February 2014

Page 1

February 2014 5461 Carrick Rd. Cocoa, FL 32927 www.floridatrailriders.org

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Permit No. 334


F lorida T rail R iders floridatrailriders.org

new date 64 th annual


*King of the Woods event

March 10, 2014

Ap p roxi ma t ely 60 mi le s R es t a rt for mat AMA and FTR membership required

FTR N ews

Beach Blvd Motorsports & KTM have teamed up to provide CASH payouts to the top 3 finishers at this event: 1st - $300, 2nd - $200, & 3rd - $100

Contact: Steve Pettenger (386) 615-0722 | DaytonaDirtRider@aol.com

9 a.m.

Monday Ormond Beach,




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February 2014.

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1-2 Day Turn Around!


T-Shirt Design Contest Page 6 Minutes Executive Committee Page 10-11 Hare Scrambles Committee Page 11-14 Cover Story Meet The Cones Page 22

Ft. Lauderdale’s Bill, Claudine, Julia, Kayla and Lexi Cone make one big, happy FTR family.

In Every Issue FTR Magazine Contact

Page 7

Advertising Index

Page 8

Editor’s Beat

Page 9

Chaplain’s Corner

Page 15

Who to contact

Page 16

Where to ride

Page 17

FTR Officials/Officers

Page 18

Rider Reps.

Page 19

Membership Form

Page 33

Race flyers

Competition Schedule

Page 34 & 35 Page 39

“Glenn, Thank you for capturing so many great moments and turning them in to great memories for our whole family to enjoy.” - Bill Cone pictured with daughters Julia and Kayla Read more on the Cone family Page 22

#FT Rli fe

T-shirt Design contest!

Follow the arrow s!

M ag a z i n e E d i to r | ADv e rt i s i n g: (407) 719-5513 editor@floridatrailriders.org

You’ve toughed it out at the races, spent hours washing your bike after a muddy race and perhaps even earned a few trophies, too, but now you have a new challenge before you: Design a t-shirt worthy of the members!

FTR Magazine is hosting a t-shirt contest and your idea could be chosen. (You could also win a free shirt!) Your challenge: Design a t-shirt using the FTR logo. Submit to editor@floridatrailriders.org by March 1.

(407) 719-5513 for details. Best of luck!


Fac e b o o k . com/FTRmag T w i tt e r & @FTRmoto I n stag r a m Florida Trail Riders Magazine is a monthly publication delivered to members of Florida Trail Riders, Inc. FTR Magazine will review and consider letters and mail submitted by members. Deadline is day 20 of the month prior to publication. The decision to publish or edit submissions rests with the magazine. Opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor or of the members.


Florida Trail Riders Magazine

FTR Magazine


Advertising index


traded in my car for a Yamaha blue pickup before the first day of 2014 and showed up to the Brooksville Hare Scrambles with my dog, her crate and a tent ready for my first FTR camping trip since high school. That night happened to be one of the coldest nights but the dog and I toughed it out. The next morning, I raced to a second place finish at the first race of the year and was looking forward to

Editor’s Beat So much for that...

crashing in a parking lot while riding my bicycle - I couldn’t get clipped out of my pedals before I hit the ground. It had been 10 years since my last crash-related surgery. As m o t o r c yc l e people put it “It’s the price we pay to play.”

While I heal, I’m especially grateful for finishing out the second half of the everyone’s well wishes and prayers that Enduro series. keep coming. If it weren’t for my FTR Two weeks later and I’m in the family, I would have no family at all. hospital with a broken ankle after - JS

Sunshine MX

photos by Robin Browne Page 19-21

Buy 1, get 1 f ree a d f or new adv er tis er s ! Free web ad e f or al l p rin t ad s

Each ad purchased equal to $150 or more on a 6-month contract also receives a free FTR magazine in print during that contract, per on time payments and availability of magazine.

thank you G lenn G ardner G2 Photos

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes January 22, 2014 - Meeting/Voting via email 10:02 p.m. Official vote called to order Roll Call : Ford Snodgrass (President), Amanda Richardson (Vice President), Kevin Vaughn (Tresurer), Mike Belle (Hare Scrambles Chair), Rick Dreggors (MX Chair), Jeremy Powell (Enduro Chair) Not in Attendance: Kayla Vawter (Secretary) Note: Those who are noted absent were included in emails but did not respond. The Daytona Dirt Riders club has approached the land owner and worked out a compromise for their Enduro event. They are requesting a date change and have the land rights for Monday of bike week. They are requesting we approve this move to Monday, March 10 so that they will not have a conflict with the GNCC.

January 13, 2014 - Meeting/Voting via email

for him. Mike Belle was told later that he had someone else ride for him by Billy and several other FTR members. With this expulsion he would be completely banned from attending any and all events with FTR. He would be allowed to petition the Executive Committee later on and asked to be reinstated.

Roll Call : Ford Snodgrass (President), Kayla Vawter (Secretary), Kevin Vaughn( (Treasurer), Mike Belle (Hare Scrambles Chair), Rick Dreggors (MX Chair),

Unanimous vote - Motion passes to expel Billy Dodson from FTR indefinitely.

Not in Attendance: Amanda Richardson (Vice President) Jeremy Powell (Enduro Chair)

In Regard to Nick: Ford made a motion to expel Nick for the rest of the 2014 Season entirely from FTR and the 2014 Banquet which will include a probation starting July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015; if probation is violated he will be expelled indefinitely.

Note: Those who are noted absent were included in emails but did not respond

4:59 p.m. Official vote called to order

MX Committee is requesting two date changes due to MX Sports setting their Loretta Lynn qualifier dates in Florida being the same dates as FTR MX events. Track owners are unwilling to host a separate motocross event the same weekend as the Loretta Lynn qualifier events.


Expulsion for the remainder of the season would include: No forum privileges, no attendance at any events, and not allowed to attend the 2014 banquet. A few EC members did not completely agree with this punishment and discussed a few different ideas including a longer period of expulsion – different motion was not made as this motion passed.

* Voting started January 22, 2014 at 10:04 p.m. * Vote Result: 6-0 Date Changes approved. Meeting/voting concluded at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted by,

Vote: 5-2 (Jeremy & Kevin) – Motion passes to expel Nick for the rest of the 2014 Season and to be on probation during July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 and if probation is violated he will be expelled indefinitely.

