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edited by Noel RIvard

In the summer of 2010 instead of going

visit my family and went to the X games

with my family on our normal trip to Puerto

10 in Los Angeles, California. My brother

Rico we decided to go and visit my brother

always would come down to visit us in

in Seattle, Washington. I’ve rarely visited

Wichita so it was time to return the favor

the west coast. The only time that I have

and visit him.

been to the west coast is when I went to

S o t o S e at t l e w e w e n t.


J u n e 3 , 2 0 1 0 / / S pa c e N e e d l e !

The one thing that I know about Seattle… well I know my brother lives here…OK so the two things I know about Seattle: My brother lives here AND the Space Needle lives here. It’s not alive but if it was that would be cool. My brother wanted us to go to the top and I was completely ok with that the view from the top was amazing.

some photos ta k e n in and around s e at t l e

M o u n t R a i n e r a n d D e c e p t i o n s Pa ss . There is one really, really big Mountain in Washington and its name is Mount Rainer.

My brother wanted us to see the beauty of Washington and not just the city life. So

Mount R einde er

J u n e 5 , 2 0 1 0 / / I m e a n M t. R a i n e r

today we went to Mount Rainer and Deceptions Pass. Mount Rainer was incredible we saw foxes and walked through the riverbed. If the there was water flowing we would sure be goners.


tion Pass

Considering I like Art it was a given that I had to go to the Seattle Art Museum aka SAM. The place was cool. A car flipping in the air, Andy Warhol, and Kurt Cobain. That is the best way to sum up this museum. And that is just the summer I wonder what the rest of the year is like.


Se at tl e Museum of a rt

J u n e 6 , 2 0 1 0 / / S AM . No not a person.


Now this is a bad thing to admit but sometimes I do not pay attention. Slight ADD... what was I gonna say… oh yeah my brother wanted us to see a cool wildlife place in Seattle and I wasn’t paying attention when he said the name of the place so I’ll call it The Wildlife. There were owls, goats, and bison. We got to ride a bus around the wildlife to observe the animals.


w i ldl i f e June 8, 2010 // some Cool place

Vancouver Br i t i s h Columb i a

J u n e 9 & 1 0 , 2 0 1 0 / / Va n c o u v e r ! ! E h .

I was looking forward to this! Vancouver, Canada. A crazy big city. There were two different Vancouvers. A North Vancouver and a South Vancouver. It was very expensive but cool none the less. Unfortunately my brother didn’t get to go with us but that’s ok. I’ll take pictures in his memory.

some photos ta k e n in and around va n c o u v e r

Again with the ADD and I wasn’t listening when they told me the name of this lake so I like to call it the Washington Lake Place. It was cool seeing whales and seals.

Was h i ng ton

L ake pl ac e June 12, 2010

The whales were a l i t t l e c a m e r a s h y. But the seals were just lounging out and wanting their pictures taken.

2 0 1 0 N o r t h w e s t v a c at i o n

Visual journal & Photography b y A d n r e s R i va s - c r u z

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