July/August 2013
F lorida T rail R iders
Florida Trail Riders presents
Full Service Race Shop
Toll Free: 866-WMR-RACE Local: (772)
Banquet and Awards Celebration
Join Us
Celebrate more than 42 years of racing!
Ticket Sales: All tickets must be purchased before July 26.
Tickets ($35 adult, $18 kids) Use the
FTR website and order your tickets online
Questions? Call (352) 538-6291
Banquet tickets will be sold online only through the FTR website or
Dinner • Awards • Dancing 10 a.m.
vendor area Dinner AT
5 PM
Saturday, Aug. 3
D aytona B each Ocean Center 101 N. Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32118
Vendor area open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for ticket pickup, FTR membership renewal, raffles
Dinner/awards/dancing: 4:30 p.m. to midnight. Dinner served at 5 p.m. If you have not RSVP’ed, your trophy/jacket will not be presented at the banquet. We are trying To cut down on the banquet trophy time and will not be setting up or calling out the names of those who do not attend. Thank you!
Photo of the Month
M esa P ark MX
#117 Bailey Loudermilk on his way to another moto win
at Round 9 of the FTR MX Series.
Florida Trail Riders
C o m m u n i c at i o n s
PRESID ENT F o rd S n o d g r a ss presi den t@florid atrailrid ers.org
(941) 91 5 -9 8 9 4
VICE PRESIDENT B r o o k s T o m b l in vi cepresid en t@florid atrailrid ers.org
(386) 61 5 -0 4 9 3
TRE A SURER D a nie l W h ite t reasurer@florid atrailrid ers.org
(407) 48 0 -1 0 5 9
SECRETARY K ay l a V a wter secret ary@florid atrailrid ers.org
(863) 38 1 -2 6 4 9
B usiness M a n a g er
bu s i n e s s m a n a g e r @ f l o r i d a t r a i l r i d e r s . o rg
(352) 53 8 -6 2 9 1
Florida Trail Riders Florida Trail Riders
A d v e rt i s i n g
W eb R ates - f lo r id a t r a ilr id e r s .o rg
Months B a nner
Pu b l is h e r
P rint
B usiness C a rd 1 / 4 P a g e 1 / 2 P a g e F u l l P a g e I nside C o ver
R ates
1 month $ 1 5 0
6 months
M onthl y Fl ori d a Trai l R i d ers m agazi ne - ci rcul ati on 1,400+
Jenn Sheppard
M onths 1 month 6 months
(407) 719-5513
Fac e b o o k
@FTRmoto / general news @edFTR / live tweets
B lo g
floridatrailrider s.org /f trblog
ADv e r t isi n g:
editor@floridatrailriders.org (407) 719-5513
On the gas at the Chipley Hare Scrambles
Kevin Moyer photo
Florida Trail Riders (FTR) Magazine is delivered 11 times per year for members of Florida Trail Riders, Inc. FTR Magazine will review and consider letters and mail submitted by members. Deadline is day 20 of the month prior to publication. The decision to publish or edit submissions rests with the magazine. Opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor or of the members.
$ 2 5 $ 1 0 0 $ 1 5 0 $ 3 5 0 $ 4 0 0
$125 $500 $750 $1750 $2000
FT R S peci a l : B u y f i ve m on t h s , get o n e f re e F ree web ad on FTR homepage for all print ads N e w A d v e r t i s e r S p e c i a l : Buy one month, get one free.
Jacob “Chainsaw� Berard finished second overall in 65 C Elesa Berard | collegefundracing.smugmug.com photo
8 | J u ly / A u g 2 0 1 3
recently visited my dad, who is now living in the mountains of Western North Carolina, to show him my new toy for next season, and he proceeded to spend all day tearing it down, greasing the axles and going through the gaskets. Gotta love the Grand Pubah! He showed me how to drop the needle; my response: “Wow, all that to drop the needle?” (I felt bad for, in the past, asking him to do it EVERY time we rode.) He went through everything and, afterward, we took a couple of loops up the mountain behind his house. He’s got one of the steepest uphills back there - perfect training for the upcoming Enduro season - and it took me a while to get comfortable climbing again. I kept it in
Editor’s Beat My bike’s ready. Am I?
first on the way up and, on the way down, was braking hard before stalling it; instinct had me letting out the clutch before I lost control locking up the brakes. The best part, at my dad’s pad, was the front yard, which he had turned into an agility course with dozens of stakes set in
Chaplain’s Hello FTR Family,
How is your summer shaping up? Are you having fun yet? We have been so busy and now July is upon us. What have you accomplished so far in the off season? Ragan has begun doing some work on the inside of our RV and it looks great. She asked me tonight, “When is our first race?” Being a month and a half away from our first event, there is still time to get a few more things done to our home away from home.
the ground to weave in and out of. It took me a few runs to develop a “dance” between the stakes, and I can still turn better on the right than the left. But, like most things in life, it’s a work in progress and I was just happy to be back on the bike and smelling the twostroke fumes. And, even though I know it’s going to take me a while to get back into racing shape, I was happiest when, after watching me practice, my boyfriend told me, “You still got it.” In between training for the first FTR Enduro on August 18, I’ve busy preparing for the banquet in Daytona Beach on August 3.
See you there or on the line soon! - JS
“Just Thinking” What do we celebrate in July, our country. For the 365 days in our year, we take one of those days, set it aside, and ask our citizens to remember the birth of this great nation. It has always amazed me that a handful of men, under the inspiration of God, and a few sheets of paper could create such a wonderful place. On July 4th, we ask our country’s people to remember the enormous sacrifice and chance that our forefathers took. Why is this important? If the story is not told, it will be forgotten. Once it is forgotten, the next generation does not know how
to deal with the issues it will face. History can prove this fact. Look at the Roman and Greek Empires. Their fall began from within. Their leaders were consumed with greed and hatred. It is a sad commentary for the demise of two great empires.
for off-road riding. We must be respectful to the land owners that allow us to come to their home and ride on their property. These are two extremely important rules to follow if FTR is going to exist. Being responsible and respectful will fall in all avenues of life. The same could be said of fishing, hunting, football or baseball.
When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, that’s all it was; ten commandments. You could easily memorize them. God commanded His people to obey and teach them to their children. Over time the leaders added more and more laws. Soon, there Ponte were so many “do’s and don’ts” that the people were overwhelmed. God did not do this, man did. Look at the current situation in our own country. When our leaders in Washington write a law to govern us, it is thousands of pages. Why do they do this? Easy: when you look within the pages of that law, you find self-serving interests to the politician, not the people. Do you realize how expensive it is to get re-elected?
great politician and had enormous support. I hope you don’t think he just woke up one morning and started a war.
God’s plan is not complicated. We make life complicated. During the month of July, take a look and evaluate what is going on around you. Don’t look at your neighbor and blame him for your grief. We live in the greatest country that God has ever allowed to exist. As a nation we have done so much good and God has blessed us for it. Let us never forget that the freedoms we 32082 have enjoyed came at a great price by those who lived before us and the freedoms you will enjoy @ tomorrow are being preserved by many of the children within our very own Florida Trail Riders family. Always remember to pray for our troops. May God bless and protect the men and women that serve our great nation. May God Bless America!
You can contact us at: (904) 813-5713 78 Dolphin Blvd. Vedra Beach, FL
orrmfamilyracing bellsouth.net
“Run the race with endurance, the course that has been laid out for you”
What does all this have to do with racing? Everything. Racing is a privilege. It is not a right given to us by our forefathers. That means we must always be responsible and respectful. We must be responsible to observe the laws that are created that govern our sport. Remember the lead law a few years ago? What a joke. Look at the mess it created
(Hebrews 12:1).
Your friend, Andy Dickson FTR Chaplain
History has shown that if the basics of life are not followed everything around you will start to crumble. The breakdown, whether in one’s country or in one’s life, is slow and many times hard to see. Even Hitler started out with good intentions and was greatly loved for what he was doing. He was a
Super Senior A #121 Now… Having fun in the Sportsman class #121 P.S. See you at the FTR Banquet in August!
M esa P ark MX
Photos from Mesa Park MX Fellsmere, Fla.
June. 2, 2013
Fellsmere, Fla.
Above: The fastest FTR MX’ers chillin’ in between motos Below: #97 Patrick Fitzgerald in the Youth 13-15 class.
Left: Steve Loomis battled behind Cody Thomas after the start in the Woods class.
Below: The Plus 45 and Vintage split start
Left: #27 Ryder McCarty wrapped up both the Peewee 4-6 and Peewee Oil 4-6 championships. Right: #82 Evan Fraker swept the Quad B class.
florida trail riders
florida trail riders
Who to contact in
Area #7: Bill Jenkins, Jr., 13519 Lacebark Pine Road Orlando, FL 32832 ford3233@aol.com (407) 282-6056
Counties: Seminole, Orange, Osceola
Board of Directors by county:
Area #1:
Area #2: Gary Wyatt, 841 Cousintown Road Interlachen, FL 32148, wyattg1@windstream.net (386) 684-2698
Area #3: Brad Gustafson, 1464 NW 106th St. Gainesville, FL 32606, bradg47FL@gmail.com (352) 359-1543 Counties: Gilchrist, Alachua, Levy, Marion, Citrus, Sumter, Lake
Area #4: Chad Hunter, 408 Grove St. Ormond Beach, FL 32174, chunter@islandshutter.com (386) 295-0845 Counties: Flagler, Volusia
Area #5: David Wildner, 731 Locust St. Tarpon Springs, FL 34689 Katoom200@hotmail.com (727) 510-9039 Counties: Hernando, Pasco. Pinellas, West Hillsborough
Area #6: Jack Terrell, 180 Sunrise Hill Lane Auburndale, FL 33023, jackterrell@tambabay.rr.com (863) 984-9294 Counties: East Hillsborough, Polk
Counties: Hamilton, Suwannee, Columbia, Baker, Union, Bradford, Nassau, Duval, Clay, Putnam, St. Johns
Counties: Brevard, Indian River
Counties: Out-of-State, Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Bay, Jackson, Calhoun, Gulf, Gadsden, Liberty, Franklin, Leon, Wakulla, Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, Lafayette, Dixie
Area #8: Sam Boydstun, 1410 Gleneagles Way Rockledge, FL 32955 woodsracer@cfl.rr.com (321) 433-0619
8 10
12 13
Area #9: Kevin Vaughan, 7397 Manthey Ave. North Port, FL 34291 vaughan10@verizon.net (941) 426-5122 Counties: Manatee, Sarasota, Hardee, DeSoto, Highlands
Area #10: Jonathan Campbell, 6008 Tangelo Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34982 jonathan.soup@gmail.com (918) 261-9770 Counties: Okeechobee, St. Lucie, Martin
Area #11: Ed Lukosavich, 6655 Bottlebrush Lane Naples, FL 34109 jackpinner@aol.com (239) 253-2333 Counties: Charlotte, Glades, Lee, Hendry, Collier
Area #12:
Counties: Palm Beach
Area #13: Shaw Dunkel, 2620 NE 11th Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33064 shawdunkel@bellsouth.net (954) 901-9505 Counties: Broward, Dade, Monroe
New in 2013
FTR Magazine | 13
Kevin Moyer photo
to ride in
13 3
Out of State:
5, 7, 8, 11, 17
1. A pollo M otorcycle C lub : Jim Rollyson - Cocoa, FL (321) 917-6845, oldjimdandy@bellsouth.net apollomotorcycleclub.com 2. A zalea C ity M otorcycle C lub : Gary Wyatt - Interlachen, FL (386) 684-2698, wyattg1@windstream.net 3. Big Scrub Trail Riders: John Hawkins - Tavares, FL (352) 516-6903, jamohawkins@embarqmail.com
4. C entral F lorida T rail R iders : Keith Finnerty - Altamonte Springs, FL (407) 774-9090, keith@keithfinnerty.com 5. C olumbia E nduro R iders : Ricky Dennis - Columbia, SC (803) 786-0051, mastercraft@bellsouth.net 6. D aytona D irt R iders : Randy Griffin - New Smyrna Beach, FL (386) 423-4302, harescram755x@aol.com daytonadirtriders.com 7. F amily R iders , I nc .: Johnny Thomas - Hanahan, SC (843) 553-1463, familyriderssc@bellsouth.net 8. G reenville E nduro R iders A ssociation : Duane Wellington - Laurens, SC (864) 908-6109, lcwell@prtcnet.com 9. O ld S chool D irt R iders : Ron Collis - Myakka City, FL (941) 962-5036, rjcollis@mailmt.com 10. P alm B each T rack & T rail : Randy Rash - Ft. Lauderdale, FL (954) 931-5709, motodadfla19@aol.com
13. R iver C ity D irt R iders : Brad Stanton - Switzerland, FL (904) 219-6980, brstanton@bellsouth.net rcdr.org
4 19
14. S arasota A rea D irt R iders : Randy Faul - Arcadia, FL (863) 494-6476, randt817@gmail.com sadraracing.com
1 21
16 10
15. S arasota A rea Q uad R iders : Amanda Fronckowiak - Venice, FL (941) 223-6974, ajc7191@comcast.net 16. S outheast F lorida T rail R iders : Frank Campbell - West Palm Beach, FL (561) 721-1321, seftr35@yahoo.com seftr.org 17. S umter E nduro R iders : Johnny McCoy - Sumter, SC (803) 481-5169, jmccoy@sc.rr.com 18. S uncoast T rail B lazers : Brian Coughlin - Tampa, FL (813) 908-9008, bcoughl2@tampabay.rr.com 19. S unrunners M/C: Jack Terrell - Auburndale, FL (863) 984-9294, jackt@nohvcc.org 20. T allahassee T rail R iders : Larry Nielsen - Tallahassee, FL (850) 544-4840, niel6722@embarqmail.com tallahasseetrailriders.org 21. T reasure C oast T rail R iders : Scott Klucinec - Vero Beach, FL
(772) 473-3801, bronc3@comcast.net
11. P erry M ountain M/C: Glenn Hollingshead - Selma, AL (334) 872-0619, hhollingsh@msn.com 12. N ature C oast T rail B lazers : Paul Ladouceur (352) 279-4911, paul@spectrumvoice-data.com naturecoasttrailblazers.com
florida trail riders
Elected officers
President: F ord S nodgrass ,
president@floridatrailriders.org (941) 915-9894
Vice President: B rooks T omblin , vicepresidentfloridatrailriders.org (386) 615-0493
Secretary: K ayla V awter ,
secretaryfloridatrailriders.org (863) 381-2649
Treasurer: D aniel W hite ,
treasurerfloridatrailriders.org (407) 480-1059
Referees E nduro : Lee Daley
enduroref@floridatrailriders.org (321) 631-4406
H are S crambles : Donny Richardson
hsref@floridatrailriders.org (727) 235-2051
M otocross : Sean Fitzgerald
E nduro : Ken Stephenson
Hare Scrambles: M ike B elle
M otocross : Ken Kloza
Motocross: R ick D reggors mxchairfloridatrailriders.org
(407) 862-6878
Jonathan Belle, (813) 240-6022 jbelle34@gmail.com
B/C Vacant Specialty A & B
(813) 963-0657
Hare Scrambles:
Kerri Chambers, (863) 956-9140 jekchambers@aol.com
Danny Kittell (727) 244-7299 jeremypowell88@hotmail.com
Chairpersons (904) 225-3176
mxref@floridatrailriders.org (352) 455-4029
enduroscore@floridatrailriders.org (321) 453-0638
Enduro: J eremy P owell
florida trail riders
H are S crambles : Donald St. John
(912) 729-1089
(305) 849-1707
Hare Scrambles Scoring Database Maintenance:
(352) 303-0088 score.n.it.4.ftr@gmail.com
T im N ordle
Specialty C, Women Saturday Riders
Kurt Lucas, (786) 385-7771 ktmx16@gmail.com
Kayla Vawter, (863) 381-2649 vawter1105yahoo.com
AA/A Matt Ludwig, (727) 424-3532
cdlover90@hotmail.com B/C Mike Ludwig, (727) 510-9295 MLgamer4@aol.com Specialty A & B Doug Ludwig, (727) 510-9295 dougludsig8@aol.com Specialty C, Women Allen Pearce, (352) 339-5644 allen.pearce@cox.net
AA/A Dave Johnson, (863) 660-4459
davidj@mullinginsurance.com B/C Ray Spudeck, (850) 274-9961 ray@teamjurassic.com Specialty A/B Steve Loomis, (407) 467-8290 steveloomis848@earthlink.net Specialty C, Women Joe Steidl, (352) 494-6944 drtbkj@msn.com Quad Dwayne Sprenger, (772) 571-8199 fellsmerefeed@aol.com
1 6 | J u ly / A u g 2 0 1 3
FTR Magazine | 17
* 2013-2014 Proposed Enduro and Hare Scrambles Schedule:
Meeting Minutes
Florida Trail Riders Board of Directors Meeting at Barney’s of Brandon - May 18, 2013
10 a.m. meeting called to order by President Gratitude was given to Barney’s for meeting room.