Kayla Vawter, FTR Secretary January 29, 2014 - Teleconference call 8:40 p.m. Official vote called to order by President Roll Call : Ford Snodgrass (President), Amanda Richardson (Vice President), Kayla Vawter (Secretary), Kevin Vaughn (Tresurer), Mike Belle (Hare Scrambles Chair), Rick Dreggors (MX Chair), Jeremy Powell (Enduro Chair) Quorum noted to condust business.

at the Palm Beach Track & Trail event on January 18, 2014, involving Billy Dodson and Nick Munno. Billy (Quad B Open) was signed up to race and did practice. Nick, who was not an FTR member at the time, actually rode Billy’s bike in the race pretending to be Billy. The numbers were unchanged; he lined up on Billy’s row and wore most of the same gear Billy had used to ride practice that morning. This went without notice by any of the officials and most of the riders at the race, and the scores were posted showing Billy had finished in 6th place, which was usual for Billy. Several FTR Members later contacted Mike Belle later on what had taken place. In regard to Billy: Ford made a motion to expel Billy Dodson indefinitely from Florida Trail Riders. Jeremy seconded.

contracted and getting paid $1500 each HareScramble event. Tim currently pays the members of the sign up crew and his fuel to get to each event with the scoring trailer out of this money. Tim asked for a $300 raise for each event. would be effective with his new contract. Kevin seconded.

Unanimous vote - Motion passes to give Tim a raise at the start of

his new contract.

Jeremy made a motion to adjourn meeting. Kayla seconded. Meeting adjorned at 9:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Kayla Vawter, FTR Secretary

Discussion: This motion comes based on only what took place

involving the incident that occurred on January 18 and not any other issues that have involved Billy in the past (ex: Billy vs. Jacob). Ford was told by Billy that he rode the race and nobody else raced

Sunshine February 23, 2014 to change to February 2, 2014 Bostwick April 6, 2014 to change to March 30, 2014 * Voting started January 13, 2014 at 5:04 p.m. * Vote Result: 5-0 Date Changes approved. Meeting/voting concluded at 5:59 p.m. Respectfully submitted by,

* Tim Nordle has contacted Ford about a raise. Tim is currently

Mike made a motion that we give Tim a $300 raise for each event that

Purpose of this meeting is to discuss the situation that happened

Date Changes to be the following:

f t r HareScrambles.com

Kayla Vawter, FTR Secretary


Hare Scrambles Committee Meeting Minutes January 4, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by the Chairman. Role was taken, in attendance were: Mike Belle (Hare Scrambles Chairman), Don St. John (Scorekeeper), Randy Rash (Referee), Kerri Chambers (Specialty C & Women Rider Rep.), Kayla Vawter (Quad Rider Rep.), Danny Kittell (Specialty A & B Rider Rep.), Kurt Lucas (Saturday Rider Rep), Lee Daley (Apollo), Allen Pearce (BSTR), Bill Jenkins (CFTR), Chad Hunter (DDR), Frank Campbell (SEFTR), Peter Rose (OSDR), Michael Crory (PBTTR), Brad Stanton (RCDR), Troy Weeks (SADRA), Troy Stainbrook (Suncoast), Jack Terrell (Sunrunners.

was seconded by Don St. John and was subsequently PASSED. The proposal will be forwarded to the BOD for final approval.

Proposal to Table, Proposal #9

A motion was made by Allen Pearce to table this proposal for consideration of another proposal the will accomplish the same thing on a wider scale. Motion was seconded by Jack Terrell and was subsequently PASSED. The proposal will be tabled and possibly brought back to the floor depending on the outcome of the similar proposal.

Proposal to Table, Proposal #10

A motion was made by Jack Terrell to table this proposal for consideration of another proposal involving the same classes. Motion was seconded by Allen Pearce and was subsequently PASSED. The proposal will be tabled and possibly brought back to the floor depending on the outcome of the similar proposal.

Proposal #11

Motion made by Troy Stainbrook to accept this proposal for the second time after being published in the FTR magazine. Motion was seconded by Allen Pearce and was subsequently PASSED. The proposal will be forwarded to the BOD for final approval.

Proposal #12

Motion made by Allen Pearce to accept this proposal for the second time after being published in the FTR magazine. Motion was seconded by Troy Stainbrook and subsequently FAILED. New Business:

Proposal #14

Mike Belle)

(Written by: Bill Jenkins and

Purpose: To adjust the ages for the Master and Golden Master, and create a Silver Master class so that riders over 50 years old will have age classes that span 5 years like the other age groups. This proposal will supersede proposal #10 if both pass.

Quorum was verified.

Chapter II, Definitions

Old Business:

Currently Reads:

Second Vote On Proposals From Meeting On 11-9-2013

Proposal #8

Motion made by Allen Pearce to accept this proposal for the second time after being published in the FTR magazine. Motion

Senior classes - This generic term refers to all classes in which the participants are 35 years old or older. This includes Veteran, Senior, Super Senior, Master, Golden Master and Class 66. continued on next page


Florida Trail Riders Magazine

Change to:

Senior classes - This generic term refers to all classes in which the participants are 35 years old or older. This includes Veteran, Senior, Super Senior, Master, Silver Master, Golden Master and Class 66.

Chapter III, General Rules D. Rider Classification

1. Riders shall be classified in the following divisions and classes: HARE SCRAMBLES Division/Class Displacement classes Age Currently Reads:

Masters (A,B,C) 0-Open cc 50*/Above Golden Masters (A,B) 0-Open cc 58*/Above Class 66 0-Open cc 66*/above

Change to:

Masters (A,B,C) 0-Open cc 50*/Above Silver Masters (A,B) 0-Open cc 55*/Above Golden Masters (A,B) 0-Open cc 60*/Above Class 66 0-Open cc 66*/above

K. Riders And Eligibility

6. Equipment, Vehicle displacement classes are as follows: Hare Scrambles: Currently Reads: 0-Open cc

..Master, Golden Master …

Change to:

Change to:

Row 1 - Vet A, Senior A Row 2 - Super Senior A Row 3 - Master A, Silver Master A Row 4 - Vet B Row 5 - Senior B Row 6 - Super Senior B, Women A Row 7 - Golden Master A Row 8 - Master B Row 9 - Vet C Row 10 - Senior C Row 11 - Super Senior C Row 12 - Silver Master B, Women Vet Row 13 – Golden Master B, Class 66 Row 14 – Master C, Women B

Chapter VII, Scoring

C. Rider Advancement, 2… Currently Reads:

2. For all lowest division classes (Ex: Specialty and Displacement C Classes, etc), with the exception of the Golden Master, Women’s, Evo and Youth Classes, when 25 advancement points are accrued, the rider is promoted to the next higher division. …….

