20150929 Noctis' portfolio

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Visual Design 視覺設計

10 14 18

Poster Design

SquareX Poster-Jellyfish Noctis Personal image SquareX


SquareX Poster-Jellyfish /


設計思考無所不在 為 SquareX 為所製作的視覺形象海報,SquareX 是一間強調設計思考的 公司,帶有科技感及有機的調性,所以我立刻想到水母,這種神秘而美麗 的生物,在視覺上有著相當地科幻感,以水母象徵空心空杯,由象徵創意 重複元素所組成水母的符碼,在深層中圖地反轉的顯現嚴謹的設計思考, 製作成一套三張的系列海報,選用特別色的配色並呈現系列感,在重複符 碼的組成則以線條、塊狀、多邊型這三種手法呈現。

May, 2015


SquareX Poster-Jellyfish


SquareX Poster-Jellyfish /

Design thinking is everywhere The visual representation poster created for Square X is based on our knowledge that SquareX is a company that emphasizes its focus on design and creative thinking with technological a n d o r g a n i c c o n s i d e r a t i o n s . We immediately thought of jellyfish. Jellyfish are mysterious and beautiful creatures, fantastic and scientifically wondrous. My aim is representing hollowness and emptiness with the jellyfish and also representing creativity with the iconic and representative combinations of different elements and symbols that make up the jellyfish’s code. The code turns and transforms to present careful and concise design and calculation. Creating a set collection of three different posters and selecting color combinations of select colors that connect the series together, presented with three methods: linear designs, pieces and shapes made of the repetitive code. May, 2015


SquareX Poster-Jellyfish


Noctis Personal image /


星系般環繞,綿延的創意 這是一張表示自己未來的期許形象,想到宇宙無時無刻的在發生變化,所 以期許自己的創意靈感,以自己思想為中心無時無刻都在產生新的創意, 並如同星系般延伸出滿滿的創意,手法上用幾何面去堆切出類似多面球體, 但故意做成不規則狀,外圍則以規則的多面球體線稿框住,象徵以天馬行 空的創意想法,去對應現實可行的方式及脈絡,並產生新的多面球體的創 意連鎖綿延不絕。

January, 2015


Noctis Personal image



Galaxies rotate and Creativity extends to the Infinite and beyond.

Noctis Personal image

This is a representation of my personal wishes for the future. Like the universe that is endlessly moving and changing, I hope that my creativity, inspiration and soul, will provide new creativity at every moment and time, spiraling out and circling my values and ideas. To create the exquisite and detailed wholeness of galaxies geometric blocks were c u t t o c re a t e m a n y s p h e re a n d dimensional objects. The asymmetrical quality of these objects in the center and their proportional extensions reaching outwards in a frame represent spontaneously sprouting creativity when met by practical methods and ways of reality. The extending spheres re pre s e n t t h e e n dle s s qu a lit y o f creativity. January 2015


Patten /


環環相扣,緊係結合 為 SquareX 為所製作的辦公室識別玻璃牆壁貼,我試著以 X 的企業 Logo 及二十幾種輔助圖形相互交 織出各種圖騰,並環環相扣彼此關聯,在視覺上做出彼此對應,並依循的規律,同時不失層次及韻律感。

The wall stickers created for SquareX’s glass office walls were created by making different patterns weaving the business’s logo “X” and twenty other supporting shapes. They are closely connected and combined to look visually contrasting but also rhythmic, layered and combined. April, 2015

Closely Connected, Tightly Combined 19 SquareX

NPO Channel Logo Design OTC CiS Design Onto CiS Design infinity CiS Design

Cis/vis Design






NPO Channel Logo Design /

善心的橋樑相輔相成 為 NPO Channel 社會網絡有限公司所製作的企業 識別,我負責主 Logo 的繪製,這間公司主要是為 企業廠商、人們、公益提供平台,所以我以愛心善 心為概念發想,手法上將三方以人為形象串聯成一 個愛心,並暗示帶出無限的感覺,象徵這平台將三 方愛心善心帶出無限循環、相輔相成之意,在視覺 美感上則以黃金比例去切割圓弧,營造錯落的視覺 層次感。

