, 7, 8, 11, 17



11. P erry M ountain M/C: Glenn Hollingshead - Selma, AL (334) 872-0619 hhollingsh@msn.com 12. N ature C oast T rail B lazers : Paul Ladouceur (352) 279-4911 paul@spectrumvoice-data.com www.naturecoasttrailblazers.com 13. R iver C ity D irt R iders : Brad Stanton - Switzerland, FL (904) 219-6980, brstanton@bellsouth.net www.rcdr.org


1 21 16 10

17. S umter E nduro R iders : Johnny McCoy - Sumter, SC (803) 481-5169, jmccoy@sc.rr.com 18. S uncoast T rail B lazers : Brian Coughlin - Tampa, FL (813) 908-9008 bcoughl2@tampabay.rr.com www.suncoasttrailblazers.com

14. S arasota A rea D irt R iders : Randy Faul - Arcadia, FL (863) 494-6476, randt817@gmail.com www.sarasotadirtriders.com

19. S unrunners M/C: Jack Terrell - Auburndale, FL (863) 984-9294, jackt@nohvcc.org

15. S arasota A rea Q uad R iders : Amanda Fronckowiak - Venice, FL (941) 223-6974 ajc7191@comcast.net 16. S outheast F lorida T rail R iders : Frank Campbell - West Palm Beach, FL (561) 722-1321 flawoods35@yahoo.com www.seftr.org

20. T allahassee T rail R iders : Larry Nielsen - Tallahassee, FL (850) 544-4840 niel6722@embarqmail.com www.tallahasseetrailriders.org 21. T reasure C oast T rail R iders : Scott Klucinec - Vero Beach, FL

(772) 473-3801 bronc3@comcast.net

Find FTR Magazine on Facebook and

keep up with race happenings.

facebook.com / ftrmag

florida trail riders

Elected officers

President: F ord S nodgrass president@ floridatrailriders. org (941) 915-9894

Vice President: A manda R ichardson vicepresident@floridatrailriders.org (727) 319-9596 Secretary: K ayla V awter secretary@floridatrailriders.org (863) 381-2649 Treasurer: K evin V aughan treasurer@floridatrailriders.org (941) 426-5122

H are S crambles : Randy Rash hsref@floridatrailriders.org (954) 931-5709 A ssociate H/S R eferee : Bill Drymon (941) 351-4887 M otocross : Chris Post mxref@floridatrailriders.org A ssociate M otocross R eferee : Sean Fitzgerald (352) 455-4029


Scorekeepers E : Ken Stephenson

Hare Scrambles: M ike B elle hschair@floridatrailriders.org (813) 963-0657

H are S crambles : Donald St. John hsscore@floridatrailriders.org (912) 729-1089

Enduro: J eremy P owell endurochair@floridatrailriders.org (904) 225-3176

Motocross: R ick D reggors mxchair@floridatrailriders.org (407) 862-6878

Referees E : George Tolson nduro

enduroref@floridatrailriders.org (863) 698-3837


enduroscore@floridatrailriders.org (321) 453-0638

M otocross : Sean Fitzgerald mxscore@floridatrailriders.org (352) 455-4029 Electronic Scoring Database Maintenance: T im N ordle (352) 303-0088 score.n.it.4.ftr@gmail.com

FLORIDA TRAIL RIDERS MAGAZINE is a monthly publication delivered to members of Florida Trail Riders, Inc. FTR Magazine will review and consider letters and mail submitted by members. Deadline is day 20 of the month prior to publication. The decision to publish or edit submissions rests with the magazine. Opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor or of the members.

florida trail riders



AA/A Matt Ludwig, (727) 424-3532


Hare Scrambles: AA/A

Jonathan Belle, (813) 240-6022 jbelle34@gmail.com

B/C Vacant Specialty A & B

cdlover90@hotmail.com B/C Mike Ludwig, (727) 510-9295 MLgamer4@aol.com Specialty A & B Doug Ludwig, (727) 510-9295 dougludsig8@aol.com Specialty C, Women Allen Pearce, (352) 339-5644 allen.pearce@cox.net

Danny Kittell (727) 244-7299 kittell@verizon.net


Kerri Chambers, (863) 956-9140 jekchambers@aol.com

(863) 660-4459 davidj@mullinginsurance.com B/C Vacant Specialty A/B Steve Loomis, (407) 467-8290 steveloomis848@earthlink.net Specialty C, Women Joe Steidl, (352) 494-6944 drtbkj@msn.com Quads Vacant

Specialty C, Women Saturday Riders

Kurt Lucas, (786) 385-7771 ktmx16@gmail.com


Kayla Vawter, (863) 381-2649 ftrchampx2@yahoo.com


Advertiser Special: Bu y fiv e months, get one free!

O r, get a fr ee web ad on the FTR homepage with all print ads!