Change to:

2. For all lowest division classes (Ex: Specialty 0-Open cc ..Master, Silver Master, Golden Master .. and Displacement C Classes, etc), with the exception of the Silver Master, Golden Master, Women’s, Evo and Youth Classes, when 25 Chapter VI, Hare Scrambles Rules advancement points are accrued, the rider is C. Event Rules, 2. ….., Sunday Race Schedule, Race 1 promoted to the next higher division. …….

Currently Reads:

Row 1 - Vet A, Senior A Row 2 - Super Senior A Row 3 - Master A Row 4 - Vet B Row 5 - Senior B Row 6 - Super Senior B, Women A Row 7 - Golden Master A Row 8 - Master B Row 9 - Vet C Row 10 - Senior C Row 11 - Super Senior C Row 12 - Golden Master B, Women B, Women Vet Row 13 - Master C, Class 66

Chapter VIII, Hare Scrambles Responsibilities

February 2014

B. Riders, 3. ….. Classes Number plate Letters/ Color (3) letter and number color Currently Reads: Master A, B & C Golden Master A, B Class 66

Change to:

Master A, B & C Silver Master A, B Golden Master A, B Class 66

blue*** black black

blue*** silver black black

A, B, C / white A, B / white X/white

A, B, C / white A, B / black A, B / white X/white

A motion was made by Bill Jenkins to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Allen Pearce. The motion PASSED and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting.

Proposal #15

(Written by: Brian Coughlin)

Purpose: To count the final laps that riders have started and finished in the final scoring

Chapter VII, Hare Scramble Scoring Section B, 3 Currently Reads: …………. All other Saturday races will be allotted 90

minutes to complete the course and be timed. The course will be closed to start additional laps at 90 minutes from the time the first row leaves the start minus the time of the lead rider’s first lap. All Sunday races will be allotted 2 hours to complete the course and be timed. The course will be closed to start additional laps at 2 hours from the time the first row leaves the start minus the time of the lead rider’s first lap. Change to: …………. All other Saturday races will be allotted 95

minutes to complete the course and be timed. The course will be closed to start additional laps at 90 minutes from the time the first row leaves the start minus the time of the lead rider’s first lap. All Sunday races will be allotted 2 hours and 5 minutes to complete the course and be timed. The course will be closed to start additional laps at 2 hours from the time the first row leaves the start minus the time of the lead rider’s first lap.

A motion was made by Troy Stainbrook to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Kurt Lucas.


The motion PASSED and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting.

Proposal #16

(Written by Kerri Chambers)

Purpose: To make the eligible age for kids to ride a class the same as it is for adults, and to allow kids to move to a higher age bracket earlier.

Chapter III, General Rules Section D Currently Reads: Delete 2nd sentence (in bold & underlined) 2. A rider may elect to ride in any of the age determined classes, Veteran, Senior, Super Senior, or Masters, etc., if they become the legal age for that class during the competition year, July 1 thru June 30. The age of Youth, Junior, Mini & Peewee riders for the entire year will be the rider’s age on the date they run their first event of the competition year. Proof of age is required. ... Change to: ADD bold underlined 2. A rider may elect to ride in any of the age determined classes, Veteran, Senior, Super Senior, or Masters, etc., if they become the legal age for that class during the competition year, July 1 thru June 30. A rider may move to the next higher age class within the youth division only if they will be eligible to do so at any time during the competition season. Proof of age is required. ... A motion was made by Kerri Chambers to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Allen Pearce. The motion PASSED and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting.

Proposal #17

(Written by Kayla Vawter)

Purpose: To allow some advanced Junior Quad Riders to move to a different class. This age change is following the same rules as AMA. continued on next page


Florida Trail Riders Magazine

Chapter III, General Rules Section D ,1

HARE SCRAMBLES Division/Class Displacement classes


Currently Reads: Quad C Open Quad 0-400 Quad +30

401-Open cc 4 wheels 0-400 cc 4 wheels 0-Open cc 4 wheels

16*/Above 16*/Above 30*/Above

Change to: Quad C Open Quad 0-400 Quad +30

401-Open cc 4 wheels 0-400 cc 4 wheels 0-Open cc 4 wheels

16*/Above 15*/Above 30*/Above

A motion was made Kayla Vawter to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Bill Jenkins.


Chaplain’s Corner


Hello FTR Family,


FTR member donations for Jason Garrett totaled more than $9,600 at press time. Glenn Gardner | G2 Photos

ow! What about this weather. We have now had two extreme cold spells. Last month, at the Palm Beach Track and Trail event (on Saturday night,) it reached 28 degrees! That race is in South Florida! Instead of asking, “Where’s Waldo?” How about asking, “Where’s Al Gore?”

Race Time Live Scoring - Through a computer or non-Android powered mobile device (Free) - Through an Androidpowered device ($1.22 per race day)

racetimerlive.com and search

Visit for the next race!

Note: The Race Timer app is paid for BY DAY, not by race. If you watch the entire weekend of racing, the cost is $2.44.

After some discussion, the motion FAILED. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. Mike Belle (HSC Chairman)



“After all these years I have been in AA I still have what it takes. Each win motivates me to the next round.”

*G arrett’s won 10 out of 10 Hare Scrambles

February 2014


far this season !

Though the nights may have been pretty chilly, the daytime racing has been fantastic! Hats off to the clubs for some great events. Most of you know I have been off my bike since I broke my ankle at the Sunrunner’s event on November 9. However, I threw my leg over the saddle this Saturday (rode the Sportsman’s Class) at the Treasure Coast Trail Riders race and had a blast. It was great to ride with friends and cruise around the course for fun. Thanks, TCTR. I want to take just a moment to say thank you to the Florida Trail Rider Family for their generous support of Jason Garrett. Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated. Since his accident so many of you have asked how he is doing. Unfortunately he has racked up 15 surgeries and has a long way to go toward recovery. However, when you chat with him, you would be amazed to hear his resolve to move forward in his life. This FTR member is really amazing. Jason, if you are reading this, remember that many are praying for you. Press on!