Reports: President:
Ford explained how the sanction meeting works. How the Hare Scrambles Committee handled the sanctions was not the proper way to handle, on leaving those that hold both Enduros and Hare Scrambles out of the chance of holding the benefit race. Need to make a 15 race season with no benefit race. Discussion on doing the drawing of clubs again with no exceptions for any club to be left out. Solution needed for this issue and proposal will be made in new business. Jason Chambers brought up idea for clubs to split head tax acquired from benefit race to be evenly distributed amongst all the clubs to still have benefit of the benefit race without a club having to host it.
Vice President: Not at meeting
Roll Call Ford Snodgrass – President: Present Brooks Tomblin – Vice President: Absent K ayla Vawter – Secretary: Present Daniel White – Treasurer: Present M ike Belle – Hare Scrambles Chairman: Present R ick Dreggors – Motocross Chairman: Absent Jeremy Powell – Enduro Chairman: Present via Cell
Switched the budget to reflect the competition season. Budget is set for the next season and is looking good.
MX Chair: Nothing at this
Will be mainly discussing Banquet information in New Business. Enduro Chair: Nothing at this time. H/S Chair: Season went very well with really no major problems. 8,484 total this season. Numbers are holding steady over last 3 years. CFTR Bartow Event had the highest amount of riders at 734 and TTR Chipley Event had the least amount of riders at 284. An average of 565 riders at each event this season. Randy Rash will be the new Referee this season with Donny Richardson still on as the Safety Coordinator, Bill Drymon as the Assistant Referee, and Don St. John as Scorekeeper.
* Gary Wyatt made a motion to
Vacant A rea 1 Present A rea 2 Gary Wyatt Present A rea 3 Brad Gustafson Present A rea 4 Chad Hunter Present A rea 5 David Wildner Present A rea 6 Jack Terrell Present A rea 7 Bill Jenkins Present A rea 8 Sam Boydstun Present A rea 9 Kevin Vaughan Vacant A rea 10 Absent A rea 11 Ed Lukosavich Vacant A rea 12 Present A rea 13 Shaw Dunkel
Guests: Deborah Broderick (Business M anager), Louis (Treasure C oast), Jenn Sheppard (M agazine E ditor), Jason & Kerri Chambers (Sunrunners), Jacob Gilliam, Mike Goodman (OSDR), Randy Faul (Past P resident & SADRA), Bill Drymon (A ssistant H/S R ef & SADRA), Donnie Wells, Randy Rash, Frank Campbell (SEFTR)
Quorum noted to conduct business
event. Gary Wyatt seconded. Motion passes.
I: Old Business
approve the minutes as posted. Bill Jenkins seconded. Motion passes. * Enduro trailer: contract is in motion for storing and hauling.
II: New Business
* Mike made a motion to
accept a 15th race to the proposed schedule as a benefit
Follow @FTRmoto on Instagram Hashtag your photos # ftrmoto
August 17/18 – BSTR Lochloosa Enduro September 1/2 – LBJ Enduro September 7/8 – RCDR Hare Scrambles September 21/22 – CFTR Hare Scrambles October 5/6 – Croom Suncoast Enduro October 12/13 – DDR Hare Scrambles October 26/27 – ACMC Hare Scrambles (Benefit?) November 2/3 – Perry Mountain Enduro November 9/10 – Sunrunners Hare Scrambles November 30/December 1 – Apollo Hare Scrambles December 14/15 – OSDR Hare Scrambles January 4/5 – Suncoast Hare Scrambles January 18/19 – PBTTR Hare Scrambles January 25/26 – TCTR Hare Scrambles February 1/2 – Apollo at Samsula Enduro February 8/9 – SADRA Hare Scrambles February 15/16 – SEFTR Hare Scrambles February 22/23 – CFTR Enduro March 1/2 – BSTR Hare Scrambles March 1/2 – Sandlapper Enduro March 13/14 – Alligator Enduro March 22/23 – NCTB Hare Scrambles March 29/30 – Rain Date April 12/13 – TTR Hare Scrambles April 26/27 – Rain Date May 3/4 – Seville Enduro May 10/11 – Rain Date May 17/18 – Heart Island Benefit Enduro * Mike made a motion to accept the Enduro and Hare Scrambles schedule as printed. Brad Gustafson seconded. Motion passes.
* Gary Wyatt Proposal #1:
Chapter 1 Constitution of the Florida Trail Riders Article XIV E: Sanctions 1: A General FTR Sanction Meeting will be held in the fourth quarter of each competition year. The exact time and place will be announced in the FTR Magazine at least 30 days in advance. There shall not be more than 12 Enduros, 14 Hare Scrambles, and 14 Motocross events per year sanctioned by FTR. The Hare Scrambles events sanctioned per year may be increased to 15 if the profits from at least one of the events are for the sole benefit of FTR and it is sponsored by FTR. The addition of a 15th event may only be done by the Board of Directors at the General FTR Sanction Meeting. In state Enduros shall have first priority of sanction dates. Each promoter will have an opportunity to have a date before any promoter is considered for a second event. Any series having less than the maximum allowed sanctions may add additional sanction dates up to the maximum allowed. The sanction dates must be approved by the appropriate Competition Committee and the Executive Committee. This is to be for special cases only and a minimum two months notice must be given to the general membership prior to the sanction date. Failure to pay sanction fee within 30 days from the
sanction application will result in forfeit of date in question. To be changed to: 1: A General FTR Sanction Meeting will be held in the fourth quarter of each competition year. The exact time and place will be announced in the FTR Magazine at least 30 days in advance. There shall not be more than 12 Enduros, 15 Hare Scrambles, and 14 Motocross events per year sanctioned by FTR. The Hare Scrambles events sanctioned per year may be increased to 15 if the profits from at least one of the events are for the sole benefit of FTR and it is sponsored by FTR. The addition of a 15th event may only be done by the Board of Directors at the General FTR Sanction Meeting. In state Enduros shall have first priority of sanction dates. Each promoter will have an opportunity to have a date before any promoter is considered for a second event. Any series having less than the maximum allowed sanctions may add additional sanction dates up to the maximum allowed. The sanction dates must be approved by the appropriate Competition Committee and the Executive Committee. This is to be for special cases only and a minimum two months notice must be given to the general membership prior to the sanction date. Failure to pay sanction fee within 30 days from the sanction application will result in forfeit of date in question. * Gary made a motion to accept proposal. Bill Jenkins seconded. Motion passes.
* Gary Wyatt Proposal #2:
Chapter III Constitution of the Florida Trail Riders Article XV - Bylaws: General Rules J. Fees 1. The FTR Sanction fee for Enduros is $200. The FTR Sanction fee for the Hare Scrambles is $700. This fee includes the cost of printing a flyer advertising the event in one magazine. If the club or promoter does not submit a flyer or submits a flyer after the cutoff date for the magazine preceding the event, no refund or financial consideration will be due to the club or promoter. The FTR Sanction fee for Motocross is $75 and does not include advertising. If the sanction fee is not paid at the sanction meeting the date shall be available to another promoter. To be changed to: 1. The FTR Sanction fee for Enduros is $200. The FTR Sanction fee for the Hare Scrambles is $700. This fee includes the cost of printing a flyer advertising the event in one magazine. If the club or promoter does not submit a flyer or submits a flyer after the cutoff date for the magazine preceding the event, no refund or financial consideration will be due to the club or promoter. The FTR Sanction fee for Motocross is $75 and does not include advertising. If the sanction fee is not paid at the Competition Committee Sanction Meeting the date shall be available to another promoter. * Gary made a motion to accept proposal. Jack Terrell seconded. Motion passes. continued on next page
1 8 | J u ly / A u g 2 0 1 3
H/S Proposals
Proposal #3 (Written by: Deborah Broderick) Purpose: To correct the HS sections contradictions
to the General Rules and Constitution section of the rule book.
Chapter VI Hare Scrambles Rules A. General 1. A Hare Scramble is a meet where rider ability is the determining factor. It is run over dirt roads, fire trails, woods and all types of terrain which may be negotiated by the power of the motorcycle and rider. 2. In Hare Scrambles, there shall be two additional officers. a. The Rider Safety Coordinator, whose duty is to advise the HS Referee on matters of rider safety. b. The Associate Hare Scrambles Referee, who is the primary assistant to the HS Referee .The Associate Referee’s primary duties, will involve pit area safety and sound/tech inspection. The Associate Referee will coordinate with the Clubs regarding providing manpower for these functions, and supervise these functions at the event. The Associate Referee has the authority to penalize riders. Final authority on penalties remains with the Hare Scrambles Referee. If the Hares Scrambles Referee cannot be present at the event, then the Associate Referee will serve as the Acting Hare Scrambles Referee. NEW RULE
Remove wording in red from above. Chapter VI Hare Scrambles Rules A. General 1. A Hare Scramble is a meet where rider ability is the determining factor. It is run over dirt roads, fire trails, woods and all types of terrain which may be negotiated by the power of the motorcycle and rider. 2. In Hare Scrambles, there shall be two additional officers. a. The Rider Safety Coordinator, whose duty is to advise the HS Referee on matters of rider safety. b. The Associate Hare Scrambles Referee, who is the primary assistant to the HS Referee .The Associate Referee’s primary duties, will involve pit area safety and sound/tech inspection. The Associate Referee will coordinate with the Clubs regarding providing manpower for these functions, and supervise these functions at the event.
* Mike made a motion to accept proposal as written.
Gary Wyatt seconded. Discussion: Associate Referee can make a notice to DQ but does not have the final decision. Final decision to be left up to Referee. Motion passes.
Proposal #4 (Written by: Kayla Vawter) Purpose: To make the rows in the quad race more even. Chapter VI Hare Scrambles Rules C. Event Rules Current: Race 8 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM Row 1 - Quad AA Row 2 - Quad A Row 3 - Quad B Open Row 4 - Quad +30 Row 5 - Veteran Quad, Senior Quad Row 6 - Quad 0-400, Super Senior Quad Row 7 - Quad C Open Row 8 - Women Quad, Women Vet Quad, Master Quad Row 9 - Quad Utility Open, Quad Junior Changed to: Race 8 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM Row 1 - Quad AA Row 2 - Quad A Row 3 - Quad B Open Row 4 - Quad +30, Veteran Quad Row 5 - Senior Quad Row 6 - Super Senior Quad Row 7 - Quad C Open Row 8 - Women Quad, 0-400 Row 9 – Women Vet Quad, Master Quad, Utility Quad Row 10 – Junior Quad
* Mike made a motion to accept the proposal as written. Kayla Vawter seconded. Discussion: Puts some rows in place in the rule book for changes we have been doing throughout the season. Motion passes.
