Volume XXXVIII, No. 8
October 2014
THE NOE VALLEY VOICE Reaching the Promised Land
Tech Shuttle Shuffle Needs More Tinkering
Noe Valley Ministry to Reopen In November
Buses Bunching Up on Narrow Streets, Residents Say
By Heather World
he remodeled Noe Valley Ministry reopens its doors this November, three years after the congregation moved out of the 19th-century building that had previously been a hub of neighborhood life. The Presbyterian church, at 1021 Sanchez St., will throw open the custommade doors of the building’s original entrance for an open house Saturday, Nov. 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Local dignitaries have been invited, and popular former pastor Keenan Kelsey will make remarks, followed by a short performance by a girls’ chorus. The congregation’s first official worship happens the next morning. “We’re really excited about getting back and seeing what it’s like,” said interim pastor David Brown. “It’s a much more open, airy, light space.” Familiar groups like Noe Valley Chamber Music and SF Live Arts will return on occasion to make use of the expanded sanctuary on the second floor, which features 30-foot vaulted ceilings with wood beam arches, an inlaid wood labyrinth floor, and stained-glass windows. Downstairs will be home to ¡HolaKids!, a Spanish-immersion preschool that can accommodate 30 children, as well as rented office space. “We hope to provide to the community CONTINUED ON PAGE 11
By Corrie M. Anders
Don’t Try This in Your Back Yard. For an intimate portrait of Noe Valley performer Owen Baker-Flynn, see our Other Voices on page 25. Photo by Beverly Tharp
he tech shuttle buses created quite a stir when they first arrived in Noe Valley in 2006. They were applauded by environmentally-conscious residents for getting commuters out of their cars, and vilified by others as being dangerous and creating traffic congestion. Since then, most residents have become resigned to the presence of the buses, which ferry employees from San Francisco to Silicon Valley and back. Either that, or they’re riding the shuttles themselves. However, controversy erupted again this summer, after a number of tech companies changed bus routes and exposed residents—especially those along 26th and Duncan streets—to heavy shuttle traffic for the first time. The new patterns—and new protests— came after the city launched an 18-month pilot program Aug. 1, which designated certain locations where the private commuter buses could pick up and discharge passengers. The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency said it needed to map out the shuttle stops because the tech buses, which were unofficially using Muni bus zones, had been presenting CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
Harvest Festival a Fan Favorite Fair Returns for 10th Year on 24th Street By Olivia Boler
To 24th Street and Beyond! Buzz Lightyear (also known as Ezra Flanagan, 4) and his dad Ken Flanagan patroled Noe Valley’s Harvest Festival in 2013 and found it to be as fun as any glittering galaxy. This year, the event takes place on Saturday, Oct. 18. Photo by Sally Smith
his year marks the 10th anniversary of the Noe Valley Harvest Festival, perhaps the most family-friendly street fair in the city. Proud of the tradition, neighbors will throng to 24th Street on Saturday, Oct. 18, seeking the same thrills they experienced as 3-year-olds—playing in the hay in the Pumpkin Patch, dancing in costume in front of the big stage, and riding in a covered wagon along 24th Street. Sponsored by the Noe Valley Association, with support from many local businesses, the festival will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. along the two-block stretch of 24th between Sanchez and Church streets. Foot, dog, and stroller traffic are allowed, of course. But cars are invited to park in the lot at James Lick Middle School at Castro Street. More than 50 arts and crafts vendors are expected this year, offering everything from handmade purses to organic honey. The weekly Saturday Farmers Market, held in the Noe Valley Town Square across from Martha & Brothers Coffee, will be open—and filled with food booths—from 8 a.m. until the close of the festival.
Activities for kids abound. They can get their faces painted with images of butterflies and superheroes. They can work up a sweat bouncing in two jumpy houses, located at Vicksburg and 24th streets. They can demand crazy creations of a balloon artist. And most popular of all, they can try to make some plucky volunteers take a dive in the dunk tank. Tickets for all the activities can be found at a booth next to the jumpy houses. One ticket is $2, or you can get six for $10. (Each activity requires from two to four tickets.) What’s an October Harvest Fest without pumpkins? Hill & Co. is sponsoring this year’s patch. Pick a free pumpkin, decorate it, and take it home. It’s that easy. Another free fan favorite is the hayride. Sponsored by the Noe Valley Merchants and Professionals Association, the horsedrawn wagon picks up and drops off in front of Walgreen’s on Castro Street from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. You can take a roundtrip or hop off on 24th Street at Sanchez. With Halloween around the corner, everyone is encouraged to go all out and give their costumes a preview. Children and doggies can enter the Kids & Pets CONTINUED ON PAGE 13