Northern Ohio Dressage Association
In this issue: President’s letter NODA Youth News: “Wild About Dressage Party” and Christa Sandy, new Jr/YR Liaison “Dressage “by Sally Burton May 13 Show Results 2018 NODA Recognized Shows Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities 2018 Schooling Show Calendar & News TDF’s Financial Support for Adult Amateurs NODA & Big Dee’s Bonus Bucks Program
NODA News 2018 Page
2018, Issue 6
Greetings from the President
The Northern Ohio Dressage Association is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Education Organization
The weather is finally starting to cooperate. Well, the temperatures and amount of daylight have improved but the rain storms are still a bit overdone! The first 2018 NODA schooling show is in the books and I hope all the brave souls that completed their rides had a very successful outing. The first outing is always a challenge and the rain certainly added to the challenge! The Schooling Shows Committee and show volunteers did a super job and we thank them very much for their time and patience.
2018/2019 NODA Board Executive Board President Barbara Soukup 440-339-3980 President@nodarider.org Vice President Arielle Brodkey 216-496-1299 VP@nodarider.org Treasurer Dee Liebenthal 216-534-1911 Treasurer@nodarider.org Secretary Patti Valencic 216-956-0985 Secretary@nodarider.org Parliamentarian Dee Liebenthal 216-534-1911 Parliamentarian@nodarider.org
Directors at Large Kathy Kirchner 330-995-6010 Kathy-DAL@nodarider.org Mary Lou Gallagher 216-941-6582 MaryLou-DAL@nodarider.org
Dale Lappert 330-527-4683 Dale-DAL@nodarider.org Christine Thompson 440-590-1598 Christine-DAL@nodarider.org
Niki Sackman Niki-DAL@nodarider.org 440-454-4709
NODA News 2018 Page 2
ello NODA members, families, and dressage enthusiasts,
The May NODA Board Meeting was full of great ideas and new events being organized and scheduled. First on the list is a Barb Soukup & Hero Scribing Clinic June 8th at my farm and taught by me. Second on the list, NODA is sponsoring the Dressage4kids Clinic being organized by Kate Poulin. It will be at Chagrin Valley Farms and feature Lendon Gray on June 9 & 10 th. Both clinics will fantastic and fun learning experiences. Third on the list is a WILD ABOUT DRESSAGE PARTY for our Junior and Young Riders in the area. It will be a super fun night at the Lake Erie Nature & Science Center in Bay Village on June 16th with cool wildlife exhibits, fun games with amazing prizes, great music and a yummy potluck featuring a Taco Bar. It will be a terrific opportunity to meet other juniors and young riders who love dressage, and to meet your new NODA Junior/Young Rider Liaison, Christa Sandy! RSVP Required to Christa by June 9 to Jr-YR@nodarider.org and yes, parents are welcome to attend. Learn more about these educational events (and more to come), in this newsletter, on the NODA website and NODA Facebook page! NODA is committed to providing education and value to our members so please take advantage of all the hard work and effort our team puts forth to bring you these opportunities. The Recognized Shows Committee continues to organize and finalize plans for our July 21 & 22 Shows weekend. We have three top judges hired, and Chagrin Valley Farm is already preparing the outdoor show rings and warm-up area footing! Calling all volunteers! These shows happen through the efforts of wonderful volunteers like yourself. Remember NODA members, friends, and family members are all welcome to volunteer. You can sign up online via SignUpGenius (link on the NODA website Recognized Shows page), or contact Karen Shirring at RS-Vol-Coord@nodarider.org. We need YOU! Speaking of volunteers, Lake Erie College Equestrian Center (LEC) also needs our members to help at their June Dressage Derby weekend. It’s important for all of us to support LEC with their efforts to host dressage shows in our area. We have fewer venues hosting shows that are close to home, so please considering helping them out and volunteer. NODA is providing opportunities to win Big Dee’s Gift Cards as to members who volunteer. LEC is also offering “Appreciation Incentives” to all volunteers. How awesome is that! Let’s support our friends at Lake Erie College Equestrian Center and volunteer . Thank you to all, Barb Soukup, NODA President Cover Photo: Happy ,successful competitors, Erin Clark and Crossed Sabre, were Training/First Level High Point Champions with 70.962% at the May 13, 2018 NODA Schooling Show. Crossed Sabre is owned by Taya Workum-Byers. Photo by Donna Clark
NODA Committees & Chairpersons Communications
Historical Archives
2018 Newsletter Advertisers
Correspondence Secretary OPEN Position
Historian: Fran Cverna 440-834-1774 Historian@nodarider.org Member Horse Services Directory Heidi Miller 330-348-9511 Directory@nodarider.org
Competitions Recognized Shows
Newsletter Layout/Content Editor Heidi Miller 330-348-9511 Heidi-Editor@nodarider.org Layout/Content Editor April Woodward 440-463-2428 April-Editor@nodarider.org Advertising Editor OPEN Position Jill Voigt, Advertisers@nodarider.org 216-346-2811