Proposal #5 (Written by: Mike Belle) Purpose: To set maximum wheel size in the peewee classes. Chapter III General Rules D. Rider Classification 1. Riders shall be classified in the following divisions and classes:
HARE SCRAMBLES Division/Class Displacement classes Current: Peewee A Peewee (B,C) Change to: Peewee A Peewee (B,C)
0-50 cc Auto clutch 0-50 cc Auto clutch
thru 8* thru 8*
0-50 cc Auto clutch 10-12” Wheels Max. 0-50 cc Auto clutch 10-12” Wheels Max.
thru 8* thru 8*
continued on next page
* Mike made a motion to accept the proposal as written. Jack Terrell seconded. Motion passes.
Enduro Proposals Rule Changes:
Advancement Change Rule – presented by Jeremy Powell
(Synopsis – This rule allows for 2 advancement sets to be ranked and stacked like the specialty ranking system, and removes the displacement advancement rules from the rule book. Our MotoTally scoring system will give us great detail and allow the Enduro Committee to better advance riders in the series in a timely and fair manner. This rule allows for such procedures to be put in place as we evolve, and it greatly simplifies the process of advancement for Enduro riders.)
OLD RULE Page 17 of rule book B. Classification of Riders 3. This rule applies to displacement classes only. The specialty Advancement System is described in rule Chapter IV, paragraph B, 7. Any time before 50% of the sanctioned runs, any “B” rider accumulating 100 FTR advancement points will be advanced to “A” division immediately, taking 90% of their championship points to “A” division. After that time, a “B” rider accumulating 100 FTR advancement points will be allowed to compete for the remainder of that year in the “B” division. “A” and “B” FTR Hare Scrambles series and Motocross series riders will ride in the “B” enduro division. If any “C” rider accumulates 15 or more FTR advancement points, they will be moved to “B” division immediately, any time throughout the season, taking 90% of their championship points to “B” division. Riders may reclassify themselves to higher (but not lower) division by notifying the FTR scorekeeper, and take 90% of their championship points any time before 50% of the sanctioned runs, but zero championship points after 50% of the sanctioned runs. A rider can be reclassified to a lower division by petitioning the enduro committee. An A-rider reclassified (by enduro committee vote) as a B-rider will carry 50 promotion points to the new class, and a B-rider reclassified (by enduro committee vote)
as a C-rider will carry 7 promotion points to the new class. The enduro committee has the authority to rescind (by majority vote) previous reclassification actions if a subsequent review of the rider’s scores in the lower classification demonstrate that reclassification action was not warranted. 4 Beginner promotion rules are, after 3 top 5 finishes or after starting 8 events the rider is promoted up to the proper FTR class. All FTR Hare Scrambles riders shall ride in their assigned Hare Scrambles Class for FTR enduros, prior to any enduro ranking being established. Any disputes, concern, initial or reclassification will be determined by decision of Enduro Committee chairman, referee and scorekeeper prior to riding a FTR Enduro. 5. Advancement points will accumulate for three years only, two previous years plus the current season for displacement classes only. 6. All riders in displacement classes, except “AA” and “A” riders, are eligible for “FTR advancement points.” Five bonus points will be awarded to any rider who is first place winner in the combined “B” and ‘C’ displacement classes, i.e., 200cc, 250cc, Open, Four Stroke and Women’s divisions. FTR advancement points are awarded to the top 20 or 40 overall B and C riders at each enduro in accordance with the following table. Points are doubled in case of a two-day event. Bonus points are awarded only if the rider in question receives FTR advancement points. Beginners are not in the points advancement system. FTR Adv. FTR Adv. *Finish **Finish Points *Finish **Finish Points
1 1 & 2 20 11 21 & 22 10 2 3 & 4 19 12 23 & 24 9 3 5 & 6 18 13 25 & 26 8 4 7 & 8 17 14 27 & 28 7 5 9 & 10 16 15 29 & 30 6 6 11 & 12 15 16 31 & 32 5 7 13 & 14 14 17 33 & 34 4 8 15 & 16 13 18 35 & 36 3 9 17 & 18 12 19 37 & 38 2 10 19 & 20 11 20 39 & 40 1 *200 or less ‘B’ and ‘C’ riders entered **More than 200 ‘B’ and ‘C’ riders entered 7. The Specialty Classes Ranking System for promoting and demoting riders in the Vet, Senior, Super Senior, and Master classes at the end of each season is defined as follows: a. All Riders, Specialty and displacement, will be assigned an overall
FTR Magazine | 19 event number (event rank) based on their finish position against all FTR riders competing in the event. Event rank numbers will be calculated in descending percentage order, from overall winner to final rider. b. Each FTR rider’s event finishing positions (event ranks) as published in the FTR magazines at season end, will be averaged to determine a ranking number after deleting worked points and rank numbers awarded for a DNF. If only one completed enduro is published, a ranking number will not be established and the rider will remain in the same division for the upcoming season. c. All riders in each specialty class will be stacked in numerical order for each class by their average ranking number. Any rider not receiving a ranking number is not considered in the stacking and will remain in the same A, B, or C division in the next season except as defined in (i) below. d. Specialty classes are divided by the ratios of 25% for A, 35% for B, and 40% for C, except Golden Master, which is divided 40% A and 60% B, based on the total number of riders in the class receiving average ranking numbers. When fractions exist based on the 25/35/40 or the 40/60 in Golden Master multiplication factors, they will be rounded to the nearest whole number with .500 to .999 to the next higher whole number and below .500 to the next lower whole number beginning with the A division. Any rider promoted more than one division (C to A) will be moved only one division after stacking is completed. Any rider demotion will be by petition of the Enduro Committee by the individual rider wishing to be demoted. e. Any rider entering a specialty class from the displacement classes of the previous year must have a ranking number calculated based on previous year’s performance. These riders will not be considered in establishing the division of the A/B/C designation in each class. Riders entering a specialty class from the displacement class for the first time shall not be promoted or demoted more than one division (A to C or C to A). f. Riders moving to a new specialty class from the previous year will use the ranking number established in their old class to determine the A/B/C level to ride in the new class. Riders moving to a new specialty class from the previous year shall not be promoted or demoted more than one division (A to C or C to A). continued on next page
2 0 | J u ly / A u g 2 0 1 3 g. Riders may reclassify themselves to a higher (but not lower) division by notifying the FTR Enduro Scorekeeper, and take 90% of their championship points any time before 50% of the sanctioned runs, but zero championship points after 50% of the sanctioned runs. A rider can only be reclassified to a lower division by petitioning the Enduro Committee. h. Classification of Hare Scrambles riders to the Enduro Series Specialty Class can be determined by decision of the Enduro Committee Chairman, Referee and Scorekeeper prior to establishing a ranking number. i. Specialty class riders must remain in the highest division attained using the ranking system for at least 2 racing seasons. A rider has the option to petition the competition committee to prove that he should not have been promoted. NEW RULE Page 17 of rule book B. Classification of Riders 3. The Enduro Chair, Referee and Scorekeeper will set the classification of any rider new to the series that does NOT have a FTR ranking in Hare Scrambles or Enduros and does NOT have an equivalent ranking from another series. The Enduro Chair, Referee and Scorekeeper may adjust the classification as needed of any rider that was given his initial classification by the committee. 4. Beginner promotion rules are, after 3 top 5 finishes or after starting 8 events the rider is promoted up to the proper FTR class. All FTR Hare Scrambles riders shall ride in their assigned Hare Scrambles Class for FTR Enduros, prior to any enduro ranking being established. Any disputes, concern, initial or reclassification actions will be determined by decision of Enduro Committee chairman, referee and scorekeeper prior to riding an FTR Enduro. 5. Advancement Sets - There will be two sets of advancement percentiles calculated, one for all displacement riders, and a second for the following specialty class riders: Vet, Senior, Super Senior, Master and Golden Master. A percentile will be calculated for each rider, at each race. At the end of the season, the rider’s percentiles will be averaged, and this will be the rider’s advancement percentile for the
season. DNF and Work Run Credits will not count in the average calculations. 6. All riders in all classes (except for Women, Evo, Beginners and Vintage) are counted in one of the Advancement Sets. 7. The Ranking System for promoting riders in all classes in advancement sets is defined as follows: a. All Riders in both advancement sets will be assigned an overall event number (event rank) based on their finish position against all FTR riders competing in the event within their advancement set. Event rank numbers will be calculated in descending percentage order, from overall winner to final rider. b. Each FTR rider’s event finishing positions (event ranks) as published in the FTR magazines at season end, will be averaged to determine a ranking number after deleting worked points and rank numbers awarded for a DNF. If only one completed enduro is published, a ranking number will not be established and the rider will remain in the same division for the upcoming season. c. All riders in each advancement set will be stacked in numerical order for each class by their average ranking number. Any rider not receiving a ranking number is not considered in the stacking and will remain in the same A, B, or C division in the next season except as defined in (i) below. d. Classes are then divided by the ratios of 25% for A, 35% for B, and 40% for C, except Golden Master, which is divided 40% A and 60% B, based on the total number of riders in the class receiving average ranking numbers. When fractions exist based on the 25/35/40 or the 40/60 in Golden Master multiplication factors, they will be rounded to the nearest whole number with .500 to .999 to the next higher whole number and below .500 to the next lower whole number beginning with the A division. Any rider promoted more than one division (C to A) will be moved only one division after stacking is completed. Any rider demotion will be by petition of the Enduro Committee by the individual rider wishing to be demoted. e. Riders ranked as “A” will ride in any “A” class for which they are age or displacement qualified. Riders ranked as “B” will ride in any “B” class for which they are age or displacement
qualified. Riders ranked as “C” will ride in any “C” class for which they are age or displacement qualified. f. Riders moving to a new specialty class from the previous year will use the ranking number established in their old class to determine the A/B/C level to ride in the new class. Riders moving to a new specialty class from the previous year shall not be promoted or demoted more than one division (A to C or C to A). g. Riders may reclassify themselves to a higher (but not lower) division by notifying the FTR Enduro Scorekeeper, and take 90% of their championship points any time before 50% of the sanctioned runs, but zero
championship points after 50% of the sanctioned runs. A rider can only be reclassified to a lower division by petitioning the Enduro Committee. h. Classification of Hare Scrambles riders to the Enduro Series Specialty Class can be determined by decision of the Enduro Committee Chairman, Referee and Scorekeeper prior to establishing a ranking number. i. Riders must remain in the highest division attained using the ranking system for at least 1 racing season. A rider has the option to petition the competition committee to prove that he should not have been promoted.
* Jeremy made a motion to accept the proposal as written. Mike Belle seconded. Motion passes.
Poster Board Rule – presented by Jeremy Powell
(Synopsis – Clubs are having to do a bit of work that is no longer required to support our legacy scoring paradigm. I’d like to clean that up in the rule book.)
2. Scoreboards: Scoreboards shall be filled out prior to the event with riders listed by class on each sheet. List by rider number in numerical order with rider’s name by his number. These boards shall be posted so all riders can view them before, during and after the run. A space in front of them should be roped off to allow room for scoring to be posted. continued on next page
2. Scoreboards: Clubs should plan to either create poster boards or use the FTR electronic system scoring prior to their event. a. For clubs using the electronic system, rider entries including class and row information, route sheet, and scoring type (timed or restart) shall be posted on the Web site publicly at least 48 hours before an event key time. After the event is complete, scores shall be viewable at the event from an electronic display, or by printed reports or via other media as appropriate (SMS message, website, digital feed, etc.) b. If not using the electronic system, then poster board Scoreboards shall be filled out prior to the event with riders listed by class on each sheet. List the order by rider number in numerical order, with rider’s name next to his number. These boards shall be posted at the event so all riders can view them before, during, and after the run. A space in front of them should be roped off to allow room for scoring to be posted.
* Jeremy made a motion to accept the proposal as written. Mike Belle seconded. Motion passes.
Recommended Sanctions 2013-2014: Date Club Event 8/18/13 BSTR Lochloosa 9/2/13 GER Little Brown Jug 10/6/13 SCTB Orange State at Croom 11/3/13 PMMC Gobbler Getter/Perry Mt 2/16/14 Apollo Eagle’s Nest at Samsula 2/23/14 CFTR Richloam 3/2/14 CERA Sandlapper 3/13/14 DDR Alligator 5/4/14 RCDR Seville / St George / Other Need Sanction form and $$$$ 5/19/14 FTR Benefit at Heart Island
Deborah and a few other committee members visited both the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa and the Ocean Center in Daytona. Deborah shared the pros and cons of both locations and suggested we should go with the Ocean Center in Daytona over the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa.
* Jack Terrell made a motion to accept the banquet
committees choice of moving the banquet location to the Ocean Front Center in Daytona. Gary Wyatt seconded. Motion passes.
Kayla stated that all elected officials need to set up and volunteer at least an hour at the banquet in the vendor area to give back to those members that elected them to their positions.
Jacob Gilliam and Daniel White discussed both software programs that are available for pre-registration purposes. It was mutually decided that Jacob’s system is proven to
FTR Magazine | 21 be a little more efficient and the Board decided to leave it up to each individual club to decide to let Jacob do preregistration for their event.
Incident at SADRA event:
Randy Faul, President of SADRA, presented the Board of Directors with a letter of suggestions as what his club feels fit as penalties by the actions taken by some of the members of FTR. * Jack Terrell made a motion to accept these penalties. Gary Wyatt seconded. Discussion: Ford stated that these individuals will also be placed on probation with FTR. Motion passes.
Gary made motion to adjourn. Kevin seconded. Vote: Unanimously accept. Meeting adjourned 12:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Kayla Vawter
Motocross Proposals The following amendments and/or changes to the 2012-2013 Rulebook (Rulebook) have been approved for publication and consideration by the 2012-2013 MX Committee in accordance to any and all requirements found in the Rulebook.
1: Championship Points System (Year End Awards)
* There is a conflict in the rulebook between what is found under General Rules and Motocross Scoring.