You can contact us at:

(904) 673-9043 (Andy) (904) 813-5713 (Ragan)

you. In Philippians 4:13 we find this statement: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

If we give ourselves to Christ, there is a future. Please don’t be misled and think I am saying that you will not have any problems. What I am saying is that when you walk through those dark days of discouragement, you orrmfamilyracing@bellsouth.net are not alone. Christ is there to strengthen you, to help “Run the race with endurance, you make it through. Most people live their life in their the course that has been laid own strength; under their own terms. You can do that out for you” (Hebrews 12:1). for a short while but not for eternity. Let me encourage you to lean on Christ and find your strength in Him. When life fails us and does not turn out Let me leave you with these closing thoughts. All of us like we expect, Jesus is always faithful and true. have issues, trials and problems. If we are honest, most of the dilemmas we face each day are small and insignificant See you at the races! when compared to the grand scheme of life. Sure, we may Your friend, be uncomfortable or even aggravated, yet dwelling on Andy Dickson those feelings can take us off our daily focus. However, FTR Chaplain there are times where life throws us a curve that seems Super Senior A #121 insurmountable. We may see no hope or no way out; we may not even see a future. Yet there is a future. A great big God loves you and is concerned about His plan for

78 Dolphin Blvd. Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

florida trail riders

ARea Directors


Area #1: Dexter Leadbeater, 4140 Yorkshire Drive, Chipley, FL 32428, tmcr@att.net (850) 773-2138 Counties: Out-of-State, Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Bay, Jackson, Calhoun, Gulf, Gadsden, Liberty, Franklin, Leon, Wakulla, Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, Lafayette, Dixie

florida trail riders

official Club


by county:

Area #9: Drew Cole 7027 108th Ave. E. Parrish, FL 34219 coledre@gmail.com (770) 888-1985 Counties: Manatee, Sarasota, Hardee, DeSoto, Highlands



1. A pollo M otorcycle C lub : Jim Rollyson - Cocoa, FL (321) 917-6845 oldjimdandy@bellsouth.net www.apollomotorcycleclub.com


3 6

7 8

Area #2: Gary Wyatt, 841 Cousintown Road 9 10 Interlachen, FL 32148, wyattg1@windstream.net (386) 684-2698 Counties: Hamilton, Suwannee, Columbia, Baker, Area #10: 12 Union, Bradford, Nassau, Duval, Clay, Putnam, St. Luis Rodriguez 11 Johns 1902 SW Agnes St. Port St Lucie, FL 34953 Area #3: Brad Gustafson, 1464 NW 106th St. (772) 871-6385, luisabx@hotmail.com 13 Gainesville, FL 32606, bradg47FL@gmail.com Counties: Okeechobee, (352) 359-1543 St. Lucie, Martin Counties: Gilchrist, Alachua, Levy, Marion, Citrus, Sumter, Lake Area #11: Kurt Lucas, 8301 Bahamas Road, Ft. Myers, FL Area #4: Joe Carrasquillo, 4570 Barnacle Drive 33157, floridadirtbike@gmail.com, (786) 385-7771 Port Orange, FL 32127, fdjoec@aol.com Counties: Charlotte, Glades, Lee, (386) 295-8428 Hendry, Collier Counties: Flagler, Volusia Area #12: Area #5: Jerry Curtis , 905 Pine Hollow Place Frank Campbell, 701 Florida Mango Road Brandon, FL 33510, jcurtis@4tbs.net West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (813) 661-8818 flawoods35@yahoo.com, (561) 689-8578 Counties: Hernando, Pasco. Pinellas, West Counties: Palm Beach Hillsborough Area #13: Area #6: Jack Terrell Jim Agate, 4523 Madison St. 180 Sunrise Hill Lane, Auburndale, FL 33023 Hollywood, FL 33021, agatej@bellsouth.net jackterrell@tambabay.rr.com (954) 562-2500 (863) 984-9294 Counties: Broward, Dade, Monroe Counties: East Hillsborough, Polk Area #7: Bill Jenkins, Jr. 13519 Lacebark Pine Road. Orlando, FL 32832 ford3233@aol.com, (407) 282-6056 Counties: Seminole, Orange, Osceola Area #8: Sam Boydstun, 1410 Gleneagles Way. Rockledge, FL 32955 woodsracer@cfl.rr.com, (321) 433-0619 Counties: Brevard, Indian River

Kevin Moyer photo

Who to

to contact in


2. A zalea C ity M otorcycle C lub : Gary Wyatt - Interlachen, FL (386) 684-2698 wyattg1@windstream.net


Where to ride

3. Big Scrub Trail Riders: John Hawkins - Tavares, FL (352) 516-6903 jamohawkins@embarqmail.com www.bigscrub.org 4. C entral F lorida T rail R iders : Keith Finnerty - Altamonte Springs, FL (407) 774-9090 keith@keithfinnerty.com 5. C olumbia E nduro R iders : Ricky Dennis - Columbia, SC (803) 786-0051 mastercraft@bellsouth.net 6. D aytona D irt R iders : Randy Griffin - New Smyrna Beach, FL (386) 423-4302 harescram755x@aol.com daytonadirtriders.com 7. F amily R iders , I nc .: Johnny Thomas - Hanahan, SC (843) 553-1463 familyriderssc@bellsouth.net 8. G reenville E nduro R iders A ssociation : Duane Wellington - Laurens, SC (864) 908-6109, lcwell@prtcnet.com 9. O ld S chool D irt R iders : Brett Williams - Sarasota, FL (941) 232-9036 slickwilliams@aol.com 10. P alm B each T rack & T rail : Randy Rash - Ft. Lauderdale, FL (954) 931-5709 motodadfla19@aol.com

13 3




4 19


Out of State:

5, 7, 8, 11, 17



11. P erry M ountain M/C: Glenn Hollingshead - Selma, AL (334) 872-0619 hhollingsh@msn.com 12. N ature C oast T rail B lazers : Paul Ladouceur (352) 279-4911 paul@spectrumvoice-data.com www.naturecoasttrailblazers.com 13. R iver C ity D irt R iders : Brad Stanton - Switzerland, FL (904) 219-6980, brstanton@bellsouth.net www.rcdr.org


1 21 16 10

17. S umter E nduro R iders : Johnny McCoy - Sumter, SC (803) 481-5169, jmccoy@sc.rr.com 18. S uncoast T rail B lazers : Brian Coughlin - Tampa, FL (813) 908-9008 bcoughl2@tampabay.rr.com www.suncoasttrailblazers.com

