Spring 2021 - What I Realized... Trying to Understand Patriarchy Better

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What I Realized… Trying to Understand Patriarchy Better Spring 2021

CONSENT & patriarchy

Consent is mandatory that we should all follow, but consent is not ingrained in our heads, most of the time in men with cat calling and doing things that are inappropriate but seem normal to them such as saying “she was asking for it “or “look at what she was wearing” these are all unsolicited things men and sometimes women will say, but with patriarchy men are given a welcome sign to harass women and says these things cause their more powerful than them.

PATRIARCHY AND POWER Patriarchy and power, without the word power in patriarchy there would be little to no meaning left, in order for someone to obey you or to follow your system you must have some type of power, and with patriarchy it’s a system in where men have that power this goes with consent since men having the more power women are expected to give consent to them or do things they don’t want to

What exactly is patriarchy? a system in were men are benefited

Islam and patriarchy

Islam and patriarchy are not fully on the same boat, you see Islam preaches equality and peace and both genders should both follow the religion with no one higher, and patriarchy say “men have more power “but this is where culture comes in with patriarchy “women in Islam should only be in the kitchen” “the man and the man only is in charge of the house” that is somewhat true but you have to understand that gender roles are not always supposed to be toxic, Yes the man in the Muslim house hold in the one in charge put that’s doesn’t apply all the time and the way you think. If one day he became disabled now the women would be in charge..its not about “I’m in charge I control you” if more of “I’m in charge cause this is more respectful” and usually in Islam women are supposed to cook for their family but I feel the way now and how the stereotypes of genders are played that sounds bad but I think the modern world has put a bad label on “what a women is supposed to do”. Also, Islam in the first religion to recognize and give women rights and they are supposed to be one of the most respected.

A UN Women study reveals that in combat zones, it is now more dangerous to be a woman than to be a soldier.

patriarchy and relationship with capitalism

Research question: How did patriarchy change when capitalism was introduced? From what i was reading patriarchy pre-existed before capitalism nothing immensely was changed but the two of capitalism and patriarchy were like a power force to work together and use the social power to oppress women such as in work spaces with inequality with the both genders and we all know who will get the more beneficial part, men will because of patriarchy so the two work well together to use their own definitions to oppress women, so it didn’t change for the best it cause more flames to the fire essentially. but, capitalism. still needs Its benefit from women such as their promotions knowledge and ect. So capitalism sort of smoothed the road just a tiny bit no major difference for women in workspaces. A question I had from the readings(How Patriarchy and Capitalism Combine to Aggravate the Oppression of Women) I learned is women back then would statically be more over worked than men if the labor women did converted into a professional with this would it show that women back the were also hard workers and should be taken serious in workspaces??

Reflection A takeaway is to understand is patriarchy is not a minor act man will do that will presented in our society, it’s a system!. And we could all possibly end this system if we start breaking patters and the iniquities we see on a daily basis.

Ways to resist patriarchy or even end it: first its important to break stereotypes break the social norms. How patriarchy affects me: As a girl I don’t get the same privileges as a man does, that goes for them as well..but they still get the better card in this situation cause they can get better jobs be more respected be seen as a boss for taking control but I would be seen as a b****if I do. Overall they have more power in our society and most likely for the next and so on until someone breaks the system How I see patriarchy in my daily life: just a couple days ago I over heard my sister saying “I don’t want to go for oil change cause they will charge me more money cause I’m a girl “cause girls are seen as not knowing about cars or seen as easy trap.

5 Ways To Combat Patriarchy

Speak up when you see a situation that can be misogynistic.

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Normalize males fighting against toxic masculinity.

Fight for equal pay and go against discrimination in workplaces.

Teach people consent from a young age not “what was she wearing”.

Challenge gender roles, respect all gender and identify.

How Is Patriarchy Perpetuated? Patriarchy is perpetuated all the time in cases like sexual harassment and being disrespected in the workplace we live in a society where it thrives off patriarchy to have men in more powerful positions and this shows up in cases like unequal pay and when there’s these problems women don’t speak up because when they do they are often ignored, so men will continue to take advantage of women continuing patriarchy.


understanding patriarchy !!! By Brandon Sath

what is patriarchy; patriarchy is a system of society or government in which men hold power over things and women specifically women are excluded from it.

