Issue 12, 2015

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Issue 12, 2015

Northern Ohio Dressage Association

In This Issue:  President’s Report with 2016 NODA board  USDF thanks NODA for US Dressage Finals Sponsorship  NODA Membership– Something for Everyone! by Mosie Welch  Just Keep Smiling, by Sara Jus ce  USDF Region 2 Schooling Show Year End Awards  NODA members at US Dressage Finals NODA News 2015 page

Cover: Cassandra Hummert‐ Johnson and Viggo won 6th place in Fourth Level Freestyle at US Dressage Finals 2015

Gree ngs from the President

As I have said before, I would like to step down from the role of President and let someone else steer the NODA The Northern Ohio ship. However, as no one is interested Dressage Associa on at this me, I will con nue as President is a 501(c)(3) not‐for‐profit un l someone agrees to take over. 2014 NODA The Banquet was lots of fun. NODA Execu ve Board awarded $2,700.00 in scholarships, President along with lovely PRI saddle pads, to Dee Liebenthal our Recognized and Unrecognized 330‐562‐8455 Show Champions. The silent auc on Dee Liebenthal and Rens was also well received. If you were a ear Noda Members, winner of a silent auc on item, you got Vice President Happy Holidays to all. I can’t a great bargain. We can’t thank all our Niki Sackman believe that it is already sponsors and donors enough. To see December. who our sponsors and donors are, click Treasurer on this website link, I want to start by congratula ng the‐YE.htm Nancy Danielson 440-759-2117 (Text only) newly elected Execu ve Board. The EB will serve a two year term from Thank you to our Banquet and Awards January 1, 2016 through December 31, Commi ees: Banquet: Shannon Secretary 2017. Thank you to all who returned O’Hara, Chair, with Rachel Carracci. Pa Valencic your ballots. The percentage of returned ballots this year was just Awards: Janeen Langowski‐Grava, under 14%. We hope that by the next Parliamentarian Chair, with Anne McClintock, Heather elec on two years from now, we will Dale Lappert Soones‐Booher and McKenzie Miavitz. have online vo ng, which will en ce a 330‐527‐4683 A big thank you addi onally goes to larger percentage of the membership the volunteers who came in early and to vote. stayed late to help us set up, clean up, Directors at Large and man the tables for the event: Lora NODA’s EB for 2016/2017: Burgess, Rachel Carracci and her Mary Lou Gallagher President (Interim): Dee Liebenthal mom, Linda Cooley, Halle Clause, Fran 216‐251‐7469 MaryLou‐ Vice President: Chris ne Thompson Cverna, Sue Desimpel, Marcia Doyle, Secretary: Pa Valencic Noelle & Peggi Ignagni, Jennifer Barbara Soukup Treasurer: Nancy Danielson Kriegler, Jim McClintock, Regina Sacha, Barb‐ Director at Large: Halle Clause Kirsten Thomas, Pa Valencic and last Director at Large: Mary Lou Gallagher but not in any way the least, Valerie Kathy Kirchner Director at Large: Mary Dana Presco Grava for handing out ribbons and 330‐995‐6010 making an appearance in many of our Kathy‐ Director at Large: Niki Sackman photos. Director at Large: Barbara Soukup Gail Pa on 440‐442‐5256 These results were announced at the Shannon O’Hara will be sending a Mary Dana Presco Banquet on November 21st. You survey to banquet a endees to get 440‐942‐1008 might be wondering what it means some feedback. Please respond. We that I am listed as Interim President. can’t make decisions about the future


NODA News 2015 page 2

2015 Commi ees Communica ons Correspondence Secretary: Rosemary Rufo 330‐527‐7836

Newsle er Editors: Layout/Content: Sara Jus ce Sara‐ Layout/Content: April Woodward April‐ Adver sing/Corral: Mosie Welch 330‐618‐5838 Mosie‐ Classifieds: Jill Voigt 216‐346‐2811 Repor ng: Regina Sacha‐Ujczo Regina‐

