In this issue: President’s Letter 2018 NODA Recognized Shows return to Chagrin Valley Farms 2018 Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities at NODA Recognized Shows 2018 Schooling Show Calendar & News Dressage Foundation’s Financial Support for Adult Amateurs NODA joined Big Dee’s Bonus Bucks Program NODA News 2018 Page
2018, Issue 5
Cover: Cassandra HummertJohnson & Something Special compete Grand Prix at White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, Florida Photo by Sarah Frank
Northern Ohio Dressage Association
Greetings from the President
The Northern Ohio Dressage Association is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Education Organization
I believe all our southern snow birds are slowly returning to Ohio and luckily, we saved some yucky weather for them! Has anyone found Spring yet? Maybe we should offer a reward! In any case, welcome back to those members returning. Have you marked your calendars for the 2018 NODA Recognized Shows Weekend? July 21 Dressage 2018 & July 22 Dressage 2018 Encore Chagrin Valley Farms in Chagrin Falls, Ohio
2018/2019 NODA Board Executive Board President Barbara Soukup 440-339-3980 President@nodarider.org Vice President Arielle Brodkey 216-496-1299 VP@nodarider.org Treasurer Dee Liebenthal 216-534-1911 Treasurer@nodarider.org Secretary Patti Valencic 216-956-0985 Secretary@nodarider.org Parliamentarian Dee Liebenthal 216-534-1911 Parliamentarian@nodarider.org
Directors at Large Kathy Kirchner 330-995-6010 Kathy-DAL@nodarider.org Mary Lou Gallagher 216-941-6582 MaryLou-DAL@nodarider.org
Dale Lappert 330-527-4683 Dale-DAL@nodarider.org Christine Thompson 440-590-1598 Christine-DAL@nodarider.org
Niki Sackman Niki-DAL@nodarider.org 440-454-4709
NODA News 2018 Page 2
ello NODA members, families, and friends,
The NODA Recognized Shows committee continue to plan and prepare for the shows. We will once again be counting on support from volunteers and sponsors to make this event an enjoyable experience for all.
Barb Soukup & Hero Please check out the Sponsors & Advertising Opportunities Form in this newsletter. It will also be available on the RECOGNIZED SHOWS page of our award-winning website, www.NodaRider.org. There are several new options and opportunities that will appeal to new and continuing sponsors. We anticipate that these new options will also help members who may not have time to volunteer to earn their NODA bucks for NODA YearEnd Awards. Option 1: Donate or find someone else to donate $250 and receive your choice of one of the following “perks”: 4 NODA bucks for year-end awards $20 NODA gift card to use toward any NODA event $20 gift card for Big Dee’s or Schneiders Option 2: Donate or find someone else to donate $125 and receive your choice of one of the following “perks”: 2 NODA bucks to use for year-end awards $10 NODA gift card to use toward any NODA event $10 gift card for Big Dee’s or Schneiders These new opportunities have been added to the many levels of sponsorship and advertising, that we have offered in past years. We believe there is something for everyone. Please help us out this year! We are grateful to those who have helped us in the past and ask that you continue your generosity. The success of our Recognized Shows depends on NODA members like you. The Schooling Shows committee has also been hard at work and has a great season set up and ready to roll. Our schooling shows are a great way to prepare for the recognized show season! Remember Sally, Niki and Kirsten can always use volunteers to make the shows run well. Sign up online to lend a hand using SignUpGenius for NODA Schooling Shows or contact Kirsten at SS-Volunteers@nodarider.org. Our