NODA News Issu 7 2020

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2020 Issue 7

In This Issue - page 4

The Northern Ohio Dressage Association is a United States Dressage Federation (USDF) Group Member Organization. All members of NODA are USDF group members. For USDF participating membership, apply directly to the USDF.

An Open Letter from NODA’s President; Niki Sackman Dear NODA Members - Greetings, The Northern Ohio Dressage Association is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Education Organization

2020/2021 NODA BOARD Executive Board President Niki Sackman 440-454-4709 Vice President Rachel Aderhold 330-357-9981 Treasurer Dee Liebenthal 216-534-1911 Secretary Patti Valencic 216-956-0985

Parliamentarian Barb Soukup 440-339-3980

Directors at Large Kathy Kirchner 330-995-6010 Mary Lou Gallagher 216-941-6582

I am thankful for the warmer weather and the changes summer brings. It is nice to see that people are starting to get out, spending time with their horses, and some are even attending shows. Personally, I have been enjoying time trail riding and an overall slower pace of training, but I really wish we could just skip forward to 2021 and put all of 2020 in the past.


The education committee held the first trivia contest and the Niki Sackman & Raina lucky winner of a Big Dee’s gift card was Mallory Palagyi. By the time this is published, the second trivia contest will have ended. Thank you to Mosie Welch and Rachel Aderhold for submitting questions for the first two contests. The committee is finalizing details for a live Zoom Q&A. Watch the website and Facebook for details and dates for this and future educational events. On the schooling show front, we have the go-ahead to hold the August show at Valley Riding – Rocky River Stables. Protocols to be followed for the Rocky River schooling show will be placed on the website and are located on page 18. Unfortunately, the September schooling show venue is not available, and we are looking for another venue to host a show in September. Because our season has been cut short, the Board determined and is sorry to say that a schooling show championship show will not be held this year. Instead, the two October show dates will now be two schooling shows. Revised protocols, as needed, will be forthcoming for these Chagrin Valley Farm shows in October. June 21st the Board met to discuss year-end awards and the annual banquet. Due to the limited number of shows, NODA will not be offering year-end awards in 2020. Scores earned for the 2020 season (Oct. 14, 2019 – March 16, 2020 and June 1, 2020 to October 13, 2020 – also excluding any future possible USEF suspensions) will be carried over to the 2021 year-end awards. We are pleased to say that we will offer a free 2021 schooling show class entry ($20 value) to competitors who participate in two or more schooling shows in 2020 (at least one must be a 2020 NODA schooling show). For those of you who participate in two or more recognized shows in 2020, we will offer a $20 gift card from Big Dees. Scores are not a factor, but a score sheet from each show needs to be submitted. Specific details will be provided in an upcoming newsletter, as well as what we plan to offer the entire membership this year.

Dale Lappert 330-527-4683

Sadly, since there will be no year-end awards this year, there will be no 2020 Year-End Awards Banquet this year. I can tell you all the board has struggled with the decisions we have had to make this year and considerable discussion ensued.

Christine Thompson 440-590-1598

We are looking for individuals to take over the reins of the schooling shows, as both Sally Burton and I are stepping down at the end of the season. Due to many personal commitments and the duties of NODA President, it has become apparent to me that I am not Wonder Woman and cannot do it all. Sally will be moving on to other opportunities but will still be a familiar presence at NODA events.

Arielle Brodkey 216 -591-0431

Board Meetings

Continued on page 4

Third Monday of the Month

Conference Call NEXT MEETING 6:00pm July 20, 2020 NODA News 2020, Page 2

Cover: “Memories of NODA Schooling Shows” – 2008 through 2015. Schooling show photo Collage compiled by Dee Liebenthal.