CALL (407) 719-5513

AA/A Dave Johnson,



Florida Trail Riders Magazine

Chaplain’s Corner


Hello FTR Family, his has been one weird Hare Scrambles racing season. We are down to the last three scrambles and there is uncertainty as to even if they will occur. Rumor has it that we may be racing on Mother’s Day. If so, this is not the first time.


don’t know about you but it has been very busy around the Dickson household. It seems like we have been going non-stop. Though we enjoy racing, it has been nice to get a few things done around the house. Tomorrow is Saturday and I am looking forward to cleaning up!


ave you noticed the new “religious” movies hitting the box office? I find that interesting. I heard that Hollywood is planning to make 16 of them in 2014. I have no idea if that is a true things, regardless of what we think. I “Run the statement or not but the two that look forward to grabbing some popcorn were released last week have been and watching it. race with doing well. I have already heard that the “Noah” movie is good but f the rain continues to fall and the endurance, not very “Biblical.” Well, what do woods remain a flowing swamp, the you expect? Have you ever read a opportunity to view movies and work the course book and then turned around and around the house on the weekends will that has been watched the movie of that same be a steady occurrence. However, take book? Many times there are gaps heart my friends. Do you remember laid out for and rewrites. That does not mean it racing in the blinding dust and wishing is a bad movie; only that the movie for rain? Well, it is here. Take advantage you” (Hebrews producers decided make a departure of the time. Do something exciting with 12:1). from its main source, the original your family. I encourage you to make author. Should you decide to go see some memories and take pictures. If you it, do yourself a favor and read Genesis chapters are not able to support an FTR event on a given 6-9. Though Hollywood hype is cool (I like it,) it Sunday, find a local church, attend and support will only take you about 30 minutes to read those them. I’ll be doing the same. Until we see each other three chapters and you will get the original story. on the line again, be safe and enjoy your friends and family! nother movie I plan to see on one of our non-racing weekends is, “God’s Not Dead.” It has a pretty interesting plot. Like many of the Your friend, elite-minded folks in our society today, the main Andy Dickson character (a college philosophy professor) refuses FTR Chaplain to acknowledge the existence God. From his point Super Senior A #121 of view, people like me are weak minded and refuse to accept reality. This character (played by Kevin offroadracingministries.org Sorbo) reminds me of so many people I know. Contact us: (904) 673-9034 (Andy) Never forget, God’s existence is not predicated on whether you or I validated Him. The fact remains (904) 813-5713 (Ragan) that God is still the Creator and is in control of all 78 Dolphin Blvd. Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082







arl Mason 813C and Bryan Faby 27C have been friends since they were young kids. It wasn’t until last year that the two reconnected and starting riding together and would just go

in the woods of Port Saint John and Croom‌ and then Bryan threw


out the idea of racing the Hare Scrambles with FTR in the Open C class so they both joined and the rest is history.

1 2 3

Bryan Faby #27C of Cocoa, FL. Carl Mason #813C of Cocoa, FL. Bryan (left), Chris McGuckin (center) and Carl (right). Photos submitted by Mindy Picos.


t is amazing how FTR can bring together such a big group of people who have the same passion for riding.

It is like one big family. I just wanted to give a special shout out not only to Carl and Bryan but to all the friends and families who come together each race to support the riders and their idea of fun! -

Mindy Picos


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Enduro files

I had a chance to get passed by Ron Commo III at the Richloam Enduro and I remember thinking, “Wow – that guy is cruising!” He was on one of the fast jeep roads when he went by me and made one of the lefthanded turns there going 2 or 3 times faster than I would have considered possible. When I finished that section, (which was the final section of the enduro,) I remember thinking that he would be in contention for the overall win if he was riding that fast in every section. It turns out he WAS riding that fast and was the High Point winner that day. My second time noticing Ron was at the Sandlapper National Enduro. He was able to place 8th in the last section of the day, which is incredible if you know the number of folks vying for top 10 honors and you know a little about Ron’s incredibly varied background on bikes.


In his own words, here is Ron describing his racing background:

I am 23 years old, dedicated to being the best I can be. I have been racing motorcycles my whole life. It’s not only my passion but it’s my life and what I look forward to everyday. I went to my first race at 3 months old. I started riding at age 3 and racing at age 6. I could ride a motorcycle before I could ride a bicycle.

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from professional MX to FTR

N i h i l o C o nc e p t s KTM FTR’s Enduro Chairman Jeremy Powell Recently interviewed Ron Commo III for the Enduro Files. Ron is vying to outgun Tyler Trammell for the AA and High Point Series Enduro championship and also a top contender in the AA class at the FTR Hare Scrambles. Pictured right at Okeechobee HS #8 where Ron finished fourth in AA less than two minutes behind overall High Point Garrett Edmisten.

Photo by Glenn Gardner/G2 Photos.