Co-Chair Dee Liebenthal 216-534-1911 RS-Chair@nodarider.org Co-Chair Arielle Brodkey 216-496-1299
Big Dee’s Tack & Vet Supply
Equestrian Pursuits
JP Dressage, LLC
VP@nodarider.org Manager/Secretary Kevin Bradbury 734-426-2111 Ext 111 Info@horseshowoffice.com
Classifieds Editor OPEN Position Jill Voigt Classifieds@nodarider.org 216-346-2811
Volunteer Coordinator Karen Shirring 330-220-4705 RS-vol-coord@nodarider.org
Reporter Regina Sacha-Ujczo 216-390-3702 Regina-Reporter@nodarider.org
Sponsors/Advertising Christine Thompson 440-590-1598 Sponsors@nodarider.org
MB Dressage LLC
Reporter Jessica Austin 330-614-5449 Jessica-Reporter@nodarider.org
Hospitality Kirsten Thomas 216-509-8881 Hospitality@nodarider.org
New Vocations
Corral Magazine: Mosie Welch 330-618-5838 Mosie-Editor@nodarider.org
Program Coordinator Elizabeth Bross 814-881-2786 Program@nodarider.org
North Crest Equestrian Center
Chair Sally Burton 440-221-7544 SchoolingShow@nodarider.org
Rivendel Farm
Show Secretary Niki Sackman 440-454-4709 SS-Secretary@nodarider.org
Schneider Saddlery
Volunteer Coordinator Kirsten Thomas 216-509-8881 SS-Volunteers@nodarider.org
Topline Stables
The Dressage Foundation
U.S. Dressage Federation
Schooling Shows
Website & Facebook Webmaster Linda Cooley 440-941-6269 Webmaster@nodarider.org
Education Programs Co-Chair: OPEN POSITION Co-Chair: Elizabeth Scalabrino 216-780-9238 Elizabeth-Edu@nodarider.org
Membership & Liaisons Membership Chair: Fran Cverna 440-834-1774 Membership@nodarider.org External Relations: Lisa Gorretta 440-543-8682 Ext-Relations@nodarider.org
Chair Janeen Langowski-Grava 440-666-6182 Yearend-Awards@nodarider.org
Silent Auction Chair Patty Keim 330-350-2775 SilentAuction@nodarider.org
Junior & Young Rider Liaison: Christa Sandy 216-314-4871 Jr-YR@nodarider.org Member Liaison: Kathy Kirchner 330-995-6010 MemberRep@nodarider.org Professional Liaison: Mary Dana Prescott 440-942-1008 (no texts) Western Dressage Liaison: Halle Clause 330-472-0888 WesternDressage@nodarider.org NODA News 2018 Page 3
Awards Banquet Co-Chairs Sally Burton 440-221-7544 Banquet@nodarider.org Patty Keim 330-350-2775 SilentAuction@nodarider.org Halle Clause 330-472-0888 Halle-DAL@nodarider.org
Please Support NODA’s Advertisers & Sponsors with your Business!
NODA Youth News My introduction to horses began in 2011 when my daughter, Maria, began taking pony camps at Rocky River Stables at 6 years old. A year later my son, John, and I began taking lessons, and we soon realized we were all My name is Christa Sandy and I hooked on a new way of life at the barn. look forward to meeting you and working with you as your new At Rocky River Stables, I work with Valley Riding, Inc., in the NODA Junior/Young Rider office, teaching camps, and working with our therapeutic Liaison. riding program.
Greetings NODA Juniors and Young Riders!
Most of my spare time is spent at the barn enjoying trail riding my favorite Rocky Mountain mares, taking lessons, and enjoying time with my kids and their friends. Coordinating volunteers, grooming horses, strolling down the trail, watching lessons, setting jumps, and being a horse show mom are moments I treasure. I am always so proud of my own kids and all our barn youth and impressed with Working with youth and animals has always been my the maturity of kids “raised in a barn”. passion! I began my career as a special education teacher until taking time off to enjoy being a stay at home mom with Now that you know a bit about me, it’s time to get to know my two kids, John and Maria. When both of my kids began each of you. I hope that you will be in touch to provide school, I went back to work as an Education Program suggestions, or to just share your horse or dressage Specialist at Lake Erie Nature & Science Center. Here I had experiences. Feel free to contact me anytime at the opportunity to share wildlife and our natural world with Jr-YR@NodaRider.org. students of all ages, and even lend a hand caring for our ambassador animals and rehabilitating injured local wildlife. Christa Sandy, NODA Jr/YR Liaison I am so excited about working with you, the youth of NODA. You can look forward to fun parties, clinics and more! Have you heard about the June 16 Wild About Dressage Party? Check out the flyer below for details. RSVP is required so sure RSVP by June 9 to JrYR@nodarider.org.
NODA News 2018 Page 4
Dressage by Sally Burton (as published in “The Spirit of Bainbridge” Newspaper) But first- what is Dressage? Technically, dressage means “training”. Wikipedia describes it best. As an equestrian ridiculously so, in fact. sport defined by the International Equestrian Federation, dressage is "the highest expression of horse training" where "horse and rider are expected to perform from memory a series of predetermined movements." If you watch the Olympics and see the musical freestyle events where horses “dance to music”, that is dressage. But that dressage is far out of my reach, multi-milliondollar horses, professional athletes, and major sponsors for financial support.