Chapter III General Rules (from pg 12) H. Year-End Awards: 2. Winners for the Year: a. Total points will be determined by the best combined scores in 70% of the events sanctioned by FTR. Rounding will be done to the nearest whole number with 0.50 being rounded up. In addition, Motocross total points would be determined by the best scores in 80% of the events sanctioned by FTR. Rounding will be done to the nearest whole number also. To qualify for year-end awards in the FTR Series, a rider must enter at least 50% of the sanctioned events. B. Championship Points System: Chapter X Motocross Scoring Page 28 1. Year end overall class standings will be based on 70% of the series events. For example; If the FTR Motocross Championship Series is 10 events, then the riders best 7 races are counted. Recommended Change: Modify to read as follows: Chapter X Motocross Scoring B. Championship Points System: 1. Year end award will be based on 80% of the series events. For Example: If the FTR Motocross Championship Series is continued on next page
2 2 | J u ly / A u g 2 0 1 3 10 events, then the best 8 races are counted.
2: Championship Points System (Double Points Round/ 5 participant points) * a. Chapter X, B, 3 page 28 reads as follows:
3. The FTR Motocross Championship Series will consist of one double points event to be announced at the last scheduled event of the season. It will be announced at the rider’s meeting. In addition, each rider will be awarded five (5) points for each race in which a rider participates as long as one gate start was completed. Participation points will be added to the year end calculations even if competition points are dropped.
Recommended Change: Modify to read as follows: 3. The FTR Motocross Championship Series may include double point rounds. Double Point Round(s) will be identified on the series schedule prior to Round 1. In addition, each rider will be awarded five (5) points for each race in which the rider is signed up and paid their entry fees. The rider must be present at sign up on the day of the event.
3: Championship Points System (Points Awarded) * a. Chapter X ,B,4 page 28 reads as follows:
4. As an event consists of two moto’s, a rider will be awarded one-half total points if he/she finishes only one moto. The rider will receive no points if he/she does not start or does not finish either moto.
Recommended Change: Modify to read as follows: 4. A rider who has signed up for the event but is unable to start (DNS) or finish (DNF) a moto will be awarded last place points for that moto. For Example: Johnny has signed up for a class with a total of 10 riders. If Johnny has a DNS or DNF in either or both motos, he will be awarded 10th place points for each DNF/DNS. In the event multiple riders in a moto receive a DNF/DNS they shall be scored with DNF ahead of DNS. For Example: A 10 rider moto has one DNF and one DNS the DNF rider will receive 9th place points while the DNS rider will receive 10th place points. Multiple riders with DNF/DNS finishes in a moto will each receive the same points as last. For Example: A 10 rider moto has 2 riders who receive a DNF. Both riders will receive 10th place points.
4: Advancement Point System
* a. Chapter X, C 1-3, page 28 reads as follows
C. Advancement Point System: 1. The Advancement point system will award advancement points based on the riders performance in their class. Advancement points will be awarded based on overall event results (not per moto) as follows: 1st place 10
advancement points 2nd place 5 advancement points 3rd place 4 advancement points 4th place 3 advancement points 5th place 2 advancement points When fewer than 6 rider compete in a class this schedule will be modified to read: 1st place 5 advancement points 2nd place 3 advancement points 3rd place 2 advancement points 4th place 1 advancement point 5th place 0 advancement points 2. When a total of 45 points for B riders or 35 points for C riders are accrued, the rider is promoted to the next higher division. If the points are accrued before 50% of the MX series season events, the rider will be promoted to next higher class immediately. When the points are accrued after half of the events, the rider will remain in the same class until the end of the competition season and the promotion would take effect at the start of the next competition season. 3. Advancement points will be carried only for the rider’s previous ten events. The personal ten (10) events will carry from the previous years first race. This system will advance riders based on present performance, not an accumulation of past performances. Recommended Change: Modify to read as follows: C. Rider Advancement 1. If an FTR member completely dominates a class, the Motocross Committee may, through majority vote, elect to advance a rider to the next higher class. 2. Riders who are advanced by the Motocross Committee during the competition year and riders who promote themselves, will take 90% of their accumulated points to the higher class. A rider cannot improve their class standing through advancement.
FTR Magazine | 23
6: Chapter XI Promoters/Track Owner Responsibilities (Race Flags) * a. Chapter XI, 7, page 28-29 provides list of flags with description
Recommended Change: Add line item as follows: h. The Medic Flag is White with Red Cross and warns you of danger. A rider is down on or near the track and is receiving medical attention. Proceed with extreme caution, Do Not Pass, Do Not Jump.
7: Chapter III D. Rider Classification and Chapter XII Motocross Championship Series Classes * a. Chapter III, D, page 11 b. Chapter XII, page 29
125 A,B,C, 250/0pen A,B,C 4 Stroke 2 Stroke +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 Vet A Vet B Vet C* Women Vet Women Youth 13-15 Youth 16-24 Super Mini 85 Mini 12-13 85 Mini 14-15 85 Mini 7-11 Girls 9-12 65 Mini 10-12 65 Mini 7- 9 65 Mod 7- 12 Peewee 7-9 Peewee 4-6 Peewee Mod 4-9 Peewee 4-6 Shaft/Oil Vintage (defined per rule book) Evolution (defined per rule book) Woods (limited to Enduro bikes) Quad A Quad B Quad C +35 Quad Men Quad Women Quad 13-15 Quad 7-12 Youth Quad 4-8 Total Classes = 44 Recommended Change: See Chart (next page)
5: Chapter XI Promoters/ Track Owner Responsibilities (Tech Inspection)
“Well I’m waitin’ on next season.” - Christopher Ansbaugh
“I’m going to Ireland to do some Motos.” - Kurt Lucas
“The arrival of my new little pee wee star on July 25th.” - Kelsey O’Donnell
“Foggy mountain national enduro,
snowshoe gncc, maybe the rattlesnake family up north.
- Logan Smith
6. Tech Inspection will be required for each competition motorcycle before it will be allowed to practice. Each motorcycle should have a visible identifier that indicates it has passed tech inspection.
continued on next page
via facebook.com/FTRmag
national enduro, and see friends and
* a. Chapter XI, 7, page 28 reads as follows:
Recommended Change: Modify to read as follows: 6. A Tech Inspector will provide a general inspection for obvious safety issues before and/or during staging of the first round of practice. Any rider with a violation on his motorcycle will be given the option to run the one lap late practice, providing the repair is made prior to the conclusion of practice. The rider may be prevented from completing practice if the tech inspector feels the violation puts the rider or others at risk of injury.
How are you spending your summer?
“Moving to Florida, healing a broken
back, reconstructed knee and severely broken foot. Hopefully I’ll be cleared to
race by oct/nov.
Thank you Barney’s of Brandon for hosting us!
- Bill Radecky
2 4 | J u ly / A u g 2 0 1 3
FTR Proposed Class
Class Description
Bike Restriction
Special Restrictions (See Tab Mods. List)
Peewee 4-‐6 Peewee Shaft 4-‐6 Shaft
51cc (4-6) Special Limited
0-51cc 2-Stroke/4Stroke
Stock 10" front and rear as produced
50cc 7-‐8 Stock
51cc (7-8) Limited
0-51cc 2-Stroke 0-51cc 2-Stroke 12" Front / 10" Rear Max. As produced
65cc (7-11)
0-65cc 2 Stroke / 0110cc 4 Stroke
65cc Beginner 65cc 7-‐9
51cc (4-6) Shaft Drive Limited
65cc (7-9) Limited
59-65cc 2-Stroke
65cc 10-‐11
65cc (10-11) Limited
59-65cc 2-Stroke
65cc 7-‐11 Open
65cc (7-11)
85cc Beginner
85cc (9-14)
59-65cc 2-Stroke 79-85cc 2-Stroke / 125150cc air cooled 4 Stroke
85cc 7-‐11
85cc (9-11) Limited
79-85cc 2-Stroke
85cc 12-‐15 Junior Mini
85cc (9-11) Limited
79-85cc 2-Stroke
85cc 7-11
Super Mini
Super Mini 1 (9-15)
Stock 10" front and rear as produced Stock 12" Front / 10" Rear Max. As produced 14" front wheel max. Two stroke play bikes (ex. PW80) up to 80cc displacement are allowed to enter 65cc 14" front wheel max. Two stroke play bikes (ex. PW80) up to 80cc displacement are allowed to enter 65cc 14" front wheel max. Two stroke play bikes (ex. PW80) up to 80cc displacement are allowed to enter 65cc 14" front wheel max. Two stroke play bikes (ex. PW80) up to 80cc displacement are allowed to enter 65cc 14" front wheel max. Two stroke play bikes (ex. PW80) up to 80cc displacement are allowed to enter 65cc 17" front wheel max. Trail Bikes like Xr, TTR, Up to 150cc Fourstroke are allowed to enter 85cc classes 17" front wheel max. Trail Bikes like Xr, TTR, Up to 150cc Fourstroke are allowed to enter 85cc classes
Youth 13-‐15
13-15 B/C
Youth 16-‐24 Two Stroke Only Four Stroke Open Girls 9-‐11
16-24 B/C
79-85cc 2-Stroke 79-112cc 2-Stroke/75150cc 4-Stroke 100cc-125cc 2-Stroke/ 170cc - 250cc 4-Stroke 100cc-125cc 2-Stroke/ 170cc - 250cc 4-Stroke
Two-Stroke A/B/C (16+)
122-250cc 2-Stroke
Four Stroke A/B/C (16+)
250-450cc 4-Stroke
Girls (9-11)
Max. Wheels: Front 17"; Rear 14"
Girls 12-‐16 Woman 14+ Woman Vet
Girls (12-16)
79-85cc 2-Stroke 79-112cc 2-Stroke/75150cc 4-Stroke
Women (14+)
Min. Wheels: Front 19"; Rear 16"
Women (30+)
Min. Wheels: Front 19"; Rear 16"
25 +
Junior 25+
Vet Advanced
Vet Amature
40 +
Senior 40+
50 +
Masters 50+
250 A
250 A
250 B
250 B
125-450cc 122-Open cc (2 or 4Stroke) 122-Open cc (2 or 4Stroke) 122-Open cc (2 or 4Stroke) 122-Open cc (2 or 4Stroke) 122-Open cc (2 or 4Stroke) 122-250cc (2 or 4Stroke) 122-250cc (2 or 4Stroke)
Max. Wheels: Front 19"; Rear 16"
Quad Youth 4-‐8
Quad 7-‐12
Quad 13-‐15 Quad Advanced Open Quad Amature Open
122-250cc (2 or 4Stroke) 122-250cc (2 or 4Stroke) 122-Open cc (2 or 4Stroke) 122-Open cc (2 or 4Stroke) 122-Open cc (2 or 4Stroke) Woods 0-Open cc Enduro Machine 13/Above Vintage 0-Open cc 1974 or earlier 13/Above Evolution 0-Open cc drum brakes 13/Above/Air Cooled Any motocross/Woods bike pre-1999 with period correct only performance parts 0-50cc Production Frame / Production Case 4-8 51-90 cc 2 Stroke 50125cc 4 Stroke Production Frame/ Production Case 7-12 Quad 13-15 91-200cc 2 Stroke, 91-300cc 4 Stroke 13-15*
Quad A/B 0-Open cc 4 wheels 16*/Above
Quad 35+
Quad Woman
250 C
250 C
250 D
250 D
450 A
450 A
450 B
450 B
450 C
450 C
90 Bombers
1999 and older open
Quad B 0-Open cc 4 wheels 16*/Above +35 Quad Men 0-Open cc 4 wheels 35*/Above Quad Women 0-Open cc 4 wheels 16*/Above
2. A rider may elect to ride in any of the age determined classes, Veteran, Senior, Super Senior, or Masters, etc., if they become the legal age for that class during the competition year, July 1 thru June 30. The age of Youth, Junior, Mini & Peewee riders for the entire year will be the rider’s age on the date they run their first event of the competition year. Proof of age is required. The Peewee, 65cc and Mini classes will be considered to be Juvenile classes. Juvenile classes shall not compete on the same course at the same time as any Adult class. In Hare Scrambles, riders in Saturday’s Junior and Juvenile classes defined as Peewee (A,B,C), 65cc (A,B), Mini (A, B, C) , shall not be eligible to enter any division or class on the Sunday schedule. In Quad Scrambles, riders in Saturday’s Peewee and Mini classes shall not be eligible to enter any division or class on the Sunday schedule. Riders under 13 years of age shall not be eligible to enter an Adult class.
Recommended Change:
2. A rider may elect to ride in any of the age determined classes, Veteran, Senior, Super Senior, or Masters, etc., if they become the legal age for that class during the competition year, July 1 thru June 30. The age of Youth, Junior, Mini & Peewee riders for the entire year will be the rider’s age on the date they run their first event of the competition year. Except Motocross, which shall be based on the age the rider is on January 1. Proof of age is required. The Peewee, 65cc and Mini classes will be considered to be Juvenile classes. Juvenile classes shall not compete on the same course at the same time as any Adult class. In Hare Scrambles, riders in Saturday’s Junior and Juvenile classes defined as Peewee (A,B,C), 65cc (A,B), Mini (A, B, C) , shall not be eligible to enter any division or class on the Sunday schedule. In Quad Scrambles, riders in Saturday’s Peewee and Mini classes shall not be eligible to enter any division or class on the Sunday schedule. Riders under 13 years
Max. Wheels: Front 19"; Rear 16"
continued on next page
of age shall not be eligible to enter an Adult class.