first show is May 13th at Chagrin Valley Farms in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Entries must be received by the Close Date, May 2 nd. Attention riders 25 years and younger, of all riding levels! Have you checked out the exciting June 9thand 10th Dressage4Kids Team Program Clinic opportunity with Olympian, Lendon Grey announced last month? It will be held at Chagrin Valley Farms. This clinic will provide an invaluable education opportunity for 8 to 12 lucky riders, and for everyone who audits. Visit www.Dressage4Kids.org, click on Programs, then Team Program for more information and the Rider Application. Remember auditors of all ages are encouraged and welcomed! Ok, keep your thoughts positive and maybe, just maybe, Spring will arrive! Thank you for being part of NODA! Barb Soukup, NODA President
NODA Committees & Chairpersons Communications
Historical Archives
2018 Newsletter Advertisers
Correspondence Secretary OPEN Position
Historian: Fran Cverna 440-834-1774 Historian@nodarider.org Member Horse Services Directory Heidi Miller 330-348-9511 Directory@nodarider.org
Competitions Recognized Shows
Newsletter Layout/Content Editor Heidi Miller 330-348-9511 Heidi-Editor@nodarider.org Layout/Content Editor April Woodward 440-463-2428 April-Editor@nodarider.org Advertising Editor OPEN Position Jill Voigt, Advertisers@nodarider.org 216-346-2811
Co-Chair Dee Liebenthal 216-534-1911 RS-Chair@nodarider.org Co-Chair Arielle Brodkey 216-496-1299
Big Dee’s Tack & Vet Supply
Dressage Foundation
VP@nodarider.org Manager/Secretary Kevin Bradbury 734-426-2111 Ext 111 Info@horseshowoffice.com
Classifieds Editor OPEN Position Jill Voigt Classifieds@nodarider.org 216-346-2811
Volunteer Coordinator Karen Shirring 330-220-4705 RS-vol-coord@nodarider.org
Equestrian Pursuits
Reporter Regina Sacha-Ujczo 216-390-3702 Regina-Reporter@nodarider.org
Sponsors/Advertising Christine Thompson 440-590-1598 Sponsors@nodarider.org
Reporter Jessica Austin 330-614-5449 Jessica-Reporter@nodarider.org
Hospitality Kirsten Thomas 216-509-8881 Hospitality@nodarider.org
Corral Magazine: Mosie Welch 330-618-5838 Mosie-Editor@nodarider.org
Program Coordinator Elizabeth Bross 814-881-2786 Program@nodarider.org
Geauga County Ohio Horseman’s Council (GOHC)
JP Dressage, LLC
Chair Sally Burton 440-221-7544 SchoolingShow@nodarider.org
MB Dressage LLC
Show Secretary Niki Sackman 440-454-4709 SS-Secretary@nodarider.org
New Vocations
Volunteer Coordinator Kirsten Thomas 216-509-8881 SS-Volunteers@nodarider.org
North Crest Equestrian Center
Rivendel Farm
Topline Stables
U.S. Dressage Federation
Schooling Shows
Website & Facebook Webmaster Linda Cooley 440-941-6269 Webmaster@nodarider.org
Education Programs Co-Chair: OPEN POSITION Co-Chair: Elizabeth Scalabrino 216-780-9238 Elizabeth-Edu@nodarider.org
Awards Membership & Liaisons Membership Chair: Fran Cverna 440-834-1774 Membership@nodarider.org External Relations: Lisa Gorretta 440-543-8682 Ext-Relations@nodarider.org
Chair Janeen Langowski-Grava 440-666-6182 Yearend-Awards@nodarider.org
Silent Auction Chair Patty Keim 330-350-2775 SilentAuction@nodarider.org
Junior & Young Rider Liaison: Christa Sandy 216-314-4871 Jr-YR@nodarider.org Member Liaison: Kathy Kirchner 330-995-6010 MemberRep@nodarider.org Professional Liaison: Mary Dana Prescott 440-942-1008 (no texts)
Awards Banquet Co-Chairs Sally Burton 440-221-7544 Banquet@nodarider.org Patty Keim 330-350-2775 SilentAuction@nodarider.org
Western Dressage Liaison: Halle Clause 330-472-0888 WesternDressage@nodarider.org Halle Clause 330-472-0888 Halle-DAL@nodarider.org NODA News 2018 Page 3
Please Support NODA’s Advertisers & Sponsors with your Business!
