Retrofit North
e s u o H c Publi illiver Noah G
5 Minutes
Retrofit North - Cannon Brewery
Locating My Site
Western Facade - Largely Glazed area with lots of opportunity for natural lighting, was originally the brewery space for Cannon Brewery
Southern Facade - With lots of openings of varying scales, With some for trucks or light. Also includes current external fire stair
Existing Cannon Brewery Disused
Large Northern Facade - Currently heavily bricked off to road and used for parking
Southern Facade - Also included main gate with Cannon Brewery signage upon it
Concord Park
Grenoside Woods
Disconnected Green Spaces - City Centre lacks route out into large spaces too Construction Suppliers - Area Frequented by Actors I want to seek out for Retrofit North - Construction Professionals 15 Minutes
10 Minutes
ing ew Br
Local Breweries
- Ready for opportunties, mostly only ground bearing floors left
- Could Provide Expanded Production
Brew ery R ecipe
Local Brownfield
th - C anno n
- Could Provide Local Public House on larger scale
True B rew N or
Primary Site Analyses
Building M ate ria
5 Minutes
Retrofit North Cannon Brewery True North Brew Co Based near Devonshire Green working with Coors Ltd can produce Stones Bitter. I would like to brew this back at the Cannon Brewery
Endcliffe Park
Local - Building Agents Local - Brewing Agents
Winter Wind Direction
Secondary Analyses Landmark Edge Summer Wind Direction
Wind Direction Solar Path Noise Generated Retrofit North Cannon Brewery
Ca nn o
rew ery
Sit ea
sC om
ple te
Th ree Par t
fC an n
Looking Into Cannon Brewery
The Cannon Brewery Site is made up of two existing buildings. The one on the southern side of site was the Reception and Visitors Centre for the brewery.
Bre we ry
The Northern Building, my focus, is fundamentally made up of three chunks. The orginal brewing space, the delivery space and the office space.
Shallow Plan Cross ventilation
Middle Roofless part Possible first intervention ideal for solar heat gain Uninsulated Water Tower possible stack ventilation
Waterproof Roof with access Site for solar power install
Shallow Plan Cross ventilation Area with large openings for light but also very low u value
Southern Buildings used as wind block in winter
Least tim
Thermal mass heats wind for brewery Preveiling Winds WSW
Looking into the Brewery from as passive ventilation strategy straight away means I could understand how any proposal would need to be orientated.
Also looking into what already is on site and the opportunities are provided by Cannon Brewery. Looking into the materials and carbon already situated.
Shallow Plan Cross ventilation
Middle Roofless part Possible first intervention ideal for solar heat gain Uninsulated Water Tower possible stack ventilation
Brewery for Retrofit
Other Half of existing for spare parts Possibly let parkwood springs take over
Waterproof Roof with access Site for solar power install
Area with large openings for light but also very low u value
Most time with most material
Cannon Brewery’s Environmental Strategy Southern Buildings used as wind block in winter Thermal mass heats wind for brewery Preveiling Winds WSW
Concrete Frame Brick Infill
Brick and Block Construction
Metal Sheet Roofing Steel frame Least time with least materials
Material List Windows Doors Furniture Corrigated Steel Rigid Steel Frame Steel Railing Bricks Blocks Hardcore Concrete Stairs
Fill C Set up a Doodle Grid on your area
Fill Colour In and add extra features
Photograph the grid to use as reference
Add detials and more colours
Create the design over the top
Add depth with thin and thick lines
Layout massing using the grid as reference for scale
Add final depth and texture and sign
Improve e Find the Grid of the Building
Current Activities On Improve existing walls and roofs Abandoned Site
Measure Existing Grid and materials
Create the design over the top Involving the existing building and working with it
Currently on site the only activity is While lots of street art is around graffiti art. Not a ‘permitted’ activity the city of Sheffield it is generally Fit out intierior and landscaping Add additonal walls and services fit for but it has occurred all over my site. unacceptable to learn how to do it through graffiti. I then explored creating some instructions for how to do graffiti art on my site.
Remove material, debris and waste
Hand Over and completion
Medium Scale Activities
Horse Riding
Surrounding Cannon Brewery is a large green infrastructure. It includes all the city parks and Parkwood springs which are immediately accessible but also it extends out into Wharncliffe Wood and the Peak District.
Walking Pine Trees Ferns
Manged Woods
Parkwood springs is a mix of a city park and a managed woodlands, even extending to the title of the area. Mostly I think this means it allows both medium and small scale activities.