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Chicks Who Rip By: Lydia Greiner
Lydia Greiner Facebook photo
The last round of the FTR Motocross
series was bittersweet, as the best endings often are. It was sweet because it was an awesome series. We were able to race at some of the best motocross tracks in the state and even were part of the ‘commencement race’ at one of Florida’s newest tracks,
Mesa Park. There was good
competition in a lot of the classes, few injuries (fortunately) and, as always, the FTR Motocross series continued to provide standup family racing. It was bitter because it’s over—all things, good and bad, naturally come to an end, whether we like it or not. The final round of the series was at Mesa Park MX, in Fellsmere, a very new track to both the series and to Florida. Lucky for FTR, we were able to hit the new track twice this season! Both times, the track couldn’t have been any better. There was a lot of rain both the night before practice and the night before the race. We arrived with fear that the Florida summertime showers would get the better of the track and we would be sloshing through mud all day—the dirt soaked up the rain beautifully and it was no different than if they had been running the sprinklers. One thing I loved about Mesa Park was the way the track flowed. It was fast yet safe. There were some big bowl turns but the dirt was soft enough that some nice ruts were able to develop on the inside, most of the jumps were tables but a couple of them were pretty long and could be tough to consistently get over. The track provided a good balance between a challenge and fun,
a pretty full year of school and working, and I am really thankful for the style and structure of the series. FTR is laid back enough that pretty much anyone can be a member and race the whole series—it was so helpful that the races weren’t every weekend back to back but rather were spread out over several months. I had so much fun this year and I truly am thankful for everyone who made it possible. I know that Jenn Sheppard has a full plate as well, yet every month the FTR Magazine comes out and looks fantastic. Sean Fitzgerald and Rick Dreggors too both have hectic schedules with their families and work, in addition to all of the time and energy that they give up to the series. As we end this season, I think it is especially important to reflect on the fun, to appreciate the journey, and to be grateful and thankful for those who made racing FTR possible—not only those I mentioned specifically but also the series’ sponsors, parents, riders, spectators, the track owners and promoters, the scorers, the flaggers. The most important thing I have learned from FTR is how connected and involved everyone truly is. We are all one big family and I think that is what makes is special and so unique. I can’t wait for the banquet and I am even more excited for next season! - LG [Editor’s note: What are you looking forward to next year? Send us a note and you could be featured in the upcoming magazine: editor@floridatrailriders.org See you at the banquet!]
and the dirt was soft and sandy so, by the end of the day, it got a little choppy. The last two rounds of the series, Bithlo and Mesa Park, were both concrete starts—somewhat appropriate as we’d tear up our tires and need new ones for the next season! All weekend long, the starts were one of my favorite parts to watch. Between the motos, I took my camera and was able to get on the track and snap some photos of everyone and there is no comparison to standing inside of the first corner when the two-stoke class comes barreling over the single. It still gets your heart racing as if you are out there on the gate with them and there is something magical about the revving of a 250. There was a pretty strong turnout at Mesa, too! It was evident that many of our fellow FTR racers were getting ready to go to the Loretta Lynn Regional Qualifiers. Everyone was racing hard and it seemed like there were more people racing multiple
classes than usual. It was amazing to see such a strong turnout from the FTR Hare Scrambles and Enduro racers too, whose seasons had just finished—there were a lot of new faces to FTR Motocross for the final round, which makes me even more excited to see what next year’s season will bring! Even though there are no more races slated on the schedule for the 20122013 FTR Motocross series, it isn’t really over yet…we’ve got a banquet to look forward to! I am pretty excited about the banquet this year, which is going to be held in Daytona Beach at the Ocean Center—it has been since 2007 since I attended a FTR banquet and for Scott, it will be his first. I still remember ’07 very well, it was elegant and a whole lot of fun—what could be better than celebrating a year of great racing, at the beach? This year, racing FTR MX has been really great for me as I hope it was for everyone else involved in the series. It was my release and my fun amidst continued on next page
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3 0 | J u ly / A u g 2 0 1 3
o u t front
Steven S quire
Indiana native and former professional supercrosser Steven Squire showed up to four rounds of the FTR Hare Scrambles series in the AA class this season. In the woods, he did not have to worry about his bike quitting on the face of a supercross triple and/or getting landed on. He finished inside the top five in three out of his four attempts; his best finish was second. We caught up with Steven to see what he likes about FTR, how he started his company Steven Squire Racing 895 and what he’s giving back to the sport. Here’s what else we learned:
I make no money going to FTR. I just really enjoy the people. A lot of them have done so much to help me out - leave my bikes in their trailer and cook me dinner sometimes... now it’s probably one of my most favorite series to run.
FTR Magazine | 31
His number, 895:
“895 is my pro number and AMA number is 095 so, when I got my pro number, I wanted to keep the 95 so I went with 895.”
On keeping the SSR895 Facebook page and Twitter (@ssr895) active:
“We try to keep everything pretty simple that way.”
SSR895 is:
“It’s all me. I manage everything I do between SSR, my training company - I started that about a year and a half ago. It was just like a side thing to make some money and then last year it grew pretty big. I trained almost 100 riders. I had a training camp with 25 riders and then another one with 35. Then, during the weeks, I had basically a full schedule four days a week with riders training. So I manage all that, all the marketing and scheduling and finances for it. And my racing.
He’s learned from himself:
“It started as like a trial and error thing. I kind of just needed money so I started training and then I took it more serious and then I set it up as an LLC and actually started keeping track of everything and having to pay taxes on it this year for the first time.” continued on next page
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FTR Magazine | 33
On finding FTR:
...well I’m from Indiana and offroad racing is pretty popular up here and moto is just dead – there’s like no good moto races, so I was just like, all right, all my buddies race offroad so I’ll just go do a couple of them and one thing led to another and I just decided to stick with offroad. It was kind of like a decision between my father and myself, my mechanic and basically from my past
a bunch of times so, to kind of go there for something different and race an offroad race and get to ride so much of the same terrain and then also explore the offroad side of it where we’re riding the valleys and all
“You do what you gotta do to make money”
injuries and, from a financial standpoint, it would be pretty much impossible for me to be able to afford another supercross and outdoor season, so I was like, you know what, let’s try this offroad scene. It went pretty good the first year but I got bumped up to the Pro Lites class. I was trying to ride the A class, and then last year I was plagued with some injuries, but during the offseason I went down to stay with George Pollard and George obviously has a big influence on FTR racing, and he brought me to a couple of them and then now it’s probably one of my most favorite series to run so anytime I get a chance, whether it’s the winter or any other time I can come down and run some, I always try to go out of the way to do it.
the old limestone pits and stuff, I thought last year, I was probably the most pumped with that one.
His favorite FTR memory:
SSR, Spykes KTM, DQ Tuned, J.A.S. Graphics Inc., gqlc, Curtis Garage, Marsh Farms, FMF, Fly, Motoconcepts, Unabiker, Sunstar, Ride Live Be, Clockwork KTM, Outerwears, Genuine Dirt Racer.
Last year, I liked the Gainesville one because it has the mix of the moto track that I’ve grown up racing on. I’ve done Mini O’s for 12 years so I’ve been to Gatorback
A new documentary featuring AA racers at the Chris Tolken Memorial Hare Scrambles in Brooksville.
One minute you’re riding like rock-hard limestone and then the next minute you’re in sand. There is just a bunch of different terrain there and elevation changes and you kind of get to see a bunch of different stuff there.
Sticking to offroad:
I don’t wake up every morning with my back hurting for racing offroad. A lot of freak accidents seem to happen when you’re riding supercross and motocross.
Another record-breaking Hare Scrambles season for FTR!
World Premier “Southern Woods Racer”
August 3 Daytona Beach
A new film showing the best side of FTR Hare Scrambles by the best FTR racers. Scan this QR code with your smart phone to watch the trailer and attend the banquet to see the full-length version.
courtesy of jonathanbelle.com/entries.htm
My First FTR Hare Scrambles By: Adam Wald
After a decade of motocross racing... I decided to try my first FTR Hare Scrambles. Growing up and racing in the upstate New York region, I am very in-tune with riding and racing motocross. I got a call from a friend in December speaking about a woods race out in Okeechobee, Fla. I hadn’t realized that it was an FTR Hare Scrambles. We went online and looked up the contact numbers for FTR. The first man I spoke with was Frank Campbell for the Southeast Florida Trail Riders, Inc. He was very informative and assisted me in finding a suitable spark arrestor to go over my 2013 KX450F exhaust. We spoke about classes and we decided to race the Sportsman class since we hadn’t done any racing other than motocross. We were told we needed blue background with black numbers for our class. Saturday morning, January 26, we loaded Adam Wald enjoying some air time after the chicane in Okeechobee. He finished up the bikes and headed out to Okeechobee. ninth out of 24 riders in the Sportsman class at his first FTR Hare Scrambles. After meeting up with another rider on the way, we followed him and the signs down a 20-minute-long and put in some race fuel. Then I was on my way back on course. rough dirt road. (This road had breaking bumps!) Finally, we made As a motocross racer, I am not used to taking pit stops! a left into the facility and we saw a vast field full of racers and rigs. There was a really big turnout. We had to make practice by Each lap the transponder said either eighth place or ninth 10:30 so we could check out the course. I signed up and rented a place. It was so much fun to come around and the spectators are transponder. Practice was fun and pretty interesting because we cheering and the transponder sounds with your place displayed were just riding through seemingly endless trails. Once the first on the LED screen. On the last lap, I was getting pretty tired but group went off, I was pretty pumped. I never had started my race I had so much adrenaline going that I kept charging. When the with an air horn and then had to run and start my bike. After a few checkers came out I came across the line in ninth. I finished ninth hours of hanging out at our pit, I walked over the the mechanics out of 24 riders that day in Sportsman. I was pretty happy with my area and dropped off some cold Gatorades. While I was over finish considering I most likely didn’t have the optimum setup on there I ran into Jenn Sheppard. I told her that this was my first FTR my motocross bike. Hare Scrambles. Then I got suited up and rode my bike up to the staging area. It was definitely a new experience for me after so many years of racing motocross. If you are a motocross rider looking to try I put my bike on the line and had my friend Paul hold it up. Once something new, I definitely recommend trying this out. You will the horn blew, I ran to my bike and kicked it three times before it have a new appreciation for those woods riders! I look forward to started. I thought, “Great, it started on the first kick the five times racing some Motocross and hopefully another FTR Hare Scrambles when I practiced!” Well, I took off and rode as fast as I could. I felt in the near future. like I was passing people left and right, not to toot my own horn. I just rode as fast as I could where I could and was enjoying the ride. - AW #17 It was cool to race throughout the woods and fields. I used the adamx117@aol.com power in my KX450F to pass racers in the straightaways and fields. Askmoto.com - Answering your motocross and riding questions After two laps, I came into the pit and quickly downed a Gatorade
FTR Motocross Recap
FTR Magazine | 35
by Sean Fitzgerald
Parents, first
Many of you may have been at Bithlo for Round 8 of the FTR Motocross series and heard me share my story. I received many positive comments, so I thought I would share my story and my challenge, again. Jonathan Fitzgerald at Sunshine MX Jason Roberrson photo
Going into 2012, my oldest son Patrick,had just finished a very successful first year on big bikes moving up to the 250 class. He even won the Gold Cup round at Gatorback. Patrick decided to get serious about racing. He changed his diet, started running and working out at home. Early in the year, a first turn crash at Dade City set him back pretty far with a broken shoulder and he missed the majority of the year off-and-on but never changed his commitment to training and eating healthy. He spent the year focusing on two goals for 2013: one was having what it takes to win the Daytona Amateur Supercross and the other qualifying for Loretta Lynn’s, with Daytona actually his number one goal. The hard work started paying off and, by early in the year, Patrick was running with the big dogs. He was on track for one of his best years ever, and now comes the but... February 16 - the Loretta Lynn’s Area Qualifier at Motocross of Marion County (Reddick, FL)
Patrick’s speed in practice was right where it needed to be. He was looking forward to a great day and pretty confident a qualifying position. In the first moto, Patrick got pushed off the track going around turn three and came back on the track toward the back of the pack. He was closing fast on a rider as they went over the big table in the middle. Patrick said he knew he was going to have to swerve continued on next page
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over as they landed but the rider moved over just enough that Patrick hooked his jersey from behind and pancaked himself on the hard clay. His whole body just went limp and then he went into a seizure. They red flagged the race and as I got to him, they were calling for a helicopter. Man, my heart dropped, I couldn’t even hold his hand while letting the medics do their job. The helicopter was 20 to 25 minutes out, so they decided they could get him there quicker by ground. We left in the trackside ambulance. Patrick didn’t begin to regain consciousness until about 10 minutes after we left. He spent the night at Shand’s and was diagnoses with a concussion that had caused a seizure. Sunday before we left the hospital, Patrick was already worrying about Daytona. “Dad, am I going to be able to race Daytona??” Well nobody could give us a clear answer as to how long to wait. You just have to watch the symptoms and probably 6 to 8 weeks, which in MX language is 6, right? Four weeks later (that’s close to 6 right? Especially if you count by 2’s) we show up at sign up for Daytona and here is Kathy Green, one of our regulars at sign up, and Kathy is like, “You aren’t planning on letting him race are you? Do you realize how dangerous a second concussion could be?” My response was, “Well he has no symptoms, just aced a major exam in AP class; He seems fine. Doctor didn’t say he couldn’t race,” so away we went. That should have been my warning: to think this through a little more. Saturday, Patrick had a great day during qualifying and heat races. He was running the pace to be a serious contender in the 250C class and well in the top ten in Schoolboy 2. We went to bed Saturday night with visions of winning within his grasp. Sunday morning came and out for round one of practice with the Schoolboy class. Now, remember, this is supposed to be full course caution. Patrick was riding around at a healthy safe speed when another rider tried to triple through the sand whoops, cased the landing, lost control and landed on Patrick. They sent Patrick to the infield care center. His right arm was all mangled up and his hand was broken. His Daytona is officially done. Well, now is when the story gets even better...or worse. Patrick was all bandaged up and sitting in the pits while I went to pick up his bike and helmet. When I saw his helmet, I almost lost it. We had no idea the kid had clipped his head but there was an obvious impact mark and chip on the right side of his helmet and the entire jaw piece on the left side was broken nearly in half. All I could think was “Oh my God, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, that kid was not two inches further to the left.’ I could not imagine what I would do if something happened to one of my boys, especially if that came as a result of me not doing my job. You see, I let every bit of common sense I had be overridden by my desire for my son to be happy in the moment, to go get what he had worked so hard for over the last 14 months. I failed to be his parent. So I pledged to him and Jonathan to never forget to be their parent, first. I challenged others there that day to do the same. The results were unanimous. I am so thankful to report that, at the end of the day, all we lost was a year of motocross and not something more permanent. The reality of how close Patrick came to that second concussion is beyond words. I love Patrick and Jonathan with everything I am. This is for them and not me. I am their father. I am their parent. That is my responsibility at all times. So, I would challenge you to stand beside me and remember that we are their parents first and that protecting them is our job. Taking care of them is our life, and racing is just our hobby. - SF
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Left: Winning A-200 at the 1983 Black Coal National Enduro in Indiana.