If you’ve read my column enough you know I am really “into” horses and riding:
A childhood passion that has never left, regardless of how many times my dad said, “Horse people are crazy” or “This won’t last”. He refused to buy me a horse and honestly, I am so stubborn that the act of not getting my dream horse as a kid may have kept the dream alive my entire life. So fast forward to now- at 55 years old- living my dream. I have the financial freedom (kids are gone!) to pursue riding the way I want. I still have my first horse, living a great life in a friend’s backyard, happy at 32 years old, retired and living the dream. But he was the “starter horse”, the one who taught me so much, frustrated me with his multiple health issues, and the horse I promised I would never sell. And if I am nothing else, I am a woman of my word. That horse will stay with my friend until the end of his days. But he couldn’t have gotten me to my dream. So, what is this elusive horse dream of mine? To finally, finally ride dressage correctly! So, you may think- you’ve been riding your entire life and have owned and leased horses before so why is your dream so far away still? I have had a thousand lessons in my lifetime, and with luck will take a thousand more. I have leased three horses and am on my fourth leased horsethe most talented horse yet- the horse that may take me where my dreams fly. NODA News 2018 Page 5
My dressage is much more realistic. I want to ride really well, be totally in tune with my horse, and move up the levels to see how far we can get. For someone who is older, out of shape, a bit chunky, and only rides one horse a day (pro dressage riders’ ride up to 8 horses a day or more) this is a huge goal. My trainer says it is attainable, but it is so much work! “ If you were to watch a lesson you would be amazed at how much detail and finesse is involved. In one minute of trotting I have to “wrap your legs around the horse, bump her off the inside rein, push her into the corner, get your right shoulder back, thumbs up, wiggle your inside ring finger, give with that rein but sit up straight while doing it, keep her activity level up, look where you are going, inside seat bone pushes to the outside rein, lengthen your leg, breathe, eyes up, ride every step”…. Phew. And that is on a good day! Great riders do all of that without even being obvious- me, not so much. There are days when I literally stop, throw my hands in the air, and say, “give me a minute to process all of this”, and there are days when most of it comes together. And on those rare times when all the connections are madeit feels amazing and incredible… but then I forgot to ride because I am so in awe of the fact that we did it… and it all falls apart. But it gets easier every time, and just when you think you’ve mastered a skill, it is time to push on to the next. (Continued on Page 10)
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Dressage by Sally Burton (as published in “The Spirit of Bainbridge” Newspaper) Every style of riding has its own set of criteria and techniques. When I was young I loved the thrill of jumping. I’ve watched horses work cows and am in awe of how athletic the horses and riders have to be. I’ve cheered on polo ponies and helped a friend with her eventers. I have learned to drive ponies and have competed in a combined driving event as the navigator. I love to trail ride because I can enjoy being on my horse, in the woods, just relaxing. But for an intense, perfectionist, ride every step challenge, nothing beats dressage. You will never master it, can always improve, and the more you know the more you realize how very little you know! So why spend all that money and time for the elusive moment when it all comes together? My dad might have been on to something, “we are crazy!” (Article reprinted with permission from April 13, 2018 “The Spirit of Bainbridge” Newspaper) Update and Fast forward to May/June 2018 My most recent leased horse has been a true joy. We have progressed and competed successfully together. The time has come, however, for her to be a broodmare and so my search has begun for a new horse for dressage, trail riding, and to love!
If anyone knows of a half draft horse who is a decent mover, safe, sound, sturdy, sane, and available for purchase or riding, please contact me at SchoolingShow@nodarider.com.
SCHOOLING SHOW RESULTS May 13, 2018 NODA Schooling Dressage Show at Chagrin Valley Farms High Point Champions Introductory Briana Cavett & Belvedere on the Rocks 72.000 Training/First Level
Erin Clark & Crossed Sabre
Second Level & Above Sarah Freeman, & Adante
Jacqueline Seagle & Phoenix Rising
Thoroughbred TIP Training Level Agatha Smithers & Fizzical Therapy 68.846 First Level Sue Hines& Flyin Four Shoes 68.281 ————————————————————————————