WharnCliffe Wood Heather
What opportunties does Parkwood springs face? City Parks
Manged Woods Cotton Grass National Park
Parkwood Springs Rowing Fishing Peak District
Climbing Camping Hiking
Large Scale Activites
City Parks
Sea Thrift
Wider Ecological Infrastructure
City Centre
Small Scale Activites
Iris Sibirica
Demolition - Removal of Existing
Standard Industry Approach to Redevelopment
Number With a standard approach the first Northern Block - Flats thing to occur on site would be the 3 bed - 5 Person 8 demolition and removal of existing 2 bed - 4 Person 21 fabric. 2 bed - 3 Person 14 1 bed - 2 Person - are you throwing away 10 all the Not only captured Carbon within the existing Southern Blockyou - Townhouses structure are generating more in 4 Bed - 6 Person - it. 8 removing 3 Bed - 5 Person 2 2 Bed - 3 Person 6
Meters Total People Another part of standard developments is a large scale - 720m2 40 company that will aim to do it for as - 1500m2 82 cheap as possible and then move city - 980m2 42 taking their money and labourers with - 500m2 20 them. The city that the developers are working within rarely interacts with the developers. - 880m2 48 - 180m2 10 - 420m2 18
Average Unit Price £250,000 Sales Per Floor £17,250,00
Cost to Build (£2000/m) x 31,200m £62,400,000 Profit £41.1m
Number of Floors 6
Not kept to sheffield
Total Sales £103.5m
1560 New residents, 1560 new cars, 0 transport links built
Demolition - Removal of Existing Cannon Brewery Mixed Use Masterplan ‘Providing both housing and amenities close to the city centre’ Aiming to be an exciting development to add to Sheffield City Centre alongside the new plans for the skislope.
Standard Industry Development
Northern Block - Flats 3 bed - 5 Person 2 bed - 4 Person 2 bed - 3 Person 1 bed - 2 Person -
8 21 14 10
- 720m2 - 1500m2 - 980m2 - 500m2
Total People 40 82 42 20
Southern Block - Townhouses 4 Bed - 6 Person 3 Bed - 5 Person 2 Bed - 3 Person -
8 2 6
- 880m2 - 180m2 - 420m2
48 10 18
Floor Total
Average Unit Price £250,000 Sales Per Floor £17,250,00
Cost to Build (£2000/m) x 31,200m £62,400,000 Profit £41.1m
Number of Floors 6
Not kept to sheffield
Total Sales £103.5m
1560 New residents, 1560 new cars, 0 transport links built
SEARS STORE Precedent Study Of A Sears Store Being Retrofitted into Housing and Entertainment
Location: 1900 W. Lawrence - Ravenswood Sears Store Type: Renovation and conversion of a former department store to 59 rental residences and first floor retail with the addition of a fourth floor, installation of two new elevators, all new MEP systems, extensive masonry work for new window openings and full interior build-out. Social/Political Agenda: Regeneration Of Existing Buildings Preservation of Facade / historical Context Programme: 59 rental residences and first floor retail University Complex On Ground Floor Sears Store A catalog with mail ordered everything - including kit houses
Retrofitting what was a city block to restore activity to the area by ground level shops but high level housing. While a fairly standard plan for the types of building going into the retrofit. Using the existing frame can save on cost and defiantly saves on the Carbon.
Retrofit Precedent
The building was a large scale department store with lots of floor area and large windows. Due to the brick exterior and concrete floors inside it was ideal for retrofit as the facade could be supported without the internals. Other Sears Stores are being reused such as the Starbucks Centre 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, Washington, U.S.
When Writing a report on a 0 carbon Sheffield retrofit was used extensively with Sheffield’s Industry Requirements
Relevance Of Retrofit
Within the existing RIBA Stages LETI have produced a retrofit process which is more fluid than the standard options.
The PAS was a new British Standard Aiming to Produce better retrofit with the correct people involved. Retrofit North Would Aim to provide all of these under one roof.
Making Retrofit Better than New
h c r a se
st r
Sustainable Spaces
uc ti o
an d
Re tro
f it
Retrofit North i Tra P
fe s
Improving Access to Retrofit
Introducing Retrofit North
Retrofit North wants to develop an approach to retrofit that acts as a counter to standard practice. To be a complete counter to the normal retrofit north will need to run as a standard developer but showing in fact Retrofit can be used instead of demolition.
r e at
With four different goals within the company while they are different goals they will use the same spaces and staff.
R l a
Reducing Embodied Carbon
Sheffield Woodside Plan
Sheffield Neepsend Plan
Retrofit North - Cannon Brewery 5 Minutes
Areas of Key Importance
Avoided Site - A problem of scale
While lots of Sheffield City Plans deal This is probably due to scale and cost with the surrounding areas none of the requirements of removing the existing plans actively challenge or propose a building. solution for Cannon Brewery.
With Retrofit Norths alternative approach Cannon Brewery will become the new hub for retrofitting.
Making Retrofit Better than New
e R es
a r ch
Sustainable Spaces
uc ti o
an d
tro fi t
Retrofit North i Tra
fe s
Improving Access to Retrofit
ni ro
ia ter
Project Goals
Cannon Brewery : The New Headquarters of Retrofit North
Cannon Breweries goals were chosen to align with Retrofit Norths Purpose as Cannon Brewery would act as Retrofit Norths Headquarters
Cannon Brewery would be an exemplar of what Retrofit North Can do and it would hopefully set up other work for us
Reducing Embodied Carbon
Retrofit North
Retrofit North and Sheffield Have Aligned Development Goals
While it is import that Cannon Brewery aligns with Retrofit North it is equally important that it makes sense within the context of its city.