NODA Chairpersons & Committees Communications Correspondence Secretary : Molly Reeves 440-334-3947 Member Services Directory Mosie Welch: 330-618-5838


Historical Archives Historian : Fran Cverna 440-834-1774

Competitions Recognized Shows Co-Chair Dee Liebenthal 216-534-1911

Lead Editor, Content/Layout Mosie Welch 330-618-5838

Co-Chair Rachel Aderhold 330-357-9981

Advertising/Classifieds Editor Jennifer Cooper 216-469-3920

Manager/Secretary Kevin Bradbury 734-426-2111 Ext 111

Corral Magazine: Mosie Welch 330-618-5838

Volunteer Coordinator Karen Shirring 330-220-4705

Website, Facebook & E-News Webmaster Lesley Matt 440-503-6214

Sponsors/Advertising Patty Keim 330-350-2775 Program Coordinator Mosie Welch 330-618-5838

Instagram & Twitter Administrator, Lesley Matt 440—503-6214

Education Programs Education Chair Beth Scalabrino

Membership & Liaisons Membership Chair Fran Cverna 440-834-1774

Schooling Shows

Show Secretary Niki Sackman 440-454-4709 Volunteer Coordinator Sally Burton 440-221-7544

Year-End Awards

External Relations Barb Soukup 440-339-3980 Junior & Young Rider Liaison Christa Sandy 216-314-4871

Silent Auction

Professional Liaison Arielle Brodkey 216 591-0431 Western Dressage Liaison Sara Justice

NODA News 2020, Page 3

Big Dee’s Tack & Vet Supply

Blue Ridge Farm Lake Erie College Little Stinker Farm North Crest Equestrian Center Poulin Dressage

Chair Sally Burton 440-221-7544

Chair Janeen Langowski-Grava 440-666-6182

Member Liaison: Kathy Kirchner 330-995-6010

NODA’s Newsletter Advertisers

Chair Patty Keim 330-350-2775

Year-End Awards Banquet Banquet Co-Chair Sally Burton 440-221-7544 Banquet Co-Chair Niki Sackman 440-454-4709

Rivendel Farm The Visiting Vet Topline Stables Please Support NODA’s Advertisers with your Business! Please share your copy of NODA News with a friend or at the stable when you are finished reading!

(President’s Letter continued from page 2) We have both enjoyed running the shows and seeing all our competitors and volunteers. We’ve made many memories and friendships, and we both look forward to continuing to see everyone as we move forward. We are both happy to work with and train a new manager and show secretary. We recommend that anyone interested in either of these positions attend at least one of the remaining shows to shadow us. These are both paid positions. If you are interested, please contact me.

CONGRATULATIONS! QUIZ #1 winner Mallory Palagyi who won a $10 gift card to Big Dee's!

Happy Riding, Niki Sackman

In Issue 7, 2020 NODA Trivia, page 4 Thirty Years Ago, page 6

How To Play! Find Online Quizzes on Facebook or

WIN $1000—ENTER NODA’s Raffle, page 7 2020 Member Services Directory, pages 8 and 10 Video Test Ride Coaching with FEI Judges, page 11 Dressage & More Camp; Registration OPEN! Page 12 The Nuts and Bolts of Designing a Freestyle, page 14 NODA July Virtual Ride-a-Test Clinic, page 16 Rocky River Schooling Show Safety Protocols, page 18

Every Trivia Quiz lasts ten days. Each person may take the quiz only once since the answers are revealed after you submit. A link for the google form trivia quiz will be posted on Facebook and the website (No google account is necessary to play). Each quiz has a different theme and will consist of 10 multiple choice questions. The quizzes will be written by NODA board members and other NODA members who volunteer their expertise. Google forms automatically grades the questions so you will know your score as soon as you are done taking the quiz and the results show up in the trivia master’s files (no need to send your score in). Everyone who scores a 100% on that particular quiz will have her/his name put into a computer generated name picker. The NODA member whose name is chosen will receive a prize. Prizes may include but are not limited to ribbons, gift cards to Big Dee’s or even a NODA membership. Prize winners will be announced on the website and Facebook after the quiz is closed.

It's so easy to win, so why not Play?! Want to submit a quiz? Email your quiz's questions and answers to NODA News 2020, Page 4