Where did it come from : well patriarchy came from a historic process where it developed in there near east , it specifically aroused partly from the intertribal exchanges where women where to be married to men specifically it was because marriages In which women where acquired because it was functional for every tribe . How did it keep going ; well it was well maintained because of historic practices where men had more power than women well specifically the power shifted to men more because of historical practices, it shifted to physical stronger males like father sons and grandfathers specifically , like for example property business etc , it was mainly passed down to men to pass down to family trees (men) specifically down the

bloodline to men only , the female autonomy was eroded as further the argument goes that patriarchy was emerged. How did patriarchy came in my life ? : well in my experience patriarchy came because my father and uncles they acted a certain way with their words and actions and I see that with my own eyes they speak on how a man and women should be and act like only and how I hear and see how a man should act towards a women now I grew older now I understand what there saying and I see there actions. I break those stereotypes and try to push it away and it came in my life because of men who were raised in a time how men think they have “ power and authority” over women and they try to teach ways on how they think they should treat a women and they try to pass it down. But they cant hahahahh because they suck purrrr

Ways to combat patriarchy : 3 tips Well number 1 always no matter what recognize it exists and recognize you have your own privilege Number 2 believe there are survivors and always support them Number 3 always know you have consent

Which question above did you learn most about your life or which one you like the most : in my opinion my favorite question is ways to combat patriarchy because it teaches ways for our new generation on how fight or push away our corrupt social system

Selfish by Valerie D. Patriarchy is selfish, it is selfish in ways that some of us cannot comprehend Taking advantage of young men, women, and children Eating away at young boy’s creativity and expression Shaping them into somebody that they are not Humans are not made to be molded with cookie cutter stereotypes Patriarchy is the entitlement The entitlement that man felt to say something about my body while I was walking down the street Even though I am only 16 Still just a child But patriarchy looks at my body and tells me I’m no longer a child Why can’t I just be a kid again? Patriarchy is knowing if I wear this or wear that, people will feel entitled to my body But my body is mine and nobody else’s My dignity and my choice, but patriarchy doesn’t agree Patriarchy says I must change my clothes It tells me I put myself in that position when all I did was exist Existing as a woman, happily and openly Strongly and freely is not what patriarchy wants Patriarchy says, “You shouldn’t have been wearing that if you didn’t want to be touched.” “You shouldn’t have been so nice.” “Why don’t you smile more?” “You should wear more makeup; how do you expect to get a man?” Patriarchy tells me I need to act like a lady “Close your legs.” “Sit up right.” “Never curse,” “Why don’t you smile more?” Because that’s not what a “real lady” does. But what if I don’t want to smile at my own oppression? Why should I smile in the first place? Smiling in the face of people who have no respect for me other than my breasts Patriarchy is not only selfish to women but to men Telling young boys to swallow their emotions And bite their tongues “Don’t cry.” Because that’s not what a “real man” does. Patriarchy tells me that what happened was my fault That I shouldn’t have drank that much I shouldn’t have worn that dress That it was my fault That what he did to me was my fault Patriarchy silences me Patriarchy didn’t listen to my story but invalidated me But it was never my fault

“My little black dress does not mean yes.” Patriarchy tells me to go inside before it gets late I can’t be alone at night Why must walking at night be so far out of my reach? Walking is all it is But not to patriarchy Women of color like me Racism and patriarchy clashes and sometimes I do not know what to do How to react I cannot comprehend it, but I must I have no choice White feminists fight for white women’s rights Not women of color, LGBTQ women, Or indigenous I cannot untangle racism and patriarchy because it teams up together White women have that privilege Oppressed and the oppressor Selfish It is all selfish.

Understanding Patriarchy What is patriarchy? Patriarchy is essentially when in system where, men hold more power than women. This means that male dominate in public and in private. This also why men make all the rules and women staying home and watching the kids and take care of the family, while the male counterpart does all the work. Also, there was the idea of how woman and men complement each other meaning like how men should be the ones working and women be the one who take care of what happens in their home.

How is patriarchy perpetuated. Patriarchy is seen everyday for example Sexism and how society see women as whole. Also, sexual harassment because women have to constantly worry about what they wear so the don’t get violated by a man but seen from a man pov is something that they don’t have to worry about at all. Also, another problem they deal with is through unequal pay, and job opportunities and things like this happen everyday but women have been taught that is normalized so we rarely hear women speak up about cases of misconduct. And even rape culture where men get accused of rape society tends to accuse the women that accused them instead of questioning the one who committed the act the man, and always feeling a certain level of sympathy for the man in any situation. Furthermore, misogyny is a certain hate towards women, which also make women be put back into a place below men like how men women accuse men for a crime It will twisted to where the women will be shifted all the blame. Which also what we can himpathy.

How is patriarchy seen in my life. Patriarchy has been seen in my life many times. For example, my last name when my parents got married, they took the last name Nguyen from My Dad and My Mom whose last name used to be Thanh changed to Nguyen as well. In my life there have been many examples of when I felt complete sadness and not able to express it because I was born a man, and to be a man means to be strong and never show emotions no matter the hardships we go through, and I was taught this at a very young age. Also, when watching movies there was always a male MC and growing up I never seen shows with women being the main protagonist which is something I never really noticed because it was normalized that men were always the one who were strong and not women. And sometimes even killing off the main protagonist’s mom so they go through this phase where they’re independent and get stronger by themselves to finish the rest of the story. Also, I’ve seen men get ridiculed for nail polish because it’s too feminine and not masculine and something that women “should” wear. And these ideas are things that we see every day during modern times which is why patriarchy is something that is so prevalent in everyday life.

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