1A - Novice USDF Intro. Test A, AA; Roth "r" Michele Thomas Liberty
2A - Novice USDF Intro. Test B, AA; Rothe-Heitter "L" Michele Thomas Liberty 62.500 Megan Reust Emmett (Eatmytapeta) 59.063
NODA News 2018 Page 10
1J - Novice USDF Intro. Test A, Jr/YR; Rothe-Heitter "L" Isabella Paspalovski Melchior van de Noeste Hoeve 67.813 Carissa Skelly Jonsey 59.063 Justin Franko Shelbys Easy Lark 56.875
2J - Novice USDF Intro. Test B, Jr/YR; Roth "r" Carissa Skelly Jonsey Isabella Paspalovski Melchior van de Noeste Hoeve Justin Franko Shelbys Easy Lark
62.813 64.688 66.563
4A - USDF Intro. Test A, AA; Rothe-Heitter "L" Amy Craig Handsome Jack Lesley Matt Gypsy's Gem
64.688 63.125
5A - USDF Intro. Test B, AA; Roth "r" Amy Craig Handsome Jack
6A - USDF Intro. Test C, AA; Roth "r" Amy Craig Handsome Jack
SCHOOLING SHOW RESULTS (continued) May 13, 2018 NODA Schooling Dressage Show at Chagrin Valley Farms 4J - USDF Intro. Test A, Jr/YR; Roth "r" Lauren Heba Holly Berry
5J - USDF Intro. Test B, Jr/YR; Rothe-Heitter "L" Lauren Heba Holly Berry 68.125 Amanda Franko Shelbys Easy Lark 63.125 6J - USDF Intro. Test C, Jr/YR; Roth "r" Amanda Franko Shelbys Easy Lark Kaylee Skelly Ollie
70.000 64.000
4P - USDF Intro. Test A, Pro; Roth "r" BJ Hartmann-Sasak He's the One Sarah Freeman Lilo (Worth the Wait)
68.438 66.563
5P - USDF Intro. Test B, Pro; Rothe-Heitter "L" Sarah Freeman Lilo (Worth the Wait) 65.625 BJ Hartmann-Sasak He's the One 61.250
6P - USDF Intro. Test C, Pro; Rothe-Heitter "L" Briana Cavett Belvedere on the Rocks 72.000 Danielle Hebler Dante's Storm 66.000 10A - Training Level Test 1 AA; Rothe-Heitter "L" Leigh Mooney William 68.478 Lisa Stidham Summer in the City 63.478 Katie Large Da Vinci 62.826 Kim Shepard Big Bundle 61.087 Mosie Welch Aleksandr Robyn 59.565 Gail Patton Summer Breeze 58.696 Mary Whitely Set in Stone 57.609 Lee Overbaugh Duquessa Cor 57.174 Pam White Flash in the Knight 56.304 11A - Training Level Test 2 AA; Roth "r" Kim Shepard Big Bundle Lee Overbaugh Duquessa Cor Lisa Stidham Summer in the City Mary Whitely Set in Stone
65.192 64.231 62.692 61.538
11A.1 - Training Level Test 2 AA; Rothe-Heitter "L" Katie Delaney Nova 62.308
NODA News 2018 Page 11
11A.2 - Training Level Test 2 AA; Rothe-Heitter "L" Erin Clark Crossed Sabre 70.962 Agatha Smithers Fizzical Therapy 68.846 Barbara Bower Apple Jack 62.115 Lisa White Valentino 63.654 12A - Training Level Test 3 AA; Roth "r" Agatha Smithers Fizzical Therapy Mosie Welch Aleksandr Robyn Barbara Bower Apple Jack Lisa White Valentino Gail Patton Summer Breeze Katie Large Da Vinci Pam White Flash in the Knight
68.864 61.136 60.909 60.227 59.773 59.091 58.864
12A.1 - Training Level Test 3 AA; Rothe-Heitter "L" Leigh Mooney JD 68.182 Nicole Rader Aim High 64.318 Katie Delaney Nova 63.409 Alex Uspenski Marton 47.955 10J - Training Level Test 1 Jr/YR; Rothe-Heitter "L" Danielle Northup Charles Maxwell Johns III 62.826 Kate Tuma Mister Fair MCHF 59.130 Kaylee Skelly Ollie 56.522 11J - Training Level Test 2 Jr/YR; Roth "r" Danielle Northup Charles Maxwell Johns III Emma Harvest A Major Eclipse Kate Tuma Mister Fair MCHF
66.346 60.000 55.769
12J - Training Level Test 3 Jr/YR; Rothe-Heitter "L" Lydia Young Habanero SMDR 66.591 Emma Harvest A Major Eclipse 52.955 20.1 - Training Level Rider Test; Rothe-Heitter "L" Pam White Flash in the Knight 58.400 13A - First Level Test 1 AA; Roth "r" Leigh Mooney JD Lauren Van Lehn Mary Rose Katie Delaney Nova Alex Uspenski Marton
62.593 59.630 58.519 52.220
SCHOOLING SHOW RESULTS (continued) May 13, 2018 NODA Schooling Dressage Show at Chagrin Valley Farms 13A.1 - First Level Test 1 AA; Rothe-Heitter "L" Lea Wojtkiewicz Winter Sky 63.519 Heather Lynn Clouse Pam’s Princess (Marley) 62.037 14A - First Level Test 2 AA; Roth "r" Lea Wojtkiewicz Winter Sky Patti Valencic Fox Meadow Dancer
62.813 59.844
15A - First Level Test 3 AA; Rothe-Heitter "L" Jerry Chuey Lees Little Pockets 64.559 Patti Valencic Fox Meadow Dancer 63.824 Lauren Van Lehn Mary Rose 57.353 13J - First Level Test 1 Jr/YR; Roth "r" Marena Bates My India Queen 61.667 14J - First Level Test 2 Jr/YR; Rothe-Heitter "L" Marena Bates My India Queen 63.594
15J - First Level Test 3 Jr/YR; Roth "r" Marena Bates My India Queen 59.118 14P - First Level Test 2 Pro; Roth "r" Sue Hines Flyin Four Shoes Wendi Skelly Poverty to Prada 15P - First Level Test 3 Pro; Roth "r" Wendi Skelly Poverty to Prada
68.281 65.156
16.2 - Second Level Test 2; Rothe-Heitter "L" Anne McClintock She's a Spitfire 56.923
60.488 57.073 55.976
16.7 - Fourth Level Test 1; Rothe-Heitter "L" Victoria Patterson-Pirko Fantasia 60.270 NODA News 2018 Page 12
60.735 60.147 58.382