2018 NODA Recognized Shows Return to Chagrin Valley Farms by Mosie Welch with Dee Liebenthal
orthern Ohio Dressage Association is pleased to announce that we will host our annual July USDF/USEF Recognized Shows Weekend at Chagrin Valley Farms (CVF) in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. The show dates are July 21 for NODA 2018 Dressage and July 22 for NODA 2018 Dressage Encore, so mark your calendars! Chagrin Valley Farms is not new on the scene in northeast Ohio. It currently includes 75,000-square-feet under roof including two indoor riding arenas, four outdoor arenas, pastures, and trails. Purchased by the Schneider family in 2017, there have been exciting changes taking place at CVF. The decision to remain at CVF did not come lightly as the NODA Recognized Shows Committee weighed concerns raised by competitors regarding the facility over the past few years. In the latter part of 2017 and early 2018, NODA completed extensive research on past shows, visited venues, and discussed competitor concerns and needs with venue representatives. The committee then surveyed competitors who competed over the past three years at our NODA Recognized shows, and the 2017 and 2018 combined membership to get a sense of the direction NODA should take for a safe and enjoyable recognized show for 2018 and beyond. The committee members spent many hours evaluating the survey results and the venues which enabled them to confidently select CVF for our 2018 recognized shows and beyond.
Stabling facilities were another important consideration. Competitors can look forward to the construction of a 200-stall barn for show and event stabling with amenities that will make CVF a pleasant and more comfortable weekend experience for the horses and competitors. Construction is expected to begin later this year on the Washington Street (south side) end of the main indoor arena. This new stall barn is anticipated to be ready for NODA’s 2019 Recognized Shows weekend. Construction may sound scary to people on horses, but NODA’s recognized show committee has been assured by CVF that the construction will not interfere in any way with our 2018 shows. When the new stall barn is complete, the current stabling barn will be developed into a larger second indoor arena. A central location for our shows was a significant consideration. Chagrin Valley Farms provides easy access to the show grounds for those that are managing our shows weekend and for competitors. It also allows for NODA non-competing members and others to volunteer and support the show without incurring undo cost and travel.
NODA has been fortunate to offer Schooling Shows and our Schooling Show Championship at Chagrin Valley Farms for many years. Continuing to use CVF for our recognized shows encourages schooling show competitors to step up to recognized competition. Our Recognized Shows Committee truly believes that CVF has demonstrated in good faith, the ability to meet the needs What can competitors and volunteers can expect at of high quality competition and clinics in 2018 and Chagrin Valley Farms at our July 2018 Recognized Shows, beyond. It’s a new day in northeast Ohio when a venue and in the future? Upgraded footing quality, new such as Chagrin Valley Farm upgrades and commits to our equestrian sport. stabling facilities, and more! Footing quality was one of our top priorities considered for the welfare of our equine partners. After the Schneider family purchased the property, they evaluated the footing needs of the indoor and outdoor arenas. Based upon this evaluation, CVF has upgraded the footing of both indoor arenas, and they are currently upgrading the outdoor competition arenas by adding drainage and improved footing. NODA News 2018 Page 4
NODA would like to take this opportunity to thank our Recognized Shows Committee members for their hard work and deliberations in the selection of a venue we believe will be our home for many years to come. The Prize List for the NODA 2018 Dressage and NODA 2018 Dressage Encore Shows will be posted on our awardwinning website, www.nodarider.org. See you at Chagrin Valley Farms in July!
