(Alphabetical by Last Name) Ifeoluwa Ayandele is from Nigeria. His work is published in The McNeese Review, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Shift: A Journal of Literary Oddities, Cider Press Review, Rattle, Tiny Spoon, Paper Dragon, Rigorous, Harbor Review, Ghost City Review, The Ilanot Review, Pidgeonholes, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Verse Daily and elsewhere. He is nominated for the 2021 Best of the Net and tweets @IAyandele. Devon Brock is a cook and poet living in South Dakota with his wife and dog. His poems have appeared in Atlanta Review, West Trade Journal, SPANK the CARP and La Piccioletta Barca among others. He is a Poet-in-Residence at The Baram House. Melissa Dennihy is an Associate Professor of English at Queensborough Community College, CUNY, where she teach courses in composition and literature. She is also a contributing writer for a number of outlets, including EcoLit Books, Ms. Magazine, and Inside Higher Ed, and has been published widely in academic journals. Timothy Dodd is from Mink Shoals, WV, and is the author of 75