NODA News Issue 10

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2020, Issue 10

In This Issue Virtual Education Evening with George Williams, page 4 2020 Proposed Bylaws, page 6 Jennifer Sappington Truett Benefit Clinic, page 12 Welcome TDF Liaison, Karen Puchalsky, page 14 Welcome Jr/Young Rider Liaison, Jen Cooper, page 14 NODA Summit County Fairground Schooling Show Results, page 16 Welcome to the 2021 Schooling Manager , page 18 Welcome to the 2021 Schooling Show Secretary, page 19 Raffle Winners, page 19

The Northern Ohio Dressage Association is a United States Dressage Federation (USDF) Group Member Organization. All members of NODA are USDF group members. For USDF participating membership, apply directly to the USDF.

An Open Letter from NODA’s President; Niki Sackman The Northern Ohio Dressage Association is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Education Organization

2020/2021 NODA BOARD Executive Board President Niki Sackman 440-454-4709 Vice President Rachel Aderhold 330-357-9981 Treasurer Dee Liebenthal 216-534-1911 Secretary Patti Valencic 216-956-0985

Parliamentarian Barb Soukup 440-339-3980

Directors at Large Kathy Kirchner 330-995-6010 Mary Lou Gallagher 216-941-6582 Dale Lappert 330-527-4683 Christine Thompson 440-590-1598 Arielle Brodkey 216 -591-0431

Board Meetings

Dear NODA Members, Greetings! I hope all of you have been enjoying your autumn. I always Arthur enjoy the change of seasons and autumn colors. It is one of my favorite times of year to enjoy trail riding in the Rocky River branch of the Cleveland Metroparks and just relaxing. Like autumn, NODA is also experiencing changes. I am happy to welcome Suzanne Sherbundy as our new schooling show manager, Penny Krug as the new schooling show secretary, Niki Sackman & Raina Karen Puchalsky as The Dressage Foundation representative for NODA, and Jennifer Cooper as the new Jr/YR liaison. Thank you all for your desire to work in these positions. NODA is thrilled to have you!

As the Dressage Foundation (TDF) representative, Karen will share information with the NODA membership about TDF grants that are available to help the dressage community including adult amateurs, JR/Young Riders, professionals, and GMO sponsored education and clinics. NODA, as well as numerous members have been the recipients of grants offered by The Dressage Foundation. I personally was the recipient of the Gifted Memorial Fund for Adult Amateurs several years ago, which was such a wonderful experience. I encourage everyone to look at what The Dressage Foundation has to offer and consider supporting them. If you have any questions, please contact Karen at The schooling shows have wrapped up for the season and I sure hope next year we can return to some resemblance of normalcy. I am happy that we were able to host what shows we could. Thanks to Sara Justice for managing the September 20th NODA schooling show at the Summit County Fairgrounds. I have enjoyed my years as schooling show secretary and I will miss seeing everybody at each show. It has been so wonderful to share in competitor’s experiences, watch them grow, and to form lasting friendships. It will be weird when I go to a NODA show in 2021 and be on the opposite side of the desk. Both Sally and I look forward to working with Suzanne and Penny on the 2021 NODA Schooling Show Series and are confident it will be a smooth transition into the next show season. NODA is excited to announce our next virtual education meeting featuring George Williams on Monday, October 26th at 8:00 pm. Williams will give a brief presentation and then spend time answering your questions. Think about questions you may have and be sure to register by e-mail with our Education Chair, Elizabeth Scalabrino, at Information on this exciting and FREE educational event can be found on page 4 of this newsletter. Please note the 2020 Proposed Revisions to the NODA By-Laws for Member Review on page 6 of this newsletter. There will be an open online meeting in November to vote on the revised bylaws so they can go into effect. Thanks to our ad-hoc bylaws committee of Fran Cverna, Kathy Kirchner, and Elizabeth Scalabrino for tackling the by-laws revision. May you all enjoy your time in the saddle and with your horse! Niki

Third Monday of the Month

Conference Call NEXT MEETING 6:15pm October 19, 2020 NODA News 2020, Page 2

Photo left: Lisa Antoniou received her $1000 grand prize raffle winnings accompanied by her two Rotties, Niko (the big one), and 8 week old puppy, Darla, cuddled by Valerie Grava at Topline Stables. Photo by Dee Liebenthal

NODA Chairpersons & Committees Communications Correspondence Secretary : Molly Reeves 440-334-3947 Member Services Directory Mosie Welch: 330-618-5838