Lee D aley
Right: Changing an air filter on Day 4 of
the Tulsa four-day ISDE Qualifier in 1992. Photos courtesy of Lee Daley
two-day ISDE Qualifiers in the ‘90s, but the most memorable by far is the four-day qualifier held outside Tulsa, OK in 1992. As if racing four long days through the hills and rocks isn’t memorable enough, I was fortunate enough to be on a starting row with Larry Roeseler, Randy Hawkins, Ty Davis and just in front of Guy Cooper and other great riders. It was so awesome just to be riding through the trails of the transfer sections with those guys – but, of course, when we got to the special test sections, they really put the hammer down. In 1994, I actually rode the ISDE, which had been a lifelong dream of mine, but a broken wrist earlier that year combined with long days of riding gnarly rocks on suspension setup for Florida sand conspired against me and I was unable to finish, certainly my biggest disappointment in racing. JP: Bikes, courses, formats, equipment and setup have all evolved since you first threw your leg over a bike and raced in your first event. Tell me a little about what you like about the changes and what you miss from days gone by.
Questions with...
by Jeremy Powell
L e e D a l e y #17 a
I feel lucky to have an opportunity to chat with someone I respect and admire. Lee Daley has an incredible racing résumé and has been an important member of our FTR family for many years. In this episode of “Questions with...” I caught up with him and got the scoop on what makes him one of a kind. JP: You have been racing “A” since 1979, and of course, you just completed a season in “AA” in Enduros this year. (Lee finished just behind Tyler Trammell in AA – Congrats Lee!) Please give us some of the details throughout your racing career that highlight your successes on the bike. What are your most fond racing achievements? LD: I rode my first enduro in probably 1975, and I believe my first full season was 1978. I started college in 1979 and was only able to compete in a few events each year while I was in school. My first national enduro was the Black Coal Enduro in Indiana in 1983, and I won the A-200 class there out of about 25 guys. The plaque from that event is the only one on my wall other than the High Point awards. In 1984, I went into the Navy and didn’t race and barely rode again until 1990. I guess my most fond racing achievement is that, although I have never been able to win the FTR Enduro Series, I have finished as the top Florida-based rider probably 10 or more times. One individual race that sticks out in my memory is the Richloam Enduro in 2006 or so where I had a flat tire shortly into the race. I rode the first half on the flat and was 8 minutes down to the leader at the gas stop. I was able to repair the flat and went on to win the overall. The reason it sticks out is that the second half of that event was probably the best I have ever ridden in my life. Another memory, from Richloam also, is the enduro in 2007 that Suncoast put on because of some issue with using Croom that year. It was super muddy and I started on the next to last row – only 14 people finished and I overalled the event by 26 minutes over second place. I wish we had more events like that on the schedule! JP: Over the course of your racing career, you have participated in some great races. I always wonder about the racing that was going on when enduros were 100 miles long or 200 miles in two days. Of course, the ISDE races are legendary. What events have you raced that were the most memorable? Which ones were the toughest? LD: Well, the Black Coal Enduro I mentioned above was 136 miles with only one reset about 10 miles into the event. That was pretty brutal, along with the National Hare Scrambles that was held at Bithlo, FL in 1983. It was a 3.5-hour mud race that I nearly won in A-200 but, after a dead last start and finally passing into the lead on the last lap, I chose a bad line passing a lapper and got stuck and dropped to third. I rode several
At Lochloosa for Enduro #1, Lee finished third in AA and fifth overall.
continued on next page
“Enduros are just a bunch of mini hare scrambles placed end-to-end with rest breaks in between.” Lee raced the ‘Last Chance’ Hare Scrambles #15 and finished first in Super Senior A. Wanda Kittell photo
LD: What I like about the changes is that the bikes need a lot less maintenance than they used to require. Some of that is due to the switch to disc brakes, better sealed bearings, and electronic ignition, but a lot of it is due to the courses being a lot easier. You used to have to waterproof your bike so that you could run in water up to the seat without drowning out, and oftentimes just finishing was enough for a win. When I started riding, the events were long and tough without any rest breaks, and that suited my steady but not super fast style. Eventually, they started making them easier with a lot of resets and stuff but fortunately, if you understood the rules thoroughly and could do the math well enough in your head to figure out check placement, you could still do fairly well without always being the absolute fastest guy. Now, in the past few years, the rules have evolved such that the events are not long, not tough and require no thinking. Enduros are just a bunch of mini hare scrambles placed end-to-end with rest breaks in between. It is still super fun, but it’s entirely different from the sport I fell in love with over 30 years ago. I overheard an ‘A’ hare scrambles rider before a recent enduro saying that he was just gonna hang it out and go hare scrambles speed from the start – I had to walk over and tell him that, to win an enduro, he was going to have to go a lot faster than that and be able to recover in just a few minutes and then do it again and again until the end. What I miss from days gone by is that everyone used to be happy with the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of just finishing an enduro. You never used to hear any complaints about the number of trophies given, and there were far fewer classes. In fact, there were six classes with about the same total number of riders that we see at the events today. It seems that nowadays everyone seems to think they’re entitled to some type of reward whether they put in any hard work or effort or not. continued on next page
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Lee D aley
Lee Daley almost always finds the fast line racing through the woods. Mike Belle photo
“I guess my most fond racing achievement is that, although I have never been able to win the FTR Enduro Series, I have finished as the top Florida-based rider probably 10 or more times.”
Trophies Place T, HP T
1 2 A Open
Trophies Place T T T
1 2 3 4 A 200
Trophies Place T T
LD: Well, the 1978 Suzuki PE175 was a quantum leap forward from the 1975 Honda XL175 I had been riding, and my results really improved on that bike. Another favorite was the 1996 Yamaha YZ125, which was the first bike I could really skip over the whoops on. Probably my favorite from the current era is the 2008 KTM 200XCW – I just felt like I could ride that bike at 100 percent all day and knew exactly what it was going to do in any situation. JP: I only know a few folks capable of competing at your level with the longevity you’ve shown. (You and Lafferty come to mind.) What are some secrets you can share that others can utilize to ensure they achieve similar results in terms of success and longevity in the sport? LD: Well, first off, I think mentioning me and Lafferty in the same sentence is a mistake! I’m not sure what I can attribute my longevity to – ignorance, maybe? Stubbornness? Maybe I just really enjoy it? I’ve had several major injuries, including one just last November at the Bartow H/S, and a broken back at a race the week after winning the overall at an enduro for the first time. I’m really good at recovering from injuries, but I don’t think that’s much of a “secret to longevity.” I guess the only secret I could share would be to try to stay as fit, especially cardio-wise, as possible. Of all the injuries I’ve had, I guarantee you none of the mistakes was an error due to being tired on the bike. I did spend about a year and a half concentrating on being smooth and not worrying at all about speed, so maybe that has helped a bit. JP: There is some talk about a pending “Retirement.” Do you care to share some details on the legitimacy of this rumor? Are you coming back to racing again, or are you going into some other pursuit?
JP: Assuming you don’t retire...are you going to attempt to win the KOW for your class? Do you think you can beat all comers (Dick Burleson, Mitch McCree, Randall Riggs, etc. [assuming they accept their invitations]) on Florida soil in Enduros and Hare Scrambles? LD: I have considered going for the KOW but it will all depend on how I feel. To win would take a lot more riding than just the weekends of the races and I’m not too sure if I will be able to do that. If healthy, I can beat the riders you mentioned in Florida conditions, but they can probably beat me in what they like to call “real” dirt. I would be more worried about the fast guys we have here in Florida like Robin Frey, Jerry Curtis, and Carlos Allen just to name a few. JP: Thanks for chatting. Is there anyone you’d like to thank or give a shout out? LD: All of my riding buddies from the Red Chair Gang of the Apollo Motorcycle Club! Rekluse clutches has been incredible to me for the last 10 years, and their products certainly have contributed to my longevity in this sport. Also thanks to Bullet Proof Designs and their super radiator guards. § A special thanks to Jeremy Powell for compiling the Enduro Files.
Rider Name
Rider Name
Rider Name
Rider Name
Rider Name
1 Scott Gawler, Sr. 2 Mark Bordelon 3 Terry Hanks 4 Gary Williams 5 Jeff Flick A Golden Masters (58+) 1 2 3 4 5 B 250
Trophies Place T T T T
Branson Blake Corey Blanton Matt Ludwig Logan Garcia
1 Jerald Brownell 2 Jerry Curtis 3 Brett Long 4 Brooks Tomblin Sr 5 Reggie Yarbrough A Masters (50+)
Trophies Place T T T T T
Rider Name
1 Tim King 2 Chad Hunter 3 Peter Magee 4 J Philippe Bauduc A Super Senior (45+)
Trophies Place T T T T T
Rider Name
1 Todd Vess 2 Jeremy Powell 3 John Franklin A Senior (40+)
Trophies Place T T T T T
Tyler Trammell Lee Daley
1 Samuel, Jr Plumb 2 Jordi Garcia A Veteran (35+)
Trophies Place T T T
Rider Name
1 Scott Gawler Jr 2 Christopher Sprayberry 3 David Settle A 250
Trophies Place
T T T T LD: Yes, it’s true. I don’t plan on chasing after any championships, but I will still ride and maybe even race occasionally. Most of the reason is due to issues with my back. Without going into too much detail, there are times when every little bump I hit hurts my back so bad that riding is just not enjoyable at all. I also have a hard time pulling back on the handlebars to get over obstacles or riding whoops and I worry that I’m going to go out and ride at the speed I’m accustomed to and make a huge mistake because of these physical issues.
AA - by Place
Trophies Place
JP: What are some of your favorite bikes from your stable?
1 2 3 4 B 200
Trophies Place
Rider Name Cbob House Thomas Cole Mike Reynolds Cliff Golby Thomas Missimer Rider Name Michael Ludwig Jeffery Smith Dylan Long Brooks Tomblin Jr. Rider Name
2 3 4 B 200
Trophies Place T
Trophies T Trophies T T T Trophies Trophies T T T T Trophies T T T T Trophies T T T
Rider Name
1 Doug Ludwig 2 Keith Finnerty 3 Jerry Bean Jr B Senior (40+)
Trophies Place T T T T T T
Rider Name
1 Ian Finnerty B Veteran (35+)
Trophies Place T T T
Jeffery Smith Dylan Long Brooks Tomblin Jr.
