NOFA Notes Winter 2011

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In This Issue Recipe: Caramelized Parsnip Spread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Reaching More Customers with 3SquaresVT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Staff Changes at NOFA . . . . . . 9 Un Mundo Mejor in Cuba . . . . 10 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont

Winter Conference Makes Connections By Caitlin Gildrien, NOFA Vermont Outreach Coordinator

This year’s Winter Conference, like those before, was full of farmers, gardeners, inspiration, and good food. The conference theme was “Ecological & Community Resilience: Building an Enduring and Adaptable Food System,” and the central idea of resilience emerged throughout the weekend in many forms.

Photo by Elizabeth Ferry

Saturday’s keynote speaker, local extension expert Vern Grubinger, discussed many of the ways that Vermont’s food system can be made more robust – by increasing the numbers of new farmers, the support they get from the state, and focusing on innovative crops and marketing plans. On Sunday, keynote Wendy Johnson addressed the spiritual side of a resilient food system, including the emotional connection to the earth that inspires so many farmers, gardeners, and food lovers.

Photo by Elizabeth Ferry

NOFA Vermont

PO Box 697,14 Pleasant St Richmond, VT 05477 NOFA: 802-434-4122 VOF: 802-434-3821 Board of Directors Mimi Arnstein Regina Beidler Josh Brown Jennifer Colby Sona Desai Andrew Knafel Jack Manix Ross Thurber Kate Turcotte Helen Whybrow Staff Enid Wonnacott Executive Director

Kirsten Bower

Financial Manager

Erin Buckwalter

Food Security & Marketing Coordinator

Cheryl Cesario

VOF Certification Specialist

Nicole Dehne

VOF Coordinator

Sam Fuller

Dairy & Livestock Administrator

Willie Gibson

Dairy & Livestock Advisor

Caitlin Gildrien

Outreach Coordinator

Libby McDonald

VT FEED Administrative Manager

Abbie Nelson

Agricultural Education Coordinator

Laura Nunziata VOF Assistant

Lynda Prim

Fruit and Vegetable Advisor

Barbara Richardson Office Manager

Dave Rogers

Dairy & Livestock Advisor & Policy Advisor

Gregg Stevens

VOF Certification Specialist

Becca Weiss

Office Assistant

Winter Thoughts from Enid When I opened my conference folder to find my notes to write this piece, a little packet of sweet pea seeds greeted me – all the way from Winter Conference keynote Wendy Johnson’s farm in California to my table in Vermont. Wendy was the inspiration behind the first annual seed swap at our conference this year, inspired by the very active swap held at the Eco-Farm Conference every year in California. She brought all kinds of different seeds from her farm, and thanks to High Mowing Seeds for bringing seeds to share, we have started a new tradition that will only grow. Although I rarely get to attend workshops at our conference, there are so many other things that go on as part of the weekend – I wanted to share just a few of the words and moments I captured, and I would encourage all of you to share some of your stories with us, through our Facebook page or good ole’ fashion paper and pencil. For those of you not in attendance, a reminder that the conference theme, and many of the workshops, was developed this year in response to extreme weather conditions. We wanted the conference to be the place where the whole agricultural community – the farmers, gardeners, eaters, researchers, agency personnel, educators – could come together to discuss our farm and food future. After some raucous singing thanks to Jeff Fellinger, Vern Grubinger kicked off the conference with his keynote “A Roadmap to Resilience for Vermont’s Food System.” In less than one hour, Vern solved all of the world’s problems! In recognition of the inextricable ties between our health, our food production and our energy supplies, Vern’s goals for moving toward a resilient food system are as profound as they are common-sensical – photovoltaics on every south facing barn roof, year-round food storage using cold air exchange, 100% of our food waste going to feed livestock/