18 - WD Seat Equitation; Rothe-Heitter "L" Halle Clause Master the Art
19 - Dressage Seat Equitation; Rothe-Heitter "L" Leigh Mooney William 76.000 Jerry Chuey Lees Little Pockets 70.000 Heidi Miller Merlin 67.000 21 - WD Intro Level Test 1; Rothe-Heitter "L" Melissa Groh Allie
22 - WD-Intro Level Test 2; Roth "r" Melissa Groh Allie
23 - WD-Intro Level Test 3; Roth "r" Jacqueline Seagle Phoenix Rising
26 - WD Basic Level Test 2; Rothe-Heitter "L" Judy Jacobsen Lady's Couragous Champ Halle Clause Master the Art
59.783 56.087
28 - WD Basic Level Test 4; Roth "r" Judy Jacobsen Lady's Couragous Champ Halle Clause Master the Art
65.800 54.600
32 - WD Level One Test 4; Roth "r" Jerry Chuey Lees Little Pockets
16.1 - Second Level Test 1; Rothe-Heitter "L" Darlene Cavett Splash of Blue Gin 56.818 Susan Horst WRF Alix 58.939
16.3 - Second Level Test 3; Roth "r" Anne McClintock She's a Spitfire Darlene Cavett Splash of Blue Gin Yvonne Huff Amadeus
17.1 - Prix St. Georges; Roth "r" Sarah Freeman Adante Cindy Poulson Regalia Cindy Bank IdleHour McHenry
‘Worth the Wait’ mugs for the camera with her show ribbons from her very first show, the May 13 NODA Schooling Show. Worthy is owned and competed by Sarah Freeman
* Save the Dates * Mark Your Calendars *
Northern Ohio Dressage Association
2018 Recognized Shows USEF/USDF Recognized Dressage Competitions
July 21 Dressage 2018 Show
July 22 Dressage 2018 Encore Show
Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Northern Ohio Dressage Association
2018 Schooling Dressage Show Series (Classical & Western Dressage)
May 13
NODA Schooling Show at Chagrin Valley Farms
June 10
NODA Schooling Show at Sweetwater Equestrian Center
July 8
NODA Schooling Show Chagrin Valley Farms
August 12
NODA Schooling Show at Rocky River Stables
September 9 NODA Schooling Show at Topline Stables October 6
NODA Schooling Show at Chagrin Valley Farms
October 7
NODA Schooling Show Series CHAMPIONSHIP at Chagrin Valley Farms
NODA News 2018 Page 13
Schooling Show News by Sally Burton
* How to Contact Show Secretary, Niki Sackman * We appreciate all show communications and wish to clarify the acceptable communication methods with the Show Secretary. Due to Niki’s poor cell service, some responses may be delays. Before Show Day • Messages E-mail, US mail, Telephone/Voicemail Niki at 440-454-4709, or In Person • Show Documents Upload to HorseShowOffice.com, E-mail as attachments to SS-Secretary@nodarider.org, sent US Mail, or submit at the show office at check-in. Day before Show Day E-mails checked until 2 pm, or you may Telephone/Voicemail Niki at 440-454-4709 Show Day Telephone/Voicemail Niki 440-454-4709 or Sally (show manager) 440-221-7544 Many of you know that phone service at show venues tend to be unreliable. We will, however, do our best to check for voicemail messages throughout the day. Please also note Niki and Sally are NOT able to access Facebook Messenger on Show Days. Thank you for notifying us if you are scratching, and we apologize in advance if we are unable to respond during the show.
MAY 13, 2018 NODA Schooling Show Report As all May shows tend to be, this year’s show at Chagrin Valley Farms was wet, raining, and did I say wet? We are so thankful for all of our very flexible competitors who put up with rain delay, schedule changes and “ride whenever you want outside” reminders! Special thanks to our fantastic judges, Amy Rothe-Heiter and Jennifer Roth, who were both gracious, accommodating and willing to do what it took to keep the show moving! We could never accomplish all of the work on a show day without our amazing volunteers! Thanks to Saturday ring set up crew: Katie Delaney, BJ Harmann-Sasak, Kate McGinnis, Michele Thomas, Jill Winters led by Victoria Patterson-Pirko and Linda Toll. Thanks to Sunday show volunteers: Gina Ash, Cindy Bank, Danielle Bolm, Christina Fraser, Lauren Heba, Katie Holzheimer, Patty Keim, Kathy Kirchner, Stephanie Orellana, Lee Overbaugh, Victoria Patterson-Pirko, Sally Pla, Ellen Pridemore, Molly Reeves, Christa Sandy, Maria Sandy, Elizabeth Scalabrino and LaDonna Young. And finally, at the end of a super long thanks so much to Heidi Miller, and Victoria Patterson-Pirko who stayed to the end to tear down the ring! It is a super big job for three people… please consider staying to help! Thank you to Chagrin Valley Farms, our NODA Board members led by President, Barb Soukup, and our wonderful schooling show staff, Sally Burton, Niki Sackman and Kirsten Thomas. NODA News 2018 Page 14
Calendar of Events Schooling & Recognized Shows & Special NODA Events (**) Show Scores ELIGIBLE for 2018 NODA Year-End Awards More shows, clinics, & equine activities at www.NodaRider.org E-mail Webmaster@nodarider.org to add your event to the website Calendar of Events June 8-10 Tri-State Region USPC Dressage & Show Jump Rally www.Buckeyehorsepark.org (Scores Not Eligible for NODA Year-End Awards)
