Ian Mercer’s
The following figures illustrate the distribution of adlibs throughout Chance the Rapper’s album Acidrap. I compiled these numbers myself while on a lunch break this summer.
IGH! Intro 16 Pusha 43 Paranoia 34 Cocoa 2 Juice 17 Lost 5 Everybody 3 Interlude 2 Favorite 36 NaNa 27 Smoke 50 Acid 2 Chain 51 Outro 12 4
Total: 300
Na 42 297 0 26 24 0 14 0 0 57 0 50 0 47
Note: Chance’s use of “Na” in some tracks (“Pusha Man,” for instance) barely counts as adlib use, and more as a melodic method. Takes all figures with a grain of salt. Conclusions: 1. “Pusha Man” has, by a wide margin, the highest number of “Na” adlibs on the album, clocking in nearly 120 “Na”s per minute! 2. The central segment of the album utilizes adlibs more infrequently and at a lower rate than its neighboring sections. 3. At least one adlib is featured on every track, with “Interlude” containing the least (only two utterances of IGH! and no “Na”s whatsoever). 4. 10 of the 13 tracks feature the use of an adlib within the first 30 seconds of their duration.