compost, a farm to school program in every school, and consumer choice transforming the food system through full disclosure about what we eat and how food is grown and processed. It was my honor to award Vern the annual Jack Cook Award this year, the one award NOFA gives annually to a member whose work embodies the theme of the conference and who shares their information with others. The award was given in recognition of the leadership role that Vern played after the flood, and what a tireless advocate he was for the many farmers in Vermont who faced many unknowns about the salability of their crops and the future of their farms. The linkages between food, health and energy were renewed with lunch-time presentations by Senator Leahy, Secretary Ross and Governor Shumlin. All speakers touched on the growth of the local and organic food movement, with Ross noting that what makes Vermont unique is that “farms are grounded in their communities and the communities are grounded in their farms.” I was struck by Governor Shumlin’s recognition of the pride of farmers and farming – that is a significant shift in the last decade – “I’m a farmer, I’m thriving, I’m glowing. Our best days are ahead of us, we are just warming up.” All of the speakers spoke of the importance of food access and universal health care, with Shumlin commenting, “health care is a right, not a privilege. What we eat and how we live our lives is part of our health care system.” Senator Sanders echoed this on Sunday when he spoke at lunch, commenting on the importance of “health care for all” and “creating a society where we take care of our neighbors and our community.” He stated, “Is watching TV and buying corporate products what life is all about? Continued on page 8

NOFA Vermont is an organization of farmers, gardeners, & consumers working to promote an economically viable and ecologically sound Vermont food system for the benefit of current and future generations. Page 2

NOFA Notes Winter 2011/2012

Winter Conference, continued from cover

Workshops covered a wide range of topics, from weed control to the issue of genetic engineering, community gardening to managing flooded pastures. Many workshops were filled to capacity. In addition, our new Friday seminars were also well-received. These day-long workshops gave us the opportunity to delve more deeply into topics of particular concern for commercial farmers and serious homesteaders. This year the topics reflected our focus on resilience and included renewable energy, weed control, orchard health, beekeeping, and butchering. Part of the joy and power of the winter conference comes from the mixing of many parts of our food community: beginning and experienced commercial farmers, home gardeners, educators, activists, students, families, committed localvores, curious newbies, and more. This diversity is also one of the keys to resiliency in Vermont’s food system, as all the players work together

Photo by Elizabeth Ferry

to learn, teach, and grow a robust and vibrant network of food producers and consumers. We at NOFA Vermont are proud to facilitate these connections through events like the Winter Conference. Thanks to our sponsors, volunteers, presenters, and everyone else who helps make it happen!

For more information about the 2012 Winter Confernce, including a copy of Vern Grubinger’s keynote address, please visit 1

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photo by J.Silverman

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NOFA NotesWinter 2011/2012

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Recipe: Caramelized Parsnip Spread From Wild Flavors, by Didi Emmons

We were thrilled to welcome author Didi Emmons to the winter conference this year, along with farmer Eva Sommaripa. Eva farms outside of Boston, MA, and focuses on herbs and wild plants. Didi’s book Wild Flavors: One Chef ’s Transformative Year Cooking from Eva’s Farm follows her relationship with Eva and her farm through the seasons. At the Winter Conference, they taught a workshop entitled “Herbs and Weeds: How to Tame and Delight in Wild Flavors,” which used some of the recipes from the book. We chose this one for its unusual use of a vegetable which may be languishing at the bottom of many a localvore’s root cellar or CSA bin this time of year. Didi writes: This spread resembles hummus in both color and texture, and it can be used similarly.

• 4 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 3 parsnips, peeled and chopped into 1/2-inch pieces (about 3 cups) • 4 garlic cloves

• 3 teaspoons tahini (optional) • Juice of 2 lemon wedges • 1/2 teaspoon salt • Freshly cracked black pepper, to taste

1. Combine 2 tablespoon of the olive oil with the parsnips, 3 garlic cloves, and 3/4 cup water in a large skillet. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook, uncovered,until the water has evaporated, about 5 to 10 minutes. 2. Once the water has evaporated, the parsnips will begin to sauté, since the oil will not have evaporated. Reduce the heat to low and let the parsnips caramelize until golden brown, stirring only when necessary to keep them from burning. If you want a sweeter hummus, let the parsnips brown quite a bit. Either way, the parsnips should be tender.

Photo by Caitlin Gildrien

3. Transfer the mixture to a food processor or blender. Add the remaining garlic clove as well as 3 tablespoons water and the tahini (if using). Blend until it is smooth. With the machine running, add the remaining 3 tablespoons olive oil. Season with lemon juice, salt, and freshly cracked black pepper.