June 9-10 Dressage4Kids Team CLINIC Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.Dressage4Kids.org June 10 (**) NODA Schooling Show Sweetwater Equestrian Center, Ravenna www.nodarider.org June 15-17 Dressage Clinic w. Janet Foy Rockin K Ranch, Ravenna rockink8111@gmail.com June 16 Wild about Dressage Party for NODA Junior & Young Riders Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, Bay Village JR-YR@Nodarider.org June 23-24 (**) Dressage Derby of Ohio I & II www.LEC.edu/Equine-Events June 30 (**) CADS Schooling Dressage Show Stoney Ridge Stables, Wadsworth www.CADSDressage.org July 6-8 (**) New Vocations Charity Horse Show www.newvocations.org Delaware County Fairgrounds, July 7 NODA Ride-a-Test CLINIC Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org July 8 (**) NODA Schooling Show Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org July 21 (**) NODA Dressage 2018 Recognized Show Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org July 22 (**) NODA Dressage 2018 Encore Recognized Show Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org (Calendar continued on Member Stable Listings page)
2018 NODA Membership Report & Historical Archive Fun by Fran Cverna, Membership@nodarider.org
Thank you to Everyone who has renewed for 2018 Welcome (& Welcome Back) New Members Deb Boslett, Darlene Cavett, Heather Clouse, Justin Franko, Melissa Groh, Emma Harvest, Katie Large, Christa Sandy, Lisa Stidham, Linda Toll, Marissa Whalen NODA currently has 269 Members: 172 Adult Amateurs, 31 Youth, 66 Professionals We have 48 NEW members so far this year! Over 80 members from last year have not yet renewed. Please remind your friends who have not renewed that they are missing a lot! Check out the MEMBERSHIP page of www.NodaRider.org for complete Membership Information and Benefits including the 2018 Membership Form!
NODA Historical Archive Fun From the June 1994 Newsletter
• •
1994 was the first year NODA members were required to volunteer a minimum of 4 hours to be eligible for NODA year-end awards. Karen Eisenhauer [Shirring] was looking for volunteers for the recognized show Dressage ’94 (Karen has been doing this a long time!) and wrote the following poem. ODE TO VOLUNTEERS A horse is not just a horse of course, whether you ride or just love the sport.
A horse should be seen in all his glory, shown to the world without a worry. Dressage ’94 needs volunteers to give their time without any sneers. We need your help to scribe and run to sign up and set up and keep it all fun. Without volunteers, without a crew NODA would be lost, the show would be doomed.
So, what do you say? Say “yes” in force, and show the world that a horse is more than horse, of course! NODA News 2018 Page 15
NODA News 2018 Page 16
Northern Ohio Dressage Association Joined Big Dee’s Bonus Bucks Program Sign Up Today & Support NODA! To help NODA earn additional money for awards and scholarship programs, NODA has joined the Big Dee’s Bonus Bucks program. It’s an wonderful opportunity to earn up to $1,500 per year based entirely on purchases made by members, friends, and relatives! NODA has a commitment to its members and supports, not to release the personal information. BUT you can join voluntarily by providing your name and mailing address to Big Dee’s the next time you are in the store or make a purchase online. When you check out, let them know you would like to be a part of NODA’s Bonus Bucks supporters. How the Program Works • • •
At check-out, simply request your purchase amount go toward NODA and its Bonus Bucks program. Supply your name and mailing address which enables Big Dee’s to track your purchases for the Bonus Bucks Program. 5% of your merchandise purchased in-store and on-line is accumulated for NODA. Questions & Answers
Q: If I become a part of this program for NODA, will I lose my personal points gained
on each purchase? A: No. You will still receive the 2% you currently earn with your personal Big Dee’s card. Q: I am signed up under another organization, may I belong to NODA’s program too? A: No. You may only support one organization at a time. You can, however, move your support from one organization to another if you want to. Q: I own a barn and I make purchases under the name of my business. Will these count towards NODA’s rewards? A: No. Purchases under the name of a business are not eligible for NODA rewards total. Q: Do you have to be a NODA member to add your name to NODA’s Bonus Bucks supporter list? A: No. Anyone (members and non-members) who would like to help NODA, may add their name to the list for NODA.
