Noah Shaye's 2019 Landscape Architecture and Urban Design Portfolio

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Noah Shaye

portfolio 2019

The following booklet is an assembly of my most notable work. As a designer of landscapes and the built environment, I seek to produce designs that seamlessly integrate within their contexts. The booklet covers a variety of design projects from around the globe and the spectrum of conditions and scales I have worked within.

Contents Post [Box] Urbanism Pune: Water & Waste Networks Swamp Filter Video Links

[1-6] [7-16] [17-20] [21]

The Goodrum Mansion


Eco Farm


Rhodes Hall


Estate 1


Estate 2


Utility Company


North Georgia Estate


Atlanta Motel & Suites


Public Plaza


P o st[B ox ] U rb a ni sm

Re- Sha ping a Suburban Bi g-Box Landsc a p e Walmarts that cover the country. Approximately 91% of the United States is within a 10-mile drive of a Walmart. The second map shows the Hudson Valley and the array of big box stores and their 20 min driving radius. The third map targets three things; population density patterns, commercial zones, and their drive radius and green spaces around Hudson, New York.






The project takes direct aim at the typology of the Big-Box store. Through shrinking and reprogramming the vast expanses of parking and making physical changes to the building’s envelope, this project will turn the generic forms and patterns of Big-Box suburbia into site-specific, highly efficient, and human-scale places. These three maps represent the impacts the Big-Box Stores have at different scales. The first shows the United States and the blanket of

Wal mart s i n US A

+/ - 5 0 0 0 as o f 2 0 1 7

H u dso n , N Y D ri v i n g S t u dy

20 min driv e from comme rcial zon e s

B i g-B ox S t o re s i n H u dso n Va l l e y 20 m in driv e ra dius


W h a t is Ci v i c S pa ce ?

Retrofitting Bi g-Box S uburbi a i n Hudso n , N Y Corridors like Fairview Avenue are commonplace countrywide and serve a large percentage of the United States population. This strategy aims to reshape big boxes to provide community-oriented services and civic spaces. These careless suburban design patterns cover the US and “Post-Box Urbanism� can begin to repair this broken system.

Warren Street

Fairview A ven u e






Shrinking Eco-Impact

Transit Connections

Warren St.

Basilica Interaction

Ecological Connections

7th Street Plaza Oakdale Park Hudson School

Hudson Library

Columbia Greene Community College

Fairview Plaza Walmart


Public Access


Post Big Box


E x isting C ondi t i ons

Fair vie w Av e Co r ri do r, Hudso n, NY

Greenport Park

Public School Hudson Public School

Trailer Park

Price Chopper Fairview Plaza

F a i r v i e w

A v e n u e Tractor Supply







Trailer Park Cla









Wooded Lands

Big Box Store






Existing Agricultural Lands


P o st B ig -B ox N e t w ork

Res ha pped and Re pro g ramm ed Bi g-Boxe s


multi-modal stops

shuttle bus direct

shuttle bus indirect







Post Big-Box

S ite 1- P a rt e d B i g [ B ox ]

Redesigned a s Green Ho use, Mark et an d Gre e n S pac e

Green Ho use and Mark et


reduce parking lots

Post Big-Box

activate all edges of box


Day-Lit Stream Green House and Market

Multi-Modal Stop

Post Big-Box


S ite 2- P e e l e d B i g [ B ox ]

Redesigned a s Ci vi c S pace and Park



Dec onst r uct ed Box

Claverack Creek

restore ecology

Day Lit Stream

activate all edges of box

Post Big-Box

Deconstructed Big-Box

Big Box with Reduced Footprint

Recreational Spaces

Reduced Parking Lot


N a lla h - H ood

To wards a Heal t hy Mul a Mut ha Currently, the city sees the Mula Mutha river as an engineered mechanism that must be controlled and restricted. This control is done by creating megaprojects like dams and water gates. Our project challenges the PMCs proposal of installing additional water gates along Pune’s Waterways. There is no need for more mega-projects, Pune needs a movement.