The Vermont Right to Know GMOs Coalition Here in Vermont, NOFA-VT is a proud partner in the Vermont Right to Know GMOs Coalition. The Coalition has been formed in support of H. 722, the Vermont Right to Know Genetically Modified Foods Act, which would require labelling of food containing genetically modified ingredients. The Campaign is a collaborative project of NOFA Vermont, Rural Vermont and VPIRG, as well as a rapidly growing number of individuals and organizations. Visit to learn more and help Vermont become the first state to require labeling of GMOS.

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NOFA Notes Winter 2011/2012

supporting our community We enjoy living and working in our community for the same reasons you do – the celebrated traditions, the recreational opportunities, and the company of others who share our dreams. It’s why we support so many organizations that bring people together for the common good. KeyBank proudly supports Northeast Organic Farmers Association of Vermont and its work enhancing the quality of life for people in our community.

go to is a federally registered service mark of KeyCorp. ©2011 KeyCorp. KeyBank is Member FDIC. CS10892 658064576

NOFA NotesWinter 2011/2012

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Reaching More Customers with 3SquaresVT By Jean Hamilton, Former NOFA Vermont Market Development and Consumer Access Coordinator

With nearly 40 farmers’ markets in Vermont now able to accept EBT cards, more and more farmers are recognizing the benefits of reaching out to the 96,000 Vermonters each month that receive federal food assistance through the 3SquaresVT program. 3SquaresVT is Vermont’s name for the federal food benefits program called SNAP. In 2008 the Federal Food Stamp Program was renamed SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, to help reflect the change from paper stamp benefits to the Electronic Benefits Transfer or EBT card. Vermont named the program “3SquaresVT” to convey how important this program is in helping ensure that all Vermont families have ample access to healthy and satisfying food. While most supermarkets and grocery stores are equipped with card reading machines to accept EBT cards, direct farm-to-consumer outlets are just beginning to develop this capacity. The Vermont Farmers’ Market EBT and Debit Cards project, a collaboration between NOFA-VT, the VT Department for Children and Families, Hunger Free Vermont, the UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture, and the VT Department of Agriculture, has demonstrated that 3SquaresVT participants are enthusiastic to use their federal food benefits to purchase farm-fresh food directly from Vermont producers. Over the past three years, 3SquaresVT purchases at farmers’ markets have increased every year. These consumers are now interested in using their benefits at other local foods outlets, such as farm stands and CSA programs. Is your farm stand, CSA, or farmers’ market interested in accepting 3SquaresVT benefits? Here is a quick overview of how you can help make local food available to more Vermonters. Page 6

3SquaresVT participants are enthusiastic to use their federal food benefits to purchase farm-fresh food directly from Vermont producers. Apply for an FNS number:

Before any business can accept 3SquaresVT/SNAP payments, it needs to be approved by the USDA Food and Nutrition Services as an authorized retailer. The application is free and can be found online at or you can request a paper application by calling (518) 431-4274. It usually takes 4-6 weeks for your application to be approved.

Accepting 3SquaresVT Benefits

Once you have received your FNS approval number, you will need to set up a method for electronically transferring the benefit dollars from the customer’s to your bank account. If you already accept debit and/or credit cards, you can simply add EBT service to your e-banking contract. If you do not already have an electronic point of sale (POS) card reader, you can purchase one that is wired (needs electrical and phone service) or wireless (runs on a battery and cell signal).

If you have access to electrical and phone hook-ups, the wired machines tend to be much cheaper to purchase and maintain. Many different companies (including most local banks) offer these POS card readers. You can also request a free card reading machine from the Vermont Department for Children and Families, though these machines can only accept EBT cards (not debit or credit cards). Wireless machines can be more expensive, but are handy if your market or stand does not have access to electricity and a telephone hookup. If you anticipate a low volume of card transactions, you can manage them using paper vouchers and a telephone banking service. This option works well if you have fewer than 10 transactions per day and are able to call the toll-free banking number soon after your customers have authorized the sale. In this case, you do not need a POS card reader. For additional inContinued next page NOFA Notes Winter 2011/2012

3SquaresVT, continued from page 4

formation about these options, contact Ames Robb, the EBT Director in the Department for Children and Families, at 802-769-6082 or ames.