* Save the Dates * Mark Your Calendars *
Northern Ohio Dressage Association
2018 Recognized Shows USEF/USDF Recognized Dressage Competitions
July 21 Dressage 2018 Show
July 22 Dressage 2018 Encore Show
Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Northern Ohio Dressage Association
2018 Schooling Dressage Show Series (Classical & Western Dressage)
May 13
NODA Schooling Show at Chagrin Valley Farms
June 10
NODA Schooling Show at Sweetwater Equestrian Center
July 8
NODA Schooling Show Chagrin Valley Farms
August 12
NODA Schooling Show at Rocky River Stables
September 9 NODA Schooling Show at Topline Stables October 6
NODA Schooling Show at Chagrin Valley Farms
October 7
NODA Schooling Show Series CHAMPIONSHIP at Chagrin Valley Farms
NODA News 2018 Page 5
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Northern Ohio Dressage Association Joined Big Dee’s Bonus Bucks Program Sign Up Today & Support NODA! To help NODA earn additional money for awards and scholarship programs, NODA has joined the Big Dee’s Bonus Bucks program. It’s an wonderful opportunity to earn up to $1,500 per year based entirely on purchases made by members, friends, and relatives! NODA has a commitment to its members and supports, not to release the personal information. BUT you can join voluntarily by providing your name and mailing address to Big Dee’s the next time you are in the store or make a purchase online. When you check out, let them know you would like to be a part of NODA’s Bonus Bucks supporters. How the Program Works • • •
At check-out, simply request your purchase amount go toward NODA and its Bonus Bucks program. Supply your name and mailing address which enables Big Dee’s to track your purchases for the Bonus Bucks Program. 5% of your merchandise purchased in-store and on-line is accumulated for NODA. Questions & Answers
Q: If I become a part of this program for NODA, will I lose my personal points gained
on each purchase? A: No. You will still receive the 2% you currently earn with your personal Big Dee’s card. Q: I am signed up under another organization, may I belong to NODA’s program too? A: No. You may only support one organization at a time. You can, however, move your support from one organization to another if you want to.
Q: I own a barn and I make purchases under the name of my business. Will these count towards NODA’s rewards? A: No. Purchases under the name of a business are not eligible for NODA rewards total. Q: Do you have to be a NODA member to add your name to NODA’s Bonus Bucks supporter list? A: No. Anyone (members and non-members) who would like to help NODA, may add their name to the list for NODA.
Northern Ohio Dressage Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. NODA News 2018 Page 11
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Schooling Show News by Sally Burton
We are so excited to get our shows going for the 2018 season! Please PLAN to volunteer. Our shows cannot run without volunteers. You can sign up online using SIGNUPGENIUS (link on NODA website SCHOOLING Shows Page) or email SS-Secretary@nodarider.org. Here are a few friendly reminders to show competitors:
Mailed entries must be postmarked on the Entry Open Date or after. Entries postmarked before a show's open date cannot be accepted. Online Entry www.horseshowoffice.com. Show capacity is 70 riders When a show capacity is reached, the online entry option is deactivated. Please make sure to upload SIGNED Entry Forms to the Show Secretary, or bring a SIGNED copy to the show. It is mandatory for horse owners to sign the waiver on the entry form, especially when their horses are being competed by a rider other than themselves. Shows fill quickly Please sign up on the show's open entry date to ensure that you get in the show. You will be placed on a wait list should the show fill before the close date. Special requests are accepted, and they will be accommodated if possible. Remember all large ring classes will be held first, beginning with upper levels tests. Small ring classes will begin when the large ring classes are completed. We love our lead line kids! The Lead Line Class is FREE and open to any child under the age of 7. The NODA Lead Line Test to be ridden is on the NODA website SCHOOLING Shows page. The class will be held in the Indoor Arena during the lunch break. There will be a guest judge. Sign up by e-mailing Sally at schoolingshow@nodarider.org. Stall reservations are managed by the host show facility. Please contact them directly for stall pricing and availability. Ride times are posted on the NODA website by the Wednesday before the show.
