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Muhammad University of Islam © 2011



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Study Course Instructions This study course is designed to be done both in a course room, mosque, study-group or self-paced at home. Certain parts of this course (Key Word Study) will be done with a partner. Other parts will be done independently (by yourself). When its time to partner, you and your partner (twin) are to follow the steps provided in this guide. The study course is laid out in the order you do them. It is important not to skip any steps of the guide. THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE TO BE FOLLOWED IN OUR CLASSES. Purpose of this Study Course Guide: The purpose of this study course guide is to guide you through this course of study. Time to Complete: Although the hour and a half that we have for study this evening will hopefully allow you to progress through most of this study, however it is strongly recommend that you continue to work on this study course at home at your own pace. Important Note: During the study course session, if you have any questions raise your hand for assistance. Each believer (student) should have a copy of this handout and its instructions to take home and continue studying on their own. All steps may not be completed in the class sessions in its entirety.

Study Course Steps Step 1: Key Word Clearing Key words are important words related to key concepts found in the reading. Having a good understanding of the meanings of these words will help each student better understand the important concepts and ideas of the study, as well as eliminate misunderstandings that come with misunderstood words. Use the key word list and definitions found in this packet to do the drill (exercise) a and b.

1.) Select a partner (closest to you) and study the Key Words together, through reviewing the questions and answers to master. (If done in course room or mosque/study group the time allotted is 30-45 minutes) 2.) First time through: The student has the questions and answers in front of him or her. The partner asks the student the question, and the student answers it. He/She can look at the answer if needed. The answer does not have to be word-for-word or memorized; just the concept must be correct. 3.) Second time through: Once finished with the drill the first time, you start again from the beginning, this time without the answers in front of you. Your partner asks the question and you answers. If the answer is incorrect, your partner shows you the answer. Look at the answer again and repeat until you have grasped the concept, then continue to the next one.

Step 2: Independent Reading After completing step one, you may begin to read the selected reading materials. Step 3: Check Your Understanding Questions: Time Frame: 30 min Review the lists of questions. Each question Time Frame: min is formulated to check your30 understanding of the key concepts and ideas found in the reading. Answer each question on a sheet of paper and be prepared to discuss your answers at the conclusion of this session. Sufficient time may not be given during class session to answer all of the questions. If you do not finish in class, please continue this step at home.


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What does it mean to misunderstand? Misunderstand means to take (words, statements, etc.) in a wrong sense; understand wrongly. It means to fail to understand or interpret rightly the words or behavior of. What does it mean to misinterpret? Misinterpret means to interpret (something or someone) wrongly or incorrectly.


What is unrest? Unrest is a state of dissatisfaction, disturbance, and agitation in a group of people, typically involving public demonstrations or disorder. What is prophecy? A prophecy is the foretelling or prediction of what is to come; something that is declared by a prophet, especially a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation. It is a divinely inspired utterance or revelation; the action, function, or faculty of a prophet. What is an example? An example is one of a number of things, or a part of something, taken to show the character of the whole; a pattern or model, as of something to be imitated or avoided. It is an instance serving for illustration of a rule or method, as a mathematical problem proposed for solution. What is a symbol? A symbol is something used for or regarded as representing something else; a thing that represents or stands for something else. What is a beast? A beast is any animal other than man, especially a large wild quadruped. It is the crude animal nature common to humans and the lower animals; savage nature or characteristics. A beast is a brutal, uncivilized, or filthy person. What does it mean to convert? To convert means to change (something) into a different form or properties; transmute; to cause to adopt a different religion, political doctrine, opinion, etc. It means to turn to another or a particular use or purpose; to change in character; cause to turn from an evil life to a righteous one.

What is a missionary? A missionary is a person sent by a church into an area to carry on evangelism or other activities, as educational or hospital work; a person strongly in favor of a program, set of principles, etc., who attempts to persuade or convert others. What is a rejecter? A rejecter is one who refuses to accept, acknowledge, use, believe, etc.; to throw out as useless or worthless; discard. What does hypocrite mean? A hypocrite is a person who indulges in hypocrisy. It is a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. What is cleanliness? Cleanliness is the absence of dirt, including dust, stains, bad smells and garbage. Cleanliness includes criteria such as health and beauty. The term Cleanliness derives from the meaning absence of odor, avoidance of and to avoid the spreading of dirt and contaminants to oneself and others What does poverty mean? Poverty means the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor; deficiency of necessary or desirable ingredients, qualities, etc. What is want? To be in want means the absence or deficiency of something desirable or requisite; the state of being without the necessaries of life; destitution; poverty. What does extravagant mean? To be extravagant means spending much more than is necessary or wise; wasteful; exceeding the bounds of reason, as actions, demands, opinions, or passions


STEP 3: Check Your Understanding The following questions are for discussion at the conclusion of the study session. The remaining questions can be completed at your own pace as you continue your study at home. You can use your book if you need help answering the questions. Write your answers on a sheet of paper.

Questions For Discussion: 1. How can we prove with scriptural certainty that Moses and Jesus did not fulfill prophecy of the "end time" during their time among us? 2. The spread of Islam was not allowed to conquer the entire world during the 7 th and 11 th century. Please explain why? 3. What is the true meaning of the book of Revelation's reference to the symbolic "lamb"? 4. What are some of the misunderstandings and misinterpretations that must be cleared-up and understood today? 5. What is meant by the Days of Allah? (pg 190) 6. What is the name of the committee that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wanted to set up for our people and for what purpose? Is this necessary today? Why? 7. How have we wasted too much money trying to be the equal of the millionaires of America? 8. What did the Honorable Elijah Muhammad offer as a 3-year plan? What is the value of this economic plan today? What would cause people to hesitate or not carry out this economic plan?

Questions For Further Study: 1. By whose authority has the white man lost his power to rule? 2. Who was the only one that came to get the blackman & woman of America? Tell why. (pg.187-3rd -4 para) 3. In what time period would God make himself and His Messenger known? (pg. 187 -last para) 4. Since the Holy Qur'an states, "Allah raises a messenger from among every nation" how do we prove that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad is indeed Allah's Messenger? (pg. 189) 5. Why do we need an "Economic Savings Programâ€?? 6. What are some ways that we can save money as men and women striving to build an independent Nation? 7. What two prophets are we to study as examples for this time period? Muhammad University of Islam Š 2011


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