14. S arasota A rea D irt R iders : Randy Faul - Arcadia, FL (863) 494-6476, randt817@gmail.com www.sarasotadirtriders.com

19. S unrunners M/C: Jack Terrell - Auburndale, FL (863) 984-9294, jackt@nohvcc.org

15. S arasota A rea Q uad R iders : Amanda Fronckowiak - Venice, FL (941) 223-6974 ajc7191@comcast.net 16. S outheast F lorida T rail R iders : Frank Campbell - West Palm Beach, FL (561) 722-1321 flawoods35@yahoo.com www.seftr.org

20. T allahassee T rail R iders : Larry Nielsen - Tallahassee, FL (850) 544-4840 niel6722@embarqmail.com www.tallahasseetrailriders.org 21. T reasure C oast T rail R iders : Scott Klucinec - Vero Beach, FL

(772) 473-3801 bronc3@comcast.net

Find FTR Magazine on Facebook and

keep up with race happenings.

facebook.com / ftrmag

florida trail riders

florida trail riders

Elected officers

President: F ord S nodgrass president@ floridatrailriders. org (941) 915-9894

Vice President: A manda R ichardson vicepresident@floridatrailriders.org (727) 319-9596 Secretary: K ayla V awter secretary@floridatrailriders.org (863) 381-2649 Treasurer: K evin V aughan treasurer@floridatrailriders.org (941) 426-5122


Enduro: J eremy P owell endurochairfloridatrailriders.org (904) 225-3176 Hare Scrambles: M ike B elle hschairfloridatrailriders.org (813) 963-0657 Motocross: R ick D reggors mxchairfloridatrailriders.org (407) 862-6878

Referees E : George Tolson nduro

enduroref@floridatrailriders.org (863) 698-3837

H are S crambles : Randy Rash hsref@floridatrailriders.org (954) 931-5709 A ssociate H/S R eferee : Bill Drymon (941) 351-4887 M otocross : Chris Post mxref@floridatrailriders.org A ssociate M otocross R eferee : Sean Fitzgerald (352) 455-4029

Scorekeepers E : Ken Stephenson nduro

enduroscore@floridatrailriders.org (321) 453-0638

H are S crambles : Donald St. John hsscore@floridatrailriders.org (912) 729-1089 M otocross : Sean Fitzgerald mxscore@floridatrailriders.org (352) 455-4029



Hare Scrambles: AA/A

Jonathan Belle, (813) 240-6022 jbelle34@gmail.com

B/C Vacant Specialty A & B

Danny Kittell (727) 244-7299 kittell@verizon.net

Specialty C, Women

Kerri Chambers, (863) 956-9140 jekchambers@aol.com

Saturday Riders

Kurt Lucas, (786) 385-7771 ktmx16@gmail.com


Kayla Vawter, (863) 381-2649 ftrchampx2@yahoo.com


AA/A Matt Ludwig, (727) 424-3532

cdlover90@hotmail.com B/C Mike Ludwig, (727) 510-9295 MLgamer4@aol.com Specialty A & B Doug Ludwig, (727) 510-9295 dougludsig8@aol.com Specialty C, Women Allen Pearce, (352) 339-5644 allen.pearce@cox.net


AA/A Dave Johnson, (863) 660-4459

davidj@mullinginsurance.com B/C Vacant Specialty A/B Steve Loomis, (407) 467-8290 steveloomis848@earthlink.net Specialty C, Women Joe Steidl, (352) 494-6944 Sunshine MX by Robin Browne drtbkj@msn.com stonedartphotos.com Quads Vacant

Electronic Scoring Database Maintenance: T im N ordle (352) 303-0088 score.n.it.4.ftr@gmail.com



New Advertiser Special: B uy five m onths, get one f ree! O r, g e t a f re e web ad on the FTR homepage with all print ads

Contact Jenn Sheppard (407) 719-5513 for rates and further details.

A 20

Florida Trail Riders Magazine

the Motocross files... February 2014

s we enter the second half of the 2013-2014 Florida Trail Riders FTR Motocross Series, we continue to have good turnouts and great racing. Our last race was Round 6 at Sunshine, which had to be rescheduled to February 3 due to a conflict in our original Sunshine race date. Frank and Casey Valente, who operate Sunshine, were most gracious in accommodating our change and even with the weather making the track challenging from the rain they received Friday night, race conditions on Sunday were really good particularly for the second motos. Needless to say, we did not have to water the track Saturday or Sunday.

Round 4 at Sunshine MX Robin Browne photos stonedartphotos.com

There was a good turnout for Saturday practice but the track was muddy. Fortunately, some of us brought pressure washers allowing riders to clean their bikes. Hopefully everyone got plenty of practice in on Saturday. Frank and his staff made additional changes to the track Saturday night and we changed the layout for the 50cc racers, which helped make for much better racing for the youngest FTR riders. There was a serious accident late in the first set of motos but the young man who was injured is doing fine and we expect a full recovery. He will be back on a bike soon. Your FTR MX Committee wants to thank everyone who showed up and look forward to seeing each of you and more at the remaining four rounds of the series. Round 7 is scheduled for March 16 at Mesa Park MX track in Fellsmere, Fla. We raced Mesa earlier in the season and the new operators of Mesa, Garry Cousins and his family, do a terrific job of running the track. Round 8 is scheduled for Bostwick. We have had to change the date to March 30 to avoid a conflict with a Loretta Lynn’s qualifier occurring in Florida on the original date of this round. The race will be still be held at Bostwick Creek MX track and will be joint race with the Florida/Georgia Series. At an earlier round of this race we had almost 300 entries, and I expect and hope to have similar turnout for Round 8. Round 9 will be April 27 at Motocross of Marion County (Reddick). This will be another joint race with the Florida/Georgia Series. Last year, the FTR MX Series had the largest turnout of our entire series when we raced at Reddick. As the Hare Scrambles season ends on April 12, I hope a lot of Hare Scrambles riders will consider attending Round 9 at Reddick. Reddick is one of the oldest and most well-known tracks in the state and holds one of the largest Loretta Lynn’s qualifiers and more recently the AHRMA Nationals and the Vet Nationals. In addition, the track is rarely open for racing, so if you ever wanted to ride Reddick or enjoy being there, please plan on attending Round 9. We finish up our season on May 18 with Round 10 back at Dade City. For those who were at our earlier round at Dade City, you should recall that Randy Yoho has poured literally tons of new clay to cover the entire track including the extended track. Everyone who raced there earlier in our season loved the changes Randy has made and it shows in his upgrades to the track. Round 10 will be the conclusion of your FTR MX Series and it will be our final joint race with the Florida/Georgia Series for this season. As always, I look forward to seeing everyone at our events, and if anyone has any questions, please let me know.

