6 minute read
(Alphabetical by Last Name)
Ifeoluwa Ayandele is from Nigeria. His work is published in The McNeese Review, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Shift: A Journal of Literary Oddities, Cider Press Review, Rattle, Tiny Spoon, Paper Dragon, Rigorous, Harbor Review, Ghost City Review, The Ilanot Review, Pidgeonholes, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Verse Daily and elsewhere. He is nominated for the 2021 Best of the Net and tweets @IAyandele.
Devon Brock is a cook and poet living in South Dakota with his wife and dog. His poems have appeared in Atlanta Review, West Trade Journal, SPANK the CARP and La Piccioletta Barca among others. He is a Poet-in-Residence at The Baram House.
Melissa Dennihy is an Associate Professor of English at Queensborough Community College, CUNY, where she teach courses in composition and literature. She is also a contributing writer for a number of outlets, including EcoLit Books, Ms. Magazine, and Inside Higher Ed, and has been published widely in academic journals.
Timothy Dodd is from Mink Shoals, WV, and is the author of 75
Fissures, and Other Stories (Bottom Dog Press). His stories have appeared in Yemassee, Broad River Review, Glassworks Magazine, and other places, including the 2015 edition of Noctua Review. He has placed poetry in The Literary Review, Crab Creek Review, Roanoke Review, and elsewhere. His second collection of stories, Men in Midnight Bloom, is forthcoming (Cowboy Jamboree Press), as is his first collection of poetry, Modern Ancient (High Window Press). He is a graduate of Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT, as well as the University of Texas El Paso’s MFA in creative writing program.
Keith Dunlap’s first collection of poems, Storyland, was published in June 2016 by Hip Pocket Press. A chapbook, My Father’s Death My Brother’s Death My Own followed in 2018. His work has appeared in Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, The Baltimore Review, The Brooklyn Review, The Carolina Quarterly, The Georgetown Review, Jabberwock Review, Poet Lore, Sou’wester, and The Tule Review among other places. He was a former co-editor of The Columbia Review and former coeditor of Cutbank, having received his M.F.A. from the University of Montana. He now lives in Portland, Maine.
RW Franklin lives in Northeast Ohio with her incredibly supportive husband. Her writing has appeared in The Elevation Review, Jenny Magazine, and Five:2:One Magazine’s #thesideshow. She was awarded runner-up of Lit Youngstown’s 2019 Short Short Fiction Contest and she leads the Writing Club at her local YMCA. Her website is www.rwfranklin.com.
Andrew Furst is a poet, artist, author, Buddhist teacher, photographer, musician, and a technologist. His poetry has appeared 76
in The Chaffin Journal, Gravitas, Dime Show Review, and Levee Magazine. His art has been featured in the Emerson Review. Learn more about Andrew by visiting www.andrewfurst.net.
Casey Killingsworth has work in The American Journal of Poetry, Two Thirds North, and other journals. His first book of poems, A Handbook for Water was released by Cranberry Press in 1995 and his new collection is A nest blew down (Kelsay Books 2021). Casey has a Master’s degree from Reed College.
Jey Ley is a visual artist and aspiring writer from Columbus, Ohio. Jey holds a BA in Philosophy from Berea College and an MPA from the University of Delaware. Some of their artwork and other writings can be found on Instagram via @jeyleyjey.
Julienne Maui Castelo Mangawang is taking up her MA in Creative Writing at the University of the Philippines — Diliman. Her poems, essays, and short stories are published in 聲聲聲聲 Voice &Verse Poetry Magazine, ALPAS Online Journal, Inklette Magazine, The Rising Phoenix Review, Revolt Magazine PH, Vox Populi PH, and is forthcoming in The Rumpus. She is also the author of the book, Aftermath (Drawn Out), published by Rebo Press Book Publishing in the Philippines.
Nancy Manning holds an MFA in poetry from Southern Connecticut State University. Her work has appeared in an eclectic mix of publications. Her first poetry collection is entitled Amethyst Garden and her novel Undertow of Silence won the TAG publishing award. She teaches high school English classes in Beacon Falls, Connecticut.