July, 2013



NPO Channel Logo Design


NPO Channel Logo Design /



The Bridge of Goodwill Supports Itself

NPO Channel Logo Design

For creating NPO Channel Social M e d i a C o m p a n y ’s i m a g e a n d identification I was responsible from the creation of the logo. This company provided a platform for businesses, charity, and citizens to share ideas about humane and charitable causes. The design concept was to connect thirty thousand human shapes to make a heart, but also imply a feeling of that there were no borders or boundaries, to represent how the platform brought the goodwill of thirty thousand to become an everlasting cycle that supported itself through each other. Aesthetically the curved arches were created proportionally to create a layered effect visually. July, 2013


NPO Channel Logo Design /


The Bridge of Goodwill Supports Itself
 27 NPO Channel Logo Design


OTC CIS Design /


精準切割出完美比例 為 OTC 岡豐的 CIS 設計專案,這間公司為京 傳旗下的子公司,然而岡豐是一個擁有雷射切 割、折床等精密工業機械的公司,在形象上要 求精準精密及專業,在避開其他競品的相似形 後,我選擇以他本身名字的字型作為發想,形 式較為個性,並帶出切割的感覺,再之後延伸 出備品與機台的設計,上圖為 OTC 提案之其他 案例。

May, 2014



OTC CIS Design /


Precise Lines and Perfect Proportion For creating NPO Channel Social M e d i a C o m p a n y ’s i m a g e a n d identification I was responsible from the creation of the logo. This company provided a platform for businesses, charity, and citizens to share ideas about humane and charitable causes. The design concept was to connect thirty thousand human shapes to make a heart, but also imply a feeling of that there were no borders or boundaries, to represent how the platform brought the goodwill of thirty thousand to become an everlasting cycle that supported i t s e l f t h r o u g h e a c h o t h e r. Aesthetically the curved arches were created proportionally to create a layered effect visually. May, 2014


OTC CIS Design

A、F 案:洪豪廷 D、G、H 案:李政霆 B、C、E 案:方維鴻


Onto CIS Design /

特殊薄膜精準膠黏 為 ONTO 正 一 特 殊 材 料 的 CIS 設 計 專 案, 為 鴻海旗下的一間企業,企業別為特殊材料,黏 著劑、膠黏,如手機螢幕面板與手機本身的精 準黏合,品牌視覺化三度空間的虛擬平面,呼 籲品牌本身膠黏、薄膜產品在各種形式的平面 上運用,包覆文字的上下框線隱含正一膠黏產 品將其上下兩種物質合為一體的功能,我負責 Logo 發想、細節的討論以及備品設計完稿發案 的部分。

June, 2015



Onto CIS Design


Onto CIS Design /



Onto CIS Design

Ultra-Thin Precise Adhesive T h e C I S d e s i g n p ro j e c t f o r O N T O Materials, a company under Hon Hai Precision Industry. ONTO manufactures special materials, adhesive, stickers, and glue. For examples one of their productions is the glue that keeps smartphone screens and tablets together. T h e t h re e d i m e n s i o n a l s p a c e a n d virtual platform of the brand echoes the different uses of the brand’s adhesives and stickers on various flat screens. The outline surrounding the letters implies the ability of their productions to combine to materials into one. I was responsible for the logo design idea, the details, the discussion, the design blue prints and closing of the project. June, 2015


Infinity CIS Design /

多元靈感組合出無限可能 這是我獨立執行 INFINITY 源點設計的 CIS 企業 識別設計專案,從 Sketch 到最後 Guidebook 的編輯,這是一間創意工作室,品牌調性將呈 現專業及無限創意的概念,我以圓點融合出無 限作為發想,以無數曲率 30-60 度的圓交織出 完美的框線,帶出無限之意,型態則以較為律 動感,表示創意是不斷不斷再發生,再之後嘗 試各種配色後,選定藍靛色以象徵浩瀚,希望 呈現設計思維靈感源源不絕,創意無限,其之 後延伸備品、網頁設計以及定義 Guidebook 的 細節,整體規劃上及完稿細節,這些工作量, 對我個人而言是一大挑戰。

