Program and Activities
The program is conceived for children, teenagers, and adults. It is guided and facilitated by experienced art educators and artists. The program is fully accessible, offering a wide range of artistic experiences, regardless of ability.
Activities can be booked individually on afternoons and weekends. Specially tailored formats are available for school and kindergarten groups on weekday mornings.
Information on the full program can be found here.
In addition to its rotating exhibitions, the KinderKunstLabor offers ongoing and already popular highlights:
• The climbing net by Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam: an interactive, textile installation that not only invites children to explore but is also a captivating work of art.
• Archipelago: the play area designed for children aged 0–6.
• The library: featuring a carefully curated selection of unique children’s and young adult books.
• Das Altoona bistro: a gathering place where the Seedose team serves freshly prepared delicacies in an artistic setting.
• The beautifully designed Altoona Park: combining nature and art, the park features sculptures and play areas, creating a new place of encounter for all generations.
Opening hours: KinderKunstLabor
Tue–Sun and public holidays, 10am to 5pm
Opening hours: Das Altoona bistro
11am to 5pm and Sat–Sun 9:30am to 5pm
For reservations call: +43 (0)676 3737 379
Schulring 24
3100 St. Pölten
Instagram: @kinderkunstlabor
Paper, Stone, Scissors
Materials and Tools of Art
The children’s game Rock, Paper, Scissors is often played when making decisions; the stronger hand gesture determines the winner. But strength is always relative. Paper is stronger than rock, but rock prevails over scissors, which in turn defeats paper.
The title of the group exhibition Paper, Rock, Scissors, which revolves around the materials and tools of art, alludes to this game. The materials artists choose and how they work with them is based on their abilities, perceptions, and preferences within the context of their life experiences and childhood.
The exhibition presents works that allow a young audience in particular to experience the specific interrelationships between biography, history, and artistic work in sensoryoriented and aesthetic way.
With works by: Phyllida Barlow, Maria Bartuszová, Jimmie Durham, Sylvie Fleury, Sakshi Gupta, Nilbar Güreş, Jeppe Hein, Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam, Katarzyna Józefowicz, Hans Kupelwieser, Ngoc Nau, Nino Sekhniashvili, Philip Taaffe, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Kay Walkowiak, Lois Weinberger as well as archaeological artifacts from the St. Pölten region by artists unknown to us.
Curated by Mona Jas in dialogue with children from the Kunstideenwerkstatt (ideas workshop) and the children’s advisory board classes; in curatorial collaboration with Gabriela Garlatyová for the collection of works by Maria Bartuszová.
Exhibition design: studio-itzo
Works from the collections: Archive of Maria Bartuszová, evn collection, State Collections of Lower Austria, Stadtmuseum St. Pölten.
All information on the exhibition and artists can be found here.
Experience Art—Your Own Way
• Workshops: paper making, plaster sculpture, material assemblages
• Tours: thematic links between art, history, and nature
• Interactive formats: paper folding, plant prints
• Games in the park: kite flying, jumping, thread and singing games
Accessible offerings allow all visitors to get involved creatively.
Maria Bartuszová, 2. Bildhauersymposium für blinde und sehbehinderte Kinder 1983, printed 2022, © Gabriel Kladek
Rirkrit Tiravanija, Untitled (THE STATE OF THINGS), 2013
Tiravanija, Courtesy: Klosterfelde Edition