Rider Name
1 Daniel Graziano 2 Curtis Bell 3 Ronnie Hames 4 David Jensen 5 Ryan Turner 6 Donnie Thompson B Super Senior (45+) 2012-2013 Enduro High Point Place Rider Name Winner 1 Jody Dalebout Place Rider Name 2 Troy Mitchell 3 David Mcarthur 1 Tyler Trammell 4 Point A Woody Crumm High B Masters (50+) Place Rider Name Place Rider Name 1 Scott Gawler Jr Ken Stephenson 1 Branson Blake 2 Point BSam Boydstun High 3 Art Whitney Place Rider Name 4 George Tolson 5 Russell Holliday 1 Jody Dalebout 6 Point C Paul Jones High 7 Jack Burton Place Rider Name 8 Joseph Smith 9 Dan Lichtenwalter 1 Greg Wheeler 10 Rick Bertine B Golden Masters (58+) Top 20 Enduro Riders
Trophies Place
Rider Name
TT TT T T Trophies T TT T T Trophies T TT
1 Boyd Trammell Bradfield Tyler 2 Bill Jenkins Scott GawlerJrJr 2 Branson Blake C 250 4 Lee Daley Place Rider Name 5 Todd Vess 1 PaulHunter Cox 6 Chad 7 Tim King C 200 8 Jeremy Powell Place Rider Name 9 Corey Blanton 1 AustinBrownell Crumm 10 Jerald Matt Ludwig C 11 Veteran (35+) 12 Peter Magee Trophies Place Rider Name 13 Jerry Curtis T 1 RandyGarcia King 14 Logan T 2 Dan Aitken 15 Jordi Garcia David Settle C 16 Senior (40+) 17 Reggie Yarbrough Trophies Place Rider Name 18 Cbob House T 1 Jerry Bentley 19 Samuel, Jr Plumb T 2 Ian 20 JeffJoubert Flick Teams C Super Senior (45+) Trophies Place T+5 T T+5 T T+5 T T T
1 2 3 4 5
Rider Name Team Apollo Don M/C Chriss Croom Riders James Waldron Panama Racing Lou Tunno Jeff Wilkinson Marty Sapsford
Trophies Place T T
Rider Name
g a z iBentley ne | 39 1 F T R M aJerry 2 Ian Joubert C Super Senior (45+)
Trophies Place T T T T T T T
Rider Name
1 Don Chriss 2 James Waldron 3 Lou Tunno 4 Jeff Wilkinson 5 Marty Sapsford 6 Trevor Larsen 7 Chris Goodale C Masters (50+)
Trophies Place T T T T T T
Rider Name
1 Greg Wheeler 2 Cary Hunt 3 Eduardo Garcia 4 David Nagle 5 Gene Borntrager 6 Dave Duthie Class of 66
Trophies Place T T T
1 2 3 Women
Rider Name Jimmy Pitts Wayne Anthony Fred Storm
Trophies Place T T
Rider Name
1 Deborah Broderick 2 Kimberly Reynolds Evolution
Trophies Place T
Rider Name
1 Chris Blake 2012-2013 Enduro High Poin Winner
Trophies Place T
Rider Name
1 Tyler Trammell 2012-2013 Enduro High Point High Point A Winner
Trophies Place Trophies Place T
Rider Name Rider Name
1 Tyler Trammell 1High Point AScott Gawler
T Jr T Trophies 1Place Branson Blake Rider Name High1Point Scott B Gawler Jr T
1 Branson Blake TrophiesT Place Rider Name High Point B
Rider Name T Trophies 1Place Jody Dalebout T High1Point C Jody Dalebout High Point C
Trophies Place Trophies Place T
Rider Name Rider Name
Greg Wheeler Greg Wheeler
Top 20 Enduro Riders
TopPlace 20 Enduro Trophies RiderRiders Name
1 TrophiesT Place
2 1 2 4 2 5 2 6 4 78 5 9 6 10 11 7 12 8 13 9 14 15 1016 11 17 18 1219 1320 Teams
Tyler Trammell Rider Name Scott Gawler Jr Branson Blake Tyler Trammell Lee Daley Scott Gawler Jr Todd Vess Chad HunterBlake Branson Tim King Lee Daley Jeremy Powell Todd Vess Corey Blanton Jerald Brownell Chad Hunter Matt Ludwig Tim King Peter Magee Jerry Curtis Jeremy Powell Logan Garcia Corey Blanton Jordi Garcia Jerald Brownell David Settle Reggie Yarbrough Matt Ludwig Cbob House Peter Magee Samuel, Jr Plumb Jeff FlickCurtis Jerry
Logan Garcia
Hare Scrambles
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AA Bike # 217AA T, HP 416AA T 8AA T 626AA T 17AA T A OPEN Bike # 91A T 817A T 171A T 21A T 813A T A 250 Bike # 264A T 411A T 431A T 815A T 112A T A 200 Bike # 19A T 21A T B OPEN Bike # 15B T 179B T 7B T 615B T 21B T B 250 Bike # 57B T 712B T 151B T 6B T 10B T 217B T 18B T B 200 Bike # 35B T 14B T 313B T 37B T 13B T 216B T 185B T C OPEN Bike # 469C T 117C T C 250 Bike # 10C T 56C T 9C T 521C T 32C T 82C T 115C T 515C T C 200
Name Garrett Edmisten Clay Lyons Joey Medina Jr Jaco Wolmarans Dustin Morgan Name Scott Gawler, Jr JP Wilson Juander Rodrigues Brandon St. John Nicholas Frey Name Corey Blanton Branson Blake Max Coughlin Zack Muchard Cody Thomas Name Dylan Rash Spencer St. John Name Brian Ashby Justin Brock Jeff Marinko Todd Decker Ryan Colon Name Aaron Havener Kent Ashby Landon Lynn Chris Durrance David Kumanchik Nigel McDonald Robert Mitchell Name Timothy Campbell Jack Frey Hansen Sergio Santana, Jr Brandon Cunningham Justin Duthie Robert Axelson Matthew Ketchum Name Kevin Versace Jake Skelhorn Name Austin Marquez Cody Havener Anthony Demichael Chris McGuckin Ricky Rizzitello David Farmer Jose Mendez Bradley Pettenger
6 7 End 8
82C T 115C T Jacket/Trophy 515C T C 200 Bike # 1 58C T 2 232C T 3 10C T 4 43C T 5 144C T 6 3C T VETERAN A Bike # 1 168A T 2 55A T 3 140A T 4 131A T 5 11A T VETERAN B Bike # 1 222B T 2 214B T 3 788B T 4 340B T 5 413B T 6 308B T 7 305B T 8 418B T 9 110B T 10 69B T VETERAN C Bike # 370C T 1 2 159C T 17C T 3 39C T 4 44C T 5 75C T 6 38C T 7 8 133C T 9 849C T SENIOR A Bike # 1 102A T 2 34A T 3 9A T 4 8A T 5 4A T SENIOR B Bike # 1 50B T 2 800B T 3 322B T 4 143B T 5 5B T 6 90B T 7 21B T 8 420B T 9 998B T 10 54B T SENIOR C Bike # 1 18C T 2 67C T 3 37C T 4 928C T 5 33C T 753C T 6 7 3C T
David Farmer Jose Mendez Bradley Pettenger Name Zach Miller Logan Smith Dillon Moyer Jesse Miller Billy Cassidy Jacob West Name Jon McCabe Joslie Cutillas Scott Palmieri Craig Wilder Eric Berard Name Jason Ward Barry Miller Thierry Mas Keith Hendry Kevin Hahn Darin Golden Jason Sessions Jerry Bean Jr. Alex Gutierrez Jorge Rivera Name Patrick Franklin Shane Hitz Randy King John Garris Robert Gross Micaiah Amick Ronald Swanson Harry Bilgray James Hill, Jr Name Jason Chambers Chad Hunter Greg Melka Bradley Stanton Daniel White Name Guillermo Rinaldo Helder Miranda Ronnie Hames Kevin Jacobsen Scott Lamb Shawn Norton Jorge Colon Mark Prenoveau Trey (William) Heath Raul Chacon Sr Name Rob Michaels Euro Mendez Todd Schnitz David Chorazak Colin Newman Erik Barr Scott Heaton
4 928C T David Chorazak 5 33C T Colin Newman 753C T 6 Erik Barr 7 3C T Scott Heaton SUPER SENIOR A Bike # Name 1 731A T John Bergen 2 28A T Scott Curtis 3 21A T Jerry Curtis 4 211A T Donald St. John 5 431A T Brian Coughlin SUPER SENIOR B Bike # Name 1 24B T Don Chriss 2 117B T Troy Stainbrook 3 325B T Frank Gamperl 4 15B T Marcelo Dadone 5 392B T Jack Hatfield 6 240B T William St. Laurent 7 8B T Levic Allen 8 46B T David Wildner 9 35B T Daniel Holder 10 60B T Lou Tunno SUPER SENIOR C Bike # Name 60C T 1 Larry Thomas 2 924C T Brian Stewart 3 278C T Scott Kotansky 3 49C T David Jay 5 701C T John Ryll 6 911C T Joe Carrasquillo 6C T 7 Charles Fizer 8 52C T Eric Rasberry 9 40C T Michael Sacco 38C T 10 Mark Young MASTER A Bike # Name 1 911A T Scott Gawler, Sr 2 41A T Gary Gardner 3 32A T David Hill 4 822A T Kenny Boyd 5 37A T Craig Lindsley MASTER B Bike # Name 1 117B T Jack Steele 2 75B T Michael Delligatti 3 7B T David Duthie 4 953B T Ken Stephenson 5 46B T Scott Howell 6 41B T Ray Spivey Jr 7 123B T Steve Thomson 8 24B T Mike Hansen 9 66B T Ty Thomas 10 311B T Steven Maher MASTER C Bike # Name 1 605C T Jimmie DeLong 2 833C T John Goddard 431C T 3 Fedor Rubio 57C T 4 Jeffrey West 40C T 5 Scott Fischer 338C T 6 Derek Vanderzyl 6 171C T Lee Smith 8 300C T Steven Smith 9 181C T Lloyd Smith T 10 130C Robert Wilder GOLDEN MASTER A Bike # Name 1 3A T Robin Arnold 2 9A T Steven Krutsinger
8 300C T Steven Smith 9 181C T Lloyd Smith T 10 130C Robert Wilder GOLDEN MASTER A Bike # Name 1 3A T Robin Arnold 2 9A T Steven Krutsinger 3 74A T Thomas Missimer 4 2A T Calvin Smith 5 6A T Greg Davis GOLDEN MASTER B Bike # Name 1 44B T Bill Jenkins, Jr 2 444B T Boyd Bradfield 3 66B T Mark Rhoades 4 54B T Glen Mousette 5 466B T Joe Steidl WOMEN A Bike # Name 10A T 1 Kerri Chambers 875A T 2 Lacey Nordle WOMEN B Bike # Name 1 572B T Zoe Steindl 1 41B T Ashlee Applewhite WOMEN VETERAN Bike # Name 1 18V T Jenni Lamb 2 111V T Elesa Berard CLASS OF 66 Bike # Name 1 14X T Bill Girard 2 15X T Gates Pelletier 3 1X T Bernard List 4 16X T Fred Storm 5 6X T Bill Garrett 6 33X T Bob Brown 7 119X T Tim Miller EVOLUTION A Bike # Name 416A T 1 Clay Lyons 131A T 2 Craig Wilder 215A T 3 Jonathan Campbell 114A T 4 JD Tillman 1A T 5 Kurt Lucas EVOLUTION B Bike # Name 1 90B T Shawn Norton 2 218B T Derek Tremain 3 101B T Brandon Cunningham EVO SENIOR A Bike # Name 21A T 1 Jerry Curtis 33A T 2 Alan Edwards 14A T 3 Bo Tillman EVO SENIOR B Bike # Name 1 71B T Scott Ashby 2 61B T Neil Schulman 3 52B T Michael Stephens 4 44B T Bill Jenkins, Jr 5 22B T Doug Lenz 6 130B T Robert Wilder 7 162B T Peter Rose 8 811B T Chris Blake 9 67B T Oris(Don)Combee 10 5B T Charles Colon VINTAGE
5 22B T Doug Lenz 3 118B T J.C.Crenshaw 6 130B T Robert Wilder 4 403B T Joshua Tolken 7 162B T Peter Rose Building a5custom trailer for the 18B enclosed T Jared Hermans 8 811B T Chris Blake 6 129B T Jack Wilbur races including a shower and toilet due to 9 via facebook.com/FTRmag 67B T Oris(Don)Combee 7 6B T Kyle Blum 10 5B T Charles Colon there not being at the races. 8 318B T any Zachary Sommers VINTAGE 9 52B T Matthew Batchie Trey Matthews Bike # Name 10 5B T Brandon Gallo 1 813V T Nicholas Frey MINI C 2 13V T William Toreki Bike # Name JUNIOR A 13C T 1 Ethan Cox Bike # Name 121C T 2 Austin Dickson 28A T 1 Nicholas Karch 45C T 3 Chandler Hill 112A T 2 Austin Rich 141C T 4 Kaden Jacobsen 848A T 3 Steve Loomis, Jr 148C T 5 Kevin Moore 5A T 4 Alejandro Rodriguez 44C T 5 Jakob Jenkins 815A T 5 Ryan Muchard 40C T 7 Wyatt Wilsey 115C T JUNIOR B 8 Joseph Gallo 848C T 9 Trevor Loomis Bike # Name 15C T 10 Ethan Turner 1 222B T Jacob Paul 4C T 10 Jared Lusk 2 708B T Jett Ryll MINI GIRLS 3 7B T Clayton Pendray 4 11B T Mark Zerrusen Bike # Name 5 20B T Dakota(Cody)Nix 1 10G T Emma Chambers 6 24B T Gabriel Rodriguez 2 108G T Holly Langford 7 121B T Ethan Dickson 3 123G T Bryanne Parks 8 44B T Brad Jenkins 65A 9 133B T Brandon Griffith Bike # Name 10 99B T Ryan Gross 1 102A T Jack Chambers JUNIOR C 2 112A T Hunter Rich Bike # Name 65B 1 31C T Jake Alsup Bike # Name 2 8C T Baylor Pharnes 1 16B T Conor Crory 3 41C T Beau Smith 2 13B T Patrick Crory 4 78C T Logan Branton 3 316B T Joshua Mageloff 5 411C T Jordan Leftwich 4 26B T Colin Nix 6 218C T Cody Weiss 5 279B T Ethan McAfee 7 153C T Alyssa Mieszczenski 6 585B T Bobby Munro 8 132C T Alec Hermans 65C 8 113C T Michael Hague-Rogers Bike # Name 10 519C T Kieran Thaler 700C T 1 Cole Ryll JUNIOR GIRLS 10C T 2 Jacob Berard Bike # Name 143C T 3 Pyke Dawson 1 23G T Shannon Levell 75C T 4 Kalob Hedin MINI A 318C T 5 Tanner Sommers Bike # Name 11C T 6 Evan Berard 1 28A T Jesse Ansley 71C T 7 Eddie Dejesus 2 26A T Gage Hunter 65 GIRLS 3 4A T Zion Steindl Bike # Name 4 709A T Jack Langford 1 35G T Julia Cone MINI B 2 350G T Kayla Cone Bike # Name 3 15G T Allison Lamb 1 30B T Alex Lugar 4 99G T Alyssa Quenzer 2 41B T Troy Gardner 5 12G T Emily Lusk 3 118B T J.C.Crenshaw PEEWEE A 4 403B T Joshua Tolken Bike # Name 5 18B T Jared Hermans 1 81A T Trey King 6 129B T Jack Wilbur 2 379A T Austin McAfee 7 6B T Kyle Blum 3 16A T Shawn Childs 8 318B T Zachary Sommers PEEWEE B 9 52B T Matthew Batchie Bike # Name 10 5B T Brandon Gallo 1 148B T Jimmy Moore MINI C 2 15B T Rylan Turner Bike # Name 3 37B T Cameron Schnitz 13C T 1 Ethan Cox 4 776B T Hayes Cassidy 121C T 2 Austin Dickson 5 125B T Jackson Parks 45C T 3 Chandler Hill 6 105B T Mika Lonsdale 141C T 4 Kaden Jacobsen 7 71B T Julian DeJesus 148C T 5 Kevin Moore 8 27B T Jayten Elliott 44C T 5 Jakob Jenkins 9 323B T Austin Golden
How are you spending your summer?