NODA News 2020, Page 5

From the Archives - Thirty Years Ago in June With Historian Fran Cverna From the June 1990 Newsletter: PIAFFE AND PATISSERIE Saturday June 2, 1990 Lake Erie College Equestrian Center “NODA should be congratulated for putting on such an affair," said one of the many people who went to NODA's first benefit for the USET. Beautiful horses, beautifully ridden; a well-planned, fast moving program, zippy changes of jumps and cavaletti, music by Kammermusik and, over a well-tuned loudspeaker, clear introduction by Ann Racco and commentary by Gretchen Singleton, excellent publicity including a presentation on PM Magazine, Chanel 8, Thursday evening, A large and enthusiastic audience of people, many new to the dressage and maybe horse world! All this was dreamed up and put together by a Joan Hirsh, Marty Costello, Patti Ferris, Susan Horst, Sharon Roche, and Gretchen Singleton, "But it couldn't have been done without the support of many NODA volunteers", said Joan Hirsh. . . . The program started out with a demonstration by Ken Smith, Chagrin Valley Hunt Club, and Ben, a Preliminary jumper. They showed how the basics in dressage help jumpers to be engaged behind, smooth and flexible, and clean over even high airy jumps at speed. "Don't look for something really big," warned Singleton as the next group entered the arena. Indeed! Amigo SunGod, owned by Doris VanHeeckeren is 31" and Ramunda,owned by Mrs. Sharron Fisher is 33 3/4", Wearing red kerchiefs, and led by their handlers, the two did most entertaining gymnastics over cavalettis, Tim Davidson and Peach Schilmiller demonstrated how the principles of ridden dressage apply to driven dressage, Davidson long-lined and then drove his beautiful 6 year old Standardbred mare, Eibisch, PeachSchilmiller, drove her Morgan in steady forward pace through a pattern of tightly placed cones. The beautiful horses and carriages were a joy to watch, A dramatic Quadrille came next. Six matched horse/rider pairs from Rocky River Stables, coached by Margaret McElhany, trotted and cantered in formations of two, three and six to stirring music. The horses shone under matching saddle pads with narrow white ropes at their necks, the riders splendid with matching sashes. Highlights were the precision work in shoulder-in, crossing lines of horses at lengthened trot, and marching down the arena six abreast. Quadrille riders were Susan Horst on Len Audaz, MargieHirsh on Banker's Change, Barb Heighway on Karmin, MaryAnn Hogan on Hummer, Susan Galvin on Ebony Dream and Mary Lou Gallagher on Tiberius. A James Bond thriller came next, presented by Barlham Farm and Siegerhof, and it WAS thrilling. The grey gates to the arena swung open and shut as four upper level horses burst in singly, in pairs, and, at the end, all together to do piaffe, passage, tempi changes, extended trots, then galloping out to come in again. All this to stirring music with dramatic chords! The riders were Roanne Froh on Doris Van Heeckeren's Ladamo, Doris Van Heeckeren on her Chardonay, Eberhard Biesenthal on Beowulf, owned by Ite Young, and Gina Carson on Argentinus. Nancy Smith, USET member flew up from Florida (at her own expense) for the Finale. She rode Diane Maslar's lovely Sapristi III with the style that made all realize why she was a team member - sitting so perfectly that she seemed one with the horse, executing a smooth Freestyle Ride with perfect transitions that fit the music, even though the pair had only been able to practice four times and Sapristi Ill's heart was beating so hard at all the excitement in the arena that Smith could feel it beneath the saddle. A stellar performance that capped a wonderful evening. It was obvious that all the performers had spent hours getting ready for this benefit..planning, training, practicing, grooming, transporting. Their efforts succeeded! The more-than-sixty Patrons then attended the very successful Patron Party upstairs. Marty Costello managed to put on a truly elegant party, with flowers donated by Catan, lit candles, her own punch bowl, and absolutely fabulous cakes, tiny pastries, gourmet cheese cakes and more. Nick Racco tended the wine and champagne, and Mike Mendicino was everywhere, as were members of the press and horse community. A tape of the performances will be sent to the USET. . . .This was a WONDERFUL benefit!

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Continued on page 7

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Continued on page 8

NODA 2020 Member Services Directory NODA does not endorse any Business or Services

Member USEF/USDF Professionals Rachel Aderhold, Saddle Up Riding and Training Lessons for all ages, multiple disciplines, training Mantua, OH Phone: 330-357-9981 Email: Kelli Flannigan Dressage USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist Dressage Instruction and Training, Beginner to FEI Valley City and northeast Ohio Phone: 216-548-7810 Email: Rachel Jelen USDF Bronze Medalist Intro thru 3rd level, Classical Beginner thru Level 4, Western Dressage Hunter under saddle and Western Equitation Olmsted Falls and northeast Ohio Phone: (440) 429-0591 Email: Kris Lanphear, Pleasant Valley Farm Lessons, training, coaching, clinic through third level Dressage, Western dressage, eventing Certification in Natural Horsemanship Chesterland/Willoughby Hills, will travel Phone: 440-942-9034 Email: Dale Lappert, Rivendel Farm R Dressage Judge – 40 + years Training and Instruction in traditional and Western Dressage at all levels. Eventing. Garrettsville and throughout northeast Ohio. Phone: 440-813-4009 Email:

Member USEF/USDF Professionals Kate Poulin, training and lessons USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medalist USDF certified instructor Positive and Professional Training Atmosphere Ship in Lessons Welcome at Meadow Creek Ranch Phone: 386-624-3968 Email: Website:

Barb Soukup; teacher, trainer, coach, clinic, judging USDF L Graduate with distinction Traditional and Western Dressage through Intermediate 30+ years in Dressage/ USEF, USDF, NAWD Professional Member At Bar S Ranch or throughout northeast Ohio Phone: 440-339-3980 Email: Julie Taylor, North Crest Equestrian Center Instruction & training – beginner to FEI in Avon Lake School horse lesson program, birthday parties Phone: 440-933-4654 Email: Website:

Member Non-USEF/USDF Equestrian Professionals Mosie Welch, Equestrian Pursuits LLC Certified Equine Sports Massage Therapist since 2008 Equine Massage and Bodywork at your stable or on the showgrounds, clinics/demos in Northeast Ohio Phone: 330-618-5838 E:mail:

Coronavirus Impact on United States Equestrian Federation Licensed Competitions Resources from the CDC, WHO, USOPC, and the FEI are available at Links on this webpage provide you with direct access to valuable information on each organization’s website which is updated regularly. NODA News 2020, Page 8

NODA News 2020, Page 9

NODA 2020 Member Services Directory NODA does not endorse any business or services Email:

Member Stable Listings Grand Prix Farm, Kelli Flanagan Full sized indoor and outdoor Customized program for your horse 1818 Lester Road Valley City, OH Website: Phone: 216-548-7810 Email:

Meadow Creek Ranch Heated Barn/Indoor Training with Kate Poulin, USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medalist Mantua, OH Phone: 386-624-3968 Website:

North Crest Equestrian Center, Julie Taylor Dressage Facility with indoor and outdoor 31735 Walker Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012 Phone: 440-933-4654 Email: Website:

Pleasant Valley Farm, Kris Lanphear Full care, daily turnout, trails, Lessons, obstacle course, care of special Needs horses. 38000 Pleasant Valley Road Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 Phone: 440-942-9034 Email:

Member Non- Equestrian Member Services Jennifer Cooper; Artist and Art Teacher Specializing in equine art and art parties, equine decor, gifts, and portraits. Customized painting parties for barn/organization/friends sip. Customized art experience. All levels and ages welcome! (216)469-3920 or Barbara Meholick Howard Hanna Realtor Buy/sell horse and country properties & Luxury properties/Homes of Distinction Specialist Phone: 440-463-3103 Email: Website:

The Northern Ohio Dressage Association Appreciates the continued support of our Newsletter Advertisers Big Dee’s Tack & Vet Supply Blue Ridge Farm Lake Erie College Little Stinker Farm North Crest Equestrian Center

Rivendel Farm, Dale Lappert Boarding/training with an R Dressage Judge Indoor, outdoor, miles of trails, and cross-country jumps. Qualified care and turnout. Garrettsville , OH 44231 Phone: 440-813-4009

NODA News 2020, Page 10

Poulin Dressage Rivendel Farm The Visiting Vet Topline Stables

Thank You!

Video Test Ride Coaching from FEI Judges. FEI compliant Sponsored by Adult Amateur Dressage Access A USEF S or FEI Dressage judge, will review your submitted ride with comments and scores and tips to improve for the next ride. You will be able to review a online test results similar to if you were riding at a licensed show. No travel expenses No boarding Ride in your own arena No Rush Feel safe submitting your video . Video & coaching comments with estimated scores will be kept quietly hidden. WHY AADA VIRTUAL DRESSAGE TEST RIDES 1. Only S or FEI judges What is AADA – Adult Amateur Dressage Access? 2. Option to request which judge coach you would like to use. 3. Only online test riding that is FEI compliant. AADA was conceived by Lisa Schmidt, a USEF S 4. All USDF/USEF and FEI levels for all levels dressage judge, USDF Gold, Silver and Bronze 5. No deadlines for submission medalist, coach to many successful Adult Amateurs, 6. 100% Private former USDF Region 1 Director and ‘L’ program 7. Quick turnaround of scores and comments. Plus tips on how to improve. instructor. Her vision is to make the AADA an 8. No waiting for a “show date” educational and community building resource to 9. Easy to use website. 10. Private Online Movement Results promote the AA in dressage. 11. Easy to use payment 12. FREE AADA membership 13. Built under a Patent Pending Technology by Multimedia Designs, LLC “The Virtual Sports Competition”