Historical Archives Historian : Fran Cverna 440-834-1774

Competitions Recognized Shows Co-Chair Dee Liebenthal 216-534-1911

Lead Editor, Content/Layout Mosie Welch 330-618-5838

Co-Chair Rachel Aderhold 330-357-9981

Advertising/Classifieds/Calendar Editor Jennifer Cooper 216-469-3920

Manager/Secretary Kevin Bradbury 734-426-2111 Ext 111

Corral Magazine: Mosie Welch 330-618-5838

Volunteer Coordinator Karen Shirring 330-220-4705

Website, Facebook & E-News Webmaster Lesley Matt 440-503-6214

Instagram & Twitter Administrator, Lesley Matt 440—503-6214

Education Programs Education Chair Beth Scalabrino

Membership & Liaisons Membership Chair Fran Cverna 440-834-1774 External Relations Barb Soukup 440-339-3980 Junior/Young Rider Liaison Jennifer Cooper 216-469-3920 Member Liaison: Kathy Kirchner 330-995-6010 Professional Liaison Arielle Brodkey 216 591-0431 Western Dressage Liaison Sara Justice The Dressage Foundation Liaison Karen Puchalsky

NODA News 2020, Page 3

Sponsors/Advertising Patty Keim 330-350-2775 Program Coordinator Mosie Welch 330-618-5838

Schooling Shows Chair Sally Burton 440-221-7544 Show Secretary Niki Sackman 440-454-4709 Volunteer Coordinator Sally Burton 440-221-7544

Year-End Awards Chair Janeen Langowski-Grava 440-666-6182

Silent Auction Chair Patty Keim 330-350-2775

Year-End Awards Banquet Banquet Co-Chair Sally Burton 440-221-7544 Banquet Co-Chair Niki Sackman 440-454-4709

NODA’s Newsletter Advertisers Big Dee’s Tack & Vet Supply Blue Ridge Farm Little Stinker Farm North Crest Equestrian Center Poulin Dressage Rivendel Farm The Visiting Vet Topline Stables Please Support NODA’s Advertisers with your Business! Please share your copy of NODA News with a friend or at the stable when you are finished reading!

Northern Ohio Dressage Association Presents A Virtual Educational Event

An Evening Dressage Chat with George Williams October 26th at 8:00 pm A brief presentation followed by your questions on these topics Fitness for Horse and Rider Straightness in the Horse Lateral Exercises for the Horse Collection Exercises for the Horse Have you ever wanted to ask George Williams a question? This is your chance!

George Williams is an accomplished International Grand Prix competitor who is widely renowned in his field. Over the years, he has trained extensively with Kathy Connelly. With Rocher, he helped the U.S. team earn a Bronze medal at the 2005 CHIO Aachen and was the 2005 Collecting Gaits Farm/USEF Grand Prix National Champion. Williams, the past President of the United States Dressage Federation, has brought numerous horses and riders up the levels and is a sought-after clinician. He is the US, USEF Dressage Youth Coach. George Williams works with both amateurs and professionals alike and will be glad to answer your questions, so get ready for an evening dressage chat! Join NODA for this interactive experience!

RSVP with your name and email address To by Friday, October 23. Expect to receive an email with the ZOOM link from NODA’s education chair prior to the meeting.

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NODA News 2020, Page 5

2020 NODA By-Laws - Proposed For Membership Review PROPOSED NODA BY-LAWS REVISION NODA is a 501(C)3 Educational Organization and a Group Member Organization (GMO) of the United States Dressage Federation (USDF). All donations and contributions are tax deductible. From time to time our governing document (we usually call it our By-Laws) is reviewed to make sure it is accurate and current. In 2019, an ad-hoc NODA committee comprised of Fran Cverna, Kathy Kirchner, Elizabeth Scalabrino reviewed our by-laws for currency, accuracy, and correct grammar. After By-Laws Committee review, both the Executive Committee and Board reviewed the results. Following are the revised by-laws being submitted to the general membership for approval. These revisions will be voted on at an open NODA Board of Directors Meeting on October 19. The meeting is open to the membership at large and will be an on-line “Zoom” meeting. All members can participate in the “Zoom” meeting by phone or with a computer. Please contact Fran Cverna by email, voice phone 440 834-1774, or text 440 823-5965 if you wish to participate in the vote.

Constitution, Code of Regulations and Bylaws of the Northern Ohio Dressage Association Revision Updated 8/17/2020 Article I: Name: The name of the Association shall be Northern Ohio Dressage Association. Northern Ohio Dressage Association is incorporated in the state of Ohio as a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Northern Ohio Dressage Association is a Group Member Organization (GMO) affiliate of the United States Dressage Federation. Article II: Purpose: The purpose of this Association shall be to promote interest in and the understanding of dressage through education, active participation, and support of regional and national dressage activities. Article III: Officers: The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. These five officers shall serve as the Executive Committee. One person may not hold more than one office at a time. Section 1. Term of Office. Officers, except the Parliamentarian, shall be nominated and elected every second year in odd number years. New officers shall commence their duties the first of January in even numbered years and shall serve for two years. Section 2. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors (See Article V.) The President may at any time call a meeting of the Board of Directors and shall do so at the request of four members of the Board of Directors. In the event that one of the five elected official positions shall become vacant prior to the expiration of the term of that office, the President shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy. Section 3. Vice President. The Vice President shall exercise any power or duty of the President in the absence of the President, and shall be included in all decisions and organizing responsibilities. The Vice President shall be a member of the NODA Recognized Show Committee. Section 4. Secretary. The Secretary shall record and distribute minutes of meetings of the Association and Board of Directors. Minutes of such meetings are available upon request to all members. NODA News 2020, Page 6