Looking at Cannon Breweries Goals and the City Wide Plan for Sheffield’s goals you can see they work directly within each other.
Due to this alignment of values I would hope Retrofit North to work a lot within Sheffield
Exhibition Space
Exhibition Space
Carbon Neutral Development
Meeting Spaces
ecti ve
Meeting Spaces
Ease Of Retrofit Retrofit Courses
Retrofit CPD
C o n st
h c r a
r uc
dR an
Retrofit Discussions
Construction Offices
Sustainable Lifecycles
Retrofit Panels
Valuing Green Space
Preserve Existing Structure
Retrofit Always First
Retrofit Classes
ct je Ob
Teaching Space
Design Offices
Sustainable Methods
e tr ofi t
Retrofit North Workshop
Tr a i n
Retrofit Lectures Workshop Lecture Space
Retrofit North’s Process
Meeting Spaces
Material Yard Creation of opportunies
Retrofit Qualications
Retrofit Norths has its core 4 goals but those can be achieved in lots of methods.
Construction Offices
Engineers Assesing Existing
Material Studies
Normalising Retrofit
Sustainable Profession
Design Offices
i r e t Ma
e iv
Teaching Space
io n
e R l
t ec bj
o e
iv ct je
More Retrofit People
Exhibition Space
Desinger and Builder Working together
Material Yard
From Each of these goals Retrofit North Generates Objectives and methods to work on these objectives. These Objectives then create spaces needed for Retrofit North.
#Retrofit First Architecture Practice
Construction Colleges
Architecture Press
Pro duc tion Of Q uali ty
io uct
d Pro
Contractor Practice
nO f In atio form
Retrofit North is a Multidisciplinary Ethical Developer.
Public Press
Retrofit North has three wings each with generating value.
This means under the one roof we have everyone we need to take a site and improve it. As a developer that includes both the design team and the construction team.
Retrofit North
Project Management
il Co
Of Value fo r Company
Site Managers
ru st
Contractor Staff
Site Engineers
Specialist Contractors
n Of Con
Retrofit Norths Member Structure
Built Professional
rch a se e R
While Retrofit North does need to make a profit to legitimise the work they are doing they can still be ethical and care. The requirement to generate profit is to prove that retrofit is in fact a suitable replacement for demolition. Not just in niche non-profit cases.
on and Re t r o ructi fit nst Co
I have made the ‘ethical’ statement due to the normal way developers act. Normally being profit driven and not considering local factors.
Retail is about standard operations and making sure Retrofit North is proving its financial viability.
Construction Training
Master Planning
Restoration Work
Design Choices Regeneration Schemes
Increased Value
Meaningful Install
Research is about generating more ways of retrofitting and making our methods public. The final Wing of Retrofit North is about Construction and Retrofitting. With both design and construction within one team allowing things to move quicker than standard as everyone is working under one system.
ua lity
Pr od uc
nO fQ
n ti o uc od Pr n io at rm fo In
Specialist Farms
Pr o
in k Dr
ur s
Of N
True North Brew is an expert brewery and existing Company within Sheffield - Up by Devonshire Green.
Master Brewers
They Currently own the recipes that the old Cannon Brewery Used to make. They are experts within brewing and require an expanded brewery. Inviting them to come and expand into Cannon Brewery Restores the heritage value of Cannon Brewery. It also allows the beer produced on site to be distributed through established links to existing public houses.
n pa om
od r P
n io t uc
e u l a fV
rC fo
Key Members - True North Brew
R e ta i l Digital Platforms
Cannon Brewery Public House Yorkshire Public Houses
Retrofit North
Old Barn - Used to be agricultural Purpose
Natural Ventilation through space - Strong link between seating and interaction Private But Viewable Space
Existing Facade - Retained
Brewery Retrofit Precedent - Almanac Beer Co
Small batch brewery - farm to table beers
Using existing buildings for public houses means that immediately you are within the correct context and existing physical realm. Part of my retrofit will be re-situating Cannon Brewery within its own urban context as currently its blocked off with fencing and boardings.
Public Bar
Funding Strategy
er s
fa c
ie s
New Brews
se d
Equipment Staffing
fN ew
ti o
Moving Retraining
This means even if Retrofit North is not successful there is a structure of professionals that are trained in Retrofitting.
To ta lP rod uc
ea cr in
Using the education systems within Sheffield to train new professionals to the Retrofit North Standard.
as ed
For Profit Funding
In cr e
h rowt or G f g din Fun
Brew ers
Business Development
City / Urban Development
Cannon Brewery
Training and Education
External Funding Sources
Increa sed T raini ng o f
e du
While Retrofit North will function as a standard Developer it will still work alongside existing structures to develop people.