$45 a ride

NODA News 2020, Page 11

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Seeking a NEW venue

In place of the Series Championship


NODA News 2020, Page 13

The Nuts and Bolts of Designing a Freestyle Notes from the 2020 USDF National Convention by Arielle Brodkey This is the fourth of a series of reports on seminars presented at the 2019 USDF National Convention which took place in Savannah, Georgia, December, 2019. One of the most complex seminars instructed by Terri Ciotti-Gallo and Joan Darnell. Here are my notes, which I hope you find helpful.

make sure it matches up with your horse's strides. You can use the “metronome” app on your smart phone to help with this stage. Even when you find music with the right beat, it is rare for every single step the horse makes to match up. Don't obsess over this.

What fun it is to imagine guiding Monty (or Harry, or Muffin) through a perfect freestyle in the show ring! Do you ever listen to music on the radio as you drive to the barn and think, “That's the one! That would be perfect for my Punkin!” The reality, however, is that choosing exactly the right music requires a great deal of time and hard work. And that's just the beginning. Are you game?

All of the music should be of a similar nature or theme. If you choose a theme, make sure it is self-evident. Terri mentioned a rider who chose all her music for its relationship to her horse's name. Judges don't have time to look up horses' names and make such connections. Be obvious in choosing the theme! Joan noted that most horses are not physically imposing enough to look good against heavy, dark music. Lighter music works for most If you are, before going on, be sure to study the USDF horses. Try riding your horse to several of your choices of rules for freestyles and make sure that you have the score music to see which ones he seems to enjoy the most. to qualify for the level you want to do. As Gallo and Terri says she has seen some horses virtually choose their Darnell say, “know what you must do, may do, and are own music by reacting with such positivity in their way of forbidden from doing.” Make sure you are doing a level at going. So, you've put the time and effort in, and you've which your horse is comfortable. got the music. Congratulations! The first step in the process is to video your horse doing the gaits and movements from the level you have chosen and qualify for. Count the steps per minute at the trot, strides per minute at the canter, and the steps of the two front feet at the walk. It will also be helpful to video your horse both from C and from B or E doing a test at your chosen level.'ve still got a long way to go. Now let's work on choreography, which involves not only all the movements expected at your chosen level but also phrasing, interpretation, dynamics, degree of difficulty, use of the ring, symmetry, and more. Are you sure you're still game? Okay, here goes.

Search for music wherever you might have access: personal library, radio, streaming, etc. It would be a good idea to consider the age of most judges when you choose your music. You may think some of Billie Eilish's songs fit your boy to a T, but your judges are likely closer to the Sinatra/ Nat King Cole generation. Lyrics are allowed, but judicious use is recommended. You should have different pieces of music for each gait, but often the canter and walk music can be the same. “Walk music may be relaxed but should still have energy,” according to Gallo and Darnell. You will also need “entry music” that will start when you are outside the ring and finish with your first halt and salute. Exit music is not permitted!

After the judge's signal, you have 45 seconds to wave to the sound booth to start your entry music. Once the entry music starts, you have an additional 30 seconds to enter the ring. Your entry music should be related to the music of the actual ride. Plan a brief silence for your halt and salute which may occur anywhere on the center line. Now, that you've saluted, your actual freestyle music starts, and you've got five minutes to make an impression before your final halt/salute. Shorter is better, especially at the lower levels. The last thing a judge wants to see is aimless trotting and cantering around just to take up the five minutes. They are serious about time (most use stopwatches), and about no exit music! See USDF rules about deductions.