Continued on page 7

Section 5. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep complete records of all Association expenditures, shall approve in writing all expenditures over the amount set annually by the Board of Directors, shall collect all monies due to the Association, shall maintain all Association financial records and, in the absence of a Fundraising Chair (see Article V Section 2), shall oversee all Association fundraising activities. In addition the Treasurer shall record, maintain and file or cause to be filed all necessary corporate Statements of Continued Existence and Statutory Agent Updates. Section 6. Parliamentarian. The office of Parliamentarian shall be filled by the outgoing President of the Association. If there is no outgoing President, the Parliamentarian shall remain in office until such time that there is an outgoing President. The Parliamentarian shall serve as the Association representative to the United States Dressage Federation annual meeting. If the Parliamentarian is unable to attend the annual meeting, a representative to the meeting shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. In the event that the outgoing President cannot serve, the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint the Parliamentarian. Section 7. Election of Officers. The Nominating Committee (see Article IV, Section 1) shall present the slate of proposed officers to the general membership. Additional nominations shall be taken from the floor at the September Board of Directors meeting of the Association. Ballots shall be distributed to all members of the current year either by mail, online voting or a combination. The Parliamentarian shall appoint two members in good standing who shall be inspectors of the election and count all eligible ballots. The result of the election shall be announced at the annual awards banquet and/or in the Newsletter. Section 8. Meetings of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet no less frequently than every other month to conduct the business of the Association. Executive Committee meetings may be combined with Board of Director meetings. Article IV: Committees: The following named Committees shall be standing committees of the Association: Section 1. Nominating Committee. The Parliamentarian shall chair the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Chair, one member of the Board of Directors, and one member of the Association at large. The Nominating Committee shall meet no later than August 15 of each election year to present a slate to the general membership and take nominations from the floor as set forth in Section 7 of Article III hereof. Section 2. Additional Standing Committees. Additional Standing Committees of the Association shall be: - Awards - Banquet - Correspondence/Branding - Education - External Relations - Fundraising - Historian - Liaison Adult Amateurs - Liaison Juniors / Young Riders (USDF Jr/YR Contact) - Liaison Professionals - Membership (USDF Roster Contact) - Newsletter - NODA Recognized Show - Schooling Shows - Website/Social Media Section 3. Additional Committees. The President may appoint additional committees, standing or ad hoc as the need arises, with the approval of the Executive Committee. NODA News 2020, Page 7

Continued on page 8

Section 4. Appointment of Chairs. The Chairs of all committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee, shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. Additional members of each committee may be selected by its respective Committee Chair. Article V: Board of Directors: Section 1. Composition. The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of the Executive Committee of the Association all current Committee chairs Directors at Large: For each officer, one additional member to the Board of Directors shall be elected from the membership at large to act as Directors at Large. In the event that the slate of Directors at Large is not filled, remaining positions shall be appointed by the new Executive Board at the first meeting of the year. Section 2. Election of Directors at Large. The election of Directors at Large follows the same procedure as stated in Article III, Section 7 for election of officers. Section 3. Board Meetings. The President shall call meetings of the Board of Directors as the need arises to conduct the general business of the Association. Section 4 Voting. Each member of the Board of Directors (as stated in Article V Section 1) is entitled to one vote at Board Meetings. Motions shall pass with a simple majority of those present. Motions may also be made using email distribution to all Board members and passed with a simple majority of respondents. Article VI: Removal from Office: All officers and members of the Board of Directors shall be subject to removal from office for failure to discharge their duties satisfactorily. Removal proceedings shall occur at an open business meeting called solely or partially for this purpose, after 21 days notification to the membership either by mail or email. A 2/3 vote by members present shall be necessary for removal from office. Article VII: Membership: Section 1. Persons Eligible. Membership in the Association shall be open to all persons who subscribe to the purposes and objectives of this Association as stated in Article 2. The Association does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to: election of officers; selection of committee chairs, volunteers and vendors; and provision of services. The Association is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members, volunteers, subcontractors, and vendors. All members shall be entitled to the rights and obligations of members. There shall be two classes of membership: Individual, and Family/Supporting. Section 2. Dues. The classification of memberships and appointment of dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors annually. Section 3. Voting. Each member of the Association who is a member in good standing shall be entitled to one (1) vote for the election of Officers and Directors at Large and for any changes to the bylaws of the Association. Section 4. Loss of Membership Privileges. Any member who is in debt to the Association due to non-payment or use of a bad check in payment for an Association event attended by the member shall forfeit all membership rights in the Association and shall not be reinstated to membership until such time as such indebtedness is absolved. Section 5. Open Meetings. In election years, an Open Meeting shall take place, and at such open meeting the slate of officers shall be presented by the Nominating Committee. Additional open meetings may be held throughout the year to further the purposes of the Association as set out in Article II. NODA News 2020, Page 8

