Live Web Chat - More than a Regular Textual Based Messaging
In a layman’s view live chat is just a regular text-based messaging between an online sales person and a customer. This is not actually the whole fact because the live chat is far more than a text-based instant messaging. The web-based chat application actually bridges a link between a retailer and a distant customer. It has given a new life to e-commerce websites by making them more interactive and useful for their customers. Earlier before the arrival of this chat application, the e-commerce websites were just considered a source of information but the terms e-store and e-shops got the real meanings with advent of live chat software. By giving a look of typical walk-in store to your e-commerce website, live web chat increases your online conversion rate as well as revenues. The presence of live chat attracts customers by ensuring real human presence available to assist them with real-time responses. The text-based conversation through online chat becomes a source to provide a seamless and error-free assistance to all online customers. Retailers don’t need to make their customers wait long for their turns because the multi-tasking feature of online support enables live operators to provide replies to multiple customers simultaneously. Along with increasing your productivity, live chat support helps you reduce shopping cart abandonment on your website. Enhancing the customer service skills of your support personal, live online chat enables your chat agents to resolve customer complaints in a more professional way and providing quick responses resulting in developing positive bond between the operator and the customer. Using this web-based chat widget, your live chat agents can turn an unhappy customer into a satisfied buyer. Moreover, by conducting a seamless conversation, the retailers can keep customers engaged in their service. Providing on-the-spot, real-time and personalized assistance, the online sales persons can turn a potential buyer into a lifelong customer. Live chat software enable operators to save the chat history of every visitor which may help retailers to prepare insight-driven market and sales strategies. It is justified to say that online chat has become an integral part of every ecommerce website for its remarkable features.