Saturday, January 23, 2016 — 7:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
Hispania Manuel Cardoso 1566–1650
Duarte Lobo c1564–1646 Carlos Surinach 1915–1997
Audivi vocem de caelo from Missa pro defunctis Llama de amor viva from Canciones del alma
Thomas Crecquillon c1515–c1557 Manuel de Falla 1876–1946
Andreas Christi famulus à 8
from Missa pro defunctis
Balada de Mallorca —Intermission—
Pero de Gamboa d. 1638
Egressus Jesus secessit
Antonio de Cabezón c1510–1566 Javier Pérez Garrido b. 1985
De la Virgen
Francisco Guerrero 1528–1599 David Azurza b. 1968
Ave Maria à 8
Tomás Luis de Victoria 1548–1611 Josu Elberdin b. 1976
Alma Redemptoris Mater à 8
La luna y la Muerte, Op. 55 World premiere
Sicut lilium, lili bat North American premiere
Manuel Cardoso 1566–1650 Introit from Missa pro defunctis (1625) Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine et lux perpetua luceat eis te decet hymnus Deus in Zion et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem exaudi orationem meam ad te omnis caro veniet.
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. A hymn befits thee, O God in Zion, and to thee shall be fulfilled a vow in Jerusalem. Hear my prayer, for unto thee all flesh shall come. —Introit from the Requiem Mass
Duarte Lobo c1564–1646 from Missa pro defunctis (1621) Audivi vocem de caelo dicentem mihi beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur.
I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. —Responsory from the Requiem Mass
Carlos Surinach 1915–1997 No. 2 of Canciones del alma (1964) ¡Oh llama de amor viva, que tiernamente hieres de mi alma en el mas profundo centrò! Pues ya no eres esquiva, acaba ya si quieres, rompe la tela de este dulce encuentro.
Oh flame of love eternal! How tenderly you wound me in the innermost haven of my being! Since you do not avoid me, I bow to your decision: Lower the barriers of this divine encounter!
¡Oh cauterio suave! ¡Oh regalada llaga! ¡Oh mano blanda! ¡Oh toque elicado, que a eterna vida sabe, y toda deuda paga! Matando muerte en vida la has trocado.
Oh sweet pain that comforts! Oh wound that is most welcome! Oh hand so gentle! Oh touch that heals my torment, and tastes of life eternal, repaying me for sorrow, exchanging cruel death for life immortal!
¡Oh lámparas de fuego, en cuyos resplandores las profundas cavernas del sentido, que estaba oscuro y ciego, con extraños primores calor y luz dan junto a su Querido!
Oh luminous enchantment whose splendor lights the shadows in the faraway cavern of my being, where all was veiled in darkness, now resplendent in beauty, imparting life and warmth to my Beloved!
¡Cuan manso y amoroso recuerdas en mi seno, donde secretamente solo moras! Y en tu aspirar sabroso de bien y gloria lleno, ¡Cuan delicadamente me enamoras!
How gently you were cradled within my loving bosom dwelling alone within that secret refuge! And when I feel your breathing, perfumed with all your goodness, my love for you enfolds my heart in rapture! —John of the Cross (1542–1591)
Thomas Crecquillon c1515–c1557 Andreas Christi famulus dignus Deo Apostolus germanus Petri et in passione socius.
Andrew, servant of Christ and God's worthy Apostle, brother of Peter and companion in his passion.
Dilexit Andream Dominus in odorem suavitatis O Jesu Christe Fili Dei ora pro nobis. Amen.
Andrew loved the Lord into the odor of sweetness. O Jesus Christ, Son of God, pray for us. Amen. —Sequence for the Feast of St. Andrew
Manuel de Falla 1876–1946 Balada de Mallorca (1933), based on Chopin's Ballade, Op. 38 A la vora del mar omplia una verge son cànter d'argila, mirant-se en la font.
Very close to the sea a maiden was filling her clay pitcher, gazing at herself in the fountain.
Son peu de petxina, rellisca en la molsa, i a trossos lo cànter s'enfonsa rodant; ai, del plor que ella feia, ai, la mar, que era dolça tornava amargant! Oh! no és molt si sospira, Ai, quan veu les esberles del canteret d'or!
Her foot, like a shell, slipped on the moss, the pitcher rolled away and sank; ah, from the tears she shed, the sea, which was sweet and calm, turned bitter! Oh! understandable were her sighs, ah, when she saw in pieces her little golden jug!
Ah, la mar s'en dolia; les pren en sa falda, per bres la conquilla de Venus los dóna, i al maig, per plantar-hi, demana un roser.