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Section 6. Quorum. The eligible voting members present at any Open Meeting shall constitute a quorum for such meeting. The affirmative vote of a majority of the voting members present at that Open Meeting shall be necessary for the authorization or taking of any action. Article VIII: Scholarships and Awards: Section 1. Scholarships. The Association shall fund annual scholarships to local riding clinics to assist in the education of its members. Scholarships recipients must be members in good standing of the Association and must meet all requirements for the scholarships as established by the Board of Directors. Section 2. Awards. Annual awards for achievement of excellence in the sport of dressage shall be presented to members in good standing who meet the requirements established by the Board of Directors of the Association or the donors of the awards.

Article IX: Amendments: This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at an open meeting called solely or partially for the purpose of amending this Constitution, or by either mail, online voting or a combination, after publication of the amended Constitution in the newsletter for two months. Article X: Indemnification and Insurance: The Association shall indemnify the members of its Board of Directors and the members of all committees of the Association against liability arising out of their services to the Association to the full extent provided by Section 1702.12(E) of the Ohio Revised Code, as it may be amended from time to time, and by any other applicable law serving the same general purpose as that section. The Association may purchase and maintain insurance against its liability under this Article and against the liability of any person indemnified. Article XI: Successors: If the Association is dissolved, and at the time of dissolution has assets of any kind remaining after paying or making provision for payment of all of the liabilities of the Association, the Association assets will be transferred or conveyed to one or more nonprofit organizations engaged in activities substantially similar to those of the Association. If the Board of Directors in its sole discretion requests a determination by the members of the Association, the members of the Association entitled to vote under this Constitution shall, following such procedure as the Board of Directors may determine is necessary or desirable, select an entity or entities qualified under the thenapplicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code to receive tax-deductible charitable gifts to receive such assets and to continue, to the extent reasonably practicable, the programs of the Association. Article XII: Conflicts: Each member of the Board of Directors shall act at all times for the best interest of the Association and its programs and shall exercise the utmost good faith in all transactions touching on their duties to the Association and its programs. No member of the Board of Directors shall use his or her position in the Association for his or her direct or indirect financial gain or take any action intended to have an adverse effect on the Association or any of its programs or that may be reasonably foreseen to have such an adverse effect.

NODA Rotating Trophy and Award Return If you won a rotating trophy/award in 2020, it’s time to dust it off and pack it up Please Return to: Big Dees Tack & Vet Supplies, 9440 State Route 14, Streetsboro, OH 44241 Topline Stables at Walden - 1109 Aurora Hudson Rd, Aurora, OH 44202 By appointment - 440 223-8236 Contact Anne McClintock with questions and to make other return arrangements 440 223-8236 or NODA News 2020, Page 11

NODA is a Silver Sponsor of the LUCK benefit clinic Rides are available at time of printing. See page 13 for clinic details & other clinic sponsors

NODA News 2020, Page 12

Continued on page 13

NODA is a Silver Sponsor, LUCK, Jennifer Sappington Truett Benefit Clinic - Sponsoring LUCK riders LUCK was founded in 2016 to provide an outlet for able bodied teens and pre-teens. Students are provided transportation, three levels of horsemanship training, snacks, and occasional job opportunities. Find out more NODA News 2020, Page 13

NODA Welcomes a New GMO Liaison for The Dressage Foundation Say Hello to Karen Puchalsky! Hello to all NODA members. The Dressage Foundation has created a new GMO Representative Program to help more people learn more about the foundation and the wonderful events and grants available. I am excited to be the NODA Representative and thought I would give you my first official update! The Dressage Foundation announced a new grant, the Amanda Johnson Freestyle Fund. This grant is for current residents of USDF Region 2 or USDF Region 4 only. The grant is up to $2,000 for young professional (between 20-30 years old) to create a professionally prepared musical freestyle for competition. Due date for applications are October 15th. For more information, go to The Dressage Foundation website at While you are on their site take a look at all the different grants available to individuals. A couple deadline for applications are: The Major Lindgren Grant for Instructors – This grant is for young adults that would like to become trainers. The Dressage Foundation must receive applications for this grant by October 1st. Par-Equestrian Dressage Fund – This grant is for Para-Equestrian riders to help with their training. The Dressage Foundation must receive application for this grant by November 1st. Also, the next time you are on Facebook, please like The Dressage Foundation social media page @thedressagefoundation and subscribe to their monthly newsletter. This is a good way to stay informed of all the great events offered throughout the year. I look forward to working with NODA and The Dressage Foundation to help more people learn more about the wonderful sport of Dressage.

