Birouri din România. Design Interior

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48_55 l Wolfhouse Productions, Nod makerspace l Nod makerspace l Birouri din Romånia. Design interior l igloo best l

Nod makerspace Nod makerspace De la prelucrarea bumbacului pån` la stimularea creativit`]ii nu este uneori decåt un pas. Iar acest pas a reprezentat, \n cazul fostei fabrici Industria Bumbacului de pe Splaiul Unirii, conversia din spa]iu dezafectat \ntr-unul de crea]ie [i de lucru \n comun destinat tinerilor din domeniile creative. Nod makerspace se dore[te a fi deopotriv` o comunitate care s` poten]eze schimbul de idei, dar [i un spa]iu de lucru dotat cu un atelier de crea]ie, ce ofer`, pe baz` de abonament, acces la o serie de unelte [i echipamente pentru produc]ia digital` [i prototiparea rapid`. Designul urmeaz` structura cl`dirii, cei 700 de mp ai fostei hale industriale fiind \mp`r]i]i dup` cum urmeaz`: 350 mp spa]iu de lucru comun completat de 10 studiouri private destinate tinerilor designeri, 100 mp aloca]i atelierelor de bricolaj [i de design pentru copii [i 150 mp de ateliere de prototipare, manufacturare [i crea]ie digital`. Spa]iul comun este prev`zut [i cu o zon` de relaxare, o chicinet` integrat` \n mobilier [i o sal` de conferin]e. Amenajarea a mizat pe atuurile luminozit`]ii generoase a spa]iului industrial. Mobilierul este minimal [i a fost creat in-house pentru o integrare perfect` \n spa]iu: mobilierul de expunere tip bibliotec` este completat de sertarele pentru depozitarea sculelor. Caracterul luminos este accentuat [i de delimitarea vitrat` a studiourilor individuale. Zona de relaxare este punctul de \ntålnire al membrilor comunit`]ii sub lightbox-ul mobil, iar zona din dreptul ferestrei mari se converte[te \n spa]iu de contemplare [i brainstorming care apropie spa]iul de exterior [i de råu. Prin amploare [i ambi]ia proiectului, Nod makerspace este primul centru creativ de mari dimensiuni din Romånia.





The processing of cotton is not that different from the creative process. This idea stood behind the conversion of the former Cotton Industry building on Splaiul Unirii, Bucharest, from a deserted space to one of new ideas, focused on the collaboration between young creatives. Nod makerspace aims to become, at the same time, a community that enables the exchange of ideas and a workspace offering creation workshops, accessed via subscription to several tools and equipment for digital creation and fast prototyping. The interior design follows the structure of the building, and the 700 sqm of the former industrial hall are divided as follows: a 350 sqm common work area, with 10 adjacent private studios that can be used by young designers, 100 sqm occupied by handmade and design workshops for children and another 150 sqm occupied by prototyping, manufacturing and digital production workshops. The common area also contains a relaxation space, an integrated kitchenette and a conference hall. The interior design project relies greatly on the former industrial space’s capacity to receive natural lighting. The minimal furniture was manufactured in-house for optimal integration. The bookshelf-like display cases are complemented by drawers for the storing the various tools. The luminosity is emphasized by the generous glazing of the private studios. Endowed with a mobile lightbox, the relaxation area acts as a meeting point for community members, and the area near the large window can be converted into a contemplation and brainstorming space that acts as a connecting element to the outside cityscape and river. Thus, the large, ambitious Nod makerspace project is the first creative centre of its size in Romania.

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