The sea grieved for it; took them in its lap, gave them for cradle Venus's sea-shell, and asked of May, a place to plant them, a rose-garden.
Tres eran los testos, del canteret d'or: tres foren les illes, les illes en flor!
Three were the pieces of the little golden jug: three were the islands, the islands in bloom! —Jacint Verdaguer (1845–1902)
Pero de Gamboa d. 1638 Egressus Jesus secessit in partes Tyri et Sidonis et ecce mulier Cananea a finibus illis egressa clamavit dicens ei miserere mei Domine Fili David.
Jesus left that place and went away to the district of Tyre and Sidon. Just then a Canaanite woman from that region came out and started shouting, "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David." —Matthew 15:21–22
Antonio de Cabezón c1510–1566 (1557) De la Virgen que parió y del niño que nació, ¿qué se puede acá sentir? Que su Padre nos le dió para el mundo redimir. ¡Oh Virgen digna de ser madre! ¿De quién? De Dios eterno igual al Padre.
Of the Virgin who gave birth and the child, who was born, what can be heard of them? That our Father gave him to redeem the world. O Virgin worthy to be the mother! Of whom? Of He eternally equal to the Father. —Anonymous
Javier Pérez Garrido b. 1985 La Luna y la Muerte (The Moon and the Death) (2012) — World Premiere La luna tiene dientes de marfil. ¡Qué vieja y triste asoma! Están los cauces secos, los campos sin verdores y los árboles mustios sin nidos y sin hojas.
The moon has ivory teeth. How old and sad she is appearing! The waterways are dry, the fields without verdure, and the trees are withered without nests and without leaves.
Doña Muerte, arrugada, pasea por sauzales con su absurdo cortejo de ilusiones remotas.
Lady Death, all wrinkles, walks about in the willow groves with her absurd following of remote illusions.
Va vendiendo colores de cera y de tormenta como un hada de cuento mala y enredadora.
She goes about selling colors of wax and of storms, like a fairy in a story, a bad and intriguing fairy.
La luna le ha comprado pinturas a la Muerte. En esta noche turbia ¡está la luna loca!
The moon has purchased paintings for Lady Death. In this murky night the moon has gone crazy!
Yo mientras tanto pongo en mi pecho sombrío una feria sin músicas con las tiendas de sombra.
In the meantime I place on my dark chest a fairground without music with the tents of shadow.
La luna tiene dientes de marfil.
The moon has ivory teeth. —Federico García Lorca (1898–1936)
Francisco Guerrero 1528–1599 Ave Maria gratia plena Dominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui Jesus Sancta Maria regina caeli dulcis et pia O mater Dei ora pro nobis peccatoribus ut cum electis te videamus.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, queen of heaven, sweet and saintly, O mother of God, pray for us sinners, so that with the elect we may look upon you. —Based on Luke 1
David Azurza b. 1968 Sicut lilium, lili bat (2005) — North American Premiere Lilium lili bat . . .
A lily . . .
Ego flos campi et lilium convalium.
I am the flower of the field and the lily of the valley.
Lili bat ikusi dut baratze batian, desiratzen bainuen nere sahetsian.
I saw a lily in a garden, and I wanted to take it with me.
Sicut lilium inter spinas sic amica mea inter filias.
As a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.
Lorie ez du galtzen udan ez neguan, haren parerik ez da bertze bat munduan.
Do not wither nor in summer or winter; there is no other like it in the world.
Sicut malus inter ligna silvarum. haren parerik ez da bertze bat munduan.
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, there is no other like it in the world. —Matthew 15:21–22
Tomás Luis de Victoria 1548–1611 (1581) Alma Redemptoris mater quae pervia caeli porta manes et stella maris succurre cadenti surgere qui curat populo.
Loving Mother of the Redeemer, who the accessible Heaven's Gateway remains, and Star of the Sea, give aid to a falling people that strives to rise.
Tu quae genuisti natura mirante tuum sanctum genitorem Virgo prius ac posterius
O Thou who begot, while all Nature marvelled, thy holy Creator, Virgin before and after
Gabrielis ab ore sumens illud Ave peccatorum miserere.
from the mouth of Gabriel receiving that "Ave", have mercy on sinners. —13th-century Marian antiphon
Josu Elberdin b. 1976 Segalariak (2007) Sega festa hastera doa, Goazen.
It will begin the feast of Harvest, We are going beyond.
Segalariak bidean datoz umore onez, Tolosako larre zabalak lantzeko azmoz.
Come the reapers Cheerful, walking along the path With the intention of working The wide meadows of Tolosa.
