...moving you forward 1st Edition, August 2014
YOU ARE A GIANT not a grasshopper Numbers 13 & 14
These two chapters focused on the exploration of Canaan by Israelites. Spies were sent to explore the land but they could not see the big picture God was showing them. All the spies focused on was the negative part because of the so called giants-forces that were stronger than them. There were deposits of honey and milk for them in the land but they reckoned more with the stronger forces there. The people operated from a defeatist point of view that those who inhabited the land were too powerful for them. They had forgotten that they had a powerful God behind them! The fear of Amalekites, Jebusites and Hittites caused panic in their lives and they never believed that was a place destined for them. The Israelites already conditioned themselves to fate that they were “grasshoppers� even in their own eyes! Do you also believe you amount to nothing when God has already accomplished a great thing for you? The presence of Amalekites, Amonites, Hittes and Jebusites on the land did not in any way obstruct divine agenda for the Isrealites. All they need to do was to exercise their God given authority as a redeemed nation. However, Caleb had the mind of God and he was the voice that God used to silence the panic-stricken people. He believe if God was behind them, they would possess the land and devour their enemies. God was not pleased that His people could not believe him despite all He had done for them. It was as a result of this that several of them did not enter the promise land.
You should know that all forces gather against you will surely fall. What are those things that represent Amalekites, Hittites, Jebusites and Amonites in your life? The moment you give them recognition, you can never see the mighty hand of God lifting you to your destination. Are you also rebelling against God because of a temporary challenge? Do you want to go back to the Egypt of your life? When you start to explore strange options, the devil is already gaining a foothold in your life. You are destined to conquer in life as a child of God. Shut your eyes to the opposition you see all around you. Be determined to see God crushing all forces that want to inhabit your land with you. There is no way Amalekites and others will not rear their ugly heads. It is yout task to confront such forces and depend on God who gave you the go ahead.
KEY THINGS TO NOTE When you dread spiritual giants, you cannot accomplish any feat in the spiritual realm. You should not allow temporary forces becloud your sense of reasoning. When God is behind you, all opposition will definitely bow. You are not tiny when you have the creator of heaven and earth behind you.
Every power inhabiting my place of rest, be crushed in * JESUS name. All enemies occupying my assigned territory, be * paralyzed. Do not allow any temporary obstacle hinder you from Father, open my spiritual eyes to see what you * moving forward in life. The moment you acknowledge purposed for me. some forces are powerful, you can never accomplish All forces frightening me from possessing my promised * land, be destroyed in JESUS name. what God wants you to achieve in life.
YOU WILL TELL A NEW STORY A story of peace over the turmoil in your life
A story of assurance in a hopeless situation
A story of relief from affliction
A story of joy replacing your sorrow
A story of abundance over lack
A story of honour above your shame A story of lifting beyond the tales of casting down You will surely tell a story of victory GOD is giving you a NEW STORY
A story of breakthrough from backwardness A story of comfort over your heartbroken state A story of prosperity overshadowing poverty A story of fruitfulness beyond the drought