1 81A T Trey King 422 | J379A u ly / A u g 2 0 1 3 T Austin McAfee 3 16A T Shawn Childs PEEWEE B Bike # Name 1 148B T Jimmy Moore 2 15B T Rylan Turner 3 37B T Cameron Schnitz 4 776B T Hayes Cassidy 5 125B T Jackson Parks 6 105B T Mika Lonsdale 7 71B T Julian DeJesus 8 27B T Jayten Elliott 9 323B T Austin Golden 10 324B T Abby Golden PEEWEE C Bike # Name 20C T 1 Tyler Mollet 142C T 2 Dawson Baker 7C T 3 Christopher Stanton 15C T 4 Tyler Lamb 10C T 5 Lexi Cone 123C T 6 Cody Cox 30C T 7 Jack Sessions 102C T 8 Nathan Barr 74C T 9 Maximus Amick QUAD AA Bike # Name 1 47AA T Cody Ellison 2 76AA T Chuck R Piper 3 92AA T Gus Rickman QUAD A Bike # Name 1 2A T Domingo Fuentes 2 63A T James Tyson IV 3 332A T Michael Relyea 4 11A T Sean Decosta 5 20A T Matthew Cameron QUAD B Bike # Name 15B T 1 Chase Cameron 3B T 2 Wayne Whitehead 3 55B T David Moeller 9B T 4 Jeffrey Vlasin 18B T 5 Matt Johnson 118B T 6 Justin Yero 25B T 7 Jacob Catterton 8 71B T Joseph Barber 24B T 9 Clayton Waggoner 10 39B T Justin Brock QUAD C Bike # Name 1 19C T John Plankey 2 10C T Neil Destefano 3 45C T Nick Cowood 4 99C T Richard Catterton 5 5C T Travis Swann 6 11C T Michael Perrino 7 916C T David McDermott 8 200C T James Hayes 9 3C T Dylan Robertson 10 324C T Michael Guarnieri QUAD 0-400 Bike # Name 1 7 T Jeff Marinko 2 17 T Shannon Brening QUAD + 30 Bike # Name 1 1 T Chuck Frazier
Bike # Name 1 7 T Jeff Marinko 2 17 T Shannon Brening QUAD + 30 Bike # Name 1 1 T Chuck Frazier QUAD VETERAN Bike # Name 1 23V T Shawn Webb 2 31V T Billy Olson 3 5V T Robert Santella 4 7V T Kenneth Brening QUAD SENIOR Bike # Name 1 428 T Daniel Aitken 2 3 T Robert Novak 3 2 T Rob Swann 4 110 T Michael Terango 5 54 T Raul Chacon, Sr 6 86 T Luis M. Rodriguez QUAD SUPER SENIOR Bike # Name 1 44X T Mike Wilsey 2 85X T Michael Hubbard 3 49X T Steve Johnson 4 7X T Wayne Mossbrook 5 37X T Mike Wormood QUAD MASTER Bike # Name 1 80 T Mark Pringle 2 151 T Dickie Cameron 3 3 T Bob Brown 4 926 T Kenneth Harris QUAD UTILITY OPEN Bike # Name 1 79X T Keith Hedin 2 22X T Robert Loesel QUAD WOMEN Bike # Name 1 331 T Kayla Vawter 2 3 T Katie Swann 3 19 T Melissa Lovely 4 9 T Taylor Plankey WOMEN VETERAN Bike # Name 1 4V T Wanda Sturgis 2 2V T Renita Swann 3 19V T Clarice Roth 4 926V T Susan Rozman QUAD JUNIOR Bike # Name 1 216 T Christian Schenker 2 33 T Nicholas Mason 3 66 T Michael Shaffer 4 74 T Robert Catterton III 5 602 T Parker Merrill 6 51 T Sarah Cameron 7 9 T Hanna Plankey 8 29 T Grant Campbell 9 54 T Raul Chacon, Jr 10 5 T Braedon Santella QUAD SUPER PEEWEE A Bike # Name 1 13A T Brandon Frazier 2 123A T Bryanne Parks 3 75A T Kalob Hedin 3 111A T Dalton Sargent 5 55A T Ian Nordle
7 9 T Hanna Plankey 8 29 T Grant Campbell 9 54 T Raul Chacon, Jr 10 5 T Braedon Santella QUAD SUPER PEEWEE A Bike # Name 1 13A T Brandon Frazier 2 123A T Bryanne Parks 3 75A T Kalob Hedin 3 111A T Dalton Sargent 5 55A T Ian Nordle 6 19A T Elizabeth Roth 7 22A T Dylan Terango 8 101A T Jacob Jackson QUAD SUPER PEEWEE B Bike # Name 1 200B T Mikayla Hayes 2 333B T Trey Gomez 3 820B T Dylan Austin 4 112B T Abigail Streetman QUAD PEEWEE A Bike # Name 1 2A T Beau Swann 2 100A T Ryan Cain 3 125A T Jackson Parks 4 76A T Karlee Hedin 5 31A T Riley Olson 6 525A T Michael Yodonis, Jr QUAD PEEWEE B Bike # Name 1 78B T Karson Hedin 2 133B T Talon Hunter 3 105B T Mika Lonsdale 4 315B T Maddix Cody TOP 20 A CLASSES Bike # Name 1 217AA T Garrett Edmisten 2 416AA T Clay Lyons 3 91A T Scott Gawler, Jr 4 8AA T Joey Medina Jr 4 264A T Corey Blanton 6 817A T JP Wilson 7 19A T Dylan Rash 7 411A T Branson Blake 9 431A T Max Coughlin 10 171A T Juander Rodrigues 11 112A Cody Thomas 12 815A Zack Muchard 13 21A Brandon St. John 13 626AA Jaco Wolmarans 15 40A Kyle Fischer 16 813A Nicholas Frey 17 64A Alex Mitz TOP 20 B CLASSES Bike # Name 1 57B T Aaron Havener 2 35B T Timothy Campbell 3 712B T Kent Ashby 4 151B T Landon Lynn 5 15B T Brian Ashby 6 313B T Sergio Santana, Jr 7 6B T Chris Durrance 8 179B T Justin Brock 8 615B T Todd Decker 10 14B T Jack Frey Hansen 11 10B David Kumanchik 12 215B Ryan Colon 13 7B Jeff Marinko TOP 20 C CLASSES Bike # Name
10 11 12 13
14B T Jack Frey Hansen 10B David Kumanchik 215B Ryan Colon 7B Jeff Marinko TOP 20 C CLASSES Bike # Name 10C T 1 Austin Marquez 56C T 2 Cody Havener 58C T 3 Zach Miller 43C T 4 Jesse Miller 469C T 5 Kevin Versace 6 232C T Logan Smith 7 9C T Anthony Demichael 77C T 8 Jake Skelhorn 9 32C T Ricky Rizzitello T 10 521C Chris McGuckin 11 144C Billy Cassidy 10C 12 Dillon Moyer
1 2 3 4 5 QUAD TEAMS
1 2
FTR Magazine | 43
G arrett
E dmisten 2012-2013 Championship
Har e Scr am ble s S e r i e s O ve ra l l
Name Dirt Poor Racing Hell's Canyon Racing White Devil Racing Suncoast Trailblazers cycleworksgraphics.com
High P oint
Name Screw Loose Racing Nature Coast Quad Squad
Kevin Moyer photo
Motocross #
1 2 3
54 14 848
1 2 3
319 62 33
1 2 3 4
319 3 54 62
1 2 3 4 5
97 848 11 73 3
1 2
32 114
1 2
32 875
1 2 3 4
97 11 73 500
1 2 3
114 148 120
1 2 3
500 185 712
1 2
148 112
1 2
84 323
1 2
42 318
1 2
27 42
1 2
27 311a
1 2 3
311a 13 27
1 2 3
Series Races Bonus Name (attended) Peewee 4-6 - Best 6 finishes 40 Ryder Mccarty (8) 288 8 Peewee Oil 4-6 - Best 6 finishes 40 Ryder Mccarty (8) 300 8 65cc 7-9 - Best 6 finishes 45 Leighton Dreggors (9) 294 9 65 Mod 7-12 - Best 6 finishes 45 Leighton Dreggors (9) 288 9 85cc 7-11 - Best 6 finishes 45 Jonathan Fitzgerald (9) 289 9 40 Bryce Platt (8) 260 8 45 Trevor Loomis (9) 243 9 85cc 12-13 - Best 6 finishes 35 Christopher Post Jr (7) 295 7 40 Wyatt Dreggors (8) 285 8 25 Nicholas Mason (5) 221 5 Super Mini - Best 6 finishes 35 Christopher Post Jr (7) 280 7 35 Perry Warren (7) 278 7 45 Jonathan Fitzgerald (9) 261 9 40 Wyatt Dreggors (8) 262 8 Youth 13-15 - Best 6 finishes 45 Patrick Fitzgerald (9) 281 9 40 Steve Loomis Jr (8) 278 8 40 Mark Zerrusen (8) 262 8 45 David Dreggors (9) 256 9 25 Perry Warren (5) 241 5 Youth 16-24 - Best 6 finishes 40 Lydia Greiner (8) 268 8 25 Scott Westbrook (5) 217 5 Women - Best 6 finishes 40 Lydia Greiner (8) 300 8 25 Lacey Nordle (5) 233 5 125 C - Best 6 finishes 45 Patrick Fitzgerald (9) 284 9 40 Mark Zerrusen (8) 266 8 45 David Dreggors (9) 256 9 30 Michael Reynolds (6) 264 6 250/open B - Best 6 finishes 40 Scott Westbrook (8) 288 8 40 Nicholas Smyth (8) 265 8 25 Dan Ludwick (5) 206 5 250/open C - Best 6 finishes 30 Michael Reynolds (6) 266 6 25 Mason Hobbs (5) 209 5 25 Kent Ashby (5) 206 5 2 Stroke - Best 6 finishes 45 Nicholas Smyth (9) 279 9 35 Cody Thomas (7) 268 7 Plus 30 - Best 6 finishes 30 Gareth Ter-morshuizen 290 6 30 Jeffery Smith (6) 277 6 Plus 35 - Best 6 finishes 25 Teddy Block (5) 245 5 30 Richard Sommers (6) 231 6 Plus 40 - Best 6 finishes 40 Barry Mccarty (8) 300 8 25 Teddy Block (5) 236 5 Plus 45 - Best 6 finishes 40 Barry Mccarty (8) 300 8 25 David Johnson (5) 233 5 Plus 50 - Best 6 finishes 30 David Johnson (6) 297 6 35 Donald Owen (7) 283 7 40 Raymond Spudeck (8) 264 8 Quad 7-12 - Best 6 finishes 30 Ian Platt (6) 295 6 Quad 13-15 - Best 6 finishes 25 Nicholas Mason (5) 250 5
334 300 288
1 2 2 3 1 4 2
330 325 246
311a David Johnson (6) 297 6 13 Donald Owen (7) 283 7 27 Raymond Spudeck (8) 264 8 Quad 7-12 - Best 6 finishes 12 Ian Platt (6) 295 6 Quad 13-15 - Best 6 finishes 33 Nicholas Mason (5) 250 5 Quad A - Best 6 finishes 941 Bradley Crofut (5) 245 5 Plus 35 Quad Men - Best 6 finishes 300 8 372 Dwayne Sprenger Sr Vet B - Best 6 finishes 6 323 Jeffery Smith (6) 273 Vet C, Beginner - Best 6 finishes Sprenger 266 8 372 112 Dwayne Cody Thomas (7) Sr 300 7 Evolution 6 finishes9 742 Russell Heggan (9) - Best261 27 Raymond Spudeck 252 848 Steve Loomis Sr (8)(8) 300 8 73 Rick Dreggors 224 6 466 Joe Steidl (9) (6) 285 9 Woods - Best 6 finishes 848 Steve Loomis Jr (9) 291 9
30 35 40
327 318 304
40 35 45 40 30 45
306 335 306 292 340 254 330
Photos from Round #7 at Sunshine MX Left: #14 Bryce Platt airing it out in the 85cc 7-11 class. M iddle: #27 Ryder McCarty remained undefeated in Peewee 4-6. R ight: #848 Trevor Loomis in 85cc 7-11. B elow: #848 Steve Loomis Jr. on the inside over #112 Cody Thomas. Jason Roberson photos
315 313 306 302 326 318 302 301 266 308 242 340 258 329 306 301 294 328 305 231 296 234 231 324 303 320 307 270 261 340 261 340 258 327 318 304 325 275
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FTR Schedule
Visit www.floridatrailriders.org for up-to-date race info or call (352) 538-6291
2013 August 3 BOD and General Membership meetings/Banquet
- Daytona Beach, Ocean Center
August 18 BSTR Enduro #1/Lochloosa* September 1 Greenville Enduro #2/Whitmire, SC Sept. 7 & 8 RCDR Hare Scrambles #1/Maxville Sept. 21 & 22 CFTR Hare Scrambles #2/Bartow October 6 Suncoast Enduro #3/Brooksville October 12 & 13 DDR Hare Scrambles #3/Ormond Beach October 26 & 27 Azalea City Hare Scrambles #4/Bostwick November 3 Perry Mountain Enduro #4/Maplesville, AL November 9 & 10 Sunrunners Hare Scrambles #5/Bartow* Nov. 30 & Dec. 1 Apollo Hare Scrambles #6/Samsula* Dec.14 & 15 OSDR Hare Scrambles #7/TBA
2014 January 4 & 5 Suncoast Hare Scrambles #8/Brooksville* January 18 & 19 Palm Beach T&TR Hare Scrambles #9/Okeechobee January 25 & 26 Treasure Coast Hare Scrambles #10/Okeechobee February 2 Apollo Enduro #5/Samsula February 8 & 9 SADRA Hare Scrambles #11/TBA February 15 & 16 SEFTR Hare Scrambles #12/Okeechobee Feb. 23 CFTR Enduro #6/Richloam* March 1 & 2 Big Scrib Trail Riders Hare Scrambles #13/TBA March 2 Sandlapper Enduro #7/Salley, SC March 13 DDR Enduro #8/Ormond Beach* March 22 & 23 NCTB Hare Scrambles #14/Dade City March 29 & 30 Rain Date April 12 & 13 TTR Hare Scrambles #15/Chipley April 26 & 27 Rain Date May 4 Enduro #9/Seville May 10 & 11 Rain Date May 18 FTR Benefit Enduro #10/Heart Island
Red indicates multiple race weekend
Motorcycle Enthusiasts, Inc.
* Indicates King of the Woods event (6) Hare Scrambles Benefit to be determined
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