Webmaster & Facebook: Linda Cooley 440‐941‐6269

Educa onal Programs Co‐chairs: Marcia Doyle 330‐562‐8456 Marcia‐ Berni Moauro 330‐467‐0619 Berni‐

Membership & Handbook


ons Recognized Shows

Chair: Niki Sackman RS‐ Manager: Kevin Bradbury 734‐426‐2111 Ext 111 Show Secretary: Mary Lou Gallagher 216‐251‐7469 RS‐ Volunteer Coordinator: Karen Eisenhauer Shirring 330‐220‐4705 rs‐vol‐ Sponsors/Adver sing: Regina Sacha Ujczo 216‐390‐3702 Program Coordinator: Sara Jus ce 908‐240‐6949

Schooling Shows


Chair: Janeen Langowski‐Grava 440‐666‐6182 Yearend‐

Chair: Fran Cverna Silent Auc on 440‐834‐1774 Chair: OPEN External Rela ons: Lisa Gorre a Year‐End Banquet 440‐543‐8682 Chair: Shannon O'Hara Ext‐Rela 440‐781‐4557 Junior & Young Rider Liaison: Lauren Hunter 812‐655‐0375 Jr‐ Member Liaison: Kathy Kirchner NODA’s Board welcomes all comments and 330‐995‐6010 opinions regarding NODA ac vi es, shows and Professional Liaison: Mary Dana Presco policies. Please contact member liaison Kathy Kirchner. 440‐942‐1008 (no texts) Monthly board mee ngs are held the second Historical Monday of each month from 7 to 9 pm at Historian: Lora Burgess Panera Bread, 6130 Kruse Drive in Solon. 440‐554‐6736 Members are welcome to a end. See mee ng page at for details as on occasion the loca on of the mee ng may change.

NODA News 2015 page 3

Pla num Level Sponsors Big Dee’s Tack and Vet Supply Shade Tree Farm Betsy Rebar Sell

Gold Level Sponsors Schneiders Saddlery

Newsle er & Website Adver sers

Chair: Kara Maruszak 440‐655‐9376 Show Secretary: Jennifer Tulleners 440‐213‐6685 SS‐ Volunteer Coordinator: Gail Pa on 440‐442‐5256

Dressage 2015 and Dressage 2015 Encore Sponsors

Equestrian Pursuits North Crest Equestrian Center Poulin Dressage Rivendel Farm Saddles 101 Topline Stables The Visi ng Vet United States Dressage Federa on

Please support our sponsors and adver sers with your business!

of the banquet without your comments and sugges ons. We tried the Marrio East this year because members told us they were dissa sfied with only two choices of entrée offered at the previous venue. The Marrio gave us three choices. The venue also was a li le larger and handled more guests per table, making it easier for those who had more than eight in their par es. We are always open to sugges ons regarding format and venue. We have a couple very important openings within NODA and we are reaching out to you all to take a look and seriously consider helping. HELP WANTED – Chair of Silent Auc on. We are s ll looking for someone who would be willing to chair the Silent Auc on. Please consider this posi on as a way to give back to NODA and become more involved with the organiza on. HELP WANTED ‐ Chair/Manager of the Schooling Shows. This is an extremely important posi on that

NODA News 2015 page 4

NODA is very anxious to fill as soon as possible for 2016. This posi on is very important to the success of our schooling shows. At this point we have had very li le interest. A great deal of the work for this posi on can be done from home. This posi on does not include scheduling, as that is handled by the schooling show secretary. The manager splits the office fees with the secretary. There is a job descrip on on the NODA website.‐Opportuni es.htm. You can also contact our re ring Schooling Show Manager, Kara Maruszak at, For addi onal informa on on these important open posi ons and others you might be interested in with NODA, contact Kathy Kirchner, your member representa ve at Scholarships – Remember to apply: I am embarrassed to say that NODA dropped the ball by not reminding our membership about our two, new