Growth of Business
Opens space near devonshire green - High Value Space Rejuvenates Cannon Brewery
ng ni ai Tr
Funding For Retrofit North
New Brews
For Profit Funding
Training of Loca l Profe ssion al s
e ad sm ew Br
Business Development
Growth of Local Construction Firm
w Ne
City / Urban Development
us in es sD ev el op al me s o nt p ro P fit tro e R
Stones Brewery
Retrofit North
Equipment Staffing
Redevelopment of Cannon Brewery
Lo ca lB
Moving Retraining
Stones Brewery
Training and Education
External Funding Sources
% 0 5 30%
lan nP o i ct dA en s ep Ne
80% 20%
30 %
Built and Natural Courses s ourse on C i t c ru nst Co
Cannon Brewery
% 0 3
Retrofit North
20% 10%
Cannon Brewery Public House Reopened Aquiring Cannon Brewery Site
First RFN Boxes Made
Retrofit North
Deconstruction Contractor and Used Material Distributor Small Scale Retrofit Projects Focus On Reuse and 0 Carbon Brewery
Assesment of Cannon brewery by BREEAM
Build up of Retrofit North Members Retrofit North Company Registered
Removal of hazards
2023 Phase 0
Material Listings
Phase 1
Phase 2 Material Racking Built On Site
Funding Secured
Specialist Constuction to make brewery
True Brew North Moves into Cannon Brewery
Materials Removed from Cannon brewery and placed on racking
Phase 3 Start of Production Retrofit North Designs Brewery to True Brew North requirements
RFN Crane Placed On Site For Retrofit
First Beer Sold Out of Cannon Brewery Since Closure
Lectures and Classes open to public about retrofit
Members Now include Site Team
Retrofit North Functions as a full developer with in house designers and builders
First Project Designed and Built by Retrofit North - Other than Cannon Brewery
Phase 4 Diverse Green Space Planted and Allowed to Self Seed
Assessing Cannon Brewery
Glazing Cannon Brewery
Timeline For Retrofit North Retrofit takes longer than standard construction methods due to the extra time it takes to survey and learn about the building you already have.
As Retrofit North wants a high quality building giving Cannon Brewery a longer than standard time scale means that we can also save on cost.
The development of True Brew North allows Retrofit North to gain funds during the retrofitting process.
Structural Plan 13:45
20:30 20:30
21 June
Concrete Frame
Steel Frame
15:41 16:00
Structural Elevation 12:00
S 10:00
21 December
Structural Axo
Existing Site benefits
Structure being looked at to see if the brewery is worth retrofitting
Primary Construction is 500mm wide so its substantial for the weight of the existing building allowing me a large amount of options to build on.
Solar Opportunities Considered as well as physical material opportunities
Retrofit North Retrofit North
Meet Space
Public Bar
Art Studios
Design And Build Firm Lewis - PM
Ryan - PM
HR / Admin
IT Support
Isabella - Support Lead Accountant
Mia - PM
Liam - PM
Building Surveyor
Facilities Surveyor
Jennifer - Construction Lead
Ava - Historic Lead
Me - Design Lead Architect
Construction Project Managment
Quanity Surveyor
Olivia - PM
Sophie - PM
Structural & Civil Engineer
Project Architect
David - PM Architectural technician
Steven Delivery Lead
Sam - PM
Structural Engineer
Construction project manager
Art Studios
Environmental Specialist
Retrofit Material Store
Brewery / Cafe / Bar
Initial Design Ideas
With Aiming to not remove any carbon on site and seeing if you can reuse it with minor adaptations
An Atrium that provided natural light to the brewery and some passive heating from the brewing process
Mick - PM
Carl - PM
Electrical Engineer
Retrofit Lab
Retrofit Lectures
Roger - PM
Joe - PM
While the atrium was providing some natural lighting the plan was too deep so a different approach was needed
Scales of Working within Construction
Construction work requires people to work at many different scales. I wanted to create prefabricated boxes to reflect each of the scales people might work at.
ess c c lA a c i rt Shared Urban Space
Using the Model to create design ideas
Using a large glazed sections to allow the building to talk with and to the public square.
The large glazed section while creating a urban space it did produce overheating issues down the middle section. Reducing the total glazing to hence reduce heat gains.
Glazed Surface - Over Heating
Glazed Surface - Reduced Heat Gains
Urban Motion
Exploring a New Public Square
Allowing the brewery and the urban space to share a space and create a public house across Cannon Brewery.
Open To Public Realm
Closed To Public Realm but visually linked
Section Through Office
Road Side Large Shared Use Space
Typology Precedent Design office Interacting with Public Realm YAP Office Japan
Plan Of Office
The YAP office is directly accessible to the urban realm. This allows architects to directly work with people who walk past.