Thanks again to all of our volunteers and competitors for making the NODA Schooling Show Series a wonderful opportunity to learn and compete! Sally, Manager Niki, Secretary Kirsten, Volunteers NODA News 2018 Page 13
SchoolingShow@nodarider.org SS-Secretary@nodarider.org SS-Volunteers@nodarider.org
Calendar of Events Schooling & Recognized Shows (**) Show Scores ELIGIBLE for 2018 NODA Year-End Awards More shows, clinics, & equine activities at www.NodaRider.org E-mail Webmaster@nodarider.org to add your event to the website Calendar of Events May 5-6 (**) Jackpot Dressage Schooling Show www.BuckeyeEquestrianEvents.Com May 13 (**) NODA Schooling Dressage Show Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org May 19 (**) Western Dressage Schooling Show www.BuckeyeEquestrianEvents.Com May 19 BHP Schooling Show and Combined Test www.Buckeyehorsepark.org June 2 (**) Dressage Schooling Show & 4H State Qualifier www.SummitCountySaddleHorse.org June 8-10 Tri-State Region USPC Dressage & Show Jump Rally www.Buckeyehorsepark.org (Scores Not Eligible for NODA Year-End Awards) June 9-10 Dressage4Kids Team CLINIC Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.Dressage4Kids.org June 10 (**) NODA Schooling Show Sweetwater Equestrian Center, Ravenna www.nodarider.org June 23-24 (**) Dressage Derby of Ohio I & II www.LEC.edu/Equine-Events July 6-8 (**) New Vocations Charity Horse Show www.newvocations.org Delaware County Fairgrounds, July 7 NODA Ride-a-Test CLINIC Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org July 8 (**) NODA Schooling Show Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org July 21 (**) NODA Dressage 2018 Recognized Show Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org July 22 (**) NODA Dressage 2018 Encore Recognized Show Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org (Shows Calendar continued on Page 22)
NODA News 2018 Page 14
NODA Monthly Board Meetings Mark your Calendars for the next Board Meetings May 14, 2018 6 - 8 PM
June 11, 2018
6 - 8 PM
Panera Bread, Kruse Road, Solon, Ohio All members are welcome to attend each and every monthly Board Meeting!
Meeting changes or updates are posted on the MEETINGS page of the NODA website, www.nodarider.org NODA welcomes all comments and opinions regarding NODA activities, shows, and policies. Questions or Concerns? Please contact NODA Member Liaison, Kathy Kirchner at MemberRep@nodarider.org
NODA News 2018 Page 15
by Heidi Miller
It’s time to update the Directory for 2018/19! Formerly known as NODA Directory of Professional & Equine Services, NODA members listed in the 2017 Directory have been contacted by Heidi Miller about re-listing in the 2018 Directory! If you want your equine related business or service listed, contact Heidi at Directory@nodarider.org.
Did you know?
• • • • •
Directory Listings are FREE NODA Members only may list their equine related business or service. Available on the WELCOME, ABOUT US, and FAQ pages of the NODA Website Excellent way to advertise your equine related business or service! Directory is a popular and useful resource to NODA members and friends.
by Fran Cverna, Membership@nodarider.org
Welcome (& Welcome Back) New Members Danielle Hebler, Heidi Kohl, Lori Nicholson, Stephanie Orellana, Megan Reust, Jacqueline Seagle
NODA currently has 228 Members: 157 Adult Amateurs 25 Youth 65 Professionals Over 90 members from last year have not yet renewed! Know someone who has not renewed? Please let them know that NODA Schooling Show Series Prize List which includes the NODA Year-End Awards Program Criteria will be mailed to anyone who is a NODA Member BEFORE May 1, 2018!
NODA Historical Archive Fun What does a skiing coach have in common with a dressage instructor?