Tr a nsec t A na l y si s

N eighborhoo d Perce pt i o n & E xi st i ng Pro g ram al o n g N al l ah


Rail Yard

IRICEN Railway Colony

Bund Garden & Koregaon Park Yerawada Village & Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary


Sports Rec

Water Rec







Bund Garden & Koregaon Park

Wild Life

Yerawada Village & Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary


Rail Yard


IRICEN Railway Colony


I nte r sec t i on A nal y si s

Ex is ting Intersect i o n Ty po l o gi es v



Nullah x Rivers

Nullah x Road


Water Pollution



Nullah x Railway

Nullah x Undeveloped Area


Nullah x Park

Water Treatment Opportunity

Nullah x Pedestrian Bridge



Nullah x Settlement

Waste Dumping


Nullah x Irrigation Canal


Nullah x Sewage Treatment Plant

Waste Collection Opportunity

O p p or tu ni t y Z one s

Potential at E xi st i ng Int ersect i o ns




Industrial/ Railway



Greenspace/ Park

Semi Public/ Institution







N a lla h - H ood

To wards a Heal t hy Mul a Mut ha To fully realize our water holding network we must first take an in-depth look at the pollution issues that surround the cities waterways. Our proposal is three-pronged. The first and most important system is the water holding network of nallahs and interconnected infrastructures. The second and third system work in parallel. One system implements a web of physical waste collection and harvesting points that incentivizes communities to collaborate and clean up their neighborhoods. The other

system filters and treats polluted nallah water before its eventual release into the Mula Mutha. By holding and treating the cities water and through the collection and harvest of the cities waste, Pune can harness the full potential of its river. Not only the Mula Mutha but the network of nallahs that encompass the entirety of the city.


A N e twork of I nt e rse ct i ons Intersec tion Transfo r mat i o ns

Each intersection provides an opportunity to begin transforming the nallah. Currently, these intersections are monofunctional spaces, we are proposing to transform each intersection into a catalytic landscape that holds and filters water, harvests waste and transforms nallahs into productive environments.


A N e twork of I nt e rse ct i ons Intersec tion Transfo r mat i o ns

Main Road X Nallah

Rail Yard X Nallah

Banks of Mula Mutha X Nallah


S ite D e si g ns

A reas of Inter v et i o n: Si t e Pl ans


Rail Yard X Nallah + Main Road X Nallah



Banks of Mula Mutha X Nallah + Main Road X Nallah



S yste ms E l e m e nt s

Trans for med Nal l ah E dge

Increase Root Zone Plants

Nallah Edge as Market

Gabion Filter Edge

Nallah Edge as Market Pervious Nallah Edge

Increase Root Zone Plants


N a lla h E st u a ry Temporal Renderi ng

Dry Season

Monsoon Season


S wa mp H e a l i ng

Healing Pol l ut ed Ri v er Sy st em s wi t h S w amp Fi l t e rs This project imagines the possibilities of swamp ecologies. What if rivers could heal with the same resiliency as a swamp? Our research surrounded Norfolk, Virginia and the Elizabeth River that cuts its way north through the urban fabric to the Chesapeake Bay. The goals of our project are to highlight the existing ecological patterns found thriving in the Great Dismal Swamp and implement them by theoretically blending in swamp ecologies with the river network. What if we could use plants and soil biologies to treat the river at its most polluted points? This set of graphics shows our understanding of how this environment could be reshaped using the localized patterns already in play regionally.





Jame s Riv e r

Che s ap e ake B ay

E l i z a be t h River

G re at D i s m al S w am p (GDS)

Nor f olk

L ake D r ummond

E aster n Bran ch

West B ra n ch Por tsmouth

S o u t her n Bran ch

E l i zabet h Ri v er Wat ershe d Po l l u t i o n Po i n t S o u rce s


Swam p Heal i ng

Ke y s t o n e Fl o ra an d Fau n a

Hessel ’s Hai rs t re ak

R e dc o ckade d Wo o dpe ck e r

B l ack B e ar

O s pre y

He y fodder fo r B ald Ea gles an d O spre y

In di c ator Sp e c i e s No u ri she d by t he A t l an t i c W hi t e C e d ar

Ind i c ator Sp e c i e s C o n t ri bu t e t o t he bi o di v e rsi t y by c re a t i n g n e st i n g c a v i t i e s - 2 7 spe c i e s o f v e r t e bra t e s h av e b e e n do c u m e n t d u si n g t he se c av i t i e s

G ro w i n g po pul at i o ns i ndi c at e an i nc reasei n habi t at an d fo o d reso urc es

Oft en hav e nest s and rai se yo und aro und Lak e Dr ummo nd

Tupelo G um

S wi t ch C an e

A t l an t i c W hi t e C e da r

B al d C y pre ss

Po n d Pi n e

Tupelo Gum are C l i max S pecies for U n di st u rbe d Wet Si t e s

In di c ator Sp e c i e s Lar v al fo o d so u rc e fo r 6 s pe c i e s o f B u t t e rfl y

Ind i c ator Sp e c i e s O n c e D o m i n at e d t he C o a st al Pl ai n o f t he E ast C o ast

Ind i c ator Sp e c i e s T hr i v e wi t hi n t he wet t er g ra dient s o f t he GDS

Do mi nat e S pec i es i n GDS and val uabl e habi t at fo r t he Red Co ckaded Wo o dpeck er




Blue Hero n


Great D i sm al Swam p Sect i on S e ral S t a ge s a n d S o i l S t rat a


Burn Scar

Leaf Litter Decomposition Upper Peat Deep Peat


Seral Stage 1

Seral Stage 2


Seral Stage 3

Seral Stage 4

Swam p Heal i ng i n t he E l i z abet h R i v er Basi n E l i z abe t h R i v e r Po l l u t i o n Le v e l s

V ir g inia Port Authority




Nav al

Larchemont/ Edg e water V ir g inia Beach Hig her Educatio n Lambert’s Golf C ourse Lambert Point Docks Nav al Yard C helWest Freemason Washing ton Point Nav al Yard Port C ity Transportation Precon Elizabeth Riv er Bo at Lan d Park B rian Bridg e

Drift Wood

Great Bridg e


Mov ie S ampl es

Links to Movies and Animations

)net( Working

Pickup Basketball in Harlem GSAPP- Reading New York Urbanism Gabriel Vergara, Peijou Shi, Noah Shaye

Post Box Urbanism

Reshaping Big Box Suburban Landscapes GSAPP- Hudson Valley Studio Fall 2018 Gabriel Vergara, Zilu He, Tina Pang, Noah Shaye


Towards a Healthy Mula Mutha GSAPP- Pune, India Studio Spring 2019 Shouta Kanehira, Ryan Pryandana, Noah Shaye

Professional Work

Tunnell and Tunnell Landscape Architecture 2013-2018

The G o o d r u m Mans ion Projec t B ack g round

TTLA was hired to restore The Goodrum House’s landscape to the original 1930s plan of the house and gardens. We created permit plans, construction documents, and management plans to assist in the construction administration over the landscape and hardscape elements. The project restored each of the historic gardens with as much accuracy as possible. The project had many challenges and revelations. I assisted in archaeological digs in multiple locations on the job site. It was my job to

help with the photographic analysis of the landscape, work on the creation of the permit set and help to develop a series of implementation plans. We worked in coordination with the project manager and the landscape architect throughout the process of restoring the estate's landscape. We analyzed the various layers of soil strata in multiple areas on site to locate root decay patterns and historical foundations.














IRIS S er pentine Wall G arden 1932 ( A)



The G o o d r u m Mans ion Projec t B ack g round

We did extensive research into the project at the Atlanta History Center researching the original architect, Philip Shutze’s original drawings, notes, and correspondence. This intensive process was utilized to guide us throughout the restoration of the landscape. I assisted in archaeological digs in multiple locations on the job site. I helped in the photographic analysis of the construction process, worked on the permit

set and helped develop a series of implementation plans. We worked in coordination with the project manager and the landscape architect on the historic preservation process. The scale of this preservation project was massive, and much of the planting is still being phased in.








Peony Restored S er pentine G arden 2017 ( A)


Histor i c Pre s e r v at ion Pro c e ss Hi stor ic Pres e r vation Proj ec t

We analyzed layers of soil strata in multiple areas on site. It was my responsibility to dig several test trenches revealing the foundation of a possible stair. We performed extensive research at the Atlanta History Center researching the original architect, Philip Shutze’s, and his original drawings, notes, and correspondence. This process helped inform our documentation and guided our decision making throughout the restoration of the landscape.


c b


Serpentine Wall Garden Plan 1930 Hentz, Adler & Shutze (a)

Monogram Boxwood Garden 1934 Hentz, Adler & Shutze (d)

Serpentine Garden Restoration 2012 (a)

Goodrum House Site Plan 1930 Hentz, Adler & Shutze

Italian Theater Garden Restoration 2013 (b)


Front Entry Drive Installation 2014 (d)

The G o o dr um Mans ion Site Plan





Updated Site Plan-Tunnell & Tunnell Landscape Architecture


The G o o dr um Mans ion Hi stor ic Pres e r vation Proj ec t

Monogram Boxwood Garden Layout 2014 (d)

Monogram Boxwood Garden Cut Flower Beds 2016 (d)


Italian Theater Garden Fountain 2016 (b)

The G o o dr um Mans ion Hi stor ic Pres e r vation Proj ec t

Front Entry Drive 2016 (c)

Serpentine Wall Garden 2016 (a)


E c o Far m

E xi sting C onditions and Analysi s TTLA was hired to complete master plan designs and implementation plans for a 22-acre plot of land outside of La Vega, Dominican Republic. The client was interested in implementing permaculture planting systems into the site design. They intended to heal the earth while harvesting the yields to be sold and donated to the surrounding community. They also expressed a desire for us to site additional buildings for farm activities,

community-centered activities, eco-tourism, and private residence. I worked as the project manager, collaborating on the design of the master plan with a team of landscape architects and designers. My research on permaculture in the Caribbean was pivotal in the design of the site. I produced a series of fully edited aerial videos and a graphics package for the client.

la vega, dr

existing farm house

opportunity zone existing farm lands

e x i s t i n g fa r m l a n d s

opportunity zone

site of future farm house

eroded hillside shade trees

opportunity zone



opportunity zone

shade trees

shade trees

E c o Far m

Phasing Plans Our plan keeps all grassland for its sponge-like properties while removing and composting invasive plant materials that negatively impact the ecosystem. We designed several permaculture planting phases to implement over time. Fruit and Nut Tree Orchards, aquaponics operations, small scale livestock, and row crops can be phased in according to the plans we provided.

Phase #1 Permaculture Zones Bamboo Screens Orchards (100 Trees) Holding Ponds Waterways Phase 1 Dorm Building, Main House Green Houses Roads-Single Track Paths-External Routing

Phase #2 Permaculture Zones Orchards (107 Trees) Holding Ponds Waterways Phase 2 Guest Eco-huts, Barn Roads- Form Completion Paths- Internal Routing

Phase #3 Permaculture Zones Orchard (136 Trees) Holding Ponds Waterways phase 3 Community and Hospitality Areas

opportunity zone

Phase #4 Full Master Plan Continued Earth Work Migrations of Row Crops Migrations of Edges


E co Far m

Syste m s Graphic Wildlife Corridors, Wetlands and Grasslands


Hispaniolan Woodpecker

Bay Breasted Cuckoo

Orchards, Row Crops, Screening Planting Small Scale Live Stock and Permaculture Zones

Mango over 137 varieties grown locally

Moringa South Asian legume fast growing, super food

Goats milk, cheese, meat, and weed control

Roads, Paths, and Structures

Community Centers

Farm Road Detail

Hydrology, Aquaponics, and Landforms

Tilapia fish are fed regularly


Bacteria from ammonia rich fish waste

Leafy Greens plants grow in nitrogen rich system

E co Far m Site Plan

Farm Area

Hospitality Area

Community Center

KEY -waterway

- orchard


-solar/ wind


-permaculture zones 1-5

-row crops




-wildlife corridor -bamboo border - enclosed livestock


Farm Structures -green house -goat/chicken/pig shed -storage/ work area/ shelter Tree Codes tamarindo (T) flamboyan (Fl) guasima (Gu) orange (O) palma (Pa) mango (M) amapola (A) lemon (L) caimitillo (Ca) roble (R) limoncillo (Li) jobo (J)

R ho d es Ha l l

Hi stor ic L and s cape Redesig n The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation hired TTLA to redesign the landscape of their headquarters, Rhodes Hall. The design was informed by the site’s histories and by the proposed programming of the client. Our design aimed to create a more seamless pedestrian and automotive experience. We redesigned a series of corridors to better host events and introduced a series of native plantings along the edges of the site. We produced a site analysis package, several schematic design iterations, a combined schematic design with sections, a model with rendered

perspectives, and the permit/construction document set. My responsibility was to assist the project manager in coordination with a landscape architect in the creation of a historical analysis package and the production of schematic and design development drawings. We worked with our team to redesign the pedestrian and automotive experience around the site with a specific focus on enhancing, and the ability to host events.

Construction of Ansley Park- Circa 1904 see Rhodes Hall in the distance

Rhodes Hall- Front Lawn Circa 1940

Rhodels Hall- Front Lawn circa 1920


Site Ana ly s is of E x ist ing C ondit ions Plan and Photo g raphs

full screening conditions unfriendly neighbor

front porch no ADA access historic driveway structurally sound

lawn eroding along drive edge

parking court structurally compromised

deciduous screening conditions





western retaining wall Structurally compromised *NO PEDESTRIAN ACCESS

transparent screening porte cochere conditions structurally sound w. poor paving condition




D e s ig n D e vel opme nt Plan and Pe rspec tives

Optimized parking area


nw peachtree st

event lawn















ADA Ramp rin

south rhodes center nw

new patio at porte cochere

g s t n w

ADA Ramp N


Propsed Stair and Ramp- Perspective 1

Site Plan

Propsed Stair- Perspective 2

Propsed Ramp and Parking-Perspective 3




Site D e s ig n

O pe ning C e re mony, Haunted C a stle 5k, and a Wedding

source: mishawn arrington


D esi g n D e vel opme nt Projec t B ack g round

We worked for over a year to produce schematic designs, construction documents, planting plans, grading plans and models. We were hired as the second landscape architects and had to adapt an existing design to accommodate the objectives of the client. We inherited a scar on the earth from the prior landscape architect. When we first visited the site the previous home had been leveled, and the vegetative layer torn away. It was clear that we had an enormous challenge ahead. The construction site was a blank slate on a 33% slope in a 1960s single-family

neighborhood. Our approach was to inundate the landscape with native plantings that will prosper and quickly envelope the concrete retaining walls. We selectively removed invasive plants while keeping plants like Elderberry (a native plant that feeds 100 native birds). The client had a desire to mask the retaining walls that flatten the land to hold the footprint of the home. We designed a water feature and outdoor fireplace that help integrate the walls, the landscape, and the new house.

1 36

D e s ig n Pro ce ss e s Sketches to C onc rete

Re fine + D e fine

Wate r Feature

Fire Place

Rear Yard



C on str uc tion Admini stration

D esi g n D e vel opme nt

Site Plan and Rear Yard As-Built Plan

nat ive s cre e n pl ant i ng w ate r fe atu re

l aw n

nat ive s cre en pl ant ing

nat ive pl ant ings at re t ai ni ng w a l ls

fi re pl a c e & p at i o hous e

w ater fe atu re

nat ive s cre e n pl ant i ng

cou r t y ard


l aw n p ark i ng c ou r t

g ar age p at i o

5 dr




stone p at io


firepl ace & stone p at io s cre en p orch


hous e


0’ N





Site D e s ig n

Planting s and D etail s






E st ate 2

Projec t B ack g round This estate is located in the Lake Claire neighborhood of Atlanta and provided us with a unique challenge. Upon overlaying the 2015 plat with the 1928 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey of the City of Atlanta, we found that the site encapsulates that land what was once Lake Claire. The client was the 2nd family to live in the current house on the property. The landscape surrounding the home is a dense old growth forest. The site was full of surprises including the discovery of remnants like the moss-covered stone walls and old mechanical pumps. The scope of the project was to develop a master plan and land management plan for the

client’s four-acre property. The project included an analysis of the historical and existing conditions of the site. We implemented an environmentally friendly invasive plant removal tactics by utilizing a flock of sheep's never-ending appetites for foliage. The majority of the design work associated with the project was the design of a trail network, butterfly gardens, an area for a kids clubhouse, and several creek crossings. It was my role to work as s a project manager in coordination with a landscape architect to create a the site plans and details for the landscape.



D esi g n D e vel opme nt Sy stem s Graphic

Vege tat iv e and Hy drol og i c Sy ste m s exist i ng and prop o s e d

Path Ne t w or k and C onne c t i on prop os e d

Bui l ding s , Br i dg e s , R ock For mat i on s exist i ng

Site P l an Prop os e d


D esi g n D e vel opme nt Site D esig n


g 3

d f r


2 4




m 1










KEY aa.. e nt r y b. f ront yard s cre e ni ng cc.. t he l owe r me adow d. t he hous e e. p ark i ng cour t f. p at h g . nor t he r n b ound ar y s cre e ni ng h. The B ow l -pl ant mate r i a l i. The Nor t h f ace - pl ant mate r i a l


j. st re am b e d- pl ant mater i a l k. The Wa l ls l. The Me adow m . The Ne x us n. The Upp e r Fa l ls o. Popl ar Grove p. t re e hous e are a q. The Mcl e an’s t re e hous e r. prop o s e d st ai r




Site D e s ig n

Process and Results





Ut i l it y C omp any

S c reening at the Atlanta B eltline I Worked with a project manager in coordination with a Landscape Architect to create a series schematic designs for a screening plating between the Atlanta Beltline Path and Storage Facility. We worked in coordination with a team of designers, engineers and administrators to produce the document to be reviewed by the Beltline Inc. and the community. I assisted in the production of drone video footage and the creation of a site analysis package.

Screening Planting Sections

Graffiti Screening Walls 44

Nor t h G e org i a E st ate Pool, Grot to, and G ardens

Grotto and Stair Model

Grotto and Stair

Proposed Grotto and Pool

Armillary Sphere


Pool and Terrace

At l ant a Motel & Su ite s

Model s and Sketches for D esig n Propos al


Sketches of Entry and Courtyard

Entry Perspective

Green Roof above Parking Lot


Publi c Pl a z a

Lit tle 5 Points Pla z a D esig n We were hired by the community to redesign the public plaza that sits in the midst of their neighborhood. The scope of the project included the production of several design iterations and as a design representative during the community engagement process. I worked in coordination with the project manager to create a graphic proposal for the project. Aerial Perspective

Perspective at Corner


Education [May 2018 - Present] Columbia University- Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation Masters of Architecture & Urban Design ( MSAUD ) - 1 year masters program with an emphasis on urban design studies in New York City, the Hudson Valley, & Pune, India - Inhanced skills in Group Leadership, Geographic Information Systems, Graphic Animations, Rhino/Grasshopper, Video Production, & fabrication [Aug 2008 - May 2014] University of Georgia - College of Environmental Design Bachelors of Landscape Architecture ( BLA ) - 5 year professional degree program with an emphasis on landscape architecture in Athens, Georgia USA & Cortona, Italy

Experience [Sept 2013 - May 2018] Tunnell & Tunnell Landscape Architecture Project Manager and Landscape Designer - Nearly 5 years of experience working in Atlanta, Georgia at a firm focused on historic preservation, landscape architecture, project management and construction administration. - Developed skills in client relations, project organization and structuring, schematic designs, budgeting, permitting, bidding, community presentations, construction management and project implementation - Projects I worked on included land management in Mississippi, design of permaculture farm in the Dominican Republic, and several historical restoration projects including the Olmsted Linear Parks, Rhodes Hall, and The Goodrum House - Responsible for the firms video editing and production, web design, 3d modeling, computer and hand graphics, graphic design, project presentations and booklets [May 2012 - Sept 2012] Tunnell & Tunnell Landscape Architecture Internship - Performed Historic Preservation research and field excavations on an estate in Atlanta, Georgia. Assisted with the permitting and the design development process. - Executed planting plan updates for Estate on Lake Burton, North Georgia - Created an organizational system to archive the firm’s project drawings dating back 30 years [May 2018-Present] Freelance Video Production / Film Art Direction, Set Design & Prop Master - Worked on a team taking a project from concept to fabrication and on-site execution. - Clients Include: WE TV, Walmart, Tommy Bahama, Michael Kors, Razor Productions, Meir Kay, Rough Trade Records


[2019] Lucille Smyser Lowenfish Memorial Prize - Awarded to the most outstanding student or group in the final semester design studio section selected by professors c: 404.808.4445


i: @noahsspoons

t: @dawgonblawgon

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