Northern Ohio Dressage Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. NODA News 2018 Page 17
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NODA Monthly Board Meetings Mark your Calendars for the next Board Meetings June 11, 2018 6 - 8 PM
July 9, 2018
6 - 8 PM
Panera Bread, Kruse Road, Solon, Ohio All members are welcome to attend each and every monthly Board Meeting! Meeting changes or updates are posted on the MEETINGS page of the NODA website, www.nodarider.org NODA welcomes all comments and opinions regarding NODA activities, shows, and policies. Questions or Concerns? Please contact NODA Member Liaison, Kathy Kirchner at MemberRep@nodarider.org
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USDF Launches the Youth Sport Horse Ambassador Program Lexington, KY (May 17, 2018) – The United States Dressage Federation™ (USDF) is pleased to announce the launch of the USDF Youth Sport Horse Ambassador Program. This program is comprised of selected ambassadors, from participants ages 18-30, who have attended multiple events within USDF’s Sport Horse Education Programs. Each ambassador will attend a USDF Sport Horse Education Program, and have opportunities to be mentored by program instructors. Ambassadors will also assist in increasing visibility of USDF Sport Horse Education Programs, through social media and other platforms. For the program’s inaugural year, the chosen ambassadors are: • Noel Williams (Florida) • Erin Bell-Altman (Texas) • Caitlin Gallagher (Pennsylvania) USDF Sport Horse Committee Co-Chairs Kristi Wysocki and Natalie DiBerardinis had this to say regarding the initiation of this new opportunity for the youth of dressage, “We are very excited to announce the USDF Sport Horse Youth Ambassador Program and to welcome Erin, Caitlin, and Noel as our first ambassadors. Building on the success of the USDF Youth/Young Adult Handler and Breeder Seminars, our Youth Ambassadors will help spread enthusiasm and promote interest in sport horse breeding, handling, and young horse training, among other youth and young adults. This year’s ambassadors have already proven their commitment to sport horse programs, through their attendance at previous USDF Seminars and in their own career and internship choices. We feel their stories and energy will excite other young breeders and trainers that represent our future in this country.” To learn more about the 2018 ambassadors, be sure to read the July/August issue of USDF Connection. For more information about the USDF Youth Sport Horse Ambassador Program, contact the USDF office at sporthorse@usdf.org, or call (859) 971-2277.
Regional Championship Owner Membership Update Effective for the 2018 regional championships, owners must have a USDF Participating or Business Membership and a USEF membership (Junior Active, Senior Active, Life, or Recorded Farm (with Active Farm Owner)). If the horse has more than one owner, at least one owner must have both active USEF membership and active USDF Participating or Business Membership. For a business or farm to be the valid owner under this requirement, it must be listed as an owner of the horse with both USEF and USDF.
NEW! USDF Regional Adult Amateur Equitation Program The USDF Regional Adult Amateur Equitation Program recognizes adult amateurs competing in equitation and promotes correct seat, position, and use of the aids in dressage. An Adult Amateur Equitation Regional Final class will be held in conjunction with each of the nine USDF Regional Dressage Championships. Adult Amateurs wishing to qualify to compete in an Adult Amateur Equitation Regional Final may qualify to do so by earning a 70%, or higher in any Dressage Seat Equitation class (except walk-trot) or by qualifying for the Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Championships (freestyles exempt). NODA News 2018 Page 21
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Classifieds and Member Stable Listings Classified Ads Info NODA Member/2 issues FREE: 60 words or less $5.00: 60- 80 words Photo $5.00 Non-member/ 2 issues $5.00: 60 words or less. $5.00/issue for photo in newsletter and on website Free member ads will run for two issues only. One free ad per member at a time. Submit ad and payment by 15th of the month.
FOR SALE: SUNDOWNER 1995 HORSE TRAILER, 2 horse, straight load, ramp, steel construction, bumper pull, newer tires. Middle divider comes out. $3,800. Contact Judy at 440-5478196. (I-7)
FOR SALE: PIKEUR LADIES’ SHADBELLY , black, New!, German size 76, US size, 10 L, $750. Pictures available. Contact ush@windstream.net (I –7)
Free Stable Listings include contact info, city and three lines. Ads subject to editing. Website posting included. Classifieds Editor Jill Voigt 216-346-2811 Check payable to NODA: Jill Voigt Rosewood Stables 10021 Station Road Columbia Station, OH 44028 Email ads to: Classifieds@nodarider.org
HORSES FOR SALE No Current Listings
FOR SALE: Equicizer. Lightly used, in great condition. Work on your riding foundation, stay in shape, or return to riding after an injury. More information at equicizer.com. Asking $1,500. For more info and photos, email cwelder@hopewll.cc
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STALLS AVAILABLE No Current Listings
OTHER SERVICES No Current Listings
STABLE LISTINGS Bridlewood Dressage Farm Cheryl Slawter Medina, OH 44256 330-239-1997 Bridlewooddressagefarm.com 2 indoor & 1 outdoor ring, pastures ,boarding, lessons, excellent care, friendly. Co-op boarding now available.
Candle Light Farms Noell Sivertsen-Edgell Chesterland, OH 44026 440-376-2117 Sivertsenedgell@att.net Boarding, lessons, sales, training, leases, indoor/outdoor arena.
Fair Weather Farm Kate Poulin Chagrin Falls, OH 386-624-3968 katepoulin@yahoo.com
STABLE LISTINGS CONT’D Kirgis Farm Mantua, OH 330-554-1716 www.kirgisfarm.com Dressage barn, all day turnout, competent staff, large stalls, pastures, safe fencing, indoor arena
Ledge Hollow Stable Jeanne & Terry Fashempour 330-239-2587 Medina, OH 44256 www.LedgeHollowStable.com Full care, co-op, turn-out, Instruction, NE Medina
Lake Erie College Equestrian Center Debbie Savage, Heated barn/indoor, Grass /all USDF Gold Medalist season T/O, stalls cleaned 2X/ USEF S Dressage Judge 440-375-8011 day. Two outdoors, trails. Concord, OH 44077 dsavage@lec.edu Dressage training through Grand Prix. Schoolmasters available & accepting Grand Prix Farm students. USEF Dressage Kelli Flanagan Shows Valley City, OH 44280 330-483-9055 www.grandprixfarm.com Boarding, lessons, schoolmasters available, indoor & outdoor arena, heated Mithra Training Stable observation room. Wendy Gruskiewicz Jefferson, OH 440-213-0509 www.mithrastable.com Specializing in Arabian Sport Horses, dressage training, sales & lessons
Member Stable Listings Rhythmic Ridge Ranch Debi Smith Lorain County 440-315-2660 Full care, indoor and lighted outdoor arenas, matted stalls and heated water buckets.