Count the beats per minute of the music you like and

Scoring ties are broken by the

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Continued on page 17

score for Artistic Impression. Pay attention to the next paragraph! Your choreography should reflect changes in the music in terms of musical phrasing and dynamics (the intensity of the sound). There should be at least six different points of phrasing including the final halt/salute. Lengthenings, mediums, extensions and tempis should be accompanied by bolder parts of the music. The various lateral movements, circles, etc., should be accompanied by changes in musical phrase. Create visual interest by combining movements and/or incorporate uncommon lines.

affects the scores for Harmony, Choreography, and Degree of Difficulty. Plan wisely.” Execution should show ease and fluidity. Weeks and weeks of hard work have resulted in the perfect music and choreography, right? You've sent in your entry blank and check and proof of eligibility? Okay, so take two clearly labeled CD's (the regulation format) of your music to the show. Ask show management for the time of your sound check. Listen to your music from various points of the arena. Look for the location of the speakers. If there is one very close to a judge's stand, make sure the music is at a comfortable level. This would not be a good time to annoy a judge with blaring volume.

It is helpful to draw out patterns on a piece of paper in order to check for design cohesiveness, balance, and use Now get ready, get on, and have fun! of the arena with the following thoughts in mind. Extensions must be performed on a straight line. Canter Terri Ciotti Gallo was gymnastics coach, dance pirouettes must be entered and exited in collected canter. instructor, and choreographer, and a member of the American Academy of Gymnastics. For the past 31 years Shoulder-ins, travers, and renvers must cover at least 12 she has custom designed musical freestyles for dressage meters, and a length of 18 meters is recommended. and counts some of the most successful FEI riders as her Transitions do not need to be at letters. clients. Joan Darnell is an “S” judge, a Bronze, Silver and Gold Adding an element a degree-of-difficulty higher than your USDF medalist, and trainer of several nationally level (see USDF rules) will earn you points as long as your successful dressage horses. horse can it perform comfortably. “Execution directly

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July 31, 2020

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Membership News by Fran Cverna, Membership Chair

NODA’s 2020 Membership Year runs from 12/1/2019– 11/30/2020

Thank you to everyone who has renewed for 2020! As of 6/17/2020, we have 237 members, 156 Adult Amateurs, 31 Youth, 50 Professionals Compared to last year this time, we are down about 72 members, But we have 36 NEW members for 2020! 5 of our members are over 75 years old! 115 members from 2019 have not renewed

Welcome New Members Kathy Smith Deb Stoops Melissa Will Anna Woodrum

A BIG Thank You to all of you for supporting NODA with your membership this year If you have a trainer, student, or riding friend who has not yet joined NODA this year, please remind them to

Join online at or Use the Membership Form on Page 24 of this newsletter

NODA News 2020, Page 17

Rocky River Show - Safety Protocols and Information Schooling Show News

Please be aware that we are trying to run a safe show for everyone! In the event that this show doesn’t fill, we may downsize to a one ring show Anyone who exhibits COVID-19 symptoms, has tested positive for COVID-19 within last two weeks, or has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last two weeks, cannot enter the competition grounds. *Exception: Healthcare personnel who have treated patients using appropriate medical-grade PPE during the course of performing professional duties are exempted from this restriction. *Competitors MUST have all forms completed online, correctly, with all signatures IN ADVANCE in order to receive ride times. USPS mail or email all entries with signatures, NODA 2020 Waiver and Release, Metropark/Valley Riding Waiver and Release, and a copy of negative Coggins must be received no later than July 24th to be accepted. Waivers will be emailed once an entry has been received. Any incomplete entries by close date (July 24th) will be refunded a full class refund, minus office fees. *You may only bring one other person besides yourself and your professional. All MUST have a NODA 2020 Waiver and Release and a Metropark/Valley Riding Waiver and Release on file. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that releases are on file and received in advance of the show. *Ride times will be scheduled to ensure that you can come in, ride your tests and leave as soon as possible. If you are traveling with someone else, we must get an email to no later than July 24th with that information so that we can schedule appropriately. We need to limit the amount of time competitors are at the show. The number of riders in the warm-up ring will be limited and shall not get closer than 6’ to another rider. All trainers/coaches must stand 6’ from the warm-up rail and competition rings when reading tests. *Competitor envelopes with your bridle number (that you may keep) and ride time will be available for pick up at the tent office located right outside of the main office. This is also where you can pick up your tests when done. If due to scheduling your class is not completed when you are done, we will mail ribbons and final results will be posted on the website as soon as possible. A class may run throughout the day pending trailering needs. Please do not wait around for results as scores will not be posted at the show grounds. *We will have sanitation stations located by the office tent, the paddock, and the two rings for your convenience. The restrooms in the main office will be open but the office itself will be closed. Please come in, use the restroom and leave the area. Only one person at a time in the bathroom is permitted and must wear a face mask. *Anyone on the grounds who will be closer than 6 feet social distance to any other person MUST wear a face mask. Ex: when you come to the tent office, please put a face mask on. Anyone who feels uncomfortable at any time is encouraged to wear a face mask. Riders do not need to wear a face mask when mounted but may if preferred and will not be eliminated for wearing a face mask. *There will be no food on the grounds and no water/carrots available after your ride. Please plan accordingly. *Volunteers will be asked to remain 6 feet away from everyone - please do not crowd them. Scribes will sit 6 feet from the judge. Runners will pick up the tests in a folder and deliver to the office tent.