Rick Dreggors FTR MX Chair

Follow Patrick’s recovery on Facebook: facebook.com/prayforpatrick




The C ones

From left to right: Claudine, Julia, Lexi, Kayla and Bill Cone.


Florida Trail Riders Magazine

o u t


T h e C o n es :

Bill #135B Sportsman and Claudine, Julia #35B Mini B, Kayla #35G 65 Girls, Lexi #35C Peewee C and Jarrod (not pictured).


Name? Julia Cone, #35 Mini B Who is in the family? Bill and Claudine Cone (mom and dad), Kayla and Lexi (my sisters), our 3 dogs: Bella, Chobee and Tucker and 2 cats: Sunny and Angel When did you join FTR? My mom and dad were already in FTR. My dad was racing before I was born. I was born in to it. I was about a 4 or 5 weeks old when I starting going. I became a member at 4 years old and starting racing Peewee C. What is your best memory of FTR? My best memory of FTR is winning the 65 Girls Championship last season. Best thing about racing? I love the excitement and the challenge. It’s a lot of fun, too! What is the one thing you need to work on in terms of racing? I definitely need to stand up more just like my dad! I have improved a lot by strengthening my legs by mountain bike riding, playing soccer and doing various leg exercises and eating really healthy. Have you had to overcome anything to get to where you are today? I had to overcome using a Rekluse and going to a regular clutch. It was a hard transition at first. Lots of practice last summer had me ready for the season. Best advice you’ve ever heard? When it comes to racing, my dad is always giving me great advice so I couldn’t just pick one. Lately, his great advice has been talking to me about feathering front brake in every corner. What is your favorite track to race? This year’s Okeechobee race called Snake River was really good. I have also always loved the Bartow tracks. Who is helping you out? My parents are my biggest help! Mom helps me maintain straight A’s in school. That’s always been number 1 on her list. She is also a really good cook and makes sure we eat really good. Dad is the biggest help I ever could have with racing He’s all about the racing! He takes me mountain bike

Julia, Lexi and Kayla Cone riding on some pretty harsh but fun trails to help me strengthen my legs and build my endurance for racing dirt bikes. I guess I couldn’t ask for a better balance then what both my parents give me. Dorothy Dekmar - Thanks for all the photos and all the encouraging messages even when I don’t have a great finish. TF Racing Suspension - Thanks Tom, Ellen and Jesse for all your help, support and kindness. G2 Photos - Glenn has taken so many pictures of me since I was 4 years old racing Peewee C. I have a beautiful collection of pictures! Thank you so much. FTR friends - All my racing buddies who have helped me through thick and thin. Donny Richardson and the FTR Safety Team - Thank you! Anything else you would like to say? I would like to say I can’t imagine not being a part of FTR. I have been going to the races for as long as I can remember. A big “Thank You” to all the land owners who allow us to use their land. Without them, this would not be possible. I also would like to thank Richie and Leslie Smith and Tom Clark for all the great riding and fun we always have going to the - continued on next page

“When it comes to racing, my

dad is always giving me great advice so I couldn’t just pick one. Lately, his great advice has been talking to me about feathering front brake in every corner. ” - Julia Cone

Ranch. What club are you in? Palm Beach Track and Trail Riders. What is your favorite work duty at your club’s race? This was my first season working at the race! I really enjoyed sweeping the track after the Sunday races. I also had to help my dad cut a section in the fields. After races were over, I helped remove poles and fill in the holes to protect the cows from injuring their legs


“I would also

Name? Kayla Cone, #35 65 Girls When did you join FTR? I was not born yet but my dad starting racing in 2000. What is your best memory of FTR? The first time I sang the National Anthem. Best thing about racing? Winning 9 out of 9 races this season. I practiced a lot last summer, so it’s nice to see the hard work paying off. What is the one thing you need to work on in terms of racing? I have been practicing on an 85 with no Rekluse. That will be my training for this upcoming summer to be ready for next season. Have you had to overcome anything to get where you are? Yes, to not look back and stay focused. Never losing confidence it really important too. Best advice you’ve ever heard? My dad taught me to stand up and not to coast the

like to say thank you to all the families who support and help me. I love so many people that go to the races and all the kids who come over to hangout. I am so thankful for even going to the races and having a dirt bike to ride.”

Photos courtesy of Cone family, Dorothy Dekmar, Mariah Lacy and Glenn Gardner G2 Photos

February 2014


- Kayla Cone

Kayla singing the National Anthem at the FTR Hare Scrambles.

corners. What is your favorite track? Palm Beach Track and Trail in Okeechobee Who is helping you out? My family, G2 Photos, TF Racing Suspension, Dorothy Dekmar, Andy Dickson: Thank you for your help and letting me sing the National Anthem, Donny Richardson and all the FTR Safety Team, Dylan Rash for practicing

- continued on next page

Mariah Lacy photo

“My best times are going to the races. We never miss! So many people cheer for me that I don’t even know. Thanks for being so nice,


- Lexi Cone

corner speed with me, ( I am ready for another lesson.) Anything else you would like to say? I would also like to say thank you to all the families who support and help me. I love so many people that go to the races and all the kids who come over to hangout. I am so thankful for even going to the races and having a dirt bike to ride. What is your favorite work duty? Sweeping the track after the race is over and getting all the arrows picked up.


Name? Lexi Cone, #35 Peewee C When did you join FTR? I have been going to the races forever but I started racing last season. What is your best memory of FTR? When I got third and seeing my friends. Best thing about racing? It is so much fun! What is one thing you need to work on in terms of racing? Standing up. Best advice you ever heard? My dad always tells me to never give up. What is your favorite track? The Ranch, Okeechobee Who is helping you out? My family. What is your favorite work duty at the race? I have never worked yet because I am only 8 but next year I would like to give out trophies. Anything else you would like to say? Sure. My best times are going to the races. We never miss! So many people cheer for me that I don’t even know. Thanks for being so nice, everyone. I also like to look at all the pictures from the race when I get home. Glenn and Dorothy always take a lot of pictures and I love that. Thanks. - continued on next page


Name? Bill Cone, #35 Sportsman Who is in the family? Claudine, Julia, Kayla, Lexi and Jarrod Where does the family live? Fort Lauderdale When did you join FTR? November 2000 What is your best memory of FTR? On a personal note, one of my best memories of racing was battling and beating Chad Hunter for the jacket back in the “B” days. “The Creeper” - Great friends during that season and ever since.