Rosewood Stables Columbia Station, OH 440-236-8276 rosewood.stables@yahoo.com Small barn w/indoor arena,/ outdoor riding, heated tack room, daily T/O, hay /grain 3x/day, Full or self clean.
Topline Stables at Walden Janeen Langowski-Grava Aurora, OH 44202 330-995-0039 440-666-6182 www.topline-stables.com Boarding, lessons, clinics, sales, training, kids camp. Full care, indoor/outdoor, grass pastures.
Pleasant Valley Farm Kris Lanphear Willoughby Hills, OH 440-942-9034 References. Board, grass T/O, trails, lessons, care of special need horses. Natural training.
Rivendel Farm Bonnie Gray & Dale Lappert- R Dressage Judge Garrettsville, OH www.rivendeldressage.com (330) 527-4683 evening (440) 813-4009 days Board, dressage/eventing. Small, experienced care, 7 day T/O , Indoor/outdoor, trails, jumps.
Shade Tree Farm Betsy Rebar-Sell 330-351-1124 brsell@aol.com Full care, indoor & outdoor arenas, trails, turnout, lessons, and training.
Woods Edge Stable Anne Houin Burton, OH 44021 216-598-0821 or Houin3@yahoo.com Boarding, lessons, clinics, indoor/outdoor arenas. Grass pastures, trails.
Princeton Ridge Farms, Ltd. Huntsburg, OH 440-463-2428 www.princetonridge.net Quality horse care, boarding, lessons, and sport horse sales in Geauga County. Indoor/ outdoor arena, schooling jumps, trails.
Rocky River Stables Cleveland Metro Parks Cleveland. OH (216) 267-2525 www.valleyriding.org Boarding, lessons, pony /horse camps, therapeutic riding, indoor & outdoor arena, trails.
Shadow Facs Farm Waterford, PA 814-796-6161 www.shadowfacsfarm.com Dressage and combined training, instruction, and sales.
North Crest Equestrian Center - Julie Taylor Avon Lake, OH 44012 (440) 933-4654 www.northcrestequestrian.com
Dressage training & lessons, summer horse camps, birthday parties.
Calendar of Events Schooling & Recognized Shows (Continued) (**) Denotes Show Scores ELIGIBLE for 2018 NODA Year-End Awards July 29 Horse on Course Schooling Dressage Show Www.HorseonCourse.net Saxonburg PA (Scores Not Eligible for NODA Year-End Awards) August 12 (**) NODA Schooling Show Rocky River Stables, Cleveland www.nodarider.org August 26 Horse on Course Schooling Dressage Show Www.HorseonCourse.net Saxonburg PA (Scores Not Eligible for NODA Year-End Awards) September 9 (**) NODA Schooling Dressage Show Topline Stables, Aurora www.nodarider.org September 15 (**) Western Dressage Schooling Show www.BuckeyeEquestrianEvents.Com NODA News 2018 page 25
October 6 (**) NODA Schooling Dressage Show Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org October 7 (**) NODA Dressage Show Championship Chagrin Valley Farms, Chagrin Falls www.nodarider.org October 11-14 (**) GAIG/USDF Region 2 Championship & Kentucky Dressage Association Fall Classic I Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington KY www.KentuckyDressageAssociation.com November 8—11 US Dressage Finals Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington KY www.USDF.org
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NODA News 12121 Princeton Road Huntsburg OH 44046
NONPROFIT Bulk Rate US Postage Paid Permit No. 6 Novelty, OH 44072
NODA Newsletter and Website Advertising ADVERTISING RATES
Deadline: 10th of each month Ex: Submissions received by the 10th of the month will publish in the NEXT ISSUE of NODA NEWS. All Ads will be placed on the NODA website for the same period they are in the NODA NEWS.
E-mail Layout in “.jpg” or “.tif” format (high resolution, 300 dpi or higher) to Jill at Advertisers@nodarider.org
(width x height)
Full Page (7.5 x 10): Half Page (7.5 X 5): Quarter Page (3.75 x 5): Business Card (3.75 x 2):
$75.00 $40.00 $20.00 $15.00
$375.00 $200.00 $100.00 $75.00
Make Check Payable to: NODA Mail completed form and payment to: Jill Voigt, Advertising Editor 10021 Station Road Columbia Station, OH 44028
PAYMENT FOR ADVERTISING must be received by newsletter deadline of the 10th for your ad to be placed in the next issue. E-Mail CLASSIFIED ADS to Classifieds@nodarider.org (See information in the Classifieds Ads section in this issue.)
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