By Doris Van Heeckeren (NODA Newsletter May 1984)
First of all, he feels that nobody has the ability to teach anyone anything, until that one really wants to learn. Then he can have an influence. In most cases a person is not able to absorb knowledge in large doses, especially when it has to do with body control. This applies equally to an expert as well as an average person. One good way to learn is to observe and do things the same way as those who do better than you. Imitation is motoric memorization. Your body has to get accustomed to the proper use, and then practice it a lot. Furthermore your body ought to get a chance to prepare itself. The more you ski, the better you get and the more you can learn. That's how it is for experts, too. THE BASICS IN DRESSAGE As Taught by Major Lindgren at the N.O.D.A. Clinic by Diane Maslar
(NODA Newsletter May 1985)
Major Lindgren's Clinic at Red Raider on April 14 and 15 was a great success with many horses and riders benefiting from his instruction. His patience and good-humor helped make the Clinic enjoyable as well as informative. He stressed that three basic qualities - obedience, relaxation and suppleness - must be achieved before any advance work is attempted. The repetition of patterns should be used to relax and supple the horse. Some simple patterns to use include the square, the 20 meter circle and the diagonal. Major Lindgren emphasized the Importance of riding 'through the corners' in the square pattern as opposed to riding in a circle. In riding patterns the rider must always be careful to choose the line to be ridden and not let the horse choose this line. The rider must ride forward, using her legs 'to design' the horse, imagining the horse has a waist. A common fault among riders is to pull on the inside rein—this allows the horse to escape with his shoulders to the outside, avoiding using of the inside hind leg. Instead the inside rein should be used as a guiding rein and the rider should rely on her weight and legs to turn the horse. Major Lindgren introduced the 'pentagon theory', an exercise to correct some of the problems. On the circle, it involves counter bending the horse and slightly decreasing the circle with the outside leg, with the rider's weight well back and to the inside, to increase the use of the horse's inside hind lag. The horse should then be rewarded by riding it straighter, then the horse should like to flex to the inside. The rider can 'massage' the horse's neck by alternating the bend slightly from the outside to the inside. Another important exercise to practice is the leg-yield - either along the wall or along the diagonal. Practicing these basic exercises with precision and patience can help develop a horse that is obedient, calm, and supple. We’ll all be looking forward to riding with Major Lindgren next year. NODA News 2018 Page 16
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NODA News 2018 Page 18
New Adult Amateur Musical Freestyle Award This award is for adult amateurs competing in musical freestyle, and is available at First, Second, Third, and Fourth Levels, as well as at Intermediate I and Grand Prix. Complete award information is available in the USDF Member Guide.
Check Out the Updated All-Breeds Participating Organizations Lists USDF welcomes the Westfalen NA, German Sport Horse Association, American Dutch Harness Horse Association, and the Percheron Horse Association of America as new Participating Organizations (POs) for the 2018 Adequan®/USDF All-Breeds Awards program. View the current list of 2018 All-Breeds PO’s for more information. To declare your horse for the program, follow the instructions on the All-Breeds Awards Declaration Form.
Sign Up Today for the 2018 USDF Youth/Young Adult Dressage Sport Horse Breeders Seminar! Registration for this event is available for participants ages 14-27, and can be completed through the USDF website. The seminar will take place June 22-24, at Oak Hill Ranch, in Folsom, LA. For questions regarding this seminar, contact sporthorse@usdf.org.
Openings in L Education Program Part 1 Midsouth Dressage Academy has openings in their Part 1 of the USDF L Education Program, starting April 14-15, in Hernando, MS. For more information, or to apply, contact organizer Elizabeth Clifton. Visit the USDF Education Calendar for a complete list of USDF L Education Programs. For questions regarding the USDF L Education Program, contact Lprogram@usdf.org.
Openings in L Education Program Part 2 The Nebraska Dressage Association has a few openings in their Part 2 of the USDF L Education Program, starting with the D1 session, on May 26-27. Interested candidates should contact organizer Jennifer Rawlinson for details.
It’s Easy to Apply for a USDF Rider Award The Rider Performance Awards Application is simple to submit. Just enter your USDF number, select your award, and enter payment information.
Are you ready for the Great American/USDF Regional Championships ? Please be sure to visit the Regional Championship Competitors Page. This page provides helpful links and information regarding championship dates, qualifying periods, program rules, score checks, and changes of region.
Check out the new USDF Regional Adult Amateur Equitation Program.