1. Ron Commo III started as a trials rider before turning to offroad racing. 2. RCIII styling for the camera. 1 & 2. Photos submitted by Jeremy Powell. 3. RCIII at the 2014 Alligator Enduro. Photo by Offroad Paparazzi

Riding trials was my whole life - I dedicated multiple hours a day to improve my techniques. While other kids got involved in school sports, the moment the bell rang, I went home and was on my bike until dark. I was always creating new courses to challenge myself because riding is what I lived for. When I was 9 years old, I won the 9-year old youth national championship then I won the 10-, 11-, and 12-year old national championships. A couple years later I advanced on to riding in the adult nationals. I realized the challenge I was about to face. I realized my determination was only getting stronger and it made work that much harder to prove myself. My family moved from Vermont to Georgia, which gave me opportunity to really challenge myself every day. In 2008 when I was 18 I went to Europe to train with the best in the world in trials. I was on the Top Trial Team, a sister team to Factory Beta. I stayed there for the summer trying to learn as much as I could from them. They had a lot of techniques that we didn’t even know about over here. While I was there, I competed in 3 World Championships in France, Italy and Czech Republic getting top 20s. In 2009, I raced pro in the trials nationals ending up fifth overall and then in 2010 I rode for Gas Gas USA and I was fourth overall. In 2009 my family’s 10-year contract for the Beta importership was up and they decided not to resign with us, which made it impossible for me to afford to go to the trials nationals. But at the same time I was asked by a guy in North Carolina to ride TM Motorcycles in the National Enduros. Having never ridden an enduro bike before, it was different but I picked it up fast and won the Open B National Championship. In 2010, I won 4 A 200 races ending up second overall by only a few points. In 2011, I moved back to Vermont and started racing motocross to become a better offroad racer. I won the Open A and 450 A championship. In 2012, I moved to Florida so I could pursue my racing career and that is when I was introduced to FTR. After being off a bike for months due to surgery, I raced my first FTR Hare Scrambles in Bartow and did not know what I was getting myself into. It challenged me mentally and physically and I knew I could only get better with practice and my determination to win. Then 2013 I raced on the 24-hour Elite team, which was one of the coolest things I’ve done. I started racing AA in FTR. I won my first FTR Enduro at

Brooksville. Do you have any bike setup tips or secrets that you feel like sharing? My bike setup is stock except I have a full TF Racing Suspension. How would you describe your riding style? My riding style is wild, on the edge, full throttle. BRAPP. What advice would you give to someone trying to get ahead in racing bikes? My advice for someone would be keep moving every second counts, look up and never give up. That applies to everything whether its trials, enduro or H/S. You race GNCC, National Enduros, FTR H/S and Enduros (and that you have a background in trials) – do you have a favorite and why? I would have to say riding trials is my favorite; that feeling when you make a really gnarly section or 12-foot wall, you can’t beat it. What is your favorite motorcycle or racing memory? My earliest memory is my dad snowblowing me a track to ride in the backyard of my grandfather’s house when I was 3 or 4 after it snowed like two foot. What are your goals for this season and plans for next season? My goals this season would be to get a top 10 overall in the National Enduros series and have good results at the Tennessee Knock Out. Next season my goals are to go to the King of Motos race and race all the National Enduros getting top 8 and win a FTR H/S. Sponsors and folks you’d like to thank? I would like to thank my girlfriend Micaela. She’s at every race pitting me and always supports me and my racing. I also want to thank my mom, dad, grandparents and family for all their support. The sponsors I would like to thank are: Team SRT, srtoffroard.com, Kenda, Fasst Co., DT1, CTO, Motorex and Gearne, FMF, Rekluse and Fuel Clothing.


Florida Trail Riders Magazine

Chewing D ale THE FAT E l l i s WITH

by Dr! Still Bill

F oreword :

I first met Dale Ellis one morning at Croom in the spring of 2012. I was there alone getting ready to ride when the guy parked next to me asked if he could ride with me. I said, “OK, but I’m old, fat and slow.” He said, “OK, I am too!” He was riding a DR400 dual sport but managed to keep up with me pretty well. After we had fun riding for a couple hours, I told him all about FTR and encouraged him to come to the race “right down the street” the following weekend. Well, a week later he was there at the Dade City Hare Scrambles with his motorhome parked right next to the starting line. I seem to remember that he got the hole shot that dusty day in Beginner class and managed to finish third. I believe he showed up to the next race with a KTM 450. By the beginning of last season, he had switched to a KTM 300 XCW and rode several races in Master C. He started strong this year and surprised everyone by winning HS #1. (He is currently battling for the season championship in Master C.) He is a friendly and popular guy in FTR and I thought that our members would like to know more about him. SB: Dale, I understand that you were quite a hotshot MX guy in your youth. I heard rumors that you were a factory rider for Bultaco or something about 40 years ago. Really? Please explain. DE: Something like that. I had two older brothers (Bobby and Pat) who were already racing and I just followed them. My first race was on a half-mile in Barberville on a Benelli 50. That was 1969 and I was 11 years old. I rode hand-me-downs from my brothers, and they pushed me hard when we would ride. We lived in DeLand then, and had a ‘’scrambles’’ track less than a mile from our house. I rode everyday. In 1971, when Hodaka came out with the Super Rat, my brother Pat picked up a ride from a small shop in Daytona. I got my first new race bike from there. I think my mom got skipped over on a new washer and dryer for that. We did real well for a couple years racing out of that shop and were invited by the Hodaka distributor to attend a race in Tifton, Ga. I won that race and was later asked by the guys there to run the