in 2014, Amateur Scholarships. Last year we had Eligibility for Year‐end Awards: applica ons for both the AA and the Jr/YRs, but none * You must be a NODA member before you earn your this year. We will do a be er job of reminding you scores. Recognized awards – Owners must also be that these scholarships are available. members of NODA. * You must earn your NODA Bucks in the current A er a long me without applica ons, our 2016 compe on year. Professional Grant program is experiencing a * Four NODA Bucks are required for each horse/rider resurgence of interest. combina on. * Unrecognized awards only ‐ The four scores you Keep in mind that NODA can award a total of $1000 submit must include two scores from two different annually (5 x $200 grants) to professionals. The NODA shows. This was new in 2015 and Amateur/Jr/YR scholarships are similar in that we can unfortunately, not all members remembered. award four at $250 each, two to Adult Amateurs and two to Jr/YRs in a calendar year. Please visit If you have comments, concerns, or sugges ons on to get the how NODA might do a be er job serving its details on both. It may not seem like a lot of money, members, let us know. Send your concerns, but we all know how expensive it is to enhance our comments and sugges ons to your member riding abili es and every $200 or $250 helps. representa ve, Kathy Kirchner at Remember that the Amateur scholarships can be As hard as some of the used for any educa onal experience, including clinics, “not so great” comments are to take, we appreciate seminars, and lessons. knowing. With the Banquet over and our new membership We can’t fix something if we don’t know what it is. year underway, I have a few very important reminders for compe tors. Have a great December, Dee Liebenthal, President

NODA Member Spotlight: USDF All Breed Awards Con nued from Issue 11 The NODA newsle er staff would like to apologize for the omission of the following members who won USDF All‐Breed Awards in 2015. Congratula ons to these NODA Members on their accomplishments! Arabian Horse Associa on: Champion Second Level Open Purebred: Dance Fevor ++//, owned & exhibited by Jessica Meredith Li Champion Second Level AA Purebred: Dance Fevor ++//, owned & exhibited by Jessica Meredith Li Reserve Champion Vintage Cup Half Arabian: SRC Gabriella+, owned & exhibited by Charma Fargo NODA News 2015 page 5

5th Place First Level Half Arabian: SRC Gabriella+, owned & exhibited by Charma Fargo 7th Place First Level Half Arabian: Ri en+++// Owned by Wendy Gruskiewicz, Shown by Danielle Blymier‐Hebler NODA News encourages all members to submit accomplishments and special announcements that you would like to share with the membership. Please share your news via e‐mail to Sara‐ or April‐

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Above: Kris n Stein and Rae Sangria placed 2nd in 1st Level Freestyle at the 2015 US Dressage Finals.

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NODA– Something for Everyone! by Mosie Welch with photos by Linda Cooley