Continued on page 19

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*Any questions should be directed to the office tent for clarification. Prior to the show you may contact the Schooling Show Manager Sally Burton at, (440) 221-7544 or Schooling Show Secretary Niki Sackman at, (440) 454-4709. *Stalls are limited and may be arranged through Rocky River Stables remembering that we are scheduling so that competitors can get in and out. Be aware of social distancing in the barn.

Because our season has been cut short, we are no longer having a Championship show. Both of the October shows will become regular schooling shows. The judges remain the same and will judge both days. Our 2020 Schooling Show Committee Sally Burton, Show Manager Rachel Aderhold

Fran Cverna

Niki Sackman, Show Secretary Dee Liebenthal

Agatha Smithers

Cartoon by Emily Cole Illustrations @EmilyColeIllustrations NODA News 2020, Page 19

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Classifieds Classified Ads Info

In Search Of

Farm For Sale

NODA Member BENEFIT One free ad at a time for 2 issues

60 words or less FREE 60- 80 words $10.00 Photo $10.0/two Issues Non-member Ads/2 issues 60 words or less $10.00 60—80 words add $5.00 PHOTO w/ad $20.00: Submit ad and payment by 15th of the month. Classifieds Editor Jennifer Cooper

216-469-3920 Check payable to NODA: Jennifer Cooper 6395 Paine Road Painesville, OH 44077 Email ads to:


Wanted To Buy "Hobby" Farm: We're looking for a livable 2-3+BR/2BA Home with working fireplace/wood/pellet stove as an alternative heat source; dry basement. We’d love at least 5-20+ acres with hay field; horse/livestock friendly; trees/tillable land; pond/creek; septic/well. We prefer Ashtabula County but are open for what's available. Need price max: $180,000. USDA/FHA/Conventional/ Owner Finance for a nonprofit. Thank you in advance. (440) 307-9493 landline or

For Sale $2,200,000 State-of-the-art Equestrian Center in the heart of Avon offers everything you need. The 4 bedroom stone custom home, built by MD Builders has a 1st floor master and sits in the middle of the 12+ acres overlooking the custom built stables and Indoor Arena. The stables offer 20 indoor/ outdoor stalls, a large tack room, and custom built locker room. The large indoor arena has a huge viewing area to sit and watch the horses go through their paces in total comfort and warmth with its 2 fireplaces, kitchen, storage, laundry room and a bathroom. There are numerous paddocks and an outside arena which can be used for jumping. The

property also has a 1 bedroom guest house with full kitchen, full bath and sitting room , a 28 x 26 Covered pavilion, 2 ponds.

Photo Submission Guidelines for NODA News General Submission Guidelines for NODA News All Photo Requirements: high resolution, 300 dpi or higher in JPEG/JPG Photos must be submitted as attachment to e-mails NODA reserves the right to determine which photos will be published NO photo will be used of any mounted rider without a helmet

Free Classifieds

Photos are eligible for NODA Bucks

are a

Please include your name and the photographers name


Include horse’s name, breed, hands, age & a description of the activity & the people in the photo


Cover Photos for NODA News Size: Portrait friendly format with uncluttered background

Sell tack, Fill stalls

DO NOT crop photo to allow the editors to format as necessary

Advertise training openings

Photos from NODA Events or Horse Shows Welcome

Offer horses for sale

Identify horse/rider team* or have bridle number in the photo Include horses/riders from a variety of barns, stables, & trainer