NODA News 2018 Page 19
Classifieds and Member Stable Listings Classified Ads Info NODA Member/2 issues FREE: 60 words or less $5.00: 60- 80 words Photo $5.00 Non-member/ 2 issues $5.00: 60 words or less. $5.00/issue for photo in newsletter and on website
FOR SALE: SUNDOWNER 1995 HORSE TRAILER, 2 horse, straight load, ramp, steel construction, bumper pull, newer tires. Middle divider comes out. $3,800. Contact Judy at 440-5478196. (I-7)
Double H Lane Stable, 12585 S. Reed Rod. (Eaton TWP, just off Rt. 82) . Beautiful 8 horse stable has stall available. Large riding arena with leather footing. Outdoor arena and trails. Free Stable Listings include Rubber floors in stalls, contact info, city and three heated tack room and lines. Ads subject to editing. bathroom. Wash rack. Full Website posting included. turnout on beautiful pastures. Contact Lynn Classifieds Editor 216-287-5425. (I-5) Jill Voigt 216-346-2811 Free member ads will run for two issues only. One free ad per member at a time. Submit ad and payment by 15th of the month.
Check payable to NODA: Jill Voigt Rosewood Stables 10021 Station Road Columbia Station, OH 44028 Email ads to: Classifieds@nodarider.org
HORSES FOR SALE No Current Listings
APPAREL, TACK & EQUIP. FOR SALE: PIKEUR LADIES’ SHADBELLY , black, New!, German size 76, US size, 10 L, $750. Pictures available. Contact ush@windstream.net (I –7) FOR SALE: Equicizer. Lightly used, in great condition. Work on your riding foundation, stay in shape, or return to riding after an injury. More information at equicizer.com. Asking $1,500. For more info and photos, email cwelder@hopewll.cc NODA News 2018 page 20
STALL AVAILABLE: Offering partial board in exchange for morning feeding and cleaning of two stalls. Must be responsible, dependable, and have experience. You provide grain and clean your own stall. We provide hay, water and turnout. Outdoor riding arena and over 18 acres of riding trails. Located in Olmsted Falls. Text 440-465-6497. (I-5) STALL AVAILABLE: Private farm in South Russell. Preference will be given to a boarder/client that will be in training with Melissa Borror of MB Dressage. 12x16 stall that is cleaned daily, sand footing, pastures, daily turnout, Progressive grain and quality hay. Please contact Melissa Borror for more details about the facility and training programs available. Call 440-668-0861 or email Melissaborror@yahoo.com.
SERVICES HEIDI’S CUSTOM EMBROIDERY and SEWING Helmet bags, backpack bags, stirrup bags, saddle covers, and more. Please contact Heidi for projects and prices. Hmiller0404@gmail.com (I-5)
STABLE LISTINGS CONT’D Kirgis Farm Mantua, OH 330-554-1716 www.kirgisfarm.com Dressage barn, all day turnout, competent staff, large stalls, pastures, safe fencing, indoor arena
Bridlewood Dressage Farm Cheryl Slawter Medina, OH 44256 330-239-1997 Bridlewooddressagefarm.com 2 indoor & 1 outdoor ring, pastures ,boarding, lessons, excellent care, friendly. Co-op boarding now available.
Candle Light Farms Noell Sivertsen-Edgell Chesterland, OH 44026 440-376-2117 Sivertsenedgell@att.net Boarding, lessons, sales, training, leases, indoor/outdoor arena.
Fair Weather Farm Kate Poulin Chagrin Falls, OH 386-624-3968 katepoulin@yahoo.com
Ledge Hollow Stable Jeanne & Terry Fashempour 330-239-2587 Medina, OH 44256 www.LedgeHollowStable.com Full care, co-op, turn-out, Instruction, NE Medina
Lake Erie College Equestrian Center Debbie Savage, USDF Gold Medalist USEF S Dressage Judge 440-375-8011 Concord, OH 44077 dsavage@lec.edu Dressage training through Grand Prix. Schoolmasters available & accepting students. USEF Dressage Shows
Heated barn/indoor, Grass /all season T/O, stalls cleaned 2X/ day. Two outdoors, trails.