Gaurko lehian jakingo dugu txapelduna nor den, lagun koadrila denak zai daude noiz hasiko den.
The competition today We will know who is the winner, all crews' friends they are already waiting to begin.
Segak pikatu egin dituzte harri zorrotz zorrotzez, baserri aldeko belar danak ondo jaso ditezen.
They have sharpened the scythes with very sharp stones, so that they can collect well All the herbs around the hamlet.
Pandero trikitri soinuak ta dantza ri finak, jai giroa osatzen dute inguru hauetan.
The sound of tambourines, trikitixas And the good dancers Recreate the festive atmosphere in these places.
Gure sega festa orain hasi egingo da. Sega festa has dadila!
Our harvest feast Now begin. Let the feast begin to harvest! —Elberdin
Audivi Soprano Victoria Fraser Arianne Abela Alto Wendall Bloom Victor Huls Tenor Brian White Noah Horn Bass Constantine Novotny Glenn Miller Noah Horn, artistic director
Audivi is a professional vocal octet based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Founded in 2013, Audivi harks back to a time when unaccompanied singing ensembles were considered the highest form of music in the world. Audivi focuses on presenting rarely heard Renaissance masterpieces and premiering new works by modern composers, as well as choral music from all eras. Its members have sung with professional vocal ensembles around the world, and have appeared on America's Got Talent. Audivi has performed at many events in the Detroit and Ann Arbor areas, including the Friday Night Live series at the Detroit Institute of Arts. In June 2015, Audivi visited the East Coast as the headlining professional vocal ensemble for the New England Regional American Guild of Organists convention. Upcoming concerts include a brief Midwest tour in March, and Monteverdi's 1610 Vespers in Detroit in April 2016.
A native of Anchorage, Alaska, Victoria Fraser holds a degree in music from Smith College, where she graduated Phi Beta Kappa with high honors in composition. She went on to receive her Master’s of Vocal Performance at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Pamela Fry. Fluent in four languages, Victoria has traveled extensively and performed in choirs around the world including Il Coro del Duomo in Florence, Italy as both soloist and chorus member; the Vocalensemble Frankfurt Dom, in Frankfurt, Germany; Vox Humana in Dallas; True Concord (Grammy Nominee 2016) in Tucson; the Bachkantaten-Akademie in Weimar, Germay and the Berwick Chamber Chorus at the Oregon Bach Festival. She has sung under such conductors as Helmuth Rilling, Masaaki Suzuki, Matthew Halls and Craig Hella Johnson. Also passionate about the outdoors, Victoria is a certified PADI Dive Master and an avid downhill skier.
Arianne Abela is currently a Doctoral Student in Choral Conducting at the University of Michigan with Dr. Jerry Blackstone. Abela has served as director of the University of Michigan Residential College singers, Chorus Master for the University of Michigan Opera productions, Assistant conductor for University Musical Society's Choral Union, and Assistant conductor for the University of Michigan Chamber Choir. She is currently the Director of Music at Bethlehem UCC in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Arianne Abela is the founder and conductor of 3 Penny Chorus and Orchestra, volunteer orchestra and chorus of 60 that was recently featured in the quarter finals of America's Got Talent (Season 8) at Radio City Music Hall, New York City. The ensemble has performed for various charities and fundraisers and has performed on NBC's Today Show and are featured on the soundtrack of Walk of Shame, film starring Elizabeth Banks. Abela has a masters degree from Yale University with Marguerite Brooks, Jeffrey Douma and Simon Carrington. She has conducted choirs at Yale University, served as assistant conductor for the Yale Alumni Chorus and has served on faculty at Wesleyan University, Notre Dame High School, Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts, and The Westover School for Girls.