With Retrofit North one of our goals is to make retrofit more accessible. I want the retrofit north offices to be open to the public and allow that interaction.
Creating a blend of urban and existing space, Trying to use the atrium to explore this gap between them
Providing as much space as possible for nature within the large master plan
Evolving a Public Landscape
Green Infrastructure
Cannon Brewery wants to be a green landmark for the area.
Providing a green link back to the city allowing both people and nature to move back towards the city.
Developing the Public Landscape
Looking at creating a green infrastructure that is fully incorporated into the design and site plan
Cannon Brewery As Existing
Removal Of Southern Walls To get more natural lighting
Material rack constructed on site to store removed building components
Solar Panels, Crane and Extra Struture put in
Furniture Placed in either by hand or with crane
Southern Facade put on to make building water tight
Building Completed
Original Structure Kept
Polycarbonate used to soften lighting
Section for Retrofit
Precedent - Retrofit with inserted interiors Hokko - Health And Child Care Unemori Kitakami
Using an existing Concrete Framed Car Park and retrofitting it within while retaining the structure.
Large Double Height Spaces
Net Used to increase Visual lines
Soft within Concrete frame to reduce Noise
The Delivery bays mean I can park easily without blocking the road
Just got to keep the green roof in check
We can come straight off Parkwood Springs into Cannon Brewery Using the south light I can test my proposal
The New Cut through means I dont have to use the main road
Moving equipement on the concrete is much easier than on site
Storing our barrels on the racking is easy
Learning about how site works practically helps my architecture training
Finding new things for our flat that are reused feels great
The Cranes mean I can move lots at once
Its better to discuss things outside in the park, than stuck in the office
Cannon Brewery Inhabited With development of site to include both an urban realm and a plan to retrofit the brewery.
The Solar Panels mean my brewing process is carbon free.
Multiple Programs working within the singular urban block generate the house of the people.
Black - Existing Material On Site Blue - New Material Placed Green - Planting
Plans of Cannon Brewery
Public House Large Pub on the bottom floor of the brewery
Delivery Space Both Retrofit North and True Brew North need trucks for deliveries
Site Lecture Space Used For practical based lectures and teaching space
Small Build Space Used For Small prefabrication work that can be done off site
Site Equipment Storage Anything that isnt needed on site can be stored at Cannon Brewery
Using on site power could mean . . . Dealing with concrete frames needs . . .
Working On site Gives us more Opportunities
Although is there enough light?
Material Storage Materials that can be reused stored so designers and builders can access it
Prefrabrication allows us to reduce the carbon Better Store these Pallets for Reuse
Accessibilty Remains a key point for this
Large Build Space Used For large prefabrication work that can be done off site
Ground Level 0m
Barrel Storage Storage accessible on same system as retrofit North
Atrium and Entry Space Used For Whole Team breifings before work starts
Bike Racks Between materials and Equipment bike racks to promote cycling
Brewery Space True Brew Norths Production Centre
More Barrel Storage
Site Solar Panels Storage Solar Power which can be deployed on sites is stored and plugged into cannon brewery network when not in use Design Teams Using Prefabricated office structure means retrofit north can change the floor plan depending on the project
Retrofit North Planters Prefabricated Planters to be used on projects, quick way of reducing flooding and increasing biodiversity
Bathrooms on each floor for accessibilty
Original Water Tower Now Used to passivly cool Cannon Brewery
Have you spoken to the engineer about reuse?
Always wanted to learn about green roofs
Retrofit North Will be on site from Wednesday
Stairs Pulled out From Orginal Plan Creates more room within plan for retrofit North and more Natural Lighting Opportunites
First Level 4m
Small Scale Personal Cranes Used to move small amounts of materials, sheets or a pallet
True Brew North Divisions Using internal walls to break the orginal structure up for what works for true brew north True Brew North Office Using the same prefabricated office structure to save on cost
Retrofit Office Space Designers and builders using the same space and interacting
Retrofit Library Storing up to date information on Retrofit Norths Methods - Open To Public We are planning on more biodiversity for sure
Green Roof Placed for biodiversity and water retention on site
Just need to look up the reasearch on ... Last I checked that was in the library.
Second Level 8m
Solar Power Atrium Using Solar Panels for solar protection in summer means generation of power at same time.
True Brew North Tasting Area Used to try new brews out and tasting process
Retrofit Construction Giving the Construction professionals a consitant place means they can be part of the team
Retrofit Library Within Existing Holes Holes from orginal brewery now have library racks within them Just need to finish my calculations for that
Retrofit North Solar Power Maintaining 0 carbon running costs for Cannon Brewery
Planning Deadline is the end of the week
We’ll get this material tested for intregity
Atrium Structure of Existing Roofs Using sheffield portal frame roofs for atrium facade Offical Documents Regulations and Documents in orginal format and a guide to meet them written by retrofit north
Third Level 12m
True Brew North Development Floor Used to create new brews for them
Roof Access for True Brew North
Larger meeting spaces Meeting on neither the ‘construction or design floors’ should mean cooperation is the goal
Self Seeding Roofs Allowing Parkwood Springs to ‘Plant’ the roof and letting what ever grows there grow. Chosen to avoid difficult maintaince Fortunatly its been really sunny been able to provide it locally
Fourth Level 16m
Hows the solar output recently?