Grand Prix Farm Kelli Flanagan Valley City, OH 44280 330-483-9055 www.grandprixfarm.com Boarding, lessons, schoolmasters available, indoor & outdoor arena, heated observation room.
Mithra Training Stable Wendy Gruskiewicz Jefferson, OH 440-213-0509 www.mithrastable.com Specializing in Arabian Sport Horses, dressage training, sales & lessons
Member Stable Listings Rhythmic Ridge Ranch Debi Smith Lorain County 440-315-2660 Full care, indoor and lighted outdoor arenas, matted stalls and heated water buckets.
Rosewood Stables Columbia Station, OH 440-236-8276 rosewood.stables@yahoo.com Small barn w/indoor arena,/ outdoor riding, heated tack room, daily T/O, hay /grain 3x/day, Full or self clean.
Topline Stables at Walden Janeen Langowski-Grava Aurora, OH 44202 330-995-0039 440-666-6182 www.topline-stables.com Boarding, lessons, clinics, sales, training, kids camp. Full care, indoor/outdoor, grass pastures.
Pleasant Valley Farm Kris Lanphear Willoughby Hills, OH 440-942-9034 References. Board, grass T/O, trails, lessons, care of special need horses. Natural training.
Rivendel Farm Bonnie Gray & Dale Lappert- R Dressage Judge Garrettsville, OH www.rivendeldressage.com (330) 527-4683 evening (440) 813-4009 days Board, dressage/eventing. Small, experienced care, 7 day T/O , Indoor/outdoor, trails, jumps.
Shade Tree Farm Betsy Rebar-Sell 330-351-1124 brsell@aol.com Full care, indoor & outdoor arenas, trails, turnout, lessons, and training.
Woods Edge Stable Anne Houin Burton, OH 44021 216-598-0821 or Houin3@yahoo.com Boarding, lessons, clinics, indoor/outdoor arenas. Grass pastures, trails.
Princeton Ridge Farms, Ltd. Huntsburg, OH 440-463-2428 www.princetonridge.net Quality horse care, boarding, lessons, and sport horse sales in Geauga County. Indoor/ outdoor arena, schooling jumps, trails.
Rocky River Stables Cleveland Metro Parks Cleveland. OH (216) 267-2525 www.valleyriding.org Boarding, lessons, pony /horse camps, therapeutic riding, indoor & outdoor arena, trails.
Shadow Facs Farm Waterford, PA 814-796-6161 www.shadowfacsfarm.com Dressage and combined training, instruction, and sales.
North Crest Equestrian Center - Julie Taylor Avon Lake, OH 44012 (440) 933-4654 www.northcrestequestrian.com
Dressage training & lessons, summer horse camps, birthday parties.
Calendar of Events Schooling & Recognized Shows (Continued) (**) Denotes Show Scores ELIGIBLE for 2018 NODA Year-End Awards July 29 Horse on Course Schooling Dressage Show Www.HorseonCourse.net Saxonburg PA (Scores Not Eligible for NODA Year-End Awards) August 12 (**) NODA Schooling Show Rocky River Stables, Cleveland www.nodarider.org August 26 Horse on Course Schooling Dressage Show Www.HorseonCourse.net Saxonburg PA (Scores Not Eligible for NODA Year-End Awards) September 9 (**) NODA Schooling Dressage Show Topline Stables, Aurora www.nodarider.org September 15 (**) Western Dressage Schooling Show www.BuckeyeEquestrianEvents.Com NODA News 2018 page 21
October 6 (**) NODA Schooling Dressage Show Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org October 7 (**) NODA Dressage Show Championship Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org October 11-14 (**) GAIG/USDF Region 2 Championship & Kentucky Dressage Association Fall Classic I Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington KY www.KentuckyDressageAssociation.com November 8—11 US Dressage Finals Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington KY www.USDF.org
NODA News 2018 Page 22
NODA News 2018 Page 23
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