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Muhammad University of Islam © 2011



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Study Course Instructions This study course is designed to be done both in a course room, mosque, study-group or self-paced at home. Certain parts of this course (Key Word Study) will be done with a partner. Other parts will be done independently (by yourself). When its time to partner, you and your partner (twin) are to follow the steps provided in this guide. The study course is laid out in the order you do them. It is important not to skip any steps of the guide. THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE TO BE FOLLOWED IN OUR CLASSES. Purpose of this Study Course Guide: The purpose of this study course guide is to guide you through this course of study. Time to Complete: Although the hour and a half that we have for study this evening will hopefully allow you to progress through most of this study, however it is strongly recommend that you continue to work on this study course at home at your own pace. Important Note: During the study course session, if you have any questions raise your hand for assistance. Each believer (student) should have a copy of this handout and its instructions to take home and continue studying on their own. All steps may not be completed in the class sessions in its entirety.

Study Course Steps Step 1: Key Word Clearing Key words are important words related to key concepts found in the reading. Having a good understanding of the meanings of these words will help each student better understand the important concepts and ideas of the study, as well as eliminate misunderstandings that come with misunderstood words. Use the key word list and definitions found in this packet to do the drill (exercise) a and b.

1.) Select a partner (closest to you) and study the Key Words together, through reviewing the questions and answers to master. (If done in course room or mosque/study group the time allotted is 30-45 minutes) 2.) First time through: The student has the questions and answers in front of him or her. The partner asks the student the question, and the student answers it. He/She can look at the answer if needed. The answer does not have to be word-for-word or memorized; just the concept must be correct. 3.) Second time through: Once finished with the drill the first time, you start again from the beginning, this time without the answers in front of you. Your partner asks the question and you answers. If the answer is incorrect, your partner shows you the answer. Look at the answer again and repeat until you have grasped the concept, then continue to the next one.

Step 2: Independent Reading After completing step one, you may begin to read the selected reading materials. Step 3: Check Your Understanding Questions: Time Frame: 30 min Review the lists of questions. Each question Time Frame: min is formulated to check your30 understanding of the key concepts and ideas found in the reading. Answer each question on a sheet of paper and be prepared to discuss your answers at the conclusion of this session. Sufficient time may not be given during class session to answer all of the questions. If you do not finish in class, please continue this step at home.


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What is the definition of judgment? Judgment is the decision or verdict pronounced by a court of law. It is the estimate by God of the ultimate worthiness or unworthiness of the individual or of all mankind. What does falling mean? Falling is an act of falling or collapsing; a sudden uncontrollable descent. It is a decrease in size, number, rate, or level; a decline.


What does doom mean? Doom is fate or destiny, especially adverse fate; unavoidable ill fortune; ruin; death. What does it mean to seal something? To seal is to conclude, establish, or secure (something) definitively, excluding the possibility of reversal or loss. What is Babylon? Babylon is an ancient city of southwest Asia, on the Euphrates River, famed for its magnificence and culture; the capital of Babylonia and later of the Chaldean empire. It is any rich and magnificent city believed to be a place of excessive luxury and wickedness. What is a drunkard? A drunkard is a person who is habitually or frequently drunk.

What does it mean to decline? To decline is a failing or gradual loss, as in strength, character, power, or value; deterioration. What is currency? Currency is something that is used as a medium of exchange; money. What is a characteristic? A characteristic is a distinguishing quality, attribute, or trait. What does the term freak of nature mean? A freak of nature is meant a person regarded as strange because of their unusual appearance or behavior. What is the definition of a homosexual? A homosexual is a person who is sexually attracted to members of the same sex. What is a plague? A plague is any widespread affliction, calamity, or evil, especially one regarded as a direct punishment by God. What is the definition of iniquity? Iniquity is gross injustice or wickedness; a violation of right or duty; wicked act; sin.

What is the definition of adultery? Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse. What is famine? Famine is extreme and general scarcity of food, as in a country or a large geographical area; violent hunger. What is the definition of drought? Drought is a period of dry weather, especially a long one that is injurious to crops; an extended shortage. What is a vessel? A vessel is any object used as a container, especially for a liquid; a person regarded as an agent or vehicle for some purpose or quality. What is meant by a habitation? A habitation is a place of residence; dwelling place; abode. 3

STEP 3: Check Your Understanding The following questions are for discussion at the conclusion of the study session. The remaining questions can be completed at your own pace as you continue your study at home. You can use your book if you need help answering the questions. Write your answers on a sheet of paper.

Questions For Discussion: 1. Why does the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad compare America with Ancient Babylon? What characteristic do both have in common? 2. What is meant by “the bread of America is gradually being cut off?” Give current examples that bears witness to this reality. 3. What does the enemy do so that we might stay away from Allah and His true religion? Give current examples. 4. What did Allah do for the mockery made to the sacred vessels taken from the Temple in Jerusalem? What does this mean for us today? 5. What does America do to put on a show of temptation to trick the black man and woman to take them to hell with them? 6. What is the number one fall for America? Why? 7. Explain the beginning and foundation of America and how it has produced the current moral and mental climate in America. 8. What is meant by, “the whole nation is nearly 90% freaks of nature?” Why is this? 9. How do America and her people respond to those who are against her wicked way of life? 10. What is meant by “come out of her?” What are ways to “come out” of America?

Questions For Further Study: 1. What does the cutting off of America’s bread mean for the 40 million black men and women of America? What should be doing? 2. Why is God so angry at America? 3. How has America lost her prestige among the nations of the earth? 4. What should we expect in the next 12 months under the fall of the power of America’s dollar? 5. Why are people referred to birds, snakes, beasts, fish and other animals in scripture? 6. What is meant by “She is a cage of every unclean and hateful bird?”

Muhammad University of Islam © 2011


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