October, 2013



Infinity CIS Design


Infinity CIS Design /

配色嘗試 Match colors



Infinity CIS Design

Infinity CIS Design /

Other designs include the products and web design




Infinity CIS Design

Multiple Inspirations Combine to Create Infinite Possibilities I completed the Infinity design project for the CIS corporation identity design project individually. From the Sketch to the final editing of the final Guidebook it was a creative workshop. The brand motifs will be presented as professional and with infinite possibilities. For “infinite” I used circles for my inspiration, using 30-60 degrees circumference as the point in where the circles overlay to create perfect frames for patterns. To bring out the meaning of infinity I tried to create an image that was more rhythmic, to represent how creativity happens every second of every day. After trying many different color combinations I selected azure to represent vastness, hoping to present the inspiration without bounders and infinite creativity. Other designs include the products, web design and definition of the details in the Guidebook. The entire project planning and completion of this project was a great challenge for me. October, 2013


Infinity CIS Design /



Infinity CIS Design

graduation projectDesign About The Bamboo of Taiwan

46 61


About The Bamboo of Taiwan /


蓋竹之體,不為俗屈 Spirit of the Bamboo, Unbending 這是我們畢業製作所製作的題目,參加 2014 年 新一代設計,二十四節氣,意喻竹子高尚的氣 節,紀錄台灣二十四種原生台灣竹,推廣竹的 氣節,認識它,進而衍生一系列製作物。

This is the title of our graduation project that entered competition for new designs in 2014. The twenty-four different climates are metaphorical to the bamboos high esteemed climate. We recorded the twentyfour prototype Taiwanese bamboos to promote the different climates of the different bamboos, get people to know them, and manufacture a collection of new bamboos.
 May, 2014


About The Bamboo of Taiwan

插畫、企劃:康宜淳 | 攝影、海報:蔡秉耕 | 編排、3D 模情境擬、設計完稿、裝幀、產品、標準字:洪豪廷


About The Bamboo of Taiwan /



此為台灣竹圖鑑內為排版設計,我在圖鑒部分 負責文案資訊統整、主要編輯排版及執行書籍 裝幀設計,用插畫與攝影,介紹各種台灣原生 竹,在整體排版上維持一定的氣質。

This is the layout design of the Taiwanese Bamboo Encyclopedia. I was responsible for the collection of the text, the main coordinator for the layout, and the binding design of the book. Using drawings and photography we introduced many of the bamboo prototypes in Taiwan in an elegant style. May, 2014


About The Bamboo of Taiwan


About The Bamboo of Taiwan /



此為台灣竹圖鑑 3D 實景情境模擬,我 在無運用攝影技巧的情況下,以 3D 建 模,並運用平面合成表現出情境示意。

May, 2014

About The Bamboo of Taiwan

For the three dimensional simulation of the Taiwanese Bamboo Encyclopedia we used three dimensional models and planes to create the atmosphere without using photographical techniques.

About The Bamboo of Taiwan /





此為二十四節氣之商品,海報明信片 3D 實景情境模擬,以 3D 建模,並運用 平面合成表現出情境示意。

May, 2014

About The Bamboo of Taiwan

This is a product to represent the twenty four climates. The postcard posters are of the three dimensional simulations that use three dimensional models and planes to create the atmosphere in which the bamboos grow.


About The Bamboo of Taiwan /


The Postcards 此為二十四節氣之商品,以 3D 建模, 並運用平面合成表現海報明信片撕下 後的明信片的情境模擬。

This is a product to represent the twenty four climates. The three dimensional models and planes present the atmosphere of the simulation displayed on the postcard posters after they are split into postcards. May, 2014


About The Bamboo of Taiwan


About The Bamboo of Taiwan /



About The Bamboo of Taiwan

Notebook 此為二十四節氣之商品,竹觸感筆記本 3D 實景情境模擬,以 Skin 這種紙材, 上霧薄塗布營造出竹子表皮的觸感,並 用特別色區分每種竹子的筆記本設計。

This is a product to represent the twenty four climates. The bamboo t e x t u re d n o t e b o o k w i t h t h re e dimensional simulations scenes are created with the paper texture “Skin”. It is thin and frosted to create the bamboo like texture, and is color coordinated to indicate the different types of bamboos designed for notebooks. May, 2014