Wendall Bloom has a diverse performance background which includes opera, oratorio, early music, chamber music, choral music, recitals, cabaret and musical theatre. She holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Cornell College and an MFA in Vocal Performance from the University of Iowa. She is one of five founders of the Community Music School of Ann Arbor. Among her appearances as a concert soloist have been performances with the Ann Arbor Symphony, Saginaw Choral Society, Baltimore Choral Arts Society, Detroit
Symphony, Flint Symphony, Jackson Symphony, Lansing Symphony, Grand Rapids Symphony, Toledo Symphony, and Rackham Symphonic Choir. Ms. Bloom spent three years performing and touring with the baroque orchestra, Ars Musica. She has sung frequently with another early music ensemble, Vox, a 12-voice a cappella choir. She has sung as a soloist with the Michigan Bach Festival, Cayman Island International Music Festival, and the Classical Music Seminar of Eisenstadt, Austria. Her quartet, SATB, performed and toured extensively together for 15 years. She is a regular member of Conspirare, a Grammy-nominated professional choir in Austin, Texas, and the Santa Fe Desert Chorale in New Mexico. Ms. Bloom has sung in numerous operatic and musical theatre roles, including Desiree in A Little Night Music and the title roles in Carmen, Kiss Me Kate, and The Mystery of Edwin Drood. In 2004 she appeared as Stella Deems in Stephen Sondheim's Follies, in a performance featuring several members of the original cast. In October 2003 she was featured in the premiere performance of a new major work by Enid Sutherland, Daphne and Apollo Remade. Wendy is currently the director of the Flint Festival Chorus at the Flint Institute of Music, and prepares that choir for performances with the Flint Symphony. They presented Britten’s War Requiem in April 2015. She also spearheads Wine, Women and Song, a popular production at Kerrytown Concert House now entering its 14th season.
Victor Minke Huls completed his Bachelor's degree in Cello Performance from University of Michigan with Richard Aaron and is tremendously proud and happy to continue his education there as a dual Master's candidate of both Cello Performance and Orchestral Conducting. Originally from Jacksonville, FL, Victor was home-schooled until he attended Douglas Anderson School of the arts as a piano major and subsequently the Walnut Hill School in Boston as a cello major, where he played in the NEC Youth Philharmonic Orchestra under Benjamin Zander, resulting in a European Tour. His parents are both professional musicians and were his early, consistent teachers. Victor is currently the Music Director of the Ann Arbor Camerata, the resident chamber orchestra of Ann Arbor. Their next concert is on February 7th and is a Gala Concert of their 2nd Annual Concerto Competition winners, and Victor will conduct the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto. Having just conducted his own soloists and placed as finalist in the University of Michigan Concerto Competition, Victor is warmed up and thrilled to perform the Korngold Cello Concerto with the Marquette Symphony Orchestra, as 1st prize winner of their competition. As a vocalist, Victor began as a boy-soprano, singing for years at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Florida, where he was raised in a rich musical tradition of Renaissance Music. His love for ancient vocal music has taken new life, as Victor has transformed into a Countertenor. This is Victor's first concert with Audivi and he is thrilled to make beautiful music with beautiful musicians.
Brian White, tenor, has performed with a variety of choral and instrumental groups in Southeastern Michigan. In recent seasons he has performed as featured soloist with the Many Voices ... One Song chamber choir sounding light, the Choir of Christ Church Grosse Pointe, Ann Arbor Vocal Arts Ensemble, Sine Nomine, Canterbury Singers, Vox, and with a number of local and regional church choirs. Brian has performed the role of Obadiah in Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Nicolas in Britten’s St. Nicolas, the Evangelist in the Bach St. Matthew Passion, St. John Passion, and St. Mark Passion, as well as solos in the Bach B Minor Mass, Haydn Creation, Dvorak Stabat Mater, and Richard Einhorn’s Voices of Light. He has toured with choirs internationally to Britain, France, and Italy singing in various cathedrals and churches including Westminster Abbey, York Minster, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Saint-Sulpice, and the Vatican. In 2004 he toured with an Ann Arbor choir to Russia, Ukraine and Estonia. Brian is a research engineer and IT manager for Michigan Tech Research Institute in Ann Arbor when he is not performing.
Noah Horn directs the choral program at Wayne State University, where he conducts three choirs, supervises the master's program in choral conducting, and teaches ear training. He also serves as artistic director of Oakland Choral Society, a community choir and orchestra devoted to performing masterworks, and of Audivi, a professional chamber vocal ensemble with an extensive repertory. Locally, He directs the music program at Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church. Noah holds degrees in conducting and organ from Yale University and Oberlin College. In the past he has served as interim Director of Choral Activities at Western Michigan University, artistic director of The Madison Chorale, conductor of the Wesleyan University Orchestra, and director of the professional choirs at Christ Church, New Haven. As a professional tenor, he has sung with Conspirare, Yale Choral Artists, Yale Schola Cantorum, sounding light, and several other nationally-recruited ensembles, with whom he has recorded albums for Naxos and Delos. In 2014–15 his compositions received several premieres in Michigan and Illinois. Venturing over to reality television, he appeared in the final rounds of America’s Got Talent 2013 with 3 Penny Chorus and Orchestra. He hails from Davenport, Iowa, and resides in Ann Arbor.