Best thing about racing? The pressure of pushing yourself and bike to its limits. Finding your edge! What is one thing you need to work on in terms of racing? “Back Pain” Best advice you’ve ever heard? Sleep with your front brake lever under pillow!! “Thanks, turtle.”

What is your favorite track to race? Can’t answer - all the club members put their heart and sweat every time to change my mind every race, they’re all favorites. Who is helping you out? My wife – support, great cooking, taking care of us. My kids – helping pack, maintaining bikes. TF Racing Suspension – They give the best you can get! They attend every Hare Scrambles and make it a pleasure on a personal and professional level. Tom and Ellen, thank you for your support, advice and friendship. G2 Photos – Glenn, thank you for capturing so many great moments and turning them in to great memories for our whole family to enjoy. Thanks to Donny Richardson and the whole FTR Safety Team for the endless help they provide to all of our FTR families. Anything else you would like to say? So many great times watching the children compete and play with all their friends. I can’t think of a better place to raise your kids. The parents have a pretty good time, too. The years have taught them and me to work hard for something that you want, never give up. Earn it, practice and have fun. The whole world could use more of that. Where else can you go and let your young ones loose anymore? They can’t even ride a bike around the corner like we could when we were kids. Inside the landowner’s gates with all our FTR family, it’s the safest place in my eyes and for $10 a weekend, the times are priceless. What is your favorite work duty at your race? Being involved in making a sweet section of the track, knowing that everyone racing will love it. Helping out club members and working together as a team. Special thanks to Jenn Sheppard and Dorothy

Dekmar for this opportunity.


Name? Claudine Cone When did you join FTR? My husband joined in 2000. I have been attending/ supporting him and now my children since then. What is your best memory of FTR? There are so many! Watching my hubby start in the Beginner class and make it all the way to Vet A. The first time each one of the girls completed their first peewee race. Seeing Julia and Kayla start racing

Julia and Claudine Cone in the 65 class on the big track: Scary, exciting and challenging on a mom waiting for them to come through chicane. So many emotions but, if I could do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing. All the wonderful friends we have met from all over the state 14 years of valued family time. Memories that will last a lifetime. Best thing about racing? The motivation it gives them not just on the track but off the track, too.Training to build endurance, strength and most importantly confidence. Not giving up but working harder to accomplish a goal. Have you had to overcome anything? Yes. The first obstacle was my husband’s back problem that has put his racing in the A class on hold. That was hard for all of us to deal with. We have always loved watching him out there. Since then, he has turned all his time and energy toward helping his girls excel in racing. Secondly, I would have to say I have had to overcome the fear of having three girls racing. The starts still get to me but it’s getting easier and easier. Best advice you’ve ever heard? When I start to worry about the girls out there racing, my husband reminds of the time Julia at 4 years old - continued on next page

fell of the couch and broke her arm. She had to go in for surgery, pins - the whole nine yards. After 15 seasons in FTR, that is still the only break we have experienced. Not saying it can’t happen, but the odds of 15 seasons racing and the only break was due to a fall off the couch is pretty incredible. Who is helping you out? So many! My husband - I would like to say that I am so thankful for my hubby’s passion for racing. If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t be in such a great organization. He works endlessly on the bike maintenance and whatever other problems you mechanics have to deal with. #1 coach, #1 mechanic, #1 dad. Thank you! TF Racing Suspension - The best in suspension. All around wonderful family. G2 Photos, Glenn Gardner - Years and years of so

many great pictures. Thank you! Dorothy Dekmar - Thanks for all the great photos, late night conversations and endless laughs. Donny Richardson and Randy Rash - Keeping me informed (and sane) when I’m waiting on the girls to come through chicane. The FTR Safety Team - Thank you Tim Nordle - Thank you Jenn Sheppard, FTR Magazine - Thank you for this opportunity Everyone at FTR who makes this great organization possible. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication. What is your favorite track? All the tracks that are spectator friendly are my favorites. The more I can see, the better.


sponsors Kids:

2008 XC 85 $3,726 2011 SX 85 $4,611

Big Bikes:

2009 XC-W 450 2011 XC 150


2012 XC-W 200 2012 XC-W 250 2012 XC-F 250 2012 XCF-W 250 2013 SX 150 2013 SX 250 2013 SX-F 250 2013 SX-F 450



$6,601 $6,722 $6,844

$6,013 $6,450 $6,598 $7,489

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(352) 596-8028


*Includes all freight and set up fees. You pay taxes, title and tag fees, if applicable.

The 64th Annual


The Annual Straight Arrow Enduro February 23rd, 2014


Questions - Call Keith Finnerty 407-774-9090 Email – keithfinnerty@embarqmail.com

Presented by the daytona dirt Riders Monday, March 10, 2014

Reset Format

**King of Woods**

No Early Penalty

Pre-entry .................$65.00 PRE-ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY Feb 16, 2014

Entry ................$65.00

Beach Blvd Motorsports & KTM Have teamed up to provide CASH payouts To the top 3 finishers at this event 1st - $300, 2nd - $200, & 3rd - $100

INCLUDES FORESTRY STAMP!! Sign up at event. No row selection.


Registration & Inspection: Sat 3-5 PM & Sun 7-8:30 AM

Riders Meeting: Sun 8:30 am Key Time: Sun 9:00 am





$10 Camping Fee


Best Western 352-796-9481


On-line sign up available Jan 20th

Hampton Inn 352-796-1000

Click Here to Pre-Enter

Click for Map Follow the Arrows


Class City Age AMA#

Make M/C

Row Desired State Zip cc


24 mph speed average Approximately 75 miles


Sanctioned by: FTR and AMA Information: 407-774-9090 Limited campsites available – $10.00 NO FIRES, DOGS OR PIT RIDING!


Enter Now!

Pre-entry by Feb. 20 Sign up

Sunday Monday Riders Meeting Key time

3:00 -6:00 7:00-8:00 8:30 9:00

Approximately 60 miles Restart format AMA membership required (available at sign up) FTR membership req. for FL riders (available at sign up) Pre-entry may request row (send all entries for multiple riders wanting same row.) Tech inspection includes: US Forestry Approved Spark arrestor required Header Wrap required on 4 strokes Camping and parking is available at the start area Campgrounds will open on Saturday March 8th and will close Monday the 10th. Start and campgrounds located on the Strickland Ranch Property on US1 north of I-95 in Favoretta.