NODA Welcomes our New Junior/Young Rider Liaison Say Hello to Jennifer Cooper as she expands her role in NODA! Greetings all NODA’s Jr/YR members! My name is Jennifer Cooper. This is my fifth year as a NODA member and about my seventh year riding dressage as an adult. In my youth, I rode my thoroughbred in Children’s Hunter classes and was in 4-H. I love dressage for the beauty, elegance, and precision. These are all things we should strive for in all we do! I have had dressage instruction from four great ladies and love listening to how anyone can help achieve all the sections of the dressage pyramid. I live on a farm where I keep and take care of four horses. We make our own hay and I am very hands on with every part of being a horsewoman. I enjoy all aspects of the horse world, and take long trail rides, ride in fun shows, still do an occasional hunter show, and most importantly, I love helping others achieve their goals! I am an art teacher by day, a piano teacher by afternoon, and a mom and Pampered Chef consultant all the time! I think being a teacher and working daily with young people will help me in this role as liaison for NODA’s youth. I love a good field trip, guest speaker, project, and putting on special events and parties! Jen riding Mikey

Junior/Young Riders! I would love to hear your ideas for this upcoming year. My goal is to have something special every other month. Please feel free to email me about any topic or question at My “door” (I mean email or phone) is always open for your thoughts, comments, concerns, and ideas. Use your power of voice to shape your future and what you would like to do! I would also like to get some JR/YR articles, pictures, and fun in the newsletter again. I loved when those were added. Look for some directions soon and start getting your spotlight ready with an awesome picture of your horse! NODA News 2020, Page 14

Membership News by Fran Cverna, Membership Chair

NODA’s 2020 Membership Year runs from 12/1/2019– 11/30/2020 Thank you to everyone who joined in 2020! As of 9/17/2020, we had 248 members, 162 Adult Amateurs, 34 Youth, 52 Professionals Compared to last year this time, we are down about 74 members, But we had 41 NEW members in 2020! 5 of our members are over 75 years old! 90 members from 2019 did not renew Welcome or Welcome Back new members Patricia Cifranic, Lauren Cifranic, and Kimberly Harris The NEW 2021 NODA Membership Form is on page 20 of this month’s Newsletter The 2021 year begins 12/1/2020 and ends on 11/30/2021 You will get an email reminder to renew (or a USPS mail to those without email) in October. You can renew your membership online at at any time. Looking forward to 2021!

From the Archives -

Know Your Breed Word Search From the October 2006 Newsletter with Historian Fran Cverna














































































































































































































































NODA News 2020, Page 15

Try to find the breeds below in the grid to the left. Akhal-Teke

Dutch Warmblood


Mustang Oldenburg

Friesian Appaloosa

Paint Hanoverian


Quarter Horse

Hucul Azteca

Saddlebred Irish Draught


Selle Francais Lippizan


Thoroughbred Lusitano

Cleveland Bay

Trakehner Marwari


Welsh Morgan


NODA September 20, 2020 Summit County Fairground Schooling Show Results Judge: Carrie Woost, L Show Manager: Sara Justice Show Secretary: Niki Sackman High Point Intro: Sue Hines, Ruxton - 69.063% Training Level - First Level: Sue Hines, Flyin Four Shoes - 71.286% Second Level and above: Agatha Smithers, Fizzical Therapy - 66.098% Western Dressage: Jerry Chewy, Lees Little Pockets - 80.806% High Point TIP Intro Level: Sue Hines, Ruxton - 69.063% Training Level: Sue Hines, Ruxton - 65.577% First Level: Sue Hines, Flyin Four Shoes - 71.286% Second & Above: Agatha Smithers, Fizzical Therapy - 66.098% Introductory Walk-Trot Test B Adult Amateur (C) Woost (L), 1 Allison Ray Star

Adult Amateur

67.500% 1

Introductory Walk-Trot Test C Adult Amateur (C) Woost (L), 1 Allison Ray Star

Adult Amateur

64.750% 1



67.813% 1



60.500% 1



69.063% 1

Adult Amateur

56.552% 1

Introductory Test B Jr/YR (C) Woost (L), 14 Adriana Kozey Introductory Test C Jr/YR (C) Woost (L), 14 Adriana Kozey Introductory Test B Open (C) Woost (L), 10 Sue Hines