All ads in print and on the Website for 2 months

NODA News 2020, Page 22

Event/show photos may include riders, grooms, volunteers, stable, signs, judge booths, stabling area, & other activities

Photos of Your Horse Adventures Welcome for Member Spotlights Email photos to

Article Submission Guidelines for NODA News General Guidelines Contact the lead editor at to advise you are writing an article Articles should highlight subjects of interest to NODA membership such as horsemanship, equestrian experiences, dressage, Western dressage, cross training, education, clinic reviews, horse management, rider training, horse or rider fitness, member spotlight or interview. NODA reserves the right to edit for grammar, flow, and space constraints without changing the intended meaning. NODA specific articles will have priority in the NODA News. Photographs enhance your article– see guidelines on preceding page. NODA News Editors will determine when an article runs based on space NODA reserves the right to refuse an article

NODA Event and Activity Articles are Appreciated and earn NODA bucks NODA Board Meetings, Third Monday of the Month — All Members Welcome to Share Ideas NEXT BOARD MEETING: July 20, 2020 at 6:00pm CONFERENCE CALL NODA welcomes member comments, concerns, ideas, and questions regarding NODA activities, shows, and policies. Please contact your member representative at

Calendar of Events *Schooling Show Scores ELIGIBLE for 2020 NODA Year-End Awards

Virtual, Ongoing Events Are Available!

Full calendar at

Adult Dressage and More Camp IS ON!

Please check with the event coordinator to ensure a clinic or show has not been cancelled. *Sept 13 NODA Schooling Show Fair Winds Farm CANCELLED LOOKING FOR ANOTHER VENUE Dressage, mountain trail, cavaletti, trail, stadium and cross country jumping *Oct 3 NODA Schooling Show available. Plenty of stalls! Chagrin Valley Farms Stone Gate Farm, Hanoverton, OH Registration on page 12 of this newsletter or go to *Oct 4 NODA Schooling Show

April 15 - October 30, 2020 July 30 – Aug 2 NODA's - OPEN Video Test Ride Coaching/FEI Judges Dressage Camp & More for Adult Sponsored by Adult Amateur Dressage Riders Come have fun at Camp! Access, Information, page 11 of this newsletter or go to

Through October 2, 2020 USDF Region 2 Education Challenge

Earn a USDF University diploma! It is free *Aug 9 NODA Schooling Show and a member benefit!! Rocky River Stables

Through July 31 NODA Virtual Ride-a-test Clinic See page 16 to sign up or *July 12th DOF Schooling Show LaGrange, OH *July 19 NODA Schooling Show Chagrin Valley Farms CANCELLED NODA News 2020, Page 23

Aug 21—22 Technical Emergency Large Animal Rescue Awareness Course Lake Erie College Find out more at

Aug 31 NODA Drawing for $1000 Have you purchased your ticket yet? See page 10 to enter!

Chagrin Valley Farms

NODA will NOT Have a Schooling Show Series Championship in 2020 NODA Will NOT Have Year-end Awards in 2020 The 2020 NODA Banquet is Cancelled Please Stay Safe!

NODA News 8195 Guilford Road Seville, Ohio 44273

NONPROFIT Bulk Rate US Postage Paid Permit No. 6 Novelty, OH 44072

NODA Newsletter and Website Advertising Rates New Advertising Rates Effective January 1, 2020 Payment Deadline: 10th of the month to reserve space in NODA News for the next issue. Ads will be run print and digitally for the same amount of time. E-mail print ready ads in JPEG or .TIF format Select high quality or commercial printing, 300 dpi or higher when saving the file. Send to Jennifer at

Advertising Rates Width x Height One ISSUE Full Page 7.5” X 10” $100.00 Half Page 7.5” X 5” $55.00 Quarter Page 3.75” X 5” $26.00 Business Card 3.75” X 2” $20.00

Six ISSUES $500.00 $275.00 $130.00 $100.00

Complete form & enclose payment in full with check payable to NODA. Send to: Jennifer Cooper, Advertising Editor 6395 Paine Road, Painesville, Ohio 44077

Complete and mail with your payment: Date: __________ Number of issues ad will run, choose one: One issue______ Six Issues______ Ad Size: __________

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Thank You for Supporting the Northern Ohio Dressage Association NODA News 2020, Page 24

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