Winter NML series. That went well, and I was then asked to spend the summer after the 9th grade working with them in the Southeast, going to races on weekends and dealers during the week. I was 14 years old then and the mini-cycle stuff was just starting to get big. They were also the importer for Bandit minis so we did a lot of that, too. Pat joined me there after that summer and we were starting to get support from the importer PABATCO. At that time, they had Pat and I in the East, and Tommy Croft in the West. Needless to say, the Hodaka years didn’t hurt Tommy’s career. I stayed there until 1975 when it was time to move to a bigger bike. I was shown a 250 Thunderdog at the Daytona cycle show and I knew it was time to go. I kept riding for another year or two, got a little help from Can-Am (a.k.a.the widowmaker). I bought a Yamaha and had some good runs but injuries, money and school all got in the way. Just kind of faded away, really. It was all fun - good memories.

SB: Were you as lean and mean back then? DE: That was some skinny brown haired kid. Haven’t seen him in 40 years! SB: But you took a long hiatus from competition, right? DE: Didn’t even go to the races. Bought a Goldwing but it wasn’t the same. SB: So, when and why did you get the bug to start riding again? DE: When is the easy part; dropped my youngest son off for the bus to USMC boot camp in Parris Island and stopped by the motorcycle shop on the way home. Why? I’d like to think it was a way of rewarding myself for doing my job raising the kids. It just never gets out of your system I guess. SB: Do you have any desire to ride MX again or do you want to stick to trails? DE: That’s a young man’s game. I hurt easy and heal slow. I don’t see it. SB: You are pretty fast for a big guy. Do you consider yourself a “momentum racer?” Are there any special techniques that allow a big guy to go fast? Do you work out, or do any special training regimen? DE: I sit almost all the time. Lowers the center of gravity and conserves energy. SB: No special “veggie juice” diet? DE: My riding partner Kevin Littwin is always trying to get me on that. I told him that when he runs me down and passes me - I’ll start juicing right then. Keeps us both motivated. That stuff looks awful. SB: You ride a KTM 300 XCW in FTR. Is it stock, or did you make some mods? DE: Mike Willshaw did the suspension. Other than that I put in an x-bushing and low seat - just anything to get it a little lower. SB: Are you comfortable with your current ride, or do you plan to upgrade again? DE: I think a four stroke would be neat, but I’m good for now. SB: I understand that you used to do professional BBQ competitions before you raced in FTR, and maybe even won a bunch of trophies or even some championships? DE: My brother Bobby and I did the BBQ thing. We are ‘’A’’ maybe even ‘’AA’’ BBQ guys. SB: You once told me that the FTR “family” was much friendlier than the completion BBQ family. Please elaborate. DE: You just think racing is expensive? BBQ is $800 per competition by the time we would get out of the driveway - entry fees, meat and all. That, with thousands in prize money and people trying to make a living at it, everybody would keep more to their selves. All the teams had their own secrets and it was all about the money. FTR, on the other hand, everybody does whatever they

can to help. After my first race, I was so sore I couldn’t move. I was parked next to Ty and March 2014 15 Larry Thomas, they loaded my bike for me and helped shove me in the door of my RV so I could get home. Still some of my favorite people at the races. By my second race, I had bought an older 450 KTM and had carburetor problems in practice. I loaded up and was on my way to get my money back when I ran into Kenny Boyd and told him what was going on with the new bike. Within 10 minutes he and about 6 others had the 450 off the trailer, tore down and back together. That is the way FTR has been since I first got here. Now I want to give back. SB: So, are you hooked on FTR for life? Want to race in Class of 66 someday? DE: Those guys seem awful fast, Bill. I look forward to seeing the both of us there. SB: It seems like there are some anti-quad guys in FTR. Are you one of them? DE: I think all the clubs are able to put on a great bike race or a great quad race, it’s just hard to do on the same weekend. Everything becomes a compromise. SB: If you could change one FTR Hare Scrambles rule, what would it be? DE: At the start of the season, there were 7or 8 guys in Master C who could win. I would have liked to race that same group all season and all moved up together. SB: You have already been promoted to Master B. Do you think you will be competitive next year? DE: If things go like we are hearing, I’ll be in Silver Master B. The guy I’m just behind and the guy I’m just in front of will think I’m competitive. That’s all that matters. SB: What about this year? Do you think you can catch Shaun and Angel? DE: I racked up some solid finishes early and then hit a real slump in the middle of the year. Angel? Maybe when we start dropping low scores. Angel is riding real well right now and we even practice together. Not too many people know it, but Charlie Mullins and Angel are pretty tight. Dont tell anybody though. Shaun just needs to know his jacket size.