Internal Solar Shading and Access Providing access to both the atrium and solar panels on it while providing more solar shading in the afternoons
Solar Power More Solar Power to help True Brew North achieve 0 carbon cost brewing
Retrofit North Coffee Bar Aiming to be a social space for Retrofit North members
Been trying those brick laying robots . . .
External Meeting Space For when fresh air and sun is an option and wanted
Yeah we do crane training. You seen the new project in . . .
Our Goal today is to get you guys on site ...
Studio Style Space Larger Scale working or more public working methods
Fifth Level 20m
Indivual Coffee tables Allowing people to be comfortable
Exisiting Water Tower Currently Being used for natural ventilation
Solar Power Using As much South facing roof as possible
Moving Container To Roadside Just Gently move it across it can swing if you . . .
Crane Used for the material yard to move large materials or large volume and training people in one
Roof/Crane Level 24m
Glazed Roof Primary method of providng natural light to atrium without over heating Cannon Brewery
Proposed Building - Retrofit North Headquaters Cost per Typology Workshop – 1570 x 950 – Office – 2400 x (350+470+470+330+270) – Location Sheffield - Yorkshire
£1,491,500 4,536,000
Construction Start Date – 2nd Quarter 2023
Builders yard –
1180 x
1800 –
Base Cost per m2 Workshop - 1570 Office - 2400
Pub – Brewery – Office –
2450 x 2350 x 2400 x
1000 – (600) – (526+870) –
£2,450,000 £1,410,000 £3,350,400
Builders Yards - 1180
Power Stations – 1550 x
915 –
Pubs – 2450 Breweries – 2350 Gross Floor Area - 8550 m²
Adjustment For building Works Value – £14.8 m Project of 16m – 0.87 Adjustment For Location – £14.4 m Yorkshire 0.97 Adjustment Construction Date Current Tender Price – 197 Forecasted Tender Price - 205 Adjustment percentage (205-197)/197 – 4.1% Construction Adjustment - £15 m
Retrofit North Total - £1.5 m + £4.6 m + £2.2 m + £1.4 m = Brewery Total - £2.5 m + £1.4 m + £3.4 m =
£9.7m £7.3 m
External Works Adjustment – 20% Project – £3 m – £18 m Risk factor – 30% - £6 – £24 m
Project Total
£17 m
Total Construction Cost - £24 m Excluding ‘Fees, land purchase, Vat, Fittings, Furnishings’
22 Gordon Road – £30 m – Breeame Excellent In London for architecture school – similar floor area if remove building storage
Looking into the cost of the retrofit
Section to show activity and usage, mixing of programmes
Reuse of Material
Training Professionals
Using the main section to explore the different activities from the retrofit office all the way out into the material racking.
The southern facade aims to provide natural light but equally its used for views and linking the office to the city its within.
Construction and Retrofit Researching Retrofit
Green Infrastructure
Club Mill Road
Retrofit North Projects The Pitsmoor
Pub Infrastructure
Sea Cadets
Stanley Tools My Urban strategy both uses Retrofit Norths own projects and each projects group of actors within it. The brewery would then extend its reach out to each pub it supplied and create more links within the local area.
The Forrest Spot On Snooker Club Astrea Academy
Heist Brew Co Gardeners Rest The Old Workshop
Kelham Island The Fat Cat
Mapping The Urban Effect of Retrofitting Cannon Brewery
The Riverside
Wentworth Flats The Harlequin
The White Heart
Chosen From Peak District Planting Species
Fine Leaved Sandwort
Natural Highway to Parkwood Springs
Killaney Fern
Basil Thyme
lf e S
f o o R g in d e e S
ater capture W r o f s t n a l and P
Tr e e
Sessile Oak
Chosen From Sheffield Tree Study
sa ar
P la
nt i
b a n i a S ust
Silver Birch
Sea Thrift Wild Cherry
Cannon Brewery Planting Strategy
ra D le
g a in
y S e
e t s
Natural Highway to City Centre
While my planting strategy mainly uses With my green roofs the primary 3 types of planting. purpose is for the solar panels but allowing them to be self seeding With Trees and large planting it was means that parkwood springs can important to use plants from the local plant the roof and extend its own area. infrastructure.
Iris Sibirica
It also uses the same planting within the grey to green strategy that Sheffield has implemented for its own sustainable drainage system.
Chosen From Sheffield Grey To Green Phase 1
Rain Water Capture
Run Off Water Capture
SUDS Reserves Built In
Cannon Brewery Water Strategy
Cannon Brewery is next to the river and due to the sites large footprint it needs to have a water strategy to prevent water excess run off. A SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage System) would limit both the run off of Cannon Brewery and from Rutland Road.