t’s membership renewal me. The 2015 you to compete for scholarships, our GMO awards, as Schooling Show Series and NODA’s Dressage well as Region 2 awards and some na onal level rider 2015 and Dressage Encore recognized shows are awards. Quality educa onal programs, compe ons, in the books. Members have competed at the the NODA website, NODA Newsle er and the USDF Schooling Show Championships, The Great American Connec ons are all part of the benefits when you Region 2 Championships and The US Dressage Finals join. in Kentucky. We just enjoyed another NODA Celebra on and Awards Banquet recognizing Young Riders: You are the future of this sport. You members and friends for volunteerism, sponsorship, get all the benefits of an AA, and NODA has classes at and performance ranging shows and scholarships from novice rides to specifically for youth. excellence at the Grand NODA schooling shows Prix level in USEF/USDF have readied many youth recognized shows. to go on to recognized compe ons and many have gone on to ride Grand You may even see your Prix or start their own name and photo in a careers as professional NODA Newsle er dressage trainers/ delivered to your door. instructors. Joining your You use the NODA GMO is a way to find out website to get up to date informa on on shows, what is out there so you clinics, and links to all can plan future riding things dressage. We’ve all goals. One season at a received our membership NODA members are eligible for year‐end awards, scholar‐ me, NODA will help you ships, and many other benefits whether a junior, renewals in the mail and grow from local, to adult amateur, or a professional! each of us should renew regional, and on to the and encourage a friend to join. na onal levels in dressage if that’s your goal. There’s good reason for everyone to join NODA! Western Dressage Riders: You’re the up and comers Adult Amateurs Riders: You are the backbone of our and new to the dressage world. Exci ng for 2015, sport. The largest group in our membership, as well NODA has a new Western Dressage board posi on as the United States Dressage Federa on (USDF) designed to advocate and be a voice for western membership, NODA is only as strong as its ac ve dressage. NODA has been incorpora ng western adult amateur membership. As a USDF Group dressage by offering western dressage classes at Member Organiza on (GMO, joining at this level is schooling shows. It’s a new and growing area which the most inexpensive way to par cipate in Dressage has taken off since the USEF recognized Western at the na onal level. Your membership supports local Dressage as a separate equestrian sport. As a part of ac vi es, educa on, schooling and recognized shows NODA’s educa on program, we’ve offered a western as well as dressage at the na onal level. You have a dressage clinic and look forward to more. This is a voice that can be heard loud and clear, even if you great me to join NODA and help develop a stronger never answer a survey or a end a board mee ng. western dressage component to our GMO. NODA NEEDS your voice. Your membership en tles NODA News 2015 page 10

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Dressage Trainers and Instructors: You are the only op ons that allow you to be a part of NODA and leaders of our sport and keep dressage strong in stay connected. Northeast Ohio. We need each and every one of you to join and encourage your students to join and The Northern Ohio Dressage Associa on has been a become ac ve in NODA. Your driving force for dressage in membership is an endorsement NE Ohio since 1969. NODA of dressage at all levels; needs dressage enthusiasts, whether it’s a schooling show compe tors, friends, and for a green horse, a test clinic professionals to join and help for a new rider or a rider us grow dressage into the moving up the levels, or your future. If you want to know a endance/ par cipa on in a more about the concrete NODA sponsored clinic. We benefits to joining, please, go seek input from all of our to NODA’s award winning Dressage professionals and website,, welcome your voice in our and click on the membership tab. GMO. From le : Sabine Walker, Leslie Innocen , and Maggie Ball catch up at the Dressage Enthusiasts: Do you We sincerely hope to see you 2015 NODA Celebra on and Awards Banquet. love dressage, but don’t renew your membership early compete or don’t ride but want and encourage a few friends to stay connected? Do you support a rider in your to join with you. family? There are family memberships or newsle er It does not ma er how good you are – it ma ers if you have the passion!

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Just Keep Smiling by Sara Jus ce


t is extremely easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when it seems like every single thing is falling apart. For me, the me from Dressage at Devon through the US Finals this year were marred with so much disappointment, injury to horse and human, and loss that it would be incredibly easy to wallow in self pity. I was injured in a car accident the day before Devon and had to scratch all of my classes. My mom passed away unexpectedly two weeks before the US Dressage Finals. My tough‐as‐nails partner of the past five years tore his eyelid the morning of our freestyle at the Finals. And to add insult to injury – Narok went home with his new owner the day a er the US Finals. However, looking back on everything that happened I cannot help but think of what my trainer Ka e said to me as I walked from the Gold Arena at Devon a er withdrawing from my Intermediate B class. Even though the I‐B is my favorite FEI test, I was unable to finish the test. I tried riding with my le hand, but my right arm had nerve damage from the car accident. It hung limp at my side, I couldn’t hold the reins, and all I wanted to do was cry. I felt humiliated, embarrassed, and that I had let down my parents and trainer who supported my decision to compete at Dressage at Devon. With the biggest smile she could muster, Ka e pa ed my leg and said, “Just keep smiling. It will eventually get be er.” Ka e has a point. While in the moment of frustra on, pain, or loss, it is very easy to allow nega ve emo ons to take over. Telling her students to smile doesn’t mean that Ka e wants us to deny what is going on, or what we’re feeling. She’s merely reminding her students to keep nega ve emo ons out of the saddle.