You can also ask social service providers to help spread the word by contacting your local community action office, food shelves, the United Way 211 hotline, and

Promote Your Service

The final step in bringing 3SquaresVT customers to your market is to get the word out! The fact that your farm accepts EBT cards will attract customers, so be sure to spread the news.

Accepting 3SquaresVT benefits is a great service to add to your business, especially if you participate in the Vermont Farm Share Program, as these programs have similar eligibility requirements.

Announce the service on your website, at your farm stand, on your CSA brochure, and in all your farm’s advertising.

As the local food movement grows to include more producers and more interested consumers, your farm busi-

ness can benefit from leveraging programs like 3SquaresVT to cultivate a more diversified customer base. For information about the Vermont Farm Share Program: For information about 3SqauresVT:

100% organic seeds from an independently-owned, farm-based seed company with a commitment to quality, customer service and healthy communities.

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NOFA NotesWinter 2011/2012

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Enid’s thoughts, continued from page 1

We can have a better life – a life that is not about consumption, but community.”

flecting on the importance of keeping links and relationships and “working for the benefit of all beings.”

It is that sense of community that pervades the conference, for me, and is the energy that keeps me going long into spring. I was moved, so many times, at the conference – starting Sunday morning with Wendy Johnson and Helen Whybrow rooting us in our place and celebrating the farms and natural places that speak to us. “An isolated root system is not a safe world,” commented Wendy, re-

Next I went to the children’s conference at the elementary school down the road where this theme of relationships was being played out in spades. There, three senior citizens, recipients of subsidized CSA shares through our Farm Share Program, joined the kids in making valentine honey bees under the tutelage of Bonnie Acker, the artist with the biggest heart I have ever met!

Bonnie and I are scheming a way to have a community art project at the adult conference next year…stay tuned. Thanks to so many members and non-members participating in the conference community this year, looking forward to seeing you all at some great summer gatherings.

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8 8 8 - O R G - N U T S w w w . t i e r r a f a r m . c o m Page 8

NOFA Notes Winter 2011/2012

Staff Changes at NOFA By Enid Wonnacott, Executive Director

Chittenden and Addison counties. At NOFA, Erin is responsible for our work in direct market development (farmers’ markets and CSAs), food access through EBT at direct markets, working with Abbie Nelson on a Farm to Institution demand analysis and infrastructure inventory, staff supErin started working with NOFA as the port for the Vermont Farmers’ Market Children’s Conference Coordinator in Association, and coordinating our 2011, and then worked throughout Farm Share Program. the year with Jean on farmers’ market support as she finished her masters’ Libby McDonald, Food Education degree in Community Development Every Day (FEED) Administrative and Applied Economics from UVM. and Communications Manager and She brings incredible experience to Jr Iron Chef Coordinator, is slowly this position – she and her husband leaving NOFA as she works part-time are co-owners of Mountain View coordinating Jr Iron Chef and takes Farm in Starksboro, she is the man- classes for nursing school. After Jr ager of the Bristol Farmers’ Market, Iron Chef is over in March, Libby will and has coordinating many commu- start school full-time, perhaps in her nity development projects throughout beloved Louisiana. The new FEED Jean Hamilton, Direct Marketing and Consumer Access Coordinator, left NOFA-VT in December to pursue a masters degree in Food Industry Management at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Jean has been replaced by Erin Buckwalter.

Administrative and Communications Manager is Anne Bijur, based out of Shelburne Farms, our FEED partner. Vera Simon-Nobes is new to NOFAVT. Vera is a 2009 graduate of UVM, a Charlotte native, recently worked in California as a Community Outreach and Event intern, and has worked extensively on programs which improve access to local food. Vera was the 2012 NOFA-VT Winter Conference Assistant, and is working with Olga Boshart Moriarty as a co-coordinator of the National Farm to Cafeteria Conference which will be held at UVM in August. 1