About The Bamboo of Taiwan /

Product Rendering

Tea tray 此為二十四節氣之商品,九宮格組合式 茶盤,這是我這個學視覺設計的學生, 第一次獨立完成的產品設計,從發想、 設計圖到 3D 建模,接洽廠商白身的粗 模到精模,確認後再請竹藝工廠製作, 克服很多困難,以竹積層材製作雙層結 構的茶盤,上層分為九個杯墊,每個杯 墊側邊帶有設計出的卡榫,正中間杯墊 放置好後,其餘八個杯墊則會與正中間 杯墊做緊密結合,使著就算倒立雙層結 構的茶杯墊也不會掉落,下層主茶盤部 分也有做出排水溝槽,富有文化氣質同 時帶有益智的趣味性的茶盤。

May, 2014


About The Bamboo of Taiwan


About The Bamboo of Taiwan /

Product Rendering

Tea tray This is a product to represent the twenty four climates. The nine squared combination cube tea tray is the first industrial product I have created on my own as a visual design student. From the brainstorming it became a blue print and three dimensional model. After the first model I negotiated with the factory manufactures I also asked bamboo craft artisans to create parts. After many complications the bamboo textured layers became the double layered structure of the tea tray. The top layer was divided into nine coasters, each coaster was bordered with designed with latches, when the coaster in the middles is put into place the remaining eight coasters can be connected tightly to the coaster in the middle, even if you turned the tea tray upside down the coasters would not fall off. The bottom layer of the tea tray has a filter hole for water as well. The set is full of cultural spirit and also clever and interesting. May, 2014


About The Bamboo of Taiwan

JBX Packaging Design Pasadena Packaging Design

Packaging Design




JBX Packaging Design /

Packaging design

JBX 加倍興,安全系統包裝設計提案, 產品本身為安全系統的系列產品,如主 控制面板、監視器、遙控等,他們希望 呈現一種高品質高單價的產品包裝,我 已較堅固的紙材軋型,內層發想有泡 棉軋型、紙軋型,最後內層選定泡棉軋 型,外層搭配他們的企業色,袖套配上 產品線稿及型號用局部上光方式呈現。

For the security system packaging project for JBX, JBX wished that the package would present a feel of high quality. The products were a collection of products of a security system, including control panels, security cameras, and remotes and so on. I selected a particularly sturdy material of paper. The inside was to be lined with foam and paper, but finally I decided on foam. The outer layer was coordinate to the colors of their brand and was polished with fine polish like as on the product. August, 2013


JBX 加倍興,安全系統包裝設計提案。

For the security system packaging project for JBX

JBX Packaging Design


JBX Packaging Design /

包裝提案設計 :洪豪廷 | 3D 尺寸模型圖:蔡邦彥

Packaging design


The security system Final official packaging project for JBX


JBX Packaging Design


Pasadena Packaging Design /

Packaging design

Pasadena 之麵包盒包裝設計,旗下有餐 廳以及麵包烘焙坊,我與一位配合我的 ID 一起負責烘焙坊其中一項麵包禮盒的 包裝,設計概念則希望禮盒在使用完也 能重複再利用,在禮盒造型上配合麵包 尺寸外,並向外傾度擴大,讓禮盒在沒 有麵包時則會像是碗盤狀,適合裝一些 水果等,亦有設計上蓋與提把,也適合 外出使用,在材質上選用 PVC 的塑材, 無毒、環保且成本較低,韌性強,方便 使用,將設計想法繪製出設計圖,與合 作的 ID 討論細節,在這次合作下,使 得我對於工業設計多的一點認識。

December, 2014


Pasadena Packaging Design

包裝提案協助 :洪豪廷 主提案負責人 :徐睿紳

Pasadena 之麵包盒包裝設計


Pasadena Packaging Design /

Pasadena is a flagship with restaurants and bakeries underneath it. I and an ID who would work with me were responsible for the design of one of the gift boxes of Pasadena’s bakery. The design concept was rooted in the hope that the box could still be reused after use. Besides fitting the size of the bread it would hold we enlarged the box, so that when the box wasn’t holding bread it would appear to be like a bowl or plate and could contain fruit or so. We also designed a handle so that the box would be convenient to use outdoors as well. Through designing and drawing our design plan, working together and discussing details with my ID, I feel that through this process of cooperation I learn much more about industrial design. December, 2014