are pa ence and a sense of humor. As an “L” Graduate who officiates schooling shows in the area, I have seen too many riders who get caught up in the “bad” moment and let emo ons rule the ride. Something may go wrong– the horse spooks, stumbles, picks up the wrong lead, or any type of mistake– and the rider reacts by yanking the reins, spurring way too hard, or excessively using the whip. I can see in the rider’s expression that they are just plain MAD at the horse for the incident. What good is an angry or emo onal response? Generally, the horses who receive this treatment become more tense, nervous, or overreact in some manner. The ride begins a downward spiral and movements must be scored accordingly. Then, when I’m ge ng lunch or leaving for the day, I hear riders either complaining that “the judge didn’t know what she was talking about” or about their “stupid horse.” Generally, nothing good comes from an emo onal response when things go wrong at a show. I’m not advoca ng riders allow horses to take advantage of them while in the ring, but that riders work on taking mistakes in stride. So a transi on didn’t happen where it was supposed to, a lead was wrong, or movements didn’t turn out as expected. In the bigger picture, the mistake may lower the score of one or two movements in the test. Pa ence allows a rider to move forward in the test while emo onal reac ons may cause a pre y good ride to turn bad because the nega ve behavior is being spread over many more movements. So yes, even with everything that went wrong during my last two shows and the losses outside of the ring, I s ll will keep smiling. I’m fortunate that I can s ll ride the horses I have. I’ll hopefully be able to show next season at a level higher than both horses have shown and that is a pre y great accomplishment.

I just hope to see everyone else smiling when they Some mes it is good to be reminded, as John Lyons come down centerline, too. said, the only two emo ons that belong in the saddle NODA News 2015 page 13

NODA Member Spotlight: 2015 USDF Region 2 Schooling Show Year End Awards Introductory Level Adult Amateur: Champion: Sara Jus ce & Elita 72.422% Res. Champion: Bitsy Gascoigne & Brimstone N Wildfire 68.080% Fourth: Pam White & Flash in the Knight 63.672% Training Level Junior: Res. Champion: Noelle Ignagni & MRF Bella di No e 66.910% Training Level Adult Amateur: Sixth: Lea Wojtkiewicz & Winter Sky 65.744% Seventh: Bitsy Gascoigne & Brimstone N Wildfire 64.717%

Share your story! Write an ar cle for NODA News and earn your NODA Bucks! Email your idea to NODA News Editors:


NODA News 2015 page 14

Training Level Vintage: Res. Champion: Sally Burton & Oreo Blizzard 66.145% First Level Adult Amateur: Champion: Peggi Ignagni & MRF Bella di No e 68.592% Third: Cecilla Conway & Viva Rosa 63.091% Fi h: Niki Sackman & Mercedes Colortyme 59.430% Second Level Adult Amateur: Champion: Tay Laster & Kit’Astrophe 67.074% Res. Champion: Sara Jus ce & Wolita 63.171% Third Level Adult Amateur: Champion: Tay Laster & Kit’Astrophe 65.102%

Member News

Thank You to all 2014 NODA members who renewed your membership for 2015!

Next NODA Board Mee ng: January 11, 2016

Loca on: Panera Bread ‐ Solon, 6130 Kruse Drive

NODA’s Board welcomes all comments and opinions regarding NODA ac vi es, shows and policies. Please contact member liaison Kathy Kirchner at Monthly board mee ngs are held the second Monday of each month from 7 to 9 pm at Panera Bread in Solon. Members are always welcome to a end. See the mee ng page at for details as on occasion the loca on of the mee ng may change.