SB: Did you ever have a serious racing injury? DE: Knock on wood…but no. I had a few broken bones, but all-in-all, I have been very fortunate. SB: I put you on Hell’s Canyon Team this year and you have helped us get into first place. Will you be mad if I don’t put you on the tem next year when you are just a mid-pack B rider? DE: I’m good. In fact I’ve got a few guys in mind as my replacement. Just pay my severance. SB: What do you do for a living? DE: Construction Superintendent. I build roads, bridges, utilities, etc. Lot of 60 hour weeks but it’s been good. SB: What about your family? Tell us about your wife and kids. DE: I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart, Debbie, for 33 great years. So, she goes back to my early years of racing. My oldest son is in Pennsylvania

making a living. My youngest son is still with the Marines in Afganistan. He wants to do some riding when he gets home. I’ve already got a 300 waiting for him in the garage. With a name like Jimmy Ellis, he better be good. Both of the boys raced BMX when they were young and had dirt bikes but never got the racing bug. My middle child Amber has special needs and comes to a lot of the races with us. If you ever meet her, she will make sure you remember her. Right, Bill?

As members of FTR, we all have the challenge ahead of us to be advocates and protect those riding areas. We must be ‘responsible motorcyclists.’ - Dale Ellis

SB: Absolutely! You recently purchased a nice new motor home. What’s the deal with that? DE: Like I said above, 33 years and would like to see 34. If you’re going to spend 20 weekends a year in a cow pasture with your family so you can go play, a man does what a man has to do. SB: Do you have any other hobbies besides BBQ cooking and dirt bike racing? DE: No, my plate is full. No pun intended. SB: Any favorite music, movies, or comic books? DE: Classic rock and any thing that makes me laugh. SB: What brand of beer do you prefer, and what toppings do you get on your pizza? DE: Silver Bullets and BBQ-lovers, oddly enough. SB: Anybody else that you would like to thank for helping in your racing effort? DE: I joined Sunrunners last year and that’s been great. Some of the members have been around since the beginning of FTR. We have a good mix of young and old, family and individuals, racers and riders, and look beyond just our mutual love for dirt bikes. I would encourage

everyone to get with a club. Most importantly I’ve got to thank my wife, Debbie. If I didn’t have her support, I couldn’t be doing this. SB: Any word of wisdom for the youngsters in FTR? DE: How fast you go around a motocross track or how fast you go through the woods doesn’t define who you are. Have fun and keep life in balance. SB: Any closing comments? DE: Getting back into riding after a 35 year break it was a shock to see just how few places there are left to ride. As members of FTR, we all have the challenge ahead of us to be advocates and protect those riding areas. We must be ‘’responsible motorcyclists’’ – besides, my grandkids will need a place to ride. Debbie and I look forward to seeing all our new friends at the races soon!


FTR Motocross

Florida Trail Riders Magazine


y the time you read this, we will be finishing up your FTR MX series. The last two rounds are April 27 at Reddick and May 18 at Dade City. We had our best turn out for an FTR MX race in a number of years at Reddick last year. Our final round will be at Dade City. For those of you who still want to continue racing or riding, please join us at these rounds. I think you will have a really good time. I want to appreciate everyone who participated in the series so far and I am already looking forward to next year. We had some great racing this year and more Hare Scrambles riders seem to be showing up at the MX races. As most of you are aware, we have had several races with the Florida/Georgia series and I expect that will continue next year. We are also looking into partnering with another MX series. This benefits both series and benefits the track owners with a larger turnout.

I want to thank my wife, Leigh Anna, for helping me through the series since I am often busy dealing with issues at the races and will often put my own kids and their racing on the back burner in order to help others. I know Sean Fitzgerald and the other FTR MX committee members do the same thing. One of the great things about participating in FTR is that there always seems to be parents and members who are willing to help even if it’s not their kids that need it. I have meet a lot of new people and developed new friendships with members throughout the state. This is also one of the great things about participating in a series like the FTR MX series. Finally, I want to congratulate all of the riders who have participated in this series. We’ve had some great racing and I have enjoyed watching riders develop into faster/better riders. Motocross will certainly hone your skills for all types of racing and I believe that FTR members are starting to figure that out.