Training Level Test 2 Adult Amateur (C) Woost (L), 15 Kendall Snyder Dessalani Training Level Test 2 Jr/YR (C) Woost (L), 5 Kayda Strah



64.310% 1

Training Level Test 3 Jr/YR (C) Woost (L), 5 Kayda Strah



65.690% 1

NODA News 2020, Page 16

Continued on page 17

Training Level Test 1 Open (C) Woost (L), 6 Melissa Granzier 10 Sue Hines

Tyson Ruxton

Open Open

65.962% 1 65.577% 2

Training Level Test 3 Open (C) Woost (L), 6 Melissa Granzier



65.000% 1

First Level Test 1 Adult Amateur (C) Woost (L), 13 Margeaux Wymer Odessa

Adult Amateur

66.207% 1

First Level Test 2 Adult Amateur (C) Woost (L), 13 Margeaux Wymer Odessa

Adult Amateur

67.429% 1

First Level Test 3 Jr/YR (C) Woost (L), 2 Mallory Palagyi



68.889% 1

Flyin Four Shoes


71.286% 1

Second Level Test 1 (C) Woost (L), 2 Mallory Palagyi




Second Level Test 2 (C) Woost (L), 4 Agatha Smithers

Fizzical Therapy

SAdult Amateur

66.098% 1

Second Level Test 3 (C) Woost (L), 4 Agatha Smithers

Fizzical Therapy

Adult Amateur

59.762% 1

Dressage Seat Equitation (C) Woost (L), 4 Agatha Smithers

Fizzical Therapy

Adult Amateur

75.000% 1

Western Basic Level Test 1 (C) Woost (L), 11 Lauren Cifranic

Loping Sensation


63.125% 1

Western Basic Level Test 2 (C) Woost (L), 11 Lauren Cifranic

Loping Sensation


62.174% 1

First Level Test 2 Open (C) Woost (L), 9 Sue Hines

NODA News 2020, Page 17


Continued on page 18

Western Basic Level Test 3 (C) Woost (L), 12 Patti Cifranic 8 Skylar Young

Loping Sensation Adult Amateur KMA Sky MeTo The Moon JR/YR

68.500% 1 58.250% 2

Western Basic Level Test 4 (C) Woost (L), 8 Skylar Young

KMA Sky MeTo The Moon JR/YR

56.400% 1

Western Level One Test 1 (C) Woost (L), 7 Skylar Young

La Bella Luna


69.815% 1

Lees Little Pockets

Adult Amateur

73.833% 1

Adult Amateur

80.806% 1

Western Dressage Level 2 Test 3 (C) Woost (L), 3 Jerry Chuey

Western Dressage Level 2 Test 4 (C) Woost (L), 3 Jerry Chuey Lees Little Pockets

NODA Welcomes the 2021 NODA Schooling Show Series Manager Meet Suzanne Sherbundy! Hello, my name is Suzanne Sherbundy and I wanted to take some time to introduce myself. I have the privilege of being the new NODA Schooling Show Manager, beginning in the 2021 show season. My first experiences with NODA started as an 8 year old Junior rider, I still have my NODA Dressage ‘88 t-shirt. That is the closest I will get to admitting my age. Most of my Jr/YR years were spent riding at Rocky River Stables under Margaret McElhany and her team, I could not have asked for a better foundation. In addition to being the kid who was allowed to show her mom’s horse, I could also be found at NODA shows along side my dad helping with ring set-up or running tests from the judge to the tabulator. For my family, horses have been and remain a family experience. After high school, my mare Alix and I moved to S. Florida to where I was a working student. I had my four-legged bestie with me and while there were bumps in the Hannah and Suzanne road, the opportunity to learn from national and international level riders was indispensable. As opportunities grew and doors opened, in the early 2000’s I moved to Verden, Germany as a working student for an international dressage training and breeding farm. The experience was not only exceptional on the learning side of things, it was eye opening in expected and unexpected ways. I am forever indebted to have been allowed to experience the generational passing-down of equine knowledge and culture. Upon returning to the states and back to southern Florida, I decided to keep one foot planted in the horse world as the other foot entered the world of academia. After graduate degrees in Anthropology and Photography, I returned to Ohio with my broodmare and soon to be first foal in tow. With a lot of the credit going to my mom on the breeding and foaling side of things; three foals, two broodmares, one riding horse and 8 years later I wanted to return to where my sometimes chaotic but always fulfilling horse journey began…so here I am. On the random info side of things, no matter where in the world I am living, I have and most likely always will identify as a Cleveland “Westsider.” My fourlegged animals always have human names because they are members of the family. And finally, I have learned that chasing loose cows through a soybean field sucks, so I will stick to horses. Thank you again NODA for another great horse world opportunity. I look forward to meeting everyone. Best Regards, Suzanne NODA News 2020, Page 18