Beginners will ride 1/2 of the course and must be FTR & AMA members!

29.368043”N -81.176755”W

  

Send pre-entries to: CFTR 1104 Calla St, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Name Address FTR# Phone#

AA A 200 A 250 A OPEN B 200 B 250 B OPEN C 200 C 250 C OPEN WOMEN A Veteran (35+) B Veteran (35+) C Veteran (35+) A Senior (40+) B Senior (40+) C Senior (40+) A Super Senior (45+) B Super Senior (45+) C Super Senior (45+) A Master (50+) B Master (50+) C Master (50+) Golden Masters A (58+) Golden Masters B (58+) Class 66 Vintage Evolution Beginners



CFTR USE ONLY CFTR $______ FTR $______ AMA $______ T-SHIRT $______ TOTAL $________

Circle your class Class AA A-200 A-250 A-Open B-200 B-250 B-Open C-200 C-250 C-Open Women Vet A (35+) Vet B (35+) Vet C (35+) Senior A (40 Senior B (40+) Senior C (40+) Super Sr A (45+) Super Sr B (45+) Super Sr C (45+) Master A (50+) Master B (50+) Master C (50+) Golden Master A (58+) Golden Master B (58+) Class 66 (66+) Vintage Evolution Beginners

Pre-enter by sending your entry form and check made payable to Daytona Dirt Riders. Send to: Enduro, Daytona Dirt Riders, PO Box 250959, Holly Hill, FL 32125-0959 Contact: Steve Pettenger 386-615-0722 DaytonaDirtRider@aol.com

Beach Blvd Motorsports & KTM have teamed up to provide CASH payouts to the top 3 finishers at this event 1st $300, 2nd - $200, & 3rd - $100

Class___________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________ Name Street_


Phone AMA Number_


Motorcycle_ State Age FTR Number_


Row Preference SETRA Number_

I, for myself, my executor, administrator and assignees, do hereby release and agree to hold harmless, the Daytona Dirt Riders Assoc. Inc., the Florida Trail Riders Inc. (FTR), the Southeastern Enduro and Trail Riders Association (SE&TRA), The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), the City Ormond Beach, the County of Volusia, the County of Flagler, and the officers, directors, officials, representatives, agents, and employees of all the above from all liability, loss, claims and demands that may occur from any loss, damage or injury (including death) to my person or property in any way resulting form or arising in connection with this event, whether while engaged in the competition or preparation thereof, or while upon entering or departing from said event for any cause whatsoever. I have voluntarily entered an FTR/SE&TRA/AMA co-sanctioned event, the Alligator Enduro on March 9, 2014. An FTR/SE&TRA/AMA co-sanction indicates that this event is listed in the organization’s official calendar. The officials for this event have not been trained or accredited by the FTR, SE&TRA, or the AMA. Motorsports are inherently dangerous. Do not enter this event without adequate medical insurance. You should take part in this event based on your assessment of your ability. You are responsible for your equipment and protective apparel. The Daytona Dirt Riders are not experts at marking trails or promoting enduros. Not all obstacles or hazards may be marked. The course is dangerous, so ride at your own risk. I know the risk and danger to myself, so I voluntarily and in reliance upon my own judgment and ability, assume all risk for loss, damage, or injury (including death) to myself and my property for any cause whatsoever.



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2013-2014 FTR Schedule

World Class Energy, Weight-Loss, Nutrition and Sports Performance Products (561) 963-7314 MSKIracing.com

(352) 591-2377 mxmarioncounty.com

2013 Champion August 18 BSTR Enduro #1/Lochloosa* Lyons August 18 MX #1/Bithlo Motorsports September 1 Greenville Enduro #2/Whitmire, SC Brakken Sept. 15 MX #2/Bostwick with FL/GA Series Sept. 21 & 22 CFTR Hare Scrambles #1/Bartow Edmisten October 6 Suncoast Enduro #3/Brooksville Commo October 26 & 27 DDR Hare Scrambles #2/Ormond Beach Edmisten November 3 Perry Mountain Enduro #4/Maplesville, AL Edmisten November 3 MX #3/Mesa Park November 9 & 10 Sunrunners Hare Scrambles #3/Bartow* Edmisten November 17 MX #4/Dade City MX with FL/GA Series Nov. 23 & 24 River City Dirt Riders #4/Maxville Edmisten Nov. 30 & Dec. 1 Apollo Hare Scrambles #5/Samsula* Edmisten December 8 MX #5/Bartow Motocross Dec.14 & 15 OSDR Hare Scrambles #6/Carlton Ranch Edmisten




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Visit www.floridatrailriders.org for official race info or call (352) 538-6291.

Red indicates multiple race weekend

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January 4 & 5 January 18 & 19 January 25 & 26 February 2 February 8 & 9 February 15 & 16 Feb. 23 March 1 & 2 March 2 March 10 March 16 March 22 & 23 March 30 March 30 April 5 & 6 April 12 & 13 April 26 & 27 April 27 May 4 May 18 August 2

Suncoast Hare Scrambles #7/Brooksville* Edmisten Palm Beach T&TR Hare Scrambles #8/Okeechobee Edmisten Treasure Coast Hare Scrambles #9/Okeechobee Edmisten MX #6/Sunshine Motocross - double points SADRA Hare Scrambles #10/Myakka City Edmisten SEFTR Hare Scrambles #11/Okeechobee CFTR Enduro #5/Richloam* Big Scrub Trail Riders Hare Scrambles #12/Sumterville Sandlapper Enduro #6/Salley, SC DDR Enduro #7/Ormond Beach* MX #7/Mesa Park NCTB Hare Scrambles #13/Dade City Apollo Enduro #8/Samsula MX #8/Bostwick Creek with FL/GA Series Azalea City M/C Hare Scrambles #14/Bostwick TTR Hare Scrambles #15/Chipley Rain Date MX #9/Motocross of Marion County with FL/GA Series River City Dirt Riders Enduro #9 - FTR Benefit/Seville MX #10 Dade city with FL/GA Series FTR 2013-2014 Banquet/Daytona Beach

* Indicates King of the Woods event (6)

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