My boys raced some of Hare Scrambles this year and hope to do more next year. They really enjoy the Hare Scrambles and I I look forward to seeing everyone at the remaining FTR MX like them because I am not in charge rounds. Thanks for everyone’s help and Mesa Park owners Garry and of anything and I just concentrate on participation. being a parent/mechanic. Chris Cousins went all out this Rick Dreggors C hair

weekend for the 50cc riders in the trophy department. Just take a look at these trophies and the smiles on some of our youngest FTR members. Hopefully they had a truck big enough to get these things home Sunday afternoon. Congratulations to these boys on their first place finishes.

FATHER/SON PHOTOS BY G2 T h a n k y o u , Glenn! “Thank you for

all your efforts and great pictures. We have always looked forward to seeing them after the races. You seemed to be everywhere out there snapping pictures. My 5 year old says “I think sometimes he is up in the trees. He must be a ninja.” Look forward to seeing you back out on your bike. Thank you again!” -

Steve Roberts


would also like to take this time to say, I plan on retiring from taking photos at future FTR events. It is my intention to hang out at the races with my friends, and also do some racing next year. I thank you all, for your friendships and generosity over the years. Sincerely, Glenn Gardner | G2photosmx.com


Florida Trail Riders Magazine


Editor’s note: I’ve known the Loomis family since my early days in FTR as my dad and Steve Loomis, Sr. became good racing buddies and we all lived in Central Florida. After my return to racing a few years ago, I became aware of another Steve Loomis - “Junior” - and decided to find out more about this high school senior who was recently promoted to the Open A class for the next Hare Scrambles season. We chatted recently in between race weekends about his plans for the future and why he might not be at all the FTR races next season. JS: Hey, Steve. Thank you for speaking with me today. When did you first start racing FTR? SL: I first started racing FTR when I was probably about 5 years old…I started out in Peewee C and worked my way up. JS: That’s cool. What were some of your first memories? SL: I mean, I wasn’t that good of a racer back then because I worked my way up, but I always raced with my cousin, we’d all go out there and race together and hang out, it was fun. JS: What was your first bike? SL: My first bike was the KTM 50. I started out on a four-wheeler when I first started and after that I worked my way up to a 50. JS: Have you ever gone back to a fourwheeler? SL: No. I think my dad put me on a fourwheeler to kind of like get me in the motion of riding because my brother, Trevor, was riding a dirt bike before he was riding a bicycle so it was pretty funny. We all started at a young age. JS: You’re in the


Open B class now and soon to be in Open A, but what were some of the highlights getting here? SL: I got my Junior C championship which was really when I started pushing it really. We had gotten that championship and then from there I think I was 13 when I started really getting into it and started taking it seriously. From there I worked my way up to Junior B – I think I got second place in Junior B – and I moved up to Junior A and that’s when I really started pushing it even more. It was me and Austin Rich and Nick Karch last year and that was a fun year; I pushed it and ended up going down halfway through the season and fracturing my scapula so that put me out a couple races. After that, I got back on the bike and after that I was out of the contention for the championship so we just kind of salvaged what we did and I ended up third. JS: Oh, wow. Not too shabby. How did you like going from a two stroke to a four stroke?. SL: We’ve always had two bikes – we’ve had a motocross bike and a woods bike. Depending on which kind of race it was, like if it was in Okeechobee wide open fields, I would ride the 250. If it was up north clay, I would ride the 200 so it kind of helped out to have different settings. JS: Yeah, that makes sense. SL: I think I suit the 250 four stroke a lot better just because I’m a bigger guy and I like to kind of lug it around. I was riding with a friend who races GNCC Mark Heresco and I actually hopped on his 250 at our practice track at my house like a week ago and it was the first time I had been - continued on next page

Steve L oomis

April 2014


“I think my dad put me on a fourwheeler (first) to kind of get me in the motion of riding...my brother, Trevor, was riding a dirt bike before he was riding a bicycle so it was pretty funny. We all started at a young age.�



Florida Trail Riders Magazine

back on the two stroke in a while and that was actually pretty fun. JS: How tall are you? SL: Right now I’m 6’2. I just turned 18. I was 6’2 when I was 16 so I’ve kind of stopped growing but I don’t know if I’m completely done growing. JS: Tell me about this practice track at your house? SL: We have like a 9-mile loop set up in between our house. JS: Wow. I need to come out there! SL: Yeah, it’s fun. You should. JS: What club are you in? SL: Treasure Coast. It’s fun being in the club because you get to help set up stuff for the race and it’s kind of cool to see what it takes to actually come up with the race. JS: You also race FTR Motocross? How did that come about? SL: I’ve been doing motocross ever since I started riding, really. Two years ago, I raced the Dade City Championship in the 250 class and I ended up getting sixth out of 56 riders. I’m not as good at motocross but I like it. It’s fun to go out there.

“When I was growing up, you looked up to the Junior A kids, that was like looking at pros kind of because I wanted to race that fast one day.”

Steve Loomis, JR.

lot different set up.