Membership as of November 1 is 317 members. Membership Renewal forms will mail in early November. The 2016 membership year starts December 1. The online membership roster at is used as verifica on of membership for NODA ac vi es. Your membership, me, and talents make NODA a be er GMO! Submi ed by NODA Membership Chair, Fran Cverna

$ NODA Professional Member Grant Opportuni es $ Professionals — Trainers, Instructors

Need help financially for con nuing educa on in riding, training and theory of dressage and related subjects?

NODA’s Professional Grant Funding can help make this possible.

50% of an event cost is reimbursable (up to $200). Symposiums, cer fica on clinics, judging seminars and other educa onal seminars are all permissible (excludes riding clinics). To apply , write a le er and mail it ot the NODA Board c/o Mary Dana Presco . Outline why you should receive a NODA Professional Grant, explaining what the educa on func on is, and where it is to be held. State how you will share what you have learned with NODA and its members (lecture, clinic, or ar cle). Be sure to provide the full cost of educa on func on. The only requirement is that you must be a “Professional” horseperson as defined by the current USEF rule book and be a member in good standing with NODA.

Mail your applica on to: NODA Board c/o Mary Dana Presco 38905 Gardenside Drive Willoughby, OH 44094 NODA News 2015 page 15

Classifieds Classified Ads

NODA Member/2 issues FREE: 60 words or less $5.00: 60‐ 80 words Photo $5.00

Non‐member/ per 2 issues $5.00: 60 words Photo: $5.00/issue for photo in newsle er and on website Contact Clara at 440‐669‐5714 or email (I ‐1)


Apparel and Tack

VERHAN ODYSSEY I SADDLE FOR SALE: 2007, 17 1/2 inch seat, medium wide tree. Last year was reflocked and had new billets Free member ads will run for sewn on. Saddle is in excellent two issues only. One free ad condi on and is regularly cleaned and oiled. $1,200 firm, fi ngs per member at a me. Submit not included. Call Anna at 440‐ th Ad and payment by 15 of the 488‐7998 (I‐1) month. LADIES DEVON‐AIRE DRESSAGE Free Stable Lis ngs: include JACKET: Size 16R, black with blue contact info, city and three lining. Four silver tone bu ons in lines. Ads subject to edi ng. front. Like new – only worn Website pos ng included. twice. 53% wool, 45% polyester, 2% spandex. Very nice but just Classified Editor: Jill Voigt doesn’t fit me anymore. Located Phone: 216‐346‐2811 near Olmsted Falls. Will ship if Check payable to NODA: buyer covers shipping cost or can meet in convenient loca on. Jill Voigt Pictures available. Asking $55. Rosewood Stables Contact Jill 216/346‐2811. (I‐2). 10021 Sta on Road Columbia Sta on, OH 44028 TWO WEATHERBETTA FREESTYLE TURNOUTS FOR SALE: 1200D Email ad to: Detach‐A‐Neck. Size 84” One heavy weight, 360 grams of polyfill (black/purple) asking $120. One medium weight, 220 Horses for Sale or Lease grams of polyfill (two tone blue), asking $110. Both very good PONY OF AMERICA GELDING: condi on. Specs can be seen on 2003 13hh Edwin is a talented Weatherbe a’s website. grey‐red roan who has shown Reasonable offers considered. dressage, hunter, jumper. He has Contact Jennifer (Kick) horselike gaits, sweet personality, McLandrich 440‐487‐1925. (I‐2) sound and healthy. Pictures on Dream On Farm facebook page. TRIOLOGY AMADEO SF SADDLE Videos on (Iris and FOR SALE: 18 inch seat, wide Edwin on the flat and/or tree. Five years old and in very jumping). For sale ONLY because good condi on. A 30 inch girth rider has outgrown him. Loving included. Pictures available. home a must. $3,500. Contact $2,100. Please contact Charlene Janet 440/376‐9298.( I‐1) at (I‐2) PRE COLT 2014, Color is RAMBO MICKLEM BRIDLE FOR Homozygous Black, currently 15 SALE: Horse size, black, very hh. Will be tall! Freedom in all 3 gently used ‐ only used a few gaits. Great personality, very mes, but just not right for my loving, Cross es, bathes, loads, horse.. Price new was $190, clips. Up to date on de‐worming asking $150 with rubber reins and vaccines. Photos and video with leather stops or $120 available at without reins. Located on west