For Cannon Brewery my strategy uses two large ponds as reserves. These ponds while retaining water run off also allow for increased biodiversity around them supporting the rivers own diversity.
An everyday view of the library floor
The library space would be used by both Retrofit North professionals and the public who want to retrofit their own homes. This would mean both construction professionals and DIY could exist in parallel.
The construction lecture space in use
While the primary purpose of the lecture space would be to teach people how to retrofit. The space also allows people to develop their own skills and learning.
Existing Roof to be improved into Solar Power
New Roof to be have Solar Power
Existing Floor Plates
With the Primary Structure being usable having a concrete frame. This allows each floor plate to be adapted for the usage of retrofit north.
Due to the excessive scale of primary structure means that I can add a green roof which normally is not viable due to the extra load it generates.
Existing Roof to be improved into Solar Power
This allows me to penetrate and cut them away as required as long as I don’t touch the existing structure.
With this I can also place solar panels on the roof to make sure the running of Cannon Brewery is Zero Carbon.
Existing Roof to be improved into green roof
Another benefit of this primary structure is that each of the facades are independent of the frame. This in turn allows me to glaze the south facade and introduce more natural light.
Existing Structure
Existing Water Tower Existing West Wall
Retrofitted Structure
Material Storage
Exploded System Of Parts
Existing East Wall Atrium Facade
Complete Detail - Roof Wall
Exisiting Detail - Roof Wall
Detail in Progress - Roof Wall
The Process of Construction
The original construction process was casting the concrete slab using form work and steel reinforcements.
Retrofit Norths approach it is about leaving materials in situ or reusing them elsewhere.
Looking at the Original construction process then looking at how I would retrofit the building
This is a heavily carbon intensive process and leaves a lot of wastage. The form work is thrown away and removed.
Retrofit North would also ideally reuse primary structure such as primary steels.
Movable Steel Frames with fabric to create visual breaks
Fabric can also be used as a audio break
Light can be softened or penetrate through the fabrics
Retrofit North Uses reused Steel and CLT Wood The front and back are paper or recycled fabrics
With the goal of turning a warehouse into a usable office. These frames can be disassembled by hand so users can adapt the space as required. Through creating the additional spaces in this warehouse they allowed more natural light and more room to the practice.
Pod space precedent Studio Edward’s Pods
Shelving Using same construction joints as prefabricated boxes
CLT and Steel Mesh To create noise barriers between floors while maintaining views
Blue Multiple Person Box Group Scale Working Break Off Spaces Around Shared Green Two Person Box Small Scale Working Shared Space Studio Style Working
Red One Person Box Personal Scale Working
Prefabrication Area Atrium Used to Move boxes vertically
Retrofit North Pods
Steels Same Length for each prefabricated
SIPS Style Panels Two Sheets and Insulation
Screen Pulled down to prevent heat escape Or Opened for cooling - User Comfort
Doors For More Personal and Enclosure
Single Person Working Pod
Reuse Of Steel Work that cannot be structural SIPS Style Panels Two Sheets and Insulation
Screen Pulled down to prevent heat escape Or Opened for cooling - User Comfort
Small Scale Group Pods
Heat Captured From Brewery Used for Heating
Using Portal Frame Connections for Meeting Space
Insulation needed for sound proofing the meeting box
Screens For More Enclosure if meeting requires
Meeting Pod
Fire Escape Plan
Fire Assembly Point
Fire Assembly Point
100mm hydrant
Fire Escape Doors
Fire Escape Doors
100mm hydrant 4 hour fire Break
4 hour fire Break
Firefighting stair with Dry Riser
Firefighting stair with Dry Riser
100mm hydrant
Area with Access to building Front Door - Not Fire Door - ‘Normal Door’ in standard use - People will use under fire