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NOFA NotesWinter 2011/2012

Page 9

Un Mundo Mejor in Cuba By Mimi Arnstein, Wellspring Farm “Un mundo mejor es posible,” read the mural in bright red and blue paint. With farmers, students and activists from twenty-six countries deep in animated conversation under the bright morning sun, it felt like a better world is indeed possible. I had the privilege of attending the Third International Conference on Agroecology outside Havana, Cuba this November. Over 300 participants toured Cuban farms, heard presentations on agricultural and environmental issues, and contributed the lessons learned from our home countries. Women’s rights workers from Paraguay, seed savers from Brazil, peasants’ land rights activists from Guatemala, composting toilet advocates from Mexico, and of course Cuban campesinos shared agricultural techniques and organizing strategies. The air was heady with ideals, passion, urgency and the scent of newly tilled soil ready for this winter’s planting of beans. We split into smaller groups to tour diversified farms throughout Cuba by bus. Notable was the prevalence of intercropping on most farms. Beds of annual crops like beans, lettuce, potatoes and onions are alternated with perennial crops like plantains, papaya and guava. In this manner, the soil is completely covered and protected once the crops grow in.

Photo by Mimi Arnstein

of fertility throughout the soil profile and the value in soil conservation.

Cuba there is a saying, “When a farmer sees, s/he does.”

Another area of advancement in Cuban agriculture is the network of cooperatives. Credit and service cooperatives are extensive in Cuba, and coordinate sales, product distribution, payment, technical assistance and bulk purchasing.

Why attend a conference as far away as Cuba, in a country whose political and economic situation is vastly different than ours? Cuba has been heralded by some as a unique test case illustrating the challenges we may face in the future due to Peak Oil, or fuel shortage. Prior to the 1990s, Cuba received petroleum, fertilizers and tractors through their trade with the Soviet Union. When communism fell there, Cuba lost its conduit to these critical agricultural supplies necessitating the search for more self-sufficient methods of food production. Composting, vermiculture, use of animal-power and urban gardens to feed the cities have grown exponentially in Cuba as the people work towards food security.

Their methodology of spreading best practices among farmers is called Campesino a Campesino, or Farmer to Farmer. Rather than rely on top-down dissemination, farmers visit one another to see the impact of new meth-

Rather than rely on top-down dissemination, farmers visit one another to see the impact of new methods of feeding the soil and increasing production. As a commercial vegetable grower in Vermont, I had previously assumed that intercropping and permaculture principles might hinder productivity, but by touring these farms I could clearly see the benefits of efficient use Page 10

ods of feeding the soil and increasing production. We are lucky in Vermont to have to support of organizations like NOFA-VT which provide opportunities for farmers to learn from one another. Among small farmers in

Certainly there are lessons to learn from Cuba’s experiences, like the importance of on-farm fertility production, Continued on page 12 NOFA Notes Winter 2011/2012

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NOFA NotesWinter 2011/2012


Un Mundo Mejor, continued from page 10

to the fields and decided to plant corn…” Soon enough, we all caught on and raised our voices. With smiles on our faces and looking into one another’s eyes, we knew that we share one future. A future that we are dedicated to making better.

Photo by Mimi Arnstein

farmer to farmer teaching, efforts toward a locally produced diet, and land reform policies which increase access to farmland. However, the challenges for Cuban food sovereignty are massive. The US blockade on Cuba vastly restricts their ability to trade with other countries resulting in a stranglehold on the export and import of necessary goods. Our embargo also denies Cuba access to credit in the global financial system. Imagine if the United States did not have access to credit! Our economy would come to an abrupt standstill. For Cubans, there is little capital available to support

Page 12

investments in production, research and infrastructure in all areas of their economy. Despite these challenges, the perseverance and pride of Cuban farmers exhibited at the conference provided ample inspiration. Bumping along the pot-holed roads in circa-1980 busses, as the sunlight dwindled, our tired international group of farmers and activists made our way back to home base. A guitar strummed, and someone began singing the chorus of a Mexican folksong, “Early this morning I went

While certainly there is much to critique about the Cuban government itself, as Americans we can only have an impact on our own leadership. Please ask our representatives in Washington to end the US embargo against Cuba and US citizens’ travel restrictions to Cuba. Best of all, visit Cuba and talk with the people. You will be immeasurably rewarded.


La Via Campesina International peasants’ rights organization defending small-scale sustainable agriculture as a way to promote social justice and dignity; co-sponsor of the conference. Global Exchange Leads educational trips to Cuba from the US.

NOFA Notes Winter 2011/2012

Winter 2011 New Members NOFA Vermont welcomes the following members who recently joined through our website, VOF certification applications, and other events. Thank you for supporting Vermont organic agriculture!