NODA News 2015 page 16

side (Berea). Contact Margaret at STABLE LISTINGS 330/763‐3912. (I‐1) Dream On Farm Janet and Mike Boyle

TRAINING/LESSONS Mary Dana Presco will come to you at your home, farm, or boarding place for lessons ‐ teaching you to train your horse. “Just because I sold the farm, doesn’t mean I’m ‘kaput’!” Call 440/942‐1008. Please leave message. (I‐1) STALLS AVAILABLE AT ROCKY RIVER STABLES We may be just what you and your trainer are looking for. Great facility to get your horse used to show environment with 2 NODA shows on premises. Trainers need proper creden als, insurance, arena fees apply with availability arranged through office. Located in Metroparks, minutes from I480/downtown. For more informa on, contact Valley Riding 216‐267‐2525. (I-2)

In Search Of ISO NODA Members who Have items to sell! Two month FREE AD for NODA MEMBERS!


Columbia Sta on, OH 440‐376‐9298 Shows, lessons, boarding, grass pas‐ tures, turnout, indoor arena, outdoor arenas; hunter and dressage arenas

Fair Weather Farm Kate Poulin Chagrin Falls, OH 386‐624‐3968 Heated barn/indoor, Grass /all season T/O, stalls cleaned 2X/day. Two outdoors, trails, security.

Kirgis Farm Mantua, OH 330‐554‐1716 Dressage barn, all day turnout, competent staff, large stalls, pastures, safe fencing,, indoor.

KKM Stables Karen Stephens Bellville, OH 419‐688‐1331 Full‐Service quality dressage training thru the Levels. Improve balance, strength of horse & rider.

Grand Prix Farm Kelli Flanagan Valley City, OH 44280 330‐483‐9055 Boarding, lessons, schoolmasters available, indoor & outdoor arena, heated observa on room

Grand Haven Stable Laura Wiencek (724) 301‐2244 Jefferson OH 44047 Boarding, one day camps (various disciplines), dressage schooling shows, show facility

Bridlewood Dressage Farm

Ledge Hollow Stable

Medina, Ohio Cheryl Slawter 330‐239‐1997 Board from $300 (may be reduced for barn work), 2 indoor and 1 outdoor. Excellent care, friendly.

Jeanne & Terry Fashempour 330‐239‐2587 Medina, OH 44256 Full care, co‐op, turn‐out, Instruc on, NE Medina County.

Candle Light Farms

Wendy Gruskiewicz Jefferson, OH 440‐213‐0509 Specializing in Arabian Sport Horses, dressage training, sales & lessons

Noell Sivertsen‐Edgell Chesterland, OH 44026 440‐376‐2117 Sivertsenedgell@a .net Boarding, lessons, sales, training, leases, indoor/outdoor

Mithra Training Stable

STABLE LISTINGS, CONTINUED North Crest Equestrian Center Rhythmic Ridge Ranch Julie Taylor Avon Lake, OH 44012 (440) 933‐4654 Dressage training & lessons, sum‐ mer horse camps, birthday par es.

Pleasant Valley Farm Kris Lanphear Willoughby Hills, OH 440‐942‐9034 References. Board, grass T/O, trails, lessons, care of special need horses. Natural training.

Princeton Ridge Farms, Ltd. Huntsburg, OH 440‐463‐2428 Quality horse care, boarding, lessons, and sport horse sales in Geauga County. Indoor/outdoor arena, schooling jumps, trails.