Packaging design


Pasadena Packaging Design

Font Design

Gixia Font Design SquareX_Noctis Typo Font Design




Gixia Font Design /

Fonts design

為 Gixia 奇想創造旗下品牌 That 系列 產品所製作的字型,在被交接給我這 的專案前,已有大致型態與造型,我則 是依序前者增加細節定義,包括整體造 型的重置,細節 Debug,最重要是要 製作成可於電腦使用的字型檔,字距、 行距、Kerning 的細節、連字的處理, 因公司內部,我為唯一有這樣技術的人 員,因此其中、後期皆為我獨立完成, 運用在 That 系列產品的標準字型,使 行銷、行政專員也能方便使用。

For Gixia’s subsidiary brand That’s collection I received the project to create a font. Before I received the project I had already thought out the overall structure and style. I added details and meanings, in c lu din g re bu ildin g t h e s t yle , debugging the details, and most importantly creating a font that can be used by computers, with placements, keming details, and word processing. Because I was the only employee that possessed such skills so I completed the font by myself. The font is the standard font for That collection also in marketing and administrators alike. August, 2013


Gixia Font Design

專案主負責人:黃顯勛 | 字型設計繪製:方維鴻、洪豪廷 | 字重調整重製、字距權重、完稿製作:洪豪廷


Gixia Font Design /

Fonts design


This is the use of THAT collection products. 此為字型實際運用至 THAT 系列產品案例

Gixia Font Design


SquareX_Noctis Typo Font Design /

Fonts design

這次的字型設計到製作字型檔由我個人 獨立完成,很特別的是這個字型以我的 名字做命名,其後主要運用在 SquareX 所 製 作 的 APP 及 鴻 海 與 SquareX 生 產產品之字型,在設計上我以前衛、未 來科幻感作為發想繪製 Sketch,在比 例架構上,由於對應中文黑體,因此比 例較偏向 DIN 字型的架構,整體上每 個字母位置關係相互對應,對於正負空 間的調整,及維持視覺上的平衡為首要 條件,簡單來說要盡量讓這套字型打出 來每個單字都能像 Logo 為前提去做細 節調整,在每個字母間的比例筆畫取捨 格外重要,字距、行距、Kerning 的細 節、連字的處理也要考量進去,至於 完整公開連 APP 系統運用畫面,將在 2015/12 月會發表。


September, 2015


SquareX_Noctis Typo Font Design


SquareX_Noctis Typo Font Design /

Fonts design


SquareX_Noctis Typo Font Design

Future Technologies Built On Imagination This font design from the design to creation of portfolios was completed by me individually. What is special is that this font is now named after me and will mainly be used in apps created by SquareX and on products SquareX and Hon Hai Precision produce together. In the design I use avant-garde, futuristic and sci-fi touches to draw the sketch. Proportionally the font has to coordinate with Chinese characters, so the proportion leans more to a DIN font structure. As a whole each letters position is in correlation to the other letters, they were adjusted according to visual balance. To put it simply I hoped that every letter typed from this font would be like the logo, so I made detailed adjustments. Every proportional length between the words, the length between each line, the keming details, and even the word processing was all under consideration. The complete public app system will be introduced in the December conference of 2015. September, 2015


Multimedia Design 多媒體設計


Insect Animation 3D modeling /

3D modeling


Insect Animation 3D modeling

Insect Animation 3D modeling Insect 動畫角色 3D 建模,我為其中兩 個角色 - 蚊子,依照作者 Sketch 所製 作 3D 的模型,包括臉部表情及某些場 景的 Rendering。 For the “Insect” animation characters and three dimensional models I was responsible for two characters, the mosquitos. I did rendering by using the three dimensional models made with the author’s sketches, including facial expressions and sets. June, 2012

寫實 dusty bottles 3D 建模

Exercise works

86 Exercise works /

3D modeling


Exercise works

Tomorrow Animation




WDC Taipei Gallery Animation

Hope Animation



Tomorrow /

Tomorrow Animation Independent Creation Drawing Portfolio Tomorrow 為我以 Flash 獨立製作的動 畫,劇情表現出人與人互動的冷漠,每 個人都有所煩惱之事,但主人翁卻一直 很開心,與周遭形成強烈對比,而其他 人卻不知道,最後主人翁過世,大家才 知道主人翁以身負重並許久,並在遺書 告訴大家開心難過都是一天,不如每天 都開開心心的,畢竟對他而言有沒有明 天都不知道。