NODA Welcomes the 2021 NODA Schooling Show Series Secretary Meet Penny Krug! Thank you for the opportunity to work with NODA as the Schooling Show Series Secretary for the 2021 season. I am very excited and honored to work with such a reputable GMO. I have worked with several GMO’s in the Columbus, Ohio area: MODA and ODS, for many years. I began volunteering at the shows, then loved it so much that I began learning everything I could about the show management and secretary positions. Now I work with several groups to provide show management and secretary services for local recognized and schooling shows. I really enjoy the connections and relationships developed through this work, but most fun is watching competitors enjoy their competition experience. I have been riding dressage since around 2015 and also rode when I was a kid and young adult. I am pictured with Bentley, but he’s now living with his new people in Tenessee. I’m leasing a great mare named Brandy until I find my next partner.

Penny with Bentley

I have always admired NODA from afar since I don’t get to the Cleveland area much. A friend and I were lucky participants of the 2019 NODA Dressage Camp where I met Sally Burton, Niki Sackman, and many other NODA members. When I saw that NODA was seeking help for their schooling shows, I did not hesitate to reach out to Sally to learn more about what is needed. To work with NODA and the dressage community in 2021 will be exciting and a great opportunity. I look forward to meeting the many competitors throughout the year. Sincerely, Penny Krug

Congratulations to each of NODA’s Raffle Winners! GRAND prize of $1000 - Lisa Antoniou 2nd prize of $350 - Cynthia Zins 3rd prize of $150 - LaDonna Young Dee Liebenthal, NODA’s treasurer, met with Lisa Antoniou (pictured left holding her check) at Topline Stables to award her the grand prize check for $1000. Lisa is very excited about winning and says she “is using the money to ride with Charles De Kunffy in a clinic being held at Topline Stables” and expressed her thanks to NODA for making her clinic attendance possible. The raffle brought in a total of $1,180.92 to support NODA shows and educational programs after prizes and fees were paid. The raffle ran from May through August 31, when tickets were drawn live on Facebook by Patty Keim, who organized and managed the raffle. The raffle was open to members and nonmembers and winnings were awarded by check. Look for the 2021 NODA Raffle to support shows and education next Spring! You may be the next grand prize winner. NODA is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit educational organization. For more information about NODA, please visit NODA News 2020, Page 19

NODA News 2020, Page 20

NODA News 2020, Page 21

Classifieds Classified Ads Info

Tack for Sale


Schleese Dressage Saddle: Link II, 17.5" seat, set to nearly wide. "Shoulder relief" and "relief wedge panels," comfortable for short backed and broad shouldered horses. High quality leather, workmanship, with AdaptaTree infinitely adjustability. Can be fitted by any licensed Schleese saddle fitter. Great deal-high quality adjustable saddle with very little wear. Asking $2,995.00. Contact Kathy at 330-843-3277 or

One free ad at a time for 2 issues

60 words or less FREE 60- 80 words $10.00 Photo $10.00/Two Issues Non-member Ads/2 issues 60 words or less $10.00 60—80 words Add $5.00 PHOTO w/ad $20.00 Submit Ad & Payment by 15th of the Month Classifieds Editor Jennifer Cooper

216-469-3920 Check payable to NODA: Jennifer Cooper 6395 Paine Road Painesville, OH 44077 Email ads to:

Kent & Masters dressage saddle HDM - Used, in good condition. 17.5” seat, exchangeable gullet (currently has extra wide in it (white)). Designed for medium to high withered horses. Moveable, removable knee blocks, changeable girthing arrangement, wool flocked. Pictures available. $825. Located in Columbia Station, will ship at buyer’s expense. Contact Jill at 216-346-2811.

Farm For Sale For Sale $2,200,000 State-of-the-art Equestrian Center in the heart of Avon offers everything you need. The 4 bedroom stone custom home, built by MD Builders has a 1st floor master and sits in the middle of the 12+ acres overlooking the custom built stables and Indoor Arena. The stables offer 20 indoor/ outdoor stalls, a large tack room, and custom built locker room. The large indoor arena has a huge viewing area to sit and watch the horses go through their paces in total comfort and warmth with its 2 fireplaces, kitchen, storage, laundry room and a bathroom. There are numerous paddocks and an outside arena which can be used for jumping. The

Photo Submission Guidelines for NODA News General Submission Guidelines for NODA News All Photo Requirements: high resolution, 300 dpi or higher in JPEG/JPG Photos must be submitted as attachment to e-mails NODA reserves the right to determine which photos will be published NO photo will be used of any mounted rider without a helmet

property also has a 1 bedroom guest house with full kitchen, full bath and sitting room , a 28 x 26 Covered pavilion, and 2 ponds.