JS: Yeah, I love the vibe at the Enduros. So, what are you goals for the near future? SL: My goal for this year and upcoming years is to do a lot more GNCCs. I want to do as many JS: What about as I can...just try to step up a little bit and start doing some out-of-state stuff, at least the close Enduros? Any interest in that? ones this year. We’ll try something different. I was at the Mud Mucker GNCC and it’s different SL: I’ve done doing three hours. It’s fun but you definitely one Enduro have to be on your A game when you go there. – the Croom Enduro about JS: What about your training regimen? Don’t two years ago give away any secrets but... – and I want to SL: I’m working with my trainers at Elite Body do a lot more. Fitness & Nutrition in Apopka. I go there about It was a fun twice a week working out. I do a lot of mountain experience for sure. It’s definitely thank you R obin B rowne different. It’s a


biking, road cycling, running, swimming – just your average stuff. JS: There’s nothing like seat time, right? SL: Yeah, I do a lot of riding. JS: Does your dad still ride? SL: My dad does a little bit of riding. He just bought a vintage bike and he’s been playing around on that but he’s really just been helping me out with mechanicing and stuff like that. JS: Has him being involved in the sport helped you along the way? SL: It’s definitely helped out a lot because he has a lot of friends and they’ll help me out. He just knows a lot of people and has a lot of friends like at FMF who have helped me out with sponsorships and stuff. JS: What’s up with school? You’re a senior, right? SL: Yes...we have about 6 weeks left so I’ve got college on my mind and just getting done with racing so there’s a lot that we’ve been thinking about. JS: Are you planning on going to college? SL: I think we’re going up to a college in Tennessee. We went up and checked it out before Atlanta Supercross and it was right there in Nashville. It’ll be different but it will be fun for sure. JS: Wow, so this might be your last year racing for a while? SL: I wouldn’t want to say that but it will give me the opportunity to race a couple of GNCCs up there. It’s a lot more localized and I’ll be closer to a lot of the races up there. JS: What’s your favorite FTR memory? SL: Probably Junior A was the highlight because when I was growing up, you looked up to the Junior A kids, that was like looking

April 2014

at pros kind of because I wanted to race that fast one day, and when I showed up to my first Junior A race, and then I went out there and won it, that was a pretty cool experience for me. JS: Nice. Who is helping you out, Steve? SL: The guys at Southern Cycle have been helping me out this year. We have a lot of people. My mom and dad. My whole family really. I wouldn’t be where I am without them. Kings Landing. Elite Body has been helping me out with working out and training and keeping me on my toes. The Koster and the Fitzgerald family; I’ve been doing a lot of riding with them. Todd Witchner up at Tucker Rocky has been helping me out a lot. 100% has been helping me out with goggles. Deft Family with my gloves. Acerbis, Champions Powersports, GPS Suspension, floridadirtbike.net, HBD MotoGrafx, Shoei. JS: Nice. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard? SL: I always say, winners never quit and quitters never win. That’s always been a big thing in my life.


Contact FAC E B O O K .com/FTRmag T W I T T E R & @FTRmoto I N STAG R A M


(407) 719-5513


C o m m u n i c at i o n s

“Thanks to Daytona Dirt Riders for putting on a great Alligator Enduro. I think given the conditions at the property, you guys did a awesome job making the event a success. There was plenty of mud and water, but you were able to “go wide” and avoid the deep ruts. Great job considering what you guys had to work with.” - Sam Boydstun

Florida Trail Riders

M agazine

2014 A l l i g ato r


“It was a pleasure to work with DDR and I was blessed to be part of the team. Very solid group to work with. Lots of youth involvement. THANK YOU, DDR! I did leave one arrow out there. No way I could get to it without wading in knee deep water. Sorry Marty S., but it’s all yours! (you can pick it up during the summer drought). - C Bob House

2014 A l l i g ato r



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tI de

FTR Benefit Enduro Sunday, May 4, 2014

By FTR Enduro Committee with thanks to BSTR and RCDR FTR Benefit - Please come Ride Memberships Available at Sign up Pre-Entry - $50.00 (by April 27) Pre-entry can request row. Post Entry - $55.00 Row assignments strictly by FTR Rule book Absolutely no changes allowed Start Control Format No Early Points

Motels in Palatka, Ormond Beach, & Deland All are approximately 30 miles away from start. Primitive camping at the start.

No Open Fires Allowed! Separate area for no generators.

***Enduro Class on Saturday – at 5PM***

J a ck s o n v il l e I -7 5

Registration 3:00 to 5:00 PM Saturday Sunday 7:00 to 8:00 AM Riders Meeting 8:30 am Key Time 9:00 am Inspection Requirements

U S -1 7

20 7

S R - 20

G a in e s v i l le

S a tsu m a

Pa la tk a

S t . A u g u st in e

U S -1 7

s ta r t

I -9 5

C r e s ce n t C i t y

S e v il le

If you fail inspection NO RIDE!!! NO REFUND!!!