Tomorrow is an animation I created independently with Flash. The plot presents the coldness between people and in their interactions. Everyone has something to worry about, but the protagonist is always very happy, this creates a great contrast with the world around him. Nobody knows until the protagonist dies what troubles he carries on his shoulders. In his will the protagonist tells everyone that sad or happy a day is a day, so why not be happy? Because to him whether there is a tomorrow he doesn’t know. June, 2012





Hope Animation /

Hope Animation Set/ Scenery Drawing and Editing 

角色設定:康宜淳 | 場景繪製:洪豪廷 後製特效:洪豪廷 | 剪輯編輯:洪豪廷


為我與另一位同學合作之作品,除了插 畫角色設定外,後製特效、剪輯及場景 繪製皆為我來負責,其劇情是以一位 受到霸凌的女學生為背景,在學校被排 擠壓力過大,而有了輕生的念頭,當她 留下最後眼淚,鼓起勇氣從頂樓跳下那 刻,畫面轉暗,她來到了奇異的世界, 周遭有著許多的光球,走近一看原來是 別人的願望及希望,女孩則開始閃過 「那我的希望呢」,當這念頭一閃的霎 那,有一個特別的光球快速移動,吸引 女孩注意,那女孩則開始追著那特別的 光球,穿越樹林突然跌倒,畫面一暗, 女孩驚醒原來是個夢,原來是她養的小 貓在房間內跳至女孩身上叫醒女孩,原 來當時夢中移動的光球是女孩的貓咪的 希望,女孩抱起貓咪 Ending,寓意不 要放大悲傷與難過,「希望」永遠都在。


Hope Animation

Hope is a creation I made cooperating with a fellow peer of mine. Besides the drawn characters, the editing of feature, editing of the scenes and film were all my responsibility. The plot is about a student girl who is bullied. Because she is not liked at school she is under a lot of pressure and considers suicide. When she sheds her last tears and courageously jumps off a building the scenery changes, and suddenly she is in an odd and fantastic world. Around her are balls full of light, when she looks closely she finds that there are other people’s wishes and dreams. The girl thinks: How about my hopes? When she thinks of this thought a ball of light moves especially quickly and catches the girl’s eye. She starts following that special ball of light into a forest. She trips suddenly and the scene becomes dark again. The girl wakes up and realizes this is a dream. It is her pet cat in her room that has leaped on her and woken her from her dream. The ball of light she saw moving in her dream was the hope of her cat. The girl hugs the cat in the ending. The moral of the story is not to focus on the sadness or life because hope is always there. June, 2012


WDC Taipei Gallery Animation /

WDC Taipei Gallery Animation Gixia Transportation Appliance Gallery


我在這部分負責,片頭動畫繪製,後製 特效音效剪輯,片頭以黑線勾勒城市與 交通息息相關,順暢的一筆到位畫出這 次展覽主要紅綠燈設計,後製出紅綠燈 使用時的情境動畫,並在 WDC Taipei 展覽播放。

September, 2013


WDC Taipei Gallery Animation

Here I am responsible for the drawing and editing of the opening of the animation, the editing of the sound effects, and editing of the film. The black hook at the beginning of the film is related to the transportation within cities. It connects the traffic light designs, the main emphasis of the gallery. Our editing of the animation of the traffic light was played in the WDC Taipei Gallery.



Noctis Profolio Web /

Web design

Noctis Profolio Web 個人概念網頁設計,呈現自己喜好 的配色及作品的連結,做出動態選 單,試著做出較直覺式選單方式。

This personal and individual concept web design presents my own preferences of color coordination and links to my work. I made a moving list of selections trying to make a more direct presentation of the list.

October, 2012


Crazy for God Web

Crazy for God Web 瘋神概念網頁設計,主視覺形象呈現黑白之感覺,並以墨跡做襯底,內容主題雖然是以民 俗宗教內容介紹,但攝影照片及整體網站視覺都試著呈現相當現代的感覺。

The Crazy for God Web designs main visual concept to present the contrast between black and white. The calligraphic brush marks are used as a base. Even if the content and theme of the page is about customs and religion the photographical picture and the entire webpage try to present a contemporary style. May, 2013



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