4 Hour Fire Break
Fire Fighting Lift
Fire Escape Stair
2 Hour Fire Break Final Exit
Worst Points Fire Escape Stair
4 Hour Fire Break
Fire Fighting Lift
2 Hour Fire Break Worst Points
Accommodation Stairs
Vector Distance in Meters
Final Exit 1000mm Stair 350 People based on width
Vector Distance in Meters
4 Hour Fire Break Assumed 2 hour existing to be upgraded
1000mm Stair 270 People based on width
4 Hour Fire Break
6m DN
4m 12m
18m 30m
4 Hour Fire Break
Fire Fighting Lift
Fire Escape Stair 22m
2 Hour Fire Break 8m
Final Exit
Worst Points
xxm 4 Hour Fire Break
Fire Fighting Lift
Fire Escape Stair
Accommodation Stairs
Vector Distance in Meters
2 Hour Fire Break
Final Exit
Worst Points
6m xxm
Accommodation Stairs
Vector Distance in Meters
6m 6m
20m 11m 11m
2m 6m
Fire Escape Stair
4 Hour Fire Break
Fire Fighting Lift
Fire Escape Stair
4 Hour Fire Break
Fire Fighting Lift
2 Hour Fire Break
2 Hour Fire Break Worst Points
Vector Distance in Meters
Final Exit
Worst Points
Accommodation Stairs
2m DN
Accommodation Stairs
Vector Distance in Meters
Final Exit
12m UP
12m 7m
13m 8m
8m 12m
9m DN
Fire Distances and Compartmentation
2 Hour Fire Break
Final Structural Integrity
External Fire Spread
Internal Fire Spread
1000mm Stair 350 People based on width
to be
4 Hour Fire Break
1000mm Stair 270 People based on width
4 Hour Fire Break Assumed 2 hour existing to be upgraded Exisitng Brick walls consist of double brick english bond.
A brick wall consisting of a brick and concrete block is 4 hours of fire resistance. My walls can assume a similar level of fire resistance.
Fire Fighting Stair Case and Lift 4m
Using Concrete Blockwork means I can build around orginal struture without formwork. This saves construction time as I just need masonry experts on site.
4m x 4m Reinforced Concrete Frame - 500mm Thickness 4m
Concrete is an A1 Material meaning it doesnt contribute to fire
As the concrete Frame is supporting the loading of the building i can just use 2 x 100mm blocks to produce 8 hours of coverage. This will allow people to esacpe and fire fighters to use the stairs as access.
This means if the building is on fire the struture will stay stable during so people can escape.
Bricks have an A1 rating meaning they do not contriubte to fire.
500 mm can be estimated at 260 mins (4 Hours)
They also have a d0 meaning as people escape the wall will not drip on them. S1 means there is litte or no smoke produced
18m 18m 8m
General Topic - Natural Lighting
Method Of Study
Broad Topic - Natural Lighting within Existing Buildings
Independant Variables - Variables I can Control
Choosing Several points along the working plane to decide on if my design choices postively or negatively affect the library space.
Specific Topic - Naturally Lighting a new libarary space within an existing building that has been retrofitted
Area of Facade that is Glazed or Existing Bricks
Tools Of Study Dependant Variables - Variables that do not change Time Of Day and Year (Amount of Sunlight) Measured Variables Lux Level at Working Plane
Revit Insight Modeling A natural lighting modeling Software using the revit CISBE Requirements model I have made of the existing building and my proposals My chosen space is a library - However due to the fact people will not be reading in this space I have chosen the purpose group ‘Store Rooms’ as a type of Libraries. The requirement for this type of space is 200 lux at the working plane (900 mm from floor plate).
Introduction Problem - Demolition of existing buildings is both bad for emboided carbon and the sites they are on. However these buildings already have potiental for use with some adaptions. As architects its our job to assess buildings and decide on if the natural lighting levels can be used in its in existing state or some improvements can be made. This research was conducted on Cannon Brewery, Sheffield. This existing building was a large scale brewery and was chosen for Retrofit North due to its struture being intact. This research will establish the natural lighting requiremetns and adpations needed on the building. This brewery has large scale windows around my focus space so I am optimistic at the potiental.
Research Question What adpations need to be done to the existing Cannon Brewery Sheffield so the old brewery space can be naturally light and used as a library for Retrofit North. Research Aim To assess the Requirements of Lighting levels for Library Spaces To assess the existing buildings current light levels To assess my changes to the building to improve the light levels
Natural Lighting Research, Question, Method
Analyses of Results From Revit
General Topic - Natural Lighting Broad Topic - Natural Lighting within Existing Buildings
Point 1 - By Opening in Facade
Specific Topic - Naturally Lighting a new libarary space within an existing building that has been retrofitted
Reduction of lux Levels due to solar shading provided in existing opening. From 1000 lux down to 200-1000. This light is mostly northern so glare has not been an issue with either the existing or retrofit. Point 2 - Secoundary opening
The western light means that through Solar Shading Glare has been reduced. As in the existing glare was an issue as time became later. The other benefit of the solar shading is reducing peak light into building. Point 3 - Workspace Through Southern Opening being increased the requried lux level (200) has now been over more of the floor plate. Natural lighting can now be used in more areas than before due to atrium and windows along north wall. Point 4 - Fire Core
Cannon Brewery As Existing
While the fire core has seen a reduction in lux levels this was done to create a fire stair and provide safe vertical escape. Fire takes primary role over natural lighting.
Conclusion While the existing building showed promise as the lux level for a library was fairly good in the west half of the space the eastern half of the space was lacking.
New Atrium For light and circulation
extra openings
Window Louvres Horizontal and vertical
Natural Lighting Analyses and Conclusion
Cannon Brewery Post Retrofit Window Louvres Horizontal and vertical
Through adding a large atrium to the south and windows to the north I managed to increase the lux levels in the east and reduce the glare in the west.