Nathan Nicolau is a writer/poet based in Charlotte, NC. Since his published debut in 2019, his work has been featured on multiple websites and magazines. He is also the owner and Editor-inChief of New Note Poetry, an indie poetry publisher and poetry magazine. Find out more about him at nathannicolau.com.
Dave Nielsen is the author of Unfinished Figures, winner of the Blue Lynx Prize for Poetry. He studied English at the University of Cincinnati.
Shilo Niziolek’s work has appeared in Juked, Entropy, [PANK], HerStry, among others, and is forthcoming in Pork Belly Press. Shilo’s CNF manuscript, Fever, was first runner-up in the Red Hen Press Quill Prose Prize and a finalist in Zone 3 Press’s CNF 2021 Book Award.
Lauro Palomba has taught ESL and done stints as a freelance journalist and speechwriter.
Ian Peterkin is currently a PhD candidate in English with a focus in creative writing at The University of Southern Mississippi.
c a Chicago-based writer, has published poetry worldwide in Shi Chao Poetry, Poetry Salzburg, Gradiva, ParisLitUp, Meniscus, Agenda and other journals. Her most recent book of poetry is EDGES.
David Romanda lives in Kawasaki City, Japan. His work has appeared in places such as Gargoyle Magazine, The Louisville Review, The Main Street Rag, PANK, and Puerto del Sol. Romanda is the author of one chapbook, “I’m Sick of Pale Blue Skies” 78
(Ethel Press, 2021). His first poetry collection, “the broken bird feeder,” is slated for publication in fall 2022.
Jim Ross jumped into creative pursuits in 2015 after a rewarding career in public health research. With graduate degree from Howard University, in the past six years he’s published nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and photography in over 175 journals on five continents. Publications include Barren, Bombay Gin, Burningword, Camas, Columbia Journal, Hippocampus, Ilanot Review, Kestrel, Litro, Lunch Ticket, Manchester Review, Montana Mouthful, New World Writing, Stonecoast, The Atlantic, and Typehouse. A nonfiction piece led to appearances in a documentary series broadcast internationally. Jim and his wife—parents of two health professionals and grandparents of five preschoolers—split their time between city and mountains.
Terry Sanville lives in San Luis Obispo, California with his artist-poet wife (his in-house editor) and two plump cats (his in-house critics). He writes full time, producing short stories, essays, and novels. His short stories have been accepted more than 450 times by journals, magazines, and anthologies including The Potomac Review, The Bryant Literary Review, and Shenandoah. He was nominated twice for Pushcart Prizes and once for inclusion in Best of the Net anthology. Terry is a retired urban planner and an accomplished jazz and blues guitarist –who once played with a symphony orchestra backing up jazz legend George Shearing.
John Tustin is currently suffering in exile on the island of Elba but hopes to return to you soon. fritzware.com/johntustinpoetry contains links to his published poetry online. 79
Elizabeth Wing’s prose and poetry has appeared in venues including 7x7, the Decadent Review, Up North Lit, The West Marin Review, Outlook Springs, and Underground. A Pratt Institute Dropout, she has worked as a popsicle vendor, wildland firefighter, trail builder, and outdoor educator. She is the proud owner of a 2001 Subaru Outback painted with Cthulu tentacles.
Kari Wergeland, who hails from Davis, California, is a librarian and writer. Her work has appeared in many journals, including New Millennium Writings, Pembroke Magazine, and Chariton Review. Her chapbook, Breast Cancer: A Poem in Five Acts, has been named an Eric Hoffer Book Award Finalist. Meanwhile, her long library career has taken her into libraries up and down the West Coast. At some point in all of this, she served as a children’s book reviewer for The Seattle Times.
Rose Maria Woodson has been published in Revolute, Black Fork Review, Inkwell, Cider Press Review, Penumbra Online and elsewhere. She holds an MA in creative writing from Northwestern University.