NODA News 2015 page 17

Debi Smith Lorrain County 440‐315‐2660 Full care, indoor and lighted outdoor, ma ed stalls and heated water

Rosewood Stables Columbia Sta on, OH 440‐236‐8276 Small barn w/indoor arena,/outdoor riding, heated tack room, daily T/O, hay /grain 3x/day, Full or self clean.

Rivendel Farm Bonnie Gray Dale Lappert , R Dressage Judge Garre sville, OH (330) 527‐4683 evening (440) 813‐4009 days Board, dressage/even ng. Small, experienced care, 7 day T/O . Indoor/ outdoor, trails, jumps.

Rocky River Stables

Shadow Facs Farm

Cleveland Metro Parks Rocky River. OH (216) 267‐2525 Boarding, lessons, pony /horse camps, therapeu c riding, indoor & outdoor arena, trails.

814‐796‐6161 Dressage and combined training, instruc‐ on, and sales.

Scenic Run Equestrian Center Novelty, OH Nancy Lewis‐Stanton 440 ‐ 567‐3057 Large airy stalls, fed 4X daily, indoor and outdoor arenas, trails and much more. Ask about boarding discounts.

Topline Stables at Walden Janeen Langowski‐Grava Aurora, OH 44202 330‐995‐0039 440‐666‐6182 www.topline‐ Boarding, lessons, clinics, sales, training, kids camp. Full care, indoor/outdoor, grass pastures.

Xhalt Equestrian Center

Phyllis Se er Columbia Sta on, OH (216) 299‐3096 Shade Tree Farm Betsy Rebar‐Sell Adult boarding /training. Lorain county 330‐351‐1124 close to I‐480/Cuyahoga County. Indoor/ Full care, indoor & outdoor arenas, trails, turnout, lessons, outdoor, pasture. and training.

Calendar of Events Complete Calendar on NODA website: E‐mail to have your event added! ** Schooling Show Scores eligible for NODA Year‐end Awards 1/3 Chagrin Valley Farms Dressage Schooling Show **Scores eligible for 2016 year end awards**

3/12‐13 Lake Erie College Dressage Winter Series Show (USEF/USDF Rec.) events

4/3 Chagrin Valley Farms Dressage Schooling Show 1/31 Chagrin Valley Farms Dressage Schooling Show **Scores eligible for 2016 year end awards** **Scores eligible for 2016 year end awards** 4/7‐10 Equine Affaire Ohio 2/28 Chagrin Valley Farms Columbus, OH Dressage Schooling Show **Scores eligible for 2016 year end awards**

NODA News 2015 page 18

4/9‐10 Lake Erie College Dressage Prix de Ville Show & Team Compe on (USEF/ USDF Rec.) events

6/25 Lake Erie College Dressage Derby of Ohio I (USEF/USDF Rec.) events

4/23‐24 Dressage Clinic with Nuno Santos Grand Haven Stable Riding and Audi ng Spots Available! Contact Laura Wiencek grandhaven‐ or call (724) 301‐2244

6/26 Lake Erie College Dressage Derby of Ohio II (USEF/USDF Rec.) events

NODA News 2015 page 19

NODA News 3561 Reimer Rd. Norton, OH 44203

NONPROFIT Bulk Rate US Postage Paid Permit No. 6 Novelty, OH 44072

NODA Newsle er and Web Adver sing Deadline: 10th of each month

Ex: Submissions received by the 10th of the month (width x height) Full Page (7.5 x 10): will publish in the NEXT ISSUE of NODA NEWS. Half Page (7.5 X 5): All Ads will be placed on the NODA website for the Quarter Page (3.75 x 5): same period they are in the NODA NEWS. Business Card (3.75 x 2):

Layout in jpg format should be emailed to: Mosie‐

Adver sing Rates One ISSUE $75.00 $40.00 $20.00 $15.00

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