Ask the Designer
What is on your agenda for 2020 and what are your goals for your studio?
HENRY PRIDEAUX Founder, Henry Prideaux
Co-Founders, Covet & Noir
Interior Design
exciting year yet for our studio.
We are working on some
I always feel motivated at the
We’re starting the year with
fantastic projects this year, but
start of a New Year (and decade)
Our agenda for 2020 is to put
lots of new projects, including
there is one we are particularly
with exciting new projects,
the WHY into our work this
a contemporary lake house
excited to be involved with,
plans to visit art galleries,
year. Why we do this; why it’s
in Switzerland and a stunning
something a little different for us,
exhibitions and trade shows to
important and why our clients
classical villa in Cannes, South
a boutique, luxury mental health
fuel my creativity (and hopefully
should invest in us - with their
of France. We’re also set to
centre. Set over five floors, the
source new sustainable and
time as well as part of their
deliver a number of other
centre is taking up residence in
ethical products). I am keen to
budget. We celebrate 15 years
overseas and UK based projects
an iconic building in Kensington
grow my professional network
of design journeying this year,
that we’ve been working on
& Chelsea, providing the full
by attending lots of creative
so we are looking back as well
over the last couple of years.
spectrum of psychotherapy,
workshops and events and
as forward to reflect on the
In addition to our interiors,
psychiatry, counselling and
would also love to improve my
fundamental questions of living
there is something very
coaching services. This is
own personal development by
and how we have answered
exciting in the pipeline that
very much a residential-led
learning something new (block
we’ve been working on behind
commercial project, so is a
printing, weaving, upholstery,
the scenes for 18 months.
great fit for us. We would love
or something more technical
I can’t say too much about
to take Covet to the countryside
perhaps…). I’m hoping to
the project yet but all will be
in 2020. We’re always antique
collaborate with some of my
revealed later in the year!
sourcing in the Cotswolds, so
favourite suppliers to design
we’d love to take on a country
a small range of furniture
retreat. We also want to spend
and decorative hardware
this year building relationships
and I will be supporting a
with more British artisans.”
handful of special charities.
Founder, Laura Hammett 2020 might just be the most
30 February 2020 Interior Designer
Tollgard Design Group