New & Renewing Business Members

• AllEarth Renewables, Inc., Williston

• American Meadows, Inc., Williston

• Brown Boar Farm, Wells • Co-operative Insurance Company, Middlebury

• Capitol Grounds, Montpelier • Green Mountain Inn, Stowe

• Fire Hill Enterprises, Florence • Green Mountain Spinnery, Putney

• Highland Sugarworks, Inc., Websterville

• King Arthur Flour, White River

Jct • Moose River Media, St. Johnsbury • Nourse Farms, Inc., MA • O’Bread, Shelburne • Progressive Asset Management, Wells • Rhapsody Natural Foods, Inc., Cabot • Second Nature Herb Farm & Horticultural Services, Wells • Vermont Association of Conservation Districts, Waitsfield • Vermont Bread Company, Brattleboro • Vermont Compost, Montpelier

• Vermont Community Loan

Fund, Montpelier • Vermont Fresh Foods, Proctorsville • Vermont Tea & Trading Co. Inc., Middlebury • Well Dressed Greens, Burlington • Wellscroft Fence Systems, LLC, NH • Weston A Price Foundation, Washington DC

• New Members • Grace Bailey, NH • Ranvinder Bains, MO • Wendy Bratt, Charlotte • Melanie Christner, FL • Jim Corven, Belmont • Annie Doran, ME • Nicle Duch, Montgomery Center

• Robert DuGrenier, Townshend

• Deborah Berryere, Vernon • Monty Fischer, Hardwick • Joseph Gajdosik Jr., AK • Emma Hallowell, Brattleboro • Melanie & Patrick Harrison, Addison

• Jessica Huyghebaert, Danby • James Minnich & Judy Persin, Bethel

• Eliza Mutino, Craftsbury Common

• Brandon Neil, FL • Catherine O’Neill, Bridgewater Corners

• Bud Shriner, Burlington • Gwen Slagle, Craftsbury Common

• Jim Smith, Smith Maple Farm, Thetford Center

• Rob Terry, CT • Meredith White & Tom Kelly, Westford

September – December 2011 Program Supporters Thank you to all the businesses and individuals who participated in NOFA’s Share the Harvest Fundraiser for the NOFA Farm Share Program. A complete list of business sponsors is listed on our website. A total of $11,400 was raised with additional income anticipated. Thank you to all the members and friends of NOFA who generously donated to our annual appeal. Over $46,000 has been raised as of the beginning of January for our annual fund and capital campaign contributions.

Thanks to our recent donors:

• Allen & Margaret Moore Foundation, $1,000, grant for general support

• The Amazing Planet Fund of the

Community Foundation of New Jersey, $100, grant for general support

• Barnard Book Fund at The Seattle

Foundation, $5,000 grant for general support

• The Bufka Foundation, $2,000, grant for general support

• Franklin Conklin Foundation, $5,000, grant for general support

• King Arthur Flour, $1,000, oven sponsorship • Porpoise Fund of The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, $5,000, grant for general program support

NOFA NotesWinter 2011/2012

• The Skinny Pancake, $753.57, for general

• People’s United Bank, $2,500 to support

• Stonyfield Farm, Inc., $6,250, sponsor

• USDA with prime recipient NOFA NY,


of NOFA Anniversary Celebration and support to farmers impacted by the flood

• Vermont Community Foundation,

$10,000, donor advised grant for general program support

Program supporters:

• Farm to Institution in New England (FINE), $1,000, Regional Distribution Research and Documentation

• The High Meadows Fund, $20,000, to

compile critical farm to institution market data to serve as a foundation for future agricultural development projects, and to help farmers scale up to meet institutional market demand

• The High Meadows Fund, $5,000 grant to provide educational opportunities at the winter conference on topics of building a resilient, adaptable food system in the face of changing climate conditions

• Johnson Family Foundation Fund of

Vermont Community Foundation, $2,500 for the 2012 children’s conference and children’s programs

NOFA’s Farm Share Program

Cultivating the Next Crop of Northeast Organic Farmers from Apprenticeship to Independence, $91,392

• USDA NIFA with prime recipient UVM: The Vermont New Farmer Network: Strategies for success, for advanced apprentice training and mentoring, and technical assistance, $48,000

