Ballroom Dances

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Ballroom Dances

You just want to dance so that you can lose weight, it’s alright. There is no shame in that. So many people are looking for the Holy Grail to have that beach worthy body and this might be a serious contender for that. To give you an example, an hour of the waltz or tango can burn around 210 calories. That’s a can of Coca Cola, a chocolate smoothie, almost a whole snickers bar, half a cup of buttered creamy mashed potato dish, or 5 slices of bacon. This, by the way, is roughly based on a body weight of 70kg. For the faster ballroom dances like the swing, the foxtrot or quickstep, you can burn as much as 400 calories an hour. This is equivalent to a regular serving of French fries or a slice of dessert. I know this may not seem much to you, but remember, a few of these calories add up to a lot of inches after a while. You will do yourself a favor if you keep yourself in workout mode regularly.

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