Constantine Novotny is a recent graduate of the Wichita State University graduate program in Opera Performance and the 2013-2015 recipient of the Samuel Ramey Fellowship Award. For his undergraduate degree, Constantine attended Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, where he was awarded the 2013 Matilda Award for “Outstanding Student in Vocal Performance.” Constantine is former member of the WSU Concert Chorale under the direction of Dr. Michael Hanawalt and has performed with them as the bass soloist in their performance of J.S. Bach’s Cantata 131, Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr zu dir. He currently a member of the historic St. John’s Episcopal church choir in downtown Detroit, and is often a featured soloist in their services. Constantine has previously performed the roles of Melchior in Amahl and the Night Visitors, Guglielmo in Cosi fan tutte, the title role in Gianni Schicchi, Elder McLean in Susannah, Dr. Falke in Die Fledermaus, Clayton McAllister in Cold Sassy Tree, the title role in Don Giovanni, and Il Conte in Le nozze di Figaro. He will also be seen performing Morales/Le Dancaïre in Carmen with the Detroit-based Opera MODO in February and Sid in their production of Benjamin Britten’s Albert Herring in April.
Glenn Miller is well-known throughout the country for his unique basso profundo voice. He has performed and toured regularly with Conspirare, the Austin, Texas based professional chamber choir, as well as with many other leading ensembles, including Clarion Music Society (New York City), the Harvard University Collegium, the Yale University Choral Artists, the Choir of Men and Boys of St. Thomas Church (New York City), the Oregon Bach Festival, Vox Early Music Ensemble (Ann Arbor) and the Santa Fe Desert Chorale, as well as with the Robert Shaw Festival Singers, the Choir of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, the New York Choral Artists, and the Salt Lake City Choral Artists. He has been involved in many recording projects with significant basso profundo parts, and is the featured soloist on Conspirare’s 2015 Grammy awardwinning recording titled “The Sacred Spirit of Russia,” on which he is performs one of the lowest solos ever composed, Chesnokov’s Do not reject me in my old age, for which he also received an Austin TX Critics’ Circle award in 2013 as best singer. Additional recordings include numerous other recordings with Conspirare, two recordings of the Rachmaninoff Vespers, including the landmark 1989 recording with the Robert Shaw Festival Singers under the direction of Robert Shaw and one with the Choir of St. Thomas Church, New York City under the direction of John Scott, and a recording of the La Rue Requiem by Vox Early Music Ensemble which won the American Musicological Society’s Noah Greenberg Award. As a vocal soloist he has performed under Robert Shaw with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and the St. Louis Orchestra. He is also Director of Music and Organist at Kirk in the Hills, Bloomfield Hills, MI, where he directs an extensive program which includes a professional adult choir, boys’ and girls’ choirs, and a concert series.
Upcoming Concerts by Audivi Sunday, February 14 4:00 p.m. Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Detroit Evensong Music of Thomas Tomkins, for Lent I
Friday, March 11 Evening First Presbyterian Church, Evansville, IN Sunday, March 13 Afternoon Kirk in the Hills, Bloomfield Hills Repertoire to be announced.
Sunday, April 24 3:00 p.m. Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Detroit Joined by the world-renowned Dark Horse Consort, Audivi will present one of the greatest pieces ever composed: Monteverdi's 1610 Vespers.
Join the Audivi mailing list! Receive updates via email about Audivi's upcoming concert and other events. For more information, visit our website or simply write your email address down and hand to a member of Audivi following the concert.
Upcoming Concerts at Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church Saturday, March 12 7:00 p.m. The Sun Messengers The Sun Messengers have been one of the most popular bands in the Detroit area since forming in 1980. They have served as the house band for the Detroit Pistons, backed up Martha Reeves and The Drifters, opened for Jay Leno, and performed more than six thousand concerts for public and private events. They have a vast repertoire of songs ranging across many decades, including the latest hits, and their completely live sound proves enthralling during the modern trend towards prerecording. This event will be held in Rauth Hall, which offers a stage and a dance floor for extra fun!
Saturday, May 21 7:00 p.m. GPWPC Music Celebration World-famous organist Ahreum Han will showcase the church's completely renovated organ, finished in mid-2015. Additional glorious and uplifting music will be provided by the church's Chancel Choir, vocal soloists, and thrilling bagpipes and organ duets. A wide variety of vocal and instrumental music will showcase all aspects of the church's music program. This concert proved so popular last year that the congregation asked us to again perform the entire concert verbatim, and so we'll repeat some of last year's music. Come join us!
Join Our Mailing List GPWPC maintains a mailing list for all interested in the concert series at our church. You will only receive emails related to our concerts. If you are interested, please write your email address down and hand to a member of the church, or send an email requesting to join to: