Nobles Spring 2018

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Noble and Greenough School 10 Campus Drive Dedham, MA 02026-4099

Nobles Noble and Greenough School 10 Campus Drive Dedham, MA 02026-4099





Cooking with Kantrow On February 12, Chef Gita Kantrow ‘07 visited Jen Craft’s Molecular Gastronomy class. Kantrow guided students in making porkfilled potstickers, crab rangoon, and kachori, a lentil-filled pastry.


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Opportunity of a Lifetime

Reflecting Inward When you make a gift to the Annual Nobles Fund, you support teaching and learning in the new academic center and throughout the school. Thank you. To make your gift today, visit or contact Director of Annual Giving Allie Trainor at or call 781-320-7005.

PHOTO OF THE DAY March 21, 2018 Allison Li ‘18 catches Chidubem Umeh ‘18 for a pose at the Taj Mahal during the EXCEL spring break trip to India. PHOTO BY BEN HEIDER

contents SPRING 2018


Letter From the Head

3 Reflections What Nobles folks are saying on campus and online 4

The Bulletin News and notes

16 Sports Coach Resor records epic 700th win 18 Off the Shelf All about the books we read and write 20 By the Numbers What in the world? 21 Development Celebrating milestones 42 Graduate News What, where, when, why and how Nobles grads are doing 64 Archive Relocating a quiet landmark

FEATURES 28 Investing in Community Doing well by doing good 34 Fashion Forward Embracing a new model for fashion

Cover Photograph by Kathleen Dooher

30 Craft and Cause Going organic and keeping a small footprint 38 Close Encounters Do bears really want to eat you?


letter from the head


Taking Care of Students WHENEVER I AM ASKED what I worry about most as head

of school at Nobles, my answer is always the same. I worry about our students. I do not worry about anything related to how talented they are, how successful they will be or how hard they will work at anything they set their minds to do. Those are all givens for me. Our students are simply extraordinary. I worry about how our students are doing. I worry that they face pressures, both at Nobles and beyond, that so far outstrip anything I faced at their age it is difficult to compare. I worry that they are not getting enough sleep. I worry that they are not giving themselves enough slack when they make one small mistake amidst a sea of success. I worry that the pressures of social media are distractions and a growing source of stress for students. I worry they consider alcohol or drugs as a way to cope or to try to be more successful. I probably worry most of all that our students worry alone. I fear they will find themselves overwhelmed with stress, anxiety or sadness, and that they do not know how to, or choose not to, get needed help. The reason I have these worries is grounded in data. According to research done by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 40 percent of college students with a diagnosable mental illness do not seek help. Suicide remains the second leading cause of death among college-age students. I am thankful that we have the gift of time with our students, time to help them gain the skills, understand the resources, and practice the habits that will enable them to thrive while they are students here and in the years that follow. To begin this work, I first want to understand how students are actually experiencing Nobles. I want to have hard data around the amount of sleep our students are getting, how much time they spend on homework, how anxious or stressed they feel at different times, and how wellequipped they feel to get support. We are partnering with Stanford University’s Challenge Success initiative to administer a student survey and to help us analyze the data we gather. We are also an early partner with Harvard’s Making Caring Common initiative. What began as an effort to align top-tier colleges around goals to lower student stress and enhance well-being has expanded to include secondary schools, and we are thrilled to be invited. As I think about our work ahead, I am eager to resist the trend that equates improving student wellness with lowering rigor. I do feel strongly that our rigor at Nobles needs to be “smart rigor,” but I do not think our solution to student stress is to necessarily make things easier for our students. I do not think leaving our students less prepared or qualified for college is helpful, nor that we are serving our students well to shield them from the challenges they will inevitably face in their years after Nobles. My goal is to equip our students to thrive in all ways and in all places. While our students are always my top worry, they are also my greatest source of joy. I look forward to dedicating the years ahead to supporting them to be their best selves and to thrive. —CATHERINE J. HALL, PH.D., HEAD OF SCHOOL

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Assistant Editors Kim Neal


Ben Heider


Alexis Sullivan



Photography Tim Carey Jared Castaldi Adam Detour Kathleen Dooher Ben Heider Leah LaRiccia Kim Neal Risley Sports Photography Anne Sweeney The Editorial Committee Brooke Asnis ’90 John Gifford ’86 Tilesy Harrington Bill Kehlenbeck Kate Treitman Brown ’99 Nobles is published three times a year for graduates, past and current parents and grandparents, students and supporters of Noble and Greenough School. Nobles is a co-educational, non-sectarian day and five-day boarding school for students in grades seven (Class VI) through 12 (Class I). Noble and Greenough School is a rigorous academic community that strives for excellence in its classroom teaching, intellectual growth in its students and commitment to the arts, athletics and service to others. For further information and up-to-the-minute graduate news, visit Letters and comments may be emailed to Heather_Sullivan@ We also welcome old-fashioned mail sent c/o Noble and Greenough School, 10 Campus Drive, Dedham, MA 02026. The office may be reached at 781-320-7268. © Noble and Greenough School 2018

Silence is just as dangerous as anger. I want to encourage students to engage. What does that mean? It means talking, but also listening. Dialogue is critically important. Hey, Will. Where did the king keep his armies? Up his sleevies! —MAYA KEENAN- GALLAGHER ’18 TO WILL SCHWARTZ ’18, DISMISSING ASSEMBLY WITH THIS YEAR’S TRADITION OF A DAILY CHEESY JOKE

It’s still amazing to me that I get to talk to these students from around the world face to face. There are so many people out there that share the same passion. —AYAKO ANDERSON, GLOBAL ONLINE ACADEMY SITE DIRECTOR FOR NOBLES, IN ASSEMBLY


If an oyster can turn a parasite into a pearl, then it is no surprise that my father can turn a kidney into calligraphy. When I was 13 and he was first diagnosed, he wrote me a 15-page letter saying that if anything happened, I had to be ready to become the man of the house. —CLINT SMITH, WRITER, TEACHER AND SCHOLAR, RECITING HIS SPOKEN-WORD POEM “MY FATHER IS AN OYSTER” IN LONG ASSEMBLY

We live in a city where the word greatness is thrown around a lot. Yet there are times when there truly is greatness in our midst. We sometimes take it for granted, but Tom Resor really is our GOAT.

VIA INSTAGRAM, JANUARY 23: Students using the new academic center’s quiet study room

So, while there may be no perfect place to come out, Nobles is about as good a place as one can find. I’m sorry that I can’t promise you rainbows and unicorns when you do eventually come out, but I can promise you support here. I can promise you encouragement. I can promise you acceptance. I can promise you love. —MICHAEL POLEBAUM ’08, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF GRADUATE AFFAIRS, IN ASSEMBLY


There are times when written communications are necessary, but perhaps we should never write what we can say. —MICHAEL DENNING, HEAD OF UPPER SCHOOL, ON “WHY COULDN’T YOU COME TALK TO ME ABOUT THIS?” JANUARY 2018 NOBLES PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER

VIA FACEBOOK, JANUARY 10: Recent graduates spoke to Asian 2 Asian (A2A) about their transition from Nobles. SPRING 2018 Nobles 3

the bulletin A New Chapter ON FEBRUARY 1, the academic center, which houses the Putnam Library, officially opened beside the newly renovated Baker Science Building. Head of School Cathy Hall welcomed many who were instrumental to the completion of the two key capital projects: leadership of the architectural firm Williams Rawn Associates and Shawmut Construction, Chief Financial and Operating Officer Steve “ I’ve already visited many of the Ginsberg and Director of Buildings and Grounds Mike McHugh. She gave classrooms, and it is downright inspiring special thanks to the Buildings and to see faculty take advantage of new Grounds Committee of the Nobles spaces and new resources...” Board of Trustees, including Chair Paul Ayoub ’74 P’12. —CATHY HALL Hall also acknowledged the faculty members poised to help students take full advantage of the new spaces. “I think about our incredibly talented faculty and the best gifts we can give to them. We can just let them loose with the resources and the spaces and the tools to do their thing—and I really can’t imagine better spaces than these for supporting that.” Standing in the Putnam Library, Hall said how quickly the facilities have been expanding opportunities for teaching and learning. “This building has really done remarkable things already. We opened the building last week, and everyone keeps commenting that within about 45 minutes, it felt like home. “I’ve already visited many of the classrooms, and it is downright inspiring to see faculty take advantage of new spaces and new resources to bring new life into the program and our school.”

assembly highlights Inhale; Exhale The Nobles community began the day relaxed and ready

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after Christopher Willard, psychologist and professor at Harvard Medical

School, led the school through meditations designed to relieve chronic stress.

Miracle Max “Great moments are born from great opportunity,” a charismatic Max von Schroeter ’19

advertised for the boys junior varsity hockey team tryouts. “If you’re thinking, ‘I’m not good enough at hockey,’

that’s not true! We could not have lower expectations.”


Blood Donors Save Lives Scott Wilson, mathematics faculty member, explained the importance of the

Nobles blood drive with an emotional account of his son’s birth and how he wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for

the blood drives that provided what he needed to survive.

Mental Health Checkup Director of Counseling Jen Hamilton described working with the Navy SEALs,

explaining that “every SEAL, before deployment, sees a psychologist.” She encouraged students to follow the SEALs’ example and

take advantage of the school counselors. I Think Students from the International Affairs

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the bulletin

Madeleine Charity ’19, Jelinda Metelus ’18 and Mikaela Martin ’19 perform Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise” for the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day assembly.

Still We Rise ON THE DAY AFTER Martin Luther King Jr.

hate, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League. Streeter said that police brutality never directly affected her until she heard the story of her cousin being wrongfully accused of stealing, wrestled to the ground, and thrown in jail for a night. Despite being innocent, calm and welldressed, the police officers saw him only for the color of his skin. Chidubem Umeh ’18 encouraged support for “better police training and systems for conduct review.” Juli Fernandez ’18 shared the story of her family’s immigration from the Dominican Republic and the years of separation from her mother and siblings during difficulties in the process. Norah Jankey ’22 encouraged the audience to “learn more, so you can dispel myths and spread awareness about undocumented immigration.”

Club announced the third issue of Cogito, the school’s journal of international affairs and social science.

pencils, bent keys and predicted the future.

Day, Students United for Racial Justice and Equity (SURJE) led assembly with stories of resistance and offered some solutions. The program began with an explanation of the “Pyramid of White Supremacy,” which portrays the building blocks of systemic racism. “In a pyramid, every brick depends on the ones below it for support,” explained Priscilla Singleton-Eriyo ’19. “If the bricks at the bottom are removed, the whole structure comes tumbling down.” Karen Maund P’18 described her first interaction with members of the Ku Klux Klan. “They looked like people I’d see at work or out on the street,” she said, “except for those red bands on their arms signifying whom they hate.” Sophie Streeter ’22 encouraged the Nobles community to support nonprofits that fight

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The Limitless Gerard Senehi, the “ExperiMentalist,” used the assembly stage to “explore the limitless.” He levitated

Remix! Tomas O’Brien, Jamie Patterson

and Shi Williams, all ’18, performed a mashup of Tatiana Manaois’ “Helplessly,” The Beatles’ “Let It Be,” and others.

Jaquiline Bailey, grandmother of Kajayla Boyd ’18, remembered the desegregation of Boston public schools. Riding the bus to her new school in South Boston, she remembered men covered in white sheets throwing stones. She found a death threat on the school’s walls, which led to an evacuation. Present-day solutions include supporting educational opportunity programs like Beacon Academy, Achieve and Upward Bound, and policies that help fund schools in need. Diana La Paz and Magdalena Blaise, both ’18, sang Miguel’s “How Many (Black Lives).” Devon Minor ’19 performed his poem about losing his childhood home to gentrification (see next page). Umeh encouraged support for programs that prioritize access to affordable housing in Boston, including City Life and Nuestra Comunidad. Vikram Aldykiewicz ’19 described the first time he was pulled out of line at airport security, when he was 13 years old. “He had the ‘respect’ to call me a gentleman,” said Aldykiewicz, “even though I had committed the serious offense of skin discoloration.” Jankey encouraged the crowd to support the American Civil Liberties Union and the NAACP, and each individual to confront statements of stereotyping or generalizing. As Aldykiewicz said, “This conversation only happens if you start it.” Madeleine Charity ’19, Mikaela Martin ’19 and Jelinda Metelus ’18 concluded with a performance of Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise”: Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave / I am the dream and the hope of the slave….I rise.

Uniforms at Nobles Cathy Hall faced shocked whispers when she announced the impending incorporation of school uni-

forms at Nobles. Maya Keenan-Gallagher and Will Schwartz, both ’18, entered the stage in full uniform, while Schwartz described

UNTITLED, BY DEVON MINOR ’19 For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.


Two minutes, that’s all I need to tell my story through one short poem.



Born 6 pounds 8 ounces 20 inches long Lemon shaped dark brown eyes Brown skin with dark brown straight hair Ears dark like the oil you pump for fuel Two brown-skin parents Malaika Adams-Minor and Marvin Dewitt Minor Sr. The latter of which grew up in the projects in Baltimore Ate welfare cheese and mayo sandwiches And when he wanted to fantasize, Put plastic colored film on the black and white tv Colored tv! Just like the wealthy boys had

I stand yet again No longer overlooking a pond I stand in an ocean Of young faces and new identities There is no ice on this ocean to break through No one is misunderstood here Yes I can be a poor black kid from Roxbury, and attend private school No white people are not “the enemy” Yet the man evicted from his home because that white family wanted to build on the property next to his would say differently

SEPTEMBER 3RD, 2013 Not quite a sea Yet not a lake either A pond perhaps! I stand overlooking this ice-covered pond Far off I spot one small cavity As though someone has fallen through—unnoticed The few students of color aren’t hard to spot

AUGUST 19TH, 2014

MARCH 9TH, 2018 Moving day? Or eviction day? That man becomes me I no longer will make those short walks to the subway station I no longer will walk the thin, wide steps to my home I no longer will shut the white flimsy door that always seems to swing right open But where will I stay? I don’t know Ask the man who built that beautiful home right next to ours He didn’t see the beauty of the community already developed, But an opportunity to allocate his knowledge of “truly beautiful societies”

What’s the hardest decision you’ve ever made? Well before you answer, Have you ever had to make a decision that could kill or save your mother’s life? It may not be the best hospital, But let me tell you that hospital saved my mother’s life I called my mother this morning, So lucky am I to have made the right choice

the “disgusting” fashions he regularly sees in the hallways. Then they revealed the joke: “The Nobleman is here.” And relieved

laughter filled Lawrence Auditorium. The Best Life Possible In a NEDTalk (Nobles’ version of TEDTalks),

Patrick Stevenson ’18 explained that, after his young cousin’s Duchenne muscular dystrophy diagnosis, Stevenson’s family

was determined to “give him the best life possible in however long a time span he has.” Patrick now coaches for New Eng-

land Disabled Sports, where he learned that service can be fun, how to get back up after he falls down and the power of a smile.

Six Years of Cheer Twins Caroline and Courtney CollinsPisano, both ’18, gave their final annual holiday assembly per-

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the bulletin

Anderson Mural Receives Recognition a required course lead to far-overdue government recognition of the first monument to American civil rights? As Desmond Herzfelder ’19 can attest, it takes a lot of research, dozens of letters and a great deal of patience. Herzfelder grew up listening to Marian Anderson, an African-American contralto and an early civil rights leader. In Doug Jankey’s “U.S. History: Themes of Modern America” course, Herzfelder learned more about Anderson’s role in the early civil rights movement. After the Daughters of the American Revolution refused to let Anderson sing at their venue, ignoring her talent because of the color of her skin, Anderson sang instead on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday 1939, to an audience of more than 75,000 people. Researching for the rite of passage that is the Class III history paper, Herzfelder discovered the obscure mural “An Incident in Contemporary American Life,” by Mitchell Jamieson, which depicts a racially integrated audience at Anderson’s concert. There was almost no literature on the mural, but what Herzfelder did find was fascinating. Jankey had never come across the mural before, although he had studied the concert itself extensively. He says, “One of the things that I really like about the project is that the best ones teach me new things about things with which I am pretty familiar.” Teacher and student learned that the mural was the product

of a delicately balanced compromise between the conservative and the revolutionary. The mural took the place of a planned protest, but white leaders overhauled the process, choosing white federal arts administrator Edward Bruce and white artist Mitchell Jamieson. However, at the last moment, Jamieson made unauthorized changes to the painting and included portraits of contemporary African American civil rights leaders Charles Hamilton Houston and Mary McLeod Bethune. In Herzfelder’s argument, those unauthorized changes turned petty mollification into the first monument to the civil rights movement. A good grade on his paper wasn’t enough for Herzfelder, though, and he wanted to take action. “It turned into a passion for him,” Jankey smiles. Herzfelder reworked his paper into an op-ed for the Washington Post: “The Nation’s First Civil Rights Monument Turns 75.” The piece generated a response from the Marian Anderson Historical Society, which encouraged Herzfelder to keep writing letters to push for the mural’s recognition. Eventually, the Interior Department replied with excitement, which Herzfelder received with more excitement: “The mural is in their building; they had the power to actually do something.” Over the next few months, Herzfelder

formance, while a slideshow of all their previous performances played behind them. When they put down their saxophone and

My Failure Confession Hall began the new year with her “failure confession”: Her puppy, Jack Bruce, is reportedly “the


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guitar for the last time, the crowd congratulated them with a standing ovation.

worst-behaved dog in Massachusetts.” She explained, “Jack is so poorly behaved because I have not had time to train him.” She

Desmond Herzfelder ’19, Department of the Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and Marian Anderson Historical Society Chief Operating Officer Jillian Pirtle in front of Mitchell Jamieson’s “An Incident in Contemporary American Life” mural.

worked with the Interior Department and the Marian Anderson Historical Society to plan an event to honor the mural and install it as the first monument in the new U.S. Civil Rights Network of civil rights monuments. The network, a result of the African American Civil Rights Network Act of 2017, documents monuments to the movement while recognizing “the relevance of the African American Civil Rights movement in fostering the spirit of social justice and national reconciliation.” As Herzfelder explains, “That’s why I felt [the mural] needed to be recognized: The message is still really important. I think that’s part of the importance of recognizing all civil rights monuments. … Obviously, there’s still a lot of work to do.”

resolved to be a better dog trainer and encouraged students in their own resolutions.

The Bomb Cyclone Tomas O’Brien ’18 invited the school to a round of applause for Hall after two consecutive snow days, when

TRAVIS ROY SHARES STORY OF TRIUMPH, TRAGEDY—AND TRIUMPH Hockey player Travis Roy achieved and lost his dream in the span of 11 seconds. The Tabor alumnus, who won a scholarship to play for Boston University, was tapped by Coach Jack Parker on October 20, 1995. The moment was the fulfillment of his goal to play Division I hockey and a step toward—maybe someday—playing pro or becoming part of the Olympic team. After just 11 seconds of wearing #24, he slid into the boards and suffered a spinal injury that left him a quadriplegic. “That’s the challenge that chose me,” he said to students and faculty at long assembly on January 24. “It’s what we do in the face of these challenges that defines who we are.” As he told the Nobles community, that day changed him forever; it also served to clarify his values and led him to establish the Travis Roy Foundation, which supports people with spinal injuries. Half of the money raised by the foundation goes toward quality-of-life grants to purchase adaptive equipment to help paraplegics and quadriplegics, while the remainder supports research. Roy recalled his earliest memories of playing hockey in Yarmouth, Maine, where his dad coached and managed a rink. He first wore skates at 18 months. As a teenager, he shared a list of his goals with his parents, who smiled and reminded Roy that playing D1 hockey would require him to keep his grades up. Roy, who is mildly dyslexic, worked hard to maintain a B average. When he landed at Tabor, schools including Boston University and Harvard were recruiting him. He told the Nobles audience that two factors helped him meet his goals—both before and after the accident. First, he said, “you’ve got to have desire.” Next, he said, “you need pride, knowing you tried your best.”

Roy remembers saying to his dad, as he lay on the ice unable to move, “I’ve made it.” He acknowledged to himself and his family the fulfillment of a dream just as he recognized that his reality was about to change. After months in hospitals, where he was on a ventilator, suffered from pneumonia, and had a metal plate inserted into his neck for stability, Roy emerged. But he acknowledges that he had dark moments when he was unsure what the rest of his life might look like. “I do believe that we all have an inner spirit,” he said. He reiterated that love, pride and respect were what made and kept him successful. He urged students to make respecting others the default and to look beyond the labels and see the person. “Give [them] respect from the start. Hear each other out. Thank God we’re all different—don’t be so quick to judge.” Roy also urged students to be expressive in their love of family, friends and romantic partners. “Let the people you love know. It doesn’t have to be saved for a special occasion.” Hug them, he said. “It’s the first thing I’d do if I got out of a wheelchair.”

a “bomb cyclone” hit the East Coast.

explained, “We want to encourage you to find your voice in a time when having a voice is really important.”

Sandcastles Manuela Amoah ’18 crooned Beyonce’s

“Sandcastles” with music faculty member Michael Turner’s accompaniment on piano.

Find Your Voice Nick Hazard ’20 and Gabby Rayev ’21 announced the founding of their Mock Trial Club. Hazard

By Surprise Anya Cheng and Eliza McPherron, both ’21, harmonized Niall Horan’s “Seeing Blind.”

Go Pats! History and social science faculty member Jenny CarlsonPietraszek announced that a community-

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the bulletin

Balancing History POET, TEACHER AND SCHOLAR Clint Smith

addressed the Nobles community in Lawrence Auditorium on February 7. Director of Diversity Initiatives Erica Pernell introduced Smith, who is a doctoral candidate at Harvard University, a 2014 National Poetry Slam champion and 2017 recipient of the Jerome J. Shestack Prize from the American Poetry Review. He has also received fellowships from the National Science Foundation, written for national magazines, and delivered two TED Talks. Smith’s debut collection of poems, Counting Descent, was published in 2016 by Write Bloody Publishing. Smith, who is a former high school English teacher, says that his dad was his first teacher. When Smith was young, his father underwent two kidney transplants, forcing Smith to confront mortality in a way he had never had to. In one of the poems he read, he speaks in his father’s voice: “Clint, love your mother like a stained-glass window in a war zone.” Smith told the audience that poems have always been the way he makes sense of the world. He described his often idyllic youth in New Orleans as Disney Channel-like in its positive, mixed-race neighborhood. He explained the tension between his happy family and immediate community life, with his father’s assertions that as a young black man, his safety depended on following different rules than many of his friends. He described it as a “marathon of cognitive dissonance.” Smith became part of an intergenerational conversation: His grandfather

wide raffle for two tickets to the Patriots game, given by a generous donor, earned $5,680 for programs in India. Carlson-

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Pietraszek planned a Nobles communityservice trip to India this spring.

talked to his father, who in turn talked to him, and he anticipates similar conversations with his son, now just 8 months old. The opening of Smith’s debut book of poems features a Ralph Ellison quote: “I recognize no dichotomy between art and protest.” Like Ellison, Smith confronts cultural challenges through art. A poem that he read in assembly, “what the fire hydrant said to the black boy,” begins:

we got a tangled history the two of us must be hard to look at me & just see summertime… they say we both come with warnings for others not to come too close but we both mind our own business until people use us for things we were never meant for Smith encouraged the Nobles community to consider the holistic versions of the truth—to avoid reduc-

Shades on Stage Shi Williams ’18 wore sunglasses as she sang Jet’s “Are You Gonna Be My Girl,” with a full band accompaniment.

A Gold Winner Director of Athletics Alex Gallagher ’90 congratulated hockey player Lily Farden ’19 for winning

ing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to a famous excerpt from one speech and to not ignore the contributions of civil rights activist Rosa Parks, naming only a single act of protest on a bus—noting the complexity of the 400-year history since slaves arrived on American soil, and that 12 of our first 18 presidents owned slaves. He reminded listeners that while Americans have made progress in race relations since the 1960s, racism and the effects of its institutions and policies continue to have profound effects. “The woman who opened the Museum of African American History in Washington, D.C., was the granddaughter of someone enslaved. Those people are still alive; they’re still here. “Oppression doesn’t disappear just because you decided not to teach that chapter,” he said. “[We can be] so good at covering our ears while someone else is screaming.” Following his assembly talk, Smith spent a period with poetry and “Race and Identity in America” classes, in which students wrote poems addressed to themselves during a meaningful moment in time, sharing advice and perspective. They discussed how the vulnerability of sharing personal writing helped them to better understand one another. Smith said he views poetry as “an endeavor in time travel.” Smith is writing his doctoral dissertation on race and inequality, focusing on how people incarcerated for life experience education. He lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife and young son.

gold with the U.S. under-18 Women’s National Team, in Dmitrov, Russia.

The Songstress Marijke Perry ’18 debuted another song she wrote, singing, “I wish you the world, because you’re all of

Putting the Growl in Gargantua Alasdair MacKenzie ’15 jokes that he learned to play music around the time he started to move his limbs. “We had a leather sofa in the house where I was born. Somebody unwisely gave me drumsticks, and within a couple months, the sofa had been tanned.” Those at Nobles remember him as an assembly regular, with more than 100 performances—often in support of a fellow musician or vocalist. Now at Harvard, MacKenzie plays drums, bass, guitar and piano, and sings with New Dakotas, an indie folk pop band. This past fall, Nobles Theatre Collective director Todd Morton invited MacKenzie to compose music for the middle school play Gargantua, in which a giant baby terrorizes London. Morton first tapped MacKenzie in 2015 to direct and compose music for the NTC’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” and he appreciates his irrepressible optimism and creativity. Why did MacKenzie, a busy college student with his own band, circle back to Nobles? “I like opportunities to branch out and create types of music that I haven’t created before. I don’t typically write music specifically for plays or for younger audiences, so it was cool to try those things.” When writing songs, MacKenzie says, “I try to make them interesting and, you know, beautiful and the whole deal, but I also try to make them bangers. My roommate’s in a band, too, and he and I like to say that we want to get the kids tapping their toes.” For Gargantua, MacKenzie’s vision of a 12-year-old growling her lines like Johnny Rotten of ’70s English punk band the Sex Pistols was a departure from his usually harmonious, melodic tunes. It was equally alien to Sixie soprano Ava Neal, who played the character of Dummysuckers. Morton says, “He wanted her to let loose and let it sound rough at times. It runs so counter to how she’s been trained. None of these kids have ever heard of the band. They ask, ‘That’s really their name?’” Neal says of working with MacKenzie, “Gargantua was one of the most fun musical projects I’ve ever done. I got to sing like a British punk rocker. Alasdair told me to sound kind of scary, like I had a lot of angst. We both have a passion for music, so we had a lot to talk about.” On the play’s opening night, as the house lights came back on, the audience streamed out singing “Gargantua…!” Once again, MacKenzie had them tapping their toes.

mine / I only wish you could see how much you shine.” Provost Bill Bussey applauded her: “I’ve been here a long

time, and I don’t remember anyone like Marijke Perry. She is very special.”

Open Doors Hall announced the opening of the academic center and thanked all of the people who worked

behind the scenes to make the new building possible, including Chief Financial and Operating Officer Steve Ginsberg, Chief

In February, middle schoolers brought a ravenous, giant baby to life in their performance of Carl Grose’s Gargantua. The selection emerged from the National Theatre of London’s annual festival of new plays for youth theatre and schools. In this darkly funny and distinctly British tale, eager parents Mr. and Mrs. Mungus are overjoyed—and then overwhelmed—when their enormous son, Hugh, is born after twoand-a-half years in utero. While power-hungry government scientists fantasize about cloning the elephantine infant to crush their enemies, the tot’s insatiable appetite and exponential growth wreak terror on the townspeople. Babies put everything in their mouths—and in the case of the young Mungus, the results prove catastrophic.

Advancement Officer George Maley and Director of Buildings and Grounds Mike McHugh and his team.

Daniel, Won’t You Listen Mikaela Martin ’19 wowed the crowd with a beautiful and emotional rendition of

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the bulletin

Resor Clears 700 ON FEBRUARY 10, Tom Resor won his 700th game coaching

hockey at Nobles. The win was against Westminster. Resor’s milestone exceeds the record of the school’s next winningest coach by more than 250. In assembly on February 12, Director of Athletics Alex Gallagher ’90 recognized Resor’s remarkable record, calling him a legend and also one of the most humble athletic heroes. “Tom has become the standard bearer not only for coaches at Nobles but for coaches throughout the ISL (Independent School League),” Gallagher said. “He is deeply respected for his humility, his kindness and his relentless commitment to his players. I speak for countless others

when I say that it is a genuine honor to be his colleague.” Resor has coached at Nobles since 1986, the first 14 years as the coach of the boys varsity hockey team. During his tenure as the girls varsity coach, the program has sent more than 50 players to play college hockey and helped develop 11 national team players. Resor is also a college counselor, English teacher and assistant boys varsity lacrosse coach. Outside of Nobles, Resor has coached for USA Hockey, Assabet Valley and the Cape Cod Whalers. The 2017–18 girls varsity hockey team ended the season with a record of 26–3–3.

Joss Stone’s “Daniel.” Amid the applause, Jelinda Metelus ’18 smiled: “I’m just going to say what everyone is thinking:

longtime love for their teams. As Bussey explained, every New Englander should feel some emotion when they hear the

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That was amazing.” Superfans Faculty and staff members Cathy Hall, George Maley, Edgar

De Leon and Bill Bussey took the stage wearing jerseys [and a onesie!] to share their superstitions and

words: “Havlicek stole the ball!” The Whiffles A barbershop quartet from the Nobles

Theatre Collective’s winter musical CryBaby sang and danced to “a little ditty we call ‘Squeaky Clean.’” The “Squares” wore

BUILDING LEADERS Director of Strength and Conditioning Kevin O’Neill spends as much time helping athletes build muscle as he does coaching them to be leaders. “What’s more important than how much you bench or how much you squat is what kind of person you are,” he says. This philosophy may be what recently earned him the Northeast Regional Coach of the Year award from the National High School Strength Coaches Association (NHSSCA). He will receive the award on June 15 at the NHSSCA National Conference. O’Neill heard about the NHSSCA while listening to a podcast on his commute to work, a daily professional

development ritual for the seasoned coach. The podcasts he listens to mimic the twofold goals of his program: “The long-term athletic development of the kids, balanced with developing future leaders and good human beings.” In the Fine Family Strength and Conditioning Center, team competitions throughout the season develop leadership skills and a culture of positive reinforcement. But O’Neill says that some of his favorite moments in coaching often involve the less-athletic students. “The part I like is when they start walking in the weight room with a little pep in their step, a little more confidence. ...That can carry over to a

number of areas, whether it be academic, social or family life.” O’Neill hopes that Nobles students are recognized as “kids who believe in themselves and believe in their teammates, kids who aren’t afraid to work hard, and kids who will own their own actions.” Despite winning the Robert J. Agostini Award for athletic contribution as a noncompetitor in 2017, and the recent NHSSCA award, O’Neill maintains his humility: “Having a goal and attempting to develop leadership and teamwork at Nobles don’t make me special—that’s what our staff does. Strength and conditioning is just another means by which you can do that.”

sweater vests in pastel shades and introduced the baton-twirling apple of their eyes, Allison, played by Lucy Morrison ’19.

and Tommy ’23, and the Majernik sisters, Emma ’18 and Sophie ’23, giving roses to audience members of their choice. Rose

proceeds from the rose sale benefit cancerrelated charities and organizations.

“Where My Heart Is” Campuses Against Cancer kicked off its annual rose sale with the Schwartz brothers, Will ’18

recipients included Nitty Moore ’23, Maddie Mills ’18, Harrison Dolgoff ’23 and Danny Monaghan ’18, respectively. All

SPRING 2018 Nobles 13

the bulletin

Squeaky Clean In late February, the Nobles Theatre Collective presented Cry-Baby, a musical based on the 1990 John Waters film. Set in 1954, the musical tells the story of Allison Vernon-Williams, who is attracted to Wade “Cry-Baby” Walker, an orphan from the tough side of town. The Nobles production, directed by Performing Arts Chair Dan Halperin, featured romantic leads Henry Dolgoff ’19, as Cry-Baby, and Lucy Morrison ’19, as Allison Vernon-Williams. The dynamic cast, musicians and crew earned a series of standing ovations.

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On the Playing Fields ALPINE SKIING


Girls Overall Record: 24-1 (ISL

Overall Record: 20-7 ISL Record: 11-1 (2nd place) NEPSAC Class A Champions All-League: Caroline Ducharme ’21 and

Champions, 8th consecutive year) Boys Overall Record: 17-21 (6th in ISL) All-League: Hannah Epstein ’21, Izzy Kocher ’18 and Caroline Patterson ’18 Honorable Mention: Ethan Bondick ’20, Reese Dickinson ’20 and Sibley Dickinson ’18 All-Scholastic ISL: Izzy Kocher ’18 All-New England: Izzy Kocher ’18 Awards: James H. Bride Ski Bowl (for enthusiasm, spirit and sportsmanship): Izzy Kocher and Patrick Stevenson, both ’18. Coaches’ Award (for selfless attitude and consistent effort): Dani Abouhamad, Sibley Dickinson, Camden Filoon and Caroline Patterson, all ’18 BOYS VARSITY BASKETBALL Overall Record: 13-12 ISL Record: 8-7 All-League: Will Ledingham and James

Welch, both ’18

Honorable Mention: Ben McPherron ’19 NEPSAC Class A Third Team: James

Welch ’18 Awards: Clarke Bowl (for contribution to team spirit): River Yan ’18 1983-’84 Basketball Award (for the player who best exemplifies the spirit, dedication, determination, attitude and improvement of the 1983-’84 team): James Welch ’18

Marnelle Garraud ’18 Honorable Mention: Hannah Bean ’19, Ashley Ducharme ’18 and Sydney Jones ’21 All-New England: Caroline Ducharme ’21 and Marnelle Garraud ’18 NEPSAC MVP: Caroline Ducharme ’21 Awards: Seadale Bowl (given by the Seadale family for overall contribution to the basketball program): Ashley Ducharme and Marnelle Garraud, both ’18. Richard Nickerson Award (in honor of the longtime coach, awarded to a non-senior for courage and determination): Caroline Ducharme ’21 and Aislinn McCarthy ’19 2018 Captains: Hannah Bean, Aislinn McCarthy, Alex Poole and Priscilla Singleton-Eriyo, all ’19 BOYS VARSITY HOCKEY Overall Record: 13-12-2 ISL Record: 6-6-2 All-League: Jerry Harding, Trevor

Spence and Sean Wrenn, all ’18 Honorable Mention: Matt Lane ’18, John Murray ’19 and Casey Severo ’20 Awards: Terry Flaman Award (for the JV player who demonstrates spirit, enthusiasm and love of hockey as exemplified

by Terry Flaman): Max von Schroeter ’19. 1974 Award (for improvement in hockey): Owen O’Connor ’20. Sziklas Hockey Trophy (for contribution to the team): Ben Rice ’18 GIRLS VARSITY HOCKEY Overall Record: 26-3-3 ISL Record: 10-1-1 (2nd place) NEPSAC Division I Tournament Champions All-League: Lily Farden ’19, Kelly

Pickreign ’18 and Katie Tresca ’18. Honorable Mention: Courtney Hyland ’19 and Stephanie Nomicos ’18 NEPSAC MVP: Kelly Pickreign ’18 NEPSAC Division I First Team: Lily Farden ’19 and Katie Tresca ’18 NEPSAC Division I Second Team: Kelly Pickreign ’18 Awards: Anne Dudley Newell Hockey Cup (for dedication and excellence): Stephanie Nomicos, Kelly Pickreign, Katie Tresca and Abby Volo, all ’18 BOYS VARSITY SQUASH Overall Record: 14-2 ISL Record: 9-0 (1st place); NEISA Class

A 3rd place

Season Highlights ■■ ■■ ■■

Girls varsity squash won their sixth straight ISL championship. Girls varsity basketball won their seventh straight New England championship. Girls varsity hockey won the New England championship.

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■■ ■■

Girls alpine skiing won their eighth straight ISL championship. David Yeh ’18 won Graves-Kelsey and NEISWA wrestling championships.

Patrick McElroy ’18

Kelly Pickreign ’18

James Welch ’18

Izzy Kocher ’18

All-League: Patrick McElroy ’18 and Lucan White ’19 Honorable Mention: Ryan Santoro ’18, Jackson Smith ’19 All-NEPSAC Class A First Team: Patrick McElroy ’18 All-NEPSAC Class A Honorable Mention:

Ryan Santoro ’18 and Lucan White ’19

Award: Cutler Cup (awarded to the

member of the team who has shown the greatest devotion to the sport): Patrick McElroy ’18 GIRLS VARSITY SQUASH Overall Record: 11-2 ISL Record: 8-0 (ISL Champions, 6th

consecutive year); NEISA Class A 3rd place; Division I Nationals 7th place All-League: Jesse Brownell ’19, Becca

Gill ’20, Isabel Kelly ’19 and Allie Winstanley ’19 Honorable Mention: Abby Holding ’21 Award: Cutler Cup (awarded to the member of the team who has shown the greatest devotion to the sport): Jesse Brownell ’19 2018 Captains: Jesse Brownell, Isabel Kelly and Allie Winstanley, all ’19 VARSITY WRESTLING Overall Record: 11-4 ISL Record: 9-3, 5th place team at Graves-

Kelsey Tournament All-League: Christopher Millay ’20 (Graves-Kelsey 2nd place at 138 lbs.) and David Yeh ’18 (Graves-Kelsey 1st place at 126 lbs.) Honorable Mention: Bassam Qasrawi ’19

(Graves-Kelsey 3rd place at 152 lbs.), Michael Welch ’18 (Graves-Kelsey 3rd place at 182 lbs.) Additional Graves-Kelsey Place Finishers:

Cam Camacho ’18 (4th place at 160 lbs.), Ben Emery ’21 (6th place at 106 lbs.) All-New England: Christopher Millay ’20 (8th), Michael Welch ’18 (7th), Bassam Qasrawi ’19 (3rd) and David Yeh ’18 (1st) Awards: Warren E. Storer Award (for hard work and improvement): Ryan Flynn ’18. Wilbur F. Storer Award (for the most outstanding wrestler): David Yeh ’18. Steve Toubman Award (for sportsmanship, leadership and dedication to wrestling): Cam Camacho ’18 2018 Captains: Vikram Aldykiewicz and Bassam Qasrawi, both ’19

SPRING 2018 Nobles 17

off the shelf


Lioncrest Publishing Performance Partnerships: The Checkered Past, Changing Present and Exciting Future of Affiliate Marketing, by Robert (Bobby) Glazer ’94, is an in-depth look at the affiliate (performance) marketing industry, examining its roots, evolution and ongoing transition into one of the most important forms of direct-toconsumer digital marketing. “The bar for affiliate marketing is being raised,” according to Christine Day, former CEO of Lululemon Athletica, in a review of the book. “Paying for just a click can risk damaging your brand and wasting your resources. Performance partnerships, where relationships, transparency and outcomes are measured in an integrated fashion, is the future you should be working on now.” In Performance Partnerships, Glazer defines the elements of true affiliate marketing and demonstrates for marketing leaders how to benefit from its model of paying partners after they have delivered a desired outcome, and how to integrate all of these partners in a brandaligned system. Glazer is the founder and managing director of

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Acceleration Partners and the founder and chairman of BrandCycle. He is a serial entrepreneur with a track record and passion for growing revenue and profits for B2C-based companies. He has extensive experience in the consumer, e-commerce, retail, online marketing and ad-tech industries, and has partnered with brands such as Adidas, ModCloth, Reebok, Target, Tiny Prints, Gymboree and Warby Parker. In 2013, Glazer was named to the Boston Business Journal’s “40 Under 40 List,” which is compiled annually and recognizes business and civic leaders who collectively represent the next wave of talent and commitment in the Boston economy. THE BEST CLASS YOU NEVER TAUGHT: HOW SPIDER WEB DISCUSSION CAN TURN STUDENTS INTO LEARNING LEADERS BY ALEXIS WIGGINS


In The Best Class You Never Taught: How Spider Web Discussion Can Turn Students

into Learning Leaders, Alexis Wiggins ’95 offers teachers practical methods to achieve the full potential of classroom discussions. The acronym SPIDER helps with the practicality of the method; her aim is to have the reader “finish this book and know exactly what this method is, how to use it, and how to share it with others.” The acronym breaks down: Synergetic—“It’s teamoriented, balanced and group-graded.” Practiced—“It’s ongoing, rehearsed and debriefed.” Independent—“The teacher interferes as little as possible; students run the discussion and self-assess.” Developed—“The discussion gets deep, builds on itself, goes ‘somewhere.’” Exploration—“This is the main goal; more than discussion, it is a discussion-based exploration.” Rubric—“This is the cornerstone to the whole process: to have a clear, concise rubric against which students can easily self-assess.”

The web is the teacher’s mapping of the discussion in

real time, an objective visual tool for showing students imbalances in their classroom conversations. The teacher, sitting silently outside the group, draws lines between the speaking students, creating a web that, at the beginning, often excludes a few voices while emphasizing others. As students learn to encourage one another and promote more meaningful conversation, the web becomes more balanced. The true genius of the Spider Web Discussion is in the coding system Wiggins uses to detail discussions. With marks on the web like “O” for “Organizing, leading or calling for order,” “Q” for “Insightful question” and “X” for “error in comprehension,” teachers using Spider Web Discussion can identify, long before any assessment, strengths and weaknesses in each student’s leadership skills and understanding. In The Best Class You Never Taught, Alexis Wiggins revolutionizes classroom discussion, carrying the legacy of her late father, teacher, author and education reformer Grant Wiggins. As her father’s best friend and colleague Jay McTighe writes in the book’s foreword, “Alexis’ dad would be so proud.”

my mugs... sports



Every morning, part of my routine involves picking out a cup for my coffee, which I enjoy with fellow faculty members and their families in the Castle around 7:30 a.m. While sipping the hot beverage, I get a chance to think back about the circumstances in which I acquired the cup and the last interaction I had with the maker—in short, it is a chance to spend a couple of quiet moments with some of my favorite potters and friends.



This little cup is probably closest to my own aesthetic. I love the proportion of the body of the cup to the size and shape of the foot. I have a clear preference for cups without handles. I got this piece from the infamous “Clay Akar: Yunomi Invitational.” Usually in May, this show/sale is an online shopping frenzy that rivals the days of wedding dresses going on sale at Filene’s Basement in the 1970s. I have bought many cups over the years—it is so fun to do a pre-read on their website to scope out what I might get and whom I might support. I usually try to find potters whom I’ve met or with whom I’ve created some sort of relationship. Brandon is a wood-firer from Abilene, Texas, whose motto is “Support your local potter!” I always try to follow this rule.

Gallery in the Woods, one of my favorite craft galleries, is in Brattleboro, Vermont, and showcases works and artists who celebrate the “visionary, surreal, fantastic and the sacred.” Last December, while checking out a couple of their latest shows, I spotted this little diner mug with two vibrant cardinals hanging out in a birch tree forest. The mug makes me so happy, especially in the middle of a dreary winter.

2. JUSTIN ROTHSHANK Justin has justifiably started to make some noise outside of the ceramics world. His work, featuring photographic decals on top of relaxed surfaces, can be seen in many venues and magazines. He loves to put political and social figures on his cups, including Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Michelle Obama and John Lewis. I personally love having coffee with Jimi [Hendrix]. I purchased this mug at the Society of Arts and Crafts on Newbury Street while leading a class of Ceramics II students on a field trip to local galleries in 2015.




4. DOUG CASEBEER I first met Doug in 2011, when Foster Gallery hosted a show of his work along with fellow artist John Gill. He was generous, kind and extremely talented. We crossed paths again last year at NCECA (the National Conference for Education in the Ceramic Arts) in Portland, Oregon. He had a lovely body of work that featured his own version of a shino glaze (a traditional Japanese glaze developed in the 16th century). The glaze is satiny, milky and sensuous. The relaxed surface of the cup reminds me to approach the day with a serene attitude.

5. JEN ALLEN I love this cup! It has a beautiful handle that sits perfectly over my fingers. I’ve always admired how Allen layers different methods of mark making on top of one another into a coherent whole. She mixes the raw clay surface, the beautiful glazes and the vibrant over-glaze decals. She has greatly influenced my thinking about my recent excursion into low-temperature firing.



SPRING 2018 Nobles 19

by the numbers


187 650

150’ Length of the Tyrolean Traverse zip line Nobles students try on the Colorado trip Approximate number of miles biked on the Cambodia/Vietnam trip each year

Number of heart-shaped stickers middle schoolers used to decorate Valentine’s Day cards to Dedham senior citizens

2/3 14,035

Documented service hours completed by students last year


Of service hours completed by Nobles students occur within Interstate 495

600 Letters written to currently deployed military service members

Items donated to Nobles partners in Rwanda and South Africa this year

18,000 Hours of service completed in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina

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Total number of days Nobles adults spent traveling with students on EXCEL trips this year


Hall of Fame Rick Pinderhughes ’73 was a standout

athlete throughout his three years at Nobles. Playing both football and basketball, Rick dominated both on the field and the court. A three-time All-ISL player in football, Rick has 14 career touchdowns and 1,011 total yards in his three seasons. Rick was a three-time All-ISL player in basketball. He captained the team his senior year, averaging 15 points per game. Rick possessed all of the qualities of a Hall of Fame athlete: speed, strength, athleticism, smarts, a strong work ethic, a team-player mentality, mental toughness and a desire to be great. Jenna Gomez ’04

made significant contributions to girls athletics at Nobles. Accumulating 13 varsity letters in her six years at Nobles, Jenna played varsity field hockey for five seasons, varsity basketball for all six, and softball for two. Attaining All-ISL honors her junior and senior years in field hockey, Jenna was a leader both on and off the field. Jenna absolutely dominated on the basketball court. A three-time All-New England player, Jenna won the ISL MVP and led the team to an ISL championship her senior year. With 1,680 total points, Jenna is the third-highest scorer in Nobles girls basketball history. The 2007 Football Team went undefeated and won the New England Championship. They were the first

The 2007 football team

Nobles team to win nine games in a season. Led by McCallum Foote ’09, Pat Noone ’08 and Nick Resor ’08, the offense was simply unstoppable, averaging 38 points and 381 total yards per game. Anchored by Robbie Schlesinger ’08 and Elike Kumahia ’08 on defense, the average halftime score was 24-7. The regular season was capped off by a thrashing of Milton (43-20), which secured the ISL Championship. They defeated Gunnery in the New England Championship game 42-12. The “All the Time” team mantra was personified by the 2007 team in their commitment to one another, the team and how they represented the school. Sarah Plumb ’08 is one of the

greatest female athletes in the school’s history. Completely dominating every sport she played (field hockey, basketball and lacrosse), Sarah was respected by both teammates and competitors both on and off the field. A 12-time varsity athlete, she attained

All-League honors in each sport, was elected the captain of each sport her senior year, and was a nine-time ISL Champion. She won both the Miller medal and the Shield Award her senior year. Her best sport, however, was lacrosse, where she was a two-time ISL MVP, amassing 120 goals and 70 assists in her career. Caroline “Ceci” Clark was a

groundbreaking coach and athletic director during her time at Nobles. Coaching the girls varsity soccer team for nine seasons, Ceci led the team to a record of 80-26-8 and two ISL Championships, bringing the program to the forefront of Nobles athletics. Ceci was also the first female athletic director in the ISL from 1981-1983. As Kim (Griffith) Hyland ’89 says, “Ceci was a trailblazer for female athletes at Nobles. …When I think of how lucky my daughters are to be a part of the Nobles community and its successful athletic programs today, I know that we owe a lot to Ceci.” SPRING 2018 Nobles 21


Play in Color A Maker’s Work BY THANAE COOPER

In the almost 24 years that Thanae Cooper has worked in the Nobles admission office, she has created countless pieces of jewelry for her colleagues and friends. Her classic Swarovski crystal and Japanese seed bead designs shine in the collections of faculty and staff throughout Nobles. Her ever-expanding expertise includes dressmaking, quilting, tole painting and, most recently, mosaics.


was born in Istanbul in a home with no television and no telephone. My childhood winters were spent knitting, crocheting, embroidering and sewing alongside the women of my family. My mother made all of our clothes—little plaid skirts and party dresses—at home. Ready-to-wear clothes just weren’t available. I learned so much by watching her sew, crochet and embroider. In today’s world of craft, I am known as a “maker.” I make things— useful things, beautiful things. I paint. I sew. I make jewelry. I love smushing a brush in paint. I love cutting fabric into precise angles. I love striving for perfection that never happens. I am not a fan of mass-produced art or jewelry. I always prefer and cherish handmade items. There are so many crafts where the process is “quick and easy,” but it’s impossible to grow as an artist that way. There is learning in the process of making and tremendous satisfaction when we apply all of our technical skills to create something that is meaningful and won’t wind up in the next yard sale. I don’t mean that it should take years to complete a project, but really, there is no such thing as a “quilt in a day.” It is so much better to make things that take thought and skill, and most of all, patience, than to rush through the process. Nothing is more precious than the time we spend making an item into a piece of art that will be treasured.

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My philosophy for making items that will last through generations is to use the best materials that are available and affordable. I live by the credo “Less is more.” A gorgeous piece of fabric, a precisely cut Swarovski crystal, a tube of beautifully blended paint are all it takes to make a difference in a high-quality handmade item. We are so fortunate in this country to have access to amazing supplies and resources to research, design and craft. Tools and education have never been so plentiful. I love the way technology has become integrated with education. Online learning makes it possible for me to learn just about every skill. Almost every day I research methods and designs. I have so much fun; it feels like playtime. I gift most of what I make, especially quilts. I recently heard a lady say, “I will not sell you a quilt, but if I love you, I will give it to you for free.” I very much agree: A handmade item is not the sum of its parts but a gift of precious time. I’ve made quilts for every small child in my family—five so far, and two more to go! Recently, and at my daughter’s request, I made her wedding dress and jewelry (see image at left). I was so delighted that she asked. She is not a maker, but she treasures the work her mom and other artists create. This desire to make beautiful things and useful things has always been a huge part of who I am. It’s something I hope to do until the end of my days. I live a joyful life because I play in color. Visit for more.

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World AIDS Day A longer version of this speech was delivered in assembly on December 1, 2017. BY LOUIS BARASSI


hen I tell students I have been teaching history for more than 30 years, they often want to know how I can do the same thing day after day, year after year, and I invariably tell them, every class, every day, every year is different, because I see things that have become familiar to me in new ways as a result of their questions, insights and experiences. I was reminded how much I can learn from my students when I witnessed Katie Polebaum ’02 and, more recently, her younger brother, Michael ’08—both former students of mine—share with our school community what it was like for them to be gay and to come out here at Nobles. The power of their words, and the courage they demonstrated, reminded me that our school mission of leadership for the public good is modeled daily in a wide variety of ways, and it inspired me to share with you today, which also happens to be World AIDS Day, my own story of coming out during the early years of the AIDS epidemic. Many of you already know I’m gay. My partner, Mike, and I live here in Dedham, just a few minutes away from the school. While I don’t think this should be a big deal, I have to admit from the start that I feel a little awkward saying it to you. Not because I am ashamed or embarrassed, but rather because like many of you, I am not entirely comfortable talking about myself. I’m from a generation that was not conditioned to share personal things like this in public and was brought up to believe it was vain and bad form to do so. I say all of this because I want you to know that speaking to you today does not come naturally to me, but I am doing it because I believe I have something important to add to the conversation others began. I’d like to start by taking you back to 1980—the year I graduated from a small Catholic school in what was then a somewhat rural and working-class area of central Massachusetts. And while I was pretty happy growing up there, it was not the most hospitable environment for a young man who had begun to question his sexuality. What I am doing this morning would have been unthinkable. Had I given a similar kind of talk, I have no doubt I would have been expelled from school and been shunned and ridiculed by my peers. I would have been misunderstood by my family, and I would have been sent for psychiatric evaluation and possibly some sort of conversion therapy. 24 Nobles SPRING 2018

I am not exaggerating. While much has changed for the better since then, it really was a very different time, and homosexuality was still a taboo subject. Public figures like athletes, politicians and educators rarely acknowledged that homosexuality existed, and when they did, they normally referred to it as a mental illness and reinforced negative stereotypes of gay men as deviant, narcissistic, weak, promiscuous pedophiles. I knew that wasn’t the kind of person I was, but contemporary assumptions led me to believe there was something inherently bad about who I might be, and if I let that surface, it would ultimately destroy my life and relationships. It also led me to believe I could not share how I was feeling with anyone else. So I kept it to myself until I moved to New York City in 1984 to begin a Ph.D. program in history at Columbia University. And although I had no way of knowing it at the time, the year ahead would turn out to be a critical turning point in my life. By that time, New York City had become the epicenter of both the gay rights movement and the rapidly expanding AIDS epidemic. I didn’t know much about AIDS before moving to New York, but I quickly realized it was wreaking havoc on the city’s large and visible gay population, and that added one more layer of fear to my already existing concerns about being gay. A few years earlier, I had read an article in the New York Times that reported doctors in New York had diagnosed among homosexual men 41 cases of a rare and often rapidly fatal form of cancer. The article was my introduction to what eventually became known as AIDS, a disease that initially had no name, no known means of transmission and no cure. The news felt simultaneously distant and ominous when I first read about it in Boston, but soon after I moved to New York, the number of casualties per year had escalated from the 40s to the 4,000s, and AIDS became a constant, terrifying and very real presence in my life, and the lives of just about every other gay man I met in the city over the next decade. One such person was my classmate Scott. We met at the ori-

entation program for first-year graduate students at Columbia and learned we shared a lot in common—we were both longdistance runners; we were both interested in the same areas of history; and we were both terrified by the rapidly expanding epidemic. Scott also happened to be the first openly gay person I had ever met, and to my surprise—naive as it sounds now— he seemed happy and well-adjusted. He was a good-natured jokester with an intelligent sense of humor who could make even our most cranky professors and self-important classmates laugh. Because he was so comfortable with himself, he put other people at ease, and everyone I knew liked and respected him. In spite of his considerable charm, Scott had had a difficult relationship with his parents, especially his father. He told me they had disowned him after he had come out to them during his senior year of college. While I could not imagine being alienated from my parents and friends, I nonetheless admired the courage of his convictions, and his example gradually helped me to start feeling more positive about being gay. He provided helpful moral support as I slowly began to come out to my friends and family. Scott and I often ran together as we trained for the New York City Marathon. As a former all-Ivy cross-country champion, he was an inspiring running partner. We ran everywhere in the city—Central Park, Riverside Park, and our favorite destination, the challenging cross country course and steep hiking trails at Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx. He was, without question, the better runner, so I grew increasingly concerned as I began to outpace him more often and more easily. I also began to notice he was losing weight, had a persistent dry cough, and appeared to have lost some of his stamina and competitive drive as well. He regularly dismissed my concerns with one

excuse or another, but I knew something was up. My worst fears were confirmed when I learned Scott had been admitted to St. Vincent’s Hospital with pneumocystis pneumonia—a life-threatening lung infection that, during the early years of the AIDS epidemic, before there was a blood test to detect HIV, was a certain indication that someone had AIDS. There was no known cure for PCP back then, and as a result, it was a common and rapid cause of death. I felt a knot in my stomach when I heard the diagnosis because I knew exactly what it meant, and of course, so did Scott. There was no way I could have prepared myself for what I encountered when I visited him at the hospital later that day. He had lost more weight, had tubes everywhere, was having great difficulty breathing and speaking, and was writhing with considerable pain and delirium. To witness this once-healthy and athletic young man deteriorate so fast was devastating. And, equally tragic, was seeing similar scenes in the other rooms as I walked through the hallways of this hospital where so many young men were sick and dying. With great difficulty, Scott asked me if I would contact his parents for him and let them know how sick he was. He knew he might be dying and he hoped for a last-minute reconciliation. I knew he was too sick to call them himself, and I also knew he didn’t want the doctors to do it, so I agreed to help. The call went even worse than anticipated. His father coldly asserted that he no longer considered Scott his son, and if Scott was dying from AIDS, well, he got what he deserved. I was initially paralyzed by this heartless response. But I knew for Scott’s sake that I had to stand up to him and could not let him have the final word. So I told him I thought Scott was one of the finest people I had ever met, and what he really deserved was the love and respect of his parents. Scott had nothing to be ashamed of, I assured his father, but he, on the other hand, most certainly did. Well, he responded with a few things I won’t repeat here and then hung up on me. Heartbreaking as that moment was, it also turned out to be oddly empowering. It was the first time I had spoken out against the kind of homophobia that for so long had intimidated me. And in short, that is what AIDS did for so many gay men of my generation. It decimated us, but it also made us stronger and more resilient than we otherwise would have been. “Silence = Death” was one of the slogans that emerged from the early years of the crisis, and it spoke powerfully to our experience of dealing with people like Scott’s father, who used the disease as one more way to marginalize and stigmatize us. I didn’t want to tell Scott about my conversation with his father, and as it turned out, I never had to. When I returned to St. Vincent’s the next day, I learned he had died that morning, shortly before I got there. In spite of the tragic circumstances, I took some consolation in knowing that Scott had never found out about that disturbing telephone call. SPRING 2018 Nobles 25


More than three decades have passed, and it’s still not easy talking about what happened back then, but I wanted to tell you about Scott this morning because today is World AIDS Day. Founded in 1988, WAD takes place on the first of December each year to promote awareness about the disease, to support the 36 million people globally who are currently living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. While I do not have AIDS nor am I HIV-positive, the disease played a transformative role in my life by helping me understand that life’s most challenging moments often have something to teach us, if and when we allow ourselves to learn from them. I want us to commemorate World AIDS Day this morning by focusing on life, and how to live—not on death. For not only was the epidemic a defining moment in my life, it also galvanized the gay-rights movement in some constructive ways as well. It helped make gay people more visible and politically active as we sought support from friends and family, as we fought for equal access to insurance, quality health care and more reasonably priced medications for the sick and dying, and as we rallied for government intervention to help stem the tide of the disease. In many ways, our greater visibility and activism laid the foundation for later changes, like the legal recognition of civil unions and gay marriages, and on a micro level, the more fluid cultural norms that make it possible for me to talk with you this morning. At Scott’s memorial service, organized by a group of our classmates at Columbia’s St. Paul’s Chapel, I read Tennyson’s “Ulysses,” a poem both of us admired. I’d like to conclude by sharing the final lines with you because they continue to mean so much to me: Come, my friends, ’Tis not too late to seek a newer world. Push off, and sitting well in order smite The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die. It may be that the gulfs will wash us down: It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, And see the great Achilles, whom we knew. Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and tho’ We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. 26 Nobles SPRING 2018

Quest for Context On Medals, Mettle and Motto



lmost a decade ago, a seven-word inscription at the 9/11 Memorial Museum (nulla dies umquam memori vos eximet aevo) instigated a firestorm of criticism from classicists around the country. Virgil’s words were invoked without context, and an approach to the original text forced readers to question who, exactly, “will never be erased from the memory of time”—the terrorists, or those who perished as a result? In response to Caroline Alexander’s 2011 New York Times opinion piece, “Out of Context,” museum director Alice M. Greenwald stated, “In selecting this quote, our focus was not on the specific narrative of the classic story nor its characters.” There is a danger, notes Helen Morales of UC Santa Barbara, of using Virgil as a “rent-a-quote author.” Echoes of this context debate resonate in our institution as well: spes sibi quisque. In many ways, a Latin motto is fitting. It captures the classical roots of the school. It imbues our institution with historical gravitas, much as our iconic and stalwart H.H. Richardson Castle exudes longevity and permanence against Frederick Law Olmsted’s landscape of the ribboning Charles River. Over the past few years, tradition was on frequent display during celebrations of the school’s sesquicentennial. At the same time, the investiture of Cathy Hall as the seventh head of school invites us to contemplate a new direction for Nobles. Our new academic center has just flung wide its doors and welcomes students to inquire about the past, and to prepare for the future. At this moment of institutional inflection, it is worth considering the content of spes sibi quisque. Let us begin with the elements of the motto that are unequivocally accepted.

Our motto contains three words in Latin: spes. sibi. quisque. Spes sibi quisque adorned medals for an intramural track meet of the Triangular School League of Nobles, Volkmann and Roxbury Latin in 1907. ■■ These three words hail from Virgil’s Aeneid, the story of a Trojan hero and the fateful founding of Rome, specifically Book XI, line 309. After that, chaos. Although often referenced as central to our identity, there have been various permutations of the motto’s meaning at Nobles: “Paddle your own canoe” (Mr. Noble); “Hope is within us” (Mr. Putnam); “Hope is within one another” (Rev. Gleason). A corollary motto of 2013—“Per alios nos meliores fimus”—translates as “Through others, we become our better selves” (Mr. Nickerson). The Latin itself is tricky. Linguistically, there is a good deal of interpretive license afforded by the tenuous relationship among the nominative, feminine singular noun (spes “hope”), the dative singular of a reflexive pronoun (sibi “for oneself”), and the indefinite pronoun (quisque “each, every one”). Beyond that, many scholars assert the metrical anomaly of verse XI.309, highlighting short vowel quantities, the dubious case of spes, the object of the preceding ponite, and the possibility of a natural pause in the oral recitation of the line. Some have gone so far as to classify spes sibi quisque a spurious line, i.e., not of Virgil. In short, it’s complicated. Translators of Virgil’s classic offer various turns of the phrase: “Each man to his own best hope” (Fagles); “Each is his own hope” (Fairclough); “The hope for help you hoped for” (Ferry); “Each must be his own hope” (Mandelbaum); “We all have hopes” (Rudens). While the meaning is a bit murky, the real questions come when we consider the context. The setting of Book XI of Virgil’s Aeneid is bleak beyond belief. Trojan and enemy Latin forces have declared a truce to bury their dead. Funeral pyres are alight as far as the eye can see; gleaming armor stands in sad stead of the fallen soldiers. It is against this backdrop that Latin envoys stand, recently returned from a failed mission. They have attempted to entice King Diomedes of a neighboring tribe to aid in the Latin fight against Aeneas. Diomedes, though of Aetolian (Greek) blood, and having contributed to the conflagration of Troy itself, declines. He has, over time, come to admire the virtue of Aeneas, and to accept the fated founding of a new Trojan homeland on Italian soil. We can imagine King Latinus addressing his war-wearied subjects behind his walls in the wake of the disheartening announcement. “Hope” appears in the preceding text of the chapter many times, and yet there is precious little to be had for this group. It is within this context that we hear the ■■ ■■

pronouncement spes sibi quisque. The original passage (Virgil, Aeneid XI. 305-311) rendered Fairclough’s literal Loeb edition: “My countrymen, we are waging an ill-omened war with a race divine, with men unconquered; no battles weary them and even in defeat they cannot let go the sword. If you had any hope in the alliance with Aetolian arms, resign it. Each is his own hope; but you see how slender this is. As for the rest of your fortune, it is before your eyes, and all is in your grasp, in what wide ruin they lie smitten.” The charge of spes sibi quisque in the speech of King Latinus, therefore, is that each recognize the dire situation and save his or her own hide in the face of a hopeless challenge. That—to run away from challenge and care not a wink for the others in the tribe—may be a great sentiment for an individual in a track event, but it is a far cry from the message that we purport to impart to our current students and graduates. The excerpted spes sibi quisque had become a stock quotation by the end of the 19th century. It appears in the 1893 and 1899 edition of Reverend James Wood’s Dictionary of Quotations: “Each man must hope in himself alone.” It also shows up in Stevenson’s Home Book of Quotations as “Let everyman’s hope be in himself,” itself most likely culled from Henry T. Riley’s 1891 Dictionary of Latin and Greek Quotations, Proverbs, Maxims, and Mottos, Classical and Mediaeval, Including Law Terms and Phrases, which adds the explanation, “Let every man trust to his own resources.” It is most likely one of these compilations, and not Virgil’s tome, that informed Mr. Greenough’s decision to imprint spes sibi quisque on the intramural track medals in 1907. Again, text without context. Though our motto as heard on the bloody plains of Latium is far from encouraging, the process of searching for its context is instructive. For we are our own best hope for navigating complicated context. While not going so far as to suggest “Let everyone find a translation for her/himself,” unraveling the meaning of our motto and our identity indeed lies within each of us. Spes sibi quisque reminds us to consider how we as individuals fit into our institution and into our community. Spes sibi quisque reminds us to consider the present with an ear to the past and an eye to the future. Spes sibi quisque reminds us of our responsibility to critique cultural content. Spes sibi quisque reminds us to consider history. Spes sibi quisque reminds us to question authority. Spes sibi quisque reminds us that context matters. Spes sibi quisque reminds us that words matter. SPRING 2018 Nobles 27


Investing in

Community 28 Nobles SPRING 2018


in the world, driving equality: None of those things will happen unless capitalism is driving it,” argues Christine Todd ’84, the newly appointed president of Neighborly Investments. “We live in a world where the incentives that people are acting on are often financial. So, having financial incentives that are aligned with all of those [goals] is really the only way to get results.” Todd’s move to Neighborly is, in her words, “the opportunity of a lifetime.” The start-up began by helping people invest in their own communities using municipal bonds. Cambridge, Massachusetts, is an example where Neighborly is helping citizens invest small amounts of money at a time to improve their city’s sustainability and schools. Now through Neighborly Investments, investors can also use municipal bonds to support the causes they care about, earning both financial and social returns. Todd calls this “doing well by doing good.” Neighborly uses a complex value alignment calibration survey to gauge client values and compare them with Neighborly’s own value system, which emphasizes impact. Todd explains, “We have a major advantage in being a technology company with an investment management business, rather than being an investment management business with an IT department.” Neighborly’s mantra— “in math we trust”—drives the company through its technological process. As Todd explains, Neighborly assesses clients by “mapping their values out on a compass, bucketing concerns into equity, ecology or economy. For each bond we purchase, we map it out on that same compass and measure the change that bond has effected within its community. If that change aligns with the client’s values, then it’s a match for that client portfolio.” Neighborly revolutionizes invest-

We can be a case study for that, for the naked desire to achieve a goal together, without the distractions of unnecessary motives and politics, to stave off all of the harm that we’re doing to each other and our planet. ments. As Todd explains, the company changes the relationship between investment manager and client, as they start out “sitting on the same side of the table,” with the value alignment piece being a priority and the clients rooting for their success. “It’s just a blast to see how motivated and appreciative and supportive the clients are,” Todd says. She remembers a conversation with one sophisticated venture capitalist about Neighborly’s mission, when the investor realized his municipal bond assets could be directed toward the causes he cares about most— his struggling Midwest town and issues of gender equality. “‘And not only can I do so philanthropically, but you’re telling me I could do so while making money?’” Todd remembers him asking. When he began typing on his cellphone, Todd assumed he was distracted. He returned to the conversation saying, “‘By the way, I just emailed my advisor to say I want you to manage all of my municipal bonds.’” In more than two decades of working in investment management, Todd says she has never had a client take immediate action like that. Investors, no matter their tax brackets, can make improvements to both their communities and their wallets through socially-conscious investing. Todd recommends being “scrupulous and scrutinous” when deciding to dedicate assets to mutual or commingled funds. Beware “impact impostors,” and make sure to invest with the funds that ask, “Without this project, what does the environment look like? And with this project, how has it changed?” Specifically, Todd emphasizes the importance of investing in Nobles. “The people at Nobles and the people at Neighborly have a lot in common,” she says. “There’s no possible way to understate the importance of the Nobles experience. All the things I read about in the [magazine] and all these grads who have

done such amazing, interesting things, all tie back to the values that were reinforced when we were students together at Nobles.” She recognizes the investment of parents and graduates, saying, “Sometimes we forget how powerful that investment is in training people to be successful and enact change.” She credits Nobles teachers with giving her the skills she uses every day. Her current role requires her “to lead and follow…to figure out a way to get everyone on the same path, while walking all levels of that as we go.” Dick Baker’s English class taught her to “come prepared to make an argument, have someone make a counterargument, and come to agreement.” Tim Carey’s class taught her how to understand major concepts and “use language to back myself up in a simple and sophisticated way.” Todd’s hopes for Neighborly are already in motion. The company is already pioneering ways to use the blockchain (linked and secured records) in the issuance of municipal bonds. “We intend to translate that over to Neighborly Investments so that [our] clients will have the transparency and the efficiency of having their portfolios managed and accounted for on the blockchain. We think that will drive change and raise the bar for not only the municipal market but for the asset management business overall.” This is Neighborly’s way of proving, in Todd’s words, “the positive change that can occur when all unnecessary infrastructure and politics and misaligned incentives in business and government are peeled out. We can be a case study for that, for the naked desire to achieve a goal together, without the distractions of unnecessary motives and politics, to stave off all of the harm that we’re doing to each other and our planet. … And I’m only a teeny tiny piece of that whole thing,” she says. “But you’ve got to start somewhere.” N SPRING 2018 Nobles 29

Craf 30 Nobles SPRING 2017




Chris Asher ’92 stands for sustainability as the only organic brewer in Colorado.


With more than 50 breweries in Boulder County and another 100-plus in the greater Denver area, Colorado’s Front Range Urban Corridor is craft beer central. For a consumer, it’s heaven; but for a brewer, it’s a competitive challenge. For Chris Asher ’92 and Asher Brewing Company, standing out in this deliciously saturated market means bringing the production back to basics and letting the beer speak for itself. Located in a nondescript industrial park in the Gunbarrel district of Boulder, Colorado, Asher Brewing Company maintains a modest presence. Apart from annexing its front few parking spaces into a bench-rimmed patio surrounding a coincidental ash tree, the brewery is unassuming. Inside the two glass-fronted units, however, Asher’s dedication to craft and cause takes center stage. Asher Brewing Company is the first and only all-organic brewery in the

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state. In one of the fittest states in the country, where being health conscious is at the forefront of people’s minds, Asher says, “It’s still kind of amazing to me that no one else in Colorado is doing organic beer besides us. People are into the organic movement when it comes to food, but they don’t really think about it when it comes to beer.” Asher’s place as the sole proprietor of organic beer could be due to the fact that achieving the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s “organic” designation as a brewer isn’t a simple task. According to Asher, “All the ingredients have to be certified organic: all the malt, all the hops, all the yeast, and in the case of specialty beers, the coffee or the ginger. We need to get paperwork from our suppliers with their certifications, and every year we get inspected, where we have to link the invoices to brew sheets.”

From Left to Right: Maceo Barker, Asher’s dog and namesake for his stout beer. The Funbarrel Room, named for the Gunbarrel district of Boulder. Toasted barley in an Asher Brewing Company pint glass.

Going through that process is worth it to Asher for reasons beyond just getting that stamp. And it’s not solely for the marketing: “Sometimes I find people don’t really care about the organic part of it,” Asher says. “I mean, some people will drink our beer just because it’s organic, but other people don’t really care and just want good beer.” That’s the most important part for Asher, and he’s confident that he can make better-tasting beer through his organic practices. “I’ve always believed in organic farming,” he says. “The effects of nonorganic farming on our bodies by ingesting pesticides, herbicides and fungicides can’t be good for us, and it’s not good for our groundwater and our environment.” While the organic ingredients fit with Asher’s environmental mindset, they’re actually better for the beer too. He explains: “When you have fungicides on your hops and your barley, that carries through into your wort, where you pitch your yeast for fermentation. Yeast is a fungus, and I’ve seen studies where organic yeasts started up quicker, had better attenuation, better color and

better clarity. I think it’s better for the beer, better for the consumer, better for the environment.” Hence Asher Brewing Company’s motto: “Solving the world’s problems one beer at a time.” In addition to brewing organically, Asher is also cognizant of his carbon footprint. He offsets the brewery’s electricity consumption by purchasing wind power credits through Schneider Electric, and he’s in the process of buying credits to offset his delivery vans as well. The 100 percent wind power offset logo earned a place of pride right under the USDA Organic logo on the side of the cans. On the front of the cans and all throughout the brewery, you’ll see the intertwined ABC logo, which was designed by Mark Sculco, who also attended Nobles. In keeping with the environmental theme, most of Asher’s beers have a green motif: Tree Hugger Amber, Green Lantern Kölsch, Greenade Double IPA, etc. For illustrative design work to complement these beers, Asher tapped Mike Stoddard, the younger brother of another Nobles classmate, Jon Stoddard ’92. “And Jon actually works for the Boulder water department, so he helps treat the water that we use,” Asher says. Jon Stoddard was one of the friends who brought Asher to Boulder in the first place. After discovering a passion for home-brewing in the basement of Chi Psi at Wesleyan University, Asher taught a home-brewing class in the chemistry department during his senior year in 1996. Knowing he would eventually want to start his own brewery, he figured the best way to get experience was to work in one. “So after I graduated, I had some friends from Nobles who were living in

Boulder, and I just moved in with them and started going through the Yellow Pages, calling breweries until I got a job,” Asher says. A little over a decade later, he opened Asher Brewing Company, with a 15barrel brewhouse and a two-seater bar. “I was just looking for an industrial space, expecting to be mainly selling beer wholesale, so I didn’t really think the tap room would be a draw. But people started showing up,” he says. Six months after opening, he rented the space next door to expand the bar and turned the new warehouse into the “Funbarrel Room” with cornhole, darts and foosball. “Now, 60 percent of my revenue comes from the tasting room, and it’s a much better profit margin when you’re selling pints as opposed to kegs. It’s gotten a life of its own.” But that doesn’t mean he’s abandoned his wider distribution goals. Asher’s organic ales are available in 50 restaurants and another 50 liquor stores throughout Colorado. When Asher opened in 2009, ABC was the only brewery in the area. Now there are six in the same Gunbarrel district. While the influx has spread revenue a bit, it’s also bringing in more brewery tourists, and Asher is eager to scoop up the spillover by sticking to his roots. His environmentalist beliefs are so naturally ingrained that on a tour through the brewery, one gets the sense that he doesn’t even realize he’s constantly praising the local partners and organic suppliers that make his business flow. Invariably, one leaves Asher Brewing Company with a warm feeling that this guy is doing something good for the world. But that could just be the beer. N SPRING 2018 Nobles 33






Giant windows frame the Boston skyline in an airy South Boston loft where, lining the walls of the jewel box that is the showroom for clothing line Alice Walk, a few racks of garments beckon to be felt and worn—in lemony yellow, vibrant fuchsia silk and glimmering jacquard weaves. Just around the corner in the same space, the production team works its magic at a few sewing machines. Traditional shopping suddenly lacks luster. SPRING 2018 Nobles 35


That is exactly how entrepreneur Emily Keneally ’04 hopes you’ll feel. “I want clients to walk away feeling like it was a completely different way to shop, and that is the only way they want to shop going forward. I want them to feel like they are at home, that they can call and ask questions, and that their garment is a truly special piece that they can’t wait to wear and to tell their friends about.” Keneally entered Nobles as a Sixie and “fell in love with the sense of community and the teacher-student relationships. I felt like Nobles would open up a new world for me, and it certainly did.” She was inspired by people like Michael Denning, head of the upper school, who is still a close friend. “There were so many teachers like him who easily could have chosen a different path in life, maybe one that was more lucrative or flashy. What speaks to their character is they decided to lead a different type of life at Nobles, one that impacted so many students.” Keneally’s career path has its own twists, from which she’s spun some extraordinary opportunities. At Bowdoin, she studied economics and art history, as well as dance and choreography. After graduating in 2008, she thrived for five years at global finance firm Goldman Sachs in New York. But her creative side needed an outlet. Knowing she wanted to start her own business someday in the food industry, Keneally joined Bostonbased food start-up UnReal Candy in 2012 as a brand director. During that time, the concept for Alice Walk grew. In 2015, Keneally had 15 weddings to attend—and to shop for. “I could not find a classic dress in a beautiful, high-quality fabric, and it just didn’t seem like that should be so difficult,” she says. “I was also disappointed and stressed out by the shopping experience, going to department stores and sifting through racks of clothing that didn’t fit well, were made of terrible fabric, or 36 Nobles SPRING 2018

were too trendy. I thought, there has to be a better way to shop.” She found that her frustration was shared by many, and she set out to offer a solution. Keneally dedicated a year and a half to analyzing the fashion industry. “I would essentially go to New York every other week and find any knowledgeable person in the industry who was willing to talk to me. I read a lot of books and interviewed countless factory owners, pattern makers and seamstresses. I taught myself the foundations of construction and pattern making and where to source the best fabrics,” she says. The process was arduous, but she believes it was necessary: “You can’t start a great business or brand by outsourcing everything; you truly have to know it yourself.” Keneally senses a shift in the fashion industry. “There have been a lot of changes over the last five years with some direct-to-consumer brands like Everlane disrupting transparency in the industry and completely rethinking how people shop. Up until now, the fashion industry has been so archaic.

Some people still can’t get over that we don’t want to do fashion shows or that we’re not hung up on ‘seasons,’” she says. As a small company, Alice Walk is not only more nimble, but also more sustainable, with a completely different workflow from that of mass retailers. Opting out of wholesale means being able to produce to meet real demand. “How can you say what you’ll want in fall 2019 or 2020? It’s really crazy. Producing all of this clothing two years in advance—of course there’s going to be waste and people aren’t going to want it. It’s really backward,” says Keneally, showing the influence of her economics background. Keneally lights up when describing technological advances like automatic cutting machines, which will make madeto-order much more efficient. A task that takes hours will be distilled to minutes. “I tried to tap into that early on. We were a little bit early on the technology side, so I ended up going back to the handcrafts of clothing construction, and doing it all in-house. Our team member Jeffrey carefully hand-cuts each piece of

each garment. Seeing the whole process behind every garment makes you appreciate what goes into making clothes,” says Keneally. She describes her philosophy as more farm-to-table than fast food. The original Alice Walk concept was a 100 percent custom fit. After a beta launch, Keneally realized that her insistence on a sub-$500 price point for a truly well-made custom garment was neither sustainable nor scalable, both of which were important to her. The beta also caused her to pivot from a purely online business to emphasizing the in-person experience with an online presence. “The crux of the brand is these beautiful, unique textiles, so seeing them in person is so important.” Alice Walk partners with mills in France, Italy and India with creative internal design teams to customize fabrics. Alice Walk pieces spark conversation. “There’s a story behind every fabric,” says Keneally. About a third of the fabrics come direct from mills’ design teams, while another third result from a collaborative edit. And then there are

exclusive prints, like the one created by a California artist for Alice Walk and digitally printed on high-quality silk. An in-house artist even hand-paints some garments stroke by stroke. Timeless, vintage-inspired silhouettes showcase the fabrics. Keneally is reviving “those styles you just don’t see anymore—also keeping in mind different body types and what is really feminine and flattering in a classy way.” Keneally’s designs, studio and process reflect the more minimalist existence so many of us crave. “People don’t want all that stuff; they want to simplify. Women are busy juggling jobs, kids, a family —they want to wake up and immediately know what to wear and throw it on without going through a stuffed closet. They want investment pieces.” Keneally will soon debut a line of some non-customizable made-to-order clothing that ships right away, like the wool cape that sold out instantly their first winter. Expansion is also on her mind; she’s relying on her instincts and the sage advice of friends and family to determine how

Alice Walk grows. She consults one of her most trusted advisors, her dad, himself a business owner, nearly every day. When Keneally and her team are feeling the demands of a young business, they remind themselves: “There’s nothing more rewarding than hearing from a customer who just received her box, absolutely loves her piece, and can’t wait to see the next round of fabrics. It’s also saying that ‘we built this,’ and making friends and family proud.” Keneally encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to gain advice from as many people as possible, but to trust their gut instincts: “If I only listened to the advice that I got, I would never have started Alice Walk. Pretty much everyone in the fashion industry said, at least early on, ‘This is not possible. It’s too hard. It wouldn’t work at this price point. Save your money.’ If you get discouraged by that kind of advice, new concepts and new products and new ideas will never happen.” Explore unique quality apparel and a new way to shop at N SPRING 2018 Nobles 37


Rachel Levin ’92 has written for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Outside magazine, The New Yorker, Food & Wine and Eater, where she publishes San Francisco-area restaurant reviews. Her article titles are an apt representation of her prose—quirky, clear, fearless. Here are just a few: “Pass the Pork Belly, and the Joint,” “The Great Schlep: Florida,” “How Was Your Day… Quadriplegic Dad?” and “The Talk of the Town: Mom Friends.” In April, she published her first book, Look Big and Other Tips for Surviving Animal Encounters of All Kinds (Ten Speed Press). Amazon calls it “a humorous and helpful illustrated field guide to fending off 50 of our most feared—or frustrating— wild animals, including survival techniques, wildlife etiquette, and other essential advice.” In it, readers find signature Levin: “It’s just so hard to keep it all straight: Look big! Look small! Run. Don’t run! Fight back. Play dead! Wait, no, don’t play dead. Spray Tabasco sauce! Sprinkle baby powder! Pay $800 to a salon called Hair Fairies (no, don’t—that’s ridiculous).” Nobles magazine editor Heather Sullivan spoke to Levin to get some insider insight and tips.

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HS: How does it feel to be publishing your first book? RL: I’m a member of San Francisco’s Writers’ Grotto, where everyone is writing books and publishing books, so I feel like at least now I’m among them. I’ve just been a journalist—it’s fun to have my own little book. HS: What’s the inspiration for your book? It’s so relatable to anyone who, say, has had head lice or an army of ants in the house. RL: That’s the idea. If any of your friends have been shat on by a pigeon, or run into a bear or had raccoons in their trash, give them a copy of this book! I wanted to put it all in one place. I live in California and like to go hiking or trail running, and I’m always like, “What do I do if I see a mountain lion, or I’m in Tahoe and see a bear?” I know the odds are slim, but I’ve grown more and more neurotic. I was cross-country skiing in Colorado. I was by myself, and all of a sudden, I see this ginormous thing in front of me. It’s a moose. I had no idea that moose were dangerous. I’m more outdoorsy than the average person—I think I should have known that about moose. But we don’t have them in California. When I got home, my husband said, “You know, that moose could have charged you.” At the same time, raccoons are rummaging in all of our trash. My kids got lice. There’s all of this information, all these tips are out there. I think it needs to all be in one place. 40 Nobles SPRING 2018

HS: You cite people’s “stupid” behavior and how they can get into weird trouble with animal friends. You referenced a woman who breastfed baby raccoons. Is that real? RL: Yes. I mean, I got my start in journalism as a fact-checker. I do not make things up. I came across an article online, and I was disgusted and fascinated at the same time. I’m glad that caught your attention. HS: You also talked about exposure therapy. Do you really have anxieties about some of the scenarios in your book? RL: I admit, I’m too afraid of being mauled by a bear or a mountain lion. It is on my mind every time I’m trail running or hiking. But I live in San Francisco; my real fear is earthquakes. I don’t want to be fear-mongering. That’s not my point. I reiterate in the book that [dangerous encounters] are very, very rare. But I want to be prepared! HS: The book is structured by animal. Each section gives background as well as what to do during an encounter. Some sections also include short essays from guest writers. Why did you include these (very funny!) essays? RL:What was most interesting to me about doing a book like this is that everyone has a story about various animals—ants in their kitchen, for example. I wanted to sprinkle personal stories throughout—not the hard-core “I was mauled by a bear” but more like our everyday interactions with animals. I canvased a bunch of writers and friends. My friend and talented writer Peter Orner told me about a pair of raccoons in his kitchen, and I said, “Perfect. Write about the raccoons in your kitchen.”

HS: Are there any kinds of myths or misconceptions about some of these creatures that you set the record straight on? RL: In general, bears don’t want to eat you. We all think they are, like, maneating creatures. A woman I interviewed in Tahoe about black bears said, “They’re just like big dogs! You just have to shoo them away.” I talked to a shark expert, George Burgess, in Florida, where there are a lot of sharks. He said that they are everywhere, but attacks are so rare. Your odds of being killed by a shark are as close to zero as you can get. You’re more likely to be killed by a cow than a shark, and I hadn’t known that until I talked to a guy in Kentucky who works in agriculture. That was surprising to me. I didn’t realize the danger of working in agriculture. Now I do. HS: Did you know that when you Google your name, another Rachel Levin comes up besides you? She is a beauty guru. RL: I recently discovered that. I was wondering if I should tap her to plug my book just based on our having the same name. She has almost 4 million Instagram followers! And she’s on YouTube. It’s hilarious. She doesn’t seem to be interested in animals, but maybe she could put lipstick on a moose. HS: You did a New York Times piece with a photographer—but you didn’t know that Gabriela Herman ’99 went to Nobles until you later saw her name and photo in the Nobles magazine. RL: I was writing a piece for T [the New York Times style magazine] about a famous chef named Wylie Dufresne. It was for the “rituals” section. Turns out, he orders a chicken-avocado sandwich almost every day from Pret A Manger in New York. I was paired up with a photographer. We went around to all Dufresne’s

regular haunts, including Home Depot, so he could get his favorite sponges. We rode the bus. It was a fun morning, randomly roaming around. I didn’t realize the Nobles connection until later. HS: The book’s illustrations are really understated and beautiful. Tell me about that. RL: Jeff Östberg lives in Sweden. He does some stuff for the New Yorker now. I turned in my text and gave him notes. I love the look [of his work]. I think the publishers wanted a kind of Boy Scout-y feel—campy but current. HS: Is there anything else about the process of writing the book or its content that stands out? RL: I had a short timeline, and I would delve into researching each animal. It helped me to focus. I went alphabetically. The publisher wanted 50 animals. In the end, I remember having to cut something to make way for sheep. I had chipmunks and squirrels. They were too similar. Then I had to make room for sheep because who knew you needed to watch out for herds of sheep? And I still feel a little remiss that I didn’t do cats. My mom has a cat phobia, which I think maybe subconsciously started all this for me. A friend of mine is a big fisherman, and he argued I should put in the Northern Pike. Apparently, he almost got his finger bitten off when trying to unhook one. But I thought it was too niche. HS: A single favorite line in the book? RL: I asked the garden editor of Sunset magazine, where I used to work, about squirrels, and she said, “Oh, squirrels are assholes.” But the publisher made me take out swear words. I had to change “assholes” to “jerks,” and I feel like the line somehow lost its power. N SPRING 2017 Nobles 41

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Thank you—and congratulations again—for achieving 100 percent participation to: Donald H. Atwell, Peter C. Bennett, John A. Blanchard Jr., Stanton L. Burgess Jr., Neil W. Childs, Robert E. Cumings, John A. Dunn Jr., Jacob Dunnell, Lucius F. Hallett III, Stephen Hopkins, David C. Horton Jr., Harold C. Knapp, William B. Stevens Jr., Peter Summers, Benjamin R. Taylor, Peter O. Willauer (pictured above in their 1952 class portrait)

Congratulations to the Class of 1952 CONGRATULATIONS to the great Class of 1952 for achieving 100 percent participation during the 2016–17 fiscal year in honor of its 65th reunion. Attaining 100 percent is a feat very few classes at Nobles have accomplished, and it is a testament to a truly wonderful class.

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Let the Class of 1952 be an inspiration to all reunion classes to think boldly when supporting Nobles. To make your gift now, visit or contact Director of Annual Giving Allie Trainor at or 781-320-7005.



Percy Nelson



And I’m back from another trip to Ireland, where progress on wreckage recovery and the new museum continues apace. Stew Clifford is not responding, which may mean I have a bad address. Will keep trying.


Gregg Bemis



Bill Bliss

Our class info is slim but upbeat. Spoke to Beezer Almy in his Westwood habitat, and he was in good form but sticking close to home. Phil Baker had no choice as he was under a three-day snowfall with accumulations of four feet. The nice fire in the stove was keeping him safe and warm. Dick Lucas was marrying off his daughter at the end of January and then fleeing to Arizona. Smart dude.



Galt Grant



Winston “Hooley” Perry

Graduate Notes Policy: ■■ ■■ ■■

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Send graduate updates and photographs to class correspondents if you have one. Digital photographs must be high-resolution JPEG images (at least 1MB+) to appear in print. Editorial staff reserves the right to edit, format and select all materials for publication, to accommodate eight decades of classes in the Magazine. For more information, please visit the graduate notes submission page on our website at Contact us if you’re interested in becoming a class correspondent, to collect and compile news from your classmates to share.

With many thanks to Bo Wakefield ’53, who forwarded this picture of the Class of 1953’s college junior varsity “Hockey Dream Team,” taken at a Harvard skating rink. Pictured from back row, left to right, are Harvard’s Jim Bailey, Bill Allen, Bob Hoffman and Louis Newell. Front row, left to right, are Bo Wakefield (Middlebury), Dick Flood (Williams), Sam Bartlett (Dartmouth) and Bruce Biddle (Amherst).

From Peter Bennett ’52: “All is well here in Virginia. Had a pacemaker installed in August and am doing great. Looking forward to winter in Naples, Florida.” As the new year approaches (and I write this rambling diatribe), I am learning about what they call the “Bomb Cyclone Storm” that hit the Northeast around Christmastime (even bigger than the storm of 2015), which to me sounded like “The Perfect New England Snowstorm” for all of your grandchildren to enjoy. “No school” days to build snowmen and igloos, throw lots of snowballs, go sledding, make snow angels, and hide from Dad, who wants you to shovel snow from your driveway and your little-old-ladynext-door’s sidewalk. Fun, fun, fun. Around Christmastime, I

celebrated by taking a headcount of the Classes of 1952 and 1953, to celebrate the coming of 2018, with a grand total of (aboveground) 16 members of the Class of ’52 and 19 members of the Class of ’53, which bodes exceptionally and amazingly well for a bunch of old Nobles fogies. I know that Santa was good to all of you, because at our age, most of us are too old or too tired to be bad. But as we all were taught many years ago by Eliot Putnam and teachers and friends, being good (or at least trying) has its own just rewards. I have been fortunate enough to have received a few enjoyable and informative Christmas cards from some of you (which is always a pleasant surprise). I previously previewed them and reported

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many of their newsy results for your reading pleasure. You must know that the local Homosassa Post Office takes its own sweet time delivering later-than-usual Christmas cards, so I now can report a little more up-to-date “what’s happening” in the world of some of “Nobles’ Finest Tall Gentlemen Helping Someone.” David “Scroot” Horton ’52 and his beautiful wife, Terry, are continually on the move, visiting their wandering brood of children, who are mostly enjoying the midwest areas of Colorado and Utah. They are also planning a trip to visit their daughter Haley, who attends the University of York, in England, and then taking a side trip to the Isle of Skye, in Scotland, where Dave’s ancestors originally came from. Interestingly enough, my ancestors are originally from Scotland, so you don’t think that “Scroot” and I are distantly related? No, not possible. (Now, wouldn’t that be a hoot?) I received a beautiful multipictured Christmas card from Peter Willauer ’52, and his adventure-loving bride, Carol, showing them in many areas of the world, plus a shot of their favorite mode of transportation since 2015, a Monk 36-foot trawler, showing that their lust for sea travel still works for them and keeps them young and active. Also, Pete and Carol forwarded a cute quote from one of my all-time favorite characters, Christopher Robin (from Winnie the Pooh), stating, “I think that we ought to eat all our provisions now, so we won’t have so much to carry.” Too funny, which is “food for thought.” I received my usual enjoyable “Wink & Peg’s” [Wink Childs ’52] wildly off-the-wall compendium

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adventures of “Madame X” and “The Big Wheeze,” and the far travels and successes throughout the world of their children and mates, which I am sure entertains and warms the cockles of the hearts of their parents during their cocktail hour(s) to no end. On June 27, 2017, Sally and Dick Flood ’53 celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, which is a testament to the longevity of true love between two beautiful people ensconced in the teaching profession. Not far behind were Wendy and Larry Bidstrup ’54, celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary on a cruise to Bermuda, and then living in their new abode, which is across the street from Marion’s Sippican Harbor and next to Tabor Field (which Larry knows so well). “Hollywood Hal” Knapp ’52 and his lovely wife, Carol, continue to bail out of Chatham when the snow blows and travel to Longboat Key in Florida to judge antique car shows throughout the state and visit with friends. Carol and Peter Hallett ’52 finally (and just in time) headed south to Florida just as the Bomb Cyclone hit New England, so, as usual, Peter escaped by the skin of his teeth from the snowy clutches of the storm of the century and/but unfortunately brought unseasonably cold weather along with him to the sunny south. Also, they celebrated New Year’s Eve with us, as they have done for so many years. I talked to Carolyn and Bob Prasch ’53 in Grand Isle, Vermont, to see how they were and how high the snow was at the northern end of Lake Champlain where they live, and I was told that they

can still see out of their windows. Bob, or as he is affectionately called, “Prascho” (especially by his “Round Room” buddies), is having a difficult battle with lung cancer, so if you are in the mood for sending prayers and good wishes, give Bobby a loud shoutout to get better real soon. And before I wrap up my class notes rambling, I would like to remind many of you to please entertain the idea of writing your “Life After Nobles” essay for the enjoyment and reading pleasure of your ’52 & ’53 compatriots and classmates. After graduation, everyone went their own separate ways, and it would be great fun for you to “fill in the blanks” between then and now, to celebrate your many achievements throughout the years. To go along with that thought, and as many of you know, when Andrea and I moved to Florida (and just to keep busy), we opened Ritzy Rags & Glitzy Jewels, Etc., an eclectic fancy women’s fun shop that many of you female Redneck Reunion attendees have visited. Well, in February of this year, we will be celebrating our 20th (yes, 20th) reunion. Truly, time does fly when you are having fun. We now have a new director of graduate affairs, Kate Treitman Brown ’99, who recently replaced Greg Croak ’06, who took the advice of Horace Greely to “Go West, young man” to heart and moved to Seattle, Washington, with his family. I will miss Greg, because he was such a help with the many events that brought many of us together, and I’m sure that Kate, being a Nobles grad, will step right in and help me keep the ’52 & ’53 and close friends on the straight and narrow (wherever it may lead us?).

Also, the 65th Reunion for the Class of 1953 is coming up on Friday, May 11, and Saturday, May 12, 2018, at the school, so start popping all those vitamin pills to bulk up for this once-in-a-lifetime party reunion. I love y’all, and make sure to get fit for our No. 65 celebration.


Peter Partridge



Bob Chellis

781-237-9436 The gala Nobles Night in November introduced us to Catherine Hall, the new head of school. Sam Gray and Gerry, Bob Chellis and Sandy, Bob Puffer ’58 and Jane shared a tiny table and lots of hors d’oeuvres. Copies of the impressive 150th-year Nobles history, In Their Voices, were again available. Also in November, David Fisher, his friend Susan Waldman, cousin Ernie Fisher and sister Judith Robbins joined Bob and Sandy for drinks and a convivial dinner at Fox Hill. And a November visit to Bob Taylor and Carolyn found them as hospitable as always and doing well. Their hilltop in Peterborough enjoys great views, a lavish garden (in season) and birds everywhere! Last year, I made a plea for 80th birthday ideas—as 2017 included that unwelcome event for many of us—and you responded with…nothing! But after the

fact, we find that there were some great parties. Maybe the most notable was Larry Flood’s Korean pig roast at the Grange in Blue Hill, Maine. Gerry Gray treated Sam to an elegant dinner at one of his clubs, surrounded by friends. Dave Fisher was feted at an elegant San Francisco restaurant by his two sons. In my case, my stepdaughter, daughter and a granddaughter all threatened to fly in, “party or not.” So on short notice, I mobilized Fox Hill for a large party room, the bar ordered three dozen more martini glasses, and they batch-mixed those celebratory drinks for instant service. The dining staff sat 48 and, as it turned out, created the world’s ugliest cake. A jolly time was had by all. Tell me of your 80th, and we’ll memorialize it next issue. Last year, after I asked for “something!” Dick Finlay sent some comments on his Army experience (with L. Flood) and early travels with an eccentric uncle. I spun them into our class notes, and if you read the fall issue, I hope you enjoyed them. So any material that any of you can send me would give me something to work with here and be enjoyed by all. That includes Frank Warner, who might report on his travels and teaching with the Air Force—or adventures as a postmaster. And a note from Peter Nichols about his years with the New York Times and his books on film and video would interest us all. And Lee Patterson has done creative things with a travel camp and education in Maine and is a notable singer. It would be nice to know more! And does our crew captain Freeman Davison still row? And Jim Lowell’s investment firm—pioneering socially

responsible investing—and his charitable and development work would interest all of us. And after Tim Horne’s huge business career, it would be great to hear his reflections on that—and on his busy years since. So, help me out. We go back a long way! A bit more sharing while we’re still here would be fun for all of us.


Gren “Rocky” Whitman

410-639-7551 “This winter’s big event was a week’s visit from my son-in-law Sasha,” reports Dave Carroll. “He is the middle of Babs’ children, and she simply adores him. He stayed with me at the house, and we caught up on so much you just can’t say in a phone call or even email. He spent the day at Babs’ memory-care unit every day; it really boosted her mood. He lives in Mesa, Arizona, and works in Phoenix as a welding inspector.” Rocky Whitman regrets that he’s selling his snappy little 24foot sloop, Viola, after many years of bay sailing out of Rock Hall.


John Valentine



Chris Morss

On his drive south in early January to Summerland Key in Florida, Charlie Long stopped in Fernandina Beach to visit George Foss, who will visit him in the Keys. Charlie also visited with Tom Rutherford and his wife, Gabrielle, in Tarpon Springs. Aside from mobility issues resulting from a long-ago car accident, Tom is well. Larry Daloz writes, “Re: news on me. We are continuing to love it out here in the Northwest—especially when we read about this winter’s weather! I am truly sorry to have to miss our 60th in May, but since I will be flying back for the summer in mid-June, it simply makes no sense also to fly back the month before when I have obligations back here in early June. So I’m afraid I’ll have to be there in spirit only. Because I have written an account of the epic hikes that Henkels, Norstrand, Horton, Gallagher, Danielson and I took in the springs of ’56 and ’57, I did have a chance to connect with Dick Gallagher before he left us, though. It was sad but sweet. And of course, I have been in contact with the others throughout the writing. I send warm greetings to all for a wonderful 60th reunion.” Bill Danielson writes, “Still watching and writing about the weather. In a slight swerve, I’ve become president of the Lincoln County Historical Society in Maine. It’s a terrific organization, owner of three National Register properties, including the magnificent Pownalborough courthouse on the banks of the Kennebec, where John Adams practiced law and Benedict Arnold stopped on his way to Québec. Sad to say, I’ll not be attending

the reunion. We’ll be in Portland, Oregon, for a granddaughter’s college graduation. See you all at the 65th, fingers crossed.” Peter Horton says, “I, too, as creaky as I may be, hope to be there. Looking forward to confabbing with everyone.” Ben Blaney “hopes to come too,” and Peter Norstrand “will attend if the creek don’t rise!” Mike Whitman is “coming to our 60th reunion and looking forward to it.” Among others hoping to attend our 60th are Peter Wadsworth, Bob Stewart, Bob Puffer, Bob Bland, Charlie Long and Chris Morss. Bill Russell reports that “Jan and I, with youngest Kristen, the educator from Jamaica Plain, spent a wonderful 10 days over Christmas in Portland, Oregon, where our two older children, Jonathan and Whitney, live with their respective spouses. The highlight for us was spending a lot of time with our three grandsons (at the time all under 2 years old), Whitney’s two and Jonathan’s one, now about three months. Now back in S.C., freezing along with most of the rest of the country as we put up with workmen both in and out of the house on what seems to be an endless project. Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy and productive new year.”


Whit Bond Buzz Gagnebin John Gibson

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“Appalachian Memories” BUZZ GAGNEBIN ’59

Like ghosts, arrayed on slopes of Fall, These lichened trees stand stark and tall, Gathered in scores they seem to march, As in some other worldly search; My bones give out a shivery chill, As though the ghosts meant us some ill, Their lichened bark like bones of old, A silvery view both stark and cold; They seem arisen in protest, Of kin in exile and distress, Forced off their Appalachian rights, Taken, as grew the Park Land sites; Oh Shenandoah we love your views, Your peaks and vales are like a muse, But at what price we end a life Of mountain cultures forged in strife.

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This past October, Steve Grant gave six lectures in the U.K. on his biography of Henry Clay Folger, Collecting Shakespeare. Sponsoring institutions included Blackheath Halls in London, St. Andrews University in Scotland, Oxford Bibliographic Society, Cambridge University “Festival of Ideas,” Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institute, and Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon (see photo at right). Buzz Gagnebin continues to enjoy Cambridge and can even capture some of nature’s events, like the solar eclipse and the lunar proximity of 2017. Triking there is a great pleasure and brings to mind the feel of the sea from his years of sailing. He and his wife, Connie, sold their away house in Charlottesville in early 2017, regretting never having met, except by email, John Hitz’s brother Fred ’57, who is a prof at UVA there. While retired, he still provides client help via their current law firms. Of selling the Charlottesville home, Buzz writes, “A place I loved having gone for Jefferson, who was the subject of my junior year Nobles English class paper. Being now limited to New England, I feel my heart is where it belongs, having grown up there. I feel that connectivity in my heart driving around the Northeast. On further reflection, I believe the sense of connectivity results not just from growing up here but also from my love of the poems of Robert Frost, who was the subject of my senior year English class paper under the influence of Tim Coggeshall (see memoriam on page 57). I scored much better on the Frost paper

than the Jefferson one, sadly. The Frost love affair, though, started me on a life of writing my own poetry in the style of Frost—at least that’s what I thought. Eventually, I created the poetic form of picture/poems as illustrated [at left] about the tragic forced relocation of the small-time farmers near Charlottesville in what is now Shenandoah National Park for compensations insufficient to maintain a living. There is still a lot of resentment among the descendants of those forced out. Remains of those farmers’ dwellings can still be found in the foothills of the park. In fact, I have a fractured 1920s Coke bottle I found in the woods near one of them.”

Steve Grant ’59 lectured in the U.K. this past October on his biography of Henry Clay Folger, Collecting Shakespeare.


Albert Vandam Roger Berle sent in a clipping from the Maine Sunday Telegram highlighting the basketball prowess of Bowdoin senior Kate Kerrigan ’14. Roger, who also graduated from Bowdoin, attends “at least a half dozen games a season” and says of Kate: “She’s use a Sidney Eaton term!” To one and all, he says, “Happy New Year, from icy Maine!”


D.A. Mittell writes, “I had a wonderful reunion with Greg Wiggins ’59 and his wife, Margaret, at their home in Grayslake, Illinois. As an Air Force officer and Christian minister, Greg has changed many lives. Long before, as captain of the 1958 football team, he changed mine. That year, I was a skinny tackle on the J.V. squad. In ’59, I switched to soccer, taking all of Greg’s aggressiveness with me. As captain of the 1961 team, everything I did imitated his example. This led to a coaching career of more than 50 seasons, including 11 back at Nobles. I had not laid eyes on him since 1959. It was a privilege to thank him.”

Jim Newell




Jim Lehan



Ned Bigelow


From Ken Morse: “So proud for having three generations at Nobles: daughter Amy Morse Winslow ’89 and now granddaughter Hadley Winslow ’22.”


Jim Summers


Ned Reece


Drew Sullivan



Andy Lord



Peter Pach

860-267-9701 Kit Walker checked in from Uruguay: “I’m feeling more at home here, really a humble little

place with a lot of problems, but a lot of plusses too, including some very lovely people.” Kit and his partner, Mariana Ingold, are publishing music online and have a Patreon account where people can become “micro-sponsors” ( I recommend a look. It has links to their other music and writing sites (blogs) online. Kit says, “I continue to write about music, astrology and spirituality (for lack of a better word).” It’s on his blog, kitwalkermusic. “My most recent article took me about a year, probably should be a book, but what’s the point? I’m watching with interest as the new decentralized internet arrives, just in time. ... Little by little, we move toward a world where artists can get paid again!” George Pendergast has his second career well underway. He’s become a full-time employee at Tufts, where he has been the head golf coach for the past four years. He also teaches a PE class worth one credit. He reports that the team has done very well. “We are in the conference championships this spring for the first time. Winner goes to the NCAA tournament in North Carolina.” George’s new identity has seeped into his home life. He has four grandchildren who call him “Coach.” Steve Baker says he lives in seven-year cycles, one more active, the next more inward: “It seems I am in the process of shifting from active to inward.” He goes on to consider an issue that many of us are giving some thought. “I do so many different things and have so many interests that it is hard to say if or when I might, in effect, be retired. However,

at the moment, I am less busy than I’ve been for a number of years. I don’t see how I could ever consider myself fully retired. I do love to read, but I’m not built to do nothing but read. At the moment, I do have fewer things going on in my life than a year or two ago. Does that make me retired? I don’t think so, at all. However, it is a welcome event to be a little less frantic, with a to-do list that doesn’t go on for 19 pages.” Stew Young writes, “I’m continuing my second act with 16 years at LandVest (after 24 at Arthur D. Little) selling special real estate in the western suburbs of Boston and on the Cape and South Coast. No retirement planned. The big events this year were the marriage of only child Alex to Alison McGrath on Memorial Day, and the anticipation of a grandchild in June.” Here in Middle Haddam, newspaper work continues to shape the pace of my days and weeks. No two days the same. I’ve found interest in the Fourth Estate has grown markedly in the past year and, more recently, been heightened with the release of The Post. When not reading the news, I have joined a men’s book club, which most recently read The River of Doubt, the story of Teddy Roosevelt navigating a previously unexplored (by non-natives) river in the Amazon. An engaging story and a wonder that he survived. Been reading, working or traveling? Drop me a note.


Levy Byrd



Harry Blackman John Dewey Nick Mittell Win Perkins “Heard it through the grapevine.” Here is the latest round of hearsay and innuendo from the ’71 class correspondents. Several classmates faced and survived natural disasters in the last quarter of 2017. Jim Rosen on St. Maarten and Peter Chadwick in Miami both “weathered” the effect of Hurricane Irma. Fortunately, both came through the experience very well. Jim’s commitment to renewable energy (solar panels and an electric car) and the concrete structure of his self-designed house saw him and his family through the storm, and when we caught up with him just afterward, he was enjoying power, food and cold beer! More recently, Jeff Franklin and his partner, Ann, had to evacuate their home in Ventura, California, as the flames of the Thomas fire came to within a mile of where they live. And just last week, Jeff, back at home, was unable to get to work because of the mudslides in the Montecito area. Fortunately, John Dewey in Dallas and Win Perkins in Austin did not get hit hard by Hurricane Harvey, but they certainly had to pay close attention to its course. Whether or not you see

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these events as driven, at least in part, by climate change, for your correspondents, it certainly was astounding to be checking in with so many classmates in such quick succession to see if they’d come OK through the “latest disaster.” On Saturday, November 11, Reed Austin, John Dewey, Greg Garritt, Nick Mittell, David Pendergast, Jeff Schwartz and Rob Johnson ’72 all got together at Milton for the annual football game, and Harry Blackman was there to play in the alumni soccer game. It was a good mini-reunion. Nick was “caning” it after a recent hip replacement, and Hector, crazy and courageous as ever, had had surgery only a few days before that Saturday. Both are doing fine. Another classmate in recovery mode is Rick Grogan, who was in NYC for surgery in November after a run-in with a belligerent dog while biking near his house in France. Phew! Recounting these stories of hurricanes, fire and injury/surgery, it’s clearly been quite a year for a bunch of ’71ers. Changing course! Just a few days after that weekend, Jeff Schwartz left for points west in an RV he had been remodeling. Last heard from, he was in Texas in the vicinity of Nick and Harry’s favorite stomping ground: Big Bend National Park. Happy trails! On a final note, we recently learned that Bert Shaw and John Bailey caught up with James Myers at their DCD (Dedham Country Day) 50th reunion. We will be reaching out to James in hopes of being in better touch. Within the past couple of years, we have seen connections renewed with former classmates with whom we had lost touch: Larry Bardawil,

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Dave Dethlefs, Steve Gardner and D.G. Wheeler, and we understand Tim Clark has exchanged news with Lee Palmiter through online media. Our time at Nobles may occasionally feel like “a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away,” so it is nice to see those friendships and connections renewed and alive. Rock on!

overcommitted due to taking on additional responsibilities at The Courant. Remember, only two years until our next reunion. See you then if not sooner.”


Tom Bartlett

+44 1908 647196


Rob Piana







Linda Rheingold

Kevin McCarthy



Christopher Reynolds


Jed Dawson

508-735-9663 Doug Floyd

781-788-0020 Jerry Rappaport is now the proud grandfather of Siena Elizabeth Coassin, a beaming, beautiful 9-pound girl who is already studying for her SATs. Mother Jennifer Lyle Rappaport is Nobles Class of 2008, and aunt is Elizabeth, Class of 2009. Andrea Pape writes, “Dear classmates: Thanks for your contributions over these many years. I have to step down as I am

Cell: 800-444-0004 Home: 508-358-7757


Dan Rodgers

212-423-0374 And we’re back! By my reckoning, the last set of notes I submitted for the great class of ’79 was in May 2016. So where have I, your faithful scribe, been? More important, where have you been, my fellow ’79s? I’m not sure of the answer to either question, but I do have some good news to report. My dear friend Wyc Grousbeck

has gotten remarried to a wonderful lady of Italian extract named Emilia Fazzalari. Wyc reports that he could not be happier. In fact, in an interview with the Boston Globe in December 2017, Wyc reported that the Celtics were the love of his life. Fortunately for Wyc, he recovered in the next sentence to assert that Emilia is, of course, the true love of his life. Nice save! And if you were watching ice hockey on January 1, 2018, on NBC, you were watching the Winter Classic from Citi Field in NYC (Queens to be exact), where the New York Rangers (featuring Nobles standout Kevin Hayes ’11) defeated the Buffalo Sabres 3-2. And who do we have to thank for this respite from all of those dreary, overhyped college football bowl games? None other than our own Sam Flood. In the NY Daily News, Sam (a.k.a. the Executive Producer), without whose backing and promotion with NBC Sports the Winter Classic would not exist, explained his reaction to the original concept within the network: “I was all into it because when I played high school hockey in the Boston area, my original rink I played at was outdoors. So I knew how much fun it was to play outdoors under the elements, and ultimately, that’s how the game was meant to be played.” Bravo, Sam! Any ideas where that rink might have been? That’s an open question, my classmates. Feel free to answer it and let me know about your lives.


Rob Capone


Our time at Nobles may occasionally feel like ‘a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away,’ so it is nice to see those friendships and connections renewed and alive. Rock on!”



Kim Rossi Stagliano



Holly Malkasian Staudinger



Nancy Sarkis Corcoran

Through Facebook, I was able to find Lawrence Shaw, who had been on the Nobles “missing” list forever! He lives in Georgia with his wife and two college-aged daughters. I also connected with Robert Finlay, who did not graduate with us, but you may recall he did host our Senior Skip Day in Falmouth. Rob lives in Oregon and was going to try to make it back east for the reunion. Until next time...cheers, Class of ’83!


Christine Todd Hello, Class of 1983. By the time you read this, our 35th Reunion Weekend will be upon us. Hard to believe it’s been that long since we graduated. Steve and I hope to see many of you back on campus for a fun weekend. Our son, Holden, is (as of this writing) just beginning his last semester at Nobles. He is playing varsity squash and enjoying being editorin-chief of The Nobleman. Condolences to Todd Chisholm, whose dad passed away last fall. Steve and I ran into Chris McCusker and Davis Fulkerson at the wake. Though under sad circumstances, it was nice to see the guys. Everyone looks great, and their kids are all doing well.



Heather Markey Zink

508-359-9553 Jessica Tyler

781-934-6321 Eliza Kelly Beaulac


Heather Markey Zink said that it was “so great to see Ian Sterling, Lisa Cummings, Bob Savage, John Gifford and Kimbrough Towles at an NYC event hosted by the amazing Kimbrough in her amazing home. My mother, Elaine Markey (P ’84, ’86 and GP ’15, ’16, ’19, ’20), and my daughter, Shannon Zink ’16, had a great time sharing in the fun! Andrew Partridge is “pleased to share the news that on October 20, 2017, Haley and I welcomed our third child, Hazel Sky Partridge. We had a great Christmas with three kiddos who still very much believe in the magic of the season. And on the 29th of December, we celebrated my 50th birthday with Andrew McCabe and his family. It was a fun evening with many stories from the years at Nobles.” Rin Carroll Jackson writes that the 15th Annual SE Area ARTWalk is happening this March, which she founded and co-organizes. It is a showcase of art on a selfguided walking tour for SE Portland, Oregon. Craig Perry says, “Happy New Year to everyone! It’s been a hectic and transitional 2017 for the Perry family. We now find ourselves splitting time between Los Angeles and Maryland, which has been lovely, as you can’t really beat fall on the East Coast. Then we spent two and a half weeks in Taiwan

and Japan over the holidays. It was quite the adventure! But traveling is the reward for hard work—our next destination is Iceland later this summer to visit family, possibly followed by a visit to Ireland. And there’s a small chance I will be spending some time in Shanghai for work, but that’s a long shot. Either way, we’re doing our best to see the world before there’s no more world to see. Finally, my next movie will be released nationwide by Universal Pictures on Mother’s Day weekend. It’s called Breaking In and stars Gabrielle Union. I hope you get a kick out of it. The trailer is online now. Have a happy and healthy 2018!” Joy Densler Marzolf writes, “I spent the holidays in Florida with my family and was able to photograph quite a number of birds and butterflies while I was there. I was also able to stop by my friend Pam Longobardi’s place in Atlanta to pick up some of her art for our Boston Sea Rovers Marine Debris Art Exhibit at our dive show in March. This is one of my many efforts to educate the public about the hazards of plastics and other items in the ocean. Was excited to learn via Facebook that Craig Perry has a new movie coming out this May. Way to go, Craig!” Jessica Tyler writes, “All is going well in Duxbury. My son Sam is in his junior year and is working toward getting his driver’s license. It seems like yesterday that I was at Cam’s in Waltham doing the same. Sam is beginning to look at colleges, and Joe and I are contemplating being empty-nesters, which is sad and exciting at the same time. Here’s to a terrific 2018!”

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Emily Gallagher Byrne

781-721-4444 Elise Gustafson Our condolences go out to classmate Peter Ross on the sudden passing of his wife, Marjorie B. Ross, on July 13, 2017, at the age of 43. Margie leaves Peter after 18 years of marriage with two beautiful and courageous children, Sam (15) and Molly (12), who reside in Weston, Massachusetts. Margie was a proud graduate of both the Dana Hall School (’91) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (’95). On behalf of his entire family, Peter wishes to thank his classmates and the greater Nobles community for their thoughtful outreach and support during this difficult time. Remembrances can be made in memory of Marjorie B. Ross to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston ( or the Ross Family Scholarship at Nobles, which was established by the family in 2002 to provide financial support to Nobles students in need of assistance ( Joia (Scully) Kirby and her husband, Seth, are living in Belmont, Massachusetts. Joia is working for Teaching Learning Alliance, a nonprofit that works to improve literacy in public schools. Her sons are 13, 14 and 15. Two attend BC High, and the youngest is at Carroll School. Evan Falchuk is doing great! He’s the CEO of Boston-based

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Clockwise from top left: Craig Perry and family; Joy Marzolf ’86 took this image in Florida of “a white pelican trying desperately to swallow a fish down, but it keeps going sideways (see the fish face sticking out!) while the other pelicans keep trying to steal it.”; Together at a NYC graduate event hosted by Kimbrough Towles ’86: Elaine Markey (P ’84 ’86; GP ’15 ’16, ’19 ’20), Shannon Zink ’16, Heather Markey (Zink) ’86; At the same graduate event, ’86 classmates Ian Sterling, Lisa Cummings, Bob Savage, John Gifford, Heather Markey and Kimbrough Towles

elder-care start-up VillagePlan, which has a nationwide network of experts who help families caring for an aging loved one. Evan says, “Politically, I’ve remained active, recently joining the advisory board of Voter Choice MA, which is working to bring ranked choice voting to Massachusetts as a way to make our elections more competitive and our democracy more representative.” Dana Gershengorn and her husband, Andy, continue to live in Sharon with their two children, Sayer (15) and Mason (11). Dana writes, “With two

very active kids, Andy’s job as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, and my job as a judge now sitting in Brockton, there are not enough hours in our day!” West Lockhart and family have been in St. John’s Wood in London for seven years and writes,“While the weather is bleak far too often, it has been an amazing experience for all. If classmates of ’87 happen to be in town, please do let me know.”






Rachel Spencer



1991 Kelly Doherty Laferriere





Lynne Dumas Davis

Stephanie Trussell Driscoll






Lisa Marx Corn

Sam Jackson






Lauren Kenney Murphy

Annie Stephenson Murphy



Kelly Flaman Alex Slawsby


Bobbi Oldfield Wegner

617-980-1412 Jessie Sandell Achterhof



Dave Klivans

Mickey Palone writes, “My wife, Leah, and I welcomed our first child, a baby girl named Phoebe Louise Palone, on September 25, 2017.” (Photo on page 62) Amy (Hudson) Gaubinger says, “Nick and I welcomed a little girl just before the holidays. Anna Ling Gaubinger was born on November 20, 2017, weighing in at a sturdy yet agile 6 lbs. 10 oz. She is already loving hoodies.” (Photo on page 63) Callie (Gates) Slocum reports, “Jason and I welcomed our third child, Hope Gates Slocum, on January 11, 2018. Hope joins her 3-year-old sister, Daphne, and her 5-year-old brother, Clark (photo on page 62). In other news, after 10 years of living in Boston, we are moving to Dedham this spring.”


William N. Duffey III


John Bateman married Lauren Vancheri on July 21, 2017, in Newport, Rhode Island. In attendance were classmates Billy Duffey, Samantha (Strauss) Hanman, Cece (Wedel) Perez, Chris Miller, Dave Salmon, Peter McIntire, Mike Lynch, Mike O’Connell, Rob Balanda and Brian Lynch ’04. (Photo on page 61) Rachel Shorey writes, “My wife, Eliza, and I adopted our daughter, Lena, in August. By the time Lena was two weeks old, she had evacuated from her first hurricane! [See page 63 for] a picture of Lena reading from a previous Nobles magazine featuring her aunt Margot Shorey ’04.” Robin (McNamara) Lidington shares, “2017 was a big year for us! We finally moved back home to Boston in June to be closer to family and then welcomed our first child less than two months later. John Towers Lidington (“Jack”) was born on August 25, weighing in at a hefty 8 lbs. 13 oz. I took the rest of the year off to be with the little guy before returning to work in January. (Photo on page 63) Sending best wishes to our entire class! Julie Son Lee, her husband, Michael, and their son Lincoln (2) welcomed Hudson to their family this past December. (Photo on page 62) Julie is currently an advertising sales director at a media startup called Some Spider, following multiyear stints at Google and Facebook, and Michael is a product growth manager at Facebook. Kellen Wallace Benjamin and Jessica Marie Brostowicz were married on October 14, 2017, in Bridgehampton, New York, surrounded by many family and friends from Boston, New York City, Wisconsin, California and

Chicago. (Photo on page 61) Kellen and Jess were introduced four years ago by a mutual friend at an industry event. They live on the Upper East Side in NYC.


Laura (Marholin) Garcia Jenny Berkowitz is teaching third/ fourth grade at the Aspen Community School and getting married this summer to Nick Leonard (Holderness ’03) at their home in Aspen, Colorado. Julianna Manzi Syron recently launched NUSHU Society, a women’s membership-based wellness collective based in New York City, where she lives with her husband, Brendan, and their puppy, Buoy. Justin Oppenheimer lives in New York City where he and his wife, Meghan, are enjoying being parents to their two children, Emery (2 years old) and Tucker (2 months old). In October, Amy Barad married Jeff Schwartz in New Orleans, where they met through work seven years ago and currently reside. They honeymooned in New Zealand, where they hiked every day (even hiking a glacier!), mountain biked and saw countless adorable sheep. They both work for nonprofits dedicated to community, economic and workforce development. Amy would love to catch up with anyone visiting New Orleans to show them around the city. Amber Ream (Fitch) and her husband, Devin, live in Holliston and are loving life in the suburbs. After nine years of teaching at a small private school in Boston,

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Amber is now staying home with her 19-month-old son, Barrett. Steph Shapiro (Witkin) still lives in NYC, where she has been working at Morgan Stanley for the past 10.5 years. She and her husband, Matt, welcomed a daughter, Willa Simone Shapiro, in May. Willa enjoys playing, eating, smiling and, most notably, spending time with best friend (and future boyfriend) Spencer Garcia. Aaron Mason lives in Brooklyn, New York, where he works in audio post production. Peter Harris and his wife, Nancy, live in NYC with their 1.5-year-old, Webster. Offiong Bassey married Alfred Ante in June 2017, and they are expecting their first child this April, just in time for our reunion! Alex Proelss and her husband, Dan, are expecting a baby this spring and are adding a little more magic to the mix by waiting to find out the gender. They are nesting in preparation at their condo in the South End. Charlotte Hamill (Eccles) is mom to three children—Scout (5), Thora (3) and Dash (6 months)— and a cat named Owl. Her family spends their time in Boston during the week and New Hampshire on the weekends, with their sheep named after Disney Princesses. Charlotte works as a portfolio manager at Bracebridge Capital. Ashwin Advani recently moved back to Boston after living in India for the past five years, and D.C. before that. He would love to catch up with anyone currently living in the area. Todd Levin and his wife, Orah, just gave birth to their second baby girl, Zoey. Big sister Maya was excited to welcome her into the

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world. They still live in the Boston area and look forward to introducing them both to the Nobles community at the upcoming reunion. Lucy Kessler (Emerson-Bell) is finishing her Master of Environmental Management at Yale University, where she has been studying corporate sustainability and clean energy. She plans to return to Colorado in the spring with her husband, Zane, and dog, Piper, and to continue her career in sustainability. Andrew Crowley is now in his ninth year working at Ken’s Foods. He is moving to Wellesley this fall with his wife, Lauren, and their two children, Andy (3) and Sloane (8 months). Andrew received his MBA from Boston College last summer and “needless to say, is still a ‘C’ student.” Laura Garcia (Marholin) lives in Brooklyn with her husband, Martin, dog, Hinckley, and baby boy, Spencer, born April 2017. She works in real estate development and is enjoying her new role as “mom.”


Carolyn Sheehan Wintner



Saul Gorman

617-447-3444 Audrey Murray writes, “My first book, Open Mic Night in Moscow, is being published by HarperCollins in July. It’s a comedic travelogue about the year I spent in the

From left to right: Jay Romano ’06, Brad Caswell ’06 and Jay Kelly ’06 re-create the classic 2006 wise monkeys photo at the wedding of Doug Kirschner ’06, while Doug shows enthusiasm for what is happening over Brad’s shoulder. Photo courtesy of Amar Patel ’06

former Soviet Union—learning my way around the black markets in Uzbekistan, visiting the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, feeding baby goats in Mongolia and other adventures.”


E.B. Bartels Happy spring, class of 2006! So many good updates for your enjoyment! First, in our Division of Badass Women Who Will Rule the World, now 100 percent of the Bruynell sisters who attended Nobles are lawyers. Erin Bruynell was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar on November 14, with Erin’s sister and fellow lawyer, Melissa Bruynell ’05, present for the swearing-in ceremony. Additionally, Mariel Novas reports that she is “chugging away at this doctorate!” Second, in our most-recent installment of Super Nice Extra Wonderful People Getting Married, I am happy to report

that Hannah Mauck and Doug Kirschner tied the knot this past summer (though, alas, not to each other). Hannah Mauck, now Hannah Sokol, married Greg Sokol in July in Montague, Massachusetts, surrounded by a crew of Nobles folks (see photo on page 61). Don’t worry: Mary, Hannah and Greg’s glorious golden retriever, played a prominent role in the wedding ceremony. Doug Kirschner, still Doug Kirschner, married Maria Zatko in August in Whistler, Canada, also surrounded by a crew of Nobles folks (see photo on page 62). Don’t worry: The wise monkey photo was once again re-created at Doug’s wedding. Finally, in the Nobles Theatre Collective Out and About in the Real World corner, Harry Aspinwall wrote to me with a very thorough update of all that he has been up to: “I was a guest-star on Turn: Washington’s Spies; I’m the voice of Mr. Monopoly for Hasbro; I created a video series for viral Humans of New York parody Orcs of New York; I got my driver’s license and drove around Iceland and then through 31 U.S. states with my

partner; I got to attend the L.A. premiere of Bloodyback, the 18thcentury zombie movie I starred in, at the Chinese Theaters in Hollywood; and starting in February, I’m going to be on tour for a few months with Chefs, a stage production that bills itself as Iron Chef meets Magic Mike, so you can pretty much fill in the blanks.” Chefs will be at the Wilbur Theatre in Boston on March 16, and I already bought tickets. I will report back in the fall installment of class notes.

Hey, everyone! It seems like it’s been a great start to 2018 for the class of 2011. Mariah Pongor writes, “I have just started a new job at NBC Sports Boston as a production assistant covering media for all four major sports teams—Red Sox, Celtics, Patriots and Bruins.” Looking forward to more updates later this year. Sending lots of love to the whole Nobles community!




2012 Coco Woeltz

Kat Sargent





Caroline Thayer

Aditya Mukerjee



Liz Rappaport



Holly Foster



Katie Puccio


To the Nobles Class of 2013: Thank you so much for responding to my emails/texts/Facebook messages. I can’t believe 33 of you actually got back to me. And for those who didn’t—especially those I Facebook-messaged—I know you read what I sent...and then chose not to respond. Don’t worry, I probably wouldn’t have responded to me either. No hard feelings. No fear, though, we can reconnect at a later date! I’m on the Nobles reunion committee, so I’ll be sending out emails asking for donations to benefit the school. Just what every recent college graduate wants to deal with, right? Enough with my nonsense. I know you want to know what all the people you haven’t spoken to since that extremely hot May 31, 2013, day are doing now. Let’s

start with Aidan. He writes, “After graduating from Harvard in 2017, I started working at a law firm in New York City.” Pause. How many of you started to read that and freaked out because you don’t remember an Aidan from our grade? What you might remember is the matriculation list from our year showed the college gaining the most Nobles ’13 students was Harvard, with a whopping 10 students. And Aidan wasn’t one of them. Because Aidan doesn’t exist. Guys, we’re too young to start forgetting things! So I really hope you caught the joke. Now, let’s get onto real-life human beings whom you may or may not have interacted with over the course of your time at Nobles. Let’s start with graduates kicking it in New York City: Alex Dunne writes, “After graduating from Davidson College in May, I moved to New York City and am working as an analyst in the Private Funds Group at UBS. It’s been a lot of fun living in the city, and I get to see Ali Grogan, Emily McEvoy and Charlotte Thorndike, also all living in NYC.” Perfect lead-in, Alex: As Ali Grogan writes, “After graduating from the University of Richmond, I traveled in Europe for almost two months before moving to New York. I’m currently working for an artificial intelligence, digital media and advertising company called GumGum. So excited to be back on campus this spring—I can’t believe it’s been five years already!” Emily McEvoy echoes that sentiment. She writes, “Since graduating from Cornell University last spring, I’ve been living in New York City and working as a litigation legal assistant at Sullivan & Cromwell. One of the best parts about

living in NYC is how frequently I get to see friends from Nobles. Looking forward to spending time with everyone at reunion!” Charlotte Thorndike writes, “Since graduating, I moved to New York, and I’ve been working in market research at a company called Hall and Partners. I’m loving New York, and I’m excited to come back in May and see everyone.” So much more of our ’13 squad is in New York. We’re just getting started. Maggie Todd (formerly Psyhogeos) writes, “I graduated from Georgetown this past May, where I played varsity tennis for four years and majored in psychology. I now live in New York City and work as an associate broker at Winick Realty Group, which is a commercial real estate firm specializing in retail leasing. I’m so grateful for the foundation Nobles provided me with, and I miss it very much!” Also in the same industry, Cam Chapman writes, “I graduated from the Goizueta Business School at Emory University last May with concentrations in finance and real estate. In June, I moved to New York to pursue my career in real estate, where I’m working for JLL as an analyst in their retail tenant representation and agency leasing team. I’ve been loving life in New York, but there’s definitely no place like Boston. I can’t wait to see everyone for the five-year reunion.” Savannah Horton writes, “In May, I graduated from Bowdoin College, where I studied English and creative writing. The week after graduation, I moved from Maine to New York to start a teaching fellowship at a school in the South Bronx. This year has definitely been exhausting, and though I miss having my first class

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at 1 p.m., I’m lucky to spend each day with such hardworking, hilarious and kind third-graders!” Maggie (Margaret) DeLuca writes, “I graduated from Boston College, where I studied political science and worked at our school gym. I work in advertising at Deutsch Agency in New York City now and can’t wait to come back for the fifth-year reunion at Nobles!” Meanwhile, in Boston... Our very own Emily Goins has returned to our alma mater to teach. She writes, “Since I graduated from Middlebury College in May, I have been working as the science teaching fellow at Nobles, teaching honors biology, Spanish and the senior biochemistry elective. Next year, I am headed to medical school at Duke! I can’t wait to see you all at reunion.” Keep reading to find out which grads in Boston are also applying to or are already in medical school. Have I incentivized you? George Farley writes, “Since college, I’ve been working in Boston for Wells Fargo in the commercial real estate group. I also work with Robin Lidington McNamara ’02 and her sister, Jamie McNamara ’15. Before I started work, I took a road trip with my brother to Charleston, South Carolina, to visit some of my friends from college and explore a new part of the country. I’m looking forward to traveling more in the future.” Sophie Jacobs writes, “I graduated from Lehigh this May with a degree in finance and have since been working in Boston at Harris Williams & Co., which is a middlemarket investment banking firm.” Sarah Haylon writes, “I graduated from Hamilton College, and

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now I’m living in the North End in Boston. I’m working for TJX, which is the parent company of TJ Maxx, Marshall’s and HomeGoods. I’m currently in a buying program and doing retail merchandising for HomeGoods. I can’t wait to come back to campus and see everyone this spring!” Another North End resident, Kimmy Ganong, writes, “Since graduating from Bowdoin in May, I moved to the North End and began working in sales at CarGurus. I am enjoying the challenging but rewarding work environment, and I’ve loved being back in the city of Boston.” John Sargent writes, “Since graduating Nobles, I attended Connecticut College, where I majored in English and wrote for the school newspaper, The Voice. During my time in college, I traveled abroad to Paris, where I studied during the semester of 2015. Since graduating in May 2017, I have been freelance writing for various magazines in Boston, including On the Water, a fishing and outdoors publication based in Falmouth, Massachusetts. I still live in the Boston area, and I’m happy to be serving on the reunion committee.” Diana Smith writes, “Since graduating from Harvard in May, I’ve been working at Massachusetts General Hospital as a research coordinator in the psychiatry department. I’m planning on applying to medical schools during the upcoming cycle, and I’ve been really enjoying working in a hospital and doing research in the meantime. I’ve visited Nobles a couples of times to see NTC productions and brag about my sister’s (Grace Smith, Class III) tech handiwork, so hopefully Vinik hasn’t seen the last of me!”

Liam McClintock writes, “When I was at Yale, I partnered up with a biochem major and pharmaceutical manufacturer to develop a hangover preventative supplement called Mentis. We ended up getting some good press and selling out of the product.” Real talk: Liam, I attribute your selling out to the fact that everyone gets hangovers—meaning this was an ingenious invention. Not just good press! Turns out that Mentis is now globally distributed, and all of its product is sold online in the States. Liam goes on to say, “After college, I took a couple of months to travel around Southeast Asia and Europe. I then began working at a private equity firm in Boston called Copley. We invest primarily in growing technology and healthcare companies. It’s been nice catching up with Nobles buddies who ended up back in Boston, who are still some of my best friends.” Austin Childs writes, “So far, I’ve graduated from Wheaton College with psych and history degrees, and I have been fortunate to find work in Kendall Square in Cambridge. I work at Eastern Bank as a Customer Service Associate II (CSA) for the company and am working toward going back to school for my MBA.” Daniel Fine writes, “This past May, I graduated from the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University. Shortly after graduating, I started working at the Boston Consulting Group on the Health Care Knowledge Team in Boston. In my first seven months, I have learned a tremendous amount and have had the opportunity to travel to various cities around the world!”

Alexa Demirjian writes, “After Nobles, I graduated from Brown and double-majored in business, entrepreneurship and organizations and political science. I am currently working at State Street Global Advisors as an investment strategist. I am beyond thankful that my Nobles education allowed me to pursue my dreams.” Joshua St. Fort writes, “Since I’ve graduated from Clark University, I have been developing a media site and exploring options and opportunities as they continue to come my way.” Samantha Rosen writes, “Since graduating from Hamilton College last spring with a B.A. in neuroscience, I’ve started working in a genetics and genomics research lab at Boston Children’s Hospital. My work is focused on determining the genetic and molecular basis of congenital myopathies and various orphan diseases. Most recently, I’ve been investigating the role of a novel gene in the development of centronuclear myopathy.” Ashley Conley writes, “I graduated in May 2017 from Colby College and received three B.A.s in biology with a concentration in neuroscience and economics and mathematics. I also played soccer at Colby. I currently live in the South End in Boston while attending Boston University School of Medicine. Before starting medical school, I did a medical internship at Thammasat University, in Bangkok, Thailand, and at a children’s hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.” Susruthi Rajanala writes, “Hi, everyone! Can’t believe it’s been five years since Nobles. I’m currently finishing my second

year of medical school at BUSM and am gearing up to start clinical rotations this May. If any of you are in Boston, I’d love to hear from you and catch up!” Well, Susruthi, you’re in luck. Many graduates still reside in Beantown. Did you know that you and Ashley go to the same school again? From the capital: Jackson Cabot writes, “Hello, everyone. I’m working in D.C. now doing commercial real estate because the gucci_brand didn’t take off as expected. See everyone at the five year.” Rachel Gardner writes, “After graduating from Cornell this past spring, I traveled to Israel on Birthright. Since returning, I’ve been working as a health policy fellow at a think tank in D.C. This role has been a ‘gap year’ position for me, as I will attend medical school next fall. I hope that everyone has been doing well since high school!” Thomas Bishop writes, “I am living in Washington, D.C., working for the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA). We are a nonprofit working to bring about a clean and modern electric grid. I am on the membership team recruiting members and sponsors while helping represent SEPA at regional solar and energy-storage trade shows. Outside of work, I work out at a local Crossfit, play in a rec softball league, and follow my beloved Boston sports teams.” Alternate places... Henry Bell writes, “Upon graduating college, I promptly moved to the island of Nantucket for five months to work under the older brother of longtime friend and fellow Nobles graduate Will Sleeper ’13, at Straight Wharf


Clockwise from top left: Sebastian Viasus ’13 in his Nobles wrestling hat at Mt. Ruapehu, an active volcano on the North Island of New Zealand; Susruthi Rajanala ’13 rocking her white medical coat; Henry Bell served as a ski instructor to this tiny tot in Telluride, Colorado; Alex Dunne, Emily McEvoy and Ali Grogan hung out together while watching the NYC Marathon.

Restaurant. The presence of the ocean occupied most days—surfing, fishing—while the heat and calamity of the busy bar and restaurant atmosphere came crashing in by night. I’m now living in Telluride, Colorado, where I’m a ski instructor. I’ve long wanted to be in the mountains, and being here now feels pretty cool. I plan to stay here for the time being to continue to work my way toward attaining several rigorous outdoor certifications in order to be able to lead and protect those who venture to this rugged part of

our country. I’ve been training with a bow for this upcoming elk season (late August), and I hope to be able to harvest my own meat come next winter. Text me if you need some. I spend quite a bit of my time writing, too. I couldn’t be happier, and not a day goes by where I don’t think of my friends, teachers and experiences at Nobles, and how much love I have for each. I hope everybody from my Nobles family is well and setting off boldly on their own treacherous, peculiar quests to make this world a better place.”

Chris Gibson writes, “After graduating from Nobles, I attended Haverford College. My final year at Haverford was a combination of undergrad computer science work, a senior thesis and preemptive graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania. I’m studying there now for one year to get a master’s in computer graphics and game technology at the engineering school and currently interviewing for jobs to come after that. You can check out my website with my work here:”

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...not a day goes by where I don’t think of my friends, teachers and experiences at Nobles, and how much love I have for each. I hope everybody from my Nobles family is well and setting off boldly on their own treacherous, peculiar quests to make this world a better place.”


Rachel Lea Fishman writes, “After graduating from UCLA, I now work for a start-up called Earny, which gets you automatic money back when prices drop on all of your favorite purchases from retailers such as Amazon. It’s available on the app store. After completing my 200-hour power yoga certification, I also teach yoga at Corepower Yoga in Los Angeles.” Alex Katz writes, “After finishing my first two years at Wake Forest, I decided to take a year off to travel. After making my way across the globe, I eventually found myself teaching and guiding skiing in Aspen, Colorado, for five months in 2016. I managed to utilize many of the lessons and techniques I learned as a member of the Nobles ski team so many years ago—thanks, Mr. Hollister! This break from academia was both exciting and fulfilling, and I can say with confidence that I am now a strong proponent of the “gap year” (mid-college or otherwise). As I enter my final semester of college, I look forward to moving to New York City this June, where I will be working as an analyst at Greenhill & Co. Can’t wait to see everyone in May!” Marc Kessler writes, “After graduating from the University of Richmond this past May, I continued to work in Boston on a software project I pursued

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throughout college. As we pushed through the technology, music and venture industries, I found myself moving to NYC, where I have spent the past four months. Next month, I begin the next chapter of this incredible journey in L.A., and I’m excited to share my progress with the Nobles community.” Peter Somerville writes, “After graduating in May from Colgate with Don (Sobell), Tyler (Martin), Drew (Walker), Charlotte (Thorndike) and Sarah (Puccio), I’ve since hung up the winter coat and moved out to sunny (when it’s not foggy) San Francisco. After working over the summer at my brother’s start-up, UnifyID, I transitioned to an investment analyst role at Cambridge Associates, working with families and foundations located up and down California. Since moving out here, I’ve experienced my first earthquake, In-N-Out burger (animal-style, of course) and Folsom St. Fair (definitely the last). I’m looking forward to getting back together soon with the Class of 2013 and the rest of the Nobles family. I hope all is well on the other side of the country!” Sebastian Viasus writes, “I just graduated from Wheaton College over in Norton, Massachusetts, with a major in physics and a minor in studio art. I got to travel the world a lot, spending

two months doing a fellowship at the Robert College summer camp in Istanbul, Turkey, a semester abroad in New Zealand at the University of Auckland and a summer in Brazil for the Olympics. I also worked on two research projects with professors, one modeling the oceanic flow of Europa and another studying toad morphology for the biology department. I’m in Seattle now, working full-time doing construction management. I plan on going to grad school, though I don’t know for what yet!” And then there’s me—if you’ve even made it to this point. And let’s be honest, this magazine is probably underneath a pile of excess clutter in your childhood home, hoping to be perused, but likely not to be touched until you return for the next family holiday and your parent asks you to read the magazine before s/he throws it away. But if you’d like to know what I’m doing.… I graduated from Elon University in May, did a bit of overseas traveling, and then packed my life up for the West Coast. My big move to L.A. was a long time coming, as I have wanted to live here for a significant portion of my life. Working in the entertainment industry is definitely an interesting experience, and I constantly find myself being challenged. But I wouldn’t have it any other

way. I work as the producer for a digital entertainment show called Hollyscoop, which is one of several shows our larger production/ media company distributes. In all honesty, I hope each and every one of you is doing so well and is very happy! I hope to see you all at reunion! #BigDawgsGottaEat, and reunion provides free food.


Roger Berle ’60 sent us a clipping from the Maine Sunday Telegram about Bowdoin senior Kate Kerrigan crushing it on the basketball court. Berle, who also graduated from Bowdoin, attends at least a half dozen games a season and calls Kate “indefatigable!” “Further, it is notable that I often sit next to a retired Bowdoin coach, and yesterday he commented that Kate is the finest athlete he has seen at Bowdoin in 20 years. Pretty good!” he says, adding, “I must say that Lauren Dillon played a very good game for Tufts as well,” and that “Brigit Bergin scored a goal in a loss to Williams.”


in memoriam

TIM COGGESHALL, 1922–2018 When Head of School Dr. Catherine J. Hall notified the Nobles community about the passing of teaching legend Tim Coggeshall, responses poured in from near and far, expressing condolences, remembrances and, most frequently, gratitude. Rob Morrison ’78 P’08, ’14, ’19 entered Coggeshall’s classroom as a Sixie, struggling with dyslexia, an inability to read aloud and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Despite those hurdles, Coggeshall created a “supportive, yet competitive” community, giving Morrison the confidence he lacked and eventually inspiring him to major in English. “Two years ago,” Morrison writes, “I was able to sit down with Tim and tell him he was the reason I became a seventh-grade English teacher at the Fenn School. It was one of the most fulfilling moments of my life.” Ted Canto ’69, the second black student to attend Nobles, remembers Coggeshall’s “kind and generous warmth” as he introduced Canto to his new school. Canto also recalls the thrill of sailing with Coggeshall: “I knew absolutely nothing about sailing, yet he entrusted me with managing the boom while tacking. It was one of the most exciting experiences of my life.” The note from John Damon ’57, frequent lector at St. Mary’s Church in Barnstable, describes Coggeshall as a teacher at Nobles during Damon’s formative years and then as a parishioner of St. Mary’s. No matter if it was classroom or church, Coggeshall was always the teacher, and he would subtly turn his thumbs up for Damon whenever he read the scripture particularly well. Damon honored Coggeshall with a few words directed to his beloved friend: “Tim, I’ll miss our recent little exchanges, between me

at the lectern and you sitting over there. And Mr. C., you will always own a little piece of who I am, and I value so much having had you in my life, even right now, right here.” Molly Dempsey (Conley) ’79 remembers her four years as a boarder and her “endless array of Mr. C. stories. From his admissions interview of me in 1975 to many hours cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in the moonlight on the Nobles trails to countless talks with [Coggeshall’s beloved late wife] Luby in their kitchen over a cup of tea to acting as first mate one summer aboard his beloved Dauntless.” Dempsey reflects, “The more I think about Tim and Luby, the more important I realize they were to my formative years. And this is what teaching is all about, is it not? Our teachers are really our larger set of parents and role models. They are ‘the village’ it takes to raise a child.”

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in memoriam Tim Coggeshall continued... Born on August 17, 1922, Coggeshall taught at Nobles from 1947 to 1987, almost half of his life. His contributions as an English and history teacher, community service director, admission director, ski coach and Nobleman advisor—and his kindness and skill in each capacity—inspired the establishment of the Coggeshall Award for teaching excellence. He earned one of the first two teaching chairs at Nobles, with George K. Bird holding the Eliot T. Putnam Chair and Coggeshall holding the First Class Chair. Beyond Nobles, Coggeshall was a WWII officer in the Navy, a Harvard graduate with a master’s degree in American history and a longtime resident of Barnstable village in Cape Cod. He will be remembered fondly as a runner, sailor, skier, devoted husband, father, grandfather, teacher and friend. After a weekend of cheering for the Patriots and reading up on politics, he passed away peacefully at age 95 on January 23, 2018, with his daughter Melora by his side. Melora successfully underwent treatment for chronic lymphoma, so donations in Coggeshall’s memory were made to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. St. Mary’s Church in Barnstable will host a celebration of his life this June. Coggeshall is also survived by daughters Lindy, Nan and Caroline ’76, as well as his brother, Clarke, his sister-in-law, Eddie, 11 grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and many nieces, nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews. Starting when Coggeshall was a young man, he participated in Harvard’s Grant Study, which traced health and happiness over the course of multiple subjects’ lives through interviews and checkups. In a recent TED Talk, the study’s most recent director concluded that, above all other factors, from wealth to fame to genetics, “good relationships keep us happier and healthier.” Coggeshall’s long, healthy life, and the kind words of the many people whose lives he touched, prove the Grant Study’s findings. Coggeshall built a life on relationships, and so many are grateful to him for that.

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William Rothwell Brush ’39 passed away February 17 at age 97. He resided in Westwood, Massachusetts. At Nobles, he was assistant hockey manager and member of the crew team. He was described as the “class optimist, always smiling and cheerful” in his Classbook, and that “his sense of humor has given many a master more than one gray hair.” Brush grew up in Brookline, Massachusetts, and spent summers in Swampscott and Marblehead, where he developed a lifelong passion for sailing. A member of the Class of 1944 at Willliams College, Brush joined the Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. in Boston in 1948, launching a career that focused on providing life insurance to physicians and their families. Known for his ready smile and love of the outdoors and nature, he sailed on his T-boat as a young man and on his beloved 34-foot Bristol Mistral later in life. Brush was also an avid bird watcher who not only identified them but learned their sounds and behavior. He traveled extensively with his wife, Harriet, on birding trips around the world, and in his mid-seventies, he took up tennis, which he played several times a week until his late eighties. A resident of Fox Hill Village in Westwood since 1994, Brush was head of its gardening committee, labeled more than 250 pieces of art that were hung on the walls there, and was

instrumental in arranging its popular Boston Musical Theater Cabaret Night. In addition to his wife, Brush is survived by his daughters, Deborah, Nancy and Suzanne, and seven grandchildren. Galen Weare Clough ’53 passed away December 21 at age 82. He was a resident of Evansville, Indiana. At Nobles, the Brookline, Massachusetts, native participated in football, wrestling and baseball; served on the Nobleman and as president of Deutsche Verein; and was a member of the Cum Laude Society. His Classbook noted that “Gay’s perpetual good will to all and his ardent team spirit have won him popularity. He is a natural football player, a talent supplemented by much hard work.” A graduate of Dartmouth College, Clough received his master’s and Ph.D. from Indiana University and went on to teach early-20th-century American literature in the English Department at the University of Evansville for 30 years. Clough completed 20 marathons after age 43 (he watched the Boston Marathon as a youth) and was a lifelong Boston Red Sox fan. He is believed to have been coach of the first organized University of Evansville women’s soccer team. He also coached with the Evansville youth soccer program and was an assistant girls soccer coach at William Henry Harrison High in Evansville, where he resided for more than 50 years.

In retirement, Clough and his wife, Joyce, traveled often to Siesta Key, Florida, and also enjoyed trips to Ireland, Norway and especially the Ulrich family farm in Denmark. He shared his dry wit in letters and essays to friends and family and wrote often of Cape Cod, where he spent the summer months. Clough is also survived by his daughters, Karen, Jennifer and Kathleen, and five grandchildren. Richard Risley Finlay ’55 passed away October 25 at age 80. He resided in Dallas, Texas. At Nobles, he participated in football, soccer, basketball and tennis. A native of Wayland, Massachusetts, he was also a member of Student Council, the Classbook committee, the Nobleman board, and the debating and dramatic clubs. Finlay was president of Deutsche Verein and a prize winner at the Science Fair in biology and chemistry. He followed in his father’s footsteps to Dartmouth College, a family tradition also carried on by his two brothers and sister. His investment work with State Street Bank and Trust in Boston brought him to Fort Worth, Texas, where he met his future wife, Charlotte Williams, who passed away five years ago. Finlay was passionate about sailing, travel, photography and telling a good story. He made many friends from around the world during his years as an officer of the Dallas chapter of the Confrerie

des Chevaliers du Tastevin. He was also founder of its Santa Fe chapter. The group seeks to acquire knowledge of Burgundy and to encourage appreciation of its history, culture, wines and cuisine. From 2004-07, Finlay was Grand Pilier Général d’Amérique, the organization’s highest national office. A real estate broker who was adept at crafting complex investment deals in Texas and New Mexico, Finlay was a member of the board at the Winston School in Dallas, which teaches children from K-12 in nontraditional ways. Finlay is survived by his daughter, Laura; his twin sons, Richard and Charles; his companion, Barbara Charlton; and five grandchildren. Alfred Montgomery Goodale ’50 passed away November 10 at age 85. He resided in Belfast, Maine. At Nobles, he was crew captain and a football player. He was also a member of the Dramatic Club, the Nobleman board and Deutsche Verein, and was recipient of the Modern Language Prize. His Classbook biography stated: “Harvard will gain a distinguished traveler and hobbyist in ‘Gom’” next fall. While at Nobles, he sold carved models of duck-billed bald eagles and other complex birds, and according to his Classbook, he was usually planning an overseas vacation. Born in Framingham, Massachusetts, Goodale served in the Army and received degrees

from Harvard College and Harvard Law School. He traveled the world extensively, working in northern Canada as a cook, in Thailand as a patent lawyer, and in Kenya with the Peace Corps. He settled in Maine and concentrated on writing fiction, both for adults and children. In the mid-1980s, Goodale lost his eyesight but continued to live independently, and was respected for his poise and determination in dealing with his blindness. A longtime congregant and deacon of the Liberty Baptist Church in Maine, he served as president of Hospice Volunteers of Waldo County and founded its bereavement program. He was respected as a gentleman of strong faith, a creative thinker, a good listener, a loyal friend and a loving person. He enjoyed watching birds, reading poetry and fiction, taking long walks with his seeingeye dogs, and listening to Red Sox games. Goodale is survived by his son, Eben, and his grandson, David. John Moss Guilbert ’49 passed away October 17 at his home in Oro Valley, Arizona, at age 86. At Nobles, where he was recipient of several academic prizes, Guilbert, nicknamed “Gil,” was also wrestling and baseball manager and a soccer player; a member of Student Council, Cercle Francais, and the science and debating clubs; and Classbook co-editor. A graduate of the University

of North Carolina who grew up in Dedham, Massachusetts, he went on to the University of Wisconsin-Madison to earn a master’s in chemistry and a Ph.D. in economic geology. He was honored as a distinguished alumnus of the department of geology and geophysics at the university. A research geologist for the Anaconda in Butte, Montana, Guilbert was an instructor at the Montana School of Mines until 1965, when he became an assistant professor and then a full professor at the University of Arizona. He left classroom teaching in 1992 to focus his energies on research and graduate student advising. He is recipient of the highest awards from both the Society of Economic Geology (the Penrose Medal) and the Society of Mining Engineers (the Jackling Award). Guilbert influenced many young geologists and was known for his numerous articles on ore deposit geology, metallogeny and ore geochemistry. He co-authored The Geology of Ore Deposits with Charles F. Park. He was a study group leader (and participant) at Tucson’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, still involving geology but also archaeology, anthropology, American history and general science. Guilbert and his late wife, Mary, had three children, Anne, Linda and Paul. He is survived by them and his wife, Jan Harelson.

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in memoriam Everett Thurston Henderson ’76 passed away December 4 at age 60. He resided in Laconia, New Hampshire. At Nobles, “Ev” was a superior wrestler, ending his senior season with a 9-1 record and taking first place in his weight class at the Graves-Kelsey Tournament. He also participated in football and lacrosse. A graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University, where he wrestled his freshman year, Henderson, who grew up in Wellesley, Massachusetts, embarked on a career in the hospitality industry, breaking in with the Valle’s chain and other establishments in the Boston area. In 1987, he moved to Pompano Beach, Florida, where for 20 years he managed the Fisherman’s Wharf restaurant. He remained in Florida after the restaurant closed, working in sales for a food broker before moving to Laconia seven years ago. He was general manager there of the Karma Café, building the business from its infancy. Henderson brought creativity to his work, which included designing the interior, hiring and training staff, and working with vendors. He also planned the menu each day with the emphasis on healthy food choices and a healthy lifestyle, partly because the café was located adjacent to the Riverbank House, a men’s sober living community. He was an avid photographer who enjoyed taking group nature trips and hikes through-

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out New Hampshire and to Niagara Falls. Henderson enjoyed posting his photos on Facebook for his friends. He was admired for his humility, his loyalty and for being a good friend. Henderson is survived by his father, Ronald; his daughter, Erin; his sister, Lauren; and his brother, Ronald Jr. Putnam Ballou Mcdowell ’42 passed away January 2 at his home in Westwood, Massachusetts, at age 93. At Nobles, McDowell, who grew up in Brookline, participated in crew, football, hockey and baseball. He was a member of the Glee Cub, Dramatic Club, Rifle Club and Cercle Francais, and was business manager and board member for the Nobleman. He left Harvard during WWII and flew photo reconnaissance missions in the Pacific, earning six battle stars and other honors. He graduated from Harvard Business School in 1950, and with his late wife, Margaret, moved their growing family to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1955, he joined the Pittsburgh Coke and Chemical Co., currently the Hillman Company, and was CEO of several Hillman subsidiaries, including Marion Power Shovel, a world leader in the manufacture of large power shovels and drag lines. In 1982, he became CEO of Mesta Machine Co., renaming it Mestek, while earning the Pittsburgh Business Times Enterprise Award for “Vision-

ary Risk Taking and Superior Business Skills.” In Pittsburgh, he sat on numerous boards, including that of the Western PA School for the Blind and Magee Women’s Hospital. He served as head of the board of trustees at the Winchester Thurston School, where his four daughters were students. An avid outdoorsman, McDowell worked with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, planting thousands of trees to provide habitat for wildlife. He returned to New England in 1990, settling in Dedham and then Westwood. McDowell is survived by his wife, Robin; his daughters, Margaret, Lucy, Barbara and Martha; his son, Putnam; 11 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Surviving him as well are four stepchildren, Timothy, Rosie, Pamela and Ellen; four step-grandchildren and five step-great-grandchildren; a half brother, Latimer, and a half sister, Linda. Henry Parkhurst Thomas ’65 passed away January 29 at age 70. He resided in Charlotte, North Carolina. At Nobles, “Harry” was tennis and hockey team manager and participated in soccer. He was also a member of the Glee Club, Dramatic Club and Rifle Club, and served on the Boarding Council. Thomas, who grew up in Weston and spent summers on Cape Cod, was the nephew of Richard T.

Flood ’23, the great Nobles athlete and hockey coach, and the school’s former assistant headmaster, admissions director and history department chair. An avid skier as a youth, Thomas enjoyed the slopes at Sugarloaf on a vacation outing with a group of Nobles classmates. He also attended stock-car races at Watkins Glen, New York. Photography and cars became lifelong passions for Thomas, a graduate of Stanford University who remained on the West Coast. He worked for the Petersen Publishing Company in Los Angeles as a photographer for Motor Trend magazine. He also contributed to Car and Driver and Sports Car Graphic magazines and tried his hand at auto racing. Friends remarked that he always seemed to have a new—and fast—car, whether it was a Charger, Firebird or Corvette. Later in life, he moved to Charlotte, where he was a public relations consultant and was also involved with the Museum of Auto Racing Art and Photography. It featured posters, art prints and unmounted photographs, books in the field of automobiles, and historical memorabilia, specifically written records in the field of automobiles. Thomas is survived by his brother, John ’54.






1. John Bateman ’02 and wife Lauren Vancheri on their wedding day at Belle Mer, Newport, Rhode Island. 2. Kellen Wallace Benjamin ’02 was married to Jessica Marie Brostowicz on October 14, 2017, in Bridgehampton, New York. Front row, left to right: Scott Johnson ’02, Adam Benjamin ’06, Jessica Benjamin and Kellen Benjamin ’02. Back row, left to right: Joe Gannon ’02, Hambisa Goso ’06, Senam Kumahia ’02, Tim Sheridan ’02, Cam Marchant ’02 and Franklin Ross ’02. 3. Offiong Bassey ’03 and husband Alfred Ante on their wedding day in June 2017. 4. Amy Barad ’03 and Jeff Schwartz at their New Orleans wedding. 5. Hannah Mauck ’06 married Greg Sokol surrounded by Nobles peeps on July 15, 2017. From left to right: Lisa Hellawell Fargo ’79, Alden Mauck (P’06 ’09, faculty), Matt Fargo ’80, Henry Mauck ’09, Kate Parizeau ’05, Vicky Seelen (P’07 ’09, faculty), Michael Polebaum ’08, Hannah Sokol née Mauck ’06, Greg Sokol, Maura Sullivan, Louis Barassi, Michael Denning (P’20), Kate Ramsdell (all faculty) and Emma Bigelow née Tall ’06.

announcements Engagements Jenny Berkowitz ’03 is engaged to be married this summer to Nick Leonard (Holderness ’03) at their home in Aspen, Colorado.

Marriages Wyc Grousbeck ’79 married Emilia Fazzalari; John Bateman ’02 married Lauren Vancheri on July 21, 2017, in Newport, Rhode Island; Kellen Wallace Benjamin ’02 and Jessica Marie Brostowicz were married on October

14, 2017, in Bridgehampton, New York; Amy Barad ’03 married Jeff Schwartz in New Orleans in October 2017; Offiong Bassey ’03 married Alfred Ante in June 2017; Hannah Mauck ’06, now Hannah Sokol, married Greg Sokol in July 2017 in Montague, Massachusetts;

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11. 7.



6. Quite the Nobles gang was present at Doug Kirschner ’06’s wedding to Maria Zatko in October 2017. From left to right: Amar Patel ’06, Brendon Mills ’06, Doug Kirschner ’06, Maria Zatko, Jay Kelly ’06, Jay Romano ’06 and Brad Caswell ’06. Photo courtesy of Amar. 7. Laura Garcia ’03 with husband Martin and son Spencer. 8. Hope Gates Slocum, daughter of Callie Gates Slocum ’01 and husband Jason. 9. Emery and Tucker Oppenheimer, children of Meghan and Justin Oppenheimer ’03. 10. Julie Son Lee ’02 with husband Michael and sons Lincoln and Hudson. 11. Webster Harris, son of Peter Harris ’03, and wife Nancy.

Doug Kirschner ’06 married Maria Zatko in August in Whistler, Canada.

New Arrivals: Andrew Partridge ’86 and wife Haley welcomed their third child, Hazel Sky Partridge

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on October 20, 2017; Mickey Palone ’01 and wife Leah welcomed a baby girl named Phoebe Louise Palone on September 25, 2017; Amy (Hudson) Gaubinger ’01 and husband Nick welcomed daughter Anna Ling Gaubinger on November 20, 2017; Callie (Gates) Slocum ’01 and husband Jason wel-

comed daughter Hope Gates Slocum on January 11, 2018; Rachel Shorey ’02 and wife Eliza adopted their daughter, Lena, in August 2017; Robin (McNamara) Lidington ’02 and husband John welcomed son John Towers Lidington (“Jack”) on August 25, 2017; Julie Son Lee ’02 and husband Michael





17. 18.

12. Phoebe Louise Palone, daughter of Mickey Palone ’01 and wife Leah. 13. Hazel Sky Partridge, daughter of Andrew Partridge ’86 and wife Haley. 14. Anna Ling Gaubinger, daughter of Amy Hudson Gaubinger ’01 and husband Nick. 15. Baby Chase and big brother Cam, sons of Chris Owen ’00 and Lindsey (Marich) Owen ’01. 16. Zoey and Maya Levin, daughters of Todd Levin ’03 and wife Orah. 17. John (“Jack”) Towers Lidington, son of Robin (McNamara) Lidington ’02 and husband John. 18. Rachel Shorey ’02 and daughter Lena reading the recent issue of the Nobles magazine, with Lena’s aunt, Margot Shorey ’04, on the cover

welcomed son Hudson in December 2017; Justin Oppenheimer ’03 and wife Meghan welcomed a son, Tucker, in 2017; Steph Shapiro (Witkin) ’03 and husband Matt welcomed a daughter, Willa Simone Shapiro, in May 2017; Charlotte Hamill (Eccles) ’03 and husband Brian welcomed Dash in July

2017; Todd Levin ’03 and his wife, Orah, welcomed daughter Zoey; Andrew Crowley ’03 and wife Lauren welcomed Sloane in 2017; Laura Garcia (Marholin) and husband Martin welcomed son Spencer in April 2017.

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CIRCLE OF MEMORIES The Wiese Memorial, built in 1953, was dedicated in memory of Edward J. Wiese ’54 (d. 1952). It was designed by Sidney Shurcliff ’23, a landscape architect and planner who worked on the Charles River Basin Project in the 1930s and on the planning of the Esplanade in the 1950s. The memorial was originally in front of the administration building, which then housed offices for the headmaster and other administrators. Since the recent campus projects that included the science building renovation, the original Putnam Library demolition, and the new Putnam Library and academic center construction, the Wiese Memorial has been relocated next to the entrance of the new library. Help us identify the three young gents in this photo! Email Archivist Isa Schaff at

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Reflecting Inward When you make a gift to the Annual Nobles Fund, you support teaching and learning in the new academic center and throughout the school. Thank you. To make your gift today, visit or contact Director of Annual Giving Allie Trainor at or call 781-320-7005.

PHOTO OF THE DAY March 21, 2018 Allison Li ‘18 catches Chidubem Umeh ‘18 for a pose at the Taj Mahal during the EXCEL spring break trip to India. PHOTO BY BEN HEIDER



Noble and Greenough School 10 Campus Drive Dedham, MA 02026-4099

Nobles Noble and Greenough School 10 Campus Drive Dedham, MA 02026-4099





Cooking with Kantrow On February 12, Chef Gita Kantrow ‘07 visited Jen Craft’s Molecular Gastronomy class. Kantrow guided students in making porkfilled potstickers, crab rangoon, and kachori, a lentil-filled pastry.


p. 42


p. 42

Opportunity of a Lifetime

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