• USDA Risk Management Agency with

prime recipient UVM: Crop Insurance and Risk Management Education for Beginning, Socially Disadvantaged, Transitioning, and Farmers Converting Production, and Marketing Systems in Vermont Program, $20,000

• Vermont Agricultural Innovation

Center, Scaling Up Vermont’s Local Food Production, Distribution, and Marketing, VT Agricultural Innovation Center, $32,419

• Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, Vermont Farm Viability Enhancement Program, $82,600, for business planning and technical assistance

• Penley Corporation, $10,000, for Health Harvest Vermont

Page 13

Looking for Opportunities? Our classifieds are now web-only. Please visit to see them all.

HELPING FARMERS SAVE MONEY “We’ve hit a huge home run with the energy efficiency upgrades on our farm. The new longday lighting has increased milk production and improved breeding.” — Walt Gladstone Newmont Farm, Bradford, VT

Newmont Farm completed several projects on their dairy farm, including installing a heat recovery unit and new, energy-efficient lighting. Now, they are saving an estimated $12,000 in energy costs each year. To learn how you can save money and energy on your farm, call Efficiency Vermont toll-free today at 888-921-5990.

Page 14

NOFA Notes Winter 2011/2012

Farmer Emergency Fund Supporters We would like to acknowledge all the individuals and businesses that donated to our online auction to benefit the Farmer Emergency Fund. Over $23,000 was raised through the online auction and an additional $250,000 through cash donations. We would also like to thank the following business sponsors of the online auction:

As well as the following foundations and businesses that awarded grants to the Farmer Emergency Fund:

• City Market, $500 • Flavor Communications, $500 in-kind • Jamieson Insurance Agency, $100 • Keybank, $500 • Organic Trade Association, $500 • WCNS The Point Radio, $1000 in-kind

• The Ceres Trust, $50,000 • The Hall Fund of Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program, $500

• James & Irene Hunter Charitable Trust, $10,000 • Kokoro Fund, $500 • Lintilhac Foundation, $5,000 • RCG Fund of Rose Community Foundation, $3,500 • Stonyfield Farm, Inc., $20,000 • Sun Hill Foundation, $1,500 • Vermont Community Foundation, $1,000

We would like to extend our apologies to Hunger Mountain Co-op, whose ad was inadvertently left out of the Winter Conference program. We appreciate the support of our sponsors - please support them in return! Look for Winter Conference Sponsors in the next issue of NOFA Notes.

Yes! I want to support NOFA Vermont! Name: Business/Farm: Address: Town:



Membership Options ___ Individual ___ Farm/Family ___ Business ___ Sponsor ___ Sustainer ___ Basic*

$30 $40 $50 $100 $250 $15-25

*The Natural Farmer not included

Complete this form & mail to: NOFA, PO Box 697, Richmond, VT 05477 - or join online at!

NOFA Store ___ Adult organic cotton t-shirt with NOFA’s color logo (Women’s S, Unisex S M L XL) $15 + $3.50 s/h ___ Organic cotton tote bag with NOFA’s color logo! $10 +$3.50 s/h + 6% VT Sales Tax

NOFA Notes Winter 2011/2012

Maya and Camille Bower model t-shirts

T-shirts & bags have our vivid color logo!

Page 15

New logo...

Same great organic farmers and processors!

Look for this logo when shopping for Vermont certified organic products. Vermont Organic Farmers, LLC, the certification program of the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT), is a USDA-accredited organic certification agency. For more information visit

Vermont Organic Farmers (VOF) are pleased to unveil a new logo to represent certified organic farmers and processors in Vermont. The new identity was recently approved by VOF members through a mailed ballot and online voting. The revised VOF logo, which shares images with NOFA-VT’s logo, was created with input and feedback from certified producers. In 2009, VOF farmers and processors voted to revise and combine the current VOF logos to create one logo that represents all organic producers certified by Vermont Organic Farmers. VOF staff incorporated member feedback from the 2010 and 2011 annual meetings and implemented many of the design changes requested. In addition, VOF conducted consumer and VOF member focus groups to determine how the logo will help VOF certified producers distinguish their products in the marketplace. The new VOF logo is just one component of a larger marketing strategy to educate consumers about the importance of organic production in our state.

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