Purchasing Services Need help buying or selling horse, country or luxury property? I am a horseman with 23 years real estate experience & understand horsemen's needs. Check out my web pages at or for references and to see properties for sale and sold. by Barb Meholick 440-463-3103

Photos are eligible for NODA Bucks Please include your name and the photographers name

Free Classifieds

Include horse’s name, breed, hands, age & a description of the activity & the people in the photo

are a

Cover Photos for NODA News


Size: Portrait friendly format with uncluttered background


DO NOT crop photo to allow the editors to format as necessary

Sell tack, Fill stalls

Photos from NODA Events or Horse Shows Welcome

Advertise training

Identify horse/rider team* or have bridle number in the photo


Include horses/riders from a variety of barns, stables, & trainer

Offer horses for sale

Event/show photos may include riders, grooms, volunteers, stable, signs, judge booths, stabling area, & other activities

All ads in print and

Photos of Your Horse Adventures are Welcome for Member Spotlights Email photos to NODA News 2020, Page 22

on the Website for 2 months

Article Submission Guidelines for NODA News General Guidelines Contact the lead editor at to advise if you are writing an article Articles should highlight subjects of interest to NODA membership such as horsemanship, equestrian experiences, dressage, Western dressage, cross training, education, clinic reviews, horse management, rider training, horse or rider fitness, member spotlight or interview. NODA reserves the right to edit for grammar, flow, and space constraints without changing the intended meaning. NODA specific articles will have priority in the NODA News. Photographs enhance your article– see guidelines on preceding page. NODA News Editors will determine when an article runs based on space NODA reserves the right to refuse an article

NODA Event and Activity Articles are Appreciated and earn NODA bucks NODA Board Meetings, Third Monday of the Month — All Members Welcome to Share Ideas NEXT BOARD MEETING: October 19, 2020 at 6:15pm CONFERENCE CALL NODA welcomes member comments, concerns, ideas, and questions regarding NODA activities, shows, and policies. Please contact your member representative at

Calendar of Events Full calendar at

*Count toward 2021 Year-end Awards - Virtual Shows DO NOT COUNT toward awards Please check with the event coordinator to ensure a clinic or show has not been cancelled. April 15 - October 30, 2020 Video Test Ride Coaching/ FEI Judges Sponsored by Adult Amateur Dressage Through October 2, 2020 USDF Region 2 Education Challenge Earn a USDF University diploma FREE!!

* Oct 24 CADS Fun and Halloween Schooling Show Brecksville, OH

* Nov 1 Chagrin Valley Farms Schooling Dressage Show Chagrin Falls, OH

November, date TBA, NODA virtual open meeting to review and approve bylaws

* Nov 5-8 US Dressage Finals Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington KY Nov 14 & 15 Leg Up Cleveland Kids (LUCK) benefit clinic featuring Jennifer Sappington Truett, at Red Hawk Farm Newbury, OH or pages 12 and 13 of this newsletter

* Oct 3 NODA Schooling Show Chagrin Valley Farms 2 Competition Rings

* Nov 29 Chagrin Valley Farms Schooling Dressage Show Chagrin Falls, OH

* Oct 4 NODA Schooling Show 1 Indoor Competition Ring Chagrin Valley Farms

Kayda Strah & Mykka and Adriana Kozey & Adina at the Summit County Fair Grounds NODA show on Sept 20. NODA News 2020, Page 23

* Dec 27 Chagrin Valley Farms Schooling Dressage Show Chagrin Falls, OH

NODA News 8195 Guilford Road Seville, Ohio 44273

NONPROFIT Bulk Rate US Postage Paid Permit No. 6 Novelty, OH 44072

NODA Newsletter and Website Advertising Rates New Advertising Rates Effective January 1, 2020 Payment Deadline: 10th of the month to reserve space in NODA News for the next issue. Ads will be run print and digitally for the same amount of time. E-mail print ready ads in JPEG or .TIF format Select high quality or commercial printing, 300 dpi or higher when saving the file. Send to Jennifer at

Advertising Rates Width x Height One ISSUE Full Page 7.5” X 10” $100.00 Half Page 7.5” X 5” $55.00 Quarter Page 3.75” X 5” $26.00 Business Card 3.75” X 2” $20.00

Six ISSUES $500.00 $275.00 $130.00 $100.00

Complete form & enclose payment in full with check payable to NODA. Send to: Jennifer Cooper, Advertising Editor 6395 Paine Road, Painesville, Ohio 44077

Complete and mail with your payment: Date: __________ Number of issues ad will run, choose one: One issue______ Six Issues______ Ad Size: __________

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Thank You for Supporting the Northern Ohio Dressage Association NODA News 2020, Page 24

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