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Outcomes: Measuring what matters
SDT says that by encouraging psychological needs we improve wellbeing, so that’s what we measure. We use the SWEMBS* scale to do this. The wellbeing data collected from each participant’s ‘MyStream’ means we have a LIVE detailed picture of what changes we see in wellbeing and where, demographically, those changes are occurring.
94% start below the national average shifting to over 60% finishing above, at or within 2 points of the national average (compared against a sample of 30,000 responses nationally).
Our improvements in wellbeing have been independently estimated to be worth over a million pounds a year in savings to families and systems (report available here).
Young women's’ wellbeing increases are twice as high as young men’s.
Meaningful change across all ages and genders.
Halved low levels of wellbeing for the last 240 completing the course.
Improvement in wellbeing for those completing has been a statistical probability for the last six years (p.001, at a completion rate of 65%)
*To read about the evidence base for Shortened Warwick and Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale you can read this report from ‘what works wellbeing’ “Noise solution is an organisation that demonstrates outcomes and this makes it stand out in the sea of different providers.
They are able to provide the commissioner with evaluation data via their unique process of constant evaluation via Blogs and media.
Noise Solution can demonstrate outcomes better than anyone else I know in their field”
Stuart Hudson, Strategic Lead for Suffolk Family
Focus School Attendance Service