3 0 5 W e st

O c al a


 Spark Arrestor Heat Wrap on 4-Stroke Header Pipe Checked at Start

B a r b er v il l e

I- 7 5

D a y to n a

Start, main gas, and finish are at the camp area. GPS N 29.32393 W 81.53319

No Goggle Tear-Offs Roll-Offs Only

For Info Call: Jeremy Powell, 904-521-3539 or Glenn Hunt 678-231-4100 Pre entry at www.moto-tally.com/FTR/Enduro/PreEntry.aspx Name:







City/State/Zip ______________________________________ Age: ________ FTR#_________________________ Row Requested. ___________ I, myself, my executor, administrators, & assignees, do hereby release and agree to hold blameless the BSTR, Inc, River City Dirt Riders, Inc, the Florida Trail Riders, Inc., the St. Johns River Water Management District, the owners & lessees of the premises, the participants, and the officers, directors, officials, representatives, agents and employees of all of them from all liability, loss, claims & demands that may occur from any loss, damage or injury (including death) to my person or property in any way resulting from or arising in connection with this event whether arising while engaged in competition, in practice or preparation therefore, or while upon, entering or departing from said premises for any cause whatsoever. I know the risk and danger to myself and property while upon said premises or while participating or assisting in this event on May 3 & May 4, 2014, so voluntarily and in reliance upon my own judgment and ability I therefore assume all risk for loss, damage or injury (Including death) to myself and my property from any cause whatsoever.

I have read and understand this release. Signed ____________________________________ Required Of All Riders Under The Age Of 18 Signature of Parent or Guardian is required at the event.



FTR CLASSES AA A Open A 125-200 A 250 A Veteran (35+) A Senior (40+) A Super Senior (45+) A Master (50+) B Open B 125-200 B 250 B Veteran (35+) B Senior (40+) B Super Senior (45+) B Master (50+) Class 66 C Open C 125-200 C 250 C Veteran (35+) C Senior (40+) C Super Senior (45+) C Master (50+) Golden Master A (58+) Golden Master B (58+) Women FTR Vintage (1974 & Older) – FTR Evolution (Drum Brakes) – FTR Beginner - FTR

2013-2014 FTR Schedule

2013 Champion August 18 BSTR Enduro #1/Lochloosa* Lyons August 18 MX #1/Bithlo Motorsports September 1 Greenville Enduro #2/Whitmire, SC Brakken Sept. 15 MX #2/Bostwick with FL/GA Series Sept. 21 & 22 CFTR Hare Scrambles #1/Bartow Edmisten October 6 Suncoast Enduro #3/Brooksville Commo October 26 & 27 DDR Hare Scrambles #2/Ormond Beach Edmisten November 3 Perry Mountain Enduro #4/Maplesville, AL Edmisten November 3 MX #3/Mesa Park November 9 & 10 Sunrunners Hare Scrambles #3/Bartow* Edmisten November 17 MX #4/Dade City MX with FL/GA Series Nov. 23 & 24 River City Dirt Riders #4/Maxville Edmisten Nov. 30 & Dec. 1 Apollo Hare Scrambles #5/Samsula* Edmisten December 8 MX #5/Bartow Motocross Dec.14 & 15 OSDR Hare Scrambles #6/Carlton Ranch Edmisten


Red indicates multiple race weekend



January 4 & 5 January 18 & 19 January 25 & 26 February 2 February 8 & 9 Feb. 23 March 1 & 2 March 2 March 10 March 16 March 22 & 23 March 30 March 30 April 12 & 13 April 26 & 27 April 27 May 4 May 10 & 11 May 18 May 24 & 24 August 2

Suncoast Hare Scrambles #7/Brooksville* Edmisten Palm Beach T&TR Hare Scrambles #8/Okeechobee Edmisten Treasure Coast Hare Scrambles #9/Okeechobee Edmisten MX #6/Sunshine Motocross - double points SADRA Hare Scrambles #10/Myakka City Edmisten CFTR Enduro #5/Richloam* Commo III Big Scrub Trail Riders Hare Scrambles #11/Sumterville Edmisten Sandlapper Enduro #6/Salley, SC Commo III DDR Enduro #7/Ormond Beach* Edmisten MX #7/Mesa Park NCTB Hare Scrambles #12/Dade City Edmisten Apollo Enduro #8/Samsula Commo III MX #8/Bostwick Creek with FL/GA Series TTR Hare Scrambles/Chipley - CANCELLED Rain Date MX #9/Motocross of Marion County with FL/GA Series River City Dirt Riders Enduro #9 - FTR Benefit/Seville SEFTR Hare Scrambles #13/Sumterville MX #10 Dade City with FL/GA Series ACMC Hare Scrambles #14/Gatorback FTR 2013-2014 Banquet/Daytona Beach, Ocean Center

* Indicates King of the Woods event (6)

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